Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 01, 1902, Image 3

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Tliey Uko mimmIii 0f tin body, nl
arn tartti of Mlirwln,
1 1 ' "rV,'"")ll,,l r Mmploi, holle, tlm
wiimm n-m-r. am, iiiniin, aim UHlIT CT.
tain-tiiia utiitl(iii liy rcellniti l wrnViipn.
languor. KMiornl unliilltr ami wimt m.i
tTlir cauw mora nuiTorlnif than nnjlliliif
Health. Htrcniilrt, I'mco ami I'loaetira
roilll ro III" r nililllilnii ami Dili I. ,....1.
lively t'lfeclril, mvimlliiu lo tliouifindi of
Kriurim li'.llllllltllllll, ly
Hood's Sarsaparilla
rnuiniiiy mul rmiiiieiilly ilrlvci
iiium inn nun nil inn up nil) wuolo tyitmn,
To Cohllnui Thi Dlipulc
"I wmiiti'r liuw tln-y rsmo to marry
men iiiii7"
"'limy wuro miaMii'ln ilttolilu which
wan tliu Ixiltur plug onu tilayur."
Prove, It,
Wo want you lo pruvu our ataliiiriiiit
that MonoMin KphiiD nr tliu purcut
uml atriiiiKi'at III tliu oril. 1'or rain
liy nil (truciiiH, Tit cimlilit you to tlo ho.
mii will wiiil you frist h 10-nuit tin of
wliltti it'ppr or utymiiifl or itliiKiir
nny oilier variety you may imifur. II
you nlll M'liil in two V-cmit nlntnpH for
laKti, mul K'vo in Hid iinino unj nil
droM nf your uri'i'tir, I'rlwi iwikmih
p:irkiHl ltli ovi'ry rim. Huml to Wad
limn A Kurr I Iron., I'ortlund, Orison
Ik Ihi Mtltt.
Attorney Dlil you ato tlia plaintiff
atrlku tliu ilwt'iiujintT
VIIii(ihi 01 did, nor.
Attorney Ami wan tlin a nail It com
inlttoil with innlhti nfoM'lhouKhl?
Wlliinin No, Miri It wor coinnilttivl
will a null lut Ih IiIiiiI tliu oar. Judgo.
A Story of the Pralrls
t, Tho' Ci'iitury manntlno la aliotit to
print a Hjrlnl wlilrli will havn an cmi-
clal liitureit lo itiopln who are nt liomo
on tliu prnlricn. It in cnllel "Tho
JlloKriiphy of n I'rnlrlo (Jlrl," ami tho
niitlinr In Ivloannr (latra, a younir
woman who ppnnt her cIiIMIkhmI In
Dakota anil who tlmn wrlloa from tho
clotrit iKTcoiml obmrvittlon.
Tho tlmo of Mls Clal en' atory la
about "5 yimra ai?o; it la put In tho
form of n personal iiamillre o( tint
llfu of ii llttlo Klrl, ami tlioro la hardly
a pliaiu or ornt n( prnlrlo llfn which
In not toiirlml upon In tlii'te pngi'it
tho nlUuinl, hrciiklnir colta, horm
toalliiK hy Indiana, vclioo! ilaya on Iho
frontier, llxlitlne Kophrra ami bailKora,
rnttlo mlnlriK ami otlirr typical pharm
of liartlnliip or ronirll) .
It la not n imvi'l, hut tho antno clmr
nrli'rn iipjwir anil reappwir In tho story
with a rmtllly which imprama tho
usiilcr with tunfldtinco In tho truth of
tho narrative.
"Tho illm;mphy of a l'ralrla Girl
will hcirln In tho Anguat numlicr of tho
Cuntury and It will In) llluttratoil.
Hi NivuVoiktd ind Nivir Will.
Then) la n New York farmer who haa
II vixl 70 ynara nuil la round at a dollar,
and ut ho haa noror done a atroke of
work alnco ho nuchol tho yearrfof dl
cri'tlmi. What a allocking ozample for tho
hired maul
It il(Ha HPOin, howorer, aa If he ought
to Im wlllinK to lot thmn put a iai.'KOil
coal mul a bait hat on him, and then
cut him on a high Mat In the middle
of tho cornllold. Cleveland I'laln
Wo nro not lo btamo boca'ipo you lnvo
-rhuuiiiutiun : but you nn if you do not
try llnuilluVWIrardOll.
Willi round In St. Pitrlck'i.
In fit. I'ntrlck'a cathedral there la
raid to Ihi found by the pew cleanera
an average of 'Jli biibioi eiery twelve
month. Thora bablea havo betMi left
by Catholic paronta, who know that
they will be nil cod. if they live, In
Uathollo homea. Aimloe'a Magazine.
llotlirn will find Mm. VTInitowa Booth.
InK Hyrup the Iwnt ronirdy to naa lar their
Children during iho tretlilng period.
Room la (hi Procoitoa.
Clara Dear Iwibol, you are at laat a
eumwflful artintl
Inibol 0, Clara, I don't feel myrelf
a Bticrene. l'o Jurt moved up a llttlo
bccaimo n lot of older alrugglera havo
got tired and quit. Detroit Free l'reaa.
T.nilliii Can XTmmr atioi
Ono llio imallar allrr mine Allrn'i foot-FtM.
Curat wolUnlt,Utieri mul mllouiiiulitnil
liol. afhlhc left,
rviiaiii cuio iwr iiFi"i!it ii"mr, awvmi,i
all liniainil. i j rial
1 liriiKniPi.
Addriii Allen B. Oils-
raniailfi I 1 1 1 K I T mill,
ted, Alitor, N. V.
Candid. '
A You see that lady over there?
film Is Mrs. A. I fell In lovo with her
nt first sight. What do yon think of
It-I think It would.l.avo been better
had you taken a r-ocond look. Ex.
rTO rrtninictlr Curta no mi r nprTooioMi
r I I O n.r flrtt JT' ?' Pf Kllai'illrral Nam
SMtorar. Bund tor Fit II It 8 J.00 UU1 Iwllli ind U.ia.
a. Da. U. 11. Ktisa. LI4..MI IrtbSL. rijllaJ.lpLla.r
Hard Work.
Freddy Did you hear that Heggy la
Oholly Haw Jovoj It can't bol
I'reddy Yesj ho'a rolling hla own
cigarettes. Ulilcago rtows,
Hair Splits
"I have uaedl Ayer's Hair Vigor
for thirty years. It Is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
hair from splitting at the ends."
J, A. Gruenenfclder, Grsnlfork, 111.
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair
splitting is done on your
own loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop It.
II.MatwIlli. All srantitl. .
If your ilrugclit cannot lupply yon,
lend lis 0110 dollar smt wo win eipreii
you a bottle, no aura anil nlio tlio name
of your neareit exiiron olllce, Addreu,
j. u.Aicu iu., uiweu, AIMS.
Thar Are Ho hi to Have a Had JCffeel
on tha NiMlrlla.
Accorilltig lo n local perfumery deal
or, cheap perfumea ore gradually dead
cnlng the noatrlli of llioae who cuuie In
contiii't wllh tlicin, anya the Chicago
Inter Ocean,
"Tho piTfiiinoa that were popular
few year ago you wouldn't iiotlco
now," tin nn lil, "llffore long they will
tin vo to maka violet aiid rosea aa
atroiig aa onlona or pennyroyal before
you can amoll IIkmii." .
Making duo nllownuce for the hyper
holo of an older generation, there may
Ira aomethlng In thla theory,
violet la ny nil ouua lue moat popular
iiertume or una year, "mover." BC'
cording to aomu, would aloud aecond.
Koae, of vobrao, la perumllnlly popular
"Clover," by tho woy, la not made from
clover bloMomi at nil. The ordinary
whlto and red clover haa very little
odor, nnd what It liua would not bo par
tlcularly agreeable If detached from n
lanilacapo nnd'ii waving field. Ho tho
perfumer mnkca a combination of va'
aonco rcaumbllng remolely tho aceno of
tho tall "awcet clover," und cnlla It
Tho orange glvra four different per
fumea, obtained from different parta of
tho (lower and plant Kacu of tho four
haa been Imitated aynthetlcalty, uiak
lug eight In all. The odora of lilac and
tho carnation Imvo nlao been produced
with aome aucccaa by cuomlcnl inmiia.
Ten yenra ago the Idea of Imllntlng the
atriingo and penetrating odor of musk
win laughed at, yet now the nrtlllclal
mink la u regular article of commerce.
Hachet powdcra are again waning In
popularity. After their extraordinary
vogue about fifteen yenra ago they
wcro nlmoat forgotten, and a aecond re
vlvul In the demand for them three
yenra ngo linn now panned.
A novelty from I'nrla thla year la la
tended to take tho place of the old
ancliot bag. It goea by the name of
'amulet," and counlata of n little filigree
box of metnl containing a compreaaed
aceiitcd tablet. Thuau aro made In a
variety of llornl odora, and can be dan
gled from n watch chain or chntolalne,
carried In the pocket, or laid In a closet
or bureau drawer.
A Lynn firm recently made a "alioo In
thirteen mluutca.
Tho otdeat general In tho French
Army haa died, at tho age of l5.
It la aald (hat a full-grown bee can
draw twenty time Ita own weight. It
rnu ll y nbout live mllea nn hour, and it
will neck lla food nt a dlatance of four
ml lei.
Of the thirty-eight Hullatia who havo
ruled tho Ottoman ICinpIre alnco tho
cotnjueit of Coimtuntltiuplc by the
Turka, thirty-four have died violent
Kcott la nalil to havo wrlttcu "Wnv-
erley" In lenn than alx week, lie wrote
very rapidly, acldom rerlaetl, nnd na a
conxcijueucc hi novel are full of blun
der, Innccurnclca and nnachronlam.
lliirn -ommltted hla poem to mem
ory na he composed tliem, nnd when
ho aat down to write he had before him
no labor of composition, but only the
lank of writing down what ho had al
ready fintdicd.
Milan haa a cariosity In a clock which'
a made entirely of bread. The maker
la a native of India and ha devoted
three ycara of hla life to the-conatruc-
tlou of thla curiosity. The clock la of
good atxe and goea well.
Tho Blamcae have nn Instrument
which they call the rnnnt, n specie of
harmonlcon, with aeventcen different
wooden keya, united by cord a and reat
Ing upon n stand, each atrip of wood
giving n different note. The Instru
ment Is played with two wooden ham-
A French explorer has discovered on
tho wcat const of Africa what lie re
gards as tho vainest people on earth.
They aro the I'ahonlns, a warlike tribe,
whose main employment la personal
adornment, chiefly by means of tattoo
ing, ureat Ingenuity Is also exhibited
In dressing the hair, which la nrrnnged
In astonishingly elnbornte fashion.
fliiardlnir tlin I'realdrut.
"Secretary Cortclyoti and tho secret-
service ofllclals arrange all klnda of
plana to prevent Trealdent ltoosevelt
exposing himself In public too much,"
nM N YVhlt llmtua tnllnninM liif
he knocks all their plans In the head j
when they least expect It When ho
Is about to start away on a trip the
White House landattls always brought
up to tho door, closed,
"President McKlnley generally pre
ferred to rldo In a closed vehicle. Trcsl
ident ltoosevelt won't have It that way
ou a One, clear day; and every time
he walks out on the portico and sees
tho Uudau closed he gives orders to
have It opener1 He waits until that
Is done, and then gets In and rides
down tho nvenue or wherover bo Is go
ing, without any obstruction whatever
to his view, Ho outwits tho detectives
pften by getting awny for walks or
' drives without tbclr being nny tbe
' wiser or without tholr being able to
follow him. I
Y "He doesn't tell nuybody that he Is
going out," said , tho pollcomun, ac
cording to tho Washington Btar, "and I
tbo llrst tho socrct-scrvlco man around
tho 'White Houso knows Is when lie
seea tho President swinging off down
I the walks ou hla way out of tbo
1 11
" Incurables.
Mr, Clipper-Green I'm going to rent
a bed In n private hospital.
Miss Daisy Sutter Why so?
"I started to lenrn golf threo days
ago and I've already crippled six cad
dlca." .
Fireproof Trains li Iionilon,
All the new trains on thu Central
I,oinlon Hallway are to be of tlrcprimr
construction, steel and asbestos bolug
largely used. Other precautious for
tho safety of passengers are being tak
en. '
Dunes Take to Mormoiilsiii.
Statistics show that ono out of overy
twenty-two Danish emigrants to tho
United States becomes a Mormon.
Hal. p. Denton,
Mr. Hal. I'. Denton, Chlof Dflrinrt-
mont I'ublli'ity and J'rnmolloii of Na
tional Kxport KxoUlim, write;
riilladolnliin. Dee. '20. Iflllll.
Tho I'ertina Mllliii Co., Columbus, O.
UonlKiinon: "ToMard tho lattor
part of August I found myaolf in n vury
much run-down condition. 1 miffnrcd
particularly Irom catarrh of the mom-
ai h, ngurnvatiMl no doubt hy tliu rcspon-
"loiiuii'H anil uorrjmiiiit Inulilent to
tliu exploitation of a urmt International
oxpositlon. What I ato dlstresiwl mo
and I would He uwako at night 'thresh
ing over,' If I may uso that cxnreaiion.
the .flair of tho previous day.
"My family physician fold I had
nervous) prostration and rocommondod
n aen voyage. I gradually grow worao..
A kind friend vlioin I had known In
Ohio rccomniondod Pcrun.i. Though
skeptical, I finally yielded to hla ad
vice. Alter using ono iiottlo i was
much Improved and with tho fifth
Pottle camo complete recovery, fnm
In perfect health today and one every
thing to I'eruna."
Very truly yours,
If rou do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from tha use of l'cru
na, write at once to Dr. Hartinan, giv
ing a full statement of your rase, ami
ha will 1k pleased to glvo yoa his valu
able ndvlep free
Address -Dr.- Ilartman, President of
Tho Ilartman Bnnltarium, Columbus,
Valtnblc Timber.
"I think a good deal of thai cane,"
remarked Senator Ixiteome, exhibiting
tin) walking ttick with 'pardonable
"What are you giving mo?" asked
Senator Bneetner.
"It'a n fact. Thcro was 50.000 ap-
propriated for the improvement of one
of Iho rivers in my state last year.
Ono snag waa pulled out of tho rlvei
and this oauo was made from that
Vliwlnjf With A'arm. '
"Esmeralda," asaed hor father with
aomo sternness, "what was that young
congressman a business liero last
'W o wero merely holding a caucus,
papa," she replied.
"H Ii! bo relolneil, glancing nt
something that sparkled on one of her
shnely fingers, "and yon adopted a
ringing lesolution, did you? Chicago
Alt explained.
Mra. Twickenham (to Mra. Slimson)
Of late we) have been having our
meals sent in by tho various catorers.
Willie Hlimson (to his -mother)
Mamma, Ja that what you meant when
you said that Mrs. Twlcklngham didn't
know whole tho next meal waa coming
from? Exchange.
KheaautlcvalaaarethocTleaof orotcsl
aad distress from tertured muscleo, ocblag
lata aad excited nerves. Tho blood bai
Been poisoned by Uo accusiulatioa el
waste natter in tha arstetn. and caa aa
loa;er supply tbe pure and health snstaln
Injj food Uiey require. Tho whole system
feels the effect of this acid poison ; and
not until the blood has been puriQed and
brought back to a healthy coadltiem will
tas aches and pains cease.
Mra. James Kelt, af 707 Math Mrtct . It,
Waihlngtaa, J). C, -wtilrj al falUwst "A fen
Taaalh ax I liad an attack af Sciatic ftacuna-
11am la 111 worn lorm. Tiie
pal waa Interne tliat I
became completely pro.
trated. Tbe attack waa an
aauiuallr severe one. and
my condition waa regard
ed as beluff verr dieter-
aa. I was attended by
aeai the tnoit auie aac
tan la Waihiasfoa. who la
ali3 tacmber of the fie
allv of a leaJInl aacillcal
callife acre. He tela me
uldfttneit Artrrbivtaft ariei
without receittar the eltfateil
laed torenllaae all treataieat aa,
leater. Having beard r B. s. a isieitri apectiei
recommended lor Ithcamatlini, I decided, etaieil
la deipalr however, to give the mcalclae a trial,
aad alter I bid taken a few botllei I wai able t
hobble arouailon crutches, and veryaeea tbcre
aiter had no use for tbeta at all, s. 3. a. baring
cured me sound and well. All tbe a'litreiilng
palm bare left rae, my appetite kai returaeif,
audi am bappy to be acam rcitored to perfect
tne groat vegetaUi
fiurlSer aad tonic, ll
he Ideal remedy la all
ruenmattc irotiDiea.
There are no delates 01
minerals In It to disturb the digestion and
lead to ruinous bablts.
We have prepared a special book on
Kiteumatism wutcu every suuerer irom
this painful disease should read. It Is the
most complete and Interesting book: oi
the kind In existence. It will be sent frej
to any one desiring It Write our pbyii
clans fully and freely, about your esse. w
make no charge for tnedical advice.
Bast on Earth
Jleraiiio It la mailo or the best material pqntbl
totuiy. The miuiuriu-tllruri atuiulittely py
I080 per ceut above the market price or wit
f:ruute or waifou Umber for the iirlvllt-gv of out
Ins over ami iklimiitnx oit the creaui of tbe
wigou alevlr, wbli-li la carried for S to A yenra be
fuie making up, vtlilihnieauii nil liivrHlmeiit In
weod Hock ofiiPHrlyoni million ucilUrv,
Ml'R'llHl.T, Wit-oni vftre llniurpaiittil for
auallly, proportion, Utilib, ilreiiHtli ami lUbt
running, X
Why tftfce cbanceeon any other?
Why-uot gel the beatr-A Ml I t'll 1CI.I.
MHottall, Lawla A Slavtr Oo.
Vortlaud. biAtlle. Hoknne. liolia.
Ageuta KverynUero,
Sti' vaf' vSS7
MHoltoll Wagon.
"Premonition of death are often
scouted at," said a well known Wash
Inglon uewnpdper nifin, "but there are
occasionally authentic Instances aris
ing which' ralss (louhts na to whether
there may not he, after nil, some sort
of Indefinable spiritual phenomena In
the Incident,,
"It may bo recalled that a well
known chief of division In ono of the
department, In apparent perfect
health on tho last day ho appeared at
the oHlee, died recently of apoplexy on
that night I have attire learned that
on the evening In rjuestlou. shortly he
fore he retired, a large dog In his
household set up audi a prolonged and
dlNinal howling In his yard that ho
went out with a revolver, under the
supposition that there might be In
truder prowling about, although tho
dog bowled nnd did not hark. The dog
refused to aton howling upon tho np
penrnnco of his master, mid followed
I blm In tho totise, whining nd ahow
'lug evidence of distress, looking up
Into tho olllclal' face In such a pecu
liar manlier that the mem her of tho
family nt tho time thought It exceed
ing strangn. The dog continued to
follow bis uibstcr nbout the Iioiiko, act
ing strangely la the manner I have de
scribed. On tho following morning the
olllclal waa found dead In his room.
"The nbove Incident Ii n curious fact
a I also tho following, and while not
of startling ghostly Interest, is also
local to Washington, the parties being
tnemlH-r of my own family.
"Some tlmo ngo my wlfe'a mother
started on n Journey to California. Bev
crnl days after her departure iiu elder
ly colored woman, who had been a
slave In her family, having been raised
I with my, wlfe'a mother, called at the
house. A In similar Instances In the
( Bouth. thero had been a warm nttnrh
! incut existing between former mistress
ii hi. niiive.iviiicn nan continued throngli
life. .Hlie declared she had been 'ivnni
oil' that my wife's mother had died ut
an early hour on that morning on the
train. When asked whether she had
received a telegram to that effect she
replied that she bad tiot. but that at
tho hour In question she bad been
awakened by the ringing of thu front
door bell. In responding to the call
she had found no one on the steps In
each Instance, tho lell having been
pulled three successive times. Her
house, by tbo way, was on n down
town street and was recently raxed
to make room for a business structure.
"At about 10 o'clock on the morning
of the day when the former slnvu had
communicated the Intelligence of niyi
wife's mother's death we received a
telgram from the otllflnls of the rail
road, dated from a far Western State,
announcing her midden death at about
lue hour when the colored companion
of her early childhood had beard tho
pulls at the bell. Had the bell lieen
rung during the ordinary hours of tho
day we would havo aTtaclied no Impor
tance to the former slave's positive as
sertion of a spiritual visitation from
the deceased lady, but as It waa at
about 11 o'clock In the morning the la
clilcnt has ever been one pf more than
usual Interest In our family. If the
pulls at the bell were not supernatural.
they. twcrc ncsuredly a strange colucl
deuce." Washington Star.
Volcanlu Jtust.
The Ilarbadocs Agricultural Iteportor
has sent to this olllce a specimen of the
volcanic dust which fell on thatJsland
ou May 7, S and 9. "Home from St
Vincent," It says, "iu tho upper strata
of tbe air. and there suspended, this
stuff obscured tbe sunlight, and pro
duced tbe phenomenon of durkuess. tn
color and consistency It resembles Port
laud cement." It quotes the following
description of the dust by W. U, Krte-
1 man of tbe local department of agricul
ture: "From the calculated results of a
scries of observations made lu Strath
clydo .on the fall of volcanic 'ash,' it
would seem that, nt a low estimate,
I about thirteen ounces fell per square
j root between tne nours or o p. ui. ou
Wednesday and 0 a. iu. on Thursday.
This, perhaps, may not appear a large
amount; but look nt It from another
point of view. Thirteen ounces per
square foot means lit ounces per
square yard, or, to express it In famil
iar terms In an agricultural community,
bo less than tons per acre.
"Leaving for the while minor units,
auch as acres, we find that 10,240 tons
of volcanic 'aah' were rained onto every
aquare mile of this Island during th
last twelve hours of darkness. Suppos
ing the fall to have been approximately
equal In depth over the whole Island,
the almost Incredible amount of 1,01)9,
840 tons of solid matter was added to
Darbadoes last night." New York
Vepew'a Uiplanatlun Failed.
About a mouth ago a constituent of
Senator Drpew came to him to seek
his' Influence In gettlug an oftlee.
"lou write n, letter telling wnat ru
want and I will forward If with-my in
dorsement," said the. Senator when lit
had beard the man's story.
Yesterday the man met the Senator
In the capltol lobby,
"Vou remember telling mo to writ
you a letter," ho said.
"O, yes," was Mr. Depow's reply, as
,be cordially grasped his visitor by the
nand. "Let me see. You sent me tho
letter, didn't you, and If I remember
rightly, I Indorsed It strongly,'"
"No," said the man, "I never wrote
tho letter. I've been slck.'V-Wushlug-ton
Jgbn Jacob Astor'a Heavy Loss.
The' original John Jacob Asor wus
once asked what waa the' largest
amount of money he ever made lu a
single transaction. He declined, to an
swer tbe question, but volunteered to
tell tbe largest sum that ho failed to
make. He related how he. He Witt
Ollutou and Gov. Morris had planned
to buy Louisiana from France, ami sell
It again to the United States govern
ment, retaining the public domain uud
charging 2V4 per cent commission. They
changed their tultuls, "and, Mr. Astor
said, he lost $30,000,000 by falling to
go Into, tho deal.
A girl U nut the real thing mile. hc
hai a beau out, of town.
Altnoet Universally Uaet,
The tomato has a curious history.
After the revolution of Han Domingo,
many French families came from there
to Philadelphia, where they Introduced
their favorite pomma d' amour. Al
though Introduced aa early as ir,W
front Booth' America Into liagland. It
was looked upou with suspicion, and
Ita specific name, "Lycoperslcam," do
rlved from lykos, "welf," and perslkon,
"peachy," referring t tbe beautiful
but deceptive appearance of Its fruit.
Intimates pretty clearly the kind of es
timation lu which It was held. It Is
now, however, all but universally used.
Valet of Welf Scalps.
A liuntor and trapper who haa been
operating in North Park this past
winter, lias brought In the pelts of four
gray wolves. Tho stockmen of North
rark ars paying a bounty of $50 for
each wolf scalp. The necessity for ex
terminating the animal is growing
gi eater every year, na the lorn to owners
sf cattle by their deprivations la a seri
ous matter, aa It la generally estimated
that each wolf destroys fSOO worth of
cattld during ilia life time. Ranch and
Ita ngo.
Wiltlaj for in Order.
Col. Abraham limber entered a res
taurant recently, and, alter waiting
half an hour to be served, called the
waiter, and Inquired how long ho bad
been there.
"Two weeks," waa tho reply.
"Oh, then you're not our waiter,"
replied Col. O ruber. "We gavo our
order at least three weeks ago. "New
York Timea.
Ptjaiui tin His Opportunity.
"Ills poetry," the public complained,
'imelts of tho lamp."
At this I'dramia revertAtl tn hta
equine tide and indulged In a horse
"f annnoff. (tfH tlia rwtnr nf that craav.
line vehicle he tied up to after I bucked
and thiew him," whinnied the fabled
steed. Automobile Magaxine.
aAhrelable PreparalionlbfAa -slmttatinf
Itef flaSteaaita wdBmreb of
Promotes DigcalionJCheeritir
ness andlUatConlains neither
Opiumjrorphliic norJCncraL
Apetfeel Remedy fcrConsUpa.
Tlan.Saur Stoawh.DiotTtwea
W-rms ,Cimrl3ita .Fevensle
nest end Loss or Sleskp.
TaeSurale affnattire f
1111 11 i''iWwpBflg'jfPillitf
EXACT copy or wrappeh.
ready for the summer's trials with clean, clear blood, body, brain free from bile. Force
is dangerous and destructive unless used in a gentle persuasive way, and the right plan
is to give new strength to the muscular walls of the bowels, and stir up the liver to new
life and wor.k with CASCARETS, the great spring cleaner, disinfectant and bowel tonic
Get a 50c box to-day a whole month's treatment and see how quickly you will be
25c 50c.
Hi aW'lllllll I i III II Ml" Mil I I .
all l.w.l araaaia. au!ettte, Ml.
leneiieaa, k4 breath, bud. M4, wtu4
ai the aloDiaali, bloalea bo ele, foul
v a la aiiouui, ateau ueue. IBdlse.tloti, tluaplaa,
I i ner eatlita-, IlTer tronkla, aallow aanipleilaii
a aUilueae. u haa your bancla don't mm ma.
larly 7011 nro iretttnr aliti. Comtlpatlon kllla mar
Koplo limn SU Ihar etlaeaaea together. It ia a
irler for tha ehronlo allmoaia aud lug jvara of
en m, ring that eeroe altertrarde. No matter what
alia yon, atart tailing CASCAltr.TS toxlur, for yoa
will never sot well anil lie well all the itnietintll
jea pnt Tourbowela rleltt. Toko our advlcet atari
with CAM'AUUXS to.Jay, nndcr aa abaoluto (;ur
anteo (a euro or luouey refuudeil.
Happy Homes of Poor.
Homo of the happiest and most Ideal
homes where peace, coutcntmeut and
barraouy dwell have beeu the abodes of
poor people. No rich carpets covered tbe
I floors, no costly paintings were ou the
. walls, aud there wero no pianos, no
works of art; but there wero contented
! minds and unselfish and devoted Uvea.
Each member of the family contributed
'as much aa possible to the happiness
' of all. endeavoring to compensate by
kindness and Intelligence for tha pov
erty of tbclr surroundings.
$3&$39 SHOES 83?
W. It. Douglas shoes are the stan
dard of tho world. This la the reason
'W. d. Douglas makes and sells more
men's (3.00 and $3.50 shoes than any
other two manufacturers.
.IVSt, 11,103201 JiV-CS 12,840,000
8lt lmport4 Amtrlcan Itctktrt. Htal't
Meat Calf. ImtmH, tit Calf. Clf. Vltl Kid, Corona
Colt, Mat Kanjtnt, Faat Color Eyelete uaeil.
Caul ion f Th malna ha W. Th SOUOZ-Aa
.. . nmrnm aad price etamped on bottom.
Bkoei tf mail, 2St, eitm. IUut. Catalog fitt.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
eeTaoaaaM . iranmnr.
1 lAo I URIA
ff For Infants and Children.
Bears the
li m i in, 1 1 n tw r"i mtt t --------------------------------
iv - in 'I 1
nf ! USR li o J
I IK f Tobacco .vii'tl
yr for Over f
TLimIh If a a ! fTrlnnlfo; e guarantee to hrtp
Biiiny iBctrs
He thinks he lives, but he's a dead
one. No person Is really alive whose
liver is dead. During the winter
most people spend nearly all their time
in warm, stuffy houses or offices or
workshops. Many don't get as much
exercise as they ought, and everybody
knows that people gain weight in
winter. As a rule it is not sound
weight, but means & lot of flabby fat
'and useless, rotting matter staying in
the body when it ought to have been
driven out. But the liver was over
burdeneJ, deadened stopped work. There
you are, with a tiead liver, and right now is
the time for resurrection. Wake up the dead.
Get all the filth out of your system, and set
aiaaltar aaatltcU tm Ik world. VbU I biloto rf
(Tre Maris Aad wrViit tevtlmoalat, AVa bT faith NUtl
wtu atU AAtcAllKTM ahaalalalj1 gnartjotti.d I muim r
aavaay relNiBttad. bar tadr tw 6Aa baa lira ihmm
fair, haarat trial, na pr alaVr'dtr(aa nati If roil mrm
na aniiffie1 attar nU ana a ba. ret nru (ha Ata
bax od tha amntr baa Co tia hy mall or (bo JrrtKl (ram
nhon yu pnrtuNMd H, adlrur weurr bark far but
bosaa. Takaeur mi1c Miottr wkiit alN r - J
dayi Iltalih will slakljr fbtlotr o yn M 111 Mt (ho tlrV
you Hrlitnr(d lha uimfVVA ICITTA. Iioolt frrt walt
ItUrcut bTSlOIAU lUiUUt 10.. HJuVf V01i Cf CUUiUU.
To Repeal Woman Btifrrage,
Colorado politicians nru tiulvtly ma
turing plana to repeal the constitution,
al amendment relating to equal suff
rage, and at tho next arasloil of tho
Legislature will Introduce n bill to that
effect. The movement trill hnvo back.
Ing tn both parties and will undoubted
ly pass If put to a Vote of the peopte.
Poot of Morrlion Street,
Can rive you tho Wit bargain! In Ttollare
anil Knilnea, V Inilmlll., llnupi aud Mene.
ral Machinery. Wood yawing Jlaehlnoa a
lclalty. Beo ui be lore buying.
ruiUand, Oregon. Found! UM
i Homi School for Bop.
Kllitarf and Maaaal Traiahj.
Writ for Illmtrated Calalotn
HOITf'S school
rami tadeelring hpros Innuencee, txtaillllul
mrrnnniltnge, perfect dltnato, carofnl mper
Ttilon, an thorough, mental, moral and pnyi.
leal training for their boyi, will find all thee
requirement! tullr not at Holtt'i school, ileulo
l-ark.dan Mateo Coanty, Cat.
Bond tor Catalogue, ,
Twsltb year beilna.Aiiiruit Ih,
1KA O. lldtrF. I'll. Ii., Prlno pat
Apply to Nitiiah uicKroso,
rforvlTor of Indian "Vnr or Triilowa at
Saeh mw 1mi1i
Br rfctot Btt of oontTMii rou hv AclImftf
pftuloM M Ik ratffvu rwmuatli, JHntl t ni
IW pp(lc-tlM. A ddrtti T. W. T-Umaviitj, WHO
tnstoa, I. (X A Ptiuloa Attorotr Djt fttttf ywsrs.
Old Indian War Pensions
ConTM hJ tail naxiad lir BTntin nn
iloni to the rarrlrort and to the widow of da
ceased inldlra o( th Urennn. Waihlnctcn and
California Indian war of li7 to UttA. Full in
ormatlon will be tent by Mylngton A Wilson,
Kn. T21 HTimfeenth 8trtt. Waahlntrtnn. D. C.
or Branch office N"o. 4U 1'arroU bultdinr, Ban
rranciico., uai. r eci uraiiea vj iaw.
ThU wonderful Oh!
nean doctor ts callad
frr at been ha cum
Cpim wtthonl opera
1 that are glrcn tip
todla. II cnrfiai with
thoM wofuUrt-1 Cbt
dm ktrtyi, root, bud,
karats aad rrnMabtea
thai ar aotlrrlr on
knnwi ! medlcI acl-
ncwInt-UotMaritrr. ThroaKlitbnjorthOM
bannleni reaifdlfi thla fatnons doctor know
tha action of orar loo different remedlea, which
baaaocMafUltriUM In dlflrcnt dlavaaa, lla
(Qarantrea to ear r(rrh, Mibma. lane
throat, rheamatUm. ncrrousnrM atomach.
llrarkldn7a(etc.; haabandmla of teatlmon
lala. Cbarara moderaitv Call aad a blm.
Fattenta oat of th dtr write for blanks and
drenlara. Hend 4 ctnti In it-impa, COMiULy
U2H' Third St., Portland. Oregon.
WJT Meouon paper. J
-I'l too. We hava largest
t Wt H Vf I factory west or Chicago
,UUK 1 iCI C l mating anlOctalllmba.
bracee, deformity apparatua aad all klDdi crlp
plea aoppllea. ateol gooda. beat made. Wrtto
oa and we'll abow yoa lateat appliance ror your
Weitem Alumlnom Artificial Umb Co.
BIH Waahlngtoa HU U0 Hecond SL
Portlaad. Oregon.
M. 31-1803.
OJSS TTrtt'or to adeertliere iiteaio
aMitlaa tnu paper.