Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 12, 1902, Image 6

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Udltor and Proprietor.
Entered t the potlofflr. at Cottage Grove,
Oregon as second Clans niall rattler.
fluliacrlptlon price, al.fto. In mlinnre
AitvffrlMn.; Ilt mn. knuwn Uin
THIg I'APKIt li Vei.t on file at K. C. Drake's
Admitting Anney, etenitw Merehaiiti bx
hane,San Franelwo, California, where con
traett I'tr ailrertutni eon be mailo for II.
Friday, Skitumbu 12, 1902.
The second nay mentor your sub
scrlption to the O. & S. E. R. R.
has been due lor sonic time and is
payable at the First National Bank
111 this city. Every man and firm
in Cottaee Grove that put down
dollar to help secure a right of way
for this Toad should see to it that it
is naid iust as was acrecd. Per
haps we will want to offer a bonus
for some other enterprise 111 the near
future and unless we kcepouragrec-
nieut 111 this inutnnce our crelit will
be miKhty poor in the future. But
a word to the wise is sufficient and
doubtless the calling of attention to
this matter will have some effect.
In another column will be found
an extended article taken from the
Tacific Miner of Sept. 1st descrip
tive of the great Bohemia mining
district. It is from the able pen of
T. H. Supple, formerly or this pa
per, who just recently returned
from a two-week's sojourn in the
hills of Bohemia where he visited
all the principal "diggings." It is
a first class writeup and fully up-to-date,
hence we reproduce it in its
entirety for the perusal ofourmany
readers who are interested in the
progress of Bohemia.
When a genuine "tenderfoot"
will stumble around over a group
of mining claims in Bohemia un
attended and pick uy a piece of ore
weighing several pounds that assays
over $3,000 per ton it is a . pretty
good indication that we have in
Bohemia a second Cripple Creek.
This actually happened on the Sun
rise group not long ago. '
Democratic papers throughout the
country are constantly hurling col
umns of "stuff" at the head of
President Roosevelt on account of
his attitude and utterances on the
trust question. The trouble seems
to be they are afraid of being left
stranded up Salt Creek without an
issue for the next campaign.
Have you heard from Maine?
Tlie republicans carry the state by
nearly twice the usual off-year ma
Attend the State Fair to be held
at Salem, Sept. 15U1-20, 1902.
Take a few days after baying
and harvesting and go away for a
change of scene and air. Too few
farmers and farmers' wives take
any vacation during the year.
There is nothing so good as a
change of living and a few day's
rest to brace one up, both physi
cally ana mentally.
Most of the large city business
bouses give their employes one or
two weeks vacation during the
year, and they find it pays well in
the better health of their men and
greater interest taken by them in
their duties. I
A weeks rest attending the state
iajr is 00m educational and recre
ative. The exposition building will
De tilled with the nnest exhibits
the farm, field and orchard. The
iivesiocic snows win surpass any
thing ot the kind ever given on the
coast, and no progressive farmer
can afford to miss the possibilities
ot improved breeds and breeding
Good racing every afternoon be-.
tween the fleetest footed racers on
the coast, good music and higli
class entertainment in the evening,
Reduced rates will be made by
tuc souiuern racinc tor the occa'
sion. Ask your agent for full in
Hnrdin Z. Perkins was born in
Garrett county, Ky., Aug. aSfh,
1838, and came to Oregon in 1864,
residing in Baker county until the
date of his death Sept. 6th. He
was the brother of Mrs. Wynne,
Joseph Perkins, deceased, and Mrs.
Ctirrin of this place. Mr Perkins
had beci: visiting here during the
summer, went to the coast, and
tried various outings for his health,
nnd finally returned home appnr
antly improved. It seems that his
disease was something similar to
jaundice and encroached on his
system so insidiously that his etui
came before he was awate of any
serious illness. Five children sur
vive him among whom arc Joseph
Petkius of this place.
His Evu On Coos Bay.
T. W. Jenkins left the first of the
week for Portland, where he will
visit a few weeks and attend the
state convention of the M. B. A.
before leaving for the cast on an
extended visit. Tom has his
"weather eye" on the Coos Bay
country, where he expects to cast
his lot as soon as the new transcon
tinental railroad is an assured
thing. Should the Coos Bay bubble
burst he will doubtless conclude
there is no place like Cottage
Grove, return and watch us grow.
However we wish Mr.. Jenkins
abundant success wherever he may
cast his lot.
Cigar Factory:
H. G. Kurbit. a cigar man from
Portland, and a couple of friends,
stopped off here last Sunda on
their return from the Coos Bay
country of which so much is being
said just at present. They declared
themselves well pleased with the
looks of the country down there but
stated that it was too early yet to
find out much about it. They were
well pleased with the outlook here
and had they found business open
ings and houses for rent would cer
tainly have located in our city.
One is a cigar manufacturer and
the other is seeking a new field
for a stock of general merchandise.
Horsk And Saddle Taken.
H. B. Yancey rode into town
Monday evening on his mare, tied
her near Hemen way & Burkholder's
store, and went about town attend
ing to his business. When he re
turned about 8:30 to get the ani
mal and go home, beholdl she was
missing. However, he went home
without her expecting to find her
thereupon bis arrival, but she was
not to be found, hence he concluded
she had been stolen, saddle, bridle
and all, together with a Mackinaw
coat that he had tied upon the
United States Iiiul Office,
Uiwi'bniv Ore.. Aug. Until, 1002.
Notice in hereby given tlmt In com
pliance with the provisions ot tin- net ot
Coniirof of Jtuinii, 1878 entitled "An
I'nitod'suuM lnd oiiu-o. ; ,wttH!iir C.l,0!!Li;i;'
iiIImih-.. with ii..V 7.V. vui.Hi- nt tii..- ."ttm'.Aet
1,1 J fl, , ..1' ' 1 .... .KIVMN 111 ,11111
v rii,vrn ll .llllll'M, IO,C, VII'
1S7S, inttltled
IC .'I.
ci lor tne m g 01 1 wc minis in urn ,, ,. :: ; ' , . , " , " " i o k i o l I I ItulH'l' I.nnilM
SinUWGillforin,0nn,40vi.l.uuHl !"ViIi- 1. n,0.' tiV lu r 'i i'" l" m u" "t l Onw
Washington Territoryas'extended to " "'!'' ot In torn h Nl,Vmhi, nu.l WnNhlnirt in S or tonV1
nil the Public tand Stales bv net ot An- " .tftV I,'1" " 1 .n?,,,ViKVi" I "M 'xti'ttiled to nil tho p,, ', ,l
rusH, 1S!2, Augusta M Tobey, ot Ku. ' "J''',-'...i'iH. t;x,,.mUM, , " 1 N'V Stittw. l.y m-l of VuKti" I. s )
SemM'v.nntyofnnt.c, HUto ol'6ro., Iim ! 1 'J 1 J i,' V' ,,tv,n; A," A,.Tl, (1",'v Mlllor.of IvVtlni (I, Vil li tv
this tly Olfl lu this otneo lier 'orn frJ.", HtiitiM.f Ohwt w
MMement So. 83. for the piirelumuif WV'.' . '1 1, !- L'l i .,i 1 1.1! d.iy lllo.l In IIiIh oilUv HIh hwo 11
iheSEMofSectlon So. 38 inToiifhln .V.iivV.Vl u. ?J. VL V v'" .V'ii- "tiitenifiit No. iKUII. fm-thy liuivhi "
offer proof to ,lmw tlmt tl.n hunt Minglit (, v !,! l ' V. v 1 "vv w L ,1 "!j , .'if,' 'V T0w.1-I.lp -ji HotlEli of Iliu m W
l; tnorc vnhinhlo for II. tlml-er or .torn, , "A. ViVV.t tV.i, S ",,,,w,n ''V ,n," ' -how tlmt I lu'
tl.nn for ngr en It lira pnrpojes, mul o ?.' 1 ' -i Mmin iinnvvh lnud nouk it m inoiv vnliinhlo for IIh
wtalillsl, her rhlm to' J.I Ian I Moro I ' " , I";'"' ' . "'"J.V nMlw " ntoiw tlmn t u ll.l 11' d
?::" "'"'iv .niii io 1,. wiirv.
the Uth ilrtv of Nov.. IWY2.
She naiiiCK na witiuvmeo :
Kiltfiir O. Tobev. of liuceiio, Initio Co.
Ore.. .Inniea S. Itntnlte. of Knlriiioiiiit
I.ino C .. Ore., IictUi M.Tolwv. Olex,
Gillinm Co.,Ore..Sntlinin T. Wilson, of
hiiRvne. Co.. Ore.
Any and nil persons elnlniini; adverse
ly the nboYe-dcterllieil lnus nm rv
qnetel to tile tlielr cliiiins in tliisoirico
on or Injforo said 12th day of Nov., 1W2.
J.T. HiittMiKi, Krister.
Immense Cow Uakn.
Unitil States Uind Oiric ,
KosvlmtK, Ore., UX2.
Sotiw is hereby viven that in eoniiill-
Hiire tith the pnivlsions of the set of
Congress of June:), 1878, entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Uinds in tlio
States of California, Ortiron. Sevtnhi.
nnd WashiiiRton Terrllory," ns ex
tended to nil the Public I Ami States by
net of AiiKiist 4, ISO'.', ISertlin .Met)nee:i,
ColtinjeOrovti, Co. of lnie. State ot Ore
gon has this day tiled in this oirieo her
sworn statement So. IWlW, for the pin
chase of the SH SK l-4of Section So. 4,
in Township 'M South, of liiuicu 2 West
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
ptirposevind to establish her claim to
said land before Marie I.. Ware. U. S.
Commissioner nt Knsene. Ijmo Co. Ore-
lion, 011 Saturday the lfith day of Nov.,
She names as witnesses:
Herman T. Dow, Joseph Sehlee, Sol
Davidson, G. W. McQueen, of Cuttaite
Orove, Oit-uon.
Any njril all persons elaimiii); ail
vcrsely the above-deseribel lands are le-
qnested to tile their claims in this office
on or before satu latli day of .Nov., 1W.
J. I. lliuiKiKS lUxisler.
iiKrleiilturnl imriioHeH, mul to ontiilf
llsli hU I'lnllil to wild html liefoiv
Mnrlo 1,. Wniv, I'. S. CoiniiilHtdouer,
nt Kiikviio, Oivjrou on Tiiomliiy the
2Sth ilny of October. 1IHW.
I lo lmimn ivh wltuofNCH:
M. It. I'ottH, of 1 lolly. Mmit'o..
Orv., Diivo .Murphy, of Alum, hiino
Co., Otv., John Murphy, ot Ku'iie,
Imno Co., Orv., M. A. Hliluwiiy.-ot
Uoiotitnu, Monttitin.
Any anil till ikm-hoiim ehiltnl.ii; nil
verwly the tihovo-dcricrlhed IiiiuIh iin
itMiueMtiil to tile their chiliiix In thin
ottlco oil or iK-forv wild ISth duv of
OetolH-r, HW2.
J. T. HtnniiKH, Itridator.
United States Land office,
Kosebinv, Ore., Aug. 20, 1902.
Notice is lierebv iriven that In com
pliance with the provisions of the net of
Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An
Act tor the sale of Timber Lands in the
States of California. Orecon. Nevada.
anil WasliinEtou Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land Suites bv act of
August 4, 1892. William Harrison, of
Cottage drove, County of Lane, Stato of
Oregon has this day tiled in this office his
anur euiivuieiifc au, amu, lor rne pur
chase of the Lot So. 11, S SW U
SW t4' SW U, of Section So.
Township 22 South, of Kance 2 West
and will offer proof U) show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim lo
said land before the Marie L. Ware. U.
Bert Wood and other carpenters 8,on"D'S9'onerat Eugene, Oregon, on
are jusr putting the fini:
! j. a. juuw new cow D H Brlm,baugh, James Lebow,
barn, on his place east of Saginaw, Thomas Rowlings, William Westcarson,
mis weei. it is one ot the largest 01 '"se orove, ure.
and best arranged barns in this Dart AnJr "I"1 a." peeons clainiing ad
nfiln-miinir., u:. ,c r, i,.. verseiy me anove-nescr oea lands are
ot the country being 56 feet by 134 requested to file their claims in this
leet ana containing tour silos 12 office on or before said 17th day of Nov.,
icei suuare ana 10 leet in neipht.
. V - o
Mr. Jones is one of our most enter
prising citizens and has been here
long enough to know the various
resources and shortcomings fif
there are any; of the country.
Fancy Work Class
1 ? r a
miss v.ora naicer ciosea a very
successiui lancy work "tourna
ment" in the J. S. Medley build
ing on Mam street, during which
at least twenty Cottage Grove
ladies took lessons and purchased
material tor various kinds of em-
broidery work. Monday she left
J.T. Bridges, Register.
United States Land Office,
itoseuurg, ure., Aug. soiu, IU0Z
.ouce is nereoy given tlmt in com
A fiitiilllnr iiiinie for the CIiIciiko,
Mlhvniikiv & St Pnul llullwiiy,
known nil over the lTtilou iim the
(itvnt ltnllwiiy riiiiiiln the "Pioneer
Llntlted" trains every duy nnd nltsht
iK'twwn St Paul mid CIiIciiko, mul
Omaha and Chicago. "The only iht
fivt traliiH In the world." Cutler-
Htaud: Connections nn nuule with
All Transcontinental Lines, assuring
to paswngvrH the liest servKvktiown.
Luxurious coaches, electric lluhts,
steam heat, of a verity ispialed by
110 other Hue,
Siv tlmt your ticket reads via "The
Milwaukee" when jrolin-tonny point
In the Unltetl States or Canada. All
f ticket agents sell them.
For rates, panipliletM or other In
o muitlon, address.
W. Caskv, 11. S. ltoWK,
Trav. Pass. At. den, Agt.
Porthind, On-Kou.
United Stales Land Office,
Itoseburg, 0n., Aug. 2oth, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
undo with tlio provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Umdn in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Iji ml States bv
act of August 4, 1892, James 11. Baldwin,
of Portland. I5ox723.Co.ofMultnoinah,
Stato of Ore., has this day tiled in this
office his sworn statement No. 333(1, for
the purchase of the SE 'iofSection No.
34 in Township No. 21 , Range So. 2
West, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bis claim to
said land before Marie L. Ware,
U. S. Commissionerat Eugene, Oregon,
on Monday, the 17th Jay of Noveliilier,
He names as witnesses:
John A. Yangorden, William Vnngor
den, John Crowley, Daniel Brumbaugh,
of CottageGrove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lamls are
renuestetl to file their idaims in thin
office on or before said 17th day of Nov.,
J.T.Dhiixies. Register.
1.. art', r. s. Commissioner at Ku
Wile, Lane Co,, Oivkoii on Satinila v
tlu Mh day of SovemlHT, UN12.
lie Humes as witnesses:
K. I), llcsstcs. ol Monmouth, oiu
t o tin'., .M. S. Barker, of Kuvne,
Lane Co., Ore., .lames Itanille, ot
l alrntouut. Lane Co., Orv., T. C,
Luekey, of EiiRvno, Luiie Co., Oiv.
Any mid nil ihm-sohs elaluiliiK nil-vei-sely
the ahhvo doserlUil lands nro
iiMiuested to lllo their claims In this
otllecon or liefoiv said Mh tin v of
Novcutlier, 11HI2.
J. T. llnilMins, lteulster.
United States Land Office,
Rosi'liurK, Ore., Auk. 21, 1W2.
Notkv Is hereby kIvoii tlmt lu com
pllance with tlio provisions" of the
Act of Congress of Jiine:i, ists. en
titled "An Act for tlie sale of TIiiiIkt
Minds in the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada ami Washington
Territory," as extended to all the
Public Laiul States liv net of Amri.-i !
it, 1SU2, Edwin I). Itesslerot Eugene!
County of Lane, State of Oregon has
una nay moil 111 tills ortico his sworn
statement No. tfcUU. for the puivlmse1
otthe U SW Uic HV K SWV ofl
Section No. ill, Township 20 South
01 nest mul will offer proof
to show tlmt the laud sought Is
more- valuable for Its tfmlier or stone
thiiti for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said laud
iK-fore Mario L. Ware, P. S. Com-
uileslouerat Eugene, Ore., on Satur
day the Mh day of SovenilK-r, 1902.
He niiuies as witnesses:
Names N. Itanille, of Falnnoiint,
t).v., Oeorgi'M. Miller, of I'ortland,
Ort., I.. C. Smith, of Eugene, Ore.,
tieorge Wilson, of Loraue, On-.
Any and nil iorsous claiming ad
verwly the above ileserlbeil hitiils atv
niiuestiil to tile their claims lu this
office on or ln'forv snhl Sth dav of
SovenilHT, 11)02.
.1. T. BiiiiiiiKs, Register.
15he Irternational 99
ovelty Yoke Sxiit.
V VDU Hiit to lie right "In
ll" tlilt tcaioii, order an
" Inlernillonal" Yukii Suit.
Tlilt unit U nu original creation of
wiiil Chicago, the Uigrit and moil
reliable tailoring concern In the
wculd. for whom we tk onleri,
It It tliu suuitrtt and nolibltit
nil evir ilinlgonl for inen't near.
t'liaM dirmcra all over the
United Stale men who appreciate
and want (lie luleM and tct aie
ordcilng ll, and why not you
We'll be glad In tell you more
bout this iplcndlit suit If you'll
drop In lo see us anil we'll tliow
you the "International" samples
of over 600 at y t la li patterns at the
same lime
X i lll'C showing a nice
line of new Fall Stuffs nt pop
ular prices, nnd we invite yyu
to cull and examine t lie sntiic.
Outing Flannel
We made (in exceptional
good buy in" these goods.
We ere placing n lot r
of litem on sale at JlL
Just received our new
Pall line new shades and
:$rc t $1.75 yd.
We ate up-to-date
Come and look
1 uiteii Mtati-s lJiml Ofiiee. i
llosehiirg, Orv., Aug. IS, 1!K)2. ,
Notkv is herehv iriven lluil In nun. '
pll.inco with the provisions of the!
net of Congress of ,liiiu:i, 1S7H, en-1
titled "An act for the sale ofTlinU'r
Lands in the States of California. I
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington!
Territory," us extended to all the,
ruiiiie l.anil states liy act of August i
i.vj.-, .101111 11. iH'.-sctil, 01 staffonl,
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon has this ilny filed In this office
his sworn statement So. :ki:i for the
purchase of tlio Sj X )j of Section
No. 34 In Townshlii No .21 Smith of
ItanguSo. S W. and will offer proof Ea
to show that the hind sought Isi I6fl
(ilfin. vtilnl.l.. f..M It.. , I.. fvt
........ .,.,,,,.,, v i.i i tin tllllin-l 1,1 nll'llt
in this line,
them over.
1 MP 1 ..I Will he uiven
il IllMl given with every
fi.oo jitttchase at our store
until I'rhlny, Oct. to, iooj.
nn that dntc wc will
Give Away
A Ladles' Cold Killed
Watch, Aunting Case. Save
Your Tickets.
to (ittartcr Cotton pr. 75c
ti tntarter Cotton pr. $1.00
10 tjuartcr Wool pr. fc.oo
11 (junrter Wool pr. 55.00
Our SIioch arc cut to fit
the feet, and don't cost n hit
more than the other kind.
Our line is designed to
reach every shoe need.
than for agricultural purposes iiiidtt
to establish his claim to said land J
United States Land Office.
Uosi'buri:. Ore.. Amr. 28. 1002.
Notice is hereby given that the follow-
w....- ."inn: is iivTKuy givi-n uiui inoiouow-
pllance with the provisions of the act of ing-named settler has filed notlce-of his
Congress of June 3 1878, entitled ''An intention to make final proof in sup-
lint frtr t lt tilt la nf 1 1 mlui Inn I a !n I 1 . i ' . .. ' .
iK-forothe Heglster ami Iteeelver of
this offliv nt Itoselairg, On., on
Wiilnesday theJIlst day otl)eeihlH-r.
He names as witnesses:
Volney Ervln, Sanfonl Zeek, Simon
It. de Stil, Portland, Oiv., Itooth
Jones, Elkton, On-.
Any and all imthoiih claiming ad
versely the above descrlls-d lands iirv
reoiuttidl 10 I lie Ilieir em 111s In Ills trzi
office on or iH'forv' said .list day of EJj SllOCS that Will llflbrd
J.'t ItiiimiKs, Iteglster ' 3
Tvvn rrnnil nnintc
1 o 1
about these Shoes are
jgj they are easy to buy
Jj and they are easy to
fef Wtfnr' believe we
fea have a stock of Men's
i.;i(iics ana uiiiKiren s
Satlsfactorv Shoe
Mom: Tkams Wanted.
tt eenn ubo on tne teams we can
get to haul ore from the Helena mine
to the end ot our track. The teams
now on tlio road cannot take the ore
it way nn fast tut It In mined. Address
W. F. Mohi'iiy, General JInnnger O
& S. K. It. It., Cottage Grove, Ore.
Writing Matbriai..
All the little things you need to
make your writnig desk look liter
nry you win una nere, ana a nice
variety, too.
Bknson Drug Co,
' Wantkd,
TeaniH to haul wood at Alca. $1
to 95 per day can bemade. Apply to
Pacific Tlmlier Company, Cottage
Grove, or G. Johnson at Alca.
For Salb.
A cottage with one, two, or two
and one-half acres of land. Inquire
atbeconti House south ot railroad
on Fourth St. L. C. Iwu. 8-8
For Saws.
Eleven head of stock cattle and
one youpg horse. For particulars
enquire at Allison's barber shop.
Apprentice girls, apply at once.
Mrs. Put Sanford.
34P3 ,
Cedar posts for sale by Hakin &
for Eugene where she will proceed
to organize a class at
cess will surely attend her for she
has no superior in this line having
maae 11 a study lor several years,
art for the sale of timber lands in the
Mates of California, Oregon .Nevada and
Washington Territory." as extended to
an tne I'uoilc linil Mates by 'act of Au
KiieU, 1892, HettaM. Tobey. of Olex
County of Gilliam, State of Ore,, has
this day filed in this offico her sworn
statement No. 331'0, for the purchase of
irier 1-4 01 section xo. J in Town-
and will
port of his clhim, and that said proof '
...mi ,.. , , . ... 1
win ue iiuuie ueiore .unrie 1.. vt are, u.:
o. lyo.nmissionerrfll l-.uncnt-, Uregon, on
Oct. 9. 10ft.'. viz. Mahlon Itnilsbnnlc I nt .
on II. E. So. 10420. for the 6 4 8W '"" HCy-lll-AtMV O
a or. ji.see.w, ip vj . u. 4 w, ,
He names the following witnesscss to
prove his continuo s residencn inmn !
and cultivation of said hind, viz: I
r. w.uunncy, u. Ward, Ularisa A.
: Oltlr tin Mala ilrcet -: -CoTTAGU
OhoV'K, OUK.
for every caller.
Under Odd Fellow's Hall.
Cr Vr' 1 . ' r, .1 . r .1 "."'incy. 1. . nam, Viarisa A
buc- offer proof to show that the land sought Cudncy, D. Addison, of Iranc, Oregon
Park Sai,e.
William Laudess has sold his
portion of the beautiful grove just
is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agriclutural nurnoses. and In I
establish her claim to said land before I
Marie L. ware. U. S. Comm ssioner
at KUL-ene. Oreuon. on Weilnnmlnv. tlm
n.t. i r n. ' I
1111 tiay 01 ov.
one names as witnesses :
Edgar O. Tobey. Augusia M. Tobey,
J.T. Hriixies, Itegistcr.
Ijind Offico nt Roseburg, Oregon,
August 1?, 1002.
Sotice is hereby elven that the follow
east of the citv knmvn n ihe T.,cr Natham T. Willsau. of Eugene. Lane Co ing-iiamed settler has tiled notice of hli
1 A n .. . .b flrlWftn. .TflmouV IfmwMo ,f Cnl..,.. Intpiillnnin ninbr. Ilnnl HmAf (,, u..nn.,
arm i.anaess rare. Mrs. Louisa ? i'-VS. . n a L i n. , 1 iiV.iA 1 i Vfi iU4
Mnell W3H thp nnrfhncA, nHH il.. . ..n ... . I ..... 1 ..,..:
' - .. . , 11 iu lijc , ,1 1." nni nil nnr..inu,i , n nn.ti.aMn I r M i! 1 1 1 I u, i , r 1 . 11 ,1 r , .. I wn.ii II M I .,...
Sum was $650 for one and one half ly tlie above-described lands ore re- missioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Hen-
acres. This is an ideal resort for quested to file their claims in this offico Member 22, 1002, viz: George W. Teeters,
on or before said 12th day of Sov., 1902
j.t. iiRinoES, iteglster.
preacnniK, Picnicine and all sorts
of celebrations which has been so
used for many years. It is a fine
building locality and no doubt the
purchaser will greatly improve it,
Serious Accident.
Lewis Wilson, a loecer at Mill
No. i of Booth-Kelly Co., had the
misiortune to have one of his feet
badly crushed between two lotrs
Tuesday. He was brought to Cot
tage urove tnat evening, where Dr.
Anderson dressed the wounded
lucinucr, aim on weanesaav was
sent by train to the company hos
pital at Eugene.
For Horse Racing.
iianasome purses acerrecatintr
MSO will be paid at the Etiuene in the Jmtke'.
oireet rair ano carnival lor horse ,ae """'fitountyot une, staieof Oregon.
racing. Hits handsome sum gives "ln,m
amuiiiuw Ul SUU1C BUtcuulU IlOrSCS W. W. IValUn. li..n.l. ...
and some fast races during the To w. w. watktn. i)efn.i.nt .,
, i... .......... ,
Rough Lumber,
$7 per M. at
Saginaw, Or.
on h II. E. So. 8624. for the NK 1.4
M" 1.4, N W 1-4 NE 1-4, NEI-4 HE 1-4, ,
I IitH 1 nnd 2,8ee. O.Tp.21 8 It. 2 West, I
He names the following witnesses to
lirove his continuous residence urioii nnd .
cultivation of said land, viz:
J n men l.fmbough, J it, Wiseman. v. f
11. Chainnioii. of Cottage drove. Ore..
A. J. Anderson, of Star, Ore.
J, 1. IJiitiKies, Iteglster.
MalnKt., Collage Orove.
For Sale.
Iitghty head fine ewes. Merino
and Cotswold, also sixty head An
gora goats. I also have a good
stocic ranch ot 280 acres for rent.
Particulars at this office.
For Sale.
Twenty-two head of mixed cattle X?"?!1
r l !"!. .J- , . MiruvB.
iui oaic, luciuuiiiir u 1:01x1 iivo-vear-
oiu nun.
J. A. El.I.KDGIt.
Improved Farms Wanted.
We have a few cash buyers for
In the name of IheKlale nfOrn-nn
hereby refjulred lo apiar and anwer the com.
plaint of plalntlfl filed airalmt vmi In IIiaaIiv
Slni.iVour.',fn' ,cat?'!') or before theta.t
f? il ".df 16 ! l'WItlon of thii iiiinmoiu
date of puhlf, atlon ofTald ummon.T. thi and
an3 l.AuillD",iiW-' ,n'J '.' '? o o appS?
fhe ."la IJS'tf'i ?, .'"J"1; '.?.'. "W
tlm inn, , i ti vv'':,;;l".t.,.'.v."?","J'.uu r
for an order for the ale of the property at
tached In theald above entitled tiuii.
Choice line of Liquors J
and Cigars kept on 't
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited
Latest Variety of St3'les.
t) w w w w
Shirt Waists, Choice hut Inexpensive.
New ElTects in Fine Hosiery.
Mil. Euitoii Allow 1110 to snealc u
few words In favor of Chamberlain's
suffered for tluco
nehitls and could not
tried several doctors
nnd various patent medicines, hut could
got nothing to-givo any relief until my
wifo got a bottle of this valuable medt.
cine, which has comnletelv relieved me.
Good second hand carriage nnd W, 8. IJbockman, Ilagnell, Mo. This
n, jusuccof thal'eiicfifn ami r,.ri, i. uuuuu uemuiiv. 1
lUatlte'l DUtrlf t. Isnar'n...., aJI"? imn ...lit. !.,
umilu at
J. W.VieaiiH,
. Juttlee of the l'eace,
Attorneys for I'lalntlff.
improved farms. Also dhr property, harness for sale cheap by Eakin & lXuu itt &?Zo&, cXe
f'Wlay Does t pay you to look into the merits of a New Glove that is so far
uncuu 01 me truiuury giovc tuai a novice can see its advantages, tintl which 1 meeting with phenoinenal
3UCCeSS Carson Gloves are especially adapted for the I.UMUIvRMAN and MINKR. nko inr
GUNERAI TEAMING so constructed ns lo he FREE FROM SEAMS at the ni ,,,,1.,.
stitched and reiulorced. ' """u,t
Kivo ami eany on tho IiiiihI, hut to tho nccuruto hUo. iUm kIvo i bvoUmn rlji uud not fTtralu a Htltch !
1 or Wear Hemen way & Burkholder.