Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 05, 1902, Image 7

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Dr. HylvfMtrc, whoso iinine Im fluxti
oil nriiuiiil llui world nil t lit) Inventor
nf n wonderful iltivlco by which you
cniiiint only lioir by telephone, lint see
by 'iiliuini iin well, hits allowed several
llliixtintlniiH to 1 10 tnnilu of tho visual
toli'plnmiu iiinuhtlift, iiltlnitiKh liu will
not n h jet show Hit working fully, b
tiillati Im says to sco It In mi hIiiiiIo
tluit a iiiiiii could go nivny mill uuiko
Olio lilinxi'lf. Ho until tint iiiiiclilni) In
liiiiight by thu French R0vuriiliiint for
JD.lKXMMNi, tin- price, lio wants, tliu doc
tor will not exhibit tlm device.
Tim llliiatrntlniia snow tlio different
pnriN of tliv Invention, nnd Noinutlilnit
of Hn workings, It consist of a small
I'lrriilnr mirror, with n liolo In the
(.'tinier, to which In scruivod a tiny olee
trlu light of 11 llttln more tliun one
candle power. Tlm mirror I fixed to
tint microphonic pluto of tlm telephone
I'rue for Prudriice U.hcr name,
linn' It does hrll her!
For In fnollili madcap prtnka
No girl cau outvie her.
Alwnys In some mlacbtct new,
Keck some new folly,
Often to be mourned next day
In derpcit melauchoty.
Always Ihntigbtlrs when ahe acta,
Never once malicious,
rnrerrr getting Into scrapes
To me ahe la delicious!
TruJencel What a name for her!
How It doe-a belle berl
Yet In witching charm for tne
No girl ran outvie berl
Homervllle Journal.
rrrjlUi regiment wus settling down
for tbo night with some Brum
Ming and much prof u no Jesting,
for Western volunteers obcsh n sene
of humor superior to tbo most trying
eondltloii". Homowhoro In thu dark
iicbn In front, the Filipinos were taking
pot shots between their cigarettes, ns
nn occasional icul attested.
'There go tbo typowrllers," cried n
young private. "Firing at flrellles, na
usuul. No Hleop to-night"
"Typewriters" was n contemptuous
nppellutlon given to tbo Fourteenth
ltegtilnrs,' been use tho popping of tbolr
mngnxlno guns In the distance slightly
resembled tbo nolao of tho jnuchluo of
"I'ut your mouth on tho safety notch,"
ordered tbo captain from tbo right of
tho conipuiiy. "Thcy'ro sending out tbo
outposts. Cet their bearings, so thnt
you can shoot around tbcm If tho ball
opens up."
Two men were receiving final Instruc
tions from the colonel previous to ven
turing Into tho hostile country In front.
"Sneak out nbout two Hundred yarns
ordered tbo olllccr, "and lie low. It you
see uny signs of nn attack, try to get
buck mid wnrn us. If you can't get
buck, you must wnrn us somehow, mid
tuko your chnnees. No need to tell you
to bo cnrcful. You bold tbo lives of
many men In your bands. Good luck,
This sort of work Is called Cossack
outpost duty, nud men detailed upon It
should not be men of family or nerves.
A fow nights previously two nervous
men were detailed upon It. One of
them llrcd nt n wlilto pnrlnh dog. Tbo
shot cnuHcd tbo Filipinos to concentrate
'n series of volleys lasting thirty niln
utcH In tho direction of tho outposts.
Tbo Americans awakened from a sound
sleep nud let go sovoral unauthorised
volleys. Consequently tho two nervous
men, bolng botweon two Arcs, wero rid
dled with two kinds of ammunition,
Tho two men detntlcd for this even
ing's work wero of different mettle.
"Moiiturl to salutamus, colonel," said
ono, with ii reckless laugh. With the
easy nonchalance of vcternns thoy gavo
the rltlo salute, mid, sliding over tho
top of tho trench, dlsnppcnred Into tho
' "There go two good men," observed
the colonel,
Tlio two men tiptoed across tbo dry
i-lco puddles, encb holding his rifle nt
tho ready. There wns no sound ex
cept tho occnslomil hiss of u random
bullet or tho fnlnt and distant pop of ii
"(luesa this Is far enough," snld one
of thu uivn, nt length; "hero Is u little
Uullow. Why, It Is almost ns safe ns
tho trench. Tho other acquiesced with
fnlnt murmur, nud they sprawled up
on tho ground facing tbo enemy's tcr-tltory.
nml n pair of lltllo liniNN pencil con
ni'clH tint current nml tlm nppiinittiN.
In ii mysterious looking hood two
iicliN mix drop by drop, mid out of n
npiiut toiiicH a phosphorescent vnpor.
fulling on tlio mirror. If, when tele
phoning, n sheet of wlilto pnper 1
plaeod In front of tlio mirror, tlio room
from where the person In telephoning
limy plainly Im awn, mid ttlso tlio per
non, lrHylvostrr won sitting In liU labo
ratory In tint ditrk ouo night tome
weeks ago, awaiting tlio "low working
of noiiKi chemical process, Hn linn In
hi" In horn tory 11 theater 'phono, Ho
wax llxtenliig to tlio opera, when slid
dimly on tlio whllo wall of hi Inborn
tory lie saw tlio "logo nceno from tlio
theater, color nud nil, Investigation
revealed to lilm tlio secret. Ho hn
Hindi) half adoxvii test" that have poll-
"It's a ueor freak of fate thnt we
two should bo deluded on this togeth
er," observed tbo shorter of the two,
"after avoiding each other so success
fully." "It's very queer, Osbourne," returned
the other, "but wu'll have to stand It."
"It Is not that I would want n better
man for a tight place, Wade," said Os
bourne; "but thero In that ono thing."
"Yes, I know," wearily "Mint's the
trouble. If you were not as good or a
lietter man than I, there would bo no
danger of Helen liarllett caring for
"We wero friends In tho old days, Hil
ly," said Osbourne, huskily: "If one of
us only loved her n Ilttlo less."
"No go, Tom," replied tho other. "It
Is either her or hell for me. Our friend
ship was n holy thing, but she Is ubovc
that. Would you"
"No, you are right It's no thorough
fare. Sty OodI I wish It wero ended,
ono wny or tho other."
"What can we do?" queried Wnde,
with studied composure. "Wo can't
gouge each other with bayonets, out
hero, nml Sprlijgdelds at two yards Is
a lilt too unique."
Osbourne laughed harshly. "We
might drnw strnws, the loser speedily to
meet mi accidental death."
"No, thanks," replied Wade. "I am
willing to take "my bullet If It comes,
but not that way. Ono of us might get
It decently nt nny time."
"You're right, Wnde," said Osbourne.
"You're a good fellow,"
"Same to you," returned Wade. "Let's
nult chattering mid attend to our
I'or some tlmo they lay silent, staring
Into tho darkness for things tbey could
not see, oven had they been there. Only
tho Intermittent popping of musketry
mid tbo occasional zeul of n Mauser bul
let broke tbo silence. Now nnd then
they could sec through tho blackness
Uliaint, momentary rcu uure.
"Confound tbom," observed Os
bourne, "tho I'lllplnos can smoke, any
how. I'm dying for n cigarette."
"If you light ii mutch here," said
Wade, "we'll bo targets for nbout four
thousand rlllcs."
"Tbnt's truo enough," ngreed Os
bourne, with u soft chucklo! "cigarettes
nru rather expensive out hero." Anoth
er period of sllcnco followed.
"Wnde," Inquired Osbourne, sudden
ly, "are you willing to try n wild scheme
for settling tins imiiier rorevcrj-
"Anything fulr uud reasonable," re
plied tbo other. "Whnt's your plan?"
"Drnw straws," said Osbourne, brief
ly, "tbo man who gets the short one to
stand up and light a match, nnd go to
his fiilbcrs."
Wade caught his breath and remained
mute for some time, considering. "Not
so bad," ho observed, after a tlmo;'"but
wo nre on duty now,"
"Ob, tho dovlll" snld Osbourne, light
ly! "the jnilplnoa wouldn't nttnek for
ill! the loot of Moulin. An outpost hero
Is merely n mntter of form. Ilcsldes,
ouo of us will be left."
"Tbnt's so," returned Wnde, "and I
see no objection."
"You tlx tbo Btinws, then," snld Os
bourne, quickly. "I'll draw." Ue bo
gnli to whistle softly In a nervous fitsh
Ion, as men do when they nro closo to
denth, Wnde fumbled silently with
some fragments of rice straw. His
movements wero Blow nnd mechanical.
Sumo men nro constituted that wny.
"Here, Tom," ho snld, strotchlng out
bis right list. "Mny tbo hotter man
get It."
Osbourne extended n hnnd that trem
bled slightly nnd lingered tbo disclosed
ends of strn,w for n brief tlmo, Sud
denly he clutched ono and pulled It out.
At the snma InBtnnt thero was n
(trance, soft thud, nnd Wndo fell upon
bis face. His limbs moved convulsive
I li Jjl let.
vliiccd him that the visual telephone Is
practicable, although nt first Right bo
iidmltn It seemed to him ns It may
.., IlKJItLUM-U ..tlll'ia VTI1CII till mat
heard of It Incredibly phenomenal.
"Many happy return of the flay,
grandpa! And mother says If you giro
un each sixpence we mustn't loso It!"
It In laid that men In n savage atato
never have toothache. It Is also said
that there was never a man with tooth
ache who wus not In a savage state.
Investigation will roveal that every
successful man gets down to work
ly for a moment; then be lay motion
less. "Kor God's sake, Hilly, what's up?"
cried Osbourne, lit an ngonlr.ed whis
per. He laid his hand on the man's
face, but Jerked It away horrified, for
it touched something warm and wet
"She's mine!" he muttered, with
fierce triumph; then, "Poor Wily."
A thought came that caused him to
gasp nnd shlwr. Ho hesitated, reached
for tho dend man's hand nnd loosened
Its clasp from tho other straw. It wiu
feovcrul Inches longer thau the one he
had drawn.
"What shall I do?" ho moaned, 'fob.
Hilly:" he cried, shaking the dead man's
shoulder as If to rouse him. "What
shall I do?" Only tbo far-off popping
of tbo rides broke the oppressive still
ness. "What would you have done?" he
asked, In tho same strain. "Hy God!"
suddenly, "you were a good man. You
would hnvo kept the compact I lost
fairly. Hear witness, Hilly, I am as
good n man as you."
Ho laid bis hand for an Instant on the
dead man's forehead. Then be rose
slowly nud fumbled In his pocket At
length ho found a match. For a mo
ment he stood Irresolute, Inhaling
strong breaths of air. Already ho bad
begun to feel the horror of being shut
out from it forever. It was hard to
give tbo signal for his own death. Ills
teeth camo together with a click, and,
scratching tho match on his shoe, he
held tbo flame beforo bis breast The
The Greatest Hhow on ICnrtli.
During tbo Omaha exposition Sena
tor Chnuncey Dcpew nud S. It. Calla
way, president of tbo American Ixco
motlvo Compauy, were strolling about
tho Midway, taking in the sights, when
they were Invited Into n lnrge hall to
see tho "greatest performance on
enrth." Tho hull Oiled up rnpldly, and
nftcr a wait of teu or fifteen minutes
tho Senator said to Mr. Callaway:
"This must bo a good show so mauy
people are crowding In to see It." After
somo further waiting, during which
tho hall was Jammed full, tho Into Ster
ling Morton walked down tho aisle,
and, stopping to shake bauds with the
Senator nnd Mr. Callaway, said:
"What In thunder are you fellows do
ing hero? There Is an old faker out
sldo calling out, 'Como In mid see the
rgrent nnd only Chnuncey M. Dcpewl
Only 10 cents to bco tne great mm only
Chnuucoy.' " Portlnnd Orcgonlnn.
An HveryDny .Matter.
There nro somo circumstances under
which it Is easy to write n letter for
another person, nud others under
which It U well-nigh Impossible; but
not nil people agree on what tbo clr
cumstanccs nro.
"I'd Jess llko you to wrlto n letter to
I'ouip for mo, please, Missy June,"
said the colored queen of n Boston
kitchen to her young mistress. "Jess
n little short every-dny letter. It won't
tnko you hut 'bout a minute."
"What shall I say?" naked the lndy,
when pen nud pnper wero at bund.
"Toll mo Just what to say, Hester,"
"Ob," Bald Hester, with a toss of her
bend, "I'd Jess llko a fow words, Missy
Juno. Jess to tell him howdy, and say
I made up my mind I nln'tigolng to
marry him, nn' he'd better hurry Ids
self nnd make sure o' Susy Hall, or
most likely he'll lib an' dlo a tnls'uble
olo bnchelder, Dat's all,"
Important Detroit Hirer,
The Dotrolt JUver Is tbe outlet of tho
ercatest bodies of fresh water In the
world, nggresatluB 82,000 square miles
of lake Burface,
Many a mail's success Is duo to tho
fact that ho uovcr attempts to do any
thluc beyond his ability,
Harriers to I,oveMnkltiK that Snrprlae
tlm Americana.
Justice, a weekly paper published In
Mmilla, prints tho following from an
American contributor:
Wo have for n year been trying to
make out of what courting by tho Fill.
pluoH coiinIsIm, and nro yet not sure that
wo know much about It
Wo hnvu hccii somo of It going on
from tbo streets mid tho windows of our
neighbors. Tho other evening, from 1)
to 10, a dusky maiden leaned from the
upstair window mid talked with n man
of probably 2." yenra. We do not know
bow much love they talked, but tho
cbdnccs nro not much. Thcso people
nro not much given to (lattery or love
making, at least so far as outward ip
pcurancc goes,
A young man nnd a young wouan
never go riding or walking together,
nor do they visit alone together In their
hotnes. Some member of the family In
always present and tho conversation. Is
general. After the engagement Is an
nounced tbo Intended seems to go to sea
tbo to-be bride ns often as ho chooses.
Wo know a couple: Oie man Is a wid
ower of about 33 find the girl 10 or 17.
It la said that tbo man Is well to do,
and the senorlta Is fairly good-looking-Tbo
man has a loy about 7 years old,
mid It s not Infrequent for tbo father
to tnko the boy with him when bo goes
to see bis sweetheart, wblch Is fully
four times a week.
Tho girls are not backward about
talking to nnyono In the presence of
their family or friends. And tbey can
talk, too about everything tbey know
There Is little or no bugging or kiss
ing, and absolutely none In the better
educated class beforo marriage, and,
so fnr as wo know, but little after. We
do not remember of seeing a man and
woman kiss during our stay In these Is
lands. It is not n lack of kindly re
gard, but not the custom.
Tho way the bouses arc built, tbo
windows, projecting over the
street, make It very convenient for tho
lover to stand upon tbo sidewalk and
"spark" bis best girl.
It Is our opinion that to a marked
degree, the girls belonging to the rami
lies nf the better class are virtuous
when they give their bands In holy wed
lock. Carried a. Full Mne.
Tho ltt Itcv. Thomas Underwood
"Dudley, of Kentucky, one of tho cml
nent bishops In the Kplscopal church.
enjoys a good story as well as If he
did not wear tho cloth. He tells this
one on himself:
A number of years ago bo was going
by train to one of tho smaller towns of
bis diocese to hold services. Ho was
onjoylng a clgnr In the smoker, and up
on the sent facing hlra wns a very largo
valise, containing his clerical vest
mcnts. A drummer sitting back of him,
noticing his Jaunty traveling cap,
leaned forward and Inquired:
"Traveling man, eh?"
"Yes," answered the bishop.
"Whnt bouse d'ye represent?"
"The biggest bouse In the world."
"Shilllto?" (the largest bouse In Cln
clunntt) nsked tho drummer.
"Illggcr than that"
".Marshall Field?"
"Illggcr than thnt"
"A. T. Stewart's?"
"Hlgger yet"
"Well, what house Is It? Those are
th.e best I know."
"I represent sir,"-said the bishop, Im
pressively, "the house of God."
The salesman gavo a gasp, then, glan
cing nt the mammoth valise, ex
claimed: "Well, nl! I've got to say Is, you carry
a pretty full lino of samples." New
York Tribune.
The Clock Slopped.
"Kvcr bear a clock stop In tho middle
of the night?" said the retired burglar.
"1 did once, nnd 1 never was much
more scared by anything, for a minute,
In my life.
"I'd Just picked up n watch that was
lyln' on the top of a bureau In n house
that I was In, when all of a sudden
there seemed to drop right down, some
how, a stillness that was llko denth;
nud I found myself standing thero
holding thut watch and looking around
In the dark In all directions, expecting
something terrible to bnppcu; and
scared 7 .
"Why, for n mlnuto I wns scared al
most out of my senses. And then nil
of a sudden It struck mo that a clock
that I'd been hearing ticking away good
and strong up to that mlnuto In the
room back of tho ouo 1 was In hnd
That's nil, but that was enough for
me, and I Just slid out.
"I like a quiet house, but I dou't llko
one with that kind of stillness In It;
nnd then, sometimes folks nro woke up
by n clock stopping Just about ns quick
ns they would bo by the Bring of a
gun." ,
A Question.
Whene'er I feed the barnyard folk
My gentlo soul Is vexed;
My sensibilities are torn
And I am sore perplexed.
The rooster bo politely stands
While waiting for his food,
But when I feed bhrr,- whnt a change!
Ho then Is rough and rude.
He crowds his gentle wives aside
Or pecks them on the head;
Sometimes I think it would be best
If he were never fed.
And so I often stand for hours
Deciding which is right
To Impolitely hare enough,
Or starve nnd be polite.
Leslie's Mouthly.
Only Unco!
A bcadlo nt a parish church not fnr
from Dumfries was busy ono dny dig
ging n grave when a stranger walking
through tho churchyard thought lie
would go over and hnyo ft crack with
him. He found It no easy matter to
draw old John Into conversation, First
he tried remarks on tho weather, then
expressed his admiration of tbo Uno
country sldo, hut "Ay" nud "No" wero
all tho stranger could get out of hhu
till ho asked the question:
"Do people dlo often here!"
John straightened his back for the
first time, and leaning on his spade,
looked up In the stranger's face nnd
solemnly replied:
"Wcel generally, Julst aluce."
Timber Lin1 Act, Jun 1 lm.
NOTfCB POIl rtllltfCATfON.
U. H, I n OfUco.
HoMburg, Oregon, Mny M, ton.
Notice. In hereby klvort that In m
plia nee wltb ilia provision" or th am of
IVnr" nf Jons 1, 1S7", nntllled "An
Act fur Ihm wile at Timber lnfls In thu
dUlDN of t'allornla, fin son. Navsda and
WsNtiliiKtori Territory," aa elem1l to
all thu I'ubflc yml sjtnte ty net of
Auauni 4, inn.
11 Ifwiulsm, county ot Chcboll", Stats of
WHffmiiff inn, oex inn nay met) in mis u
rkw tier "Worn alatxmont No, SM, lor the
iiiircbaae uf the wtl ewA. aW titvW of flec
tion No, O, Township No, SI south, of
Itvnge 7 west, and will offer proof to snow
that the land sought Is morn valuable for
Its Umber or alone than for agrlcultaral
pur and to eatahllah her tlulm to
said land before Mario I,. Ware. United
DtiileH Commissioner, at Kuifime. Oregon,
on r'rlday, lb lith day of August, lias.
no name aa witneatK": lie.,, wooiity,
of Drain, Oregon, JWrner Wnolley, of
Liraln, Oregon; (leu, W. Hbaw, of brain,
Oregon; Jfeaale 1. Crawford, ut ffuqualm.
waan, . .
Anv and all nersona la miliar adverse
ly the i.lK,vi-(b.-ecillM;,l Mi.ui are retiuI
d to file their claims In llin. ufflua on r
before the aalrl letM (lay of AnsLUat, Wi.
J. l. lilliuubu, nsgieter.
Timber f .and Aot, June I, 171.
U. 8, Lund
lloSetHirg, Oregon, Mar U.
Nottee la Hereby given that In ram
llanee with the urovlatnmr of the ict nt
Connies oi June i, Una, entitled "An
Act for the sale ill Timber Land In the
Htatee nf California, Oregon, NevaJtt and
Washington Territory," as -rturMjil to
all the I'ubllv Lund Stale by aot of
August 4. nta.
Mrs. Mary L. Itoblnaon.
ot Cottage Grove, county of Lane. Stale
of Oregon, hag this (lay filed In this ofllce
her sworn statement So. 244. for the pur
chase of the se'i of H-ctlon No. 14. lowo
ahln 22 south, tit ratine 2 west, and Wlil
offer proof to show that the land sought
is more vaiuaoie ior 11a umoer or sione
than for agricultural ouruuae. ana (u as
(ablieh her claim to said land before the
Iteglstcr and Ilecelver of title office at
Itoseburg, Orecoo on Wednesday, the 27th
day of August, Wfl,
Hhu namea aa wltnenwcai John Palmer.
Dan UrumbauKh, li. fallen, Tom Blew,
all of Cottage Orove, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adverse
ly the above-dnwrbxd lands ar- request
ed to file their claims In thl ofHoo on or
before tbe sa)d-3tat day of Augiwl, WO.
j, l. liuiDUKB, iiegwter.
Timber I.and Act, June J, UTS.
U. U. I-and Office.
Hoeeburg, Oregon. May II, 1SS'.
Notice la hereby irlven that In i-omull-
a rice with the provision ot the act of
(congress or. June s, iss. enmicu ah
Act Ma the Hale of Tlnber 1-atula In
thu Stutea ot California, Oregon, Nevada
l vt as nm if ion jvrruory. aa exu-i
ed to all tbe i'uMte Land States by act
oi August, 4. 1MK.
Charlt-a V. Van Wormer.
of Princeton, county of Mllle Laca, State
of Minnesota, has this day filed In thl or-
nee ma sworn aiattnienc io. stir, ior in
purchase of tbe sw of Section No. sf,
TiMnahl.. 91 oiiuth e,nm f. WmI .mi
will offer proof to show that the' land
sought Is more valuable for lis timber
or alone wan ior agnruiiurai purpv-M-,
and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the Iteglster and Receiver or this ol
llc at Koseburg. Oregon, on Thursday,
the 21st day of August. 1M2.
He name as wltneasos: De Witt C.
Davis, of Drain, Oregon; C. K. Trumble.
of main, Oregon; J. van Kbee. or Ml laca
Mlniwaota; l- reu warren, oi jniiaca, Aim-
Am ami an tiersons claiming saverse-
ly the above-described binds are it-quest-d
to r)l their claim in thl office on
or before tbe said Hst day of August. 1802.
J. I. rutUAiLD, jeaii--r.
Timber Land Act. June J. 1878.
U. S. Land Office.
Roaeburg. Oregon, May SI. 1802.
Kntlce la hereby vlven that in comDll
ance with the provisions ot the act of
Congrea-s of June J. UTS, entitled "An
Act (or tne sale oi i imwr lbhiu in
the States of California. Oregon, Netada
and Waahlnaton Territory, aa extend
ed to all the Public Land Statea by act
of August 4. 1NC
joaenn it. lounic.
ot Cottage Grove, county of Lane, State
of Oregon, has this day filed in this offlce
hi" sworn statement No. Z&K for the pur
chase ot the lots 4, t. 6, 7. 14 and IS of Sec
tion No. ). Townehln 22 aoulh. Itanm
west, nnd wilt offer oroof to ahow that
the land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or mono man ior agricultural pur
pow. ami to establish hie oJaun to MM
land before the Jlegtster and Receiver of
this otnee at iiosenurg. irregon. on on
day, the 22nd day of September. 1902.
lie names as witnesses: John V. Pal
mer. Marion W. Davis. Orln Roblnron. r.
ii. Martin, all of Cottage OroM'. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming auvei-ae-
ly the above-described lande are requeat-
a1 In flUt thMfr clalmA. In this office on
or before the said 22nd day of August, 1902.
J. X. lliuuu I!.a. j-.eHir--.vr.
Timber Land Act, June 3. 187S.
U. S. Land Ornce.
Roseburg. Oregon, May 11, 199X.
Notice Js hereby gUen that In com
pliance with the provision oi tne act oi
Congress of June 3, 187S. entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Lands In the
States of California. Oregon. Nevada and
Wnahlngton Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act or
August 4. WW. ,
Miss Louise F. Becker,
of Hlbblng. county ot St. Louie, State of
Minnesota, has this day tiled in this of
fice her sworn statement No. 23S6. for the
purchase or tne ae oi Decuon no. io.
Township 21, Range S west, and will of
fer proof to snow mat tne ianu aougnt ia
more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purpose, and to estab
lish her claim to sold land before tho Reg
later and Receiver ot this offlce nt Rose
burg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 21st day
of August. 1902.
ahe namea as wuneeeee: jiiwu vim
Rhee, of Mllaca. Minnesota; O. V. War
ren, or Mllaca, Minnesota; iurs. audis r.
Clark, ot Mllaca, Minnesota; C. Ii. Trum
ble, of Drain, Oregon.
Any and nil persuns claiming adverse
ly the above-described lards are request
ed to me their claims in mis oince on or
before the sold Slat day of August. lJx.
J. 'I. IJlUiJlj. iiegister.
Timber Ijind Act. Juno 3. U78.
U. S. IJind Otnee.
Roseburg. Oregon, Mny 12, 19JS.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance wltn tne provisions or inn act iu
Congress ot Jnne S. 1878. ontltled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Linda In the
Statea of California. Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all tho Publlo Land States by act of
Auguat 4, MM
riMnrca P. Warren.
ot Mllaca, county of Mllle I-ac, state of
Minnesota, lias tnia uay uieu in ima ui
llce his sworn statement. No. 23, for Hie
purchase of the neti of Section No. 18.
township 21 south, of Range & west, and
will otter proof to show that the land
sought ta more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd
to establish his clnlm to said luna neroro
lh TtHfflater nnd Receiver of tills ofllce
nt Roseburg. Oregon, on Thursday, the
21st day of August. 13S.
Jle name aa Wlineaaea: v . iy. iruin-
mell. of Drain. Oregon: D. Davis, of
Drain, Oregon; J. Van Rhee, of MU'ack.
Minnesota; L. F. Becker, of Hlbblng,
Minnesota. ...
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described binds are request
ed to file their claims In this oltlc on or
before tho snld 2tst day of August, IMS.
J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
Timber Land Act. June 8. 1878.
U. S. Land Office.
Roseburg, Oration. May 12, 103.
Notice Is heteby glen that tn com
pliance with the provisions of the net of
Congress of June 3. 1R7&. entitled 'Mn
Act for the sale of Timber Lands In thr
States nf California. Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory." as extended to
nil the Public Laud States by act of
August 4. 1RIJ.
Mrs. Abble F. Clark,
of Mlllca, county ot Mllle Laos, State of
Minnesota, has this day tiled in this oluoe
her sworn statement No. JSU, for the pur
chase of the nwMu being lots 1. 2. eW nwvt
nf Section No. 18. Township il south, uf
Range & west, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for Its Umber or stone than fi.r agricul
tural purposes, and to cntabllsh her claim
to snld land before tho ltdlnter and Re
ceiver of this nftlco, at Roseburg. Oregon,
on Thursday, the 21st day ot August, 19-12.
She names as witnesses: Miss Lnulee
F. Becker, of Hlbblng. Minnesota; Q. P.
Warren, of Mllaca. Minnesota: Jacob Van
Rhee, of Mllnra. Minnesota; C. 13. Trum
ble, ot Drntn. Oregon.
Any nnd all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described hinds nre request
ed to file their clnlm" In this oflleo on or
before tbo said lSth day of August. 1902.
J. T. BRIDOES, Begister. ,
Timber Land Act, June S. 1178.
U. S. Land Offlce.
Roaeburg, Oregon, May 7. 1902,
Notice Is hereby Klen Hint in com.
pllnnre with the provisions of tbe act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
Art for the aale tif Timber fnilt In tlm
Hbttea at California, Oregon, Nevada and
Wahlnton Terrlton
all the Public La ml
Htates by net
Kot i, ism,
tfenrv T.avf.
f llonulam. enuiitr of Chehalls. Slate of
Washington, has till" day filed In this of
fice his sworn statement No, Ml, for tho
purchase of the nwH of Section II, Town
"hlu No. at south, of range 6 wt, ami
will offer nroof In ahow that the land
"ought Is more valuable for Its timber or
itoni than for agricultural purpoeea, nml
o i-"labllh bl claim to said land before
the Heglater and flecelver of this office nt
lloseburg, Oregon, on Monday, tho lltb
dny of August, im.
I In namea aa witnesses: Michel Mvaux,
of llonulam. Washington; (lenrge W.
wooiK-y. or Drain, Oregon; (1. w. Hliaw,
r iiotiuinm, waemngton; trrana a. uu-
itt, of Iloqulam. Washington.
Anv and all nerson cMlmlna- adverse
ly the fthova-deer-rtlwd lande are renuest-
ed to file tbelr clafina In this ofhee on or
before tne mm istn day or August, lwn.
j. T. jiiiiuuKB, ilegiattr.
Timber Laud Aet, June . 1878,
U. S. iMBd omea,
UoMburg. Oregon, May 12,
Nottea la herelnr ulvsn tliat In comDlt-
anee with trie provision" of tho aet uf
Congress of June J. 1SJ8. entitled "An
Act for the Sale of Timber Lands In
the Htates of California, oregnn. Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed lo all the Public Land States by aot
of August 4, IRK.
Jacob Van Ithee,
of Mllaca, county of MUlo Lars, Stale of
Minnesota, has una uay niei in tins ouice
his sworn atntement No. 28S7, for the pur
chase of the nej at Section Nn. 21, Town
ahip tl. flange 8 wee P. and Will Offer proof
to snow tnat tne ianu sougnt i more val
uable for Its timber or atone than for
agticullural purposes, and to ealabllah
hia claim to saia iana berore ine neg
lautr and Ilecelver of this omea at Hoee
t.urg. Or., on Ttiursday, thq 1'Ut day ot
ugust, ivjz.. ,
He names a witnesses: Miss Louise F.
lieoker, or nibbing. Minnesota: U. P.
il.,n,n nf Xllliaa. Mlnnaaotn: Mrs. Ah-
ble F. Clark, of Mllaoa, Minnesota; C. B.
rrumbic, oi urain, uregon.
Anv arul all elalmlnf adrcrao-
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to file their claims in this office on
or before trie snld 21st day of August. 1902.
J. T, JJIIIUUUS, iiegister.
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1CT.
U; S. Land Office.
Koseburg, Oregon, May II. 11W2.
Nntlca I hereby clven that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
congress oi June ?, uis, eniitieu ,n
Act for the Sale of Timber Lands In
hi- States or caurornia, uregon, neraaa
inn waahlnaton Territory." as extend-
d to nil the Public Land Hiaies uy act
of August 4, 1MB.
of Drain, county of Douglas, Slate of Or
egon, ha this day nted In this office his
sworn statement, rtq. sit, ior ine pur
chase of the nwV4 of Section No. 21, town,
rfhiu tl aouth. Itanae 6 west, and will of
fer prool to IIWW IIWl 111V IdllU IB U1VI .7
valuable for Its timber or stone than for
aancultural purpose, ana 10 esiaouan
iiia claim to an id ana more ine uckis-
ter alul Receiver of thbi 0fB- at Itost,-
burg. Oregon, un xnursaay, ue zisi aay
... a iana.
He names as witnesses: u. w. van
Wormer. ot Princeton. Minnesota; c. li.
.in.Ma nf limn iirmn: .1 . van unn.
f Mllaca. Minnesota; 1-reM warren, oi
Mllaca, Minnesota. . .
Anv and alt nerson claiming adverse
w ih abovoleacrlbed lands are request
ed to rile tbelr. claims In this oRlce on
or before the aald 21st day ot August, 1M2.
J, 1. UUlw&Bt ibesiaier.
Timber Land Act, June 3. 187K.
U. S. Land Offlce.
Itoaeburg, Oregon May 26, 19.
Notice la hereb given that in com
pliance wltn the provisions oi ine act i
Congree of June . 1K78. entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Lands In the
States of CaUtomla. Oregon, Nevada and
waahlnaton Territory, as exienueu iq
all the Publlo Land Statea by act ot
.luguat 4, ism.
Anna J. Cheney.
nf nnttairf, rtrnve. Countv of Lane. State
of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office
her sworn statement no. iur kb
,hnu nf the wU Ml', and lot 8 of Section
no. a or lownsnip no. a sumu, ihiiiso
imi unA win nrrr nroof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its tim
ber or mone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish her claim to said
1un,i iw.fnr Marie L. Ware. U. S. Com
missioner at Uugene, Oregon, on Thurs-
daj. th 7th day of August, 1W2.
Sno name a witnesses: Frank: ilen
it.Mnn fi-mnv r .iiinv nf (Tottare drove.
Cane County, ur.; Joe uurneii, oi ivitu-
u i a n Pnuntv. Or.: Alfred D. Le-
Roy. of Cottage 13 rove. Lane County, Or
egon. .
r.. . . aiva.Hu.HhMl lands nre reauest-
Anv n -in nil ivranna cuiiiuii4 uu, . -t
ed to file their claims In this offlce on or
beforo tne saiu iin aay oi aueum, i.
J. 1. Ulliuuco. Jiesiaicr.
Timber I-and Act. June 3, 1873.
U. 8. I-and Office.
Roseburg. Oregon. May 20,
UiIIm im li.r.hv riven that in com
pllanoe with the provisions of the act of
iUBsrni i "it , o,o, ....
i ... tnr t h.. uiA i,f Timber Lands in the
States of California. Oregon, Nevada and
tv ashlngton rerntori-, as exienueu in
all tbe Publlo Land Statea by act or
August 4, MSB.
Henry A. Brewer.
nf Atiianv. countv of Linn. State of Ore
gon, has this day tiled In this office his
sworn statement no. sua. ior mo pur
chase of the eyi svU. seU nw( iraii seU
nl KeMInn -24 nf TitWIlRhll, 2U BOtlth. TSOKe
6 west, and will offer proof, to snow mot
Hit. lunn aiuEni la more vaiuauio iur iib
timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
oses, ana to eaiaDiisn ins ciaim iu buiu
Ln.1 lafnrn UlnrlA I.. Ware. II. S. CommlS-
sloner, Uugene, Oregon, pa Monday, the
lib day of August. 1802.
He namea as witnesses: Charles Wllt
se, Mae WUtse. George A. Betts and Mrs.
O. A. Betts, all of Loralne. Lano county,
Any ana an persona ciuiuikik
k. ,iu uiuiL-AlMMrllMHi lamia are renuest
ed to tile their ulalms In this offlce on or
before in saui 4in uay oi aubum. istj-.
J. J. 1J1I11J(-IC0, ivefiiakvi.
Timber Land Act, June 3. 1875.
U. a. Land Offlce.
Roseburg. Oregon May 26, 19(12.
-vntfoA iu iierebv alten that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
emigres ol June . UTS. entitled "An
Act ior the aale of Timber Lands In the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory, ns exienaeu iq
all the Public Land States by act ot
iUgUS( 4, 1NU.
Alfred TV TRoV.
of Cottage Grove, county ot Lane. State
ot Oregon, has this day Hied in this olllco
nis sworn statement no. axas. mr mo yur-
hnse or the lots 4, a, e ana i ot sectiun
No. 8, of Township No. south, rango I
west, and will offer proof to show that the
'.and sought Is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur-
loses, and to estauusn nis ciuim 10 auiu
and before Marie L. Ware. U. S. Com-
mlasloner at Eugene, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the 7th day of August. 19.
lie names as witnesses: rrunti imiuc-
son, FranS Lolloy. oi (.ounge uroye.
Lane county, ure.; goo uupieu, oi '"
unn.i T'tnM oniintv. Ore.: Anna J. Che
ney, of Cottage Grove. Ine county. Or.
Any and an persona ciuiniina: uuveien
ly the above-described lands are rwfuest
wl to nie their claim In this ofllce on or
before the said 7th day ot August. 1002.
j. i. ui(iLiu.), ucgisirr.
Tlmhpr Tjinil Ant. Jbne S. 1878.
U. S. Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, May 29. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that In com
.illumo with the provisions ot the act of
Jonurt-ss of June 'X 1T8. entitled "An
ui i,,r tlm aa!,, of Timber Lands In the
dtute of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Publlo Land States by act ot
August 4, intra. '
(leorce W. McQueen.
of Cottage arove, county of Lane, Stnte
of Oregon, has this day filed in this olllco
hla sworn statement No. aSSS. (or the pur
chase of tho nUi nett of Section No. 0 nt
Township M souin, or uunge s west, ana
wilt offer nroof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Ha timber or
stone titan ior agricultural purpoaea, unu
to establish his clnlm to said land before
Mnrle L. Ware. U. S. Commtsaiyner at
Engeno. Oregon, on Monday, the 18th day
ot August. 190t
lie names as witnesses: c. A. eoais,
.Tames Potts, James Ostrander, II. T.
Dow, all of Cottage Orove. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ubovc-descrlbed laivjj are request
ed to (lie their claims In TtiTs ofnre on qr
before llio said 13th day of August, ml.
J.,T. BU1DQHS, Register.
Timber Ijind Act, June J, 1878,
U. 8. LandyOmce.
Roseburg, Oregon, Ma7, 1902.
Notice H Hereby given that tn com
nlluncu with the provisions of the aot of
Congress of June 8, IMS. entitled An
A,.t fnr tl,A uIa nt 'Plmliur Ijinitn In tha
States of California. Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory." as extended to
, Fran A. atllstt,
of Itoniilntn, county of Chelisll-t. SIM of
WaMilnitton. has this day nte-lln iM nf.
floa tits sworn statement No, Mb, hit h
purrhnas of the H swu, ns U swU, stU
sU ot Meetlen No. 4, Township It, lotitti,
of llnni a wt, and will ortir proof to
bis far Its timber or atone than tof aari-
now inai inn innu aougni in mora vnum
cultural niirtHiaea. nnd to wlrtUlnli
nan his
rlntm to sold land Wore the lUt-Uter and
Ilecelver of this omen at lliwsbura
on, on Monday, the llth dAy of August,
lie names ns witnesses: Michel ICvaus.
of Iloqulam, Washington. O. W. Mirtw, o(
hlngtoni Henry .Levi, of
Iloqulam. Washington; deorgn w. Wool
ey, of Drain, uregon.
Aay nml nil persons sUlmlng adverse.
ly lire nbiT"-liHiriPl ianu are request
niuji nn
In this otnee on or
e the-1
I lllll
y or August, ma.
IDlircS, Tttflatar
'TlmnI Ijilict Al .Tim "
ron pyiiLtcATioN.
rtlTI, .1 HQ a. 11
noaeburg, Oregon, May 77 tm.
u . ti, j jinn i
Notice 1 hereby
alvan Ibul in com-
nilancn with the nro?
ofteions ot (lie net uf
Congr"ss of Juno S, 1H7H. enlltleit "An
Act tor trie anie oi limner imiiiis in lite
States of California. Oregon, Nevada and
Wnahlngton Territory," its extended tn
all the Publlo Land State by act- of
August I, 1MU.
of Iloqulam, county or Chehalls, flints of
wasningion, nas tnia uny riieu in mis iu
flco his sworn statemenl No. flftK fir the
nurphnae nf the nrtl of Section 11. Town
ship 21 south, of Itnnge t west, and will
offer proof to show that the land autighl
is more vaiunnio tor us iimoer or stone
than fnr agricultural purposes, and to
ratnhllsh his clnlm to said land. before the
iiegister and ilecelver ot tnis ornce at
ncmeburg. Oregon, on Moniliy, tho MtK
day, pt August,, W , , jll. , j.
tlettunttes ns'WItlirases: it. vv vnaw, cr
MmioSht, Washington; Hinry Iavl. ht
llmiulam, Washington: Oeorgo Woolcy. of
Drain. Oregon; F. A. Olllelt. of Iloqulam.
Washington. ,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly ths above-described lands are- request
ed to file their claims In this office on or
before the said istn any or August, iwi
1 J. T. IlIllDOKH. Itegtster.
K Disciple of Jesus Christ The
President's borne life was Ideal, nnd hla
loyalty as n disciple of Jegds Christ was,
notable Itev. D. McLeod, I'resbytcrt
an, Washington, D. C.
'A Christian. Above all, SIcKlnley
was a Christian, exemplifying In hi
dally life the sublime power and excel-,
lency of tbe principles of Christianity,
Rev. Dr. Chapman, Methodist, Wash
ington, D. C.
McKlnley's Deathbed. Tbo hcrole
spectacle of that Christian deathbed Is
an example for all tlmo of bow a Chris
tian man may meet tbo Issues ot life
and death. Her. C. J. Young. Puritan,
New York City.
Truo to All. He Is dead, but he live
In the Uvea and In tbe hearts of all de
cent people as a man who was truo to
his God, his country nnd to nis man
hood. IteT. a L. Twlng, Episcopa
lian, Brooklyn, N Y.
Anarchy I Atheism. Tbo slmplo
truth Is this, anarchy is atheism. It Is
the denial of any overruling Providence
and the refusal to rccognlzo anjr God
whose' will la law. Itcv. Dr. Hunting
ton. Episcopalian, New York City.
Order and Civilization. The doctrno
that humanity could exist, that order
and civilization could bo malutalued
without law nnd order, ns the disci
ples of anarchy assert. Is one of tho
wildest notions. Rev. Dr. Dracbman,
RabbL New York City.
Unselfish Service. To know Christ
and Christianity Is to have tbo vision
extended and tbe Insight deepened nnd
to have selfishness extracted from tbe
work of life. Unselfish service Is the
Master's example. Rev. Dr. Moore,
Methodist, San Antonio, Tex.
A Gospel Force. Whatever makes
character, whatever works brotberll-
ness, whatever develops strength, la a
gospel force, conscious or unconscious.
The forces that work consciously for
good are too many to name. Hov. Dr.
McAfee, Presbyterian, Chicago, I1L
Loyalty. The Christian should show
bis loyalty for what the church stands.
Let him show that bis religion Is not
for one day, but for tho seven days in
the week. Tho world Is ready to listen
to religion of the heart. Itev. t'nnnlo
Austin, Unlversallst, North Dona,
Christianity. Christianity la a life.
and the consequent Christian life Is its
unanswerable argument. Tho church
to-day Is weak because thero Is so lit
tle difference between tho lives of Its
members and the lives of those who are
not members. Rev. J. W. Allen. First
Christian Church, Chicago, III.
A National Grief. Thero is n nation
al grief, nnd there must needs be a un-
tlonal lesson. What Is tins uoruo
which finds n harbor among us, nnd
who, to further their own principles
and Ideas, strike at the Inuocout ami
lay them low? Tbey are n class with
diseased minds, on evil bent. Rev. R.
M. Kemp, Episcopalian, Now York
Tbe Price of Disobedience.
In oue of tho campaigns Frederick
tbe Great of Prussia,, to prevent bis
whereabouts from being betrayed to
tho enemy, ordered all lights to be ex
tinguished at u certain hour. The pen
alty of disobedience was to be death.
The king occasionally passed through
the camp at night to nscertnln wheth
er his order was strictly attended to.
Ouo night ho observed a light In one
of tlfu tents, and on entering It, found
an ofilcer sitting at a tablo closing a
letter. Asked how he dared thus ills
regard the klug's command, tho olllccr
replied that ha had been writing a let
ter to bis wife.
The king ordered him to open Ms let
ter, to take bis pen, and to add these
j iufrn iblu Inline rnnrhoa vnne
i words: Beforo tuts letter rcaciits your
hands I shall have beru shot for diso
beying an order ef tho king."
Tho sentence was harsh, hut the
crime was great, risking, ns It did. the
1l,.nc nf llmilunnila. bVfwtel-li-U'a nrilura
' r. afln.iu,, utrt,.,lw nliAVul
IH'IH Vl M1,WI .... .... W-J.
gpure Moments,
Grown Gold.
Nebb Do you know EzymitrkT
Dtdbcte I used to;
Nebbr-Used tot
Dcdbete Yen, until ho lottiieil me J4
I n, , fil-t jo'tiniaL
UnlO Bt!o Journal,