BOHEMIA NUGGET. WKKKL.Y BULLETIN. DASH BALL COLUMN. HOWARD & HENRY, Tfopt'tfott, C J. HOWARD raienr. VCI1W. HIlMtV, - AmocUU Cdlte m4 Ilunlnue Maiuatr. Hnteredat the poMntBt at Cnltafe UroTC Urtgort t!'fiMi.l CIm in(1 imI'm tubarrltllin prli , tl.fln, In n'lmnff, ..AileartMllg ItHtre Iran's known ol application. ..vrili vrr.n I. kmi in il at K r Drake' WUrtlltiK Awiwr. "1 Merrhanti Kx thinner, Sn ftanchni, California, where con ttacti lor adYrrtlilng run 1 made lot It. Friuay, Junk 6, 1902. the It There is oire thing of which rcpuhlicans can well be proud. h this: Notwithstanding the many nnciiltccl for ungentleinanly and oftimcs malicious and unfounded accusations that have been hurled at republicans from top to bottom of the ticket by democratic lips, it is a noticeable fact that with few- exceptions no retaliation along this line was resorted to. In many in stances many mean and hateful criticisms could have been offered but were withheld. In this the republican party is to be congratu lated. It is poor politics, and cer tainly does not add to a party's standing. If other parties sanction h, it is their business, but let the republican party forever refrain from low, uncouth accusations even if said accusations are well founded The republican party ih great enough and deserving enough to win on its merits, in "all fair en counters, and let it never be said that it resorts to cruel slander and foul-mouthed personalities. A little "reform" along this line would have some weight in purifying the Ballot along other lines, of much importance. la the death of Sylvester Pen woyer, ex-governor of Oregon, the state and particularly the city of Portland looses a vahiable citizen. While his politics was not of the faith of the majority of the voters of tne state, still it must be conceded that be was a man of the people and of whom tender memories will long dwell, especially in the heart's of the common classes. At times he was undoubtedly in error, but at 110 time could it be said that he was wrong at heart. Hissympathy was great and always for the labor ing clusses, and by them will he be not only respected but mourned while memory lasts at the same time going to his last resting place iionored oy tflem all. A tribute not to be excelled. The past week has been one of great extremes in temperature. The first two days were bright and warm, after which it turned cool andjclotidy. Ercaueut small showers nave Ullcn uurmg the latter nor tion of the week, and on several moriilnes duriiic temporary clear ing spells light frosts occurred in tic eastern portion of the state. The maximum, or day temper aturcs in Western Oregon ranged between 54 and 90 degrees, and the minimum, or night temperatures between 42 and 56 degrees. In Eastern Oregon the maximum temperatures range between 50 and 86 degrees and the minimum tem peratures between 34 and 56 de gree!!. The condition of grain continues good, ecpcciiilly in the eastern por tion oi the state. There has been plenty of moisture for spring-sown wheat, and as the plant has stoolcd nicely the yield promises to be larger than usual. Fall wheat is heading, but owing to the cool weather, it is making slow advance ment, and steady, mild temper atures are not needed to mature a plump and hard kernel. some aitaita lias been cut in Southern Oregon, aud clover and alfalfa is generally ready for har vesting, which is retarded by the unsettled condition of the weather. Pastures continue in excellent con dition and stock is now fat and sleek. Sheep shearing is progress ing slowly aud the clip will prob ably be an overage one. bugar beets in Union county are being thinned and the crop is dome nicely. Gardens, corn, potatoes, and hops, all need warmer weather, but they continue thrifty aud promising, although very back ward. The warm weather during the first of the week brought in a number of encouraging fruit n - ports to the effect that the damage to prunes, cherries and pears was not as great as expected, but the weather later became unfavorable. and the damage in the Willamet'e alley to Italian prunes. Royal Ann cherries and Bartlett pears is con siderable. In Southern and East em Oregon the fruit outlook is very promising, and there will un loubtedly be plenty of berries in all parts of the state. Early apples nave dropped badly, but winter pples, as iar as can be determined, nave set nicely. HEPlLICiNS I The Republican State Ticket Elected Uxccpt the Head of the Tkkct. GOVERNOR DOUBTFUL. By a Small Majority, Lane County Elect Republican Ticket Ex cept Sheriff. The election Is over, mut while tin otttclnl count Is not irlven vet. It Ih conceded by nil that Mr. Cliiimucr- mmi ih me next governor 01 the ntntc ity iv minority nnvwiicre from "SU to The rent Of the stntu tleVft. Iun publican, by tuilendld nmlorltW-H. Lunc county went republican with the execution of Hherlff. 'liieunttngc Urove precmctH gave i . i,urnn. tieinocrnuc raniimntn for commissioner, a majority over tciwimiH or sb votes a nice tribute to a iciiow lowiiMtnan. in the cast precinct the vote for governor was a tie, each receiving 153 votes. In the west prvctnet iiiiiiuierinm rccciveu Ha nuu tnir- nisn us, giving the democratic can muaic a lean 01 G vote. FURNISH MAY WIN. The latest dispatch received at this olllcc before going to prvsn was to the effect that complete returns are In from all counties except Curry, giving Chamberlain 32 majority, Curry Is estimated to give Furnish 150 majority. If this Is correct Mr. Furnish Is elected. ooneaoBoioiaaieaoBanoBeiB o Local Brevetie. j nBonaoBiiaiaiioBiasB Are you going to Salem next butulay.' The regular fare from this place to Portland is now but $4 40. We pause and lay a token of re membrance at the grave of the sol dier. Let us figure on your job print ing, We print almost anything All work first class. The grand old man of Oregon, Judge Geo. H. Williams, waselected mayor of Portland by over 1000 ma jority. Mr. Williams is a staunch republican, a man who is nearer the hearts of Oregonians than any other living man today, and Portland can well be proud of the honor that city hasconfirmed upon itself in electing the first gentleman and statesman of the state to the mayoralty. It was predicted some years ago by a worthy old Oregonian says the Forest Grove times, that the Kansas and Nebraska people and thi dog fennel would take this country. That seems to becoming true in regard to the easterners, but our moss-back friend should notice that Nebraskans are death on dog fennel. HOW TO AVOID TROUBLE. Eot is the time to Droviile vnurnelf nu lamuv wnn a bolt e oi Chamber. Iain's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy. It U Hlruovt certain to be needed before the tnmincr is over, and if procured now may save yon a trip to luwii in me nigriiorm vonr uneical eaeon It is everywhere admitted to be the niojt Kiicciwfril medivineln me for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by Lyons & AddIh gate. Drain. Benson Drug Co., Cottage urove. The car fare from Cottage Grove to Eugene is now 65 cents instead of 82 cents as of old. The three cent passenger rate went into effect on the Southern Pacific last Sunday much to the relief of the people who pay car fare. For blliOUPtlPM I1AA fThftmltrl:iir. nooiacna i.iver iauiele. ITiry rleanve the stomach ninl regulate the liver and ooweis, eneetinc a qnlck- and perma nent cure. For sale br livnunn Ilriirr r f .. . . - ti COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. At the meeting of the council last Tuesday night the following business was irnnsacieo: Ordinance No. 63. rfrlnir council authority to Issue permits to prop erty owners on Main street to erect wooden bulltllnirs. bv a two-th rds vote 01 council: passed. ur. wail was elected city physician. UIL.LH ALLOWED The planing mill opened luesday for business under th new management having received a car or two of lumber, which it seems is very difficult to nrocure just at tne present time. It begins to look somewhat lik business down near the S. I ucpoi nowadays, rne irncJc was graded and the iron laid from th S. P. across the road near the depot the first of the week and the track is lined with cars loaded with ma tenal for the construction of the road. No matter who the governor is, be is the governor of all the people ol Oregon, and should be honored and respected by all. It is the duty of every intelligent voter to make his official lot as easy as pos sible, aud this can best be done by laying aside our political prejudices. Did anyone see Hon. L. T. Har ris runniug through Lane county precincts last Monday? It is re ported that a few democrats found msloot prints but they had been made several hours before they found 'em. My little son had an altsrV nf tthmiv Ing cough and was threatened with pneumonia: Diit tor Chnmlerlain Cough Remedy we would have had serious time of it It also saved him from several severe attacks of croup. 11. mricKianen, eaitor world-Herald fair itaven. Wash. For sa In hv f.vnn n Alliejtaie, urain, ueneon Uriig Co, 1 vuiuiguuruvB. The Oregon state election is now over and the result a thing of the past. Let everybody get down to Business now and assist to make Cottage Grove the "Biggest Town of Its Size" in the state. The great struggle between Boer and Briton on the red sands of South Africa has been brought to a close at last and the world breathes a sigh of relief. SKA I) IT IN HIS NEWSPAPER, GewHe Schnub, a well known Ger man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, in u constant reader of the. Davton Voids zeituug. Ho knows that' this paper alma to ndrertlne only the bent in its columns, and ulien hu s;nv Cliamlur. luln's I'.iln linlm advertised tlieiein for lame back, he did not heritntg In buy ingahottle of it for his wlfo, who for .eight weeks hud suffered with the most feirriblo pains In her back and could get no relief. He says: Aftor using the Pain Balm for n few days my wife raid to me, 'I feel as though b' rn anew,' and before using the. entire contents of fie bottle the unbearable pains hud en tirely vanished and she could again tnko up her household duties. He is very thankful and hopes that all suffer ing likewise will hear of her wonder- Jul recovery -jnis vaitiume liniment n for sale by Lyons & Applegate, Drain. Jlenton Drug Co., Cottnge flrove. Wheeler & Phillips, rent for hospital 8400 Jessie wonack, nurse for sick.. 28 50 lJlier & Vnndenbunr. material 1 1, J E. loung, recorder 10 53 Griflln & Veiitch, material ... 28 31 Electric Light Co, for May ... ISO 00 H. E. Underwood, marshal. . 50 00 E. A. Wlllson, meals 14 00 Thos Allen, repairing on reser voir 75 Currin & Co. fittings 1 05 ur iieo wan, proicssionai ser- Wynne Hardware Co . . . . 108 04 "Will you give me a nickle or a G IS Pltcher.dep ranrshal .... 7 00 dime to help my mother on to the " ir1"1 muor on walcr , rJ"t county seat?" Of course we Upon presentation by D G McFar. I duK UP the coin and handed it land, J P;Currin and others, of the t0 'he ragged, dirty little urchin cottage urove water Co., of the flag that had invaded the sanctum fnrmprlv fifurl In- flip pjimiiflnr ttt loi . . . hYomYvw ?oon los ner bearings, or vote of thanks. J thought us easy, and called again Adjourned. with the same song which she had Tkamh Wasted. learned quite well. Kvidently she To haul lumber from our mill on lauea to secure the necessarv Coast Fork river. Good pay. steady amount for they did not cet out of work. Coast Fork Lumber Co.. Cot- Unu,i i.Mtit j... ... r r 1 ..un. tut, ucAkuav. PROHIBITION ALLIANCE MEETING. Permanent organization of the Local Alliance will be completed at the meeting next Tuesday evening at the J, V. church. Program as follows: Song by congregation; scripture reading by J. W. Currin; auett, Anna and Nettie Morss; pa per by Mrs. Dr. Schleef; song by quartet; io-minutes talk by Rev. Aiminennan; business session. Everybody invited. S. B. Morss, Pres Pro. Tern. J. C. JOHNSON and F. .G EBV attorneys and Counstlors-at-law Bpdl attention plven to Mlnlnr, Corporation ana Mercantile Law. Office orer Oarman tc Ilemonwar's (tore. COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. 00 10 MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaiiiff. MAIN BTftEET CottAob Grovk, Ore. JIMMIED. HEIINE-HENSON At the residence 01 jir. anil .Mrs. it. J. Jennings, Portland, June 5, 1002, Mr. II. V. Behne and Mrs.Juno Benson of this city. Mr. Uclme ia the superintendent of uie iieieua consolidated Co. of Bo H. C. MADSEN, Watchmaker. Repairing at reasonable chargea. At work guaranteed flratlaia. retches, tlocka and Jewelry at Lowest I'rlees COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. A BARGAIN. Tl l-. 1.4-1 a... owner of tho Benson Drug Store of the Cottage Grove Investment Buy property real property through the Cottage Grove Invest ment Co., Rooms , PiutJ Bid. this city. Tho many friends extend u muni iieany congratulations. Blue print mans of anv townliln in Roseburg, Oregon Land District, showing all vacant lauds for socts each. If you want any information from tbeU. S. Land Office, address. Titib Guarantee & Loan Co., Co. It is a bargain. Apply at once. BARKER & PERMAN PROPRIETORS OK THE EXCHANGE-" DEALERS IH KINK WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Mala strict, Cottage drove, Ore. "Alerts" on Deck. The "Aletts" baseball club of Grants Pass, which carried off nil honors in Southern Oregon Inst year, are making preparations for as gootl work this season ns they did last summer. A local base ball company has been formed to manage their nfTiirs during this serson. A considerable sum of money has been expended in put' ting the local grounds in shape. A ucw wall has been built around the field and a new grandstand ouiit. a majority oi last year's crack team will play with the Aletts this season The team will be collected and ready for its first work by the middle of this month Arrangements are already being made lor match games with South ern Oregon and Northern Cali fornia teams. Printers PUy Ball. "The Register boys moy be able to write "impressions." set tvne 1 ana carry papers successively, but tney cairt play baseball a little bit. Their "forms" were badly "pied" oy tue uuartt 10 ce in a fierce seven inning game on Kliicatu Held yes- teniay altcrnoon resultiiit: in a score of 8 to 13," says the Eugene Guard, How we would liked to have seen some of the boys spread themselves as tbey no doubt did on this occasion. The only wonder is that some of them didn't fall and hurt themselves. If some of the boys there did't get even with the "paper men" on "comments" and "impressions" thev ccrtainlv missed the opportunity of a lifetime. No one who cares for the ureal national game of baseball should miss seeing the ramc at Salem next Sunday between the "Crackerjt.k Aggregation trom this city and a picked team from East Portland It will be n hummer and no mis take. Forty dollars and expense, go to the winners and of course our boys expect to win unless thev run in the entire league team of Port land against them. The ball team will be decked out next Sunday in an entire new line of ball suits made for them in Port land, thanks to the interest taken n them by- the business men and others of this place. The people here are beginning to realize that there isn't anything that ndvertises a town like a titst class ball team, J ueiice arc oiiCKtng tne boys in a financial way. A large crowd cathered at the ball park last Friday afternoon to witness a practice game between the first team of this place and the M. A. team. A full game was piayea anq-iue young team showed up in excellent form for so early in the season. $ 1 JR ISI'l'aCIAfj We have six patterns--4 yard length In Crislal Card Silks these 8 ttfto 11 Vi",paller"s soUl mly Ulc seaR0"' aml 'O'Hly.ut Oot.t (i yard. Wc are f 4 1 ..' offering the remainder, 9 yards, at, the very low price of StOnts it. I $l.fiG for four ynrd patterns. These silks are very desirable. You can afTord a silk waist nt these prices. Come early if you do not wWt to be disappointed. They will not last long SPRING BEAUTY. Ladies find in our Spring Stock n nice variety of beau tiful things. Dlmltlcs, Lawns, Linen, Percales, Muslins, Silks. Light weight gocds for dress es, waists or decorations. The real point is the beauty and durability of the goods. X j a crrc a rmr r a tints. Right now, when you arc needing Lace Curtains, we're showing the most complete, assortment wc huve had. It looks like the Manufacturers had made special cflorts to turn out nothing but beautiful patterns. Wc think you'll find them just wliAt you're looking for, and at smaller prices than you expect to pay. AT NEWLANFS LADIES' RBADY MADE GARMENTS. White Lawn Shirt waists that you enn afTord to buy They are stylish and well made. Tucked in front and Nick. These waists are worth more than wc ask for them Tooln. Skirts in Crash, Linen, Ducks aud Serges, very nicely made. Our LiiicnJSkirts cut latest Style, 7.7c UOo to $t.3o. will pay for About the price the matciiul. you Muslin Undergarments, Largest assortment in the city, at very low prices. AT NEWLAiWS APRIL and HAY Announcement at Lurch's Thanks fo Tom Medley and sev eral more of our most enthusiastic base ball cranks, the diamond down at the ball park in Long & Bingham's, additiou has been dragged, scraped and laid out, almost ready for business. "Casey" Robinson, our crack second baseman, left last week for the mines where he expects to re main during the summer. It is re- grcted that he was unable to secure employment here so he could hold bis position on the ball team. This is the greatest baseball season in the history of the Pacific coast as is evidenced by the im mense throngs that crowd the graud stands and bleachers in everv city where the great game is played. The ball trame at Eucene last Friday between Willamette and Oregon universities resulted in a decisive victory for the Oreeon team on a score of 4 to 9. i I SILKS MADRAS LAWNS In Profusion. New Shirtwaists in Quantity and Quality. Wc can fit you from Pocket book and Fancy. erviccablc S;a v pringr HitM elect Ft tylittii. Ca VjcIAJ. JLUl Will VMMlcl U1C ill O il BSm'ft -Ciiiltlrcn. You are entitled to it. 3 J. S. MEDLEY Mtorney-at-Law o o : Office on Main etreet : CoTTACB GROVK, ORK. I 1IERH AIM) SOW f You're thinking of a new suit and where to get it to the best advantage If you'll accept our sugges- .! f Ml 1 : XT I TT tlf I 1. 1 -r AIlf lT f- I. w ... ..... . Vl null toil 11 imy 11 huiy uiiu ricic. wc uuujjiii uui v.,i,ui iil.iu Hum inn largest WOOICII Mill 111 America, Finishing the Cloth tbey Weave into Clothing. Their Clothing bears this guarantee, 'The goods in tins garmont contain no cotton or auyother adulteration and wc will forfeit fioo.oo jj if cotton be found in the warp or filling of same," Mayi'II'.i.d Mim.s, Maiwacturhks I MOTHERS j) Brlngyour little chnps to our st ore nnd lit them out In tliow Natty VeMtecHiillM. iirvh a to 1 yearn. Knee i PnntH SuitH for boyH, from :i to Vi yearn. Menu' and IIo.vh' clothltu;. " full stock. Mciim' all wool milts, no i shoddy, no cottoti, tut low ns $10.00 per milt. Knits for $IC.J0 iih good a fXl.m to J2.YO0 Knits clHOwherr 6 lll'AiniMVVAV A, IIII01lm tun 0 . . . . uwiniiuiimilt ft Mrs. Kafherlne Schleef, . D. Diseases f Women 'aad CbildreB COTTAGK GROVK, ORE. J. E. YOUNG Attorney -at-Law Office on Main itreet, Weft side Cottagu Grovk, Ork. Aj& the Old. Maid Said when She Kissed the Dwarf. Our ads are nhort and aweotand right to the point. PURE DRUGS RIGHT PRICES Itreliaut & Morgan DRUGGISTS. The New Era Drug Store, Tho larecat and most cornuleto stock of millinery at Mies Mary Uartcl'u 2nd door eaet oi butcher chop, TICKETS TO AND VROM AI.I. POINTS EAST -VIA W. S. ClIKISMAN. V.l,t IlANCI. The Fashion Stables GREAT Kuilway. Short Line TO SI. 1'aul, DuixUh, Mlnneapolln, Chicago, ANli POINTS MAST. Through Palace und Tourist bltcpcra Dining and linnet Hmokliig 1 - Library Cars. DAILY THAINB: FAST TIMK: for Kates. Folders and Full Informa tion regarding Ticket Routes, call on or addreue J. W. PHALON.T. P. A. II. DICKSON, C. T. A ad St.. Portland Ore. COUSKR MAIN enrt HKCOKIl HTHKET, COTTAUB IlItOVK Gl)risii)un & Bnsf Proprietor . AIsoqwii and opperatc the Hthtmia and Black Hutte Stage I.iues I'irst-Qaii Turnouts, Double or Single a Reasonable Prices 122 A. IS', 0. DENNI8T0N., 613 First Avenue, G. W. P. A, Beattle Woh Harness and Saddlery, MAIHBTREET, COTTAOK OROVK, George Melnzer, Prop. A Una lino of JIarneii, Haddlea.Whtpi, Iluggr Robei. Leather Belling, Ktc.,alwayt on band. AUklndioi Keralrlnga BecUlt)r All band, ewed work tnrued out. Our Farmer Frlendi can get the Tcrbeitat tho Loweit Living I'rlcei. Come In and eitm Ino the good 1 and iee for youne). GLOSINB-OUT SALE 1 There was never a better chance to secure unparalleled bargains in just what you want nt prices that just suit you than nt the present time. KA1CGAIIVS Iloots and Shoes, Clothing of All Kinds, Hoy's and Men's Suits, Shirts, Utc. Etc. are all going at Bargain Prices and going fast. Call and see for yourself. Store on west side, opposite First National Bank. A. D. LeRoy. 55 1