Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 18, 1902, Image 7

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Ig Coiiitltutloiml illsonsr,
ItortRlnntcaln acrofuluua oonilltlon ol
tlio liliioit mid iUiicihIi mi (lint comlUloii,
It ollfii rniiaoa liwiilartm ami iIIIiwm,
Imnnlra ttia tnaln, ameU ami lirnrlnu, (.
(vein dm vocal iirf mis, illaturlia llm atonint It
11 la Iwaye rndlrall ami imrinanenllr
ciircit hjr llm blood-imrliylnK, alloratlrt
mid toiila ni'tlim of
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Till iironl iiinllrliia tim wrought dm most
Wonderful ciircn of ell illitwisra iloocndlng
oinicriifula nr llio rrnfiilmia liahlU
IIUOD'e I'lLLe are Ilia la.l ValliaiUo, '
X.K.y Not In II.
"An I titnliiratiiml It, iii) X-ray nlll jto
rluht tliroiuh it iiiiiii'h Ik ad. Tliuro la
mitliliiU i-Uu iiullo no iMiiuitralliiK, In
"Oil, I ilon't kiinw. DM you over
Imnr my ilmijtlilur kIiik?" Tit lilt.
It Oiir.e Wlill" Vmi Walk.
licit Fi.Kaa males llchl ami new shoes
feelraay. Illtacottfilnnitulnr ewr.allmf.ral.
Imie ainlewtillcii. Iltwl.hiil, arlilnc del. Try It
(May. tl(lrumill.V. 'Iflalrarlagninall.
Jjt J itKK. Ailrwa Allen 8, Oluialol, UKoy,
UMtn Iht Cue.
"Tliny wiy lila wlfo drovo lilm to
"IVrlmim alio illil Imt from what I
know nl Mm I think lio woulil liavo
lwii nn fully iIImi polntixl II alia
limlu't." L!liliini I'uat.
Mow Id Oct I Sample.
If yon nut piirtlculnr ulMjiittlm ilrc
ydiitia "imt tu try tliu brand
wliUlilapir I'xi'llitiiiii, kmkI tia two
'.'iunt Mump with llm naiiio of your
itrmrr, mill uu will m'inI ou liy mull a
1U ri'iil tin nl .Moiii'hio Wlilto l'eior
or Oayi'iifo or liliiKor or other larloty
you limy wlctt. Wii only want you to
try lliiuii, (or Unit nlll hid kit you know
tliolr sln'iiH'li mi I iiintii'iicy ami purity
Ix'ttor than niiytliiiiit oho. Allelic
Wnilhiiuia A Kurr llroa., l'ortlauil,
Ilir Puilllon.
Mm. I'nrko What kind of avrranta
do )oil prefer tthltn or black, Irleli or
Mr. Uno I'm ollen Ixiynnd that.
I'm looking, for iwrvnntii tlml prcler me.
Hotter than Bold llko It In color
1 1 it inllii Wliurd OH, which cure Hlieti
liMtlain, Neiirulglu uml uvury puln. COc.
A Mud One
Tlio oinliient lloton profosaor who
declare Hint theru ran Ih no moro Ian
ItnaKiM liivuutod Iiiii- probably not heuril
of the (leoriielown uiiin with ft hara Hp
who l trui'MiiK n parrot to talk.
U'lialilniftMi I'oat.
Mntlier will find Mr. Wlnilow'a Boolli.
Itier Hvrtip tlie oral remnlf to use tor their
oLlldrcti Uurltie Hie Ircthlng rioxl.
An Unfivortb't Symptom.
"You have what I call a qiilnlna
rough," rnld tlio doctor, jirocttxIlnR to
mix u diaa of medicine for Ida calk'r.
"And a ipilnli o i-onuli, I ttipporo,"
ulioezo.1 tlin patient, "la a aort of a
Term-Ian hark." Youth'a Comitttilon.
Willi local application. a they eannot reach
Ilia ul thoil xau. Calami la a Wool or
conilllullonlili.r,aii.l la orjar to cure ft
ton mutt lake Internal remedies. Hell's Ce.
lanh l.'urula tekrn inirmallr.amtaeiiillrKllr
mi tho bloo'l anil innroua luilam. Ilall'a Ca
tarih(ur li not a nnark inC'llclne. It wai
rrNrrllirU br tno of llm U1 pliyalclana In thli
ctiunliy lur ) , ami It a rranlar pitirrlpllon.
It licomtwrmltif tlio lot loulaa known, com
Mno.1 Willi tlio U-ii Uwxl putinert, acllnc !'
rtcllyci Ilia niimua nilacci. Tlia parfrct
compilation el lliv l"0 Imtrixllenlt la what pro
ilncra inch wumlrrliil iraiilia lo curlnioauurk.
BiiJ lor itiiimmiiaK lice.
r. J rilK.NKV .kco.. I'ropri . TolaJo, O.
Ml l.r dpiailtta, prlct76f.
llalli famllf IMIla atotboUit,
An Uill.niU ol Art.
"Have, you over urltlon anylhliiR
that you were nvhainvd of," Inquired
tho aoieiti relilllve.
"No," aiiatieriKl tlio author. "Hut
I hopo to Minio day. I need the
inonoy," Wathlimton Star.
CITC Parnjaaiwtlr QuraO o rila af natTonaoM
,n.U r.r. .! If VII It K i.00 lilal llln.l traab
lie. Pa. It II K ti . tu., w I arch at. f UllaJ.lahla. r
Oood Outii.
"Ho Is a torrlhlo vouinn hater."
"Yea; I Bimicct that atronio tlmn h
inunt have been n lloor walker In a de
partment atoro." Tuck,
Tht Cabbijt Cure
OablmRO la an old euro for drunken
nepa.. Tho Ku-yntlana uto It boiled be
foro their' other (ikhI If they Intendod to
drink wlna alter dinner, and wine of
tho remodloa sold na a proventntlvo of
intoxication on tho continent are eald
to contitln cubbftKo toed.
The Oldest and Best
8. S. S. b a combination of roots
and herbs of prcat curative powers,
nnd when tnVcn Into the circulation
oenrciicii out and rcmovco all manner
of jxiiioni from tho blood, without
the least shock or harm to the system.
On tlie contrary, the general health
begins to Improve from the first dose,
for S. S. S. Is not only a Hood purifier,
but an excellent tonic, and strength
ens and builds up the constitution
while purging tho blood of Impuri
ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a
blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula,
Rhcutuntlsiu, Chronic Sores and
Ulcers, Eczema, TsorlaslB, Salt
Rheum, Herpes nnd similar troubles,
nnd is an infallible cure and the only
untldote for that most horrlblo disease,
Contagious Blood Tolsou.
A record of nearly fif'y years of
successful cures is a record to be proud
of. S. S. S. is more popular today
thau ever. It numbers Jts friends by
tlie thousands. Our medical corres
pondence is larger than ever In the
history of the medicine. Many write
to thank us for tho great food S. S. S.
has done them, while others are seek
nhnut their cases. All
letters receive prompt and careful
attention. Our physicians hayo made
a life-long study of lllood and Skin Dis
eases, and better understand such cases
than tho ordinary practitioner who
makes a specialty of no one disease.
VVC IUO fcwt
good to suffering
Itv thro'utrh
in nt- i-nnsnUlnir de-
W nortment. and invite
you. to write us ll you have any blood
or skin trouble. Wo make no charge
whatever for this service.
tiis iwif r wwrio co, atuhta, u.
llulctiea In Htnuunnt Wntcr, I'uaaea
TliroiiKli Tlireo Hluuca of l.Uoiiin! llo-
iiiiiiea u Hilar Heoker After Jlliioil
lllaaeinliiiitor of lllaoiiao.
There nro n few fiieU wlileh may In
tho future ho Incorporated In tlio hloif
rnpliy of tho inoaiUlo, facta which
hiivu been collected partly by tho ln
qulry or acleiillalH, mid partly by tho
' otiacrvutlomi of laymen who live In
acctloiM wlieio Hie peallfcrotia limect
IlirlveH In itrrut numberM. Tho iiiod
ijiiIIo In obNerved In threo illrferent
forum, ax an cuid I" larvae, na n wiu-
llte-tnll, and na n inoaiiilto with wIhk.
I'.aui nro hutched by tlio wnnntii of
the Hint. Olio inowiillo may lay 1.WJ0,
olh) oku. Often many of theao i'Kks
nro denlroyeiV. Momililtoc cannot
iitipui;atu without tlio aid of wnler.
Tlio ckk are deKalted on tho xurraco
of llm water. I'.uuh hutch within a few
weekM after they are depoalted by tho
female They develop wIkkIo-IiiIU, thu
ciirloua forma of life often found In
inlii barrel, cUtema, In Kuttern Ullcd
with HliiKiiant water and lit atairnant
kmiU, In till wlKltle-tnll atago of hi
development the momilllto breathe
throuitli hi (all. Ho npunil till part
of hi life In rimliliitf to and from tho
aiirfnco of the water. When ho reach
e tho aurfuce, with hand down, ho
above two delicate ayphon through
the water level, auppllcM hi tunic with
(he needinl air nud dive under the
water again, where ho aueka In (he
veuetublo Jylce neceaaary to hi "
tennuee. He remain n wlKKlo tnll for
n week or ten day, when hi wine do.
velop n ml he become a nnvluator of
the air and anil forth to torment mem
ber of the human family and other
animal. He I fond of animal blood.
Ho need It In hi liunlncM. Ho cannot
propai.'ato without II. Ho aUo like
miliar, lllood, aiiuar and resemble
Juice nro hi principal diet A mo-
ntillo rood capacity I roUKUiy rati
ateil ut one drop of blood. HI dl-J
meuloii nre uncertain.
The gray moulto, the day tonncn
to, I prohaldy the amnllcfit variety.
Ho la of n very Unlit weight, not tip
ping tlio beam nt more than one-fourth
of n cmlii, and often not weighing
quite no much. Koine of them are o
Unlit (hut when unfed that they will
not dlMurb the balance of the moat
delicately Jwlanl kcuIi. The amnll
ino.Kiilto I the trencherou kind, lio
nlway light on tho under aide of tho
hand or arm, apparently knowing that
ho Is beyond the reach of tho eye.
Ho 1 the Maine fellow who will crawl
under the edge or tho bar or llp un
der the sheet. There I another and
larger variety, a kind that will drop
on you like a flako of snow. They
land wltli their labium, or lance, un
folded and with point down, and they
begin operation nt once. While the
mosquito of thl brand weighs about
omvhalf of n grain, ho necms to bavo
I lie tonnage nud Kitentlallty of n pllo
driver when ha punctures the n);ln.
There are nlKiut 1X0 known vnrletlc
of mosqultoeti In. (ids section of tho
world. The monqulto' labium, tlio
thing he atlugs with, I of uncertain
length. It It a sharp as a needle, hol
low llko n hair, and It Is through this
that lie suck blood Into his system.
Tlio mosquito cannot stand a strong
wind. He seek n low place when the
wind I high. He never geta more than
NX) yard from tho place of hi birth.
The ogga nro deposited on still, stag
nant wntcr. Otherwise they will be
destroyed. The life of tho mosquito
'over a span of nlxty days. As mails
aeinluator of dlne.ises, scientific men
have agreed that lit responsibility I
very heavy. Now Orleans Democrat
Wlmt l'riiaalnii Onvcrnment tlfllclula
Hock to. Accomplish.
Tlio managers of American railways
might, to tliolr own great advantage
ns well as to that of their pnlrons, take
a leaf out of tho book of tho govern
ment railway control of lruHsla.
Theso olllclals have ordered that ex
periments should be made looking to
ward tho substitution upon tlie 30,000
utiles of railroads which they operate
if non-combustible curs for tlio moro
or less Inllnmmnhle Ikixch lu which tho
public are now transported from place
;o place. Tlio steel truck are, of
.-ourse, already comparatively snfe
from destruction by tire, but tho con
struction or tlio aupemtructuro or these
coaches has always been or audi a nn
lore aa to bo something or a menace to
tlie traveler's safety. Tho walls and
lloora and general trim of passenger
cars havo ordinarily been constructed
of woods that nro peculiarly Inflamma
ble, and tfto- use of oils In their clean
sing nnd decoration has iuteusltled tho
danger. Tho 1'russlau experiments, In
recognition of theso facts, are to bo
tuado In the direction of making floors
and walla of materials chemically
treated so as to inako them non-com-
hustlblo, and of tho construction of
seats stuffed with tire-proof cocoanut
liber and having asbestos coverings.
It Is an Important step nnd In tho
right direction; and In a country llko
our own, where there Is so much more
travel and a comparatively greater
duty for conserving tho security of the
traveling public over tnofe than 180',0O0
miles of road bed, it would seem as If
It would bo a wlso precedent for tho
railway authorities to follow. Aa a
rulo our railways are exceptionally
well managed, and tlie traveler In the
United States gets a vast amount of
comfort nnd convenience nt a very
slight personal risk, but the further
step toward the making of flrc-proof
coaches would serve to reduce that
risk to a minimum which would
amount almost to Its total extinction.
Harper's Weekly,
Tattle Hull l'n.l and Other Btruimo
Wuja or Bo ml In i.ettora,
Liverpool postmen have recently been
lu a state bordering on distraction.
Some foolish person lu that city Inaug
urated a new fashion of using ping-
pons balls ns postcards. The balls
wero stamped, an address written un
Jder tho stamp and the mcssago
acrnwlml on the rest of thn surface.
Tho fuahlon spread raphlly nud tho pil
lar boxen hocamo full of thcuo mis
sive, which, from their thnpo, gars
tho unfortunate Hmtmeu nnd post
olllcu ollk'hil nu enormous amount of
trouble. At hist the niithorltle wero
forced to Intervene, nnd It I now con
trary to the regulation to u tho lit
tle globe of celluloid for postal pur
poses, '
Writing paper, or, Indeed, paper of
any kind, I usually nt n premium
among soldiers on active service. Many
very curious substitutes have arrived
from our army In Hoiith Africa. Ono
of the commonest tins been inenlle
lenvra. "Mealies" Is tho Honth African
name for maize. Hound tho maize cob
grows a number of strong enveloping
sheath which, when dry, turn to a
pale yellow color nnd can tiicii ho writ
ten IIIKHl.
After Coleimo there wn found
grasped In the stiffened hands of a
dead soldier n piece of leather with n
dying message scrawled upon It with
n stump of pencil. It was a layer of
the solo of tho dead man's boot, which
hud probably been loosened with much
marching, and which lie hud contrived
to rip off. It safely reached the poor
fellow's family In Kuglaud.
Kroin tlio Philippine, too, some curi
ous lotter havo been received by the
friend of American soldiers, any Mil
lion Tlt-llll. Ono of tho most luge
nloii wo a pleco of natlvo bamlwo,
nbout a foot long, on which nn address
had been carved wlth'a penknife, Th
letter wn Inside thl hollow tube, nnd
held there by wooden pin nt each
end. Tlie writer explained that he had
found It Impossible to get an envelope
or to II nil any gum lo make one, bo he
had recourse to till expedient
Dilil Ilc.lmiiitlnin of Vnrlnn I'erson
In tho SI ii to of Mulne.
Tlicro I In tho northern part of I'ls
rataqtils County n most estimable fam
ily, which consists of Mr. and Mrs.
Osslan Calllgau and their seven chil
dren. Three of tlio children are girls,
and tho remaining four, naturally
enough, arc boys. Tlio boys were chrl.
tenetl Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
rlillo the daughters rejoice In tlie
names of l-'nlth. Hope and Charity.
They are said to lie among the most
attractive young women lu that section
of tlie State. There is another Maine
family which also deserves mention In
this connection. They originally came
from Virginia, and settled In the north-1
western pan oi iinnum-n ummj wuu
after the war. Mr. and Mrs. Krustua
llhiclc aro negroes of the darkest possi
ble shade, nud their live children are
,n.,.n.l na 'fiUnim Alirnlmln T.tneoln
Ilhick, Harriet needier Stowc Illnck.j
Hannibal Hamlin Black. Julia Ward!
Howo Itlack, and Ulysses Grant lllack.
All of the family are still living, hut
the father and mother and Harriet are
tho only one who now reside In Maine.
Among others ore A. Hogg, n well
known groccryman in tlie western part
of the State, and A. lllrd Cough, n
prosperous liar Harbor groccryman.
Neal Sc Pray was formerly a well
known undertaking firm In one of Uic
towns nlong the const whllo 1. C. Spar
row Is even how Iii tho Ice cream busi
ness over east Cosscna Cnssens Cos
sens I to-day ono of Itocklaud's most
respected citizens. Forty years ago
Larky Sharky was ono of the best
known men In Ilungor. Clog Ogcuon
and Oakum Sulvy ure both enterpris
ing farmer In New Sweden. The list
might even now be continued almost
indctlnltcly. And there nro Btlll many
.towns to bo heard from. Kennebec,
Me., Journal.
Keeps Utssc nr Jtnynltr.
Many comments were made because
tlie Oerrtian Hmperor kissed Prince
Henry when tho latter returned from
his recent visit to this cotiutry. As a
matter or fact, although Hmperor Will
Iain Is the greater kisser of men among
tlio sovereigns of the world, he Is niso
a hearty handshaker and the freest
of all monarch lu this particular. In
deed, ho and the King of Italy; aro the
only supremo rulers who shako hand
nt nil with other than brother sover
eigns. The Kaiser reserves his kisses for
royalty exclusively. When he visits a
monarch or receives a visit from one
ho salutes him with six kisses three
on either check. This sometimes be
fore a crowd of thousands of onlookers,
not to mention n regiment or so of sol
diers. Hut tho war lord will shako bauds
with almost anyone. He liaB a grip
that Is famous among Ida subjects, too,
nnd the favor of bis hand grasp Is not
assiduously sought by those who have
had somo experience with it. Ills
Majesty has a big, strong build, with
muscles llko Iron. They havo been
cultivated by many years of sword ex
ercise. His handshake Is one that Is
not soou forgotten, and when he greets
n visitor with a handshake they say
at court, "His Mnjcsty has made an
other lasting Impression."
This grip, It Is only fair to say, b
reserves ror strong men. For tho op
posite sex ho has a hand that Is as
soft as velvet and a courtesy that Is
Vagaries of Memory.
What Is remembered depends, of
courso, much on Individual tempera
ment or Intellectual tendency, but the
Incidents nre always In tho nature of
milestones. Thousands of competent
persons can never recollect a date, even
when tho day was of Importance to
themselves or when, as, for Instance,
when preparlug for examination, Uicy
had specially tried to remember ac
An enormous number of people nre
embarrassed through life by a dliucul
ty lu recollecting faces, yet kings, po
licemen and artists rarely or never for
get ouo. Tho present writer has
reached the ago when tho difficulty of
recalling names quickly becomes an
noying, yet ho never forgets the num
ber of a houso.or shop If ho has once
heard or seen It The broad truth Is,
says tho London Spectator, that until,
ory Is almost as individual n possession
ns character nnd that the historian
when quoting personal testimony muBt
make up his own mind whether ho Is
listening tq Herodotus or to Mr.
Kvcry reader can (111 In tho blank,
Common scuso extracts mora solid
comfort from life than genius docs.
Produce Chronic Catarrh.
Madame liaballa Dlen liateaa,
Mnilamo Isabella Kllon llarea, Life
Governor Grand Lodge of Freo Mason
of Kngland, In a loiter from Hotel Sara
toga, Chicago, III., says!
"Tills summer while traveling I
contracted a most persistent and an
noying cold. My head ached, my eyes
and nose seemed constantly running,
my lungs were sore and I tost my ap
petite, health and good spirits. Doc
tors prescribed for me nil manner of
pill and powders, but all to no pur
pose. "I advised with a druggist and ho
spoke so highly of a medlclno called
I'eruna, that lis Induced me to try my
first bottle of patent medicine. How
ever, It proved such a help to me that
I soon purchased anotner bottle and
kept on until I was entirely well."
Madame Isabolla Bllen Havens.
Summer colds require prompt treat
ment. They ore always grave, and
sometimes dangerous. The prompt
ness and surety with which I'eruna
acts In those cases lias saved many
lives. A largo dose of reruns should
lie taken at tho first appearance of a
cold In summer, followed by small and
oft ropeatod dopes. There is no other
remedy that medical science can turn
leu, ro reliable and quick in its action
a I'eruna.
Addruna Tlie reruns Medicine Com
pany, Columlnif, Ohio, for a free book
entitlou "Hummer catarrh," wincn
treats of tho cntarrlml dlecaBes peculiar
to summer.
Native Pride.
"The,t race .cro.atb. Atlantic
that I ever hoard tell of," began the
old raclnz ekipnor.
"Is tho Oiriah, of courre," interrupt'
ed Hooligan. CathollcBUndardTimea. I
An Experienced Anjlcr.
Ethel Would you consider Tercy
Monockton a good catch?
Madge Certainly; if all the others
go ayl Puck.
ra aJlT13lJeiJ
a'lio Klntl Yon Have Always
turo ol unns. li. l- icicncr, nnu jias Dccn mauo nuuer uu
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no ono
to deceive yon In this. Conntcrfcits, Imitations and.
Just-as-pood." nro but Experiments, nnd endanjrer tlio
licrtlth of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorin is a harmless snbstltnto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothlnp Syrups. It is Tlcasnnt. It
contains neither Opium, Srorphlno nor other Narcotic
Biibstancc. Its ntro Is its ptiarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea nnd AVIud
Colic. It relieves Tcethlnp? Troubles, cures Constlpatloa
nnd Flntttlcncv. It assimilates tho food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, fflvltiff lienlthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
To protect your health and our reputation, we will gladly pay this big reward to any-one who will furnish us Infor
mation on which we can secure conviction of a dealer who tries to sell worthless fake Imltatlons.when CASCARETS
are called for. When you're offered something "just as good", It's because there Is a little more mqney In the fake.
Buy CASCARETS from the honest dealer. They are always put up In blue metal boxe3 with long-tailed trade
marked C on the cover every tablet stamped C. C. C, and they are never sold In bulk. Remember this and when
ever fakes are offered when CASCARETS are called for. get all the details and write us on the subject at once.
Cg , w ftcASoTuK'i Bwk 0)
linage MlupprthtniUa.
Boras How do you Ilk that last
poem of mlnoT
KagKU FIrat rato. It's so roitful,
so soothing, don't you know.
Horns Itostfull Great Scott,, man)
It' an eplcl
Naggiis Good Hoavensl I thought
It was a lullaby.
Illi Good Wife.
Dr. Price Your husb.tnd's tronhle
Is melancholia. Now, you'd help him
materially If you'd only arrange somo
pleasant surprise for him.
Mrs. Hharpo I knowl I know!
I'll tell him you raid he needn't bother
about paying your bill till he fevli like
A Real Birgala-
Mr. Youngthlng How In the world
did you come to deposit that money in
the bask Inatead of buying that auto
mobile coat you wanted?
Mr, (triumphantly) Why, I read
In this morning's paper that the Inter
est had lieen reduced from four per cent
to three! Puck.
Gutta Ptrcha Pent.
Pens of hardened gutta percha havo
been repeatedly tried In this country
and Kngland, but havo not met with
co p. eo.fio CLlrArc tmios
Established 1876.
I'oi moro than a
ilt", , Vn oicollod all other
1 makes. A trial will convince you.
!:&. WfimViZZi .2,310,000
Bttt Imported ana Amtrlct ItdHrt. Htfl'i
rtttnt Calf. Cnamil. Sex CM Cclf, Ylcl Kid. Conn
Celt. HO. Haitian, rait Color Ejelete aad.
baution I JlAmm and pricm atampad on bottota.
mail, lie. mm. lltm. Calalofrtt.
-"TV T II 1
Bought has borno tlio slsna-
Signature of
. i?MaWKVll
Long Hair
" About a year sgo my hair was
coming out very fast, so I bought
a bottle or Ayer's Hair Vigor. Jt
stopped the falling and made my
hair grow very rapidly, until now It
Is 45 Inches In length." Mrs. A.
Boyditon, Atchlion, Kans.
There's another hunger
than that of the stomach.
Hair hunger, for instance.
Hungry hairnccds food,
needs hair vigor Ayer's.
This is why wc say that
Ayer's Hair Vigor always
restores color, and makes
the hair grow long and
heavy. II.MaMHa. AlleVtnhU.
If jnar drnnlat cannot eupply 70a,
send na on dollar and wa will exvreea
Ton a bottle. IM ear aad jclf the nam H
aijwiHiminrrnioinra, jtanrraa,
A New Vcrilon.
"Do you think that all the world
love a lover?
"Well, not exactly. But all the
tradespeople do." Life.
Had "Been There."
"I believe her father Is well to do,
Isn't he7
"On the contrary, I've found him
very hard to do." N. Y. Times.
Foot of Morrlaon Street.
Can rive rou the beat barfalne In Botlera
and Knrtnea, Windmill, I'ump and Gene
ral liacninerr, nnoa rawing- aiacninea a
ipedaltf. Bee us before buying.
Boat on Earth
nmraaea JttamadeoTthe baat material poamtbl.
lobar. Tb maaurartorvre abMlot.ljr par Si
to St pr cent abor. tb. market prlc or baat
Kadra or waa-oo timber ror tho prtTllece or cut
is orer .d4 aklmmloe off the cream or th.
araxon atockr, wblch la carried for rto S year, be
fai maktne op. wblch meana an InreiitmeDt In
wood atorlc or orarlj on. million doltara.
MtTCIIKtJ. Wacona are nnaarpaaaed for
qnalltr, pro portion, flolah, atrengtb and Usbt
Why take chancre on anr otherf
Wbr-not fat the beat? X MITCHEU.
Mltcttmll, Lmwlm A Stmrmr 47a.
rortlaod. Seattle. Spokane. Bolaa.
Arenta Ererrwhere.
Buy the 0. K. BINDER
Tho Best In tho World.
The new McConnlck Rlrtt-nand Binder for
1903 bu roavar norel ud dutlnct fetuarw, rrp.
reseating Xl that U Bfwwi and bt tn tilndr
mannrctarc. It la built for dean work, quick,
perfect work. 1 1 la the Hinder 70a wanu
Call on ihe VtcConnlck arent, or CATA
UXJLt: UAILtlJ altKK. by
A. li. BOVLAN,
Oen. Aft. UcCormlck llarvealln( Uachloa C
Mltoholl Wagon.
BENJ. L COHEN, President. B. LEE PAGET, Secretary.
Tb Portland Trust Company ol Oregon Issues Interest Hearing; Certitlcates ot Deposit
on the PoUowloc Termil r
On Bpectal CerttHcates o( Deposit, not leu than toOJ each, payable upon ten days'
call by the holder or ten days' notice by the Trust Company, i per cent per annum.
Payable on thirty days' call or thirty days' notice, tH per cent per annum.
Payable on ninety days' call or ninety days' notice, f per cent per annum.
On certlflcatea ol 14,65) or oxer interest will be paid quarterly or semi-annually 1!
109 Third Street, Portland, Oregon.
roitland, Oieion, roiinJa-lUI
A Romi School (or Bayj.
Military and Minaai Training
Write for llluitraled Catatonia,
ARTHUR C. NliWILL, Principal
I'arentadeatrlns hnme Inltneneei.-ta-astlltil
tutmunillnita, perfect climate, eareriit aupar.
Tlalon. anil thnronah mental, motel anil f hae.
leal training for their bote, will Una all ihei
rennlremenie fully met at Itoltl'a Scbool, Ilea la
l ark, Han tlaleo County, Oat.
Henrt for Cataloaiiej.
Tweltn year llna Aintult Uth.
IKA o. llolTl" I'b. U, r nelpat.
Thl wondtrful CM.
nt doctflf I Cfttltxt
rftt bwnnM hi curM
topl without oprif
flon that nr rtn up
to tile. !! mrft wln
thofl wonjfffut Chi
iitmfl hrt,roft.9, tnnK
harks and Tffuhlt
that am tntlrolr un
known to mrtllral teU
enej tn thla country. Throiuh Ihntiwof tho
harm it, remrdlra thl fernou) dnMor know
the action of over fioo dlnrrn; remfdiM, whirls
bvaaocexirall uses In dl fTt rant dlaeaatM. 11a
jpjarant tu cur raiarrb, Mthma, ttinr,
throat, rhflumattiim. iiorvuiiiiioafi. atomacn.
llrcr. kldnira. te. haa hun1riHli of tratlnion
lata. Ch antra moderate, tall and if htm.
I'atlnts out of th city write for blank and
rtrcolara. Hnd 4 wnta In atarups. LO.NMUJ
HIM Third St., Portland, Oregon.
tTr Mention paper.
Well Machines
Oen, Agts.
Front St.
Portland, Or
5 DIVIDENDS. - For proipectue and Z
T lull particulate about now you atioiflt i
T recetre your money back each year In
Z dlvHenrla, aend your name and addreaa
i to Pacltl" Ccmst Inmatmtnt Co.
X Tacoma, Wiahlnnton. X
fTrinnlpc TV, rnarantee to help
twriJJlC9a too. wa har. lara-ral
I nnlf Hprrl factory weal or Chlrajtu
LOOK I ICTCl makliiK artificial llmU.
bracea.derormltyapparalaaand all kinds crip
plea'aappllaa. Lalrat Ronda. brat made. Write
ns and we'll abow you latent appliance for your
CWettm Aluminum Artificial Limb' Co.
Slk Waahlnirton Bt. 110i feecond St.
Portland. Orezon.
lit AlUky Wd Third and Morrison Hu.
The merits of the Bprtnrte?n Medlrtn Cent-
K 117 are well known. lktb ilalo and Ketuale
tnpJlcatlona, manr which have tMtmHl mtxll
cat expert everywhere, bare yielded to the
porencr of theee medic (nea. To Ihoee who
raiinotcall.addreM aa abore, and all la formation
will be provided. BAtUfactlooorniouey back
Summer Resolutions
HoeSey Cure
Hun relief from liquor, oplnm ami tobacco
niDlis. eenuiorparucuiarauj
Keeley Institute .V;1::
Mo,..! to 49a WlUUine
l'o.tlnml, Orafea
K. r. K. V.
So. OB 103.
tttIIKK wrtt.'or toadTertla.rapIeaaa
IT auentlaa tbu paper.