Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 19, 1902, Image 5

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    CP Uncle Sam's Puget Sound C0
Navy Yard and Dry Docks flj
NG1.I0 HAM liml no not-il In
nroct formltlnlilo formica
tions and ottnnalvu navnl and
jullltnry work. In ordor to
innhu Hiiro of protection for tlia wntors
mill coiiimorclnl Ititornntn of llio l'ltclflo
Northwuit, but wlion our Undo Hum
located Ihu 1'iiRnt Hound Navnl Million
lio winurod iiuch protection for all tlmo
to co inn under all posallils evnntR, do
mostlc or forelicn, At tho damn tlmo
lio locntoil tlioso wnrki In n position
iiliRotiiloly ImproRimblo, a Tory tlliiral
tor of security nifnlnst attack or Intnr
formico, an an oiatnlnatlon of location
and surrounding! will show,
In tlio tint pin co, tlio location of I'ort
Orchard day, on which tho stntlon In
built, i 100 m I Inn Intorlor from tlio Pa
cific, ronclioil only llirotmli tlio strait
of Han Jlinn iln Kucn, that wondnrful
body of wator throiiRh which poum tlio
tii'iinnnt nnormoim streams of North-
woatni-n rrtminflfrn. Till, wnlrn la ana
rnntlliln nf ffirtlhf-nilfina anil nf titttntt '
liayond thn ability of tho combined war
flout of itll.nurth to forco nn entrance
Kort at I'ort Townmmd and other
point rmstwnril from tlio on
tiaiica of tho strnlts alrrady protect
tho nassago, whllo beyond, an thn
cournn Ilea furtlmr In toward tho narat
station, tlin channel narrow Into abut
ting natural defonaei,
Hhoilld thn naval-power nf earth
ovor forco IIipro, thero would remiln
torpedo, bomb, dynamite, mine, chain,
and llkn mean of (Instruction of thn
advancing nimlne of war, stninr; and
hunj In thn narrower channel nenrer
the nlntlon, boyond Any conceivable
ability of present or future nnval pow
er to pan, On inch atttintfon I tinned
the claim that the location, fn nafety
and strnnitth. In tho flnent that thn
world know today. Other fnatiiren
era qultn a favornblo. Including depth
of water, character of anchoraen
Kronndn, nhorn for dock and wharf. I
nurroundtiiK land and rindltlnnn, In
eluding cllmntlc condition and protoc
tlon from all wind by an abnolutely
landlocked hnrbor, Rot within densely
Adinlnlitrutlvo building utid nnvnl.of
dec. Marino barrack with modern appll
nnco and convenience,
Oltlcor' (juartnr, II vo fin rol
('encen for naval olllclnl
llulldliiKH In process : K'lulpmcnt,
ordnnnco nnd othor shops.
CoiiRldorlng tho miiRiiltudo of tho
Illation n It edit today, It Henm nl
inont Impoinlblo that It linn all benn
nccompllnnnd In ton fio"rl year. Tho
location wa inadn In 1891, tho flrvt
work communcod tho year following,
Tho very land enclosed In thn station
yard, wn part of an original home
Rtead entry mndo In October 187B. al
though tho land, which had been "lum
bored," had been entered upon for that
purpoHo nn early a 1 BUS. Thin home
Rtead wa patented to nno William
A-to tho thraa ship first mentioned,
ttidfo I yet conMdornhlo to ho done to
thorn In painting and overhauling for
two of thorn, tho Iowa having long do
partod, whllo tho Philadelphia I ot
pactod to bo .mado Into a receiving
nlilp, by tho romovnl of ono of hor
liramorton, tho city of tho Station,
to-ho, hu It foundation of courso In
tho labor omployed, and tho trafllc of
the Btatlon and of It officer and
manager. Huddcnly rlilng to snvcral
thounnnd of population, tho'llttlo city
li ntruggllng to keep paco with It own
unoi peeled Importance and growth,
and fortunately I In tho baud of on
terprlalng men of high character, who
aro nclzed with tho spirit and charac
ter of tho enterprlno that ha corno to
them, and who ovlnco a dlapoilllon to
co-oporato with tho government pur
pose nnd to tnako their city a credit.
Thin I shown In tho character of Im
provements, In street contructlon and
all tho municipal Improvements a fast
an undertaken. Thorn I a water sys
tem already Installed, by utlllzntlon of
flno strenmn of pure water, with RUf-
umnorcii num.
View of tho Btatlon, It work nnd
ftirroundlnRR herewith given, disclose' w, w , Wllom Ilrcmcr. from
but a small part of tho Interesting nnd ,,, ,,, ..,.,., i,.,i
Inntnicllvo feature to bo learned by n hm V'0 Kv"n!nt Purcl aacil tho
visit to Hromerton. nn tho little city ",nlln trnct ' &G, whlc wn" ",-
tirrnnnil nc Ihn Hint nn. linn lieen nmn. rucuininciiiiuuuii u i-u lumuur
nil. Curved out of tho virgin forot
flclcnt head for flro protuctlon, and on
n scale- for all futuro requirements.
The young city government keep pace
with the federal ronulrcmonU and In
.Ions, ono of noval officer ond ono of ". In short there la that harmony
(he wnrU. nctiinr nn -neln.urn of snmn civilian. Congre acting upon tho re- & ,u c operation so .le.irauio tinner me
. " ' W"?."1?! .fif": U... d""cUon.- theTon ."at orient
tinwn in .win water u. j.l.t li... inrri , . .-- - " ..rcnnlllnir n Snllnr'. nnH Mnrlnn rl..l.
luuii uwuer. itu imjv 01 mu mnu wimtu " "
tho station I was cleared until the " "'r mnnnor or uiose ciuus ni
neeileil for wflrk nnd Hock, while far
ther back tho ground rise by rldgo
nnd terrace, glvlnr attractlvn natural
location for tho ndmlnlstratlvo build
ing, nltlre nnd quartern. Central to
all He tho great dry dock, now the
largest possessed by tho government,
with dockngn and wharf In front, nnd
shops and repair nnd equipment build
ing adjoining. Notwithstanding thn
rompletono of tho work all I still
government commonced It In tho yt-fr
staled. Mr. Iiremer bad built a small
dock, for tho bay boats, which still
stands it pioneer flnRer mark com
pared with tho extensive docks of
modern equipment and construction
where now float tho mightiest fighting
tmiehlne of modern time.
While tho government authorities
bustle nnd animation In citenslons
constantly on foot, tho lnrgost of the
present work under construction be
ing nn Immcnso oqulpmont building o'
' brick, thnt win bo completed this bwi
non. Drlck nnd steel structuro Is mnln
tulnod throughout, and ovory spocler
of construction, brick, steel, stone and
limber. I of tho suporlor quality for
which Undo Hnmtiel Is notoil. a point
of great significance as bearing on the
locnl adaptability nnd economy of tho
slto, In Hint nearly n totality of all ma
terials comes from tho Paget Sound
and Pacific region, excepting barely
Binielurnl steel and Iron. Stone,
brick, timber nnd coal, aro all at Undo
Sam's finger tips.
Detail of those grent works, nro to
bo found In tho reports, but n fow
Items will suffice, omphnslzlng In tho
mnln, as thoy do. tho locnl Importnnco
of tho Station, and comparison with
the slstor stations of Maro Island and
n rook I y ii. Puget Sound I already
larger thnn either of tho other tWorand
with contcmplntod Improvements nl
rendy under tho protecting aegis of
government appropriation, will shortly
bo among tholargost In the world. Its
presont dry dock hn such rank, hav
lug a cnpaclty of containing tho lnrg
ost battlo ship In tho world, ami yet the
extensions now contcmplntod. to bo
covcrod In tho nott appropriation call
ing for $4,000,000, already approved by
thn department, cnll for nnothor dry
dock double- tho itWn at tho preBont ono,
decmod noccBsnry by our naval oxton
slon on tho Pnclflo side of our domain,
nnd our Interests In tho far cast.
Other ortonslonB covered In tho re
cont appropriations' of 11,200,000 nro
i-onl bunkers of 25,000 tons cnpnclty.
Ilromorton bolng ono of five such conl
Ing stations ordered, tho other four bo
lng San Dingo, Son Francisco, Sltkn,
nnd Dutch Harbor for the Pnclflo nnd
Ilohrlng Boa. This coaling provision
Is now a nocosslty, but tho futuro sys
tem for tho Station Is said by govern
ment officials to bo to utlllzio tho Lnko
Washington fresh wntor canal now un
dor construction, ships running
through thnt body of wator dlroctly up
to tho coal bunkers near tho mines,
nnd In going nnd coming clean tholr
bottoms of barnacles, saving tho scrap
ing process In dry dock. Tho rolls of
employes at prosont oxceod 800 men,
with tho cortalnty of constant Inrgo ln
croases na tho works are oxtondod.
Tho prosont works comprlso tho fol
lowing: ,
Drydock, tho largest government
dock In tho Uttod States,
Wlmrf nnd docks, largest and most
commodious on tho Pnclflo CoaBt.
Ilr!ck nnd steel flrc-proot construe
tlon and repair buHaingi. , , ;
Steam engineering" building,- with
Prick warehouse ana store house,
havo proceeded with Increasing confi
dence, over slnco'tho cstnbllsmont of
tho Puget Sound Stntlon 10. years ago,
thero has bcon no practical test on a
largo scalo, until slnco tho close of tho
BpanUh war, nnd our soqucstored and
scarred battleships of tho first class
hnvo reached tho Stntlon. Klrst to
como was tho lowit, followed by tho
Wisconsin nnd lnttcrly tho great Oro
gon after Santingo nnd hor double
ehasn around tho continent, with tho
Philadelphia as tho latest comer. All
theso Hhlps steamed In from tho Paci
fic, up through tho Btrnlts, and by tho
Intorlor fastnesses, with probnbly no
small misgivings. Arrived nt tho Stn
tlon each and nil havo now boon
through tb paces of test of the fncll-
Maro Island and Iirooklyn. In the In
torest of Improvement, and advantages
for the sea-faring employes when at
tho Station. Schools, churches, and
society of tho rising order nro features
of tho young city of Port Orchard Hay.
which also has that modern necessity
tho newspaper, the Weekly News, con
ducted by tho Oalo Ilrothcrs. This was
established ono year ago.
Kitsap Is the Incxprcsslvo namo of
ho Interior, soundcnclrclod county
rhnt has received this great Improve
nont nnd development. A region
donsely timbered, sparsely settled, and
with Its chief business shore and bay
traffic hitherto, finds Its solitudes
transformed Into noise nnd bustle,
with hints of tho mighty world out-
I mo, ny comparisons oi mo nuns ana
nnchlncry of tho world's hitherto to
i thorn unknown fighting monsters, with
tho pigmy bottoms so long their pride
and admiration. Tho wilderness Is be
fnnlng to blossom as tho rose, nnd
numerous small towns are springing
up, testifying to tho Immcnso expend
Huron by tho government, nnd that all
ta ctions arc getting Some shnre. Tho
county seat Is across tho bay from tho
Naval Stntlon, with no doubt an ambi
tion on the part of tho Ilrcmetton peo
ple, that somo tlmo In tho near future
Hromerton will bo tho rnnltal of tho
' county, ns It has already became the
'rommorclal center. Farms aro rapidly
developing, and tho fruit raising In
dustry Is expected to bo largo In all
thnt region In tho very near futuro.
Moreover tho peoplo settling tho re
gion nro hnrdy, industrious and conse
quently thrifty peoplo, that will soon
set tho mark of wculth and high char
acter upon tho region where Uncle
Sam has placed so Important national
As to management, It Is univorsal
testimony that tho government has
mndo no mlstako In tho assignments
of Commandant, nnd othor ndmlnls
tratlvo officers, who In tho order ol
Commnndants slnco opening of the
Station hnvo been, Lieutenant Wykoff,
Commander Morons, dpt. Whiting,
Commander arcen. Capt. Coghlan, and
Capt, w. T. uurwell.
As to accessibility for the traveler
nnd tho visitor, as well as for common
lnl communication with Ilremorton,
It Is easy, Involving mero mil and de
lightful water trips from all coast And
Itlcs for ropalr and overhauling, with
tho most comploto satisfaction to all
concerned, In maneuvering, docking,
or what not, each and every feature
lias been a success. As to tho Oregon,
her broken plates wrenched asundor
whon the ship was on tlio rocus in
Aeln, havo boon roplacod with tho easo
Inland points. Portland, Spokane, Ta
coma, Seattle and othor Sound points.
Tho visitor may ever fed sure of wel
come, and that Instruction and pleas
uro will rownrd tho trip. Swift boats
make hourly trips from Seattlo and Ta
coma while no moro delightful tilp
could do round nnywupro titan the en-
that e. skirt would bo handlod by the tiro trip by boat from Portland, while
ships enrponter. Tho dry dock thus i visitors from further down tho Coast
flrBt tostod by theso grontost of battlo or Pacific tourists will never tiro of tho
ships, provod adoquato for ovon much
inrgor vessels, ah mncninory nno ap
paratus worked to a charm, su that this
ovidence, If needed, closes tho chnptor
of approval for tho Pugot Sound Sta
tion. UcsldeB tho mochanlcnl test, re
sults have boon equally -satisfactory
with rospoct to health of mon, and' at
tractive surroundings, In fact as to all
other elomentB entering Into the caso.
beauties of tho Sound roglon. Tho Sta
tion will never, from this tlmo on, bo
without features of world-wide Inter
est, being suro to have representations
over on hand of tho mighty naval pow
er of the Uultod States, and thus, by
comparison, at least, of thnt of the
wholo world, from diminutive torpedo
boats up- to the mightiest war ma
chines tho world has yet produced.
patent Had r.xplnd.
Lou Flold met On JtodRers on "The
niolto" a fow days ago. After talking
few mlnuUs, 1-lolds said!
"dun, what' become of tlioso patent
leather shoes you wore last winter?"
"Thoy havo Rono to tho nail, Louis."
"Why? WsnHtho leather good7"
"Yes," said Dun, with sigh, "but
tho (latent expired. " Nw Yoik
Noah' Troubles.
"Confound that dlnosauruil" ex
claimed Noah, a tho ark gave sacli a
lurch to starboard that the waves dash,
ed against tho roof. "I wish It would
learn to stay on its own side of the
boat I"
Then Noah seized handspike and
started below deck to shift the cargo.
Ohio Mate Journal.
MfwIW . :r yqneffl
History and Pugilism.
"IV tald tho small boy, "did
I'etor tho Great have any other name?"
. "OI course, my son," answered the
father promptly. "Kut there's no use
of wording about him no."
"Is he dead?"
"Oh, I don't know whether he's
dead or not, but he's out of training,
Putting It Gently.
"Hat Is she pretty?"
"Well, I don't believe In talking
about a girl' looks behind her back.
Her father's worth about $20,000,000,
and they've taken her to Karope twice
without bringing back any titles, so you
can form your own opinion. Chicago
A Delicate Point.
"It seems to make Bcaddlngton's
wife a triad as a hornet every time he
boasts that he began at tho foot and
worked his wsy up."
"Well," he started aa a bootblack,
you know." Chicago Itecoid-Herald.
Too Familiar.
He Hello, dere, Miss SmIII
Kite Don yo' dig me dat sadden,
man. I ain't never seen yo' in all may
life befo , an' of yo' do it ag'in a lot o'
peoplo' 1 1 be walkin' slow behin' yo'
tomorrer Baltimore World.
Summer Rest.
Mrs. Jones You didn't stay long
over at Mrs. iirown's.
Mr. Jones No; the Brown family
were all lying In their hammocks, and
when I got tired of sitting I came
home. Detroit Free Fress.
Blzzer Could you lend me $100 or
so until tomorrow?
Buzzer Going to play the races?
Blzzer Worse than that; X am going
to a diurch fair with my wile. Ohio
State Journal.
Summer Angling.
He Indeed there's Jolly good fishing
about here. Miss Swift made a great
catch whon she was here last summer.
She Yes; that old man was worth at
least million. Plttebury Press.
Mlisisfippl Congressman'-- What
kind of an election did you havo up
your way?
Now Jorsey Congressman Quiet;
very quiet. Half a dozen voters killed,
I prenumo. How was it with you?
"Dull as mud. Tho troops woio out."
Peoplo buy Hamlin's Wizard Oil lie
cnuso thoy hayo learnod by experience
that it cures pain of every kind.
Perhaps It Was.
Mrs. Richmond What lovely antique
Mr. Bronxborough Yen, and do you
know, wo got it almost as cheap as if it
had been noWj
liptnlve Samples.
If we did not know that when you
try a lamplo tin of Monopolo spices
you would continue to ask your grocer
for them, wo wouldn't offer to send you
a full weight Z-oz. tin for two 2-cont
stamps and your grocer's name. It
cost ns from 10 to 15 cents for each
sample no tend, but we believe the In
vestment a good one. One trial is all
that is needed to make a friend for
Monopole. All goods packed under tho
Monopolo brand are of the highest
quality obtainable. You can bank on
that. Wadhams & Kerr Bros., pack
ers, Portland, Or.
The (huge of Strength.
"Your dad ain't near as strong as
mine," announced the first boy.
"How do you know," demanded the
"I've listened, an' yon don't holler
onythin' like as loud as I when he takes
you out to the woodshed." Chicago
The People Next Door.
Tommy My, but them folks that's
moved into the next house is swell I
Johnny How do yon know?
Tommy They've got a clock that
says ping, pong instead of tick, tock.
Chicago Trlbnne.
Decidedly Plain.
"Old yon notice with what lofty airs
that homely Miss Upmann carried herself?"
"Yes. It was what yon might call
'plain sailing.' " Fhlladephia Bulle
doing to Meet.
As it is talked nowadays;
She Aro you going to go?
Another She Yes. Are yon going
to come for me? Indianapolis Iews.
tTITG Prmaartftr Cum Ifo SU ar nerreonMa
rllw &IUrnlif'.nMorttr.UlM,iarMlNmi
Zltont. SsodforFHBKt-i.OOtrUltntU.iDdtnU.
On the Move.
"They have two servants."
"Hnhl That's nothing. We usual
ly have two in our house. One coming
and one going." Philadelphia Fress.
An Armorial Opportunity.
Sidney Then you believe in a coat-
Rodney Yes. Almost any newly-
rich American girl can be benefitted by
adopting a good Latin motto to live np
to. Puck.
"I have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and am greatly
pleated with It. It certainly re
stores the original color to gray
hair. It keeps my halrsoft." Mrs.
Aycr's Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years,
and it never falls to do
this work, cither.
You can rely upon It
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
II. M a UHU. All iraiilili.
If your dnirKlat cannot stitirdr von.
Mod ona dolur and wa will express
jon liottl. lis arasnlelTatlm name
at tmr avn,... nitiM .
Not the Usual Way.
"Yes; he's going to marry the plrl
who used to work for him. Think of
"Well, what of It? Most men marry
a girl, and let her work for him after
ward." Philadelphia Bulletin.
MBB 0 M am Are in many respects like other ulcers or
BJf M K ml. inR S sores, and this resemblance often proves fatal.
Vba-iuv Valuable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal
the sore with washes and salves, because the germs of Cancer that are multi
plying in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop
ing keep up the irritation and discharge, and at last sharp shooting pains
announce the approach of the eating and sloughing stage, and a hideous,
sickening cancerous sore begins its
destructive work. In February, 1880, 1 noticed a small
xr- - .ief lamp on ray lower lip. The doctor cau-
No ulcer or sore can exist with- ttJad u bnt anoth.r came and broke
out some predisposing internal cause out into an open aore. I beg-an to take
that has poisoned the blood, and the S. S. B. and after I had taken aeren bot
open.dlschorging ulcer or the fester- tl'
ing sore on the lip, check or other ,ica, w. P. Brown, Hollands, S.O.
part of the body will continue to
spread and eat deeprr into the flesh unless the blood is purified and the
Cancer germs or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation.
S. S. S. cleanses the blood of all decaying effete matter. It has great
antidotal and purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons
and restore the blood to its natural condition. And when'pure blood is
carried to the ulcer or sore the healing process
begins, the discharge ceases and the place heals
over and new skin forms. S. S. S. is a stricUy vege
table blood purifier containing no mercury or
minerals of nnv description.
.. If you have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind, write us about it, medi
cal advice will cost you nothing. Books on Cancer and other diseases of
the blood will be sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Gs,
iMffiii!ie ". HARDE5T5TQRM
Well Qualified.
"Do you think he would make
good soldier?'
"Oh, yes, indeed. We've tested
"Tested him? How?"
"Why, we found that he could
write 'I regret to report,' as rapidly
and as plainly aa either Robert or
Mothers will find Airs. ITlrulow's Sooth
ing 8yrup the best remedy to use lor their
Children during the teething period.
Distance Lends Enchantment.
Fisherman When I reached home
and weighed the neb, it tipped the
scales at exactly five pounds.
Listener But you said that whon
you caught the fish it weighed two
Fisherman I know; bat the place
where I caught it was a long way from
my home. OhioState Journal.
Man owes his feet a mighty debt,
But little Interest do thoy get,
Or ordinary care;
Till corns and bunions come anace,
Than which there's naught torments
our race
That's worse for ns to bear;
But they may painless walk who nse
ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE in their shoes.
Better Pies Than Mother Made.
Fond Mother Well, how do you like
married life by this timer
Son O, first rate.
"Is your wife amiable"
"Extremely so."
"And does her cooking equal mine?"
"Mother, I cannot tell a lie- When
it comes to the culinary art, she's got
you beat a block. Chicago News.
IS CUIUS WHlki all list fuis. li
!1 Beat Conga tijrap, Tutea Good. Uaa PI
EJ la time. Bold by eroraiiu. HI
I If yon don't r ar what fcraint ol tiro
T eerlra you nis lt rotir (roear amt run
T whaioTtr kind rt wants Its II juu
f want the beat, Inilit upon
rounded 11111
MIIMmpy mntl Mmnuml Training
Writ forlllumlrmled Omlalooum
One Frond Hand NlrhoU A HhnpaM
Perarator, site 4D-oi, with wind auottr,
only run 40 dayii a bargain. Inquire ol
Pool MorrUon St., Portland, Or.
Apply to Nathan hick
Still FREE
Mltoholl Wagon
Best on Earth
ftoraiiaa It la ma-la or Ilia lal malarial polbtw
iomi7, i ni-nianiiiaciura ra anaoiui-ir pari,
to U par cant abora lha market prlra otbeat
Kadaa or wairnii timber fr Ilia privilege of out
ic orer ami aklmnitnff off the cream ot tlia
wa-fon alock. whlrli la carried nf S toe veara b
lore maklnff op, which meana an Inveatmeutla
wood atock or nearly one million tlollara.
I1TCI1KI.I. Wagon aro onaiirpaaaeil tor
qualltr. proportion. Bnlali. etrength and tight
Why take chancaa on anr otharf
Whr not get tho beat?-A MlTOItKM.
i MtlBhmll, Lmmlrn at Slmvmr Oo.
rortUad. txattla. Baokaoa, ilolaa,
1 .agenta KTerwutro.
An Exaggerated Impression.
"Yes," uald the mystical Aalatlc,
"wo hope to have our people civllliod
before Inng."
"lhat is encouraging."
"It is. Wo hope, In time, to bring
out the car of Juggernaut an a strictly
modern basis, and have It operated
by electricity, liko one of yonr auto
mobiles." Washington Star.
Little Liver Pills
GAuet Boor 8lennturo of
Sf Fae-Slmlla Wrapper Below.
Teory aaaaJl amd aa eaa
ta.tajcr) tut ragoik
f Mm t CMunai nvrr nwi m maw t. 1
. r. n. u.
Da. 38-lHOX.
'UES writing; to advertiser pleas
BMBUon iulb papart i
et What You Ask For
CASCARETS Cindy Ctihtxtk, they are always put op fa
bhe metal box, oar trade-marked, long-tailed C on the cover
each tablet stamped C. C. C. Never sold In balk! Imita
tions and substitutes are sometimes offered by dealers ho
"cot prices" and try and palm off fakes token CASCA
RETS are catted for, because the fake pays a lltfle more
profit. Get the genuine CASCARETS and -with It satis
faction or money refunded read guarantee below.
KiflfTO&toi-,.- aaT tr-
. 'Xb-.'flaiM rik.Il BW,.B.BaBBa- ail IS lima II aaaaaaaaaa e tjl4
this is
OVAItAXTaCKD TO CUUE nil bowil .roubles. pdteUU, blllauancu,
brettta, bad blood wind nn tbe fontac bio led bwcli. foul nnutb
bmdavch. latllarcatlan. nlmnlcs. oniD after amtisiaT liver trauble. tail How com.
tlexlan and dlzilntta. Wnen ye-wr boweU dnnH mom resrulurly jou urn
fettlBK elck Cfuatlpntlea klllt ntrticola tbnn all other tl) tovethcr.
i Im turler fur tb rbroule allnaeni nnd loair yenre nf u(Tertir tnnt como
mierwiirai. no mniier uni hiii you, irk imainir fiAt'ui. i rt
yon will never il wvii ttnu u weu mii ine lime uniu yo
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tadsmv. fur
todny uuder nn Hbtoluto
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OTTtnANTBED TO OTJHEl Wro rear, ago too Oral box r CAB-
c&UU'l'a wnaaold. jvowlllaovaralxaalllloa poaaa f
.iimr mauiein in ta world. Till i. u,v;.u.rl. . i .71 r. . J-
our beat ta.tlaiaalal. Wa kaa fkltk. aad will ..ll tlAMIIAlt tt'l nb.ulul !
ruaraataed Jo euro ar maaar raruudad. tla bur tadar. two OOo boare. glta
bataaralnkoaaittl-lql. aa par .laipla dlraetlan.. aadlrrvu ara not aall.e.4
nn.f u.lnir aao SOo boa. rntura Ike CO. baa fu4 Ika aaaotr . i
u. br laatr. or tka draaal.l rraM wkoai you yurchaaed It, ad (et your moaaa
r.. t... i v. ... 1'....U.U..M. aialtai-wkat oil. vau-.tart today.
Health wlllqaleklr lu. It
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ook lroaby aaali, JUdl Stiuuullaaul III., Sea
i Aral etartad th
1 Ihaaaa