Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 15, 1902, Image 1

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Ifs n k viz
m tmu aiivi'.iitisiku mkiui'M. S
kk.vt Jon ritmwu
Devoted to the MluiiiB, Lumbering ntid Farming Intercuts of thin (iomtnunity, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 31
1 Dovorod to B6herrlt Noto.3 anA
ltbms of tfoncrcl' Inlor'ojtTo Mlixlruj Won.
..-..1.1 ii.-inii iiintmrgrrrnn
ImtiiHtrliHiH. lniMl-wdikliiK iiiuti.ulio
Ih dolitir all 'tlmt In- run to lirltiK
iilioiil MiitfCHH, unit Uuimi liitt'n-Mlcil
In IlicHilliilho Mlnlnir Co. ntv IoIm
I'oiiKrutiilutoil on tmvliiK Miifli 11 fav
orable iiillliink, unil hii rxrellcnt it
"I ko mil to my lionii'. wliohMilli-r
11 vIhIUhuI ivkI. I mIiiiII prilmll.v iv
turn went, mm I 11111 IiiU'ivmIciI In a
number 11I 111I11I11K oK'riitloiiM In
.Moutmiiv unil nliout tlictv. Kni-fto.
N. I)., Forum unil Dully Iti'iiulillinn.
Cheap Oold Mining.
Tin floverimr ol Aliinkn ivi-i-ntly
Mtalcil tlmt tin- i'oniimiy owning tin
'J'ituiI well mine on Douutux Ixlmnl,
Iiiim iiiloptcil mi Improved nu-tlioil of
! minim; which ixmIiici'h I In- coHt tolW
renin iht ton, wiVM tin1 Clinnilrli
The rout of proilut'liiK Kolil from tlilM
lilK quartz (lcioHlt hitherto Imw turn
In the nclKliliorhiiod of At the
littler rate u liirj;u minimi jirollt Iiiim
Ihi'U obtained from tliu operation of
'!m0 Htmupx on inn bonrliiK mi nvcr
t'Kv of Ichm tlinn i'l ht ton. If tin1
new prociniH'M illacoveredfiirrcilucliiK;
tliv ore will realty not exceed n totnl
coHt of OtiviitH ht ton. It iiiciiiih not
only (v out of "nearly one-lialf on the
exK'nm of mine ami mill operation,
lint It IttiiiKH within the field of
profltiililu ivdiictloil a viwt mnoitnt
of iiiartx which under former eon
dllloiiN would lie clawed a virtually
barren and worthier).
The new procc referred to by
(Soveruor llrady wilt make one-dollar
ore prolltalilu to work, mid In the
eiiNe of (he Treadwell mine the dollar
Htaudard will add iiiIIIIuiim of Ioiih of
iivnllnlilo quartz "In hIkIiI" to the
eorporatlou'H ntock. No one wave a
prUellcul miner emi fully comprehend
the HlKullli-unrr of u prollt in dollar
tire, If the new 'rreiulwell protiwn eau
Ih) applied In Oregon mid It proli
' will lirlmrlnto thetlehl
1 of active operation an Indefinite
volume of KoliMn'arliiK quartz which
..1 . .......... ,1..
KlIlH f.latl ...111.. Ott.l I, ,,r ill lllllff I
mWMWmmmmimmi&SM mothinU employed W There nn,
...!-. r. 1.1 ii ..f innnmerniiic qumt vein or enorni
"" n ji.ii. 1.. ..1 .,
r from $:l to ht ton of koM. hut
with one or two exeeplloiui. the. cohI
I of milling unil iiiIIIIiiicIiuh Ikvii higher
than the value of the mineral eon
telitM of theno IiIk on IidiIIoh. They
K. I-4 Kueur, who Iiiim Ikiui a H'hI
dent of Kmerado, (Irnnd KorkH
ei unity, for HomcthliiK like twenty
yearn, made iirrnnnementM with
1'ivnldviit Iivehuv of The Hunrlne
MlnhiK Co., to K' "it with hlui to
make an examination of the OrcKu
proK'rtleM which im' located twenty
flvit iuIIch from ChUuki1 'Irove, In the
llolirmla MIiiIiik DlMtrlct.
Mr. Ie Hucur I10.H unlned IiIm nx
jierlcnee with the pick and nhovel liy
loncyearMof wort! In the iiiIiivm of
Montana, Idaho, Cullfornla mid Art-noun.
A wiek uo hiMt Huuilay rn-xlilent
I.ovelmv and Mr. IO Hneur Htarted
out over the North I'ai'lllc and
leached the HnnrlMe milieu, July at),
where they nMUit n week or mori In
examination of theprocrty In which
11 Inrfiv uiimtivr of our North Dakie
miM are InteivMted. Mr. U Hucur
'ivaehed 1'arKD thin niornlliK on IiIh
ivturu, and Miiyw:
"I Im-kuii by a walk of thm iiiIIcm
from the Mtue lino utop, up to the
Imihc of Ailiiin Mountain on which
tlieHunrlw pnqx'rty Ih located, and
made an exmnluntlon of the vein, tint
IciiKth of the holdliiKH of the KunrlNit
property Im'Iiiku dlHtnnre of uhout
(l,(KX) to N.UOO feet. NoutheiiHt and
HouthwcMt. They have tiiuni'U mid
opoiU'titM varying In dlHtunce ahmit'
WW feet apart nlolijr tm vein, and
varyliiK In depth from WK) to HM Uvt.
The llrHtetit 1 exnmllied wiim on the,
HuullifiiKl IioIiIIiikm of the compnuy,
and I found uu opi'ii cut In the vein
of nliout thlrtyht't. In which Mhowed
fll;lit trnceM of fm- milling oiv, with
n vein vuryliiK In width from three
to nine feet of Iiiim- ore, mid tin- Iiiim;
oitkKcm IlldlciitloiiK of holdlUK fre'
K'olil all tle way'tliroiiKh.
'"Ihe next wiim a tunnel riiu&K) feet
Into the luimutnln, oIIowIiik the full
tllnami', hIiowIiik a vein from live to
liver Shipped tu Cottngu drove Re
ceived by T. k. Klclinrdnon
A ear load of plantm and iirKim
I lie flrnt ever whipped to IIiIm city, nr
rived Wedui'Hiliiy from Chicago lillleil
to T. K. ItlcharilHon, who aim
h!iIihiI t he (IrHt ear loail ever liroiiKht
to ItoHchuix. Call and mi! them.
All hIzi'm, hIiiiih'm, eolol'M mid iiiakeM,
all urtlMtle mid new. I'rlceM to miiII
tlie tlmeM, Dlnplay In Dr. W'iiIPm
new lirlck on Main Mtivet. Cottaue
' tJiilleil Hli-;i- LbiiiI Olllce.
HoliiirK, Oli'., Jiiiiii KUli, una.
Notice in hcrehy iiiwii tlmt in eoin
iillmicu with the provision of tin, Hctof
Counrem of June .'!, 1H7H. untitlal ''An
net fur the falcof lllnlwr In mix in f I
tilli"i of CilllfMrnh'.Ori'iiiiii.Ni'Viiihi nml
U'lmhiiiuloii Turril'iry.'' im vxtemlil to
nil the 1'iihllu Iflllil SlHtcM liy net of All
KN't I, I8I2, (lernnl Mtratinu, of I'ernic,
louuty ol MilliI.' , sinioiif lllnn.,li
ihln diiy IIIimI in tliia ofrica Iuk ntvorn
ntiilement No. 1!7I". for llir iiurcliaoc of
1I111 UK 1-4 of f-iMJtion N.i. rJ in Town
hip No. Tl H, IUih; No. (I W, Hml will
ir-r proof to kIiow that the lund roilKht
11 more vhIiihIiIo for iIh limlwr or ttono
tliuti for nitrlcluturtti pnrtKxei), snd to
tiiMli-li IiIh claim I.. m!'J land Ix-foro
iliirle I., wure, V K. CoiiiiiiUnloner
t Kiii'iie, Oregon, 011 Wiilniwlav, the
r.l iluy of riupt. Km.
lie nil mew 11 wltiw-n's :
Henry tratlnit, l l'rn; Minn., ('.
K. Trumbull. John WHgncr, Ia-u Allen,
if Drain, Orcuon.
Any ami nil poriim rlrtlinion a'! vitjk
y tile nlmvc-ilewrlheil laniln arc re
punteil to (lie their rluiiim in thin olfice
11 or before ,tid Dnl ilny of Sept.. 11)02.
J.T. HuiiHiitK, Hiiater.
If In 1 it vi I of ilental work call on
Dr. Macy, now iH'rmaiieiitly located
In the Dr. Knnpp liullilluir. Main
St.. CottilK" (Jroie, Oivkoii.
lr..-i-, ;!
We arc offering greatly
Reduced Prices in many
Lines of Goods to make
Room for our
I- ,;,lr.-li
Which is now arriving Daily.
at Less thaBi Cost.
Shivt Waists
ropitcr. lu t IiIh tunnel I fiiunil it
i iuiH i iit leinlliiKto another vein of
oiv of the Minie quullty of iibout four
feet In thlckucNH, with aumiKli'Mliow-
Inn that It Ih part of the mother!
vein, that runs Home dlttuucc deeiH'r.
mid alrto found Hint the HIIIiik Ik
tween there two velliH carrleH Kohl.
"The next i)m'ii cut wiiHulmoMt on
tli. top of the mountain, and nliout
liK) feet from thcMiirfnec. I alNiitook
Hamph'M of UiIh, wiiHlied and rriiNheil
It, mid found fni koM,
"I examined miuinticr of tiiimcln
liud iqieii eiltH, with nil the tui'meln
illcutloiiM. From my exiK-rlenir In
mining, mid looking over mining
iiroM'rty, 1 Hud from thu IndlcutloiiH
there, that tliene two vcIiih art) koIiik
to form on at noiiiu HljKht depth
lower, thali they'liave tonclii'd, and
IndlcatlonM that the vein 'will be
intich richer uh It kr'm down. I
think frour ludlcatloiiH thu clalniH
will lie almoHt excluHlvely'tiiiHe ore
liroducerM, which tu mining jinrlunco
ineaiiH mi ore that Iiiih to lteHineltiil
to Mcparato the f?old from the other
mineral contained lu It.
"I mil greatly Hurprlmil tit the out
look and thu property I examined
there, and I have been ovcrtho en
tlru liohllimM of the, Hunrlxo 'Mining
Co., which are located on thu bane of
AdaiuH Mountain, lu thu llolieuihv
Mining DlHtrlct. TI10 railroad Ih.iiI
ready running to Cottagu drove,
'within twcuty-llvomllcH of tlio uilueH,
mid iv new branch Ih now lieliig built,
mid thu iiiIIh are laid to wlfliln lullt'H of thu mine, and when
completed will bo within one-quarter
of a mile, which given overy facility
tor the trniiHportutlon of the pro
ductH. TIiIm branch lino U nowbelng
eoiiHtrueted they had laldHoiuu four
iiilIeHot track when I wiih theixi.
"They hid arranging for Htamp
mill and concentrating tublcH. They
have tmmeiiM! qniuitltleu of ore lu
Might on the dumpH, mid will bo pre
pared to Hlilp tho concentrated ore
to tho HinelterH an hooii uh the ma
I'hlnery Ih lu working order.
"Thu oru Ih In Hlght In Iuiiuciiho
quuntltlcH, and tin hooii uh thu ma
chine emi turn nut thu concentrated
ore, the railroad will carry it to tho
HindterH, and then tho initio will bo
on a dividend paying lmnlw, mid with
every Indication of nn lininoiiHO mip
ply of nit).
"In connection with thu oro tjie.v
luiVo nn liuxhaUHtlblo amount of
timber right at liiind for all pur
jiohch, Including coiiHtructlon of
liulldlngH, and thu condition nro
Much tlmt tho mlncH can ho operated
the year arilund.
"Tho contour of thu mountaliiH Ih
Hiich that tuiiiu'la can bu run In any
direction and thus drain tlieniHclvcn,
doing nvrnx with till nmchlnco' and
)ubor In that connection.
have been condemned, an unavall
able, IfaOl) centH per toiujiMkiH
euu Ih! applied to them, theno big
quartx depoHltH will pimnehH a com
incrclnl vnluif which eautiot be
HUcer-ed at and the gold-quurtK re-
HourceH of the Htate will U tivmend
oiiHly expanded. If It ran bo applied
to thu mine operated on the mother
lode, It. will uiukc It prolltalilu to ex
tract every pound of oru lying le
tweeii the wall of that great IIkhiiiv
vein, and It will alnopay tomliiu mid
reduce much of thu Hhitu formation
lu ItH iielghborhooil, which Ih gold
hearing. Tho coxt of; mining and
milling on Hint lode Iiiih been cut
down from about ?!). twenty-live
yeai-H ago to JS.i'i at pivnent, and
now $4 Ih worked at a prollt. Hut
there Ih a vawt rtwrvi" In thu vein,
carrying from to $8 per ton,
which nobody cun afford to touch
with a &!.'. iiroceHH, all of which will
yield 11 big profit for working If thu
proceHHCH of tho Trenilwell mine can
be applied to It. (lold-ipiartx mining
Iiiih reached a wonderfully Hue point
when the cimt of winning the
prccloiiH metal from IIh matrix Ih iv
it need to lid centH pir ton.
Tooled An Assayer,
A mining proHpeetor down In the
(IrautH I'iihh country, who known a
llttlo innrv than many of uh about
the weakncHH and teiniitatlonM of
mineral iiHHiiyern lu l'ortlaud, had
becomu dlHHatlHllcd with tho reportH
inadu on HiimplcH which he hud Kent
to thu city for examination. He hud
been linked to nenil additional
HiimpIeH of IiIh oru until ho wiih gett
ing wenry of tho biiHlucHH. Onu day
luuxplrlt of levity, ho jilcked up 11
broken' pli'eu of grludHtonu which
happened to bu lying around tho rail
road Htatlon. Ho neiie thin Hamplo
tu tho mineral iiHHayer and called for
ji report.
Tio return wiih not Junt whut ho
had TOiiHontoantlclinite. ThoiiHHayer
found that tho Numplo yleldeil hoiiio
thlng llko ?27.03 to thu ton lu gold,
with truclngH of sliver and other
Tho poor proHiiector, uftor thinking
ovor tho iiHtoundlng rojinrt, decided
fluit. Ilin iiuuii v,i fllil i'liitt 1,ii,l tiiwiti
dono befoie Vu had Hot tOHtod tho
Hamplo thoroughly, but piiHued Hiiap
jiiiiKiiiuai' uiiiuiiiii ivporieu a very
high uBHiiy In order to encourage tho
proHpeetor. Tho next thing tho
prospector did wiih to box up 7fi
poundH of tho grlmlHtnno and huiiiI It
to thu iiHHayer, wlo had to pay tho
oxprcHH charge. Tho proHpeetor
wrotn tho aHsayer 11 lottor, and ad
vUod hli that hi iiHKiiy wiih exceed
ingly nattering, and thatiiH It looked
ho good tohlm lio could hnvo any
"Va-Hltlctit liovcluco I find to bo mi innntlty of tho muup kind
Culled KtuteH Land Olllce,
Itoyeliurg, Ore., .lune Uilth. Wrl.
Notice Ih hereby given that lu com
lillatue with the provlnioiiH of the act
ofCougri'MM of June it, 1S78, entitled
"An act for the Hale of thnlrer land
lu the State of California, Oregon,
Neviulrh and WuMlilugton Territory."
a extended to all the I'llbllc I.nnil
.State by act of Augut 4, Anna
I.. Dock, of Sllverton, County of Ma
rlon, State of Oregon, Iiiih till day
tiled lu till otllce her Hworn Htate
incut No. :Mls, for thu purchiiHu of the
K MW & Loin :t & I of Section No.
lS.TowiiMhlp No. L'O.S.ltangeilWnnd
will offer proof to hIiow that the
limit Hought I moix' viiluable for ItH
timber or Htoue than for agricultural
ptirpoHc, mid to chIiiIiIIhIi her claim
to Hiild land iM'fmv Marie 1.. ware.
U. H. CominlHHloner at Eugene.
Oregon, 011 Krliluy, the luth Any
of Sept.. W.
She nmucHnM witni'HM'H:
Kivd I'. HuiHt. Mr. Weliert. of
Aurora. Marlon Co.. On'.. Al Hamil
ton, Alex MutlkuvH. of Kugcnc, I.anu
Co., Ore.
Any mid all ihthoiih claiming ad
vernely the above-lecrllK'd IiuiiIh nro I
rui iiCMien 10 mi! iiieir cillllUH in hum iv the uixivi'-tleccrliieil laniln arc ro
olllee 011 or before Hiild l'Jth day (if qucMcd to IlliUlu-ir cIhiiiik in this office
Si'pt..iy(L'. I on or beforu tfaht 17iti Uy of Oct.. 1901!.
J. T. IIiiiikikh. IteglHtcr. ' J. T. llRtnorn. Uegietcr.
United fiutra Ijind Olllce,
Itoehurir, Ori'Kon, Julv 30, 102.
Notice ia hereby eiren lli.ii in eoinpli-
mice with tho provionn 1,1 the act of
ConKrew of Juno .'I. IH'H, enlithil "An
ct for the enle of limber land in tho
tnti'K of California, Oregon. Nevada and
U'lii'liinutun Territory," an extcndeil to
all the I'ublle ImimI Stutei by act of Au-
mint 4, lW.'.dui't I). 1 .0 tit I i 11 . of Hmpilain,
County of Clii'lmliB, State of Waeh.,
Iia Hub day tiled 111 iIhhoScu bin ruorti
tiiteincut No. SOH'J. for the ptirehnru of
the 8K tf Section No. 0, Tnwnchip 22
South, of Itance J U'ect, and will offer
proof torhow that the land sought ia
more valuable for it limlivr or atone
than tor ngriciiltliral p'irMnteK,aiid to c-i-uihliidi
hia claim to Raid land In-fore
I lie lUnlnterand Itweivernf thlanfTieeat
Horebiir, Orvon, on Fiidav, the 17th
ilav of Oct.. 1002.
He iibiiii-h hh ivitnfM'pf :
Joel 1. Ohleen, Andrew l.umllicrg. of
Alx'rdeeii, Waali., Geoive W. 8haw, of
IIimiuIhui, Wueh., Charlea Trmnbjll, ol
Drain, Oreenn.
Any and all pewma clainiinc adverce-
Big Bargains in Ladies Shoes
till September 1st,
The only Complete Line of Gents and Boys' Coltein Town.
lift vm Q n at ITainaiiwaTr'i
To make room for our Large Stock of Fall
Goods, now Ordered, will give a Discount of .
From 10 to 25 per cent, on all Odds and Ends.
This will be a Money-Saving Proposition to
fll! S::l) I'lllE IHll
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
I'niled States Land oldcc,
Itoclinri:, Ore., Juno 17, 19ft.'.
Xolire ia heiebv given that in com
pliance with the provision of the act of
' Coiiurei'g of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
' Act for tho mile of Timber Ijinda in the
State of California, Oregon, Xeyada,
mid Wanhintrton Territory," as extended
to all the Public Ijind SUtu: by act of
, AiiKin-t 4, 1802. William A. Iluckner of
Albany, County of l.inn. State of Ore-
, iron has lliirt iluy filed in thiaoirice Ilia
mrorii etiitement No. 2745, for the pur
eliuaeof theN ofSW J.SWVf ofNW
4, XV 1-4 of Hi) 1-4 of Section No. 2t),
Townchip 23 South, of Kangu 1 Went
and will oll'cr proof tu show- that tho
land tHiilit ie more valuable for iU
timber or ttono than for agricultural
purposes, und to establish hix claim to
nab! land beforo the County Clerk
of Linn Conntv al Albany. OreKon,
on catumay tne.iutn ilnyol August, l Wl'.
He names us witnesses: j
Italph V. Klaher, W. K. Kisher, of
Albany, Ore., J. W. Uouck, N. II,
Martin, of (Jottnce tirove, Ore. I
Any and nil peinona cluiinint- ad-1
verbely the alKive-deaerilitHl lands aro ,
niui'sled to tile their claitna in this
nifice on or before said 30th day of Sept.
J.T. Bridges, Register. .
Rough Lumber,
SB 7
Saginaw, Or.
Direct from the Factories; .
We are sole AKenfs for Oregon and can save you the
middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Orgiin in w
part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small g
monthly, or yearly pame'nts. We are the sole Agents for
the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piano. Write us ior'Cata-
logue and prices. JJ
Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon.
W. S. Chrisman.
Eli Hangs.
The Fashion Stables
Will be given at the
irc I'lerSKs given 'away
First Prize, for the most beautifully
dressed Lndy, $20; 2nd $10, 3rd $5.
A Fine Mandolin for best -Gent and Lady Walker.
A beautiful fan for the best Lady Waltzer, by Gorman &
Hemenway: lkst Gentleman Waltzer. IMne Silk Hand
kerchief, by Thornton of Racket store; Pine Box of Stationery, second
best I,ady Waltzer Hcnson Drug Co.; Pine watch fob chain best Gen
tleman two-step by IX. C. Madsen. Jeweler: Good Uttucy Whin to nartv
driving greatest distance to ball, Geo. Pdgar Willson's
restaurant gives an Oyster supper to the lady and partner winning first
rrlze for finest dress; Pen Lurch, i fine white Parasol to 2nd best cou-
:iie waitzers; New lira Drug Store, prize, contents unknown, to the
ad tiaUCilltr all rtnUOPS. nn turn with tim nnrtiitr
. ctrir t nn A TIT 9- r!ADntITTU
Will be announced later. " Successor to Baker & Johnson
Dance Tlckpts 75cts. Lmly Dancers Free. Spectators, Lady or Oent, 25cts. COTTAGE GROVE, ORE
Grocery Store
Caries a full line of Staple
and Puiicy goods, Gratiite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats,
Hay and everything the .
farmer or the housewife needs.
Produce of nil kinds taken
in exchange.
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
you are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
Will meet All Competlon
In J'rlcev,
Qji'isroai, BHS, Proprietors.
Also own and opperate the Houeran
and Black Butte Stage Lines .
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Reasonable Prices
Atthe 11)11 MUAb IlUlMi.
Where tlio niunU aro wc)l cooked and well nerved and tbcbwU aro good,
Ami you'll Hud everything homu-Hko without homo inconvenienced.
Come and utay an long uu possible.
Freo toourCoinnierclnlTriido. fry our Sunday Dinner. Tho bent ever
Borved in any Hotel in the City,
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
Attorney at I aw,
Itenil renl oatlite
Knox d Co.
burgntnn of Jcruwu
Ofllfe o'u In ititsl, Wit t-H
Fine renideno. clioica lolB,' buiij
blocks (or tuo J. roine KtioxcA VP)