Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 05, 1902, Image 8

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flow open
Men' backgrounds and oeccs
orics. Host Lenses and Cameras.
15 years
8 years in.
01 IV
Pulled States latiid Ollleo,
lloscbunr. Orecon. . 1002.
Notice In hereby given llint III com
novice kou i'imilication.
United StultMi stud Ollleo,
Uosoburi!. Oreiron. July 20. tlH)i.
Notice Is hereby given Unit In com
pliance Willi tiu provisions ot tliw ncl of pllunee with thu provisions of tliu ot
Oontfessof Juno 8, 1878, entitled "An 1 Congress of Jttnu !t, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of llmW lands In tho I uet for tho snlo of timber lands In the
Oregon, .Nevada, state oi uilllorutu, urcgon, iNovunn.
United States Land Olllee,
Kosobfirg. Oregon, July 11,1002.
Notico In horoby given that In compli
ance, with the provisions of tho net of
Congress if June 3,1878, entltleil "An
act for tlio sale of timber minis In tho
Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, Slntes of California,
to nil
nf lVirthtntl
of Oregon, tins this dav filed In thisotlico Iias this dav HUM In thin otllcn his sworn
.iw.rn talnn.n,,, Xn. "0.3.1. fnr f III, atlltollli.llt Xll. MtWl . for t III, IlllrullllSU Of
purchase of tio Sli tj , ol Section So. 20. the N W-4 , of Section So -I, township SO the 8 W N S, ot Section No. 2, Township
Township 20 South, of IlnngoS . nml ! South. o( Kange 7 W. anil will oiler 21 Mnilli.ol Hnngoo V,
Vaahingtuli Territory, as oxtciuleil 1 ami Washington Terrnorv, uaoxiciiiiou ;iiiin u nsiiiitgton territory, tisexiuiiocti
thernblle Land States by net of 1 to nil the Public Land States by net ol toulltlioPiiblieI.andStiitesbyiictof.Vu-
4. 1802. Mrs. Lnvollo C. Howes, Almost 4, 1892, Edward II. Will, ot Ati oust 4. IS02, lidgar 1. liowes, 01 nose-
iimti-nr Mnlf imiiinh. Slutu mm. tiiilr of Marion. Stale of Ore.. bure.Counlvof Douuhts.MntoolOrcgon,
has this dav tiled In this office his sworn
statement No. 1IK14, for tho urehnsno(
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. Alt work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite 'Masonic ball,
side, Cottage Grove.
Diawix Banrrow.
The First Bank
Cottacb Grove, Orb.
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
will offer proof to show tlmt the land
sought Is more Vnlnnble fonts timlier
or stone limn lor agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to sold Innd
before Mario I.. Ware. V . 8. Commis
sioner nt Kugene, Oregon, on Thurs
day, tho 25th day of Sept., 1002.
Shu names as witnesses :
C. M. Young, Jasper L, Goin, A. J
Shoemaker, ot Eugene, Ore., Hugh
Kcoves, of Cottage Urovc.Oro.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the Hbove-describeil lands are re
quested to fllo their claims in this otllcn
on or before said 136th day otScpt,, 1002.
J, T. IlRtnoris. ltegister.
prool to show that the land sought Is
moro vnlnnble for Its timlier or stone
than for agricultural purMaes, nnd to
establish his claim to snid Innd before
Mario I,, Ware, IT. S Commissioner nt
Eugene, Oregon, on Monday the 13th
dnv ot October, UH)2.
fie names ns witnesses .
Henjamln V. Oiesy, Krcd P. Hurst.
Oustnv A. Hook, (i forgo II. Gray, of
Aurora, Oregon.
Any nnd all persons claiming adverse
ly the nbovo-descrlbed lands are re
quested to file their claims In this otllco
on or before snid 18th day of Oct., 1002.
J. T. Hriikiks. Kegister.
United Statet Lam) OBlce,
liotcburg, Ore., June '.tun, KVJ.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provltlont of the art ot Conire-aot
June 3, ldfs, entitled "An art tor the talent
. 'tre
at ex.
state of Calllornli
Money to loan on approved security.
Exchanges sold, available nnv .ilaco
In thoUnllcd States.
visit DR. JORDAN'S omat
TbetarrwtisaUnW) lfnimi .
Id tit World. I
Orralul aftraeflM t CU CStfk U ,
wtakHtMt.triB7cwlnet. '
United States Land Office,
lloseburg, Oregon, , 1902.
Xntlro is herebv siven that in com nil
ancewltl. the provisions ot the act of 'iS'IK'
f-nnnHua li.n., Q 1 UTW onlttl..l An v.... i. -... i .
act for the sale of 'timber lands In the n,ty0l!JXbr4
States of Cnllfornla Oregon, NeNttda U&SSS&SSltSSf
and Washington Territory," as exlendetl ntodln thltomcehlitworn ttatement Nosf.
to all the Tubllclnd SUtcs by act of J'sjrj.h"J'bsV2L?I'fiii?2'LlJ
August 4, 1893, Thomas A. Campbell ot JSa'".!.?
iiuiih,,, uiuiii; ui Aun. .'Mini ivi- rtiuiDic lor lit iimuer or tiune iuaii iur axr,
con, has this day filed In this offico his cultural nurrwet. and to ettabllth MieUlm to
nrn .ittimiAnt n Krt for Hip inir- ald land before the Kefttter ami Receiver o(
sworn slalemento. jusu, tor uie pur- ht, offloe t iwburt, Orejon, on Monday, the
chaseof the 8 V, NE i,NE l-48 1-4 dar of sent., la'j.
NWl-48Kl-4ofSectionNo.S2Townshit) Itenarortat nltneuet
22 Sofltnnge 2 V. and will offer proof to
show that tlio land sought is mora valu
able forils timber or stone than foragri
cultural purposes, und to establish his
claim to said Innd before Marie L Ware
U. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon,
on Tuesday the Tilt day of Oct., 1002.
lie names as witnesses ;
William Whit, of Cottage Grove, Ore
on, Joseph Shlee, of Star, Oregon. Cal
M . Young, ot Vida, Lane Co.. Ore., Her
man T. Dow, of Cottage G rove. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the nbove-descrired lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
yiax Smith. John Smith. II. Smith, lieo.
Smith, o( Klkton. Oregon.
Anyand alt iiertont claiming adTcrtvly the
aboTetecrlbed lauds are requetted to rile
their claim. In thlt office n or before said 21
dayof 8ept., lWJ. J. T. BaiiHiiu.Resliter.
United StnttK IjiikI Ofthv,
KowliurK. Ore., June, 2S, 11)02.
Notice Is hereby ulvon tlmt In com
plinuce with the provisions' of the net
of ConjjroKH ot June :l. 1S78. entltleil
An net lor the stile of timber IiiuiIh
el dHctae.i alllTaly ewi aaby i
Coatk ubilialM7aara.
Twnasr m an4 mI44I
mrl Mrn wh art tufTtrlnc A
frum tht tffteta of TOQthful India, r
a rreuont er uiw t in matarvr A
r Ttare. XtrrtmtandrtiJtlcsl Ifteblllty.Im f
polraer. nnu laaUlucoinpll. ,
m rtiUoiit; NKnatltrrhwa. rruitr. a
T ,hM.flMMrhH. UImL
A r UrlnnllMir. no. Ilj a combluttJoa of A
rtme(llct,otKrtcDntlTt powtr, tht Doctor
A hat to arraitret lilt treatment 3htt It will not A
on or before said 7th dav of Oct., 1002. In the Mute of Cnllfornla, Oregon.
J.T. IlmiioEs. Kegister. Nevniln.-nnd nshliiKtonTerrltorj-,"
us extended to nil the Public I.nml
Tbt Doctor doca a claim to perform
i be a nir and
m la blaiipeci.ut Dlaeaea or Hen.
utraclen. but It well fcnnwn to
tqoare ri.
United States Land Office,
Koseburg, Oregon, , llKK.
States by act of Alienist 4. 1S02,
Joseph it. Hopkins, of Eugene,
County of Iine, State of Oregon has
this tlnj- tiled In this office his sworn
, statement o. uvi.. lor tne purennse
rlrtan and Surrcen,
i.ut' Dlacaea of .
SVrmi.I thoroofhlr eradicated (run
tba ajtum witbout Lbe uttornerairT.
A rare (or nnplnre. A quick aod raificaj i
cwrtfar Pllea, Flaanrt and Flamla,,b
A Dr. Jordan's tperlal paloleta mttboda. A
T EVKIIT MAJt iprljIoitouiwlIlrecatTtr
A our Aoneil iipinttm ot buconiplalnt. A
f trtwUI iinnM a fOSITirX CUJUI to V
innviiun n kukk ana nnmr pnnia
Treauaetit neraonallr or by Itucr.
Wrlta fnr Rook. ITT 11.00 l-XIY Of '
iBARitiaoc MtiuoFuo. lATauaue (
. Doociormtn. wuarwiu
DR. JORDAN k COIOSI ftartet t, . F.
United States Land Office,
lloseburg, Qre., Julie 24,1002.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act pf
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the saloot timber lands in the
States of California, Or-gon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 1892, Olof Oberg,
of Hoquiam County of Chehalis, State of
Notice is hereby riven that in com- of the S M NE V. & N t SB M of Section
pliance with the provisions of the act of No. 30, Twp. 10 South, -of Itangv
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An ,1 Kant anil will offer proof to
actior the sale of timber land in the hIiow that the lnnil soUKht Is more
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ' valuable for Its timlier or stone than
and Washington Territory," as ex-' for agricultural purposes, and to es
tended to all the Public Lund States by ; tulilish his claim to said land Itefotv
nctof August 4, 1802, Frederic G.Young, MurleL. Ware. U..S.Coinmlsslonerat
of Eugene, County of Lane, State of Eugene. Oregon, on Tuesday, the
Oregon, has this day filed in this office 2:lrd day t)f Sept., 1002.
his sworn statement No. 3033 for the He names as witnesses:
purchase of the Lots 3. 4. 0 A 10 Dwlirht U: llonklns. E.J. Crawford.
' of Section No. 18. Township 20, South., of Eusene. Lane Co.. Ore., S. M.
jot Range No. 1 West; and will offer proof Stlres, of Lowell, Oregon William
I to show that the land sought is more val- Williams, of Dexter, Oregon,
uable for its timber or stone than tor ag-1 Any mill all jiersons claiming ml-
ricuitunu purposes, ana to esuionsn ins versely the iiDove-tlescrllKH lauds are
claim to said land before Marie L. . renuesttHl to tile their claims In this
Ware, IJ. S. Commissioner at Eugene, I office on or In-fore snid 2:lrtl day of
Oregon, on Saturday, the lltli day of Sept., 1002.
Oct.. 1002
I He names as witnesses; I
Joseph Slee, of Cottage Grove. Ore., Al-1
ffred Blgclotv, Benjamin Pitcher, of Star,
j Oregon, Herman T. Dow, of Cottage ,
I Grove, Ore. '
Any and all personsclaiming adverse-
' lv till nluav(.wlf.airilv.Hl linilt urp r(
J. T. HniiiOKs, Heglster.
J. T. Uridoes, Kegister.
United States Land Office.
Koseburg, Ore., June 24th, 1002.
United Slates Land Office,
ltotebnrir. Ore, June 'Jth, 1HU.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance
with lh iirovlalont of the act of Conereel of
quested to file their claims ill this office Junes, 1WS, entitled "Anaetfor the tale of
on or liefnro said lltli dnv nf Oct 1D0" tlmbcrlands In the Slates of California. Oregon,
on or oeioresaiu lltli uay OI iwr. . s . . Wa.hlnirtoii Terrltonr." at ex
tended to all the Public Land butet by act ot
Align, 1 4, IS9J, Matilda 8. Webert, of Aurora
'County of Marfan, State of Oregon, bat thlt
day filed lu this office berawora ttatement No
2K8S. for the purchate of the NtW of Section
No2,lnTownthlp No a) 8, ItanveNo7 Weat,
and will offer proof to show that the land
ought It more valuable for lit timber or stone
. . . . . , . . .. , , .... ...... ... than lor agricultural purptest ana to ettar
Notice Is hereby given that in com. n,h her c.lm , (J Unil ,8 Marte u
!. B. Commlstloner at kugene, ore-
Prldar. the 19th day of Sent.. 1'Joi
An act for the sale of tlmlwr VI iirV.'.u,5T r f An,o.
lands In the States of California, Ore- rlonCo .Ore., Annie nock, of Sllrerton Oregon,
,( I," ', gon. revaan, nun asningrou xer- .. . """-tr..v.
ir" ,l.V""t."IV.r"" rltorj." as extended to iillthe Pair- UaS&? EST. 'ST Netted
.r,:. '.t ur , lie Land States by net of August 4, thelrelalmtln thltofllceon or before tald lth
nn. i liLiT .I- IVm' fn'I m!182- Adelbert J. Melntyre, of Ho- dayofsept., i,
land ltoreIariel W l! S rZ 'ublm- County of "'ehails, 'state of!
mlssIoTiir a 11 Eugene '"oon0, ! ' " !
HJalmar Nelson, Geo. . Shaw, of . rfr,w,f t ui.Vi i,..i,wi
sought Is more valuable for Its tlm-1
AsthmAlcne Brines
ran TEN
i'et nnd will offer
proof to show tlmt the land seught Is
more Viduithlu for its timber or slonn
than (or agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim tosnitl land botoro
the Kegister and Keeelverot lids ollleo
at lloseburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the
i?tn tiny ot not., 1002.
He names as witnesses t !
Hou Miller, ot Drain, Oregon, U. II.
l)..,.., i !..,.... n.r.... T,.)...
vilivill VII tVUCVIMlli VllKVlll, mvjiii,
Johnson, John Tucker, o( Drain, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly Die above-described lands are re
quested to Hie their claims In tills office
on or before said 18th day ot Oct., 1002.
J. T. HiiiiMiKs, Kegister.
Instant Relief and Permanent Cure
In all Casts.
There Is nothing llko Asthnialeno. It hiliigs
ItiBtiuit iiillel, oven in the worst eases. It cuies
wholi nil else fulls,
Tho llov. C.K.WKLI.S ot Villa Kltlge, HI.,
says: "Vourtrlitl ixittlool .xstiiimuene received
... t .. ...II ...... I...... ll.tlt.
Ill goixt eouiiiiioii. i eniiiini ten vim mm .. i
tul 1 feel for tho good derived from It. I wn "
slave, eh hi mil with putrid soiethrimtnndiiKthum
tor ten years. I despaired nteverbelngeured. I
saw your mlverllsetnont tor the eute ot this
drendtul and tormenting disease, unthuiii, and
thought you hud nvompohcu yourself, butresolvtHl
toulvoltn trial. To my surnrlsu thu tiinl iicIimI
.III I. ....... U.....I ..... .. f..ll..t..ul lu.lll..
lliau ti ,:iiiii in. cvit.i iiio ii iiiii-n.Kv.i w,,.,'.
I yji
United Statet Land Office,
Iloaebunr, Ore., June 2S, ltmi.
Notice It hereby gtren that In compliance
Ith the proTlalout of tho act ot Congrett ot
wunea, it.a, entitled "An act tor instate oiunv
Wo want to send to every sufferer i trial treatment ol Asthnutlunti,
similar to tho one that cured Mr. Wells, We'll -end It by mull t'OSl-
PAH). Absolutely Kree ol Charge, to nnv sufferer who will wrltu lor
It, oven on n postal. Never mind, though you itrodespidrlng, however
bad your case, Asthnialeno will rvtlevenndeure. Tho worse yourenso
tho more glad wo nro to send It. Do not delay. Wrlto at unco, ml.
droning I)K. TAFT 11H0H.' MEDICINE CO., 70 East IllOtli Ht., f
N. Y. City. Sold by nil Druggists.
Unltixl States bind Oliico,
llnanbnri. Oroiron. ' HK12.
Notice Is iierabv given tlmt ineoinpll-
United Htntes Ijiiul Olflee,
Itostdiurtr. Ore.. July IS. 11)02.
Notlco Is hereby given that In com-
I ail I It ill tat ! link tt ("I'll lull. IIM f II I III. Ill" I and WathTnitoi Territory.-' aa ex- Willi the provisions ol yie aei ot r " " " ",,,:,
tendct to all the Public Unit Statetbjr act of Congress ol JtllUlS, IH78, entltlwl "All ' yoilgn ss Of tl I,1"11
Augntt 4. nwj. Matilda k. Fry. o Aurora. net for Uie aleof llmlvr lauds u the i An net for tho sale of timber lauds
Cou., 1 S V .T, ,lf r;I I for ii lu O rou Ni v.lU and I" the States of California, Oregon.
Itled In thlt offlce her morn ttatement No. , ?.VUV . 1 "IS ' 7 V , MmviiiIu nml WiiHtiliiirloiiTerrltdrv."
Jl.fortheiiurehaeofthe8KJiretloitNo.M1 Washington Territory," as extended to , Nuuitiu. inn v, us int ' ' " "f .
InTf. s..nanireNo.iw.,an.Vwillonrprool Lit the I'ubllc Isiud Htntes by set of Au- " exteiidetl to all tho Public Lniul
UithowthattheTandwughl -m valtUl. ? ad of August A, 1MI2. Oil
lorlla tlmbernr none than for agricultural gusi 4, IN'., lieniaillin r. vjk sy ,ot Atiro- Viinnir nf Vldn INiimtv of Ijine.
pnrpotet. and to ettabllth her elalm to taid ra, County of Marlon. State ol Oregon, 2V.. J . JfU. i.! Vi.iJ ii u.inu
tan.hfore Marie L. ware. V g. tVimmlMloiier ms lhg ,tnv tlle.1 in this otllce Ills sworn State i f Ore., has t his tlaj tiled III U s
l.roit,tSp"9S.rr', on K",U) ,he,"h statement No. 20S7, for thu purchase of WvlilHsworiiH
,l7hen?me;'.?-tnetW.: ! the 8V X of Section No. 2t, Township the p urclmsoot Im-NW tit .No
Matilda s. Webert, ol Aurora, Marlon Co., ; "ij South, ot ltnugo 7 West anil '- Township 22 1 South, ot Kill gt 2
Ore.. Anule ltootc. ot gllyerton. Ore.. Iatl r,ii l.p-,. ' ,lroof ,0h ,ldw that tho, West mil Will offer proof to show
iliiri0A.EuAe";u'"F',-"u''l'u' ?' i -I"i. T' ... " . 'J.r.i.i. i that the laud sought Is mortM-lilii-
AUT and all oeraotia elalmlnr adTerfw!lr the
aboveletcrlbed landt are reque.tcl to rile their
clalmsln thlt office on or beloretald Itth day of
Sept., ISA!.
1 T naitxiEs, Rrgltter.
tlmlwr of stone than for agricultural Jible. for Its tlmls-r or stonr than for
-,i,iiup. i.i. ,.iii i agricultural purposes, audio estab-
!sahf land before .Marie I,. Ware, llsh his elalin to said hind lK-fori Alir
Unitt-vl States I-and 0 111 it',
lloseburg, Oregon. July HO, 11)02.
Notice is herebv uiven thai in com
pliance with the provisions of the uet ot
; U, S. Commissioner at Kugene, Oregon,
on .Monday, the liiiniiay onrct., tuu.-.
He name as witnesses:
Krvd P. Hurst, Kdwanl II. Will, On,
tav A. Hock, lioorgo 11. II ray, of Aurora,
Anv and all persons claiming adverse-
lv the above-described lands are re-
GZSrn , " V. 'iuwU-d to tile their chiln.s lu this olllee
umgress oi June .(, loiSt, eniiueii .n . . i,,in,y,,i,iviii,,i,i,. ,,in,'( Ilk)-' vi
tot for the saloot Umber lands in the or liefore y .. '! ltiMiii.ter " It
States of California, Oregon. Nevada nnd J T "M,Mt-- Kl"Hf. J,
Mates of California. Oreg
WushliiKton Territoiv. as extemlwl to
till the Public Laud States bv net ot An-
gust 4, 1S2, Joel I". Ohleen, of Aber-1
deen. County of Chehalis, State of Wash.,
has this dnv tiled in this oftice his sworn !
statement No.aOSl tor the iiiirelntsoot tho
Fractional JCK 4-of Section No. 0, in
Township 22 South, ot ltaugeH W. and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to estuiiiisii ins claim to sam lanu ueiore
the Kegister and Iteceiverot this olllee
SOTICK till! rt'llMCATION.
I' tilted Statet Und Office,
Itiiaeburx. Ore.. Augntt a.', lot!.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provltlontof the act ot Congrca. of
June S, 1S7S. entitled "An Art for
the tale ol Timber Laudt In the Statet ot Call
fornla. Oregon. Nevada, ami Wathlngtoti Ter
ritory," at extended tu all the 1'nlille Ind
Slatea by art of Augu.t I, IWJ. Augutt K.
llomer, of Salem, County of Marlon, staleol
Oregou, hat thla day DM III Dili urnee hit
taorn ttatenietit No. all, for the purchase of
tnesv, . orseetion m i.v. lowntmi. .nii-oum,
i to I,. Ware I . S. Commissioner nt
Kugene, Oregon, on Tuesday tho 7th
dav of Oct., 11XJ2.
lie linuifs ns wllnessis
Herman T. How, Joseph Shliv. ot
Cottage tlrovf.Orcgou. William Pitt,
of Amos, i.iiuo Co.. Oregon. J. A.
Pond, of Ktlgcnc. Iwine Co., Oregou.
Any ami all ixtsous claiming ml
ersely theabovidescrlU'd hinds are
iiiiuesled to lllo their claims In this
ifflet on or iH-fotv said itli day of
Oct.. 1IKI2.
I T. Iluininis, Kegister.
United Stntea Und Dlllce.
Kotohuig, Oregiin, Aug., A. 11x12.
Notice Is hereby given Ihut in ootupli
nueowith the provision ot the net of
Congress of June 3, lf7S, i-ulllled "All
act for the ssle ol limU'r land' in the
Htntc ol California, Oregon, Ncv.ulii,
ami Territory." n xliuiet
loullllie l'llhlie Ixlld Mules bv net ol
August I, IM12. Kdlth A Hsini'K, nl 1-lta-geneOiuulv
ollrfilie, Slate ol hits
this day llleil in tin. nlllre her suiiiu
slnteiueut No. :ir.1l, for tin- of
uie .-!; .sn .isi',i.iM',sm
Anrand all iwn.HH rlalmllif aulvvraelr the ), ot Sec. .No. 1 I. lou llalllp 21 S.Mll ll, of
aonve ticacriov,! are rciiiraic.i ,,. um unugll i I, IHl, lllnl III i.lliT priHii
.UrofNolYmlleM'lW '"m' 'hilt the land ".iilghl L n
J. T. Ilsitxira, Itegf.ter. valuable (or It" tilulicr or stotif limit In-
agricultural oihmi.iw, hii,I in ralsiili-l.
herelalui to said land U-limi Msne I..
Ware, 17. S. l'omiiilloiiei l Hit
geux.Oiegon, on Tueedav thu 2lt day
of Oct., IIKr.'.
She Mului's as titne-as:
nils .Ncmcll, ol Amos, Die, Herman
T. Dow, Willluiu Parrish, ol Cot In go
drove, Ore., Uenrge 1'iirk, of Kugeiig,
,.!.., .. . .
tharn-t Creek, three mile, ett of f.t ..I i SiU, lor th. ; Pnrehf the Nkt llhg iott7. . -l v IT.nj im.ii ning s.iver-o
llardtcrabble.on unnamed mountain. Ikihem a s. s. loot twili, n No l. fnn,hl,i 31 mh.i, IV the alMveileeclllN-il lullil" Hie le
.Miuiug i.iiivv. laiic uuu.j, yicKuu. mo i. i iiange to we.i ana win oner priNir uitnow mat ,mimi4mi to uie initir eiutms ill tins nuiee
,. , .I ... , i -.. .1. . ...i. orilatise 10 hh ami will offer orool to allow
in ivoscuurv. uregon. on rn.iay iii i ,., ,,r.Un.l Vsighl It more valuable l.-r It.
ilnv of Oct., 1UU2. tlmlmror ttoue than foragrleultural purpowi
He names lis witnesses: ' and to e.tabllali hl claim mtald laud la-lore
i:,ir,... W miu- nf llnniiiuiii Wual, , l E- Hatrit. I' S ConimlHloiior at Drain,
ueorve . fUa, ot lloipilillil, usii. .; -im yti-Ur tl ' 'layol November.
Charles Trumbull, of Drain, Oregon, j VMs,
Oust D. Llindin. of lliwiulam. Wash., I lle nainesat wltnewi.
v,,.lr,.,..,. nf l..,r.l W.i.h . Kle'j 0. klier. W. Wechter, ( . L.
. johnton, nl Paleui, Oregon
111.,, I.ll fCIS,IIIB Villi III 1 11,. Ull.CIF,
ly the ubovc-ilescrilMil lands are re
(inestiil to tile their claims in this olllee
on or before said 17th day of Oct., 1002.
J. T. llniooEs. Hi-.'ixter.
MlNHHAl, DlHrl.AV,
Tliosc vIsltliiR H61itttiiiil District
Hliottld not fnll to stop nml Kce
Mlncrnl Jolm'H sK'c1iiiuii exhibit of
llolicinlii "leu, At Ills ruttldcticc In
MiuerHvlllc, if, miles from Coltni'c
drove on tlio miilti Doliemlii Mtnftc
toml. Mlncrnl John's uslilbll con
stisls of nlmti I floo specimen Kttlitirctl
Irom liolicuiia MIiiIiik District,
t'nlted HtittiM bind Olllee,
lloseburg, Oiegoil,.luly .'10, 11)1)2,
Nollee Is hereby given Ihut In eomplW
a I ice with t lit) ptovlslnus ot thu not ol
I'liiiL.riws of .lime :1. IH7M. entitled "All
net htr the side ot timber laud In tho
States otCiilltornlii, Oregon, Neviula unil
Waslilnglon lerrnory," us nxiviiiicu to
all tliornlille Unid States by netol Ati
uuaU. IRil'.dntt I). Lundln.of lloniilaui.
County ot Cliehnlls, Ntato ot Wash..
has this dav 11 led In this ollleo his sworn
stiitetiieiit No. .1032, (or tho putehitso of
the HK H Swtlon No. II, Township 22
South, of Kangu (I West, und will offer
piiKii to snow unit tn innii soiigni in
more valuable tor Its timber or stouu
than (or iigrloultliral purioes,and to es
tablish his claim to snid land Iteforo
the Keglslerand lleeolverot thlsofflceat
Kosuhurg. Oregon, on I'rl'lay, the 17th
ilav ofOcl., 11MKJ.
Ho iiaines as witnesses i
Joel I. Ohteoii, Andrew l.undlsirg, ot
AlKinleuu, Wash., Ileorge W. Shaw, of
HiHiiilam, Wash.. Charles Trumbull, ot
Drain, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the iihovo-dctcrllM'd lauds are te
iiielisl to lllo their claims In this nfliio
on or Imfuto said 17th tluy ol Oct., 1002.
J. T. lliilixiKS. Heglster.
Collate flrore. Oreron. Julv 12. IMS.
C. Keliur, T. D. kelmr and VV, f.
I'nlteil ttatet jnd Office,
llntel.urg. Ore., Aug. 21, l!S. ,
Notice It hereby given that In compliance
Willi lh nratvlalnft. nf ,h., irtnl CaufMiiif
To T. C. Keliur. T. 1). kelmr and tV. I. . Jntii. a. lt. cniiiIm.1 -ah act r,,r th aat. of
Keliur. j Timber Landtln Callfurnla, Ore-
Yon are hereby notified that we have ex- gnu. Nevada, ami a.liliiglon Territory." at
peudrd during the year lau and 1)1, K'.f) In eilendcltnall the robllc Land Slate. f,y act
labor and Improvements on the Ilrother Lode I of Angiitt l.lta:. Cliarlea L. Johnton, of Sale in,
and the Kxten-lon ot the ilrother Lode and i County of Marlon, State ol Oregon hat thlt day
reaioam iic, u tnuaic.1 on nuriii aiue oi niel III init omce nl. aaorlt .laiemeill .o.
AVnsh has this dnv fllwl In ihla nlTi, ', -'""ce is nereiy given unit, in coin- n,h her
i.if .iJVoJLnV-i o2n- , .T Pllnnce with the provisions of the v.
Ins sworn statement No. 280, for tna' t . p,rr.,uu ,J i,,.,, ., iiv-s, gon, on I
mirehnso of the N1VK of ' "."-.V 0.r..0,1'reH,i olJiinc J, lb , en- s j '
, rnieo
purchase of the NAVJf of
tlon No. H In townsh
S., range No. 8 west, and will offer
J T llaipurt. Kegiiter.
Hoquinni, Wash.
Any und all jiersoiw elulmlng nil
versely the above-deserllsHl Innilx urn
requested to file their claims In this
omce on or oeiore said 15tli ilav of
Sept., 1902.
J. T. Bhidoks. Kegister.
mid Washington Territory,''ns extendeil
to all the Public Ijind Slates bv act of
August 4, 1892, Hjalnmr Nelson, of
Hoquiam, County of Chehalis, State
of Wash., has this day filed In this
office his sworn statement No. 2808, for
rue purennse oi the W l-l of Section
United States Land Otlice,
Koeeburg Ore., Aug. 1, 1002.
Notice is herebv aiven that in com
ber or stone than for agricultural 1 Pliance with! the provisions of the net of
purpoHiM.nnd toestablfsh his claim I Congress ofJuno J. 1878 entitled An
trmnlii innii lu.f,,. fri. T. v,.m net for the sale ot timber lands in the
U, H. Coninilssioner t Eugene, ttt 0 , California Uregon, .evaiia
Oregon, on Moiiduy the 15th. day an(J. .w.0'''nS,.?n Terrl.l0.r. U8. oxtended
of Sept. 1U02. i toall the ruuiic uinu Biaws oy ueioi
Auzust 4. 1802. Milton M. Kichardson,
riinrDiiiirc.niiariimnitviprc. niniinnr i of lloquitm, County of Chehalis, State
Voir.,, nan w ui,,.... i ii. I of Wash., has this day filed in tlii
Wash. ' ' ' 1 office his eworn statement No. 30S'J, for
1 Any and all persons claiming ml- ( J'e purchase oi rue raionai is o
I versely the above-described lands ! eetlonNo. 0, Township 22 booth, of
nr ,vu.iw.-f,.,i t ni i.IiiImim in 1 Kangeo west ana win oirer prool to
valuable fnr its timber or stone than ior
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said laud before the Keg
ister und Receiver of this otlice ut Kose-
burg, Oregon, on Friday the 17lh day of
Uet., IUU2.
' lie names as witnesi'es:
(ieorue W. Shaw, 'Just D. Liiinlin, ot
Ilmuiaiu, Wash., Joel P. Ohleeu, ot
cation certtrk-ate of whleh It found of record
elk. of tald County. In orilertoholdaald clalrat
under the Provllont of Section 3S2I of the Ue
Tlte.1 Statute! of the United Statet. and the
amendmenti thereto approved January
IMm. concernlna annual labor urKin minlinr
elalmi, being the amount rciulred to hold and
Improve falulodea for the perlialt ending the
Jldayt of December, l'.""' and IMI. And If
within 10 dayt from the luminal aervlee nf
thlt notke.ur Within uudayt after the publi
cation thereof, you fall or refue tu contribute
your portion of tubh expenditures, at co
owner., your tnterettr In the i-lalma will be
come the property ol the tubaeribert, yuureito
ownert, who have made the required etndl
ttiret by termt of tald fectlon.
,, ui, t I, r,
the land toughllt inure valuable forltt tlmter
or ttone than for agricultural pnrpoar and to
e.tablt.h hit claim to tald land lfore C. K., 1'. S. Commlt-loner at Praln, Oregon,
on Friday the th day of November, l'-vi.
lie names at wltnettet:
II F. Klirr, I'. P. Klier, A. F. Ilorayer. w
W'erhter, of Falem. Oregon.
Any and all iM.raont claiming adversely the
above deacrlbeil landt are re.Uett.t to rile
thelrelalmtln thltoRlooon or before tald 7lli
day of November. IttK.
J.T. MRiimm, llegltler.
rulte.1 Stales I .and Onlee.
Ko.eburr.Oreiron.Aitv. la. li,
Notice It hereby given that Tniiimpllaniv with
on or before anid 2st dav ol Oct., 1002,
.1 . I. llltllHiKS. Keglilci.
sliarpt Creek, Ore., Aug. It, HU
To Whom It lav roncrii :
In an.wer to a terrain nollte el furleliHrv
dllblltheil In Huheiiila Nugget by Sr- and
llaniblln, dated Pais, wherein myrell and two
tout are mimemcd. I wl.h to make a plain
ttatement of the (act..
I made a verbal agreement with Mee.r Spare
and llambllii to work the mlnea they have ad
vertlte.) lu thlar for a half Interval. They
weni luwora in giaHi laitn ani wotkci inriv
United States Land Office,
Koseburg. Ore , June 24, 1002.
Notice is herebv Jlven that I n nntn.
pliance with the provision of the act of this ofilce on or before suit! loth day
vongress ouune o, iba, entltleil "An oi rx-pt., iiw.-.
act (or the sale of timlier lands in tho .1. T. 15iui)Oi;k, Kegister,
States o( California, Oregon. Nevada, I
United States Land Office,
Koheliurir. Ore., June2tth. 1002.
Notice Is hereby given that lu com-1 ,
..ii ...ii. ... ., ... .i
l.llUIICi; Willi uie provisions Ol IIIU ,.,-.., U'.h..Y!l.nrl Trnnilmll. nf
llr If f JllWrrVluJ a-if llino ft 1 wTM a.x
ft?. H In rqvynshipNo. 21 8, Kange No titled "An act for the sale of tlmW 1 '" ""
W. and wil offer proof to show thai I lands lu the States of California, Ore-! v2 K S I
the html sought is more valuable for lu Kon. Nevada, and Washington Ter- ly . , ? , , 1 , " i t J
tin.lK.-r or stone than for agrieultum ! rltr-.v." as extended to all the P..blL ZZlL far 1. 1 l" 7 dav of Oet' Ou
pnrooses and to establish his claim tr Mni States by net of Atlfritst 4, 1S02. "" "r o'0 " fV HimUL H Ji
said land before Mar e L. ware. IJ f'l...,iuu niu,r fir,w,t,., .,, ,f,... 1 J. 1. IIkipiibs. Kegister.
8. Commissioner ut Kugene, Ore
gon, on Momlav, the 16th, day ot Sept.
1002. ' '
lie mimes ns witnesses:
Adelliert J. .Muluivre, Olof Oberg,
Charles Oborg, (ieo. W. Shaw, of Ho
quiam, Wash.
Any und all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are io
rjuitsted to file their claims in this office
on or before said 16th day of Sept., 1002.
J. T. DniPUBs, Kegister,
NOTICE ron pubTication.
fulled Stales Land Olllee. Roteburg, Ore.,
Aug. V, 190!!.
Vaiita 1. bernbv a-lven that In comnllance
with the provltlontof the act of CoiigreMof
JUIIOS, lS, enilllca "All aci ior me caieoi
timber lands in the Btalea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and " athlngtou Territory," at
extended to all the I'ubllo Und States by act
nf Augutt 4, 1SV2, Klmer It. Ilurveyof I'ortland,
a0M Vuhhi(ton8t.,Co..ofMulttioniah.8tatoof
Oregon.hat nut nay niea mtuiMjnu-e nit tworii
ttatement No. S17a for the purchate for the R M
l W '4 of Seolion No. S2. Townthll" 11 South, of
luneu Swe.t and will offer proof to thow that
the land wight It more valuable lor Its timber
orstoue than for agricultural piirpotea, and to
ettabllth hit claim to wild laud before Z. L.
lllmmlrk, V s Commlraloner at Oakland,
Oregon, ou Monday the 37m day of October,
lie namosat wllnsmea:
Frank V itelnor, Simon It. de Neul, Volney
Krvln. K. S. Ward, of rortland, Oregon.
Any and all pertilna claiming adversely the
above detcrlbvd laudt are ro,uettod to file
thelrrlalmtlii this ofilce on or before tald i!7th
day of Oct.. 11)01.
J. T. IlRitxiu. Kegltler.
Chehalis, State of Wash., has this '
day tiled in this office his sworn
statement No, 2-sOl), for the imrchase I
of the NE of Section No. 14 In
TowiiHliinNo.21 S.. ltainre No.S West
and tvlil offer proof to show that the I
mini soiiKlit is mum valuable for Its
timber or stone thuii for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before Mario L. Ware,
U. S. Commissioner at Eugene,
Oregon ou Monday, the IfltJi day of
Sept., 1002.
lie names as witnesses:
OlofOlwrsr. A, J. Melntvre. Hlal.
mar Nelson, fleo. W. Shaw, of Ho.
qmani, wuhii.
Any and all persons claiming: ad
versely the above-described lands am
requested to file their claims in this
.office on or lieforo said 15th day of
Sept., 1002.
J. T, ItmnoKS. KeKlster.
GO -10
For Fashionable Dressmaking.
Bend a copy of the Nutinet to your
friends lu the east and keep them
United States Land Office.
Koseliurjr, On-., Auk. IS, 1002.
Notice Is hereby iilven that In com
pllnncu with the provisions of the act
of L'oiitrivss ol J lino . 'I. 1I57M entitled
"An Act for the sale of Timber Muds
lu tlie States of California, Oregon,
iseviuia, anil ivasiniiKton Territory,"
as extended toall the Public Laud
Slates by act of Auirust 4, 1S02. Wal
lace Marsh, of Eugene, County of
liiine, ntato oi urcjrou, mis mis tiny
filed hi this olllee his sworn state
ment No. .'I2.VJ for tho purchase of the
S S of Section No. ;M In Township
No. 21 South of KnfiKO No. S W. and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more vnlnnble foe Its tim
ber or stone thuu for agricultural
purposes, ;ind to establish his claim
to said land before Marie L. Ware U.
8. Commissioner, EuRi'lic, Oregon, on
Monday the 10th day of Nov., 1002.
Ho niiines ns witnesses:
Louis Peschl, Louis Scliafliouser,
Cary W. Marsh, Frank Peschl, of Eu
gene, Oregon.
Any and all pcrsois claiming ad
versely the above described lands am
requested to fllo their claims In this
ollleo on or before said 10th tluy of
Nov., 1002,
J. T. UliiniiKH, KcglHtcr.
United .States Laud Olllee,
Koseburg, Ore., June2(lth. 1002.
Notice Is hereby irlveu that lu com
plinnce with the provisions of the net i more valuable forltt timber or .tone than for
of Congress of June M. 1878. t'litltlod ;I?.",V;il.',lX,;.7ta,,'l !" rl.wi,.li hu
"An act for the sale of timlier hinds ; t'S! &&iJr
ill IIIU rjnill'l. Ill 1.1111111111111. UIVUUII, I jn,n,ir uie ivin iiy in ,-ov. rw.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public I jinil
States by act of August 4, 1802, Anna
L. llock. of Sllverton, County of Ma
rlon, State of Oregon, has this iluy
flled In this olllee her sworn state
ment No. 2818, for the purchase of the
E HW U & Lots :i & 4 of Swtlon No.
18, Township No. 20 S, Killige W and
win oner lirooi to -snow iimi uie ui,lie.l states Und Office,
land snuum Is mom valuable for Its itweburir. ore., au. 9. iw...
timlier or stone than for ngrlcullural ' ,s!,,,,' ne tiy kIvci, that in wunpllanro
luiriioseH. and to establish her claim I iisSr''.'i V," ''.H'S ,1 "W?"',
to sain laun is.'iom .uimc 1j. ware, uinuer lanut m I no siaiesol t'auiorula, Ore.
r. S. Coninilssioner at Eugene,
Omgoil, on Friday, the 10th day
of Sept., 1002.
wue namesns witnesses:
Fred P. Hurst, Mrs. Webert. of
Aurora, Marion Co., Ore., Al Hauip-
1"?A:"V"'V" V'r. V:"Kr?"'-'""e;. ,BI". la.w-meiilt. all the time Using with me lu
eniiiini -rtu ..v. mr me .sib ,11 iii.ioer iinut 'nM,.i v....; t,.i. ,Jt:.
lay and tay 1 waa to work wllh them. We.lun)
any forfeiture And In coneluilon wllltaygi.
rlglit ahead my chll.irMii and do a. weagreeil
to and old Oil will treat you while. Lka
teryihaky to a man In the moon In Ililuk I
would glvo Spare A llaiabllu a half Inleteat In
the name of T. P. Keliur, Spare and llambllii
taking any Illegal proceeding! again.! tald
T.C. Kcixun
I In the Stale, ol California, Oregon. Nevada, and
! Wathington Territory." nt extended to all tho
i I'nbllr Unci Slates by act ol Augutt 4, IsKt,
1, K ol Kugene, Coiiuly of
lane State of Oregon hat thlt day tiled In
1 thlt oirice hit iworii ttatement No. avil, for the
purcha.e of the N H S ' ol Section
I No. 36. Tuwiiihlpai Souih.of lUuges Weal and
win inter proui iiiauow mat tlie land tollglit
lie liarnei at wltuetaet:
Wallace Marth, Cary V. Marth. Frank
reach), Loiill I'etchl, Kugene, Ore,
Any ami all pertont claiming udvertely
the ebove-deicrllwd landt are rennctted to tile
thelrelalmtln thltofiireou or before tald 10:1a
day.,f November, Itay.
J T. Ilnuaiga, llegltler.
Nevada, and Wa.hlngton Terrllnry,"
iiniie uind siatetbraet
extended to all the
In the Circuit Court of the Slate i.f Oregon
for the County of lane.
M nule Itawllnga, I'lalntlfr,
Itiifui Itawllngt,, Pefendant,
To Itiilm Itawllnga theabnve named ilelendaiit.
In thu name of the Slate of OtrVon you are
hereby rmiulred loap4iarand anawcr the coin
Dlalnt Illcd aaalli.t von in thu alMive cnIUIimI
tnltini or before the laat day of Ihetlmr pre
trlbd lu the order n I publication ol thlt. urn.
mom. which lime 1. tlx rontciitlvn weekt
from Dial, late of th pill.llcnllon hereof, which
tlrttdabi Itlhelttliiliiynf July, lWri, and which
la.l dale It the Villi day of Augutt llxti; and II
you fall to lo appear and anawcr for want
thereof tho plnliullr will apply to the above
entitled court for relief demanded In her com
plaint, which relief l for a decree nf thu above
United Htntes Und Office,
Koseburg, Ore. Aug. 1. 1002,
Nutleu Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tho act ol
Congress o( June :l, 1H78, entlthil "An
act fnr the sale ot timber lauds In tho
Hlutes o( California, Oregon, Nevada,
anil Washington Territory," is ex
tended to all the I'ubllo Isiiul Klotes by
net ol August I, 1 K02, Charles W. Ilitlmm
of Kugene, County ot Ijine, Htnteof Ore
gon, hns this day llliil lu this office his
sworn statement No. ,'liMS, lor the pur
chase o( the HW 4 NW 1-4. N 1-2 HW
1-4, 8W 1-4 SW l-l ol Section No. 14
In Township No. 22 s Kiingo No. 4
West, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is moro valuable (ur Its
timlier or stone than (or agricultural
purtHisca, and in establish his claim to
raid 'and More Mario I Warn, U.S.
CoiiiiiiI. .loner nt Eugene, Oregou,
ou Tuesday, the 21 day ol Oct , 1002.
lie Humes iis.wiluiH.sea:
Herman T. Dow, William I'arrMi, ol
Cottage Grove, Ore., Willis Newell.
Amos P.O., Ore., tieorge Turk, ol Eu
gene, Ore.
Any nml nil persons claiming ud
vereely the nhovo-diacrilcd lands nre
ri-oucstfd lo lite their claims in this
oirice on or More said 21st ilay of Oct.,
J. T. lluiiMiiss, Itegltter.
United Stutee Und Office,
Itisielnirg. Oregon, July 2, 1002.
Noth-e Is hereby given that in rouipli
Hiieewlth the provisions of the ncl ol
1'iingrei.aid June it, IH7H, entltll "All
ncl lor I In. s.tle ol tlmln'r lands lu tho
Mutw ol Cidifornlii, Oregon, Nevada,
and Wnshlugloirrerrltorv," ns ex tended
to all the 1'iiiillc Liml States hv act ot
August I. 1MI2, Henry Coglll, ol
Eugene, I onnly ol Uno, State of
Oiegon, has this day llleil In this
office his sworn -tulctnriit No. 2b77, for
the purchase of tliu NW t4, of Section
No. 4, Township 21, South, ot Kange fi
West, nnd will offer proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for its
innlier or stonu than for agricultural
purtiiwim and lo eslitbllth his claim to
tain hind More .Mario I,, Ware, U.
S.. f 'oininissloner nt Eugeni-, Oregon,
.ui Wcdiinlay, the 21th day of Sept., 1002.
He nntiies us witnesses:
Charles DcihHrett, of Wcndllng, Iino
l'..., Oregon, James N. Kundle, Herbert
Hfiulle, Cyrus Kreigh, of Eugene, Uno
Co , llie.
Anv mikI all persons claiming ml verm
ly the ulKivo-dcsurlhod lands ao n
ipuul lollle their elaitns lu tills offle .
(ui or Isjlure snid 2ith ilnv of Sept., 1001 .
J. T .HiiiiMiKs, Kegister.
of Augu.t l.lsw, Volney Krvln, of i'ortland, NO entitled court illvoli'lng thn IhiihIi of inatrl.
r. nixui ri.,co. oi iuuunomuii, male nl ore moiiy wiHeeu piainiirrand ilelemliiul, and for
mcni in mi uwi e ill. awiiru naic iiinrni. h ... cu.iiki oi r mra, ine minor cmil
ment No. 3178, fur the i,urcl,aiu of the WU i: U of nlalnllll'aiid ileleiidiiut, and fortuch other
olSeullon No. ifiTowiulill, No i S, ItanireNu.s and further relief ut In the court may appear
Weal, and will oiler proof lo how that the land e.nillable.
sought Itmorevaliiable forltt tlmhernrttone Tlila aiiiniiuma fa publlihe.) by order of the
z-,,, ' i"ii ior aiiriruiiurai piirimtvi, ano to ettaii- iiou. n ii. ivirn-aiii, rotinty Judge in and for
vii., wri, llMta lilt claim to tald land liefore '.. I., plinmlck, , Lane County, Oregon, and made al 111. olllee on
Ally and nil persons claiming lld-l U S Cominlt.ioncr at Oakland, Oregon, on the thusrd day of June, im. at liusene, Luno
versely tliu alio ve-(lescril)eI laililsam " " "ay. "iwmcr. nut. i imy. iiregun.anii on ssiu nay men iii tald
lc.iiii.HtiMl tn 111,, tlwli- elulniM 111 tlilai ' l,e,",n,.t;"!" wltneeaee: nlllco nf the Cnuiiiy C erk nl the abote enlllll
....... .. rinna. r. iieinur, nimoii it. uu aciii, r.imerit
Olllee Oil or before said 10th day of , Harvey, K. H. Ward, nf rortland. Oreiron.
Sept.. 101)2. Any and all pertoiia claiming udtertely the .
1 ' ...... .... I alim R.illu,irlliMi1 lai.rf. Mm .,, lajt.u.1 In el.. .
thelrelalmtln thlt omce on or before tald mill l
J. T, Hitiiions, Kegister
i alio, eletcrl bed
thelrclaltiit lu t
I day of October, 1MM,
i court.
' JllllN'BDV A K1IV
Attoriiejs for l'lalntlff, Cultagu drove, Ore,
J. T. Uniting, Kegiiter
Uiiitttd Stales Land Ofliee,
ii i - t .. I .. n nn-it
uoeuunrg, via., juiy .y, io. United Hlalet Und Olllee,
Notice is 'hereby given that in com i liowhurir. Oret-nu Auir. is. iimi.
illanco with the provisions of the net of i SpO ' hsr.ehy given that In eoinpllauce
fongressof J,,0i 1H78, ..ttle.l "Ml Jtl!:oS,!U'. 'M Hi
net (oi the sale of timber lauds in tlio , Timber Landt In the Statet nf California. Ore
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada. " Nevada, and Wathington .Territory." at
,m,l ll'J,l(,ii,,.,l innii Hi, exieiiiied io aiitne riibiin l-iuu Biuict by act
?.n,.,.P".,l"lllRt.?.l, 'sexienillil toall Hie ofAtigmtl. 1MU. Cary W. Marth. of Kni-ciie.
Uhllo l.anu htntes oy net ol August 4, County of Lane. Statu of Oregon, hat thla ilav
180, Mary L. Young, of Eugene, llel lu thla olllea her tworn ttatement No,
Conritviif Lnne. Stato of Oreiron. has I t,.n''!'"."' h" ?A W.'!' !"
i i i in i i .i i ,ii i lu. wi in lowntnip no. --i roiiiu oi miiigu ,-o
llliniiay llici III line uiiii.,j hoi nnoiu a 11. anil win oner prool to .now I
Interne lit v
the Lots
Nil !tn Tna-
West, and will oiler prool to show Nimuaytueiutn nay oi November, law
lieu ill hub oiiici) ner sworn s w. and will oiler proof to .how thntlhuland till' Illircll;
No. 3014, for the purchase of 1 'ought It mora valuable for Itt elmbor or ttone v,.
' 't A 4 nl K,.,.tli, I ihun for agricultural pnrpotet, ani to etlub. "'''!
V.',.. i . ,ft(-t"m i lltli her claim total. land before Mario I Kllllgo Nl
wnshlii 20 booth, of Kungu 1 i Waro. t;. 8, Commlttlonor, Kugene, Oregon, on prool to s
United States Lund Olllee,
1 Koseburg. Ore.. Autr. IK. 1002.
Notice Is hereby given that lu com.
plinnce with the provisions of thu net
of congress ol .lime :, wri, cntlllcd
i "An act for the sal(. of timlier lauds
I lu the States of California, Oregon
'Nevada, and WiisliliigtonTerrltor.v.'
as extended toall the Public Laud
Slates by act ol August 4. Ih02,
Frank Peschl. o( Eugene, Co, ot Lime,
Stutoo(Oro has this day filed In this
offlcohls sworn statement No.:i2DI for
tlmt tho land the purchase of theS HU of Sec-
ip INI).
that the laud sought Is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for ugri.
ui t rtal purposes, and to establish tier
lulm to said hind before Murie L. Ware.
U. 8. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon.
on Hatorihie tho lltli day of Oct., 1002,
she names as witnesses:
Joseph Bhlee, Cottage drove, Oregon
Alfru dlligeluw. Henjamln I 'I teher, ot
Star, Oregon, Herman T. Dow, of Cot
tage Urove ' regoii .
Any unilall persons claiming mlvurro
the above-described lands are re.
lested to (lie their elaliiie In tills ofilce
on or before said lltli day of Oct., 1002.
j, A'. intinop.H Heglster.
She names at wltncttea
Marth. Frank l'e.c hi. of Fneenu. Orccroii.
Any and all iHirtont claiming aiheracly the
alioe described lands are reijue.lcd to tile
their claims lu Dili ollleo ou or beloru tald 10th
day of November, Wri.
J. T liainors. llegltler.
Attorney and ffounselor-ut-Law
Special attention given tu the law of Mlnet,
First National Bunk lluildlng,
(I In Township No. 21 S,
No. H West, und will offer
show that the laud sought
moro viiiuiiiiio tor lis timber or
R.iw iiMiuva a. miuv".i'i , . . . . ,
Limit Fetch), l-.xi l s.'lialhouter. Wailuco stouu than for agrleiiltiiriil purposes.
ami to esianiisii ins ennui to suiii
hilld befoieMitrle L. Ware, (J, S. Com
nilsNloner ut l-ilgene, tfregoli, on
Monthly, the KHli day of Nov., 1002.
He naines as witnesses:
Wallace .Marsh, Cary W. Marsh,
Louis Peschl, Louis Schalhoiiser, Eu
gene, Oin.
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely tho nlioviwlescrlhcil' Iniidi) am
rciiucstod to file their claims lu this
office on or before said 10th day of
Nov., 1002,
' J, T. UitipiiUH, Jteglster.
NOTICE FOU 1'UIII.tCATION. States Land Olllee,
Koeburg, Oregon, July 30. 1002.
.Notice Is herebv irivcn Hint In ..,,,,,,,11.
mice with the niuvlsloiis of tint n.o r
(Vuigressof June 3, 1878. entitled "An
net for the sale of llmlsir lands In the-
"'"!'... "I . J" r,ll"l O'egoil, Nevada.
ami uslilngtoii Territory," as extended
lo all the Public Und fjtutcs by act of
August 4,1802. Andrew Luiidbcrg.of Ab
erdeen, County ol Chehalis Hiuto of
Washington, has this day filed!
in this ollleo his nwoiii statement No.
30S0. fur the niiri'liiiat. nftl,,. t.v,..,il ,i,
RWU of Section No. ft, It. Township 22
Hoiitlt, of Kange II West; nnd will offer
prooi losiiowiuiitiiieiiiml sought isiuoro
valuublu for Its limber or stone thuii for'
agricultural purpotes. and to establish'
his claim to snid In ml liefore the Keg
ister und Kecelvcr ol llils olllee ut Kose
burg, Oregon, on Tnesiluy, the 17th dayt
Oct., 1002. '
He names as wituessti:
Joel P. piileen, of Aberdeen, Wush
deorgo W, Shaw, I). Liuidin. if
"on ii, wash., Cluirhw Triunbiill. t.f
Drain, Oregon,
Any und nil persons claiming ad vers -ly
the iilmve described lanils nro r
ipiesled to lllo their claims In thli ollleo
ou or hifine said 17lh day o Oct , 1002
J.T. lluiiHiVH, Kegister,
United States Lund office,
Koseburg ()iv Aug. 18, 1002.
Notice Is hen, I iv Mvi.i, (i,,,i i
pliance with the provisions of tho act
Stutes by act of Aiurusr. 4 imp
Louis Peschl. of Eugene, County
of Lane. Statu nf ii,-,.,,,,,. i ;.
this day Hied In thfs offico hiu
sworn stnleinent No. :i2(i(). for thu
of Congress of-Juno ;i, hTH, entitle
"An net for tlio Mile of timber bin.l
In tho States of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory.'
as extended toall the Public Laud
piimliastiof tho JV $ u of Section
, ,, ;, t w;whl No. 21 South
of Kange No, 8 West, ami will offer
proof to show that the laud sought
Is morn valuable fin' Hu (in, !.", .,.
stone thuii for ngrleultiirul purposes,
und to estuhllsh his chilm til salt
land before Mario L. lVn. n u
(oiniiilssloiierat Eugene. Oregon on
Monthly, theltltli tiny of Nov,, UHW.
Ho naines as witnesses:
William Marsh, Curry V. Marsh.
I'raiiU Peschl. LnuU w,.ii,,fi,,,,,. i
Eiigeiii'. Oiviron. ' '
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely 1he nboviMloscrllieiJ lands nro
reiiuested to lllo their claims In this
offli'ti on or befmii Hiihl l (it I, ,i,, ,
Nov.. 1002, ' "
J. T. lliuiKiLH, Heglster.