Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 05, 1902, Image 1

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    i (3.
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering '""I I'armltiR Inicrcntsof thin Community, to Oood Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 34.
Mines and MiBma
i yDovofod fo DherjMrw Nofo.j and 'T
Ubms of tfnrcf rf Inl'eHejrro Mining
11ie Cryxtnl Con. MlnlriK Co.
Mlulnt mnl Kiiilhfeilii llltw, Aim
Tlic I'r.VHlnl CiiiihiiIIiIiiIciI iroi
itIIch cMiliriu'c Hiiinc n( tin Ih-n In
t lit illHtrli'l. An Iiivi'hIIkiiIIihi of
wvitmI ol tin clnliiiM wiirrnnl tin
iiHwrtluii tlml tin1 iimjnilly iim' hi 1
Hltimtvil Hint iltveloiinrlit luciiny liy
Iiimiii'Ih, tlitiH lining uwny with rx
Ih'iimIvh iiiuchluury, mill tlml en Ioiik
iiiuIIiiIiIh ol triuiNiHirtiitlou lor nil
purpowH will In kii complete Unit t In v
cnuipnuy, after hiiIIIcIciii vxploltn
lion nnil ili'vi'lnpiiiciit, will until
iMsi'MMiiry iiiiilivnn'iitH Hlilp In mnl
plU'C lipilll I'lTllllll ol till CIll'.IIM till)
inimt niirovi'il klmlH ol iiilnliur nut
clilnery for drilling mnl pilllliiR tin
ore. Tin' roiiititli' owiim bcvltiI
u'IhIiiih, HO wren In tin vicinity of the
Uiltoy, llcleun und Cliutnplnn prop
itIIch, wlicrn 11 liirw amount of 1I1
wi'lopnnnit Iiiih Ikvii done unci hj ln -did
ri'HiiIlM olitnlui'd. The Ii'iIkvh
t'oumliiK tliroiiKli nil tho Cr.VHinl
CoiiNnllduted an- trur. iih hit (ill tn t
tlio ilUtrlrt niTordlmr to the rvportM
of till' ln"Ht ki-oIokIhIm of tin t'nllril
HUtV. !
Tin Kvn J. (Iroup of tlinv clalniH i
h 4,!ino ftit or iiiiiiv than llmv
foutliH of a mile In li'UKtli, nIiowIiik ii
dlMtliict vein froui which iihhii.vh In
Kold, Hllvcr.liwiil and copper luivt
Urn hud. Work lou on tin urniip
mnouutM to ovcrTiiNi feet mid vjiIim-k 1
to $.Wi to the Ion Imve Imvii hail.
'riieTrmiHrmilclatinlH iuChuinpliiu
ni)k. near the northerly end of the
dlNtrlct, where Urn telephone line and
tint rnllroad croHM them. The larue
mnl well ilellned vein carrlcx Kohl,
cupper m(d leail mill In proHpwted hy
n.MMoot tunnel. The Cr.vMtil In In
tliceaHleiu em) of the district ami
UilJohiM the U'ltn.v. A Inrue vein of
coiirentnitlliK Kolil on truvfrwri lt
entire li'MKtli. It Hcm on n Hleep hill
nlile mnl went depth Im attained liy
tuuuellUK' Two tunnelM, twenty and
thirty feet ami a croxMriit nl wvi ni.v
live fii't. .Mouiitulu I. Ion and V.
Calailo an- coiiNlilereil two very
vnlualilit clnlliiH, They enilirm e il.OOO
firl of the exteiiMlou of the Idtoy
and Helena veliiH. Ily ninny thlH In
coiiHldereil the moiiHter vein of the
dlMtrlct. In placcH It hIiowh over
thirty fivt In width anil the ore
currlcM Kold. copiier and lead. The
outcrop riuiM from to Jllll Uy
UKHiiy. Over MX) feet of tniinelM nrit
In, and many huiidredH ol toiiH of ore
mi on the dump. All the claluiH of
thin company were Kelected after
careful lnveMtlatlon by CeorKi V.
I.loyil. of lloxton, n mining eliKlueer
ami tleputy I?. S. mineral nurveyor
of many yenm uxHrlenrtt at Ahhii
mid Cripple Creek, Colorailo. The
company Ik orfruiiln-il underthe lawn
nf the State of Oregon, capltallxiil at
yl.lMMi.iKMl.illvliled lutol.tNKI.lXMlMlmreH
at par value 1 1 each. OlMecm tleo.
V. I.loyil. of IIiihIoii, preMlileut: II.
I. Sent t. I'lirllaud. Or.. vle-pivxl-dent:
I'rauk .Ionian and I'rauk l.
U'lui'lcr. Cottax' tlrove. Or.. Mvn
tary and tn-iiHiirer ivxxrtlvely.
Divide Items.
Since our hint writing (Icornc
Trmuel, I'rauk Taylor mid llatl-lo
Totxolo Htnrteil for California via
I'ortluud mid the ocean.
V. H. Stiller went to llnlHey. wheiv
IiIm daugliter In nick. We art glud to
note that xhe Im Ix-tter.
.. tltirrlcilmujiij-, ,iiKUHt '-'Ij. .lr.i
llutler Howe mid MUm Matilda Long,
both of Divide. They have our Itcxt i
wIh!hh, I
A. (I. Miller hud n narrow cxcmxM
from death 11 xliort time ugo while'
loading piling. Thl week he hint n
wagon KiuitHluil and haruenx torn to
liletfH while at the name IiuhIucm.
Hoy Collin had the mlHfortune to
Iomo twenty cordn of railroad hint
week hy fln.
Ituv. Waldon preached here Aug.
17 to a large and Interented nuillcuee.
Mr. mnl Mim. John Stouehurg left
Sunday for Yaqulna hay where they
will HiH'tid a couple of wivkn by the
ChiiH. Cochran lit tended the Veilnen
dny evening concert of the 4th Itcgl
meatjil bund at Kugene, MMHlHtliiK iih
hoIo cornetUt.
Dally (Itinrd, Aug. U7. MIhh Mini
OHtrandcr wired her wife arrival nt
New I'iyneHvllle, MlnneHotn, yeter
ilnv. Her train wan delayed two
da.VH iSn the road by a InuilHllde.
Silk Creek Items.
Sept. 4, IWtt.
Thri'Mhlng Ik nil over In thlx neigh
borliood. -Mm. Ida SchreovcH mnl family of
DennlKon, Ohio, mv vUltlng with her
parent m Mr. mid Mm. John Klllott.
At a tmeetlng of the board of dl
ri-ctorn, Mrn. Ida Caldwell wan up
liolnted clerk of the board vice Mr.
(livy renlgned.
Thou. ItlcluirilHou linn taken a trip
to Illa,ckbutte In Iiojk'h of lieiHillttliig
IiIh health, which Iiiih Urn falling
ever hIiico IiIh lvturn from Soduvllle.
School began In thlo dUtrlct hint
Alonduy with .Minx Alma Martin at
the helm.
Mr. Klllott had Hie mlMforttmuto
ln thrown from IiIm Avngon today
Miiverely Injuring IiIh buck.
A U'w of our reHliIentH drove to Ku
xenelant Friday to hc lluffalo IIIII'h
Wild Went. They report the hIiow n
HitccexH In every particular.
Comrade Miller and wife have liven
utaylng the imxt week with their
daughter, Mih. Minnie Anhby, being
tailed there by the Herloim IIIiiohh of
little Pearl Anhlty, who at pivxetit
writing In Hlowly Improving.
July 2!ith Mlmer Carlyle lost IiIh
dog. Ho anil IiIh brother John had
been hunting. They inlHHeil the dog.
nuilii-lr wilv lionie thev heard him
Imrk mid thought lie wim coming
home, but no never came, j jhu v it
iIiia-. Ainritxt in. John went hunting.
(tn' tin mountain he heard the dog
bark mid recognUed Itn voice. It (rniii 11 rhlire of rockH which he
remembered cniHHlug with the dog
nt IiIh IiwIh, the day he wim lOHt. In
veHtlgatloii revealed the aulmnl In 11
crevice between the rockH about -feet
wide and 15 In length nnd 10 feet
deep with perpendicular wallx. The
rockH had Hpllt Monietlme, and
boulderH had tumbled In at theeudH.
wnlllng them up ho the dog could
nut. ellmb out. After remaining liu-
prlHoned here for ai dnyH without
food or water, tnougti lerrituy enui-,-iiLtiil
the dog wuh able to bark for
help and walk home when It came
Florence wexi.
.Moan Ti:amn Wantiiii.
We can Uxe nil the teumx wecun
get to haul ore from the Helena mine
to the end of our track. The tenmx
now on the road cannot take theore
away ax fnxt iih It Ixtulued. AddrvxH
Wi I'". Moiii'iiv, lenerul Manager O.
.c S. II. It. It.. Cottuge drove, On.
MxiiiniT At Muttu.-
One ol the . finest collections of
ore ever gathered tonotiicr was
taken to Utiltc last week by the
representatives of the llohemia Dis
trict. After tue exhibit fulfills its
miinn nt Untie, it will tc taken
to the State Fair ut Salem, and the
Street I'nir and Camivalat Kuxcnc.
I.ntcr it will become a part of the
permanent mineral exhibit nt this
Doos Lost.
In order to keep their hounds
within the bounds ol exercise and
safely, Messrs. - nrker and Hakcr
coupled two of them together with
a twenty-inch rod, the first of the
week. They disappeared Tuesday
morning nnd have not been seen
since. They will be slightly han
dicapped tf they raise n coyote.
Lntci The dogs were found west
ol Saginaw in the hills Thursday
doing their level best to trail a
The first of the, week Jenkins &
Lnwson were closing up their bust
uess in the city on nccount 01 a
change in the management of the
same. Mr, Jenkins retires Irom
the firm his interest being pur
chased by Mr. Lawsou who will
conduct the business nt the old
stand. The retiring member will
remain in the city, however, work
ing at his Irade, which will be
welcome news to his many warm
friends in the city.
Noticu To MlNKKS.
W. F. Morphy, manager of the
Oregon cc boutlicastern Railway
Co. is in possession of ndvice from
the New York Commercial, a
journal devoted to the publication
or authentic data, to luruisu that
paper from time to time important
mining news trom liohcmla DiS'
trict. Mr. Morphy has requested
the Nugget to state he will appre
ciate receipt of any news of inter
est from all sections of the camp
nnd solicits the correspondence of
the miners in camp.
Hittun Hv A Dou.
Monday afternoon as Scott Jack'
son was walking across Main street
near the front of C. J. Miller's sec
ond hand store, he was attacked
and severely bitten by old "Bruce"
n large dog belonging to Dr. Petrie.
It seems that the dog was lying on
tue side walk where Mr. Jnckson
approached, nnd without! warning
he sprang up mid fnmeued his fangs
in tue tiiifortuunte man's person,
severely and dangerously wound
ing him before he could be extri
cated, Mr. Jackson repaired to
the office of Dr. Schleef where his
wounds were dressed and at present
writing is doing as well ns could be
expected. As this was .not tho
first person bitten by old "Bruce"
he soon received his quietus nt the
hands ol James 1'otts, who took
him out of town for nn niring and
left his carcass lull ol holes.
State Normal School.
The State Normal School at Drain
ox-iix Monday, September Sth. with
a faculty of Hcclal tcachcrH.
Iitln (elective) liecouiex a part of
the ciiiiix'. I'hyHlcal education will
Ih'ii feature of the echool, under a
trained teacher.
Inxteud of formal book-keeping
Actual IiiihIhchh" will be employed.
The library nnd InboratorlcH lire
Ix'hig added to make them more
The Kugllxh mid muthematlcH will
Ih placed on more practical and
stronger baxex.
The piiHt year the Normal Iiiih not
UtMi able to xupply the demandx
niiide on It for teacherx.
The training department Ix In ex
cellent condition. Teacherx of xome
exerlenii' may avail theniKclvex of
ItH ndvalitngvH.
TencheiK review claxx will 1h tniiln-
The Norniul exxayH , to help lt
worthy xtudeutx In ccurlng poxl-
KxpcnxeH low. Write for cata
J. H. OitrvTT, l'rw.
The Common Council of the City
ol Cottnge Grove at its meeting
Sept. 1st passed a laundry ordinance
cMiiblinhing the rnte of laundry li
ccne (it $io per quarter. The or
dinance provides in substance that
any person, firm, company, etc.
fcnliritiug, receiving or handling
clothes or other articles in the cor
porate limits to be l.itiudricd outside
the corporate limits, or who shall
engage in the business of receiving
or ilelii'priiiir ntiv inrli clothes or
... i r ...,... i... South, of
lifcll!.'! t,iiii.iim IIIIUI illt PUIHC llllW jp,, u .
Ualtwl RUlw I-iikI OIHee,
Hwchiiru Ore. Auk. 13, KKtt.
Notice Ik herehy tdven ilint In com-
iilliuiee ttilli the provlxlon of tin net ol
uonKrenfi in .nun ,i, int, ciiiiuihi ",mi
Met for the nilu of tlmlwr liunlx ill the
KtnlCK of CiillfornlH, Oregon. Nevmla, !
mnl U'iiMlilii(it'M Terrltorv," nn extend
ed to Hit the I'nlilii; I. inn I jtnte hv Htt 1
of Ai'Kimt 4, 1892. Joepli It. IIIIU, of
(town or city) Jaipei. Comity of
iiiic, HtHte of Oregon, Imn thin iIh y Hied
In thin office bin huorn ntntcniunt No.
3W.t, fortliupiirchnxuoftlieHKI-4HKl t
oi Pcction fto, n, rowiiBtiip
HiinttH I vrt, nnd will
to oliow that the land
iii i .t i. V"t ilium w niiwn nn wiv iitiiti
been lattndried outside the city, , Ktit la more vnluaMu for itM titntivr or
wiiuuui ursi Having ooiniucu u i none limn tor Hurietimirui piiriKMin,
license therefor, upon conviction ihimI to emiihlimi IiIh rUlin to cald lml
shall be fined it, the sum of S,o or 1 M-g M ft?
imprisoned in the city jail five days . ,,, (lnyf 0ct( mri
for each offense. He nnmc n witneif:
t 1 (iwirite M. Illiickhiirn, ot HnrinKlleld.
GKINDINO NlGIIT AN l DaV. 0rc( Willim.i Tate, of Zion. We Co.,
J. II. I'ar.ihal, our "jolly miller. Ore.. Henry S. Tlllon, of June. Ore., J. ,
received nnotlier car of wheat from H. lllll.of.laer. Ore.
down the valley the first of the y - KSJS'S It
week and has lieen making n night
and day run since, and then can
senrcely keep n sack of any kind of i H02
stuff in the null overnight, borely
pcotile arc beginning to realize that
I'ar.sluil understands the milling
business and employs competent
help. Since taking charge of the,
mill last spring not less than six
cars of wheat have been shipped in
and ground by Mr. 1'arshal, besides
the wheat brought in by the
farmers of this section.
reuiieMei! to tile their clulinii in thin
otlice on or before mid 11th ilny of Oct.,
J . T. Briiiokh, ItcxiKter.
The following communication trom
Alt Walker, chairman of committee
on mineral dlxplay, of the Kugene
Htrcet fair and carnival mmutgerti, 1h
Helfexplauatory, and xhould have the
cloxe attention ot every miner:
To Whom It Mny Concern:
The executive board of the Kugene
Street Fair and carnival Iiiih decided
to make mi exhibit ol Lime countlcH
mineral resourcex, one of the leading
nttractloiiH, and linx appolnteil a
xpechil committee on wild work,
which commlttit reo,ueHt8 the hearty
co-oiHTiitlou of thoHC Interesteil In
advert Ixlug by thlx meaiiH the re-
Houn-CH ot llohemia Mining Dlntrlct.
Your committee Iiiih delegated .Mr.
C. I Mitchell with full power to act
In the premlxeH and who will receive
and can tor any mid nil xampleH of
on? contributed. ThoRcdeBlrlngmny
leave niK"clmen of ore with F. 0,
Kby at the otlice of tho tltoy Mill
Ing Company nt Cottage Grove,
Don't iiiIxh thin opportunity to lend
u helping hand mid uxxlxt In netting
forth our mineral ivhouiwh.
ltexiect fully,
Ai.k Wai.kkii, Chulruinu Com
United Slatct Und Oltloe,
Rofeburir. Oru.. Aui. '2. 1D02.
no1Iia tl licreliv rlren thHt In couinUance
with the rmrUlons of the act of Congress of, entitled "All Art. for Ibe ule of
Tl ...I., t ami. I II,. ai,l..n( Or.
snti. N'avttilii mid Waihlnirtmi TBrrltnrr.
extende.1 to alt the rubltc Land States hf act
of iunuil 4, llenjaraln K. Klter, of Salem,
Count)' ot Marlnn, Slate of Oregon lias this day
tllvdln tlits ottlco his sworn statement No.
8313, for the purohase of tho SW l, of Section
No.V,Townslilu20South,of Itunfte 10 West and
will oAVr proof to show that the land sought It
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agrioultural purposes aud to ettabltsh his
I'lalmlo said land before P. .. llasard, U.S.
Cemmltsloner at Drain, Oregon, on Frday, the
linuayoi uTeuiiwr, ivw,
lie names as witnesses:
I. I), Klter. A. F. Homyer IV. Wechter, 0. L,
Jnlinion. nf Hrileiu. Oreanll.
Auvandall ivorsons clalmtnK adversely the
above described lands are requested to Hie
their claims In this oltlee on or before said 7th
day of November, 11VJ.
J.T. llaiDou, Register,
United Slates Land ORlce,
- Rna.burir. Oro.. Auir. 'JJ. Iflo-i.
Notice Is hereby given that In edmpllance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June a, 1878. entitled "An Act for the sale of
limner unus in ine piaieaoi uaiuornia, nre
lion. Nevada and Washington Territory," ai
extended to all the rubllo Mud Htatca by act
ot August 4, 18W, William Wechter.of Balcm,
County of Marlon, mate of Oregon, has this
uay nieu in litis u.uee jus sworn siniement ro,
')( I ... miMihuinnl ih. . I ll...!.,. .
0, 11 and U of Section No, 3, Tonnshlpt'O H, oi
Itange 10 West and will oiler proof to show
that tho land sought Is more valuable for In
timber or stone than for agricultural purpoes
and to establish his claim to said laud before
U K. llasard. U. S. Commissioner at Drain,
urt'gou oil rrmay inu itiiuayoi noveiuoeri lUvj,
He names ns wltneiues:
II. K. Klier, I. D.KIser, A. V. Homyer. C.I,
Johuson. nf Salem. Ore.
Any aud all persons (claiming adversely the
above doscribed lands aro renueited to Hie
their claims In this otlice on or before said 7th
day oi November, iu.
J. T. IlBirxiia, Register
Fine residence", choice lots, business
hlocka for sale Jiotue Knox a Co.
Unitel fitnU-B Und OfTli-e,
Itiwehiirt:. Ortifon. Aiu. 13. iW'.
Notice la hereby (jiven that In rotn
iillniiee with tliti provtalona ot the act of
ConitresH of Juno 3. IK7H. entitled "An
net for the rnl of tlinlxr Iiinda in tile;
In the State of California, Oregon,
rieviiila, and aahlnston rerritory, h
extended to all tlie Public I -and fctnlen
by act ot Anifiiat 4, IBCr.'.rtettieK. Hum
phrey, of Kiiitene, County of Imh. State
of Oregon, linn thin day II led in tliia otlice
heranorn tiiteinetit No, 3'JIO, for the
piiruhai-e of the H UK 1-4 A Lot 1 At
of Heel Inn No. 4,Towniliip3I, South, of
Itange Ts Went, anil will offer proof to
chow that the land fought U more
valimlilefor It timber uremic that for
agricultural puropec, and to eutahliah
her claim to raid land hefote Marie
I,. Ware, L. S. Commii-aioner at hu-
Ifene, UreKOii, on eaturuay, tlie 1st,
ilny ol ov., luuz.
slits iinmea na wltnecfee :
Jamee N. Handle, of Knirmount. Ore..
Charlex Detnniitig, Henry Cogill, of
Siiringllehl, Ore., I.. I.. Whiteon, of
r.uici'iit., itnu uiu. i
Anv anil all twrconi clalmlne adverse
ly the aboveHleticribed lands are re-1
('ueatrd to file their claim! in thlc ollice ,
on or More said 1st day of Nov., 1002. .
J. i . iiutrxica, uejjister.
.yab4?.t rt. .i- -j- .. a
We are offering greatly
Reduced Prices in many
Lines of Goods to make
Room f6r our
V .
A V W fm tr -x nr jr
,i FALL,
!!J Which is now arriving: Iaily. Shirt WaistN
at Less than Cost.
Big Bargains in Ladies Shoes
till September 1st.
The only Complete Line of Gents' and Boys' Collars in Town.
-i- -; -! -i-
i- 1- -t- -t- -I-
M- -I- -V
Just for a Pew Improvements.
We will be ready when you call.
Growth Indicates Progres.
United Stntex Lnnd Oltlce.
ItoxeburK. Ore.. July 18, 1002.
Notice lit hereby ulven that In eoui
ollimee with thenrovlxlonx of the net
oi uouKreNM oi Jtineu, ioo. eimiieii
"An net for tho nale of tlmlier landx
In the Stntex of California. Oreiron.
Nevadn. nmnVaahlnKtouTerrltory."
ax exteiuletl to nil tne l'tiuue
L4nd Stntex hy net ol AtiKtwt 4,
lMf. U'onard Strulcht. of Kuuene.
County of Ijine. State of OreRon.
linx thlx day filed in thlx office Ills
HWoniHtateinentNo.2997. for thenur-
chaxe of the S X SB X, NEK 8EK &
MU KKa t-crionwo. .h in xownxnm
No. 1" S. ItatiKoNo. 7 AVeat, nnd will
offer proof to hIiow that the hind
HOtight Ix more valuable for Its tlmlier
or Ktone tlmn for aurlcultunil juir
poHCKnud toextnlillxh hlxclnlm toxald
land tnefore Mnrie I.. Wnre, V. S.
Comnilaxloner,nt Eugene, Ori'Kon, on
Moniiny, tne Btn tiny oi uct., iuik.
He naineH iih wltnesHes:
ISenlaniln Owen, of IvUon, Initio
Co., Ore. Prexton Iteevex. of Unle,
Inne Co., Ore., Clmrlex KlxxliiKer,
Clnlr Wlllottshhy, of EtiKene, Lane
Co., Ore.
Any anil all perxonx clalinliiK utl
verxely the nbove-deBcrllx?d lnnda nre
requetiteil fo tile their claluiH In thU
otlice on or liefore wild 0th day of
Oct., llKl-.
J. T. IlittiKiKK. Iteul8ter.
Business is Growing. jSTew Goods, ISTew.
Methods, ISTeTvr Ideas.
Tliey are all here in our store.
New goods arrivins daily, just see them, Our values in Men's Underwear is unexcelled'
we bought it in full cases, and we sell for FIFTY CENTS what was sold heretofore lor SIXTY
CENTS, Same discount in other lines.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
United States Lund Ollice,
KoxehiirK. Ore., Aujr. 1:1, 100S.
Notice Is hereby given thnt lu com
pllunce with the provisions of the
Act of CoiiKrexH of J line .1, 1878, en
titled "An Act for tho salo of Tlmlwr
Luudx In the Statcx of California,
Oregon, Nevadn, nud Wnslilngtou
Territory," nn extended to nil the
Public LnudStnteH by act of August
4, ISO-' Ida M. Mncdoimld ot Ashland,
County of Axhlund, State of Wfxcon
hIii, lins this day filed In this otlice
her Hwom statement , for the
purchase of the SE K NE E SE
&. Lot 1 of Section No. 4, Township
20 South of Itange 8 West nnd will
offer proof to xhow thnt the land
sought Isjuore vnluabloforlti timber
or stone than for ugrlcultural pur
poses, nud to establish her claim to
said land before Marie L. 'Ware, lr. S.
Commissioner nt Eugene, Oregon tin
Ttiestlny the 28th dny of Oetolier,
She mimes us witnesses:
M. It. I'otts, of Holly, Linn Ct.,
Ore., Dave Murphy, of Alnin, Lane
Co., Ore., John Murjihy, of Kugene,
Oregon, M. A. Hldgwny, otIIor.eiuau,
Any nud nil iwrxons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands art
requested to tile their claims In this
ottlco on or liefore said 28th day of
October, 11)02.
J. T. HitiiiUKs, ltegistcr.
NOTICE FOIt runr.icATiox.
United Stales Lam! Oflliti.
ltoscburg Oregon, Aug.S., IWi.
Kotlee Is hereby given that lu compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
Junes, 1878. entitled "An Act for the salo of
timber lands In the states of California, Ore
troll. N'evade and Washington Territory," iiaex
tended to all the nubile land states by aet of
August IIh 1892, 1'eter 1). Klserof Salem, rouiity
of Marlon state of Oregon has this day tiled lu
tills ollice his sworn Dtatoment No. iCIll, for the
mirchase of tlie north-west miartor. being tots
fi. I',, It and 12 of section No W.Unvinhlp'.'u south
of range 10 west, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought la more valuable for Its
timber or stone t ban for agricultural purpose!
and to establish his claim to said land before
C K. llasard, U. 8. Commissioner at Drain,
Oregon, on Friday, the 7tli day ot November,
WW. ,
Itenumea at witnesses: x
II. F. KUor, A. Y. Homyer. V. Weehter, 0. 1,.
Johnson, of Balcra.Ore.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely tho
above described land are requested to tile their
claims In this office on or before said Ithday
ol November Wl.
J, T IIridois, Iteglster
Repairing at reasonable charges.
All work guaranteed first-class.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelryat Lowest Prleet
Prompt attention paid to Mining easiness
Cottaos Grove. Ore.
Grocery Store
Caries a full line of Staple
nnd Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats,
Hay aud everything the
farmer or the housewife needs.
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange,
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
you nre earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
Will meet Alt Compel Ion
In Prices,
Successor to linker & Johnson
Direct from the Factories;
We are sole Agents for Oregon and can save you the
middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Organ in S
part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small'
monthly, or yearly payments. We are the sole Agents for
the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piano. Write us ior Cata- S
logue and prices. g
Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon.
Em Bangs,
The Fashion Stables
nbrlsman & Bangs, proprietors,
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines
fint-Clasi Turnouts, Double or Single.
Dnncnnnhla Dt.If.ntf
vuvjiiuu.k a a IWW
of this tewn will present
each aud ever' baby
brought into his store dur
ing this present year,
Call at his Store and make
application for one of the
rings. Also look over the
fine display of Jewelry which
lie lias on hand.
llowaro of nir dried or hull dry
tloorinR, cellliiK nnd rustic. Tlio
Booth-Kelly Lumber t'o, nro making
spnclul privet) on klln-drled lumber.
At the
Where the menls are well cooked nnd well nerved nnd the beds nre goxL
And you'll tlml everything howe-Hke without home Inconveniences
Come nnd stay as long ns possible.
Free to our Commercial Trade. Try our Sunday Dinner. The bet ever
Served in uny Hotel in the City.
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
Attorney at Luw,
Read real eutute bargain of Jerome
Knox & Co
-Oltlce vn Main slice!, Vsl tld .
Cottaom Guovj;, Oust.
Fine tienc'tiex, toumtix, niidiiiw,
etc.. nt N- K. Elmu & Sou'.