Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 16, 1902, Image 6

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    Bohemia Nugget
HUWAUH 1IKMIIV, rnbllihrn.
K Comprehensive Review ol the Important
Happenings ol the Past Week, Presented
In a Condensed Form, Which li Hoi!
Likely to Interest Our Many Readers.
Another revolution ia on thopis in
I'caco may bo offlclnllyv proclaimed
in South Africa on May 20.
Tho government bill for enjoining
tho beef trust has boon filed at Chi
cago. Govornmont troops who wore ordered
to disband in China bavo raised tho
standard of revolt.
It la reported that threoothcr islands
of tho West Indies woro extensively
damaged liesidos Martinque.
Natives whoso kraals woro burned by
burghors, attacked a lioer iaagor in tho
vicinity of Scheopers Nek May 5, and
killed 32 Bocra. '
The United States government has
dispatched vessels to Martinqno to
render nnv (assistance possiblo to tho
stricken inhabitants.
Further details add only to tho ex
tent of tlio St.lPicrro hoiror. From all
over tho world assistance is being sent
to the unfortunates.
Tho anthracito companios have told
tholr minors not to report for work at
Scranton, Fa., and it looks liko a lock
out. Both sidos aro preparing for a
long struggle
President Simon Sam, of Hayti, has
Admiral Sampson's remains have
boon burled in Arlington cemetery.
g Tho British press demands that the
govornmont tako action on tho steam-
ship combine.
Tho attornoy general of .Missouri has
filed proceodinga against the beef trust
In bis state.
Tho nomination of H. Clay Evans
as consul general to London has been
confirmed by tho senate.
Tlio house has passed the omnibus
statehood bill admitting Oklahoma,
Arizona and New Mexico.
It is now estimated that fully 40,000
people perished in tho earthquake at
St. rierre, Martinique. Tho American
consul and bis family are among the
Tho attorney general of Washington
has rendered an opinion that Mr. Mc
Brido la still lieutenant governorbut
is Invested with the power of chief ex
ecutive. Queen Wilhelmina is convalescent.
Nine men were injured in an erplo
aion in an Anaconda smelter.
General Davis reports that the Dat
tos of Mindanao aro anxious for peace
and that everything is quiet in that
St, Fierro. Island of Martinique, ia
said to have been totally destroyed by
an earthquake and nearly all of its 25,
000 inhabitants killed.
Mra. D. T. S. Denison was elected
president of the General Federation of
Vi omen a Clubs at Los Angeles.
A train bound from Pretoria to
Petersburg, Northern Transvaal, was
wrecked and a British officer and ten
men were killed.
The United States consul general at
Homo has collected all the documents
bearing on the case of the Chicago's
officers at Venice and forwarded thorn
to Washington.
The disturbances in Russia are due
to a (amino being taken advantage of
by agitators.
Representative J. S. Salmon, of New
Jersey, ia dead.
Rear Admiral V. T. Sampson is
dead at Washington.
Thousands of sheep are dying in New
Mexico on account of the drouth, which
haa been unbroken since the latter part
of March.
Tho president has pardoned five
members of tho Mineworkers' organiza
tion who were sentenced to jail in Vir
ginia for contempt of court.
Four men were killed and two others
fatally burned by being caught in a tor
rent of molten metal that flowed from
a smelter in a foundry at Harrisburg,
Margaret Taylor, the Cincinnati
child kidnaped four years ago, has been
found in Italy. Steps have been taken
to extradite the aunt who carried her
An American company haa purchased
the wrecks of tho Spanish warshlpB Al
mlranto Oquendo and Vizcaya and thoy
will oo converted Into scrap iron and
shipped to Philadelphia.
Three Wall stieot firms failed and
created a flurry in stocks.
Genoral E. 6. Bragg, of Wisconsin,
haa been selcctod as United States con
sul general at Havana.
Every Person In St
Pierre Perlihed In the
ol Fire.
London, May 13. A dispatch to tho
Times from St. Thomas, I). W. I., says
that St. Fierro was destroyed in tho
twinkling of an eye, and that not 40 of
tho inhabitants of tho city escaped.
Somo of tho outlying parishes of tho
Island of Martinique havo Iwn inun
dated. Tho whole northern portion
of the island Is burning, and has boon
denuded of vegetation, and is a rocky
wilderness. Tho latest news received
hero from St. Vincent, continues the
correspondent, soys tho number of dead
there is supposed to teach 500, the ma
jority of whom have not been buried.
It is reported that Fort do Franco,
Island of Marinique, isthioatened, con
cludes the correspondent, and there Is
frightful tension everywhere.,
Successful attempts haxo been made
to roach St. Pierre. Cabling from St.
I.ucia, tho correspondent of tho Daily
Mail says the town is n heap of ruins.
and dead bodies aro lying all around.
hew ever will Ihi rccogniiod, so groat is
the mutilation and distortion.
Search parties havo found 3,000
charred bodies on the site ol the cathe
dral. All appear to have been asphyx
iated at first. Not a soul was found
nlivo in the whole town.
The Volcano ol Mount Pelee exploded end
Shower ol Burning Uv Swept the City
Irom Exlilcntc Now Estimated (hit at
least 40.000 People Perished- All Ship
ping In the lltrbor was Dcitroycd.
St. Thomas, I). W. I., May 10. The
British steamer Koddani, Captain Free
man, which left St. I.ucia for Martin
ique, returned there during the after
noon bringing a report that tho town of
St. Pierre, Martinique, has boon totally
destroyed by olcanic disturbances in
the island. Almost all the inhabitants
of St. Pierre nro mid to have boon
Tho Roddum reports that all the
shipping in the port has also been de
stroyed. The Quebec Steamship Com
pany's steamer Korinia, Captain Mug-
gar, Is mentioned as lost, with all on
Tho Koddani was almo-d completely
wrecked. Her captain was seriously
burned, and 1" of her crow nro dead.
United States Will Inform Them ol the Birth
ol the Cuban Republic
Washington, May 13. Tho state de
partment has decided upon tho method
it will employ to notify the world oil!
cially of the birth of the new Cuban re
public .Mav i'U. instead ol issuing a
proclamation, the department will send
identical notices to all I'nited States
ambassadors and ministers abroad that
the military occupation by the Tinted
States of the island has ceased on that
date, and that Tomas Estranda Palma
lias been duly installed as the head of a
new government ol the Island of Cuba.
There will bo no invitation on our part
to the nations to recognize the new re
public, but it is expected that they will
take notice themselves of tho fact that
tho United States has so recognized the
Cuban republic by sending to the
island a minister resident and staff of
legation and consuls, and it is not
doubted that the example will be followed.
Battle in Venezula.
Port of Spain, Island of Tiinidad,
May 13. Venezuelan troops under
General Vincente Gomez, attacked Car
upano, state of Itormudez, Venezuela,
by land and by sea with tho gunboats
Restaurador, Agosto and Zumbador,
but the port 1b still in the hands of the
revolutionists. After a seven hours'
battle, tho government forces were de
feated and obliged to abandon the field
leaving 115 men dead and 210 wound
cd. The city suffered terribly from the
shelling of the government war vessels,
The remainder of General Gomez's
troops escaped on board the gunboats
and reached Cumana, on the Gulf of
Caracas. Gomez waa seriously wound
ed. Carupanonow presents a spectacle
of desolation. Tlio cable Is cut.
Later Details.
St. Thomas D. W. I., May 12. It
is now estimated that 10,000 persons
perished as a result of tho volcanic
eruption in the Island of Martinique. I
The British schooner Ocean Traveler ' SL Louis Grand Jury
Oklahoma, Arltoiu and New Mexico Admitted
to Statehood.
Washington, May 2 Tho house
resumed consideration of tho omnibus
statehood bill Immediately after tho
reading of tho journal. The ponding
amendment was tliat of Sir. Ovorstreot,
ol indlnaa, to consolidate Now Mexico
and Arltona ntid submit them na the
state of Montezuma, or such other
name as the constitutional convention
should elect. Tho opposition to tho
bill had united uhiii this amendment
mid had determined to make n strong
effort to adopt it. Ovorstreot made a
vigorous speech, arguing that its pur
pose was to 1hmioU tho people of the
two territories, but the amendment
was defeated by a vote of 28 to 10(1.
A lew verbal amendments offered by
mo committee were adopted, and tli
bill was then tussod without division.
The bill as passed provides enabling
acts lor Oklahoma, Arlsonn and Now
Mexico, similar In form to former
enabling acts, with the exception that
tho constitutional convention of Now
Mexico Is oU!owcrcd to designate tho
natno by which tho turn- state shall
enter tho I nion and in the ease of Ok
minima tho convention bv Irrevocable
ordinance shall express tho consent of
that state that congress at any future
iliuo may attach all or nnv part of
Indian Territory to it. The enabling
acts differ from one another chlellv in
reterenco to the public hinds uppro-
printed tor education and public pur
Coitly California Blaze.
rruckee, Cal., May 13. Six acres in
the central portion of Truckee was
raging mass of flames for seven or eight
hours this morning. The extensive
box factory and planing mills of the
Truckee Lumber Company, around
which the town waa originally built,
waa totally destroyed. With it went
tho office, with everythingjit contained,
andj.i number of (warehouses and dry
ing nousei nued with boxes, seasoned
lumber, glass, windows, doora and
building material. One million feet of
lumber piled on both sidea of the river
waa also destroyed. Loss, $200,000.
It will probably bo a eurpriso to
learn that Mary ia tho most popular
name among actresses. Next in num
ber aro contractions of Eleanor.
All Orlontals are great linguists.
Thoy eoem to havo a faculty for picking
up languages that is not enjoyed by
The hardest wood in tho world is'not
ebony, but cocus, which is much used
for making flutes and other similar In
struments. Oi tho date at which tho census was
tukon there were $85,704,906 worth of
poultry on foot In tho United Stat,
The Juncau-Skagway cable has imA
been used for two months, owutg to a
break which cannot be looniM.
Unmarried women of Mfcfcs'ituu sj
to petition the legislature W ezmp
tion from taxation on ettaUw Um than
Opticians pay that more eye glasses
nro broken in hot weather, caused by
perspiration loosening their grip on
tho nose.
Eighteen Cremated.
Tokio, May 13. Tho destruction by
firo of a hospital in Kyoto. Japan, was
attended by loss of life. About 4:30
o'clock in the morning firo broke out in
tho iunaokayama lunatic asylum at
Omiya Mura, Otogi Gori, on tho north
ern suburbs of Kyoto. The flames
started in one of the rooms occupied by
a patient. Altogether two blocks of
buildings were destroyed before tho
flames wero got under control, anil of
the 30 patients who were in tho hos
pital at the time of the outbreak, 18,
including two women, perished.
Succcnor of Corrigan.
Rome, May 12 Tho correspondent
of the Associated Press is informed
that It is not likely that tho successor
of Archbishop Corrigan will bo named
at tho next consistory and that probably
more man a month will elapse beforo
action will bo taken. It is therefore
probable that a capitulary vicar will be
appointed to administer the archdiocese.
Taft Will Stop at Rome.
Washington, May 13. Govornor Taft
has closed up his business hero in con
nectlon with affairs in tho Philippines
nnd left for Cincinnati, where ho will
attend to somo private business prior
to his departure from ftew j ork on tho
17th Inst., on his return to his nnst nt
Manila. He will stop at Rome in or
der to discuss tlio question of tlio friars
in the Philippines with tho authorities
at tlio Vatican.
arrived at the Island of Dominica, H
. I., at 3 o clock in tho afternoon.
Sho was obliged to tleo from tho Island
of St. Vincent, 11. W. 1., dining tho
afternoon of Wednesday, May 7, in
consequence of a heavy fall of sand
from n volcano which was erupting
Tho schoonet arrived opposite St
Pierre. Ma Unique, Thursday morning,
May S. While about a mile off the
volcano of Mount Feloo exploded, and
tiro from it swept tho whole town nf
St. Pierre, destroying the town and the
shipping there, including tho cable re
pair ship Grubbier, which was engaged
in repairing the cable near the Uuerrin
factory, and four American vessels.
Tho Ocean Traveler, while on her way
to Dominica, encountered a quantity
of wreckage.
Tho French cruiser Stichet has ar
rived at Point-a-Pitre, Island of Guad
eloupe, from Fott do Franco, bringing
several refugees. She confirmed the
report that tho town of St. Pierre was
destroyed at 8 o'clock Thuisdav morn
ing by a volcanic eruption. It is sui
posed that most of the inhabitants of
St. Pierre were killed, that the neigh
boring parishes wero laid waste, and
that the residue of tlio population of
St. Pierre is without food or shelter
The commander of the Suchet reports
that at 1 o'clock Thursday tho entire
town of St. Fieri o waa wrapped in
flames. Ho endeavored to save about
30 persons, more or less- burned, from
the vessels in the harbor. His ollicets
went ashore in small boats, seeking for
survivors, but weto unable to penetrate
tho town. They saw heaps of bodi
upon tho wharves, and it Is believed
that not a single person resident of St
Pierre at tho moment of the catastrophe
Tho governor of tho colonv, his wife
and staff were in St. Pierre, and prob
ably perished. The extent of the catas
trophe cannot be imagined. The cap
tain of the British steamer Koddam is
seriously injured, and is now in the
hospital at St. Lucie. All of his oifi-
cers and engineers wero killed or are
dying. Nearly every member of the
crew is dead. Surgeon Campbell and
10 of the crew of the Roddam jumped
overboard at St. Pierre and were lost.
From a dozen different sources comes
confirmation of tho twful extent of the
catastrophe and added details of the
horror, and it secma vain to suppose
that many escaped from tho terrible
shower of firo, lava and rock that fell
upon the city and scattered ashes which
fell ono hundred miles away.
St. Pierre, tho commercial center of
the Island of Martinique, had a popu
lation of about 25,000. It was on tho
west coast of the island, about 12
miles northwest of Fort do Franco. It
waa the largest town in the French
West Indies, and was divided into two
quarters by a rivulet, over which a
number of handsome bridges had boon
built. The lower quarter of tho town
was close and unhealthy, while for tho
most part tho town was well ventilated
and pleasant. It had numerous public
Duildings und sdiools, a handeomo
theater and botanic garden. Its road
stead was defended by several forts.
The empress Josephine waa lorn there
in 1703.
Tho eruption of Mount Pelee begin
early last week, and waa followed by a
fall of ashes over the northern part of
tho island, several inches covering the
streeta of St. Pierre. Saturday tho flow
ol lava commenced, and tho entire pop'
illation was thrown into consternation
It waa rumored then that BOO inhabit
ants of St. Pierre wero killed. That
was the last word received from Mar'
tlnlque, as the submarine eaithquakes
Interrupted cahlo communication, un
til the arrival of the Roddam at fit
It Investigating Orave
Charges Against Beel Truit
St. Louis, May 10. The beef trust Is
now under Investigation bv tho St
lams grand jury. Following tho rev
elation nt Joherson City that diseased
meat is sold in St. tauis, Circuit At
tomey 1-olk presented tho subject to
tho grand jury. Ho announces that he
will subpoena nil the witnesses who
testified at Jefferson City nnd all other
persotiH whom he can find that know
anything about the operations of the
beef companies.
Hits has Iveoino a subject for the
criminal courts, said .Mr. Folk, "and
tlio matter. will W as thoroughly inves
tlgated as have boon the hrllerv scan
I , I . . . . . '
UUIB. UIlll i nave no nniim Unit imm
who havo been selling decayed meat to "' V'1"'1 m",,,r ,lr"
Wat In Command ol the American l icet I
Atlantic Waleri Durlnj the Spanlih W,
Joint Inventor of Supcrlmpoied Tur
rela on Modern Wanhlpi Creditable
Kecord In the Civil War.
Washington, .May 8. Roar Admira
William T. Sampson, retired, died
his homo in this city at It o'clock in
the afternoon. The Immediate cause o
death whs a severe cerebral homor
Hinge. He had luton In a scml-coii
scions statu for several days. Al tho
bedside when the admiral hicathod hi
last were Mrs. Sampson, Mrs. Lloulon
nut Cluvorlus, tho admiral's mnrrliV
daughter; Admiral Sampson's Uo
young sons, Ralph and Harold Saini
son; Dr. Dixon, tho attending physl
clan, and nurses and attendants. Mrs
Sampson hud broken down under tho
severe strain ami whn quite HI during
meuay. nut lor the critical comli
tion of tlio Admiral, sho would havo
boon routined to her lied.
It has K-on suggested to Mrs. Samp
son that tho naval iii'tidcniv at Aitiuip
oils would Ik the proper place (or the
lust resting place, while other friends
have represented to her that he shntil.
i... i , . i ,.. . .., .
m- mirioii in ariington l einoterv, near
this city.
Admiral Sampson resided in Ainiiu
oils eight years, during four years o
which ho was superintendent of tho
academy there.
William T. Sampson was Imrn in
Palmyra, Wayne county, February
imu. lie was our months vouinrer lo
mo any man .Mlinlral Schley, rnllko
Schley, SampHon did not eoliio of dl
tiiiguishcd naval linttiL-o. nor. in fact.
of u prominent family. Ho as the
llrstof his lino to attain distinction.
George Sampson, his father, was a day
iiimrer up in nyno county, and tho
early life of his sou William was not
the picasuntcst ami easiest.
Graduating from Aniianolis at the
head of his class just liefore tho Civil
war he took an active and prominent
part in that coutllet for one m vouin!
and exhibited rare courage mid presence
St. Loulsans w ill be landed behind the
bars of the penitentiary. "
Control Large Copper Interests.
Sampson, with Lieutenant Joseph
firauss, devised and perfected the su
portmposeil or double dock turrets on
tho battleships Koarsargo and Ken
V.... ,.. . .. . '
u, jiv iu. .ircoruinu to t ... ... ....i t n. . .. i.i.
Vice President John MaWnnis. of tho k.'i., ..... .. " .
,. . ' l -'M'-"t Mill, ( ITIIIIIIUIIIII "II
-iiumauu uro i urcnusini! l.imtuinv. I t.. ,. ... i.-... u-..., i .. i .,
i . I iwj nun njirii iu
miral bleard was Invalided homo.
uuu inner jit-iuze properties, tho new-
company will have in its treasury 1)5
wr cent of tho capital stock of these
companies: Tho Montana Ore Pur
chasing Company, the Nipper Cnnsoli
dated Copper Company, tho Minnie
llealy topper Minim: Comnunv. Mm
Lobra-Kock Island Copior Mining Com
Sampson was placed in cuiiiuiand nf the
Atlantic licet und iicrfcctcd the block
ado ol the uuhan coast. Ho was al a
conference with General Shutter at
Giiaiitatiamn when the naval buttle of
Santiago was fought. After the rlnm
of tho war, Sampson uns promoted to
iwuj imu uiu ix-iiiiuni (..upper .MIiniuM il,,. ,.r,,,l.. ( .,,.i i...
... . I ' ..... ... nn, Mtl.l ,11 ,1111
.r'Tnn W1" a,so "avo following year l,o became n rear ad-
, 1,1 ,u urei mortgage ttonus miral.
mo itiontana uro l'urchaiing Com-
pany bond and 12,000,000 first mort
gace bonds of tho Nipper Company.
Thoso bonds represent tho only bonded
iniieutisiness o tho companies named.
Salvador Dispute Settled.
Washington, May 10. Tho United
tatos has won a sweenim; victory in
the matter of tho arbitration of the dis
pute with tho Republic of Salvador
over the claim of the Salvador Com
merclal Company and other citizens of
tho United States, stockholders in tho ho did not consider tho attack to Ihi se
Corporation El Triumpho Company, rions. A week ago he went tn visit
Ltd., created under tho las of s'nlvn. friends at Canilierloy and was present
Bret llartc Din par Prom the Land Where
tie Won Fame and fortune.
Ixni!nn, .May 8. Ilret Harto. tho
American author, died euddenlv last
night at the Rod House, Canilierloy,
near Aldershot, from u hemorrhage
caused by an affection of tho throat.
Mr. Harto had Ik-oii suffering from
swelled tonsils slnco Peoomber last, but
lor. sir Henry Strons: and Don M
Dickinson, a majority of tho arhitra-
tion commission, havo rendered an
opinion against Salvador for 1573,118
Paul Leicester Ford Shot.
ew iork, May 10. Paul Leices-
ter Ford, tho novelist, was shot and
killed by his brother, Malcom Webster ZC
Ford, writer and athlete, who immed,. l,er Vl"it .to
ately sent a bullet into his own breast. m.
f.'rlanMynT1'tB.ohrtln,socc"rmi niiyoZlrrZ
mansion ftSShS U' f" W"J- "".VV
lniiItat37Ka6tSoventy-sovonth s reet ?"L .."""V0,." 'l? 'V,"5""1!
at lunch as usual Tuesday. Ho sud
only liecatno ill in tho afternoon.
went to lnil and died in a few hours.
His end was peaceful. He had licen
living quietly in F.nghmd for years.
Most of his tlmo was siient in tho coun
try, nnd when in London ho was almost
secluded, having few visitors to his
rooms nt I-tncaster Gate, and only
res nf a limited mini-
Mr. Harto was liest known for his
languago in tho dolicato delineation of
nn,t (..( 1 I -, . 'I
Th. ron " T V "... y,laT: ' dng phases of human nature.
. .v. IJH 1 1. ,UVJI I
committed in a fit of insanity.
Police Chiefs Adjourn.
Louisville, May 12. Tho
Drouth In Colorado.
Denver, .May 0. The drouth In
Vnrtlinrn f?nlinuh, lulu limlri.n till
noiirni i t.. , .,. ,
.i.(..ra r ,i. it.,1,, i c. w. , I "l'"'K returns lur luugiu twin ncvuruy,
"1 !L!ltU,ni'?1JtatC'H8,mlCaPa: a' Und unless .ellef shall como within a
. uivu tinat rwniuij, I'llUUKdl 1110
l. Iil A. . . .
na Po 1 ico C h I ef h A ssoc 1 a tin n ....l!"'r "!
- ' m;hih;i:iuii v iJiti nan j.uiH uiitjv. iini
week, tlio Iohhch to furnnTH will 1h
Police ChieiV Apeociation.
?,?fi.l nT" aeot l0neitt suffering from lack of water,
jilaco of meeting. Richard Sylvester.
U-...t.i , , . ..
ui iioniiinKioii, who oiectou president
I'lcasure Launch Kun Down By A Tu On
An Ohio Klvcr,
Toledo, O., May 10. Hoviin young
people, luembers of a Kuiidiiy school
class of tlio. First llaptlst clinrrh, worn
drownod In the Maiuneo liver, Just bo'
low tho city, as the result of tho nap
tha launch Frolic, In which thoy wore
Inking it rid", being run down by tho
tug Arthur Woods, of tho Great Lakes
Towing Company's. Hoot. Tho Inline
I owned by Joseph Hepburn, of this
city, who invited 11 young people to
take an evening ride with him. They
started out on n trip to IjiVo llrlo early
In the evening, and went returning
when the accident happened.
Mr. Hepburn, another gentleman
mid tw n hid los aro tho only survivors
Mr. Hepburn states Hint he saw t)
lights of the approaching tug, and
thinking it was hound straight down
the river, turned to tho cast. When
nearly abreast the launch, tho tug sud
Ion I y turned to the cast In order to
make tlio dock at Ironvlllo, nnd beforo
tho launch could get out nf tho wny
it was, struck by the tug and turned
over and sank about 100 foot from tho
dock .
Mr. Hepburn caught hold of tho side
of the tug, mid a Miss l.owo gnu nisi
his leg, and both wero pulled on hoard
the tug. Tlio oilier girl was picked ti
irom a cushion on which sho llontcd
Arthur Marks was also fortunate enough
to grab a piece of wreckage, nnd wns
picked up by those on the tug. The
other seven members of tho party were
drowned, ami tho ritcr Is now being
dragged for tlieir IknIIcs. The tug
brought the rescued to this city.
J. W. Ivcy Makes a few Suitcsllons lo the
President on the Subject
Washington, Mav 10. Fx-Colloctor
of Customs J. V. ley of Alaska, had
a conference with the president during
tho day, at which he suggested tho lie
eosslty tor early legislation for the tor
ritory granting n delegate tn congress,
revision of the tux laws, extension ol
the I'uited Slates land laws to Alaska.
amendment nf the milling laws, ahol
isliiug the right to locate claims by
poor oi nMnrmiy, revision ol the list
cry laws, me cnnslnu tion ol six or
seven lighthouses, completion of tho
aides wagon road, removal of all fed
cm I olliccs from Sitkn to Juneau, the
tvtler protection nf fur si-uls by rev
enne cutlers, and tho withdrawal of
this country from the high joint com
mission and the sunny mid marking ol
tho international Imundnry by monu
liients. Tho president expressed him
self favorably toward these proixisl
tintis, mid nski-d Mr. Ivcy to submit
inn viuns hi i iv in writing, which ho
No Information Given Out
Uuidoii, May 10. Thomus Gibson
Fowled iniido ineffectual attempts In the
house ol commons to draw nut the par
Ilaineutary secretary for the foreign
olllce, 1ird I ranhourno. on the suhlect
of tho Atln'ntic shipping combine, the
ramima 1'aiinl, tho Danish w,.t Indies
treaty, and German railroad in Asia
Minor. 1ird i rmilmurne's reply did
not Illumine tlio situation. Ilo said
un ciiiiiiuuuicatioii had passed lietweou
the l ulled suites and tho llrillsli gov
eruuients'on the subjects nf tho ship
Ping combino, nor regarding tho pro
imsed purchase of the Panama Canal
Company's rights, nor us to tlio Danish
West Indies. As to the suggestion
that J. Picrpont Morgan was a lending
member of tho syndicate carrying out
tho concession which Turkey trrnnted
toJGermany for a railroad through Asia
Minor to the Persian Gulf, tho govern
ment, said Iird ('rmihoiirno, had no
tiformation to that effect.
Oil Kcllncry f Ire.
New York, May 10. Firo which
started early in tho day In tho copper
house nf the Swan .V Flinch Oil Refin
ery, on Stalen Island Sonnd. below
Klizalietliisirt, N. J., spread rapldly
nnd destroyed thousands of barrels nf
refined nnd crude nil stored in tho
yards and in tho shipping sheds. As
tho fire reached tho hlg tanks thoy ex
ploded, sending tho burning nil high
in the air and scattering it over new
material. The loss was f 100,000.
France Sends Prompt Relief.
Paris, May 13. At a mooting of tho
French cabinet tho minister of finance,
M. Caillaiux, waa authorized to expend
all the money iieceesary to succor tho
wfforers of tho Martinique disaster.
iAn omciai oi mo colonial ollico has
tilled from llrest with 500,000 francs
(1100,000) In rash. Tho cabinet fur
ther decided Ui ordor the half-masting
of flags ovr all public buildings for
three days, ftn" lh ririltr of the col
onics, M i CrM, was Instructed to
telegraph fo th goTfttnorof Martinique
the cAitdofafeM 'if France.
Cause of Spanish War.
Madrid May 12. For tho past fow
days tho senate has been discussing tlio
interpellation of Marshal Primo Rivera
cnncernlg the causes of tho war between
Spain and tho United States. Fonor
Moret in defending his conduct at tho
timo said the Spanish fleet quitted
Santiago do Cuba on tlio advico of tho
council of admiralty which hud bcon
convoked at Madrid. Senor Moret was
Spanish minister of tho colonics at tho
time of tho war.
Quiet In Santo Domingo,
Santo Domingo, Republic of Santo
Domingo, May 10. Kx-Prosldent Jim
Inez, of tho Dominican republic, and
his ministers havo left tho foreign le
gation hero, where thoy hud sought
refugo. Quiet has been restored in
the city. The hospitals aro full of
men who woro wounded in tho last
engagement between tho Dominican
revolutionists and tho forces, of tho
govornmont. A Red Cross hospital
haa been established and Is caring for
tho wounded. The United Btatea
cruiser Cincinnati lias arrived here, J
Wireless Telegraphy for Alaska.
Washington, May 8. A movement
toward the adoption of a system of
wireless telegraphy by tho United
States govornmont for communication
liotwcen fixed places was made when
Rebels Bombard Nau Nine Fu.
Hong Kong, May 12. Advices re
ceived hero from Wo Chou say tho
robols bombarded Nan Ning Fu for
three, hours April 27, using modern
Hold guns. From 300 to 400 of tho
inhabitants woro killed. Tho rcbols Chief Signal Officer Grcoly oponod bids
aiiDsoqiientiy withdrew to tho hills. for tho supply of such systems for sorv
Provision Plant Burned. ho Isjtweon points in Alaska. Five
Chicago, May 12. Tho plant of ul0 bids wero rcroivod, and nnothor bid Is
uerman 1'rovlslon Company in tho 00 l"u way irnm a company in tier
stockyards was damaged by firo during many. Tho bids varied greatly, nnd
tho night tp the oxtcnt of $100,000. I will bo referred to a board of experts.
Shipping Combine Agreements.
London, May 10. Tho Associated
I'ross has secured copies of tho ship
ping coinoino agreements, ihtiv nro
called "provisional agreements for tho
purchase and acquisition, on or boforo
December 31, 1002, of tho Whito'Star,
Dominion, American and Atlantic
Transport Lines, to bo organized uiulor
tho direction of tho vendors, to tho sat-
iafaction of tho bankers, namely, tlio
.Morgans, under tno laws of tho stato of
Now York, or othor state soloctod,"
Engineer and Brakeman Killed.
Kvorett. Wash.. May 10. Knulnnnr
Michael J. Rilov and llraknmnn A. T.
Kittle wero killed during tho morning
by n n engine crashing through a trestlo
io mo Dotcom oi a cuicn zr lent noinw.
The men wero In the omnlnv of a loir.
clng cdmpany and wera coming down
a grauo wiin uvu tuauou uai cars, i ho
engine fell upon Riley, killing him in
stantly, sviitio uieu Boon aiterward
from seAhls. Anntlmr trnln fnllnwi.1
crashing through tho trestle before it
couiu do tioppcu, mo enginoer and
the fireman escaped by jumping,
Federal Money Distributed.
Washington, May 8. Nearly
500,000 was distributed by tho
tary of tho treasury during tho morning
among national banks In various parts
of tho country. Sixty-two banks aro
recognized as government depositories
in widely different sections of the coun
try. Tho now depositories Include tlio
following, in tho $50,000 class: First
Nutional of San Diego, Cal., and tho
First National of Seattle.
Another Italian Brawl.
London, May 8. In n dispatch from
Romo, tho correspondent of tho Dally
Chronicle says tho sailors of tho cruiser
Chicago havo Indulged In disorderly
behavior in a eafo at Triesto. Dottles
and glasses wero thrown about, says
the correspondent, and four of tho Chi
cago's men wero arrested. Tho corre
spondent of tho Dally Kxpresa tit Romo
reports that ono man was woundod as a
result of tho disorderly conduct at
Triosto of tho four sailors of the crulsor
Chicago, Tho nion arrested woro
handed over to Captain Taylor, '
Cloudburst Drowns Nine.
Oklahoma City, O. T.. May 8. A
loiidbiirst at 1'osh, 100 miles west nf
here, Sunday evening, drowned nine
icrsous mid left many homeless. Four
iislles have boon recovered, A mile
of the Choctaw railway track was
washed nut near the town, and the loss'
nf town property will amount to about
Santo Domingo Pacified.
Montu Crlsto, Santo Domingo May
10. Further information has boon re
ceived horn of tho surrender of Santo
Domingo, tho capital, Friday, to tho
revolutionary forcoH under command of
Vico President Vnsqucz. Peaco Is com
pletely ro-ostabllshed In tho southern
part of Santo Domingo. Puerto Plata
has capitulated to tho revolutionists,
who took K)ssessiou of tho town and
tho fort. Govornor Dcschamps om
Imrkod on a French Htcumer, limine! for
Hayti. All is quiet at Puerto Plata.
Powerful Cannon.
Ilerlln, May 10 Professor K. njo.
land, tho Norwegian physicist, has hcon
In Ilorllu recently for tho purpose of
demonstrating tho powers of hlsolectro
magnetic cannon boforo n number of
uxpurts In olectrlcul artillery. Tho
results of tho demonstrations havo been
so convincing that a firm of artillery
manufacturers has offered to buy tho
Invention for Immediate oxploltatlon.
Theoretically, tho gun can throw a pro
jectiloul two tons 110 miles or further,
Information for Travelers.
Washington, May 10, Secretary
Shaw Iihh issued amended regulations
governing tho inspection of haggago of
ncnmlng passengers, at tho ports of tho
United States. Tho secretary also has
prepared a circular which will be ills
trinutcd among passengers of nil outgo
Ing steamers, giving Information as
upociflc oh possiblo na to the rates of
duty on gnodsjusiially purchased ubioad
by tourists, what articles may bo
brought in frco of duty, oto. Two
othor circulars convey Information to
Incoming passenger.
Commercial and Financial Happenings ol lin
porlanca A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvements of the Many Induslrlea
Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth
Latut Market Report.
Tho camps nnd mills near Alma
nro vainly applying for mon,
l ire at Prulro City destroyed mi en
tire block and (-ajisod a loss nf $20,000,
I n Griiudo is enthusiastic oter Iho
Lewis and Clark fair mid a general
mooting will lo held to gut silbsvrlbeis
to thtwttock.
Hd Graves, ol Marquinn, has con
tracted 5,000 pounds of hops from his
yard live miles east nf WixhIIiuui, for
12 1b cents per pound.
B A bill has been Introduced in tho
United States senate granting a right
of way ncinss Iho Cam-ado forest reserve
for tho Oregon A Southeastern railroad.
The city council of linker City has
awarded tho contract for tho extension
of tho mains of the waterworks system
tn n contractor of that city on a bid of
$33,31 1.77.
Tho wool industry of Oregon runks
well up with wheal and lumber, mid
nut In the eastern part of Wasco coun
ty's plains Is tho greatest wool market
in tho world.
Tho llnstern Oregon term of the su
preme court opened at Pendleton lth
32 cases nil tho docket, nil but tlileo
Ihi Ing apMiiils from Umatilla, linker
and Union counties.
Tho Oregon national guard will as.
sembhj at somo centrally located point
In the Willamette valley. In hrlgailo
camp, for Instruction, for a period of
eight days, July 17-21, Inclusive.
A strike of setell Inches nf wliatap
ears tn bo almost pure cobalt In the
Standard mine, In the QimrUburg dis
trict, excited morn thuu ordinary In
terest around Humpter. In addition tn
the heavy per cent nf cobalt It rniricd,
It Is rovortod that tho ore In tho streak
assays $213 gold.
Tho strike of tho weavers at Oregon
City is still on.
An electric Hue will 1st built from
Paiidloton to Wnlbi Wiillu, Wash.
Contracts will Is) let for tho paving
of s)rtloiiH of Albany's streets with vlt
rlflcd brick.
At linker City the llonaniit initio
cleaned up $75,000 in April mid tho
Virtue mine cleaned up $25,000.
In the case nf tint state against
Gcnrgo Miller and Jiiiiioh Caldwell, at
lliirus, the Jury found a verdict nf mur
der In the second degree. Ilort llalley
was discharged by the state and uwsl
as a witness.
Reports from the Cable Cove district
confirm there ueus Unit the deep cross
cut tunnel Is-lng driven by the Califor
nia mine hits found either the big Win-
hosier or the famous Imperial cad. of
tho IuiHrlaI group. Hie ledge struck
iu tho crosscut is 13 fiet across.
It is stated that mi Oregon mid a
Michigan capitalist are ulsnit to tuir-
cliuso tho Southern Oregon Company
pros-rty in Cons county, which con
sists nf over 100,000 acres of land, tho
town site nf Kmplro City and ono of
tho largest lumlwr mills on tho const.
Wheat Walla Walla.
bltiostem, 07c i valley, l6c.
narioy Keod. 130(321:
IKS'-'l.DO por ton.
Oats No. 1 white. $l.20:irrav.
Hour Host grades, $2.85fr"l3. 10 tmr
barrel; graham, $2.6032.80.
Mlllstuffs Ilran, $15(31(1 pr ton:
middlings, $111(320: shorts. 17r.clH:
chop, $10.
Hay Timothy, $12(315: clover.
$7.5010; Oregon wild hay. $5M(I Per
Potatoes Host Ilurbanka. 1. 5061 1.85
por cental: ordinary, $1.25(31.35 nor
cental j Karly Rose, $1.50(31.75 per
cental; growers prices; sweets, $2,250
2.50 per cental! now potatoes, 3tl3Jjc.
imtior uroamnry, 10I7Hc; dairy,
ISKOlBoj store, 1012Kc.
Lggs IOQlBJc for Oregon.
Cheoso Full cream, twins. 12W
013c; Young America, l3HUc; fac
tory pncoa.iM ijc less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $5,000
6.50; hens, $fl.000J0,6O ier doien,
HOHKc per pound; springs, llo
11 Mo per pound, $4.000.00 per doz
on; duckB, $5.0007.00 per dozon; tur
keya, llvo, 13014c, dressod, 10O18c per
pound; geeso, $0.5007.50 per dozen.
Mutton Groas, 4Ko por pound;
dressod, 7Mc per pound.
Hogs Gross, Oiie: dressed. 7kJfie8n
,por iKHind.
Veal OJBo for small; 0KO7cfor
Hoof Gross, cowa, 4Jc; steora.
6Hc; dressed. 808ifo per pound.
HopB 12M016 rents per pound.
Wool Valloy, 12014; Kastern Oro
gon, 8012o; mohair, 23tfo per pound.
In order that a ratnlmw mnv lm re
duced tho Kim must not Ihi more than
42 degrees nlwvo tlio horizon.
No Iohs than 30,000,000 acres of
Cuba nearly half tho island aro for-
est. There nro 30 different spocieH of
palms alono found there.
Soiling elovalod railroad tlckotB for
50 contH npleco ia tho latost ruso
adpotod by swindlers who prey upon
nowly landed immigrants ot tho lint
tory in Now York,
Tho ontlro population of Mulaga la
land, off tho mouth nf tlis Vn Mmi,l,,.
river, Maine, la suffering from measles.
Recent oxnloratlons In Kuvnt Ion-,,
unearthed tho consocutivo nrdor of 17
kings, thus establishing a firm founda
tion for tho investigation of Kgyptiaii
"Jonhln Llnd used raw onions nnd
raw carrots on hor hoad nt my sugges
tion, and ovory timo I went to dress:
her hair sho told mo thn trnnlni,,i
tho best tonio eho had ever tried," says
ono oi mo oiiiesi httlr dressora in tho
United Statoj,