Devoted to the Mining, I.tiinlierliiK mid KnrmhiK Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. IV COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1902. . r t - no. 35. Mines Till! I10IIIIMIA AllNINd DISIRICT. What A I'cw Day Of lnvctlKntloii Show In 'till (lrnnd Mlii ernl Zone. T. II. Hu'.li,lii rarinv Miner - iihIh'miIm, aiikiihi as, urn. TIiIh Hi'iwon Ih wltni'wdni,' niuri'nr tlvlty In llolifinlii tlinn i-ht Infon- In tlm nlmx ot HiiliMtnnilnl Mini imtiiim ni'llt ili'Vi'liinni'iit. ' In nil wflloiiHdf tluullMtrk't work InkuIiik nlii'iul ullli ii riiHli, mill tln IivIkIU nnil pitch tntliiHiui' l;rpt on tin' IiiihIIiMu ,lu t lie nnpilli'H mnl imicliliicr.v Hint iitv I'oiiHtnntl.v Miik orili'ivd. Men for nil klitilrt of work niv In ilvinnnd, nnil i!vur.vlinil,v In lln illntrlct Im iim liiwy iih the provi'rtilnl Im-. New wtrlkfM nrt' eoiiMtiintly U-Iiik iiiiiiIc til tln camp, mnl rich IIihIh nro Ik'Iiiu; lix nti'il liirlieriMit In tliew' wondfi (ill IiIIIm. 'flifiv wviiih to Imi no limit to thin Kront nilucnil nfiii'. livery wetlou vlnlteil Ih a revelation, anil happy mfrprlmM urn the rule. It Ih within the elrele of truth tonay that po iiioiv promlHliiK llehl for Hiifenml mini InveHtini'iit ran Im founil In all the liltf Nortliwint. Iloheinla Iiiih iimveu .... ..... ,... - .( velop.ncnt where InveHtinent Ih ah-, Hi.lutely Hfe. l'roH,HT m can lM Inn.Klit lodny for noniliml llK""' ' that a few yeam hence, will yield mlllliniH. IM.nldedhy capital, except ; in a lew inHinn-H, u.m ...h,,.u. wtiiiuer; n.. n .i... . will K" forward to the KrenlcMt wealth-prodiiclm; illntrlct under the Him. A vlnlt tOHOineol tiiemnny pniinin ItiB proiK-rtlen reveal the following Hummary: Two of the moBt Important claluin of the t-'ryntal CoiiHolldatedCoiapnn.v are located on the north nlde of I'nlr vlew mountain, mid adjoin the Ia- ItoV proiKTty on the eant. '1 lie work In now lie'liu? ih on Uie .Momiiaiin.ioii vmu... ..... . mil,. uel in now in i. uti on .-, -with the full face ot the drift In nolld ore. the ledw at thin point Ih-Iiik tome li! fivt wide and ot hlKh-Krade niiurti. the tunnel italnliiK very . . . ,.. ., i . .... t...i.... rnpld depth by rennou of the nlcep pitch of the mountnln. At the upiHT, end of thin claim, Junt over the rlilK'. iicronn-eut han U-en run for l.Vifivt, cutthiK the IciIkv mid hIiowIuk about ir feet of nolld nuartx. Several on-n-Iiikh and ntirfacv cutn have Ihhii made which expone the ledKe throtiKlioiit thoentltx1 holdhiK, mid prove It to lie a eonttuuatloii of the fauioun Helena lode. The 1C1 Calado han a tunnel -t.VI feet Iouk lu lllje oiv. The lower end of thl claim taken In the lake which neHtlen neivnely In a reat bowl ou the mountain nlde. An de velopment kch forward on thin properly, It In making a wonderful , Hhowlug. It him an abundance ot water and tlmlier mid the ln'nt nt nilllnlten, nnH a big Htropg ledge of high-grade oru from which toextraet the prccluiin metal that will make It a ' dividend payor later on. Mil chlnery for the reduction of thin Hplcndld body of ore In now lielng ne lected lu Sun I'mnclnco, and will lie limtalled lu a nhort time. The North I'nlrvlew groupconnlntn of nine, clulinn running from the Champion lluntu up jind over the high rldKe ou tho north nlde of I'nlr vlew mountain mid down to and In cluding the wntern of the i'nlrvlew creek. There are threoparallel ledKen which hnve lieen oeneil by tuuneln mid Hurfuco cutH, which nhow the ledgeH throughout the entire length ot the company'H holdlngn. The vehiH ui'u wide nud ntroug nud the free milling oru In of medium grade, while the bane oiv In of high grade. HuliHtmithtl cnhliiH uro now lifcourno of coiiHtructlon, a good force of men nru nt work, mid an noon an all am comfortably houned the work of ie velopnient will go forward without let-up. Two Hue iiiIIIhIIch nn n part of thin property, and the water and timber mipply In In abundance. Thin property In capitalized nt $100,000. with par value ntock at lOcentH. A (liiaiitlty of thin Ht.ock Ih net nnldo for development purponen, nud In now on tho market nt 2J OentH, nud find ing ready takem. Tlnio mid con certed action will ninke thin one lino property one of tho mire dividend payei-H of thin great illntrlct. The SwcepHtako group, counlntlng otclght chiliim, and owned hy S. J, llrund, Inlocated ou tho nouth Hide of Ulonlmnt niounfaln. There, are over 1000 feet of tunneling mid nhntt work done, nud many Hiirfnco open Itign on the Hoveral ledgen. The mivln tunnel In run hoiuo iW) feet to cut tho oiv chute ot tho main lodo nud con tinued on tliln lodo for 500 feet lu five milling lilgli-gnulo ore tho entire length, tlio face ottho drift being now In nearly nolld urnvrtx. A.luujdiva tonn of oivmv oil the dump and acdMimoa A to Dbhemlt. Nofoj rA T" r 1 umiM 1 1 11 1 ! 11 1 1 1 TTi it "... H 1 rertf inroPojfro Mintntf Mon. 11 tlioliHiinilH of Ioiim ivuily to Htope. A Hilemllil nilllHlte, with aliiiniliinre of tlmlier mnl wnler, anil a tunnel can ! Hti'ii from uenr Hie iiiIIIhIIi' on I'nlrvlew nvel; which would rut nine illfferciit li'l4i'H anil a verticil' depth under the hHX of Kleplimit mountnln of nearly !1KMI feel, ho that nil thene leilueH run he worKed from one eouimon point. KnliHtautlal eahlliH, luniiel limine, litackHinltli Hhop nuil nil nppiirtenauceH for innli hiK HiIm Hplcndld proHTt)- iiiv at Initial, and tlcU'liipniciiL wirl( Ih Hteadlly koIiik nlieail. One of the fluent puck tralln In thew IiIIIh leuiln illn'el to thin proHrty Irom tlienmln hIiiki rtnul a tulle illHtaut, and later on a llrni ehiHH trail cm i) n nil will he hull' up I'nlrvlew creek from the foot of llnrdHcrnhhle which will nhortcil the dlHtnuce from the main traveled route to the illntrlct over four iiiIIch. When thU rond m completed It will Im ncceHHlhle nt nil hi'iihoiih of the year, for the rciiMon that IIh entire length will Im Im'Iihv the hiiow Hue. Adjoining the Itruiid properly oni the went are the White Iron and Illuck Hear cIuIiiih, owned hy J-. II. ICInn, upon which t iiiiiii'Ih anil open cutH of over 171 J feot have been' run iIIhcIohIiik line vein matter, with llt(.nton , ,, Mrlkln the mn f((. Tl(W cla1M . , mlcr ,,,,, ,, lllllk, IIK nm ,,mJ. Kir( ,K.P(.H , ,. ()lv T,1,.'l.or, U)UK Km1 ( lrtv t.(llMHO1 ,,. wwt ,,,,., :t.,,,lllMt mountain linn had much development , work done In the neveral velnn, ex i ponhiK larKi) hinllcH of low Kradc ori i The innln tunnel In In ahont 17." feet , ou one, and n cronn-ent In Ih-Iiii; run to lii) a HkIi miKle vein which Inex Mtted noon to Ihi encountered. Ilundredn of tonn of oiv nre ou the varloiin (IninpH, mid work In lieltiK ' piinhed ou the main tunnel. The White llciirmnl Illuck Diamond 1 M.lmti fttt'tiful iliFI !lul fntt Ili.ttt'J fill . , ,..,.., ... , ,.rv .... h0tiIW(,Ht H,,. ,,, KU-.iliiuit inoiintalu. A tunnel In lu Kill feet ou thelcdKC, the face of the drift In , ouartx of hluli Krade mid about WW ton on the dump. ' The Hunrlne Kroup coiiHlntH of cIk'ih claluin, ciipltnllzcd at a million, and tla Ht((ck nou. ()U tl((( markcl H .n Iuk at IKItf ci'Utn jK-r nhmx'. It In Mltuated on the cant nloix'of Admitfl mountain. The proerty In ohmic1 hyneven tuuneln, the main one liehiK lu KIO feet on the vein, the entla" leiiKth Ir'Iiir In hlKh-Krade ore, mid the fact of the drift In now In nolld iiiartx. I'roHH-cutn lu thin ledKU nhow the ore to Int fully 1'.' feet In width. The next Important tunnel In lu 100 feet, unit nliown equally an well an tho main tunnel. There are over WNNl ton now ou the dumpn that will average nt leant ft ertou, ,, (f t,K (m, , H,g,lt n.luly for ntoplng there In in unllmluted amount of tonnage. With tho ninny Hurfuco opeiilugn nud ninull tuuneln It linn lnvn demoiintrated that the ore chute continue through the full leugthof the proiKTty Home tKOO fi"ot. l'rom the mulii tunnel Home KM fwt lu n croHH-cut han lHen run 10 feet townrd 1. 1.) fooLwall, mid at '.? hvt ran Into another ledge ot Hue quartz, the width of which In not yet unccr tnlned. When the mulii tunnel In run Hiitllcleutly far enough to lieun der tile iiik-x of the mountain aver. tlcal depth of over 1000 feet will In. gained. Arrangement: nre now being actively made to luntull a mill Hhort illntauco below the main work IngH, where timber and water are In abundance, and u tramway In to lie hullt for trmiHiiortlug the oiv. To thin end a force ot men nru now con ntruetlnga nubntanthil wagon road from the warehoune to thoinlllnlte to facilitate the pannage of the heavy machinery to that point. It In ulno proponed to Htart a big tunnel sumo dlntuuce tielow the prowut worklngn. mid nenrer the inllhiUe, which will tap the ore hodlci at u depth of 200 feet, mid from which common point the future working of the entire property can I m readily nndecononil eully mudo. When tho prenent plans of thl company are matuivd mid lu working order thin will undoubtedly bo otio ot the lug dividend paying properties of the illntrlct. Wigging & 'White "have noino lino clnlniH In Ad am mountain, near th ridge. Tlio upper tunnel I in about W) foot ou tho vela, and tlio face of the drift U In nolld quartz of lino grade. They aro nicely oqulpiied and doing good work, which will event ually open up a property that will bring them u fortune. Tho Utopia group of llvo clntmn located on a nortlt spur lwtween Klephaut and AdaniH inountnlun and owned by 11, C. Marcim, Alox l'ugh and Andrew Urund, la ono of tho promising prospects of that part of tho district. Tho mnln work has boon douo on tlio I'luto claim, In runuluu a tunnel of 15 feel on the IimIri', the face of the drift now hIiow Iiik ncnrly three feet of line (imrlz. A croHH-cut Ih run of '.II feet, expoHluif anotlier vein of four feet, which Ih dlpphlK townrd Hie main vein, and will eventually unite with It, 1 Iiiih making a HtroiiK IciIkc. TIiIh prop erly luiHMevcrnl tuinielH ifud Hiuface oih-iiIiikm which liiHiire the coiillnu M t Itiit of the ledwe throiiKhotit the entlreholdliiKH, and the fiitnre proH. pectH for a Hue mine areludiril fini te rlnsr. The I'lttHlmrx Kroup of Mix cIiiIiiih on Itock creek, owned hy Y. II. Hlmneaud othern, Iiiih over 4.7) feet of dcvclnplni; tuiinclH ohiiIiik up hIx well-dellned leilne.. Two of the cliilniH have more ur Ichh free ore, hut tlieKreat hulk of ore Ih of lilttli Krade haw. TIiIh proH'rty Ih Ij'the head of Itock creek canyon, mid Iiiih an aliunilancv of water nnil IIiuIht and n Hplcndld iiiIIIhIIc. Tlieeledi;cH lay nearly parallel, and can Ihi worked from one common point, the tunnel for which will lie In clone roxlmlty totlieinlllclte. TIiIh prop- rty lien nhoiit two iiiIIch Mouth from he fmnoiiH MiiHlck mine, and Iiiih mi xcctlent trail direct to It which, with niiiall exM'iiM, can readily he innde Into a MiiliHtantlal mountnln wiikoii ' road. Development work In Hteadlly ! lrojfreHHhiK. and with the line nhow-1 ItiK nlreudy made tne outlook for' thefiituiv of thin proin-rty In of the ery In-nt. i I'he .Mlnneapolln Krotip on the , Houthi'iint nlde of Bohemia mountain I It accenHlhlu (or rapid and economl at the head of St Peter creek, con- j cal development. With nil Itn natural nlntn of elht claluin, with over 1!00 1 ndvautiiKen for working, mid the i't of tunnel, nurfnee ok'1iIiih and ciitn expOHliiK the ledKcn. main I tunnel In lu (V) feet ou thelcdKC and the face of the drift Ih now lu nolld I inartx of low Krade. Han good thn-1 Iter mid nilllHlte, irood trnlln, mid I 1 1 1 1 nmall exiienne n kooiI wiiroii road can lie made through the prop- rty. I'hln Kroup In within half u mile of the famoiin ilnnlck mine. De-. clopiiicut work In koIiik ahead i tend My and the rennltn ruined are, uiOHt natlndivtory to the ownern, ! who are K. i:. Lilly, I.oul .lohnnou, rtc Ithode and othern. The Cripple Creek Kroup, im the lint nlde of Jnckann ridge, mid ruu- Iuk from the top of the rhlKc down to City creek, vuiiHlntliiK of eight claluiH owned by Walter Cochran lid O. 0. (llllM-rtnou, ban over 000 feet of tuuneln and many nurfnee oiK-'iiliiKn, Theiv uro 1(1 well-dellned IcdgeM ou thin pron;rty, nud where ver oKMied nhow large uautltlen of quarti. Thin property liana world if tlmln-r mid water, mid the licnt of iuIIIhUch. Development work .l going Hteadlly ahead with mont Hatlnfactorj' resultn, and thin group i of claluin bid lair to command the attention of mine Inventor at no dlntafTt day. I'he Four .Monte group on the went nloM trf I'nlrvlew, cohhIhIh of four liilnin, and In owned tiy A. I. Churchill, and ban' over 200 feet of development work done on the four well-dellned veins cronnlng the prop- riy. i iuh frtii.jr in niiii..ui...c.i mi... ... I.... 1... Home o( the lluent propertlen lu Im heinln, and In till of Itn workings is nliowlng up well. It Iiiih n flue mlll nlte, water and tluiln'r, and from a J long tunnel near the mlllnlte nil of the ledges, can tie mined nt u vertical lcptb of over lfiOO feet. The Josephine and Kva I). clnlniB, on Juckuss rluge owneil oy A. r. Churchill, nnd- Joseph Peronl, aro having much development work done. The great ouartx dyke that runs through thcHo claims Is over 0 feet between walls, and Is mostly low grade base, but Ih Incivusing In value as depth In attained. All tho udjuuetsfor a future paying mine nre here, and development nud time will make this a very valuable property. J. 11. Morgan has two Hue clnlms, the Columbia and Climax, on the went side of Kalrvlew, which nre nltnated lietween the Stocks & llnr low and the Hiawatha proiiertles, and ou tho snme vein which bus yielded such niurvelously rich ore. Over 200 feet of tunnel and surface work bus been done on these claims, exposing the bent of showing, mid, lying us they do lietween two ex cclleut properties, must lu tho future liecome very valuable mlnliiggrouud. At tho-Htocks & Harlow property, on the west nlde of Fnlrvlew, develop ment work In befng systematically prosecuted with results tlint aro most gratifying to tho management. Nearly n thousand feet of tunnels nnd surface work has been douo on thesu nhvady widely known free milling ledges, ami tho property was never la Inittor shape, for productive working than now. Tho oro Is being tested for the liest method of secur ing the values, and later on tho most modem machinery will be Installed to that end. The mother lodo of free oru crosses this projierty, and the precious niotal can bo panned from tho grass roots down. Tho future ot this property will bo watched with great Interest, ami It will undoubt edly Ins a great producer. Tho Uvea Change nnd tho .Manilla claims on tho went side of Judson Itock, owned by Win. lenders and sons, has a cross-cut tunnel to cut theledgoof over" 200 feot lu length. Ahont 100 feet III wveral HtrliiKern hnve iHtm cut, which nliow kooiI iimrlz, and the face of the drift now linn the licHt of Indlcatl'iim of ntrlk- lli the main ledo wltliln a few feet, j Ah development goen forwanl on i thin iroKirty the nwnltM attnlned i are very nntlnfiictory mid the pron-1 IM'ctn for a line mine lire Indeed good. At the very head of Climnploii , Imnln, Hiirrouuded hy tie- lofty ienkn of drizzly, (Ironne and I'nlrvlew iiioiiii talliK, which form the urimd auiphltheater In the very heart of the Kreat liohenila Dlntrlct, are liM-uted a Kronp of four clahiiHotvneil liy John Clucky, John reternon mid John Illack, which ihwrve iv-clal notice, ami will In the no illHtaut 1 fiitun' Command eniHrlnl attention.' I'or over nine yearn thew hardy proHiiectorn have tolled iiuahleil to' uncover the hidden ledifen of thin Kroup, mid today have xcven tun-J neln oihmiIiik up an many IciIkchi which nre all dipping to a central ! body under I'nlrvlew iiniiintaln, Ik-nlfli-n liavlin; nillny nurfnee opvnliiKH ! nud cutn exponhif; the rich vi-lnn. ! Many toiiH of line ore are now ou the ilumpn and huudii iln of tonn inv, ready forntopliiK. Thin uronp In tin-1 excelled for tunnel nltt-n, tluiln'r and water, and han a uiaKnllleeut mill-! nlle adjoining the terminal kioiiiicIh of the railroad that Ih now linlldln Into the illntrlct. Many kooiI trail truverno the entire Ufoiip. and the main traveled road pann-H the iiroji-1 erty on Itn nouth line, tlmn making vant mineral wealth It coutnlun, thin Kronp. lylnjf an It (1(hh within rifle nhot of the Krent Helena. Champion and MimlckmlncH, will, with the aid of capital, become one of the big prodiieern of thin illntrlct. i The Hroadwny group if three ehilnin, adlolnlnir the Champion I Krotip on the north nlde of the Middle I letweeu Oroiibe mid Fnlrvlew mouu- tain, In one of tho rcat proinirtten ! of thin part of the illntrlct. It In owned by Wllllnm Iteed and William ' (Irilllth Severn! tuuneln have lieen rim oi the projwrty, the Diamond tunnel having now cut the lode, which in 10 feet In width, ot high grade free milling ore. In which the I yellow metal enn lie jtlalnly Hoen.j A lower tunnel I lielng run ou thei Frank IlrnnH claim, which will cut at n great deptli tho rich Champion lode ( which runn through thin property, j They have a fine mlllnlte, abundance i of "water nnd tlmlier and nn A-l projierty, which will give good ac count of Itself lu the future. l The famous Knott mine In sinking an additional w leet ou tne saait that two years ngo showed up sneh . .. w..i.. ....t. ... wonderfully rich ore. Thin nhnft In going right down on tho ledge and the vein will lie crosscut at a depth of 100 feet to find the extent, of It" width. Great thlngn are exected of thin proierty, us It In known to lie ono of the rlchent In tho dlstrlet. The Wall Street group, ou City creek, Iiiih a cronn-eut of 1100 feet, and I at thin point have ntrtick the ledge, ......i... I . ....!. which In over 10 feet wide ot tine quartz. An 80-foot drlftln nowlielng run on the ledge. This is a splendid property. I The ulr-plunt for the Oregon-Colo-ratlo, ou (Irouso creek hns arrived,, and as soonas latnlled work will Im resinned oil the big tunnel, which Is now In over :t00 feet. A wagon road has Just been surveyed to thin property, and ns soon as completed the line ore from thin big ledge will Ihj shlpiHHl out for reduction In a con tinuous strenm. High up on tlio southwest side of Grouse mountain the Whipple broth ers have two claim, with 215 feet of tuuneln In tree- milting ore ou the vein ot high grade. Work Is going ahead with all sjuvd oa this line property. Jnines Sears and the Whipple brothers own the Mountnln I.lly nnd Hummingbird claims, on the south side of Grouse mountnln. They have 180 feet of tunnel cronn-cutting to the ledges, which crop out prominently through tho clnlms. The oiv In tree milling mid ot high brnde. The tun nel will cut the four ledges, nnd when through them all w ilt tap tho" tipper vein nt over ItOOfeot of verti cal depth. Under tho shadow of the peak of llohemla mountain, on the south sldo and at the fountain head ot Sharp's creek, In located the I.ant Chance cjalnv owned by Itufus ImI wnrds. A tunnel In now run for W) feet Into tho center of the quartz dyko that Is over W) feet wide on the surface. The face ot the drift Is lu lino ore, and when 100 feet isattalued a crosri-cnt will lie run to determine the width of the ledge. This prop erty must eventually lieeomo a iiiluo of great value. Tho Hoosler group ot three claims on Ilock creek, owned by Frank Fllshcr nnd Lou Martin, upon which tho location work has Just been com pleted, aro showing up well as far as development hns gone. A. tunnel Is In about 25 feet ou tho vein, which Is now about tlyo feot lu width. When tho tunnel gets In about; 200 feet It will bo directly under a Inrge. chlui' noy, which will glvo it vertical depth .v .,. .,. .j. We arc offering greatl3r Reduced Prices in many Lines of Goods to make Room for our Which is now Big Bargains in Ladies Shoes till September 1st. The only Complete Line of Gents' and Boys' Collars in Town. EAKIN & BRISTOW. Just for We will be ready when you call. Growth Indicates Progres. Our Business is G-rowing. New G-oocls, 3STew Methods, New Ideas. Tlicy arc all here in our store. New goods arriving daily, we bought it in full cases, and CENTS, Same discount in other of over 150 feet, nnd a nolld ledge of high grado qunrti will undoubtedly lie encountered. At the west end of the illntrlct. Just a HhortMIstnnce from the foot ot tho mountain, In the home of John MnuHtleld, known throughout the r rean Ire country ns "Mineral John. He lu n prospector of long and wide exjierlence, nn mwnyer nnd expert on ores. For ten yeam ho has hunted for nnd traced up the hidden ledges of rich bearing quartz of IJohemla, and with Infinite, trouble nnd many weary days of toll, he ban carried on his back from every section of the i .. . t , uneolmeiin o( ore Irom I-."" o- hundreds of lodges to his home here hi Mlnersvllle, and today has over COO chunks of ore which form almost a complete cabinet of character rock of the district. He Is nowerecttng a fine building to Instnll the immense i collection of mineral In comprehen sive shape for public exhibition. Kvery mining mnn nnd Interested visitor or Investor In tho mines of ltohemln should not fall to view this splendid collection of character ores on his wny In or out of thin great mineral zone. THE OLD RELIABLE Grocery Store Caries a" full line of Staple nnd Fancy goods, Granite, Crockery, Tin and Glassware, Vegetables, Flout, Feed, Oats, Hay and everything the farmer or the housewife needs. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. It will lie a pleasure at all times to show our goods and vou are earnestly requested to call and examine them. II'UI inert All Competlon In l'rlcen. SKILLMAN & GAROUTTE Successor to Baker & Johnson COTTAGE GfeOVE. ORE J. E. YOUNG Attorney-cit-Zaio 00lc on Malujlreel, Welt 8lde COTTAGB GrOVB, ORE. A. H. KING Attorney at Law, COTTAGE GROW, OltK. i. .j. .,. .j. ... .,. .j. ti. .,. ... FALL STOCK arriving Daily. at tluiii Cost. a Pew Improvements. just see them, Our values, in Men's Underwear is unexcelled" we sell for FIFTY CENTS what was lines. W. S. Chrisman. The Fashion Stables CORNER MAIS nd SECOND 8TKEET, COTTAGE GROVE O'ljrisman & Bangs, proprietors. and YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME At the 11)11 IllUMi 11U1UL. w " Where the meate are well cooked and well served and the beds are good. ITS CLEAN THROUGHOUT. And you'll II nd everything honie-liko without homo inconveniences. Come and stay aa long as possible. FINE LARGE SAMPLE ROMS Free to our Commercial Trade. Try our Sunday Dinner. Tho beat ever Served In any Hotel in the City. N. D. HARDY, M'gr. COTTAGE GROVE, - - OREGON. mm C. J. MILLER of this tewn will present each and ever' bubj' UNDER ON13 YEAR OF AGE brought into his store dur ing this present yefir, A FINE GOLD BABY RING Call at his Store and make application for one of the rings. Also look over the fine display of Jewelry which he has on hand. JEROME KNOX Attorney -at-Law Prompt attention tld to Mining UmlneM Cottage Grovk, Ore. .;. -. .j. i, .1. .t. -i. . Shirt Waists Pi I- -!-' -I- -I- sold heretofore for SIXTY MERCHANDISING rove,. Orcgoai. Em Bangs. Also own and opperate the Bohemia Black Butte Stage Lines Fint-Qass Turnouts, Double or Single. Reasonable Prices H. C. MADSEN, Watchmakhr. Repairing at reionble ehurget. AU work guaranteed flntlau. Watches, Clock! and Jewelry at Loweit I'rlaei COTTAGE DROVE, ORE. J. C. JOHNSON and F. .G EBY A ttormys and OounstJors-it-Law Special attention given td Mining, Corporation and Mercantile Law. Office over German lleineawajr'aitoie. COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. BARKER & PERMAN t'BOrBlKTOBfl OK THE EXCHANGE""M5SE7 DEALERS IN HNE- WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Malnttreet, Cottage Orote, Or. We have on hano a largo ttocjc of kiln-dried lioorlnic, celling and ruMIc m grades 1 2 and 3. Let tie make yo special prices. Bootu-Kii tv hVUbtM Co.