Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 25, 1902, Image 1

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    ste n n S
g this AbVKnrinxa ximvu. h,
jcs W M
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering nnil Farming Interests of this Community, to Cowl Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. a8,
United HlUli'A Lltiul Olllce. I
HohhImiik. OK-., .ruiio liidi, iwn. '
Nut leu Ih hereby ulvi'n that In fiiii;
)llllllltU Willi tllf III'OYIhIoIIM (it till)
iictof ConKfi'MM of Juno a, 1H7H. tn
tllli'tl "All net. fnrllii'Mdlo of timber
lllllllM III tllU Htiltl'H of Cilllfnrnhi, Oiv
won, NmvihIii, 11111I WhhIiIiIKIoii Tci
lltor.v." oh putoiltlrd til fill till! Pub
tie I.11111I Htnti'M by net of AIIrhmI I,
1WJ, Adellu'i't J. Melntyiv, ot 1 1
iiuliinii County ot CIicIiuIIh, State of
WiihIi., haathlH day tiled IiiIIiIm ollitu
III mu'oi'u Mlnlfinciit NiliiMOfl, for tliu
ptlli'luiwi of the 15 H 0 tlio HW Jf. H J4
tifllit'HF.tfoIKoctluiiNo. I;.towiihIiIi
No. !tl Hontli. ot ItuiiKv n went mill
Will offerproof to mIiow Unit the laud
Hoiilit Im iiioii! valuable for It tim
ber or hIoiiii tlinu (or iiKt'leiilturnl
IlllrpOIK'H, llllll to I'XtllllUMll 111) I'lflllll
o until Imiil before Mario I.. Wine,
1. H. ('oiMmltiiiii'r .nt KtiKi'iii.
OiTK'in. 011 Monthly tlii! IMh, day
of Sept.. nxa
llo minion it wltnt'HWH:
OlnfOlH'or.niiirlwOlM'nr. njnlinnr
Ni-Imiiii, (li'ii. V. Shuw, nf lloitilmii,
Any mid nil in'innim cIuIiiiIiik nil
Vi'iHflr tlu iilmvi'-iliHtrlUil IuihIh
nil! niiiiuoli'd to fllit their i-IiiIiiih In
IIiIh ollli'i; 011 or licfoiv wild 15th day
tt Sept., itw..
it. T. limiMrw, JU'HlHtrr.
!..,.. .1. ! ... ... ... .,.
United .Slide Lund Oilier-.
Iton-burg, Ore. ilium 10th. IWX.
Notice 1 hereby given Hint In until
pllanco with 1I10 provision nfthv art of
Uingron if Jiinf 3, IHfH, entitled "All
net for tli K.ilu cif llnilier land In the
Hutiu of Quliforiil.l, OriHCoo. Nevada mid
Wiialiliigtiiii Tnnltory, s exti'iided tn
nil the I'iititlC Ixint Htittrn liy m l of Ail'
Uiml t, 11'.)'.', (icrinl fllrittilK. '( IVaic,
C'imiity of Mlllo I.hi'i, Utiitci)f.Mliiii.,liiiB
tlilmlny 1II11I tn thin oltlcu libi nwitin
nlHlcint'iil S'o. l?ir, fur t lt linrrlmfv of
tlin HI'. I -4 el Hirtliin Nn. 1".' Ill Tumi,
ulilp No. 22 H, Kntiite No, (I W. m:il will
olfcr inin( to rlinw lliHt tli Imid miiiRlit
( murts vulinililo Uif iln IIiiiImt or tnnu
tlinu fur atirk-liitnrid inr4'', unit tn
I'.t.ililUli tlin I'lalm to milil luii'l Ix-inre
Marie b. wuri', U B. Oiiiiiiuli'liJmr
it Kiikimk', Orist'iit, nil iiliteJyi the
ilril lUynftivpl. IIH.
IIm iinmi'i h wltni'l
llVnry hlnitliitf,.o( I'mar, Mllin., 0.
H. Trumbull. Joint Wuitncr, lA'oAIIrn,
tit Drtiln, Orrjn.
Anv niut nil ifi-riBcllinli)K olvern
Iv ttie Imnln ro ro-Hui-.ti.l
tu fllu tlielr etalnu In tliln nlTirt
tin or before tndl Snl it ijr of SiJpt., Il02.
J.T. UmixirH, Itr.'lnlfr.
SoTict: ixi ruiinic-ATioN.
Thompson's Glove Fitting
Arc the only kind to buy und vc iifivc them in all
Hltnpcs and sizcH,
A Fine Line of Girdles for Summer, Very
Popular. Dont fail to Hie thent.
A full iAnuoi Satin
TalfiVtfi ICibboiiN
They arc the very Intent.
Trices are Cbcnp.
Our New KID GI,OVKS are
better thou the old one. They
arc the best value to be found for
the Price $i oo, $1.35, and $r.50
per pair. We also have a line at
51.25 per pair that you can
The fjeadiiitf ilIcrcliuittN.
tinoiiT nip
Gannan & Hemenway's
ooMMMrciisrG- jttly 5,
To make room for our Large Stock of Fall
Gooda, now Ordered, will given Discount of
Front 10 to 2o per cent, "on all Odds and Fnds.
This will be a Money-Saving Proposition to you.
Minn', koii 11 nt.ii vTin.t
fiillcl HUli-n Uli'l OBrt.
llil.filiurff. O.-cron. Juno 10. l'.vr
Niillrol-licrokc clirullmi liitmnjillaiip ill li
IJIIII .1, M7K,.
uilMir I.at1 h
lliv .f. ll'lmii
IOC lilt. Tft HI
In I he Hiienll URri
rnii,Oivir''vui' nn.I
."Umalruilo.l tn all IIm
I'liltOi StrtU'H 1mw OfliWi
ItoAel.iir. Ore., Wu.v U. 1003. '
S'otloi' U lietvby Riven thnt In com-1
Mlnnw wltli tw pry vtMon of tlio rut .
t ConKn-w tl Junull. lfH, ciitltliHlij
,'Anuctfor tin" fAf. ot tlrnU'r IhihIh
in the Ktntfx ot tVxllloriibh OnKon.,
Ki'Viutn. und VMMMiiKtim'IVmt.mVV
u I'xtcniliMl to nil tin rnlille l.imit
tnti'H by net of AinriiHt-l. lv.U, Noiili
It. Alloy, of KiiKeiie, County of bum',
Ntiitrnf OfCitoii, humble dny llli'd In
tliln office hln Hwoia Mtiiteini'iit, No.
tttsit. tortVr imrrJtiw. if the NB K "1
?ectloii NV. tim Tihh1Ii No. 21,
1 Wiut. nnil wltt olfM
jiroof to hIiow tl.utth. biudM)UKlit lirjliXIl",;;!?
iiniri' viiliiubli' for IIh (IiiiIht or iiii.rror .n.rf.lMm thti
Mtonn titnn fur iiKricuiiurftt puvpoum
nnd to vnlnblNh bin i-liilm to MM
titml tM'lori'tbO neuter iiiiI Itecelwf
Ml tliU oftli t nortlmw.(rt!iroii. on 'i'li.l
TlllllirilllJ . l m ."in !.. 'n f y
Mo nniiiCH AM nltni'HKi'M; iUiie'i
Tori'lnio (V AlU'.VfMtiinlo NnuiH'.oi u,0',iK.iyi iMrrnii un.i, ti.r-iurtt.ti.. u
ItOm'lilirK. On'.. A. I'. ('hOrelUll, of ihflrrUlma lii Itilnnlllrooin lf(ir Mtit
t'OttMKll OrOVl'. OTf. l H-(Mo.'
Anv nnd fitt pfttwm cbdinliiff nrt'
Vornely fjin a6r.wiMtMlrfM lnmlH ore
VoiiiiOHtiMI to lllw tlielr tlnliiiH hi nun
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
B m
Wm.IiIiiuIiiii Tvrrliori.
I'nlillr IjiiiiI Hfi' l'rrl ill Aunt I, t"ll,
ji'tin T Mllm nl I "I i k iiimn, ini)
IliliuHliit liU iwiirn nuutuciit No 37. fur Mm
lirilut.6 Ul IDC lim I. n, u, Niiu 1 1 i.i rrriinn
Iho Imid rnuffhl In
iiiiitn imIumIiM inr iin ouiiu'rnr kiuiifl omu rnr
Htfrtriilturitt lmrri'vii. ami to i',ulilt,h Mr
pulm In mtil Uml Imloio Murto I. Wkto,
I! H. i',)inmt.l(iucr Hi Kniran. Orvjcnu, mi
fWuritnf Hi' ilr "I Hi'pleiuSrt, Wt
llr imiur n wllrv)r
n.lll. I. 13 II.I....I.C ..f f... ttrn
ori'. , A. t AiuictKin, Ji. i'itenr, oi
office on or iH'tore hui iutli tiny rf
J nly,. mil.
.1. V lliunoKH, ltpfilHter,
United KtAteH bnnd Otllfe,
6KPbmOifou, May 12, JCKW,
fotlco in hwUy ulvon flint tn Win
J. T. IImiiueii, llcRl-rtr.
Uliltml Htutc blind Olllno,
lfiuliuri!. Orfiion. Apr. l'.l. 11)02.
NoHttsi l liurt'liy jjIvimi tlnit hi turn
plluni'i' Mill tliu pruvii'lnHH ot the ui't o
(Ninuiei'a of .liini' S. 1S7K, entitled "An
mil for tlio vain of timtirr IhiiiIs In tlio
In tlin 8tnU'i of (iiiHfivniiR, Oreeon,
NuviuIm, nnil WiidIiIiikIoii Ti'riltury,"
Direct from the Factories;
We arc sole ARntsfor Oregon nnd can save you the
middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Orgnn in
patt payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small
monthly, or yenrlv payments. We are the sok: AkciUs for
tliecelebratwlTROWimiDGli Piano. Write us for Cata
logue and prices.
Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon.
ift unco wit h tR V. t Uohn of "thonrt, iwi.IH to ..II tl... I'uhlle Land riuica
ComrreHsM Jni . S78. mtltlcA bv a.'fet AuruhI , IHM. Umieaii hcottj
An net lot thaanto WmlKyr Iunda o buee-us Com. , '"f-.,."
'n Mm Ktntca f Cnltfornlft. OrVKon
Novtubi, nud WiiHlimxtoiriVrrltory,"
iiH extended to iM tlio Public Ii.hri1
'StntoH by net of AuKiit-l, WX Min
nie V. KIiiiik'. f lMncbntR.Conny trt
DoucbiH, 8tnto ot Oregon, bru thtd
dnv lllod In ttil office tiot awivrn
Htiitemcnt-No. 2fi82, for the purclmao
of tlio SICK of Suction No. 3a,l-Tvn.
Wo. 21, ItmiKO No. 1 Wet, und will
offer proof to Hh-ow 'Unit -the Innil
Himglit Ih nioro viilunblo for IU tlm
1ier or atone thftn frvr nArlctilturnl
purpoHCH, nnd to eatiibrtah her clhfm
to Hiild land brtoto the Itclter und
-Receiver of thin Olflco ut ltonebur,
Oregon, on Hntnnlnj'., tliu 20th dny
-of July, l02.
Hlio fliunCB iih wltnoHota:
X. P. Churchill, o Co'ltufce Orovo,
Oregon, CorrlnnoO. Alloy. Hi)Hfcbuf:,
OreKon, Nouh li. Alley DHii T. llHhir
Kuroiic orcRon.
Any nud all porHoim fbvlmliift Itn
emy the nliovo-doHcrlbod Imulairfe.
TeiiuoHtod to lllotbofr clnlniB In 1bl
olllio on or before Hu'KI 2(1 dny of July
1lM)2. J. T. JlmnuEH, ItoRlHtef.
lliill'vil HUlL'n'I.ntlU Olllrc,
lUiwbuVg. Ore.. Aj.fH Ijkw,
S'ntlP ll heri'liy ulvuu U1 in euniplldicu
ilthilia i.milloii ol'tlin nvl ol Cmigrem nf
ijiumll. W7, fiiillllld "AnBtt fnr flio lu ol
tlBitmr liul lnttiu Htulunol OijHfornU, Ore
lion, NovaiU. ami Wntlitniitoii Jurrltuty," im
oittniloJ lo' all tliu roblio l.nnJ Slalw; ty ac
'otAi.(ual4,18N. William o. Simon, ol W-atllu,
'Ooumy oIKIn,8lato olwinlllnkloiiliajtlilailay
llleil lit Hit" ufflre lila awutn jUmmciil No,
S3W. for .the vurclwM, of the BK Si
ilon No.TJ In' Towiiahlp Ny V. ,Jp(E No.
Vc, and iytl onr proulto ihow.lliitl fli land
'aonantUimirevalualila tor lw llnilwr or "tuna
man mr ukiiviiiiuiim .j..'. VT"'"
llin liliolaim totAldlaiul Worn Muflo Uwarc,
'U 8 CoairalMlonerM Kuirune, lAno Co., Ore.
ivnii, on the llih dny, ot Auirual, WS.
Ilennmraaa iii.awa:
, Pae Murphy. Jolin Murphy, of kfjiwo",
'Ine Co., Oregon, George Luce,-Kdwanl'l'ottll,
'of Alinft,'lnCo.,,Ori,iion. ,
Any uml all peiaona clalmli ailvtraoly (ho
abovo doiijIllHwl laniU am niunMind .to Ilia
Hhelrclalmaln Oila ohlceonvr Lcforanilil 1 llli
'day of Augunt,
'J. T. llKipnMjIlegUtcr.
Irrompt attention paid to Mlnlna IlualiieH.
NmcK rou puni.ioATiav, .
bulbil 8tten I Jiml Office,
IloHibiirir. Oiviron. AnrJl 21. 11H12.
t r Notku Ih hereby irlven that in coin-
Oregon, has tliht iliiy tiled In iIiIhoIIIco plliintti with the provMoim of tho
lila aworn atatument No. 'X29, for tliu net of OonKreRH of June 3, 187H, tnu
iiurchutie. w tlio NW 1-4 of hcctiori titled "An net tor the wile of tlmhcr
No. 80, Tim-nHhHp ll, South, of mmln 111 tho BtnteH ot California, ore-
Uniigo 6 ViVal, htiiI itl ifU'r proof in con, Nevmbi, nnil WiHhlnRhon IVr-
how Uiut Iho land nought la nioro fltory," ns extended to all tho Pul-
vMnatlo for ita tlrnlier i-r alone that for Ho Lmid Stilton liy act ot AupilHt I,
iicrfcnJtHrirf pHriiocea, imd to I'nlulilUli Jtiaa, Oooro V. Vry, ut Aurora,
lila claim to Hiiiil luiul befmo tlu Ris- Ounty of MurioH, Htuto of (Wkmii
l.lnr nnil ttfi.ll,'l nf lllla flflil'l, ILL KMHIT- Imu llllri ilnv nkkll IllfhtA llffl.l.. Ilia
Imrtr, 'Orofiim, on Thursday, tho Hworn Htnteincnt No 32)8,(ortho put- ProdUte,of all kinds taken
dny ot July, 11)02. cIuiku of tho NIC f Section No IM, i ' c
nn unrrroa hb wmiiwaesi TowiiHiup id Mown, ot itiiiwo u went
John K. Hntcltan, Arthur K. Smith, ,iml will offer proof t ahoxv thnt thj
I.ihj llurolton, WnrriinC.Siirith.olUrow, land mmght Ih more vnlimlito forlta
Orii;oi. . timber or Htine than tor mrricultural
Aiy iijin uperfon'oUiniinB mlvereo i iivrpoHca and to eHtnMlHh lrln chilm
iy iuo iioovwuiiaurii'vu uuiuo ro wiiu mini uiwuiv iinrto i-.. iiiuv
Grocery Store
Caries a full tine of -Staph:
nnd Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin nud Glassware,
Vegetables, llcmr, l'eed, Oats,
Hay and verythirjg the
farmer or the housewife needs.
Aic-ln.t trtflTr. thf,lr I'lillma ill thla ofllll
trn or before aatjl 21th flay of July, tUM.
-3, T. nr.inuKa, Kepiator,
United Sb'itoH Land Office,
lloHeburir. Ore.. April 21. 11M)2.
Notice Ih hereby, Klven that In com.
U. . S. comnilHHloiior at KiiKeno.
oreKon, on Mondaj- tho 3St9i -tluj- of
Julys 1002.
L. Webort. O. Snyder, K. wni, 4..
M. Fry, of Atrrorn, Oregon.
Any and all iwi-koiih elnlmln ad
vwvely tlw nbovo di"xerllH'd huula aw
reaiieHted to lllo Uielr cIiiIuih In thin
nllance with tDiomovlHlnnH of tho tt -ofMcyonor liefooo wild 2hth, day of
of Oonirix'HH of Juno 3, 1S78, entitled , Jniy, ilHW,
""An act for tho" Ritlo-"! timber landa
In tho HtatoH -ttf -Calltornla. Orciron,
Novada, aliinVAHblnKton'reri'lDory,"
an uxtended to H f"!1 Puhllc Ijaiid act of AutiUHtl. 1SI2,LouIh
Webuil of Aurom, County in Marlom
Statu of Oregon Iihh UiIn day ilk'd'In
thlH office hla Hwoi'ir-at-nti'uvcnt No.
2217, for tho purchnKofrf tlio 5315 K ot
MoctloiiNo.i'il, ToWhiihlp 20 South,
of llnngo (I WeHt und tvlll offer proofi
tO'Hhow thattho lanilHoiijjht lHmonf'
valuable for -Itn tlmlior or Htonothan
for agricultural juiriHwos and to oh-
tabiiHii niH claim to uaid land noioie
Mario I., ware, U, S. commlHHloncrr,
at EuKcno, Orciron, on Mon
day 'the 28th'flny of July, 1002.
ltO lllvmCH IVH Wltlll'HWHi
(L VV. Wey, A. At. Vty, a Snytlw.i:,
Will, Of Atirotn, Oregon.
Any and all pci hoiiii Klabiilnc nil
vePBolv tho abovo doHOHbed IuiiAh are
U'iiuchIcII 0 lllo t luttr '(llabtiHlln UIiIh
omeo on 'or inuioio 'nam -iocn -ooy oi
Silly, lll)t!!.
B'lt.HtcflKIUH, ItORlHtOV.
llownlx) of nlr dilod or 'l.tiiff 'lliv
3. f. Hiiiiioks, HeKlster,
NOTlOi: tOU ri-llHCATIOi.
United Statca Lmtfl O1H00,
liiMoburc, Ori'Kon, A?M IS, IUP2.
Notlr.lls hcraby clven thai in compliant
J into
gun, h'cvaila, and Wanhliutton Tcrrttory,
UXIUIIMTU 1 nil r.i,
in exchange.
It will lc a pleasure at nil
times to show our goods and
V "Te cnrnesily requested to
call -nd "examine them.
Will meet All Compel I041
- In J'rlren.
Successor lo Baker & Johnson
ilici m ncreoy Riven in 111 cuuipuaui-e t i,,.,i
1 lie provlnloiu of Iho act of Rougreu of i i"
)S,18Vl.entlllml"An Art lot tho aula of f.'J".8,'
ber l.and In UujtUale.n oil altturnlii, Ore- J.1'1'00!
xlomlril In nil r'lie public Und Mates hy ant nf
luay tinunina, 01 r.
ntvil'Iiie.P atowl Oregon, ban llila day
tllod lu I lila oinra htfr aivnrn tlalomclil No. fiTl,
mr tha-nutMiam, ul tho NKlf of aertlon No. W
IniviulhlpSU'il.range D Maat.anitwlUollar proof
lovnowiuai TOO laim-auogiina moru vaiuaoie
a timber or atone inati ior agricuui
Land tfi-AKtabltsh hU f-lalm losald
oro Mario I., ivaro, t' uotamiaioncr ui
fnr 11m llmtii.r or atnna than for agricultural nur-
nimea,and to-enlabllnh liUrlalmlotald laud Iw-
Kuuciio. Oregon, on Friday, rue wiayo
Jnly.'lSiK. .
Hho luimta ua ivllnesscai
0. N.-Ilandall. O.B. M. Brown, Maflsle 'Brown,
B. C.nllli, ol Kugone. Omgon.
Any and allpcrnona claiming dvcrely the
ubiivo-ilweHbed laiida an rt-nuemcd tn lllo
their rlairaa In fbli oftlco on or bofotonaid Mtli
' J. T. 1IUIDOK8, lli'glstor.
!Do you want tisell your prop
erty? we w ill do tt tor you. uoi
flooring, oJlllnpr iinfl 'rtitftJlo. JUliu : tnge Grove Investraent Co,, Room
llootlt-Kolli' Lumbor Co, nro making m mA
iHWiclnl prlcofi on klln-drled lnmlu'ii. 1 '""'
United Slatea Laud Office,
Ttn.ahuri. Oro.. Anrll. IS. IftYl
N'otlreiia hrrtibv clvon that In cnmnllanre
null Iho pruvlalona of Iho art of Ootigri'M of
1010, ruiiMcu --nil Boi'iiirimi vniooi
landhdu Iho btaioiof California. Oie.
con, Nevada, and Wnshtncton Territory," a
exienucuioaiiiiio inune uno viatea by act
ofAocusi-1, IbW, (aiarlei li. M. llroivn.of Ku
gene. County ol Uine. Stato of Oregon, Jiaa thla
lay tiled In thle nfflro hltavrrrn alaleinent No.
tuiljar tho purt-hitue of tho MW V ot Sec
tion No. llin Townjlilp No. SO, IUngeNn.6
4t,nd iitll ii3er proof to ahow that ihe
land taught la more valuable fardta limber or
atone (ban for agricultural ,pnrpoei, and to
lektabll.b. thhi claim tn aald land before
Maria U ware, U, H. Commiialoncr at Ku-
Sena, Oregon, on Friday, the 2Mb. day of
lie name-aa wltnosnoi :
Q.H. llandall,MayManntng,W.4. Manning,
K.'fl fuilth, of Kugone, Oregon.
Any and all iwrtouj claiming adveraely the
abnvu deitbrlboil landa are rouneited to tile
Ihelrclalma in thla office on or bofore aild 15lh
day olJuly.lVlU.
J. T Uridoch, rtegltter.
Wo huve on hnno a 'large stock of
Kiin-drieu noormc, celling nnu ruatio in
grmlea 1 2 nnd 3, Let ua make yo
Uipeciid prices.
Jlorvni-KBlAY LliuiiEn 0o.
United KtuleH Uin'l olllrc,
ItiiHcliurg. Ore., Mnv 14. 11)02.
Notice Ih heii'by glvon that In com
pliuiiro vlli tlio provlalotixof tho act
of (,'omktivim of ,Iiiiii:i, 1K78, cutltlril
"An net for flu- ante of tlmtxT InndH
In tho HtatfM of Utllfiinilit. Oregon,
ievaiia. anil waHitingtoiiTerrilory, "
mm extended to all tho Public Itnil
HtntcH by net ol Augnat I, IWtt.
JiiIIiim Iy. ISnur. of IIiMiulaiu, County
of Clu.'lmlH. Htnli; of WaHhliigtou.
hnw thlH day lilcd lu tlifn office IiIh
Hivorn Hlntfinent No. 211S, for tho
imrcluiw of the 8 NKJf and N SB
of fe'cctloli No. 22 lu TiiwiikIiIi) No.
21. Kiingi' No. 0 West, and will offer
proof lu aliow that tho land nought
Ih more vnlunbl" for Hh tlmlier or
Htono than for agrleiiltnrnt inirpoHOH,
and to cHtabllali IiIh eliilin to wild
bind lajforo Mario I.. Ware, I J. S.
CommlHHlonor at Ktigene, Oregon on
Friday, the22 day of Augnat, 1!W2.
Ho nainoH iih wltiiOHm-a:
(Jeorgo Woolley, Klmcr Woolloy.
of Drain. Oitkoii. Cit'oriro W. .Slmiv.
ChrlMtlnn N. Knwll of Ilo'ltilnin,
Any nnd nl iiei-Hoim claiming ad
versely tne uiiove-deHcrllMiU InndH are
reitteKted to file their clalniN In Ui!h
oulce on or before' Hiild 22 day ofAu
gnat. 11)02.
J. T. IlniiKiEH, UeglHter.
ii.aii-ijiii.ii Mini' i- , .Lin . ... 1,
I rr-r 1 iii TT S
Devoted Xo Bbhcmltk Nofej ftnd.
Hijrr5 of cfoner-ol inror-ojfro Nlrving; Won.
'Iho (lreat U.istrn.
The Great Eastern Mining Co., i
ori;aiii.ed at Corvallis a few days '
ajjo, mention of which was made in '
North Falrvlew Co.
The following; from the Eiigenq
United StntoH Ijind OfHce,
Itow'burg. Ore.. May It. 1902.
Notice Ih hereby irlven that In com
pllaucuwltli the provlniouH of the net
olUingreKH of .luiii'.'l, IS18, entitled
"An net for the anle of tlinlKT laniln
In the StntcH of Callfonila, Oivgon.
nevaiiu. aim wiianington Territory."
oh extended to all the Public Land
Staten by net of An-'iiMt 4. 189:
Archie O. Sawyer, of Ilouuiam.
County of t'helinllH, State of Well
ington, Iiiih thin day filed In thin office
inn Hworn RtiiU'inent ino. L'li-r, for tne
iuri hnne of the E 14 of tho E M of Si-c.
Hon No. H, In Townnhli) No. 20 S..
Itnuiro No. 7 Went, and will offer
proof to ahow that the land Hoiiuht
Ih more valuable for ItH tbnlier or
Htono than for ngricultnral purpoKt-H,
nun 10 iwiniiiiHU iiih cmini to hiiiu
land liefoi-oMnrle 1. Ware. V. S. Com
iniHKloncr nt Kugeue, Oregon, on
Frldny. tho 22 tiny of Aiigunt. 1902.
lie minion n wttiieaHCH:
Oeonre Woolley, Elmer Woolloy,
of Drain, Oregon, Oporge W. Shaw,
ChriHtinn N. Knoell, of Ilouuiam,
Any and all jiemona .claitniiig ad
versely the above-lencrilH'il lundn are
retiuiwted to tile their clalniH In thin
office on or In-fore mild 22 dnv of Att
gllHt, 1902.
J, T. UmiHiKH. Keglater,
United SluUa I.nnd OtTice,
Kocliurir On-., June Ib'tb, t9tl2.
NoIiVb la liereliy given that in cpm-pliaiu-K
with the iirovi.-Uins of the act of
Cimcri"? of June 2, 1S78 entitled "An
li t (or (lie shIu of timber Intnla in the
Stiitei of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Wueliineton .Territnrv." ai enlendeil t
all the I'ublir f.-tnd States liv act of Au
Viitt 4, 18!t2, Henry Strattnp, nf Pense,
County of Mille Liu'-, State 01 Minn., has
thla day fileil in thit otTice Ilia sworn
statement No. 2710, fnr the purchase of
uieavt 1 -i in section iso. 111 louncniu
No. 22 S.. Kaiuro No. 0 Wert, and will
otfer proof to ahow that tho hind aough!,
la 111 or u valmible for ita timlier or rtone
than for aericulttirul nuriKif.'-". nnd to
crt ihliah Ida claim to paid land before.
Marie I., vniiu, U. S. Conimifiiioncr'
at Euuene, Ornron, on Wednesday, :
the Snl day of Sept,, 1902.
lie named us u-UiK'SM-s:
Gerard Strntinir. of I'euse. Minn..C.
K. rruinliitll. John Wuener. Lee Allen.
H Diuin,Ore(ni.
Any anil uli pennna Waimini; adverse
ly llio. aUove-deseritel tamla aro re-.
rjiiuetnl to tile their claims in tlileolTii-e
on or betoie said Mrd day of Sept., 1902.
J.T. llKtimts, Ui-giater. .
Uiilled Statea Land Office,
Kosebtnv. Oregon, July 2, 1902.
Noti'-e in hereliyciven that in compli
ance with the provisions of tho act of
Congressol June 3, 187S, entitled "An
net ior the sale of timber lands in Ihu
States of California., Oregon, Nerada,
ntul Washington Territory, ' nsexUMidcit
to all the l'ublio Land Statea liy act of
August -1. 1S92. Henry Cogill, ol
Ktigeno, County of Lane., htato of
Oregon, has tills day tiliil in this
office his sikorn stateiueut No. 2877, for
the purchase ot the NW .I4, of Section
.o. , Townsiitpzi, Minn, 01 uangeo
West, and will olfer .proof to show that
the Inntl t-oiudit is more valuable for its
limber or stono then fur agricidttiral
liuriiosea, and to eetublwh his cluini to
uaid hind before Mario L. Waie, U.
S. Conunieeioncr at Kugeue, Oregon,
on Wedusday, tlie24th day of SejiU, 1902.
110 nanies us witnesses:
Cliurlea Demarest, of Wenillinc, Lano
Cu Oregon, Jamca N. Kundle Herbert
Ileadlo. (.Jvrita Krelgh, of Eugene, Lane
Co., Ore.
iVnv and till persons claiming adverse
ly tho nbove-deecrlbed lands uio rc-
picsloil tn tile their claims in this office
on or before wild 21th day of Sept., 1902.
j, 1 .liniiKith. ucgister.
ReRinter of Inst Thursday is self-
l. ...!. M.. . 1... .i:j. 1 cx niiiiiiniry:
;,A"X' iV,e.irec.ors of Nor.l,
Ilohemia District. This company 1 ;?!e":, " C?n" Wm:
was incorporated
and has purchase
nr... . c y? ...
;..i, ,,t,u,omi,, B4Mi:ill, .,. Xfr Ttrric, ,
li enli.-int nnil H.1 be I? on mill ' ".' b J . ..., ...v.
. .1 ' ...... I tt (, tn nfr
once with development work 011
the properties which He in the Bo
hernia Mining District. Arrunge
ct Th s comifl..v Ip,rv,ew M,"'i""' Company, Wm.
"V rr ,'aber of Albany, president, nnd
H tne &l"?J; :
jretnry, held nn iinpprtnnt business
These claims are located
on the headwaters ol China and
Hear creeks 1 miles we-t of Twin
X) rr u iiil n r.a rt uiaiilupuil lut nu I
miraiiHsu ca- . ,., ,, ,.n r- !.. .....
tn he snmp nf I hp , rdiMf '"""' """0"H i""-i
pens to oe some
claims in the liohemia District. A
tunnel 60 feet in length has been
driven into the mountain on this
g oup beides two or three shafts
have been sunk which have dis
closed some of the richest dirt ever
brought to view in that part of the
district, assays of which were taken
and show, about 30 leet in from
left side of shaft, $379-5o: on the
neis and cross cuts on the veins,
and blocking out th6 ore' .
The conijany was incorporated
some time ago with a capital stock
of 5300,000 divided into 3,000,000
shares of 10 cents eacji. The men
back of this pioperty are repre
sentative business men and citizens,
1 of Lane and Linn counties who
have grouped together nine claims
1 from which Have already been
:..i. . ..: 1.. r i 1 . ... r .
llkllll ?IIIC l'l UlllllCI UIJUUL ICCl , .. f ,, .
in show $764.48. on lower mrt of I he of ll,e best m
end ollong shaft assayed $267 05. 1 " , u -t , 1 e
,nar ,..i,ii. (i,J When the richness and value of
u uva a w a innii ai .7 tnkl.ll lllli) tl
greyish talc or vein filling, but the
this property becomes known there
,..:ti k .1 .. ...1 .- ..
. "i.i ,iiiiu a iicuitsiiu IUI ILK.K
ml free i Kui,din8 of ,,,e new railroad into
.iohl some nf it dio-l fe nvi , B "wu-ciicu
o - rr - j ... ....-.
majority comes
quartz carrying
Iroin a
pyrites and free '
This company is composed of
men who have the money to push
their work and develop their prop
erty and have selected for superin
tendent a man who thoroughly un
derstands gold mining Lewis
Hartley. Mr. Hartley is now in
the district and states that
terests to a realization of tlu great
future iu store for the district and
mining men from near and far are
scrambling after mines mid mining
stock in that section. The railroad
will open up the wealth of tlietlis
trict, bringing millions of invest
ments in the mine and make
tne district and states that a, . ,, , - ,
force oi five men were put to work r"' E,,dfl pXTr ?f f ' P,"T
; , ,.' . f erties as the North Pairview whicl
ill hr- inr-rd fnr nr,!h1p . ,S TeCOgtllzed amongst
1 he Nugget
unlimited success
nitnine men
wishes the company ;"f"l ,- """"" 8"-u """"
The Oregon-Colorado M.
Is Well Pleased.
M. &! A Mr. Hammer, of Albanyv who
D. Co. about two years ago inaug- is considerably interested in Bo-
ttrated a system of development, 1 hernia, returned Iwme last Thurs-
under the management of I. J, I day from a trip up there giving the
Hard, who came here about, that following report which appeared in
time from Colorado, and work has: last Friday's Alb3ny .Democrat:'-'
been tnwler headway continually! He reports fine prospects there.
since then. They now have about six miles of the thirty-two mile
1200 feet of tunnels of which has . railroad into the mines have been
opened up large ore bodies at va-' completed, and the work on the
nous depths. Tbe-company is dnv- road is being pushed. Thtee thorn.
mg a tunnel Hiat will give tliem and claims nave been taken up m
930 feet vertical depth, the entire the ilohemia district and eight
work being in the ledge, which .hundred of them have been worked.
vanes from a few feet to 18 feet in ! There are uow seven mills ami
width. Wherever there is surface 'sixty stamps in the mines. The
indications, ore has been found in Helena is the leading mine nud is
the tunnel, which ' indicates that 1 doing a fine business with its ten
the bodies of ore are continuous, stamp mill. The Champion is next,
and with this great depth the com-1 but is temporarily idle on account
of a law suit. New developments
show splendid prospects, and there
is no doubt that there is a big
pany can produce au unlimited !
quantity of ore. In addition to the
original holdings, they have re
cently acquired the Holy Smoke, prospect for the mines.
San Juan and Francie claims, mak-t .
ing in all about two hundred acres. Tte Cot"1-
They have recently patented this Good news comes from this
property. A survey has just Iieen ' promising pioperty, this week. In
completed for a wagou road from 1 crosscutting on the main ledge on
this property to connect with the. the Mountain Lion a rich shute of
the railroad that is now being con- free milling ore was struck Mob
.structed. The ore of this company day. They were tu the crosscut
h copper, gold t.nJ silver. 1 hey six feet und bad not found thu
have a large amount of ore on the
dump, and is a very attractive
feature ol tnecamp
wall, therefore at this writing no
knowledge of the width of the vela
is had.
United StaUis Land Otllcc,
Itooobttrg.Oresoa, July 11, 1902
Xntiuuia liorobv el.ven that in compli
ance with the provisions of tho net of
CongroBS of Juno it, 187tt, entitled "An
not (or tho 6ivlo of timber lands in tho
Slutut) of California, Oregon, Nevada,
mid Washington Territory," us extended
to an tno mime uum states Dy auii
AiiL'tist i. 1892. Mie. Luvellu C. Howes,
nf Portland. County of iMultnooiah. Stute
-ot Oregon, has thlS'day tiled in thisotlico
her aworn statement fio. ma, lor tne
purchase of tho BE Section No. 20.
Township 20 South, of lUnge 2 W. and
will oner prooi 10 snow uiai me mrau
sought U inoro .valuable Jor Ua timber
or stono than lor agricultural jiurpoeen,
and to .establish her olulm to said land
before Marie O.. wire, "U.B, -Commis
sioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Thurs
day, tho 25th day of Sept., 1002.
Hint names as witnesses :
0. M. Young, Jasper -L, Gom, A. J
Shoemaker, of Eugene, .Oro., Hugh
Iteevesi, of Cottage -urove. O10,
Any and all personu'olalmlng adverse
ly the abuve-deseribed lands aro ro
ituested to tlio their claims In this olllco
on or hoforo said 25th day of Sept.. 1002.
J. T. liiuuQKd, iteylster.
laii.Hi .. Ilw. I..I. ... , en
United Statea Ijitnl Office. ' To T c. Kuiior. t' d. Kiiur ud' iv"l.
Koseburg, Ore , June 24, 1902. Kyjaur .,,.,. t
Notice is hereby riven Uat in com- ' A?,..1."??? .""L'PSi "!r,,?.f W.J?:
plianoe with tlio provision of Uio act of tabor and Imoroiementa on Lhe Dro'ther Lnda
Congress of June3, JS78, entitled "An and ihe Extenaioii of Iho Brother Lorl.anil
act for Iho sale ol timber lands in tho : rZRl, if foot hi
States of California, Oregon, Nevada. , liardWabblo, on nnnamcdmouniJn,Beheml
and Washington Territory, 'as o.tended I "nlne Ulitrict.Jjino County, Otegon. the In.
to all the mblie Lund SnUos by act of , !"lS, if"" " 'L" VuAtt:'f11'Ei
August 4, 18D2, iljabnar kelson, of , of Jd Cjiunty In order lo tiold aald elaiiua.
iioquiam, uouiuy 01 -uneiiniis, Btiue
of Wash., has this day tiled in this
otrico his hworn f tntemeut No. 2S0S, for
tho piltrhase of tho SW I -I of Section
No. 14 in Township No, 21 S, Ittnge No
8 W, mid n ill oiler proof to show that
tho land tought is more raluablo for Ht
Uiulier or stono than Ior ngrlfulturu.
ipurposcs, and to ostabllsli hjs rlaitn tr
said land before Marie L, ware, V
S. "Commissioner at Eugene, Oro
gon, on Monday, the tEth, day of Sept.
llo names as witnesses-;
Adelbert J. Jlclntvro, Olof -Oherg,
Charles Qberg, Geo. W. Shw, of Ho, Wash.
Anv and all persons claiiiiina adverse
ly the uhovo-ilescribed lands aie re-
uniUr the I'roviiiona of Section gjl of Hie tie.
vised Statutea of the t'nlted aiatea.ju'l the
ameudiutnte thereto aporuved Vanvary 21,
18e0. ronuernlng anaoalAitm upon loininr
etalma, being Ibe amount reqltvd o lmid ami
iroprpvo Hlillodei fotttte period! ending Ilia
SI days of Heeinler. ison alW 1901 And It
within It) daya from the perianal aarvlee n(
this nplli-e. or Wi thin so darn atie'rttio pulle
caltou tlteieof, you fall or -einlrlbute,
t"ir portion of aubh oxnen'OUurei. aa co
owner', your liitcreatt in the clulnu will he.
come thu property of tha aubiertbf ra, your co
owners, woiave made the required expendl,
turea by terjnj ut u4d leetion.
Tutted fctate Land Oftlca
Roieburg Oregon, ?ley 0, 1S
Notice t haeby given that la compliance
with tha of the act ol foniieti ol
quested to file their elioins In this office , ffigg? fAX'hWiS.'S C0rnI'obrn,a.,10,.!
on or before said loth day of Sept., 1902. , gln, Nevada, and Uasblngton Territory," ea
J. T. llaiOQER. Ri-aister. extended toall Fublle land Utaua by act
.nguit -I. mi, Obarlea wlllie, of Loran;
United States Land Office.
Itoteburg, Ore , May , 1803
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the oroviiloni of rhe act -ol Congreiaof entitled "An act Joi the kale of
"uguat l. 1K. JmI a. Iltllt, of June ifemuaeJaiyitnatitj.
&u of Una. state ol Oreeon.Aat thli dav Henry A. Brewer, of Albany, Ltnn Co, Ota,
jfiledlnthla offlce hl twornautemeniKo MS. Mae'wiltie, Ca.,rga A Elttt, Jltf 0 A Sim.o)
Ranee no. 6 weit. and will offer proof ts ahow
una mc iana BousnB ii raoie vaiuamr ior lie
timoer or none t
and toealabllili 1
Marie L. ware,
ught li more valuable- for Pi
man lor agricultural purpoiti
bli Claim to laid ' ndblot
V o ..ouiiniwionar ai ail'
n Monday, the- 4th deytif
Lorane, Lane Co., Otijnn.
T.:.k.n..Mi..Ai,nA civ 1 h 1 rrl riv a
i BB NW W of Section No M, Towniliffil Any and ll pjriona clatmpsg dvrity lb
jOSouUi. ol ltange No. I weal, and win oner aoovc.oa:riDa unoi ate requmai ,o sw
. , . 1 -ill i J L . ... , - 1 lkal..l.ln.l. 111. .M,. M A . . I , llh
Drool loioow inai mc iaim suiwai 'l wore vai- , .wan ui-.u., .m v,iivvu,-w "v..... ,..
uablefor IU Umber or atone than tor agrlcul-, day ofAugU't, 190, 3- X- BllPu. KcgltUt.
'tural purpoiea, and to eatabllih blc claim to
Uid land fiufor Maria L -Ware, I! S. Ooratull.
dav ihe 30tb day ot Julv, im.
11a tn.inn.lJLa wltntlt&ei.
Milliard lilacWburn, William CV. Eaton, Roy
numpUrey, Uwrcnes Walker, of Jane, Lena
Anv and all person! claiming adversely the
above-described landa are requested 10 til
their nlattna In Ihliollloo on pr before al Qln
ay 01 Juiy, iwa
J I nuiMU KitUtor
H ttornftfsaid QiUmtlm-aulm
0fno over llaiman & Jifraaw'l'aM