s5? m i ( $s IIIH AI)VKIITIIN(I MKIIII'M. v v M; . B0Bni)HCfloaeHOBBBBSHtsilC. Devoted to tlic Mining, Umibcriiii: mid l'linnlng IiitcreUof thin Coin m unity, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. IV COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1902. NO. 36. )OI0HBat J B0J4EVIi-L Mines QPd Mining V y27 Devoted to D;bhorfT Noroj and ltum, of ioncrrwl Infot-'ojr lb Mlrttntf Mon. ojtTo Mlrvlntf Mor IIOIIIiMIA'S DISPLAY AT HUTU!. An Scon Ity (ho Correspondent of Tito llntlo Miner Center of Attrac tion Aluch Interest Manifested. IIOIIHMIA MINIMI DISTRICT. Am Seen by the Mining liecr'a Review. niul llngl- I The Ilolicmin mining region wait, llnii- Mln..r nf K1..VI. fitli nccordlni: to tradition, discovered V vote metal columns to the display of Jlohcniiii nt tlmt tilnec mid the district in Keiiurnl The headlines displayed arc 11s follows. "The KichcHt l'nrt of Oregon;" inln Minluir District One Luteal Discoveries of the State," "AssfiyK Run Very High;" "Topo graphical Map of the District Shown nt Mineral Exhibit nt Columbia Garden Attracted Grcnt Atten tion," Following the above Isj mi extended wrileiip nf which the following is it portion: "One of the most unique displays in the mineral exhibit at Columbia gardens, mid which has attrncted more than ordinary attention, wns that uomititutcil bv the relief map of tlic llolienila Mining District of OrcKon, together with specimens of ore from a number nf the claims. The exhibition was in personal charge of V. G. Kby. secretary and trammer of the I.o Koy Mining Company. Mr. Hty says that the Ilolicmin Mining District is one of the new discoveries in Oregon, and from the iistwys already made warrants tlic nsAcrtion that it will rival the greatest cnmiw of the great north west. The relief mapoucxhibitinn shows the topography of the dis trict complete in every detail, mid includes all the mineral claims that have been taken up to date, to gether with all the streams which afford abundant water for all min ing purposes." Pleased With Itoliemla. OrrriHilan. Hepl. 10- 1'. K. Day, a Hartford, Conn ticor)italist, who has just returned fifPliWP'IPP tlicHohcmin mines, says tuai (lie iioucmia wis- trict is one ot the most promising mining sections of the united States, not even excepting Colo rado. Ho thinks the people of Oregon do not bcuin to appreciate the value of their mineral resources, but that in n very short time the richness of the mines will bedctn onstrated. Mr. Day says he is not n mining mau.but.hns learned some thing of mincti through having made .some unprofitable investments n few vcars aco. He now owns mining procrtv in Colorado and Utah, and has uist invested some money in the Hohcmin District. When seen at the Portland Hotel vcsterJav. Mr. Day said that the great difficulty in the Hohcmin mines has been the long-distance haul of 36 miles by team, which is the only means of getting the base ores to the railroad. This distance has already been reduced 10 miles bv the construction of n railroad, and by February 1 he thinks the road will be completed nearly to the mines. When mat is nccotU' nlishcd. he thinks the cost of trans nortinir the ore will be reduced to one-fifth, nnd perhnps one-tenth of what it is now, nnd the value ot tlic mining property will be doubled. Thnt the quantity of paying ore is practically inexhaustible, he lias no doubt, niter linving inspected some of the mines now in operation. "The surface of only a few claims has scarcely been scratched, yet, he said, "and some of the mines are paying development work alone Exhnustiblel Why, your grand children will be receiving dividends from the mining operations in Bo hemin district." Mr. Day left Inst evening for his home in Hartford, greatly enthused with the bright outlook for miuiug in Oregon in the future. Purchase Mining Claims. The "Ibex" nmr'HutTalo" min ing claims nt the foot of Hnrdscrnb ble Ridge on the Sharp's Creek trail into the Bohemia district were purchased this week from their for mer owner, W. w. rinwiey, oy u. L. Johnson nnd Win. Wechter ol Salem, who nlrendy have n group of six or seven claims adjacent to them In this sale is also included the hotel and commodious barn sit uated on the property nnd familiar to everybody passing over tills road, to or from thedistrict. These gentlemen ore practical, experienced mining men, hence know a good thing when they see it nnd are not slow to net. Wkitino Matkriai.. All the little things you need to make your writing desk look liter nry you will find here, nnd a nice variety, too. Bhnson Drug Co. by Dr. W. W. Jobnon of Oregon City nnd l'rnnk Urn in August, 1858. JnmcH Johnson nnd George Ramsey reached it In 1851 nnd free lioiif. cold wns then found near head- of the I waters of City Creek. The dis covery Drought many prospectors to the Calapooln mountains. John mjii was a lioheinlau by birth and from this fact was the district so name4. Their finds were reported to be marvels of richness. It is supposed their first gold was lotind upon the claim known as the "Mystery" and now n portion of the holdings of the Oregon Se curities Company. Todny interest regarding early knowledge of the Ilohcniia district centers in the goings of a Mr. Knott, who, in 1875, more than ten years after gold was first discovered, trans ported a five stamp mill over a road made from Frank llrass creek up onto the top of the divide, follow ing the ridge for many miles and luially, after n great many trials and hardships, it was placed in po Mtion on the Knott claim on Grouse mountain. I he mill was run nt intervals for two or three years when interest, in the district virtually dwindled nway. A re vival began in 1890 when two pros pectors. Joseph Kennedy nnd O. P Adams, went to prospecting to find the gold they had for years con tended existed in those mountains. Since that time prospecting and de vcloping of properties has been going on steadily. To Messrs. J W.Cook and A. E. Davis of I.os Angeles. Col Q. K. llrady of San I'roucisco and J. W. Mustek, r prospector of many years" ex pcriencc. In Arizona, .California and Oregon, can much of the carly'de- velopmcnt and knowledge of the district be credited. It was in the spring of 1802 they contracted for in Snu Francisco and had shipped a tslnnn null. A crcat many dit- Acuities attended the shipment of the boiler, engine and other in a clunery of this plant in sections ovtr the steep, rocky nnd nrduous trail to the l.os Angeles nnd Dc fiance claims, now known as the Mtisick mine. In October of thnt yenr the mill wns ready to start and the stamps began to drop, and it being tlic winter season, with a scarcity ol supplies, onij n nine days' run wns nnd; the clean up amounted to S4.000 from selected ore. As one reads the record of events it seems that work of devel opment and improvement for years wns only desultory, for in 1893 the mill wns run, oil and pu, the Tail cleanup netted $11,000. In 1894 over $5,000 was spent in dead work the mill run occasionally from May till November mid tlic clean up was $13,000. The result of the clean up for 189s was $14,498 From May, 1896, until February 1897, 17,137.10. for tlic same period of the year following the clean up was $35,873.25. During all this time much prospecting was going on for miles around. The Champion put in n 10-stninp mill in 1895 and the Noonday n 20-stamr mill in 1896. After the Sharps creek road was built in 1898 many more active and enterprising men entered the districts mid systematic development went rapidly torward The road before that time only went as far ns Hnwleys, n distance about half way from Cottage Grove to tlic Mustek mine, in tuc sum mer of 1898 the county contributed $700, mid the Bohemia Gold Mine and Mill Company (the Musick mine) nnd the prospectors in gcu crnl chipped in the remainder nnd tlic road was built up falinrps creek It then follows in a wonderful winding way for five nnd n half miles on the steep sides of Falrview mountain right up the sharp point of Bohemia peak nnd for the dis tance mentioned the grade is a strong ten per ceut per mile. What does the writer tliink ot tlie district in a general way? As n representative of mining papers he has during the last twelve yenrs visited the leading camps ot liritlsli Columbia, Idaho, Oregon, Call fori) la, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado As regards Cripple Creek, many characteristics nre similar. Outside of that the Bo hernia Wining District compares principally with those of Kosslaud, 13, C, nnd the great San Juan of Colorado. No one to his knowl edge ever saw two districts entirely similar, even if only ten miles apart. Many n well qualified nnd educated mining expert has visited Hit: district mid who of nil of them has mild n word derogatory? Pro fessors representing tlic U. 3. geo logical survey, milling engineers and metallurgists have traversed its Ateep mountain sides and pene trated the excesses made by tunnels nnd other underground workings nnd all have declared that true fissure ledges trend all through for miles, principally in n direction northwest mid southeast, dipping south nnd southwest mid occasion ally dipping rather to the north. The future mining situation ol the ilolicmin District may be indi cated by what n prominent woman once) remarked, "When electricity is called to its nid. ns it is now; carried across the Rockies from llutte to Anaconda 5,000 volt power, mining will become like manufacturing;" and so when the Oregon Securities Company installs u mammoth electrical plant on Champion creek, probably at the Warehouse, power will be trans mitted tool! available points in the Ilolicmin district nnd mining then will be ns easy as manufacturing. NOTirB KOH PIjIU.K ATION. (Tnitui ami 1 .Mini om.'c, Jtowlmrjr, Ore., it. 4th, .Nut hi- In fwnly mit tlmt In rom- plliiticf Willi tlw lrvlliiriH of the net nf IJoiiKn ofJiiim 1N7. en-. titled "An net for I In- cnlr of tlmlier ImimIh In tlx fttHtM ttl fiillfnriiln, Orv Kcin. NcviiiIm, hU(I Vh. hlnulon 'IVr-1 rltnf.v." n I'Xtfltded to nil tlic Pnl-' lie IjiiiiI HI tit lijruct nf AuiriiNl l.i William W. IIbIih h, of KtiKMie. Cmiiitv of Lnm. Htntf of )ikiiii Iiiih IIiIm day MM In tlilx ofll- IiIm HUoriiMiitlcincnt No. .'(Ill for tint pnr clitiHV of tin' I.olM 81, M NV XV UHVofHtloii.'n.2,Towiifilp No. aiHoulli. of Itnna-' 1' Wext and1 will offer proof t" hotliHt the land HoiiKht Ih more valtwlile for Km tlni ler or Htoue than for icriciil t nrnl , pnrpoxeH, mid to iwtlilfnli Mm claim to wild land liefore .Marie 1,. Ware, I . H. I ommWtloner nt Kiikimic, Ort'K'in. 'in Monday Hie lid, day 1 of Deo.. 1IKH. I He miinoH ih wIIihwhi: II. T. Dow, JnmeHHIilee. oM'ottaje drove, Ore., Clmrlen Hiilm-H. John Maine, of KitKune, Ore. Any nnd all ixji-Hoiir HmIinIiiic ad versely the nbove-deKcrllied latidM are i'liiOHteil to file tlielr claims 111 thlH olllce on or lwforv xnid lHt day of Dee., line. J. T. lJiiuxtKH, ItCKlHtcr. IT Tlic Golden Rule. C. I.. Johnson nnd Wm. Wechter, secretary and vice-president of the Golden Rule Mining and Milling Co., were in from Bohemia Satur day. They report the company's property as showing up very well. Their reticence leads us to to the old ndagc "Still water runs deep and you don't know what is at the bottom." They have splendid property, well located and adjoin ing the North Fairview Co. We trust to be able to give the public something more definite in regard to this company 111 the near future. NOTICH FOR l'LBI.H ATION. Tlic Great Wnlhl Mine. The great Waihi gold on mine of New Zealand now operates 330 stamps, the second largest stamp equipment of the world, being ex ceeded only by the Alaska-Tread- well. The mine has been success fully operated, on an annually in creasing scale, for about 15 years In 1901 290 stamps crushed 159,' 325 tons of ore which yielded $2,- 236,850. The total product to May 1002 was $10,662,350. The deepest workings are but 643 feet nnd there nrc immense bodies of pnyore. The amount in 'sight was recently estimated nt 628,595 tons. Divi dends to date have amounted to $4,- 33i395- The company has a re serve account of nearly $500,000. United HtnttM Uiml O If Ice. Kowlnirfr, On.. Sept. :s. I!)--. Notice Ih hereby kIvcii that in com pliance with the priiiMloiiH of the net of (,'oiij$roHH of June. 'I, 17. en-i titled "An act for the mile of flintier I lamlM In the Htnten of allfonilH, Ore gon. Nevada, and WiiHliliijituii Ter- ntorv. an externum to an ine i-nniic IjiikI Staten bv act of AustflMt 4. 1MW. Mrn. Olivia WKnkliioM'ottnKeOrove, Co. of Imm: Htflte of ore.. Iihh thin dnv filed In this otllce her hwoiii Htntement No. 8WK for the purt'hnxe of the HHof Section No. :M In TowiimIiIi) No. 10 8.. Itniw No. 1! Went and will offer proof kIiow that the land nought Is more valuable foritn tlmlRT or Htone tnan lor agricultural purpoH4H, and toextnlillHh her claim to wild land liefore the KeRlHter Hnd Receiver at IlonelinrK, Oregon on Tliurmlay, the 8th dy of January, HNB. She names iih wltnefmn: Herbert Knkln. Geo. W. McQueen, Herman T. Dow, Jowpli Shlee. of Cottage Orove, Ore. Any and nil ixthomm claiming aii- vernely the above-decrlliel landrt are reiitiexted to file tlielr clalniH la thin olllce on or liefore wild 8th day of Jan.. WG. J. T. liiuncKH. IteglKter. i. .1, .. im- -i- -i We are offering greatly Reduced Prices in many Lines of Goods to make Room for our FALL STOCK ti Which is now arriving Daily. Shirtwaists v 7 ait Less than Cost. V V Big Bargains in LigSJioes till September 1st. The only Complete Line of Gents and Boys' Collars in Town. EAKIN & BRISTOW. 4 STATU FAIR AT SALEM. Attend the State Fair to be held at Salem. Sept. 15U1-20, 1902. Take a few days after haying and harvesting and go away for a change of scene and air. Too few farmers and farmers' wives take any vacation during the year. There is nothing so good as 1 change of living nnd a few day's rest to brnce one up, both physi cally and mentally. Most of the large city business houses give their employes one or two weeks vacation during the yenr, nnd they find it pays well in the better health of their men and greater interest taken by them in their duties. A weeks rest attending the state fair is both educational nnd recre ative. The exposition building will be filled witli the finest exhibits of the farm, field and orchard. The livestock shows will surpass any' thing of the kind ever given on the coast, nnd no progressive farmer can nfTord to miss the possibilities of improved breeds nnd breeding. Good rncing every nftemoon be tween the fleetest footed rncers on the coast, good music and high clnss entertainment in the evening. Reduced rates will be made by the Southern Pacific for the occa sion. Ask your agent for full in- formntlon. Just for a Pew Improvements. We will be ready when you call. Growth Indicates Progres. Oui' Business is Growing. iSTew Goods, ISTew Methods, New Ideas. They arc all here in our store. New goods arriving daily, just see them, Our values in Men's Underwear is unexcelled1 we bought it in full cases, and we sell for FIFTY CENTS what was -sold heretofore lor SIXTY CENTS, Same discount in other lines. JsOTICK I'OIt I'l'DUCATION. Unlteil Statei Land Office, Honeburjj. Ore., , 100J. XofJs.lH hunjlrjr" Klnui tlmt In com plTn1icv,itlili1irtJloiw otthe net of Coiikivhm of June .1. 1HTS, entitled "An net for the wile of timber IiuhIh lutheStntCH of California, Oivkoii, Nevada, and WnMhlnKtonTerrltory," iih extended to all the Public Land StateH by act of AtiKuxt A, 1SU2, Wolf Handera, of KiiKene, County of Lane, State of Oregon lmH this day Hied Inthlxofflco hlMttwoni Htnte ment No.IMiU, for the purclmw of the S X NK &N X HUH of Section Xo. 8, Twp. 10 South, of limine S Went and will offer proof to hIiow that the land miugla Ih more valuable for It tlmlier or Htone than for agricultural purpoxeH, and toe tatillHh IiIh claim to mild land liefore .Muriel.. Ware. I'.S.CominlHHlonerat KitKvne. Oregon, on Monday, the 17th day of Nov., 1002. He tianieH iih wltneHHen! .lottepli II. Wlllielm.oftloslien, Ore., .1. CnlHHon, of l'leanant Hill. Ore., Holiert Frevnmn, Ell Coenlinver, of (lOHlien. Oivgon. Any and all iieraonH clnlmhiK nd verwely the nlinve-descrllied land a nre nsiuented to tile their elating In thin offleo on or iK'fore wild 17th day of Nov.,l!WU. J. T. llmnoKH, Iteglnter. KOTICi: KOIt I'UIM.ICATIOX. NOTIOK l'OK PUBLICATION. United Stated Land Oinee, UoBobnrB, Ore.. Aug. 35th. 1002. Notice is hereby ulvea thnt in com iilliinco with the provisinnd of the net of CoiiL'refa of Juno 3. 1878. entitled ''An uctfortho ante of timber lamia la tho SUtoa of California, Oreiron, Nevada niul Washington Territory," ns extended to nil tho l'ublla I.nml Stiitoa by net of An iriist -1. 1892. ItettnM. Toboy. of Olox,- Comity of Ulllinm, citato of Oro., litis thin day tlloil In this olllca her mvom Btnteinunt No. 3320, for tho purclmeo of tlui NW M of 8ection No. 28 in Town ship No. 20 8, HmiKO No. 5 W, nnd will oiler proof to show that tho land sought is mora vniunnio tor us timuur or siono than for aericluturnl nunioscs. and to establish hor claim to mild laud before Murie j. ware, U. 6. Commissioner at KuKeae, OrcKon, on Wednesday, tho l.'in nay 01 iiov. tuu.-. hiio names us witnesses : Kilirnr O. Tobov. Aucusla M . Tobey. Nutlinm T. Wlllson. of Kuirene. LnnoCo Oregon. Jilmes N. Handle, of Kiilrmount, iaww uo., uregon. Any and all iiorsonsclaiudnRndvorso- ly tho above-described lamls aro re a nested to fllo their claims In this olllce on or botorosald 12th day of Nov., 1002. j.t, tiinoaiiB, iiegisiur. United Stntw Land Olllc-e, ltoneburK. Ore., tli. 1002. Notice Ih hereby given that In eoni pllauiit with the provision of the act ofCoiiKri'HH of .luno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the wilo of tlmlier landH In the StateH of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," iih extended to all the Public Laud Staten by utt of AtiKUHt 4, 1N)2, Wil liam (in wley. of Alierdeen, County of ChelmllH, State of Wanh., Iiiih thlHday filed In thin olllce his Hworn Htnte ment No. .1IU2, for the purchuo of the K!iUi of Section No. 30 Townnlilp No. 18 S, Kiuigv 8 W and will offer proof to hIiow that the land HoiiKht Ih more valuable for ItH timber or Htone than for agricultural purposes and to eHtabllHh Ids claim to wild hum tK'foiv .Marie L. wntv, U. S. ConimlHHloner at EiiBene, On'Kon, 011 Thursday, tho 20th day of ov 1WK. He iinmcHnH wltiieHKen: J.. U. Sutherland, W. 8. Sutherland, Archie m. Kicimnison, u. . suther laud, of Olentena, Lane Co.. Oiv. Any and all ihthoiih claiming ad vernely theabove-deRciilied IiuiiIh nre reiueHtei to me ineir eininiH in mm ollleo on or befoiv said 20th day of WOV., IIKC. .1. T. ItiiiixiKH, Iteglnter, LEADERS IN MERCHANDISING Cottage Grove, Oregon. A Warning To Girls And Young Ladles Why Gallagher Let Her do. Now Oallngher had a licat frlrl He called her "Dnrllng Cloe" He told her to get her iierfume From Morgnn nnd llrelmut. When Gallagher went to hug her And found hIio hadn't done ho, (Had got bad perfume, nome other place) Then "Gallagher let her go." I'. S. Glrln take warning. A CERTAIN CUKE KOK DYSENTERY AND DIAKHHOKA. "S01110 years ago I was ono of n party that intended making n long bicycle trip," says K. L. Tavlor. of New Albany, liriulford County, l'a. "I was taken suddenly with dinrrhoea,aml was about to give up tho srip, when editor Ward of the Lncewille Messenger, suggesteil that I toko a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy. I purchased n bottle nnd took twodoses, 1 ono before starting and one on the route. I made tho trip successfully and never felt any ill effect. Again last summer I wns almost completely run down with an uttack of dysentery. I lioucht a bottlo of this same remedy and this : time ono dose cured me." Sold by Lyons & Applegate, Drain. Benson Drug Co., Cottage Grove. W. S. ClIKISMAN. Eli Hangs. The Fashion Stables CORNER MAIN and SECOND STREET, COTTAGE GROVE Gbrisman & Bans, Proprietors. Also own and opperate the Bohemia and Black Butte Stage Lines First-Qass Turnouts, Double or Single. Reasonable Prices WANTltD. Goats wanted from one to three years old. Address Postmaster at Elkhead. 9-31 SUMMONS. In tho Jnttloa'a Court for the Plutrlct of Cot tce Orovo, County of Lane, State of Oregon, II, r. Clark, lMalutiR va W. W. Wattlni. Pefeiidaiit. To W. W. Walkln, lielendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and aniwer the com plaint olpUliitlfTIUcd agaluit you in the above entitled Court and oautenn or before thelait day ollho imbllcation ol this umniom, which aid last date of itubllcation of this summons iitha.irdilaTof Outober. lWU.and which tlnl date ot publfcatton ol bald summons Is the 2!ud day ot August, 1W. and II you fall to so appear nd answer said eomulalut lor want thereof, tho ulalutltf will takejudguient against you for the sum ol liog.00, together with the costs and disbursements ol this anion to bo taxeC, and lor an order for the sale ol the property at tached In the said above entitled cause. This summons Isnubllshed by order of J, W. Vaughn, Justice otiho l'eace In and lor Cottage Urovu Justice's Pistrlct, Lane County, Oregon, made at hit oltlce on the IMth day ol July, I'.KM. liated August Knd.lWI-J. J, W. ViCUllN, Justice ol the l'eace. J. 8. MlDLIY AMD J. U. JOIIMaoM, Attorneys for flalntltt. THE OLD RELIABLE Grocery Store Caries a full line of Staple nnd Fancy goods, Granite, Crockery, Tin and Glassware, Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats, Hay and- everything the farmer or the housewife needs. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. It will be a pleasure at all times to show opr goods and you nre earnestly requested to call and examine them. ll'lll meet All Competioit in J'1'ieen. SOLLMAN & GAROUTTE Successor to Baker & Johnson COTTAGE GROVE. ORE YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME At the nui numb nuiui Where the meals are well cooked and well served and the beds nre good. ITS CLEAN THROUGHOUT. And you'll fiud everything home-liko without homo Inconveniences. Come and stay as long as possible. ' ' FINE LARGE SAMPLE ROMS Free to our ComtnercialTrnde. Trv our Sunday Dinner. Tho beat ever 8erved in any Hotel in tho City, N. D. HARDY, M'gr. COTTAGE GROVE, - - OREGON. J. E. YOUNG Attorney -at' Law Office on Main street, West Side COTTAOM GROVH, ORK. A. H. KING Attorney at Law, COTTAGE ailOVK, OltE. C. J. MILLER of this tewn will present each mid every baby UNDER ONE YEAR OF AOE brought into his store dur ing this present year, A FINE GOLD BABY RING Call at his Store and make application for one of the rings. Also look over the fine display of Jewelry which he has on hand. H. C. MADSEN, -Watchmakhr. Repairing at reasonable chart ti. All work guaranteed tlrst-clau. Watches, Clock and Jewelry at Lowest Privet COTfAGK GKOVE, ORE. MoitK Tkamb Wantkii. Wo can uso nil the teams wo cuu get to haul ore from the Helmut mine to tho end of our track- Tho teams now on tho road cannot tuko the ore away ns fast as It Is mined. Address W. V, Sloni'iiv, Oencral Mitnuger O. & S. E. II. It., Cottngo Orovo, Oro. , J. C. JOHNSON and F. .0 EBY Attorneysaml Coumelps-at-law Special attention given to Mlnlng.Corporatlon and Mercantile taw. OOlce over Oarman & Heratnway'a store. COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. BARKER & PERMAN rnorKiRTOits of THE EXCHANGE , DBALKItS II K1.NK WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. llaln street, Vottago Urora, Or. J , , ,.. ... We hive on hand a large etoclc of klltiKlrleil tlodrlnir. celllnir and rusllo In grades 1 'i and S, hot us make yo special prices. Uootii-Kki r,r Lvmhkz Vo.