Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 08, 1902, Image 8

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' UiiIUhI Htntea Land Office,
Iloacbttrjr, Ore.. June 20th. 1002.
Notice Ib hereby given that In com
pliance, with tlio provisions of tlio net
oi uougress 01 .Mine ;i, inin. ciimiwi
'Hon, Hint' of Oregon. bus thin iluy
flled In thlrt olllco lier mvoni stnte
tteeiit No. 2818, for thu pmi'hu-o of tlu
K HW Y & Lots :i & 4 of Section No.
18. Township No. 'JO N, Range n W mill
will nffiT nniiif to show tlmt the
Iiinil sought Is inor vuliinble for It
"All Hot lor the sale I if tlmlKT InnilH act lor the siticoi uinoer mints oi me .ei mr me ssic ui uu wi "
In the States of California. Oregon. States of California, Onir.ui, Nevada, .States of California, Oicgon,
Nevtula. mid Witshlhgton Territory," ami Washington TiMrilory ."as extended anil J nalilnit '"TTrl ory,,' ascxtended
A4 extended to nit the l'nlillc liinl to nil the I'nlillo Unit State by art of to nil tho Public Land Mates by not of
Ht&te by net of August 4. 1)2. Anna August 4, 18112, Mr. Lavello 0. Howes, August 4, l2, Johney S. Akin, of Lot
Is. HOCK. Ill ti IVI-ritlll. 1 OUlllV III MW "I 1 lirilHIU,Vln.lliyill, .j... .u inv ...u,., vv.-.J 1 . . --
timber or Htonetbun fonwleiilnirnl'iinil to otulili-ili livri'lnini iiilt
iiuriMwett, mill to oitnbllHli liereliilni . Iieforo ilatlo I,. Wiire. U.S. to
tMnlil Innd iK'foro Mnrli; U wiuv,
V. H. CoiiunlHKloner nt. Kimt'iie,
OrfKon, on Frlilny, the Wth Any
of Hept.. 11)02.
Hhe niinii'MnH wIIiukwh:
Vtvt 1. Hiinit. Mw. Webort, of
Aurorn, Marlon Co., On1.. Al Hninp -
mn. AluT MnlliiiWM. ol Kllin-ne. IIUO
I'll (In.
Anv nnd nil pormins i-lnliiiliiK nil-
vpruolf tin. iiIiiivimIikciIUiI lllllds lire
rcqueMted to flic their cIhIiiim In thlai
onicconor lieioa' Kniu nun uu.v in
ejit,, 11(02.
J.T. ItmiKiKM. lti'Klnter.
it t uiiiuviiiivtii
United Suites Kind Oirire,
1 jwips iiinil vuut,
.Ore.. Julie 24, 1902.
iv Riven that in
iVofi-ions of the act of
Noticu is hercliv
tillann. with thu IirOV
Ooncresaof June 3. 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale of tlmlier In ml in th
oroof to allow tlmt the hind mniirht
W mofp vnlniiblc for lt tlmlH-r or
Btatcn of Ci. torn a. On-gon, Neymla, j f""i " v " .;,Vj.i r i i. .., has this ilay tiled In this otllce his sworn
and Washington Territory.1, as ex- !"""' u vm"x "w PTl statement No. 29-JI. for the purchase of
tended to all the Public Umd States by ' J ? J; ';1v) J'4 , the NV4', of Seclion No 24, township 20
ct of August 4, 1832, Olof Obe Jf',' " V.iF,0"" bouth, of Uange 7 and will otfer
utllciulaiiiConiitv of Chehalis, State ..f;-' hofltii HW 2 IW.a ml ill offer pro. if to , ,,, tho ullll MUf,tU
Wash., in this office show thatlhe land sought Is more alu- ;ilore V1,.,ble for its tiniK'r or stone
lila sworn sUtemen't No. 2S07, for tha ""x"' or V " 'I? "i, lit! Ki I than for agricultural pnrH.scs. and to
rurcluwo of tlio NWS,' of cultural piiriio-tn.. and to t t ahl ishliis elnl)iisb Ida claim to said land More
tlon No. 11 In towmdiip No. 21 claim to said land lfore Marie I, are Mlirie Ware. U. S Commissioner at
N.. rruiiru No. 8 wi-nt. mill will offer ! lJ- ! Coiiunissioner at Kugene. Oregon, ; Omwn. on M-ndar the 13th
'V' r.. .' V"'. 'TA'T'on. Josenb Shl. of Star Oregon. Cal
UIIU llJ l-nniiiiri inn iiiiiiii ,
i-K.i iu.i... tr.,..l t..wi
atlil it mil; ti; i
lulHaloner nt liiwne, tircKiin. on
Mondiy. the 15th iluy tif Sept., 1002.
He mime iih wltneiweM:
UJftlnmr Nelson, Cico. W. Slutw, of
i(Xulnm, WuhIi.
Any nnd nil jierxoiiN cbtliniiiK nil
Terael.v tlie nlMivtMlewrllied binds nre
jretiucatctl to tile their elnlnvi In thia
ufllce on or before cnld 13tl tltiy of
iiept., 1002.
J. T. Ukhmikh. Kepister.
I'nited Statex IjiihI Oflire,
Jloscburg', Oregon, 1002.
Noties is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congressot Jnnc3, 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of timlier lands in the
fi tales of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory,'1 as extended to
all the Public Land Stales by act of Au
gust 4, 1802, Benjamin F.Oiesy.of Auro
ra, County of Marion. State of Oregon,
hag tills dav tiled in this office his sworn
statement Uo. 2937, for the purchase of
tho 8 W i of Section No. 24, Township
' U.....I. f I T lt..
V OUlllll. Ui tvaiiw I IICI, 111IU 1. l . I .1 .,.t 1 .
will offer proof to thow that the .r!T,lvVn baturda.v- t,,u 1Uh of
land nought is more valuable for its w-, w..
timber or atone Umii for agricultural L as wi nesses.-
nutooses. and to establish his claim to: ' h ec' ofl-ottage urovc. Ore., Al-
isirf l.n t liefiirn ilsr. 1 Wuru.
V. 8. Commissioner at Kugene, Oregon,
on Monday, tlie 13thdaV of Oct., 1002.
He names as witnesses:
Fred P. Hurst, Kdward II. Will, Gue
tar A. Bock, George 11. Gray, of Aurora,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tlie above-described lauds are re
quested to file their claims in this office
im or before said 13th day of Oct., 1002.
J.T. IIriikscs, Register.
Sakviii 8umr,
Tie Fid National Bank
Cottagb Grove, Orb.
Paid up Capita, $25,000.00
Money to loan on approved security,
Exchanges sold, available any ,lnce
in theUnited States,
Rough Lumber,
per M. at
.Saginaw, Or.
CO 'iOs,
For FazMonable Dressmaking.
Cottage Grove, Ore.
uutl si, UN f RANCISC0, CAL
( IUU u4 kmiii
u'tt:l;f?i.A"lomIct, Mo
unaiut altrnetlm (n Ot CUM. J. 1
MillM,Mii,,lyVurIlby i
" Slut knlildla f
-,..i. it. i.. . i-UII" v
ntrriMia .nil phvtlcl ui 1 1 ti . in,'. I
: . : . 7 - witi not .
u, MB .If. MM HIS lnMlm.1,1 lli.l 1 . l.i
onr IJnrg HQmiHiiai rfjlr. Ull titrBiaiiftiit I
ur ,1f Doctor doo i t clilra Is r(urm ,
mlrsdM, but u will known lotrll ."a I
Ctt.r riiyslctsn mnA burrroii. pn.tnliiuit '
TrHlf.(sl Ihomnihlr tradlcntn! Um t
HI tor Uuplnr. U qutclc nJ rlil i
tuimt Jfllrs. rinsn mu rirnlu,ty I
Dr. Jaratn's istdil ii.luU,i mt Hinds. ,
TrMMM tllll hV .n ir.luu-t llnrfl..!
tJtomt opinion of Jiff mJlipUlnt.
kvsesix nAK arpirliirtaaswiurtetir
ir4BVjiiiiiwionoi jiijmjiipisinr. a
rr, uili bwtrmiu a tOMltYS CUSXtn V
whis f..r Kk. p-mi.osoriir of
MAHMIASK. MiuidFi UvalaaMsi
.ktwuta.) Cwlor writs
TttAlm.ul Mranall. n h 11 tup. M
MMaOANftCO.,t0slUtrli(lt,8.P. 9
United .States Land Oltlee,
ltosoljiitVt Oi wm, July 11, 1002.
V,tl,..t Iw lim-itlm irii-i.ii tllltl til isim.ill
mice with Hie provision oi mo net oi
Congress of June 3, IS78, entitled "An
lier sworn statement No. 2iW4, for tho
purchase of thuSK ,uf Section So. 20,
T.iwnWilp 20 SoiUli.of lbinp'2 V. 1111.I
will offer pnMif to fhow that the land !
winulii la mm-,. vhIiihIiIk fur lis iIiiiImt!
or itonc than for ngrienltiirnl piirMMe!,
llti innd
"loner nt huwne, Oregon, 011 riiurs
iliiy. the Bjtli iluy t hept., iikk.
,C M. omir. Junper 1., tioill, A. J
Shoemaker, or l,ii)M'ne, On-., IIiirIi
Iteuves, of Cotaire Drove, Ore.
I Any ami all ptwna claiming ailveme'
l.v me auovtwieyeriMii i.iiuik are re
mesteil to filo their elaima in this oltleo
011 or lietore an it i'olli nay 01 .eni.. is.
J. T. Hkiihjes. ltegi'tcr.
N0T10K F0K PIT 111.1 CATION.
Vnited States IjiiuI Oirice,
HoHiOiiin.'. Ouvon. . I'M!.
Notice is hereby given that in conipli-
1 ,:. - . . . ,i. . ..f
'n,Ilc wltl' l,nJvl"',J" ,V.',e ,"."!
. f WrpM ui Jinn. lS.rt. entitktl All
Coimress f JiineH, IS78, entithii "A 11
... 1
act for the sale ol tlmlier liintls
. ;. i n t t t n 1.
0.c'','for,i,1,0rtT,,", i l I
i-oin-i''dashing on Territory 'asextendei
to all the Public l.m.l Males by act of
d-t .1 It ..r
M.J.airfc. f!ml..lvnf Ijtn... Ktltln of Ore- ,
V ItlllHIVII, 111
: '".. ."':.: v . f. . ..
ileiiaintsas wiinesyes:
William lill, oit.-on..goi.,roie,ure;
, . . ...i.
. ... . ...M..MV. ....... . .., i
man t. iww, .n .iiaKei.roie. "ie. ,
t ,.v unit Mil ..lullllltli' uill'prae
I. .. . .. ---
i iy tut" niiovuiiwcrii eii iniiiio
; qneste.1 to Tile their claims
on or before said 7th day
J. T. Hridues, Itegister.
Unitnl States Land Office,
Koscburi;. Oreiton. : 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in com
with the provisions of the act of ,
111 llnviin.liiiHl hla tisv li liil 111 I UK ouiro urtuo I nil mis nay mini in mm umcv
t, in;., Aiiuiiiiis
iwk, Ciiiiiityof Im
on iiiesnav tue iiiiunyoi vet., t.u..
sof June3,ns8, entitle.1 "AiCongreia of June 3, 1878, entitled "Al
thu sale of timber land in the i.t fnrtlm ,lnf ilmlur lumla in tli
act for thu sale
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex-.
... I I.. .11 .1 . II..III . t I 1... '
icuueii to an me iiiuuc itiiii oian-o uy
actof August 4. 1802, Frederic G. Young,
of Kueene, County of Lane, State of
Oregon, has this day HIeil in this office , this day tiled in this office hi sworn
his sworn statement No. 3033 for the , statement No. 2717, for the purchase of
purchase of the I-oU 3. 4, U A 10 the SB 1-4 of Section No. 22 in Town
of Section No. 18, Township 20. South sli!p No. 22 S, llauge No. 0 W, and will
oi luinge .111.1 est; hihi win oner jiroui ,
toshow that tlie land sought is more vat-
liable for its timber or stone than for ag-1
ricultural purposes, and to establish his !
claim to said land lfor Mane L.
Ware, U. b. Oommissioner at hugene,
,u o'geiow, oeiijanini t iuriier, in,
Oregi n, Herman T.
Dow, of Cottage
urove, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
ly the aliove-described lands are re-
quested tn die their claims iu this office j
on or before said lltli day of Oct., 1002.
J. T. liituxiES, Register.
United Stute Lnml Office.
UoHebiiRf. Ore., June 24th. 1902.
Notice Ih hereby kIvcii tlmt In com
lillnmx' witli the provIsloiiH of the
..f ..I -.,.. .mu Tun.. ! 1HTU .....
tltleil "Au act lor the hoW of timber
i,iui ti,cti,.ui('iir,,,i,, fr..
lll.r.. ,i...j,.,vo.r. v.. a...'. ...... vs.v-
Ron, Neviuln,mul WiwhhiKton Ter-1
ritory."aK exteiuU-d to all the I'tili-1
li,. I ,. ml Ktiiiu iivm.t .f A,i,r,,utj
1S02, Aileliiert J. Jicintvre,
ouliim. County ol IJlielm l...u1.l.l...- flla,1 1. iiSllia
IiIhhwoiu HtntementNo.2.ortItlT,,""n8.,1il, P0"il; "ange 1 Heat
iilir.lilu fir till. I." U (if tin. SV V. H U.
no. iii oiun. oi itnnKC n veat. hiki
will offernroof to xhowthat tlie hind
nought Im more valuable for Itn tlm
lier or Htone than for agricultural
purpoHeH, and to entablHli IiIh claim
to Haid hind lielore Murle h. Ware,
U. H. ConimlHritoner at Kukciil',
Oregon, on M.omlay the 15th, day
of Sept., 1902.
no namcH im witneHHCH
OIofOlH-rg.CharleMOlierg. HJnlmar i
-M'lson, tieo. w. Hnaw, ol Jlomilnm,
WaHh. j
Any anil ull ncraoiiH claiming ad-
vprupfv thf. nli(iviflrM4'rHif.fl liinilu
nre rentieHteil to file their clnlmx tn '
thin olllce on or Iiefore Haul loth day
of Sept.. 10US.
.1. T. BmnoKH, Rcgiater.
United State Land Office,
Rpacburg, Ore., June24th, 1002..
Notice Ib hereby given that In com
pliunce with tho provisions of the 1
net of Congreaa of June :i. 1878. en-'
titled "An net for the wile of tlmlier
- Voi-n.In nml U'nulilnirtnn Toi.
gon, .CMlln, ftnu IMUIIingtOIl ier-
rltorv," tin e-xtendeil to all the Public
Land 8tate by act of August 4. 1A92. i
" : v...w- ... w...w.. ,
SSth,S&i S.nltte., M-,i.iL,a2.thr5 :
aiLfomoAt v., "iino w ii,.-h.,'i vniuivoio lor iw timtier or atone tnan
of tho nk v ArSf u.n jR ii M for "(flcultural purposeH, ami to ch
2.' .t 0. ..9'.. h?'i ' i tnbllsh Ills claim to Hald land lieforu
TownshlnNo.21 H.. Uange No.8West
nnd will offer proof to hIiow tlmt the
bind sought Ih more valuable for ItH
timber or mono tnan lor agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to wild land before Mnrlo L. Ware,
U. H. CommlsHloner at Eumjiie.
Oregon on Monday, the 15th day of
Sent., 1002.
tie names as witnesses:
OlofOberg, A. J. Mclntyre, HJal
mnr Nelson, Geo. W. Shaw, of Ho
fiuiam, Waah.
Any and all personn claiming ad
versely the above-described landH are
renuested to Hie their clalmH in tlilu
office on or before said 15tli daj- of,
Sept., 1902,
J. T. IlniiKiEB, Register.
Main street, VolUg Urove, Ore,
notice roit
United States Land Office,
HiHohurg. Ore , Juno 12, 1002.
Notice Is hereby given-thai In coinpll-
lanee wim tne provisions m mu
'Congress of Juno a, 1878, entitled "An
I his sworn stiiteinriit No. 2000, for the
' purchase nt theNE '4. of Sett loll No. 10,
TowiwhlpS2South,of HatiKo8WimU I
offer proof to almw hl the land soiight
In mortf vabiabtu for Its timber or lonu
1 than for agricultural purpurea and to r.i
mdiihii in riniin 111 fhiii 1R1111 in-iiMv uv
i Kcghilcraml Hecelvr ol tlii olniv at
Itoselmrg. Omnui, on Friday the 3l
davofUet., l!H)2.
In milium tin wltnese! T. low. Charlr? Powell
William Keyn, Dan llriiiiiluiiigli, Cot
tape, (trow, Oie.
Auv ami nil poraona elaliiingadverae
v the above-ileucriUnl umla are re
oueKtetl n tile their claims' in tlilaorTlce
on or ucioru eani i nay m wi., iu
J.T. lliiltHiKa, Ilegiptcr.
N0T1CK Vim 1'Uni.lCATION.
Unilisl Stalin I-ind Office,
Hiwebnrv'. Ortvon. . 1002.
miiT is nvivwr ki,uii iiuiv 111 ,mi'
Idlaneo with the provisions of the act ol
I ,....'., . ...1 , , .,
XiHiit- is hereby given that in coin
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
act for the Side of limber lands ii
acv tur iiiu siiiu ui iiiuin-r
"-w f California, OrcV'
, V:,,biiigtonTerritory,'
,11U10 UnA s,
of limber lands in tl
vroii. Nevada
as exteniliHl
III 1111 (iiu 1 mini iiinil oi.iir 11 m 1 111
C...t 1 ..1
, ... 1 iuim i.m ..1 ft till .. 1..
"-I T ."'1? " " " '"' L.V V "
rorn. i. 4111111 v til .uiirion. kiltie ui viru.
ilav ol Oi-IiiImt. 1B02.
lie names as witnesses.
lie,,!,,,,.!,, K. (iitsv. Fre.1 P. llnrs
I Gustily A. Hock, lieorRO II. Uray
Aurora. tireiMii.
Ally Hn, ,,cn0l, claiming adverse
. . !. .. .
l r M-tl,r lne aoiivtr-.lsi:riiili lauun iiiu ri."
i 1 1 irw 'inestiil to tile their claims in thi. office
s n this omce(ouorbtfore ,ail,MI, lUvo Oct., 1002,
T::iV.,if" J- T. uiiHi. Itegister.
,r ,tie ao,,ve-,icscniKii lanus are re
Vnitnl Sti'es Ijnd OlTicc,
llosebiin:. Ore.. June llilli. 1002.
Xiltir Is htirohv iivtn tlmt ill iln
pliunce with the provisions of the act o!
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
.. . .P... - ..." .
lull the fulille linil States ny act ol Ail
, K,(t 4, 1802, tieranl Strating, of Pease
I County of Mille Lac . tjtatuof Minn-.hai
oner Drool to snow tnal tne land soiigiit
is more valuable fur its timber or stone
than for purposes, and In
establish his claim to said laud before
Marie L. ware. U. S. Commissioner
t Kugene, Oregon, on Wednesday, th
am nay ol sept, wu,
He names as witnesses:
Henry Strating, of Pease, Minn.. C.
I-., lruniuull. Joint agner, lAie Alien
of Drain. Orenon.
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
ly me auive-4ieaeriiiei are
Lniiestul tn Hhi their claims in this offic
ou or before said 3rd dav of Sent.. 1002,
J.T. IIkiixiks, ltegisier.
Uuileil St-ites LjiiiI office,
Rusebiirg, Ore,, June 17, 1002,
Notice is iieieby civen that in com
pliunce with the provisions of the act of
Uongress of June 3, 1H7K, entltleil "A
Art for the sale of Timlier Lauds in th
States o( California, Oregon, Nevada
jndWashlngtoii Territory.'' as extende.'
to all the Publiu Laml States by acto
... ...n.. .. . .
Augm't 4, 1892, llllam A. Iliickner of
, "'""" "'V
gon has this day HIeil in tliisoffiee lii
of Aui;iint4 gon nas mis day uleil In tiilsouice ins
tvre of Ho-f"wor" 'tatement No. 2745, for the pur
nlltO State of I dw of ilieS WSff W, SW VA of NW
In tltlH office V, 1-4 ot Hb l'i of Section No. 28,
l urwoi v eiuiw umi in
is more valiulilc for it
timber or stone than (or agricultura
ptirposen, and to establish his claim to
said land before thu County Clerk
ol l.lnn county at A I ban v. Urciion
on Saturday the.lOth day of August, 1002.
He names as witnesses:
Ralph W. Fisher, W. K. Fisher, of
Aluanv, lire., J. W. Houck, il
Martin, of Cottage Urove. Ore.
Any nun all iieisons claiming an
ver"ey alxive-descriljed lands are
office on or before said 30th day of Sept,
J.T. IiniiKjKs, Register.
United KtaH'H Land Office,
RoHcbunr. Ore.. Jma'. 2S. 1002.
Notice Ih hereby ulven that In com
nllance with the provisions of the act
oi uongreMM oi juiio a, VfiH, entitled
"An act for the mile of tlmlier IihiiIh
In the Htutes of California, Oregon
Nevada, and WiiHliliigtou Territory.'
UK extended to all the 1'uhllc Land
57J TV.
r..o....i. I
by net of August 4, 1802,
Cfiuntv of Ijtii stiLtn of W I lh
II. Hopkins, of Kiigeui1
liimililj lllcil 111 linn Ullltu llinnirillll
utiiteiiient .No 'Nils fnrtlin nnrr-hiLsn
Ttife K i neV& N L hf U , S-i
ft' , tu? ..VA? V.'..V.?"
tiiiHiiiiv nii-d in tniu orr ! iiiumviirn
w proof "fo
that the. land sougl t Jh ,noro
Marie L. Ware. U.S.Coiiiinlsslonerat
Eugene, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
23rd day of Sept., 1002.
He names an witnesses:
I) wight U. Hopkins, E..I. Crawford,
of Eugene, Lane Co.. Ore., S. M,
Ktlres; of Lowell, Oregon William
wniinniH, oi wcxter, Oregon.
Any nnd nil persons clalmlnir ad
versely the above-iliwcrHied lands are
renuested' to file their claims In this
office on or before Hald 23rd day of
ocpi., 1UU.'.
J. T. JIiiidoks, Itegister,
latuit Office at Koaebiirv, Oregon,
...... . Jn 20, 1902.
Notice ! hereby given that Iho following
nsined settler has died notice ol hislntenllon
to tusks rlnal proof In aupport
i.l hlwlalm, and that said proof will
lie made beforeMarle h. Ware, V. 8.
Commlwloner at Kugene, "Oregon, on
Aug. 12, W:, vlit Emily Ogden, widow of
Charles K. Oxdeiiideceaiied, for the HIV Jj NW
"M. ' J. ip. ino.i .3 weal.
He name tho lollowlng wllnce to prove
of said land, viz:
Charles, A. Ojden, Harmon L. Ogden, Mllau
Poane, Otlo Morion, ol Creiwoll, Oregon.
A.s tho Old Maid
Said "vhon She
K i s .s o d the
Our niln arc short nnil sweet and right
I" " "uh
to the xilnt
ISrchauf & ilIorauB
7ie .V tira Dnttf Stort.
I'nltH I SlalM Uml Orrlr,
Itiwrlmrg.Oie., Jans lh, ISO.
Nnlleala heri'liy (lien llialln mnillanr
wlthlhtf iiriivUluna ot the act ul t'nngrei ol
June 3, ISTS. (nlli)nl "All art lor Iho talent
timber lamia In the Hitr nf l'slfnrns, Ot
inin.Nvvaila.and aihliislonTi,rilliiry,"sr
lcmtt.1 tuall I lie IMbllr Unit Hiairahy act ol
AuiutH. is;'.'. Chthi II Ktancli. nt rnrlUml.
iiiiiniy.iiMtiiniOMian.stMiooiiirr.i naitnttua
nie.1 in una umivriuawnrn elateuieut X
for Ih l.nn.l.a..., ll,.Vl. ..f lb.-,..... v
Nos In
TtmnihlnN'o ss !. llama .So aw. ami will
PVOt to show that the land arnifhl la mora
raiuaiiie mr u umivriir aimie man ror agri tumt.i.1 m nil ili.i I'.il.ll.. I .....i mM t.u
eultnml iiriHue. sml In ..l.bll.h hla claim ti temleil to ail the 1 lltilii IMI Stales liy
Ml.llaml liefnre tho HeitUtrr ami llecvlvrr ol I act of August 4, 1802, llllhert ICrlek
UiUofflwailUiwliure, Oregon, on Monday, the! son of Saginaw, County of Iilie, State
dav of Hnt.. 111U
Ha nauiv aa Tltue,e:
Max Vmllh, John Smllb, II, Pmllli, Ceo,
Hmllh, tit KlVlon. otcimi.
Any and all imou, clatmtnr advrmi'ty the
alHiTe-deivrllTd laiuli are r'iielel U nl
Ihelr clalma In lhl nfnr nti iirlialnn said '11
dayolSept., I9VZ. J.T. llaiisiga.llegliU'r.
I'nited Htatea Uml Office.
.,.l.nrtlr.. Jin... -Wll.tttU
Notice l hertb, girf.t ihit in rViip.funr
lihtlm provldmiiol theari ( IN.nsitj.. ol
Juno 3. 187, uniltlcl -'.Mtarl Inr Ihe aale ol
timiK'rianiia ininesiaitaoii auinrn a, Oregon.
N.iada and IVa.hlmitoti Terrlmry." aa ex-
tended in all the lublle Uml sieie br act ol
Cottnlv til Marliui. State o! On-iron, ttaa llila
.itiguit 1. tws, Maiiina i. m-iM-rt, nt .1tn1rm,
day Med In thliofri.-e hrraworn slaieinettt No
CSS. Inr Ihe purchaie of the X,- uISls-iIoh
iMut 111 iiiwti,nii .mi vus, italire.'Mt? wrat,
and will orfer pt.Hil tn show that the laud
aoaght la more valuable fur Ita timber or atone
than lor agricultural iitirsiiH-a. and In ntab
IWb her culm to ,ald land bWorc Marls U
Ware V. H. Ciiiumlfslonur al Kucriis. Ore. I
gun, ou rrl.lay, Ihe mih day ol Sepl., 1W.
riiflliaineiiaa witiit;af.
Y. 1. Hurst, Matilda K. Fry. ol Aurora, Ma
rloit t'o . Ore,. Aonle Pock, o Silt ertoti Oregon
tlarld IJi.k. of Klirena. Ij,n L11.. lira.
Anrand all tatMina plalmlhir advrraalr Ihe,
atore-decrlbiMl lamia are re-iueaied In tile '
their rlalina In IhHoRlcuon or before aald 19th 1
day of Sept., Wl'J.
j 1 tiaiiMiu, i.egi-aer.
.NOTICE Milt I'l-nLICATlOS,'. m
United State, fjiml OTire.
RiiK-bitrr. ore.. June 3. 1'JOi
S'nllre la hereby given that In rotnptlaiitf
nd to her rlahn to laid
iantl baloreMarto l
ware, u s. coinmivfinuer
at Kugene, Oregon, on Friday, Ihe lvib
darolfepl.. IWi.
pne nainea aa ttitncfse-i:
Malllda H. IVebert. nf Anrora. Marlon Co .
Ore., Annie PjcIc. ol Sllienmi. Ore., IVari
Miller, of i:ucene. ore., t. 1. Ilural.ol Anmra.
3ianon vu. tircgnti.
abnre-ileai-rllwl lands are rrutie.trd tn rile their
Anvauuall tranna ctatmlna ailvaraclv tlie
clalma lit thia office on or before aal-t 191 h day nf
Sept., tWt
j r Haitian, itegiiier.
KoTicr. Kon ruiiLH'ATioM.
t'nllcd Hutu Land Office.
Ilnbiirg, Oregon, June In, l-.v.'.
Z Nnllce UhcreHvKiveu that lititniiaui-e wlilt
e iiriiwiiiiiioi 1 lie act Mingn-ajouuitea, is,s,
litlnl "All Act Inr ihe alnf Tlmlier lain, I
In Ilia- States of California. Oierou. Nevada, and
Washington T.rrltnry." a extendeil to all ll.e
I'nblir Ijiml Slates lir act ol Auruat 4. 1MJ.
John T Sallie uf Collage drove. County
if Lane Slate 01 Oregon haa ihla nay rued In
IhU ortlce hla sworn statement No. 2477, lor the
pnrchaie ol the Nitet, and HnlSoctiuit
S'n. 91. Tonnaiilpsi South, uf lunge 1 Wet and
will offer proof toshow that tho linid sought la
mote valuable for Ita timber ur mine than for
I'. S. CnmrauMoiier at Kugene. Oregon, on
Rttunlay Ihe day tifScpiemiier. I)2. i
t. MTmitii. P. 8.iiru"mby. of cottage Orove,
Une Co., Ore,, A.J. Anderann, M. I'ltcher, of
filar. Ore.
Any ana am jnmrm cuiminfr ativerMiy
lhcbfire-lcrritel Uodiare renritctl tn die
their L'lMlmt In thl offifo on or Usfnre td A
Untied StatiM Ijtnd Office.
Rnaeburg. Ore., April !:,
Xotlre la hen-br alvett that In comDllance
wlilt ihe nrovlilona ot the acl "f Congress of
June a, :", enlllled "An act for Iboaaleol
timber landa In Ihe Slates of California, Ore
irnn. Nevada, and Waalilnittm Terrltorr." aa
extended to all the I'nblic- Laml Kutoebyact
nl Augualt.lKU, William O. Simon, ol Keatlle,
County ofKlng.stale nf waaMngtnnhaalhlsday
filed In this office hla sworn aMtemt-nl No,
2310, for the purchate ol the SK '. of 8ee.
lion No, 12 In Townahlp No 2U, lunre No, a
We.t. and will offer oroof to phow that the land
sought larftore valuable for ita limber or atone
than for agricultural purpoaea, and to eatan
Ufh hla claim to aald land lieforu Mario L.ware,
IJ s Ciimnilnloner at Kugene. t'o. .Ore
gon, on the 1 titular, ol August, 19U2.
lie names aa wiiiiwuhvs;
Have John Mnrpby. nf Kugene.
Lane Co.. Oregon. George Luce. Kdward lcttlt.
ol Alma, Une Co., Oregon.
Any and all pcrftona claiming adversely the
abote-dcwrlbcil landa are rouueated tn tlio
their eUlmft tn this ofUeoon or before said lltli
day of ALguit, 1W2.
J, 1, jiaioui, iiegiatcr.
Toliage drove, Oregon, Jnly 12. isoj.
To T. C. Kcliur. T. D. Keliur and W. I..
Yon are hereby notified that we havo ex
pended during Ihe yeariuooand lau, In
labnrand liniirovemenla nn Iho Ilrnlher Ixxla
and the Kxtemlon ol the llrulher lide and
Keafoam Lodo, all sltuale.1 on north able of
Sharp's Creek, three mllea wel of foot of
Hardacrabblcoii unnamed mountain, llohemla (.'ountv. Oregon. Ihe lo
cation certificate ol which la found of record
In Hook , J'ago Inofllcuof Ihe County clerk
olaaid liunty. In order to bold said elatmi,
tindar thu I'mvtiilnns ol Section 2T2I ofthellu-
vlaed Statutes of Iho tlnlled Htatcs.aiul Hie
amendments thereto approved January tl.
m), concerning animal labor upon mining
clalma, being the amount required to hold and
aidava nf December, IWU and Idol. And II
imnrote earn lonea tierinua eniungine
wiunn 10 days irmn tne peraunai aervico ni
this notice, or Within 00 riaya after Iho publi
cation thereof, vou fall or refine to contribute
your iiortlon of aubh expenditures, aa co-
owner, rout- Intereiti in oie claims will bo-
como tho property of the nubiierlberi, ynur co
owner", who have made the required expendi
tures or terms oi aaju aaciiuu.
- . it u ,, , n u
Ilewaro of air dried or half dry
flooring, celling and rustic Tho
Ilooth-Kelly Lumlxir Co. nre making
special prlccs'on kiln-dried lumlicr.
Jlttorntv and Coiinsclor-at-Law
Special attention given to the law of Mines.
First National Hank UulMlng.
witu the protidim. 01 ti.o act 01 01 , U01111 am, County or Cheha is, State ' ?b"'J,T; i M ai.iTv il. i , ,!,, ,
June. lsfll.en 1 lied "Anacl lor Iheialenlt Im- 1V--1, i,, ,1,1. ,i,. .n.j 1' ,i,, lntT! .M . '.' " ,'","
berlaudaln the Stales ol California, Otefon. ' ' lm" tM day llltil III this , ei,til,d couil l..r r..llel.Umj.i..lrd In her enin
Nirvada. and Uaahlnctou Territory,'' aa ex- cffiee Ills sworn statement No. 281 ki, for plaliil, which rvlltf le lor atlserruol llieatii
uV.fnlrofM.Mon Ce ol OregnfT: ha. OtUd'.V N"-.' in IWnshlp.N,,. 21 S. Ni. l,.e.,..h,t...,lully,.l Mora. Il.e u..n.;r chid
flle-l In Ihla nBl.-e her awnni aiaienjem .Nn. i 8 W , and will ffer proof to show that . "I tlaluiirr.n. il. and furaiith nihet
frihepuKh..eolihe8r.lilYri.m fr III 1 "JJ"" l rouil may ap-..i
S7howilMlul"rM or "tone llian for agricultura riilaammnii.l pul.ll.had by nrder nl ih,
I"... "fj'. . .1" -V..-:Vl ....r..,..w .,,,1 l .U,..I.IUI. I.l- ..I,,!... It I It..,, 1 1 H Klmali . CnlltiK Jllila III and I.11
Asthmalene Brlnifi
In all
SUNT A nSOI.U'rlilA' PRlil
llnstmit icllul,
Iwhvn all ulfe
The Roy,
ayat "Jutir
duve, ulmliiihl
,or ten yriiis.
Dreadful nnd
W want to send to uvvrv suffurvr
IcivuriKo i
ron tcw
similar to the into that cured Mr. Wells. We'll semi Itliyinnll POST
PAID, Absolutely Frco o( Charge, to any sufferer who will write for
It, even on a postal. Never inlttd. though yon iiriidespiililng,li(iwvvcr
bad your case, Asthinaloiie w:ll reilevuaud eurv. Thu worse vourease
thu more ulad we lire to send It. Do not delay. Wrllu at titiee. ml.
driHsliig DR. TA FT IlltOS.' MEDICINE CO., 70 East 130th St..
..Y. Uity. Sold by nil Drtivglsts.
Unite.1 Stales Land OlHiV,
Roeeburg, Ore.. June H)!h, HH)2.
Notice Is. hereby given that in coinpll'
nndu with the provisions of thu net ol
i Uongrvss ot June 3. IN7U, imiIHUiI "All
"cl lor 1,10 'tt ol tiuioer l,ninl
n the
States of Californln. Oreniin
I uml Washiliatdn Territory.'
lis ex
ot urcgou, nils una nay ll mi limn
office hla sworn statement No. 2720, fur
tlie pnrcliaso ol tlieiSW ol Section No
IS in Township No. 20 S, Itaugo No. 0
West,niitt will offer proof loahuw that
tne lanti suugiu is innru vaioauio inr its
tlmlier or stouu than for agricultural
puriHises, an.i 10 establish ins claim to
said land More Mario L, Ware,
ll M f kiii,iilritiiiinr lit l.iii, llriinnn
t V: ""I "V..". w..K"..
' : jmiwav. tlio nt . lay 01 heptemiier,
llu names as witnesses:
ifrn,.l u..l.iiul,lnr i:.u,,,.,. 2M..,..l.l..r
I ralicis b.-linel.Ier, t.lirge hchlie der,
rrank Schneider, Arthur Ielimael, ol
Ijiiraiie. Ure.
Auv iintl all persons claiming ad
versely the alHivo-dcscrilicd are
repiiested to tile their claims- in lids
officu on or l-cforuaaid 1st day of Sept.,
J.T.IIittiKiKS. Register.
'United Slates laiml Office.
liosebiirg. Ore . Jmiu 24. 1002.
Notice is hereby given that III coin-
pliance with the provision of the act of' tai
Congress tif Jnpe3, 1878, entitled "An Mj!
act for the salenf timber lands In thuiiulin
IStuUw of California, Oregon. Nevada,
i '1wr'V',,1,,'rri."L'v-,.',,","1",,J"i
to ull Ihe Publiu I.atid Slates by art of
'August 4. 1802. Ill.tlliiar Ne son. of
ill land l-efore Marie l wure, I)
S. Commlssiiiuer at Eugene, (Ire
gon, on Miiuday, the lOlh, day ol Sept,
Ho liainos as witnesses;
Adelliert J. Melutvre, Olof Oherg.
ChurlesOljerg, (ieti. W. Khuw, of Ho-
1 ... 1.
, 1" " ""
Any nnd all isirsnns elaiiiiing adverse
ly the alsivn-dem-ribcil (mids are re
iticstcd tn lile their clalina in this nfirc
on or before said 1Mb day nf Sept., 1002.
J. T. llttliKiKs. Uegisler.
United States Ijiii.I Oilier.
Rosebtirg. On-.. July 18, 1002.
Notice Is lierwby given that In com
plluuco with thetirovlslolis of the net
tlio til
of Jll
?w"Ktiih in jij iiv.1, inin. viiiuit-ui
f ,.,.
'An itf-t for Hi. milIi- oflliulH-r litntls
i,. tin, KIjlIi.m of f 'iillfnriiti. Drnirfiti
as extendeil In all tho Public
l.nnd HtnU by net of Allirnst 4.
Leonard Straight, of Eugene,
Comity of Lane. Statu of Oregon,
una tiuo nn men in tins oiiu-u ins
' sworn statement No. 2007. for tliepur-
chase of thoH8E NE!f Hl! &
i SE KNUtf SectloiiNo. :U In Townslilii
an. ii m. jiangnrno. t ivesi, nun win
offer proof to show that the laud
sought Isinorevaltiabloforlts tlmU-r
or Mtone than for ngrlculttirul pur-
loscsjiud toestabllsh lilsclnlm tosuld
and In-fore Marie U. Ware. U. K.
Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on
Monday, the 0th day of Oct., 1002.
He names iih witnesses:
Itcniitmln Owen, of Ivlson. Iine
Co., Ore. Preston Reeves, of Hale,
Lane Co.. Ore., unaries Kissinger,
Clair Wllloughhy, of Eugene, Lane
Co., Ore.
Any and nit iiersons claiming ad
versely theibovctdeserllted lauds are
.,,.,t t. fill, ttll.ll- ..IlllllllJ 111 I llld
olllco on or before said 0th day of
Oct 1002
J. Ti IJiupoKH. Register.
New backgrounds and acces
sories. Best Lenses and Cameras.
15 years
years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
work. 1
Opposite Masonic hall,
side, Cottage Grove.
PaaCticiao FiireicuN
Office and residence on llher ttrtet, near Wall,
wmwwow, - - - WWW.
and Permanent Cure.
Thero Is nothing like Aithinalena. It brings
liven In the worst cases.' It euros
0. F. WELLS of Villa Klilge, III.,
trial Isittlu of Aslhiniilenu received
l'ni uoiuiiuuii , I cannot I on you now tnunx
1 1 feel for the mux! derived from It. I iviis n
wlih putrid sore throat and iislliina
I iiivspuirmi of uyur living cm til, l
aw your advvrtlsviiient fur thu cuie of IIiIh
Inrmutitiiiir dlsFiise. iihIIiiiiii. nnd
thought yuii had overspoken yourself, hut resolved
to give it a trial. To my surprise the trial acted
tiku a clnui. Send inu n fulbslned liottlu,"
a trial Iruslinent nf Aalhiiiulniiu.
I 'nil ed States Lnml OllUti,
ltosebiirg, Oiv.. June 2:1, 1002.
Notice Is hereby given that In coin
pllatiiv with tho piovlslons ol tli
net of CoinrivHs ol June it. 1S7N. un
tltleil "An act tor the sale ot tlmlsT
muds in the .states ot California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Ter.
rltorv." as exlendeil to ull tint Ptiblle
I Jin.l States by net of August 4, 1SD2,
Willie E. Fisher, of Albany, County
of Linn. State of Oregon, litis this
day filed In this oillcv hla sworn
statement No. 2S0.", for the purchase
tit tlie W HE , H NIC J of
Section No. 21 In TownshlpNo. 2:1
ltango No. 2 W.. uml will offer proof
show that the bind siniirhl Is mom
valimlile for Its tlmlier or siono tlinn
for nurlcilltiirnt iiurtioses. and to ca
I ,.,l.ilul. l.l In. miiIi! lnml li.tfi.i.
...-Ml"., . ,..r,,... ...... ..w.v
' tlie t:oitny t lerK ol l.lnn ro., ore.. 011
Tliliradny, the Tit h dtty of Sept.. 1002,
He liiiines as witnesses!
Ralph W. Fisher, Nora Fisher, ot
Albany. On-.. . W. llotick, N. II.
Martin, of t'ottagv (I rove. Ore.
Any mid all persons elalmliig nil
versely the nbove-ilescrlls'd lauds are
niiiiesttil to llle their claims In this
olllce on or ls-fore said 4th, day of
.sept. 10O2.,j. 'l'. HliiiiiiKs. itegister.
In lliel'lreull I'.iurt ol I hi- H:at ul Orrgvu
tor II11 County nt l.aue.
M nnle ItaHllnga, rialnlOr,
1 Itnfua llawllngs..le(iiilanl
1 Tn Iturui llalliigittieaUioiiame.lilrleiidanl.
itietiameoi in siate 01 titrsuii inuarr
by ri-nulred Inaifi-earaml attuwi-r lbs tunt-
lul ninl saaln.t jrnti In Ihe aisive eiillile-l
I ,m nr S.r,iN. (Im Ull .I itf lti.tltii. i.r...
crltia.t In Iheonler of pibt(.ailit ol Ihloum
1 irirr.r.iii'.r.uV'.b' vr'nr.,,,r.''rr,i.v.,r. :gr,k,:
, iinidats IsllielsilnUyul July. lKU.aml ohlcli
, l't dale la IheSDilt day til' l.igtul IM: slid II
I t'ouuly. Orrsnn, and mail al hla olllco nn
thelril day ol June. Hug at Kuionc,j.iic
I i.'iiiinly. Orexiiti,au-l ui. aald day nli-d In aald
1 iiOI.e of the Cotiuly C rrk ul the abnre entitled
1 court,
At torn.-) 1 Inr l'! 1 11 1 1 IT, 1 ullage llroto, Ore
NOTICK y.lll I't'lll.ll'ATION
I'nited StaliH Uml Onit-r.
Iti-ri'l'iira. oresmt. June I, IW2.
Niitlce U hecidiy given that I't niiupllatica
Willi Ihe hmvlalon, i if Ihj at uf Ciingis" of
June a, lajsi, nullied "An AC for ll.o ! of
Tlmlier l.ii,L In tli stolen,! Callluruia, on
gun, Nevada, and Wa-hlnslun Terrllury," a.
eitaiidrd In all the llibin-Und Slate, liy act
ul Augutl I, lm. lalaliM.lilgill,.ilOtltm-l.ili,
ciuuiyiitMlllejie. stale of Minn Ui Ihla
day Hied In Ihla nRlce hla sHurii ataleineiit Nu
fur tlie iurclia.eof I he, Nnrllmeal il.arler
ol reetl-ill Nil. Tl, TilMll.lilp-JJS.iulh. ul Uange
a Weal and will offet priad luahnw thai the land
tnught la more altiable Inr Ita timber ur atuiio
ii.... r.. li....t ..... i. ..,.. t.i.
I hli.lslm Inaald land la-lure Ihe HrgUlcr and
! Ilecvlver ol Ihla oltli-eat IbiM-burg, Oregon, ou
Hamnlay ihefldayof sepiomlwr. n,
T tie uatiteaaa lli cara
iVk. 1 riiinUU. J..1.M w-rom-r of Pr-ln. trr..
K. w CtiiKlMjr. uf Kilflli, Mliiiifila H"r
rutimm, f limit!. Ore.
.iijraml nil torti nUluilnji iivtfvy Iho
iMiteleH'rlteO Uml are rviie'il In nio
itioirrUinnlii thliinli'tni ur 1jJjtu Mlil 31
UT of HctiloluUT, VMt.
T. IIriiwim ItrtfUler.
Unlle.1 States Iind Offic. ,
lloschiiig, Ore., Ju:it-2lh, 1002.
M'tico Is hereby given Unit in coinpll-
"." '' ,"" l,r,'v'"1"'1'' 01 ,,,1,U,H!;1."1
Congress nf June 8,1878. entitle.! "An
nil 1.1. ..lueuiuwt III. ii. iiiuiin ill Dili
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
autl Washington lerrtlory, us eg.
tended to nil tho Public Mud Stales hv
act of August 4. M5rion W. Davis,
ot .iiouawif.uouuiy ul i.ane, dihu-oi lire
S'" o "Hits nay nun i t iiiij oiiicu ma
, "iii .',"r "' i","
in 1'ottiialilp 22 South, of Ruiige 2 West
and will offer proof to show that the
lanu sought is inure vuiuiiiiio lor lis
timber or stone than for agricultural
jpuriioses nn.l to rstablish his chiiiii It
j said laud brforo the Itegister and Itu
cctverof tliisoffiee at ltosebiirg. Ore
gun, on Monday tho 22d day oi Sept.,
He unities as witnesses:
John I) Palmer. Orin Itoblnsoii. N.
.11. Muriin, Joseph E, Young, of Collage
urove, uregun.
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely tho nhova-descrilied IiiihIhiiiii ie
quested to Iiiu their claims in this officu
ou or before said 22d day of Sept, 1002,
J. T. IliiitHirs Register,
United .States Land Office,
Rosobiirg. Ore., July IS, 1002.
Notice Is hereby irlven that In com.
nlluuco with the iii-ovlslons of tho act,
of Congress of Juno !l, 1878, entitled
"An act for the Kale of timber lauds
In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by net ot August, J, 1802, Cut
M. Young, of Vlda, County of Lane,
Ktato ofOrc., has this day tiled In thla
I u iMit,.ii,w t iiiyn m yi w sun. uwii i
82, Township 22 South, of Range 2
west and win oner proof to snow
that tlio laud sought Is more valu
able for Its Umber or stone than for
agricultural nuriioscs. and to estab
lish Ills claim to said laud beore Ma
rie Jj. Ware U. ti. Commissioner at
Eugene, Oregon, on 'Tuesday the 7th
day of Oct., 1002.
Ho names as witnesses
Herman T, Dow, Joseph flhleo. of
Cottage drove, Oregon, William Ptt,
of Amos, La i io Co., Oregon. J, A.
Pond, of Eugene, Lnno Co., Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming nd.
versely thenbovo-ilesciiiKitl lands are
renuested to file their claims In this
offlco on or before said 7th day of
Oct., 1002.
I. T. jUiupoce, Register.
United States Laud Olllce,
RoMeliUig, Otf May 14, 1002,
Notlco Is hereby itlvun tlmt In com
pllniiiii with thu provisions of thu net
of Congress of .liiiioa, 1878. entltleil
"An act for thu Male of timber Iniulu
In the States of California, Oregon.
Nevada, mid WuslilngtoiiToii'ltor.v,"
its extended to all the Public ltnd
States by net of August 4. 1M2,
Archie. (I. Sawyer, of lloiinliiin,
Cotinty of Cliehalls, State of Wnsh-
Itnrtoil. bus this tin v llloil In thin iffli-n
his sworn stuleiiu'iit No. 2114, for lint
' lllln-llliui. 1 kf tint !' 11 nf tin. I, l ul Nan.
tlon No, 8, lii Township No. 20 H,
Itiiugu Nil. 7 West, mid will offer
iiioot to show that the land sought
Is inoiv valuulile for Its timber or
stout' than for iigiiciiltiirnl ptirpt hcn.
mid to estubllsli his claim to sulii
land hi-foii) Mm lo L. Want. It. H. Com.
intsslonei' at Eiigi'in, Oregon, 011
Fi-ldny, the 22 dav of August, 1002.
He names aa witnesses:
(leorge Woolley, Elmer Woolley,
of Drain, Oregon, (leorge W. SJiaw,
Christian N. Knoell, ol Hiiiiilain,
Any and all persona claiming ntl
verwily tlio nbovivdeserllieil Imiila am
iviitieatcd to II le Ihelr eliilins In this
olllce on or before hiiIiI 22 day ot Au
gust, 1002.
J. T. lliniKiKs, Register.
Uuileil States IjiiiiI office,
ltosebiirg, On;.. Muv It, 1002.
Notice Is hereby given tlmt hi com
pliancc with the provisions o! tlie net
of Congress ot June.:!. 187N, entltleil
"Au act for the sale of timber hinds
In the States ol Cftllforiihi, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
us extended to all the Public I-iiiul
States by act of August I, 1802,
.Iiillus L. liner, of llofptlum, County
ol I'hcliulls. Htnto of Wiishlngtou.
bus this iluy tiled In thfs office his
sworn statement No. 2D5, for the
pinvliMHi- of the H V NE U nod N X SE
Kof Section No. 22 In Towhshtp No,
ill, Itinige No. II West, uml will offer
tiroof to show tlmt the hilid sought
Is more valuable for lis limber or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish bis elnliii to snld
land before Murle L. Ware, U. S.
Commissioner at Eugene. Oregon on
Friday, the 22 day ot August, 1002.
He panics ns witnesses:
(leorgi Woolley. Elmer - Woolley,
of Drulii, Oregon, (lenrgvW. Shaw,
Clii-lstlmi N. Kuoell ot IIiHiulmii,
Any and ull ik'ivoiis rlnlinlng ad
versely the abovi'-desrrllH'd lands am
mitieNted to tile their elaliiiN lit tills
olllce ou orlM-fore said 22 day of Au
gust. IU02.
.1. T. lliitinitSM, Itegister.
Cnile.1 States IjiiiiI Office,
Itwhtirg, Oreg.iu, Jiily 2, 1IHJ2.
Notice Is hereby given that ill rotiipli
mice with the pruvtslons nl the net uf
Coiigieesof Jlineil, 1878, tiillllril "All
act lor the sale nf timbt-r liimls III thu
Suites ul Califnrnla, Oregon,
ami Wiialiliigloii Teinliirv,"
to nil Ihe Piihlle I .in-1 dune by it.-t of
August I, 1SU2, Henry Coglil, of
Eugene, County of lame, fclale of
Oregon, bus this duy llltil in this
.iffict' his swum statt-iii.-iit No. 2877, for
Ihe puri-hacc of llu-NW W.'nf St-clloit
N'o. 4, Township 21, Niutli, of I is n gi-6
West, slid will nlf.-r slmw that
the hind sought is mure vslmiblp Inr lis
iliuls-r or stonu lltiin for iigrli-.illiirul
purisMes, nml In hie ,-la'un In
siilil bind iK'fnre Marie L. Wan. I'.
S. (iiiiup'sluuer al Kngrin-, Oregon,
ou Wiilntduy, Ihd 2 111 day of S.-pt,, 1002.
llu uiiliies us wilnt-eses :
Charles Drliiureal, nf Weinlllng, I.snu
('-., Oreg.iii, Jmiit-s N. Itaiullf, ll.-il-it
Iteiidle, (tyins Ktelgh, of Kugene, Uuiu
Co., Die.
Any and all -crnm elniiiiiiig hdveisc
ly the iihaye-deM-rilml lands are rr
.piealcd tie tile their claims in this officii
on or before miiI 21th ilav ol Sepi., UKr.'.
J.T .lluiisits, Jlrgistt-r.
United Slates Lund Offii-c,
t Riioubiirg Ore., June llith, HHI2.
Nolit-uls hereby gKun thst in c -
pliauce with thu provisions of Die net of
t ongrers of .lunt'.l, J878 t nlilltd "An
et for llu. sale of IIiiiImt lulids In the
States of Ciilif.iriiln, Oregon,'Nevuila and
Washington Territory ," ns extended to
all thu Public Lund States hv sit of An.
gust 4, 1802. Iltuiry Striding, nf Pease,
Ujuiity of MllloLncs.Htuto.if Mlmi.,ii1ia
Ibis in tlds t.Mieu his awtiru
Hjnleiiu'iit No. 2710, for the purchase of
l" 'Hm J'4,.,rSl'1'"0" N"' '-1 InTownsliip
No. 22 8.. Itu n l-c- No. II M'.-.l un.luill
offer proof toshow that Ihn lau.l sought
n iiiuiu m.iiiioiu mr its iiiiiiM-r or rtono
than for agricultural puriNiri-s. and to
etiihllsh his ehiiui It. ,uii Uml beforo
Muile L, wuio, U, 8. Coininlssiuiu-r
at I-.iigeiie, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the Ilr.l day ol Sept., 1H02.
Ho names as witnersen:
(ieriinl Slrallng, of Pease, Minn.. 0,
L. rriiinbiill, John Wagner, Lee Allen,
of Dialn, Oregon.
Any ami airpersons clulniliig adverse
ly tlio ubove-descrllHsl lauds aro re
ipiected to tile their claims in ihls office
on or before snld 3rd dsy of Sept., 1002,
J.T. Hhiimks, Itegister.
Ulilled State- Uml Office,
v Hrnt-bnri?, Oregon, July 30, 10J2. I
Notice is hereby clv.-n fimt In ,.n,.,..u:
iiiieo with tho provlafnna of the net of
Congress i of Juno 3, 1878. entitled "Au
act for thessla of t,H,r hmds in ihe
Stiitea (. Ciillfornlu, Oregon, Nevada,
to ill the, Pnhllo Uind Slates by net of
August 4, 1802. Andrew Ab
eMeeii, Cotinty of Chuhnlls Suite uf
Washing Ion ,a this tiny M'0i
III llllH ollICO Ills H.rilrn alnlui. ....1 v..
, , , , i , , , , , 'rriiory.' nsexlcndid
2 K''ir1illl.",,""'li""0 oft,, fractional
8 of fl jetlnn No. fi, in Town 1, p2
Soul h, of KiiiigeO West; and will .'n r
proof toshow thnttliti land onghH morn
viiluuble for lis timber or stoim (hnn fur
lV" c'lipo'es. anil to cst.ihlislt
his claim 1 1 said hind before1 the Reg.
aler mid Recelvor of this offlco nt Rose-
U'T'r?"" ""TuoBtluy, tlio I7th ilnyof
Oct., 1002, '
He tiuines as witnesses!
Jool P. Ohhen, of Aberdeen, Wnili,,
Ocorge W, Shaw, Oust D. Lundiu, of
Honnlain, Wash,, Charles Trumball, of
Drain, Oregon,
Any and nil persons cliiltiifitg adverse
l.v the iiIkivh tlescrlhed lutitls nro re
quested tnlllo their cluliiiB 'In thli odlro
on or before mild 1 7 1 1 day of Oct, 1002
J, T. JlitiptiKN, Register.
attorneys and
Special attention given to Mining, Corporation,
and Mercantile Law.
Offloe over Herman i ltemenwsy's store,
- -W -W r -m-