Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 08, 1902, Image 3

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    I ')SJl
Aid AenGBont Foe
T liimllli ami lanpiusi FrrofuKi
us iily im (hit nlm u Unto Imiiiiiiinriiil
It ciiiihi'H imiit'ht III tin) licik, . k
llh.'S I lilt skill, lllllllllll S tllUINIII'IMI IIIIMII
Jlritiu twiftto thn iiiimcli-M, HinikmiM (lu
I 10 luces tint Kmflrf resistance ti
iiimmiho nuii tliu fur rtruviry,
nun uiiviunps into ooiimiiiiii1 o.i.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Mill rlil you of It, radically mid pnniinn-
mmy, n h h 1 1 an rid IIkiiibiuiiIs.
To lltavtn by Imlillintnli.
Wllllii Your pupa's only ot n
nil, hasn't lu7
Kohtiltt. Yuth.
Willie Wlmro's tlio otlior ono7
ItUililc 1 1 1 1 iiii In liuavon. Now
iork llinun.
The Culllviltd Tiilt.
Monopolo coffiu) mi not liitonilitit
for t ho lira of tliuso who piofitr it ID
or locitnt gradn of colfon, TIicpo peo
ple, p:rhnps, won't rco tlm vultio In It.
Hut II your tuelii linn hwn In Hiiy
ilrgrno cultl vutinl hy tlio uso of the
1 1 III I r grade', you'll tlilnk Unit Mono
kiIo jiiiru Moclin mill Jnvn In tlio nemo
of porfmtlnn presuming, of rotirfa,
tlutt tlm rofft'O In liinilo iIkM. 'I'll In
rolfeo In milil In oun iiml 01111 half pound
cartons. If your grocer doesn't keep
It, send nn liln inline. Wadhums &
Korr Jlros., l'orllniiil.
Tht Worm.
8hn Yes; I'm very sorry I marrlod
you; ro thcrel
IId Oil I You worn glad to at any.
bojy, I guess. You were no young
bin! hIipii I married you.
Hlio NuT Hut considering what I
got you must admit I uasuu early bird.
I'hlhidolphla t'roH.
Tlio froln are not nil dead : their fool
Inllllrnn mill rlli'llliiiitlnin viO.llil hotb ha
Tilted nltli lliimlui'H WUiiril Oil.
A Ocnlui.
"Thcro coes n great genlusl" ox.
claimed n Georgia citizen as a tall llguro
slotirliotl liy.
"No I liut ho reads all tlio novels tlio
oilier (i-I.omh write."
"Yon full Hint 'genius?' "
"Well, If It uln't exactly genius, It'n
the patlciK'o of it." Atlanta Count It a
tlon. CASTOR I A
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Diamond Dick.
"I want to know about tbli now
pitcher you'to signed," said tlio ro
Mirlur, taking out bin untolxiok.
"Ill namo In Propcurvo," repllod
tlio ImMiball manager. "I to comes
from Pemnpulis, whero lio inyoi for
overnl jears In n strong local nlno.
llln father In moll known"
"I ilon't want bin pedigree," inter
riiotivl tlm roporlnr. "Just toll inn
bow til licit bo nolil for." Chicago
CTI rrms.,rlf ft.r.4
rl I O arur nril.ut'. i.
fftt fit. M1MIBM
tlf Kll',tlnel N.rrs
Xtonr. f.n.1 r..r Hit II It 3 J.00 ULl t.'tl. .n.l irret-
Us. hlU.ii Kum. m..iAniiiiu,iiUJiu.r
Hid lllm.
"IV' M Uttlo Tommy, "I'll bot
you n rent tbnt you won't glyo mo
"Ilono" raid pa.
'Tlion Tommy explained tiling), and
pa saw Hint bo would havo to pay up
either way. Ilonton Globe.
MntWra will (inn Mm. Wlnstow'a Sooth.
Inr Hyrup tlio bent rrmmlr to una lor their
Chlldnn durlnt Ilia icttliliic jxrlod.
rrofonor Tell mo to what elaaa of
mnlndlci liinomuia bulonipi.
bttident Why or, It in a rontagloua
"I never benrd It no doacrlbod.
Wlioro did you lenrn thin?"
"I'rom exiorieiic air. Wbonovor
my nelitlibor'n dot; can't tlcep, I'm Juit
as wakeful an bo Id." Tit-lilt .
Don't Oat Footaoral flat PootKia.
It It a certain cura for ywrnltnir. eallouiand
hot, llrrtt, arhlns (ret. loln new or tlnht
hocrijr. TryltliHUr. HolitbTallDrucglita.
1'rlrolV. Don't crept a itiuultute. Hm).l
out 1'ltKll. AJaion Allou B. OlmiUjJ, LoUut
H. V.
Tht Fltld ol Oinjtr.
Grono f-oino folks Imaglno that poll
la a ilaiiKorotm gamo. Do you think aoT
Geo I bad two frlonda who got
oiiKUKel on tlio golf links lant bchhoii.
The blood may be In bod condition,
eruption or sores to inaic.te' lU The
symptoms in such cases being a variable
appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable
weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh
and a general run-down condition of tht
system clearly showing the blood bti
lost Its nutritive qualities, l:s become this
and watery,
It is In just such cases thai
8. 8. 8. has done some of Its quickest and
most effective work by building up tht !
blood and supplying the elements lacking
to make it strong and vigorous.
"My wife used sev
eral bottles of 8. 8. 8.
as a blood purifier and
to tono up n weak and
emaciated systcm,wltU
very marked effect by
way of improvement.
"Wo regard it a
great tonic and blood
purifier," J. l'.Dui'P,
Princeton, Mo.
I Is the greatest of all
' tonics, and you will
i find the appetite Ira
' proves nt once, strength
returns, and nervousness vanishes as new
rich pure blood ouco more circulatti
through all parts of the system.
8. S. 8. is the only purely vegetable
blood purifier known. It contains no min
erals whatever. Send for our free book
on blood and skin diseases and write out
physicians for any Information or advlct
Wanted, No charge for medical advice,
l$ ExtBM&i
All KiikIIhIi pliynloloKlnt eiplnlnn Hint
a lrl en ii never throw II lio n boy ho-
cnilno her collnr-hoiio Is tnrtror ami nets
Meteors which reach (ho earth nl
limit Inrnrlnhly coutnlii a largo tiunn
tlly of Iron noil it smaller amount of
Tlio worn! iiioniiiilto-lnfestcil neigh
horhood In Hie world Is tlio count of
lloriivo. , At certain ten noun, It Is said,
the ntrcmnn of that region aro niinnvl
gnhlo bocaimo of the cloudn of momiut
A peculiar snow ohnervod on Mont
.Mulct In tlio Alps tins been reported by
M. A. Ilrini, It Is culled "Caucasian
snow," nnd Is very porous, with grains
rcai'lilng nu eighth of nn Inch In nlzo,
'I lie slight ndliealon of theno grains
gives grent llnblllty (o avalanches.
Attempts Inivo been Hindu to mens
lire tlio light of the mooulens night sky,
(invlii J. Hums, mi liugllnh nstroiio-
mer, him roughly entlnintcd that tlio
totul light of oun lirmlnphero jual
Hint of one thoiiHaiid llrnt-mngiiltudo
ntiirn, mid 1'rofennor Hlmoii Nowcomh
liim-'perhnpn moro nceiirntcly found
this total light to bo eiiuiil to that of
nix hundred to eight hundred tint'
miignltudu ntarx. Tlio brightness seems
to be not entirely duo to vlnlblo and
luvlnlbln stars. Tlio zodiacal light and
the gegeiinclielu, a midnight glow oppo-
nlte the sun, Inivo been seen to extend
ucrons the lieavenn, and It Is suggested
that these are hut Intensifications of a
general luminosity or tlio entlra sky,
duo to some unknown cause
Wonderful stories aro often told of
the powers of vision ponscised by sav
age rates. Ourlng tlio recent Cam
bridge, anthropological expedition to
Torres Hlralts, the vlnual acuity of the
natives was carefully tested, and Mr.
livers, who made the tests, concluded
that the excellenco of vision shown hy
savages has a psychological origin;
that Is to say, It urines from knowing
what to look for. When the Kuropean
acquires familiarity with tlio environ
ment ho can neo as far as they can.
Thus tlio power of an Indian to tell the
sex of a deer at such n distance that
distinguished features like imtlers were
Invlslhlu was found to rest upon his
knowledge of the peculiar gait of tho
male divr.
1'rofesnor A. K. Verrlll of Ynlo ro
gards tho phenomena witnessed during
tlio nwful eruption of Mont l'eleo la
Mny as lienrlng out tlio theory that lm-iiu-uso
quantities of explosive gases
were evolved through the dissociation
of oxygen nnd hydrogen from the wa
ter on coming suddenly Into contact
with hot lava, and that these gates,
when ejected Into tho atmosphere, ex
ploded above tho crater, producing the
terrible effects Hint were noted. Ac-;
cording to this view, tho lulialillams
of Ht. 1'ierre were killed hy a sudden
explosion of a vast volume of mingled
oxvkcii and hydrogen, while the poi
sonous hydrochloric acid gas, formed
by the chlorine liberated from the sea
water that had leaked Into tlio volcano
nnd was combined with somo of the
hydropen, quickly sufTocnted those who
mny have escaped death from tho ex
Hiufiil April Fm.1 Joke Worked lir
New Orlruns l'afier.
"Did you ever bear about the time
the Liberty Hell was stolen?" asked
oNew Orleans man at the Capitol the
other day. "It was early lu the spring
of 1SS.". The expoiltlon win being held
at New Orleans nnd the bell had ben
loaned to the exposition. I remember
well the excllemeut the theft occasion
ed. The Times-Democrat came out the
next tnornluil with startling headlines.
'A Dastnrtlly Attempt.' The Kmblcm
of American Independence, the Liberty
Hell, Ktolen.'
"ijist nlirht was a sorrowful one
In the city.' It said. 'When Hilladcl
nhlo sent to New Orleatis the grand
iild Liberty Hell, treasured not alone
by the famed city of the Hast, but by
tho whole nation, its tho precious em
blem of national liberty, tho people of
tho South generally, and of I-ouUlnim
particularly, responded warmly to this
evidence of brotherly lovo onvnu y
the second city of tho republic'
"A long account of tho reception of
tho bell and the care taken of It fol
lowed, and tho Times-Democrat said:
'Tho spot on which It stood Is n scene
of havoc. The car that boro It Is halt
consumed by Ore and Its ruined tim
bers tell n story of wanton destruction
almost without parallel. The trees that
stood over It are no longer graceful and
grand; half devoured by lire, their
charred branches seem to cry nloud
for vengeance Last night when the
pale moon shed her radiance over the
m.rk. .lm.11'1,'"1 'L '"I fl.00,, of l"
vcr light, when tho grounds wcro calm
nnd still and deserted by nil snvo tho
watchful guard, this deed of wanton
ness was done.'
"Then came an account of tho mount
ing of tho guard and tho discovery of
the lire. Tho nccount said: 'While tho
firemen nnd tho two ofllecra wero dls-
- miaamrr riiA mvaTprinua n innnnnmnpn
of tho two night watchmen on ofllccr
" n ... v. ...... u
mnitn litn wnv clnflft to thn rnr in In.
spect tho bell and ascertain whether
or not It had sustained any dauiago. To
his amazement tho bell was gone. Not
a vestlgo of It remained. It had been
wrung from Its fastenings and carried
"Thcro was more detail about the
search and clow. Naturally tho citi
zens and tho thousands of visitors nt
the exposition were Indignant. Tho
entire population discussed nothing clso
that morning and tho cars were not
sufllclcnt to carry the crowd out to tho
grounds to see the ruin wrought and
learn tho latest clow. I could not get
a car and walked a dlstauco of four
miles and was an hour getting through
tho gate.
"Tlio noxt Issue of the Times-Democrat
said: 'Everybody takes a Joko good
naturcdly on tlio first day of April, nnd
there was occasion yesterday for tho
oxerclso of a good deal of good nnture.
Kvorybody tried to fool everybody else,
Tho Times-Democrat Liberty Hell Joke
veut down very well, nnd those who
forgot the dale of the paper and went
Into a slate of agitation orar tho Irre
parable Injury that they Imagined had
been dono to tho famous old relic so
kindly loaned to Now Orleans hy tho
City of Ilrotherly Lovo were full of
laughter and surprise when they found
themselves the victims of a hoax. The
hell was visited by a largo number of
visitors during tho day and the officers
on guard had no dllllculty In convincing
nprclnlom that nothing was wrong
with It.'"
Wlint Vomnf Americana Who Uo There
Will i'llKt.
Ill undergraduate life at Oxford tho
student from America will find many
interesting features. He will, no doubt
bo assigned to a college rather than bo
allowed to choose one, as the will of
Cecil Ilhodes expresses tho desire "Hint
tho scholars holding the scholnrshltH
shall bo distributed among the colleges
of the University of Oxford, and not
resort lu undue numbers to one or more
colleges only."
There aro twenty-two colleges In tho
uuiveraii, nu oi which, ciiucaiionany
considered, aro equal. Iteasons of rank
In life, of parental or local associations,
of wealth, of religious tendencies,
rather than reasons of a purely aca
demic n n lure, lead an Kngllsb boy to
choose ono or another of these colleges
The colleges differ In externals. Homo
of them aru rich, others poor; some of
them nre comparatively largo three or
four hundred students others very
small; somo are expensively carried on,
others Inexpensively; some nre "tiass.'
others aro "reading" colleges; some have
high residence fees, others low: some
have no craduato students, and one.
All Bonis, no unilergfndunto students;
somo have superb buildings, others
plainer; and one, the Non-Colleglate,
has no building at all, and hardly any
raculty, being governed by the univer
sity through a conimttteo called a "del
egacy for unattached students." liut
an one of tbeta colleges will be
worthy foster mother to the under
graduate. Tho student will pay his fees
to his college, and will be watched
over by It throughout tits whole course,
lie will not get all of his Instruction In
lecture rooms, for the community
of interest Idea has penetrated modem
Oxford, and for certain subjects the
resident student will be apt to go to
another college, but his student life
will ho mainly within the college walls.
He will, If fortunate enough to get
one, have a room on one of tho "stair
cases," will be served by the "scout."
who will bring him his breakfast, will
dine In stato In the hall every evening,
will worship In the college chapel, and
will shorten his walks abroad so that
he can get within the college gates be
fore they close for the night. He will
row In tho college boat or play on tho
college cricket team, and will have a
pedal adviser, a college tutor, to whom
he will look back with gratitude and re
spect nil the days of his life.
Ho will And Oxford as expensive as
Hnrvurd or Yale. His strictly college
expenses, for tuition, board and dally
living, exclusive of books, clothing, so
clctlrs, sports and luxuries, will vary
from a minimum of f.VX) a year to m
maximum dlllleult to estimate. Of the
colleges, Keble. Jesus, New College nnd
Woreeslor make special effort to nld the
student In economy; Christ Church,
University, Magdalen and Haldol are
tho most expensive; Itrascnose, St
John's, Kxeter, Oriel and Trinity stand
In an Intermediate position.
Hie student will bare to be fairly
economical at the average college, says
1'rancls Hovcy Btoddard In the He
view of Hcvlcws, to keep his total ex
penses within the $1,500 yearly sug
gested In tho will as the Income for
each scholarship.
Last of tho Indian Daiic-ea.
Tho Omaha Is tho only danco now
practiced uuiong the Sioux. Tba war
danco died with tho accession of peace,
tho'sun dunce baa long been frowned
upon by tho Great father and tho
ghost danco has been peremptorily for
bidden over slnco tho trouble, sprint
ing from it lu that unhappy Oght at
Wounded Kneo In tho early winter of
lS'Jl. Hut tho Omaha, danced frequent
ly upon tbo reservation, has not been
nctuiilly forbidden, although tho Indian
ngeuts lu general disapprove of It, and
so fur as Is posslblo discountenance lt
perpetuation. It Is primarily n social
function, with this unqualified advan
tage that It tends toward tho coiitlii
unnco of that stato of society known
to tho Indians during their days of bar
barity, that It emphasizes uncivilized
delights nnd that It has nothing In com
mon with tho clvlllzntlou toward which
wo aro trying to lead tho red man.
livery time the Omaha is danced the
dancers aro drawn more closely to the
old lives and the old ways, a roverenco
for the customs of their ancestors is
enkindled within them, nnd whatorcr
refining Influences of civilization may
havo hitherto Impressed them are, for
the tlmo, utterly forgotten and eventu
ally much weakened. It Is tho great
social reflection of barbarism, and Its
Influence cannot bo for good. Chicago
- Sollultudo Was Misdirected.
In a London safe deposit vault re
cently tbo renter of a safe, anxious for
tho spiritual welfare ot ono of tho
Janitors, said, wbllo they wcro In tho
vault together: "Aro you prepared to
die?" Kor answer tho Janitor Instantly
pinned the questioner to the wall by
tbo throat Assistance arrived and the
unfortunate router was carried out, half
throttled." Explanations ensued, and
It was then discovered that an Inquiry
after bis spiritual wclfaro bad been
construed by tho Janitor as tho prelim
inary to a murderous attack.
Would Not Need It Tlion.
An Arkansas man onco wrote to In
quire tho price of a snw-mlll that
would saw all tbo various ways that
ho wanted to saw. When ho learned
by return mall that such a mill would
cost him ?1,000, ho replied by postal
card: "If a roan had $1,000 what In
thunder would ho wnnt of a saw-mill?"
When you see a girl riding a horse
HBtrldo In the country, It Is snfo to
guess that sbo Is from town, and thinks
ono can do what ono pleases In the
country, .
It Is every man's opinion that be
would have been a great man had ho
lived fifty years ago,
Short Storle.
Tho I'lonecr tells n story of a rat
which on one occasion was caught nllve
on n ship nnd thrown overboard. A sea
gull wan floating by tho sldo of tho
ship. Immediately there ensued a bnt
Ho royal, and tho rat strangled tho
seagull to death. He then sat upon tho
enrenss of tho seagull, unfurled Its left
wing to catch tho wind, nnd, working
tho right wing as au oar, set sail for the
shore 1
In response to ft missionary's appeals
for various nrtlcles for use on an Afri
can farm, a mllklng-stool was sent to
him from Hngland. Ho gave It to tho
negro whoso duty It wns to milk tho
cows, with Injunctions to uso It. On
tfln first day tho negro returned homo
from tho cow-sheds, bruised nnd bat
tered, but with nn empty pall. When
tho missionary nsVcd for an explana
tion, tho negro replied: "Milk stool
very nice, inassa, but she won't sit on
In 1802 Colonel Alexander, of Topeka,
who was an Intimnto friend of Presi
dent Lincoln, visited hlin at Washing,
ton, nnd found him In a greatly depress
ed state of mind. "This being Presi
dent Isn't nil It Is cracked up to be, Is
It, Mr. Llneolnr Inquired Colonel Al
exander. "No," said Lincoln, his eyes
twinkling momentarily; "I feel some
times like tho Irishman, who, after be
ing ridden on n rail, said: 'Hegorry, If
it wasn't for the honor av Hi' thing, I'd
rather walk!' "
An Incident of the ceremonies at the
unveiling of tho Itochambcau statue Id
Washington, I). C, went for to prove
that the American flag "stays put."
When the Countess Itochambcau pulled
tho halyard which caused the flags
draping the statue to drop, every ves
tlgo of the covering fell but one corner
of tho American flag, which persistent
ly clung to n part of the work sur
rounding the stntue. "Tho flog stays
put," remarked Secretary Hay to tho
President In nn undertone, and tho
President, remembering his words.
smiled broadly. The French flag read
ily gave way the moment the ro;o was
pulled, and there were a number of
spectators who were Inclined to take
tho Incident as an omen.
Captain French K. Chadwlck, IT. S.
N., who was commander of the flag
ship New York during tho war with
Spain, says that Hear Admiral Samp
son was deeply and unaffectedly re
ligious, and adds: "He was a strict
observer of Sunday, but the fact that
once, nt least, he forgot the days of tbo
week Is Indicative of the Intensity with
which tho duty In bond always seized
him. Having cnlleU the captains aboard
for continuation on the 4th of Juno (a
Saturday) he said toward the close of
the conference: 'I am going In to-morrow
to attack the batteries, to have
everything ready by daylight.' Cap
tain Philip, who wns most earnest In
his religious convictions, nt onco spoke
tip: 'Hut. admiral, to-morrow Is Sun-
dny, nnd I don't believe in flcbtlns on
Sunday, unless Hw other fellow begins.
i nave always noticed that whoever be-
gins a Suuday light gets licked.' Samp
ron nt onco said: 'I am glad you men
tioned that. Jnck; to tell the truth. I
mm lorKouen mo uaya of tho week. I
nm no more a believer In Ucbtlnr on
Sunday than you are. Gentlemen, we'll
put It off until Monday,' and his order
waa obeyed."
At tho time we left Itoralma she
waa afire from her stem to tho aft en.
glnorootn bulkhead. As we looked back
wo saw a strange thing.
. A common
t,J fi" w ,
reed chair, such as you
the deck of a transatlantic liner, was
Hanging in tho air to tho ship's stern.
It had been fastened to the after flag
ond braced below so that It bung oft
In space Just beyond tho reach of the
flames. Some poor devil bad rigged It
there and snt In It to save himself
from Are, afraid to Jump on account of
the Derce rush of the volcanic currents
below. We could see him there, sitting
In his chair, long before we left the ,
ship, at tho back of tbo solid wall ot I
tiro which divided us from blm, and
bo must havo suffered terribly before
bo dropped from his perch and went
overboard. Wo could not get at him
on account of tho flro In the forward
part ot the saloon, but a stateroom was
at band closo'by, with pleuty of life
buoys, and bo might havo got one and
put It on but strangely enough, after
all that Ore there hung tbo empty chair
literally Intact. Tho next morning tho
chair still bung thero unharmed.
Chief Olllccr Scott's account of tho loss
of tho Itoralma in Martinique harbor,'
In Leslie's Monthly. ,
Malco I'ulnt of Mummies.
Manufacturers of nrtlsts' colors now
often uso mummies In making their
colors, and It Is almost certain tbnt a
small percentage of somo ancient Esyp.
tlau rulers went to compose some ot
tho colors used by various It. A.'s In
painting their portraits for tbls year's
academy. Mummies wcro usually pre
served In bitumen or tho best pitch,
says tho London Tattler. This blended
wltb the bono of the mummy gives a
peculiarly beautiful tint, especially
In brown or dark blue.
Alphabets or l'l In BO Words.
Letters In tlio alphabets of the dif
ferent uatlous vary In number. The
Sandwich Islanders hnre 1'.'; tbo Ilur
mese, 18; Italian, S3; Itcngall, 21; He
brew, Syrlac, Cliahlee and Samaritan,
22 each; Latin, 20; Greek, 24; German,
Dutch nnd Kngllsb, 20 each; Slavonic,
t!7; Arabic, 28; rcrslan nnd Coptic, 32
each; Georgian, 35; Armenian, 38; Rus
sian, 41; old Muscovite, 43. Sanskrit
nud many of tbo oriental languages
havo fifty each.
llaraaln Olntuotir.
Edgar Well, Ktbel, wbat did
find nt that wonderful lire sale?
Ktbel Oh, Edgar, I got bouio lovely
Bilk stockings at 17 'cents n palrl There
is not a thing tho matter with them ex
cept the feet are burned off.
Whst lit Winttd.
"Tour honor," said the prisoner,
who bad boon brought In for n prelim
inary hearing, after six weeks in tho
county Jail, "I want a chango of
"You mean," said the Judge kindly,
"that you jvant a ilinngo of vonne.
Now, tbo proper courser-"
"No, I don't mean th it. I want n
chango of menu. That fhoriff seems to
havo tr(od to ccrnor tlio corned beef
market of tho world.'' IJaltimoro
Probably Trut.
"Where did all these skeletons come
from?" asked tho visitor at the medical
col lego.
"Can you keep a socrot?" queried
tho medical ttudont.
"Sure thing.," leplled the visitor.
"Then I'll tell yon." said tho ernbrr
M. I),, and continued, in n loud whis
per: "Woralnod 'em I" Chicago News.
Ntw Sword MtUL
Tho Austrian government has. it Is
said, decided to arm sovoral cavalry
regiments with swords rnado of a new
metal named magnalium, which is os
Mirted to combine tho lightnosi of
aluminum with the strength and floxl-
blllty ol stcol.
Rtvlvtl ot Csmco Jewelry.
There is a revival of interest In old
fashioned cameo jewelry this year.
One of tho largo manufacturing houres
In Now York says that it has done more
work altering and restoring old cameo
jewelry this season than it has for 20
First College Girl I hear yon girls
mobbed the umpire at the class game?
Second Collego Girl Yes; we called
her a "moan old thing" and totd her
that sho was "perfectly horrid."
To tho Editor We have noticed in
your paper from time to tlmo, daring
tho prerent rearon, some extremely in
structive and interesting articles on
Binding Twine.
Permit us to add a few words today
witii special reference to our own influ
ence in this market. Tho "Farm Im
plement News," ieiuo of July 17, gives
the following prices of twine as tbo
prevailing Eastern prices to tbo deal
ers: Mill Itm-M... IS ccnta a round
Standard (iXMt) 13 rente a pound
Manila (-ft)...... . li4 centi a pound
Manila (SOO-fi) 13', cenla a found
Manila (G&l-ft) 17 ceuU a pound
While it is perfectly true and fair to
say that wo would bo justified in
charging one cent in advance of Eastern
prices for oar twine of Oregon manu
facture, that is, the tho price of freight
added to Eastern prices, as a matter of
fact, Pure Manila, Ited Clover Leaf
Brand, 650 feet, we are quoting to tlio
dealers under date of July 15 at 1U
cents per pound, or one cent below the
prices quoted foi Eastern goods.
Taking everything into account, it
seems reasonable and appropriate that
wo call attention to the fact that, al
though many people entertain the be
lief that we aro grinding monopolists,
demanding all we can possibly get for
twine, hero we are in the midtt of an
important and strenuous seat-on, offer
ing our goods at ono cent below the
prices Eastern dealers aro obliged to
pay. In other words, instead of being
an oppressor of the farmer, wo demon-
strate in a very practical manner that
we nre 'riend, and a good friend of
lbe Eoneral public, becaure, It any
Eastern twine is fold in this market,
we force the Eastern manufacturer to
take a less price for it than he docs in
his local market besides the freight to
the coast on account of uur low selling
We cannot be too enthusiastic about
some of the remarks that have been
made in yonr paper concerning Binding
Twine. You have urged the consumer I
'epeatlly to disregard the .reprint.
tlonsof unscrupulous dealers, and to
always make his decision concerning
purchases oftwine by asking tbo ques
tion, "How many bundles canyon bind
with a dollar's worth of tnrine?" If
tho consumer will always keep in mind
this question when he makes a pur
chafe, be will inevitably and invariably
select I'uro Manila twine, for it is tlio
most economical certainly, as it is 30
per cent longer than tho other twine,
dollar for dollar and pound for pound, j
25c 50c.
xjururtf aw -- isasrsnriTi--n-sT '-a- a-
HiWJ w55Rf7 i nun mni nrvint
all bowel troublee. appendicitis, bll
louBiieae, bad breath, bad blood, wind
on the etomnchi bloatod bowels, foal
tuouth. headache liirtleestton. nlmnlea.
pallia otter eatnir, iivcr trotiuie, enliow complexion
and dtntneaa. t hen your bowela don't moro regu
larljr you tiro cettlns elck. Conatlputlon Utile mora
people than all other dleeaaea together. It Is a
starter for the chroulo ollmonta and lonr yaara of
iifterlns that coma afterwords. No matter what
alia yon, atart taklnc OASO.UU'.TS to-day, for yon
will never eet well and be well nil the lime until
yon put your bowels right. Take our advlcc start
with UA&OAI1UT8 to-day. under an absolute guar
antee to euro or money refunded. m
"I wss tlven uo to die with
quick consumption. I then begsn
to ustAyer's Cherry Pectoral. I
improved at once, ana am now in
perfect health." Chas. E. Hart
man, Glbbstown, N. Y.
It's too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over. Be
gin early with Ayers
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
Tirti ilin i 21c, Mc, II. AH frifthls.
Conialt roar doctor.
ir ttm mi take It.
then de be rati. It he lelli ;oa aot
to take It, thea don't uke It, He knowi.
Mill liwun mm, wrwiiunB.
j.uai Kit w Lewau. am.
She Dottn't Approve till Tattc.
"Does Mrs. Grigsby sllow her hus
band's fi lends to smoke in the house?"
Not if Grigsby famishes the
cigars." i
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
5ea FaoSlmlle Wrapper Below.
VeOTr a mall mm& aa aasy
to take ats sogsx.
jiiu LJaaus etiu
Bast on Earth
Because II ti made or the best material poa.lble
to bur-. The manurarturere atnolutel par ti
loUpercrot above Ihe market price oTbets
Kadra or waron timber for tho prlrtle-e or cut
if orer and klmmlDg' off the cream ot the
wagon Btocar. which la carried for S to S years be
fore maklnx op. which mesne aa Investment la
wood stock or nearly one minion dollars.
MITl'llELl, Wagooa are unsurpassed for
qnalltr. proportion, nolsh, atrensta and light
Why Uke chances on any other?
Why-not let Ihe best?-A MITCItELC
Mltcttmll, Lowlm A Stavmr Co.
Portland. BeatUe. Bpokana. Ilolja,
Agents Everywhere.
Applr to Nithin BicuoitD, ff I rllir
AtioE3(.Y,AVdUHcaTo.Hpaa ULII I
MHoholl Wagon,
LICE on Poultry. JlSSSUffiSSt
kill the Uce. Never falls. Sold by dealers, 30c and J 1.00 per can.
llWrt Blocker e( ChaahuMin, kloa.. bouphl a can ot ItumIsm Uce EUler and
OMd II thoroaghlr thn. times smlclesnd his poalcrr hous. entirely rr. h-ons
11c and miles, liefor. u.lnf , tb. poultry boos, wss sllvs with red Ho. sad nllea.
J. It. Htloe. ol AdeU Mo t.r. ibPraMiAa lie. KilLcr l.Ju.1 the thing tor 1U.
on bors, sad ts worth St. times lu eost.
K. J.
UOVTEN, Coast Agents,
Don't neglect the slightest sign of irregularity but
see that you have at least one natural, easy movement
a day. Pills, salts and black draughts are dangerous
because they strain and weaken the bowels. What
you want is a mild but sure tonic laxative, that tones and
strengthens the bowels and stimulates their movements.
Such a laxative is CASCARETS, and when you
try them, you will find that it is the easiest thing in
the world to make and keep your bowels clean and
regular, strong and healthy. Sample box 10c, Month's
treatment 50c By keeping the bowels clean, all serious'
disorders are
similar aaedtelna la the world. This I. nhaelate uver.r
Treat aierll, sat nor hast L.tliaenlal. a bar. faith a4'
will sell CiHOAIim absolutely sanraate.4 la cure or ,
u.aeyreruuoea. u Dny twisr,, hu.i r i, ,nm
fair, ba.e.t trial, as c simple dlrtlous, iad irviiijrs
aat aatlsned, artera,lasaaaaOebaatratarnth. aaiisedOOa
baa an th. aaapty hex. t. us by mall, or Ih. drunliat rasa
whom y.. purchased Ii. aad (alyear Maner back ibr both
b.aes. Tub.oarudvlee a. aialter whul alls you -.turlle. .
day. Health will aal.kly r.llow andy.a will
oudntstarledlkeu,eor)AUAUKTfl. IIe0urrrebynl(.
reuntat f 070
A Ham Stfheoi tor Oayo
Military au?af Manna Trmtntna
Wrltm tor lltut,Md Omtatayum
I'srenti dealrlnc home Infliienret, tiulllut
nrronnitlnn, pertee! climate, rarehil tuner.
Tltlon, ami thorotith mental, moral ami rfire
Irat tralnlns lor their bore, will nnd all lh-
reqnlrenienta fully met at lloltl'a Ucaool. Heals
Mtnrf far Cataloma.
Twattti vearbeitni AtiiuilUlh.
iha u. iiui.i, t o. v.. rnuoipab
; (iSKtmmimtmifD'
I Columbia University
Z Boaidlng School for Young Ksn
j flnmt iltuatlon on I'aclflc CoMt. Ex.
S cellent Faculty. Largest Indoor cotleta
athletle field In Die world. Over half
an sera under an arched root.
i' Catalogues Free. g
a RI2V. At. A. QUINLArV.C.S. C. I
IS University Park, Oregon S
2 laCoffre.Splcri.Ilaklnr; ronder, 2
j Canned Goods and other Orooer- &
,t lee. Inilit on Monopole.
One Second Hand Nichols A Btaepard
Separator, site 40-60, with wind stacker,
only ran 40 dayi; a bargain. Inquire ol
Foot Morrison St., Portland, Or.
Second-hand Threshing
Wa are jcclnr to clean up our stock of
Mcond'htind Engines, Heparators and
llompowen, and are offering jou
En fines from llSfl up.
separators from V up.
II or powers, Feeders and Barger at
all prices.
We hare second-hand Advance, Rus
sell, Gaar Scott, Cae and a few litis. If
tou want A GOOD THING write us for
list and special prices.
bbaksh nouira;
Spokane Wash. Portland, Ore
SurrlTora of Indian Tara or Wkdowa of
Such hb are .Deceased!
Br recent act of concrea you have a claim fbt
Mnnlon at the rataof S-W per mmtli. Bend to me
for application. A ddma T. W. Tallmadge, Wasfe
loftoo, D. C A Fauslon Attorney Cor forty jears.
Old Indian War Pensions
Congress haa just passed a law granting pen.
slone to the surt Ivors and to the widows of da
ceased soldiers of the Oregon, Washington and
California Indian warsot 1817 to 1M6. Full In.
formation wilt bo sent by Jlylnrton Wilton,
Ko.72S Seventeenth Street. Washington, t. C
or Branch offlco No. 4 u l'arrott building, Ban
Francisco., CaU Foes limited by law.
We guarantee to btlp
Toil. Wm hawa lartrsMt
I nnlr H factory UfttA Chicago
bra, deformity apparatus and alt ktnda crtp
plea' supplies. jCatest cootla, beat made. Write
us and we'll show you latest appliance for your
Western Aluminum Artificial Umb Co.
S7b WaahtnstonHt. U0 Second St.
Portland Oregon.
K P. W. U.
e, 31-1909,
II EI wrttns- to advertisers plena
unuoa vii paper.
fortland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash.
uaasui lu., nan tuua ai viuvauv.