Devoted to the Mining. Luinbeiiug "nd Farming Interests of this Community, to Good (iovcrmiieiit, and Hunting for a Grub Stake. VOL. IV. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1902. NO. 19. PltOI'ItSSTONAL. ! J. E. YOUNG 1 AlUmio-ul-liuti 1 " ODlca an Main liel, Wml Side COTTAOH GltOVIi, Oltlt. J. 0. JOHNSON ami P. .1! HHV ?1 Hartleys and (' (tiwll alltnllun riven Mlnl. itmii.u mnl Mari-anule omrqor (Utri)Mll ft tlgllli.ll u n '. ...n. COTTAOK GKOVi., OKI'.. J. S. MEDLEY dttomcii-ut-lMw o o o ( : -Olllrooii Main utrrol - . CoTTAOH (iKOVK. OKI!. JEROME KNOX ' JHlavnaii'iiL-lMW ' I'rum j.l ttmittaii fild liMllnli'f liiultieii. j boTTAOK Ghovh, Or. L. T. HARRIS flttorncu and flouiiselur HlfUl StlIHlnl. tfllPtl lit lllO UMr ill Mill I'ltut National Hank llciil.lliiK. i:t'ui:si:, ore. Jk Kalkiiic Schlccf, . II. DUmts cf Women anil Cliililrcii j , corr.tuii c.itovi:, oiti:. i I W. H. ROBINSON rTn ini. I'ln.n i." - Ofllfe t.illiloll. on lllMjr "Itrel, nrat alt COTTA'ir. !UO H, OltKHtlV ltll.SINHSS. BARKER & PERMAN I'ltiii'iur.Toiix or THE ISaXCIIANGG iii:ai.i:u.h in fini: WINIiS, I.iyi'ORS. CIGARS. Mln utrerl, Cnttnan it nt )r. H. cTmADSEN, - !' Vatciimaki:k. 1 fUfulrltiK nl re ftfeiiiftM rtinrKrn All tvtirk tftitirtutifr'i Hrm Hum Vtrli?t,'tiH'l.itnl Jewel r nt l.nHfl l'rlic Harness and Ssulillory. M IN HTItrhT. t'OTTM.i: t.l!tl K. George Aleinzer, I'rop. A llni' Mm' nl Hum.'-. KimI'IIo. Vhl. Viiffy Itnta'a, la-atliar lli'lllllK. I'.li'.. ntnata or) liaml ,MI Lllnla of llii.nlrtiiK A U'.'luliy All Imn.l rnturil unrL Itirnc! otil. , Our farmi-r 1'rliTlliUrnli K'l ll"- i-ry Vul i I li.' Iivti-.t l.lvttiK I'llit" I'niiii. In ami fnin tllu ttia immIh ami too. for tiu Mlf. Coiiiiuon Rough Lumber, S7 per M.o.1; BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saoinaw, Ok. lunwis liiu.Tuw. I rrMilcnt. lUllllCHT IUKIS, Cutlilcr GUOVK, OKH. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan mi approved eeeinlly. Uxeliaiiiji'H noli), ftvailuliln nnv ,'laco In the Uulod Stnletf. Your lluslitcMH In So Ih'llml. (10 'llla. MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. MAIN NTKHUT CoTTAOH C.KOVlt, OrK. NtiTiiT. run rnii.ii'ATioN. Iliilli'.IKtitliia l.auil Ollln', llnwl.ur(, Or.'it.iii. Miiri'h , liwj. Nntl.'O la li.Ti'liy Klvun Unit III rl.l'llnnco lli thi irrlKloiiH of I tin act ol I'oiiKrow ot J lino Si IW. .' "An Aut for llio nilo .if Tlnilior Liiinli In tlw sinloanf riillfurmii. On--Kim, Niivinlii, mnl W.ililiiKtim Turrlli.ry." n (ixtoinlcil lonll lliu I'tibllf I..011I SliilO'i by u.'l nl AliKtiat . I"l. " ThinnilH Awliloy, ul I iiltiiua llrov.', Homily if Ijiiih Ori'itoii liua llila lay lit ol In llila nllli'O lilaaHorn aliiloniont No. j nil. for Ilia imri'liimi nl tin) Honlli i'iiat qiinrlcr .ilSoi'lliin No. , Ton inililiiM South, ol lliumi; 1 Wct ntul will otl'ul liroot tn ahnw thill Ihn Intnl auimlil la muni mlnulilo fur lla timber or l;ini Until for svrliinltiirsl pnriuiaea. Hint to ohlubllili liUi'liilin tunilil Inml biiioru lliu IU'kUUt mnl Itai'Olvvr.iUliUoltl.'OHtltiiKi'burif, Oregon, .in 1'rliluy lluiaoiliiynlJiniu 11KU, Iu 11HU108 us llncM': Hliurluall. Ilruuesii, ! II. llrnmbauuli, John rlincr,Joo Io, of UoIIuko llrovo, Oiubhii. Aiiynniliill persons I'laliiilnit uilvuraoly tba nbove-iLwoilbi'il Uiidi iiro reiaicatxl In II le their elulirn In thin olllcn on or bufore nl.l ao ...ynUimo.H TDnir(ir The First Niiiioiinl Rank THOMSON'S BIAS-GORED "MILITANT" 4' CORSET 4' THE ACME OF CORSET ELEGANCE. EAKIN Th (1or Youi' L )-to-I)atc Goods YOTJ WILL FIND THEM AT OUR STORE Our Line of Men's and Women's Furnishing Goods arc stricty the Latest and the Best, We keep only Kor Voiu (3 ocn I ( 'lol 1 n'l ir 13 1 ly (1 len t lL'oiu tls. Nothing to Coinpire with outs, South of Kugeuc Try in' .nv $:$.:0 OirriflOBOIIH' SBIOKS. Norici: nut rt'iii.uvuoN. l'.llt. il M il.-i I .III.' I I llVe. I! in-l. lie, Om .. M n 1'., I ' Nnttt'f It. Ilflflll pi tin lollop - i.ip iii.i.iihI -rlllcr Inl- lllcl fiottii'iil Ilia'litl' II In lull 1. 1- linill prniil III -U.-port n( Ilia i'l.. nil, mnl llmt niil l'i ill lie' Iwdiie Muriel.. Ware, I'. t'..iiliiii'iiiur, nl Kiifenr, On-iiuti, mi Jlllv !1, til'.', via.. Il.tniel K. .hIiiti 1 .11. ..11 ll. H. So. Hfi'n, f..r Hie N W I I NW i-i, Sw, 0, T an f. It. :i Wert. lie lliiinri. the (i.lli.uinu wilnei aa li. iruve Ida .'.nitiiiMn h ri'hidenee ngimi mill .Miliivutimi ul fit ttl hind, viz: OutrUn M Jiti'kaon, Jitinea I.. Hunter, W 1 1 1 111 tn Urts-ae, ('hurelea Liijuu', of V tilker, Oregon. .1. T. r.iuiitir.a, Itejialer. I NOTIC'H Foil Pl'IIMCATIOX. J'niteil Sintoa I .:i in I Onice, Htmihtir, Ouvmi. Apr. 10, 111".', Ntitiiu is liereliy kivcii ,ll"t in cmn nliiuife uilh Hie pruviritniH ot the net til I'onmemtif .Inno :l. IS7S, enlitlisl "An art lot tint Mile of innliir lauds in the in the Slut.- .if Ciilif.irnin, Oiei;mi, Nevu.l.i, iiii.I Territory," ns : e.Meinl.Hl l till tiie I'lililic l.iiml Stales hy lie i f.f Annual I, IMl'.', I'lincan S.'otl, ! ol Knnenc, C.innly n( l.ane, Slate til Orrpiu, has tills day II led in thin tillli'u his N.irn Htateini'iil No. '-'-Ill, for the iiilicliaae e( the NW 1-4 of Scrtion No. Hit, Towihii HI, Smith, ol ItaiiKoo Weal, mid will oiler prool to rilinw Ihat lliu land foiinlit is inmo valnahle lr ita timlicr ur alone thai for iiKnt'iilltiral piiriinies, and to eatnhliali Ills t'lnl in to said land hefnin the Ht'i;-i inter mill Itceciver of this nllicu lit Itn-i- tin in , Ori'itim, mi Thnra.lav, the '.'Ith day nl July, li. I In nnint's ns uitnoM'H: .1 oho It. llan'llon, Arthur E. Smith, U'O llazclton, Warren C.Sinilh.of Crow, Ori't;on. Any and till persons clnimini! adverao Iv t lie'd lauds iue ic. .iuestt'd tolllit their claims in thin olllco on or liL'fmo sniil L'ltli day of July, 1D0-. .1. T. lliiiii.irs, HckNIci. NOTICE KOIt Pl'IM.ICATION. I'ultetl States Laud Office. Itoeburir, Oivgon, April 21. 11)02. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress nl .lime :i, S7S, en titled "An net for the sale of timber lands In the Stales of California. Ore gon. Nevada, ami Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Pub lic Laud Slates by act or August I, 1MI2. Oeorge W. Fry, of Aurora, County ol Marlon, Stale of oiegou 1ms this day tiled lu this office Ills sworn statement No 22ls.forthe pur chase of the NEJJof Section No .'II. Township 20 South, of Range (t West and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Itoseburg. oivgon, on Monday lhe2Sth day of July. 11X12. lie iiaiues ns witnesses: L. Webert. C. Snyder. K. Will. A. M. Fry, ol Aurora. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lauds are requested to llio their claims In this office on or before said -St li. day of July, 11KI2. J. T. Hiiinons, Register. You can buv nnv preparation at .1. P. Ciirrin's that Is ailvertiaed In any paper. Remember we make 11 specially of Ilin'lv rerun! ... .1, ! -j. ! .. ,. .u, .j. Thompson's Glove Fitting Arc tin- only kiwi to liny fiwl wc have them in all sluipi's awl sizes. A Pine Line of Girdles for Summer, Very Popular. Iont fail to sec them. A i'uU liiiif ok' Safin T'tftfcfa Etslthoiis Tliey lire the very l.itist Prices are Cheap. Our New KID GLOVKS nre better limn the old ones. Tli y are the best value to be found for the I'rirc- $1 no, $i 25, and $i 'o per pair. We also have a line at ?i .25 per pair th it you can wash. fc BRISTOW, liriiilinu .Horcliniits. the Best in the Markst. LEADERS IN MERCHANDISING t'otlas" dirove, Ort'jjoEJi. enoEoncBcHeaaisGBBanoBonaEennoEBesBaos6BEOE9nas man aiiAim PIANOS AND ORGANS Direct from the Facto ics; We are sole Agents for Oregon and can save you the middle man's profits: We will take votir old Piano or Organ in part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small monthlv, or enrlv pav inents. We are the sole Agents for the celebrated TROWlSRIDGIv Piano. Write us ior Cata logue and pi ices. MORRIS & CRAW, Ninth St eet, Eugene, Oagan. DeaDeDnosoroBODaooaoBoaoaoGeo9aoaBi0BBaiaio9BOB 1 NOTI.'I. rill! ITIU U TION I'lHtcil Still, a Intiil onloo. Hiclinr:, ort'K'.n. Mntrli '."i, Notli'e i. tiLTeliy iiKen llmt in rotiipllitiire with Hie irolliiln.of I'onuri'a o(.)nne:l I"?-., loitiili'il 'An Art for the ale of Tlinltr Ijunla In tin state of .'alllornla.oroiron.Ni'wnlii, 11 nil Wiiliini;ii.n Ti'rrltnr.," hi. .'XU'iiiU'il lo all the I'nbll.' Ijiii'I Mnli'i. Iiyaii of Aniftut I, IS9, I'lmiU'i. 11. Ilruni'ttii of t'olttigi. lirttvi-. Comity of bun' Smit ol Ort'gon baa lltli .Iny IIU'il In 1 Ills nfliru bla morn ttateint'iit No. i&2, for the liuri'bn.oof the laita IH, IS. It), ami 'JO of St'cilon No :i,TownliliK! Soiitb, of KntiKO I Wet mnl will oiler )iroof to ahnw i lint the latnl niiikIiI la moro aluiil.te for It" tliiiber or ktono limn for attrli'tllllirill pnri.o-ea, nn.l to t'ctHblihll III! I'liilm to audi html before the Iteulater anil lie ceherof thla nfliee tit JbiM.lntri;. OreKou. 011 Trlilay 1 In. ao ilny of June, Iw.'. lie imnu a .1 wltnco... II. T Awtitoy, n. II. llriinibntiKli, John l'nl nier ami 1 ee of Cottage tiiovi1, Oreiton iiy mnl all eraona ebtltiiinn iiiUeifely tin. alaiM' iluactlla-il lanils ale reiiueateil to tile lln'lr Isltni In thla ottleo on or U'dne laM tfi lay ol J tine lima. J. T. Ilimaiua, lU't'l-lar. NOTICE FOR PF11L1CAT10N. I'nlted States Land Office, Riiseburg, Ore.. April 21, P.KI2. Notice Is hereby given Ihat in com pliance with the proWslons of the act of Congress of June :i. 1.S7S. entitled "An act for Ihe sale of limber lauds lu the States of California. Oivgon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended lo all the Public Land Stales by act ol August I. l.s',12, Louis Webert of Aurora. Count,! ol : Marlon, Slate of Oregon has this day llle.1 in this oKlce Ids sworn statement No. 2217. for the purchase of the NE ,' of Section No. 2d, Township 20 South, of Range ll West nnd will niter prool to show that the lauds.. tight Isiuoiv valuable tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to es tablish Ids claim to siili I Inml before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roscburg, Oivgon, on Mon day the 2sHi day of .Inly, 1IHI2. He names as witnesses: (1. W. Fry, A. M. Fry, C. Snyder, E. Will, of Aurora, Oregon. Any ami all persons claiming ad versely the above described IuiiiIh are requested to Hie their claims In this office on or before said 2Slh day of July, 11)02. J, T. Riiiiiui'.H, Register. Do you wont to sell your prop erty? Wc will do it for you. Cot tage Grove Investment Co., Room Finn Did. PARIS SHAPQ- j- 11112 OLD RKLIAIil.K Grocery Store I Caries a full line of Staple and Fancy goods. Granite, Crockery, Tin and Glassware, Vegetables, Flour, Peed, Oats, Hay and everything tiie farmer or the housewife needs. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. It will be a pleasure at all times to slum our goods ami you arc earnestly requested to call and examine them. Will inert All Com fiction In 1'rlcen. SKilLMAN & GAROUTT Successor to linker & Johnson COTTAGE GROVE. ORE. NOTICE FOR I'UIIUCATION. I'tilleil stales Liiml Offler, llo-i'i.iiri;, ore., April. 11, iwi. N'otieo ll hereby itlien that In eompUanee with the provision of the tiet of t'ongrea. of Juno It. 1;7h, entltle.l "An acl for the mleof timber liiml. In the statoaof t'lilllornln. Hie Ron, Neviula. nn.l WiLhliiRton Territory," ns oxteiuteil to all the l'nblle biiml Slates by act of Annual 1, WXM'h irlea K. M. Ilrown, of Kn Keno. County of Line, state of Oienon, hits ibis tbty tlleil In this offiee hlaaworn .liiteinent No. au.ta.for the puretni'-e of the hV I, of See lion No. II In T.ovn.hlp No. 20, Itanve No I'. Weft, ami uillotler proof lo .how thai ihe Imiil .ought Is mine valuable for lla timber in atone than for aitrlulllnral nuriio.o. and to usiul.ltsli hla elalin to aattl laml befoic the KenUter ami lieeelierof this offleo at Ito.e burs, tliegon, on Tiblay, Iho alh .lay ol July, lie tiainea a wltues'ea: N. ItamlHll. May MmuiliiK. W. 1'. Manning, I 0, Smith, of Ktigene, Oregon. Any ami all pemma elalmliig adversely Iho above tlcbrlbed liuulatue reuueHted to llio tbelrelalms In Ibis otueuon or boiore ua aoin day of July. lima. J. T. IlKiPuisa, ltoglster. We have on hunt, n largo stock of 1 1 ii-diicd llooritig, i'clliii and rustic in grades I 2 ami 3. Let ua make yo prices, LU otii Ke.nv Lt'MOEB Co. j N TICK Foil PriJUCATlON. I r-nlicl mam Und offl... nowhiir. Or , A .rll m, l!r.' I NllllW I. nareliy (riven In rnmf.lliln'i- I Hi the i.rovl.liti. of Dm ap of ..future-" of, lam, diiltitM "An mM for ihrMlr ..f Umber I. In tin- Klato. of 1 ullfornU Or. ( If oft. SmnnV Hhrl Wa'hltialon Ir-nt..,) ' r. I tIM.l to nil thR I'lll.lli. I jlll.l HI n by ael of ' Angii-i 1 tru, MaKKl llromi. of Kmrei ' ' on til of I mil. H..III of Oie.r, lm. i. dai fil"l I't fb "ffli-r li.Tvsorn NLirrii n. 'tiA, for ill.. .t't.htM of the HK ', of i.'Mi.ii .Ho 11. in Tominhli. N- i - Kotiir- f. Weal, m .1 offer proof to h'.w ' that Ihi' latl.l annul, I li mor" talilahlr for II- titular or nlo , rh.m foragfi. tiitnral inct. ; mi. I 10 . aial.ll.h hr i lal.n to unlit Inn. I tf..rp Hi.' ItiirU'Dr i.. Itoct-ltrr of Oil- . .(!... t I ll..-lnirK. Oreifon on FriiU)', Ihe of Inly. MUM 1 t-lie immfft v line e j I N llmnlill, K. I! M,..lth. May Maltnln. W r MnniiliiK. of Kutcet e Orsynn VntMii.ll .rain I'lnlmlr-ic i'lrrwly I ha- alx.v.. .'fMrlli. UtiiN arp re'ineaurl to lll , 1I11.I1 rial ma In thla olc on or bufurti attlil i'.th ; il l) of July, low 1 T nniwrj., Rrgi.tcr. NOTIfK I'OIt Pt'IlMCATION. triilteil MnteH Lmid nfflis, ItowlitirK. Ore., May 1-1. I(WJ. Notlrc l lii-n-hv iriven that In ran- lillaiiti' with the provisions of the art nf ('.iiiixrexn of .Jiiii:i. lXtH, I'litltlfd An net for il... Mt, I.- of tlmln-r Imulx In th-Sitt- of ( nlifon.ln. Ort-Ktm. Nfvit.hi. 11 nil ViMhlii!rtoii Territory." iiHf.xietiilf.1 in, .11 the Ptihlle I.nnd static l,.v ni t of August 4. 1M)J. Julius !. liner, of lIotulain, ( 'utility of CI.eliilllH. Ktnti' of WitHhlllgtoll. l.i.Htl.N ilny llle.1 In thfs offlte his Hworn Htntciiifiit No. sjr, for the purelinrte of the NjiNEK mid N i SE Ill .-IS IIOII .Ml. 'il III I O iiuiihIiIi No. "1. liHi.Kt .in, i, went, nun will oner, nroof to mIhiw Hint ihe Intiil Hoti!?ht i i. ..... . . .. m iiioiv v.ilual.le for Its tlmher or hi one tiniii ior Mrii iiniiriii pur idsi'm. .111.1 to estnl.llKl. his ilaliii to snl-l Ix-fore Marie L. Ware. f. H. ''niiiinUrtliiinT at KiiKvne. OreKim on 1 ! Krl.lay. the j-j .lav ..f August, 10(. 1 ! ;.',UvVB& WooHev.1 1 of Drain. MreKmi. ie.,re W. shnw. Ulirlxtlan N. KniM-ll of Huiinlam. , WhkIi. A 11 v and all ihtmoiw elnlinlmr nil - I ven-el.v the aliovi ve .lwcrilie.1 Innds are re.iieMted to tile their claims In this ' office on orlM-fore said A! day .if All Jkhhi. Iinrj. I .1. T. HiiiiifiKH. IteUter. I - NoTIl K l OIt IM HLICATION. I'nittsl States Lund Ollice. Itowlmri;. Oiv.. May 11. 1!K. itiee fs hereliv iriven that in com ." ' ' nsiut 4. iwj. Archie O. S.iw.n.t. of lloi'ilani. County ot ( ItelmlK St;ie of S ash - Ills sworn statement No. 'UH. for the i kiiiii, li uikii.1,1 uii'ii iiiniiniiiui -'.u.. ..r h. u ft .it ii.-. it .it Co.. urcImHt' of tri"h, Jf of til- '. iofSe' - Hon No. s, hi Township No. 20 S., and Will i the land . ..iJ.t 1 ' pro. if to Klinir i in. ,iv vnlna i.n.l.. for its timber "r r atrrlc.ilfiin.l purposes .li-li his ilaiia l .Mild - ...if i him for ! .'li I lo est ii1 i 1 tad I ..'for.' Marie I.. Ware. I'. S. Com i iiiNxii .:ier at Eiufenc, oreyr'Hi, on i rrW.iy. the 22 day of August. 1U02. j He uamesas witnesses: (ieoixe Wooiley, Elmer Woulley. of Hr.ilu. Oivoii. ili'uw W.Shaw. ('hrisiiaii N. KiuhmI. of Hoipilum. Wash. I Vi, ,.i ..11 i...... ..I ,i. Any and all persons elalinlni; nil verM'ly the alii.xe-dtMerilH'tl lauds aix re.uested to (He their claims In this' office mi or liefore said 22 day of Au gust. 1IKI2. ! J. T. Iliuniins, Register. I NOTICE FOR Pl'lil.ICATION. N. ,, I n.e with the prov isloiis of tlje net Nevada, and Washington Tet- Nevadan. IWusld ..Monsty of J.ine:i s,s cnfltlcsl , rltory." as extended to all the Pub- a extended to n the PuUhe S d "An n'i for the sale of tlmher lands ; c Land States ly act of August A, States 1 y act of AiiBUHt 4. Mff Inthe .--..ies of iillfornin ( n-Kou. , Mi. Henry Hmk. ..t Sllverton. Charley Olseii , Cotta OrovT' ! Ne i.dii. inid Wash nirton lerrlttirv. I'oiintv of M..W.... t... .. , .r. ... t rrr v. . m a-ex...,,!.-,! -oaii iiie i-iii.iic ijiinn nas this dav lie. n this olllc UU . . . .. ...... . i : .n uu-kou. utiiiiii.v ui itne. riaie oi iireiron nnu riiite.l States Land Ollice. . "An act for the sale of tliuU-r lauds . act of Congress of June. 'I, 1878, en Roscburg. Ore.. April sth. 1IHI2. In the States of California. Oivgon, titled "An act for the sale of timber Notice is hereby given that In coin-' Nevada, und Washington Territory," lands In the States of California, Ore pjlnnce with the provisions of the act ' as extended to all the I'ubllc Land on, Nevada, nnd Washington Ter offoiigivs of June :i. ls7.s. entitled Stnte. by net of August 4, 1V)2. Mrs. ' rltory," as extended to all the Public "An act for the sale of tinilier lands Ella T. Fisher, of Eugene, County of 1 Land States by act of August 4, 1892, In the States of California. Oregon. Lane. State of Oivgon. has this ilny ' Anton F. Will, of Aurora, County of Xewiiln. and Washington Territory." 1 tiled In this office her sworn state- Marlon. State of Oregon, has this as extended to nil the I'ubllc Land ! meat No. 2:VS1. for the purchase of the I day filed In this ollice his sworn states by act of August I. 1VJ2. Fre I N W t of Section No. 22 In Township , statement No. 2205, for the purchnso P. Hurst, of Aurora. County of JIu- No. 21, Range No. 1 We at, and will'"'' the SW of Section No. 22 In rion. State of Oivgon. has this day I otter proof to show that the land - Township No. 20 S., Range No.OWest, tiled in this ollice his sworn state-1 sought l more valuable fur its tlm-' nntl will offer proof to'show thnt tio incut No. 21IKI. for the purchase of , her or stone than for agricultural land sought li more vnl liable for lt the SE !( of Section No. ) ill Town-1 purposes, and to establish her claim timlier or stone than for agricultural ship No. 20 S, Range No. (i West, and to said land lK'ftuv the Register and purposes, and to establish hlBelalm will otfer proof to show that tlif land sought Is iiioiv valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ollice at Roscburg, Oivgon. on Thursday, the lot li dav of July. 1002. He names as witnesses: ll. A. Snyder, tl. A. Rock. .1. M. Will, (1. 11. Uray. of Aurora, Oivgon. 1 Any nnd nil persons claiming ml- vcrscly the above-describetl lands nre ' requested to tile their claims In this, ollice on or liefore said 10th day of July. RHI2. .1. T. Rituifii:s. Register. NOTICE FOR PPRLICATION. 1'nlted States Land Ollice, Roseburg, Oiv., April lltli. 1002. Notice Is hcieby glen that In com pliance with the provisions of the net of Congress ol.Iuue :l, 1S7S, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the Stales of California. Ore gon, Nevada, ami Washington Ter ritory, as extended to all the rub He Land States by act of August I 1M.12. William C. Jones of Mound, County of Lane, State of Oivgon has' this ilny llled lu this ollice ills sworn I statement No. 2203. for the purchase I of the SW V. NW V. N K SW . SW li SW y. of Section No. S, Township 20 South, ol Range (I West and will offer proof to show that the hind sought Is m. uv valuable for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ollice at Roseburg, Oivgon, on Wednesday the luth, day ol July, UKI2. He naiiics as witnesses: John R. lloselton, Warren C. Smith, Oeorge lloselton, It. J. Watte, ol Crow, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described hinds are requested to Hie their claims In this ollice on or before mild 16th day of July. 1002. J . T. Rridoxs, Register. 1 Mioes aod Mimo 1 DcvoTod To Dohcmlt Noros ttnd , Herns 0 ffoner-tolir.roojrro M Irving Mon.' 2 Appreciated Letter. The letter of J I! Morgan pu), lished in last week's issue of the Nugcet speaking of tiie Vesuvius and Stocks & Harlow lend certainly is n good recommendation for the Hiawatha Company's property, coining as it does from Mr. Mor- nu.., uimi 1 u uiuugiuy acquainted with the bituation, and entirely dis- interested in the Hiawatha Com. pany. While as Mr Morgan says, by driving a tunnel on the Wiscon- "V . """."' f l'i wouiu oe , ""' tue Vesuvius property ol is also true that the Hiawatha holds the kev to the sit.lliol, ...j " " v-"" K""' luc 3""c : ueP" on ineir own property, and tue claims are abundantly supplied witli timber and water, a good mill ' :. - . -.-., j . 1 a" , ,e cnipany is 111 no 1 ma,,er dependent upon any other property for its success. 1 IIP tmpnlhq r '...i .. . !..' m. . - -- w...ut..,; .- mc owner of the Hiawatha. U'i ' and Helvetia claims mentioned in ,r xrlirf,o.,, lttr ,r: . Mora s letter, and is now miking pieparations for extensive development work, intending to open up work about June 1st. It - '6'1 l"V ",mwi ht operation on tins property about August 1st then will investors in the stock of this company awaken . ,, r,. .,, ,. : ... " "T'Tu, . c , in something of value. NOTICE FOK rritl.ICATION. I'nlted Static Land Ollice. I Itii-fhur, On-.. Apr. 11. liir.'. , Notice Is hfifhy wiven that in ciim l)llatlce,vltll tile provisions of the act of Congress of June :s, KTH, en- I titled "An act for the sale of tlmher , worn statement No J-jn-.", for the . ptirchars' of the SE i of Section No. ! oU Township No "II S i iniiij. ti w.. mid will offer ,7t ... .i,V.. m. .. . ' V . ... I f ... . ';"""- l ,,iiv valliahle for Its t mber or stone than for nirrlcultunil untl to estahllsli his claim to said land licfoiv the IUtilster ami lte- celver of this ollice at ItoM-liurij. Ore- ii Friday, the 11th .lay of July, 1802. "'j 1 He names as witnesses: O. A. Ris k. F. P. Hurst. A. II. Cole, H. A. Snyder, of Aurora. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to (He their claims In this ollice on or before said 11th dav of .Inly. 1002. J. T. IlmniiKs, Register. " 1 , . V, u , , I "" lM" . . NOTICE FOR PniLICATIO'N. I nlted StnttM I.mihI flffl,-.. Roseburir. ()ii. Mnv ! l'.hi' Notice Is hereby given that in eom- Roscburg. Oiv., April 12th, 1002. pllance with the provisions of the act Notice Is hereby given that In com of ('ongres.-i of June. 'I. 1S7S. entitled ' l'llance with the provisions of the Receiver of this office at Roseburir. Ore., on Saturday, the 2lith day of July. 1U02. She names as witnesses: A. P. Churchill, of Cottage drove, Oiv.. Minnie W. Shupe. Mrs. Corlnnu Alley, ol lloseliurg. Ore., Noah II. Alley, of Eugene. Ore Any ami all persons claiming mi viTsely the above-described hinds are requested to tile their claims lu this office on or m-fotv said 2tith day of 'Inly, 100: J. T. IliiimiKs, Register. NOTICE FOR Pl'HLICATION. I'nlted States Land Office, Roscburg. Ore., May 12. 11)02. Notice Is hereby given that In coni- pllance with the provlslousof the net I of Congress of June:!, fi7S, entitled "An act for the sale ot timber hinds 111 the Stntes of California, Oivgon, i Nevada, and Washington Territory," I as extended to all the Public Lund I States by net of August 1, 1802, Mrs. , Corlnne c. Alley. of Roseburg, County i of Douglas, State of Oivgon, has this nay men in tins olttce her sworn statement No. 2:Kt, for the purchase ,,f the SW y. of Section No. 22 In Township No. 21, Range No. 1 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more vnlmiblu for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish, hi r claim, to said hind before the Register and Receiver of this ollice at Roseburg. Oivgon. on Saturday, the 2(1 day of July. 1002. She names as witnesses: A. P. Churchill, ol Cottage drove, Oiv., Minnie W. Shupe, of Roseburg, Oiv.. Noah 1). Alloy, Mrs. Ella T. Fisher, of Eugene, Ore. Any and a'l pt rutins claiming ad versely the above -described lands are requested to llio their clatnis lu this ollice on or before, said 20dny ol July, 1002. J. T. DlilDoi'.s, Register. Read real eelatu b-irgalnu of Jerome uo? & Cj - Le Roy. Joe Cole, the freighter, brought down Monday about 60 pounds of the I,e Roy ore now on exhibition at the I,c Roy office in this city. Tiie ores nre very rich, und strangers upon viewing tlient wonder that the district producing . sucn rocic nas laid dormant so I many years. The new ore car and 1 500 feet of track is now laid and being utilized, and an order is in for soo feet more of track. Those , wuo nave purcuaseo i.c Koy stock - are certainly to be congratulated, 1 ., 1:1. .1 1 , , , 1 . , C "C Pl,b,l8Hcd .'" 1 last week's Nugget from J. IS. Mortran. are al 1 ., " T. i . i'V. this paper. It is to be hoped that Mr. Morgan will see fit to favor the Nugget with many more. S. D Johnson, recently from Iowa, has rediscovered the famous xusi mine near Lost Mine" near Grants Pass, on Taci. cre,I. lvliirh wis nrltrin-illv i a,scovere" ""V years nB- Tiie IJi Foot mine near Gold Hill was sold on the 16th inst. for $3,000. It is said to bo very rich in free milling gold. Operations on the Bonanza mine near Sumpter have beeu suspended for a time. Call at Nugget office for all kinds of mining blanks. NOTICE FOR PiniLICATlON. rnlted Stntes Lund Office, ItoselmrK. Ore., Notice Is hervliy jjlven that in eom pllancp with the provluloiiH of the net ofCoiiKreHs of June M. 1S78, entitled An net fur the mile of timber IuiiiIh this day filed In this ottlce his sworn statement No. SKI, for the purchiiRo of the SV y, of Section No. 2, Town ship 21 South, of RnnRc 1 Went nnd tlll ..MIM ... I .1... 1 ' , " .J"."ul. "u ,w. 0 "ouKiit. i mure vaitmnie tor iw tlnilior nr tnm. thnn fnr ,i,.n..n.i to said land before Miirle L. Ware, IT. S. CotmnUulnnor p.,.. i .... County. Ore..on .lav of Jul v. 11)02. He nnnni Hiituiilay the Stitli lie names as witnesses: 1 ,l-'ierupnus, .Miinin oisen, ofllltie uiver. inline i ore., Tliomas Olsen, Martin Ophns, of Eugene, Lane Co., Ore. Any nn.l all persons claiming ad versely the above descrllMMl land nre requested to file their claims In thlH '' Iwrurv said 20tll day of July, 1IW2. J. T. Iimixiics, Register. NOTICE KOR I'UIILICATION. United States Land Ollice. I to mild land before the Register and Receiver ol this ollice at Roschurg. I Oivgon on Thursday, the 17th day of i July, 1002. i He niiines ns witnesses: i Ceo. dray, L. i. Snyder, J. A. Car. penter, oi Aurora, Oregon. A. C. Stanbrough, of Newlicrg. Oreiron. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the nbovo-descrlbod IhiiiTh are requested to file their claims In this ollice on or before said 17th day of .Tnlv. 100'. J. T. HmiiOES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land OOlee, Roseburg, On)., May fi, 1902, Notice Is hereby given that In com pllance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June a, 1878, en titled "An act for the Bale of Umber hinds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to ulithn Public Land States by act of August 4, 1S92, James W. Houck of Cot&igo drove, County of Lane, State of Oregon has this day tiled inthlsotllco his sworn statement No. SKM'l, for the purchtihe of the SW V of Section No. 21, Township Zi South, of Range U West and will offer proof tq show that the land sought! mora valu able for Ita timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, und tocntnb lish his claim tn said land liefore, Mario L. Ware, V. 8. Commissioner at Eugene, Lane Co., Ore., on Satur day the 20th day of July, 1902, He names as witnesses; J. W, Parrlsh, of Jefferson, Marlon Co., Ore., N. II. Martin, ol Cottage Orpvo, Lano Co., Ore., John OoeU, Michael GoeU, of JefferHQii, Marlon Co., Ore. Any and nil persona chilminflr nd verwily the above described htndu nrg requested to file their claim In thin ollice on or before ac, Sfltli day oj July, 1W3. J. T. DmnoBri, ReglMer. Valuable D'ilti;ig prcnjrTly jn Bo, bepu lor t.le, Jefoypj jutj wo