Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 29, 1902, Image 1

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    NU GGET.
S sbat joi rniNTw. S
'ms w w w aas
Devntfad to the MImIiik, Liiiuhorftif; nud I'tirmlug Intercuts of this Community, to" Oood Clovernmcn't, and Hustling for a Gruli Stake.
NO. 33.
i - - ... f; ,J. z.JL - ...",. .- ----
i yDovorod To D'oherftltw'Noroj and
tbrr5 o tfor.crtr.1 Infarct' t'o Mlrtlnij Mon.
ftOTICK I'Olt IM'llUCATIO.V. -l-
11m l.cKoy Alining Company.
work Ih to Ihi Iickiiii nt oiuMi upon
tint I'oiiHtriictlon of ii win- mill, ni-
iii,1inJ.,ictiii.,i1i llinlimry In tlm iwttiin nfn iviluc-
m1iim.ii,ifc.lii.iti1.n.i.w- tlon plnnt nnd power plitnl. A. I).
"(HfKon'M inlnornl wwilth U Jiwt W)M tll(. vtmlmuy ,..,., l.-rt
liiiiltlhw. lull for ROM illHlrlhiitc.l MK, f(. (,,. )mv,. toiimk.i
tlirmmlu iiKlly milled tn, Imth In thcurvt-v u Uw tuiiui-l. nn.l nlxn
n Im inula hum. xtotu, K ' ' .oitiplftiMlMMiillroinlHiirvf.v tlirmiKli
iciiiIh. tin koIiI Held of tl wiwt. tlii'Kovi'iiiiiicnt foiwl nwrvc, while
I'ln-rel no iloulit imto lt iHTiim. M1 jcnnlnKH ,..Uvc toiillit to direct
lency nml nearly all the vHiih carry Siipertiiti'iiilcnt llehne to Mtnrt a
nn (told to a I'liiiHlilernlih) depth and ,IIW worIIK fom. , u. tunnel,
the hiiw depo-ltH ran not Ihi mil- ,Ue nil enlerprlwH of any iiiiikiiI-
tiaMHed." Ho wrote a' mjnlinf limn ;,,,,. ,llw,It)lllll) ,m(V ,,, ,.
foniH-tent to iiinkc hiicIi iiii nxwr- Mwly," wild. Mr. .lennlinM IhU
tlon, and hlM Hlatemelit can Imi !-, nnrultir. "The way I now clear,
plied to the two illMtlnct Rrniii" 'f luiwcvvr. to tlio iiiilnti'rruittccl proKt
chilniN Im'IoiujIiik to the U-ltoy Mill- ,.,,, ut Work upon the lloheinhi
hur (loinpiiny, with prlnclpnl olllce riroad. the ilrlvlnjf of the lari
at Cottnw Orove. The conipiiny Ih ,llim. , ,.w.t ( HMlyetlon
orKiinlied under the lawn of Oivkoii. ,wi i,wit phintx, The Interior ih
wlth a rnpltnlhuuloii of fK),(KHi. ,.,.... riliriMi
rnnri' arc
owned liy
two KronpH of clnlniM ,.,, 1)lMV ,, r)liti if way through tin
thin enmpAiiy. nainely, ; Ilmi niHO ,mi,.
the l'ltoy uriilip. coiihIhIIiii; of u
Hoy and War Kaulo cIiiIiiim, and the
I.uiiru Kronp, which emliraci-H the
Ikiirn, I.oni; Tom, Laura '"xtenxliiti.
Oro and Maud (I. claliiix, all contlir
iioimnnd Hltimted on the north nidi1
of Palrvlew Mountain In the ivnl
center of tht'Krriit lloheuila lllxlrli l.
In and Ik'I wren theChiimploiiciili.von
aijd (Inlilcii Courier ttroup and on
the mime mineral Mt and xone km
the rich dividend pnyer. the Helenii
mine, IhOiiiirIiir to the Oregon t-L-nn'tleH
Company. No mining prop
erty hi IIiIm whole district Im mon fir
vorahly Hltimted for ilevelopmont
purpowM. When the railroad Incom
pleted up Champion canyon, IIh Irr
iiiIiiiih nuiHt lie In clow proximity to
the l.eltoy Kroup, thuMiimkliiKtrnnH
portatlnu eiwy ami IncxpeiiHlvc.
Wood and water an in aliiindauce,
and thocontour of the uinuiituliiH on
which the claim are IikniIciI Ih hiicIi
that development Ih ciihv and ore lit
irtvnt depth litllckly rvnrhed. N'o-
urovlHloiiH for the nciiulremeut liv
the Ori'Kon Hecurltlen Company of til
the tlmU'r that muy Im required fur
the proH-cullou of mlnliik'oH'iittl(iMM.
The rnllroad will run ulxiut 14 iiiIIi-h
throUKli the foivnt nuerve, and wldle
a Hiirvey Iiuh nlrcady ivn made and
the route laid out more accurate
plntH will have to Ih pn-piireil In-foiv
the rlht of way Kraut can Im made
liy the department. Akhooii iim thin
Ih done and tlierlnlit w-cuml the
other ten uiIIcm of road, which will
take It to the forent nwrve, will Ih
liullt ut once.
"Ah hooii iim a hiiw mill Im liullt nud
the ueccHHnry iIiuInth are cut out
work will Ik Ihkuii upon a reduction
plant and power and Unlit plant.
The reduction plant will have a on
purity of from Snuto nnotoiiH of ore
a ihi.v. Thin meiiiiH 100 toiiMof i on
ceiitrateH. I'pou 'the IimhIh of the
lowcHt averiw Hhlpplm; oren, which
run uliout $7." to the ton, ami allow-
Iiik i n Ion for roHt of coiuvntra-
whenLiloludlcntloiiH iiolut to urenter n,...
liodfcM than In.thu chilUPUitUj' Us iiWuttohh. plant slu.ulil tpt.lnptr
nov-MliiluK-Company. .KxiK'rlmen. ,uHtr,.t' "a day, or over '$100,.
tal work, ho termed. Iiuh nlivndy ikki n month. The ojiera tlon of thin
Inrn completed on the pri'lH-rty. and llr,,. reduction plant, iih iiIho the
the nimntlty and quality it theoren w,t. proHccutlon of the work
Ik u ponltlve renllty. Development tunnel will nm-HHltnte the
mid tunnelH a IiIkIi Krade of frif inlll
Injr on Iiuh lMen olitidned out of
IciIkch two to nix feet In wldlh'.ciirw
Iiik Kohl, Hllvcr, lend and la-rceiitnw
of copper, nmkliiK a total of $10 to
) In valiicH. Ahhii.vm of wlccted
rock wilt to Cortland and Halt l,nke
have :lveii nduriiH iih hlh an $1S) to
tho ton In value. The.ludHon Itock
MlnliiK (.onipiiny Ih duly Incorpor.
ated at cidtall7.atlon;
HlmreM fully paid and noiwiHHemmldc
and nearly jmo-half have int-n wt
iimIiIiiiih treiiHiiry ntock. Title to all
Kioiind jK-rfect nml no lildebtcdneHH
exlMtH iiRitliiHt the company. The
principal olllce Ih at Cottnjw drove
mid the oIIIccih, Col. W, II. Illalr,
pit'Hldcut; .1. M. Hhcrwood.vlcirpreHl
dentf.f.H, Medley, wcretary, lr. I.
I'atterHim, trcnmirrr, and A, I). I
Hoy, Kcuerul inaniiKcr.
Uiilleil fllt Uml Olllce,
ItcturK Or.. Ann, III. IIhC. ;
Nollua fa heiuliy idvcu that In coin
iitlniieu with lljji (irn.yitiotM uf the mil of ' "
Comkiom of gillie 1. IH7H. entitled "An -
Hct lor the ma of tlinlr himl (n thu
HtiiteH of CnlfTofnlB; Oron', Nevndii,
nnd WnnlilnjrtiniTerrliorv," o extinl. 4
cd to all tliu L'litilio J'l Hinlfit liv nut
of AiiKimt 4, W1. JoM'ph Jt. lllllx, of "'
(town or city) Jir, County of J
Initio, Htiile of Oregon. thin day filed
In thin olflcu hi Hworu ntiiluiiiviit No.
30!), forlhepurchni-HoftlieSI-; l-IHKl t -!
of Hefctfoii V. '4. TownHfilp 20 .
Houtlr, of Hatnte' 1 Wert, nnd will 7
offer proof to ho tliut the linid
muiikIii In more vitlualilu for it limhcr or
Hlone IIihii (or,iiuftuulliirnl intMWf.
fllnl to (Dttiililich Ulk -Ji in to nddlHliti,
In'fote MhtIc i, WfTrel'. S. Comml- J
f iorcr at Hugune, Oreon, on Saturday . "
the llth day Of Oct., llnM. j -)
Ilo iiiiiiik iih wittirHMw: i
(leomo.M. IJliickhufti, of Hprlnglleld.
Ore, Willimii Tata, of ion, IjoikCo.,' -;
ore, Henry S. .nine, ore, .1. .
Mate Normal bcliooi. u. n lln.of JmiHT.Oro,
The Btnte Normal Hchool nt Drain! Aiijr "nil nil ltfaM rlulming d
,, i . u . . ...i mi. ,..1,1, 1 Tcrcly tho iilioveitlewriljed liimla nro
oihmih Mondi.y, HeptfiiiU-r Mh, with , .,()41K tMr ,.,, ,n ,,
a (acuity of Heclal tcachei-H. loftier on onbeforo ahl lltlmay of Oft.,
Latin (elective) iHi-oineH-a part oi, hub,
thecourne. I'IivhIciiI education will
k'li featnn' o( the whool, under nj
trained teacher, 1
liiHteud of formal hook-krcpliiK
"Actual IiiihIiichh" will Ik employed.!
Tlie library and liilioratorleH are1
Ih'Iiii; added to make them more.
ThoKimllHh mid iiintliematlrH will
Ih placed on nif)n
HtrollKlT llllM'H.
The pant year the Nonnnl Huh not
lieeu nlilo to mipply the dctiiamlH
made on It for teacher.
The traluliiir deportment Ih tu ex
cellent condition
J , TIIuixiK. ItiuUlcr .
United Stiilc Uml Olllcu,
Howliurir. Oreitoa. Ann. 13. 10tt'.
J Notice Ir hcrehy Klren that In com
ilianre with the provlrlonii ot the act of
ICOnutcMOf June 3. IR7H, entitled "An
:aeltorllie rain of liinl'f IhihIh in the
in Kliiti-M- of Oiilifornla. Oreuon.
prnctlcnl and ( Nevailu, and Wanhinjttoii Territory," sin
exlemiwi ut an ine runne i.unu niaien
hy net of AugiKt -i. 1802, RetfleK. Hum
plirey.of I'iiroiiv. County of Une, State
ofOi'rgon, ha this day (lift in thi Olllce
her morn etflteinent No. ,TJI0. for the
i.iircliafe of tho K '4 NK 1-4 A Lota 1 A 2
Tenchcrn of Home lof SectiouNo. 4, Tonahip2l, Soath, of
i. .,. -i. .i, .r. -t-
We are offering greatly
Reduced Prices in many
Lines of Goods to make
Room for our
fJ5 Which in now arriving Daily. Shirt WaistN ?W
H 7 at Less than Cost. V 7
Big Bargains in Ladies Shoes
till September 1st.
The only Complete Line of Gents' and Boys' Collars in Town.
-i- -I- -t- -i-
- -K
exH'rience may avail theinKdvi-H of
ItH adviinliwH.
Teaelicrn review cIiihh will Ih? main
tained. The Normal CHHiiyH to help Hh
worthy HtudeiitH In necurlnif ponl-
ICxIkmim'h low. Write (or cata
logue. J. II. Oihttt, IrvH.
work couhUIh of a double romparl-
inent Hlmft down nlxty fivt. One
tunnel In 200 feet, otliern hIx'I.v uml
forty feet, ImmIiIom Huvernl hIiiiIIow
nhaftM mid nhort tunnelH. The Kaln
In depth In tuiinelliiK-Ih rapid, Iwlnu'
more than foot (or foot. There, are
tilun dlHtluct IciIwh In the proH-rty.
When In HL't fivt a IiIk nhoot of free
milling ore wan encountered. ImIki'h
In ueneral are twelve tonlxtivn fivt
ImlldliiK of u Unlit and power plant
which will turnlHh the reniireil llejlit
and power (or the machlu.i drlllH.
In order to meet thene heavy exH'n
iIIIiiivm the coinpuuy illready Iiuh In
the treasury over $7(K),ikh), It Ih not
to Ih- pn'Hiimrd, however, that nil of
IIiIh money Ih to Ih HH'iit U-foiv any
Ih taken out, an the Helena mine Ih
today HhlppliiK ore that koch $121 to
the ton, nud exK-utH to nhlp $1IK),.
T. it. Parker, the linker, all klndn
ol lirend, cakeH and pantry. Second
dooreiiHtof pont olllce, Mnln Htroet,
Cottiw Drove, Oiv.
If In need of dental work call on
Dr. Macv. now tH'nnnnentl.v lm'ated
I'll It S.W.K.
Ounccoiiut of III health, a profit
able, pleaHimt lniHlneHH. Very cheap
ircanh. For partlenlarx liuiulnat
thin olllce.
I make hootH and hIioom of all
kluilH, line and heavy. HepalrinK a
iKfla tv. Work uunrantiHil. .1. U.
DavhlHon. the hoot and nhou maker,
Main Htreet, CottaRe drove, On'Roti.
Wim'U you call niakelniiiilrleH reranl-
Ini; "VIkcoI," tho celehrateitlioot and
hIioc iIivhhIiik.
In width. The company h nffnlw are ikhi worth In tho next IH) davn. The
nmniiKeil JudlclouHly, and It han no ; aMHck Ih iiIho RctttUK rendy tonhlp.
IlldcbtedneHH. A !I5-Ii p. holler, air , ,t ,, UxrKV, Utny j ort. ,,)c;ca
compreHHor, and two !l Inch Iynerj,,,,, tll)t will avenw $7ri a ton.
drlllMiind 1.000 feet of piping lately i A lti Wood, tho rompuny'H cukI
nhlpped In, and when llnally placed 1WP rrV,.(l t wo days iik and left
In poxltfirtcwork will proceed in ttie mt nKM to complete the mirvcy for
loot tunnciH. a neaiiKate ,, rromi nnd make the mirvey
eHtahllHhcd on North I'alrvlew envk i ,,. ,1U tmila., ohnrleH TIiouiiih, lo
and there will 1h l,40t) (pot fall of i rvptvHcntatlve ot the Ilamnionil
waUtrlnono mile ol plH. in pnm- .Miinufiicturlnir Coinpuuy Ih tlKurlnir
H.ctluK, developing and outiuit of
product the l-eltoy Mhln Company
Ih Hiiro to lm amoiiK the Icadcrn lathe
prcHCHHlon. Tho otllccrH of the com
pany an-: .1. I., l-oltoy, pivHldent; .1.
(). .lolniHon, vIcr-proNldent: K. (I.
Khy, Kecrenr.v and trenmirer, uml
"Alfnil .lolniHon, Keneral maniiKer.
All the nmcliliicry ivcently BhlpH-d
In liy the, Loltoy Compauy and ,
nearly two-thlrdn of that In oper-i
atlou by other conipanlcH came from '
tho welt-known ninchlncry eHtahlUh- j
incut of HatiimoiIdH, Portland, Or.
on the power plant. I exiHx-t to
leave (or the mine tonluht to con-
Hiilt with HuiKTluteudeut llehne and
ulve illreetlwiH (or Ihe eniploymeiit
of a law (orceof men on the vnrl-
ouh Impi'ovcincntH coutemphitcd."
Tlio JuJson Rock Mining Company,
Moid: Tkamm antkh.
Wo can uhc all the teauin wo can
Ket to haul ore. from tho Helena mine
o tlieeijd of our track. Tho tenliiH
now on the road cannot tako theore
away iih faHt an It Ih mined. AddrenH
W. F.-Moitritv, Ocneral MauiiKerO.
& S. R. H. It., Cottase drove, Ore.
"VIhcoI." the faiuouH nhoe. hoot.
Ih'H nml lmrneitH drexHliiK, prcHervcH
tho leather, renlHtH molMture anil Ih
nliHOlutely water proot. Thlnprepa-
atlou iiuh no eiiai. it ih iiccuiuin.v
idntitcil to IvcltH. Maken them wear
lonuer, nnd will prevent Hllpplnjjln
thoiuoHt iiKKrevatliiK ciihoh. j. u.
DiivIiIhoii. the hIioo and hoot maker.
Aja-nt. Kor lurtlier particuiarH can
on him.
Right Through Reserve Orantcd.
. Kvonlinc Telerm, Auut .
With tho return from tho cunt
MlnliiK nml Kaxliieerlnf lleWtn -
AmoiiK tho tuluiuKCouipiiuleHhohl
Inn tltk'H to mineral InndH In Ho
liemla MIiiIiik Dlntrlct none are
likely to make a hotter hIiowIiu; than
tlin compauy. hh oiucerH ami in
rectorn mo cltlr-etiH ol On-non, ol
Hterllnn character, mou well nwnre
nt tli, lY'HooiiHllillltv which 11'HlH
1. .1. .leunlUKH, preHldent, of tho ru- ,m 1 when entorliiK upon mum
Kon Security Coinpnny, recently -1 ,rtnklnK where tlnlntcreHtH of the
corpornteil with a capital Htock of jt(. jr It1 many are Involved. They
$ri,000,(HH)fortlui more exteiiHlve in-, ,ua not k Into the Iloheiulu Dbtrlct
volopment ami opornuonoi ncicmi, loimttolded nnd nceept what chance
MiiHlck unit ciminpion mineH, morei ,(t luveHthfntlon mid In
Kood iiowh coiiich for the lioiieniia h,MH!tj0 Kclectcd the jirountl which
MlnliiK DlHtrlct. to them Heomcd lHHt adupted to tie-
Mr. .TennhiKH reportH the reinovnl i vllop ,t(, ,,j.K projutHltloiiM wltl
oi all onHincicH tu iim coiiipivwun in tho ntnoiint of mcaiw attliclr com
tho Oregon & HouthcaHtenuimiroaii, Mawt DovolopnientH on Talrvlew
mountain, no matter which portion
liulldlnir from Cottairo drove into
tho heart of tho llohomla DlHtrlct,
and nniiouncen tho commencement ot
Im'nieillato DporatlDiiH upon the hiVKO
tunnerthat. Ih ti) connect tho head of
Champion IuhIu with tho Munlek
mine, through which tho coiihoII
dated proportloH aliHorhcd liy tho
,SociHltlcH(Unnpanyare toho.workcd.
Over $70),(HK) han hei'ii Huhwrlhcd
mid Ih avallahlo jor tho driving of
thU tunnel ami other Improvement
that are calculated to make tho Ho
liemla DlHtrlct one o( the llvolloHt
tuny Ihi dcnlguated, hIiowh up lodges
compoHod of high grade mineral, nud
In no Hoctlon of tho district nro the
fucllltloH any better or more pro
pltloiiH (or developing mining prop
erty hiicIi iih thin
Tho JiiiIhoii Itock group vonolHtH
of nlno mining cIiiIiuh on tho went
Hide of Knlrvlow mountain, begin
nlng nt an elevation of nearly 0,000
foot and extending downward Into
Knlrvlow creek where mill niton are
located and where an abundance of
mining cmnpH on the Pacific count. wnterxlMtn(or milling nnd timber
Tho tunnel will be TxHfcet in tlio
clCar. mlloH In length, ami will
cont about $125,000. Through It tho
oivHot'tho Munich, Helena, llclena
No. - and Champion groiipn, cotn-
. prlHlng about at claliiiH, or too acren
for mining purponen, Should a tun
nol from thin mill Hlto bo run Into the
mountain to the ajiex of tho ledge
1000 foot ot depth would be obtained
Tho lodgeH extending through theno
clalniH are on direct lino With ti
will be taken to the terinhum of tho Mm ml f(.0u (U,V4;,()m,nt
:T , ,Z' ;. ' innounceH that ' connlntlng ot over m (eet ol nhntt
ItaiiKofi Went, and will offer proof lo
(how that I ho land nought is more
valualilo for its timber wr Hone that for
ngrirnlttiral ptirKwes( and to eulaljllsh
her claim to mid land Iwfoio .Marie
I,. Wure. U. B. Conim'i'iiioncr nt Kit-
L'ene, Oregon,' on Haturtlay, tho let ,
day of Nov., HKfJ. j
She iiainra aa witnenea: I
Jainea N. Handle, of Kairmount, Ore, i
Chart? Heininlng, Henry Cogill, of
SiirliiBflcld, Oro., I.. I.. Whiton, o(
KiiKcne, Ijine Co., Ore.
Any and all perrons claiming adverse
ly the auove-uefcribeil randa are re-
ipjested to file their claim in this office '
on or before aald lot day of Nov., IPO-'.
J. T. IlRiixixa, ltrgiater.
Just fox a Few Improvements.
We will be ready when you call.
Growth Indicates Progres.
Oox- Business is Growing. ItSTew Goods, iSTew
Metliods, ISTew Ideas.
They aire all here in our store.
New goods arriving daily, just see tbetn, Our values in Men's Underwear is unexcelled
we bought it in full cases, and we sell for FIFTY CENTS what was sold heretofore lor SIXTY
CENTS, Same discount in other lines.
United fitra IJind OfUce, I
ltocebiirc, Ore , Jane IM, lOtt.'. j
Notice la hereby jtiven that In com-;
pllance-u'Ith the provision (if tlie act of
Coti;re9o(.fune3, 1878, entilleil "An,
net (or tho sale of timber lundn in tho
Htaten of California, Oinron. Nevadu,
States by act of
of Wash., baa this day tiled In tins . , t7 ie rae 0( Timber ljnis in the
office hi aworn statement No. 2808. for 1 a,. r (!.ifnrnia. Oreiron. Nevada.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
and Wiuhiimtoii Territory,''aa oxtemtei
toull tho I'ulilic Uind States by acto!
AtieiiHt 4. ISO-.. Ilialiimr NelHon, of i ..., ...,,1, ,.P..;,inMq nfthi net of
Hontiiain, County of Chchalis, S'ato Conerees of June 3, 1878, entitleil "An
Uiiitnl States Laml office.
ltoeeburg. Ore., June 17, 1002.
Xotico is lieiebr
Eivcn that in com-
tffe purchase of the SW 1-1 of Section
No. 4 In Township No. 21 S, llange Nc
8W,and will oiler proof to ho- tliut
tho land sought is more valuable for iti
timlicr or atone than for agrirultiirn
piiriKieec, and to establish his claim t(
aaid land l)eforo Marie d. ware, I'
8. Commissioner at Kngene, Ore
Kon, on Monday, the 15th, day of Sept..
He iiiiinea as viliuasc:
Adclliert J. Mclntvrc, Olof Obcnt,
and WaahltiKton Territory," as extended
to all the Vubliu Land SUtos by act ol
August 4, 1892. William A. Buckner of
Albany, County o( Linn, State of Ore
gon ha's this day tiled in tlilsolTice his
aivorn statement No. 2745, for the pur
chase of iheN ofSW U, SWt4 oINW
ii, NW 1-4 of SB 1-4 of Section No. 28,
Township 23 South, of Kange 1 West
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought ia more valuable for its
Charles Oherj;, Geo. W. Shaw, of Ho- ,, establish his claim to
niilmn. nsb. ' m ,, irnro tl, Cnnntv Clerk
Any mm an iersoiiacininiiiiBmirL-m.
Iv tho iiliove-dcscrlbed lands nre le-
quested to tile their claims in thip offiro
on or before said 15th day of Sept., lt'02.
J. r. uniiHiEs. Jtceister.
5 Direct from the Factories;
The following communlentlontrom
All WnlUer, cluilrninn o( couimlttco
on inlnernl dlaplny, ot tho KiiKcue
treot fair nud cnmlvnl mnnnwrH, l
Hclfexplunntory, mid 8hould hnvothe
cIohc nttentlon of every miner:
To Whom It Mny Concern:
Tho executive bimrd of the lvUKeno
Stii-et l'a I r nnd cnmlvnl luw decided
to mnko mi exhibit ol I.nno countIen
mineral iwouiveH, one of tholeudluK
uttructloiiM, uml Iiuh uppoluted n
BiHvlul committee on wild work,
Which committee nniucstH the henrty
co-ojicrntlon o( those Inton'Hted In
advert IhIhk by thlx nieniiH tlie re
HourceM of llobemhv .Mining DlHtrlct.
Your committee Iiuh delct?ntod Mr.
0. V. Mitchell with lull power to net
lu the preinUoH and who will receive
nud cure (or liny nnd nil HitiiipleH ot
ore contributed. Those doHlrlnirnmy
leave HpeclniciiH ot oro with F. O,
Kby at the ofllco ot tlio lJltoy Mln
Iiik ('oinpnny nt CottiiKo drove.
Don't hiIhh thlrt opportunity to lend
a helping bund nnd iiHHlut In Hotting
forth our mlnernl ivhouix-oh.
Am WAi.KKii,.Chalrinan Com.
NO;i'ICB FOIt I'lim.lCATlON.
United Staten Land Oltlce,
Uoseburw. Ore., Aiir. i:i. 11)02.
Notice Ih hereby Riven that In com
pltnnco with the provision of tho
Act otCoiiRTcxH of Juno ft, 1S78, en
titleil "An Act (or tho nnle ot Tlmlier
LandH In the Stilton ol CalKoruln,
Oregon, Nevndn, and WnHhliiKton
Territory," iih extended to all the
l'ubllc I.nnd.StiiteH by act of Anoint
4, 1M12 Ida M. Macdonald o( AHhland,
Cnnntv of AHhlnnd. State ot Wiscon
sin, Iiuh thin tiny tiled In this otllco
her sworn statement . for the
1 . ... .... ,i ,.1 . ... t k,!.. 17-
imitliase oi uie nr. x r. j,, r. nua
& Lot 1 of Section No. 4. Townslilp
20 South of Itnnjre 8 West ami will
offer proot to show that tlio laud
sought Isnioro vnliinbloforlts tlniln'r
ofstono tliun (or iiKrlcultural pur
poses, and to establish her claim to
said land liotoro Mnrlo L. Ware, II. S.
Commissioner nt KiiKeno, Oreuon on
Tuesday the 28th dny of Octola-r,
Slio mimes as witnesses:
M. It. I'otts, of Holly. Una Co.,
Oiv., Davo Murphy, o( Alma, I.nne
Co., Ore., John Murphy, ot KiiRene,
OiVRon, M. A. ltldvny, odloxeninn,
Montana. , . . ,
Any and all iktsoiih claiming an
versely the abovi-deHcrlt)ed lnnds mv
nnuested to file their claims la this
otllco on or before sold SStli day of
Octolier, lfK)2.
J, T. lluinoKH, ltcRlstcr.
of I.Inn Conntv at Albany, OreRon,
on Saturday theSOth dayof August, 1002.
Ho names as witnesses:
Kalph W. Fisher, W. E. Fisher, of
Albany, Or., J. W. Houck, N. H.
Martin, o( Cottage Grove, Ore.
Anv Bnd all peieons claiming ad
versely the alioveilescribed lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
office on or before saidSOth day of Sept.
J.T. Hriixiks, Register.
We are sole Agents for Oregon and can save you the
middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Organ in
part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small
monthly, or yearly payments.' We are the sole Agents for
the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piano. Write us for Cata
logue and prices.
v Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon.
En Bangs.
tn tlie Jntlce' Court lortha plulrlct' ot Cot
Inge flrore, County ot Une, Bute ot Oregon,
n. P. Clark, Plaintiff
vy. W. Watklua. Pefwutant.,
TaW. W. WatMn, Deleiulant above named:
In the name of thBUt ot Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear ami answer tho com
plaint of plaintiff lUed wialiut you In the above
entitled Court nnd fame on' or1 before tlio taut
day ottho puMlr&tlon ot this iiimiiioiu, which
sal'l lat ilito ot ptiblleatlon ot IhU tuminon
U (heard day of Oetober. lB,nil yhleh tlrst
nl iinlilleatliin o( wld KUIiunolia Ii the Viml
1 f aiivuri. knu. and If on fall to so aiuear
nf nntlientic dntn. to furnish that I and auiwer said complalut tor waut thereof,
Ol nuiULIllli. uuui, lu luiinaii luiu plallltflwi'iUk,udiruientai.-aln8t)pii to;
paper from time to time important ti10um oticw.oo, toother with ibo nuts and
miiimr news from HoheTnia Dis-1 !"'. ,Vhittf' '."hMlVi'v"
trict. Mr. Morphy has mSVSR'ati.v.
the Nllgget to State he Will oppre- Vaughn.Juslleeof ihefe(liiandlorCottaite
made at ht oftlee on the asm day oi juiy. iwj
Pated AugualKnd.lBW,,
1. W Vavqhn,
JuMiee ot tho Peace.
J. 9. and J. C J0I1KSON,
Attorneva tor Plaintiff
W. F. Morphy, inannger of the
Oregon & Southeastern Railway
Co. is in possession Of advice from
the New York t.ommerctai, n
journal devoted to the publication
elate receipt of any nnws of inter
est from nil sections of the camp,
and solicits the correspondence of
the miners in camp.
Grocery Store
Caries a full line of taple
and Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats,
Hay and everything the
farmer or the. housewife needs.
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange. j
It will be ii pleasure at all !
times to show our goods and
voit are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
Wilt meet All Compellon
1 i'rlctfu. ,
of this tcwti Will present
each nnd every baby
brought into, his store dur
ing this present year,
Call at his Store and make
application for one of the
rhijjs. Also look over the
fine display of Jewelry which
lie has on hand.
The Fashion Stables
Glirisroai) & Bnast Proprietors.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Liues
Ftrst-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Reasonable Prices r
Where tlio meal are well cooked and welUorvod and tlnuhed are Rood.
Aml'voit'll tlnd everything lioiue-Uke without home Inconvenience.
Come nnd stay as long na possible.
FreetooiirConiinercinlTriule. Try our Bumlay Dinner. The hot ever
Served injtny Hotel in the City.
N. P. HARDY, M'gr.
Attoraicy at Law,
Head real estate burguum of Jerome
Knox & Co
OfflM en Mln tit. Weil 8ld-
Fine residences, choice lota. UMlntM
blocks tor aale Jerome Knox Co.