Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 15, 1902, Image 4

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(in ,v
HOWARD henry,
- - l'Mor.
AhkM IMIt.r
end BuaMarssMsnagtr.
HnlerfUl the lanrtiiitk-e l Otiee Urove,
1 f r nn a fwuud n w mall mat t.
lbcrlrli prlci. 91. AO, In u'Wanrr-
IrlTertl'li.e- Ktfts uftfi'ej fcihntfl tlH
TIIIH l'.tKK Is krl on Mis t B. t. Urate's
Irertlnlne Jlsvney, nd(ir MerrtieiiU Ex
rrmnre.Bari lnchcn.Celliiniila. whrrecon-
iracie loraaveriinncvan unfna ii i.
If there is a picturesque railroad
route in Oregon it is surely aloitR
the route of the O. &. S. K.
H'y from this city to Bohemia.
Orandcr scenery cannot be found
(ban that along this route and in
the Bohemia Mining District, and
better trout streams and hutitinR
grounds arc certainly hard to find.
In fact Cottage Grove is splendidly
adapted to the wants ol the nealtn
ana pleasure seeucr. row
There is no use (leaving it; Cot
tUc Grove, docs need, mid badly
loo, n . bewcrage ,y!tcra, and some
action should be taken at. the
earliest possible moment regarding
Thursday, l'tiday and Saturday
this week, the editors of Oregon
meet at Newport, compare notes,
exchange consolation aud bathe in
the briny deep.
HomestcadlnK Timber Land.
In tin- Oreim City dlstrlet John J
Oulvlii illnl on n ltiitneHh'inl elnltn In
Neitteinlter, lWU, tint! lived on ami
cultivated It. Ho tried 8?vonil timet
to Ml tils rellnqnldiinent mid In
Mnn-lt, Mil, Hold It, but not until
iiftwr W. K Unc kiter lutd tiled n, con
tent tn tiro ktouuiIs tlmt (Intvtti took
the limd for niei'u)iitlon Mid did not
Intt'titl to nitike It hli home titul tlmt
It wtut more vtiluutU for Uh timber
tlmn for agriculture. Tlie Oretron
City tvjrlter ivntl receiver tll.xmloM.Ml
the eontcstt, Imt UueknernpiH'ivled to
the Kuncrol limd office tuttl won.
Commltutloner llcrumii wild In IiIh
decision: "It In found nutwltliHtuiul
InjrGnlvIn compiled with the law tin
to residence mid cultivation, tlmt lit
tntenttou nut! purpose nt the time ho
and Bohemia offers magnificent mnilC entry win to live on hht laud
litiuting ana nsliiug grounds tj montlm mid commute hi entry.
Hightceu miles south on the line of itmst thervtore, lie held tlmt hlx
the Southern Pacific is located the
famous Boswell Springs, while on
Coast Fork, twelve miles from Cot
tage Grove, near Amos is found
the well known Oregon Mineral
Spring.', owned by Levi Gcer, who
is this season fitting the property
with nil excellent hotel, bath
houses and camping grounds.
These springs are highly recom
mended for kidney and liver
troubles and all blood diseases, aud
plenty of" sport can be found with
rod and gun.
, W. K. Morphy, of the O. S. E
Ry. Co., this week had alarge
number of bills struck off nt this
office advertising the fact that he
wishes to employ ioo men and
teams to haul ore from the mines
to meet the railroad now ten miles
out from this city and being con
Mructed as fast as possible. The
wages offered are good, and still it difficult for him to secure
that number of teams, for the
rreason that every one is busy and
now in possession of lucrative
employment.. Five years ago it
was different. People were crying
hard times aud talking free, silver,
with no work. Had a man adver
tised for ioo teams then 200 would
., have been in evidence, and no
'.questions asked as to the amount
- paid. Anything at that time that
"".would bring"iiL enough to quiet the
pangs of hunger of man and beast
nasvgood enough. Recall those
tjmes and then look about you now.
Even those who were sincere in
their populistic views, are now con
vinced of their error and are bard
at work.
entry wnn pceulutlvc, mid tlmt the
contestant lnw esttilillsltetl the truth
of the chaw." To comply with the
law n lionicHterid must not bo taken
with tlie Intention of commuting or
Kclllnc It mid Home of tlie Merit of
contested comm now in the IttntI
office will learn this met If the con-
tcatuittH enrry them to the pnicml
limit olliee. Some district hind
officers tell people: "Oh.yoti needn't
do more tlmn go to u ItomeHtciidnuit
stay over nluht once In a while nntl
do a little slushing."
Many a man lielleves this and acts
accordingly. If a contextual ap
pears and carries tins ciwe to Wash
ington mid get JiiHtlcc the rjler loses
111 time, hit) money nntl his home
stead right. But whnt docs the lo
cal official care for that? Ho gets
fees for the first filing, fees In the con
test ease antl fees when the success
ful contestant files. He lloes not
know how long he may remain in
office, and he makes hay while the
sun shines. Ex.
United StutM Uiml Odlt,
IttMpliiim. O.r.. Jutiellilh. IMS..
Notur la lieri'liy Kivea that In compli
ance nlth the imivimona ol llitt mci ui
CoiiKrvM nf June 3, 1878, entitled "An
Ai t tor iliu rnlv ut TnnlitT IjiihI In tli
SUuteH of Citllfuridit, Orrpiin, Nnvmlti,
Mint WHdiliitfton lerntory," ex
lentlnl to nil th PtiMio Ijvml Sltc by
net of Atifnt 4, 1S02. Marion W. Ihtvli,
ol Moiinnk.iumitvoi iptne, Biitieot urc
hin has tltii i lav lllnl in tltl tilTlee hit
unorit etutonirnt No. "JtWO. for the mir-
ehuiiMit tint NV l-i of Sn tloli No. H.
ill rowiiflilp '! Sotttli, ot HiiliiiQ 'i Wwt
.nut odor prtml to fltow llutl Hit)
lii ml foimlit Is more vdliiiiblu for 11
limber or Mono than for nxtli'Ultnhtl
iiuriiortTijuid to t'pUlilii'li hi clitllit to
Mid Unit before thu IteuUter nli'l Ite
ceiver of thi"" otflro hi Itoreliuie, Ore
gon, ou .Moodily Iliu ITil day of rtpt.,
Ilu nninhd ns witnesjes:
John I) Pitlmvr. Orin Koliliiixn. N.
II. Martin, Jtwtmli K. louiicuf Uoltaiw
Urove. Oregon.
ny unit nil pereoiiii elaiiiiiiiR oil -
verariy liniiinove-ticsrrliwii laniiiiaie te-
itttvtt-d to tile their t'liiiiitu in thin olTlre
on or U'fore thtiit L".l tiny of Sept, I'JOS.
J. T. ItitliHlKM KetfUter.
Death of John Settle.
A private letter received from
MelO. Warner, the promoter of the
smelter which is to be built be
tween here aud the Bohemia Min
ing District, imparts the informa
tiou that he is meeting with fine
'success and that everything will be
ready tor construction work m the
very near future. One of the prin
cipal parties interested in the pro
ject has been unavoidably detained
elsewhere on a like business enter
prise, hence much of the -delay is
accounted lor in mat way. Surely
Mr. Warner has the best wishes of
all who are sufficiently identified
with the ininiug interests of Bo
hemia to fully realize the necessity
ot me move, and when the time
comes be will undoubtedly eet the
volunteer support of the people of
iuu sccuon.
And now comes "Cheap John"
opera house plays in which Tracy
and Merrill figure conspicuously,
calculated to draw large crowds
especially of young lads to whom
the career of these dare-devil out
laws has been a brilliant campaign
from start to finish. These shows
have been refused admittance by
the managers of opera houses in
several of our neighboring towns
as they should be everywhere, for
nothing would prove more de
moralizing to the "callow youth"
than a play lionizing these desperadoes.
During September and October,
cheap rates and advertising matter
will bring more home-seekers to
this locality than has ever yet
visited the section, if we may judge
from the concentrated efiort that is
being put forth by the Harrimau
lines. I hese, too, will be from the
Mississippi valley states and a very
desirable class of people hence no
effort should be spared to induce a
fair share to locate here.
The following letter from V. 1).
McNury, M. I)., OBslstnnt physician
ut tho State Insane Asylum to Mrs.
John Suttlc will lie self explanatory:
Salem, Ore., Aug. , ltWi
Mrs, Maggie Settle, ICugcne, Ore.
Dcur Madam: lam Instructed, by
IJr. Calbreath to write to you With
regard tifthestuMeif and iitiexiiectetl
death of your husband, of which we
! telegraphed you this morning. Mr.
Settle hatl been getting along nicely,
having Improved very much mentally,
anil. In fact, loHtoveniugnpiieured to
be almost perfectly rational, though
he complained of feeling weak physi
cally, ire, however, stuted that he
wim feeling better hi that regard, as
he had been sick for sometime. This
morning at 5:0, when ho was called
by his attendant he got up and
dressed, and apitearetl to be as well
as he had lteen ou retiring the even
ing lefore. He started to go to the
bath room to wash, wheru ho stink
down upon the floor antl tiled almost
Immediately. The euusc of his death
was evidently a weak heart, which
hnd given out under the strain of his
recent trouble. We have telegraphed
his brother at Toraue.
Yours Truly,
W. V. McNauv; Asst, Phys.
NOTR'K inn rrilLK'.VTlON.
UntliM Slatm Uml ODIrv,
ltnMlmrir. orcYnu. Jau.lwt.
Nntt0ti I lieivhr rlrtii tlmt Iti iMtnt'lliilira
with tb rroYlton of tho l of Cortirr of
Jun3, 1ST. cnlltlf.1 -'An Ac' fur tht ! ut
nnitx-r ixni in m suiwtui i'iuorni, urr
roll. Nevada, and Waihlncton 'IVrrltorr. ai
vxtondnt toall Ihr lubllu Land Slain by art
ul Align! J. iims. iMilah Mudintt. ol Orlnrcton,
foimty ol Ulllo Im, Slate of Minn, baa thla
day tiletl In thlaodce lila annrn atatcmcnt No.
'Jrt. for thi imrrliRM ot the Northueat qnnrtor
ft Went anil wrtll oRal lroul loahim that the laud
ouitht laiuorti aluablc for It tlmlr or atone
man tr airric Jiinrai rmriosc. ami to esiaDiitii
hiartalm toaald land tiore thd Rexliter and
KwHvrr of Ihta ofn,o at ItiMbiirir. Oreimo. on
Ntiiiniar tneaztiaj-oi septemtvr. isl.
V V Trumball. John vintner, of Drain. On,
K. w Cundar. of Kdlth. Mllimaolai Uorara
lutnaui,of Pralu. Ore.
Alirantlall nenom lalinlnc adrratilv tSe
nboi e-df-rril-otl lands are rrquetteil to tile
their claims In Ihtaomreon or lcfortt salt! sj
day of Septcuibcr, 1S0K.
T. liRiuuti Rt rlilcr.
United SlatcH IjiihI Office,
Kiwrburi;, Oretron, IPOS.
Notice is In-ruby nivi'ii that in eonuili
iince with the provisions of tlm m l ot
Cotmresaot June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for Iho nlc of titnU'r lamia in the
Slates of Cnli(orni,Orcpin.Nf vailit nml
Wusliington Territory , n rxtrmlttl to
all tlm I'll bile I.tml Htnte? by act of Au
gust 4, 1892, IleiiiHiniii K. Oiesy.of Auro
m, County of Marlon. Slitte of Oregon,
has this tiny Mini in this office his sworn
statement No. 2937, for tlie ptirchiixe of
the SV W of Section No. 21, Township
20 Houtli, of lUngo 7 Weit itnd
will offer pnMif to show that tlie
land sought is more valuable for its
tiniler or clone than for
pttriKMCs, nml to establish his claim to
said land before - Marie I. Ware,
U. S. Cotninissioner at Kniiene, Orecnn,
on Monday, the I3thtly of Oct., 1002.
He iinmtK as witntsses:
Kml P. Ilttrxt, Klwartl II. Will, Gits
Uv A. liock, Gconfo II. Gray, of Aurora,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the aliove-dtsTribeil lands are re
qtiPMnl to rile their claims in this ofHcu
otvor hefote said 13thilny of 0H.t IP02.
J .T. llmtKiKS, Iterator.
Uttltetl 8ttvtis IJtml Office,
lttisehurg, Ore., July 18. HKIJ.
Notice Is hcivby given tlmt In voui
pllance with tlienrovlMlons ot the act
tifCongntw tit JuneH, 1H7H. entitled
"An net for the solo ol timber lniuls
in the HttiteHol Otlltnrnla, Divgon.
Nevada, ami VitHlilnutim Territory."
tut extended to all thu Public
I -ami Htntcs by act o! Aliiruat 4,
1NU, lAHiinvnl Straight, of Ktigvue,
Comitr of !alie. State of Oretron.
bus this day tiliil In tills office his
HWornMtatoment No.2it7, for thepur
elmsoot tluM),HH , NIS Hli),
HH NKJ( Section No?!! lit 'lViwnstilp
4... . . auillHV.Vf. 1 ttrni, Itllll III
offer proof to show tlmt the laud
sought btiiiotv valuable torltH tlmlier
or stone than for agricultural pur-
lantl iK'fore Marie li. Waiv, IT. H,
ConimlKsumer.nt Kiigene. Oregon, on
Montlivv, tin; Uth day tif Oct.. liwa.
Itt names as wltiuww!
llriijatulu Owen, lit Ivlnon. Imw
( it., Ore. rivHtuu llw'vt's. of Utile,
tjuie ut).. tire , tnarim wissmgeri
i iair iiiimgiiiiy, ol i'.iigcnc, itlH'
Co.. On.
Any antl all ieixtuiH claiming ml-versi-ly
the nbove-tttserllHtl Inntls art)
rctiucHtcd to tile their clulnis In this
titllct; on or liefore said Oth day o!
Oct., 11)02.
J. T. IlititMiKs. Iti'glstcr.
tlnltnl State-) laind Offiee,
Hosrlmr)!, Ore , June 21, li02.
iNotice is hereby Riven tlmt in eotn
illtiurv wi Hi tlie provision ot the net of
.natrons of June 3. 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of tinnier lands in the
Statu of California, Orepin. Ncviula,
uml Wnshinctoti Territory, "nsextrmleil
tonll tliu fnolic Ixi ml Slates uv sctof
Auiiiist -I, W.r, llj:ilmur Nelson, of
Mountain. Countv- of Cheliali. State
ot U'usli., hits this day Died in this
officti his sworn statement No. 2S08, for
the purchase of the 8W 1-4 of Section
M. U in TownUi iNo. 2 S. lltneu No
8 W, nml will offer proof to show that
the land sotmht is more valuable for ill
timber or stone thutt for aiirieultitnt
ntirooses. and to establish his claim t(
said land K-forti Mario I ware. V
Commlssionor nt Kticene. Ore
tfun. on Monday, the 15th, day ot Sent.
Ho names as wilnesses:
Atlelliert J. Melntvre. Olnf Oberc.
Cimrles Obcrir. Geo. IV. Sliuw. of Ilu
l tiiit in t Wash.
any ana ncrsons i iuiuiinirmJvcrre-
ly the noove-deseribed lands tire re-
iiuested to file their claims in tills nffirc
on orbvlorc saKl Ifltu nay ol t-'pt., mn.
J. 1. tin loots, lleuister.
t a lentil o
Mniiv MvivhmilH haw August chtn-ked In tltelr caleutltaw us one o the tlt.ll months. J Ms sltiro
cnim itnlt iXolmwHlnlUwoiiM. It Is our policy tt ktvp our goods tm the mow. H.naU prvttts
5 iS S i. h 1'' k.l. Wo ivtUlto tlie mituml Inclination tliU month, but w
shall imMi'p VrUwi low tlmt yonennitot nltunl to iIh tlK.x.d thing wti.iiffer.
We Riv offering at great to mlueixl prices every Hnlrt Waist lit lid store. I'tisslbly you can use
another waist at tUsto Low prices. Conw In nntl look thent over. We an- putting out alMiut 1W0
pairs otshtXHt of allkhttls. The stykM IllUotJf Imt they an- kihI. twrkw iIp mImss. W.. niv
immhig a W) in-nt price on somt- ot the. All tsld slswt uml ivnmuntM tiro to Ut closed nut out its tpilekly
as posalble to moke room for our new lull stock,
Cottage Grore,
notice for I'Uiiucation.
Unilel ftt.iles I-nnrl Otliee,
.- Hosebure, Ore July 2U. li02.
NotieofS hereliy' jriven that in com
pliance with the provisions of tlie act of
Uonzress of June 3, 1876, entitled "ah
net for the sale nf limber t.imls in the
States of Cilifornin, Oregon, Nerada,
and AVacliiiitfton," as extended toall the
Public '.mil St ties by act of Aiigimt 4,
189J, Mary Ij. Young, of Eugene,
County of Ijane, State of Oregon, has
this day filed in this olliee her sworn
statement No. 3044, for thu purehasoof
the IjOIs No. : A 4 of Section
No. 30, Townshin 20 South, of Ranee 1
Went, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought .is more valuable
for its timber or atone than for agri
cultural pnrMMes, and to establish her
rlaim to said land Iwforo Marie ). Ware,
U. S. CbminlMioner ut Kunoiie, Oretrnti,
on Saturday the 11th day of Oct., 1002.
he names as witnesses:
Joj-eph Shite, Coltajn) Grove, Oregon.
Alfro illilgeloiv, Ut iijiimin Pitcher, of
Star,. Oregon, llerman T. Dow, of Cot
tsgu Grove i re--on .
Any andall (wrsons elaiminp adverre
ly the above-described lands are ru
uitcstcd to file their clainu in this office
ou or beforesaid lltli day of Out., 1U02.
j. I. UHiiKiKS Jiegister.
United States band Office,
Rosebnri;. Orenon. Anir.. 5. 1002.
Nolito is hereby given that in eompli-
the act ol
anue with tlie provisions of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "A
ir the sale of titnlwr lauds in th
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
United Stutes Land Office,
lloseburg. Ore., July 18, 1002.
Notice Is hereby given that In com.
pllance with tho provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of tlmlier lands
In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, andWnshlngtonTerrltory,"
us extended to all the I'ublle Lantl
States by act of August 4. 1M2, Cal
M. Young, of VIdu, County of Lane,
.State of Ore., 1ms this day filed In this
office his h worn statement No. 2!(01, for
the purchase of theNW ii of Section No
12, Township 22 South, of lUuigeSiRaiico 4 West, and will olfer proof to
vt est antl win oner prool to show i show that tho land sought is more
tiuittuo lantl sotiglit Is moro ruin-, valuable for its timber or atone than fo
able for Its timber orstoue than for, agricultural nurnoses. and to establish
Hereunto to sain
A familiar niutie for the Chk-ugo,
Milwnnkee & St Paul Hallway.
known all over tls Union as the
Great Railway running the "Pioneer
Limited" trains every day titul night
between St Paul and Chicago, anil
Omaha and Chicago, "The only er
fect trains In the world." Under
stand: Connections are made with
All TrutiHcontlneutal Lines, assuring
to posHcngurs the lK.stservlceknowii.
Luxurious ci laches, electric lights,
ste.un hwtt,. .ot a verity etpmltsi by
no tfther lino,
Sew that .ytmr ticket reatls via "Tla;
.Mllwanl;e''wheu golngloiiiiy point i ')
In the United States or Canada. All
ticket agents sell tliem.
For rates, ' pnmphlets or other In
fonuatlon, address,
J. W. f'ASKV, M. S. ROWK,
Trav. Pass. Agl. (icit. Agt.
Portland,' Oregon.
Latest Yfiricty of Styles.
Shirt Waists, Choice but Inexpensive.
New EtFects in Fine Hosiery!
For Sale.
A lttl acres 2 mlk northwest o
Cottage drove, 811 acres In grnss,
gootl running water, barn full o!
hay, young orchard, 1 acres straw
lierrles, will keep 50 hentl of cattle.
Price 91(s0, 131 acres 'A miles from
Walker, Spjicres ol bottom land, lljj
.acre giirtlen with water for Irriga
tion, barn full of hay and oats, 30
head of cattle, team, wngon, Imple
ments, etc. Inquire of Hansen llros.
You're thinking of a new suit and where to get it to the best advantage. If you'll ncccpl our .sucKes
tion You'll Imy it Now mid Here. We bought our CLOTHING from the Lnrget Wobleti Mill in
America, I'iniMiiug the Cloth they Weave into Clothing. Their Clothing bents this gtjaranlee,
"The goods in this garmoitt contain no cotton or anyother udtillernti'j'ii mid we will forfeit Sioo.cxi
if cotton be found in the warp or filling of same,;' Maviu'.i.h WooLRW, Maj'ltactuhkks
Itrlng your little chaps t our Mtorp uutl Ml them out In thtlHoXtitty Vttce .Suits, iu-h .'MoOyenrs. Knee
Pants .Suits for boys, from 3 to 1 S years. Mens' ami Hoys' clothlng.'u full stock. Mens' nil wool suits, no
shoddy, no cotton, as low as $10.00 js-r stilt. Suits for $1(1.00 as good as to ,$-ii-0rt Mutts elsewhere.
numiin wat oc uuK.ittiui.ULS,
KoticK rou ruitucATio.i.
UsIloH Bttf Unl Offlre.
KO'eDurK.oreion. Jons 10. iwi.
act Conrrt'sa nf June s. IS7S,
till ajlle ftl 1 linrjar larnli
In the Mates of CltfnrnU,Oreiron, Nevada, anil I
WHjnuieioi territory." aa exiennea to all tno
ruhllc Unit (Mates V act ol Aujar) I, im,
John T- Hallee of Cotlajte (irore. County
Z Netlre t herebr irlveii tlmt In rompllani-e with
IhsDrovUlotiaol the
antilleil "An Ant fur the uile ol
uml Washington Territory, us extended
to all the Public Lund States by act of
j. , icn.1 i. .i.i i. . 1 1 .. i .... .. i l. . .
cene Countv of Lane. State of Orceon Inn
this day filed in this office her sworn
statement No, 3l'-t), for the purchase of
tlie K 4 HK J.blV l-iSKl-IAHrjKOW
Yt of See. No. 11. Township atfiiiuth, of
agiicultural purposes, nntl to estab-
UHti ins claim to sum land beloro Mo- lire. it. k.
rleL. Ware U. H. Commissioner at i gen., Oregon, on Tuesday thu 21st day
Kugene. Oregon, on Tuesday the 7lh of Oct., 11)02.
laud lx'fore Marie L,
Conitnissioncr at hu
A heading in the Grants Pass
Observer of last week must have
attracted some attention among its
renders. "Dam Workmen Strikc"is
the way they put it but upon
perusing i thq article it does not ap
pear so strong, 'i was only men
employed on a dam across Rogue
river, that has struck.
day of Oct.. 1002.
no mi men as witnesses
Herman T. Dow. Johenh Shlec. of
Cottage Orove, Oregon, William Pitt,
ot Amos, iuie uo uregon. i. A,
Pond, of Kugene, Lane Co., Oregon.
Any and all persons claiminir ml.
verscly thu above-described lands aro
requested to file their claims In this
office on or ls.-fore said 7th day of
I T. IlltinaKs, Keglster,
It is a foregone conclusion that
Cottage Grove needs more bouses
to rent. There are men walking
.lie streets at the present time try
ing to find a place to rent suitable
to install their families.
"Ijml M;ii ' L.ld Mru tl L.
of llookwalter, Ohio, "un infant child ol
our tieignisir'8 was sumsrini; from
ciioieru Inlantum. Iliu doctor hat
given nj nil holies of recovery. I took
a liotllo of -Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
ami Diarrhoea Kemcilv to tlie hnuan
telline tliem I felt sure it would do good
if used according to directions. In two
nay u tune tlie chilli Hail fully recovered.
titul ih now (neatly a year since; u vigor
ous, healthy girl . I have recommended
this Itewedv (reiiiently and have never
Huurii ii io tun in any single instance."
tor Male hy I,yons t Applegate, Drain.
IJcnsgn Drug Co., Cottage Urore. ,
00 '1 " T
For Fashionable Dressmaking :
Cotjagi; Guovb, Orb.
duo names ns witnesses: &
Willis Nowell, of .Vinos, Ore, Herman
T. Dow, William I'.trrish, of Cottage
tirove, Uie., Ucorge Park, ol jfjiigeng,
Any andall persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
tptimted to tile their claims in thisoflico
on or uelore sulci .'1st (lav 91 uci., iiv.
J.T. IliituGES, Itcgister.
y Bohemia
Main St., Cottage Grove.
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
baud. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
Valuable mlnine
nroncrtv and Do-
Jerome linos
of lne Slate ol Oregon has tfala dir flterl In
thlaoftlie lilaaworn falomeiit No. S077, lor the
purrliae ol the Ijnn ,s, S, and 11 of Section
No. 9). Township!!! Houtli. of name I Weat ana
will utTer proof ihut the lanil aouKhl la
more valuahle for lis tlniluir or atone than for
agricultural turroea, anil to catabllah bis
Claim to aain tana oeiorp atarte ij. waro,
u. H. foramli'loner at Kntrene, Orecon, 00
tMiuraajr incpuar 01 octpuipioer, iw-jt.
lie names ae wlttier-reai
T. it . smith,.!'. S. Unimfcr. of Cotlafra Orotc,
lno Co.jOe,, A J..innonon. H. 1'licber, o
Hl.r Or
Any and all persona clalmlis xtvrrtely
tne anove-aeecrirKi lanoa are requciieu 10 ni
inctr (latms in inia oince on or oeiore aaia
day il September KOI,
J. T. Ilstrxies, ItcfUter.
Kail way.
t .
' T0-
Ht. 1'autf Jiulttth,
MlnneapollHf Chicago,
Through I'uluco and Tourist Sleepers
Dining und Ilulfct Bmoking
Library Cars.
For Itatca, I'olderH and Full Informa
tion regarding Ticket Routes, call on or
11. IJJtJKtrUN, U, l. A,
122 3d St., fortiana ure.
n, 0, dFjNniston., o. w. p. a.
Oi:ttiitAvaue, blittU WMb,
Did you get one of those
They will soon be gone.
MEN'S SHOES $1.50 to $4.00
BOYS' SHOES $1.00 to $2.45
Shirts,. Collars, Ties. I-Iose, Etc.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
This 'Coupon is Valuable bring
it with you when you come.
AttoniQU-at-Law o o
: OfTlcs on Main street i
Successor to Baker &.JoUusou
Otllce and residents on Hirer street, near Wt.
mi i i on. nwj..? Ur6e n'orlt of
fiiiij-uiivu iiuoriiiK. ceiling ana rustic In
gradta 1 s and 3. Let ua tnabo vn
special prices.
BooTU.Ki;itvLnjn.B Co.
Attorney dud Counielor-at'lMia
gpertal .tUiitton given I. Ifca law ut Mines.
First National Bank Building.
CliamherlHlti, Colic, Cholera and Plar
rltoo Itemcdy hi world wMc reptitn
lutlon (or Ita cures, It never (alls and
la plrasant and sufo to talio. For sale
ny Lyonu & Applcfiato, Drom. Ucniott
fruj Co., Cottuge 0rov.