Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 05, 1902, Image 5

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Alcnstirc of Distance Differ (Ircittly In
Sctcrnl l.ticnllllcs,
Aiiioiik thu KiiKllfli-KwiikliiK i(iiliH
of Ihu fitrtli tlmm iiro font ulHi-riml
nillim tlio iinlltmry inlln of fii'-'HO ftsit
mill llio KKritilil('nl nillunf foot,
milking it illffuri'iiio IkiIhih'U tlm twii of
nlmilt (iiio-Mivnnllu I lion lliurn urn llm
Ki'iitcli iiillu of Iwt mill llio Irish
11111(5 01 (1,72(1 fHit four vitrlouri miles,
ovcry ono of wlilrli In still In tieo. Then
almost ovttry cimiilry linn It stiiiiilnril
mllq. Tlm (Shniihii milu Uxlny In .1,,'tlH
fen I, morn tlian four sml n linlf limes
n k long ii n oiirn. Tint Dulch, Danish
niiill'rilnnliin tnllu In 1H,-11JU Unl, tlntm
nml a 1 1 it I f Hunts as long nx ourn, nml
llm Hwls Kt morn nxonlno In walking
nun of llmlr in lion than wo cut In walk
liiK Hvo of ourn, fur Iholr mllo In 0,15,1
yitriln Ioiik.
l'ln'n Corn ! (lie tint mrillrlns we erer
ikciI fur nil nllrriliins of llm lliroul nml
iiiiis. Wm. 0., VsiiiJiircn, Iml..
I'di. 10, limn.
Now Zealand Dnlry llualncss.
Tim iliilry Imnlnonn In InrrrxinliiK nip.
filly In Now ZvuIiiihI. nnil tint Kovnrn
liiiint In iIoIiik nil In ftn pernor to IkjosI
thu truilo.
For Infant and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Honrs tho
HubrlkofMIela Sensitive.
Governor (lemirnl Ikihrlnkoff linn
rommniidcd thn I'lnnluli lornl Kovern
liieut to lunkii oxteiinlvo priipnrntloun
for tho Noltliern Hclentlllo rongrenn, nn
it would In moat regretluhlu II Hiiy
llilng should oiTiir to trivii tho foreign
vlnltorn mi unfnvoriihlo imprennloii of
tho ronilltlolin In l inlnml. Tlio local
KiiVurniuent In iiiltu willing, however,
that tlm vlnltorn should ro.illio fully
hIiiiI Iluhrlkoff ban clone for Klnluml.
PITO rrmnhf1ff Omimi no nt m im
SlIO llvrnitl UtVinrhr Hli'lOrr( Nrrvt
XaiUnr. iut.l ir I'll Ii I! II J.op nui uw
VM. IIS.II.II Uklt.l,W..VilArftllH.,l'l!llft'lripl,U.I'ft
Hough nn I'a,
"What In a vacuum, mn?"
"That pnrt of your father that la ill
rnetly under hln hair,"
Kalilng Magics.
Nils Dvng, n fanner living ixinio mllen
from Itorvlk, enrns xomo extra moony
liy mpturiiig eoglon. I In kniiMS nheio
tho iii'ntn uio nnd nt-iiliw1 tlm high clll'n
nnd taken tho yonns', which hn nelln
fur gmxl prltH-n in Uhrlntianin. Ilo linn
IihiI many llghtn with tho parents, hut
inner harum or kills tliatn, nn by llio r
tluatli hln source of revenue would x
Ills Occupation,
"Hnvon't you any wrupntlon?"
askotl tint onion nt tho kllclieu door,
niter listening to his Into of woo.
"Ytl, ma'am," raid Tuffold Knutt,
"I am a hunter."
"A huiiterT Of what?"
"Orub, ma'am."
Agree to Norway's Demands.
Tlm Hn'tfllrh-S'orneglnn commlrplon
to ilrnlt u plan for tlio revision of tho
rouriilar system of Kwcdeiinnd Norway,
proposes Kiirnto scrvirvn for tho two
klngilouis. 'ililn wan gouernlly uxpreted
hi lioth con, nnd In iintlttNornny no
other silutf the dilllculon olt iiiontlon
would liavu nmp1ahht,o Ix-o
Mmliers wilt nnd Mrs. iVlnslow's Booth
Inst Hyrup llm beat rrmrtlr lo use lor llicir
ran during tlio leclbuig jwrloJ.
Wlmt Hail He Done.
Htislxind (rouling tho potior) What
fools kiiiio men will mnko of tiem-
Wife Now,II enry, dear, what have
you doiio thin tlmoT
Water In Wood.
Green wood contains fully 45 per
cent of wnter, and thorough waitonlng
iisunlly expels 3d (tor cent of thin lluid.
Millions of RiilTcrcrsuKO Ilnmliu'a Wlz
n rd (III for nnln every yenr nnd call it
lilcsswl. Ask your druggist; ha knutvs.
Heard In a Hook Store.
"I siiiK)so thnt work In sixty vol
iiiiiim Is nn encyclopedia?"
"Nn; it Is railed Tlio Lovo UUtors
of a .Mormon Kldor,' "
Unforseen Results.
Dolly I hello vo Julia Gllibs Is a
Dolly I wont to roll hor a ticket to
our plncnlra nd alio wild mo ono.
Little Liver Pills,
Muet Donr Slgnnturo of
St PsoSlmlU Wrsppr Mow.
I TOY uU sail easy
to take as ngax
Dot Ooush sjrup. TMte. ClooX Co
ll at sVaffcl
1)1101) imi ANOTJIKJi.
Tltcy Vnliiiifiirl'y Hiiliiitlllod In lie
Devoured lijr ii i'nvk of llimury Wolves
III Order In Muvti 'lliolr DM 1'nllicr
from ii hluillur 1'iilr.
U'lii'ii Hcimvolii, In llio ilii)H of ancient
Itoini', to show liln coiilciiiiit fur ii ty
rant's innvcr, lliriiMt liln rlk'ht liiiml Into
a flrv nml lnll It I lino until It wun
coiihiiiihmI, Iio Kiivn mi i-xii ni,li of siili-
lllllil f'ltlirilfr, tiliil ,lnili,,r u,lil,l,
' Mlf ,-,ll,.tu, I....... ul. ...... I .....II..... I
,.. (,,,, n i, i,v nill.H IIIIIIKl IHIir.111,
Hut tho story In only n lexoml.
Ililliiltcly Kri'iilor limn llio li'Kt'liiliiry
iiimmi or Kciiiivolii, liH-nunit of tlm rinerl
I lice, huh llio ni'ijoii f tlirco yiiuim men
I In IIiihsIii, nirnrilliiK lo a Ntory which
' Iiiim conio from thu fur nortlii'Ni Ktivi-rn-
incut of ArchmiKi'l, iilnnir thu IiomIcih
of tho . White Hon, who voluntarily
fnci'il ilciilli in Hit mont awful form unit
kiiuwhiMly omlirnci'il It Hint thoy iiillit
hy thc'micrllli'u of Hii'iuhoIvch siivo thu
fnthor whom llicy inch lovcil nml rev
erenceil. Tho mime of theso heroic
youinr men iin not revealed, hut their
iluvoilon In worthy n (ilnco nt tho hi-nil
of the, highest (leciln of seir-sat-rlllcr-.
'Thi youuif men nml lliolr father not
out to iiinkii ii Journey hy nlelch from
AifliiuiKel to n vlllnKo l wile tils.
Innt iiIuiik tho shore of tlm Wlilto Hen.
They hud tnken n snpjily of nimnuul
Hon so nn to ho provided against nn at
tack by wolven, with which tho region
In overrun. Unfortunately a storm so
dampened the powder Hint It was use
less, null before their stock could bo
renewed the dreadful wolvea to the
number of 200 appeared. Knowing that
If they remained together they would
nil perlnh, Hie noun determined upon a
ilesiernto scheme through which It wan
hopetl one or nioro of tho pnrty might
escape. Tho Hellenic wan for onu of
them lo leave tlio conveyance nod gtvo
light to the woIvoh, thereby delaying
tho latter In their pursuit of tho sleigh.
When he fell, nn undoubtedly he would,
the wolves would stop t devour him
mid probably to - light among them
selves, for Injured wolves, especlnlly
when Ktnlued with blood, nre frequent-
1 VII It II U) IUUII Alli'Hji I Vl'llllliuun.
The delay would giro the occupnuts of
the sleigh n possible chnnco of escape.
Hut If tho wolves ngalu crew hot In
the trnll another of tho brothers wnn
to make a sncrltlce of himself, and so
on until the father remained.
To determine who would be tbo tlrst
victim tho sous drew lota and tho
cholco fell upon thu youngest Grasp
lug his Icnlfo nnd with nn ntTcctlonato
adieu to hln father nnd brothers, he
waited until Hie lenders of the wolves
were at thu back of tho sleigh and he
could almost feci lliolr hot bretith us
their red, hungry tongues shot out In
rage nnd their baleful eyes sliono In
anvago ferocity. Ami then with u com
mitting prayer to Heaven ho jumped
to tho ground, sheathing his knlfo In
tho (Irat. brute that readied him. Again
and ngnln tho bloody knlfo wns ruined
nod ns often found n fleshy senbbard
until overpowered by numbers ho was
dragged to tho ground nnd torn to
For the occupants of tho sleigh, which
was speeding along as fust ns tho pow
erful horses could drnw It, It seemed
but n fuw minutes heforo tho cries of
tho wolves n gill n tilled their ears, nnd
soon thu lenders of tho now thoroughly 1
mnddeiied pack were up to thu sleigh.
Iots wero hastily drawn nnd the bccoiiiI
son, knlfo In bund, Jumped out mid
faced tho Infuriated beasts.
Ho did not die unavenged. Kor a lit
tle later, an the puck ngnlu took tho
trnll nnd camo In sight thero wns not
over half n hundred of them. Tho two
young men must have uuido awful
hnvoo among them to so dcplcto their
numbers, f6r even allowing that tho
sated ones fell out of tho trnll, tho
number killed or ho Injured that thoy
wero devoured by their compnulous
wns great.
As the leaders nguln camo up to tho
sleigh tho remaining son, after Implor
ing hln father to drlvo to tho utmost,
and If necessary to turn two of tho
horses bnck toward the puck and ride
tho other to somo possible placo of
safety, Jumped out of tho conveyance
nml faced tho aulnuils with his knlfo.
Only Imagination can pjcturo thnt
scene, for tho third son perished ns tho
other two. Hut tho father wns not
ngaln pursued by tho wolves. Tho do
Iny saved his life, nnd ho renched n
settlement in safety, to toll the horrl
bio story of hln esciipo mid of tho sub
llmo (tenths of his heroic children.
Animals Can Tliciu Without the
Hlluhtcst Injurious KUVct,.
Out of weed study is certain to como
romurknhlo Information, for the poison
ous plants nro tho most strangely con
btltuted nnd given to astounding varia
tions. Kor Instance, tho common poko
berry presents n Bpcctnclo of contradic
tory iiiialltles. ltlrds eat tho berries,
whlcUto men nro poisonous. Cnttlo mny
cut tho leaves when green and fresh,
hut If perelmnco thoy should eat n
wilted leaf It would poison them. Tho
roots are deadly poison, yet tho shoots
which grow up six Inches high In thu
spring nro nn excellent food for man
tlio rival of uspurngus and equally
liHilthftil. flclciiro tin nt Innt paused
to lniiilro why thin nlioulil ho no, mid
nomo diiy tho chntiili.'iil nctlon which
en n miiko n ileinlly poison hy willing n
Idi f when llio froth onu In hnrinloMt
Will llO (llOVtTt!ll.
Klnillnrly It linn lccn ohncrvotl of
Aliierlcfltl frtlto hcllehorn or Itchwrcnl
thnt the notiln ore poisonous to chick
ens, mid Unit tho Iciivcn nml rooln nro
poisonous to men nml liornM, hut thnt
Hlieep nml elk, which chow tho cinl,
hcoiii to rellnh llio innt. In nil tho pol
non, when In Hie Nynlem, nctn nllko,
imnilyzlni; llio lienrt nml npliml cord.
The polHoiioiiM I'leiiicnt of corncockle
linn not yet Iiccii explnlneil, hut Itn curl
oun nctlon hint ulrendy hcril ohncrveil.
When oxtrnclnl It mlxcn freely with
wiiicr, frothn like noiui nml, IhotiKii
oilorlenn, will when luhnleil produco
violent nneezliiK. (njier niiurKe, tho
common noplicr pliint or niirluir wort,
In curloun In Hint tho mere ImmllhiK it
It will polnon to tho extent of producing
plmplcH nml often KiiiiKrene. It In n
Hi lot' Hint cnttlocmi ent without harm,
nml Koiitn cut freely, hut tho milk of
tlio hitler will then lio denilly poUlon.
In men nmoilernto, done will, pioiluco
Kouernl collupno and denth In a few
hotirn. The onloli of the nncezo weed
develoin montly In the nhowy yellow
Ho went nml In violent. Tho yoimir
plnntR nre compnrntlvely hnrmlenn nnd
oven In tlio ninture onen the polnon
vnrlen Krently nomo hnvlm; nenrcely
any nt nil.
Jn thu enna of thin plant and tho
woolly nnd stcmlesn loco weed somo ef
fort has been inndc to find out where
they get their dendly (tolsons. That
of tho loco weed Is n most subtlo
thing. Tho ikiIsoii of the woolly loco
produces strange hallucinations In Its
victims. It nffects the eyesight nnd
silently reaches ono after another of
tha vital functions, killing the victim
In two yenrs time.
Somo animals nftcr eating It refuse
every other kind of food nnd seek only
thin. - They endure n lingering period
of emaciation, characterized by sunken
eyeballs, lunterless hnlr and feeble
movements, and eventually die of star
vation. So mystic an element gather
ed from tho earth nnd the nlr naturally
causes wonder nnd the desire to know
what such things may bo nnd why
they nre. Aluslee's Mngnxlno. Kl'Jah.
There Isabel we Noah well
Woo'd by a bashful feller, .
Kor Theodora of this belle
Adored but dared not 1211a.
At Inst one Hrc upon the porch
In lCruest tones he pleaded.
He'd give up I'aul to win bcr heart-
Her love was Saul he needed.
"I wish that Ids heart to give,''
Unto herself she Seth
"If lMiebe I.eTl am a Ulrt
Ills Si will close la death."
He'd Caesar Itnndal little while
As Titus he was Abel
From his big Guy a tender I.uke
Ueamcd Dora tresses sable.
No sooner Adelaide Ids arm
About her waist, so clever,
Thau up she Hose Andrew awny
She wouldn't have it ncrcrl
In vain did he for Mercy Sue
This foolish swain Klljah.
"Oh, Hugo 'Ira hall." she Jeered,
"I never could Ahljahl"
He ne'erenme SInry time again
.ud never after seen 'er
And he's grown (Jr'nce since that sad doy
While she's grown Kvellun.
Kugene Klcld.
Hovr tho Net Is Constructed anil
The scheme of our Ushormen wns to
scrape tho bottom nt n slow pace. The
net was a good sixty feet In length, a
sort of twine, fence that roso to a
height of thirty feet or m at tbo middle
part and tapered to six or seven feet
nt tho cuds, which wero each bound
with a stout pleco of wood nnd bridled
on to tho drag-lines that led to the
Ort theso dmg-llncs were short wood
con' slats, of about tho stoutness of
fence pnllngs, placed from six to eight
feet apart. Twisting and twirling and
ever moving forward, the slats were
calculated to create a panic among any
lloumlers that might bo outlying and
scare them toward tho center of the
lino of advance.
Tho flounder Is a slow swimmer, and
It Is n sedately moving arrangement,
Indeed, that dors not overtake him. Ho
Is not only n slow flsh, but also ono
of placid ways, nnd when overtuken by
tho advancing lino of netting. It Is his
habit to seek n quiet spot. The qulest
est spots that he enn find In a hurried
search nre tho Inviting pockets that
open out left nnd right on the net.
Theso pockets wero sufllclently wldo
nnd hospltnblo to enwrap a wine cask
nt the entrance, but nt the Inner end,
so rnpldly do thoy tnper, It would tnko
no Infantile nrm to wedgo In n work
Ingninn's dinner pall.
Tho crow of a flounder sloop nro two
In number; somotlmes It Is two grown
men, sometimes n mnn and a well
grown boy, In this case, Charlie, tho
Minna's skipper, was a fair-headed fel
low of 'M or US, compact, muscular nnd
active. Tho boy, August, 10 years of
nge, wns a short nnd stock boy, rather
slow to grasp an Idea, but a safs czco-
utlve onco ho iindcrntooil wlmt It rra
thnt hln cnptnln ordered.
During thin drnxstliiK operation, any
.f n men II. Connolly, In Hcrlliner'n, with
tho rennet nnlllntc nlwnyn acronn nrnl
noniellmen nlmont Into tlio wind, the
crown tnko thhiK comfortnhly. Urery
thlnit wnn working nicely hy 8 o'clock,
nml then our two nklppcrn lind nn cany
tlino of It to wntch each other nnd nail
their pnrnllct cntirncn; nnd, with drnn
kIiik linen tnut nnd with (lie not In the
rlKht plneo, with crerytlilnic working
properly, It hrenmo tho lmy'n hunlnens
to holl tho coffee for hrenkfnnt.
Tlio I'rraldent'n Clmrcli.
Tho head of 80.000.0W of pcopla wor
nhlpn In what In prohahly tho nmnllcxt
city church In the United Htnton. Tlio
illmcnnlotii of tho little building are
'.'Oxni fee!. It la a quaint miniature of
u chnpel, with rt tiny, tliough orthodox,
ntceplc. Otherwise It In hare of or
mimentAtlon, within or without. Hare
for their pine board bnrkn, Hi cuh
lonlenn pcwi are llko the rough-hewn
bcnchtu of frontier acbooln,
No cnrrlngen roll up to the Presi
dent' church. lie, hlmnelf Invariably
walkn. And there I no hint of half
heartednens nor backnlldlng l bin
tread, for hln sturdy gait nerve the
I'rcnldcnt In bin Hunday pllgrlmagea at
well on hln nccular trampi to Cabin
John's bridge.
Tho little German Itefonncd church
hnn a mcmbenhlp of 'MO, with iltttngn
for only 175. Iicfnre 10 o'clock Sunday
mornings visitors begin to assemble
nnd form In waiting line In front of
tlio church. Hy dlut of much crowd
ing the regular congregation la en
abled to give up one-tbird of the room.
In the meantime, about fifty of the
throng have been admitted to the
church. Now comes the president,
trailing no unnecessary glory, and hur
rying as If to keep a tardy appoint
ment In reality be Is always prompt
ly on time. Sometimes be Is accom
panied by Miss Alice, occasionally by
Mrs. Iloosevelt whoso regular place of
worship la St. John's, and almost al
ways by bis side or close In hln wake
skips little Archibald or Kermlt. stur
dily Imitating his father's Imperial
pnt'C. Not Infrequently the President
Is accompanied by guests, and at times
tho eight places In bts pew hare been
A Larue Number on 11111 Slopes Alone
the Yellow Ittver.
The fact has escaped attention until
recently thnt there are many cava
dwellers along a part of the Hoang Ho
or Yellow river. It happens that they
arc found on that part of the river
whero the bridge on the railroad which
'is to connect Pcktn with Hankow on
tho Ynntse Is to be built, and August
Slosse, a Delglan engineer who lived
among them for six months while mak
ing studies for the railroad In that re
gion, has been telling some facts about
tho troglodytes.
Along tho banks of the river the peo
plo live In clny huts, but higher up,
among the hills, only-a short dlstanco
from the stream, they make for them
selves permanent habitations dug In
the hillsides. There are many villages
of these caves, not only the habitations,
but nlso tho temples, the ahops and
tho storehouses for grain being noth
ing more than these dark artificial
caves. Many of tho caves are nearly
ns spacious as tho smaller New York
Huts. They nre about nine feet high,
ten to twelve feet In width, and have
n depth of Ufty to sixty feet They are
dark nmj gloomy abodes, but the peo
ple who llvo In them think tbey are
much prcferahlo to the clay huts In
which their neighbors live ou tho river
bnuk. No adornment of the Ulterior Is
attempted, excepting la tho temples,
whoso walls are whitewashed and cov
ered with rude paintings In lively col
ors, that under the bright light which
Is constantly burning gives these sa
cred rooms quite a gaudy appearance.
The only particular odvnntago the un
derground rooms seem to have Is that
they are cool In summer and warm In
winter. The Inhabitants are gentle nnd
even timid, nnd Mr. Slosso said thnt, be
ing unaccustomed to seeing whites,
they almost Invariably 'disappeared In
to their caves when they saw any of
his pnrty approaching. It was curious
to seo them at a distance working In
their llttlo fields above or below their
dwellings, only to find not a soul In
sight upon nearer approach. They
would nil mysteriously sink Into tho
ground, nnd nppnrcntly thero were no
human beings for a mllo around, though
undoubtedly thero were thousands of
tho troglodytes In their burrows listen
ing nt their doors for tho footfalls of the
Intruding strangers. New York Sun.
Too Cautious.
"I have tho greatest coulldenco In Dr.
Clocum ns a physician," said ono of tho
doctor's patients. "Ho never gives nn
opinion till ho has waited and weighed
a caso and looked nt It from every side."
"Um-ml" snld the skeptical friend.
"Thnt's nil right If you don't carry It
too far. Thero have been times, you
know, when he's been so cautious that
his diagnosis has come near getting
mixed up with the post-mortem."
Groat llrlloln's Weather Ilureanu
Great Britain Is now running a weath
er bureau on American Hues.
A fat man always has more troubles
than ho has sympatntxera.
" I first used Aver's Sariapatllla
In tho fall of 1848. Since then I
have taken It every spring as a
blood-purifying and nerve
strengthening medicine."
5. i . Jones, wicnita, nans.
If you feel run down,
arc easily tired, if your
nerves arc weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand-
nrrl Fnmllv mrHlrlnr B
Aver's Sarsanarilla. 1
It's a regular nerve
lifter,, a perfect blood
builder. l lodU. AlUrarrlitl.
A.k osr doctor wbt h think, nt Aref-
Asm. perllls. II. know. .11 stoat thl. grand
old r.mllf medlrlns Volloir bl. sdrksand
w will Mil. nd.
llow a Witty Oulde Described Mr. Cleve
land's Boathouse.
During Clevealnd's first term as pres
ident be had bnilt for himself a hand
some boathouse on the shore of Upper
Paranac lake, near the b'aranac Inn. It
was a long, low affair, with a deep ex
cavation beneath for tho storing of
boats and fishing tcaklo. Dave Kronk,
a famous golds of tho region, never
tired of describing the glories of the
president's boathouse, which he regard
ed as tho teal wonder of the neighbor
hood. On ono occasion Richard Hard
ing Davis, then a reporter in Philadel
phia, visited the president socially, and
was met at the station by a native,
who said he had been sent with his
wagon to drive the guest to tho inn.
"Thero is Mr. Cleveland's new three
story boathouse," he said, passing the
"Three-slorj?" asked Mr. Davis.
"I see but one."
"Well," raid tho native, "there's
tho story yon see, the story underneath,
and the story Dave Kronk's alius tell
iin' about it."
Positive Proof.
Judge hat proof have yon that this
man a absent minded?
Attorney Why, ho actually stopped
his automobile at a wtaerlng fonntain.
The liniment bottle and flannel strip are
familiar objects in nearly every houbehold.
They are the weapons that have been used for
generations to fight old Rheumatism, and are
about as effective in Uie batUe with this giant
disease as tbe blunderbuss of our forefathers
would be in modern warfare.
Rheumatism 13 caused by an acid, sour
condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritating matter that settles
in the joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothing
else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. They
were deposited there by the blood'and can be reached onl y through the blood.
Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and
pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every
change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system
are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured
until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly
and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream
exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who
write about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism
and its treatment. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. 6a.
How Are Your Bowels?
Now what you want is Cascarcls. Go and get them today-CascareU-in metal box
cost 10c Take one I Eat It like candy, and it will work gently-white you sleep. It cures,
that means it strengthens the muscular walls of the bowels, gives them new life. Then they
act regularly and naturally. That's what you want It's guaranteed to be found in
25c 50c.
aBirr TJXm. Miifc. . i sWlsYMsTTaT iVnfasM -Vr
WvV .v ' Jtff I , HTwM HI! wrJim
all bowel trouble-!, appendicitis, btl
lousness, bad brentti. bad blood, wind
on tha stomach, bloated bowels, foul
pains alter eating, liver trouble, sallow complexion
and dlsslneas. When your bowels don't mora rr(o
larlr yon are cettlnsc sick. Constipation kills mora
poople than all ether diseases toanlier. It Is m
start. r for tha chronlo ailments and lous years of
sntTertuc that coma afterwards. No matter what
alls yon, start talslne CASC.llll.TS to-day, ror yon
will never Bet well and bo well all tbe tlma until
you put your bowels rlllit. Take our advice! sturl
With UA&CAUISTH to-duy, und.r au absolute guar,
auto to cure or money refunded, at
i&am op
'bbP course?
Made InblotK orellow
of the belt material! and
sold with our warrant by
reliable dealers everywhere.
Take limn for ttio "Good Tilings."
Come back Into the life of thought
aRnlnl Head and converse with family
and friends. Get out your music, and
practice again at the piano and organ,
do to church on Sunday even If tho
Hunday dinner must be plain as a con
sequence. Take time to tblnk. Con
-eutrate Into little time the necessary
uome work; master It, and do not let It
master you. Choose what sball occupy
your thoughts, what shall engage your
tongue and what sball take up your
time. Stop living In tbe smalt tea-cup
round of house-work and neighborhood
society. Live with your children. That
Is tbe only way you can live for them.
Enter Into their blgber life. Learn to
foster the first sparks of generous am
bition, and to fan Into a glow tbe early
and feeble glimmerings of deep feel
ing. Civs up what is small, and see
that you learn to know great from
small and to choose wisely. Art. liter
ature and music, all tbe refinements of
Intellectual and emotional being, stand
ready for those who Invite them In.
Woman's Uome Companion.
Pigmy Camels.
The western portion of Persia is in
habited by a species of camel which is
a pigmy of its kind. There camels are
snow whito, and are on that account
almost worshipped by tbe people. Tho
'hah presented the municipality of
Cerlin with two of these little wonders.
The larger is 27 Inches high and weighs
01 pounds. The other Is four inches
lets, but tbe weight is not given.
"I tell yon," said tbe landlord of
the summer resort near tbe top of the
mountain, "a man can't get too much
of this pure air."
"2o," gasped tho tenderfoot, who
was unused to tbe elevation. "I can't
get half enough of HI"
oi ncn, strong Diooa 10 uie ancciea pans, wuica
dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the
sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains.
S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but
is a oerfect vegetable blood purifier and most
About 'ie first thing the
doctor says
Then, "Let's see your tongue."
Because bad tongue and bad
bowels go together. Regulate
the bowels, clean up the tongue.
We all know that this is the way
to keep and look well.
You can't keep the bowels
healthy and regular with purges
or bird-shot pills. They move
you with awful gripes, then
you're worse than ever.
arat ..rlt.
WIU ..It OAaOAltan-S) akla
fair, trial. .lr.ll... T?.J?J.?1 XI
a.t aatua.a, an.r a.l.s . "'."XJi " " 7 . ? 1?.!
ladraul kTUUUAU JUSatCl CO., KW lOttS, ae CulCAUU,
Partly ramttlar With U.
"How do yon tnsnnRti to ntnVo two
kinds of Bpnlcs urow on one tree!"
asked tho aldortnnn, who was on Ida
"I don't know as you'd understand
It If I was to loll yon," sold Ilia ovruvr
of tlio orchard, "but It's done by a pro
csi of grnftln', nnd"
"Oh, I know all about grattlng," In
terrupted tho alderman, Impatiently.
"What's that got to do with lit"
pnn't rnd.nirer It by u.lng qunslliiiiaMo or
sitnlteratKt footl. A.k yniir arH-r tor
doirw, SMeM, listing rnw.le r smt Csiinml
Uooits called
Wadhams a Kiiwir into., PACKim.
Bosi on Earth
ftran. It Is msdn rr IMS bM rrtfttfrtsl poMthtit
to bur. Tb. m.nufiu psy 21
lUpt(nnl sbnr tli m.rkrt pnrt ot bMt
Ksdrn or wwm tlmbr sr tb. pr' vlless of nil.
if ov.r mid .klmmlns off tin cr.nnt of tbo
w.ron .lock.wlilcltUrsrrlM nrl to rrr lw
for. making up. wblch m.n an InrftrtmtMju
wood .tock orn.aryon million dollars.
MITCIIKI.I, Wairon art unmrpauikt for
quality, proportion, flnl.b. Btrtnvtti and IU
Why Uk ehanoM on any oth.r?
Why not rl lb butf-A JIlTUIIRl.T.
MMohmll, Lmwla C Stmvu Oo.
rortUod. rxatlla. Spokane, HUM
Astnts Kr.rrwhera.
Foundad 1B70
A Horn School tor Hoym
MIIHmry mnd Mmnuml Training
Yfrlln (orlliumtrad Oatalogum
mwm hi hi in ii
; Columbia University
j Boarding School for Yosng Hen
J Finest situation on r-sctrle Cotst. Ex-
1 ccUent Vacuity. Largest Indoor colleiro.
? athletic fleM In the world. Orer hall
j an sen under aa srehed root.
'I Catalogues Free.
I University Park, Oregon
One Second Hand Klehols & Bhepsrd
Separator, size 40-00, with wind itaeker,
only run 411 days; a bargain. Inquire ol
Toot Morrlion St., Portland, Or,
Who ran tell Hoad Oraders, Hoc It Crushers,
Holler., Plows and Scrapers to county otll.
clals. Good pay. HE A IX & CO., Inc.,
aoS Front St.. I'ortland. Ore.
Afplr to Nanus Ulcerosa,
Attosmst, WnulNoro.i. V.C.
jr. r. n. d.
So. 361803.
W1IKN wrtt)n; to advertisers please
inontloa tills paper.
IFfa hh ..IS. X"w It la
v.r .la MlUl.a l.M
a Ik. w.rlS. fsl. ItakMl
an, l.iil-t.alal. 17. ka
efe IUf '"u-"r.?'f "f
Imlr n.raat... I ..,
. jf or
Miiohell Wagon