Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 01, 1902, Image 6

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    Bohemia Nugget
HOWAllll III1NKY, rntillativrt..
A Comprthtnilve Review-of th Important
' Happenings of the Past Week, Preaenied
In i Condenud Form, Which li Most
; Likely to Interest Our Many Ruder.
"Demonstrations continue In Franco
against ttio closing ol Catholic schools.
Autotnobllo ilovotoes in Knglsnd And
themswlve liadly handicapped by strln-
-as- . m..
Kcni rpet!u iunr.
" rcpnralfrhis for (lie coronation nro
In lull swing, but tnoio is a nouccauio
lack 01 nitthiiiiaein,
MK fluht wlth'.orMtlilcvcs in Ofcla
lioma resulted in thn wounding and
capture ol povcral of tho gang.
Ohnlnrn In Kuvnt Is snreadlnt. rapid
ly. .Many of tho victims aro attacked
.In tho Btroots anil dlo in a low minutes.
A passenger nnd freight train collid
ed In the yards at Uheyenne, vsyoming,
resulting In tho Injury of half a down
Tlio president has approved tho find
lugs of tho court martial in tho caso of
Major Glenn, but disapproves the ac
tion In thoCook rao.
Tlireo soldiors wero seriously Injured
"ntFWl Douglas, Utah, by tho horses
attached to n can which they wore
. handling running away.
Ten fishermen-lost their lives In a
galo on Fra?ejr river, B. C.
" OholcraJJhas broken out afresh in
MaHtln, n number of new caws being
reported .
, James Jeffries knocked out Hob Fitx
. slnimons In tho eighth round in a fight
. at fan Francisco.
ghic'agp messengers wont on strike
for'moo'p'av Telegram's arc being de
livered through the? mail.
Ahr'ila-Ohappelle a town in Ger
many, wllldieroatter celebrate Ameri
can independence' day by hoisting tho
American flag.
There is much anxiety among British
cabinet officials over the king's con
dition. Many believe he will not be
able to stanil the coronation.
- Acting Secretary Ityan has ordered a
temporary withdrawal of tho tract in
Eastern Oregon recommended by com
missioner Hermann and Superintendent
Two hundred persons .were drowned
by the capsizing of a steamer on West
river, China.
There Is not a great deal of interest
being taken in tho coming coronation
of King Edward.
Tlio bodies of tho Cebu, Philippine
teachers have been found, thus ion firm
ing the fears that they bad been mas
eacred. Extensive preparations nro being
made for the joint navy and army ma
neuvers at the entrance to Long .Island
The secretary of the interior has ro
reived camples 0 an alleged core for
leprosy, which will be fowarded to
Honolulu for a test.
Tracy has again disappeared and, as
a result, reports are being sent to the
pflkcri) from various places as to his
wfTereabouU. Ono report has him at
From Fobruary 4, 1899, to April 30,
1002, there wore 2,156 engagements, of
mora or leea feriouMiees, between
American troops and the enemy in the
Tho United Stales cruiser Albany has
sailed for Stockholm, Sweden.
Serious religious riots aro reported in
several French cities. More trouble
Is expected.
Colonel Thomas Ward, chief of staff
to General Miles, has been appointed
brigadier general.
Cardinal Ledochoweki, prefect of tho
congregation of the propaganda of tho
Roman church, is dead.
Tho treasury department will, in a
few days, call for bids for the improve
ment of tho Portland postoflico building.
Otders have been received at the New
York novy yard to proceed tat once with
the, building of tho battleship Connec
ticut? '
1 a .
Tie general managers of tho railroads
entering Chicago nro considering vari
ous moans of preventing strikos in tho
fUthrff. "
An Ohio doctor is under sentence of
death in Nicaragua. Tho state depart
ment lias taken active steps to secure
his releato.
Secrotary Root has gone to Europe
lor a short vacation.
Fifty-six porsons were drowned in a
ferry boat accident in Russia.
The complete unofficial abstract gives
Chamberlain 270 plurality for governor
of Oregon. -
Capt. M. I. Smith, the first man who
stretched wires across tho state of Wis
. conslu, is. still living In Topeka, Kan.
Chicago chemists have invented a
procoss for making wall paper stronger
that promises to revolutionize the in
Tho largest stockholder 'n the United
States Steel Company, "Mr. Cutler,"
is John D. Rockefeller, not Andrew
Carnegler his dividond is (1,000,000
. Westminster cathedral, London, the
now centorof tho Catholic church in
England, has boon dedicated. It has
hcqn building six years.
Gov. Smith, of Maryland has ap
pointed n commission of thro to pur
chare a bust of Roar Admiral WJnileld
Soott Schley to be placed in tlio new
statu capital at Annapolis.
Throo Clovoland tradesmen announce
ths Invention of a process to produce
gas of chemically treated air, tho pro
obm being so cheap and simple that
production of light and heat may bo
Extensive PUni Under Consideration by Mine.
I workers Officer.
Wilkosbario, Fa.,July 21). President
Mitchell was kept busy receiving oom
mlttcos at strlko headquarters today
A committco from tho stationary lire-
111011 spent somo timo with him. It is
understood that tholndlanapolisconveiv
tion mado no provision for tho firemen,
but it is understood thoy will receive
. the samo provisions as tho minors. A
j committee (rom.Nantlcoko oxplalned to
President Mltclioll that men with largo
families should reroivo tho first .con
sideration, and that tho relief given
them should be larger than that given
to men with small families.
Prosidont Mitchell tonight had a con'
ferenco with District President Nichols
nud Fahoy and National Hoard menv
bor John Fallon. It is understood tho
matter under discussion was tho varl
OUS relief plans which tho local asoenv
biles of mlnuworkors hnvo proposed for
tho distribution of provisions to tho
striker?. It is expected that thoexcen
tivo board, which is composed of Protl
dent Mltclioll and the district presh
ilonts, will make somo kind of recom
mendatlon which tho local boards will
carry out In tho work of giving relief.
Mr. Mitchell wan asked whether it
was true that tho United Mlnonorkcra
had employed counsel for tho purpose
of impeaching Judge Jackson, of West
Virginia. He replied that ho had
heard nothing of such a move.
Deluge la Central Part of State Continues
Immeast Property Losses.
Dallas, Tex., July 29. The deluge
of rain which has been pouring over
Central Texas for several days !has not
abated. In addition to three lives lost
at Stovensonville, there has boon much
property damaged. Within four hours
at Cameron yesterday 15 inches of rain
fell. A thousand feet of the' Santa Fe
tracks was carried away and a portion
ot tlio Arkansas Pass road destroyed.
Little river rose 20 feet in eight hours
and is now bank full, but slowly reced
ing. Tlio streets 01 Cameron aro badly
damaged, and farms in tho bottom
lands are being flooded.
At Galesvillo 10 inches of rain fell.
Two Texas A Pacific passenger train
were tied up at Weatherford all day
yesterday. Dig Springs is probably
tlio greatest suflerer from the Hood.
from a property standpoint, as the
water is over tho town from four to 22
feet deep. The track for 10 miles west
of Big Springs lias been washed out
and the bridges are gone. Fifty pas
sengers aro watorbound here, and no
attempt will be made
to run trains
The damage
nntil the water recedos.
will be enormous.
At Waco, the Brazos was still rising
at midnight, and is within one foot of
the danger line. It is still raining
Congress Fixed Too tilth a Price on Tracts
Near Pocatcllo, Idaho. .
Washington, July 29. Assistant
Land Commissioner Richards has not I
fied the interior department that the
auctioning cf lands within the five-mile
limit of Pocatello, on the Fort Hall
reservation. Idaho, has been aban
doned. During the seven days that
sales were conducted, only 09 tracts
were disposed of, from which the gov
eminent realized HZ, 437. Bids were
made for fcur additional tracts, but
were subsequently withdrawn. With
these exceptions, no purchasers ap
peared to take np the hulk of the land,
which was considered not worth the
minimum price of f 10 an acre fixed by
law. These surplus lands must now
remain idle and unoccupied nntil con
gress repeals the $10 limiting pro
Tho fact that the sales were so few
is conclusive evidence to the depart
ment that the contention, of tho Idaho
senators that no minerals exist on these
lands was correct, and that the state
ment was circulated with a fraudulent
intent. Commissioner Richards has
started for Washington.
A Urge Body of Striken Under Arrest, but
Many Made Their Eicapc.
Tamaqua, Pa., July 29. This even
ing about 50 strikers captured William
Eagan, a Lehigh Coal & Navigation
Company brakeman, and made an at
tempt to march him out of the region
hen they reached a point near Muuch
Uhunk they wero met by about 20 den
utios armed with Winchester rifles.
At the point of their guns the officers
marched tho men to a train which was
in waiting, and took them to Lanford.
When they arrived thero a largo crowd
01 strikers gathered about the train und
made a demonstration. The deputies
surrounded tlio prisoners, and, keeping
the crowd back by leveling their cuns
at them, took up tho march to the jail.
About 8 o'clock tho deputies made an
effort to tako tho prisoners to tho offlco
ot a justice of tho peace. When they
reached the principal part of the town
the crowd pressed in and the prisoners
made a dash for liberty, all but 17 of
mem making tneir escape. At present
the town is in a state ot turmoil, and
serious rioting is learod.
Wreck Near Omaha.
Omaha, July, 28. Passenger train
No. 6, west bound on the Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific, was wrecked three
miles west of South Omaha at 2 o'clock
this afternoon, tho fireman being
killed, tho engineer perhaps fatally
hurt, and two express messengers
uauij uruieuu, .mo iireman was
crushed to death beneath tho onglne.
1110 accident was caused by spreading
China at St Louii Fair.
Pekln, July 20. The emperor an
nounces that he has decided to tend an
imperial commission to represent China
uv mo ot. ixiuib exposition, instead of
placing China's Interests in the hands
of the minlstor to tho United States.
The United States minister hero, Mr.
Conger, has tecurod an audienca with
the emperor for John Barrett, the com-
mlssloner genora of tho exposition for
Asia and Australia, when tho announce,
A -In .1 .111 A 11,1,. I la Whan , I
went will bo formally made,
Commercial and financial Happenings ol lm-
portance A Drlel Review of ths Growth
and Improvement! of the Many Industrie
Throughout Our 1 driving Commonwealth
latcit Market Report.
A project Is mi foot to put in a first
class waterworks at Dallas.
Marlon and Umatilla counties rvpfltt
a dccreaiq In tlio school population
J. A. Beattle, president of tho state
normal school at Wilton, lias resigned
to nctvpt a position in thn K1i.1t,
Bnton county farmers aro now cut
ting tholr fall town grain. Both the
fall and spring sown wheat will yield
Tho stnto fair this vear promises to
00 one 01 tlio most successful over held
Many special features have been se
Tho French bark Asie. which cap
sized at Portland last January, has
Been completely repaired and has sailed
ironi that port with a full cargo.
Tho annual report of tho public
schools of Yamhill county shown
total school population of -1,775, 11s
compared with 4,S2tf 11 vear ago. Tho
avorago attendance also fell off.
Portland Elks aro working hard for
tlio carnival to bo held this fa I. Re
duced rates over all transportation
lines haw beou secured and everyone
in tho" Northwest will bo able to attend.
Tho Western Union Telegraph com
pany has mado arrangements to place a
largo clock on ono of tho principal
streets of Oregon City. The clock will
bo connected by wire with tho ono nt
Licit oborvatory, and will liavo a. dial
30 Inches in diameter. '
A salt war is on at Portland. Whole
sale) men, in ordor to fight tho trust,
now havo tour rescels pu routo loaded
with salt, and ono is discharging her
cargo in ttiat port. Tho ofTect Is nl-
ready noticeable, $14 per ton having
oeen sliced olt tho price within 30 days.
Tho Pacific Coast Lumber Company.
01 Aiuany, nas oeen incorporated with
4u,uuu capital stock.
During tlris warm weather about COO
patients of tho rtate insano asylum en
joy a picnic twice a week.
Several attempts have been mado the ,
past week to burn Fort Stevens, but in
each instance the flames were discov
ered in time to prevent serious destruc
Placer mining on the Snake river is
proving very profitablo in some place
this season. The clean-up from one
bar for the season is estimated at f 10,-
A representative from a Nebraska
firm baa purchased 1,000 head of extra
tine horses in Crook county and will
ship them East during Augutt and Sep
iionsiueranio uuiicuity is being ex.
perienced in seenring labor to pull flax
in 1 lip Holds around talem. Tim work
is exceeding tiresome and hot and the
pay email.
A big ledge ot nickel, gold and Conner
nas oeen iounu in Josephine coon I v.
The new vein is one of the largest
oodles 01 ore ever uncovered in South'
orn Oregon.
Wheat Walla Walla-, 03c for new
crop; 6101c for old; valley, 06c;
oiuestem, uouoc.
Barley 117.75 for old, 16.60 for
new crop.
tiour licet grades. 13.0503.60 per
Barrel ; grauam, s.Ud3.2U.
Millstuffa Bran, $1516 per ton;
21.50; shorts, 18;
chop, f!6.
Oats No.l white. .1601.2O:grav.
Hay Timothy, $12(316: clover.
f7.5010; Oregon wild hay, I56 per
Potatoos Best Burbanka. 75385c
percental; ordinary, 50c per cental,
growers prices; sweets, I2.252.50
per cental; new potatoes, lc.
Butter Creamery, 2021c: dalrv
luismc; store, 101310c.
Eggs 2022c for Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twins. 124
&13c;YoungAmerica, 13KQ14Kc: fao J
tory prices, 1 lc less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed. 13.60(2
4.60; hens, M.00a6.60 per dozen.
HQllMc per pound; springs, HQ
HKc per pound, $2.6084.50 per doz
en; ducks, J-'. 00(23. 00 per dozen:. tnr.
keys, live, 1314c, dressed, 1618c per
pouna; geese, 1 -i.uutgo.uu per dozen
Mutton Gross. 2K33c per nonnd;
aressea, oc per pouna.
j 1 - ,
Hogs Gross, 0Jc; dressed, 77Kc
per pound
Veal 78c per pound
Beef Gross, cows. 33c: steers.
3)lc; dressed, 78c per pound
Hops 1617c; tew 'crop 1718c.
Wool Val!oy,12&aiB -.Eastern Ore
gon, bt&nxc: moliaii, 2626c pound,
. 1
The body of Jesse James is to bo sr.
burned at St. Joteph, Mo., and buried
in the larally lot at Kearney.
The Burlington & Northwestern mil.
road, 105 milos long, will be shifted
from narrow to standard irauL-o In inn
nours. uno rail is to bo moved.
J'.x.l'resident Grovcr Cleveland is
apour 10 publish a book on
ethics of
fishing. Uo declared in an
that 13 thing la the best means he knows
ol to preservo health.
Workmen aro busy repairing
lower story of the white house.
Canada, arousod by tho Moriran
steamship combine, plans a now na-
tio'nal trans-Atlantic lino
Jidmond Bruwaort, French consul
Senol at Now York, is to bo minister
to Cuba. Ills probable successor In
Ilonri Merou, at preient French consul
general at Chicago,
Gen. Lloyd Wheaton lias arrived
from the Philippines and tells of the
thousands of lives saved bv Improved
sanitary precautions as tho result oil
t. .. ..- ' II
American occupation of the islands.
More Rlotlnt, follow! Atttmpl to Cloittht
Uiurch school! many Arreili.
rails, July i'ti. imtut banco tm
tinuo ns 11 sequel to yesterday's clerical
outbreaks us protests ngalntd tho gov
ornment's onfrceiiient of tho law against
unauthorized congregntioni. It now
appears that 300 arrcits nere made mid
nuiiioroi'a prosecutions nro pending
although tho majority ot thu ptlsouera
wero released. rresh meetings to
protest In fuvoi of the religious enters
ar oxpocted to bo held, while tho Had
leal and Socialist papers aro urging tho
Republicans to meet at tho Pauthoon
na a counter demonstration.
A serious dlsturhanco occurred nt
10:30 o'clock this evening from the
turraco nt tho Cafe do Museo do Clunlc
The pollen cleared tho cafe. So.eial
persons wore Injured and 25 arrests
wero mado. Soma disorderly mcotingi
ot Catholics wero held during the course
ot tho owning, resulting in scullion und
the making of arrests.
Tho agitation recalls to somo extent
the scones enacted when M. I'crrl, then
premtor, expolled tho Jesuits, in 1880
Demonstrations In favor of tho nuns
and of the touching friars nro taking
place in hiris and many places, in the
provinces where; the prefects prorouted
uiumsoivea at tho schools and ordered
that thu Institutions bo clotod. Up to
ine present, however, no serious Incl
dent has been recorded.
ihu Nationalists have lolned tho
Clericals in engineering tlio agitation
and their leaders nro in tho forefront
of tho offervescenco in Paris. Much
sympathy has been worked up on Ik'
nan 01 tuo nuns, and their schools Inn
been made imrticuhtr objects of dnmon
strations, Tho Clericals culled tioii
their sympathiiers to meet outsldo of
tho school conducted by tho Sisters of
t. lucent do Paul, in the northeast
iiuurler of larii, which was closed
and a great croud gathered there, com
polling a largo body of mounted muni
cipal guards and police to form a cordon
in tho streets loading to tho school. A
few trilling collisions oceuired between
the I lericiilsnnd counter demonstrators
who replied to the Clerical cries of
Ixmg live tho good Sisters" and ."Vivo
la llbeite," with "Down with the
priests" and "Long live the rupubll
nationalist mcmer of tho chamber
of deputies as arrested whllo trying
to iorce nig way through the police cor
unn, out was subsequently released
tntl-ClerIcal meetiiiKS In tho Ijitln
quarter this evening led to some offer
vesevneo, but no notenorthy disorder
Troublo of a similar nature occurred
at several other points.
Against these incidents, however,
must bo set off the addresses in support
01 ine government voted by many mu
niuipai councils. vtiiuo much sym
pathy is foil with tho Sisters personal
ly, Premier Combes undoubtedly feols
that he is supported by the mass of lira
people, and fs not likely to recede from
the position ho has taken.
irlng American Robbcri Male a Blj Maul
Eicapcd In the Darkneii.
El Paso, Tex., July 23 A daring
holdup took place on the Moxican Ceil'
tral about 12:30 oclock yesterday morn
ing, just after the train left Bernijillo.
At Bernijillo three, Americans boarded
the train, two secreting themselves on
the blind baggage and the other enter
ing the third class ctMcli. As soon as
tho train pulled out the two riding on
the blind baggage entered tho express
car, and, covering the messenger with
tholr guns, ordered him to throw up
his hands. Thw express mossencor
offered 110 resistance. The robber
then went leisurely througli tho rate,
(50,000 in currency, con-
signed to the Banco MInero, nt Chi
huahua. Thoy aUo took what other
money packages were in tho safo. and
stood quietly by until the train stopped.
making a Iiasty exit, and diopplng oft
1110 train as it nag slowing down
Alter alighting they disappeared in
the darkness.
About the timo tho robbeis entered
tho exprom car tho conductor of the
train became engaged in an altercation
with a passenger who refuted to nav
nas lare. finally tho conductor had
the train stopped and the pas enger
ejected. The robbers alighted at tho
mime timo. It is now bellrved tho
troublesome iiassonger was a partner ot
the robbers, and hie action a ruse to
secure the stopping of the train,
Union Pacific MachlnUli Strlk
Omaha, July 20. The Union Pacific
Railroad today brought in 38 new men
to tako places in Omaha shaps, but the
strlko leaders say 21 of thorn desarted
without goiny to- work. Tho railroad
oflkfnls saV this 'was not unoxnoctod.
and that the greater part of those who
did not go to work wore men who ero
found Incompetent and released, Mr.
McKeon, superintendent of motive
power, said today that piecework would
noon bo introducod into other parts of
tlio shops 01 the system, and that It
will soon be used exclusively,
. 1
Propoied Redudlon In Pay,
Llwood, Ind.. July 20. Renewed
efforts wero mado hero today to hayo
tho Amalgamated Association of Iron
and Steel workers accept tho 26 per cent
reduction in wages In ordor that the
American Tlnnlafo company mav secure
nn oruor 01 j.ouu.UUU boxos o tin from
tlio hiandnrd O l company. Tho
meeting lusted for four hours, arid de
spite the fact that I'reeidont Shaffer ad
vised the men to accopt tho reduction,
they refused to do so.
Troops, and StrlHen Claih.
London, July 20, Thu Vienna corre
spondent of tho Dally Exproiw roports
that tho agrarian strlko in tho province
of (iallcia rosultcd today in n conflict
between troops und strlkois at Czort-
kow, in which it is reported 23 persons
were killed and 40 wounded.
Uunchlaj of the Dei Moines.
Boston. July. 20, The cruiser Dos
AfnlnfUl U'litfdi la linln.. In, III nl ll.n
yard ot tho Foru IUvor Ship and Engine
company, win be launched Haturduy,
beptombor 20.
execution ol Ihe Order Keiutli In rithhng
Clerical RI0I1 al Anjleri Seven Clash
Between Radicals and Catholic Students,
In Which Many Persons Were Injurtil
Twelve Arrests Midi.
L Paris, July A cabinet council at
the Elysco pulnco has ciiiihIihhI tho
quest tans brought Up by tho applica
tion ot tho law of asKoelutlons, Presi
dent limpet signed n deereo submitted
by tho prouder, M. Combes, ordering
the forcible closure of several congrega
tional schools. Decrees of cloning sim
ilar schools in other departments will
bo signed as soon as the prefects' ro
ports aro received.
A great clerical demonstration was
mndo In front of tho town hull at An-
Kicr,-capital qi mo department 01
.Maine ot l.olro, tonight, und was con
tinned until midnight. Tl'10 municipal
council was in session nt tho timo of
thu discussion. There wan much fight
ing between students ot thu Catholic
college nud tho Radicals, In which sev
eral persons wero injured. Twelve ur
resti wero mndo.
Tho Journal Official publishes a de
cree signed by President I.ouhct desig
nating 12 congregatlonalist schools In
Paris and II in tho deiiartmeiit of tho
t-elne, which it orders to bo closed lm
mediately, as they havo been opened
since the passage ol the law of iismi'
ciations without authorisation. As 11
matter of fact, most of tlio schools des
ignntcd have boon closed already, and
the sisters in chargu of them Imvu re
turned to their convents.
Seven Persons Killed and rilleen Injured In
an Ohio Wreck.
Dayton, O.. July 2S. Tlio Panhandles
limited train from .St. Louis east
lKitind for Now lork wan wrecked to
night at Trohln'a station, a way station
a short distance) from Xenia. ltiiglncor
Clark, of Xenln, was Imprisoned under
his onglno and burned to a crisp. Ills
lii email was terribly mutilated, his
head being crushed, his right arm
broken and both legs cut tiff. Seven
pawengera uro know 11 to luivo been
kiihtd and ut least 15 injured.
Train No. 2 was Hying eastward
when tho engine struck a loaded coal
air, which in thu durknesei had escaped
from the sluing in Aenla and run down
grade to tho danger point. The engine
struck it going at tun speed, and was
turned over with Kngiueor Clark under
neath. The postul cur, a combination
car and day coach, lni'llcd by tho
heavy sleepers behind, piled over thu
cnglno. Two Pullmans followed and
were laid acrOMi the track at right
A gas tank Under ono of the cars ex
plodetl, letting Uro to the wreck, ami
tho tetal car, the i caches and tho
wo sleepers were destroyed. Cries
for help could bu heard coming from
one of the Pullmans, and the hclpleax
onlookers weru compelled to suo two
womn and ono man burned to death
lieforu their eyes, unable to lend any
id on account of tho HorcCneiM of the
At that point the Cincinnati, Hamil
ton k Dayton and Panhandle railroads
crnsM 011 the spot, and both tracks were
torn up for 60 yards, blocking traffic.
Disease Appears In Every Qvartcr of Cairo,
in Most Cases ratal.
London, July 28. In a dispatch
from Cairo, Kgypt, the correspondent
there of the Dully Telegraph sayH that
tho utmost consternation prevails, ow-
I.... ... ..1 K..1 J l ,
111K .lie) lerriiyiiiK preixrerii ui euioieme.
II hope of localizing ihe diee'UBC eavn
tho correspondent, has Won abandoned,
and there Is no doubt that Kgypt will
avo to rneut a devastating epidemic.
Tho d lucaso appeared last week in prac
tically every quarter ot Cairo, 42 new
ciues being recorded in one day, Sev
eral natives fell dead at their work.
Temporary hospitals aro lieing erected.
The British regiments at Cairo will
leave to camp in tho elesortat the earli
est moment.
Slightly better roports, according to1
tho Telegraph's col respondent, hare
been received from Upper Kgypt. Tlio
lotal number of cases ot cholera ut
Cairo and Aoucha, near Assloot, July
10, is 307, ol which 227 proved la ta I
Plunged from i Trestle
McConnellsville, ,, July 28, Tho
worst railroad wreck In thu history of
this valley occurred today at Potida,
two miles below here, on the Ohio h
Littlo Kanawha. Tho rear coach
jumped tlio track on a trestle und fell
10 Icot, turning completely over. Tho
train was going 30 miles an hour, and
the. coach was completely, wrecked. Of
tho 30 paseongers, two wore killed and
Ino injured, three of whom will dlo
China will Abolish the Uklm
Shanghai, July 28. Tho viceroy of
Wu Chang has received tho Chinese
govern mept' a sanction for tho plan of
bheng, one ol the Chinese tanlf com
issinners, which was approved by thu
viceroys, for tho entire abolition of tho
I Ik I n throughout tho omplro, thus so
curing froo transit of all merchandise,
natlvn and forolgn. Bheiig'a sclieme
tuovldcs for increased' import duties,
and according to icino reports uleo for
increabud export duties.
Coal Shortage at New York.
NewYork, July 28. With shipments
of nnthraclto coal from thn mining
regions showing a shortage of 11, 129,-
200 tons In throo months, as compared
with last year, and no sign of n cottjo
ment ot tho strlko in sight, thu local
market is beginning to tako on tho
aspect of a cornered grain market.
Dcalors are) no longer iiblo to .supply
the immediate needs of customers,
and ns for Now York's winter supply,
thoy say that the resumption of work
at the mines at opco would not enablo
, -.. . ..
tho operutors to meet the demands.
Illjth Walir Meik on the Mississippi It Nw
Reached al Qulncy.
Keokuk, ln July 21. Tho crest of
tho Mississippi river Hood Is nmv at
qulncy, and by morning will bo still
further south. The river reached thn
maximum at qulncy at iukiii today,
nnd has Ikhiii stationary thorn since. A
stationary gauge Is expected at Hanni
bal tomorrow morning. Thu Lima
hiku levee, extending north from
Meyer, III., 20 miles north ot qulncy,
developed danger today, and a largu
force ot men wero employed to tatrul It
1 and earth tool wero scattered along
Its length. Tho lako and Ihu I
II. llunler luvt'osdiwtroyiMl com valued
at several itilllhuin of dollars. Unees
on tho Illinois side ol the river, Ivlow
qulncy, nro slniidlug and saved most
of tho country there. Tho Mississippi
rhtir fell several Inches hero during
tho Inst 21 hours, and thero urn no sign
In town rivers of any inoro Hood hi
prouchlng. A ginduul fall for tw
weeks will end the Hood In tho vast 1!
..I. ..f I...... 1......I.....I
.. i,lrllll,tll . ui,,ii,dv nnlless
and with no chain o ol 1111 Income (hi
yivir. Kneli community seems to bo
taking euro of Its own refugees.
Tho hi mo conditions ohtnlii along the
76 milt of tho Mississippi river on
tho Missouri sido nnd 100 mile ol tho
Den Moines liver lowlands. The Kipu
Inllou ot tho village ot 8t. 1'runclnvlllo
Mo., has been nearly doubled by the
refugees of tlio Hood dlntrlct, who lost
absolutely everything.
Tho Illinois river at IVorln reached
21 feet nheivo low water Inst night, and
nt 10 o'clock this morning the dikes
on vtlilrli (lie tracks ot the IVorla
l'okln Terminal lailway am built gav
way. 0ur ,U00 feit of track Is gono
and tho water Is miuriug thiougli the
crevasse, lloding hundreds ot acres of
Ladronc Chiefs and Mas) of The Ir followers
Escaped to the Mountains.
Manila, July 21. Montallon and
Fotlturdo, tho ladroue chiefs, have
broken through the constabulary ceir
11011 in v nviio province ami nnvo c'
eaivl to thn mountain". Tho corelnp
cuceimpaMod Ihe leaders and many
of their followers. The latter, when
trapod, made a sucoesiou of bleaks to
eseaK!. The iiuisiahulary withstood
tho first attacks, killing 14 and eaptur
Ing 16 men. Tho ladronc finally
inioMMil under corcr 01 tint elarkn
and fnr-iHl their way through 11 we-uk
sM)t In tlio cordon, iniir Ihiwimps,
killing one and wniiiiiling eum nt the
iNinstabiilary. The latter c-upltired thu
papers anil ellecti ei the liMiiIers nnd
destroyed quuiititiew ot supplies.
An tixtunsive drive, with tho oh ect
01 exploring the ladrmiK chiefs Men
tallon and l eliaardo and 50 of thel
followers was orgnulnd In Cavlle'
province. Twelve hundred ixuistabu
Inry, eummandiil by Captain Itakor
formeel a ceimpluto angle shaped cordon
i-overlng 00 squaro milui. Patrol
launches gnurili-1 thu rivers, and It
was oxtwcird to i-Iomi the eurdon ves
terday. The uiitiro male imputation of
1110 towns nnd farms wero to In In
cludeil in Hits e-omviilratlfiii iiiotuuient
H hen e-ouip hdei. t in ndronns wen) to
hvo Ik-oii nrresttxl nnd tho others wcref
to have beeii releN-d.
Uy Activity of Kebels on Shores of Ihe Car.
rlbbean Sea.
Washington, July 24. Unusual In
snrgent activity In the Wet Indies and
on tun snnriw oi inn unrilibcan sea are
taxing tho resource of the navydeiiarl
ment in thu mailer of ships to look
alter American intertill. A cablegram
received at thu statu department from
Minister lioweii nt Uuracas slutiw that
thu Marietta Is proceeding to nscertalu
the facts eonncctcd with the alleged
hlockada by the Venuauelan govern
ment at its own port of Cnriipano. An
attack nn Puerto Cabulln. .which I
about 70 miles west of thu capital. I
expected by the government and the
president may go there from llarrelona
instead ot to Caracas ns he or glnallv
inteniieii. iho tlireo United Ktates
warniupit on ino Venezuelan coast nro
kept moving with celerity to put In an
appearance at tlio port where disturb
auccN nro threatened.
Meanwhile n cry comes for a shin at
iiayti in inu shape oi a cablvgram from
.vi inisler l.lvliigstonu ut Cntio Huvt en
who reports that troops and llaytlen
warships are approaching to attack and
bombard tho capo. There Is a good
ileal of apprehension among the for
eigners for their safety.
Peary Relief Pxpedlllon. '
Now York, July 21. Provlsonod for
noyoral monlliB and all equipped to
wjllmtand tho rigors of tho Polar seas,
the Peary rellof ship Windward will
start today for tho far north, says
Sydney, O. II., dlBpatch to the Tribune.
Aboard aro Mrs. Peary and littlo elaugli
tor Mario. Tho wlfu of thu explorer Is
comment oi muling her husband at
tape Sablna and that his return to civ
lllzatlon will bo signalized by tho news
that he has discovered tho long sought'
for polo,
German Situation Improves','
llerlin, July 24. Tho Cologno da-
nettq today concludes u pugo survey of
the business situation by saying that
pioductlou and consumption aro coming
nearer to balancing each othor. that ox.
ports uro siowiy increasing, tlmt trade
is showing a hopeful expansion, that
rutos for money uro easy, and that tho
symptoms indicate a return to normal
times. Tho Journal, howavor. warns
synuicatcs ugainst raising prices.
Victims of Elbe Disaster.
Hamburg, July 24, Tho Primus has
been partially raised and brought
nearer shoro, Thu total number of
missing is now placed at 104, Stxtv-
one bodios havo now been recovered,
Iii'liilry into the rlrcumstancos of the
disaster shows that there Is a groat lack
of life-saving appliances on thn Kite
excursion stumors. Tho Primus Is
known to have had on board only six
Ilfobolls and a slnglo boat. The
steamer Dolphin, which enmo up later
with lOO passengers, also had only one
boat, capablo ot carrying seven persons,
Secretary Hitchcock Is Advlied In Set Aside
Ure;e Area ot Land In Eight Counties In
the Eastern Part of the Stale to He He
served from Settlement Irrigation Pro.
eclijn Contemplation.
Washington, July 21. Laud Com
iiilsslotivr Hermann, Forest Superin
tendent Oritlsby and thu geological sur
vey linvu united In recommending t.i
the secretary ut thu Inteilor thu tem
porary withdrawal ol thri'O tracts of
laud In Crook, (Irani, Harney, linker,
Malheur, Umatilla, Union and Wal
Iowa counties, embodying thu pinks
iuiiI heavily Umbered regions of the
Strawberry, llluu and Powder lllver
mountains, tho total a left Ming ap
proximately 0,000 square) llillem. This
withdrawal, It made, will bo tho Hist
step In thu direction of creating u vast
forest rcrervo III Knstern Oregon, where,
In the opinion ot tho survey and land
ollUvthiiro Is n crying need for protec
tion ol tho tlmU'l and water supply,
esHclnlly as it Is contemplated to eon
struct stnraga leservuirs In tlie'ie nee'
lions, 'Hie largest withdrawal recommended
Is rtaighly UshaHl, thu Istsei ut tho
"I."' rnnnliig north and south along
tho llluu mountains, and the uptight
mulling east nud west along thn Straw
berry mountains. Tho latter section
Is approximately 120 miles from el
to west, varying In width (nun six to
18 mile. Tim llluu mountain Hmtlnii
varies .in width from lo to 40 in lies,
and extends duo Hiilth from the Cum
tllln Indian rerervatlou for 100 utiles,
to its Intersection with the) Mrawbrrry
mountain wlthdruwnl, the two forming
a light angle. Thow combined with
drawal embrace about 80 tnwnliiM.
Including tho head waters of thu John
Day, fllvlcs, Crexiketl, Malheur, (irund
Itundo and Powder rhurs ami nmnhiir
less tributary streams.
Tim recouiinendiMl Powder Itlver
mountain withdrawn! embraces (.bout
'.'8 townships in I'nker, Union and Wal
lowa cotmtlo, tlio tract Inilng 4A 'miles
from iHlt to west, and 1H inllw north
and seiuth. with a corner of tho .10
square mile added on tho northwest,
fills tract include tho headwaters of
thu Wallowa and Oranil Hondo rivers
and their tributaries south and west of
Thu third withdrawal riH-oiuuioiideel
Is almost wholly In Iho northern end of
Union county, and embraces about 1 1
townships In thu llluu mountain range
that extends Into Washington. It
forms tho watershed of a portion ut thu
Oraud Hondo rivrr.
Cominlnloner Hermann nnd Siicr
Inleiideiut Or.msby, In addition to thon
tracts, also le-coiiimeiidiHl the tempei
rary wlthdrnwut nt about 41 townships
lying south and adjoining thu first
recommended Straw berry mountain
withdrawn), Ixdng a true) 21 miles from
mirth tei south, and 00 miles from east
to we-st. All eif the riveiinmcndcd
withdrawals aro irregulur In shau,
and aro laid out to exclude),, ns far ns
possible, all lands that are agricultural
In character, ur am now owned by set
tlers. Thu lines huvu latch drawn to
eliminate thu towns of Canyon, lace,
Hllvics, Fences , Prairie, Cllfl-rd,
Smnpter, McKwen, Mearham, Josnpli
nnd others.
Springfield, III., July 21. At a
meeting ot ihu executive hoard ot thu
United Mltioworker ot Amerleu, Illi
nois dtqiartment, held this nftnniMiii,
tno.000 was voteel In aid of thn strik
ing miners In thu anthracite Holds nt
Pennsylvania. A check for thu amount
was formally drawn and tonight thu
amount was telegraphed to tho national
officers at lndlaiiaiolls.
Several large Contributions Have Already
Dccn Received by Officers.
Indlaiiniolls, Ind., July 21. Presi
dent Mitchell will leave for Chicago
tomorrow afternoon, lie will stty In
that city a day or two and will go
direct to Wllkcsbarro to resume active
management of thu strlko.
Thu national officers attach a great
deal of Importance to the resolution
reported by tho committee appointed
by tho convention to elraw up t.n ux.
iiressinn In regard to tho recent minu
horrors in which m many men lost
their lives, In this resolution atten
tion Is culled to tlio fact that In several
instances the minors huvu been hack
to work In mlnoa laiforo thu bodleis of
their frlonds had been removed,
fills afternoon several largo con
tributions for tho strlku fund wore
recelvod. District No, 1.1 (Iowa) seut
$5,000; tho Itollermakers' und Iron
Shipbuilders' National sunt $5-1(1.
Indianapolis unions mot tonight
and resolved to assess members ut least
iter cent per week nn tholr earnings
for the anthracite strikers. This will
amount to f!J,000 pur week,
Japsnisc Labor Unsatlsfaclvry,
Havre. Mont.. Jul v 21 A runort
bus reached tho rail ivav officials hero
that tho Great Northern will ropluco
its Japanoso workmen with Italians,
It Is understood that thu railway
company has found thn work ol tho
brawn men unprofitable, and that tho
change Is in tho mitiiro of an oxporl
ment. Tha Great Northorn employs
over 1,000 JapunuHO on Its ' llnui In
Montana. An Italian Interpreter is
now at Havro makingjirrangoments,
Transport Sumner Arrives.
Bap Francisco. July 24. Tho United
States transport Bumnor arrived today
frorrt Manila, film brought more than
1,400 cabin pastonbers. mostly nlllcura
nd tholr families: 203 enlisted mem
of the Sovontoenth Infantry and 22(1 of
the Twenty. fourth. Thoro wero two
deaths during tho voyugo, Private
Richard Johnson, of tho 'fwonty.fourtli
Infantry, died of nnoumonla and Snr.
geant John Kelly, ot the Sovimth, who
was on hlsway homo to bo retired, mc
cumbed lo a general breaking down,