Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 06, 1902, Image 7

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Jimm piopli. nil U tdirr milk rruiit nr
alt rlii'iiiii,
Tlie surfr-rliia from It In xinirllmr,, In-
teiHrj onil uppllnilloiin nrn r rival lo-
thi'y iiilllunti', hut raiuml rurn.
It prowils (ruin litiniirn IiiImtIIimI or nc
nulrnt and oralta until llimo lutvii lirrii
Hood's Sarsaparilta
liiulllvely removes tlii-ni, linn riiillnilly
mill iH'riimiiiMilly rurcil tlin wont Minn, nml
In without mi diml fur nil cutiim'uii)
Like Thun All.
"Tills yimr will Im llin crontcnt In
our history."
"How ilo yon It mm?"
VWull, vvliv tliuulilti't It ImV Kvery
oIIiit yi-iip Iimh Ijooii . ' ' I ltd luiiu pul In
Mntlisrs will llii'l Mm. Wlnilovt's Snotti.
Iiitf Wynii Hut Ikii mniriljr to uo Inr lliolr
clilMrun ilurlni; tlm twilling; poilwl.
fearful Thnufht
A sluulow cri)"M'i tlin young, mini's
film, "(,'nn It lj Hint wo will iniikn n
mltitnkn In niitrryliitf,?" Im iiii'rltul,
"I low yon frlitliti'ii mill" ncxliilimxl
tliu nmlil. "I'I'h I i ii vi) imotliiir woil
illiiK' ri'licnrnel rlitlit uwiiy." I'lnliiilul
jililn HitonI.
CITQ rtitniillF CiirM. Hn flu mt h.rvomniv
rl IO ll.r ni.l 4.'. i.M.r MH,'aUlrat N.rr
1ll..rrt, l i. irii II It J,( 11I.1 1.41U n. li
i.. In. II. II Kiinl l.i.i wi auIi1UI'UIU1.IiIi,-
"It riM'tim to iih," Kilil tlio ymini!
lioiiMiwIfu, "tlicni'n cntlruly too much
Willi r In tlin milk you sirvi."
"It won't occur hkiiIii, Init'iiin," mill
tlin foxy inllkiniiii. "Von Hn1, tlin
farniura,' mini Inn Ihtii lvln tlin rows
too much unit ntnl It nnnhi 'um wiry
thirsty. Tlin fiiriuor'ri not u now mini
now," llnltliimru Niivvh.
n Ii n h llltu Your ln,a.
Atlan'e riNit', II ciiim liMlntul.awot
lll. triiMrlll.jc. liorvi.lii rel, ami Iti.tatilly Ukr
Hi illnif mil uriHirim rimI liunlnna. At nil llms
BUL, ,nl,. Aivrl.l Nil Hultlllll. Trial 1'ark-
!'( AJ'lrm, AllrnH.UIlii.liHj,fltor,.N. Y.
Slitm Laundry In Siberia.
An Aiiiorliiiii iiniipniiy rwoiitly
nhliil ii cuiiiii ti i-ti'iiin liiiiinlry out
lit to Vlmllvoslook, Kllmrlii. It In tho
llrtt of It Mini In Hint port of Um
vvurlil, mid will Iw cnpuhto of liiiiullin
1,000 pii-cos t' linen iluy, v i t li itn
wushurs, its orntrifiiKitl r incurs nnil
Itn Isrite niiinm'l.
Why nulfiT yourself, or lot others suf
for pain when relief limy lm Inn! nt om-o
ny u in mi; nniniurn ir.uru tin.
New Ktimdy.
(iortnati iiliyrirliw nro npiilyltii; n
now rmncxly Irclthlno to tho euro of
iIIik'iiik'I which rriulro tri'ntniout of tho
mirvrn mm nutrition. Iclllilno nml
ttn compound nro nnll tn linvu tend
ency to IncrciiFo weight nml uroHth.
'I'ho (trocor who wnntn In m-ll you n
Il.ikliiK I 'owucr of h ccrlnin liruml l r
rmiMi It In chciip, KiMicrntly linn very
littla to r-ny of im iml!ty. l'oor,
clicnp, hIiiiii llnkinu I'owiIith nro worn'
tlinn noun nt nil am oclllvcly injnrl
oil to Iicnltli. It y n rhcmicnl unnlvgin,
Monojiolfl llnkiiiK I'omlcr Icftn hiclicr
in qunlity anil purity tlinn any ntluir
colli In thin coiiiitry. Try it n ml if you
don't think no youi grocer will rufiiml
your money. If your uiocer iloutn't
liamllo .MonoM)lo crort-ricn, fend liln
nimu to Wndlnims A Korr Uroj., Port
Cny Prnbltm in III jh School.
To pro object n at a dintnnco of 100
in 1 1 en tlin ohnurver mimt bo ntnmliiiK at
a hulght of 0.007 feot alxivo tho level
of the neu. Tho rulo In that tho illx
Uniti In miles nt which nn'obbject on
tho curlli'n rurfuco nuiy Im peon in equnl
to tho i(tmri) root of ono nml n half
timet tho hclnht of tho observer In feet
alxivo tho pen level, nllownnco loinn
mndo for tho effect of ntmonphcric re
fraction. A Sty Doj.
Sir. Wooilhy (nimirnfiilly) Ah, yen,
tho flro wan moat dlsii(trou. All our
fu tnlly liolrlooms wero utterly destroyed
nn Irropntnblo tonn, In fact.
Mrrf. Toppory Tho ldil And didn't
you linvo thorn Ineuifj at all? l'lilla
tlelplila 1'recj).
No Money In Blcyclei.
Of nil tho hlcyclo factorlon In Ger
many only tlx pnid dlvidunda Inst year,
riftoon laro factorlon nro on tho point
of KOlntf out of business.
Catarrh hai become such a common
dlseaie that a person entirely frre from
this disgusting complaint Is seldom met
with. It Is customary to speak of Catarrh
as nothing more serious than a bad cold,
a simple inflammation of the nose and
throat. It is, In fact, a complicated and
very dangerous disease; If not at first, it
very soon becomes so.
The blood is quickly contaminated by
the foul secretions, and the poison through
the general circulation Is carried to all
parts of the system.
Salves, washes nnd sprays arc uucatls
factory and disappointing, because they do
not reach tho seat of the trouble. l'. h. S.
does. It cleanses the blood of the ikiIsou
and eliminates front tho system all eutar
rbal secretions, nnd thus cures thoroughly
and permanently the worst cases.
Mr. T. A. YVIIIUnu, a ltijlni dry goods inr
chant of Spartanburg, 8. c wrilm " I'or ytan
1 bad a acverc ease ot
naaal Catarrh, with all
tlis dliigrerablt affects
which Lalonr to that
dlicaie, sua which
nalit life painful and
idic. j u acq
I n a
mtdlcluaa prescribed by
leading phyatclaii and
suggeiied hy numbers
of filenda. but without
getting any better.
IBcn nt ian miaxB
B. It had tht del
ttfect, and ciiNd lut
IL.llUfl. In mw Anliiion S. A. B. la tilt only tnedl-
.1 t.w na hta.n '..1
claa now In ut that will effect a pcrmeucul curt
of Catarrh."
is the only purely veg.
etable blood purifier
known, and the great
est of all blood medi
cines and tonics.
If vou have Catarrh don't wait until it
becomes dtcp-sested and chronic, but be
gin at once the use of S. S. S., and send
for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases
ai writ our puysiclsut about your case,
Threo elei'lrlenl furnace of r00 horno
power eneh liuvo been rreelod nt Cn
uionlcn, In tho north of Itnly, where
tho iimiiiifiii'tiiro of pl(C Iron hy tho
KlilMiltlo pilteut will lie eliKiiKed III.
The ChliKKii court tuny npiiolut nix
foreigner, expert Hici:litllln, nn mi
Ihorltlen on luleruiitlonnl lnw nnd
11 mi nee nnd on inllltiiry, nnvnl, pnrlln
nientiiry, dumestlo nnd uovenmieuliil
Ho II I Ii AiiNlrnlln possessea one of
thosu nuely (M'currliiK plnlt-lmliti. tho
bottom of which Men below tho level
of the nen. An expedition, led by Pro
fessor .1. V. (Iregory, Iiiih Htnrled out
to liui'HllKiile thin Aiixtrullmi depri'K
Nlon, which Is linown us Hie I.nlie Kyre
llimlli. One object of tho explorern In
to nblnlii llxht on tho llliexplnliied un
live, truilltloiit coiicernliii; ulunt mil
mills Mid formerly to linvn InhuhltiMl
tho Imnln.
Not loni; ii go tlio perfectly prenorved
body of ii iiiiiii wiih illHvovvrt-d In n
eiiled iiji enve In tlio French I'yrcneixt,
whi'io ntone wiih being quarried, lie
nlilo Ii I in were poiiiu Implement of
utoii'j nnd n ilrlnkliig cup m nil of bnrk.
There were nlsu tho remains of it fire,
nml some bone of iiiiluiuls, which fell
lulu dust noon after being expend! to
thonlr. The hoily wnn wrapped In whut
In probably Hie nkln of n enve hear. Tho
iiiiiii miiHt havu been hirgK and athletic.
Tho O'uiiniil Coinpnny linn ordered
two now plilpn liitetiiled to excel nny
hitherto pbinued In their ocenu-goliig
speed. Twelily llo knots, or IMS miles,
per hour will be the iiintiiiel speed, to
develop which englnen of 47.000 homo
Kwer will be required. The turblno
prluelplu limy bo employed Instead of
cnglnex of I lie iikiiiiI form, mid t Ii In Is
expeclcil to afford n very deslrublo nb
nonce of (lie vllirntlou whleb Is so ills
ngreeahlo to tunny piiHaengerH In tho
nwlft nhlpH hlllierto htlllt.
Hcveral uietliods of npplylng electrici
ty to lumen the growth nml develop
ment of vegelntlou have been tested lu
(ierniiiny. une plan Is simply to elec
trify the air about the growing plnntn
by pnsslng n current through u system
of hill bed wlren from tbe polntH of
which the electricity In dlnehnrged. An
other way In to submit the needs to nn
electric current before they are planted
or noweil. Until of these methods nro
an Id lo have given favorable results,
but the best plun jet tried In that of
pnHHlng n feeble current of electricity
through the soil. A mitrket gnrdener
nonr I'lilernnn, N. .1., Is km Id to hnvn
tretihil the productiveness of his beds
of carrots, beetn and other vegetables
hy vending thrnugli them n current de
rived from the power cnhle of n trolley
line. A Hungarian chemist ban discovered
that some of the n.ilt lakes lu Trnnsyl
vnnln present the peculiarity of n layer
of wnnn or even hot. salt water, be
tween two bodies of colder water. Thus
lu the Mcdoc Lake tho surface temper
nture lu summer Is ulmtit 70 degrees,
but at n depth of a little more than four
feet tlin temperature becomes lrti de
grees, hut declines again fo MI degreen
at the bottom. The surface water it
fresh, hut the wnnn water beneath Is
Intensely saline, nnd the explanation of
the difference of temperature In that,
since the spcolllc bent of suit water In
less than that of fresh water, tho salt
water Is more easily hented hy the sun,
and having risen In a higher temper.!
lure than that or the overlying fresh
wilier, retain Its bent because the
fresh water prevents Us escape by
radiation. It Is suggested that some
use mleht lie found for these natural
reservoirs, or iv cfitilnturs, of holnr
l'nlili nlriil llurrilii lino to Make (limit
l.n liy l'liefl i.f llomcatlc.
One morning n few weeks ago a
lilitlst with a large nnd lucrative prnc
lee lu I'lirln. awoke to uuil.e the very
disagreeable discovery that a maid
whom he nml his wife had engaged
Mime days hefore had tlllted, carrying
away with her nil the money nnd Jew
elry on which she could lay her hands,
to'pjlher with gold which he used for
irofont.'.omil purposes, nnd last, not
Ii nit. a goodly collection of sets of
false teeth belonging to or destined
for dllTe.vut patients. One of these,
Imleed, Is said to have been the prop
erly of n former minister of world
wide repulnllon, while It Is even assert
ed with bntcd breath that a certnln
tooth, which bnd nlso been annexed by
tho girl, who Is evidently no respecter
of persons, had garnished the mouth
of a policeman who Is In such nn ex
alted position that he acknowledges uo
lie that ns It may, the robbery was
extremely nnuoylng, since, besides the
loss of tho valuables, the worthy dent
ist was placed on . the horns of a di
lemma with regard to some of his
most eminent patrons. The mnld had
been secured by him nnd his wife at
n registry olllcc, by which sho had
been warmly recommended ns u young
womnn of tho utmost honesty, who
had recently como up fr6m tho coun
try, nnd wns therefore without guile.
Ho her employers Imagined that they
had lighted upon a veritable treasure,
ond grcnt was their disappointment
nnd Indignation when they realized
the extent of the dlastcr which bnd be
fallen them.
Their wrath Increased when tho den
tist betook himself to the prefecture
of pollfo to report tho theft and to
stimulate tho energy of tho authorities.
lie was shown tho photograph of tho
girl, who hnd been "wnnted" for some
time, nnd with good reason, for. ns
one olllclnl put It, "yours Is tho eighth
place which sho has cleaned out In
this way, ami yj-o have been looking
for her for mouths."
"Hut," objected tho dentist, "at tho
registry ofllce, where I picked her up,
I was told that sho had Just arrived
from tlio country with tho best of
'Well, that Is n good Joke," replied
tho fuuctlounry. "Why, wo hnd sent a'
photograph to that very houso with it
note to tho effect that wo wero lu
i enroll of her, its she had committed
seVcn robberies. They packed tho
young womnn off to yon instead of to
us, although we. too. id a i.tnct. for
her which, when sho Is caught, aim
, will keep fur Home lime."
On Um nlri'tiglli of lids disclosure the
dentist look legal aelloii against Ibis
particular servants' registry nlllce,
j claiming dnmagcH in tlio amount of
I KM). The caso has come before the
civil court of Mm Heine, wllh tlin re
sult Hint C'.'IHI has been accorded tn
Mm plaintiff, tlin Judgment selling
forth that us these nlllce enjoy n
regular monopoly If Is Ihelr bounded
duty lu be careful and not to wclcomo
nil thu adventurers who may apply to
them. Meanwhile, says the lindon
Telegraph's I'nrls letter, the thief has
successfully dolled all the exertions
which have been lunde to Hud her.
Women niacins the Amount of Abuse
'llielr Hex rllioilld I'.ii'lnrr.
"How much beating should n wife
bear before sho made up her mind to
leave her husband?" was ono of tho
main subjects discussed today nt the
women's) conference of the In-IIIs-Naiue
Hoclcty In All Kouls Church, at
Madison avenue and CDIh street. In
tho opinion of Mrs. Louise Heymour
Houghton, editor of n religious news
paper, tho wire should submit rather
than leave her husband to be nt the
mercy of had Inlliieiipes.
Mrs. Hotiglon said that, although
there were lime lu tho present stulo
of society when a divorce seemed ncccs
nary, n higher nnd more Ideal stata
would make such a thing Impossible.
Hho called attention to the stormy do
mestic life of the prophet llosea. In
order to show lo what extent one pnrt
Iter should bear with the Indiscretions
nnd the sins of the other.
The sentiments produced n sensation,
and there was a murmur of dissent
One of thosu present asked If the
woman Injured hy mi Intoxicated hus
band should remain with htm, Mrs.
Houghton said that she had known
many noble wives and mothers whose
husbmids bad beaten them every Hnlur
day night. The speaker said that It
would be better for the family If thu
Injured wife had the grnce nnd tbe
strength of mind, and, above all, the
love for her husband, to hold to her
family relations.
Mrs. nilzabeth 11. (Jninuls suggested
that such treatment of a wife on thu
part of n husband wns degrading to the
innrrlage relation. Mrs. Houghton nn
swered that one soul could not degrade
another without that soul's consent
She said that she hnd known tn tbe
lower wnlks of life of husbands who
had beaten nnd 111 treated their wires,
nnd Hint, after nil, they had come
around nil right: whereas. If the wives
hnd left their lords and musters, tbe
men might have gone- Irretrievably to
the bad.
"What I wish to nsk," said Mrs. Ar
thur Smith, "Is, how long should a wife
submit to beating before she leaves her
"Mrs. Houghton, If I understand her
correctly," replied Mrs. Crnuuls, "said
there was no limit. Now, there was
John Wesley, whose wife dragged him
n round the house by the hair of his
head. It seems to me that It would have
been more dlgiillled hnd he resented It."
New York Correspondence Baltimore
1'ulnl MMnkc.
A new member of Congress wns very
nnxlous to get upon the good side of Su
perintendent Smith of the botnnlc gar
dens, so that some Mowers and potted
plants might be sent to his home. As
every one knows, Smith Is n lino old
Scotchinnn. who worships the memory
of "Hobble" Hums, and has probably
the Uncut nnd iihiI complete collection
of "editions of Hums' works In the
When, therefore, the new member
went to Smith he resolved lo any some
thing which would please the lover of
Hums. When lie entered .Smith's II
brary he looked wllh Interest upon the
"I always did love Jliumlc Hums'
poems," remarked the new 'member. "I
never saw such n Hue collection 'of his
works. I think .Ilmmle Hums wns i
of the greatest men who ever lived."
At this point Mr. Smith could contain
himself no further. "'Jlminlc' Hums.'
ho exclaimed, angrily. "Tommy W sh
Ington! Sammy Honnpnrtel (let out!"
And then tbe new member realized
that be bad made a mlstuke. Washing
ton 1'ost.
At mi Abnormal Anglo.
Any one who rests bis head on n pil
low and bolster while be Is sleeping Is
slowly but surely committing suicide,
says a French physlclun The only nat
ural position for a man while sleeping
Is tho horizontal oue, and the llrst thing
to do lu order to accustom one's self to
It Is to remove the bolster. Within a
few mouths one will be nble to sleep
much more calmly than ever before,
nml, moreover, tho general health will
bo much Improved. This statement Is
not made lightly, but Is the result of
long experience. Tbo next step Is to re
move tho pillow, for not until then will
the circulation of tbe blood be ns free
as It should be. The pillow and bolster
keep the head and neck at an abnormal
angle, nnd consequently tho sleeper's
eutlro body remains during the night
In nn uncomfortable- position, and ono
which Impedes tho free course of tlio
blood through the vessels nnd organs.
A Trust There, Too.
"But," we say to tho Intrepid polar
explorer, "do you not fear that you will
become depressed for lack of home ties
and home customs while In tho frozen
"Oh, I don't know," he carelessly re
sponds. "Why, It Is very homelike up
there. Fresh meat Is quoted nt $3 n
pound." Haltlmore American.
In tho Campaign.
"I believe." said the candidate, "that
tbo Stato wants me."
"rerhnps," replied his friend. "Hut
the voters nmy refuse to honor u
requisition." Atlnntn Constitution.
"When I die," said n man tho other
day, "I don't want any ono sent for, I
don't want n crowd around to seo mo
die, nnd I want to bo burled us quietly
and quickly ns possible."
When you abuse any one, and your
listener says nothing when you get
through, how flat you feel.
If you work for a womnn, you novo
to earn every cent coming to you.
ISmprest rinephlrie, Wife of Napoleon,
Horn There.
Of cspeclnl historic Interest Is the Ill
fated Island of Martinique, whoso
blackened, lifeless ruins tell tho story
of a lery visitation exceeding that of
roiaprll. It was on this Isle of tropical
luxurlauco that tho impress Joseph
ine, first wife nf Napoleon llonnparte,
was born In 1753.
Her father came from an cslnto near
Illols, France, emigrating to Mnrtnlqus
aad locating In the little linmlct of
Trols-IIeti, to serve as a naval olllcei
ondvr tit Marquis de Beauharnnls,
then la command of tho Island. Het
mother. Hose Claire den Verges do Hull.
Beds, balongcd to a family which had
lltwwlao nettled In the colonies.
A long, low building, set In tho midst
of a phituresqun and richly wild
growth of wouil and tangled shrubbery,
was tbo homo In which was born tho
child, Mario Josephlno Itoso Tasefacr de
In I'agerle, destined to one day grace
tho court of no Kmperor.
Uer days of childhood were spent tn
this smiling atmosphere and it was
here that tbo warm, free, generous
! iiiTiiiXACt:')r jos
characteristics that made ner the re
cipient of a nation's homngu aud love
were Imbued Into her nature. She had
servants to attend her every wish from
the time she was nblo to lisp a com
mand. Her life was free from care;
there was nothing but laughter and
gaiety for the youthful Josephine. She
was really a queen before sho could
talk, nn empress In face before she
ever saw the shores of France.
Hut ns sho ndvanced In years her
life became more milled with the
cares and disappointments of the
world. When but 10 years of age she
was married to the Viscount de Heau
harnnls In France. The marriage prov
ed nn unhappy one and the couple
Were subsequently divorced.
In 17110 she became the wife of Na
poleon Ilonapartc and until be separat
ed himself from her to marry Maria
I.oulsa lu 1809, she followed him lu Mb
checkered career with unfaltering lo.-c
and devotion. Hy her Invariable good
ness she won the hearts of the people
and even the admiration and esteem
of her opponents. When Napoleon di
vorced tier, the crowned heads of Ku
rope offered her protection aud estates,
but sho remained nt her former court
of Mnlmalsnu until denth claimed her
In 1S1-I. Her remains now rest in n
marble tomb within tbo church at
lu Santa Anna. Oil.. Is a man who
tins built for his own use nn automobile
that' Is certainly a curiosity. It Is bulfA
on the Waterbury watch Idea. lis pro
pelling power comes from a huge
spring. There are three other smaller
springs from which power Is nlso ob
tained It uses no fuel, nnd nil that Is
necessary to get It ready for the start
la to work a lever which winds up the
Tho Snuta Anna man ban mndo nu
merous excursions on country roads
with his curious little machine, nnd
has never bad u breadkdown. The en
tire machine weight but -110 pouuds.
and It has attained u speed of 11 ft eon
miles an hour on n level road. It Is
not good at bill climbing.
The machine will run under ordinary
circumstances about ten miles on oue
winding. The Inventor does tiot claim
that he has made nuy great discovery.
and docs not propose to build machlues
for the market. He built this oue for
his own use and amusement.
Are You There?
If a story told lu M. A. V. be true
In all particulars there exists a mnn
who has cause to regard the telephone
with nn unfriendly eye. It Is related
that one evening when l'rlnce of Wales
the King was at a public dinner at
which he wns to speak. During the
meal ho told on equerry to send to
Marlborough Houso for a book, to
which ho wished to refer for n fact.
The equerry gave tho necessary In
structlous, and the hotel manager rang
the royal residence up on tho telephone.
After ho bad made himself understood
thero was a pause of many minutes
lie rang again, then again, until at
last, losing all patience, he llterall
shouted: "Aroyou-therc? What In
the world do you mean by keeping Ills
ltoynl Highness waiting? Can you
find tho book or not?" To bis angry
expostulations came tho quiet answer.
"Wo are very sorry to keep you wait
lug; wo are doing our best to tln.l the
book, which shall bo sent ou nt once.
I'leaso tell my father this because ho is
so particular." Tableau!
JlnzariltiiK n (liiess.
"They are all talking lu Hoston about
the greatest beauty at their- horse
show." ,
"Souio out-of-town girl, of course."
Cleveland Plain .Dealer.
Book Agent (at door) Ave you tho
boss of this houso? Henry Peck No;
I'm the boss' understudy,
Talk to n hundred different men. ou
any subject, aud you will get a hun
drcd different oplnlous.
Of tho United States Treas
ury Rocommends
I)r Llcwollyn Jordan.
Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, medical ex
aminer for the V. H. treasury depart
uient, gratluato of Columbia college,
and who served threo years at West
Point, has the following to say of I'e
runa: "Allow me to express my gratltudo
to you for tho benefit derived from
your wonderful remedy. One short
month has brought forth a vastchango
nnd I now consider myself a well man
after months of suffering. Fellow
sufferers, I'cruna will cure you."
Peruna immediately invigorates tlio
nerve centers which give vitality to the
mucous membranes. Then catarrh dis
appears. Then catarrh is permanently
A free book written by Dr. liartmnn
on tho subject of catarrh in its differ
ent phases and stages, will bo sent
free to any address by Hie Peruna
Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Catarrh Is a systematic disoai-fl cura
bio only by a systematic treatment. A
remedy that cures catarrh must aim
directly at thu depressed nerve centers.
This Is what Peruna does.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Ilnrtman, giving a
full statement of your can; and he will
bo pleased to give you his valuable ad
vico gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, president of
the Iiarmtan Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.
She'll Sine; Hereafter.
A charming young lady, who glories
in the possession of a wealth of bright
auburn-colored hair, is the teacher of
a Sunday school class. On a recent
Sabbath the roctor made the announce
ment of a hymn to be rung, and, rising,
waved his hands, and the organ pealed
"Now," said he, "ready sing."
A email and precocious youth in the
young woman's class said:
"Why don't you sing, Miss Frisbeo?"
"Mo? Oh, I never sing," replied
the teacher, smiling her prettiest.
"But," exclaimed the boy, "the
minister says you must. Didn't ho
just say, 'Now, Ileddy, sing?'"
Smeiling raits and numerous other
restoratives had to be used to bring the-
teacher out ot her faint.
Ilighblovver My first daughter mar
ried a poet, my second an artist, and
my third a railroad magnate.
Dimpleton And which couple is the
most fortunate?
"Oh, the first two of them. They
are supported by tbe husband of tha
third." Life.
"Were you surprised when I pro
posed?" ho asked.
"Well," sha ropliod, thoughtfully,
"I wes not so surprised that you pro
posed as I was that you did not propose
on some previous occasions." Chicago
The Freedom Seemed Queer.
"Of course you were given tho free
dom of the city?"
"Yes," answered the distinguished
visitor, "but I had to keep so close to
t regular tchedule, under the strict sur
veillance of so many committee), that
it was hard to realize how free I was."
Washintgon Star.
j, . IS For Infanta and Children. jTXMttTTX
1 Always Bought M
ANtCelablcPfcparalionrorAs- ja a MliiSih BUDGIES.
slmnallngilicFoodandllefiiila- M M S i
tingtiicStoiiiacJBQnlBowlsof BearS the 1 S tffSSSSiSf&SUSi 5
-rn, si m mi, I, -1 1- mm w vw M w Mf K I V cusa he7 made of (rood lntlerUl.lii V
mV73tAntf a fir fiW I BUnl "Oregon roa.l" Iron cornrrt on
EPfVlfrflpyWiJI rN JSf W 1IA bod let, foru- ou hilti. heavy eoond-
" ' "M rJn 3l rvnnTIIWi M JT1 I aromii whel, crwed rims. If you want
5q iVlIM I Irllilllrl jBr l PJ 3 tofeiurelhtrouare getting Vour mon V
Promotes DigcstloaChccrfur-kl ' jf t WT SVitKB XSk 2r$:
nessnndnest.Contalns neither M nf J M 9W S ZhZ'ii , 5
Opium.Morphino norMieral. :I 01 (V'lW ( S$g"'gS&.
Nor "Naiic otic, m Lir rtMA(N(VVwvy
jimfteroubrSiHvaimiaa km
OsizJT1' m I Jf ' r s
m 11 ill " Milwaukee Mowers
ggBS ) Hat f Use and vlctor Rakcs
Apcrfecl Remedy rorConsUpa- liu I H
non, Sour Stonaeh, Diarrhoea Pffl I kf ra """Tgfl
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- tjra I Bf EL n P BlimP fjShJ&r
ncss and Lobs of Sleep, fa XJ1 ful UVI3I W
Tac Simile Signature or m , V fff
1 Thirty Years -jJplP
pl p it PTHy I n
TeT.U0eT. .-.. CITY.
Hawaii In Dag Collin,
Dog collars nro made of alt sorts of
semi-precious stones In effective do
aligns. One fashionable style Is of
many rows of coral beads ,nlth a largo
clasp of brilliants. A fantastic collar Is
of imitation poarls.wltlia largo vampire
tike bucklo In front, tho wings being
of odd blue enamel and the eyes o(
biasing rod stones.
Dundonald ai an Inventor.
Tho Karl of Dundonald, who Ii com
ing to Canada In command of tho Do
minion troops, won distinction as a
soldier In South Africa and has glvon
his country mime valuable military in
ventions, notably the Dundonald gun
carriage. He married Miss Winn I (red
Ilrsketh, a Welsh heiress who owns
Owyrch castle, a beautiful placa near
A Modtit Request.
An omnivorous reader down in Ken
tucky wrote to Senator Dehoe for a copy
of every document issued sines tho
government was established.
"I am sorry," answered Deboe, "hut
all the freight cars horeabouts are
busy." Washington Post.
Not to Be Drowned.
Oyer Queer thing about the Niagara
Falls, isn't it?
Myer What's there queer about it?
Oyer Thero isn't enough water
goes over it to drown the noise. Chi
cago News.
A Wandcrlnj River.
During the last century the Chinese
Yellow river changed its course 22
times. Its present mouth Is COO miles
away from its mouth of 1800.
In Memory of Dr. Johiuon.
Dr. Johnson's long association with
the Strand, Xindon, is to be commem
orated by placing a beautiful stained
glass window in St. Clement Dane's
Market lias Been Advancing and Prices Arc
Some idea of the magnitude of tho
sales of twine may be gained from the
fact that during the first nine months
of the currant fis al year, the value of
fiber imports into the United States
was nearly (23,000,000.00.
Every man in tbe
Northwest who
has to do with the harvesting of crops
is interested in this matter. Many Mis. Kidder Tbe ideal riniauol
have pursued the old time policy of phia Prosa.
"waiting" for a break In the prices be-1
foro they buy their twine, but, for
many reasons, tbts year prospects are
that prices will remain practically un
changed, and certainly not lowered,
as as the fiber for this harvest's twine
has been already purchased. Some of
the largest houses have sold all tho
twine they will be able to produce for
the coming harvest, and are therefore ,
out of tbe market. In a few Instances ,
it is known in the trade that travel
ing salesmen and manufacturers have
cut wholesale prices In order to induce
dealers to enlarga their orders for im
plements, etc. But this has not been so
largely done as in former years, and
probably will not affect general prices
at all. Prices have rarely been so firm
a. at prewnt; that is to say, there has -
seiuomDeenso mtie snaoing or mo
aveva nl Ian kT tnafasa Tn aaanaMtfia rit
LaistuiMticu l't iv-woa -a. a. c uj J b
this period, manufacturers and jobbers,
complained frequently of cutting by
competitors. Just now no complaints:
of this kind are heard.
To anm up the situation there is not
in the fiber prices any warrant for re
ducing the quotations on twino, and it
probably is the best advice that can be
given to dealers generally to suggest
that they do not hesitate in baying all
the twino they need at the present
market price.
We note that the sales of btannard
Twine are not nearly so heavy this year
as they formerly were. This is only a
repetition of all past experience, that
when an an article Is gotten up to de
ceive or in imitation of a better one, it
Is only a question of time when it is
found out and is forced down to its in
trinsic value.
rrno.voEn and bstter than common' iiallocics or any otiier berry box
No Staples. No Tacka. Opena lite a rper box, ready for uio.
Gray Hair
" I have used Ayer'a Hair Vigor
for over thirty yean. It ha kept
my icalp free from dindruff and
his prevented my hair from turn
lf"H erar." Mr. P. A. Soule,
Billing, Mont.
Thero is this peculiar
thing about Aycr s Hair
Vicor it is a hair fowl,
not a dye. Your hair docs
not suddenly turn DiacK,
look dead and iifolcss.
But gradually the old color
comes back, all the rich,
dark color it used to have.
The hair stops falling, too.
11.11 a Mil. All erttllili.
If tur drarf let cannot a
anpply yon,
fend ua on dollar anrt w win axpreaa
jml a bottle. n euro aniljtlt inn nam
of your neareic exnrM offlee. Address,
tt . Aim Lun.n, aiaai,
Mow II Wai Done.
"I'll match yon." said tho sporty
girl, "to tell whether I'll sccopt you or
"Alas," ropllod tho foxy suitor,
"you aro more than a match for mo."
Thus, by his compliment, ho won
her. Chicago Tost.
MljM Have Been wonc.
Casey to Cassidy, who has Just lost
his arm in an accident) Oh, my! Oh,
my! but Oi'ro sorry fur ye, man.
Caesidy Tut, tut! Bhuro, OI'm In
luck. That was tho arm 01 was vac
cinated on, on' 'twas jlst beglnnln' to
hurt me." Philadelphia Fress.
He Wu Next to the Game.
"Pnt not your trust in riches," said
the clerical looking man in tlio rusty
"I don't," roplicd the humorous
looking individual, "I put my rlcliea
in trusts." Exchange
Table Talk.
Mrs. Kidder So this is, really, arti
ficial honey. Where does It come from7
Mr. Kidder I understand it is
gathered from artificial (loners by arti
ficial bees.
Ouli Chat Up-lo-Dite.
'In these saudy wastes," observed
the traveler, "tho camel is indeed in
"Oh, yes," replied the Arab, non-
chalantly. "I have heard It reforred
' the automobile of the desert."
Golden Penny.
Safe let.
Scared Amatenr la the ice safe,
my dear child?
Dear Child Oh, yes, de Ico is safe
all right, but I don't know wedder
you'll be or not. New York Journal.
Accounted Per.
"T Jnn'l till- nn trail V,t T tl.tnV
of ,ota 0, brI hl tMnst sometimes."
, ..That siiov!n -ou have a pocd mem-
ory anyhow." Indianapolis News.
PoiUand, Oregon. Founded 13701
I Hons School for Bays.
Military and Manual Training.
Writ for Itloatrated Catalogue.
Summer Resolutions
Eur relief from liquor, opium and tobacco
habits. Send for particulars to-
Iffialnu Instil nla UoTeil to 4 JO tvilllnma
Keeioy instiiuta at... ro.u.nj. or.
No. 331003.
WHKTT wilting; to advertiser! plena
mention tbls papr.
W want to nnd you a Catalogue FREE.
Juat drop ua a Uo.
J. A. FREEMAN, Gent. Act.
2o Caat Water St.,
Walter A. Wood and Minnie Extra