i h ET. S Till! AllVKIITIHINO JIKIlll'M. S a HEAT JOB MllNTLIll Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interest? of this Community, to Good Government, nnd Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. IV. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST i, 1902. NO. 39, NUGG I A D ovotod To DohcnilTk Nofo.5 of roncr&l llll- SUNKISli OKOUP. A nhorl. time HKO K. H. Lovchii'i', nt I'lii t ItniiMiiin, X. I)., ilrrlvi'il In tli city MiTiniipiinlcil by u. U'Kuuiir nml V. II. TIioiiihoii Imtli of (Iriuiil Fork, N. I). They at unco drnvu iii Into lloheinln where the two hitter nu'ii went Klvi'ii t lid rlitlit of wny to (lioriniKlily nml Impiirtlnlly Invcutl Kiitu thu HimrliM) pi'diivrty coiimIhIIiik if eight vlalniN, nil of which have Imtii proHiNH'tril nuil ilevWnjH'd to hiiiiiu ijxtuiit. huvci'iiI IiiiiiicIh Im-Iiik driven 11 iIIhIiiiicc of live or clx liiiu iln'il fc't Into the iniiiiiitalii. TIh'mo Kt'iitlfint'ii looked 1 1! proji 'i'ty over tlioroiiKlily ami ' irliiincil hint (Wunlnv to HiIh city, where a NitHKet reporter Interviewed them Miinilny lieforo they Htnrled cant. .Mr. I'Hiii'iir cxprewtcd IiIiiihi'U ax HiirprlMMl ln,vnnil iiiciimiiiv nl I In- llim mIkiwIiiu oiiIIiIh property ami Htntnl that II would ri'rliilnl.v warrant my outlay of money tor furtner develop infill anil Improvement, lit) In a miner of inaliy .vcurn experlcnco anil Iiiim Ixvn through inniiy of tlm Ix-xt Kohl mine In the went, jet he nii.vn lu never hhw anything more proml Injr than In the Sunrlw. .Mr. ThompHon Ih a hunluc man I f Urnnd ForkMmid niado the exiiml- nation for othern who contemplate ! IhupurchuHMifHlock hIioiiIi) he re port favorably. Not a Hample wum taken from any of the tuunelH that iIih'h not rontaln at leant a trace of Kohl. IIioii IiIh return Iioiiid he took nearly iumwiiiiiiinii pouiniM 01 hiiiii- i tile of oreirnthered from the tuiiiiclH on the proierty which will be annly-. zed nuil luumyeil by Prof. Italicmk. J of the "Si hool of .Mluw", Unlvi rnlty j of North Dakota. Lack of npatr loiv i IiIiIm a wivk. limn extended article HiIh LeKoy'ii New Machinery. A Hut en r en ute over tlfeS. P. wan Nhlet nn'ked hciv thin week, mid Im- dev'ked with HtreninerM iH-iirlng the wordH "TO TlUC t.KHOY M INI NO CO." The car wiim limited with one lilr eoinprcMM'r. one .'KVIiorw holler, 'euuliie. iwlvcr, tankM, two :i Inch l-yner drlUn. llHXI feet of two Inch pl with all eipilimeiilM Including u lilackMiiilthlug outfit and mtverul hliuilreil fei-t of Hleel. Knpi'rliiteuilent JolinNou mine down TneHilny night mid 11 platform Iiiim been erected upon which the muclilnery will Im tiiken from the ear, alter which It will Im loaded on the frclghtwngon. Thin Ix the llrt-t car loaded with min ing machinery that Iiiim Ixru ban iieivd and the ri'MUlt Iiiim Ihvii a good iiilvcrtlHcmciit for llohemla. Kvi-ry-where along the Hue t lie cur Iiiim at tracted much attention. The uimi-ngci-H expect to have the machinery In operation by the 151 li or -0t li of AugiiMt. Forty thoUHaml mIiiiivm of iiilnlngMtock have been Hold by the l'Ilny jn'iijilo. thin month. Thin Im Hiirely I'liconraglug to thywi who early In tlm blntory o the company miiHtereil tii HUlllclent conruge to take a IhoiiHiitiil or two hIiuich at I he going tirlce, Ili'Mtut 1 ccuImuuiI then two weekHdutcr at :i cciiIm. It Imii noticeable fact that ill no time Iiiim there been n lull III the Hale of thlM Htock, ami it Iiuh been IncrciiMlug raildly In value until today It Ih worth mid Itclng readily bought for lUceiitH. With the prewnt iiutlooli, theHplmulld piaehlnery now on the ground not "lulk" but a reality the work well la hand the railroad now under coiiHtructtou n buy at 111 cfutH Iri hh good or better than a buy at ljj centH at the Htm l, when the purclinxer had nothing but a pi-oinlM) from thu proniolet-H. It Im iiImo noteworthy that tlie ciiinpnn.v Iiuh Itoon eoiiMervntlve In Km promlHOM and that nothing Iiiim Ikvii tiromlHed (hut Iiiim not been forthcoming. .StoekholiltvH In thin 'company con gratulate theniHclveH on their lucky buy. Stock AUvmicliijc. It Ih ti notewortliy fuet that every Htuek comiiauy In llohemla that Iiiim put Km Htock on the umrltet nml made any attempt to sell Iiiim met with Hpleuilld huccchh, mid nt no time hiiM failure remitted. It is not the Intention of the writer to Htate that there will not.lio placed on the market HtockH of ltohemln prop ertleH that will not bo prolltuble. Undoubtedly thlMWIIIbe theeiiHoln Homo ItiHtanceH, but Hum far thero Ih no reeord to that effect, Take the Ilelonn, the Muslok. the Star. They went on the market nt a maul! price nnd todayseo where they are, and If you do not think the Htock In theno propcrtlcH la valuable, try to pick up iv few thotiHiind shares that Is the tent ot tho pudding. Look at the lieltoy, the Hiawatha, tho Jud hou Hock, the AdtiuiH Moiintulu, tho CryHtal, all of which Htnrted their HtoekH nt low prices. At tho very beginning thCBO propertleH met with moroillHcournROiuqntthan they hivvo Hlneo, for with every loot of de velopment work, they have hud Homethlng to bIiow that Iiuh hud a tnndancv to irlvo tllOKO who had fultll ,ln tho beginning n firmer opinion of hn innrltotiB niialltlea of tho nevernl propertleH, unci in place of tho stocks l,aVe ' go.?o Pr aSrt"W ta ve ,.P t fr nr.'-,hn',' Hi" tuol tnki vh Jib ?3 and nlruj Mon. Itxrofojt 10 Ml Mil! (1UI1AT IIOIII'.MIA DISTRICT. 11 v 111:0. v. i.i.ovii. The following article liy (Jito, V. KIllVcl, of ItoHlOII, llH'IUVll 1(1 flit l.v In the "New ICutdauil .Juiirniil for In vcMlorH" from whleh It wax repnb- Hnlicd h.v tl I'aclllp Miner" anil other mliilnir JoiirmilH: One of the iiiomI prominent of Ore Koii'h iiiIiiIiik ciunpM Ih the llolietnla 111I11I11K dlHtrlct. It Ih Hltuuieil In the Calapoola mouutaliiH, ahont I .Ml iiiIIch xoutliofthe northern lioiimlary of the Htate nml aliiml IN) mllcn cunt of the I'nelllc count. It .Im reached by hIiikc from CottiKC drove, a Htatlon on the HhiiHtn route of thu Koiilhern l'aellle rallroail. The dlttancc liy hIiikc Ih about il'i iiiIIch. The dlHtrlct Iiuh Inm known locally for many yearn anil there are wverul IiihIuiicch where the early ploiiccrn found pock- elH of gnlil theiy. It remained In an Inactive Htntc, however, until about teu-yeat'H ai;o, when minim; men from Montana ami California commenced active development. From that time oil the development Iiuh Ih'i'ii proKe- ruled with vigor mid with hiicIikooiI reniiltH that over .yow,Hm worth of ore Iiiim Ihtii exKcd to date The dlMtrlcl now cinbriuvM an area of ten iiiIIch cant and went ami hIx iiiIIch north mid Html It. The centra part of thu dlHtrlct IIcm iiIoiik the bark-bone of the Calapoola rungc. , which Ih the dlvtdlnir Hue between Lane mid )ouIiim countlj H. There are about HW mliilnK locatloint In the dlnirlet each Ir-Iiik I.VN) fivt In length by WXI feet In width anil contiilnlim; iicivh. J lw;iv Ih, theivfore. only a llttle over one-third of the territory located, thiix hIiowIiik that thcrvlMa HpliMidhl IIHil for proKH-ctorM. Within the dlHtrlct nre llolicinln. I'alrvlevv, Klepliaut. Ailmim, (lioiiw and (Irltxly mountaltiM, the hllicnt Ih-Iiik lloheiiilji, the top of which Im Iwonfwt abort mi level. Tbevnllcvn In the Immediate vicinity are nboiit' iltnw feet above neu level, I In ilexiTthluK the formation of the llohemla mining dlHtrlct I will ipiole 'extciiHlvely from the report of Prof. .l. H. Hitler of the I 'lilted SIiiIck gM.. logical Miirwy. maile In P.XX). "The Culuioola riingu throughout ' Hh whole extent Ih rompoHcd of Iivvan like thoHOof IheCaMCiuleratige. They aiv arranged in HheetHradlutiiigfrom the volcaniH'H whence they came, and nre piled up to a great thlckueHH. The wiiIIh of the canyon along the .Middle fork of the Willamette toward He Mourcc llhiKtrate thin feat inn nt a number of points and It may be mil uIho In the HiimmltM of Home of the more prominent pcakH. Oencrnlly tho hIiivIh of lava are very Irregular and no parallel arrangement on u large ncale Im vImIIiIo. The lava tilling the throat of a once ncttvo volcano limy maku a prominent peak, iih in Cougar rock, or may Htmid on end with ci)imiciioiih columiiarHtructure um In Hear DoneM-rock, a Mliort iIIh tuuiveuHt ol the Ituhciuhi mining dlHtrlct. The region Iiiim IomI much byeroHlon. IU HtivaniM have car ried the material away and cut deep narrow valleyM, alnumt nnrrow enough to be culled eanyouH. They expone roekn to a depth of over LIMH) feet luviiH, vein matter, nnd Htrntl fled frugmeutal volcanic mutcrlul. "TheeompoHltlou ivml Htructure of tlm Uohemlfi mining dlHtrlct ntx cm Nuutlully thoHO of the talnpoola mountnliiM iih a whole. Upon the northern nlopo of the divide within thu dlHtrlct the lava hIiccIh Incline northward, and upon the oppoHite Hide they Incline Houthwurd, appar ently; hut In (IrotiHO mouutulu, iih well iih along a part ot tho upicr couwo of IIoi'Hchctvvcit creek, they Having around and dip eiiHtwnrd, iih If they enmimted from n volcunlecen tre nbout the head of City creek. Such nmy have been the ciiho, liutthe distribution of the frngmeutnl vol canic material Ih opponed to HiIh view. H Ih poHHbe tluit the dlver gi'iit dip Is duo to uplifting by mount-utu-liulldlng forcoH. "Tho rockH of the Uohemlii tvglon are known to tho miners generally iih syenite, but, iih already Htntotl, they nre wholly volcanic and lire gener- ally lava llowa, nltho' tuffn are ipilto coinnion, Among the Juvuh ande- Hltesarohy far the most iilninduut. A few of them are mi)ro or less con BpleuoiiHly porphyrltle and eontnln phenoeryatH of iiuurtz; they are there fore clnsscil an darlto porpliyiieu, HaHiiltH occur Hparlugiy, 'AndeeltpH. With very low oxcop- tloiiH all of the rockn of tho llohemla region might be Included under thin heading, for thodnclte-porplryrlcHnre only porphyrltle quartis-benrlng an- dOBites. The tuffs, too, and moat of the bnsultH tiro undewltle. In novurnl of the andeslten hornblende iHpa'sont 'but uonerall, pyroxene Is the nnlv characterWiig ferromngni'Mlaii hIII cate. Although Widely illMtrlbutiil, , the andeHlteM nre inui'li ultered, mid only n few of the IcfiHt-nltercil lomm will bo nolcd. "On the Chnmplnii trail one-fourth mile HonthciiHt of the MiiHlck mine Im a gray, minutely iorphyrltle jiyrox eue miileHlte, In which, Ih'hIiIi-h thu cryHtalM ortilaglochiHe, theri'iirudark HpotH of 3'roxene or chlorite derived from It., MoHt of the iyroxcne Ih cer tainly auglle, but Home of thonltered foruiH Hiiggent liypcrHthene. The ground iiiumm Im chiefly plaglocliiHe, thit minute Intli hIiuih'iI eryntalH of which, Willi the pyroxene, give a Homewhat ophllle Htrnctu. A few lark bordered HpotH HitggelH the for mer prcnciico of hornblende, ami Irregular grahiH of magnetite are will Icifd rathcrabumlautly through out the miiHH. "Helow the trail the country rock about the (liilcna npur oin'iilng of the Wnll Street c laim Inrlowly related to the niiileMlte hlHt noted, but contulilH ncnrcely any pluglochiM' rryntalH vIm- Iblc to the unaided eye. I'yroxenn Ih prcHent, ami iiImo dark bordered patchcH from which mont ofthehorn blende Iiuh iIlKappi'iired. Tho field- npar Iiiim a large angle of Mvminetrlc extinction mid Ih iniHt likely labrad orlte. TIiIm Ih the only dlHtlnctly hornblenile-boarlug pyroxene mule-hIick-cii in the Doliemla -Mining DlH trlct. "To the northward, in Klepliaut mountain and Falrvlew, anil In the ridge U'tween tlictu, the dark-gray porphyrltle nuilcxlte prevailH, but Ih Homewliat ultered, contnlnlng con Nlderable carbonate of lime, cpldoto nml chlorite. In the hou th baw of lloheuila moiintalu, at the head of Pe tcrnhurg canyon, tlii-midwlte Ih nrrangeil In Inyern, noven of which make up the uyK'r ")00 feet of the mountain. The lower layer Iiuh well-develoieil col umnar Htrui'tuiv, and the deneeiinde hIIv of which It Ih compimed contulilH iH-twit'ii the nilniite plngloclaxe cryn talM, la'HldeM nnmeroUH grulim of ntlg Ite, a gn-at deal of ycllowlnh, par tially devltrilled ghiNM. "Tho top of drizzly jH'iik Im coin poxed of a compact, dark gray, mm porphyrltle auileHl te of buxultlc habit, butcoiiHlHtlng chlelly of plaglochtHe In Hinull, HipmrlMh ami a few oblong cryntnlM, with eoiiHldcrable magnetite ind a truce of pyroxene. Kpldnte, clilorlte nnd rarboiiateH ivilaci'moHt of tlie pyroxene. Another Hlmlliir rock, but evon liner grained, occiii-h by the Noonday boarding . house. The felilHparH. generally Ichh than l).0." mm. In length, nre abundant In the ground iiiumm, mid the mlcrophc uocryMtM nre rich In cryHtnlH and grahiH of muguetlte. "IliiHiiltH are few ami umlcHiticlu the llohemla ivglon. One of the 1hmI mnrkeil forniM the Houtheru edge of the Hiimmlt of llohemla mountain. .MIcroH'iiocryHtH of fclilnptir, pyrox ene anil, Heruiitiuu are abumlant, j and ho tlccrviiHvd In nlze that the iIIh- tlnctlou between ground iuuhh nml phcnocr.VHtH Im not nharply drawn. The wriientlue Iiuh the net Htructure charileterlHtlc of that derived frpm olivine. The ground iuuhh Ih com- potted ehlelly of lath-Hhaiicd plnglo- claw and granular uuglte, with con Hldrrable mnguutlto nnd a Hinull amount of neeondary qunrtz. TIicko rH.'kH nre cut by vehw of ipinrtx, nnd were evidently In place before the de velopincut of the uurlferouH vcIiih. At tlm northeiiHtern end of Uohemlii mouutulu the lava HhcetH arecutli.v a vein of bright red chert. In tho lmud Hpeclmeu tliin vein chert looks very much llko that of organic ori gin found nt ninny poiutH In the UoiiHt Itangu ofSoutli.ern'Oit'gon and California. "TuffH are abu'ndaut, eHpeclally In thucuHtcru pnrt, of the llohemla re glon. They nre well exposed nlno at Hoveral plaeeH In-the wcHtern nnd central portions. "As the region Ih approached by the.Shurp eiwk trail the Htratllled tuffs mi) flrnl Been under JiuIhoii rock, where the flue gray banded tuff Is well exposed. Well-Htratlfled tuffs occur In the renoi'volr to A, F. John sou's stamp mill upon tho western slope of Klepliaut -mountain. A 'conrHor vnrlety, of larger distribu tion, was seen on the White Ohost elnlm, nenr the right bank of City creek. At this point, the component lapllll are a centimeter or ho In ill- ninoter anil tho frngmental character la visible to the eye. Here, too, It Is asHocIated with tho Interesting tour maline horufelH, which doubtless ex cited the mtnerH' hopes. The rock Ih In places gnelsnold In Htructure ami Ih composed ehlelly of tourmaline, with Htich quartz nnd minute kcuIch of clear mica. This n pilars to boa product of contact metiunorphlHin, with tuff on one Hide, but on tho other Hide 10-foot ledgo of hornfels nothing was exposed, "In the tunnel to,No. is level of tho Noonday mine tuff Is well exposed In HhcetH Inters! rut llled with lavas. They nre all of lino material. It Is a matter of surprise, to hud no course frngmental material of volcanic ori gin In tho region. It furnls!ien evi dence that the explosive outbreaks were outside- of the district, possibly to the eastward for In that direction the tuffs bcqonie cpurwr ami much moro lnasslvo. On the trail from the Noonday to Itlverslde n good view Im obtained of the slofiet'iiMt of Horne hea ven creek an far Mouth ns Ilena tlte moiintalu. This nlopo Is made up chlelly of light colored, well Htnttl find tuffM, "Very few, If hny of the rockn of the llohemla DlHtrlct mv entirely un altered, although the alteration Ih UMiially ho small iih" not to effect thu general ap'arnnce of the lavas In the hand seclmeii. Near the velns however, the iillerntloii Is greater, and It Is to be Htippost'd Hint HiIh alteration wiih effected In connection with the development of the veins. While the general allernllon of tho lavas eoiislstiil chiefly In tin chlorltl zatlon and enrbonutlzntlon of certain minerals, the changes which were brought about closer to the veins nre different, In the Hcrlcltlzatlou an; the most Important processes, and these an; accompanied or followeil by the deposition of sulphides, eHM.t'lally pyrlte." Home of the veins of the llohemla District urn not well defined, but are Irregular mineralized belts or zones, In which there Iiiim been much crush ing of ris k ' material. Others are well defined nnd can lie traced along the'surface over the rfilges for long distances. In places these veins out crop to a width of over M) feet. The courses of the reins vary from north 40 degrees went to south 70 de gree west. They follow sets of joint plains, it Im evident from tho relation of the Joints and veins tlint the Joints dctcrrnlnol the position of tho veins anil aided In affording nn opportunity for the, circulation of the iiilneral-l)eariug solutions by which the ores nml gaugiie were do posited. The development of the veliiH, however, ennnot lw nscrllied to the presence of nlmple JoIntHalone, but to a crushed and porous belt of the rock In which there may bo many Irrvgulur Joints. . Occnslonnlly, the walls or IncloMi'd fragmeuts hIiow well marked oIIhIi or striae of HllckeiiHliles due to faulting. The ex istence of (niiltH of ut leuHt small ex tent cannot Ikj doutiteil. It is pof- sb)u that tho I'vltlencc of faulting M Wiih onee more general and that It lay Inyn tv Home extent obHcnrwI or ', obliterated by HultKequcnct; dejiosi tlon ol vein matter. I From the foregoing eoiiMlilcrnt Ions' LtheilepoHltHlii tlur Uolieinia Dliitrictj may Ik- coiiHlilered, In part nt least, I tlssiirv. The principal gangm- mineral Is quartz, which Im more or Icmh nbiin dnnt throughout the veins, nnd Is la many of the small veins thu sole con stituent. Such vcIiih nru of mllk-y qunrtz, fresh, bright nnd solid, but the larger veins contain quartz that Is more or less porous mid cavvru o'uh, mid tho larger oiR'iilngs are Until with quartz eryntiils. While tlio cryHtul lined cavities which ot- cur more or Ichh nbimdiiiitly In nil ; tlio lnrgo voiiiH are iiobUIvoIv ovl-1 donee that tlie deposition took plucu. In 11 cuvlty, .vet tin" nliHoiiw of Iittnd-j liiK Indlcntert viitltvlnvKUlnrit.tln tlm hIiiiims nnd order of deH)o.-dtl(in In thu ' cavItieH. liy the oxldntlon of the In- j clOHvd Iron pyiiti-s near tlie Hiirfni-o tho poroiiH qiiartz Ih deeply xtulned red, yellowlHh orlilncktlio color de licndlnK upon tlio dfKree of oxidation nml livilriitliiii iif tlio trim. Next to quartz tlio most Important gmiKiio material in tliovelnlMa white) clayey milmtuncu resembling kaolin. When treated with nitrate of cobalt ! ho are In part IiIkIi liiHtead ot low, iih are thoHO of kaolin and It linn iitlnely foliated Htructure with imnillel ex tinction, like Hcrlcltt. The Biirfiu-e ore arc In some In- Htnnee) i-e milling:, but na depth Ih Kidueil they chaiiBe to wlint Ih called biiHO ores, which curry Bold, ullver, copper and lead. Oxide of Iron Ih frequently found and when It i Inter mltiKlud with the nulphldo It Ih red hematite, and Uh ptvHenco U B-ner. ally considered an Indication that tho ow In rech In (johl. Tho dark brown to black oxide of Iron Ih aometlinen aHHoclatcd with ti partial weathered form ofKOod huI phldu ore. Hold predominates In the oren cnrryliiK iiHiiiilb' moro tlinn ouc-hulf ot the mlnernl vnhieH. Tho principal inlneH today In the dlntrlct tiro the MiiHtck, Helena, Gold Croau of tho llohemla Company, Ve HiivhiH, KtoeljH and Harlow, LeKoy, .Hlnwutha, OreKim-Colorado, Niiom day, Urltzly, (.'humplon, El .Cnlado nml Mountain hlou ot tho CryHtal Company, KijiuiMe, JuiIhou ltock, IUi toplan, Wall Street, and many other. Thi'Ho inlneH aro opening up valuable and larjj oixi bodies which aro being deponMed 011 tho dumpHuwiiltln'K the ndveut ol'Wo railroad, Tho railroad Ih now lielng con Btritctcd. (JrudliiK ,wiw commenced about. tho Hint of -May. At tho preweut time over seven nillea of con Ht rue tlon Incompleted and tho total dUtanco of 35 iiiIIuh from tho South ern Pacific Vail road to CottageGrovo to tho heart of tho dlntrlct will ho completed thin year. Oregon, Miihwi cluiKottH and Now York capital iu In torestcil in this ontcrprlso. Tho output for tho llohemla region Iiuh been approximately na IoIIowh: 1S1KI, ?U,0Wi lSUl, 23.000; 1805, '.M, 1 Miiimidl cui pdfe 1.) .i. .,. -i. -i. .u .i. - THOMSON'S BIAS-GORED ' 4 "MILITANT" 4 CORSET 4? THE ACME OF CORSET ELEGANCE. "J,.1 Garman MID-SUMMER To make room for our Large4 Stock of Fall Goods, now Ordered, will give a Discbunt of From 10 to 25 per cent, on all Odds and Ends, This will be a Money-Saving Proposition to you. JEROME KNOX Attorncy-at-Law Prompt unllun paid to Mining nmliicM. Cottagk Grove, Orb. J. C. JOHXSOX and F. .G EBY .r 1 tor itc us and Couiiselors-at-Law , 8pctl ttentI6n tiren to llntn?,Coriort!on ' nd M,remntte Lrw, COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. BARKER & PERMAN PROI'aiETOrtS OK THE EXCHANGE DK ALE IIS IN FINE- WINES, LIQUORS, CfGARS. Matnitreet, Votlce lrov. Ore, I J-. 1. XliiKKlCS Attorney and (ioumelor-at-T.aw Special ntlcnUon Klven 10 I he lw of Minci, First Xutionnl Hunk Bullilins. EUUENK, OHK. J. S. MEDLEY Attorney-at-Law o o : onieeou SUIn itreet : -CoTTAGU GROVK, OUK. W. H. ROBINSON I'XACTIl'OKl I'HVIICUN Ordoe ud resldonco on Hirer treet, near Walt. COTTAQEOUOVE. - - OKEOON. THE OLD RELIABLE Grocery Store Caries a full line of Staple, nnd Fancy goods, Granite, Crockery, .Tin and .Glassware, Vegetables, Flour, Feedj Oa.s; Hay and everything, the farmer or the housewife, needs. Produce of nil kinds' token in exchange. It will he a pleasure at all times to show our goods and you lire earnestly requested to call and examine them. Will meet All Couipitlon in 1'rlces, SKILLMAN & GAROUTTE Successor to Baker & Johnson COTTAGE GROVE. ORE t - . - K - l - f--P 'I- -i- -i- -1- -i- -i- -i. .u -n Thompson's Glovfc Fitting CORSETS. Arc the only kind to buy nnd we have them in all shapes and sizes. A Fine Line of Girdles for Summer, Very Popular. JDont fail to bcc them. A full Line of Satin Taffeta Ribbons They are the very latest. Prices are Cheap. Our New KID GLOVES are better than the old ones. They are the best value to be found for the Price $i oo, $t.35 and $1.50 per pair. We also have a line nt $1. 25 per pair that you can wash EAKIN & BRISTOW, The Leading Merchants. & Hemenway's CLEARANCE SALE COMMENCING- JULY 5, LEADERS IN Cottage BaicnoaaoicaBeBB0aaaMidiBoiiflB9aoaoBeBeasBoiRi HIGH GKADE PIANOS AND ORGANS Direct from the Factories; c We are sole Agents for Oregon and can save you the J middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Organ in s part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small ' monthly,' or yearly payments. We are the sole Agents for J the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piano. Write us lor Cata- a logue and prices. ' MORRIS & CRAW, Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon. !S . I m c OBefleBOBCBBBOBt)BeaBBB9BBBeBOBBBBaBBB2 W. S. ClIKlSMAN. The Fashion Stables I ! RORNF.K MAIN nd SECOND STREET, COTTAOK OROVE C'hrlsrrjai) & Baifis, Proprictoi's. and YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME At the 11111 uumb iiu 1 m Where the menli aro well cooked and well served and the bed are good. ITS CLEAN THROUGHOUT. And you'll find everything home-like without homo inconvenience, Coinu and stay ns long uh posiilblu. FINE LARGE SAMPLE ROMS Kreo to our Commercial Trade. Trvonr Runiluy Dinner. Thu bent ever -Served in uiiy Ilotel in tliu City. K. D. HARDY, M'gr. COTTAGE GROVE, - OREGON, A.H.KING Attorney nt Xaw, tlOTTAOh ( QIIOYE,, OHK, Valuable mining property and On heiiilu for sale. Jerome !"" -I. -i. Ctnonr ntp T 1 MERCHANDISING Grove, Oregon. H Em Bancs. Also own and opperate the Bohemia Black Butte Stage Lines First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single Reasonable Prices J. E. YOUNG Attorney-at'IiuUi Office a Mtla iMTfret; Writ UJ CorrAOK GRoVe,- CJ' Finn riMMvnrw.. choice latf. bund hliH'lto for iiulo Jtviii Kno A Cu, 1 1