Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 26, 1902, Image 7

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wiion aiiotim a Mon Marry c
WIII1N mIioiiIiI n limn marry' 'J'liu amti
ln'Miin Willi mi liu'iimi" iif IH a rrk' li;
IhiiiiiiIIiik IhU lniiilry In llm ol
ii'iiillnic il 11 1 1 1 for Kara. I In Ii cnjiilni
.t i...i ii.. ... .1 --hi.
Wlimi Should a Man Marry?
ntiltlntl roilliK
lifi born Itu
I'dltor nf imr
nliilncil not to bo
ilm i'lti'il with Hint tut noun tiii'iilnl arltlimrtle which
lf.lii. Mint wliii l It rnoiigli fur diiu I siilllririit for two, lie
ri'i'dvi'K In lniiri-liiii frmii ncwmmiicr nilvlacr thnt lie sliroiM
linto iniirii th ii ii fill n wrck, ami not iiillu mi iniiili n fin.
lip wrlli'n Hint tin. jiiiiiik winn f hi i-lmlrv think fill I
too niiKervBllri', mnl In. In aiMsi'il Hint nhc rnnnot ln worthy
r mh-Ii iiimi'tllih ili'volloii an hln, nml If slit, were truly worn
nnly uliv hiiiiIiI iiinkn tlm nniniiiit Imy as ninny atitomolillu
ciin In n hhhIiIi.
In view of I lm .iTili-i-,l Kintn of Hip ihiMIc mini) on Hilt
ll-liiiioMniit HiMiMM, llm rwi'iit iilk-t of the (liTiiinn Knlrn-r
001110 llh niitliurllntlvi. forte. It rt inarku nml IxitimlnrU-t,
flnlilllii. Imi'iimii'ii, mii'lnl ntntlon, nml crnn limit pmlou
roiiillllonit of nlliimiiy. Tin. HnijM.riir ha rr,iiiiilicattl mi orJi-r
to Dili I'lfi'rt that no nllli'iT mnr innrrr tmli.. lm rcmlti. n
naljry of f I.Ufi n jt-nr nml 1 In Hie riijoyniciit of nn Incline
of S.I70 limn-. 'I'hnt In to ny, If M. ami hi fntiirn wlfi Iiclwi'iui
tlifin mil iniHti-r II.MM, tin. wnldliiK Inarrli ma. lie nouiiili'.l.
Thi' ImiuK of I hi' fir. yiitiiiit limn nro crm-lly ilnnlioil, for .Jlllci-rn
win. itii no morn limn flM n yinr ri. furlildili-ii to oven coii
lilcr tint iiinirlinonlnl commit.
Cnri'lnK irllliH. imiy ,ny Hint Hie wlml.. innlliT inlicht Ih
nliiiilllli'il hy ulrlnit ..wry nlllc-cr In lilt inajmty' m-rvlco nt
l.-nat SI, MM. hi woiilil kUp Hi,. ImisIiu-m of marrying oft I lie
I -riiinii nrmy to Hint lrr-.lM,iill,lP mil,. ,i,.ty who "' admit
Willi Bnnrc tvlug nml sliuuta ainoruii shafts with rrcklt-s
Ciiilil l nut',1 In Orriiisiiy, nml llicro la a growing
lark of rontlilviirp In him lure. The I'nllnl Htati- hat in un.
wrliti'ii iimIi. with riganl to the lliinui-,. of mntrlmony. A
jiitiiu lli'iitvikiit In Iht army or nay irml his salary for
uniform mnl extra allntvaiirr for Hie inr. When hi
marrle lie mint of nwMnlly Imro a iirlrnt.- Income, or he mut
tlml the ilnniilitrr of a magnate or w.inHliliig or other who la
willing to lisre hU lot ami lit Klory iiiull n klml goiemim-nt
Im'renae hla rank. Hornet I me Hu. larger pay .Iocs not come
until hi- la hcyoml Hir iU. f fnrly. -Harper' a Weekly.
I wern Oermnn, 82,n!H were KngUth, 70,1.12 were Irlah, H,007
were Hweilea, Norwritlnna, 11.IIIH Danea anil IH.U37
I Hcotcb. Thla iiltca a lolnl of nxijll) out of the 7KH,IK)2, or
nearly 70 per eent, nml there wan n In riff llrltlah Immlirratlon
I froirl Caniiilii hoalilea. At the nreaent tlmo 70 per rent of the
Inunlgrntl'in la from Italy, Auatrla-lluiiKnry ami ItiKaU,
The prolialile effect of aueli n change In character of poptt
In I Ion open up n wide field for aocloloKlrnl (peculation, rape
dally In reference to Ihu larger clllcn of the country. The In
jection nf a rouipnrntlrely In rite nml new element Into th
miiulrlpiil affair nf Mich clllea New York, Chicago, lloaton
and I'hlladelphln, which recelre the. greater aharc of Immigra
tion, la n thing the rraulta of which can only he mirmUrd.
In Hie men ii t line, the country will lure a new problem In lb
Inak of aaalmllntlug Hie new rlruicnta which are tbua being
Injected Into tho nalloiial life. Drnrer I'oat.
llio Itiiiiyerft of Ambition.
Tlllvlli: la n teudenry nf iiokIitii life to g,e uo much rein
In multtl.iii. The quality. If It may be railed audi, la un
duly i-talled; ami ,m,. grate fault, een, are held to 1
palliated by the fact tlml ambition haa prompted them,
'Ilie child ia achooled to wrei Ihlnga fur alwve ll preaent
phere, and while thla la dune there (a nhaolute omU.lon of
tearhlliga aa tu 1iie aweet, otd-faalil.iued lrtiie of rontent
Ambition, ro-.oii.l,!,. Mi. properly regulate.l, ahoiitd be
riilertalnwl by Mil: but to Im- rcaonahle It inuat bear n mod
erate proportion to the etlatlug nmilltlnna of the Indltldual
life. The IhIvhw purHi. , well what tie before one la
noble. It I not mi rommemlnble to rem Ii out to aceompllah
other takirtlint-do mil dUllnilly and naturally lie before ne
Many good tiling nre Ill-done Wrauae of the nut wholly Juatl
liable mubltloii which hit inuied rertaln iwrmn to the doing
of Ih-iii. It nut ..iii.Ulriit win, (. trlw ,M(MM,.lhy of f(.
that we .tmnl.1 Ik- ever tralnliig for reaulla. Ut duty be done
.Imply ami Hioro-ighly. un.l there will be no need of worry a
to the re.iilln. '
We hear much of Intenae wlll-Miwer rompaaitng eitraor
illnary ne--. There U a great deal of Intente tolltlun
wlihout the i-orrwiwn.lliig force that ran alone glre It vttect
It I aUitril In will alithlng inteii.y wblch we are Innipabte
of acmmplUhlug. Yet that I whnt ninny thouandi of prraon
are d.rfng. ami they cimiiili tin- further folly of atrllng to It again! at) probability of nlfcrm. 'Iliere are
em-epllon In whlib ltd atrirlug may apH-ar heroic; but tbey
prote thi rule.
KireMlre ambition I the ruin of too ninny lire In ercry
grade of m-lely. The adrlre aarrlbcd to Cardinal Wolaey by
HlinliiM-nr.-. "I'lllig away mubltloii." la Imi wcrplng; yet the
faculty of moilerntlng ambition to fit the talent or eapndty that
I nrallnbl for It w-rrlrt. vliould be irduluudy cnlllniH
rtiiladelplila Time.
New Problem ol Immigration.
STATISTICS of liumlgralhiii, t.iUn In ronjiincllnn with
Inforuinlluii furn1lii-d hy agent in I'uropc, linllrulr
that the pn-m-nt year I in be n rerord-brenker in the
recent hi. lory of hl inuiitry. l.i jrar the total mini
ber nf Immigrant arrhiug In Aun-rlra wa 487,111.1. Thi
jrnr It U ellmite.l Hip tiuiulii-r will not be le than
The m.nt remarkable ami liitereatliig feature of the Immi
gration movement, however. I the fact Hint there I a derided
iliniigr III the character ami nationality of the people ronilng to
our liore. In ISS'J a in.iuy a .MMt-'IO of the Immigrant
Conviction of Woman Criminal.
H the world changing It altitude toward the woman crim
inal? It would appear no from tho entrnce recently paaaed
on two ronvlrt. In Mlnueoota, Mr, Tun lie, pronounced
guilty of murder, I entencrd lo life Imprisonment and to
hard labor. Ill Kana Ml Morrison, guilty of like crime.
I aentriiced to twenty-lire year' Imprlwiiiment, practically a
lifetime. The Mluuitota rate wa nettled In one trial. Tlie
Koik.i crime rather followed the hlitoric cuatom of leniency
and only after three trial wa the case finally m-ttled. Tbeae
two i-ntencea tuny be taken a evidence that woman la begin
ning to be Judged a criminal and not a woman.
Jut what effect till will hare on the human race If debata
ble. No attempt ha ever been made to deny that women bare
Imllar criminal InMincta with men, but the poaitlon In which
lie ha been held haa kept man from vlaltlng upon her the
penalty that he pronounced upon hlum-lf. There hare beeu
woman criminal from the beginning, aiure the nail of Hliera,
luce the polxin of the llorgla. Hut, partly becauae of Ideal
king and partly becauae woman did uot atiare In the world'
lawmaking, and therefore he wa uot held to be of equal guilt
In the law-breaking, woman haa not o often been found guilty
In any appreciable degree.
The aaciunlialng of crime will be a benefit to the human
rare. .Men and women are not o different after all, and to
divide them Into cxc in the punishment of crime I to fall In
the control of crime. It I not pleaaant to contemplate a
future where tho prlaou are filled with women. Hut these
very rase in Illustration are tbe beat preventive. St. I'aul
d'ternd Coit of Trartt.
Bfor tlio BIberUn railway wni
available, a trip from London to Bhang,
lial cost frmo 32G to-$476. Now It
can be mado for from $06, third !,
to $100, flrat clan.
Hamlin' Wizard Oil If friend of the
aflllctcd and an enemy to pain which
It overcomes.
Ota Select Queer Home,
Homo reoli of thread In a factory at
Ilraanton, Devonihlra, have been
choaen aa a homo by a solitary bee,
which la now actively engaged filling
them with honey.
II Car VThlL TTm.
Alien' root-Cue makes tight and new sko
rlair, nisaeerUlneuralor tlj,el.
toil tnlswolUn,ttrd,bott selling lt. Try It
oday. Atalldrngglsta.2te. Trial puksftmall
t VllKK. Adrtss Allan 0. OlmiH-1, UKoy,
H.Y. ,
Premonition Proved True,
A sensational caso of coincidence re
cently occurred at Newport. Mr.
Charles Anstee, the proprietor of tbe
l'otter'a Arms hotel, had a presentment
that he wonld die on tbe anniversary
of tbe death of his wife, wbo fell and
fraeturod her skull a year ago. Ills
friends tried to laugh him out of It,
but he was found dead In bed at 6
o'clock a few mornings ago eractly a
year after his wife's fatal accident.
She Might.
"I wonder If she regrets ber mar
"Why should she?"
"Well, you know, they'ra both
literary, and now her buaband tblnks
himself entitled to every bright Idea
! she has."
Failed to Scan Him.
Ills medical adviser You won't last
long at this rate, young man. You are
burning the candle at both ends.
Gayboy Very well, doctor. When
the candle ia burnt out I'll light the
Money Mado in Gambling.
YI3H, there Is money made In stock speculation, In buying
and selling grains and In playing tbe races. Yea, mill
ion of dollar are mado and thousand of person are
becoming the richer thereby. Hut the persons wbo are
making the fortune arc uot those wbo Invest their
rapltal; the winner are tho broker and the bookmakers.
Kvery time a man deala In a dock or a bushel of wheat be
pay a certain per rent to the person who executes hla order,
and whenever he bet on a horse race be paya even a greater
per cent to the nun wbo give him add. These Individual
are bounej to be winner; they nave a "dead sure thing acd
In the rud they will get the cn ill.
Of course some men have the luck to win heavily at both
stock gambling and playing the rare. The name of thoae
are alwaya cmblaroncd forth. Nothing la said of the multitude
who fall. It person who contemplate risking their money
on either of these forms of gambling would take pencil and
paper and figure the percentage against a poulble winning,
nine-tenth would start a bank account and be aatlsfled with
the small but sure return on their Investment. Cincinnati Post
Tho Business of executing.
I I HNHY II. n.A.NT died In June. INK), leaving an estate
I I valued at f 17,tXW,0O0. Among the executors wa Judge
nj.ymle Harrison, who recently resigned. In submit
ting to the New- Haven, Conn., court hi atatetnent as
trustee Judge I.ynde said that he bad received as dst-
incut for his services the sum of flOl.OZfi more than $30,000
a year. Kacli of the other executors bad received a like
What a pity It I that more of the American people cannot
be mado executor by millionaire who are getting ready to
die. It la Y line builnc, thi executing. Where 1 the man
who wouldn't lie willing to be an executor If be could get
fltll.tU'i for three yenr" work at It?
The widow and some of the ons of Plant have now uc
r ceiled the original executor, and will hereafter manage the
estate themselre. It la not aurprlsing, since tbe figures have
been made public, that they should want the executing Job
In the family. Chicago Ilrrord-IIcrald.
Oalinriie limine, Wlikli Hdwurd I're
cnteil to tlie llrillsli Nullum
l'liinoii UnlKinit1 ItnliiH-, one nf the
fiivurlli' resilience of tlie late Queen
Vlrtnrln, wlili-h vim prewntiil In tin
llrltlah nation liy UIiik l.'ihviinl VII. un
Coronation dny, U oiiouf tlie iiniHt uuik
nltlrviit of tint itovcrnl Iiuiium nf Klin
Hull royalty. Tho Klfl t" peculiarly Krat
IfylnK to tho llrltlli public, n OnImiih.
Ia sacred to tliu memory nf tlio Into
Queen nml will over bo Insepiimlily con-Hct-teil
with IncldeiilN In tin- life uf Hint
beloved tuivrri-lKti.
Ah It will li nm-Msnry for KImk IM
ward to spontl n runslilcnilili- part nf
tlio yenr In Loudon mid In lln neighbor
hood, nt WlmlHor, tul Im Vint; iilao
strong, homo Ilea In the county of Nor
folk, liu felt that hu would lie uiialdu to
mnko mloiiiintu uhu of Unborne llouxo
ns n roynl rinldoncc, nml lm then-fore,
offered the property n a t!lft 1 tho na
tion. It la thu KliiK'a dcxlro that the
house bo devoted to national piirpmifH
and converted Into n convalcHccnt
homo for oIllccrH of tho nrmy and navy
wliimu health lm been Impaired In tliu
arrvlro of their country.
It was ut Osboruo limine, Isle of
Wight, thnt Queen Victoria tiled, Jan
uary 2'.', 100!. It Is Nltuated In Whip
pliiglutin Parish, not far from Cowes.
Thu bonne can only ho reached hy croan
lug tho ferry to Hast Cowes and iiBeend
Ing n steep hill, tho view from every
Thu first locomotive coiKtriietcd by (Icnrge Steplien.on was built In 1813, wtlle
he wa employed at the Kllllngwortli Collleiy. Northumberland. In 1810 tho
owner of the Helton Colliery. Durbaui, .lei hied to I in inform their wagonway
Into a biroiniitlve railroad, and lecogiiltlng the uhllllles of the "Kllllnsworth
englue-vvrlghl," they Invited Hteplieuson to act as engineer of the undertaking.
The railway, which ran from Helton Colliery, a few milca from the city of Dur
ham, to the Wear at Kunilcrlaiiil, was opened on Nov, 18, 1622, on which dnte
there were five of Stephenson's engine at work, One of these la shown In the
above Illustration. Arter nearly eighty ynra continuous working, It Is still to be
aecn hauling tho coal triilna ut the Hetluu Colliery, and It is now claimed aa the
oldest working locomotive in the world.
nee, London, leant of all. Wlillo tin
Queen wns ut Osliorno tho Krouinb
were Jealously guarded, but when slu
was absent visitors were allowed ti
part of which Is a delightful one wood
land, valley, town, river and sen being
visible. Queen Vlctorln used to spend
most Pf tho whiter 'mouths'at Osooruo,
which wus her fnvorlto residence next
to Huhmiriil, Scotlnud, She lilted Wind
sor Onstb little, nml Iluckliigham Pal-
Inspect tlieiu. Tho gardens, with their
tcrracos, tholr myrtle and roso troes,
and their many ruro oxotlcs, oro amoug
tho llncst In tho south of England, The
cllmnto of tho Islo of Wight Is consid
erably warmer than that of tho main
land, and every visitor to that "Garden
.f England," ns It Is cnlled, will have
i-emnrked the luxuriant mnnner In
which flowers grow there.
Anglo-Indian Life.
Every night nt dinner tbe Anglo-Indian
holds a kind of lovee. Tbe In
locts which attend danco gnyly round
tho lamp, mid one has to watch ono's
pinto nml glass carefully lest some of
the Insects should danco Into them.
Thero Is tino Insect n little, flat,
brown, shining creature wblch emits
tho worst odor In tho world. If ono of
tlieso touches your food tho wholo Is
tainted mid rendered Inedible. You
dare uot kill these pests, for If one bo
crushed tho whole room becomes tilled
with Its disgusting smell and Is unin
habitable for the next half hour. So
theso abomtnnhlo Insects fly about
with Impunity while the poor Anglo
Indian must pcrforco look helpless
ly on.
Chlnanioii ns Debt D.nlgors.
New Yenr tlmo In Clilim is always
fruitful of Arcs. It Is the Chinese cus
tom thnt nil debts must bo liquidated
by tho end of the year. Failure to do
no means utter ruin of ono's credit.
It frequently happens that a Chinaman,
seeing dlsgnico fetnrlng him In tho face,
will set tiro to bis houso mid thus plead
to his creditors, "Iow could I pay?
Tho gods liavo destroyed my home. Aslc
tho gods for tho money." In this way,
It not detected, honor Is saved and
credit unimpaired.
hum people always Insist on look
lug at a dead man, hecnuso he's 'ree.
Acting tho Part,
"Blnoe be married that rich girl I
understand Dabsley leads a dog's life,"
"I expected a much."
"Yes; he does nothing but eat, He
around tbe house and growl," Phila
delphia North American.
CITA FrHMtir cwi if nt e narrooioaas
rl IO HWflMi.(.r'.."f br-KliM'sOrMlNam
lakm, S4 for Villi K t-J.OO UUI bollU tod tntt.
In. P.a.ll.ul.U4,.tlllrcbBUriiUd.lbl,r
Mamma Why, Willie, you asked for
two pieces of canity, and you got them.
Aren't you satisfied?
Willie No'm, I ain't. You gave
up so easy I'm Jest klckln' my sell
'cause I didn't ast you for more.
Druldlcaf Rnlnc In flng(an4
Drnldloal remains, several "plagua
stones," erected about 1460 A. I)., 60
old market crosses and 40 stocks or
their remains, aro among the ancient
monument now to bo found In tho
west riding of Yorkshire, England.
Uothera will find Mr. Wlnalow's Sooth.
Ing Hyrup the best remedy to use for their
snuuren auring me teeming penou.
Not Able to Share It.
Hewett The editor says It will bo
at least a.year before he can publish
my poem. That's a long time to wait.
Jowett Yes; you might die. and
then the whole disgrace would fall on
7our family. New York Herald.
Blood Poison
Is the name sometimes given to what
is generally known as the SAD DIS
EASE. It is not confined to dens at
vice or the lower classes. The purest
and best people are sometimes
infected with this awful malady
through handling the clothing,
drinkiner from the um. vm..Ii
using- the same toilet articles, or otherwise coming in contact with persons
who have contracted it.
It begins usually with a little blister or sore, then swelling in the
fZ0 pttT UlZ T I otraet.d . bad c...
the body, sores and ulcers appear of Blood Poiaoa. I wa nndertreatmant
in the mouth, the throat becomes ofaphyalelanuntllXfonndthathaeoald
ulcerated, the hair, eye brows and J "0(1- n b.ran taking
lashes fall out; the blood becoming ZZSifSZ?X&!?t
more contaminated, copper colored the dlae disappeared. Itooklxbot
aplotehes and pustular eruptions and n odr am aonad and wall,
sores appear upon different parts of E-M- w"' Hometown, Tenrw
the body, and the poison even destroys the bones.
S. S. S. is a Specific for this loathsome disease, and cures it even in the
worst forms. It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes
tue blood ana penetrates to an parts ol tlie system.
Unless you get this poison out of your blood it will
ruin you, and bring disgrace and disease upon
your children, for it can be transmitted from parent
to child. S. S. S. contains no mercury or potash.
but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable compound.
Write for our free home treatment book: and learn all about Contagious
Blood Poison. If you want medical advice give us a history of your case,
and our physicians will furnish all the information you wish without any
charge whatever. "THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6A
sHowiNS'ruu. Lweori
I'ortlsnd, Oicion. ronniledtS7A
i Roma School for Boys.
Ullltary and Manual Training
Write for lllustrstad Catslotn.
One Ffcond Hand Nichols it Shepard
Separator, slie 40-co, with wind stacker,
enlj run 40 dsjrs; a bargain. Inquire of
Foot Morrison St., Portland, Or.
1 TS", : fl jj
H i inVamMiMM pTi - - -----'T!! I Wll1 lW
ANft?elaliIcPreparalbnror As
similating rteroodaDdHefl ula-lirUicStomarioandDcrvfeljof
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promotes Dige3Uonhcerfur
ness ondRestConlalns ndlher
Opiiim.Morphuie norDncraL
TcSseaia awns
A perfect Remedy for Cons Upa
Ilon , Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSunrla Signature of
ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 imi 'IM
Bears the
Mltoholl Wafjoiu
Thirty Years
tmi eciiTitua eMftMY. kkw trk citt.
$3&$3S SHOES Mm
W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by
more men In all stations of life than
any other make, because they are the
only shoes that In every way equal
those costing $5.00 and $6.00.
m. tfl IMDaAllHtMlM,
tut Impttti ni A mr lean InUm. '
rmttntCtir. Himtt, Bex Calf. Clf. rwwiWMf
Colt. Mat. XaijanM. Fast Color Eyelets wi.
nam anil vtrlea vtuaiwd om bottom.
Sluxt by maU. 2Sc. tztra. Illiu. Catalog ftre.
fmr AslWotia fLatt..
psilmj IrriBf vti H OPEN
. llaNl'l UmHtliH II U tk Id) lUtatlt u1
fV ! UCi tf taM frM wttk mrr Irr1n.
ItTUMbU I Effvctlra. BHvml4. 0r "tOiriSUTUk
Uftvmaliaw lor Wmmb flf" fU la pUlm MiJfiL V
Bast on Earth
Etranft ft la mmA of lh bt mtrlU pmtitbltj
fbuy, Th manufacturer absolutvir par at
toUpcrnni abort th markrc prtc of beat
KadM of waxon limlr for th nr vllega of cul
r orrr and klmmlnff off thcrimof th
wicoa atock.vhlch lirarrltM Ibr 1 to ytn ba
lor makloa; op. which mean n lnvitmnla
wood b toe k ofnrarlr on million dollars.
AIITUUKLI. W a zona ar anaurp4Bil for
quatlir, proportloo, Holah, atrn(th antl Usol
Wot tak chance on Auf othar?
Whr-noc gr( th batf-A MITCH KM
Mitchell, LmwIu at Stmwmr Oo.
rortUnd. beattl. Bpokan. itoU.
&ceoU fiTerywhtr.
This wonderful Chi
prs doctor la Called
great becaua h cure
peopl without opra
tlon that ar siren up
to die. He cure with
thoa wonderful Cht
neae herb, rootH. buds,
bark and veselablts
that ar entirely Un
known to medical act-
encvln thtacouuirjr. Ihroush tbe use or thoa
harmless remedlea thla fainou doctor knows
th action of over S00 different remedies, which
he successfully uaes In different diseases. II
guarantee to cur fatarrh, asthma, lunc,
throat, rheumatism, nerrousness, stomach,
llrer, ktdneya, etc.; has hundreds of testimony
tals. Charges mode rale. Call and se him.
Calient out of th cltr writ for blanks and
circulars. 8 'nd 4 cents In stamps. t'OXUVl
131H Third St., Pnrtlanil, Onro
STMSDUon paper.
Apply to Kathah DirKroBD.
Xnouair, WiimnoTo.i. D. c
Lai Dest Oiuab a J mix Taste Good. I
SA Dest Chuxd. am p. T mates Good. Csa F!1
&1 In tune. Sold by droggUU. g
iLarY'i g gi j vTi ii a i3 j tmai
sr. sr. ir. v.
Urn. 39-1831.
HEN writ'nsr to advertllera plea
mention uu paper. '
Play Doth Ends.
In Guatemala, tbe Indian population
tries to doubts its cnances lor tna tW
cacy of prayer by worshiping at i
Christian altar with images of its hea
then doltlea hidden behind it.
Ilammerlne Away.
Wo didn't expect everybody to send
for a sample can of Monopole spices
the first week. But we won't be satis
fled until every family has bad at least
a chance lo get one. All that Is neces
sary la to send your grocer's name and
two 2-int stamps and ws will send a
full weight tin of any variety you wish.
Wo think you'll say Monopole spices
are tna beet you ever tried. II you
don't think so, keep on using tho
itlior kind. Addrets Wadhanis & Kerr
llros., Coffoo Roasters and Manufactur
ers, Portland, Ore.
"This talk about inventions beln
injurious to labor is all nonsense," said
convict No. 151.
"Why so?" asked the guard.
"Because it is. A patent burglar
alarm wuz the cause o' mo glttln' five
yoara at hard labor."
" For two vears I suffered ter-
rlblv from dvioeosls. with crest
depression, and was alwaya feeling
poorly. I men tried Ayer's sarsa
parllla, and In one week I was a
new man," John McDonald.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that It's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other Kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. 11.11 a MUs. All sraiiUlt.
Ak your doetor wbst lie totalis of Affi
BstisperlUa, 11. kiwwi U about tMl sr.m
oil ItmUy medicine. IfuUow hi aarie ai
J, o.AYxaCa,Lovan,yau.
you will
No matte? tow pleasant your surroundings,
heUihf good health, is the foundation for en
joyment. Bowel trouble causes more aches and
pains than all other diseases together, and when
you get a good dose of bilious bile coursing
through the blood life's a hell on earth. Millions
of people are doctoring ffcr chronic ailments that
started with bad bowels and they will never
get better till the bowels are right. You know
how ft is you neglect get irregular first
suffer with a slight headache bad taste in the
mouth mornings, and general "all gone" feeling
during the day keep on going from bad to
worse untHl the suffering becomes awful, life
loses Its charms, and there Is many a one that
has been driven to suicidal relief. Educate your
bowels with CASCARETS. Don't neglect the
slightest Irregularity. See that you have one
natural, easy movement each day. CASCA
RETS tone the bowels make them strong
and after you have used them once you will
wonder why It is that you have ever been
them. You will find all vour other disorders commence to get better at once, and soon
be well by taking
SLW liver tonic trsT
k" fa
Alini" fn "l trouble, appendicitis, btl
I 'I I U la lousneas. bad breath, bad blood, wind
IllillB atoiuaeh, bloatad bowel, fool
UVllH mouth, headache, Indigestion, plmplee,
pains after allnc.llvar trouble, eallotv complexion,
auid dlulneea. U henjrour botvela don't nun tgn
arlr yon aro cetUnr etcit. Constipation 1UU tuur
people than all other disease tog-ether. It ta a
starter for tho chruulo allmeuu and lonff year of
auCerlnc that com aftertvard. No matter what
aUU you, start taking; CAJGAIIKTS tolay, for yon
will never tret well and bo well all the time until
you put your bowels rlsht. Take our adTleet atari
willt CASCAItUTS, under an absoluto cua
antee to euro or money rvtundtd.
TO CITRXf TIT Y. nr. mi
UullAr urdllsa lm tk wrl4.
arr.t Marti. unA ff tt UaSluiOBilnl. WbAv I
WtU Mil OAUQMMKTtt tjabMlvlcly KrMit4 It.
It Ynr
mtV All L'AH
, wh Id. Smw
six wlllloa
vfxr. avrtiKtfti IlLa aa i mtoit
r bai laasicaetaina. vw m iMfa latitn Baa
rrm. atnaatluliil trnmrim.Btellrl It. -lsa-m mm
T "fnnsltisl. tbts bur Udir. two 00 loi. rlva tUmm m.
sTta.! r. knnstl tvlsal. aaa Tv laaanlei dlrMtlaia. sktod If vtBtl narsk
n aT.tU0t4 oHrnslsajr fiOo tMs. rturn Um itniitcd 0
laivav Tai
Mpiy v urn oy aaimi, or mw arwigm iran
parHM4 ih itiytur mar dmk tor imi
Lbaaa. aa at w t a iruitltl'lf lilt Mill vU atavt to
uy. uaU(a will HBieKiTioiiorniin y win ri nmmy
dzwii mTi&iihu auiui counyf loux tluciuoV