Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 26, 1902, Image 6

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uhb w. hiinry,
Udltor and Proprietor.
Knleredet Iho polofl1r t Cottage Grove,
Oregon M Hecond CUM null matter.
Subscription price, I,rlO, In n.lvunre.
Advertising IlMca mat known n
THIS I'ArKIl It kept on Mo at K. o. PraVe'a
Admtlslnir Air fiver , St end Merchants Kx
hMn,Hn Fnitieo, California, where con
tract for ad'ettlslngcan liemeile for H.
Friday, Ski-thmbis a6, 1901.
President Roosevelt speaks right
out in incctiiiR nnd has no npolo
gics to make for bis opinions.
The action of Speaker Hender
son in declining n rcnoraiiintion for
congress demonstrates the fact tlint
talk 01 tariff revision in tne repub
lican camp is not a mere built.
New names are being placed on
our subscription list every day as a
result of the general growth of the
city, the increased interest in Bo
hemia and our efforts to make this
a first class up-to-date newspaper
in every respect.
The large tracts of government
timber land that have been lying
vacant for many years near this
place are almost wholly taken up
and now there are only vacant
forties oreightiesof first class timber
in a body and they are not at all
numerous. A great many small
tracts are now being filed on, and
should they rise in value, as has been
the case formerly, even a forty is a
mighty good piece of property to
In his recent Cincinnati speech
President Roosevelt gave utterance
to the following regarding the
regulation of corporations: "Since
the state cannot work along the
same lines, I believe that the best
of grounds exist for a constitutional
amendment for national control of
large corporations. Corporations
that are handled honestly and fairly
make for the general prosperity of
our land, uw can guide, protect
and control industrial development,
but it can never cause it. In deal
ing with the corporations we intend
to proceed not by revolution, but
by evolution. The trust problem
cannot be solved if the qualities
brought to its solution are panic,
iear, envy, Hatred and ignorance.
The line of demarcation we draw
must always be on conduct, not
"There was strong talk last even
ing of running all the negroes out
ot t,iDby and out of the country.
Against this the Mail would have
not a word to say. An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of
cure, and while the lynching of
one nigger would not repair the
damage he has wrought, the re
moval of our entire colored popu
lation would let us all rest easier
when our wives are alone." So
says the Marsh field Mail comment
ing on the recent lynching of the
negro there, who criminally
assaulted a white woman, wife of
one ot the lynching party. It
clearly demonstrates the fact that
when such cases are brought very
close to home we view them dif
ferently than when they happen in
me &omn or some distance in any
direction. However, there is as
much difference in negroes as there
is in white people, and the decent
ones should not be held account
able for the misdeeds of the crimi
nal class.
NUPtOET. Fiibioiit Oak DrrciiKD,
At nil enriy nour suniiny morning
while nmkliiB up ft freliiht trnlin
ilrnw heuil ilroiiitod nnd tlio front
end of tliecnr humml the truck on
tho crude nltovo the wntcr tunk
Tlio overland wim nbout duo mill as
tliocnr did not clenr 011 tho main
Hue, It wno 'bunuwd" In order to
pond It forwnrtl iv few feet, Tim
"lmni" pent the enr too far which
caused It to low Its tmlniico nnd It
toppled over Into the ditch. Itwiw
loaded with uierchundlxo which wtw
transferred by the section crew. Tho
KooiIh wore not dnmnfivd. Junction
City Time
Too MlTlt Sl'HKll.
J. M. NIcholH loHt a hoino lnxt week
(ml Saturday he came near IokIiii? n
team. A slnuiRvr by tho name of
llootli engaged a team to drive t
Lnfco Creek. He started at 4 o'clock
In tlio lnornliur, drove toMonroe and
then to Lake Creek and back, a dl
tanco of fti miles and arrived here at
12410 p. 111. The team wnHcomplctely
coclmuKteri and barely able to fttand
They were nut In blanket, rubbed
and sponged during tho entire night
This heroic treatment unved thorn.
Junction City Times.
New Drtot Oocitikh.
The S. P. ngent, Tom Aubrey, now
occupies the new nnd co'nunodlou
depot that has just been flnlshed by
the company. It In n due building
and whnt has boon badly needed
here for some time owing to the
wonderful Increase in business during
tlio last few years. There Is eoiisld
entitle work yet to Iks done outside
but the building Itself Is nbout com
pleted. Work will soon commence
on the new side track nnd cement
platform. We also understand the
railroad ground south nnd west of
the new depot will lie tilled.
Off Fok Mkdfokii.
.Vllen Kirk, of Iiorenn, left this
week for Medford, where he will
visit a month or six weeks among
tho old friends of the neighborhood
where he used to reside. The country
around Ashland and Medford Is said
to be Indeed beautiful at this season
of the year, when the ninny. Immense
orchards for which that locality Is
noted, aro bearing the fruits of the
season. An Interesting descriptive
letter Is promised from Mr. Kirk
within a few weeks.
Strayed On Stolen.
From Cottage Grove, Sunday Sept.
14, one blnck female Foxhound about
0 months old. lteddish yellow head
and legs, new strap collar with
about 4 Inches extra strap through
buckle. Leave Information nt this
otlice ami receive reward. .10 p 1
Fcit Sale.
My residence projierty In Stoffer's
addition to Cottage Grove, consist
ing of a G room house nnd two lots.
Price iVMO cash. Intending- pur
chasers r real estate men should
look this up.
30 p 2 l M. Walsh.
Hill Ranch Fob Sale.
Consisting of 1D0 acres. Good build
ings, orchard, CO acres Improved,
well fenced. Price $1500. Inquire nt
this otlice. ST i
Fon Sale.
40 acres of land
within 2 miles of
Cottage Grove, nlso IT) head of cattle.
Aduress L. U. Canfiblu, Cottage
Grove, Ore.
Goats wanted from one to three
j ears old. Address Postmaster at
HIkhead. 9-31
5 f Business Briefs. 2
It end rent caUlo bargain of Jerome
Knox Co.
Good second hand carriage ntul
harness for sale cheap by Hnkin &
For watches. clockH and leWelr.v
call on Davidson for good goods.
von will nun prices right.
Davidson will ivimlr your watches
clocks nld Jewelry at tho lowest
prices. All work warranted.
I lmt SW Cotswold sheop tolet out
for one or moiv yours on shares.
Miw. H. U. Rmifomi, Saginaw, Ore
Those doughnuts, iistllko"mothe
ustnl to make," nt Parker's bakery
two doors etwi of postotllcc, Main St
Sieclal orders, pies and cakes, any
out Kinti, promptly iiihhi at rnrKer
bakery. While you are ordering' try
For 11 had taste in the mouth take
Chamberlain's Stoinnrli nnd Liver
Tablets, ror ealo by Itvnson Drue Co,
Cottage Grove, Ore.
T. R. Parker, tho tinker, all kind
ot bread, cakes and imstry. Second
door east of postotllcc, Main street
Cottage Grove, Oiv.
If in need of dental work call on
Dr. Maey, now permanently located
In the Dr. Snapp building, Main
St., Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Pewaro of air ilrltM or half dry
flooring, celling and rustle. Tho
llooth-Kollv LutnlierCo. are making
special prices on Hiiiwirieu iiimiier.
Mining Claims Foit Sale.
Two claims on Champion creek
Itohemln Mining' District, Iino' Co,
Ore.; also 2,500 shares of 1a ltoy mill
lug stock. Address C. I. Kslsky
Kugene, Ore., Uox -H;t. ;13 p
Blue print maps oi any township
in Roseburg, Oregon Land District
showing all vacant lands for 5oct
each. If you want any information
from theU. S. Laud Office, address
Titlk Guakantkk,& Loan Co
United States Land Office,
Roseburg Ore., Aug. 20th, 1002.
Notice is hereov given that In com
pliance with tlio provisions of the act ot
Congress 01 Juno 3, is8 cnlltlt-o "An
.ct lor tho sale of timber lands in the
States of California. Oregon. Nevada ami
Washington Territory." as extended to
all the rnbhc Land states bv net ol Au
gust 4, 1SSI2, Augusta M Tobey, of Ku
gene, County of Lane. State of Ore., hai
this dav ulnl in this olllce her sworn
statement No. 3325, for the purchase of
theSEl-tnlfcectlon -o. as In township
No. 20 S.. Ranee No. 5 West, and will
oiler nroof to show that the land sough!
is more valonble for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purports, and to
veiniiiisu nvr cihiiii iu cunt ihiiii wiuni
Marie L. watc, U. S. Commissioner
at hngene, Oregon, on Wcilneeuny,
the 12th day of Nov., 1WK.
she names as witnesses:
Edgar 0. Tobev. of Kugene, Lano Co.,
Ore., James N. Handle, of Knirmount,
Lane C-.. Ore.. Rcttn M.Tolicy. Olox.
Gilliam Co., Ore.,Natliam T. Wilson, of
fcugene, Iano Co., Ore.
Anr nml nil nersonn clnlmini? adverse
ly tlio ntjovc-iiescriueu lanus are re-
qtietted Jo file their claims in this office
on or before saiu i.'tti uay 01 now, uv:.
J. l. uridoes, itrgisler.
Unite.1 States Land Office,
Koseburg, Ore., IU02.
Tlic First National Bank
Of Cottage Grove, at Cottage Grove, In
we btateofOiegon, atthecloee of bus!
ness, September 16th, 1902.
Louiiiia mmniiii J2I.JT0 M
Orerdmfti, tecured n4 unsecured 8,827 17
U. B. Bondi la leeare eireelatlon ItJW 00
I'remlumi on U. 8. Bondi 586 00
Btoclf, tecurltlei, etc 7,211 u
Banking bouse, furniture andflxturee 5,000 00
uue irom Aatlonil Banki (not Reaerve
") S.7S7 U
uue irom approved reserve ageuU 8881 69
Check! and other eaih Items JJ1 SO
Fractional paper currency, nickels,
andeents MfJ7
6rl I 8,441 00
LetaMender notee
Silk Creek Items.
Redemption fund with U. .8 Treasurer
(J per rent of e4reulatlon)
8,404 90
026 00
Total .
II,1IJ 76
i;apuai siock paid in 25,DW CO
imamaea proms, less ezpentos and
razes paid w
National Bank notes outstanCIng 12,500 0)
vue 10 irusi uompaniet ana savings
n" IM 40
Individual deposits subject to check 119,191 78
Pemandcertlflcatei of deposit l,84t W
Total 1163,102 76
State of Oregon,
ss :
County of Lane.)
I, Herbert Eakln, Caehlor of the above
named bank, dosolemuly stvear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowleugo and belief
Subscribed nnd sworn to bofore me
this 10th day of September, 1002.
J. IC. Vouno,
Notary Public.
Attest i
, Darwin BnisTow
I N. W.Wmn
Directors 1 Go. M. IIawlkv
ilrs. Henrj Daniewood is suffering
from an attack of the shingles,
ilUs Jennette Davidson Ih hoiiii
better of her cold.
Thos. Rlchnrdson is steadily Im
proving In health at Levi Oeer's
Walter Wheeler was sat upon by a
hornet lut Suturduy nnd says he
old not enjoy the exjierlence.
Monday's mail brought Mrs. Ida
Caldwell thesnd Intelligence of her
father's deuth at Springfield, III., on
Wednesday Sept 17.
Mr. M. Tompkins of Olenwood
Heights hns erected the frame of
quite a commodious residence which
he hoies to get enclosed liofore the
rainy weather.
While returning from tho drove
last Saturday Mr. L. Slaglo lost a
100 lb snck of sugar, which was
fortunately found by Howard Miller,
wholeftltnt Curtis Ventch's where
Mr. Slagle recovered It.
Surprise purtles are tho order of
the ilny or rather of the night with
us. Last Saturday ovo Just ns Al
Ellege and his worthy spouse hud
finished their chores and sat down
to their well earned rest, tho calm of
their peucefu! abode was rudely
broken by ulmost the entire .nelgh-
bornoou who cumo with well filled
baskets to give Mr. and Mrs. it. a
farewell party. They were com.
pletely taken by surprise but quickly
rallied and gave tho guests such a
welcome as only they can. The
evening was enlivened by the ex
quisite violin playing of Win. Mc-
Queen of Sluslaw. Next was the
singing of somo of tho good old tlmo
favorites by nil who would take
part: a solo by Mrs. Tompkins, an
other by Mrs. Caldwell, a select read
ing by Miss Davidson, another by
Walter Wheeler, and a recitation bv
Miss Alice Wheeler. Next refresh
ments consisting of fruit, cake and
pie were served which all enjoyed to
their fullest capacity, after which tho
crowd Undo their host nnd hostess
good-night and departed for their
several homes feeling that It had
been a happy and pleasant event nnd
one not soon to bo forgotten.
Notice is hereby civen that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An
Act for the salo of Timber Lands in the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
nd Washington Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
net of August 4, 1802, Bertha McQueen,
CottaKoGrove, Co. of Lane, State of Ore
gon has this day filed in this office her
sworn statement No. 3303, for the pur
chase of the SMNE 1-4 of Section No. 4,
in Township 20 South, of Range 2 West
and win oner prooi to snow trial trio
land sought is more valuable for jts
riinoer or stone man lor agricultural
purposeit.and to establish her claim to
said land belore 3larie i-,. ware, u.b
Commissioner at Eugene, Lane Co. Ore'
gon, on Saturday tho 15th day of Nov.
She names as witnesses:
Herman T. Dow, Joseph Schlee, Sol
Davidson. G. W. McQueen, of Cottaee
Urovc, Uregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the nbove-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or belore said loth Uay ol Nov., JW)J.
j. i. liuiiKiKs register,
United States Land OIlUv,
ltoselmrg, Ore,, Aug. IS. UHW.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pllaueo with tho provisions ol the
Act of Congress ot June it, IS7S, en
titled "An Act for tho sale of Timber
Uinds In tho .States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as uxtended to all tho
Dnblle ltud States by act of August
4, 1S1IJ, (leorgo l. Mucdoimhl, of Ash
land, County f Ashland State ot
Wisconsin has tills day Hied In this
otlUv his sworn statement No. -TJ17
for thopurohaso of tho U NK . NV
U NK K & NK J NW X of Section No.
IS, Townshlii 20 South of Ranges
Wtst and will offer proof to show
that tho land sought Is moro valu
able for Its tlnilKr or stone than tor
agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim' to said laud before
Mario U W'nrv, V. S, Cominlsstouer,
at. Hurviio, t)rvgon 011 Tuwdny tho
asthday of OctolK-r, 1WJ.
Ilo ltames as witnesses:
M. R. Potts, ot Molly. Linn Co.,
Ore., Dave Murphy, of Alma, Unto
Co., Oiv., John Murphy, of Kugene,
Inno Co., Ore., M. A. Rldgway, ol
Uoteman, Montana.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the abovtMlescrllKMl lamls niv
reiiHsted to Hie their claims In this
otlice tin or More said UStli dav t
Octolier, 1002.
J. T. llmmiHs, Register.
Unlteil Stales Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Aug. 'Xh, IWi.
Notlro is hereby given that In compll
slide with the provisions of the art ot
Congress ot Juno 3, IS78, untitled "An
Act (or tho sale of Timlier Lands In tho
States ot California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," ns ox
tended to nil tlio Public Ijind States by
act ot August 4, 1802, James II, llaldwin,
of Portland, llox 723, Co. ot Multnomah,
Slato of Ore., has this day tiled in this
ollice his sxforn statement No. 3X10, (or
tne purchase of theSr; 'iolSectlon ;o
34 in Township No. 21 S, Range No. S
West, and will offer prool to show that
the land sought is more valunblu for its
timber or stono than for ngricultur.1l
poriioscH, and to establish his claim to
said land before Marie L. Waro,
U. S. Commissionerat Eugene, Oregon,
on Monday, the I7tti day o( Novemlwr,
He names as VTtiieeses :
John A. Vnngorden, William Vnngor-
len. John Crowlnv. Daniel llrumbauch.
.Anr 11 im nnapcrsons claiming nu
versely tlio above-described lands nre
eenueeted to fllo their clniuia in this
offico on or lxfore said 17th day of Nov
J.T.Hriixiks, Register.
Land Ofllce at Itcwwbflrir, Ore.,
1 . 101.
Notlee Is herebr rlren that the Volftiwlnr.
nannl wilier has riled uollre ol his lulenllon
to make nnal nrnnf In snniMirt nr h , Klttlm.
and that said proof will be made before Marie
L Ware. U. K. Cimmtulurvsr. kL Buf,n. On..
on November, imi.Tti. wltllara II. Jertres.
on II. K. So. MB, for the Nw (. See. 3H, Ti. U
8.. K. 1 weM.
He namer Ihe following wltnewelo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultlra
tlon-of said land, Tlz:
Thnmas llarb. of Zlon. Ore.. Jam,, Xl
( Dealer, Ore.. Or Carter. J. Carter,
of Lowell, Ore.
j. i.jmipau, segiKier.
United States I-and Office,
RoseburpOro , Sept., 12, 1002.
Notice is hereby civen that In com
pliance with the provision of tho act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the salo of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada
I'ultod Stittt lnd OtHre,
Uosebutw. Orw, A , U.
Notliv Is hoivKv khi that In vow
nllrmv with the provisions of tlw Act
til Congress ot Juno it, UTS, witUVwl
An Act tor the solo of Timlerliid
In the Stale ot California, Otxutin,
Nevada, and WrtHhlntjtonSerrltory.'
asxtenlUHl to all tln l'liblk- Uud
Static by act ot August I. lsW
tleorgx .t. Miller. oil Vrtland, County
ot Multnomah, State of Oivnou. hm
this day (IUil1i this otlltvhls sworn
statement No. M, tor tl pmvlmse
ot the N. V N S ol Svtlon No.
Township Jl South ot limine Wiwt
and will offer prtiot to show that the
land sought Is more vahmblo tor Its
tltnlH'r or stone than tor ngrloiiUtirs.1
ptirpoHox, and to establish tils claim
to said laud liofoiv Marie Ik Waiv,
I Wans V. 8, Commissioner at I5u
gene. Uuie C., ()ntroii on Saturday
the St It day ol Noveinlvr. UKW.
He names as witnesses:
U. I. Ilessles, ol Monmouth, I'olk
Co., Ore., M. S. Itarker. ot Kuitene,
Uitte Co., Oiv., James Itandlc, ot
I'alrmouiit, Imne Co., Oiv., T. C.
Luckoy, of Kiigvue, Ijine Co., Ore.
A11.V and all iiersons claiming ad
verwb' the abbvo descrlbe lamls aro
requested tti (lie their claims In this
otlleo on or In-fore said Sth dav ot
November, 1U0S.
J. T. IIiiiimims, Iteglster.
United States Iuitl OffUv.
Rtiseburg, On, Aug. ill, ltfthJ.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pllaurt with the provisions ot the
Act ot Congress of Juue:i. 1S7S. en
titled "An Act for the sale ot Timber
ijutds la tho States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the
I'utille Mind States bv act ot August
3, 1S02, Kdwln 1). Resslerof Hum-no.
County of Ijtne, State of Oregon has
this day 11 led In this office his sworn
statement No. XM, for the purchase
of the KK SW Ufc SW tj SW W ot
Section No. 31, Townslilii Ml South
of-itnngo 5 West anil will offer proof
to show that the laud' sought Is
more valuable for Its tfinlx-r or stone
than for agricultural purposts, ami
to establish his claim to' said land
before Mario L, Ware, V. S. Com.
inloslonor at Kugene, Ore., tin Satur
day tho Sth day ot Novoinlier, l'J02.
He names as wltueHs:
Names N. Itandlc, of Kalrmount,
Ore., George M. Miller, of I'ortland,
Ore., B, C. Smith, of Kup-ne, Ore.,
George Wilson, of Lorane, Ore.
Any and all jiersons claiming ad
versely tho above ilescrlliod lauds aiv
requested to llle their claims In this
office on or Is-fore said Sth dav ol
November, 11KI2.
J. T. lliiiniiKs, Register.
15he 44Iiternationary
nltvYoke Suit,
United States Lund Offico.
Roseburg. Ore., Aug. 15. Hnr2.
Notice Is lien-bv trlven thai In ,m.
pllaueo with the provisions of the
act of Congi-ss nt Juno 3, ls7 en-tltli-d
"All act for the sale oITIiiiUt
Lands In the States of Cnllfortibi
Oregon. Nevada, nnd Wiwlilmri,,,,
zerriuir.v, as exteaiieil to all t lie
VC 111': JiliowlliK nice
line of new 1-all Slitfls l mij
ulnr price, nnd we Invite you
to cull nnd examine the wine.
Outing riaancl
We made mi exceptional
good buy in tht-Mj Kmslii.
re crc plucliiK n lot ; ((
of them on sale at i,
Just received our new
l-'all line new shade and
tttfc to yu.
We me up-to-dnte
Come nml look
in thin line,
them over.
' YOU want to t tlU "In
It" ttiit sf-asMn, utilcr an
" lnltnill8nlM Volts Suit.
This suit Is an oi1lnl creation ol
OHINC. COMI'ANV, til Nw Yoik
ml CklK- UijMl and men
irllable ulloilng rontirn In the
wnild, far whom Uks 011U11.
It Ihe smailrit ami nobiiltit
suit ever duliined lur men's west.
OmsI ilrrtieis all over the
Unlled Statu mm who apptftlat
ami wnl the nil bM-r
onltrtHg It. rul why net you?
We'll lx ghul tell you mote
a Ural this Hi!l! suit If you'll
ilf In to us and we'll show
you Ihe - International?. lampWs
el ever fo ilvllsli fiallerns tl (be
same lime.
I Tw.L'iil WHI iK Kivc"
i llbhCl Klvenwllhcvcty
51 mi iHiu'litthe nt our mIoic
until I'ridny, Oct. to, ujou.
on that date vc will
Give "A way
A Ln.llcV Gold Wiled
WiUch, Huiitliij; Cane. Save
Your Tickets.
10 iiuaiter Cotton ir. 75c
it (imtlcr Cotton ir. f oo
toiii!iftcr Wwil pr. tywt
I I qtiailer Wool pr. 5.00
Our Shoes ntc cut to fit
the feet, nml don't cost a bit
more than the other kind.
Our line la doalKticd to
teach every shoe nccl.
COl TAtm tlKOVH,
Jo.'u,' r!' HeNeid? of'stSY.i fMM
County of Clackainns. State of On.!M"s , JSj
tates 01 Calllornla, Oregon. Nevada,
nd Washinitton Territory ,'os extended
nil the Public fjtnd States by act of
ugiist 4, 18U2, Rachel Sanders, ot
f 01 ijine, statu ol
Jay (lied in this offico
acnt No. 3411 for the i, ' ixK I IrV ,
K 1-4 NKM of Section IV- !? pi! ' ' '(T '
lp No. 20S, Range No. J 0J . M
fcr nroof to show thai 'ln " ' lM,rM
United States Land office,
Roseburg, Ore., Aug. 20, 1002.
Notice is hereby L'iven that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Lands in tho
States ot California. Oregon. Nevada.
and Washington Territory," nsextepdoji
to all the I'ublle Land States by act of
August 4, isu.'. William uarrlson, 01
Cottage Orove, County of Lane, Stato of
Oregon Iiiib this day tiled in this office his
airorn statement No. 3330, for the pur
chase of the Lot No. 11, N SW M,
SW i SW H. of Section No. 2.
Townsfiip 22 South, of Range 2 West
anu will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Mario L. Ware, U.
S, Commissioner ut Kugene, Oregon, on
jionuay tnemn uay of Novum her, 1U02,
He names as witnesses:
Tl If T)r,,,nl, o.w.l. Tnn,.. T i....
Thomas Rawiings.'William Westcarson,
01 ;oitage urove, ure.
Any nnd all neisons claiming ad
versely the nliove-duscribcd lands are
red nested to (lie their claims in this
offico on or before said 17th day ol Nov.,
1009. ' '
J, T. OittrxiEH, Register.
hiiuene. County ol Lano. Stato of
Ore., has this day (lied in this offico
er sworn statement No.
purchase ot the N
No. 8 in Townshi
8 W, and will offer proof to show thai
the land sought is more valuable for ill
limner or stone than for iigrirtiltura,
nurnoses. and to establish her rlnim it
said land licforo Mario L. ware, U
S. Commissioner at Kugene. Ore
gon, on Monday, the 17th, day of Nov.
She names na witnesses:
Joseph Wilhelnr, Robert freeman,
l.ll lopclilinver, of lioalieii, Ore, J. Cul
lison. of Pleasant Hill. Ore.
Any nnd all jcrsons claiming adverse
ly trie nnove-iiescTlooi innils nre it
quested to file their claims in this nffiro
on or before said 17th day of Nov., 11)02,
J. T. llmoaES, Register.
con has this dav flli.,1 In ti.i ,.m....
nis sworn statement No. .T.'t.t for the
purchase of the SJi N ii of Section
No. .Mln Township No. 21 South ot
Range No. 8 W. and will offer proof!
m stum- uiai me lanu sought Is
more valuable for Its tlmls-r or stone
than for agricultural purposes and
to establish his claim to said laud
U'foro the Register and Receiver of
this office at Koschurg. Ore., on
JVt'dmwday the 31st day of Decern Ikt,
He names as witnesses:
Volney Krvln. Hanford Zoek.Slinoii
niaiiil, oiv., llootli
sec what we
take time to
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Ore., Aug. 28, 1902.
Notice is hereby trlven that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice n( his
Intention to make final prool In tail:
port of his claim, and that said proof
win no mane nelore Mane I.. ware. I).
S. Commissioner, at Kugene, Oregon, on
Oct. 0. 1002. viz. Mahlon Ruilsback
on 11. K. No. 10120, for the S U. SW
hi. W SK K.See. 20. Tn 20 S. R. 4 W.
Ilo names the following witnessees to
prove his continuo a residence unon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
I. W. Cudnev. L. Ward. Clarisa A.
Cuduey, I), Addison, of Iirano, Oregon,
J. l. iinmaKS, itegister,
rsons clnlinluir nil-
versely tho above descrllHil Innils fin
niiiiested to (lie thelrclalms in this
office on or before said 31st dav oft
Decoinlier, 11)02. I
J. TlliiimiKH, Register 1
Attorncjj'Ut-Law o o o.
: Office ou Main street : -CoTTAGIS
Cake Omc
It will pay yon to
have of Interest to
Come in
examine and buy. You'll find
plesty of the most desirable goods,
and we'll make it to your interest
to see us and buy here. Where?
Cottage Grove, - - Oregon.
Land Odlco at Roseburg, Oregon,
Sept. 0, 1002.
Notice Is herebv civen tlint the fol.
lowlng.named settler has (lied notice of
his Intention to make final
tlonproof in support of his claim, and
that said prool will bo madn Isifore
the Register and Receiver at Roseburg,
Oregon, on November 4th, 1002. viz:
Kdgar 1. Howes on II. K. No. 10587, for
the N M BW U. N U HE V. Ke... 2. T.
218., rt.6Wist.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, vizi .
T, J. Hewes, D. II, lleincnt, of Peel.
Oregon, James Yoemnns, Roe Miller, of
Drain, Ore.
Sliariis Creek. Ore.. Auk. 19. 1903.
Tn Whnm It May Itamwrn :
In answer tn a certain notice of forfeiture
dubllshed In lioherala Nuitcct Uy Hre and
llamblln.rlateil vm, wherein inell anil two
suns are concerned. I wish to make a plain
statement til the faets.
I made a verbal agreement with Messrs. spare
ana iiamunn 10 wora loo mines iucj nave ad
vertised In this paper for a half Interest. They
went to work In ituod faltb and worked three
assessments, all the time lit in with me In inr
rabln. Now ther come lorwaru at mis lata
d.vanil aittf I was In wnrlr with them. We deny
any forfeiture. And In conclusion will ear go
right alieaamjrcuiKlren ana uoas weaxr
f.ianil 11,1 f Till will Irpat YOn white. L
very shaky to a man In the moon to think I
woum give spare a iiamoun a nai, ,,iiicn, n,
the name of T. I). Kelzur, Bpare and Ilambllii
takliiK any Illegal proceedings against said
T. C. KziIVR,
:: t -Jr.
-'i ;Sa.lo63rarj
rrr )Ilnt., Collage Orove.
Prp rletor,
Choice line of Liquors
and Clears kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
. r
i r
Latest Designs for
Tall and Winter.
Autumn Novelties at
Prices Lower than ever
lt wil1 l,e t0 yur advan
tage to call and examine.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Jar, fftfs
J UrJl
Hemenway & Burkholder.
J. T, Ukidokb, Register,