a in it in t .r Jr. .. ' c i 4v- Mi: h . -Bohemia Nugget Slillit IV. MllMCV, IMIInr Hint Prnp'r. COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. Aftcrvifil, cnn Cuba 1ms blamed for wanting '$83,000,000? 'Who doesn't? Ono wrfy to nvold punishment! la in reck ROlnethlng other peoplo don't want ' s Nothing over was quite ns hopeful ns n detective searching for a clew to n train robber. ! When, n mnn acquires the lltlo of prfliiJfnjlifr ho sighs to thhjk how old ins wire is. Browning may a tonic, ns Martha miner uwn corneous, dui mr rai uu- tors try Cfirlyle. Tho Des Moines Capital observes that "Tlie Star SnaifBled Banner" Is still n mighty fetching tune. It Is Claimed that Harry Tracy was tho son, of n preacher. Hut, then, ho wns not the first preacher's sou to go wrong. Hero Wnlnwrlght Is writing maga tine articles concerning the Sampson Schley nITnlr. Has ho no friends to advise htm? Wo Americans do manage to smuggle n good 'deal of fhiukeylsui Into our national-character, under tho name of rciect for the ollice. New 'York papers say Galea made only 5W.000.000 in his L. & X. deal. This IS, ridiculous. The deal occupied his attention for more than a week, "The gratitude of the Chinese peoplo" for tho friendly policy of Uncle Sam may or may not le a figure of speech, Hut perhaps It Is as substantial ns the gratitude of any otlier people. By tho way, where Is Admiral Dewey these days? Brigandage In eastern Kuropo seems to have fallen on a new era of prosper ity, or the hope of It Iiesldcs the cases .-of kidnaping in. Albania we read of four sons of wealthy Kumanlan fami lies being seized and held for ransom. In Greece also the reports speuk of n distinct revival of this kind of crime. We fear that there Is too much truth In the explanation assigned by more than one Intelligent observer namely, that the predatory instincts of whole classes of marauders In those countries have been Inflamed by the payment of the ransom for Miss Stone. The great coup which her kidnapers effected was like the drawing of the grand prize In the lottery. It set all their neighbors wild to rival their good fortune. The cure of rheumatism by bee stings, nn old, nud,as It was supposed, ex ploded, remedy. Is being exploited again In some parts of the cast. It should be used with great care and discrimina tion. The Philadelphia Ledger relates that one William Snlvely, an old fnrmer of Shady Grove, I'a., who had lost the use of his arms by rheumatism, was stung by bees and ran from them so fast that he discovered he bad left bis rheumatism behind. Thereupon he made much boast of the bee cure, bear ing which one Carl Aprogle, also a rheu matic vlctlm-.'declded to try It So con vinced was be of Its elllcacy that he In vited his neighbors to witness the cure. He made the experiment clad only In a long, thin robe, hobbled up to the hives on his crutches and upset two of them. Instantly the bees began to apply the remedy with all the Industry characteristic of the Insect, and prob ably would liave Improved a whole shin Ing hour bad It not been that Aprogle yelled most lustily for help. As he was unablo to run away, some of bis neigh bors came to his relief by lassoing him and dragging him away from the In furiated bees. The unfortunate man has such n beautiful case of bee stings that It may be some time before he knows whether he has been cured of rheumatism. It may turn out that what Is one man's cure Is another man's pol son. It has remained for a rich German to discover one of the grandest uses to which money can be put Having ap parently decided that Messrs. Hockefel ler and Cnrnegio possess the sole rights to tho building of universities and 11 brarles, this German, a rich financier In the little town of Ilascbmann, has established a fund for the providing of prizes for men who will marry tho most homely girls or women over the ago of 40 who have been Jilted at least twice. In addition to the prizes It Is provided that the homeliest girl In the town of Haschmann shall have a year ly pension of $S0. The nobleness of . this charity, If It may be so called, will be at once apparent. It might well be taken up by rich men In this country who do not care to build colleges or libraries. The man who marries the homeliest girl in any town Is surely cniiuea 10 some reward, we can think of only ono drawback In connection with this line method of distributing money, and that Is the dllllculty there would ue in nnuiug the homeliest clrl. But that might bo arranged by leaving It to a vote or tuo girls themselves. The ono chosen ns the homeliest could al ways console herself with the thought that tho others had voted against her becnuso tuey were Jealous. Who will bo tho first rich American to win fams by putting this splendid scheme Into operation? Congress has taken an Important step In tho history of tho national develop ment In the passage of the Irrigation net Tho settlement of tho United States followed, naturally, the lines of least resistance. First the land near the Atlantic seaboard was taken up then the settlers cut their way west wnnf-through tho forest, crossing tho Alleghautes into the Ohio valley, and Inter spread,Iuff, over the prnlrles and alluvial bottoms of tho Mississippi val ley. Hut tho homo-seeking movement- wjis balled at tho ono hundredth meri dian by Insuttlclent rainfall. West of that stretched the region which used to llguro on tho map as "The Great American Desert." This region Is no Joujer altogether a desert. ThlrUen States and three territories lie wholly 6YTh pHH Within 1U limits, and prlvulo enterprise hns Irrigated considerable, nrens which one seemed Incapable of cultlrntlon. What private onterprlso could not do may now be done by Rov crnmcnt nld. The reclamation fund which the new law creates out of the sale of public lands In the arid nud semf-arld Slates and territories will provide means for storing nud distrib uting water for Irrigation. Ultimately It Is estimated that nn nren equal to that of the Stntes of Illinois and Iowa may be redeemed for tho plow. The best feature of the law Is that Its ben- ellts are restricted to actual settlors, ana the area which may ne soui to a single owner Is limited. The measure may fairly be described as a bill to promote the making of homes. Arrested for beating his wife, a well to-do New Yorker addressed the court as follows: "I am a gentleman, sir, nud I have an Income of $5,000 n year. don't think I ought to be held. This Is only n family trouble and I don't thluk It Is necessary to hold me. Whereupon the magistrate paid: "You'll get tho same treatment here as any other gentleman who boats bis wife. and the ball was fixed at $500. O Just Judge! It matters not whether his lu come Is $500 or $5,000 or $50,000. the man who strikes his wife Is a brut The definition of a gentleman has changed with the centuries. In l'lato's time a gentleman was a landholder who lived on the labor of slaves. When Hlackstoue lived n gentleman was one given gentility because he bore court armor. Then tuo common people as pired to be gentlemen, and the deflni' tlou again changed. A gentleman In our time Is an honorable man, a man of high principles who shows his qual ities by gentle behavior. In our day a man may have all the appearance of a gentleman and nil the qualities of a rur. The creature who lifts his hand against woman Is of the latter kind. O. Just Judgel Your decision Is herald of that day of which poets havo dreamed and singers sung, of that day 'gainst whose coming martyrs have poured out their blood the day when the real Cadi shall decide In equity, when the poor n nn Shall have bis day In court and the rich brute and genteel rascal shall not be permitted to Interpose his money as shield against a righteous punish ment Americans poke tun at European newspapers because or their inade quate knowledge of current events and of prominent men. In this country. Eu ropeans might retort that we are woe fully Ignorant of European matters and men. How many persons In this coun try have ever heard of Has Makonuen? Yet this Abyssinian soldier and diplo mat Is the man of the hour In the Eu ropean press. He Is about forty years of age. a nephew of Menelek, and won the battle of Adown, which battle gave Abyssinia Us autonomy ns a country. Itas Mankonncn Is visiting Paris aud Is all the rage. "Ills shoulders are cov ered with a gold fringe bertha and bo ears a green hat with a broad brim. His stockings are green and his shoes are yellow. He wears white silk pan taloons." Also fine black eyes and a curly benrd. Imagine the figure this handsome semi-savage cuts on the boulevards of Paris! The government tendered htm n military review of all the armies of France and "the Temps" spoke of him as "the Hannibal of the Abysslnlans, who are the Japanese of Africa." The fact Is we are so busy building up empires In the new world we fall to note the rise of new empires and new men In the old. Save when there is a war like that In the Trans vaal which lifts the curtain on scenes nnd people little known we nro ns Ig norant of Eastern movements as the East Is of ours. Until there Is world knowledge universally diffused the doc trine of the brotherhood of man must wait. The world Inhabitants must know each other better before they can esteem and love each other more. Sci ence, discovery, Invention, facilities these are the heralds of the wider, bet ter day. There Is more than one way to "nnmo the birds without a gun;" for example, Mrs. Jenks-Smlth's way, as It is record ed In "Tho Garden of a Commuter's Wife." "And ns for birds," began Mrs. Jenks-Smith, "bird study Is all the rage. "I've stopped wearing feathers, any way, till the excitement dies down. And wo's stopped driving birds out of the fruit trees and we've put up boxes to draw them. They won't come Into them, though, because, tho doctor says, the rooms aren't separate and the open ings draw a draft through. I call that going a llttlo too far. As If birds that fly all day In the air can't stand a draft at night! "In the spring, when we return here, I'm going to have a bird class nnd a pro fessor to take us out and point out tho birds. It's awfully nice, my dear," contin ued Mrs, Jenks-Smlth; "much easier than giving a garden party; no trouble, no fuss, managed like a Cook's tour In Europe. He tells you everything you ought to see, so you don't have to think, you know. I went once this year ncross tho river where I was visiting. There were twenty Indies, lu such becoming out ing costumes, nnd such a delicious lunch, served quite In the woods, my n denrl When wo were eating wo saw a quail! Yes, with Its feathers on nnd all! Did you ever know unythlng so 1 appropriate? .....inn ' "Wo learned two otlier birds beside -a blue Jane, nnd the other wns n red- eyed vlrngo. I remembered the name as so appropriate, because tbo bird sang or scolded, I don't know which you would call It, all the time wo were lunching." Penny X-llay Instruments. Penny X-ray Instruments, by the aid of which tho curious may see tholr own finger bones, nro being sold In the streets of London. If you see a couplo walklug along the street and the man goes on whllo the womau pauses to look In at the shon windows It's n suro sign they nre mar- rlcd. I EXCURSION INTO BIRD LAND I cience vention llcnlylng to tho more or less popular theory that comets uro simply swarms of meteoric stones, n Fellow of tho ltoyal Astronomical Society recalls tho brllllnnoy-nlmost Increased -of Arc- turus as It was seen In 18TVS through thousands of miles of tho very nucleus 0r Donntl's comet. The mist from 11 fro,. 1H)lut would have blotted oot tho ttnt altogether. Capt. I'. C. Ishoy. a Dane, has Invent ed n new form of steamship, which ho thinks will be both speedier and stead ler than the existing type. Ho makes the hull considerably mora Hat than lu th ordinary model, thus decreasing the Jrnft. Hut his most novel device Is placing the screw under tho bottom of the vessel Instead of nt the stern. Not only will such n ship bo particular ly seaworthy, says the- luventor. but, with the same speed, It will save 20 per cent lu consumption of coal. A trouble of the artist Is the tendency of paints to mix or run together. This Is especially annoying lu portrait paint lug, on account of the delay for clean lug oil from palette nud brushes, nnd hns led to the limited use of tho pastel. Work with the latter, however, lacks durability. Hy his plan of forming oil colors luto crayou-Uke sticks, M. J. J. Hnffnelll, tho French genre painter. claims to have secured both durabll Ity and freedom from Inconvenience, nnd have effected a gcnuluo revolu tion. The fact that certain substances ad here so tenaciously to 'glass that on be ing detached they tear nwuy scales wns observed long ago by Professor Call lctet. For etching the glass he applies two coats of thin glue, nnd after twen ty-rour hours places tho article on a kitchen range for a few hours at a tern peraturo not greater than 105 deg. F The glue will detach Itself with mint crous flakes of glass. The dcslgus may be varied by addlug various salts to the glue, and be gets his best results from glue with a Utile alum. Sir Harry Johnston, whose discovery of a new species of animal In tho Uganda Protectorate has excited much Interest among naturalists, brought back to London and exhibited there a specimen of a gigantic species of earth worm which, when alive, was about hreo feet long and ns thick as two Augers. Even larger species of earth worms than this exist. Ceylon has some giants, of a blue color, that at tain as great a size. In Cnpc Colony and Natal there Is a species, parti colored, green above aud yellowish be nenth, which. It Is averred, sometimes attains a length of six feet. Giant earthworms are also found In Austra lia and In South America. bteel alloyed with 30 per cent of nickel Is isald to have the smallest co etllclent of expansion of any known metal, amounting to only one two-mil llontb for one degree Fahrenheit For this reason nickel-steel has been large ly adopted for the material of pendu lum-rods In high-grade clocks. The change of length with rise or fall of temperature Is so nearly Imperceptible that the counterbalancing change In tho brass bob suffices to compensate tor :i. .MCKei-sieel niso possesses a remarkable- power of resisting rust, If nickel should ever bo discovered In sufficient quantities greatly to reduco Its cost, says a writer In Machinery, It would have an Important Influence on future steel construction, for nickel- steel would generally be used. It is an Interesting fact that nickel combined with Iron Is frequently found In mete orites. DROPPED A HUNDRED FEET. What a Falllns MaiTThousht During llH lerrlUc Deaceut. John Anderson, tho former naval Jackie, who, while painting Ironwork beneath a high bridge a month ago, was severely Injured by n fall. Is rapidly re covering nt tho city hospital, says thd St Paul Pioneer Press. Both bis thigh bones were broken, bis left leg was fractured near the aukle, a portion of 1 bone was torn from his right hip nnd ho was wounded about the crown of his head. But ho will not be permanently maimed or disfigured. On the afternoon of May 20 he was swinging happily, liko a bird on a twig, within a "sling" six feet below tho road- way of the high bridge and about 100 feet above the Mississippi river. Tho seat of the swing Is u short piece of plank. It Is attached at each end to ropes, which, passing through a block, return to the sling ns n slnglo rope, By lengthening or shortening this ropo the man In the sling cnn lower or ele vate himself. "I was hanging close to one of the steel rods," said he, the other day, "a rod that I was painting. My rope was good aud fast. I had no warning of i, any danger, when tho sky and tho clouds and the bottom of the big bridge in the middle of It all dashed past my eyes and the air whistled In my cars like a typhoon on tho China seas. I knew I was going doivn head first Ho, I wasn't frightened. I said to myself; 'Now, I'll strike the river before long, nnd If I keep going this wny I'll hit tho water head first, which will be Just as good as diving, and, being a good swimmer, I can easily get ashore.' I wondered, too, If I'd bent my paint brush down. Funny what little things fellow will think about nt these times instead of worrying nbout bis own Ileck, .j,ut about sixty feet down I didn't , ... . . nit-uBuit- muuisiuuiT niun j. BirucK OI10 of tho cross rods n slanting blow with my bend. But my legs, sort o' huddled up as I fell, probably canio down full force against tho rod. I could bear tho bones crack. They made quite a loud noise llko a percussion cap. Still It wns tho blow on tho head that hurt tho most. Then, and not before, I thought to myself, 'Well, It's your last cruise for sure,' and things got black before me. I guess I fainted. "Hut the cold water brought inb to. I bobbed up as natural as a harbor buoy, I soon opened my eyes and I suppose I smiled, I thought Just as If was somebody else, 'Say, mote, you didn't die this watch, did you?' I kuow I felt awful good about it Uut soon as I made my tlrst kick, or, rather, tried to make It, I found that both hiy" legs wero hanging as heavy and dead as shot In a cnuvns hng. They didn't pain me, though. And when 1 found t couldn't swim I felt my gun wus spiked for sure. Hut Just then I heard tho crow up aloft on tho bridge hollering 'food boy, Sailor! You'ro all rlKhtl Keep It up! Bent's coming! Keep n-pnililllng, .Tackle." it did sound tluo and hearty, let me tell you. And so I kept u-pjnildlln' until n man reached mo In n boat Dftecn minutes nfter 1 dropped down, "1 was pretty nearly done up. 1 knew how my legs would hurt If he tried to pull 1110 over the gunwnlo of the boat, nnd I tried to make him tow mo along- Bide. Hut he couldn't manage tbnt, and he did haul me In. though It wns a mighty tough experience 1 didn't fnlut agnln, nnd nfter 1 una once In tho hos pital began to feel quite comfortable IN MANDALAY. Tht Tlintitnml Pnitndn HclU Klna at tlir ScttliiK of the Sun. Mandalay has Its own sky, soft nud gray and Incurving like n tent, with white cloud-llues that seem meant for scrolls If 0110 could read. It Is the Very Sacred City, the city of content plntlon, the city of nil the monks. A thousand pagoda hells give tongue to the wind there when tho sun goes down; a crumbling thousand more glvo up to tlmo tho testimony of outworn things. It lies In a curved arm of blue hills. nnd something broods uver It with sol icitude. This you suspect from the air of the place nud the wny tho shrill talk of the parrots aud tho complaint of tho goats mul the laughter of the people come to you wherever you are sitting. Afterward you go out, ns I did that morning with the commis sioner, and see under the very zenith where the low gray sky Is caught up, the square of the dark-red crenellated walls of the old royal city, three miles each way, and outside the walls the parallel clear moat thinking back nt the sky; nud then you nro sure that over und nbore the government of In dia some spirit Is lu possesion here, some spirit that bends In affection over finish oil and forgotten tilings. seveu-rooreu kiosks stand nt inter val over tho gates In the wall they are called pynthat. but they strike tho eye like peaceful conclusions and low white stone bridges raised In the mid dle span the moat - The buttresses of the gntes nro painted deep gray nnd white, nnd the bank that slants steep ly from the wnll to the water hns here nud there a low. twisted, spreading tree on It, purely for decoration. You may stop nt n corner nud look two wnys nlong the reflecting wnter with bridge after bridge receding ncron nnd pyathnt after pyathnt diminishing above, nnd each red nud gray nnd white vista, so picked out nud fin ished under the quiet light, slipping adorably Into the near blue of the hills. Mandalay seemed aware with bunt lng that day, flags and arches of wel come everywhere and crowds llocklu aware nnd almost awake; but you look ngaln nnd saw that she only turned In her sleep nnd smiled, as at a dream. Kastorn Imagery. The specimen below of Moorish epis tolary style which comes from Hud gett Meukln's recent book. "Tho Moors," nnd Is merely nn Invitation to dinner. Is calculated to make the Im aginative resources of the Eugllsh en tertainer, who writes on a visiting card, "Come and dine," look small In deed. To my gracious master, my respected lord: This evening, pleatfe God, when the king of the army of stars, the sun of tho worlds, will turn toward the realm of shades and place his foot In the stirrup of speed, thou art besought to lighten us with tho dazzling rays of thy face, rivaled only by tho sun. Thy arrival, like a 'spring breeze, will dis sipate the dark night of solitude and Isolation. A Worthy Monument. There are several homes for spinsters In Sweden and Norway. One of these Is as attractive as it Is unique. It Is the monument to tho memory of nn exceedingly wealthy old man, who, dy ing more than two hundred years ago, left the major part of his fortune to tho old maids among his descendants. A superb home was built, furnished and managed by salaried trustees. It flour ished and has continued. Any unmar ried woman who cnn prove blood re lationship to the founder of the Insti tution Is entitled to admission In the home. She Is given a suite of rooms, n servant, private meals, and Is subject to no, rules save such as ordinary good behaviour demands. Lived Through an Antarotlo Winter. Undoubtedly the penguins llvo on tho edge of tho Ice-pnck In winter time. A curious proof of this Is that during n benvy gale In the bay near Cupo Adair. ' tho lce llcl(- hroke ul' and tho ! northwards Into tho ocean, j carrying off 0110 of my sledgo dogs. Wo 1 " .f , : . V. U1 U0C "! lm' I but n w eek later (bo sea was frozen j as far as the eye could reach, nnd three months afterwards that dog returned to camp from over tho Ice, and ho wns fnt! Now. tlireo dogs cnn kill n seal, but oni dog cnn not; and this dog hud evidently been living on penguins out nt sea at tho edge of tho lee-pack, Prof, C. E. Borchgrevlnk, lu Leslie's Monthly. Wlioro Gold May -Aliounil. Mysterious forests surround tho un mapped headwaters of tbo Amazon river where hidden gold mines aro thought to be, guarded by a Jargo trlbo of Indians known us thu Napos, who still cling to the- ancient rites of tho children of tho sun. These Nupo In dians hnvo brought out significant ovl dciico of tho richness of tho placer mines, In Quito gold dust Is the stand ard currency, which they bring lu hol low bamboo Joints heavy with grains nud dust of tho precious metal, which Is washed out by tho most primitive methods. Flour for China, Two modern flouring mills, with American machinery, havo recently been constructed at Harbin, Manchu ria. TT?oToTitTorirTrTir 5 1 ! A STUDY IN SCARLET DY A. CONAN DOYLE. I'll A IT Kit VI Continued. After n very brief piuiso tho dolec- uco continued.' -hi course, nrter tnnt thoro wns nothing inoro to bo done. I found out Willing l.liMltttHitnt IMiiii-,,M.,t took two olllcors with mo nnd nriOBted him. When I touched It I id on thn shoulder and warned him to como quietly with us. h nusvvered us nn bold as bras: 'I sumioso von nru arresting mo for being concerned In tho death of that scoundrel Drahhor,' ho mild. Wo had ald nothing lo him about It, so that bin alluding to It had n, most suspicious inspect," "very," said Holmes. "Ho still curried tho heavy Rtlck which tuo mul nor ilescrllieil li in nn Having with him when ho followed Drabber. It was n ntout oak cudgel." wont is your theory, thun? "Well, my theory Is Hint hu followed Drchber an far ns tho llrliton rond. When there a frosh nltercntlon nroso netweon them, In tho courso of which Drobbor received n blow from the stick lu tho pit of tho stomach, pur- nuiis. wmcn 1:1 km 1 in without cav ing iiuy mark. Tho night was so wet that no ono was about, so Chnrpontlor dtngged tho body of his victim Into the tinpty house. An to tho cnmllo am' tho blood nnd tho writing on tho wsll and tic ring, they may nil bo so mnny tricks to throw tho police on to mo wiong scout." Well done!" snld Holmes In nn on courngliiK voice. "Ileully, (Iregsou you are Rotting nlong. Wo shall make something of you yet 1 natter myscir tnnt 1 hnvo mnn aired It rather neatly," tho detective aiiRwired proudly. 'Tho young man volunteered a stntonivnt In which ho Hftld that nfter following Drolilior some tlmo. tho latter perceived hlni mul took n cab In tinier to get nwny from hlni. On his way homo ho met nn old shlpmnte nntl took a long walk with Mm. On being asked whom this old shipmate lived, he was unable to 1,'lve any satisfactory reply. I think the whole cask fits together uncom monly well. What nniuseH mo In to think of I.estriiile, who hnd started off upon Iho wiong scent. I nm nfrnld he won t make much of It. Why. by Jove! liros tho very man himself: It wns, liideod. Lestntilo, who hn.l ascended the stairs while w wore talking, und who now entered the room. The nwiuranro und Jnuntlness which generally marked his demeanor and dross were, however wanting, His face wns disturbed nnd trou bled, while his clothes woro disar ranged nnd untidy He had evidently como with the In tention of consulting with Sherlock Holuies. for on perceiving his col league he appeared to bo embarrassed and put out. He stood In the renter of tho room fumbling neivously with his lmt, and uncertain wlmt to do "This is n most oxlrnordlnnry enso,' he said, at Inst "a most Incompro- henslhlo affair. "Ah. you find It no. Mr. Lestrndo?' cried (Iregson, triumphantly. "I thought you would como to that con elusion. Have you managed to find the E'jcretary. Mr. Joseph BtnngersonT ' " "The secretary, Mr. Joneph Slanger son. said Lestrndo. gravely, "wns murdered nt Hnllldny's Private Hotel about C o clock thlB morning.1 CHAPTER VII. Light In the Darkuoss. Tho Intelligence with which Lostrndc greeted us whs so momentotiH nud so unexpected that we wero all three fair ly diimfoumled. Orereon sprang out of his chair and upset the remainder of his whisky and water. I glared In silence nt Sherlock Holmes, whose lips wore compressed and his brows drawn down over his eyes. "Stangerson, too!" ho muttered "The plot thickens" "It was quite thick enough before,' grumbled Lostraile. taking a chair. "I seem to havo dtopped Into a sort of council of war. "Aro you nro you suro of this ploro of IntolllgonroT stammered Gregson 1 nnvo just come rrom nis room said Lcstrado. "1 wan thn first to dis cover what had occurred." wo hnvo been hearing Oronson's view of tho matter. Holmes observed "Would you mind letting us know what you hnvo seen and dono?" I havo no onjoction,' i.cstrauo nn swored. seating bWnsolf. "I freely con foss that I was of tho opinion that Stangerson wna concerned In tho donth of Drcbber. This frosh development hns shown mo tbnt I wns completely mistaken. Full of tho one Idnn, I set myself to find out what had become Ul III DClU'iaij. ii,' "vwii " I . rri, .nA DnnB together nt lvuston Htnuon nuoui nnit past olglit on ino ovemng or uio inin At two In tho morn ng Drobber had been found In thn Brixton Hoad. Tho nuestlon which confronted mo wob to find out how Stangerson hnd noon cm ployed between 8:30 nnd tho tlmo of tho crlmn nnd whnt had becomo of him afterward. I telegraphed to Liverpool, giving a description of tho man anil warning them to keep a watch upon tho American boats. I then set to work the American ho .cn'llnB lll0n 0 ', ,P,.V.iV?,??.'L20(,5!?? " o Yarguod that If ' Drobl or nd his AoXSSa the natural courso of tho latter would bo ? Pt ''P.80m"w 1 "?.!"" V'V " y,?r tho ( night and then hang about th station ngain next, morning, "Thov would bo likely lo ngreo on some moei ng.piaco iicioreimn.i, ru- ' ... J tl I IIIIHIM-il iiwnu-in. "So It nmvoil. I spent tho wholo of yesior my ovening in '"'''"'"J . , " . j - ... I tmmoi . "'"'; ,".' i.: '.' V"i, I began very early and at . nlgl.l o i c ock l roncnou iiniin nyB tiviuo u , ir Llttlo George street. On .rny Inquiry nr, to whether a Mr. Stnngorson was living thoro. thoy an onco answered mo iw ..!. .u. . "No doubt you nro tho gontloman lie was oxpoctiiig, thoy snld. 'Ho hnd pvun HMHiiifi w, bvmiiiitiiMi iui fcw nays. . . . I Whoro lo be now? I iiBKod, no is upstairs in ucu. 110 wisncu to 1)8 called at nlno.' H seemed to mo mat my amnion nppoarnnco might shako his norves uiiu luim mm 10 Buy buiuuiuiiib uii- guarded, Tho Boots volunteered to show mo tho room; It wns on tho sec ond floor, nnd thoro wag n small cor ridor loading up to It. Tho Boots pointed out tho door to mo, and was about to go clown stairs again, when I eaw something tbnt .mndo mo fool sick lsh..ln spito of my twenty yeare' ex- porlonco, From umlor tho door thero curled a llttlo rod ribbon of blood, which had meandered ncross tho pas- sago and formed a llttlo pool nlong & I tho skltllng nt tho other nldo. 1 gnvo a nt tho other Hli 0. I kiivo 11 cry which brought tho Bonis hack. .morn eolnrlilmioo. Thn very piiih Ho nearly fnlnlod when ho snw It. whlrh I miiinortod In tho enso of Drub Tho door was loekod on tho Inside, but , bor nro ncttmlly found after tho death wo put niir Hhouldem to It nnd knocked of Htnngertton. And yet Ihey nro Inert. It In. Tho window of thn room wan Whnt can It moan? Hiiroly my whnln !. and beside tho window, nil hud died nn. lny thn boilv of a mnn III bla night dress, Ho wns unite dtmd, and had been for somo time, for bin llmlii woro rigid nud cold. Wheiv wo turned blm over the Hoots recognized him nt onco ns being tho smiio gontlmnan who hnd engaged tho room under tho mimo of James Stangnrsoii. Tho rnusn of dentil wiib n deep stab In tho left wilo. which must havo ponotrntod tho heart. And now comes thn Htrnugest pnrt of tho affair. What do you nup- poso was above tho murdered man?" I feu a iTor-iiIng of esh nnd 11 nn sentiment of coming horror, oven bo- foro Sherlock Holmen nnswered. Tho word 'Itnclio," written In lot- lorn of blood." ho said. "That wna It." until Loslrndn, In nn nwstrurk voire: nnd wo woro nil nllnnt for n while. Thoro wns something so methmllcnl and so Incomprohonslblo about tho deeds of this unknown nssnssln. that It Imparled a fresh ghnstllncss to his crimes. My norves. which were steady nnoimh on tho field of battle, tingled nil I thought of It. Thu man wns neon, continued Los- trade. "A mllkboy, prtialng on his wny to tho dairy, happened to walk down tho Inno which loads from tho iuowh nt the hack of tho hotel. Hn,otlcod that a ladder, which usunlly lay there. was rnlsod against ono of the windows of tho Hoi-mid Door, which wns wldo open. After passing, he looked back nnd saw n man descend tho ladder. Ho enmo down ho quietly nnd openly that tho hoy imagined him to on some car penter or Joiner nt work In the hotel. Ho took no pnrtlrulnr notice of lilin. beyond thinking In his own mind thxt It wns enrly for hlni to bo nt work. He hns nn Impression Hint Iho mnn was tail, had n reddish faro, nnd thought It wns enrly for him to bo nt work. Ho must havo stayed In the room soino llttlo time nfter the murder, for wo found blood-stained water In the tiaslu. where be hnd wnshed bis hands, nnd marks nn tho sheet, where ho hnd de liberately wiped bis kill fa." I glanced nt Hnlincti on hearing thn description of the murderer which Inl lied so exactly with his own There wns. however, no trace or exul tation or satisfaction upon bis fnre. Did you find nothing In the room which could furnish a clew to tho mur derer?" he naked. "Nothing. Htnngerson hnd Drebber's nurse In his pocket, but It seems'lhnt this was usual, as he did nil the pay ing. There wns eighty-odd pounds In It. but nothing had been taken. What ever the motives of these extraordinary crimes, robbery Is rnrtnlnly not onn or them. There wero no papers or mem oranda In tho murdered man's pockets, except n single telegram, dated from Cleveland nbout a month ago, nnd con- tnlnlng the words. 'J. H. Is In Europe.' There wns no nnmo appended to tins mesmee. And there wns nothing else?" Holmes nuked. Nothing of nny Importance. Tho mnn s novel with which no nan react himself to sleep, wns lying unon the bed. nnd bis pipe was on a dialr be side him. There was n glass of wnter on Hie tnble. and on the window sill a small chin ointment box rontalnlng n eoenln nf nllU." Sherlock Holmes snrnnri from his ch"' with an etrlsniBtlon of delight. "The last link be cried, exultantly. Mv case In comnlotn." The two detectives stared at him In Bmnement. I have now In my hands," my com panion said confidently, "all the threailH which have rnrmoii mint n tnngio. Thoro nrc, of courso. details to bo filled In, hut I nm certain of nil tho main facts, from tho tlmo that Drcbber Part ed from Stangerson nt Iho station, up to tho discovery or tuo nody or tho bitter, ns If I bad seen them with my own eyes. 1 will glvo you proof of my knowledge. Could you lay your hands upon those pills?" I havo them, said Lostrndn, pro- , iluclng a small whllo box: "I took them nnd tho purso nnd thn telegram. In- 1 tending to hnvo them put In n place nf safety nt tho pollen station. It wns tho merest chnnco my taking thoso pills, for I am bound to nay tbnt I do not nttach any Importance to thorn." Glvo them horo," said Holmes, 'Now. doctor," turning to .mo.. "1110 thoso ordinary pills?" Thoy certainly woro not. They wero of a pearly gray color, small, round. ,, nimr,i :?,,,' ni,' , .. " ,J- tho llgflt ..From tlicr iKnt.10fm nml trnnsnnr. oncy , B,101lM IlnnB,ll0 lllnt tll0y ro Bollll)lo , wntor. , rcmarI(e(li "Prcclsoly bo," nnswered Holmes. "Now, would you mind going down and retching that poor llttlo dovll of n ter rier which has boon bad so long, nnd which tho landlady wanted you to nut out of Its pnn yestordny?" I wont downstairs and rnrrlod tho dog upstairs In my arms. Its lahorod glazing cyo nl.owed that it was not fnr from Its end. , I"dco,'i1lt? i'v whlto muzzle pro- MJiJlttS 1 L n, 'j'i?'. "t?'"? x,,,"?2' 1 "I will now cut ono of these pills two' wlrt irolmoS." nSd drawing his nonknlfo ho suited tho action tn thn ,.., ',r.. . ..I "J? H 2 num. WMU 1IUI1 WU 1IHIIIU Illlll II I for fl)tur0 pIlrp08CBi Tho othor half . nin.n U win lnocf In nh li . '.fi , ' v.. cdvo that our frlond. tho doctor. Is " munpuuiMui tii nuioi lull 111' right, and that t readily illsso vos," Tha mny ,)0' yory ntorcBtlnB .. ,,, LcBtra(Io In tll0 nJl,r0(, lon0 of 0I0 who BUBp'octs llmt J0 , 1)clnB , ,,, L, , ' f i,,, " ...u". to,0 w,'tIl tll0 a0atta of Mr. Joioph HtnncrerRnn." "Pnii,,,, ,v frinn.i nntinn v. wm nnd In tlmo that Is has ovorythlng m iln wnn if. .1 Rlinll nnw nilil n llllln milk to malm tho m xturo nalatnbln. ,, on presenting It to tho dog you will n,i n,n i, inm, if ,,n ,n,ni,. nni, a ho snokn ho turned thn content's of tho w nn elans nto a saucer nml placed It In front of tho torrlor, whp nnoocll y 1 CKCd It dry. Sherlock Holmes' earnest domennor had so far convinced us that wo all sat in ellonco, watching tho animal Intont- ly and oxpoctlng somo gtnrtllng effect. Nono such appeared, howover. Tho dog contlnuod to lie stretched upon tho cushion, breathing In n labored way, hut nnnnrontlv nolthor tho bettor nor tho worso for Its draught, Holmes bad takon out IiIb watch, and as mliuito followed mlnuto without ro- BUu nn expression of tho utmost cha- nrlu .nnil Mm polntmtmt npppftrnd m. mi bin fentun 1, Ho wmwi'ii ti In Up, drummed bin iln imra iinon thn tnliln mul hIkuvihI nvnrv ' (ilhnr nymptom of nciito Impittlimco. Ho great wan bin tunotlon that I roll nliU'oroly norry for him, whllo tho two j uoiortivog muimii uoriHivciy, ny no 1 liivium illnplcaHoiI nt II1I11 chock which lie hnd mot, I "It can't bo colnclilnneo," ho crlod nt Inst, sprliiHliii; from his chair anil , paring wildly up and down tho room: 11 in inipniuuiuu mat is hiuuiki ne 11 - chnln or reasoning cannot bnvo beou false. It In Impossible! And yel thin wrolrheil dog Is none tho worso. Ah, I havo It, I havo It!" With n perfect nhrtolc of delight be rushed to thn box, cut the other pill In two. illssolvod It, ndded milk, nud presented It to tho torrlor. Thn unfortiinnto crenturo'n tongue bnrdly seemed lo hnvo been moistened lu It beforo It gnvo n convulsive nhlver In every limb, nnd lay nn rigid nnd life less nn If It had been struck by light ning. Sherlock HolmoB drew n long breath nnd wiped thn pursplrntlnn from his forehead. "I should hnvo morn faith," he until: "I ought to know by this tlmo Hint when a fact appear to be opposed to n long trnln of deductions It Invariably proven lo bo rapnbln of bearing somo other Interpretntlon. Of tho two pills lu Hint box one wan Iho most deadly poison and the other wns entirely harmless, 1 ought to hnvo known Unit beforo ever I snw thn box nt all," Tfils Inst statement nppenred to mo to ho nn startling that 1 rould lianlly bellnvo that lie wns In his sober senses. Thorn wnn tho dend dog, howovor, to provo that bis conjecture had been cor rect. It seemed to mo that Hie mists In my own mind were gradually clearing nwny. nnd I began to havo n dim. vngim perception of tho truth. "All this seems strnugo lo you," con tinued Holmes, "hernuse you failed nt tho beginning of the Inquiry lo grasp the Importance of the slnglo real clew which wnn presented in you. 1 nnn tho good fortune to selxn upon that, and everything which has occurred since then hns served lo confirm my original supposition, and. Indeed was Iho logical sequence of It. Hence, things which have perplexed you and mnitn thn case morn obscure hnvo served to enlighten me nnd lo-strength-en my conclusions. It Is n mistake to confound strangenesn with mystery. The most commonplnco crime Is often the most mysterious, berauso It pre sents no now or special features from whlrh deductions may he drawn. This murder would hnvo been Infinitely more dimrult to unravel hnd the body of the victim been simply found lying In the roadwny without nny of thoso outer nnd nensntlonnl ncrompnnlmonlf which have rendered It remnrknble. These strnnge details fnr from mnk lng the case more difficult hnvo refllly hnd the effect of making It less a" (T11 l"J 1 onllnucl ) K Thlnnn That May W Intoront You. M I r Over n million ictons tlio yctrly In Kuropo ol eoncnuiptlnn. ' Flvo liunilredn ml eighty-seven dis tinct Inngnnges are sHiken lu Kumpo. Forly-flvo hours constitute a week's work lor women nnd girls In New Zen land. Fvventy-elglit profit nhnrlug rchemes, affecting fin.nSn workKwiple, Mere In operation last year In this country. .Mnilamo Irncown, tho VIiiiicko lody swimmer, is training (or another at tempt to bmIiii tint Kngllsli clinniiol. Out ol L'.fiUI) murders ol Christians In Turkey Inst year then) cro only (II ciihis In which thn murdorcrs woro pun iphod. Thu longest railway run In tho world without changing li on tliu Canadian 1'aclllc, from Halifax to Vancouver, 3,11112 mlloa. Tbo biggest orchard In tbo world is near Hanta Ilnrhaia, Cal. It covers 1,700 ncres and contains 31,000 fruit and uut trees. Tliu amount ol bent generated by a mnti's lxxly In a day's work la mifilclont to raleo (l.'l pounds ol water (rom (toot hing to oiling point. Lord Kelvin, who Is now 78 years ol ngo, Is untitled to plaro no lees than "(1 letters, Indicating various titles ol hon or, alter bis namo. Geraniums bloom moat satisfactorily when grown In comparatively smalt pots ami soil wblcli In termed rich, but not rank with uxcasolva manure. In 1'ortugal II tho wife publishes literary works without tlio husband'H consent, tho luw Irees blm nt onco from ull (urtliur matrimonial obligations. During tho past ton years Immigra tion to America from Germany, Ireland and Mnglanil lias decreased, whllo that from Italy, Asutrla nud HusbIu has In creased. Tlireo aro 0,000 monks on tbo prom ontory ol Athos. They pay to tlio sul tatn 2,000 pounds a year (or tlio privi lege ol being allowed to govern Uiom-i solves. Tbo number o( ships lu tbo Ameri can whaling fleet lias fallen off In tbo last twelvo years from 07 lo to 40, and much tbo namo Is thu caso with tliu Scotch whaling Industry, Ono of Milton's bloRrnpliors rays that nourly twenty years olupsed liotwoon tho tlmo bo skotcbed out the plan ol "I'nraillso Lost" and tbo completion of that work. Tlio nctmfl labor o( compo Bltlon wna condoneod Into two or tlireo years. Farmer Jonas I am n-golngtow tnko my son Hlrnin to a plirenolyijlat tow find out what bo's bent united lor. Former Honk An' H'posln' bo tolls yow tho boy ain't Bultod lor farmln' at all? Fnrmor Jones That's Juat what I want tow flrfd out, so's I kin lick it out nv him hotoro bo gits tow big, Yonnghub Tboro'a nothing llko mat rimony (or tenchlng n young man tlm valuo o( nionoy, Oldvvod -That's right. A dollar n man gives to Ills wife- looks twlco as big as tlio dollar bo blew In on bor during courtship.