Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 03, 1902, Image 3

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    Homo of tlie Happening About
I'muk Hlnlr t'Miiiit iiifrniii Kiikoiiu1
Jim I'dtlH Ih itown friim llnlit'inlii
tlilH week.
AllOW Hllliply III ClMlttCII NlllK'HIlt
Knkln St llrlMtow.
MIhm Marie TIioiiiihoii ciu'iic up
mini I'.iiKc'iio mmiiny,
A. I). Utility Hindu n IhimIiii-mm trip
o tlio cimnl.v wilt Din llrMl nl thn
Win. Iliir'rlM, Hnpt. ol tlu Muck
Wnttc mini, mill wife wwv In the city
(leu. Un iimilc u trip to KiiKOiir
TltcHilny mill put In a lilil on tlio now
lirlilK't lolm Intllt lu'iv.
Tim uilltor mill wife took In tin
carnival al Kiikhii' Krldny anil
Hnturdiiy, vtiirnliiK lioimi Hundity
Krmik .Innlmi returned Miimltiy
troiii u trip tu llnlicmlii. He report
ovcryllilnjr IIoiiHhIiIiik at tlir Cr.VMtal
Allily Ni-Ihoii Iciivch IIiIh week fur
llolicinla wnvru in win iimik liner iiih
mliilinr InliiiwlH, I lit' "Trlxy" mill
"Keno" iiiIiiIiik cIiiIiiih,
Mi-m. Krviliirluknon left Tncxdny for
a vIhII wltli nor parent at i.mcKii
miiH, licr tatliur, I). I.. l'rettynmn,
Ih'Iii quite Hvrlounly III,
Dr. W. W. OkIchIij" came tip from
.(unction Nundiiy ami went Into llo
licinla Monilny wlioni lie will look
utter IiIm iiiIiiIiik IntcnwtH,
Till) llH'll mcomoii for Clilmi pIlCIIH
uiitM Im-kiui on Wcdiicudiiy the MrHt
iluy of Octotior mill ipiltuu IiohI left
town to taku lulvantaKC of t lie mime.
V. II. Alirmn Joined Ii!h wlfi at
Kiikuihi liwt Tliilindnv. wheru they
attended tint principal uvutitH of the
carnival, returning home Hatimlay
Italph mill I'rank Whipple, who
have Urn down from llolicinla a
week or ten dajM on n vIhII, returned
to thy IiIIIh the firm of the week
where they will remiine. their work.
The, llolicinla utiie. coiitllltleri to
come In mill i;i out loaded down
with iiitHMvnuerH to and from the
f treat llolicnim Mining DlHtrlct. TIiIn
h evidence that HomctliliiK Im ilnluu
up there HiIm full.
Mm. V. 1'. Lock wood, of Van
couver, who luw Im-cii vImHIiik rein
tlvt'M at Lorain; for wvcrnl wccKm,
came In Monday and left for ICiwne
TlU'Miluy whore, (die will vlnlt lietore
returning home.
An order for a pm-knitc of medicine j
came to Morgan & llrcliant frmn
Swlticrland it few iliiyn Hlnce, which
Hiwat once Mlled nuil traiiMinlllcd.
It Hcunm Ihat the fume of t 111 m llruii
IniM reached lieyond the Alpn. I
Mr. V. IS, Knlnior reliirneil hint
week from Upton. I'nllf.. where lien
hUMliaml Ih at. work on the tie plant.
llH ..Itl.w.l III rf nrnlm lit IIiIm IIiii,!
lntOKlvethe chlhlreii the lienellt nf ,
the imlille hcIiooIm here durlnir the
entire hcIiooI year.
The beautiful weather of the pant
few diiyx cannot he excelled any
where on earth ami we'll lw-t ten
ccntH on It. Autumn weather In
Oivkoii after the Una rnliiM rail ami
1-iy the iliiMt, Ih certainly iih line iih
ihemoHt. fiiHtldloiiHcaii wlnli.
China pheaHiintH are reported iih
yeryHcarcu thin Ht'iiHoii owliur to the
tho ilium: blrdrt chilled to death. 1
However there are ninny In nonie,
localltleH and the niortHinen an
after llieiil t til week.
, A gentleman mnl lilHtwoilaughterH
gave two open air concerts on the
street WeilneHilayevenhigiititl Thui-s.
day forenoon after the style of the
.Salvation Army people. The selec
tion by the hniHH trio were ipilte
good find were iistuueii to ny a ;
goodly uuntber of our towiiHK'ople. I l'ltr In Ki.ia-riiii! I'i.a.nt.
(). V. Ciilllson arrived hero from; AiulyXelHon, formerly owner of the
ISugeno Tuesday where he will in- electric plant at this place, lvturned
cept, n position In tho Klrst National j the first of the week from Kugeiie,
Hank of this city. Ills family will w, lv ,lnH , f(. tK.,,nMt four
arrive the last of the week and they I . , , ... J
"vllllHs!oinei'Mldents(.tth(MveHts(le.''-nvewis)ks iiiHtalllng a bran new
The vastly Incivaseii hiihiiicsh ot tnisi
ivllable liistltutlou ilcmmulH the ad
dltloiml help.
Hovrrul Inches of iH'itutlful hiiow
fell In lloheiiihi.hist Thurday hut al
most Immediately disappeared when
subjected to tho warm autumn rays
ol old Sol. 'Twas a gentle reminder
to tho Iiovm up there, that this splen
did weather will not last forever
hence thev must, make hay while the
sun shines,
The pony and dog minstrel show of 1
lleach & Howers that gave an exhi
bition hero Tuesday evening drew
quite a crowd. The parade was
1 and lravo nrouilse of something i
snloudlil Inside, Those present differ
lu opinion as to tho merits of the per
formances lint then' seems to be no I
difference of opinion ns to theexhor- WuiTiNO Matkuiai,,
bltaut charges niudoto see tho same, j A1 ,e jiltlc lllillgs you necd ,0
1 Tho Iteilmen report a very pleasant i make your writing desk look liter
Uliuilnst Monday evening at their nrv vol. ...:ii filui iler0 and n nice
regular meotlng at the hall, Among " 0"w"' n,ul 1,LrCl m,a ft nlce
the Interesting events wns an oyster viirieij, iuu,
supper at WMIIson's restaurant tit; HitNSON Drug Co,
Knwl Oale'si expeime,-he being lined I
that amount for neglecting to bring I MiNKUAL UISI'I.AV.
a box of cigars. The Ileilinen secin ' Those visiting liohemin District
Hint must bo a Jolly set of fellows.
10 iiuvu uiuii ,!" ; ; f?v," ... .
Harry Clarke received the sad In
telligence last Thursday that IiIh
brother had suddenly and unex
pectedly pasHedinvny at IiIh Portland
lioino. In response to tho sumo ho
took tho overland Friday morning
forthat clty, where he attended the
funeral, returning here Tuesduy if,
noon, His brother's death wiih
tilte a sudden shook to him for
when last seen ho wiih hearty and
strong, death resulting from asudden
attack ot pneumonia.
Tho Ladles of tho 0. A. It. Circle
jihhIhUmI by A. .1. Smith I'ost and
Ord 1'oHt (I, A. It. will glvo a camp
1I111 dinner at tho 1. O. (). I hall on
Satiirdiiy, Oct. Uth. All comrades
lire recjUrslod to bo at tho hall at ten
o'clock a. 111., dinner served uttwelvo
o'clock after which there will bo
Hhort talks by the comradet) of their 1
army life, also voenl and lustrumon-
talniuslc. All comrades of tho civil
ivm and their families aro cordially
Invited to attend. Comrades pluck
that pullot from tho roost. L'onio ,
with your b'VHlvOtH well tilled tind lct'H j
have-a hot tlino n t bat old town on ,
that day. lly Order ot Com.
Town During the I'ant Week.
Iluy your grim
wcit of I'uMii A
(leo, II. Dorrlx wiih up from Kiikciic
Tuiwday on IiiihIiickh,
Krnnk Mcl'nrland linn been af
flicted with rheumatism Tor Keveral
Geo I.nug, of Hood River, lini
been visiting the Grove on business
several days,
(.'hurley Pulton returned Monday
from IiIh I'ortlnnil trip and rcKiimed
It Im ilutlcH at the poMlolllce.
MImh Hlelln llcnli, who Iiiim heeu
vIhUIiir frlemlM here, returned Mon
day to her home In ISukciic.
I, C. Thompson, President of the
1'nirview MinliiR Co.. has been
tiitc ill tills week but is improving.
0. (). Meridian returned Tucxdii.v
from u trip down the valley where
he Iiiim Iiccii on IiIh annual lion IiiivIiil'
mere are more Hlrniiirci-M hi our
city thene iluy than ever Iteforc In
the history of the coiinntry iih the
Hotel ri'KlHlerH will mIiow
N. H. Rtisscl, assayer, who is In
terested In the Oregon Securities
Co., lin.i been In the burg several
The Knox estate disposed of lis
nop Interest tins week at zo cents a
pound realizing quite a sum on the
amount ol acreage cultivated.
The Cottage Grove Hook Store
makes its announcement this week.
Sec .the new add on local page.
Kverything new and np-to-date.
Mr. Osmund, who has been con
templating putting In n billiard hull
at the Grove, left with his family
on a visit to Kugcnc yesterday.
Three hoiih anil n daughter of W.
V. Hitwlcv, of llolicinla, came down
the flint of the week mid will remain
here during the winter to take ad
vantage of our Hplemllil public
T. W. Jenkins left WJduesday
for Sioux Falls, S. D., where he
goes as a state delegate to the meet
ing ol the Grand Lodge of the
Modern Ilrothcrhood of America.
Miss Ne'tie Kemp, who has been
employed a stenographer ur.d type
writer at the O. & S. 15. head
quarters for some time left Wednes
day for Salem where .she will vi.sit
a .short time before returning to her
home at Hood River. Miss Koby
linker will continue to assist Man
ager Morphy In the office.
Tin: IIowi.inii Al.l.nv
The largo luilMIng on Fifth Htrect
that Mr. Lurch Iiiim Urn hullillui; for
a bowling alley wiih completed the
Ill-Mint the week. Work will com
mence Immediately on the three
coin-He alley which will 1m IIiiImIiciI
and ready for IiiihIiicmm by the lllth
Ht Thin bulhllliK Ih one of the U-Ht
n the Htato for t IiIh purpoHe K-liif?
hJ bvl ,,v -M ,lml ,uitt eHH-clally
Tl alleyn will
llrnt cIiihh local ulleyH, of OreKon Mr,
and If the IiiihIiichm, JiiHttflcH tho out-
lay, will be replaced later with hard
wood nlle.VH. Watch for tho date of
the "grand opening" when llliernl
lirlren will Ih) offered, tlieconteHtnntH.
it Ih iiIho the Intention to have a
"Indies day," when Hilitable prizes
will iilno bo offeml.
electric pimu in mo uoiei mikvu
which opened up there for business
last, week, Tho plant consists of a
teii-horee power holler and a West
lughoiiso electric dynamo capable of
producing lf0 lights, Mr, Nelson put.
In the entire plant Including fixtures
and lights and remained several days
until the same was I'unulugsmoothly
when ho turned It over to the pro-
i ....I.......
1 '
Teams to haul wood at Alca. $4
to $5 per day can beiuude. Apply to
Tlni'ier Company, Cottage
drove, or (I, Johnson at Alca,
should not tail to stop ntul see
Mineral John's specimen exhibit of
Iloheiuia ores, at his residence in
Minersville, as miles from Cottage
Grove on the main Iloheiuia stage
toad. Mineral John!s exhibit con
sists of about 500 .specimens gathered
troin Dohemin Mining District.
Twenty-two head of mixed cattle
Tor sale, including 11 good two-year-old
J. A. Ei.utDOK,
iMi'Kovitn Farms Wantud,
We have n few cash buyers for
improved farms. Also city property.
rnit,i,irs & W"itHW?R.
Fou SAUt.
jjjghty head fine ewes. Merinp
, A . ' , , , , , , . A
mu -otswoItl, also sixty lieatt An-
gora goats. I also have n good
stock ranch of 280 acres for rent.
Particulars at this offlce.
T p....nM
J. M. OII.M&0N.
September Wedding.
I)litl'k to Kvonlnit Telegram -
IIIIlMlioro, Kept. M.-Om; of the
prettiest weddings ever sis'll In Mills
boro was Holcinnlwd at the rcMldcnce
of Mr. and Mrs, Peter lloscow, when
Dim- P. Patterson led to the altar
their daughter, (Iraee C. lloscow,
After 11 iH'iiutlful solo, effectively
rendered by Miss Myrtle Leo, nccom
pa 11 led by Mrs, Darker on the violin
mid Mrs. Wehriilig on tho piano, tho
young bride and bridegroom preceded
by t he olllclatlngclergy man, marched
to thostraliiH of HWoct mimic to (he
window, where, amid floral decora-
Hoiih of beautiful design they pledged
to each other their troths and were
pronounced husband and wife. The
bride was charmingly nttlred In a
gown of white organdie with Valen
ciennes Insertion. She carried a
hoiiiet of white carnations. The
decorations throughout, were most
effective, Imlng Autumn leaves mid
Ivy; the illiilug-rooui Isdug In pink
chrysanthemums, with the effect
greatly heightened by the tasteful
festoons of pink ribbon. In keeping
with this general scheme the whole
house was harmoniously decorated.
After the ceremony the many guests
sat down to a suiuptuotis repast.
The presents were elegant mid mi
ineroiiH. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson de
parted for their honeymoon oil tho
I :'H.l p. m. train, showered with the
good wIhIics of their many friends.
Their home will Is) at Cottageflrove.
At high noon 011 Tuesday last
occurred the wedding of Mr. Archie
Thompson and Miss Mabel Thorn
ton at the home of the bride's pa
rents. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Thorn
ton in this city. The impressive
ceremony was pcrlormeu by Kev.
Wallace, after which the assembled
guests extended congratulations to
the happy groom and the blushing
bride when they sat down
and partook of a sumptuous wed
ding dinner. The groom is em
ployed at the Hooth-Kelly mill east
of Saginaw where he has been sev-j
cral years and where they will
make their future home. The bride
is the voungest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs J. V. lhoruton of this place,
where she i well known nud has
a host ol mends. 1 Jits paper ex
tends hearty congratulations.
Mr. James A. Gorman is iu the
city iu the interest ot the Phoenix
Saving liuildiiig and Loan Associ
ation ol San Francisco. This com
pany, as is generally known, is the
second largest financial institution
of its kind in the west, its phe
nomenal success during the past
two years being something to ex
cite the admiration of western
money circles.
The subscribed capital of the
"Phoenix" now reaches the sum of
$5,500,000 with a prospect of reach
ing the $10,000,000 mark before
the end of the year. Its success
has been largely due to the high
standard of the management which
includes such men as Charles E.
Ladd, of Ladd nud Tiltou, the well
known Portland bankers; A. A.
Watkins, President of the San Fran
cisco Hoard of Trade: Chas. R. Bish
op, vice-president of the Hank of
California; S. Prentiss Smith, of
the National Hank of D. O. Mills,
Sacramento; Clarence Grange, late
Building and Loan Commissioner of
the State of Montana.
Another feature which has added
to its success is a reserve fund of
$100,000 which guarantees deposi
tors from loss. The "Phoenix is
the only company in California
with such a protective fund.
Lately tliecompany has put upon
the market a new class of stock
with an absolute guaranteed ma
turity, such stock also participating
111 any surplus earnings over and
above the guaranteed rate. This
forms a very attractive investment
for people who are desirous of
knowing what they buy.
On tune deposits, withdrawable
in full after twelve months, a rate
of 6 percent interest per annum is
rue company nas 520,000 to loan
for building purposes or on im
proved property in Cottage Grove.
sta per tuontli deposited lor 100
mouths will produce $2,000.
I'or further particulars apply to
Jamks A. Gorman, Imperial Hotel.
Divide Items.
Oraut Harrison nuil' family left for
l.iiHtern Oit-gon a few weeks ago.
Mr, llurket has built a handsome
addition to Ids residence.
Quite a number of Divide people at
tended the fair at Eugene Inst week.
Hov. Wnldon preached ngaln Sun
day, Sept. 21, to a largv audience.
Mrs. Hoy Collin's slslor, Mrs, Cow-
ley,-spent n few days hem Inst week.
Our school under tho charge of Mr.
Leonard Tucker Is lnnkluggood pro-,
Spvewl light cases of sickness here,
V. S. Miller went to Kugeno tho
Hint of tho week.
Dave Hummer Bold his farm last
week and started to California with
his mother.
lil'ISCOI'Al. CllUltCII,
Rev. Jno. Dawson, of Roseburg,
will hold regular uervlces at the ifn
sonlc hall how on Tuesday evening,
Oct. 7th. All luvlted to attend,
Attendance La r jeer Than liver lie fore
297 On First Day.
The militir srhnnlii it nur olio I Timber IaiiiIi In Ilia Himenof California, Ofe
llie ntlDIIC SCIIOOIS Ol Olir City Uon, Nela, nl Wahlnlon Territory," a
UIH.-11CU laai mummy lor me scuooi
year of 1002 and with an initial n'.
cnoauce oi 297 which is the besl
in the history of the schools and
1.. ... il... 1 1
uuc iiiinvijr iu mt iiiucuncii immiu-
lA.I.. f 1... et. . .... I ' .
mt.ui, u. ,,k ioiui ni-
tClldatlCC IflSt year W,1S bllt 260 Or
,11 i, lfl !, ,,r ,, .o...l....
,1.., .1.1.. 'Pt.M . 1 :..
-v ...... ,'1.1111,11
u.. ,,-. y. ' t-tiicin 111 me
various rooms this year are full-
fledged educators and said to be
fully ujMo-datc iu their work.
I he school never opened under
more auspicious conditions than1
this year and doubtless the nine
months of school will proven profit-.
able term to the many pupils In at'
tendance. The teachers arc as fol
lows: Miss Mnud Kelly, primary;
Mrs. Lincoln Taylor. 2nd nrimarvii,n,l""em!:',A,..A:5..'0..,he.l" '
MiSS Utliel ForCC, IAt Intermediate; 1 ami, Nerada, and Wi.l.lnitlnn Terrltorr," ea
1 f i 'im..... ru 1 .i. extended Ui all the public land atatea bjr act of
MISS MariC I liompsoil. Oth and 7thtAi)iruH,l(W!. SlmonK. de .Neul.o! I'orlland,
crades- Miss KNie lea Ith t'rade' (toi;67)Co.ofMiillnomah,8tateofOreon,ha
... .I V .... . ' frauV ihladar filed In thla offlcehla aworn itatement
Aliss AinriOtl Willie, ntll anil QtlllMo.BWliorthepurchaaeoItheNHSHIaee.
grades, and Prof. A. L. Briggs,
nth add 12th grades.
I am now prepan-d to take or-
dcrs for y,
Fall and Winter Styles and 4
Knmples Just Received
You are Cordially Invited to
Call and Kxamlne Maine.
Corner ;ird and Platte Streets, a
Why was Lot's wife turn
cd into a. pillar of salt?
Because She stopped
to Rubber Neck.
But she was not to blame,
she thought she was passing
The Hcst
Itoil:ber G-oods
Of all kinds for sale.
Ilemlemoa Orlmett, of this place, nai
stricken with partial paralysis nndcom
plolcly lost the uso of one arm and side.
After" being treated by an eminent
physician for iputu while without tc
ie-f, my wife recommended Uiamber-
iiiii siaiii uuini, uiiu uiii-r uuii; iu
bottles ot it lie is almost entirely curett.
Oko. It. McDoxai.d. Man, Logan
county, . a . Several other very
remarkable cures of partial paralysis
have been cfleeted by the use of this
liniment. It is most widely known,
however, as a cure for rheumatism,
sprains uml bruises. Sold by Lyons A
Applegate, Drain. Benson Drug Co.,
Cottage Grove.
Short Line
-TO- .
St, I'aut, Dulutlt,
MlnnvttpoltHf Chicago,
Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers
Dining and Buffet Smoking
Librnry Cars.
Fur Rates, Folders and Full Informa
tion regarding Ticket Routes, call on or
add i ess
122 3d St., Portland Ore.
A. B, 0. DENNISTON., G. W. P. A.
2 First Avenue, Seattle Wash
United States Land Olllee,
Roseburg, Ore.. Aug. IS. 11)02.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of .Iu noil, 1878, entitled
"All net for the sale of timber lands
In tho States of California, Oregon,
Novndn, and WushlugtonTerrltory,"
as extended to iill the Public Land
States by act of August 4. 1S9:
Frnnlc Peschl, of Eugene, Co, of Lane,
Stntoof Ore., has this day tiled In this
office Ids sworn statement No.!l2(llfor
the purchase, of tnes JjSK of Sec
tion No.. 20 Iu Townshlo No. 21 S..
Range No. S West, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought
is more va tiaiiio xor its tinnier or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish Ids claim to said
land Iwtore Marie 1.. Waro.U. S, Com.
nilssloner at Eugene, Oregon, on
Monday, the 10th tiny of Nov., 1902.
Ho names as witnesses:
Wallace MarBh, Cary W. Marsh,
Louis Peschl, Louis Schnfhouser, Eu
gene, Ore.
Am- null nil nei'HOns eliilminc ad
versely tlio ubove-leserlbod lands are
renuesteti to 1110 tnoir claims 111 tins
office on or before said 10th day ol
Nov., 1902.
J. T. Ruinous, Register.
UnKf.l Stle Unit OfTlcr,
Notify l lierftij- alrcn thai In frnnplliini
with the j.riirlilonii ol the act ol Column nf
JmiaD, 17
17, unllllml "An art loi the Halo of
1 ' ' umiu wihiiiidt
cv,ntr of une, stai of oreon,na th
'4- "' ""PJ1": -Town.hf,.
Month, of Harare No. 4 Went, anil will offer
prnoitoiiiiawfliattbeian'Iaoniht la mnreral
uable for Ita limber or atone than for acrrlrat.
tural pnrpoa, and to eabil.h her eliirnlo
l'l lml lefore Marie U Ware. O 8. Commie
'""'at Knirene, Ine Co., Oregon, on Katnr-
ine ana oar ol JC(..
She namea an wl(hea:
w.K.f),mell.S. II. Nowetl. of Ana
p. o
1 OrcKon, Herman Dow, of Cotlaxe Orore, Ore.,
"7n""n iSnTSSliSntnrih,
foMihttrn KttSS
rtr Oct.. vn
Nrrrici.i'OR I'unMCATios.
United Statea Land ORIce,
lloaehura, Orritnn, Au(, t, I9U2.
Notice fa herehjr given that in compliance
Ith the ttroTlalona of the act of Conrreaa of
I tlonNo. JH, townahlpzl 8, ranae a weat.and will
oner rtrrml toanow that the lamlaoueht la more
valuable for I la timber or atone than for axrlcol
turel nurDoaee.andloeatabllah hla claim toaald
land before the Realater and Itecelrer of thli
office at lUiaebunt Oreron, on Wedneaday the
Ilal dar of December, Wl.
He nainea aa wltneaaea:
KanfordZeek, Volner Krvln, E. 8. Ward, of
I'ortland, Ore., Dooth Jonca, Klkton.Ore.
Anr end all persona elalinlna ailrertelr the
aboTelpacrlbcd landa are requeated to file
their claims In thla office on or before aald 31t
dajr of December, m.
i. T. Ilaibflaa, Register
Imd Ofllce at Iloschurg, Ore.
Hept. 4, 1002.
Notice Is hereby given that the fol-lowlng-mimed
settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof
hi support of his claim, mid that said
proof will lxj made In-fore Mario 1j.
Ware, V. H. Commlsstonerut Eugene,
Oregon, on Octolier 14th, 1&02, viz:
Martin Talhifson on II. E. No. 1)701
for the Lots 1, 7. 8 & 9 Sec. 4, T. 22 S.
It. 2 W.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon mid cultivation of said land,
IJerge Torkelson, of Mirth, Ore.,
.Marten Holt, Anton Hnnlierg, John
Dnhl, of Cottage Orove, Ore.
J. T. IIiiidoks, Register.
Land Office at Roaeburg, Oregon,
Sept. 18, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final pi oof in support
of Ida claim, nnd that said proof will be
made before Marie L. Ware, U. 8. Com
missioner at Eugene. Oregon, on Oc
tober 27, 1902, viz: Wade S. Miller
on his ILK. No. 8754, for the KE 1-4
5W 1-4, W 1-2 SW 1-4, Sec. ti,Tp.21 S.,
K. 3 West.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of aalil land, viz:
frank eatcli, James iapp, John
Veatch, B. F. Adams, of Cottage drove,
J. T. Bbidoes, Register.
United States Land Office,
Rosebtirg, Oregon, Aug., 5, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
I Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act tor me sale ol tinnier lauds In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
uml Washington Territory, as extended
,n u ,i, pi,iin i.nn,l Siutea h Mnl
! An.Mist 4.1892. Etlith A. Haines, of En-
geneuounty ol Lime, state olUregonnas
this day filed in this office her sworn
statement No. 3129, for the purchase of
the K J SE i, SW 1-4 SEl-4A3BtfSW
X of See. No. 14, Township 21 South, of
Range 4 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought la more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land before Marie L.
Wure, U. S. Commissioner at Eti
geiiH, Oregon, on Tuesday the 21st day
of Oct., 1902,
She names ns witnesses:
Willis Nowell, of Amos, Ore, Herman
T. Dow, William Parrish, of Cottage
Grove, Ore,, George Park, of Eugeng,
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands aro re
quested to tile their claims in this office
on or before said 2lst day of Oct., 1902.
J . T. IliiiDOES, Register.
United States Land Ofllce,
. Roseburg, Ore., Sept. (ith, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that lu com
pliance with the provisions of the
act e! Congress of June !l, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands In tho States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory." as extended to all the Pub
lic Land States by act of August 4,
1S92, William W, Hnlnes, ot Eugene,
County of Lane, State of Oregon
has 'this day tiled hi this office his
sworn statement No. 3414 for the pur
chnso of the Lots 3 & 4, S NW &
N W K SW H of Section No. 2, Township
No. 20 South, of Range 2 West nud
will offerproof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish Ids claim
to said land lief ore Marie L. AVare,
U, S. Commissioner nt Eugene,
Oregon, 011 Monday the 1st, day
of Dec., 1902.
Ho names as witnesses:
H. T. Dow, JaniesShlco, of Cottage
Grove, Ore., Churles Haines, John
Hnlnes, of Eugene, Ore.
Any and all lierspns claiming ad
versely the above-described lands
nn requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said 1st day
of Dec, 1902.
J.T. Bunions, Register,
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
Sept. 9, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler lias filed notice of
his Intention to mako final
tionproofin support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before
the Register and Rocelver nt Roseburg,
Oregon, on November 4th, 1002. viz:
Edgar i. Howes on II. E. No. 10587, for
the N b 8AV It, N 8E See. 2, Tp.
218., It. 6 West.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
tmd cultivation ot said land, viz:
T.J. Howes, D. H. Beinent, of Peel.
Oregon, James Yoomans, Roe Miller, ol
Drain, Ore. . ,
J, T. Biiiuoi8, Register,
On the cuiiiptit of the Cottnjc Grove High School,
that th intelligence of an individual depends firat
upon his or her intellectual capacity; secondly, upon
the Literary Company he keeps.
aMhe Cottage Grove Book Store
Where the latest productions of
all the best Authors arc kept
In Fiction and in Fact.
Also a full line of School Books, Papers and Pcri
odicals. os a intoit iviis'i' or I'oti'i'OMivtiv
"We Suit the Hard to Suit."
Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
The Cash Grocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Gash
J, E.
j We manufacture all
; Screens, and furnish
49 First St., -
Carpenters Tools.
and builders' hardware are among
our leading specialties. We carry
a stock ol tools for Carpenters and
Builders from the best manufactur
ers iu this country, and our stock
of builders' hardware cannot be
surpassed for beauty of design,
quality of material and general ef
ficiency. Should you need any
thing in this line look at our fine
Griffin &
mUEUS suppm ov1set,
Bohemia, Oregon.
(ffCiicral illcrclisiiMlise,
Miners' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Prompt attention paid to Mtnlun nuilneas
Cottage Gkovk. Orb.
-I'Ric-riciNa PiiYareuN
Offlce andJealJence'ou Ulyer atreet, near Wall,
Ucd real estate bargains of Jcrpme
Knox it Co.
ivusiiu rim litkkatukr if
in the wny'of Hardware, Tools nnd
imblements, you can find nt our
store. Akk you Ooino minino?
See our Stock of Tools nnd Sup
plies before you make your pur
chases. We Keep everything a
Miner needs.
most Complete line of roceries
Grocery Co.
kinds of Milling and Mining
all kinds of belting.
Water Wheels of
Every Description.
All kinds of Flouring Mill, Ware
house and Feed Mill Machinery.
It will pay you to consult us in
person or by letter before buying.
- Portland, Oregon.
United Slate Land Office,
IU)etiurg, On., Au. , MM.
Notice it hereby given Hut In compliant,
with the proYliloni ol the actfll Corixreaa of
Junes. 1878, 'entitled "An acl furthe aaleot
tlrnbar Unda In the Statea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Waihlnmon Territory." t
extended to all the IMbUo Und mate If act
olAugutH.lSW.rank V. Kelner.ol 1-oriland,
WSMorrlion St.. Co. ol Mntlnoinali. State olOre
baa thla day Hied In thla uBIce hla avi-nrn aiate
inentNo. 8170, lor the purchaae of the W !j W ,
ol Seetlon No. 82 Townahlp No. 11 8, lUngy No
8 Weal, and will offer prool to alum t hat Ih.
landaoughtla more valuable tor 111 timber or
tone than for agrlcultuial imrpoaoa, anil to
eatabllih nil claim to aald land before
Z.'lJpimmlclr, V, 8- Cflmmlaaloiier ol ak
Oregon, on Monday, the J7th dajr of Or!
He namea aa wltneaaea: Neql, Blmer R. Harvey, Volnef
Krvln, B. H. Ward, of Ponloml, Oregon.
Any and all peon elalrulug adrerHiy the
above denbrlbed landa r. requaated u l
tbelrclalraa In tlita office on or before aald CT'u
d.yoloe.,l8. ,.T. ,,,..,.,