m Bohemia NuggeF Ll'.lC MMiiSIlV. Kttltor and I'rop'r. fit 1 COTTAGE GROVE. . . .OREGON. Translated fiction is llk pressed flow. era. ' ,1 If ji'rroniry witHt W ' goV fbvT liifyT lint you ilnn't know liuw much I shall miss you." Tlio youngster picked up his bundle, went slowly dotv.lt tho path to the front gate, opened It, then turned nml ran for the house, where he limit? Ill nrms nliout his mother's nock and burjtt Into ten ik. The trout men t wa not needed ngaln. It thnt ntotjier had mot tho lioy's plan with tears, re- ,, ,. , . i . i prwiciioB, anger, or puuisnmcui, ino The Sultan hns ngnln promised to lie ", . .... . . i i-iuiui-ii mu mm sue muiiu miner lllive good. It's n wny the Hultnn has. ,. . . ,,,,. ... . nl, ,,, . , . r I .... t - m . . Tho tie between Culm nml the Unlteil " Z rtTnZ ' ? . K . . ,. 8tntM.lt now seen to consist largely of ZZ. W . 7i . most vnluflblo nsset In tiMlInc with lotiUR America. The chlKl who U red tavd. own l"V nulls IV lilWHiiu nv uuij d " " " ' evory Intelligent citizen to assist in the' fcontlnnally thwarted In unimportant novel Kenrch. . things set lit the habit of lighting for r . ii i ' -jj-iI what he thinks arc his rights, -whether Vct-Jt In scarcely possible that the I he is Justified In the assumption or not. crown jirlnce of Clcrninny will By the roynl coop for the sake of an American girl. Ity combining tholr Interests the cold- storage; linns of Boston Intentl, nn doubt,- tb make nu extra cool million In the course of time. It scums that Washington has been expecting Turkey to keep her word without constant pushing. This Is the climax of credulity. California banks arc going to pay a forger $500 a month to be good. Cali fornia may now look for nn unprece dented crop of forgers. r The Australian blacks do not allow n mother-in-law within n mile of her married daughter's hut. Here's a bon- boucbe for the funny man. , . i There are some children who nre brought up on the principle thnt It Is equally heinous to tell. a. lie. to come Into the bouse without wiping one's feet, and to full In a lesson. Such chil dren are npt to develop n somewhat crooked moral perspective, which does not not nlwnys get' straightened out In years to come. The loy who fig ures In tho above story had read of runaways, and formed a not very defi nite Idea of the freedom ami peace which such a course entails. He had not thought about the other aspect of it nt nil: ills mother brought him face to fnco with the realities and let him choose for himself, nt the same time lu- I dlcatlng clearly what she thought It was best for htm to do. It did not take long for him to discover that she was wlst'r than he. WATERYB()ULI$YAR1) SUCH WILL BE UNCLE SAM'S IN TEROCEANIC CANAL. It talma? for Phlpa Across Panama Will, lit Lluhted by Klectrlclty from One Ittul to the Other of It Port? three .Mltee of I.eiisth, The Tannins cnnnl, when It Is tlnlsli cd-.-ttnd its ultimate completion Is nt Inst nu assured fact will bn much like n grent street or boulevnrd, lSft feet wide nml brilliantly lighted from one end to the other by electricity nt night. This watery nvenue will be perfectly straight throughout for more than half of Its entire length and will extend over a distance of about forty-thrco miles, connecting the Atlantic with tho Pacific ocean. Already the canal Is two-fifths dug. Mary Maclane says, "I was born to be alone." It Is plain from this that Maryplays upon the piano. When the otllce takes the trouble to A Kentucky girl who has had 150 of fers of marriage has decided to remain single and devote her life to music. When she gets on the stage, however, she will probably cease to regard mar riage as a thing to be much dreaded. - The Immigration figures for the fiscal year 1002 are suggestive. The total - iYS tHS.7-13., That was 3 per centmore than lu 11)01, 45 per cent more than In 1000, IMS per cent more than In 1SU9 t and 2S3 per cent more than lu 1S0S. A New Jersey Inventor has produced .a fuel which he calls "coalite," that can bo sold for $1 a ton. As Its principal Ingredient Is coal dust. It may be that It will give the coal barons a new way to turn an honest penny Instead of driving them out of business. In spite of the fact that the type writer has displaced the pen In ma;iy buslness olllees, the demand for pens. and pencils still continues.' During the year covered by the census rejiort, one gold pen,' ten steel pens and fifteen lead-pencils were made In the United States for each family of Ave persons. There ought not to be either political or industrial differences of opinion over the announced Intention of the Amer ican Federation of Labor to support all legislation directed toward the aboli tion of child labor. Most States al ready protect their children. In bring ing pressure to bear uion those States wnlcn uo not, the federation Is pro moting the welfare of mankind, as well as furthering Its own Interests. A report Is made by the American consul at Liverpool upoy municipal so cialism. In Great' Britain. Among the enterprises managed by municipalities are Turkish baths owned by Leaming ton and Ilnrrogate; a rabbit-warren, by Torquay; an oyster-llshery, by Colches ter; a crematory, by Hull. Doncaster and Chester own race-courses, and In Doncaster the town Itself manage the races. St Helen's supplies sterilized milk. The report says that nearly a thousand municipalities In Great Brit ain own water-works; about a hundred own street railways; many more own gas works. Speaking generally, the consul finds that municipal government In tho kingdom Is honest. Intelligent and energetic, and, as a rule, political considerations have little to do with the engagement or retention of civic employes. This Is a story for boys. It Is not exactly "a Sunday school story," but It has the right sort of good ring to It Just the same. Frank Prevost, of To ledo, Ohio, drives a delivery wagon. He Is a pleasant and accommodating lad and when nn old gentleman asked If ho could ride about the city with him, Frank readily assented. After an hour's drive .the stranger asked Frank to go to a saloon and have a drink. The boy declined, saying he never drank. The old man nsked If he chewed tobacco nnd upon receiving a reply In the negative offered the boy a cigar, which he also declined. That Is Ihe first chapter. The old man who rode with he delivery boy was that eccentric millionaire, Mr. Hlgglnson. of San Francisco. Hlgglnson, wherever For months a laughing tray has been the bone of contention In a famous New York law suit. A husband and wife had parted. They viewed each other as strangers across a trial table In a court room. There was no doubt about their love for the boy. It was pure gold, it should have made a wo man more tolerant, a man more forgiv ing. Happy married folks can't tin dcrstnnd how the mothers and fath ers of children can ever separate and learn to bate. In this case there was a great deal of money on one side. It meant tine clothing for baby, and nurses, rich food, carriage drives and costly toys. Some day It would mean a yacht, a valet, a private car all of the things that can be had for money. On tho other side the mother's there was much love and very little money. It was ossible that her son would be compelled to work some day, and that ho would be denied alt sorts of comforts and luxuries that go with great Incomes. What a problem for the Judge! This Judge, whose name Is Hlckey, has some strange Ideas. He thinks that when married folks are foolish enough to break up a relation that should mean peace and content ment. It Is the business of the court to ' place the welfare of the children above every other condition. That doesn't mean money nlwnys. Listen to the modern Solomon: "The boy qeeds the personal attention anil the loving care of his mother more than he needs the money of his father. If the father has the affection for the child he pro fesses he will see that his boy la clothed and fed wherever he Is." In other words, a mother Is closer to her children than a father, and, for once, the law has recognized It. The Idea of the superior claim of n father to his children has received an official set back. Where no question of morals Is Involved and when love and money are antagonists. Justice should throw her influence on the side of hearts as against gold. Hocause It Is best for the children. PEACEFUL LOOKING SAYAGE. nnr.iHn.s ix the canal. To complete It will require fifteen years ami an expenditure of J 143,000, 000 In money. An army of at least 15. 000 laborers will be employed on tho Job, most of them being fetched for the purpose from Jamaica, under con tract. When the ditch Is completed, however, It will become a large sourco of revenue to I'ncle Sam, Inasmuch as lie w III charge $1 for every ton of ship ping that goes through from ocean to ocean. It will not be au excessive price. Inasmuch as the regular toll for passing the Suez cnnnl Is $2 a ton. The first Idea of the great French engineer, De Lesseps, was to dig a sea level canal across the Isthmus, ust ns a small boy might cut a ditch between two ponds. But It became apparent writers.- Thttrtinm will transform tho Chngres Into u vast lake, tho bound- nrles of which havo been accurately established mid which will extend thir teen miles to UblsH, wlicro the cnnnl leaves tho river, covering nn nren of more limit twenty-one square utiles, The rapacity of the dnm will bo some thing llko K).OO0.tHH cub c ynrds. Another dam Will bo built nt Alhn- Jueln, on tho upper Cluigres, nlno miles from the cnnnl, of concrete masonry, forming n reservoir with n surface nren of ten Rquare iplles and a capacity of 130,000,000 cubic ynrds. It will not a I 3 1 '8 A STUDY IN SCARLET BY A. CONAN DOYLE. i'AUT ll-CliAptor I Continued, "Cocks nnd hena," cried tho llttlo Blrl, gleefully, pointing nt their lit only help to store tho flood waters of omened forms' nml clapping her hnndn "Hny, nut (ion tho Chngres. In tho wet season, but will do some very useful wok. Act Ing ns n feeder to tho summit level of the canal. It will supply the grent ditch with wnter In the dry season, through the medium of nn nqucduct, nnd will furnish hydraulic power for operating the huge locks. Tho locks will lo worked by electricity obtained froiu this wnter power, nnd br the sarJe means the cnnnl will bo Illuminated throughout Its entire length with elec tric lights. In this wny tho Chagres will bo transformed from nn element of dan ger Into a useful friend and helper. No troublo Is feared from volcanoes, Inns much ns there nre tiono within 1HX) to mnko thorn rise. mako this country T "In couriio ho did," said tier conv panlon, rntner startled by this unox pected question, "Ho mndo tho country down In Illi nois, ami Ho mailo tho Missouri," tho llttlo girl continued, "1 rucbs some body olso mndo tho country In theao parts, irs not nenrly so won dono. They forgot tho water nnd tho trees." What would yo think of offering up prnycrr' the. mnn asked dlflldontly, it nin t nlaht yet. alio nnswercd "It don't mnttor. It ain't outtu remt- iar, nut Ho won't mind that, you bet! You any orer thorn ones thnt you used to sny uvery night In tho wagon when wo wan on tho plains," "Why don t you sny soino yourself T" miles. The harbors nt Colon nnd Pnn- tho child nsked. with wondering eyes nmn are excellent, and need no further excavation or protection, though bn sins will be built at each end of tho cnnnl for the- convenient Ingress mid egress of ships; Kaeh of these basins will be ISO ynrds wide nnd 1,000 yurds long, aim win be provided with moor ing facilities and wharves connected with the terminal stations of the I'nu ama Itallrond. The railroad runs nloug- side of tho big ditch clear across tho Isthmus, greatly fncllltntlng the work, For much of Its length tho banks of tho cannl will lie faced with masonry, 'ihe canal when" finished will accom modate merchantmen and war vessels of the Inrgest size, nnd tho time of transit from ocean to ocean will bo less than n day. Tho benefits It will bring to the commerco of the world will be, of course. Incalculable. COMRADESHIPINTHE SENATE, ltepartee that Berves the Purpose nf n Cross-l-.x ii in Inat Ion, It may bo heretical to say It, but the debates both In the Senate and House mm in - iii sM" - "dim PACIFIC END OF I'NCLK SAM'S (iltKAT WATKItY ItOULKVA ltl. later on that such a plan would not be feasible, for two reasons. A mountain chain, which Is a continuation of the great Cordllleran system, runs along the middle of the isthmus, and to cut through It down to the level of the ocean would be a most laborious and costly task. Mso. the Chagres Hirer, which Is addicted to periodic floods, would cause no end of trouble. Accordingly the canal was carried over the mountain range, through a convenient pass, and arrangements were made for locks. In which, by fill ing tbem with water, vessels passing through will be lifted to the necessary elevation. It was a simple matter enough, only eight locks In all being seem to partake of the nature of cross- examination of effort to trip a sneak er while he Is courageously trying to runilsh material for the Congressional Kec-ord. Tho taunting repartee may scem rather rude, even Insulting, but It serves a good purposo In bringing out. In a face to fnce contrast, nil phases of the question under consider ation. l-or instance. Senator Allison Is speaking, and Senator Tillman raises a point A colleague of the speaker. say Senator Aldrlch, quietly goes over to the South Carolinian's desk, and I dlsremembor them." ho answered. t hain't said nono since I was halt tho height o' thnt gun. I guess It's never tix) late. You sny them out, nnd I'll stand by nnd come In on tho choruses." "Then you'll nocd to kneel down, nnd me, too," alio snld, Inlng tho shawl out for thnt purpose. "You'vo got to put your hands up llko this.- It mnkca you feel kind of good." It was n strnngo sight, had theto been anything but the buzzards tn aco It. SIdo by slilo on thn narrow shawl knelt tho two wanderers tho llttlo, prattling child mid tho reckless, hard ened adventurer. Her chubby fnco nml his hnggnrd. nngulnr visage wero both turned up to tho cloudless heaven In hoartfolt en treaty to thnt dread being with whom they wero fnco to fnco, while tho two voices tho ono thin nnd clear, tho other deep nnd harsh united In tho entrenty for morcy nnd forgiveness. Tlio prayer finished, they resumed their sent In tho shadow nt tho bowl iter until the child fell naleep, nestling upon tho broad broast of her protect or. Ho watched over her slumber for somo time, but Nnturu proved to ba too strong for him. For three days and three night ho had allowed himself neither rest nor repose. Slowly tho eyelids drooped over the tired eyes, nnd tho head sunk lower and lower upon tho breast, until tho man's grizzled beard was mixed with tho golden tresses nf lus compnnlnn nnd both slept tho samo deep and dreamless slumber. Had tho wanderer rcmnlned nwnko for another half hour n atrango sight would havo met his oyea. Fnr nway on tho extreme vorgo o tho alkali plain, thcrn rosa up n llttl spray of dust, very slight at first, and hardly to bo distinguished from tho mists of tho distance, hut gradually growing higher and broader until formed n solid, well-defined cloud. This cloud continued to Incrcaso slzo until It heenmo evident that could only bo raised by a great multl tmlo of moving creatures, In morn fertile spots tho ohsarvor would havo came to tho conclusion that ono of thoso great herds of bison which grnzo upon the prairie land wa annmachlng him This was obviously Impossible in these arid wilds. As tho whirl of dust drew nearer to tho solitary bluff upon which tho two enstnways woro ropos lng tho canvas-covered tilts of wagons and tho figures of armed horsemen be gan to show up through tho haze, nnd the apparition rovonlcd Itself as being a great caravan upon Its Journey for tho West. Ilut what a caravan! When tho head poiuis oui a reierence or whispers a supplemental explanation, which may of It hnd reached the base of tho moun- or may not be satisfactory, according tains tho rear was not yet visible on to tue nod or Tillman's head. Senator mo nuriiun. Here Is a full-blooded, savage Yuqul Indian bard at work in the great So- noran desert, near Torres, Mexico. He Is digging a big Hlsnaga cactus, and the result of his labor has recently been transferred to tho New York Botanical gardens, where It Is now growing as usual In the glass house. The peculiarity of this Ynnul and of nearly all his trlbo Is simply stated. When he can get work and pay be Is the best of laborers. - When he cannot get work he Joins all of his fellow Yaquls who are Idle, and the troop pro ceeds to sally forth tp rob and pillage farms and small towns and massacre all who oppose them. Ther cheerful? enirnen the Mexican ho goes, Is looking for boys like Frank" troops, exterminating nnd scattering an Provost. Before leaving Toledo the , .mllllonnlce went to Frank nn( present ed him with $2,100 In bank notes, which the boy will use to start In business for himself. The moral Is plain. It pays tp be pleasant nnd accommodating, even to strangers. It pays to have a good moral character. You may not be asked to give a millionaire In disguise a lift. And again, you may, for Hlggln son Js always on his travels and always on the lookout for boys. But whether you meet Hlgglnson or not, there are others on the lookout. Kemember how Diogenes went about the streets of AJUeus looking for a man? Well, the world is looking for a man. And tho world usually finds the man It Is look ing for In a boy. You may not get entire command. They have success fully fought the Mexican troops since the foundation of that country and are us uuconquered to day as ever. They must have work and pay or war. Tlio BerlonsOlliideil Jap. A Japanese review recently Invited Its readers to nauio thoso European au thors whoso works they more espe cially appreciated. The following has been the result of the referendum, the authors coming out of the voting In tho following order; Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Schopenhauer, Goethe and Tolstoi. London Globe. Major Also a Minor, Major Gautz, of Fairfield, Iowa, Is 30 IN THE INTERIOR. reqnlred. If It be understood thnt tho profile of the great ditch presents lu Its middle part a high summit, from which It slopes gradually toward the sea on either side, with four locks on each slope, tho Idea will be perfectly clear. Now, the canal Is already practically tlnisbed nnd nnvlgablo for nenrly thir teen miles from the Atlantic eud and for five and a half miles from tho Pa cific end. Thus one may start In boat from Colon, on the east side of the Isthmus, and travel comfortably by water for moro than a dozen miles. Tho next fifteen miles nre partly dug, with somo deip ruts, such as 131 feet at Bohlo, 82 feet at San Pablo and OS feet at Motachln. At tho twenty- eighth mile rises the mountain range, which Is the most serious obstaclo to tho undertaking. Advantage is tnuen, nowever, or n convenient pass, as above explained. and much of tho remaining difficulty has already been removed by cuts, ono of which hns taken out a long slice of rock 101 feet In depth. At tho thirty- third mile the slopo toward the Pacific begins, and for tho rest of tho wny the cnnnl is not very far from comple tlon. It extends out Into the Pacific ocean for a little over three miles, be cause the water was not deep enough near shore and a channel bad to bo dredged. Half of the entire length of the canal fifteen miles on the Atlantic side nnd soven nnd a half miles on the Pacific side will bo at sea level. Tho rest of the trip will be by slopes up which and down which it will bo necessary to "boost" and lower ships by tho help of tho locks. Each lock will bo twins that Is to sny i a pair of basins of con crete masonry for holding the vessels whllo the water level Is raised or low ered to glvo them the step required up J2.100 all In n lump by being the right rears old. weighs thirty pounds and is ' "" . " TJL .V.... i!j7 l i , - w , i rrtM.,, - ... . . , i, .' . ... --.ui uut,ii, x uauu iu wiu bkiii oi me en- glad lo give It to you sooner or later. A story Is told of a wise mother, who, when her small son announced bis l,i4n,H,n nf piinnlnn' nu'fl'v frmtl honiA bocuusu something had voxed him, met I'llue' A man Is well enough trained by his wife If he passes the breast of the I chicken to the prcucher, and looks plcasunt with the backbone on bis own tho announcement with calm acquies cence. She packed a small bundle for him to tnko away, suggested tho next town as a good place to stay for the nlfht, aud added: "Of courso, Harry, Many a farmer earns his bread by the sweat of his hired man's brow. No one llkn to bo reminded that tLero Is another stdo to the story. glnccrs, the highest bottom level of the cni-.ul will be only 08 feet above tho ocean. For a considerable part of Its length tho canal runs through the valley of tho Chagres Illver a stream which, though small In tho dry season, Is sub ject to sudden and tremendous fresh ets. Hence means must bo provided to prevent It from causing destruction, and a great dam will be built accord ingly at Bohlo for storing the flood Quay sits with his hands folded, quiet ly watching the proceedings, with his Inevitable motion to adjourn. It may be that Senator Penrose, with ono hand lu his pocket. Is trying to push u matter through, aud If so, Quay as- I Hists nun with the whispered cxpluna- i tlon. There Is something charming In this spirit of cotnradery between Senators Interested Jointly In a measure. When Senator Frye talks on the shipping mil, senator iiunna is one or tho Inter- Right across the enormous plain stretched tho straggling array, wagons and carts, men on horseback, and men on foot. Innutnornhlo women who staggered along under burdens, nnd children who toddled hcsldo the wng- ons or peeped out from under tho white coverings. This was ovldontly no ordinary party or immigrants, nut miner samo nomaii people who had boon compelled through stress of circumstances to seek a now country. Thero roso through tho clear nlr a confused clattering nnd rumbling from ested auditors and assists In clearing thls (treat mass of humanity, with tho up points as tho speech progresses. It creaking of whcols and tho neighing Is enar to ohsprvp from Htn fnnaa I horses, Loud as It was. It was not sufficient to rouso tho two tired wayfarers abovo the Senators or members whether or not they are connected with the matter them unucr discussion, and tho friendly At tho head of tho column thero rodo courtesy ot attention, nnd hand grasp n score or moro of gravo, Iron-facod unci mo initiation or nn encouraging I men clad In sombro homespun gar ripple of applause, when tho sneeeh Is ments and armed with rifles. concluded, nro bits of human fellow- " reaching tho baso of tho bluff shlo that salv the stlnir of wmimL thoy halted and hold n short council Inflicted In partisan struggle. Joe Mit chell Chappie In the National. Alinurmut Development. iteccnuy a t-aris psychologist an nounced that be had conclusively proved that malformation of the brain produces Intellectual brilliancy, Tho theory Is that deformity, disease or ac cident causes the abnormal develop ment of some part of the brain, and tho result Is genius. In support of this several cases are mentioned. It Is pointed out that Milton wroto his "Par adise Lost" while he was blind, and It Is said that the blindness confined his mind to a certain scopo In n manner that made It possible for III in to evolve the great epic. Cases of a somewhat different nature among themselves "Tho wells nro to tho right, my brothers," said ono n hard-llppcd, cican-snavon man with grizzly lialr. To tho right of ttio tilerra Blanco so we shall reach tho Illo Grande,' said another. "Fear not for water." crlod a third. "Ho who could draw It from tlio rocks will not now abandon His own chosen people," "Amenl Amen!" responded tho wholo party. Thoy wero about to resume tho r Journoy when ono of tho youngest and keoncst-oyod uttorod nn oxclamatlon and pointed up at tho rugged crag abovo trmtn. From Its summit there fluttered n llt tlo wisp of pink, showing up hard and bright against tho gray rocks behind. At tho sight thero was a gonoral reining up ot horses and unsllnglng of guns, whllo fresh horsemen camo nro siiown In tho elegant writings of Thomas de Qulncy aud Samuel Taylor galloping up to reinforce tho vanguard, uvicniiKir, uum vi ivuuiii nau urains too wont "UcusKlns" was on ovory In which the excessive use, of oiilum had mado havoc. Do Qulncy describes his horrlblo experience with opium taken In the form of laudanum In his Confessions of an English Opium Eat er." Byron's club, foot Is seriously- ad vanced as tho cause of his lyric pow er, and the point Is mado that glr Wal ter Scott's most brilliant work was dic tated frpm a sick Jied. .Mpznrt ami Wagner both bid deformed 'brains, said to havo been duo to disease and bumps whllo they wero children. Answers, American Flour in Far ICast. American flour Is Increasing In popu larity In Manchuria. " When a farmer comes to town on cir cus day, and tho parade doesn't stilt him he bitches up and goes home. How IlTtlo an unmarried nmu knows about dressmakers! Tbd litcity dog) UP. "Thero can t bo any numbor of In diana horo," said the oldcrly man. who appeared to bo In command, "Wo havo passed tho Pawnees, and thoro aro no other tribes until wo cross tho great mountains." "Shall I go forward and seo. Brothor tangerson7 ndKcd one or tho band. 'And I," "nnd I." cr od a dozen voices. 'Leuvo your horses below und we will wait you hero," tho older nn-sworcd. In a moment tho young follows had dismounted, fastoncd their horses, and woro ascending tho precipitous slopo which led up to the nbjoct which had excited their curiosity. Thoy advanced rapidly and noiseless ly, with tho confidonco and doxtorlty of practiced scouts, Tho watchers from tho plain below could see tliom lilt from rock to rock until their flgjros stood out against the sky-line. Vbe young man who had first given un alarm was leading them, Suddenly his followers saw him throw up his hnnds, ns though over come with natolilalnuaiit. mid on Join ing him thoy woro affected In tho snme way by tlio night which met tholr oves. On tho llttlo nlntoaii which crowned thn hnrren hill thorn atnnd n slnul giant howldur. mid nunliist this bowl- dor thero lay a tall mnn, long hoarded nml hard featured, hut or nu oxceaaiv thinness. Ills plncld fnco and regular breath lng showed that ho wns fast naleep, Bealilo htm lay a llttlo child, with her whlto arms encircling his brow stnowy neck, nnd bur goldcn-hnlred head resting upon tho breast ot hi vulvotnen tunic. Iter rosy lips wero parted, showing tho regular lino of nnow white teeth within, nml n playful snilln played over her Inrmitllo features. Her Plump little whlto legs, terml tinting In whlto nocks nnd neat shoos with shining buckles, offered n strnngo contrast to tho long, shriveled mom- bora ot her companion. On tho IoiIko of rock nbovo till strnngo cuuplo thoro stood throo aol cmn buzzards, who, nt tho tight of tho nowcomers, uttorod raucous screams of disappointment mid flapped sullenly away. Tho cries of tho foul birds nwok tho two sleepers, who stared about them In bowlldormont. Thn man staggered to his feet nml looked down upon tho plain which had been sn desolntn when sleep had over taken Ii m. and which wns now trnv oraed by this enormous body of men and beasts. Ills faro assumed nn expression or Inrrldullty ns ha gated, nnd ho passed his bony hnnd over his eyes. This la what they call uoiirium, cueas." ho muttered. Tho child stood nesido mm noiuin on tn thn skirt nt his cont. nnd said nothing, hut looked nil nround her with tho wondering, questioning gnzo of childhood. Tho rescuing party woro speedily ablo to convince the two cnstnwnys thnt their nppenrnnco was no doliialon Ono of them seized tho llttlo girl and hoisted her upon Ills shoulder, whllo two others supported her gaunt companion and assisted him toward tho wacons. "My nnmo Is John Ferrler." tho wnn dorcr explained; "mo nnd thnt llttlo nn aro nil Hint's left o' twenty-thre people. Tho rest Is nil dead o' thirst nnd hunger nwny down In tho south "Is she your child?" nskud somo one, "I guiHM alio Is now I" tho other crlod. defiantly: "she's mine 'cnuso I saved her. No mnn will tnko her nwny from me. Hhus l.uoy i-errie from this day on. Who nro you, though?" ho continued, glancing with curiosity nt his stalwart, sunburned rescuers: thoro seems to bo a powor- fill lot of ye. Nigh upon ten tnousanu," sulci ono of thu young men; "wn nro tho perse cuted children of God tno chosen ot tho nngcl Meronn." I novcr heard tell on him, said tho wanderer. "Ho appears to hnvo chosen a fair crowd of yo." Do not lost nt that which Is sn cred," said tho other, sternly. "Wo nro of thoso who bollovo In thoso sacred writings, drawn In Egyptian totters on plates of beaten gold, which woro handed unto the holy Joseph Smith, nt Palmyra, wa havo rnmo from Nau voo, In tho Stnto of Illinois, whore wo hnvo founded our temple. Wo havo como to seek rcfugo from tho violent man and from thn godless, even though It bo In tho heart of tho des ert." The namo wauvoo evidently re called recollections to John Ferrler. I seo," ho said, "you nro tho Mor mons. Wo nro tho Mormons," answered his companions, with ono volcn. "And wlicro am you going?" "Wo do not know. Tho hand of God Is leading us under tho person of our prophet. You must como heforo him Ik shall say what la to bo dono with you." Thoy hnd roachod tho baso of thn hill by this time, nnd woro surrounded by crowds of tho pllgtlmn nalo-faccd. mccK-iooKing women, strong, inugn ing children, nnd nnxlous, earnost- eyed mon. Many wero tho crlos of nston ali ment and of commiseration which arose from them when they perceived tho youth of ono of tho strangers nnd tho destitution of tho other. Tholr escort did not halt, hownvor. but pushed on, followed by n great crowd or Mormons, until they reached a wagon which was conspicuous for Its great slzo and for tho gnudlncss nnd smnrtncsB of Its appearance. Six horses wero yokod to It. where as tno othors woro furnished with two or, nt most, rour apiece. uesino tno driver thoro snt a man who could not havo boon mora than thirty years of ago, but whoso mnsslvo head nnd resolute expression marked him as a leader. Ho was reading a brown backed vol. lime, but as tho crowd approached ha mm ii asiuo, and listened attentively to an nccoum oi mo episode. Tlion he turnod to tho two casta ways, "If wo tnko you wnn us." ho said In solemn words, "It ran only bo as bo Ilovors In our solnmn crcod. Wo slmil hnvo no wolves In our fold. Bettor far thnt your bones should bleach In this wilderness than that you should provo to bo that llttlo siinck nf ilnr-nv wlilM, l:i tlmo corrupts tho wholo fruit. Will you como with us on thoso terms?" "Uiioss I I como w th you on nnv torms," said Forrlnr, with such em phasis that tho gravo elders could not restrain a smllo, Tha londor alono ro tnlned his stern, Impressive expression. "Tako him. Brother Htancnrsnn." tin said; glvo him food nnd drink, nnd tho child likewise Lot It bo your tnsk also to toach him our hnlv rrnml Wo havo dolaycd long enough. For ward! On on to 7,lon." On on to filonl" crlod thn of Mormons, and tho words rippled down tho long caravan, passing from mouth to mouth until thoy dlnd nwny In n dull murmur In tho far distance With n cracking of whips nnd a creaking of whcols tho groat wagon got Into motion, and soon tho wholo caravan wns winding along onco moro, Tho older to whoso earn thn twn waifs had boon committed led thorn to his wagon, whoro a meal wag nlroady awaiting thorn. "YOU shall romaln horn." hn nM. In n fow days you will havo rnenvnr. ed from your fatlguo. In tho moan- time remember that now and forovor you aro of our religion. Brlgham Young has said It and he has spoken J with thn rolco of Joseph Smith, wlilct l,i tlio volru of Clod." OIlAl'THIt II, This Is not thn ptiico to rommomor nto thu tt lots npd privations oildiirud by tho Immigrant Mormons bofora thoy viimn to tholr fllinl linvou, Fioiii tho shores of tlio Mississippi to tho western slopes ot thu Itocky uiountnlna thoy had struggled on with n constancy nlmoat uiipnrnllolud In his tory, Thn nnvngn mnn nnd tlio snviiKu boast, hunger, thirst, fatlguo nnd dis easeevery Impediment which Nnturu could placo In tho wny hnd nil boon overcouio with Anglo-Saxon tumidly. Yet tho long Journoy nml thu accum ulated terrors hnd shaken tho henrtu of tho stoutest among them. - Thoro was not ono who did not sink upon his knees lu tienrtfelt prayer when thoy unw the broad valley ot Utnh bathed lit tlio sunlight beneath them, nnd lenrueil from tho lips of tholr lender thnt till was tlio promised laud, nnd that thoso virgin ncres wero to ho theirs for overmoro, Young speedily proved himself to be n skillful administrator as well ns n resolute chief. Mnps worn drawn nnd charts pre pared, lu which tho future city wns sketched out. All nround farms woro apportioned nnd allotted In proportion to tho stand ing of each Individual, The tradesman wns put lo his trndn nnd tha nrtlsnn to his culling. In tho town streets mid squares sprung up ns If by mngtc. In tho country thero wns draining and bodging, planting nnd clenrlng, until tho unit Hummer saw thu wholo country golden with tho whont crop. Everything prospered In tho strmiRit settlement. Abovo nil, tho grent tompla which thoy hnd erected In tho center of the city grow ever taller nnd largor. From tho first blush of dawn until tho closing of tho twilight, tho clatter ot tho hnmtnor nnd tho rnsp of tho snw was nover absent from tho monu ment which tho Immigrants nrectod to Mini who had led them snfo through ninny dangers, Thn two cnstnwnys. John Ferrler nnd tho llttlo girl who hnd shared his fortunes nnd had been adopted ns his dnughtor, nrrompnnleil the Mormons to thn end of tholr grent pllgrlmngo. Llttlo Lucy Ferrler was homo along pleasantly enough In Elder Btangor- sons wagon, n retrent wincii nno nhnred with tho Mormon's thrco wlvea mid with hla son, n hendstrong, for ward boy of twelve Having milled, with thn elasticity or childhood, from tho nhock cnuaed by her mother's death, alio soon brenmo. n pet with tho women, nnd reconciled' herself to this now life In her moving cnnvna-covcrcd homo. (To b Continue.!.) CONTllMHMl VOH A PUINCII'L!!. Hood llxample ol the Quibbles That lrr vail In Legal Practice. An English writer gives a good ex ample ol thoM quibbles In legal prnt tleo that liavo a sort ot fascination (or certain minds. Homo years ago, whllo traveling on tlio continent, ho met thn principal lawyer (or the government ol nno ol the principalities, nlio told lilui of n curious legal question. It had rel erunco to a railway atation nt tho boun dary between two principalities. Someone standing outsldo tho window ol thn ticket olllrn had put Ills hand through and robbed tho till Insldu. The boundary lino lay between whom tho thiol stood and tho till, so that ho was actually In nno territory whllo tho crime was committed In another. Hern was a nlco nut for thu gentlemen learned lu the law to crack. Which ol thu principalities should undertake tho prosecution ol thu criminal? At it thoy went In good earnest, and tho arguments on either sldo wero long and vehement, till thu whole raso wns embalmed in many volumes, At last one side yielded so far n to say: "Wo will iiermlt you, as an act ol courtesy, to prosecute, while nt the same tlmo reiwtvlng all our sovereign rlghta." At this iMilnt of tho recital I asked s 'And how did the prosecution end'" "Ahl That Is quite another mutter," nld my friend, "Thuru was no prose- utlon; we wero only arranging what e should do when we caught tho rob- ler; but wo never caught him." Youths' Companion, fearful Cold of Siberia, v There nrn still many drawbacks to travel on tho gto.it Siberian railway, but ono ot tliu greatest is the discomfort to which third-class piirengors, ospocl. I ly nau vii uiilnoru, nre subjected. The past winter was unusually severe, ot the roiling stork Is so Inadequate nt thn Chinese rldu In opon (relglit rnrs. In January and l-cbrunry, when tlio thermometer registered from ,'10 to -10 degrees below the fronting olnt, thu ChluoiO sat In crowds on tho frozen trucks nnd frequently froze to death. On one terrible night In l'ubrilarv 15 Chlnoru perished nnd nliout 160 othors suffered terribly from (roet bites nml exposure. The Trnpplsts. Many letters como to tho monastery announcing tho death ol relatives ol tho menks; thoso nro coon bv tho abbot only, and at chapter ho may simply an. nounco; "Die mother of one ol our niiinlier Is dead; lot us pray for hur soul." Never to his dying day doca tho bo. reaved Tropplst loom that he was pray ing (or his own mother. Tho Money of Babylon. Tlio great and ancient nmnlrns nf Assyria and Babylonia adhered for agcH to primitive blocks ol cornier sod In. gotsolgold and allver nnd did not. theroforo, havo an Imperial coinage. Thoy possessed a system ol banking, however, which was cnmnluto nnd well developed. Dangerous Medicines, Certain modicinoe Including clnclio. na salts, salicylic ncld, morcury, tobac co, alcohol, rarhonlo oxide, load, chlo roform anil other havo boon report ed specially dangerous to hearing nml liable to cause doalness. Pineapple Juice, Tho best lubricant (or tho organs ol tho throat la plnoupplo Jul e, It Is snld that people living In countries whoro tho cono slinped fruit Is grown novor Boffor from bronohlnl affections. Lettuce, Tho mlnoral suits contained in let tuce, its refreshing, cooling properties and Ha easy digestion mako It a most wholesome addition to tho moro solid foods,