Bohemia Nugget IIOWAim A HF.NllY, I'lilillaltere, COTTAGE GROVE ...OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY A Comprthenilvt Review ol the Important flapptntngi ol tht Put Wtik, rrutnKd In a Condtnitd Form, Which It Moit Likely to Inlcrcit Our Many Rtadtrt. Tho nana! secretary ol stnto, Card! nal Ranipolla, has rccolvod Judge Tuft at tlio Vatican, Homo. Krtigor declines to oxprefs any opinion whatever regarding the conclti' sion 01 tlio war in soutn Airica. Mine engineers, flromcn and pump mon in tlio anlliraclto coal district have quit work to tlio extent ol about 80 per cent. Tlio cablo between Manila and Hong Kong is broken. Tolegraph communl cation with tlio Philippine islands is therefore, flopped. Sixteen persons were killed and four wounded as a result ol an explosion o Itas lit an ozocorlto mino in the province of Cauda, Austria. Senator Mitchell has pecured from tlio Interior department a favorable re iiort on his bill for tlio relief of the Sherman county, Oregon, pettier, and it is expected that the senate committee will report tlio mil to the senate, Tlio efforts of the Chicago striking teamsters to prevent the dellveiy of meat by non-union drivers has resulted in many conflicts with tlio police, in which both oflicers and men received injuries and a number of tho strike leaders were arrested. Another Itoxor insurrection is report J in China. Throe persons were injured by a tor nado in North Dakota. Two were killed and 18 injured in a automobilo accident at hew lurk- After two years and eight months of war peace has been declared In eouui Africa. The transport .Meade has arrived in San Francisco from Manila with tho Twenty-first infantry. Senator Carmack, during a speech in the eonato slandering the army, was hlsaed by the gallery. The senate will consider the Nica ragua canal bill this week. This will be followed by the Cuban bill. President Roosevelt has appointed Colonels Samuel it. Whiteside and Sumner H. Lincoln to be brigadier generals. The Charleston exposition has closed. Financially, it was a loes and the stockholders will receive none of their subscriptions back. Otherwise the fair was a success. Two men were killed in a slide in' a Mercnr, Utah, mine. lion Michael Henry Herbert may bo British ambassador at Washington. Ex-Governor Sylvester Pennoyer died at his homo in Portland on Memorial day. The grandstand at Hawthorne track Chicago, was burned. Lots, $100,000, One man was killed and several in jured. President Roosovelt delivered a Me morial Day address at Arlington cem etery, Washington, to an audience of thousands. The teamsters' strike in Chicago is still on with no prospects of an earl settlement and the city is face to face with a meat famine. Many beautiful floral offerings were sent to Canton from all over the United States to be placed on the tomb of the lato President Mckinley. The entire French cabinet has re signed. Fire in Brooklyn destroyed property valued at f 170,000. Attorney General Knox is confined to his home with a severe cold. Bituminous coal workers may strike out of sympathy for the anthracite workers. Another eruption has occurred on .Martinique. A party of scientists had a narrow escape. Tho 29th annual convention of the National Association of Corrections and Charities is in session at Detroit. Professor Adolf Kossmul, who Intro duced the stomach pump into medical practice, 1b dead, lie was bora in 1822. The navy department has ordered the gunboat Ranger, now at San Francisco, to proceed to Panama and relieve the cruiser Philadelphia, the latter coming north for repalre. PEACE IN AFRICA. Termi Sljrxd AlUr Two Yart ind Eight Monlhi ol War. London, Juno 2. Peace has been de clared after nearly two years and eight months of a war which tried tho British emplro to its uttermost and wiped tho Boors from tho list of nations. The war has come to an end with Lord Kitchener's announcement from Pretoria that ho, Lord Milncr and tho Boor delegates had signed "terms of surrender." This announcement had been anticipated for several days, but Its receipt Sunday afternoon took tho nation by surprlso, as everybody had confidently bolloved that tlio house of commons would hear tho first news to day. Tho edge of tho anticipation with which Great Britain awaited tho prom iscd statement in tho houso of com mons was still further dulled by the following mcssngo from King Edward to his people, which was issued after midnight: Tho king has received tho welcome news of the cessation of hostilities in South Africa with infinite satisfaction, and his majesty trusts that peace may speedily bo followed by the restoration of prosperity in his new dominions, and that tlio feelings necessarily en gendered by war will give place to earnest co-operation on the part of his majesty's South African subjects in promoting the welfare of their common country." Tho nows which Gteat Britain was so anxiously awaiting came characteristic- lly on an entirely pacific and uninter esting Sunday afternoon, when London presents a deserted appearance. Very late Saturday night a dispatch was received from Lord Kitchener, in which he said the Boer delegates were coming to Pretoria, that they hail ac cepted Great Britain's terms and they were prepared to sign terms of surren der. Mr. Broderick, tho war secretary, personally communicated this message to King Kdward, who was at Bucking- am palace. But the government de clined to take any chances and nothing concerning the receipt of this message as allowed to leak out. About 1 'clock yesterday afternoon the war de partment received the message from Lord Kitchener, announcing the sign ing of the terms of peace. The clerk on duty at the war office transmitted this message to Bucking ham palace, where King Kdward was lunching. At about 5 o'clock word as received permitting the publication this message, and tho small notice which was stnek up outside the war office consietod.of a copy of Lord Kitch ener's cablegram. A similar notice was put outside the colonial office. Beyond these two skimpy bits of paper, London knew nothing of the great ovfant. la tho clubs, the hotels and the newspaper offices, which were al most all deserted, the momentous news was ticked out on tho tape. Then like wildfire, at about fi o'clock, London awakened to the fact that the South African war was over. By 8 o'clock tho news had become generally known. A few belated extra editions of newspapers were peddled about the streets, but before their appearance the enterprising hawkers, who for a long time past had kept union jacks, fcath era and horns stored up in anticipation of the present event, were much in evi dence. earning irom Pretoria, tho corre spondent of tho Daily Mail, after an nouncing tho signing of tho terms of surrender, says the British authorities absolutely rejected tho suggestion of the Boer delegatos that the terms of surrender should be ratified by Mr. Kroger, and declared that the Boers in Europe had no hand in the settle ment. The terms will show," continues toe correspondent, "that tho British government carried its contentions on every vital point, whilo tho minor concessions, particularly those in re. gam to the generous financial treat' ment, will greatly appeal to tho Boers in general. Tho valuo of Lord Kitch ener's personality as a factor in the conclusion of peace can never be over estimated. There is no doubt that peace will bo popular among the Boers." West Indian volcanoes show algus of renewed activity. The president has signed the Indian appropriation and the omnibus claims bill. An extradition treaty has been signed between the United States and Chile. Policemen's jobs will bo offered to tho highest bidders at Hazleton, Pa. A committeoo of the Massachusetts houso reported adversely on an appro priation of $25,000 fora military statue to the late Benjamin F. Butler. Mrs. McKlnloy's condition remains about tho same,,. She goes out driving frequently and visits the cemetory every day that the weather will permit. The Army Relief Aescciation of tho United States has elected Mrs. Daniel Lamont as its prosidont. Emigration lrom tho west of Ireland THE VOT FURNISH DEFEATED E IN OREGON THE VOTE FOR GOVERNOR VERY CLOSE. IS Cool County. Marshftotd, Juno it Out of a total of 2(1 iiroclncts. Incompleto returns from two and complete returns from. live glvo Furnish 20 1, 1 hamlieriaiu m;f. Congressman, Republican, 253, Demo cratic IU3. RtUt County Haker City, Juno 3. Returns aro coming In very slowly. A lutrtin count in Sumpter and Baker City, in Republicans Clcct Concroimtn In Doth Di. tricti Initiative ind Countv Ticked Arc Dlvldd-Th Rlurn. Ara Esncdlttsly 5!,.r7t ,;r,90iSc-' 5,T,,C,1lnl,"fi,llnfJL:? ' i I'tiriilNh Nil. Itutidior m- far leads Slow in Coming In Chambrlaln Or. VlllUmoii for congrons almost two to rlti Multnomah County by 500 to 700. ! ono in this county , , . I Klamath County, lorunnu, Juno J. llio uepubllean . Klamath Falls. Juno 3. Plevna state ticket, with the appnient excep- precinct, complete returns, given Fur Hon of governor, won n victory nttlio 'ilsh 41, Chamberlain 20. The vote tll VCatnnlAV. Tlio vntn mi i-mornnr trOUgllOUt tllO COUHty SOOIIIS tO 1)0 is ery cloe, and it will require an running about the sumo. other day to niako certain of the result. Tongue, for congress, in tho First district, is elected by an lucrea.-! ma jotlty over two years ago. William eon, In tho Second district, wins by a good majority. Inclement weather prevailed over Western Oregon, which kept down the oto to some extent. In Eastern Ore gon, a full vote was polled. Multnomah County. Portland, June 3. Chamberlain will carry this county by from 500 to 700. Williamson leads Butcher bv about 500. The counting proceeds slowly and full returns will not bo in before night. The indications aro that the Republi cans elected the legislative ticket. It is also probable that they will control Portland. Mirion County. Si.lcm,'June 3. The result in Marion county on governor will be close. Both ides claim the countv. The counting of votes is progressing slowly, and will not be completed until late today, the full vote for none of the precincts hav ing been completed at an early hour this morning. Clackamas County. Oregon City, Mi.y 3. Incomplete re turns from only four precincts give Furnish 1115 and Chamberlain 110. It is probable that Furnish will carry the county by 200 to 300. Tongue will have an overwhelming majority. ! Columbia County. St. Helens, June 3. Out of a total ot ia precincts In Columbia county incomplete returns from three mid complote returns from thieo glvo Fur nish 210, Chamberlain 184. Congie nmn, Republican 221, Democratic 133 Douglas County, Roseburg, Juno 3. Meager returns Indicato that Chamberlain currlos the county uy 250. The lomalnder of tho Republican statu ticket wins, except l raw lord, who loses uy about fit). Union County. union, June a. llio count la pro gressing very slowly, Reports null cate thnt Chamberlain will carry tho county. Butcher lends Williamson by n very few votes. Crook County. Prineville, Jine 3. Ol a total of precincts in tho county incompleto ic turns from one and complete returns from thieo give r Ornish 60 and Cham berlaln 40. For congressman tho same precincts give Williamson 144, Butcher 01. Sherman County, Moro, June 3. The Republican con gressional and legislative ticket is elect od by a good majority. Only tno small precincts have completed thoir count, indications are that Furnish will carry tlio county by iuu. Joitphlnc County. Grants Pass, June 3. Partial re turns in the throe precincts of Grants Pass give rurnisti 143, Chamberlain 133. Linn County. Albany, June 3. Linn county will givo Chamberlain nrobablv 300 to 400 plurality. Less than lialf of tho votes i ' Polk County. aro counted, and tho returns are incom- Dallas, Juno 3. Roports are coming pleto. Kellv, Republican, will bo in very slowly. Complete returns from elected eenator, as will the three Demo-! live precincts give Furnish 100 and cratic nominees for representatives. Chamborlain 104. Yamhill County. McMinnville. June 3. Out of a total of 21 precincts, incomplete returns from five and complete returns fromono givo Furnish 182, Chamlierlain 207. congressman, Tonguo, Republican, is receiving hi party rote and will carry the county by 150. Tho legislative nominees probably elected are threo Republicans and one Democrat. Lan County. Eugene, Juno 3. Ouo hundred soventy out of 181 votes in South guno, No. 2, glvo Chamlierlain Furnish 8(1. and Eu 08, Washington County. Hilleboro, June 3. Out of a total of 21 precincts, incompleto returns from three give Furnish 120, Chamberlain, 129; congressman. Republican, 161, Democrat 115. The legislative nomi nees are running close with tho proba bility of the election of the Democratic nominees. Waico County. Tho DMIes, June 3. Out of a total of 20 precincts, incomplete returns lrom eeven ana complete returns from three give iurnisli 103, Chamberlain, 31; Williamson 08, Butcher 29. The legislative nominees probably electa! are all Republican. Morrow County. IleDnner. June 3. Out of a total of nine precincts, incc iiplete returns from ono ind complete returns from eight, give Furnish 344, Chamberlain 373. The legislative nominees probably elected are Republicans. For con gressman the county goes for Williamson. Umatilla County. Pendleton, June 3. Furnish will carry Umatilla county by 200 plurality. Y illiamson for congressman gets 300 plurality. The legislative and county ticket is Democratic. TtlHmook County, Tillamook, Juno 3. From returns received Furnish is running 100 votes ahead of Chamberlain. On the rest of tho state ticket the Republicans havo a majority of two to one. Tongue is running ahead of Weatherfnrd by three to ono. Linclon County. Newport, Juno 3 Two out of 14 precincts in Lincoln county givo Cham berlain 00, Furnish 81. Jackson County. Ashland, June 3. Returns from the various precincts of Jackson county are meager and the count progresses slowly. The indications aro that Chamberlain has carried the county for governor. Tho Republicans aro claiming the election of senator. Benton County. Corvallis, Juno 3. Out of a total of 15 precincts incomplete, roturns from five complote and throe incomplete give Furnish 408, Chamberlain 404 Tho legislative nominees probably elected are Republican. NOTWlfW..Vcro!- ifi . pi nr.?. .NotiMTCivsiwi.' msi ssi,. v . . Annie U cotitili. Wnahl iiiK i h. if.i. - i. "..V" "V "f Iter, her .worn atnlcnici uN o,' SMI t"T tho purvhnao ot the H awU, a L iTWvl Si r hV, . ion No. a lw.fil,o,VTiiSn"!f Itnnite 7 wnt, mi.l will otter proof to" how that the liuul souittit i moro valuable f. I Its limber or atone tlmn for air leu lurii' ptirpoaoa. nnd to eatnbllah. h?r ciili, . Willi HUM IHTliro Mlirln K Wnm. "Mr. Ciiimllonr, nl Kiismio. Orviim ' nimy, urn uin uny of Auaust. iiSS. ' Hlio name ns wltnina: iiw", wVulU v at Urn In, Orvitoni Hlmer YVoolloy. of Urn n. Urvmini (loo. W. Hhw ..r fViV.r orrKoiii llrnalp M, Crawford, of llonuul m wain. .A,1y 5?J tt". I1""'"1" .clalmlnir nilvorm. Iy. h atHivn-tlwrllKHl liuul" art- raiuiut fd to fit;' the r elalma 111 thla ollli-o on before the snld Itth day of AURiiat. ISIS. J. T. llltllHIK8,4ti'il.t..r. NOTICK KOlt IMMIMCATIUN. V. H. I .ami ottlce. . lloaeburp. . r. k.-, Mny is, imnt. rsollco In hrreliv i;. ... itu.i , llniK'O with Ilia lujiiii ,f ,, ,,i iiN to f " 1 1 a extriiil, u by a. l a (Mncreaa ot Juno Acl for the anln m ' ib. r Htntra of t'nliroriil . m k WnihliiKton Tarrt nil the l'ubllo I. .I'.i.o Ausuat A. lua. Mm. Mnr 11 ,iitn.,.i, or eoltnuo iirove. t t .,r i.m . ti,.t., of Oregon, hna th i II. .1 ,i i k . ,n- iter aworn Hinieiiv :i t r, i ih ,,i,r. chaae of the aeV; i- , , i toea atill) 3 aouth, of . w i,t,l nl.l otter inmf to ah '. i i, -i .,1,11,1 t la moro vulliubli : 1, t i 1 r ,nr thun for aarleult r,H., , .,,,1 1., , , tnbllah her rlalr, ., 1 ,u 1 1,. (, n,,. lteiilater unj ,1 11. , i ltoaeburir. Ureeim nn -,. day of Auguat, IMS. one niunea ns wiineuea: John I'lilmer, Dull IlrumbilUirh. 11. lntlm INim lltM. ill! of Cottane drove, Oregon. Any nnu an iieraoita clnlmlna; nitrerae Iy. the nbovo-dcBcrlbed landa nn roiueat. ed to nio their elalma In thla otllce on or before Ihiauhl :iat day of AUKual. 1903. 1. iuiiiAir;. iiiniaier, .... jTlmber Ijind Act. June 3. ISM. NOTICK fOlt l'l'III.ICATIUN. . V. H. tJind Ulllce. . .. Koaehurar, Oreiioii, May II, isaa, Notice In hereby riven ihni In nimnll. nneo with tho provlalona of the net of Connn-as of June 3, UB, entltleil "An AC! Tor tho Hale lf,p Uiun In the Stntea of C'nllforiila. Ureaoii, Nevniln nnd WnahliiRton Territory." na ettend ed to nil the Public IjuhI HtntiM by net of AURiiat 4. IS9. Chnrlea W Vitn H'A.m.1, of Trlnceton, county of Mllle Ijira. Htnlo of Minnesota, hna thla tiny nied In thla of lice hla aworn alntement No. 5117. for the nurch.iae of the awV, of Hecllon No. 21, Township :t aouth. ltntiK" 6 neat, nmi will offer proof tu ahow that the land aouunt Is more vnlunhle for Ita timber or atone thnn for purpoaea, nnd to eatabllah hla claim to anld land lw for the Itmlater and Itecelver of thla of llce nt ItoaeburR. Oreiron. on Thursday, the ilat day of Auauat. 190;. He nnm,.fl aa u'linnaaiM tin M'lll r Uavla. of Uraln. Oregon-C K Trumble, of Drain. Oregon; J. Vnn Ilhee. of Mllaeo. Mlnneaota: KnM Wurrrn. of .Mllaca, Mln- neaotn. Any nno all neraona rlalmlnir aitvpraM. Iy the nliove-deacrlbed landa are ri'nueat. eil to file their elalma In thla nffh',. nn or before the aald Slat day of Atnruat. 1I2 J. 1. liHluill.M. llexiater TlmtH-r Ijind Act. June 3. UTK. AUIIl'K run rrm.ii'ATluN. I; H. Ijin.l omre. ltoarbura;. Oreson. May 31. le. Notice ta hereby Klvrn that In coinnlt, nnce with the provlalona of tho act of Conirreaa of Juno 3. 1R7S, entitled "An Act for the Hale of Timber Ijinl In the Htntea or cniirnrnia. Oregon. Nevniln and wnahlnKtnn Trrrlton-. 11a extend ed to all the I'ubllc Land Htntea by net of AURUat 4, IV97. Joaenh K. YounR. of CollaKe Orove. county of Ijine. Hint of Orexon, hna thla day llled In thla ottlce hla aworn atntemrnt No. S&K for the pur- cnaae or trie iota 1. &. . 7. 11 nnd II or Hi tlon No. 30, Tnwnahln aouth, IlaiiRO I weat, nnd will offer proof to ahow that tne land aouxrit a moro 10 for lti timber or atone than for agricultural nur. ooaen. lino in eaiaDinn nia eiaim in aain nnu net ore ine negiater ano Itecelver or thla nrrtce at ItoavburR. OreRon. nn Mon day, tne na uny or Heptemuer, iwz. lie nnmea na witneaaes: jonn 11. 1 ni mer. Marlon v. Dnvla, Orln Itoblnaon, N II. lartln. all of Cotlnve Clrova'. Oreifon. Any anil nil peraona claiming niiverae, Iy the nbove-deacrlbed Innda lire requeat ih! to Ule their elalma In thla ofllre nn or nerore tne aain nn uny or Auguat. J. T. UKIDUKH, Iteglater. Acl for the anle of Tlmtior Iwituln In the Htntea of California, Ori'itmi, Nevniln ind WnahliiRton 'tVrrllory. hm extended to nil the l'ubllo Lund Hlntea hy net nf AURUat I, Ml. Henry Levi, of llnqtlliiln, county of Chelmlla, Hlnln of WnahliiHton, Ima thla tiny tiled In thla ut ile o Ida aworn atnteinent No, KUl, for tlie purchnan of the nwU of Hei'tlon II, Towu ahlp No, 81 aouth, of rtuiKi' 0 weat, nnd will otter proof to ahow thnt the lund aotiRht la more vnlunhle for Ita timber or atone limn for nurlcullunil putpoacn, uud to ealiihllah hla claim to anld land before the llexiater nnd Itecelver of thla nltlce nt Itoeetiurir. Oregon. 011 Mnndny, tlin liilh ilny of AtiRiiat, VM1. lie tmtiiea ua wltneaai-a. Michel Kvnux. or lliMiulnm, WnahliiKlon, (leorge V nulley, of Drain. Oregon; O, V. Hlmw. of llotjuliiin, Wnalilnglon; Trunk A. till lett, of Itniiulniu, Wnahlugton, Any nmi nil peraona clnnnlhK niiverae Iy tint iittove-deacrlhetl Inntla are riniueat ed to niu their elnlnia In thla iittlco on or before the sutd litlh day or Auguat, IM. J. T. llltlUtlKH.4teRlatrr. Timber tmiitl Act, June .1. 1M. NOTIUK VOU I'lIIII.IC'ATION. U. H. IJtlld Ulllce. .. Itoaiitiurg, Oregon. May lit, llkW. Notice la beriOiv ltii,l lit ,..,.,. II. nnce with the pruvlilona uf the not of Congreaa of Jutiu 3, ls7. entitled "All Act for the Hale of Timber Uititli In the Htntea or f 'ulirtif ,.l nr.. ...... m.,.,...i.. 1'"1. WiiahlnRton Territory," ,na eleml ml to nil the I'ultllo U1111I Htiilea by net ,1 t .1. 'in 1 'i f i'ii ' .1, ,i III Ih 1 ' , of nil thn I'ubllc l.ivutl Hlntea hy net MiKUat I. IMn V,i,i,tr a 111 .,it of lloiiulniu, t'oiiulv of t'hi'linlla, ft 1 11 1 r nt WnahlnKtun, hna thla ilny tiled In thla iit tlco hla aworn atnteineut Nn. aftrwi, for the puii'hiiae of the afi awi, lie 'l liwi-i, awU aell uf Heel Inn No. 4, Townahlp til, amilli, of llnngo II weat, unit will offer proof tu xliinv that the liuul aiuiglil la inure vulliu bli; for Ita timber or aiiino than for mill I'lllllini! purpoHea, mill to eatnbllah Ida t'lnliu to n 1,1 land heforn the Iteglater nnd. Itecelver or una omce 111 itoaeiiiitg, ore 1011. on Mnmlny, the 1Mb ilny of Auguat, 1'S. lie nnmea na wllneaaea: Michel Kviiux, of I ltill In ill , W'nahtnHlon: (I, W. Hlmw, of llu,iiliiiii, Wnahlugton; Henry l.evl. of lliniiil'itu, Wuahliiglou; lleorge YV, Wool e,, of 1 1111 hi, Oregon. Anr nntl nil peraona cImIiiiIiik ndveiae tv the nbove-deaerlbed liuul" mi' tiiiueat eil lo Die their elnlnia In thla oftlco on or lieforo the an 1,1 1Mb day of Auguat, J.J'. I lit 11 X 1 1 :H. IteKlater. I ... 1 n. I" ! ftu- It 'i Clatiop County, Astoria, Juno 3. Out of a total of 20 precincts, incompleto returns from aeven precincts and complete roturns from eight givo ruriilsli 725 and Cham berlain 020. Two Republicans and one Citizen are probably elected to the legislature. Williamson will carry tlio county lor senator. Low Ritu to Easltrn Poind. The Northern Pacific Railway Com pany is now naming low excursion rates to all points Kast. If you are imnklog of visiting the old homt your childhood's home, write or call on any agent of the company and full particulars win ie lurnisneu you, or writo A. D. Charlton, assistant general passengor agent at 255 iforrlson street, comer 01 xniru, rortland, Or,, for de tails, rates, routes, etc. Fiht With tht Yaquli. ftogaies, Ariz., June 3. An out break of Yaqui Indians has occurrod. A 8ght took place 30 miles from Her- Bad Ganj Brokt JaiL Lcadvllle, Col., June 4. A daring jail break took place here today. The jailer was In the front otllce when a trusty notified him that some of the prisoners were missing, and an investi gation showed tiiat five had escaped by on underground tunnel. Tiiey had eawed off the lock to a trap door lead ing to the sewer, broke tho sewer wall and then crawled to tho outside of the jail through a small hole in the found ation wall. Intercit on Transvaal Bondt. Pretoria, Juno 4, A proclamation which was Issued yesterday In connec tlon with the signing of thoiieaco terms moslllo, Id which einlit Van n Is worn declares that, notwithstanding tho pro- killed and two Uexlcnna. Tin, Vnm,i. clamatlons of Mr, Kruger, interest on retreated in a southeasterly dlrnetinn tbo bonds of the Transvaal republic and another fight is expected. The I woll'' BUBjioiided no long as the war aisauecieu Indians number about .inn lasicu, sucn interest snail rx;in 10 of whom 100 arn flehtins men Thn accrue June 1, Juno 2(1 and 27, tho laquisnavo blthcrto been peaceful. They are not hortlle to Americans. Again In Volcanic Eruption. Seattle Wash, Juno 3. Mount K. doubt, a lofty peak on the coast of Cooi inlot, is again In active volcanic erun ,1 I. i.ii 1 ,.it. 1 days of King Kdwartl's coronation, have been proclaimed public liolldnyc hero, to America is assuming what is called tlon- Jt belched forth a great column 'alaimlng proportions." Fatal Rockaway fire, ftew lork, June 4. lour persons lost their lives and two wore fatally in jured in a lire today which swept away many buildings at Rockaway Reach I , ir... o 11 . 1 1.1 1 , . uucniutra ui jiiay o. xno mountain .tif TZ ZZtn. ? u i? j 0 has been in eruption for the past two liglit, now building ut tho University of mo.lh. btlt advices received Vn,ia Pblearm. wl I m .ta nnn lln.a ... ran"1Bi out auv ces received today ,w m., fpn,T1 thn itnrtli afnfn rliar If u,.j n I t, J worst on tho day named, Tho ashes fell thick as snow at Konai, 50 miles away, and the wiiolo mountain range and the greater part of the coast was liiddon from view by a pall of smoke. of fire, brimstone and smoke on the The fire started in a frame building. Chicago, will rule 32,000 lines inch. Rev. Dr. Charles Olmsted, formerly of Pennsylvania, has been consecrated as bishop of tho Episcopal dfoceso ot Colorado. In a Bhort time it spread to an uuoccu pied brick building, and thon In suc cession leveled 12 other buildings. Tho buildings for tho most pait were of tho framo sort found at tho seaside, and the loss is estimated at 1 120,000. After tho Are had boon controlled tlio body of a man was found burned to a crisp in one of tho buildings. Palrru'i Soni Return. New York, June 4. Jose and Toma Palma, two of tho president's sons havo sailed for New York, tays Havana dispatch to the Tribune. Jose returns north to take his examination at Columbia Law School; Toman ut , tends school at Nowbnrg. President Pulma, who with other high officials. wont aboard to bid them good bye, was qttlto overcome by tho parting. Ho gavo each son a hearty cmbiaco as tie , left tho steamer, and spoke words of I encouragement to them. Striking Baktri Enjoined. Kantas City, June 4. Striking union bakers were today enjoined by Judge John F. Phillips, uf the United States circuit court, who issued a tern porary order restraining thorn from patrolling in front of tho Grand avenue bakery, or otherwiMi interfering with the employes of that concern. The action grows out of tlio lockout of the union bakers by six leading firms, members ol the Masters' Association, The Trouble ; with the Yaquli. Tucson, Ariz., Juno 4. The report of the Yaqui Indian troubles in Sonora, Mexico, lias been greatly exaggerated. No revolution is in progress, Tho trou ble grew out of a disagreement bV'tweon a Mexican and a number of Yaqui luborcrs who, in a conflict, killed two Mexicans, Tho Yauuls, fearing the soldiers, left tho ranch and took to the hills, where they woro Joined by some other Yaquis. Soldiers wero sent after them and In the tight seven Yaquis wero killed. Timber Ijind Acl, June 3. 1S7S. NOTICE r Oll ITIIMCATIUN. IT. ti. Lnnd Office. Roacburg, Oreiron. May 12, IMS. Notice la herirbv slven thnt In com pliance with the nrnvlnlona of the net of Congress of Juno X 1H78, entitled "An Act for tho ante of Timber Ijinda In the Htntea or kraiiromin. Oregon. Nevada nnd Wnahlneton Territory." aa extended to nil the I'ubllc Lnutl Htntea by act of August 4. M3. auaa i,nuiae r. liecger. Illbblne. county of Ht. Ixjula. Hlnle of .Mlnneaota. hna thla day n led In thla of, tlce her aworn atntement No. 2316, for the urcnaae or the aevi or Hecllon Nn. lx, 'ownaldn 21. ltnnge & weat. nnd will of fer proof to ahow that the land aouaht la more valuable for Ita timber or atone Ihnn for agricultural purpoaea, and to eatnb. Ilah her claim to anld land before the Iteg later ana itecelver or una omco nt unae- burg. Oregon, on Thuradny. tho 2lat day or Auguat. 1902. Hhe nnmea aa wltnfflaea: Jacob Vnn Itheo. or Mllaca. Mlnneaota; (1. K. War. rerr. of Mllaca. Mlnneaota: Mrn. Abble K. Clark, of Mllaca. Mlnneaota; C. K. Trum ble, of Uraln. Oregon. Anv nnd all neraona clalmlnir adverse, Iy the above-deacrlbed landa are reiiueat- nii e their elalma In thla oftlco on or Id 21at day or Auguat. 1902, J. T. UltlDUKH. Register. l a id ' '.I Mgrli 'I'' ,' ., 1 i. ir . m ..1, . , tun . lalm I itft,i 1.. t 1 . rr. ',. 1, it. ll,r 11, ,1 .'i-:(imi of lh ' 1 'tit , 1, 1 . billg ,ir .11 l'h,Hi,!,lt Irt ,t,. ,, U.tfi,t. llMJ. Hi- u.u n ta wtih, tae nltaa I ci I v I' tieeUir of Ittoi.tnjr X'nineaiou, O r wareeu. uf Million, all-meaoin. Mra n 'tt I" "ii riv , rMHmn Miuinan'a: ( K " fr ' 'tain "cr in Vi ' I'd 'l oti - na latinl a.l.ete. Iy the nig ,te, rtt a land ttr itiuent el to nie their elnlnia in llila nrtle" .1 or before the anld Slat day of AUgual. ;i : J. T. UltlDlllIH, Iteglater. Timber I41111I Act. June 1 KTK NOTICK IXm l't'Hl.ll'.TTT7T7. tt. H. tJind Oltlre Itoaeburg. Oregon. Muv II. I'.ttU. Notice ta hereby given thnt In ninipll mice erun ine tiroviaiona or tne net vongreaa or June J. 117a. entltleil "An Art for the Hnlv of Tluda'r Uintla In ine riintea or 1 niirornin. tiri'uon. Nenii and Waahlngton Territory," na exteml eil to nil the Public Umd Hlntea by net or Auguat 1. lr. Do Wilt C Dnvla. of Drain, county of DoiiRlna, Htnte of Or egon. nna una uny uieii in thla ulllce HI annrn ainieuieui, rto. siiti, ror ine nil chnae of the nwt; of Hecllon No 31, town atlln 21 aouth. Itnnae S weat. ami will fer Proof tu ahow that the latiil la inn valuable for Ita timber or atone than fn agricultural inirpoaen, nnd lo eatabllah ma Claim to aain lami berore the K.ul ler nnd Itecelver of thla ottlce nt Itoai uurg. on'gon. on Tiiurauny, Ihc Ilat 0.1 of Auguat. 19ns. lie nnmea na wltneaiea: O w. Van wonner. or rnnceton. Mtnueania: I'. I Trumble. of Urnln. tirvgon; J. Van Ithee or .Miiaen. .tunneaotn; i-reit wnrren. Mllaca. Mlnneaota. Any nnd nil eraona claiming niiverae iy tne nnove-iiencritMMi tantla lire riNiueat el to tile their elalma In thla ofttce 111 or tiefore the anld 2lat day of Auguat, 1B J. r. iiiiiihikh, itrRlatrr. Tlmtier Ijintl Act. June X ISTk notici: roit iM'iif.irATioN. T H iJind Oltle.i ItnaeliurR. Oregon Mny W. I'c notne la hereb git en that in cmn puanee witn ine imviaiona or the act 1 t"onreaa of June 1 ISTX. entllll "A Act for the pale of TlnitN.e IjiihIm In Hi Htatea nf California, Oregon, NendH and itnnningion lerniorv. na extenneil 1 nn me I'linin.' iinn ntutea b net Auguat t. It-'. Anna J. rhenej. of rottnge Orove. Countv of Iine. Hint or oreRon. haa thla day Hint In lit nine her aworn atntement No. 2W1. for the nur chaae of the wty. nc'l unit lot a of Heellun ro. a or lownaiun no zi aouiii. itainri, weat. nnd will offer nroof to ahow Hint lh land nought ta more valuable for Ita Urn ber or atono than for agricultural nur poaea. nnd to eatnbllah her claim to aald lanri before Marie 1, vare. 1 H Com rnlialoner nt Kugrne, Oregon, nn Thurn uny. tne itn uny or Auguat. lviz. Hhe nnmea aa wltnemiea: Krunk lli.n deraon, frank Ixlloy, of Cnttnge Orove, uine county, tir : Joe ituruett. of w 11,1- wooii. ijine county, vr.. Airnit i 1,. Ilny. of Coltnge drove. Ijtne County, Or egnn. Any nnd nil peraona claiming ndverae Iv the Hliove-ileaerllied lamia are rmeal eil to nie their elalma In thla ottlce on or oerore tne aain tti uny or Auguat. ii;. J. T. I'illlXIKH. Iteglater. Timber Ijind Aet, June 3. 1S7. NOTICi: KOIt l'l'III.ICATIUN. t' H. Iinil Oltlce. Itoaeburg, Oregon. Mny i. 19C Notice la hereb) glen that III com nuance with he nrovliilona of the net 11 Ccngreaa of Jiii'k 3. H7s, rutllled "An Act for the sale of Tlmtn-r IjiiuI In the Htntea or cniiromin, Oregon, Nevailn nnd Waahlnaton Terrtlnrv. na extetuliMl in an trie I'linuc IJinn Htatea by act Auguat 4, 1V9.', Henry A. llrewer. of Allmnv. countv of I.lnn. Htnte nf Ore gon, haa thla day llled In thla oltlce hla aworn aintemeni n. sasa, lor ino pur chaae of the eV4 awW. aeii nwli. nwU aeti or Hecllon ot Townahlp So aoiilh, range o weai, nnu win oner proor 10 nnow 111111 tho land nought la more vnlunhle for Itn limner or atone tnun for agr cultural nur Hjaea. nnu in eaininiaii ma claim 10 aaiu nnu before Marie 1,. ware. 1' H. t'omm a aloner. Kugene, Oregon, on Monday, thu lilt uny of Auguat, line. lie namea nn witnennen tnntiea win p. Mne Wlltae. (leorge A. Ilettn nntl Mra. n, A. Helta, nil of Iximlne. Uiw county. Oregon. Any nnd nil iieraona claiming niiverae Iy ttie nbove-deacrlbed landa nn rcnucNt- eiLto (lie Ihelr clnlma In thin oltlcu on or beforo tho an 1,1 1111 ilny of Auguat, rju2, J. 1. llItlotJKH, Iteglater, Timber IjuhI Act, Jiirtn 3. W, NftTlCU I'Olt I'lllll.ll'ATION. f. H. Land Ulllce. Itnaeliutg. Oregon, Mny 7, It". Notice la hereby glien Hint In coin iillnnce with lite provlaluna of the net of 'ongrMa of Juno 3. laTa. entll ed "An Act inr the aain of M tuber IjuiiIh III llio Hlntea of Cnliromla. Oregiui. Nevada ami Wnahlnglon Teiillorv," na extended to nil the l'ubllo Umd Hlntea by net of Augnal 1, m'J. Michel Itvniix. of lloiiulniu inly of Chehalla, Hlnle of WnahliiKlon. haa thla day llled In thla of "" hla aworn aliilcuicnt No. tIM, for Hie t .' tint ni'H of Hecllon II, Town- Ih, nf ltnnge it weal, nnd wilt 1,1 'In ahow Unit the I. nut eouaht tillable for lla timber or alonit niirloiillurnl nnrpotoa. nntl tn Ida cbiltn to anitl liuul bi.fore tin nntl ittH'eiver or una oinco nt v. Oregon, on Mond,v. the 1Mb ,t . illgllMt, ytt. I, 1 iea na wllneaaea; II W. Hlmw, nf tl,i! 11, Wnahlngtnn: I lent v U', uf 11 , 1 .111, Wiiahliigton; tleorge Wooley, nf I'm "rcHiin; I'', A. (Illicit, of lloiul,un, We,, icttnu. 1, nn nil peraona einimiug niiverae 1 iHive-demTlbeil Inntla nre riiiueat H e their elalma In thla oltlce on or 'ho wild 1st ti tiny or AtiRiiat. 1:, J. T. llltlUllKH. Ilrglater. than i' . a.,t,lt.i ltegl. I Iv ' 1 1wi. r- Timber I-and Act. June 3, 1878. NOTICi: FOR rttlll.ICATlON. U. 8. Land Ottlce. Roseburg, Oregon, May 12, 19)2. Notice la hereby l:1ven thut In com. Chance with the provlalona of the net of ongrcas of Jtino Z. W78. entitled "An Act for tho aale of Timber linda In the Htatea or caurornia. Oregon. Ncvnua ami Waahlngton Territory.- aa extended to nil the Public I.and Htntea by net of Auguat 4, 1TO. Oenrirn V. "Wnrren. of Mllncn, county of Mllle lAcn. fltnte nf Mlnneaota. una ima uny meu in tnia ni llco hla aworn statement, No. for thn purchnao or tho neu or Hectlon No, IK. townahlp 21 aouth. or ltnnge S weat, and will offer nroof to ahow that the land sought ta more valuable for Its timber or atono man lor agricununii purjiuaea, nnu to eatabllah hla claim to aald land before tho Reglater nnd Receiver of thla ottlce nt Itoaeburg, Oregon, on Thuradny, the ?Iat ilav of Auguat. 1902. nn namea aa witneaaen: u. i'.. irum mell. of Uraln, Oregon; U, Unvla. nf Drain. Oregon; J. Vnn Iltice. of MIllncK. Minnesota; I,. 1". Decker, of Illbblng, Minnesota. Anv nmi nil neranria etalmlnir adverap. 1y the nbove-deacrlbed Innda are retieat ed to file their claims In thla omco on or beforo tne nam ziat nay or Auguat, nr.. j. 1. lllllinii.M, iteglater. Timber I.nnd Act, June 3, 1878. NOTICK FOR PlIIII.rCATION. U. B. I,nnd Oltlce. Roacburg, Oregon, May 12, 1902. Notice la hereby given thnt In com. illance with the nrnvlalons of the net of Congress of Juno 3, l7s, entitled "An Act for the anlo of Timber Iinda In the Htatea of California, Oregon, Nevniln unit wnan ngton Territory." na oxtenuen io nil the I'ubllc I.nnd Htntea by net of tiguat i, wis. Mra. Ahhlo II. Clark. nf Mlllca, county of Mllle l.ncu, Htnte of Mlnnenotn, haa thin tiny llled In thla oltlcu her sworn statement No, 23X1. for tho pur- Timber Ijind Art, June 3. 1S71. NOTICK FOR l'UIII.ICATION. It. H. Iind Oltlce. Itoaeburg. Oregon May 2tl. UIU2. Notice la herebv given that In com iillnnce with tho provlalona of the net of uongrena ui June j, iin, eiiiiueu All Act for the aulo of TlmUer lunula In tint Htntea of Cullfornla, Oregon, Nevada nnd Waahlngton Territory. na extemteil to all thn Public iMud Stntea by uct of AUgUat 1, 1MT.', Alfred U. I.cltov. bf Cottngo llrove. county of Ijine, Htnto of Oregon, hna thla day filed in thla oltlce ma aworn atntement no. s,iii. for tho nur chnae of the lota 4, 6. 0 nnd 7 of acctlon No. a, of Townahlp No. 22 aouth, range 1 weai, nnu win oner proor in anow mat ine land nought la more vnlunblo for Ita Um ber or atone than for agricultural pur- loaea, und to eatnbllah hla claim to anld nnu before Marie i ware. u. H. cotn- mlaaloner at Kugene. Oregon, on Thurs day, the 7lh dny of Auguat, 19')'.'. He nnmea na wltneaaea; Frank Hender son. Frank 1 -el toy, of Cottage orove, I,nne county, Ore.; Joo Ilurnett, of Wild wood, Lane county, Ore.; Anna J. ('ho ney, of Cottnge Orove. Ijino county, Or. Any nnd all persona claiming ndverae Iy the nbove-deacrlbed Innda nro rouueat- ed to file their cinlma In thla olltco on or before the aaltl Tin uny or AUgual, 11102, j. 1 . iiuiuuKH, iteglater. Timber f.nnil Act, June 3, 187il. NOTICK FOR PIMIMCATION. t. H: l.nud Oltlce. Itoaeburg. Oregon. Mav 29. 190J. Notice la hcrebvi given that In com- pliunce with the provlalona of the net of Jongrcaa of Juno 3, 1S78, eutltlml "An Act for the anle of Timber Ijtnda In tho ritntea of Cnttfornlu, Oregon, Nevniln und Wuahlngton Territory," ua exlended lo nil the l'ubllo l.nlid HlnlcH hy net nf AiiKuat I, M3. Hleorgo W. McQueen, of Cottngo Orove, county of Uiino, Htnto of Oregon, hua thla dny Hint In thla nlMeo hla aworn atntement No. 2T85, for I ho pur chnae of tho nti ne4 nf Hectlon No. ii nf lownantp zu aouin, ui iiungo i weai, iinti T&XoTkTX Tow'n.hip WSlTol m.ff3,,Kl XX'ytt ' angeo weai. nna will oner prooi 10 .11 .w -r-? hnt thn land aouaht la moro valuablo for Its timber or atone than ror agncui- ural purpoaea, and to catauiiau nor ciaim In unM land before the Iteglater anU ItO- enlver of this ottlce at Itoaeburg. Oregon, on Thuradny, the 2Iat day of August, 1902. HIIO names an wuneanea, eiiaa ijwuiru V. rieeker. nf Hllib nrr. Minnesota: O. r . Warren, of Mllncn. Minnesota: Jncoh Vun Ithee. of Mllncn, Minnesota; C. 15, Trum ble, of Uraln, Oregon. . , , Any nna nil peraona cjniming uiiverae. iv thn ahnvn.deaerlhed Innda nro renueat ed to file their clnlma In thla office on or beforo the aald itn uny or Auguat, jvu.. j, i, itiviLuio, ivegioicr, atone thnn for agricultural purpoaea, nnd to catnullsli hla claim 10 anni Inntl beroro Mario Ii. Ware, It. fl. Commlaalcner at Kugene. Oregon, on Monday, the lHth day of Auguat, 1902. Ho nnmea na wltneaaea; C. A. Conla. Jnmcs I'otta, Jnmcs Ostrnmler, II. T. until an "I yuiiuai, ijiiivit. vvivttuii, I I'lio 11ICIIIK, Ullll tirillUUlg, atltl IlKlltllllT. Any unil nil pcreona claiming iniveree. ii,w ,- ,ii.. .. 11 Iv the nbove-deacrlbed aa nro renueat-I "l0 lnlly wcro Standing stntlcllly for . , I1U II...I- nl.ln... In TJ ,.fKA II. . . ni tu lll.l lll.'ll in.iii.1 111 ,t.a ,.i,u ..i. w, before the anld 1Mb dny of August, 1902. j, l. lilliuui.n, iteglater. FLAQ8 AT HALF-MA8T. At l'lrat Murine Hlunuta of lllalreaa, Now Hluna uf Moiiriiliig. "Wluit Is Hie tirlglit of thu cualoin nf dlaplnylhg lings nt half atiin. or, na peo ple tiauully any, half tniint 1" This iiii'atluii, when It was put It) inn the other dny, appi'iiit'd to have an eaiy niiavvcr: "It Is tiorrovvcil from the navy. The eiialgn or Kiiimnt ut luilf tniial I a recogiilzcil nlgu of mntirnliiK." "Yea: but wna It nt lint n alilp'a sig nal ut tllatrcaa, na smile auy-c veil aolnn uf the good illcllonnrleaV' I have heard I lint In the acvcnti't'iitli centtirj It win ao employed by llio Kpniilnrda; but. nt any ritte. toward tlio t'llil of the clulilci'lilli celilury the alg. tin of tllatrcaa rccogulza'd by I'roni'lt und Cngllali aaltora wna it tlHTcrcnt nf fair, an the following atory aliovva: Annti. 1783. The 1'ri'lirh ship Sybllle, a powerful thirty alt gnu frlgnte, la sighted off Cape Henry by the lluaanr, of twenty. eight gtitia. Now. the Nyhllla a few tlnya licfore. In n drawn tight Wlthniicuf the nhlpa ot I lie Ihlgllah licet to which the lluaanr bt'lotiga. aiiatnllied licit Injuries that alio hna atibaeitieully been tllsmaatcd In n pulT ut wind and Is miller Jury innt. As alio la tliercforo unable to clntao the lluaanr. alio accki tu entice her nlongaldi' In order to tnke her by boarding, nnd niTorillngly atnt. bolata to tho penk the French cnalgit under the Cngllah, na If nilinlltliig that alio Is captured. All thla la legllluiHti', whether the lluaanr lakca Hit' halt or no. Hut tho French cnplnln goci tiai fnr. llo holats In tho main aliiotnta nn rnalgu rrrcracd nnd lied In n weft or loop Now, (hla being n well known alg nnl of dlatrcafcfnti appeal to a coiiimaii humanity which no geiieroiia ntllcer could disregard-1 he lluaanr nt ouro cloaca. Fortunately, however, her cn'vr are at quarter wheu the Hyhllle. haul ing down tho Kngllah ling at Hie peak and hoisting the French above, endi'iiv or to run her on board. The cxtrt'inn rolling natural lo n ship tint atendled by autllclent anil eipoara the Kyhllle's bottom, and scrernl allots from tlio lluaanr go through her very bilge, lly this time another Fiigllah man of-vvar comes up, and the Hyblllo strikes her flag, tho reversed ensign with Its weft, so dishonorably liolscd, reuinlnliig In the shrouds. So much for the signal of tllatress Ihcory. We know that flags wero commonly uscil at funeral In Kiighiml, especially before tlio inlddlo of (he acvruterntli century, not reversed or tied In n weft, but floating In their normal position. Thla practice wit discontinued little by little, though no doubt some trace of Its Influence Is still seen In the universal display of military Hag on occaalou of national bereavement. New York Herald. 8UNDAY IN OLD VIRGINIA. Hie Dux v Ob.rrved ua Htrlclly In New Knulniid, There la an Idea provident that the trlct obscrvuucu of tho Sabbath wa almost wholly coiilined to the North, Nothing could bo more erroneous, "Tho lllue Laws" of Connecticut, surviving a a proverb for hardiness, lutve Im pressed the popular inltid n ml Hied an Idea which wiih, however, not abso lutely accurate. As surcre as those iinctincntH were, they wero scarcely more rigorous, whenever tho observ ance of Sunday wa concerned, than tlioao under which tho colony of Vir ginia wa established mid developed, iVtti'ndaiicu on divine service was as strictly enforced, and nhstlucuco from II secular employment ns rigidly en joined. It wa n church-going time. Itcllglon engrossed tho energies of the people. Participation In worship wa tho Inw, nmi whoever failed In It wus lawbreaker and wus dealt with ac cordingly. Later ou-that Is, prior to tho revolution camo n certain hixnes tlio reflex of the taut-strung how lieu tho fox-hunting, cock-llghtlnc paraons were Inducted Into tho llvhign; but, a tho cnuscs were temporary, the main cntiso being tho political iipimlnt- mt'iit by an nhseiitco .Metropolitan, so 10 encct wiih not permanent. It wa out of theso condition that Hanover presbytery sprang, tinder the Infliicnco of Patrick Henry's model. tho eloquent "Parson Davie," later tho President of Princeton college. In deed, while some of tho Iingllsh par son who have nmdo tho tlmo notorious, wero Hieing, nnd drinking, and lighting, Timber Land Act, Juno 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR I'lJIILICATION. U. H. I-and Oftlco. Itoaeburg. Oregon. May 7. 1902, Mnllrn la hernhv irlvnn that In com Ellance with tho provisions of the act of ongreas ot Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An Timber Land Act, Juno 3, 1878. NOTICK FOR PinililOATION, U. H. Lund Oltlce. Roacburg. Oregon. May 7. 1902. Notice la hereby oivon thnt tn com Bllance with tho provlalona or tho net of ongresa of Juno 3, 18i8, entitled "An Act for tho anle of Timber Ijimls In tho Htatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waahlngton Territory,' as extended to tlio old customs, and wero making tho saddling upon them of such miscreant ono of tho charge In their Indictment ngulnst tho government "nt homo." They withstood Innovation. Thoy kept the fill th. They built churches which still stand to-day a memorial ot their piety und cliurchtnanshlp, From "An Old Virginia Sunday," by Thouiai Nelson Togo In Scrlbner'.