Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 30, 1902, Image 5

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    Work CouinicmcN On Ro.idlicil In lite
VnrilK In t.otifr A lllnxlinni'a
Ailillllini.-I'lmt Iron In
l.alil Wetliiciidny.
It Ik now tli'iiiiiiiMtnili'il Ik.voiii
01111111 llllll I.OIIg.Y IIIHKlllllll HIT IIH
Ing llit-lr Ik-hI clfurlN to iiroiiiotc t tit
IuiIIiIIuk (it the r.tllronil to IIiiIii'iiiIm
mill lit the Hiiinc I line to iilil I In- N, I
Co, In tin' unit tor of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 nut .iinl
room ut tlilx iliiri. It Ih ii well
known fuel Hint tin-Noutlirru 1'iit'llli
IlllH iiIu'ii.vh Im-i'II liitnillrnppfil liyivn
Hon n( liniili'iiiiiii ground for riuil
unit truck fnrllltli'H.
Wln'ii Hie Itolii'iiiln I'lillroml iiHHiini-
fil Niilmtniitliil iroiorlloiiH, Mi'mmi-m
l.nng IIIiikIimiii iiiiiiIo m propim!-
Hon to tin' Soiitliciii I'fic-lllf Hint
tln'.v would kIvc Hint I'onipnn.vliKlli.v
r.lH) Uvt on tin' ciiHt nIiIii of I lit iiinlii
truck for .Mini pnrpoHi'H willi t Ih- uii
iH'I'nIiiiiiIIiik Hint tin I'liinpnn.v ninlp
It with truck nnil ImiIIiI n new pun
McliKi'r ilcpol, iIii-hhIiiix Hi i-roiiiiil
mill wnlkH with ilccoiiipox'il Kriinlli',
Jim Ih Hii coinpmi.v'H ciiHtom.
'I'IiIn wiih iikiitiI to mill the 8. 1.
I'onipnn.v tlilx vuvk I'liinincliccil the
work of gnullng for the ynrtl trnrl;n.
In I'oiiHlilcnitlon of the IuiIIiIIiik '
the llohcliiln riillriiiul. iihIiIc from the
f.Vul.ihi cimh MiiliHcrlptloii; I.ongA
lllugliiini iiIhii kiivi- to the Oregon A
Soiilli i:iiHlerii It.v. Co. IlK) hy law
fivt on theeiiMl Hlilennil mljmviit to
tlii'H. I Co.'h grant, for the new
rond'H yiinl Inii kx.
TheH. I. Iiiih nliviuly phiceil the
twitch nearly oppiwlte the 1'ivilrlck-
hen rcMlilenie niul lire nt work on the
untile with the view of milking the
cnnuii-llou with the O. .V K. II.
K r m I ii 1m liiiineillntely, In onler thnt
tliiM'firrt lomleil with mnlerlnl for the
lictv mud cult lx run out irmly for
iihi on the main line.
The iiinlii Krmle of the (. Ac K. II.
Iiiih Ih-cii enmpleteil ntionl live Milieu
nut, mill iih Hiinii iih n locoinothecmi
ivnch heiv for the new coiiipmiy,
which will In- nut inter I tut the curly
part of next week, track laying will
coiiimciice In ileail carneHt.
Ill view of the material UHHlMtmicc
mill energy illHplayeil by .Mi-HHrH hong
.V lllngham. the tl. ft. S. II. It.v. Co. Ih
allowing IIh nppnvlatloti li.v cimccn-
trallng Uh fonvn niul taking Innneill
ateMtepHto Improve Uh gronmlH iih
well as to exen lne Hh Inllnelice III the
mutter ot lirlnglng varloiiH enter
jnU' Into oHratlon heiv.
Aliviuly arrangeiiiealH are ht
leclei) wlii'ivli.v n hiiw mill will In'
erecteil ami eipilpH-il JiihI hoiiiIi ot
wliein the Itoiirlng milt now
HtirulH, ami :nJiiivnt to tin- railroad
The case of Ilnrry Ornnclll,
chorged willi obtruding the S. IV
Co.'h truck nt (ircninu Hold, near
Klcc Hill, wiih heard before n jury
nt the county court limine in hum:
burg Thursday. They retniiiucil
out only fivo minutci nod brought
in ii verdict or utility. Graitclll Ih
not miicli more than n hoy, hut he
Iiiih n record of petty crimen uud
Ncrvlcc In the Portland jnil, allowing
Ills fainillnrity with wrong doing.
Following tile trial of Oranelli for
attempting t wreck nil S. 1. Co.'h
trniti, ciitnc the arraignment of hi
t7-year old partner, I lion. Arnold,
for complicity. The youth broke
down, (living vent to hit feelings
by soliliing, enlisting tilt; Hympathy
of neatly nil in the court room nt
Koschiiig. His pnrcutri live in
Portland, from where he ran nway
to lead a drifting career. Owing
to the fart that Arnold's leHtimony
was mainly instrumental in con
victing Oniuelli, and in consider
ation of his youth, he was g iveu a
Hcutetice of only two month in the
county jail by Judge Hamilton lie-
lore whom the case was tried.
These weie the boys that were nr.
rettlcd here last week and taken to
Koschurg by Mut.shal Underwood
lion. K. V. Dollivcr, of Iowa,
gave a splendid talk Ih-Iuic a
ciowdcd house at the court house
in Kugeuc Satutday evening. The
ft!! '!! 1 ' 1 f
l.nrjfc Crowd WIIhcm the lUlilhltlor
nt llnnic'fl I'jirk. Itie Hand
l.'lny Slowly mid I.acllcB
Shed Team Over the
Slid Kcnult.
SCOWJ! KUSUI.IS 9 10 10.
An Aggregation of bu tosser
fiom thin place went down to the
county seat hint Sunday and crossed
bats with Hampton llroi team ol
mat place.
The game was pulled off at
Iliiug'H park before a large and cu
thusiastic crowd, including the 4th
regimental baud which furnished
excellent music for the occasion.
The game was a sort of proces
sion ftom near the fust until the
seventh inning, with Cottage (Irovi
in the lead, when our liovh fell all
over each other and allowed liu
gene to make four rutin thus nearl)
tying the M:ore. This was the
only stage of the game in which
the boys from the county seat
could see any signs of davlmht.
The principal feature of the game
was the oor work done by both
teams in the in-held. Mow-
ever, there were times when it was
very good. Uelow is the score by
Personal Paragraph!. t
- - o-
Attorney. I. K. Young wiih a vlxllor
o llohenila IIiIm uivk,
.1. T. AIIIhoii made a liln tolaiL'cni.
Ije llrMl of the wei'k.
Chas Cochran made 1i(h regular
.vcckly trip to Drain last .Saturday.
Win Dennett in again able to re
unite his position in the lostofllce.
The senior editor attended the
republican rally nt Ktigciic last
Saturday evening.
1'irw rlpllniiH
lieiiHon Ilrug Co.
Next WeilncKilny mid to noon of
TliurHilny May '2H tc &) Kugeiie'H well
known oculo-optli'lnn will lie In Cot-
tnge drove nt I lie Hherwooil hoiiHe.
I Hnrrcd I'lymnutfi Kockn.
. Kggn for Hide from pilze-wliialiig
I Itlfil !.. ul.l I... . B! J
.1. W. IIoitk. Cottage drove.
If In need of dental work call 011
Or. Miicy, now permanently located
In Hie Or. Kuiipp liiilhllng, Alain
St., Cottage drove, Oregon .
If there Ih one thing In thin world
you hIioiiIiI Ik- careful of, It Ih the
medicine you take. .Medicine Ih a
doilKcnd to man only when proiicrlv '
,. ,
Ilob Illair is now recovered and 'J,,,,! proHTly taken, youundoulitedly '
unve laitn 111 your ramuy pnvHiciaii,
Von can line your own judgment. 1
When It eonien to taking It, hut In !
the tilling of the prescription. Ih. mire 1
tout 11 ih done at the old rcllame
drugHtore. Hk.nhon Diii ii Co.
ready to lesume his position as
night dirk at the Motel Sherwood.
MIkh l.cnorn llenolt arrived from
Salem thin wivk to accept 11 poHltlori
aw Hti'iiograjiher for the ldtoy .Min
ing Co.
"We Suit the Hard to Suit."
Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
The Cash Grocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line of rocerle
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits one vege
tables in season.
The Cash Grocery Go.
A. Q. Young, Manager.
gentleman is an eloquent upe.iker.
ml Is well versed in evcrv phase of
political argument and injected !.,!,
tnmi vmi-v iimirln,it fliittifu itif..
. . V h v-ouage orovc t 2 1 5 o o 1 00- to
the minds of many democratic1 tin,,.,,,,,,, nPc - ,
rpifiii(t. u-tlft 1 1 1 lit tftti nl ( lu ipml( I . . ' '
One of the most pleasing (?)
fcatutes of the evening was the
way the Kugeuc people lifted their
voice in song. Truly the Kugeuc
public is cultured along this line
It would be worth a ten year isola
tion from a democratic stile con
vention powwow, to hear a Kugeuc
audience sing "My Country "Tis of
I lice" or "Marching 1 hroutrh
Oeorgia." ,
"Too Kicit To Makky "
A good house greeted the com
pany last Friday evening when the
curtain went up for the comic opera
above mentioned. It was n very
appreciative audience too as was
demonstrated by the applause with
which they received the splendid
efforts of the company and particu
larly ol old Mr. llradbury and his
charming () wife who looked for
him in Lincoln park. The play is
a grxHl one and was well put on.
The junior editor intended this
same play by the same company in
his home town in" N-brask:i lust
season when it was called "Prince
Romero" but the change in title
docs not injure it in the least.
Hatteries Kugeuc. Mayes and On
by; Cottage Grove, Henry nud
Umpire Karl of V of O.
As this was the initial game for
the boys from here nud a mere
practice game at that the boys feel
somewhat encouraged nt the result.
A return game will doubtless be
played here in the near future
when 11 fine exhibition of base ball
will be given.
The C. M. A. Hand of tliUnlace wiih
organized In .(miliary IML'. .Mr. It.
' AtkliiH, who volunteered IiIh ner
vIcch iih liiHtructor. took hold at the
iH-glnulug and Hchooled the iiiciiiIhth
In the rudlmeiitH of iiiiihIc ko Hint I
within a iiioiiIIi'm time the hand was
nhle to play a piece or two of cany I
The great rhcumiitlHiii cure
Mllchell .V Dahou'h lllood I'liriller.
for cole hy lieiiHon Drug l it. Hole
Itn.v D.vhoii and .Mltchell'H HIoihI
I'liriller. It will do you good. A
gifat iheiimiitlHUi cure. HeliHon Drug
1 o. Hole ngeniH.
According to what we see at the
lower cud of town T. K. Richard
son must be rloing a fine piano and
organ business.
Miss Klma Hawley of I.orane
had the misfortune to be thrown
from a horse last Saturday evening
sustaining several severe bruises.
Mrs. O.J. Cox and family left
on the early morhiug train Wednes
day for Hcppucr to join her bus
band, where they will reside in the
Iewis Hartley came down from I
his diggings in the lloliemi.i Dis
trict and left for Corvallis Friday, I
where he will visit his family for a
Miss Stella Urown, who has !een
visiting her sister Mrs. J,ee W.
Henry for a few days, returned to
Kugene last Friday, accompanied
by her sister, and the junior editor
enjoyed (?) single blessedness for n
day or two.
The boys are fixing up the ball
ground down on Long & Hingham's
addition and expect to have it in
fine shape for practice and real
business by the time some tea-n
screws up enough courage to give
us a game here.
In 11 rcri'iit nitii'le .1 prominent plivvi- !
elan snys, "It Ih next to impoKnihlii fur 1
tin: iliyeii-i,'in logct hix piitlentn tnciirry I
'iih any prccriiM-u coiifi-eol iivuieiiu or
Jin 10 iiih viiiiieii extent; nu nun nil
quo ri'Hort left, namely, the drug treiitr
meiit." When medicines nit) unci fol
chronic eoiitlp:ition, the moM mild mel
K'mtle nlit.iiiiiililc, ruch iih ChnrnlHT
luin'ii Htonmcli A lAver TalilHn, (ihoulil
Ih! employed. Their ucn in not followed
hy ciiixtipiitlon an they leave the IiqmcIh
in 11 natural and healthy condition . I'oi
sale hy llcnsoii Drug Co.
As the Old Maid
Said when Sl'ie
Iv issecl the
IJohemia, Oregon.
(iJcneral illei',
Miner' Tools ami
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Our nihi are nhort and sweet and right
to the (filnt.
Etrehaut & Morgan
Tie .Ye 10 Era Driif Store.
How are they going to ge(
through? The can't do it any
more than the proverbial camel can
go through the eye of a needle,
There's nothing like our fine wire
screens in windows and doors, as
well our Summer closets and wire
coverings for victuals to keep the
insects out. They are cheap, too
and allow the air to circulate freely
through the rooms. No home
should be without them.
which wiih a decided hiiccchh.
I he Imi.vh now have Home new anil
I'i iii iiahiui I'i.ammi Mil. 1.. up-to-date iiiiihIc mid have Ihvii
"i ll. .Milam-, proprietor of the, puijiiig 111 mini iicKh at itieir re-eli-etrlc
light plant of IhlHclty pur- IhemvalH ;iti , liavii prepartsl them.
cIiiihciI from iIIiihh llroH. of tlil city, ' kcIvcm for another concert 'to take
hiHt .Siitntiln.v, Ihelrplaiilngnilll near place on Saturday May .'lint. They
inencpot. rue mill Ih well cmiiIiiihmI ;cii-i 10 hiiow to tne pttlillc n'-
Itellig encoltraired at the rimhl lu-n.
gri-HH made the Iio.vh wei-edetermlued j The depot is crowded evcrv da
to niiil.e the lient of their posHllillltlcH with people coming to and goins
h., employed Mr. Chan. Cochran to (.... .i..s t)rivitll, vonntr eitv cA
hii.ccsI Mr. Atl.liiH.thehltterhavliig lrom 0""K c,t ,
noted away) u i-.Hlruclor and ,),irSl and the hotels are crowded
Htarted In with renewen energv. tall the time, sometimes as many as
Mr. Cochrau coinmeun-d ilrllllng, twenty men being turned away '
.1. V .. ... .,T 'V,r; front them.
..., ,,H- win- I,,,-,, to 11 tiiiitt-ri
Hert Wool has almost completed
his new cottage near the Catholic
church upon which he has been at
work for a few mouths past. As
mjuii 111 11 i jc.iuy ioi mxuiJaiii y i
the junior editor of this great
grouiiiiH. wiiu a iiiiu.t capi. ll.t olj,n to . hoped that the mill from
.VLOOO, to he Incicimcil as hooii as now on will Im- Kept
prn -tlciil. the mill to he hi oerntloii 1 Hiitllclentl.v to Htipply the demaiid.
wl.h.n ninety days. Thln ,, A&l
ri'pre-ent. In nioxt part. eiiHtera cap- asHiHtance of lUe Tlu'iiiai. who ill
Ital, which ini'iiiiH niiotliiT Important
Hoiirce of revenue for thin xivtlon.
With the new yardH under con
HtriH'tlon, new hiiw mill uud planing
running, new depot going up, and
traliiH In ami out of llohenila, hii.v
nothing of mil uy other liuproM'iucntH
under way and coiitrmplated. Col
lage drove will take on the appear
ance of 11 gooil-Hlzcd city; and the
U'Ht part of It Ih, It Iiiih the ad
vnutugcH to Jiistlf.v every Improve
ment uud enterprise proponed and
put In oieratlou.
3 l 3.
Three instruments in three hours
was the record nt the Richardson
Music House, Cottage Grove, Mny
27, 1002. One line Kimball piano,
one fine Singer piano and one six
octave Kimball organ. A few days
ago we sold n fine Ncedham piano,
which goes to Kugeuc. I would
like to call the attention of the
public to the Necdhnui piano. It
Iins always been a favorite where
evcr iu has been seen or heard We
have made a socially on Necdham
pianos for the last twelve years.
They are like a good, old violin,
the older they are the better the
tone. When you call at the
Richardson Music House sec our
goods and get our prices, you will
not wonder why, we nre turning
so many instruments out. Our
Hue of pianos is not complete nt
present, but we will soon have n
large new stock of very fine iustrtt
mcutr. Do not tail to sec them at
our wnrctoom in the Racket store
building near the depot.
T. K. Richakdson, Cottage
Grove, Ore.
Among the Lodges. 2
The Redmen of this city gave
one of their enjoyable smokers Inst
Tuesday evening. Some fifty
members nud Invited guests were
present, an excellent time was had,
the affair winding up with light re
freshments, songs nud smoking clay
pipes, Pedro tobacco and all-round
llewnro 0 itlr dried or hull dry
flooring, celling and riiHtlc. Tim
llooth.Kelly I.uinlicr Co. are milking
1HJH.TI111 pnecH 011 uuiwiricti minncr,
to fiit-nlMh llnlHhlng liuuls-r for a umi-halilc advancement In the pant 1 family journal and Ins tietter hall
miicn larger eii.t tnancottageiirove. ' M'" wcci. h practice ami on Miiurday , will proceed to move 111 and make
aigiii ine people will not only have themselves at home
an opportunity to hear great work ,"u"selves al llome-
from lliN young organization tail
t III hear Home of the vocal and
liiHlrumeutal music ever heard In
Cottage tlrove. .MUh DhIxv 1 idlierl.
vikiiIImI. and Mls DalH.v Dltlnid.
pluiilHt, of ICugene will lie on the
irogi-ain willi Home e.cellent I111111-iiern.
There Hliould Ih-a iuoiihIi-oiis tinn
omciate iih lotvmmi in the mill, every
thing will Ih put 111 ivadluenHits hooii '
an poMHlhle. A dry kiln will a No Ih1
erected and every effort will he ma le 1
,..l..u. .......l .1.- ..r 1..
o e
g Business Briefs. j J
I o
I"(ll II I II op .1 i-i.v.
It Ih nlioiit time permillient ur
raugementH wen- helng made for a
Fourth of .Inly celebration here. It
Ik uudcrHtooi! that Kngcnc will not
celelirale HiIh year and In that event
the count Ih open for Cottage tirove
to do the honorH for l.nne eonnt.N.
The IiuhIiichh men are all nnxloiw.
Kveryhod.v Ih iiiixIoiih. Here Ih a
Hplendld chance to get people heiv
who othiTu Ihc may nta.v awa.v for
a nuinlier of yearn.
For Sai.h
A number of fine yearling Colts
wool bucks for sale. Inquire of I).
G. McKarlnnd.
I out to encourage hiicIi a good cause
1 and Incidentally cuahle It to proceed
I In the right manner.
Fine watchcH and Jewelry at II. C.
MiiiIhcii'h. See- them.
Itoliert SluiUHon .loucH. hoii of Mr.
and Mi-h. K. .Ioiich, horn Sent
lsstl, died May ;h 1MW. auvd la vciii-h
and S montliH. He hiiKciiiI with
lung fever for alnuml hIx ueekn,
when death cauie to IiIh ivllef. lie
was good anil kind to IiIh imrentH. a
friend to everyone. iiIwiivh ready to
lend 11 helping hand in time of need
ami dearly loved hy all who knew
him. IlehoivhlH Mifferlng with all
patience oiiecouhl have, after Hiiylng
"All Ih helng done that could lie
done." With 11 kiiiIIc 011 IiIh face lie
left HiIh earthly home to go to one
In the heaven where he would nulfer
110 more.
We iiiIhh I1I111 from our home.
We iiiIhh him from IiIh place,
A Hhadow o'er our life Ih i-hhI.
We iiiIhh the hiiuhIiIiic of IiIh face.
The limine NecniH empty now,
iiih cioiiich nre mi laid n.v,
A inotlier'H hope, a futlier'H Joy,
In deatli'Hculd arm doth lie.
We iiiIhh IiIh kind and willing hand,
HIh fond and earncnt cmv,
Our home Ih dark without him
Wn iiiIhh him everywhere.
I'liilml Klutim IjiihI Oflli c,
ItoKburir, OrcKon, Mny SI, IWJ,
Notli'O li hereby given that In nimplliwie
with III provliliinxif the Met nf Connre ot
June :l, w, ciiUIUmI "An net tor tho tatoof
limber liuvil in thaHUIesnf rnlUiirnjii, Oreirnii,
NotmU, mul Wiuhlnuton Territory." hh ex.
totaled to nil tne I'ubllc Jjtiul Hlnlei by nrt of
AitKimt I, WB. Manly I, Clark, of Milan,
Cmmly ot Mlllo Uea, Hiato of Minn. Iihh tlilxlay
ftloil In lnl otllcii bU iwnrn Matouieiil No. -J. 1 1
or tho purchase oflliBH!KWl41thoNK'iaw'i',
ami tho Ntf U becllon M. i In Totvmlilp No
SI H., ot Kanie II Wi'X anil will iittor proof to tliiiw
thai the taint toughi la morn vuluablo for Ita Um
ber or mono Ihun lor agrkniltnrn! jitiriiMi,iinl
to eitabllali lila claim 10 nail) lamf before Marie
L. ware U. S. t'oininUilouoral KUKoni OrcKon,
on Tnmilay, the Mh ilay of AngilM, IH'.'.
Ileiiainetaa wlluoaeii
Juenti Van Hrjoe, of Mltara, Minn, Charles
Trnmtnjll, John wagoner, Leon A woodbiiry,
of Drain, Oregon,
Any met all persona claiming ailverrely the
almve-dCKerlbeil lamia are rcijucatcil to lllo
llielr i lalma in thla niHee on or before rabl Mh
day of Augut,l'Ji4.
J T. llRiuata, Iteglstcr.
j Cedar posts for sale by Kakin &
1 llristow.
Dr. I.owe'n gliiHHCH Htrcngtlien the
' eyeH mul hraln.
..... , . . ! Thee iIIiiiiioihIh at II. 0. Mud sen are
Mrs. I.CC DailleWOOd Who has I limnllni. Cnll on.l thpm
oeen unfiling school at Star re
turned home Saturday for a day's
Mr. l'rank Taylor returned Sun
day from Calilomia where he has
been employed for nearly a year
and a half.
The Divide railroad yard presents
a busy scene now. All of the pil
ing is being loaded and shipped.
New buildings of all descriptions
going up nnd others contemplated.
School will close in three weeks
and they nre preparing to hove a
good time.
Roads are drying up nnd wood
hauling will soon begin if present
conditions continue.
Fine residence", choice lots, bnines
blm'kH for 8le.ljroine Knox ft Co.
Lively times nt the Richardson
Music Houhc, Cottage Grove.
Save your eyes and iiervoun energy
hy wearing a pair of Dr. I.owc'h hu
IH'rlor ghiHscH.
Good second hand carriags nnd
harness for sale cheap by Kakin &
Ite huiv and mv Dr. l.owe about
your e.vcH next WediieHilay and
TluirHdny May -.s & ).
The HeliHon Drug Co the oldent
and alwa.vH reliable drugHtore in
Cottage drove.
For toilet artleleH do not fall to ex
amine the very complete Htock at
lieiiHon Drug Co.
Good fire and burglar proof safe
for sale at a bargain. Kakin &
At Ii,i1m,.iiu t,v-it1.i.i' uloiii
iiny dmiKuioiia coiifispiencea from it, I nllver wmv, ivinarkalil.v pretty de
hho aays: Our three children tank , Hlgnn, nnltulile for wedding pivnentH.
whooping cough hiat aimuiier, imr hahv I , .
hoy heiiiK only three inontha old, nnil I We will sell your property. Cot
ovyiug to our giving them Cliuniber-1 tage Grove Investment Co.. lfinu
11I11 if Cough Remedy, they loatnoneof JJlk, Room S.
their phiiiipueKH nnd enme out in oh
better health limn other children whose .von troubled with brnln fug
piircut did not uso thin remedy. Our "lid heiidaelie? If ho let Dr. l.owe
oldest little (,-iil would end limtilv Ioi ! ivinovo the ciiiiho with a pair of IiIh
coiinh nyrup lietween tvhoopH. JeHio 1 Hiipeilor gluHm-H,
rniKcy nun, sprlngville, Alii. Thin
A woman who lms had experience
with thin tliMiave, tella how to prevent
remedv in for wi n hv l.v,m . .,i
gite. Drain. llensou'Drug Co., Cottnijo
li rove.
DeoAro You Geo Kas!
rolyniorphliin HnrKulua
At the New Ivra Di uu Store.
At the
Where tho meals are well cooked and well nerved and the heda are. good.
And you'll llml everything homo-llko without home inconveniences.
Como and stay iih long aa poaalble.
1'ieutoourCuiniiieiulul'frade. Trv our Sunday Dlnnor. Tho beat ever
Served in any llotol in the City.
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
Will stand at John Sears'
Cottage Grove,
Mondavs nud Tuesdays nnd bal
ance of time at HMHRSON'S
DESCRIPTION: Hay Deck is n
dark bay, 15 hands high and
weighs 1400 lbs. His sire is an
English Shire and Clydesdale and
his dam Lumix and French Cana
dian. F. M. ERNEST.
United StntcH Iiiul Olllce.
ItoM'btirg. Ore.. VM2.
Notice Ih hereby given that In com
pliance with the provlnloUH of the act
ofCougresH of June :i, lS7s entitled
"An act for the wile of timber IiiuiIh
In the StateH of California. Oregon.
Nevada, and WiiHhlugtoiiTerrltorv."
as extended to all the 1'ublle Land
StateH liy act of AugliHt4, lN'JJ.Alfnsl
I). Ixdtoy, of Cottage tirove. County 1
of Lane, State of Oregon, has t IiIh
day Hied In tbl otllce bin Hworn
Htatement .No. SmTI, for the liurehiiHe
of the l.otn 4, .", (I it 7 of Sivtlou No.
in TowtiHhlp No. ii1 S., Kangv No. 1
Went, and will offer proof to nhow
that the land nought Ih more valu
able for Uh timlier orntoue than for
agricultural purpoHCH. mul to CHtali
IIhIi IiIh claim to Haiti bind liefore
Marie 1. Wmv, U. S. CoiumlnHloner
at Kugene, Oregon, ouTliurwluv, the
7th day of August, lUOi.
He namcH an wltneHHCH:
Frank Heiiilet'Hoii, Frank Ix'Koy.
of Cottage tirove, l.aneCo.,Oi'., .Ii'ie
Iturnett. of Wild wood, Lane Co, Ore..
Anna .(.Cheney, of Cottage drove.
Lane Co., Ore.
Any and all peivoim elnlmlng ad
vernely the above-deHcrllKst IiuiiIh ait
ivqueHteil to file their elalniH In thin
olllce on or before wild 7th day of An
glint, uxy.
J. T. Iliunot:H, lteglnter.
If yon are not wearing
Our Shoes
and have been in the habit if
paying higher prices, thinking
you have been getting some-
Si thing better, you will not make
that mistake, again if you give
our shoes a trial.-
These Shoes are Models made
by people who set
Under Odd Fellows' Hall.
rirtn v
in the way of Hardware, Tools ami
imblements, you can find at our
store. Are you going mining?
See our Stock of Tools and Sup
plies before you make your pur
chases. We Keep everything a
Miner needs.
notick for irnucATiox
rulieit Slates liul Offlco
Kiiwlmnr Orrren. May a), line.
N'ntico tx hereby trlvt-n that In ctiiuiUauee I
On the afternoon of Saturday
ltii the tirnriilnm til the apt of (VngrtM ot I fav fst at 2 o'clock Mrs R P
Junes, WT. entitle.! "An act tor the m!o l . y ? 1 , ,,.'...',
timber laiidn tu the States of California. Ore- Watlds, of Salem, will deliver m
V.''.-, . . ""v.?"..... . . V-... . nridrps nil rvmmno. fr,,,t munti.
New backgrounds and acces
sories. Best Lenses and Cameras.
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic ball. West
side, Cottage Grove.
externum wall Public- u.n.1 swtc by act f , aooress on canning iruits, meats.
Anxun t, ciiarle-. iue. of Lorane, ' vegetables fish etc hv steam
Comiiy of Ijcne. suite of Oregon, h.i J-gt.iaoie3, nsij, etc., oy steam.
in nay men in iiii onu-e nismvorn .laiemeni rruit glowers aim an oiaera arc
1. iV.ti, for the nnri-ha.e of the w W J, j,,j,.i , t.
M..-I1..H X., in ionhio xo. ai ij'.tnvitea to be present, c
No. iVn. for Oil- 01
,,r Kpt-iloii 'o '21 In townnhlo Nn. Jl)
Kantre no. 6 we.t, ami u ill oner prool 10 inow
that the laml Miuuhl l more valuable for Us
Umber or f tune Inan forafrrlculliiralniiroes
ami 10 estahllih hli clalin to icalil land before
Marie I- ware, t. s. Commissioner at Kti
Rene, Oreon, on Momlay, the till clay ot
AiiKiist, wl.
Itenameias nltne-ses:
Henry A. Ilronvr, ot Albany, Unn Co., Ore..
Mae wllnu), UeurKe A lletls, Mrs. U. A. Belt, ot
lorane, iJine Co.. Oregon.
Any anil all rMina elalmlmr ailverncly the
above-tleH-rlbeil latuls are rvtinesteil to tile
theirelalmsln this olllce 011 or before salil 4th
ilay vf AUKU't. 1 J. T. llaicuia. Itenlster.
I'niteil states IjuhI Olllce.
RosebnrK, Orcifou. Msy '.M. Ir..
Notli-e Is hereby given that In iomillaiin
ultli the provisions of the aet of t'onitrevs of
one n, 1. entltleil "An aet for the sale ot
timber lamia In the Ktatea of California, Oregon
Netaila, ami wakbiiiKton Terr tnry,"a extend,
eil to alt the I'nblle lnel Slates liy uc-t of An
Knit t, lH'JJ. Ia-oii A. woiulbiu) . of Iiralti, County
of UoiiRlas, Slate of Oregon, has this ilaylllecl In
this oihee his sworn statement No 'J.1l, for the
imrehakoof the SKl-l of section Ho. 'Jit. toun.
...I. ..f r.i It cv.l Mii.1 will ntta
j iriHiflo khow that I lie land sought Is more val.
uauio lor lis cuuoer or .lone lunu lor nrgoc nicii.
ral puriioses, and toestabllh his claim to said
land before Marie h. uare, V. H, Commissioner
at Kugene, Oregon, 011 Tuesday the (Hi
day nf August, lmrj.
lie names as witnesses:
Charles Trumbull and John wagoner, of
' ral 11, Oregon, Jural, Van lthceand Manly I,
Any and all oersont claiming adrerselythe
above-described lauds are reUetrl to Ale
their claims In ihlsvlllce on or before said A
day of August, WW,
J. T. Umnau ltcgter.
liead roul estate barsaliu of Jerome
Knox ti Co.
We are prepared to furnish ice in
any quantity.
Bohemia lee & Cold Storage Co.
Leave orders at O. Q. McClel
lau's cigar store. Phone No. 191;
t BolneirLia.
Main St., Cotlsgo drove.
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on'
hand. Vour patronage
is respectiuiiy solicited, w
frirHVffc ,