Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 19, 1902, Image 4

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Bohemia Nugget
l.KH W. IIItNIlY, Killtor anil Vron'r.
Comprehensive Review of the Import'
nnt- Happening of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting.
Crui-ado against
Sitters' schools is
aultf on In Franco.
Now, York Republicans hnvo
to oiutc-rso Rooecvolt for 1004.
President Roosovolt his Invited sove
ral senators to confor with lilm on tlm
tariff, question.
Colombian insurgonts nro waiting for
arms, wnon tnoy wm auacK mu ism
muB.of Panamn railroad.
Tlio Vcnoztielan government, -has
offered amnesty to revolutionists who
lay down their arms in 40 days
Aconforcnco arranged bv Governor
Btone to scttlo tlio coal miners' strike
in Pennsylvania, ended In a failure.
The, Colombian government has pur
chased n steamer at Son Francisco,
which will bo fitted out as a war vessel.
Kriroet fires throughout tho North
wcsticontlnuo to canto widespread de
vastation. Tho property loss will run
into tho hundreds of thousands' of dol
Vanderbilt and Pennsylvania railway
svstoms liavo been amalgamated. The
now combination will have a eauitallz
ation of (2,000,000,000 and a mileage
of 30,000jiiiles.
Kvorr electric line in Ottumwa,
IowaV has been tied up by a strike,
A. It. Shepherd, ex-governor of tho
District of Columbia, died in Mexico.
" Tlio cold wave which struck Colorado
has damaged tlio potatu crop to a great
China is disturbed over the detcrm
ination of Russia to remain in Man
churia. The Lake woolen mills at Brldgeton
New Jorsey, were destroyed by tire,
12ss (100,000.
Great Britain has secured an exten
sion of reciprocity treaties pending with
tlio United States.
Aniorican generals who have been
witnessing the German war maneuver)
havo started for home.
Mrs. William M. Stewart, wife of
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, was
killed in an automobile accident in San
The Beaumont, Texas, oil fire is
under control. Tho loss will teach
$250,000. It was caused by the care
lessness of a watchman.
The battleship Oregon, which has
been undergoing repairs at the Puget
Sound navy yard for the last year, has
sailed for San Francisco. It is thought
she wil be'orderod to Chinese waters.
The mother of the snitan of Morocco
' IgileaiL
The Utah state Itepubltcan conven
tion nominated Joseph Ilonell for con
G. P. Burkitt has received the Re
publican nomination for governor of
The meet trust is now a certainty,
September 27 is the date set for begin
ning operations.-
Tom L. Johnson, fmayor of Cleve
land, Ohio, says he is not a candidate
for the presidential nomination.
The transport Sherman, bound from
Manila to San Francisco, has been
quarantined at Nagasaki on account of
cholera on board.
Forest fires raging aronnd Portland
and in almost every part of Western
Oregon have destroyed much property
and filled the air with smoke and ashes.
' Captain A. A. Andrews, who twice
crossed the Afalntic in a 15-foot shell,
has been pronounced legally dead by a
Massachusetts court. Ho started . On
his third attempt October 0 last and
was sighted only once after that, and
then only about a week after he started
President Roosevelt has completed
his tour and returned to Washington.
Judge E. C. Stinson won the Demo
cratic nomination for governor of Colo
General Miles has left Washington
for San Francisco, from where he will
sail for Manila.
D. C. Heyward has been selected as
tlio Democratic candidate for governor
of South Carolina.
Marine engineers on the Willamette
and Columbia rivers havo gone on
strike, almost completely tying up river
British diplomats deem the Anglo-
Chinese treaty a great triumph, llio
question now arises as to how the other
powers will look upon It.
, The Colombian troops under General
Morales BertI havo surrendered to the
insurgents. It will prove a severe
blow to the government cause.
- A report is being circulated that the
Firminist Ieadei, Admiral Killlck, was
killed with the sinking of his gunboat.
.The situation in Morocco is becoming
Eighteen St. Louis legislators must
answer to tho charge of taking boodle,
Nebraska officials are in pursuit of a
criminal who Is emulating Harry Tracy.
iiayti will not complain to Germany
about tho sinking oi tlio i-irminist gun
S Tho National Candy company has
beon Incorporated ill New Jersey wih a
capital of $0,000,0UU.
Now Jersey gamblers whoee houses
wore recently raided nave been nncd
from 11,000 to $5,000.
ThoBum of gold now In the United
States treasury excoeds that of any
previous time in the JilstAry o( tho
President Iloosevelt lias been made
an honorary member of the Brother
hood, pf. Locomotive Firemen of Chatta
nooga, Tenn. 1
Tenth Annual Convention Meets at Colo
rado Springs In October,
Donver,Bept. 10. Tlio tenth Nation
al Irrigation Congress will bo hold at
Colorado Springs, Cclo., Oetoborflto 0.
Tho American Forestry Association will
incct at the samn time and place, an
'orestry will bo given proper attention'
Tho basis of representation In tho
congress will bo:
, Tho governor of each state and terrl
tory to appoint 20 dolcitatos.
The mavor of each city of less th
35.000 population to appoint two dele-
Thn mnvnr nf imkMi 111.1' OI more U1HI1
5,000 imputation to appoint four dele
Kach board of county commissioners,
two delegates.
Kach chamber of commerce, commer
cial club or real estate exchange, two
IKnfh oignniied irrigation, agricul
tural and live stock .association, two
Kacli society of engineers, two dele
Each irrigation company nndagncm
tural college, two delegates.
Tho following are dolegates by virtue
of their rospectlto ollices:
Tho duly accredited teprosentatlve
of any foreign nation or colony, the
governor of any ttato or territory, any
member of the United States senate
and house of representatives, member
of nnv stato or territorial commission
all members in good standing of the
National Irrigation Association.
oil ousiiur still burning.
Beaumont will Endcator to Smother It
with Steam.
Beaumont, Tex., Sept. 16, Tonight
one largo gusher is still burning, send,
ing n volume of llsme high in tlio air,
Efforts made this afternoon to extin
guish tho flames were not successful
but mora boilers have been sent for,
and the. plan of smothering it with
steam will again be tried. Many of
the oil companios hard lost their pump
ing plants and have wired orders for
new machine. An examination leads
to the belief that nono of tho wells
have been permanently injured.
There is a iow problem to bo con
fronted as soon as tho burning gusher is
extinguished, and that is the control of
the well. The gato valve lias been
melted off, and while it is probabio
that this can be replaced it will be a
difficult operation. Estimates of the
damage still vary, but there is a gene
ral acceptance of about $100,000 as the
figure that will ccver tho loss. There
has been but one fatality bo far.
Runaway Freight Cars Crash Into a Fast
Passenger Three Killed.
Denver, Sept. 16. Santa Fo passen
ger train fo. uus, known as the news
paper train, which left Denver this
morning at 3:50, bound for Colorado
Springs, Pueblo, Chicago and St. Louis,
collided with a freight train at Struby,
small town several miles south of
Littleton, and three members of the
passenger train crew were killed and
another perhaps fatally injured. Some
of the passengers were badly shaken up
and bruised, but. none were killed or
seriously injured.
The freight when ascending a steep
grade at Struby to let the passenger
train pass, parted in the middle and
15 or 18 heavily loaded cars started
back toward the approaching passenger
train, which was drawn by twoengines.
The engineers tried to back out of the
way of the running cais, but did not
succeed. The crash when the two
trains met was heard for miles. Both
passenger engines were thrown into
the ditch and freight cars were piled
t1 r-k rn itiam
Souffrlerc's New Crater Is Throwing Out
Volumes of Black Smoke.
Kingstown, St. Vincent, Sept. 10.
An official at Chateau Beiaire reports
that Souffriero's new crater, which has
been quiet hitherto, is today throwing
out black smoke. The old crater.
which in the correspondent's opinion
did all' the work since May 7. 'and
which erupted September 3, is still
issuing white steam in dense (clouds,
which can bo seen from Kingston oyer
tho northern mountains. The craters
and tbeWollibon and Richmond dis
tricts could bo seen yesterday.
ino volcanic matter which fell at
Richmond and Wallibon was finer than
that which fell at Chateau Beiaire,
although the places are very near each
There has been a further subsidence
in Wallibon in four different places.
and the local opinion is. that these sub
sidences on the coast line may acount
for the sand-like substances elected
September 3.
Cottage City can be Floated.
Fort Townsend, Sept. 10, The
steamship Spokane reached Port Town
send last night, having on board 138
passengers from tho steamer Cottage
City, which recently ran ashore in
Alaskan waters. Captain Lloyd, of the
hpokano, predicts that tho work of
floating the stranded steamer will be
easy when higher tides prevail, which
will give a bettor opportunitv for work
ing on tho hull and also'for assisting
ine work oi getting her into deep water
Coal Prices Soaring High.
Chicago, Sept. 10. The price of soft
coal in Chicago hag rison to $0 a ton,
as compared with $3.75 on September
Anthracite Is practicably unoh
talnablo, and is quoted by some dealers
as nigh as i.'fi a ton. Tho sudden ad
vance in prices la attributed to demand
caused by the cold weather, which,
wniK'not severe In IIboH, hag aroused
loueeholders to a realization that tholr
buildings aro empty.
Passengers Drowned In Flood.
-Madras, British India, fcent. lfl
An English mall train yesterday, 25
miles from tlili city, dashed over
bridge that had been undermined bv
floods. Fifty passengers, including
eight Europeans and four soldiers,
wero drowned,
Commercial and Itnanclal Happenings of
the Past Week Urlet Kelcw ot the
tirowth and Development of Various
Industries Throughout Our Commonwealth-Latest
Market Report.
The fall fishing season hat opened
and indications point to a largo run
with prices good.
Forest tires are still raging In Clack
amas county and much valuable timber
Is being destroyed.
Tho coal prospect which is being
developed near Heppnor Is making
some very good showings.
Marion county prunes ure ripening a
littlo earlier than usual. It Is esti
mated that the crop will equal 76 iter
cent of the average yield.
Tho postotllces at Glentena, Lane
county; Luda, Coos county, and
Tamarack, Umatilla county, will bo
discontinued September 30.
The Tolocassot lanch, consisting of
1,000 acres, situated In Union and
Baker counties, has changed hands.
The purchasing prlco was $14,700.
Tho Monmouth normal school is in- n
healthy condition financially, and from
tho. number of entries coming In tho
prospects for the coming year aro very
Tlio forest tiro near Oak Point, Clat
sop county, continues to spread, and
already several houses havo been de
stroyed, as well as a largo amount of
timber burned.
The 20th annual convention ot tho
Oregon W. O. T. U., hold at Roseburg,
was wall attended and much interest
manifested. Tho delegates and visitors
weio very cordially received.
The experimental station at tho Ore
gon Agricultural col lego is to make a
practical test ot hop drying to save, a
larger amount of lupuliu, which is the
active principle and marketable asset of
the hop.
The Columbia Southern expects to
haul 20,000 tons more grain out ot
Sherman osxinty this year than last.
This is due to increased acreage and
the 10 per cent reduction in freight
rates on the. O. R. A. N.
The Eastern Oregon state normal
school at Weston opened with a larger
attendance than over before in both the
normal and training departments.
yew students are constantly coning in
and the school s prospects aio very
A movo for a new armory for the
Oregon City national guard is on foot.
The county is asked for aid in tho
Four hundred head of sheep wore
shot by 25 masked men, who are cup
posed to 'have been miners, on the
Grant county range.
Five- masked men entered a store at
t'ralrle Ulty, Urant county, blow open
tho safe, and secured $0 In coin and
gold dust. A lot of checks and county
warrants were also taken.
The Southern Pacific Company has
commenced the construction of a
,500,000 gallon steel oil tank in its
yards at Ashland. Tho tank will be
one ot the largest on the coast.
Hop growers in Polk county say that
while as a rule the crop is lighter than
last year, a number of yards will run
considerably heavier.
Tho renoit of the Bonton county
clerk for the past two years stiows that
he lacks $13.48 ot turning over to his
successor as much as ho received.
Secretary of State Dunbar has ordered
warrant drawn for $1,500 in favor ot
Maurice Smith and othors. being the
reward offered for the capture and re
turn of Harry Tracy.
Hugh C. Bellinger, nominated for a
cadetship at the Annapolis naval acad
omy, failed to. qualify in tho recent
examinations at that institution and
will therefore not be able to enter. Ab
none of the alternates took the examin
ation, there may bo an Oregon vacancy.
Farmers near Eugene are greatly in
censed over what is bo! loved to be tho
work of an incendiary; A .number of
residences and barns have been do-
troyed by fire. A meeting was hold
last week and a reward offered for the
pprehonsion and conviction of tho
rimimtl. .
Wheat Walla Walla. 60Kra01c: blue-
stem, 83Jf B4c; valley, 62B2Xc
Barley Feed, $19.00; brewing $20,
mour ue&i grades, per
barret; graham, $Z.B53.20.
MillstuHs Bran. $17 per ton:
middlings, $21.60: shorts. 118:
cnop, IIY.
Oats No.l white, $1.00: erar. D5a
Hay Timothy, $10011; clover.
.ou; vregon wild hay, $50 pel
Potatoos Beet Borbanks, fl0('5c
percental; ordinary, 5065c per cen
tal, growers prices.; sweets, $2.25
2,50 per cental.
Butter Creamery, 26a 27ic;. dairy
irtcgzuc; store, iz$ioc.
Eggs 22c tor Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twins,
rai3c;YoungAmer!ca, 1314,c; fac
tory prices, 1 lXc less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3,00Q;
t.ov; nens, -i,ou(so,du per dozen,
Hlf&c per pound; springs, 11'
HKc per pound, $2.503.00 per doz!
en; ducks, $3.004. 50 per dozen; tur-J
keys, live, laync, dressed, lolUc per
pound; geese, , $4. 00Q0.OO per dozen.
Mutton Gross. 2K3e per nonnd:
dressed, 6c per pound.
Hogs Gross, GJic: dressed, 77Kc
per pound.
Veal 78o per pound.
Beef Gross, cows. 3C?3r: steers.
3KiKc; dressed, 7Q8o per pound,
Hops 18017c; new crop 20022c.
Wool Vallejr,12&15;Eastern Ore
gon, 814Kci tnobalt, 26Q20o pound.
United States Warship and a Cruiser are
Ordered to the Isthmus.
Washington, ffopt. 13. - Sectotary
Moody has telegraphed to tho com-
iiiandcrn ot the battleship Wisconsin,
now at Bremerton, mid tlio cruiser
Cincinnati, at Port nil Prince, directing
them to proceed as soon ns possible to
the Isthmus ol Panama, tho Wisconsin
reinforcing tho FnngcVnt Panama and
tho Cincinnati taking station at Colon.
It will take tho Wisconsin fully 20
days to niako the long trip of over
4,030 mile down tho Pacific const to
I'aiuinm, Tho navy department had
intended to send tho Boston, which
Is now getting ready tor service at Pan
Francisco, to relievo or reinforce tho
Ranger, but thu alarming situation
which hug to quickly arisen on the
isthmus prompted tho officials to take
moroacttvo measures to lucrcons tho.
nn.ui iv'iruecmuiiii in ma umitti
ninuKi in uim ceeuoii.
T-l... I .1 ...ill I..
iuu viiieuinaii win ouiy coniuiiio n
tow days In her trip serosa from Capo
iinyucu, anil uy ino beginning oi next
week she should hnvorojchod the other
terminal of the Paniiina railroad.
Whlto tho destruction ot Admiral
Ktlllck'a llagtdilp swept away the
entire nnval force ot llaytl, and naval
'olllclala boliovo that tlio Cincinnati
I can relinquish her post, thero it
j (lunger that somo of tho ports where
I American property interests are largo
I may suffer because of tho practice
which has grown up in course of tlio
liobolllon of burning towns boforo evac
uating tlio in, nnd it has been decided
to send tho gunboat Montgomery t
replace tho Cincinnati on the llnytian
coast. llm Montgomery has just fin
isied participation in the maneuvers
nnd is being overhauled ut thu New
York navy yard.
Bcnumont, Texas, Wells .May All be De,
strojed Losses will be Heavy.
Beaumont, Tex., Sept. 13. Tho oil
field hero is on lire, and, judging from
tlio gieat volume of smoke which
flowing in from Spindlo Top, tliuru
grave tear mat great loss mny be sus
tained II tho field is not entirely
strayed. Tho firo stnrted early in the
evening in some waste oil- along tl
Texas & Sabine tracks, and burned
about 00 foot ot trestle. This was
uniler control In n short time, nnd
was beltoved that all danger ha,
passed, but soon the llro had been com
municntcd to the field, and a number
ot hugo fettling tanks containing
thousands ol barrels of petroloum liavi
already exploded, anil others aro re
ported as being in tho direct lino of
tho tire, which had spread over a wide
area. Tho ground Is saturated with
oil, and there is mi chance of stopping
tlio progress ot tho llamos tonight
Tlio fire Is spreading rapidly, ami it
Is believed that the whole field will bo
ignited before daylight.
Tho streets are filled with people
uionrands oi tuoin now on tho way
the field In every i-ort of vehicle, ami
on foot. There aro 410 producing well
in the field. Some ot them aro buried
under earth to-safeguard against lire.
A tank known as Illgglns lias blown
on us top, nnd'jiie burning oil is run
ning along tlio ground, and this may
bo communicated to other tanks.
At 1:30. this, morning tho telegraii
operator nt Gladys rays ho fears ho
will bo com pel led to leave his post,
and all means of communication will
be cut oft. Tho entire apparatus ot
the tire department Is being loaded on
care to be sent to thu field, and a larg
number of people will go on trains.
Disabled and Discouraged, Tralnrobbcr
Ilcrt Alvord aires Up.
Tucson, Ariz.. Sent. 13. Bert Al
vord, the famous trainrobbor and out
law, has surrendered to Sheriff Lewis
oruocnise county, and "Hilly" Ktites,
his old pal, who turned state's evl
dence and joined tho Arizona rangers
Hounded by- rangers in tho United
Statos, and rnralos in Moxico, broken
in spirit, his right arm shattered by
bullots so that ho can no longor uso
a gun, Alvord decided to give up the
desperate chances ot tho life ho had
been leading and trust to the leniency
ol the law.
He Is charged with attempting to
rob the United Status mail at Cochise
in 1800, and at Fairbanks in 11)00
Tlio charge of train robbery, which is
a capital offense in Arizona, also hangs
over his head. Ho left his companion,
Ilravo Juan, after a .futile attempt to
holdup the International oxprcss car
at llcrmosillo three weeks ago, Juan
is still activo, and is tho last of the
famous gang at large.
America May Lose by the Treaty.
Vienna, Sept. 13. The Fromdon
blatt, in an article congratulating
Great Britain on tho Anglo-Chlneeo
treaty negctiatod by Sir James L
MftcKay, says: "The abolition of tho
llkin seems to ho assured If all tlio
lowers consent to tho stipulations
dratted by blr James'. Of these powers.
the United States nlono is afraid of los
ing by the Hubstitutlon for the llkin
of higher import and export duties,
because American exports go chiefly to
Northern China, where thn llkin Is
smaller than el now here,"
Fastest Vessel Afloat.
Baltlmoro, Sept. 13, The torpedo
boat destroyer Wordcn, which, with
tbo ualnbridgo, was given her stand
ardlzation trial over tho Barren Island
course today, showed that she 'is tlio
speediest vessel of her class alloat.
During spurt Over one log of her trial
course .she developed a speod of 30.5
knots. Both vessels exceeded tho con-
trapf,reiiirgjrlents as to speed, the
Vordeii Btfowlng an avorago qf 20,80
notanhjl the Bainbrldgo 28.72.
,r w ,'
ief Treasure foft'lie Orient
Jfjan FranclscoTSeiit. 13. Tito Hong
Kong Maru, Vltch sailed today for
tho Orient, farttos In 'lierreasuro
room more tliaTrTs'OO.OOO in froasuro.
Spmo t)t tblaTs lirtM'tarm of 'Mexican
dollar's, but the majority of tlio ship,
ntent consists ol bars. ' ,'i
Snow In South Dakota.
Lea'd, 8. D., Sept. 13. The first
snow storm of the season set (n early
today. It is melting here as it falls.
At lt 1 ,1 mnimliln H.-
north of thero tho ground Is white. 1
Losses Will Reach Into the Thousands-
Humes line ninth on Suburbs of l'orl
land - Bridal Veil Saw mill .ntid Whole
Town lit Palmer nr. lw,,lr.,v,..l..
People Homeless at Sprlngwatcr.
mriisim, tnpi. in. i urest llres nro
still raging III every section of Eastern
Multnomnlf and Clackamas counties
Hiuiimiiid of acre havn boon liiiruod
over, and hundreds of persons Imv
been tendered homeless, Thu llro
still spreading and gaining in force
while tho weather conditions promise.
nil renin, i no people navo been com
pencil io neo lor tiieir lives, and ninny
I i , i ... .'. . '
j escnpeu only ny galloping through tl
' II ton thnt onvolovcd thu roads. H
fatalities havo yot been reported
Multnomah or Olackamns countle
but it is feared that men working
the canyons ol tho Cascade foothill
will Iki surrounded by llro boforo they
ii-nrn oi iiiuir danger nnd will I
buriuxLto death In the llerv trim
Fnnuors In thu vicinity of Oroshnm
Roekwood, Powell's Valley? Pleasant
Homo, Damascus, Hprlugwutur, Vloln
lllghlund and Dodge hnvo lost thul
houses, barns, fences, and much it
their livestock, and must hnvo assist
ttiico from the outside to avoid in (Tor
lug. By courageous llro lighting ninny
dwellings wero saved, but barns full ol
hay, orchards and crort standing
the Holds nro a total loss. Tho iliuu
ago in this district will reach nearly
f ou,uuu.
Sawmill and Tuwn Wiped Out,
Urldnl Veil, Or., Sept. 16. Fire do
stroyed tho sawmill ol tho Bridal Veil
LumlMiring company and thu whole
town of Palmer, situated two miles
south of Bridal Veil. Tho fire origin
uted along tlio right of way ol the O
R. it N., and soon spread nnd threat
eneii mo property oi tlio luuibei coin
pany. In spite ot all efforts tho lire
worked up tho mountain side nnd thu
niwinlll caught. Both tho mill and
the town ot Palmer had a perfect sys
teni of water works, but on account of
tho high wind the w ater teemed tnlmv
nu uueci on win names. wiiiiin one
hour alter tho Ore struck tho raw-mill
the once prosmrous town was complete
ly Wipotl out.
- Heavy Loss on Oraj' Harbor,
I-.lnia, Wash., Sept. 15. Forest fires
aro raging over n Inrge area ot country
easi oi liima. r-oveii largo mills hav
suffered moro or less Ions, and some
havo boon destroyed.
Tho Star mill and currouiidldg vll
lago have teen wiped out. The boy
fought bravely but had to yield and lly
lor ineir lives, uagon loads of rein
gees aro arriving from tlio burning dis
trict, and peoplo aro beginning to
move out of i.lma. Many farmhouse
and barns hnvo been destroyed
Tho foven largo mills havo an negro
gato value of ovor $500,000. The Iota
from tlmbor destroyed will probably bo
f otiu.uuu, limning a total loos in tlili
section nearly, II nut qnlto, $1,000,000,
Vomen Hunted to Death.
Vancouver, Wath., Sept. 15. Tl
forest fires raging throughout Clark
county the past week have reached
climax. The fires ure the most exten
she in tho history ol the county. The
full amount of damage cannot bo fully
icnrneu, but reports that havo reached
town indicate the loss to includo roveral
lives In addition to at least $100,000,
It Is roported that eight fnmllles
aro homoloss at Fifth Plain and that
Mm. August Meyers was burned In her
homo. Her husand wag lighting the
firo, and when tho house caught, being
ill and feeble, she was unale to escape
tno names, .mm. Hendrlckson anil two
children ot tho same place are also
missing,, and it Is feared that they, too,
hnvo perished.
Olympla enveloped In Smoke,
Olympla, Wash., Sopt. 16. Till Is
day of unprecedented conditions,
Yesterday a strong wind blow in from
tho west great clouds of emoko that
were arising from great forest flros In
Mason county and thu country Immodl
ately surrounding Olympla, and this
morning when tho sun roso tho clouds
of smoke which hovered a short dl
tanco above tho giound assumed the
appearance of a brick-rod htzo. For a
time it wns pohhIIiIo to perform out
door work, but by 1 1 o'clock tho day
waB as darK as tno avorago night.
Kvcrctt Cut Off.
Evorott, Wash., Sept. 15, Forest
fires are raging nlong tho Uroat North
ern railroad, between SkykomIshand
tVellington. telegraphic commnnloa
tion between hero nnd Senttlo Is cut off(
and freight and passenger traffic from
tho East demoralized by tho burning
of a brldgo nt Alvln, near Cascade
tunnel. Tho Great rthcrii Is patrol
Hug its track with engines fitted with
firo fighting, pumps. Tho fires aro the
worst for many years.
Swamping Timber Before Fire.
Wendllng, Or., Sept. 15. Tho
Wendling crow of tho Booth-Kelly lum
ber company was cullod from tho mill
today to fight firo in tho timber belong
ing to tho company, live mllos atxivo
tho mill. The fire Is making strong
headway in some of tho company's best
timber, and all the men aro now at
work swamping tho timber in advance
of tho llro in tho hope of staying its
Sixty People Homeless,
Oregon City, Sept. 15. Sixty people
aro homeless: Jn the town of Spring-
water, 20 miles cast of Oregon City,
Firo reached that place early in the
morning and tho pooplo wero forcod to
floo for their lives. , Tho postofilco und
store took firo and wero soon dostroyed,
togother tho Orango Hall, Maccabeo
Hall, tho church and public school
building and many residences,
Coburg Fire licyond Control,
Eugene, Or.. Sept. 15. DoBtructlvo
fires aro destroying valuable jtimbor In
nil directions. Near Coburg a lareo
firo is beyond control. Below Hond-
ricks' Ferry Is the largest llro yot ro-
ported, and it is now burning furiously ,
In thu largo .timber on both sides of
the McKenzle river.
Yield l.ljihtcr Than llxpcctcd, but Quality
U llu'cplluitnlly (loud, (
Hnlelii, Or,, Sept. 12, "The eliniicoil
are that tliu hop crop or Oregon this
year will not exceed HtS.OOO bnlus,"snld
it liroiiillient Ioi-hI ilenlnr tmliv.
"Pinking la well. under wav In all ol
the ynrilsi" ho continued, "ami while
'""I" lftror UlM1 ln"1 ',,llri
" " ' ' '""" tl.nil WAN OX
It will bu
peeled a few weeks ago, l.asl year thu
crop was very short In tlio Willamette
valley, due to tlio exceptionally hot
spell In July. This year tho crop
promised to bo much larger and nearer
an average crop, cnuslng some dealers
to estimate the probable yield nt high
ns 00,000 bales.
"It la now evident Hint llie crop Is
an outside or n top ono, nnd thvro aro
not near ns many Imps on thu vines
ns iipHnrnnces Indicated, This Is
evident from tliu returns from a great
many yards In which the picking In
under way, Homo growers report good
crops, but thu majority nro dlsnp
pointed mid nro making complaint at
the unexpected shnttagu In thu yield.
Ilywover, what la lost In ipinntlty is
being iiinde up In'iiuallty. This hni
la-en nil Ideal season for harvesting
tho crop, and not slneo 18110 thu year
the hop louse appeared has thu crop
lieen so freu of mold, Thu quality lit
this state pionilsoH to he flue and much
above thu average.
"Tliu Oregon hop growers will find
that their hops jvlll be In great do.
tnnnd this year, nnd that the English
biiyeis will Iki enger purchasers at (nil
values. The latent entile reuts from
England statu that the crop In Hint
country is coining down very light,
nnd thnt thu mold Is spreading
rapidly. Growers sru trying to pick
hops ahead ol the mold thero, but
cannot keep paco with It, and It up
penrn thnt England will have another
crop ot oor iiunllty and will hnvo to
look to Oregon for choice hops.
"It Is plain to a great ninny dealers
that tho New York stale crop will tie
less than 25,000 hnloi. Ihls Is a
marked duiroaeu from that of Inst year,
when the Kmplro state produced
(16,000 bales. I'roi-cls never looked
brighter' for the Oregon grower, and It
will pay him tn give strict attention
to clean picking and thn making of a
choice crop."
Mcllrldc'i Railway Commission Policy Is
Indorsed by State Convention.
Tnooina, Sept. 11. Nominations
made by the Republican statu conven
tion for eongruiHt aro, V. L. Jones, W.
E. Humphrey ami F. W. Cnshmuii.
Governor Mcllrldo's railyway com
mission Hillry was endorsed by adopt'
ing thu following, as pnrt of the statu
"Wo are In favor of the passage of n
bill by tho next legislature establish
ing a railroad commission, to consist ol
three members, to bo appointed by the
governor, no tnoro than two to lm taken
from tho dominant tiolltlcal party
said commission to bo clothed will
(tower to regulatu freight and pnsseu
ger rates, to dutornilno the vnluu o
railroad piopeity for puriiosea
asMCMincnt and taxation, to prevent
unjust discriminations, nnd to cnitilru
into nnd remedy such abuses as may
bo tound tn oxtst."
Tho main points ot the state platform
An apjioiiitlva railway commission
An null-pass bill.
An uigiit-iiour nay on state and gov
eminent work.
Retention of the Philippines.
The convention endorses:
Foreign and domestic policies
Roosevelt, and pledges the etiniiort
the state delegation thereto. .
Work ot Foster, Jones and Cushninn
In congress.
Government Rents an Outside Building to
More Those Returned.
Washington, Sopt. 12. Coinmls
slonor Yorkes, of the Internal revenue
bureau, has boon compelled to rent an
outside building in which to receive
and store checks and drafts boarlnr
Imprinted stamps now being sent In
for redemption. Tho original act pro
vldlng for the redemption of those lm
printed stntups limited tho tlmo within
which thoy could lj presented for re
demption to two years from tho tlmo
they wero purchased from tho govern
mont. mihsoquontly that tlmo was
extended to January 1, 1001. Almost
immediately after tho net wag passed
banks and largo business houses began
sending ln their surplus stocks. So
far 11)1 tons havo boon destroyed or
returned to tho fenders after canrolliig
St. Louis Fair Money Allotted.
Washington, Sept. 12. An allotment
of tho $800,000 npproprinted by con
grcss for a government exhibit at the
St. Louis I-oiilsinna Purchase exposl
tion wns mndo today ut n mooting of
the board ol olllclnls appointed to pro
paro tho exhibits of tho exocutlvu do
partmonts and bureaus.- In addition
to an exhibit in tho gonoral government
building by all tlio executive depart-
moots, there will bu outside exhibits
by tho fish commission, the lighthouse
board and tlio agricultural depart
U. S. Ilattleshlp Aground
Now Ybrk, Sopt. 12. Tho Unitod
States battleship Iowa has run aground
near cape Nossa Sonhora do Dostorrn
on tho Island of Mlln, cables the Her
ald correspondent at Rio Janeiro, Bra
il, Jlio Jiraziiian minister of mur no
has ordered a'war ship to go to tho aid
of tho Iowa.
New University nui.icd.
uttawa, Kan,, sept, i-'.t-iiio now
building ol tho Ottawa university wns
binned this morning, entailing a loss
ot $50,000. The
university was to
have opened today,
No Offer for Settlement.
Wllkegbnrro, ll'a5;8opt. 12. Prosl-
dont Mitchell eald today that he had
received no peace proposals from tho
oal operators. So far an lie was nware
thorp wore no negotiations on foot to
bring about ft conforonco.
Wh Populists.
Bolto, Sopt, 11. Idaho populists
hnvo nominated II. 1), Androws, Of
Ada county, for governor, and James
' Gunn, of Ada county, for congress.
Passengers All Rescued and Taken Hack
to Skngwny One Hundred tuna of
Cargo JctlUuncd-Lnrge CJuanlltlcs of
Canned .Salmon .Saved - Steamer will
bo I'luated nnd Repaired,
Seattle, Kept, ll. Tho steamer Cot
tngo City, of thu l'aclllo Const stenui
ship Company, went ashore nt 10:2(1
o'clock NmiiUy night ni' Island Point,
lUulln Island, Mlckoen strait, 20 miles
south of Fort Wrangle, Hhu now lies
(10 feet forward on thu rockg. Fitly
feet ot the kool am gone, nnd her fore
foot Is dry nt low wntur, Tho steamer
filled aft, mid thu Imrihano deck, tn
tliu top nt thu smoking room, Is under
water at high tide, The vessel Is well
sheltered, nnd It Is believed n bulkhead
can lio built Inside nnd the ship
Honied. Thn 160 passengers nt thu
Cottage City wero transferred to tho
steamer Hpokano, of thu same coin,
pany, which eniiio nlong about thioo
hours niter tliu accident, Imiind north.
The wero taken on In Hkngwny, and
will return south on the Hpokano,
Tho Cottage City wns (pound for
Seattle when thu accident occurred,
nnd was due to arrive here today.
Over 100 tuns of cargo were jettisoned.
Tho remainder of the cargo, consisting
chiefly ol salmon, was transferred tn
lighters nnd takon ashore, Dtttalls
ol how the accident occurred urn
Tho Cottage Oily wns commanded by
Captain David Wallace. Shu Is a
hckhIoii vessel, which prolwlily itecoiintn
for thu fact that she did not brink to
plecc.oii the rocks, From 'ollh-lnl re
norts to thu headquarters of thu com
pany here, It Is said thnt thero N lm
doubt thnt tlio vessel will lm limited
mid repnltfd, unless storms of unusual
severity Intervene.
United States Decides to Continue Ruling
of Navy Department.
Washington, Sopt. 11. The govern
ment ling decided against the mIu id
liquor of any description fnniirr-'nmoaii
possessions. Shortly ntter thu tri
partita agreement between Kuglninl,
Germany mid the United Slates for the
government of the Saiiioan Man its wa
made, and the assumption of control
ot thu American portion of tint Islands
uy mo navy, miner which the govern
ment wns plnml, n llcenno for thn salu
of liquor at Ttitulla wag granted. Siib
voqiioiitly, upon thu recommendation
of thu naval governor, this llcemn was
revoked, not, however, boforo tho
United Htnteg vice consul at Apia, Mr.
BlMcklock, had erected a hotel nt
Tutulln, in which the salu nf liquor
wns carried on. Whun the license wns
revoked, ho lodged n protest with thu
navy department, asserting that the
prohibition ol the rale ol liquor would
work financial injury to him, and
representing that It rale would In no
wlsu corrupt the morals ot the nntlu-a,
alleging that they worn not addicted
to the uso ot Intoxicants. It was
also represented to the department
that tho ralo of Intoxicants wns x-r-milled
In the English nnd German
portions qf the Island.
After duly considering the mntler,
the navy dopnrtmeiit hag decided
against Vice Consul lllacklock, and
ncllon of the navnl governor In
the license hag been siig
Pnlma Is Authorized to Secure a Notional
Loan of $J5,ooo,ooo,
Hnviinn, Sept. II. Thu loan bill
passed thu house of representative
today by n vote ot 48 to 2.
i resident Palmu Is authorized to
make a loan In tho name of thu nnt Ion
for thu amount nf t35.OOC.onn. thn
minimum prlco of the Issue to ho 00
and the maximum rutu of Intermit i
lio 5 per cent. Tho loan Is pnyablu In
40 years", paymonts to begin 10 yearn
after tho dnlo of Igguo. Four million
dollars Is to bo devoted to tho encour
agement of nrglculturo, and thu cattlo
Industry, and $31,000,000 is for Dm
fulfillment ot obligations rnntrnr-hwl
during thn revolution, and thu pay.
inent of tho Cuban army.
jn orilor to provldo funds for thn
payment of Interest, and tn tiiulntiilii
a sinking fund, a consumption tax on
alcohol drinks is specifically Imposed,
wmuus m per cent oi the total rocoiptn
from cilgtoniB. Tho bill provides for n
tax of 20 coiitg a liter on alcohol. !in
touts on brandy, 40 touts on whisky,
30 cents on wlno and lftcentH on lieer.
Tho bill wjll go to thu eonato conforonco
Inquiring Into Tobacco Combine.
Now York. Sent 11. A
inlflslon an no In tod to Inmil rn luff, llw.
alleged combine between tobacco emu
panlog of thu United Stntiix ami! il,..
Canadian rotallers Is examining wit-
ncssog hero, says u dlsnnteh tnil,,.
World from Windsor. Ont. ft U .
ported the Canadian nroducorn will
attempt to show that tho companies
of the Unitod Btntoi virtually control
inu viuiuuian irnuo by moans of n bvh
tern of rubntos to retailors ccntlnomif.
upon tholr refusing to handle Canadian
Kllnuea Again llrcaka Out.
Honolulu, Sept. 6. Thu volcano
Kllnuoa ling again broken out In
activo eruption, Tho Jntou reports
from the Island of Hawaii sfnli. iimt
hlkoofiiot laVII lias aillinnrnil In tl...
uinllor crater, and that Dm vnirann
Is again displaying stroamora of fiio,
forming a grand snochieln. iMn; t
tho display a gliock of oarthqunko was
felt at Hllo and In tho district of