' ) MJ r.U W? fi TIIK AllVKItTIHINO MEDIUM, S MKAT iOli PMITH. mi) a , Devoted to the Mining , Lumbering nnd Funning Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Huitling for a Grub Stake. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1902. VOL. IV. no. 30, Mines and MimjMj C Itbma 0 rftmcr-!' Intoi'ojr lb Mining on. AS SKI1N lV JAMHS P. KIMIIAI.I.. Vt'fcut Anvlhrr Wfll.r Think. HI Tin Ort.l llohtmU Mlnlnf llUlrlc'l. KllHwn.V roniHM'llilll Wltll till' Honthrrn Piu'lllc .VHh'in wlllw'rvn In tirliiK tin- lliilii'iuln iiiIiiIiik dUtrlct of 1,111m 11ml DmiKliiH rnnntlr. OrvKon. I tin iwtu mill IlllMI'llHlllL' llllIllirllllKl'. 11.. 1 Imm Hum '.IHKI mlnlnir:t II ill-nth "1 hfl I iIi.im i,l iwnr.l. inim.of xvlilcli. iih uny illnvtluu Imvi- not. no far iw l i-rullw-il tor iKKXI ftvt In llii-hoiiIIicimI mill nt li-iiMt loon fiH-t tou-iiril tin Miniiiiilt of llolii'inlJt inonntnhi, Ik .vonil which thu lop of thu IoiIi-Ih roiui-iili-il. Hi-rliltk ilu.v ! h com-miiiioci'iirn-iici- (nun iIih-oiiipomIIIoii o( iiiiiIi-hIIi-. iimmliml to iIIvImIoiiiiI lilniii-Hiinil wmIIm. Tim lli-li-nu loile Ih iIImIIiii'II.v trnitil (orovi-rn tulle, anil oh-iii-i1 nl UiIm lnt-rviil nt wvi-nil i-li-vnlloiw. In Oclolicr, IMH, h ivnmrkiililii on- boily wiih oK-iii-il from tlic runt nliiH' ot llroiiw HiinitulL nciir tlm invwiit mill It HiiiUmIii mnv Ih'Iiumiiiiu'iI.iiik (rncllonul nnil I'll" Informed, yut I.ivii rwu-hii t,.,.,.n...i-. tlilM illHlrlft Iimm I tlitMlKlt oih'IIihI (orn luiiKth of on Ihfii wroiiKlilHlmi-lSUKorliw mill- P" t-l In tln-li-wl by which It uum Imr inn.lnctM (rum Urn oxldlwd xom-1 I'l-nHrnteil. An iipmlle on tin- ont.-r ofwwnil wiill-knowu IimIcm. .Miner. ji'dK" ioIIowm the on-lioily touniM nl illHouvorlcH date (roni lln yi'iir i rooln, Whi-n nxainlipl liy mu In No IOI Tim illHlrkt iiiiiiiIhth nliotit ID i vi-iiiIkt. 1WU, IIiIk Iciim. 7:! fwt IhvoihI J.e.ut ..( Hin h. "' """' '''. piVHI'nIlMl II flUV of Development of It normal pro-! hrt. 10 InrliCH-lnrlndliu,' , VI fwt of ilm-tnln thrfiirm of heavy HiilphlilcHiHlilppliiK om iim rnn.of.mlnc. The iiflhi'lmwini'tiilHliitNthim far Imvii j uvitiiki' aiway valim of KoIil In thin ivtiirilcil for want of an nutlet fttr ( iirinlm at that time wan tVX por HhlppliiK proiliiotM-praflli-al.k' only , " DIvIhIoiihI lnmn In tin- Ili-U-na lothiMWKl. Ah all oKratloiiH an ho far oh vxIiIIiIIimI ito not compoim.l xtlll on tho oppoHlti' Hl.li'ofrnlnpoola I '' loili-hy Inti-rvvntlon ol unilillf .....m. n.lii at h.valfil in.lntH. two HHlnpai(Mo( the Mimlvk. A hIukIk plain1, howovi-r, illvlilvil the lOiln Into two partn. oni' a huavy Kah'iiKoroiiH itroilnut. thu other a ilry ore, lint nearly iiiially rich In K"lil. Tin- int'tnlllferoiiH on-M of thi'rrKion niv of hoVituI t.VK!H accorillniito the relnllvo itlHlrllnitlon ot thu wvrnil Hiilphlih-N anil their n-latlvn cnrlcli-iiii-nt with koIiI. Thu oxlilln-il iiinc Nclmrar.turlieil iih iikiihI tiy hyilro- chi'inlcal elimination o( hiiIiiIiIiIi-h of waiton roailH (rom tin went, the oni nil HrtiMit Kriulu to the .MiihIlk, ami the other a rlilio1 roml to the Helena, liave hliherloMiilllivil (or (iiv-mllllm; uMirnllonH. Of hiicIi nnl fiicllltle I he Ih'hI haw Ihi'II niiiile not wllhont HerlniiM illlllenltleH from cxii-hhIvc pre elpltatloii. iMpeelally In the winter niontliH. Snow, however, rm-Iy reaeheH the IhiIIoiii. 'iViiiiuiii.rtniliiii nl romeiitratiK .ri.rii.,r in,,,i..i1,Mil.1e einMit III the 1 eoplKT anil leiiil. 'ViiiiiiIiirm from Mhortilrv xeiiMMi, their Htemly );i- hiicIi timterlal coiiHlHt mimtly of an Inetlonfrom oxhllieijor fntiiillr rlferoun pyrlte. Varylm; ilonhtleHH material Iiiih U-enioiH-nileil. Neither In ratio of thu ordinal HiilplihJcH, oxl-Miirfmi- i-paiK nor eapltnl Iiiih lent ' 'llwil on-wlilely illffer In gold con (oiinil (or their m-cmniilalloii-ln an- ll''"t (rom locally and Inordinately tlelpatl ( railway (nrllltleH, Hneh hlh tenor down to moilerate rich- farllltliM will hooii U. m-arat hand newi. l,ow grmleH rarely full lelow on the eompletloa of tlm OreKon & I ' vulne of $10, while Ut may l Honthea-lern railroad now lnilMIng i al:en a a fair averane. The depth IromtroltiiKVuUrovu tujlif weMj,.riiif thu huhtIU:IiiI nine alno varien YiH of, rnmpoolii moniitnln, ni.lT" delendlnril, llrnt, hy I orn I enwlon. themv up 01 ( Km deeply Henlptnred nnd wtond. by circulation of nnder- ImihIiih. nxtrmstlnn of a law ton- ground nrldnlaleil wntern. Inter HiilW of Hhlpplnc oreH practleally "In , mediate prodnclH are apt to occur hIkIiI" awaltH IIh Hervhr. loneen- "ext UOow the oxl.llned f.one. Thin lrntlno-mlloiiHn't to h locateil xonu Ih thin In the .MiiHlck lode nnd nt the haw of the mountiiliiH will ih- generally wanting. In thefallforula )end hirgelv upon facllltleH artorded It Ih develoieil to an unknown, but liv thN rnllwnv. i extent. In theChamplon "Several Iniporlnnt tlml-T IhOIh , It low a deep development; In the initHhle the CaMiuhi forent nwrw , "eleun an umiiml development fol. will Ik- reiiehed liv the railway, ami lowing a nharply undulating line, at will' coutrllmte "in IIh traillc. The which Hound or unalteii'il HitlphhU-M timber of Ih mining dlMtrkl Itnoll Ih make their apiK'aramv.HOinetlmeH at mainly prolecleil from logging hy , the nurture iw generally In the .Mil Vilnernl liH'atloiiH, and by uilverw nick, topographv. If not by forent ivHerva-l "wivy HiilphldeH moHlly galena aru iloll . ) often of Hhlpplnj; grade, and richly Tlie llohemln moiintahiH may ' Impn-guated with gold. The lower lirlellv U ilcHcrlbcd iih fiihnlnatlng ! gradeHcoiiHtltule concentrating inn. crngM of folapoola mountain, tho j U-rlul. Pan concentrateH reduced to mirvlval ota gmit volcanic imuiHlrt' the HiHvllle gravity of denwor jiHleft bv erohlon In tlui form of a flipping material are alno rich In imrrowand tortuoiiHrldgi' with nu-IKold, lint even from mnterlulatiual iiieroiiN radliil npurH orramlllcntloiiH. depthn provo of Homewhat leKHViilue. l'roin the Hiiminltn at eluvatloim of , probably (rom )okh In HlllceoiiH tall rom WXK) 0.VH) d-et. erimlon lmn ad- Ingx. The Nhlpplng product of the vamed In all dlreetloiiH toward thu , SlUHlck from thu lower leveln av.er. bane. Deep V-Hhaped IiiihIiih havo aguH about 7fl In value of gold; and I Iiiih Imvii Mculituivd on thu went of the Helena about li". Net Iok deHcendlng Into the Wlllametlu valuen of MiiMlck vaunlngH In gold and Unii(ua waterH. niter elimination of amalgamating The whole maHHlf,eHHntlally mule-' vulueHol gold In oxidized muterlal Hllle In churacter Ih truverned from , under thu HtmnpH may be taken at biiKe to bawi by numeroUH powurlul nbout CIA; ol Helena vannlngH mineral loden In nearly vertlclu attl- ( thu mne typualmut?IU;tho latter tilde, will) a N. W. H. K. couiHe. , from oivh giving i of gidd by pulp ThrHe occupy In part great cjeni-cut , nHMiiy. No Mhlpinent of Munlck hlgh- Hhhuivh parallel to thu dlvlHlonal gradu ore Iiiih yet been made. Typl liartlngH, nnd In imi t bordering val HampleH, however, nanny nearly Hhearlng bcltH dellned by planen of high In gold iw the bent leant rcMlHtanre all 11101x1 or K-hh I product of thu Helena In car lotn. Heparated thim roiiHtltutlng dlvln. ThlH brief genernl Htatement of val louul plancH, mid whIIh, HllckeiiHldeil wh rcforH, of coui-ho, to pixiHcnt de- In plneeH, mid morn oi-Ichh wariK'd. velopmentH. Uneiiunl neparatlon along with Tho oxldlxed xono of the Helena ullght illHphicumentH of dlvlHlonnl ' lode on tho eiiHtHlniHi ol (Irouw mini. plani-H give iineiiualHectlonH, expand-'mit Ih Htlll good tor n reiiHonnbly lug up to 10 leol. iih In tho Helemv and long Hiipply of milling material. That la lift an In the Mimlck. Ilotwven of 11 pnrallel lode iviuiiIiih untouched. dlvlHlonal plaueHtho lllilng Ih more ThetleopcHt duvelopment ol llio oxl or leHH bivccluted In ratio of hccIIoiiivI expaiiHe. JlhieralUatloii of biveU ateilpartH alno nppem-M In ratio ot the expeiiHo of breccia. Segregated quart occupleH thu 1ohh, bi-occlated pnrtH, nnd Ih moru or Iuhh lntoixtltliil thToughout nil brecelntlon. Hoth ininrts! mpl hreccln are unequally inlneralUed with tho metallic mil ihldiw, carrying dlfferont ratloH of gold and' Hllver, but gonornlly annr iih proved uncommonly high. Min eralized oxpniiHUH or parallcllHin of Icuhch and plaH'H cpiiHtltuto ore bodlcH, ,( whlcli thrt'ii havo been opened by drlftH and HtopeH In the MuhIcU within 11 development of 1100 (eot longitudinally nnd UOO feet ycrv tleally. Ono of Hicho Iiiih iv Jengtli of jit loiiHt !I50 (eot, fnccH of drlftH Htlll bolng within Hh limit. Anothor)H nbout 100 (eot In length, and tho third ahout ftOO (eot. An fur iib wrouglit theno are In dlvlalonH aluo tlnvo In number, Outcropping ex JomilonH ol tho lodoaro highly mln- dlzcd zone Ih obnervud In tho Cham plon lode. All HtopeH In tho Mimlck havo only been partially wrought lor oxidized or ivinalgamatlug jiroductH. Uli altered oren havo beon left Htaudlug iih veHcrveH, Space forlddH anything like iv'do taDed dencrlptlon of thp llohemla ii)1iich, tho development ot nonoot whlcli Iiiih ho tar ndviinced ivh to fur iihIj all tho factm-H of hcwhI Impor tant probleuiH, like relative- zoiich of ejirlchmeut with tho pi-ecloim metalH j-e.hitly.o dlHtiibutlon of cojipor Hiil phldeH along with galena and uphill erlto, or dlHtiibutlon, cntiro Hhapo and full size of ore hodlCH. Zinc him not yut boeii (ound IndclotcrlouH pro portion. In printed rcporl.H on tho Helena and Mualck mlnca hiicIi prautlcnl du tnllH havo brlully been given iih could bo uHcortaluod as Into iih November hiHt. p Sonio 20 locatloiiH havo bIiico been collecled an a third group timler the iiauio of ('alnpoola Mining & Tunnel Company Inlermedlali) iM-twcen the MiiHlck and Helena group', l'ach group Ih the pr'Mierty of Hcpemlu cor poralloiiH, of which Mr. P. .1. .leu nlngH of Porthiud Ih prcHldcnt. To IiIh Hiigaclty ami energy the recent development of the llohemla Dixit let In cblelly due. The fuhipooln group.llieluillnglhe Chatiiploii group of 111 locatloiiH, llo In a body at the head of ('hampltm IiiimIu, and iH'eupy the went xldeaud Hummll o( (he ctilmluatlng ridge. The worklngH of thet'liamplonnml llroudway, together with dlHcovery and ivpreHentntloiiilevelopmentH, re veal the occurrence of wveral power ful IimJch parallel to the general h.vh tvm of loden well exhlblled In the Helena and Mimlck groupH, and all of the name tyH. Thin group UHHtimcH dellnlle impor tance, however, In advance of ex- IciihIvo developinent Ih-Iow tho oxl 1llz1.1l zone, iih tho key to deep devel opment of the MiiHlck anil California IoiIch by meatiH of two tuuilelM, or of nu adit from the head of Champion IiiimIu at the termiuuM of the railway. The Calapoola Ih ileHlgned iih Im mediately a developing proportion for the driving of at leant one deep tunnel through to City Creek IiiihIii, giving iiccchh to tho MiiHlck-Call-(orula HyHtem of lode, and egn-HH for their productH thiiH obviating Hiirfaco (raiiHiortatlon over the mini mil. It Im diwlgued to drive on the Cliainploii lode, and alter cHtnhllHh meiit ol Hiiltablo linen to crOHH-cut the whole H.VHlem ol loden lK-tween the Helena and MiiHlck-Callforala m.vhIciiih. Milling material will Inci dentally be (ound (or the prcxciit Cnhipoola 10 Htanqi mill. Hy the addition o( vitnuerH valuable eou centrnteH can Ihj Immediately pro-dui-cil. For 21) iiiIIch oil the uptsr watqrH o( tho Willamette, which Ih followed by the railway, are dlHtrlbiited falls and rapliln adaptable to water power Htilllelent (or air comprcxHlou and for electric energy (or all mining and milling purpoxcH, and even (or locomotion. Advanced ocrntlnnH (or the pro duction of Hineltlng oreH and other nhlpplng productH In the form of eoncentraleH, will In- mainly by drlftH and croHH-c'tit (rom which thu Htim of rlw or buck will U- up to VW) (cut. 1 The llvlenn Ih iioiv driving a low drill from Clminplon biixlii, eventu-1 ally lo conaeot with the Hoverul 1 opealngM on the oppoHite Hide o( (Ji i)iiw Hiiiiuiilt, at higher elevatloiiH. ' Hallway , tuniielllig anil milling Im provflucutH will (Iiiih nerve tochunge the llohemla Mining DlHirlct (rom 11 ! free-gold camp to i-hhi-iii tally a pro-, dncer of mirlferoliH Hineltlng orvn both wet nnd dry. Oalena him now j come to Ih; the tnoMt couxplcuoiiH biiHU liriHlucl within the proxent du-' ve lopmciit of the Munk-k and Helena IoiIch. Clialcopyrlle Ih ileveloicd In admixture with tlie bime HiilphldeH In pluccH up to commercial vnliu-H. QiiantlliiHve dutermlnutloiiH olco per have Ihvii too few for practical purpiim. Two hundred and ninety I Ioiih of Munlck conceutrateH Hiuelted ' at Tmroma In lH'M averaged U.,! )cr 'cent of roiH;r along with 12.3 ier cent of lend, t-i of gold ami t2Js2 of nllver Thene were produced (rom partially oxidized orcn. Much ol the galeuiferoiiH product of both iiiIiicm iih far iih yet extractiil ban proved up to Hhlpplng grade wltliout mihiII Ing. In the Munlck lode and in the, Helena an far iih wrought, the bulk of the lode Ih mineralized to Hepurat Ing grade even between ore nhootH, except In coiiHtrlcted partn, which thiiH far have proved few and nliort. i Thu local IndiiHtry will therefore develop Into Hhlpplng of high grade I oreH, and of reduction productH In , thu form of concentrntcH direct from , , the ore without nmnlgamation. ThL. 1 ' volume of the IndiiHtry will of courne ! 1 ilciH-uil on mining development and I milting plant. tTumu In turn will be I In mciiHure.of the application of j j capital, ltenolute mid cxteiiHlve de-- vciopment of thu Kohemla mlneH, an now practicable with railway trnnn- j j portatlon at hand, will go (ar, -t'JL '" ' '" ' ' '' '' ' " ' '' " ' ' '' ;1. .1. ;1. .f..i. .1. ,j. -k ... 4 f We arc offering greatly i Reduced Prices in many Lines of Goods to make Room for our A T V srK rr jr A V Bd 8 0 M tow a E si n SLr (?!) Which In now arriving: Daily. Shirt Waists ' liViin lllllll wnia Big Bargains in Ladies Shoes till September 1st. The only Complete Line of Gents' and Boys' Coltein Town. EAKIN & BRISTOW. I- -! -It I- A- A- -I. I toward the CHtubllnhment of 11 ' jHinelter In thu Wlllamettu valley i : HrhapH, iih long contemplated near j Portland, where may readily be 1 I lutein bled the various Hineltlng pro liluctHot ICantcni mid Southern Ore igon. along with WiiHliIugton or Vancouver cuke, lire clay and IIuxch. Garman & Hemenway's MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE OOMMEyCHSTG- JULY 5, To make room for our Large Stock of Fall Goods, now Ordered, will give a Discount of From 10 to 25 per cent, on all Odds and Ends. This will be a Money-Saving Proposition to you. r ROBSRW v ucmcwmI kv leaders in merchandising VafVUWP Ol Htftt.VimX cottage Grove, Oregon. GRIP-PEIH BILL WW WW '.Vo other available ore t Iiiih far ex-) itvl the auriferoiiH HiilphldeH of the: , llohemla DlHtrlct, or the dry oreH of 1 one part of thu Helena lode, now ex- , pond!. j Hy the Installation ot water power (or electric energy and tor alr-eom-' prcHidou, all mining and milling ex ' pciiHCH will be reduced toamiulmum. In the Item ot fuel alone the Having will be great by (Unpenning with a ' wood-cutting (oree, mid with the dlfllcult iiiulntenance ol Htablen at high elevatlonn. The jinrvatlon of tlmlH.'r Ih iiIho a coiiHlderntlou pt great Importance. j The three groupn of mining oca tioiiH, numlH?riug-i3 l(R-atIouH n all, Hhould an 1 luiveurged from tlie flrHt, eventually 1 eomolidnteil Into a Hlnglu eominaudlug oiieratlon, even Including thu railroad. With micli , IcoiiHumiiintlon. It iiQt too long dp-, I layed, ntuCli duplication ot plantH ! will thiiH lie nvoldud, while thu mag nitude of potentialities la hiicIi an Industrial unit Hhould Inmiru mi able and eomprelieiiHlvu adminlHtratlou i with the unremlted aid of adequate capital. Kveu It not Immediately j orneticable. micli a conHUinmatloii 1 Hhould be kept Hteadlly la view, pending Holutlou of what probleuiH remain by contlnueil development. Janu'rt P. Kimball In tho Knglueui Ing mid Mining Journal. lira HIGH GKADE j PIANOS AND ORGANS Direct from the Factories; J We are sole Agents for Oregon nnd can save you the J middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Organ in part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small j monthly, or yearly payments. We are the sole Agents for " the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piano. Write us lor Cata- logue and prices. MORRIS & CRAW, J Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon. J oHOHDiiaBOBOBeDaieapaoBeBonnaaeBonnHsiiBaBai W. S. ClIRlSMAN. Em Bangs. The Fashion Stables Will be given at the OPEEA HOUSE, COTTAGE GROVE, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 15. irc imziBS GivKtv away First Prize, for the most beautifully dressed Lndy, $20; 2nd $10, 3rd $5. A Fine Mandolin for best Gent and Lady Walter, A beautiful fan for the best Lndy Waltzer, by Garman & Hemenway; Best Gentleiuar. Waltzer, Fine Silk Hand kerchief, by Thorutou of Racket store; Flue Box of Stationery, second best Lndy Waltzer Benson Drug Co.; Fine watch fob .chain best C.en tleman two-step by II. C. Madsen, Jeweler; Good Buggy Whip to party driving greatest distance to ball, Geo. Meinzer. Edgar Willson's restaurant gives an Oyster supper to the lady and partner winning first prize for finest dtess. Other Prizes, to be given by tnerehants, will be nnnouneed Inter. Dance Tickets 73cts. Lady Dancers Free, Spectators, Lady or pent, J5cts. ISO Si. J. S. MEPLEY Attorney-at-Jaiv o o o : OftU'apu Main itreet : -CoTTAOJ! GWOVK, ORlt. THE OLD RELIABLE Grocery Store , t Caries a full line of Staple and .Fancy goods, Granite, Crockery, Tin and Glassware, Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats, Hay and everything the farmer or the housewife needs. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. It will he a pleasure at all times to show -our goods and you are earnestly requested to call and examine them. Will wept Ml Competlon iii 1'rlceK, I'OKNER MAIN mid SECOXOSTItKET. COTTAGE OllOVE Ghi'ismar) & Bani4s, Proprietors. Also own and oppcrate the Bohemia, and Black Butte Stage Lines First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single. Reasonable Prices '- .st skjLlman garoutte Successor to Baker, fit Johnson COTTAGE GROVE, ORE YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME trar- IMPERIAL HOTEL. Where tlie menU arc well rooked ami well served and tho beds are good. ITS CLEAN THKOUGBIOUT. Ami you'll Hud everything home-like without home Inconvenienc, Coinuuiidstay ua long aa possible. FINE LARGE SAMPLE ROMS I'rco tooiir CoininereinlTnulc, Try our Bunrtay Dinner. The &et fttf Survtxl in' any Hotel in thu City, N. J). HARDY, M'gr. COTTAGE OROVE, - - OREGON, 3 A. H. KING Attorney at Ljmv, qo'XT40i? aitoyis, ojtu. Val i.lb!e wining property and Bo. hernia lor sale, Jerome Knox J. E. YQU.NQ 0Bf en lo tUftU Ytf CoTTAC Ghqvb, pyg. FImirnidMt.'Qw lot. Myfff oc)(u for u)JiitQW9 hW'r V?' 9 4tfbdt