Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 06, 1902, Image 5

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    Anotiiku lHHt(IT WHitCK.-
Freight trnitiH No. 221, south
bound, No. 226, northbound, col
lldcd nciir Tunnel No. g, lour
mile south of 1,01.11111 about 11:30
o'clock Wednesday morning. Hn
Kltieers Hamnsuii ami Wesley Kli;i:s,
who were in charge of No. 221, arc
fetiorted to lie badly hurt and
UtiiUctniiii Cordon It. Allen, of the
flame train, had mm of bis legs
crushed. It In alleged that tin ac
cident was dtte to KtiKiiiccr Ril,'!!
overlooking his time by one hour.
The ciiuiiirit did not leave the track
und owin,: to the fact Unit the col
lision declined on a a 00 yards
south of the tunnel where the
trains slow tip to rcleiwe the nil,
the contact of the two tr.iius was
lens productive of serious results
than if u liit'li rate of speed had
been maintained. W'tcekliiK trains
were called from l.tnuts I'uss mid
nbotit five hours' work wns requited
to clear tlie track.
Haoinaw Man Wish
During the autumn of (901 the
1'acilic HoiiieMead nrmticcd for a
tirixc article contest in its Patrons
of Husbandry department, wbetc
III it asked lor a iniiiiDcr ot coiii-
itctltlvc articles on the subject of
"Why Ho Farmers Need (Jriiuu
lntion, and Why Is the Grunge
Hcst Suited to Tlnir Needs?" The
responses were quite uuinetous it 1 1 1
the contest became quite interest
in);, so much so that the I Icunc
stc.ul very much regretted to see
it cud. The ai tides weic sub
mitted to It. O. I.eedy uud J O.
Willi', masters uf the Oregon and
Washington iSiate Granges re
spectively, and by their decision
uwimled the liist e.ish prize to C.
T. Dickinson, ot Saginaw, I.ast
week the Homestead comes out
and give the uble article in full
with a halftone of Mr. Dickinson.
The I. O.O. !' lodge of this city
is making a substantial and a vrr
much needed improvement on the
ball property on River street. The
object ot the improvement is to give
the Pacific Timber Co. mote More
room oil the mound lloor and in the bulge room llixir space on
the upper, the addition to the main
building Is 30x45 feet including the
Mir way. Whcii completed the
1'acilic Timber Co will have a store
room about 35x75 feet with a front
west ami south. The upstairs will
be cut into banquet, kitchen ami
i.waphcru.iti.i looms, enabling the
tiintirigeineiit of the buildim; to
throw'the entire upper part of the
old building iutu .1 lodge room.
is'isw Imi'iiovhmunts.
As good weather takes the pl.ici
of bad, improvements Ix-gin to ciop
nut everywhere in Cottage Grove.
Aside from various resident .jui.
ptovemeuts. Main sticct makes 11
good shov-i ig. The Hcagle build
ing now owned by CIms (Jrissen ot
McMitinvilIc, is being refitted fui
tiutcher-.liop: Dr Wall's new ofiici
w ill soon be 111 course of construe
tioil. the loiiudalion already bring
laid, Jas. O-traudcr has opened tlx
rear end of his barber simp aim
Mill extend it 22 feci, putting in
t.vo new bath room", and refliiUh
ing the entire building. The Martin-Jenkins-I.awson
building is also
under course of const Miction, the
carpenters commencing work Tucs
Uaisks CoKN.
Kelix Curriu showed a Nugget
m ill n couple of cars of White Dent
field corn that will compare with
Iowa or Nebraska productions.
Mr. Curriu has long since demon
strated that corn can lie. raised in
this section with n marked degree
of success lie commenced to ex
periment about ten years ago. At
lirsl he did not meet with much
success but by saving his seed and
planting from the Oregon crop he
lias succeeded in getting a splendid
Maud. Last year he planted fifteen
ncres which averaged about 50
bushels to the acre, and the year
was not on average for com either.
This year he bus 30 acres into corn.
Wm.t. it Guow?
When you talk about a prosper
ous country it would be well to
think of home. Hill Nye said Hint
be knew a certain man iu his day
that was so particularly fond of
dried apples that he actually bought
1500 lbs and planted them with the
view of raising a crop. This bow
ever is not a circumstance in com
parison to J. II. Mch'arland who
actually worked until perspiration
flowed freely planting drii'.I) KWUUT
cokn. Now the question is whether
this will prove n success in this
particular locality.
The railroad to Bohemia, the
first rails of which were laid late
last week, received its first cars on
the track last Sunday. The fact
that this road is under construction
attracts much attention here, and
everybody turns out tq make a
good-natured inspection ofthe road
already constructed. I.ast Sunday
nearly every man, woman and
child lined up on the main track of
the S. P. Co. and viewed the new
work with much satisfaction and
The seventieth annual commence
ment of the Central Oregon State
Normal School of Drain, will be
held there on June 8th to 12th.
Sunday, June 8th at 11 a. m., ser
mon; Monday, 8 p. m., program of
the Literary Society; Tuesday, 8 p.
in. music program; Wednesday, 8
p. 111., class day exercises and
Thursday evening at 8 p. in. com-jaenccnictit.
A Thust.
It is said that last Tuesday mom
lug the barbers of this city entered
into a combine, whereby they
agreed to charge republicans iocIs,
per foot per shave. Que shot
stilted that they only shaved three
republicans that day, but the net
proceeds by the new scale, netted
an ordinary week's profit. Th
average length of the republican
face that morning was from y'j to
1 1 leet, 3 luetics.
Piano ItixiTAr, ,
AIih. I,. I). ItivU uhhIxIciI tiy her
pupllMicnvitiivrrv liiti-nutlm; plimo
ivcltnl nt Mii-Uii'h ball lust YVi1im-k.
uh.v iihciit. Tlie ciitcrtrilimifiit was
opened by 11 solo "Nearer My (ioil
to Thest" by Mis. IlceU; Invocation
by llii v. I.. I). Ileelt anil then an ail.
iIii'mh liy Mayor Job, rill t which was
most, cordially received. Owltitf to
luck ol Hpacti tin program cannot lie
printed IIiIh week, but miiIIIco It to
say that the execution of the viiHouh
iituniKTM iy .urn. Heck'n pupllH tlcin
oiiHtratcM tlm proficiency of the lady
iih a leaencr.
Last Monday night the Kcdmcu
of this city held their scmi-nniitial
election ol officcrsas follows: 12. A
Wilison. sachem; T W. Jenkins,
prophet; Dr. 1'.. A. Anderson, sr
sagamoie; Ceo. Comer, jr. saga
more. On the evening of their in
stallation the brawny Kcdmcu
will give another one of their en
joyable smokers.
Momh'v Messrs. Abrams &
Thomas started the planing mill,
having received a carload ol cedar
Ittmbei from Ilootli-Kclly Saginaw
mills. As soon as roads will admit
of hauling, lumber will be hauled
in from the v.uioits country mills
ind a complete stock of dimension
material will be constantly on hand.
W. (). V. K.NTKrtT.trNMKST.
Prof. M. (I. Kteel under theiuiHiilccH
ol llolietnlii Camp .No. '-'00, will kIvc a
Stereontlclan and Plionouraiililc
Klinw at .Mai'lin'H Hall on TlunHiluy
"veiilin: Jtiiii li'tlt. This HlinweomcM
highly ns'ommemled and ax It Is In
tlie Interest ol tlie local camp ol
Woodmen here, a naclicd Iiimiho Is
ilMMiin'd. AduilHHton 1U, l.ri and IKie.
Ike TomiikliiM ami Jack IaiwIh
Imve formed a partnership and will
ohmi a meat market In the old I Senile
hiioii, exiK'ctinir to im ready lor IiiihI
ill nil. next Monday. Tlu shop has
ihvii tiinroiiKiiiy renovated and
everything will Im put In arid lie kept
In first elaxs hImiiic.
Cal llorcn, former proprietor of
the Warehouse on the road to Ilo
hemia, bus purchased the Cottage
Oiovc hotel und taken charge of
the same. The Nugget wishes
in) success.
I'liK SAt.H.
A number uf fine yearling Cotts
wool btickr. for sale. Inquire of I).
U McParlaud.
Personal Paragraphs.
1'. II. MurcUH, of
Doliemlu, was in
lie city this wivk.
(l. t:. ami lien (illlHTtxon were In
(rotii Iloliemla this week.
ieo. Oliver, ol Kiiuciie. Is iiSHlstiii
.lenkliiH & IiWHim tills week.
Itev. John DawMon, of HoHelmrt;,
wus In CotliiKc tlrovo Wednesday.
Lee Henrv made 11 trip to the
county seat Monday.
Otto llrown, of Hugcuc, was a
visitor in the city Sunday.
A. Nelson was down to the
county seat last Saturday. -
Jack Qnlnu wasHhakhiK hand with
old frlendH In Cottngu drove the
HiiIiih Kdwards hns returned from
a Hcveral month'H visit with his pa
rentH at Mislfonl.
Roy Hakcr came up from Port
laud Sunday and is making a visit
at home.
Mrs. Cottle and daughter Kthcl
attended Memorial Day exercises
at Hugenc last I'riday.
Tim hoiiHcltotild kooiIh of Mr. and
MrH. Iav Y. Henry arrived from the
east this week and they have koho
liotiHckccpinK In llert Wood's house
on the West vide.
Wm. Cnidey (Illll McKluley) writes
tho NtiKKet that his puiier lvaches
him reKularly each wwk and Inci
dentally iviimrkH that he voted tho
HtralKht repulillean ticket.
Misses Daisy Dillard and Daisy
Gilbert came up from Kugene last
Friday and assisted in the program
at the band concert.
Mrn. J. J, (IIIi'H, of Portland, mother
of Mrs. K. II. ItoHimburK of this city,
Is vIhUIiik her daughter and will
probably Hpem) thu greater part of
tho Hiimnier here.
Miss Nettie Uurdick, of the U. of
O., came up from Eugene last Fri
day and is visiting at home a few
days before the examinations at the
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brown were
up from Uugcne the first ol the
week on a visit and while here
lookedthe town over with a view
of locating. Mr, Brown just ar
rived from Nebraska.
C. A. Nelson of Greenwood,
Wisconsin, accompanied by his
family has located in this city. Mr.
Nelson expresses himself as highly
pleased with Oregon and expects to
make Cottage Grove his future
Johnson P. Taylor returned to
Tangent this week to undergo
further treatment for his cancer,
under Dr. Aikln. Mr. Taylor looks
and feels much better and feels con
fident that the treatment now being
administered will effect 0 perma
nent cure, He certainly has the
sincere wishes of his many friends.
J. II. 'Morgan's Interesting; Letter
on Bohemia Properties,
Bohemia, May 20, 1902.
Mr. Ivi)iToKhir In answer to
your request iu your last issue of
the NugKct I've come to the con
elusion to drop you a few lines in
regard to the United states of Do
hernia, 'there arc not many of th
old timers iu here yet, as the roads
are in poor condition, but the snow
Is going oil rapidly. I hope to see
the boys coming back and bringing
iu lots ol mining men, that is, men
with capital, something like minini:
companies ofthe old style that I've
seen in Utah and Cornucopia, Kast
ern Oregon, that will lay out $2sO.
000 before ttiminir a wheel. Some
people will bay that such compatrvs
cannot lie louud. That is all 11011
scum:, whenever they begin to find
out the nature of the camp mid the
lormaiiou 01 tuts country tuey will
come. 1 can well remember the
time iu Park City, Utah, when
everything was dead, when Mr
Craig Chambers then a poor pros
pector like myself, sinking his
shaft 011 the Ontario and about to
give it up ns a bad job, but stuck
to it until he got down 75 feet and
struck it, about $200 per ton. Then
Park Uty began to boom, then the
railroad came in, then the stock
went up to a 1,000,000 shares at
$36 a share. Hverybody's atten
tiou was drawn to Park City and
there was 110 lack of capital. Now
I predict the same thine for Bo
There is Cripple Creek
tist exactly the same formation as
we nave here. 1 hey sunk to nuite
depth before they struck what is
called sylvanite ore,' very rich in
gold. I've seen the same indica
tions right here iu Bohemia. Kvery
prospector uon t know this ore
when they see it. for a man may be
well posted iu different kinds of ore
and not know it when lie sees it.
A prospector is never to old to
learn. I've worked in Colorado,
Utah, California, Idaho, Montana,
Oregon and parts of Bohemia and
I've got lots to learn yet for in
ever) place I've been I see some
mineral bearing rock I never saw
before, and I've seen rock right
here in Bohemia very rich that I
would not kick out of ray way. I
went to visit two old friends of
mine last fall on Adams mountain,
Mr. Wm. White and his pardncr
Mr. John Wcgcss, and if they
haven't got sylvanite ore on
ground I'm badly fooled, and I've
seen signs of it on Pairview and
01 at Albert Ziuiker's
known as No. 2 and again 3 miles
south of Grouse inountdin 011 thr
Scorpion and Savage and the Noble
icloiigiiig to John Grabcr, John
A est, 1). Ivy and your humble
ervaut; and I have no doubt but
there will be specimens of it on ex
hibition this coming summer. This
sylvanite looks so much like base
ore that we don't take much notice
of it. There arc other minerals in
this enmp that arc mixed in the ore
that a poor prospector cannot afford
to pay from $10 to $25 for an
auaticlc assay to know exactly
what is iu the rock. There is lots
of mineral iu this camp that ought
to be treated by smelting or cyanide
process, one or the other. Of
course there is some of It that can
not be treated by the cyanide pro
cess therefore a smelter at the foot
of Hardscrabble or at the Ware
house would be the proper thing.
They say there is 110 lime rock for
fluxing, if that's the case, there is
plenty of feldspar which is an ex
cellent substitute. This thing of a
smelter in Portlaud too much to
pay for low grade ore- takes all the
profits for freight. It can be
treated on the ground right here
for less than the freight charges.
What is needed here is one boui
fide mining company like the
above mentioned to start the ball a
rolling, then you'll see us coniiug
to the front. Yours
J. B. Morgan.
Idaho Strike.
News from the Tysou mining
camp, Idaho, gives account of a
great strike. After tunneling for
weeks through what the operators
supposed to be an immense barren
porphyry dyke, assays from samples
taken from twenty places in the
crosscut, gives from $18.09 to $75
free milling gold. It is said that it
bids fair to be the biggest thing iu
1 r tHi 1 111 1 1 'j 1 1 1
T . - I II I II I
kb kiiw 11111 IJJAlillJ LXMlUUt
Where tho meala aro well cookort and well norved and tho boda nro good.
And you'll Und everything bouio-liko without home Inconyonloticcs.
Conio and stay us long ns possible.
Froo to our Commercial Trade. Trv our Sunday Dlnnor. The best ever
Served In tiny Ilotol In tho City.
N. D. HARDY, JVI'gr.
Quicksilver is likely to assume
some importance among the min
eral products of Oregon, according
to II. W. Turner of the United
States Geological Survey, who re
cently made an expert examination
ofa promising ciuabar deposit that
is now undergoing development.
Oregon lias in tlie past years pro
duced a very lew iiasics ol quick
silver, as has Texas, but the quan
tity has been tnfniitcsmal iu com
parisou with that of California,
which has produced practically the
entire output of the United States
to date. According to Mr. Turner
there arc a number of quicksilver
deposits ranging from central Ore
gon to the southern boundary of
the state, usually occurring in lava.
The one examined by him is in
serpentine. Most of these claims
have been known and held for
many years and some have been
considerably explored by tunnels
and rifts, but all arc in the pros
pect stage. Paciuc Miner.
It is supposed by many that
platinum is one of the few sub
stances more expensive than gold.
This however, is not so. even al
lowing that, bulk for bulk, plati
num is iiaruiy less man twice as
heavy as gold. At the rate of $20
per troy ounce, gold is worth nearly
$2353 pound, platinum only $100.
If, though you were the fortunate
possessor of platinum equal iu bulk
to a pound of gold, the silver-look
ing bulk would be worth not $100
but $ 175, for platinum, if not the
dearest, is the heaviest thine; 011
earth Ux.
Rich Finds Continue.
A strike has recentty been made
at the Golden Slipper mine in the
Jiolieima District tual isn t so bad.
A large ledge of ore was struck
that assayed 4 13 per ton. livery
week news reaches here of new
ledges being found thruout that
district rich in gold, silver and cop
per. With the new railroad com
pleted arid the smelter iu full blast,
the wealth of Bohemia w ill bee in
to be more fully realized by the
people here, as well as thruout the
Reported Favorably.
The bill of Senator John II.
Mitchell providing for the erection
and maintenance of an assay office
t Portland has received favorable
recognition at the hands of the
senate committee, and the senator
anticipated that it will be passed
upon favorably by that body.
The Hiawatha.
The Hiawatha Mining Co. this
week sent in a large supply of pro
visions and materials, and Manager
I'.. Russell is now 111 the bills
with a. crew of men, with the view
of driving a lower tunnel, strikine
the ledge at a depth that will bring
0011 1 most satisfactory results.
On the Ground.
The machinery for the Badger
concentrating plant to be operated
in the Swanville district near
Stimpter is now 011 the 'ground. It
is to be provided with rolls with
30-ton capacity, say nothing of the
io-stamp now in operation.
Lease a Smelter.
The Rocky Mountain Smelter Co.
of Florence, Colorado, is now con
sidering a proposition made by
Denver parties to lease the entire
plant for a period of ten years, with
the privilege of an extension of five
New Cure for Smallpox.
One ofthe most startling ofthe
numerous discoveries with which
explorers in medical science are
constantly astounding the public
is that which effects a enre of
smallpox, merely by excluding
from the patient all light but red
light. This is accomplished by
the simple expedient of keeping
the sufferer in a red room, light
being admitte'd only through red
gliss windows. It has long been
known that light was tnjustous to
smallpox patients, but it remained
for Dr. Flusen to discover, after
long investigation, that it was only
the chemical action of blue and
violet rays that were inimical, and
that red light was innocent of any
baneful effect. Of the hundreds of
patients subjected to the red-room
treatment, not one lias died nor
been disfigured. It remains for
further investigation to generalize
this discovery and develop the
pathologiaal effects of light.
Uf what does 11 unci tnslu In your
mouth remind you? it itunciuer mat
jrour stomach is in bad condition ami
will remind von thrt there is no hint so
cool for micli a difordcr hh Chamber
lain's Stomach & Liver Tablet a niter
having once used them. Tlioy cleunuo
and invigorate tho stomach mid regulate
tho bowels. For bIo ut 25 cents per
ioy uy uoiison unit; io.
h 1 1 1 1 1 1 i'ii
I Business Briefs, j
Fine wntclicH and Jewelry at II. C.
MadHcn'H. Hcc them.
Cedar posts for sale by Kakin &
Dr. Lowc'h KlaHMCH Htrcntftlicn the
cycH and brain.
Those diamond ntll.C. Madiiun are
liemitles. Uall and rev tliurn.
Finn ronllenii, choice loin, biislnem
uiocui) lor alu Jerome Knox & Uo.
Lively times at the Richardson
Music House, Cottage Grove.
Hav your ovch anil nervoiiH ennrir v
by wealing a pair ol Dr. Ijwo'h mi-
lienor kI'whch.
Good second hand carriair: and
harness for sale cheap by Eakin &
He sure and wsi Dr. Lowe about
your eyes next Wednesday and
Thursday May is & ").
Tho Ilcnson Druit Co the oldest
and alwayH reliable drugstore In
rnttugo urovc.
For toilet artlclcx do notfnll to cx
amine the very complete Mock at
IsenHon j)nr Co-
Good fire and burglar proof safe
tor sale at a bargain. liakin &
At Mndnen'H lowelerv Htorc. mated
Hllver ware, remarkably pretty de
hIkhh, suitable lor wedding prescntH.
We will sell your property. Cot
tage Grove Investment Co.. Finn
Blk, Room 2.
Are you troubled with brain fair
and headache? If so let Dr. Iowu
remove the cnune with a nalr of his
superior kIuhkch.
Dee Are You Gee KssI
I'olyinorptiinn Ilnrguins
At the New Era Drug Store.
Tho rrreat rheumatism cure
Mitchell & Dyson'H Blood Purifier.
for Hale by Benson Drug Co, sole
Buy Dyson and Mltchell'H Blood
Purifier. It will do you cood. A
great rheumatism enre. Benson DniR
Co. sole agcntH.
Bewnre of air dried or half dry
flooring, celling and rustic. The
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. are maklm:
special prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Benson Drug Co.
Next Wednesday and to noon of
Thiirndny .May 28 & 29 Kugene'H well
known oculo-optlclan will lie In Cot
tage Grove nt the Sherwood houoc.
Barred Plymouth Rocks.
Kggs for Fnle from prize-winning
birds. Per setting. $1.50.
J. W. Hoiick, Cottage Grove.
II In need of dental work call on
Dr. Macy, now permanently located
In the Dr. Snapp building, Main
St., Cottage Grove, Oregon .
II there Is one thine In this world
you HhoUTd lie careful dr. It Is the
medicine' you take. Medicine Ih a
Godsend to man only when properly
Drcscribed. tironcrl.v compounded
and proHrly tnken. You undoubtedly
nave laim in your laniuy rinysicinn.
You can use your own Judgment,
when It comes to taking It, but In
the filling of the prescription, lie sure
that t Is done at tho old reliable
drugstore. IIexsox Diiuo Co.
We are prepared to furnish ice in
any quantity.
Bohemia Ice & Cold Storage Co.
Leave orders at O. O. McClel-
lan's cigar store. Phone No. 191
Will stand at John Sears' place
Cottage Grove,
Mondays and Tuesdays and bal
auce of time at EMERSON'S
DESCRIPTION: Bay Deck is a
dark bay, 15 hands high' and
weighs 1400 lbs. His sire is an
English Shire and Clydesdale and
his dam Lumix and French Cana
dian. F. M. ERNEST.
New backgrounds and acces
sories. Best Lenses aud Cameras.
15 years
S years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Maiotifc hall. West
side, Cottage Grove.
"We Suit the Hard to Suit."
Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
The Casli Grocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line oi roceric
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash
T3oliemia, Oregon,
(xcncral ilIcrcliaiMlisc,
Miners' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
8 If yon are not wearing
j Oul" Shoes
and have been in the habit of
k paying higher prices, thinking
you have been getting some
thing better, you. will not make
j that mistake again if you give
4 our shoes a trial.
I These Shoes are Models made
by people who set
Under Odd Fellows' Hall.
United Stales Land OMre
Rowburs Oregon, May -D. liW!.
Vntiro lit hereby irlven that In eompllanco
with the proviiionnol the aet ot rongrcit ol
June 3,16.8, entitled "An act lor the aale nf
limber lanaa mine siaiea oi uauiornia, ure
rrm. S'evaila. and Waihlnzton Territory. as
extended to all Public Land SUtel by act ot
Angutt 4, 1892, Charles wiltie, ol Lorane,
County ot Lane, Slate of Oregon, but
ihli dav Hied In tlili offlre Mi iwnrn ttatement
No, 2MtS, lor tho uurcbaae ol the w W i
ol aectlon No. 2l In tnwmhlp No. 0 8.,
itango no. o west, ami win oner proof 10 inuw
that tho land nought t more valuablo (or Iti
Umber or Mono than (or agricultural purpoien
aim to eitabilin nuciaira 10 cam lauu oeiora
Maria I- u-ar,.. L. H. Commissioner at Ku
gene, Oreiron, on Monday, the Jth day ol
August, ltU.
Henamesas witnesses:
licurr A iirower, in aiimiij ,
Mao Willie, Genrgu A. Ileus, Mrs. (.1. A. lletts, ol
Lorane, Lane Co., Oregon.
Anv ami all persons claiming adversely the
abovolcacrlbed lauds aro requested to file
tbelrclalmsln thlaomee on or lielore said 4th
day ol August, 190(1. J. T. llairMEa. Register,
United States Land Onlcv,
Itosobunr. Oretrnn. MnvZt. l!sV.
Notice Is hereby alvan that in eiimnlianen
with the provisions ut the act ot Congress of
uno S, 1H7S, entitled "An act (or the sale of
rauwr ninui in 1110 males 01 1'aiuornla, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Terr tory,'asexteud.
ed to all tho Public Land States by act of Au
gust 4, 181U, Leon A. Woodbury, or Drain, County
ol liouglas, State of Oregon, has this day tiled In
this otlioo his sworn statement No, 2515, (or the
purchase ofthoSEM of section no, si. town,
ship 22south, ol range 6 west, and will offer
proof to show that tlie land sought Is more val
uable for Ita timber or stone than for agricultu
ral purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before Marie L. ware. U. S. Commissioner
at jsnrene, ureion, on luesaay me oiu
aay oi AUguai. iwj
Ta namAt as witnesses!
(Jharlea Trumbull and John waironer. ot
Pram. Oregon, Jacob van ltheeand Manly I. Mllaca Mll.n
Any and all persons claiming adrerscly the
above-described lands are requested to lite
their elalms In thlsolhre on or befora laid a
day of August, WW.
Bead real oatute bargains Ot Jerome
Knox & Co
Grocery Co.
G. Young, Manager.
The Best Oil Cookiuir
Stove Ever Made.
Is the automatic blue flnmo oil cooker.
It Is n boon to the housekeeper In hot
weather, and will boil, bake or roat
like a charm. It burns only a gallon
of oil In from sixteen to to twenty
hours, and Is the safeHt, simplest,
clcanext and most economical store
ever made.
in the way of Hardware, Tools aurj
imblements. you can find at our
store. Ark you going mining?
See our Stock of Tools and Sup
plies before you make your pur
chases. We Keep everything 3
Miner needs.
MalnBt., Cottage Grove.
Choice line of Liquors X
and Pirrnre 1rAn r... t"
n vfc u .. .
hand. Your natronace "Jrr
is respectfully solicited.
1 . :
Dhwin Bkistow.
IUkbirtEikih, 1
The First National Bank
Paid up Capita, $25,000.00
Money to loan en approved security.
Exchanges sold, available any place
In the Uiiied Statcti.
Your Outnm If (ioUvHeil,
Veatch Go