Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 05, 1902, Image 3

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    NllW IllUIKtK.
Aii enterprising committee con
sisting of K. M. Vctitclt. J. I. Cur
tin, C. II. Ilurlclioltlcr. 0. Veiileli.
- John linker ct. nl., Invaded the
county court nt Eugene Wednesday
nud Riiccccdcd lu netting (lie hon
orable luidy to favorably consider
the io)s!tlon of building n new
bridge at Cottage Grove. Their
first endeavors were for n steel
bridge, hut it mccids Unit thin could
not he had, no they gr ncefully ac
cepted the proposition (or a wooden
structure. The bridge in to he "in
fect In width entirely new nud
strong, with concrete nhutiucnti,
with eight foot Hide walks ou either
Hide, the latter to be constructed by
the citizens. 'I'll is Is n i;ood stroke
for the town nud vicinity, in the
undent structure tin it now stntids
is not only unsightly hut ilnnuct
oils, nud In no way ndcitmlc for
the amount of travel. Operations
will immediately begin on the new
work and in n short time Cottage
drove will have n crossing to be
proud of.
DltATII 01' III A N. llAKHK.
Ira N. linker, nn old time resi
dent of Cottage Grove, passed a way
ou the morning of the 31st of An
Kiist ut the Home of IiLh son-in-law,
C. P. Illankenslilp nt Willamette.
Oregon. Mr. linker was horn in
Virginia in 1826, and was in every
way typical of that clnss of sturdy
men who do not wait for oppor
tunities hut ventures ificnd. Once
wealthy, hut the misfortunes of war
reduced him to the ranks fu dally.
He leached Cottage Otove in 1875
nud was scvcinl years justice ol the
pence. Iu 1HH3 he removed to
Jvasl 1'ortlaud nud engaged in the
wood and timber business in n few
years accumulating n snug com
petence, lie returned herein 1896
nud remained until 1901 when fail
ing health compelled him to remove
to Wlllamattc for treatment. A
widow, two daughters, the Mrs.
Illankenslilp. nud one sou, I). M.
linker survive him.
flint's Am. Rioiit.
Mr. nud Mrs. Frank Wooley left
Tuesday for the Ilobeinia Mining
District, nccompnuied by his father,
Uev. Wooley, of Eugene, where
they will remain miiiic time doing
lcvelopmeut work 011 the valuable
property owned by Mr. Wooley.
hilling their absence Mistt Ethel
Wooley, with the assistance of
Miss Kdna Wallace, will gel out
the "leader," doinjj nil the work
ou the same, including job work,
etc., which is 110 small task, the
Lender being n bright, newsy little
five-column quarto p.ipcr, well
printed and n'credit to our town.
Miss Wooley is certainly n jewel
nud her father .should indeed thank
his stars that he has so competent
nud resourceful 11 daughter to have
in chrirge of his office during his
necessary absence.
TiiKitATitNiti) With Tvnioiii.
Upon his arrival iu Portland last
Friday C.J. Howard was taken ill
mid confined to his bed nt the
l'o.kius hotel, where he wns found
by Mrs. Hbward upon her nrrivnl
from the enst. However he wns
nble to be brought home Sund.iy
evening on the overland, when- he
has since been confined to his bed.
Dr. McAllister was summoned from
Eugene Monday nud pronounces
the trouble thrrntencd typhoid
fever, which he expected to cheek.
At this writing Mr. Ho.vard is re
ported somewhat improved.
IIOMItWAkl) HotlNI).-
The Misses Ida nud Ada Smith
twin bisters, departed for their old
home nt Indlnuopolis Monday.
The two estlmiblc young ladies
have followed the occupation of
school teaching iu this neighbor
hood for the last three nud n half
years and in the mean time have
gained n host of friends nud nd
mirers who greatly regret their de
parture. Guts Anotiikk Dkkk
Little Allan Hukerof whom men
tion was made some time ngo, the
twclve-ycar-old sou of Juo. linker,
killed his second deer one day Inst
week on Ills brother's rnnch up 011
Mosbv creek. Allan Is n good shot
and keeps cool, not being subject
to the "luck fever," orhccouiu not
bring down n deer nt a distance of
two hundred yurtis wuit nu onu-
imry Winchester.
Wesley Clirismnu nud family. nud
J. Is, fatewart and family returned
Monday from 11 six- weeks tour
through the Silver. I.nke nud De
Semites country. 1 hey were sun
burned and tanned to n salmon
color, but hale and healthy withal
Nitw Stokk.
Messrs Iilvcn and T.attder have
opened up n furniture store in the
lower rooms ot lite bcliieet mulcting
on Main street.
Wkitino Matkkiai,. -
All the little things you need to
make your writing desk look liter
ary you will find here, nud n nice
variety, too.
Hknson Dnuo Co
A cottage with one, two, or two
nud one-half acres of laud. Inquire
nt Second house south of railroad
on Fourth St. I.. C. I,w. 8-8
For SAMt.
Twenty-two head of mixed cattle
for sole, Including n good two-yenr-
old bull.
Apprentice girls, apply nt once.
Mrs. 1'kt Sanfohd.
34 P 3 1
Wn.i, lluv.
I wish to buy n good Improved
nirni. Address ijoqk llox 05, Cot
tnge Grove, Ore.
IMI'HOVKI) Fakmh Wantkii.
We hnvc n few cash buyers for
Improved farms. Also city properly.
I'HII.MI'H & WlIltlll.KK.
'I'eiiiiiH to IiiiiiI wood nt Aim. $1
o yr, tier iliiy enn b minlo. Apply to
I'U'llfc Tlm'icr ('iiinpmi.v, ('otliiKe
(I id ve, or II. .IoIiiimom nt Aim.
Kim Ham:,
Ou mcoiint of III licnlth, it prollt-
nlilc, pleasant IiiimIiicmh, Very clicnp
fori'HNli. l''or piirtlculiirM Itiuuliv ut
this oilier.
Coats wanted from one to three
J ears old. Address Postmaster nt
F.Ik head. 0-31
A pair of gold rinimcd siicclnclcs.
Owner can have same by calling nt
tills office, paying for this notice
mid describing glasses.
Attiintion I.adihs!
Miss Corn linker hns returned to
Cottage Grove with n full line of
fancy work patterns, embroidery
silks, etc., wliL-h enn be seen by
calliuir ou her nt the J. S Medley
building ou Main street. Lessons
fp-e to those purchasing patterns.
Ladies I have taken the agency
fiom the inventor of the very
latest I)res Cutter. Kept up to
dnte. Free of charge. Those wish
ing to learn cutting please cnll ou
me. Mrs. l.ucv A. Doiiiiins,
next door west of Martin & Gowdy's
furniture store. Patterns cut to
There wns n pugilistic encounter
on the west side Wednesday even
ing iu which the principals nud
seconds were yohng ladies. Hair
pulliugscratcliiug, "swiping nud
seienmiug provided quite nu en
tertainment for passers by until the
life saving crew interfered and called
the scrap off.
Siihrwooi) Housit
John Sherwood this week sold
the Sherwood house to Mr. Florinn
Tucks, of San Autumn, Texas,
for the sum of $7750. This is a
valuable brick property on Main
street and has long been a very
popular holstcry, so the new pro
prietor man be well satisfied thai
lie Ins made a profitable invest
ment Mop Pickers Wanted.
I will ciimiiienec picking Imp In
my ynrd one mile eimt nt ('tvswell mi
Moiiilny Sept. Mb. Tin liop lire
iiiueli Inrgor limn iihiiiiI. MTlmpn
lawr Hum any lu the eiiunty mid
MpliMiilld wiw van I wen rued ut Uetn.
per liMilliM, or us iiiueli iim uny other
.vnril lu the county u Iiiikv. pays,
(liioil eiimpliir; Krounil with good
water nud plenty of wood, 1'lckliiK
will hint aliout three week.
It. It. Havm, ClVHWl'll, Oiv.
Hariikr Shop And Stork
Messrs. Allison and Mndscu are
having n two story building con
stituted on the. lot adjoining the
Sherwood hotel ou Main street.
The building will have n stone
pitindatioi,, glass front and iron
rool: will be 38 feet by 30 feet on
ilit- foundation nud 28 feet high.
The lower story will be occupied
by Messrs. Allison nud Madscu as
n barber shop nud jewelry store re
spectively, while the upper part
will be used lor olticcs.
AnvKRTyu no Pa m pit lhts
At n meeting of citirens held nt
the office of Kby it Johnson ou
Thursday evening Inst for the pur
pose of devising wnys and means
lor the publication 01 literature
relative to the grent resources ol
South Lane county and the in
dustrial development of Cottage
Grove nud Ilohemia, for circulation
iu the Middle West and Mississippi
vnlley stntes, with the intent of se
curing n goodly porion of the new
comers from those sections who are
now looking townrd Oregon for
future homes, Dr. li, R. Job was
selected ,ns chairman mid T. II.
Supple ns secretary. For the pur
pose of raising the necessary funds
for printing the descriptive pamph
lets the following committee wns
appointed: I I). Wheeler, J. I
Jones, Hen Lurch and Jnmes Hetu
euway. For drafting the literature
to be contained in the proposed
pamphlets, n committee of four was
also .appointed ns follows: Y. H,
Supple, Chnrles Ilurkliolder, Robt.
Alexander nud Frank Jortlnn,
Nothing further coining before the
meeting it wns adjourned to the
cnll nt the cnnlr.
Mr. Kihtok Allow mo to speak a
fmv words In favor of Cliiinihorlniii's
CoiikIi Itonieily, I tmllVut'd for lluee
yours with tlio IironeliltU mid eould not
Bleupnt nlKlitB. I tried several doctors
mid various pateiit.ineilleines, lint could
(jot noimiiK toslvu nnv rollel until inv
wife eot n bottlo of thin valuable modi-
nine, which tins completely idleved ine,
IV. H. IliiouKMAN, IliiKiiull, Mo, Thin
remedy la for fiiilo by Lyons & Applo
gitto, Drain. ISonsou Drug Co., Cottage
A car load of Dry Granulated
Sugar $4.75 pr, cwt. at
Garman & Hkmknwavs.
Josh Wcnthafor, of boogooteo, Iiul,, la
it poor man, but ho aayg lie would not
bo without Cliamborlnlu'a I'alu Balm it
It cost five dollars n bottlo, for It saved
him from being n cripple. No external
upiiliuatloii Is eiiunl to this liniment for
atlff and uwollen Joints, contracted
muscles, stiff neck, sprains and rheu
matlo and inuacular palna. It hns also
cured numerous cases of partial paraly
sis, It U for sale by l.youa A Apple
gate, Drain.
Personal Paragraph. K
T. W. .lenkliiH visited Kiiki-iic
Hisi (Inriiinu & Hi'iiiciiwn.VM new
ml v. lu thin Imhui.
Cy llltiKlimii vlnllcil Albany the
ilrxt of the wis'k.
Dr. leo. Wall n'ttirncd from Ilo.
Iirmla Inst week.
W. T. wiim a patHeiigiir for
I'.iiKi'iii) ruesiiny
Dr. Wall was 11 county seat vlnltor
inc urnr or hid WH'K.
Will IVrniMii and wife returned
I' rlilny from .Newport.
D. (I. McKarland lum iK-en under
I lit- weatlierafew days Huh week
T. JI.Muuiile and .Inhn Currau left
lor KoxeiiiirK 011 1 liursilay m local.
Herbert I'ukln and wife made a
liUMlncHHtrlpto Itowliiirj? Weituesilay
MlrtH IMun .Martin returni'd .M011-
lay from a visit with KiiKeiierleudH.
Hen Lurch and .tax. l-elmw left for
(he l.lkN' Carnival at rnrtland TueH
day. Dell Morgan, of .Morgan and lint
haul, was IoIiik IiiikIiicmhiiI Haulliaw
Noliee the artlstle deeoratloiiM of
perfumery lu Moinun & llreliaut'H
.Inhn Hlierwooil and Klorlan Tueks
were pasM-imerH on the IikiiI for K11
Kene Tuesday.
Hi'veral daiiKeroiiM eases of scarlet
fever liaue made their aps'arailec In
KiiKcni' ol late.
Frank .lennliiKH has returned from
nil extended visit to his old home at
Ottawa, ('lunula.
.Mrs. .John Crowley who lum lieeu
In poor health fur come time left for
Portland .Monday lu Iioim-m of ls-uc-Mttlturlier
.1. A. Winters who has lieen nliM'iit
Home time lias returned to his homo
near ilou'ilyvllle.
Clinrlfs Coelirau was unions the
throm: from tills place to attend the
Wild West last Friday.
.Mrs. Klnm Cuttle ami daughter,
ICthel, Hunilayed at theOivuou Min
eral SprhiKH near Arnos.
H. It. I'lper, the hardware man,
went to lliihemla this week to look
after mining lnterextr.
MIsh Stella linker returned tn I'll
(telle Tuesday after a few week visit
with friends and relatives here.
Mrs. Martha Stanton, of CreHwell.
who Iiiim Ihs'II visiting here for Home
days returned home WedneHilny.
It. I'.. Walker and wife. Jiih. and
(leo, Searn and wives an- wlth.lohu
KtimelHTK and wife ut Alsen Itay.
('. It. Meade left TiichiIu.v for Mo
heiula with a fuur-horHe team of
freight for the I'Itoyaud other inlneH.
Dr. Hchlcef and IiIh two slsters-ln-law,
the MIhhoh Smith, returned Fri
day Irom a very enjoynlile ixitlngat
The family of I'. M. Walsh moved
to Kuirene this week when' they will
remain for the winter lu order to iret
school advanlaKeH.
Win. I.nudesH and family have re
turned from a visit to Itohenila.
"IIIH" hiivh that the air Ih too It'
ll ned for li 1 111 1111 there.
W. I. Muff and wife, his son W. F.
Muff, and wife, left .Monday for a
tiiiHliifHM trip to Iikevlew. On1., via
the military wagon road.
MLd f....llt I.I.IV tltl.tlPt.., ,1, lltU...
ator at Seattle arrived ou Wednes-
ila.vs loeai ou a vihii to uer moiiicr
nud brothers at this plaee.
Dr. I.owe. the ontleian, was up
from Kiigeae the llrst of the .week
looking after his profcHHlonnl IiiihI
ifesH and some timber litiNlnesHon the
MIhh Itoby linker returned bint Sun
day from a two week's outing lu Ito
henila where she has been prosect
Ing ou her claim. She reports a very
pleasant trip.
IT. 0. Walker Ih ereeting a two-
Htory building ou the south side of
.Main street JSx40 feet lu dimeiiHlon,
the lower Dart tolK'UHedlora bakery
and the upper story for ollleen.
Mr. and .Mrs, .. .I01xe and.Mr. and
Mrs. C. (). Force of this city ivturueil
lust WedneAduv from a two week's
outing on Winchester buy where
they declare they had a most enjoy
able time.
Alt Walker. In company with CM.
Collier, county surveyor, Herbert
I.e gli. iiHsnycr. joseim nroul ami u
(I. (iralmm, arrived from Kugcue
Wednesday morning, ami Immillately
left for llohemlu.
.Mr. C. (). Koive, one of this paper'n
old rellnlile subserllK'iH was a plea
ant culler at thin olllee one day this
week. Mr. Force Is H'rlmp one of
theearllest pioneers or Oregon having
come to uregon 111 ih:,
.Miss Cora linker returned SundnV
from Portland. She has lieeu away
several weeks In the luteivnts of a
.San I'Tunelseo llrm, dealers In ear
broidery, sllkn, patterns, etc. Sho
ivportH 11 very piensnut nud prollt
nble trip.
It. W. Xewlund ivturned from Ku
gi'no Tuenday when lie nays tlilngH
a iv moving along Hiitlsfactorlly at
Ills new plaee ol business, the luvun
tor.v being alinoHt tlnlshed. He ex.
pectstolmvo his .formal "oiK'iihig"
meiv uiioui. me lotu 01 tins intuitu
Commissioner ICdwurds enmo no
Monday and went out 011 the Hue of
tlio u oc s. r.. it. ic. .Mr. i;d wards is
looking after the county thorough'
furcH nud noting the necessary
e linages that the railroad has oc
casioned as wen as tne exiienses ami
damages incident tncivto,
U. 8. 1.oveluce.of theSunilHo group,
enmo down from llohemlu last Fri
day, and expects to start for his
North Dakota home this week, lie
reports prospects bright at tlio Sun.
rlsu and expresses himself us conll
dent that a stamp mill will lio In
operation on tlio property by tlio
"Natty" Martin returned the Hint
of the week from the quiet llttlo
town 01 a many, wnero no wns trans.
acting business In his lino, that of
timber locator. Mr. Martin declares
that every day thero seems like a
nutet Sunday In Cottage Grove, and
states that thoro does not seem to
bo ns much business transacted there
us there Is hero In our llttlo city de
splto the fact that It Is n city of
over ikxmi inliuMtuiUH.
Prof. Hrlggs, of the Cottage
drove school, shook the dust of tint
city Irom his leet Saturday ami
wendod his way toTlllainook county.
whero ho LxectM to wield bis rod for
trout anil flru Ids gun for Is'ir for
two weeks. Mottling like ltclng In
Mr. and Mrs. IT. H. Martin. Mrs,
Norval Atkins, .Misses Fay Atklnx,
ajiimu .lonnsoii, Nellie .Martin, .MesHrM.
II. K. I.awson and llurrv llrehnut
Hient Hiindny aftornoon at the (leer
spring. 01 I'Oiirwj iserl and Harry
went lor their health.
.Mrs. Nancy Htewnrt who lias Is-en
vfslllugHonietlne with' her Mlsler-lu-
hiw .Mrs. Mcrarlmnl of this phu-e
returned to her home on Itow river.
f... f tr.... ..t.,i. 1, tt
I. JIHIlt, IH f. ,., 1 ih, 1, , ,M--
mnii, wno lias ihs.'ii oinie sick lor tlio
past two weeks, left Tuesdav for
Miuyiou, wnen; neinieiiiiH to reinuln
until his health Is Improved.
Miss Olive Wlllard, who Iiiim Ihvii
In Callfonila for the past six nionths,
returned home last Tuesday via San
I' raucisco and the isi'in.
T. J. Hart, mining man and nro-
nioter. who has Ist-n iu Ilohemia for
uulto a while left for Cortland Satur
Isaac llliigliatn, of the llrm of Long
& lliiigham, was here during theflrst
of the week on business.
The Misses Louise and Laura New-
land returned last r'rldav Irom a
-threw weeks visit In Portland.
O. L. Drown and Fred Frederick-
sen went to Ilohemia on .Monday's
stage tor a weeK's minting.
Mr. and .Mrs. Norval Atkins have
returned from a pleasure trip to Han
! raucisco.
Mm. Frank Kby who lias suffered
a relapse is still (pille seriously ill at
John Maker and family have re
turned from their outing ouSliarit'H
Ilroi'kmaii Holm, of Hie "Siinrl;"
was In the i lly a few days this week.
Jerome Knox IsasHlstlng the force
this week rustling l(M-als.
Oenlal C.v Itlugliani was in tlieclty
several days this wts-k.
I'.. I.lllie was down from the mines
in hiiHlufHM tills week.
Art Voimg and wife left for Ku-
gi'tie Saturday.
Itoy Knox, of Kugene, hik-iU Sun-
lay at the drove.
"Soma venrs attn I a one of 11 iMtrty
tint intended making a long bicycle I
irip," says r. 1.. iaylor. ol .M'w Alusny,
limuioKi iJountv. I'h. "i wns taken
aiulilenly with dlnrrhoea, nnd una about
to kivc up the srip, when editor Ward of
the Liieeyville Messengei, suKeated
tluit I tiike n dose of Cliainberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemcdy .
I puri'hnnit 11 bottle and took iwodoes,
one before starting and one on the route.
I made the trip siiceecsdillv and never
felt any ill elTH't. Aain lant suminer
I was almoi't eompletely run down with
an attack of dysentery. I Ixiuuht a
bottle of this fame remedy anil this
lime one dose cured me." Sold by
Lyons A. Applei;atef Drain. Itoiisou
Drug Co., Cottage Grove.
J o Local Brevcties. o J
Kugeue Street Knlr and Carnival
Sept. L'lth to 27th Inclusive.
V. II. Abranishns added a alee dil
ution to his already handsome cot
tage on the west Hide.
At the time of going to liresn C. .1.
Howard Is reported to be consider
ably Improved.
Those ilouirhntitH. lust like "mot her
used to make," at Parker's bakery
two doors eiiHt of post otlkv, Main St.
Special orders, pies and cakes, any
old kind, promntly tilled at 1'arkcr'H
tmkery. While you nro ordering try
those doughnuts.
Services Sunday, Sept. 7th, at 10 a.
STIl'ATlOX. Take two cups of hut wnter li ill f nn
hour before inch meal unit itist before
goini; to bed, also it drink of witter, hot
or cold, about two hours ufterench tuenl.
Tnke jots of otit'ioo. oxercite walk,
ride, drive. Mnku a regular habit ol
this und iu iniitiy eases chronic consti
pation may bo cured without tlio use of
nnv medicine. When n purgative is re
quired take something mild and gentle
liko Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. For sale bv Kenton Drug Co.,
Cottage Grove, Ore.
J i Business Briefs. o J
" aaBacaoBaaoaS
For watches, clocks and Jewelry
call on Davidson for good goods.
You will lind prices right.
Davidson will repair yoill'Tvntches,
clocks and Jewelry at the lowest
prices. All work warranted.
T. H.Tarker, the linker, nil kinds
of bread, cakes and pastry. Second
door east of postolllee, JIala street,
Cottage drove, Ore.
If In need of dental work call on
Dr. Macy, now permanently located
In the Ur, Snapp building, Main
St., Cottage drove, Oregon.
Blue print maps oi any township
in Roseburg, Oregon Laud District,
showing all vacant lauds for socts
each. If you want any information
from tlicll. S. Laud Office, address.
Important Notice.
Any person hiring a single seat
buggy nnd nllowlng more than two
persons to ride lu satuo nt one time
will liecliarged doublo price and pay
all damages to the buggy. The
above applies to all hacks, carriages
or spring wagons. Only twoljiersona
allowed to rldo In one sent at iv time
ClIllIHMAN & Uanos.
For a bad ta9tu in the mouth take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. For aalo by Benson Drug; Co,,
Cottage Grove, Ore,
man &
l'nllt.1 8itea Land Office.
K(nbunr. Orr , An?. 9,1903.
Nutlrc If herebr vlren Ihftt In compliance
with Die j.rotlilnni otthe act of Cnnjrewol
Jnna. nl!ttl "An art fnt the Bale of
TlmberLamli In the Slatet ol California, Ore
Hon, Nerada, and Waihlneton Territory," a
extended to all the l'nblle Land States br act of 1
Auiruit 4.1WL MIm mmaChae, of Eugene, ,
County of lne. state of Oreicon. haa tbl day
flle.1 Inthli offlre her aworu itateineDt No. 31M, 1
for the purrhaf of tne W u s W '4,NK i NW J4
NW i NK of Section No. 21, Tnwmhlp
22Sonlh, of Itanire No. 4 Weat. anil mill offer'
proof to ihow that the land aoneht U more rat-,
liable for lta timber or atone than for agricul
tural nnrnoaea. and to eatabllf h ber claim to I
raid land before Marie L. Ware. I' S. Commia-1 1
loner at Eugene, uine t o.. Oregon, on naiur-
da the BMh day ot Oct., IWi.
s'he names an witnesses: 1
w r.. Novell, s. II. Noirell. ot Amos P. O.. :
Oregon. Herman Dow, ot Cottage Grore, Ore.,
George M. Miller, of Eugene, Ore.
Any and all persons clalmlni; adversely the '
above-described lanir are reouesied to Bled
their claims In thlaofflceon or before said 25th :
day of Oct.. WO. . . I
J T. Tlaiixia lUgUter.
Unltcl Stales Land Offlre.
I!oeburg. Or.. Aug. 9, 190Z
Notice l hereby given that in compliance I
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. IS7S, entitled "An act lor the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Ore
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public Land States bract
olAugn-tLlRW. l-'rsnt K. Rclncr.of Portland,!
IsSMorrlnonSt., Co.of Multnomah, State ofOre. ,
has this day Sled In this office his swpru state-1
incnt No. 3170, lor the purchase of the li ,
or Section No. 3! Township No. 21 S, Range No.
S West, and will offer proof to show that the,
land sought Is more valuable for lu timber or
stone than for agricultural pnrpoe, and to
erlablt.h his claim to said land before
Z. L. Dlmmlck, V. S. Commlsaloner of Oak-1
Oregon, on Monday, the 27th day of Oct.
lie names as witnesses:
Simon Seal. Elmer It. Harvey. olney
Ervln, E. 8. Ward, of Portloud, Oregon. I
Any and all persons claiming adversely the .
above desbrlbcd lands are requested to file
theirclalms in this office on or before said .Tlh
d.yotOct..lWJ. j, T. HatDOES, Register. !
United Slates Und Office,
ltosebnrg, Oregon, An. . 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 5, 1878. entitled "An Ac for the sale of
Timber Lands In the Slates ot California. Ore
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as
Extended to all the public land itates by act of
ugust 4, ltw. Simon It. de Neul. of Portland,
ilwi 7B7) Co. ol Multuomah.State of Oregon, has
hi. dav tiled In this office hU iwra ltnrt
NO.S17I lor the purchase of the N 8 H .ofsec
;ionNo.Sl.tonhlr21 S.range 8 et,andwlll
offer proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for lis timber or stone than tor agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said
lind before the Register and Receiver o ,11.1s
office at Roseburg Oregon, on W clnewlay the
Slut day of Peccmbcr, 1902.
lie names as Yfllnessel:
SinlordZeeV. Volney Ervln E S ard,ot
Portland, Ore., Booth Jones, LIVton, Ore.
Any ainlalliVrsons claiming adversely the
above-dcsctlbiHt lands are requested to
tlii'IrMalms In this olflce on or before said 31st
day of December. lWi T
Kami Otttco at Kosebiirg, Oretzon.
August 2, 1902.
Xoticois heieby given that the. fol-bwliiK-nnined
settler has tiled notice ol
his Intention to make ilnal rounmita
tlon proof in support of Ida claim, , am
that said proof will bo made l?fore
Marie b. w'are, U. 8. Cornml toiwi -i t
lluget.e, Oregon, on Scpteintar 17,
-U: Charly Olfon on 11. h.
forthoVllliC-'. l-'.Tl'' -l S
West. lie mimes tlio lollowing wunesien 10
prove his continuous residence upon
und eultlvation of said land, vii:
Martin Hivagenson, of Kugene, Ore
gon, Guilder Koinstad.'of Wlldwood.
Oregon, Peter Ophus, Martin Olson, of
llluo Itiver, Oregon. .
J. T. Iluimms, Register.
J. C. JOHNSON' and F. .G KBY
dttorneus and Oouiiselors-at-law
Special attention given to Mining, Corporation
and Mercantile Ijiw.
OAtre over Garman & Hemcnway's store.
rBOPKiETons or-
Main street, Cottage Grove, Ore,
Wo have on hanu a large stock of
klln-drled flooring, celling and rustic In
grades I 2 nnd 3, IM us make yo
special prices.
IlooTU-Km tv Lpubir Co.
Bargains, Bargains,
Wc bought the LeRoy S tock of Clothing, Shoes
and Iurmshing Goods .'it a big discount, and in Selling
these goods we will save you from
35 to 5Q Pei- Cent.
A lot of Boys' Suits and
Knee Pants:
Suitable for School Suits from 3 years to 15 years '-I, (
old. These Suits nud pants, while iu broken -;
lots are just as good as any and we will save yo'i
At least i5 Per cent.
. Also a broken lot of Men's Suits tSat we will sell at wholesale prices..
Saving 011 shoes from 25 to.50 per cent. Men's Hats at Whole
sale Gost.
We Want you to come and Inspect this Stock
and you will find Something you Need.
J Lhadi-ks IX
"We Suit the Hard to Suit
Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
The Cash. Grocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line ol rocerics
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash
)0 VOU ViSE tftOVWtlERV?
We manufacture all
Screens, and furnish
49 First St., - - Portland, Oregon.
doesn't quarrel with his tools. Not
if they come from Griffin & Veatch
Co's, at any rate. Everything
purchased there can be relied upon.
Full lines of mechanics' toots and
hardware at lowest prices. Best
values for the money ts be had
anywhere. Decided bargains in
every department at this store.
And nothing is misrepresented.
Griffin &
i Holding up Quality
B Holding Down Prices.
M We present you with the Best Stock of
HI China ware you ever had a chance to
o Choose from. Not a Piece here but has
o passed the Critical Inspection of careful
and Sell Quality. You'll Pay only
Reasonable Prices for what you Buy
Under Odd Fellow's Hall.
Grocery Co. J
0 Young, Manager. 5
kinds of Milling and Mining
all kinds of belting.
Water Wheels of
Every Description.
All kinds of Flouring Mill, Ware
house and Feed Mill Machinery.
It will pay you to consult us in
person or by letter before buying.
Veatch Go