is OHKE HANDO WITH FATE. Tla n sail old world, sml a hail old irorlil, It U Hcarcu worth while nt nlli IU sorrows cling" ttml IU frlvinlalili) iliijr. Anil oven Its Joys will pnll, Xtut ilcnr Ik life fur nil It alrlfe, Ami love In belter llinn hale Vuii'll II ml it iiraee In tli Mtirllent fnco If yon Juat ahuko hniula with fnto, Willi IIkIiI In your glance ami right In your glance Ami ynur llp In a curve to tlu skyi A spring In our walk nnil rliiK In your Inlk. Hur, Initio will tint pass you by, The )iitli Hint ymi will wlmli over n lilll, lint It Ifaila tu mi iijiimi gntcl Hn tilll ytul n snug to lure low along, Ami Just nlinLu lunula wllli fate. TN In youraelt la the ili'iniin elf, Tla In yourself la lwl A tul you'll never atrnjr from yourself nwny (loil'a llitlit or Iho dfvll'a prod, Whatever jrmir till ml you'll meet In kind. Ami wliiil la yniiraolf create; Tlu world will view what la really yen Therefore, ahitkii linmla with fstcl 1.1-alln'a MVckljr, '1 JASI'IK l)ANf.S CAI.UIt. J -- rrpIIH door crenked very allghtly, but It Jarred on Jasper Dane's " m i k m. Ilu looked up wltli n f row ii. "In thin Mr. Ilnno?" A young woiiitili wna framed In tliu doorway. .Iiixtu-r'u frown slightly faded an liu caught sight of her. Him wm n pretty young iviiiiinn nnil rlinrmlniily kowiiciI, mid nIih wasn't muio tliiin ona mnl t fil ly. JimpiT iivnlili'il tliu woman's page (if liN puprr. Iln couldn't have told wlmt tlio young woiiiiiu In tliu doorwny won1, Imt In tlio fnct Hint It wits n - 1 1 1 1 I it it t Ion Unit seetned to lie Jimt suited to Imt. "Mr. Dune tlio editor?" J it "Pit. pi'iicll In liniid, Isiwcd again. Tint young woman advanced Into tliu apartment. "You are, iniioli younger than I sup posed iit to lie," alio an Id. Jasper's eye tipciicd wider. "I mil not iitlllo Hiiro Hint I ought to take Hint na n roiiiplliuent," ho until, lie even auilled. Tlien tlio pressing rlmriulcr of III work reminded lilm. Ilia feittltrea stiffened. Ho rnlaett IiIk penell again, ii ml looked nt tliu iflrl se verely. ''It's tlio very flntt tlino I won ever In mi edltor'N siim-tiim," aim anld, na tier glimec took In Hie dingy walla nnil tliu llttereil tleak. "Iluw en n I serve yon. madam?" In tulreil Jasper. 'l'lie girl lookiil nt lilm mid alio looked nt tin eltiilr liealdn Itla ileak. "Thank you," alte anld. mid ant down. "KOIIIIY Mr Jl IMIHI..NT BliKUS IIAIISII." Jasper sighed mid at n red nt tliu half written alteet before Mil). "Are you sure It l Hie iilltor you wnut to see?" lie asked. "The Hoelety iilltor la nt Hie lower end of Hie luill. No nru tliu niiialenl editor mid tliu nrt depart ment. Ku la tliu drminitle iilltor." "1 cnnic to aei) you," anld tlio Klrl. Jiiaper slightly flllalied. "Thuuk you," liu wild. "I inn on ex lilliltlou nt nil lioura. la Hint nil?" Tlio Klrl shook Iter liend. "Do you own tliu paper, too?" alio naked. Jasper frowned. "No," lio reilled. "1 believe It In gen ernlly understood Hint Mr. l.luas Lam boh la Hie pnper'a owner." The rnllwny prealdeiit?" "yea." "Una ho nuy clilldrun?" "One." "Itoy?" "No, n Klrl. A little girl who Is study Iiik nlirond." "How old?" "1 don't know. Mr. I.ntnson speaks of her n a hla llttlu Klrl." Jusper wns getting lldKety. "I beg yoiif pnrdon," liu anld, "but you ltnvo not told nut how I can serve you." "No," alio Hit Id, "1 hnven't." A brief alienee followed. "Am I to Infer Hint yon nro getting up n aoelety directory?" Jasper Inquired with n allKht tlnvor of aarcn "No," said tliu Klrl, "tlio Inference would bo wrotiK. Nor do I want my portrait on tlio aoelety paw. No, I Imvo no tickets to Bell mid no atibacrlptlon pnper to bIkii. 1 ennio hero to aeo you. A denr friend nnld: 'You must aeo the editor of thu Dlapatch. llo's well worth your while.' " ' Jaaper couldn't help lluahltiK nKalu. "Am I reckoned nuioiiK tlio lending BlKht of thu tuwn?" ho usked. "No," thu Klrl gravely repllwl. "You como bctjveen tho Keyaer fountain and thu zoo." Juaper InuKhed. "And do you eoino up hero to tell mo thntV" ho iiBljed. "That for ono thltiK," snld tho girl. "I don't pupposo my liresencu hero both era you In the lenat, does It?" "Miidniii," anld Juaper, "I am a reck, leas user of tho truth. Your preBcnco prevents mo from attending to my Un ties." " ."Perhaps this Is your busy day?" said thu Klrl, Innocently. "All my days are busy days." "Then, of course, It Is Just ns con venient for inc to call to-day as any other day," said tho ghl. Jasper looked at her with a comical expression. Ho was n llttlo near sighted, and, as was his custom with caller, bu hadscareoly given her mi appreciative look when sho entered. Now, nt shorter range, ho saw that she was much prettier than he at first sup posed. Sho certainly was a very charm- To Rlrn your photoicrnphlc pnmplipr nnlla a tlioniUKh uverlmiiilng nnd clean lug up. If you ilso n hand cnuierii, tnke off tlio front and clean out tho duat Hint you will ho surprised to find It coiitaliia. If It a n larger Instrument, aeo Hint I hern nro no purl a that re ipilro rchhtcklng. Tho neareat ahoo luaker will glvu you n Utile "duhhliiK" that will Improve the bellows If rilbln'd Into tho corners that nru getting hard and Inclined to crack. (Jo through your negatives mid throw away all thoso that lire uaeleaa. Overhaul your Block of solutions mid throw nwny all (hat nro not In koo1 condition mid properly InlH'lh'd. Kxmiiluo your truys mid waahhiK lioxes ami glvo them a coat of eiiMiiiel If tliotlght neccaanry to gunril agnlu rust or decay, f.'o carefully over your ami r co of ilnrk-rootu llliiiuliintluii mid aeo that thoro Is no danger from any atrny hemiia of wliltu light or nu uttaafo ruby light, l'liinlly, uinko a reaolutlon to the effect that you will exiNiau fuwer plntes mid aecure better results than you did liut year. St. Iiiils nnd Cmindlau I'hotographer. Thu recent nctlon of Iho I'urla Rnlon lit ndiiilttlug photogrtiiha In coutpctl tloti nt Its next exhibition Is ImiiiiiiI to exert a atliuiihttlng mid very beneficial effect upon photography nil over thu world, t'p to thu preaent time phutog rnpliy haa been burred from nil Art l.xhlhlts nnd tin m been clnaaed as a lib eral nnd not na ono of tlio t'liio Arts. Mr. lCdward Htelchcn. of Mllwnitkeo, however, a very prominent ainaleiir, whoso work has won lilm universal lug Klrl. A troubled look came Into Jas tier's eyes. "I bcK your pardon," bo said, "but may I remind you that you haven't stated your limine" with ma?" The girl looked Into hla eyes with a clear, frank gnze. Then she slightly smiled and slowly removed an elastic bund that held the sum!! package alio lairu In ono neatly gloved hand. Jnaper took tilck advantage of her averted gnKo to pull down hla Pun's and make n quick puns nt his twlated tie. "I have written something," sho said, "and I want to submit It to you." Jasper felt himself wcnkcnlng. Ordi narily ho would have taken tho manu script, mid, hastily scribbling the writ er's address on It, would have tossed It naldu with the remark that hi) would coniiniitilcatu with thu writer by mall concerning It nnd then ho would have rcBiimcd his work. Now he hesitated. Ills pencil dropped from his lingers. He straightened up n little. "What la thu nature of thu article?" he naked, tu what he fancied was an Indifferent tone. "It ln't mi article," aald the girl. "Iu I look like a person who would wrltu an article?" Hho seemed to challenge his scrutiny. Juaper couldn't resist the temptation. Hit leaned n little farther back. "It Isn't always poaslhlo to Jlldgo by thu appearunee," ho said. "Itut I fancied article, writers were always old. and mid fussy, and and cranky," said the girl. "There are exceptions," said Jasper. "There must bo exceptions." "I aupiKisc ymi know," snld the girl. "Itut It Isn't an article." "You nrouso my worst fears," said Jasper, us tho girl spread out tho manu script. "I think I understand what you mean," sho said. "I'm glnd you do," "And I'm nfrald your worst fears nru continued," she said. Jasper sighed. "Then It Is verses?" ho said. "I supposed It was poetry," said tho girl. "They nlwnys do," said Jasper. Tho Klrl looked up at him with a pre.tty grimace. "Yuii are not u bit encouraging," sho said. "It's tho better way," said Jasper. "And yet you write verses yourself," said tbo girl. "And get them printed, too." "Perhaps It Is because I haven't a friend honest enough to dissuade me," said Jasper. "I bavo had no tlmo for that sort of noiisunsu lately, however." "That's n pity," said the girl. "Don't think to soften mo In Hint way," said Jasper. "I like those lines beginning. 'Shu camu upon mo unawares,' " said the girl. "I know them by heart. 'Sho camu upon mu unawares, I turned and Bbe waB there,' " "I beg your pardon," cried Jasper. "It Is your Hues Hint nro under consid eration, I'ruy produce them." Tho girl Kvo lilm a Bldelong glance. . "Did alio come upon you unawares, Mr. Dnue?" Jasper caught the glance nnd slightly Hushed. Ills look grow troubled again. "I llvo In hopes," ho said. "That's enigmatical," laughed tho girl. "It shows you nro not sure." "I must object to your manifest In tention to throw mo Into a sentimental mood," snld Jasper. "It will not help you," Tho girl laughed and passed tho man uscript to lilm, "I know you will Ilka It," sho said. "Why nro you bo certain," Jasper asked. "Ilocauso I haven't written on both sides of tho pnper," eald tho girl. Jasper bent over tho manuscript to hldo his smile. Then his look changed. Tho Binllo faded. Ho read tho lines with Krent care. Presently ho looked up. Tho girl hail been regarding him In tently. Sho met his eyes with an lu quiring glance. "You want mo to bo frank?" ho Bald "Of course." "Tho lines are quite too sentimental, ntatfur I I. (iralao and ninny prizes In strictly pho tographic computltlona, Is to bo credit ed wllli having won Ilia laurels In this i coao, soiito of his recent work having lieen accepted by tlio Hnloii to bo hung nt lis next exhibition. When It Is re-; membered Hint the Knlou Is composed of the moat conaervatlvc nrtlats In the world mid thill Its gates have been Jealously guarded against thu adinla-1 shin of anything but works of the High est merit, Hie Imporlmice of this Inno vation, to camera worker, will at once become evident. j Tho snap shot Ilend will soon bo a thing of the pnat. Amntcurs to-day I am putting brains Into their pictures. 1 While bruins mid work arc necessary to mnko artistic pictures, a good outfit la also eaaentlal. The box should bo . ono with a focussing arrangement and ground glass, the shutter ono of the automatic time mid speed coinblnators, tig t the moat Important of all is tho lens. It la better to have n good lens and cheap Imix nnd shutter than a Oho j box mid shutter with n cheap lens. It Is also advisable to own two lenses-a wide angle for Interior and confined places, and a rectilinear. The rectlll-, near lens shoufd bo of high speed mid not too long n focus, for all around work. A high grado combination lens Is very desirable, which by removing ono combination glvu n very long focus with remaining combination Is at times very lmMirtaut.' The subject of lenses Is an Inexhaustible ones, mid wo l will endeavor to treat this subject lu some future article. i They are of the old school where sen timent reigned. Nowndays we bluntly call It gush." "Hut It's not all bad, Is It?" queried the girl. "liy no menus," replied Jasjier. "Tho execution la good. If the fripperies and affectations were dropped It would bo very passable. If you would heed my advice they never do I might be tempted to usk you to try again." Ho folded the manuscript and hand ed It to her. 'Thank you," said the girl. "1 a in sorry If my Judgment seems harsh," mid Jasper. "It doeau't," mill the girl. "I have tried to treat you as an hon est friend should," snld Jaaper. 'Thank you again," said the girl. "I will admit that 1 hoped to see my verses In your paper." "Try again," said Jasper. Tho girl arose uud put out her dainty hand. "I am glnd to know you, Mr. Dane," she said. "I have a very dear friend who bus sung your praises until I am quite Jealous. lwas really anxious to meet you. Uood-by." Then shu swiftly added, with u charming smile, "I am suru we shall meet again." The smile and the words quite over came Jasper. "1 I hope so," ho fairly Btamniereil, ns be nroau to his feet and watched her Mutter from the room. As he resumed his sent a card upon tho floor drew his attention. The girl had dropped it. Ho picked It up, caught sight of his name, and at ouco recog nized thu lingular handwriting. Then be read It aloud: "Dear Dam This Is my daughter I.conle, Just come homo from abroad. What sho writes goes, of course. "Yours, "UNAS LAMSON." Dane softly whistled. So this was I.amsou's llttlo girl, this splendid young woman How charm ing sho was, and how friendly. Had ho hurt her feelings? What n bruto ho was! It would have been such a simple thing to publish tho verses. And she never showed him her father's note. That wiib noble of her. Ho picked up tils pencil nnd bent orcr his work. And presently ho softly hummed: She came upon me unawares I turued and she was there. Cleveland Plain Dealer. 18 YOUR THUMB MAD? It Is nil Infallible Itevculer of the I'rcciice of lutuiulty. The thumb Is the most tell-tale mem ber of thu human being's body, and It Is n well-known device of employers of n largo amount of labor to carefully scrutinize tho thumbs of every appli cant for n situation before finally en gaging lilm or her for nuy posltlou In their business. In fact, so far has this thumb science been carried that many lunatic asylum doctors nro now em ploying It lu detecting thu numerous frauds who endeavor each year to en ter thu nsylitm on the plea of Insanity. No matter how carefully tho Individ ual may attempt to conceal Incipient Insanity, tho thumb will reveal It In fallibly. It Is tho ono suro test. If the patient In his dally work permits tho thumb to stand at a right nuglo to tho other lingers, or to fall listless Into the palm, taking no part In his writing, his handling of things, his multiform duties, but standing Isolated nnd sulky, It utmswernblo confession of men tal disease. Specialists In nervo disease, by an examination of thu thumb, can tell If tho patient Is nltected or likely to bo affected by paralysis, as tho thumb sig nals this long beforo It Is visible lu any other part of tho body. If tho danger symptoms aro evidenced there, an op eratlon Is performed on whnt Is known as tho "thumb center" of tho brain, and tho disorder Is often removed. Landladies In Vloiuin. . Ono hundred and tlfty landladies hnvo been summoned at Vienna for taking In boarders without the permis sion of the police. WISER THAN NATUfiAU8TB. Micky O'llrleii Telia What Ilotliers Zon llnfTaln, Itotueo, one of tlio big black buffaloes nt the New York r-oologlcal park, has been suspected of liisnnlly. Ilo has been tho most nervous creature about the park. No sooner would he Iln down lna sunny corner of his field to snooze than up ho would leap, snorting, mid with shaking head charge aomu Invis ible creature across the pasture. A naturalist who vlalled thn park watched tho great brute through his spectacle for n tlmo and then gavo It ns his opinion that the proeess of shed ding the hair brought about a sort of mild Insanity and Hint ill animals were likely to suffer from It In tho spring. Micky O'llrlcn was mi Interested wit ness of tho wild buffalo's pranks the other afternoon. Micky is not a nat uralist but bo Is natural. He Is only l.'l years old and vowed that It was as good us tho wild west ahow to sco tho occasional spurts of Itoineo. says tliu Now York World. Tho great prairie lawn-mower had been quietly compos ing himself for sleep In a shady corner for some time. Suddenly he leaped up and tore down the Hue toward tho hoina base as If there were three men on bases and It was two strikes. Mickey watched the buffalo carefully. As soon as the creature got composed again whisk! ho was off down the fluid. "I have It!" yelled Micky, enthusias tically. "I know what alls him. There's a suiuiner yallcr bird up In them bushes building a nest and he's trying to steal hair off the buffalo's back. Watch him now!" And sure enough, as soon as the weary buffalo got nicely settled down for another snooze the llttlo summer yellow bird, about as big as a canary, came Muttering down and tried to pull off n piece of tho looau fur about the great bovlne's shoulders. The sharp claws or the tickle of the little feet on the almost bare skin aroused the buf falo and nwny ho wetit. The yellow bird Hew up to his nest with a little soft hair for nest lining. Itomeo Is not crazy. He simply ob jects to being held up and robbed of his clothes lu broad daylight. Tho World Hf 111 Needs tlio Workers. The u oriel still needs the workers, though It may sometimes forget That It owes the weary laborers an ever lasting debt; Without the busy tollers gold would cease at once to buy The things that please the palate or .ire grateful to the eye; The world still needa the people who must labor day by day. Hut the world keeiw on forgetting. In Its easy-going wsy. The lady In her satins, who la beautiful to see, I-'orgets that those who labor lend her all her witchery; i Without the busy tollers all the millions I she commands I Would not procure s piece of scented ! aosp to wash her hands; . Without the busy people who must labor all their days All her money wouldn't even buy new la ecu for her ataya. Tlio tiiairnate who look proudly on his inlllloa-dollsr yacht Forgets to give the carpenter a single kindly thought; He ceases to remember as he sips hla aplendld wine That without the anea who labor there would be no fruitful vine; He forgets that all his money wouldn't clean the crumka away If there were no luckless people who must labor day by day. The onea whose names are famous, who are high and great and proud. Forget that pride would ille without the busy, wenry crowd; Without the' onea who labor none could hope for greatncis here. Without the busy toilers all we prize would disappear. Oh, the world still needa the people who must tolt through all their days, Hut the world la ao forgetful in its easy going ways. Chicago Hecord-IIerald. Simple or Accomplishment. Prophecy Is ono of the simplest trades in the world. It la said that there nro only thirty-six original situa tions, or Independent and distinct se quences of occurrence, known to fact or Motion. Whether or not this Is true. It Is true that life is vastly more slm plo than most people suppose. The professional prophets, who thrive In greater numbers nowadays than they over throve before, have only to keep the simple, elementary combinations of circumstance In mind, nnd assign them with a good regard to probability, to gain a great reputation for scershlp. It Is very easy to be a prophet If ono Is never going to bo called to account for all the things that never come true. Weather Prophets. Herrings can scent a storm and the direction lu which It Is coming. They are not able to see tho wind like a pig, but like a pig they can smell nasty weather. Heuco tho herrings always during a storm choose tbo safest spot In which to swim. They cither go out to sen or come In very close to land, On ono occasion tho residents round a certain bay saw a shoal of herrings bo closo to tho sboro that they waded In nnd caught the tlsb with their hands. Shortly afterward a most vio lent storm raged over the sen and coast, but the Inner portion of the bay suffered tho least. Tho Motion Prevailed An old towu olUclal of the city ot Macon, (In., says lu Short Stories that during tho night of the earthquake disturbances of 1SS0 tho city council was In session, When tho miako shook tho cltv hall from basement to attic tho council-1 men ran out, thinking the house would topplo over. Whereupon tho wag who! who kept tho minutes of tho meeting' concluded his record with thq follow ing sentenco; "On motion of tho city ball, the council adjourned." "Lot Us All Pray!" , Give us, Lord, This blessln' greater) Hard boss sense. For human natur'l -Atlanta Constitution, First lovo breaks hearts nnd fccmd lova mends them. Tlmhr f.nnft Act. Jun 3, 18711, NOT1CK I'Oll I'UIII.IUATION. U. H. Irfind prrlre. Itosxliurc, Oregon, May as, 1, Nollro la litreby xlven Hint In tom illaiKo with the provlalona of tho net of .'oimrsas of Juno 3. in, nntltlcxl "An Act for thn sale of Tlinlwr l-nmla In thn ritHlen of Cnllfornla. Oregon, Nevada and VVanlilriKlnii Territory," ns extended to nil Iho J 'iitillo Isn'l Hlntes ty act of August I, mi. Annln II. Young, of !loijfirn, county of L'hrhalls, fltftto of Wnaliliigton, has this day filed in this of. Ilea tier sworn statement No. ZW3, for the purchase of I tie wH swU. V4 tiwti of Sec tion Ftt. , lownsiup no. vi souin. or Itange 7 wvst, ami will offer proof to snow thut the Inri'l souuht Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than for agricultural nurponoN, and to ostubllMh hr-r claim to said Im ml iH-forn Marie I,. Ware, United Htm cm Commissioner, ut lIUKeno, OreKon, on 1'rl'lay, the Will day of Annuo, l'ttt. Hliu names as wlUn-snea: Ui-i. U'oollty, of Drain, Oregon, Klmer Woolloy. of Drain, ilrmun; (Jeo. W. Hhaw, of Drain, OreKon, lleaale M. Crawford, of Hofiualm, wasn. Any and all t-rnona elalmlnir adverse ly the Hbove-dinciUied Innda are request ed to Die their claims In this olllce on or before the aald 1Mb day of AuKunt, !?. J. t. iiuiDUKH, liegister. Timber I .and Act, June 3. Ul. NOT1CK Ftm 1'UIII.ICATION. U. 8. I -ami Oinre. Itoscburg, Oregon, May IS, 1)2. Notice la bereiiy alven that In cum- nllunce wltli the urovlslona of tile act of Congress of June 3, HUH, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Inda In the fttatfw of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington 'territory, as extended to all the I'ubllo I .and .Slates by act of August 4. IMC. Airs. Mary I., nob naon. of Cottage Urove, county or Lane, State of Oregon, haa this day tiled In thla olllce her sworn statement No. 2131. for the pur rliaae of the naVt of Section No. II, town ahlp 22 south, of range 2 west, and wlil ofTer proof to ahow that the land sought la more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to es tabllah her claim to said land before the Itealater and Receiver of this ofnee at JtOHcburg. Oregon on Wednesday, the 27th day of August. nno names as wnnessea: jonn l-aimer, Dan UrumbaUKh. II. l'attcn. Tom Ulew. all of Cottage Urove, Oregon. Any anu an persons claiming auvcrae ly tho nbove-doscrlbed lands are request ed to file their claims In thla olllce on or before the said 21at day of August, 1C J. T. UlUOUKH. Ite&Ister. Timber I-and Act, June 3. 1878. NOTICK KOIl l'L'III.ICATION. U. H. l.nid Olllce. lloseburg. Oregon. May II. lJS. Notice la hereby given that In comDll- ance with the provlalona of the act of Congress of June 3, 1(78, entitled "An Act lor the Hate or iimuer ianua in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the l'ubllc l.and States by act of August 4. mi. Charles W. Van Wormer, of Princeton, county of MUle Lacs, State of Minnesota, lias this day filed In this of fice his sworn statement No. 2117, for the purchase of the swi of Section No. 21, Township 21 south, itange G west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to eatabllah his claim to said land be fore the itegister and Ilecelver or tms ol llce at Itoaeburg. Oregon, on Thursday, the 21at day of August. 1J2. He names as witnesses: Dc Witt C. Davis, of Drain. Oregon: C. K. Trumble. of Drain. Oregon; J. Van I thee, of Mllaca. Minnesota; i- reu warren, oi amaca, Aiin nesota. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the atiove-descrlbed lands are request ed to tile their claims in this oftlce on or before the aald 21st day of August, 1C J. T. U111UUKU. itegiaier. Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878. NOTICli FOK I'UHLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Itoseburg. Oregon, May 31. 1I3. Notice la hereby srtven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress or June 3. isia. eniuieu "An Act for the Sale of Timber I-ands In the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory." as extend ed to all the Public Land States by act of August 1. 192. Josenh H. Young. of Cottage Grove, county of Lane, State of Oregon, has this day llled In this office his sworn statement No. 2S9J for the pur chase of the lots 4. S. 6, 7. II and IS of Sec tion No. 30, Township 22 south, Rango 1, n.wt u'ttl nrr.i. nrruif In ihnw that tho land sought Is more valuable for Us timber or stone than for agricultural pur nones, and to establish his claim to said land before the liegister and Receiver of this olllce at l(03courff, u report, on .uon day. the 22nd day of September, 1902. lie names as witnesses: John D. Pal mer. Marion w. uavis. urin iiooinaon. II. Martin, all ot Cottage Groil Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request er! In m their elalma in this office on or before the said 22nd day of August. 1902. J. 1. UKlLHi&s, iiegisier. Timber Land Act. June 3. 1878. NOTlCK FOIl PUBLICATION. U. S. Iand Office. Itoseburg, Oregon. May 12, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1S78. entitled "An in, r.i tho mat nf Timber I.mds In the States of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August t. lHK. MIm Teniae P. Qecker. nf nibbing, county of St. Louis, State of Minnesota, has this day filed In this of fice her sworn statement No. 2385, for the purchase of the scij of Section No. 18, Township 21. Itange S west, and will of fer proof to show that the land sought la moro valuable for Its timber or stone than ror agricultural purposes, and to estab lish her claim to said land before the Reg ister and Receiver of this office nt Itose burg. Oregon, on Thursday, tho 21st day of August, 1902. t Sho names as witnesses: Jacob "van Rhee, of Mllaca. Minnesota; O. r. War ren, of Mllaca, Minnesota; Mrs. Abble JA Clark, of Mllaca, Minnesota: C. B. Trum ble. of Drain. Oregon. Any nnd an persons claiming auverse iv the above-described lards are request ed to file their claims In this office on or before the said Jist nay or August. J. T. URIDailS. Register. Timber Land Act. June 3. 1878. NOTICK FOR I'UHLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Hoscburg. Oregon, May 12, 1902. Vntice U hereby clten that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot June 3. 1S78. entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," ns extended to all tho Public Land States by act of August I, 1SW. Ooorge F. Wnrren. of Mllaca, county of MUle Lacs, State of Minnesota, has this day tiled In this of tlco hla sworn stntement. No. Ifc6, for the purchase of the neVi of Section No. 18. township 21 south, of Range 5 west, and will offer proof to show that tho land finniht la tnnre vnluable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to Bald land before the Register nnd Receiver of this olllce nt Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 21st day ot August. 1902. Ho names as witnesses: O. E. Trum mell. of Drain, Oregon: D. Davis, of Drain. Oregon; J. Van Rhee, of Mlllnck. Minnesota; I.. F. Ilecker, of lllbblng, Minnesota. , . Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly the auove-deserlbed lands are request ed to tlio their claims in this office on or beforo the said 21st day of August. 1903. J. T. HRIDQES, Register. Timber Iind Act. June 3. 1S7S. NOTICK FOR I'UHLICATION. U. S. IJind Office. Roseburg, Oregon, May 13. 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands In the States of Cnllfornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the I'ubllo Land States by act of August 4, 1S92. ...,, Mrs. Abblo F. Clark, of Mlllea. county of MUle Lacs, State of Minnesota, 1ms this day Illed In this office her sworn statement No. 23SI, for the pur chase of the nwtl, being lots 1, 2, eU mv',1 of Section No. IS, Township 21 south, of Range 5 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land beforo the Register and Re ceiver of this olllce at Roseburg. Oregon, on Thursday, tho 21st day of August, 1902. She names as witnesses: Miss Lnulre F. Ilecker. of lllbblng, Minnesota; O. F. Warren, of Mllaca, Minnesota: Jacob Van Rhee, nf Mllaca, Minnesota; C. K. Trum bin. of Drain. Oregon. Any nnd nil persons claiming adverse, ly' the nbove-descrlbed lands nre request ed to tlio their claims In this office on or before the said 18th day of August. 1902. J. T, HRIDaES, Register. Timber Land Act. June 3. 1878. NOTICK FOR l'UUHCATION. II. S. Land Office. Roaehurg, Oregon, May 7, 1902. Notice la hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of tho act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber tamta In the! Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada nnd wnamngion -icrriinry, na oxienuetl to Ifenrv Iivl. T., of lloqulam, county of Chrhalls, flints of waaningion, nna tins nay men in tnis oc Hen hla awnrn atatement No. 2SM. for tho tiiirrhnjiA or the nwli nf Heetlfln II. Town ship No. 21 south, of range west, and will offer proof to ahow that thn lan ; r,!r nnd .""j sought is more valuable ror Its timber atone than for aartrulturnl tiurnoses. a io eaiaousn his cinirn to eaiu isnu neiore the Iteglatcr nnd Itecelver of thla olllce nt Itoacburff. Oregon, on Monilav. tho lain any of August, 19U2. lie names as witnesses: Michel Kvaux, of Hoitulam, Washington; George W. Wontley, of Drain, Oregon; O. W. Hliaw, nf lloiiulnm, Washington: frank A. UU lett, of Iloqulam, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adveran Iv the alKive-deacrlbed Innila are renliMt- il to file their claims In this office on or before tho salil 18th day or August, lvn, J. T. UltlDUKS, Register. Tlmbar I -and Act, June 3. 187s. NOTICK FOIl 1'UIIMCATION. U. S. Land Office. Hoscburg, Oregon, May 12, 1& Notice la hereby clven that In compli ance with the provlalona of the act of Congress of June 3. IffiS, entitled "An Act for the Hale of Timber Ijind.i In the States of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land States by uct of August 4, m. Jacob Van Ilhee, of Mllaca, county of Mills Lace, State of Minnesota, haa thla day Illed in thla olllce hla sworn statement No. 23S7. for the pur chase of the neU of Section No. 21. Town ship 21, Itange fi west, and will offer proof to anew mat tno tanu aougni la more val uable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Ilcg later and Receiver of thla olllce at Ilou- burg. Or., on Thursday, the 21at day ot Auguat, lfZ. lie names as witnesses: Alias i.ouiae i. Ilecker, of lllbblng, Minnesota; U. F. Warren, of Mllaca, Minnesota; Mra. Ab- Iile F. Clark, o( Mllaca, Minnesota; C. K. Trumble, of uraln, Oregon. Anv and all oersons claiming adverae- ly the above-described landa are request ed to Ille their claims In this office on or before the aald 21st day of Auguat, 1902. j. t. uitiuuHH, itegiaier. Timber Land Act, June 3. 1878. NOTICK FOK I'L'UI.ICATION. U. 8. I-and Office. Roseburg, Oregon, May II, 1902. Notice la hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act or Congreaa of June 3. 1878, entitled "An Act for the Sale of Timber Lands in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory." oa extend ed to all the 1'iiDiic Lanu (Slates uy act of August 4. 1S92. of Drain, county of Douglas, State of Or egon, has this day flled In this office his sworn atatement. No. 2116, for the pur chase of the nwVi of Section No. 21. town- snip Zl aoutn, Itange went, anu win oi fer proof to ahow that the land la more valuable for Ita timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to eatabllah his claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver or this omce at iioso- burg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 21st day of August, 1902. lie names as wunessea; u. w. van Wormer. of Princeton. Minnesota: C. K. Trumble, of Drain, Oregon; J. Van Rhee, of Mllaca, Minnesota; Fred Warren, of Mllaca, Minnesota. Any and all neraons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to flle their claims in this office on or before the said 21st day of August. 1902. J. k. lllduutta. uegisier. Timber Land Act. June 3. 1878. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon May 28, 1902. Vnllrn ta herehl elven that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands In the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada and wnshlneton Territory." as extended to all thn Public Land States by act ot August 4, use. at rmtnte Grove. County of Lane. State Anns J. uneney, of Oregon, has this day flled In this office Her swum iw. ..... .. . l,ln chase of the wV4. se and lot 8 of Section money enough for that. Judge. No. 8 of Township No. 22 south. Range II nnnhttena hn was- Mrs Ilrowncr west, and will offer proof to show that the DouDtless sne was. Mrs. iirowne land sought Is more valuable for Its Urn- And who Is the president of your cluD ber or stone than for agricultural pur- , Mnlsnron? Mrs MnbttiroD poses, and to establish her claim to said nw. Mrs. Maiapropi sirs, .naiiipropi land beforo Marie L. Ware. U. S. Com-1 (proudly) 1 am the present encum SkT'thr??,!0!" Thur-brance. just uow.-rblladelpbla I'rcss. deiVTrTni1oyTcffikGov,: "Jobn." she said, "do you think you Lane County. Or.; Joe Burnett, of wild-, can afford a new gown for me?' He wood. Lane County. Or.: Alfred p. Lo-' looked at her sharply. "Have you or Roy. of cottage Grove. Lane County. Or- ' be ..yeg Any and all persons claiming odverse- be Ba,t ..r can affora It" Chicago ly the above-described lands are request- i . ed to nie their claims In this office on or before tne said rai aay or ausuhi, J. T. UltlDOKS, Register. Timber Land Act, June 3. 1878. NOTICK FOlt PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon. May 20. 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In com iliance with the orovlslons of the act of Congress of Jure 3. 1S78, entitled "An Act for the sale ot Timber Lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1&2. ltpnrv A. Itrewer. of Albany, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement No. 2636. for the pur chase of the e(4 swVi. seli nwVi. nwVi seli oi bection 21 of Towmhlp 20 south, range 6 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sougni is more vaiuaoie mr ua ilmka, nf Htmif th.m for nerlcultural DUr- poses, and to establish his claim to said land before Marie L. Ware, U. 8. Commis sioner, Kugene, Oregon, on Monday, tho Ith day of August. 1902. He names as witnesses: Charles wllt se, Mae Wlltse. George A. Betts and Mrs. G. A. Betts, all of Loralne, Lane county, Oregon. Any nnd all persons claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands are request ed to flle their claims In this office on or before the said Ith day ot August. 1902. J. 1. uuiuuus, itegiaier. Timber Land. Act. June 3. 1878. NOTICK FOlt PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon May 26, 1902. Notice Is hreby given that In com pliance wltli the provisions or me act oi Congress ot June 3, n78, entitled "An Act for the sale ot Timber Lands In the Kl.lua lit Pnltrnrnln. Orpi-nn. Nevada and Washington Territory." as extenuea to all the I'ubllo Land States by act of,, August 4, 1892. Alfred D. LeRov. 1.. 1 1 ., . , f T.nna Slnta ot Oregon, has this day flled in this office his sworn statement No. SUSS, for the pur- ..V,.,DQ nr KA Int. 1 K A nn,1 7 nt RACtlnn I No. 8, of Township" No. 23 south, rango 1 west, anu win oner proui iu biiuw umi ua land Bought la more valuable for Ita tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before Marie U Ware. U. S. Com missioner at Eugene. Oregon, on Thurs day, tho 7th day of August, 1902. lie names as witnesses: r ranK iienuer- son, ITanK Loitoy, or cottage irroye, Ijne county, ore.; joe uurneit. or wnu- wood, Lane county. Ore.; Anna J. Che ney, of Cottage Grove. Lane county. Or. Any and a)f persons claiming adverse ly tho above-described lands are request ed to rile their claims In this office on or before the said 7th day ot August, 1902. j. T. uiuiJUtts, uegisier. Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878. .NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon, May 29, 1902. Vntlcn la hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of tho act of congress oi jone o, iaio, emivieu tn Act for the sale of Timber Lands In the States of California, Oregnn, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the Public Land States by act ot August 4, 19.'. George W. McQueen, of Cottage Grove, county ot Lane, State of Oregon, bus this day illed In this olllce his sworn statement No. 2685, for the pur chase of the nH ne'i of Section No. 6 nt Township HI south, of Range 2 west and will offer proof to show thut the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone tunn tor agricultural purposes, anu to establish his claim to said land before Marie I.. Ware, U. S. Commlsslner at Kugene. Oregon, on Monday, the 18th day or Auguat. 1902. Ho names as witnesses: C. A. Coats, James Potts, James Ostrander, II. T. Dow, all ot Cottage Grove, Oregon. Any ana an persons ciaim:ng auverae- fv Ilia nhnve-riencrltied lnnilq are rAntleHt- ed to tile, their clalma In TfiTs office on or before the said ISth day of August, 1902, j. i: uuunuia, Register. Timber I-and Act, June 3, 1878. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon, May 7, 1902.' Notice Is hereby clven that In com. pltanco with the provisions ot the act of vongress ot juno il 1910, eniuiea "All Act for the sale ot Timber Lends In the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to tam HtMea by net ot i lranW A nm. Frank A It. Btslo ot i wnaninRion, lias wits tl lice Ida awqrn statement No. mis nr for tl Hi . south. purchase i seu of See lion No. 4, to i or inn nia iwu tie sen oi section no. 4, Tnwnsli nf Itange 0 west, and will efti show that the land sought Ii move rUi. , .An f ,,, oninrin umoer or sinus tlian ror asrl- cultural Iiuriywef. nnd to Mtsblloli ts ?!Blnl lo ld. stiil before, III iletlater and Receiver of tills olfles at IHMehiirs. tire gon, on juonitsy, 1110 lain nay or August, 1901. lis names as witnesses: Michel invito-, or lloqulam, Washington; 0. Vv, dluiw. ' HoriulHin. Wastilnston: Itnnrv t.t. r lloqulam, Wnalitngton; George W Wiml- ey. of Drain, Oregon. iMiy anil nu peravnn claiming silvers,' ly thn abovs-dnwrlbed lands nre reotieni ed to nin their claims In this office on or before the snld Mth 'lav of August, 1WI. j. r. iiuiuuKM. nsajtetsr Timber Land Act, June A, l,n. NOTICM FOlt I'UBLICATlof. 1;. 8. irfiiiti trDH. nonebtirg. Orssjon, May 7. Ii3 Notice Is hereby slen that tn com pliance wtlh the prnvlslflna nt thn act nr Congress of June 3, 1S7S, rnlitli-d ' An Art for the sale ot Timber Landa In in.' Hlntes of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as emended tn all thn I'ubllo Land Stales by uct of August 4, imt. Mlchnl Rratix. of Hoqutnin, county of Chrhalls, Slate nf wnamngion, nan una nay nieii 111 tins or flcn his sworn statement No, ), for thn purchase of thn nH of Section 11. Town htn 21 sooth, of Ranan 6 west, nnd will offer proof to show that the land sought in morn vainnnm tor un umoer or stone than for ntfrlciilturnl ntirnnses. anil to establish his claim to said land liefnre thn liegister ami Receiver or tins nince nt Itoaeburg. Oregon, on Monday, t ie 1MU day of Auguat, V.G. lie names as wiinennen: 1. w. aunw, or lloqulam, Washington; Henry f-vl. of lloqulam, wnamngion: weorge wnoiev, 01 Drain. Oregon; F. A. Olllell, ot lloqulam, Washington. Anv nnd all neraons claiming adverse- ly the nbove-descrlbed lands nre request ed to file their ctalma In this offlro on or beforo the aald 18th day or August, l!ri3 j. u. liiuiHtKa, itegiaier Mamma Never put off until to-morrow what you can do to-day. Johnny Well, then. I'll cat the rest of the pie now. A Ilislng Man: "And have you no am bition to rise In the world?" "Sure, ma'amt Tin a porch climber." Cleve land t'laln Dealer. Thrown together: Egbert - Know her? Filbert Yes. Egbert-Quito well? Filbert Wo were thrown to gether from the sanio automobile. Judge. "You say O'Hannagan leaves the or phans' home a large legacy?" "Hedad, It's purty large." "How much?" "Twelve children an' u goat, begorro." -Tlt-Blta. Towne I see Gayman had to pay Mlsa Koy $23,000 for breach of prom ise. Browne Yes, and now he's trying to marry her for her money. Philadel phia Tress. An expensive luxury: Mr. O'Toolo (entering doctor's otUcel-Shurc. doctor, OI think OI have npplndlcltls. Dr. Smith Nonsense, manl You bavent Conversation of Energy: "You say you never gossip?" "Never," answered Miss Cayenne; "when I feel disposed to hear my neighbors discussed, I mere ly mention a name and proceed to listen." Washington Star. Dobbs You ought to do something for that cold of yours. A neglected cold often leads .to serious conse quences. Mobbs This one Is not neg lected. Four or five hundred of my friends are looking nfter It Mr. Wise Johnny, can you tell mo why the little band on my watch goes faster than the big one? Johnny (after mature reflection) Papa, Isn't It for the same reason that I havo to ruu when I go walking with you? Ex change. I'urvenue I hear the Ncwrlche claim to be better off than we nre. Mrs. I'arvcnuc That's perfectly ridicu lous. Everybody knows we have more money. Why, we receive over twice; as many begging letters as they do. Town Topics. Lieutenant (to bis servant) "John, 1 understand you are making love to my colonel's cook?" Scfvant-"Yes. lieu tenant" Lieutenant"! am Invited to dinner there, and I want you to see to that I tret so me till II L- uecetil to en II ,i,.,,i vi.-ii,i,b. libit. I"" 1" uuucii t.r "Oh. come now, 1 s'yl" exclaimed tho Britisher. "You must admit that we'ro ahead of you lu a grlto many w'ys." In ono great particular I admit you are," said the Yankee. "And that Is?" Tlmo, It's 8 o'clock In London, and It's only 3 here." rhlladclphta llec ord. Too Much for Hlni: Civil Service Ex aminer (very sternly, to Ernstus Smith, colored, who aspires to tho olllce of mall carrier) How fnr Is It from tbo earth to the moon? Urntdus (In tcrrori Golly, boss! ef yo's gwlue to put mo on dat route I uon'i want uo jou. Judge. Tho Prima Donna (after tho first neti I won't go on again unless tlMt box party makes less nolsot I nearly had hysterica! The Manager (In surprise) 1 didn't bear any noise. The Prima Donna-You iJidn'tV Why, they un cored that ipsrt of a contralto four times! Puck. 1'uuporUm In London, On Dec. 31, 1001, there wero lu Lou don, England, 107.7U3 paupers who were In receipt of relief. This total, which Includes (1S,M)7 ludoor anil 3IM71 outdoor paupers, com pan's with re turns of 104,3(15 and 101,7-11 and IWt, 001 for the corresponding weok of tbv threo preceding years. There were also 1,003 vagrauts, consisting of Sift men, 107 women, and 11 children, who on that same day received temporary relief. Ho Ilo 1M(I. Mrs. Bllmson-WUlle, your shirt l dripping. Willie Yea'ra. Bomo boy tempted roe to go In swimming, and I ran away from them so bard that I got Into ua awful perspiration. nil the I'ubllo August 4, tm.