Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 16, 1902, Image 4

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Uaata-tM MM(r.
AmnMi BaSa
Hfilrt4at th poatolh-a at CMtar Oroya,
exult aaBaeomt Claaa roall mat -..r.
klorlUln IUImmm1! l
TIIIR PAIT.rt taker-ton meat Rtf. '
rhim.Ht lii.c-vCallKrni. nm eon
lr..-tnfora(tr-rtl-4ntrn be made lor It.
Friday, May i6, 190.
I Iir Mifflhr of OoairMt. rirtt Dial.
! TO08. n. TUSOPK.
I Stat.
I Oortraor W. I. rnralra, ol randlt-
I (on.
I Bapremt india-lt. S, Ban, or En
! S8umlt7 of 8Ut F. I. Dunbar, of
SutaTrtaaurar C. 8. Moon, Klamath,
Attorney Central A. N. Crawford, of
Kmtbunr. . ,
stata rrinter J. B. Whitney, of Al
bany. (aMrlnU-xtontof Fnbtlc Initnirtlan
J. It. Ackcrmin, of Portland.
UT. HARMS. Kurane.
J. M. SHELLEY. Cuir-ne.
t. N. EDWARDS, Junction.
E. C. LEE, Junction,
A. J. J0HNH0S, Crenrrit.
H. D. EDWARDS, Springfield.
GEO. T. CRAW. Engene.
D. r. BURTON', Cottage Orore.
UK.CO. kiau. snjrene.
. COLLIER, Eugene.
Id supporting A. J. Johnson for
sheriff, the voters know that if he
is elected the duties ot the office
will be attended to in a business
like way, by a man who under
stands the work connected there
ihe tirst installment on your
subscription to the new railroad is
now due. Please call promptly
and make vour cavments at the
wun, ana is competent io penortn Mrst National Hank
any portion oi it satisfactorily,
During the two terms that Mr. NOTICB FOR puhmcatio.w
juu.i. iiuiim, iui- llnlla.1 Btl.:.-,l ORW.
Dloved but one denutv most of Hie I . ira
,1-. ', .,,.!,, at,- ,... . ..., I Vntl leherrhr ln that In romr-llano-
time, nuts saving the county scv I-hh it,. iTiatnna of ik err iv,ni-...i
eral hundred dollars each year in "PV .fJ-JLT'. f,,,!,.,..!,.'!?,,
, ,! I tlait-r Unite In In- -tale of California, Ore
this way alone. Morence W est. I con, kt.u, ami wa.Mneinn Tmimt-v al
rsiwiiuru in mi iny runiii. i-'wim. an O!
C. P. Houston prctentcd this kvonir nMn. of owiron, ti thi.,u
v ... . .1 .. i nreii in Mia unit nieaworu etaii-iueni no. 'jtia
oincewiutn towet me oilier nay fMa.oreha.utn. sw Kt, hvi,
The towel which this office used iVJii'i.'0
- . 1 . . . 1 , . I .'-'. ""T.-'T- ' ....
tor a numoer ot years past, stoott in inmt nmouuanow initio una mni unoir
tv.. . ii.i...i t.. j. t nii lor tu iimwr r iono. mu iiw n-
few days a pro it fell down and broke
in nine piece.:. Mr. Houston
witnessed this printinc office catas
trophy, hence his kindness in sup
plying us with a new oue. says the
Junction City Times oflast week.
Such kindness will certainly never
be forgotten in a print shop.
mltum! urrrf. mt lu.'tuMtsh hit rUlin to
miii inna uviura jHri i. tra. f. o. inmm I
Inntr it Ku(ti, LnCo.,Ut(on,un W.n-
nmr, m jia tiay 01 jnir, ivu.
ii. niinn niincMetl
Millard llUpkhurn. William II. :lnn Roy
Itumrhnr. UwMin Walker, uf June, Luia
Cw., Orcicun.
Anranaall nervonl clalmlnBr ailr.ralv tna
abnttHlverlbctI laml an rUMicil U rile
thdr rlalmt In IhUoltlraon or txlorv tal.l stMta
vlayotJul-, Wi
i . uniiMiaa, Kcgiiirr.
0Tlc:0R inu.icATios.
The republican convention at Eu
gene (rave a Rood share of the
United Slate Land Offlra,
Itoaeburr. Ilrrrnn. Arirll 1S.190U.
v.ii.. i. i. . . r . - i..' ,.n
plaCCS on the COUnty ticket to them with the pttrl.lon of the act ol (.-onjreu ol
.... 1 n I, . i" '.. niMioa An Art ror i n a io ui
mw Aiibu iu.n ..uuuii , ,u mi. i Timtitr lentil In tb. Htalaa of i:all.trnla. lire.
iron. Mraila. and Waah lurton Teriltorr." ai
eitndl to all tha nubile land itatea br act ot
Aucuitt.lKU.Mra. Mar Mannlni.of Euitene.
I.N. Edwards, two of the candl Vh
civil war. Among the veterans
tnus bonored are J. M. bneliy and auiuh t,is. Mra. Mar
Connte ol Ln. Rial. i,I llnfim
htcd In thla n01(a h r iwnrn utatamiint S'o. iht'
dates for representatives, and Geo. I l?L,'tPu.C5"" nl ,.h! sf:,i,,,",.,lon ,SOi
f . r I towniaipam. rang wal,aad latlloffar prunl
v.iniv, .lie iiuuiiii iui wuun gHww iui maiani aouin. la niiira vaiuaoia
treasurer. Florence West.
I for lt timber nr none tbau tor agricultural pur
i pcK'.ana toatubltin hl claim toraia laml be
I lore the Reglilar and Itoremr ot thli office at
tueburg, Oregon, on Tilda, the '.Sin day ot
one namaa ai witncaeei:
J. X. Kamlall. C. K. U Rmwn. Varalr tlmwn
c L.aaiiiPt m Augene, uregnn.
Any and all naraoni elalmlna adraralr the
Park which nassed the House of I .bo.TC-1.,,;.?'ib. '"da ara rvque-ttd
Congressman Thomas H. Tongue's
bill creating Crater Lake National
day of July. 1'JtC
J. T. BaiDuca, Regliter.
United tHalea Land Offlee,
Roaabura. Ora.. Anrll. 1. 1902.
Nottca la herebr alran that In rumnllane.
with lha nroTltloni ot lb. act ot Coiiarva nl
Jnnel, !;. entitled "An aot lor the ulaot
The Guard showed its shallow
ness when it attacked Cottage
Grove on its proposed railroad to
Bohemia. In times past many
shallow, inconsistent and nonsensi
cal articles baVe been given space
in the Guard, bnt none more so
than this. Next to it, however,
may be- mentioned some of its po
litical buffoonery set in a back
ground of political lies, and slight
ing remarks. For instance the
Guard holds Mr. Furnish up in the
light of a school boy because he
has written out his remarks, and
because he frankly admits that he
is no orator and that during bis
years of active business life he has
had little time to prepare himself
for oratorical work, if he were
naturally gifted along that line.
This is nonsense in the extreme,
Ex-secretary of State H. R. Kin
, caid, can not talk before an au
dience without his notes, but he
was elected, and the Guard has
many times maintained that he
made an exceedingly good e.Tetary,
A number of the governors of Ore'
gon nave been unable to make pub
lie speeches, bat nevertheless they
made fairly good executive officers
The editors of the Guard, either of
them, could not arise and make a
two-minute address of any kind on
any subject before an audience, and
yet shall we call either of them
fools, and school boys? The Gnard
has never been known to be fair
and honest, in its treatment of re
publican nominees, and hence what
it says is of little weight, and were
it not for the ridiculousness of
ma ty of its assertions should never
be noticed.
Representatives over two weeks
ago, and was introduced in the
senate by Senator John H Mitchell,
passed the upper house of congress
Friday afternoon, and will be
signed by President Roosevelt,
The bill withdraws from settlement,
entry or OCCUpancy, a tract of 249 timber land- In the St.tai ol California. Die-
j, r . , j , ' gnn, Nerada, and Waahlngton Tarrltory," aa
atjuuic Mines, iMiiuuuiK uuu am axtnucti to an me itibitoiAnu eta tea bract
rrmnrlinp Craer Tlrc Control nf olAugutl , l-si Charla K, .M. nrawu.of Ku.
rounding V-raier XKC UOniroi OI r,ne.lnnty ol Una. stale otOregon, ha. tbli
the park is to rest With the Secre- day ilad ln thlaomcahUawom .taiement No.
r rt . t. . 11 u iSSMat the purchaae ot the FV 1 ot Hee.
tary of Interior, who shall provide tion No. it lS Town. hip .no. so, Kan No.
ril1 fnr tll nntt-clfnn nnrl nr.c.r. Waal. and wllIolTer proof to abow that the
lUICS lor iue proleCllOU ana preser- Undaoughtli morn riluable tor Ita timber or
vation of the natural objects, game "on than for agricultural pnrpwaa. and to
c , , , j . aitabllih hli claim to aald land before the
and nsn, ana properly guard against Regtuer and Keceirer nt thia osic at Koie-
tresoassers. and with an adeouate ?5.rS. m 00 lrrlJr. the -nth day of
force of wardens, prevent and ex
tinguish forest fires. Settlement is
not to be allowed in the park, nor
can lumbering or other business
be therein conducted, although
tounsts, pleasure-seekers and scien
tlsts will at all times have free access.
Authority is granted for issuing
permits for the erection and main'
tenance of restaurants and hotels
for the accommodation of visitors.
lie nemci aa witnaa-e-:
J. .V. Randall, May Manning. W. I. Manning,
t. C 8mlth,nf Eugene, Oregon,
Any ana all r-artona claiming adraraaly the
above de-brtbed tandaara rainetad to file
thalrolalma In thla office on or bafora aalil 1Mb
day oiJoly lMC
. r. mbiphu, rtegiaicr.
During the four years that H
13. Edwards has served as county
commissioner, be has attended to
the duties of the office faithfully
and promptly, and has proved him
self the right man for the place
He believes in improvements and
is broad enough in his views to see
and work for the interest of the
whole county. He does not confine
his efforts to laboring for one part
of the county and opposing the
rest, but strives to promote the in
terestsofall. The best interest ot the
people of Lane county demand the
re-election of Mr. Edwards. -Flor
ence west.
unc county takes pride in its
possession of the state university,
it takes state appropriations to
keep this grand institution tin
The Nugget respectfully calls the
attention of the voters to this fact
and asks if any man or men in the
legislative halls ot this state have
done more for the University of
Oregon than Senator Kuykendall
ana Kepresontative L. T. Harris.
These are good clean men, gentle
men, ana wesbouidsend them back
Senator Fnlton paid a splendid
tribute to state Senator Wtn, Kuy-
kcuuuii, woo is now again before
jne Lane county people for re
election on the republican ticket.
In substance he said: "Senator
Kuykendall was one of the most
untiring workers, and the most t. a .. .m
-auuiuuBwy acauainiea witn toe de
tGsofeach bill as it came up of
uu man in rue senate." That
the kind of a man Lane county
should keep in the senate.
Speaking of.f'the garden spofof
Oregon" as some of our exchanges,
re doing, makes us weary. We
all know that there are dozens 6f
jrarden spots in Oregon, in fact it
Is full ofthem.
United State- Uml Old e,
Roaebnnr, Ore., April 8, 1902.
Notice in hereby Eiv-n that in com
pliant with the provisions of the uctof
Congreaa of June 3, 1378, entitled "An
act for the anient timber liinil' in the
SUtes of California, Omon, Xevwl.
Ladies of Cottage Grove will n1. Wanhinitton Territory." ua ex-
have the first onnorttinitv about e"ii to all the rulrtie ijaml Mates by
!l i . V 0PP"Un,ly' a?0"1 act of AugtltiH, 189J, Henry A. Snvilrr,
the later part of next week, of ob- of Aurora. County of Marion. SuW
taming some of the handsome Oregon, has thia day filed in this nffi.-e
novelties in needlework carried his worn atatement An. 218.1, for the
west by Miss Hamrick of Chicago. Hj gurrta ot the NW
MissHamnck has just finished a rnjlw v. nii ,:.iii ,tar
a successful engagement with Meier proof to show thnt the land houkiu
& Frank, of Portland, and is on more valuable for Its timber or
her way to Frisco. She will prob- "L0."!""" f"r,,nr'f:"lt"r"1 Pun'OK-n
ably give lessons Thursday, Friday inm. before the H-rute-. anil Receiver
The First National Bank
01 Cottage (Inive, at Collage Grove, In
the State of Oregon, altlieclono of biial
neiw, April 30th, 1002.
latana and itlicaiinla IM.mi 'i
Orartlralla, aectirrd and uu-emired . A.3I0 M
U.a.ltondatoeK elrcnlallon lj,.vw
r-amluroi n i. 8. Bond" . ,V5 W
Ktwke, acnrllla. ate .... Ms W
ItanVtng hott.a, luinltutt- and fixture M0 w
Hue fnat National tlnk(nut Kraerte
Agvnta) .W :l
line from appmtal reaettr aganla. Ii.iSl
ChtH'ka and other Iteiua t in
Fractional paper eurtetiey, lilrketa,
and renti.. any
uwrvLM0iT aaattaya in nvriK. viat
Specie . . 10.417 to
Legal-tender nolra
Redemption fund with f, .8 Trra.urer
(1 per cent of circulation)
llW 00
Capital it.Kk raid In ... W,loo
Undivided riflu, lea cxinec and
taxeapald. . I, CM ret
National Hank noteiountamllng .. I J..VU to
DuetoTrual Companlea and Having
nank KM ftl
tndllldual dcHialle aubject to check ,WI til
IemandcettlOrateiof deHll. 3.MI (0
Total . M
Stala of Oregon. 1
County of Ijtne. 1
I, Herlert Enkln, Caahirr of the above-
nanu-ti bunk, iloaolemnlv awcur thnt Hie
above atntetnent I" true to the beat of mv
knowlctlg ami belief
111'IIHKRT KaKIN, Cnnliler.
Stilwcritietl ami aworn to before me
thia K'tlt tiny f May, 11X12.
) J. K. YntiNii,
hkal Notary Pnblii
) Atleal :
, DHwt: HltlHTOW
1 N. W. WlllTB
Ate exceptional Values: A Dainty piece of lucking so Inches six rows of luwrliiiB
oue Inch wide and 7 clusters of embroidery tucks of 1 iuV tul$J,2ft ytl
k to $1.25 a Yard ctiss
5 rows inserting, 30 rows hemilitch lucks- n
Diittern nt 7dc1h n vnrd. Atlnver I.accH In while onlv at
40c to 60c a ynnl. Fmbroldcry Allovcr exccplloiuil values very desirable patterns at 7c to i.oo vd
Can never be Artifilcinl. No
otic really admires 11 woman's fig
ure if it is conformed to the funda
mental shape of some
(Jiiccrly Formed Coim
Our Slays follow nnlurc's lines.
They do not change n perfect fig
ure; they simply help clumsy
women to look graceful.
5Qc to SI
111a t era!.'
No one article makes home look cotler or
more comfottnble tliitu nice Ciirlalim tlrapetl
here and thctc. Our I.ace Ciirlnitis will
help make your home more clicerfu
beciuise they ute Surkliug New, Iwcmnc
they arc pleasing to the oyc. Four Spe
cials, f i.ou, fi.35, f.i . i(, $2.5,0
Silks a 5c to S I a Yd.
Director" J Oko. M. H.wvi.tV
When you conic for Groceries you
get the best. No doubt about the
tjimlitv no qucMion tilKUit superi
ority. ' FUKSH EACH DAY.
and the best each time you
buy. Every Customer talks of
what wc can mid will do for our
It seems iiiitc early to you, piohalily,
to think of Wnsh Drcis Goods, but we
would like to suggest Unit in buying
now you get fust selections of the pret
tiest and most beautiful. Wc have the
prettiest selections wc have ever shown
nud we shall lc pleased to have you call
nt your curliest convenience.
At Newland's
At Newland's
and Saturday at the Imperial.
Miss B. Hamkick.
The newest and most delightful
entertainment of the year is the po
lite comedy, "Too Rich to Marry"
which will be seen at the Cottage
Grove Opera House, Friday, May
The style of the comedy is a pos
itive innovation. It is as far from
the time-worn style of the ordinary
comedy as can be conceived. It is
certainly a brilliant creation, not
of this office nt ltoneliurK, Oregon, on
Wednesday, tlie 8th flay ol July, lOO!.
tie names an witneHttn:
F. P. Hurst. G. A. Dock. J. M. Will.
Geo. H. Gray, of Aurora, Orej-on.
Any and all nemoim cliilmlnir ad
versely tho ubove-deijcrllKxl lands arc
reoueHted to nie t Me r cinunn in th h
office on or before Haiti Oth duy of
J. i. UltlDOES, HCKlHttT
Unltctl KtntcH Idttid Otllce.
ItoHphutv, Otv.,
Not let Ih licrvh.v irlvt'li that In coin
pllntitx with tho provlMloiiH of the act
'An act for the unit of tlmlH-r IiukIh
In the HtntcH of Callfornln. Orviron.
iim fXtcndcd to all the I'libllc Laml
Stat cm by net of Autixt 4, lMJi,
'luirley Olnen of rottnin tlrove 't
County of Uttu. State of Oregon Iihh ' J
this day llletl In thin olllct IiIn wworn I
Htatemetit No. SIKI, for the iirvlmo I c
of tho 8W V if Section Nti. V' Town . J
whip 11 .Mouth, of Hiiiiki 1 WeMt nntl ' 1
will offer proof to nIiow tliat thci;
lantl souKht 1m uiorv valuable for lt
tinnier orMtonu tliitu for airr cultural
ptirposcH. antl to fHtabllnli IiIm clnlin
to milt) Inm! la-fon Mnrlo I.. Wun- I
U. S. ConimlKxIoiier at Kuirciif. Ijiiic
imiity. On.., on Satunlnv the lllth
day of. I illy, 100-.'.
lit IlllIIIt'M iih wltni'KM'H:
IVIcr OphiiH. Martin OIhti. of Illtic
Hlver, Ijiiu Co., Ore., Thoiunx Olnen.
Martin Ophux, tit Kuj-vne. Uint Co.,
Any and nil ixthoiih clnlinliii; ml
verHfly tho above dencrlUil laml are
retiumitei! to lilt their vlalniH In IIiIh
ortice on or before wild Ltith dav of
July, 1002.
J. T. IJiiirxiEH, ltcfHtcr.
Announcement at Lurch's
In Profusion.
New Shirtwaists in Quantity and Quality.
We can lit you from Pocket book and Fancy.
Call for our China ware. You are entitled to it.
Iiin ;
ill en
United StateH Laml Office,
RoHcbunr. Ore.. Anrll 12th. 1902.
Notice Is hereby clven that In com
pllance with the provlslonn of the
act ofConirrewi ot June 3. 1878. en
titled "An act for tho dale of timber
dependent upon coarseness and vttl- 'anus In the States of California, Ore-
ganty for forced laughs, but full ont'lZ
Land Stnten by act of Aucust 4. 1892.
Anton F. Will, of Aurora, County of
Aianon, ntnte 01 uregon, nan this
day filed In this office his Hworn
statement No. 2205, for the purchase
nf fhn KV V. nf Oavtln-n Vn W In
TownshlnNo.SO H..Kanee No. fl Went.
and will offer proof to show that the
lana sougnt is more valuable for Ito
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to entitbllali htH claim
to nald land before the Ilcs;Utor and
Ilecclver of this office at ItoHeburtr.
Oregon on Thursday, the 17th day of
juiv, inn,
He names oa wltncHacs:
Geo. Gray, L. I. Snyder, J. A. Cur
iienter, of Aurora, Oregon, A. C.
HtAnbrougb, of Newberfr, Orefton.
Any anil till nernonx clnlmlnir ad
versely tho above-described lands are
requested to file tholr claims In thin
oflice on or before said 17th day ot
juiy, iwx.
J. T. UniDOBH, iteglster,
the richest of humor that brings
the laugh spontaneously, and that
is the kind of a laugh that sends
the audience away from the theater
well satisfied.
The Comedy, "Too Rich to
Marry" bhs an intense dramatic in'
terest and is a rare oombiuation of
romance, pathos and comedy. It
United Htaten Land Office,
ItOHebunr. Ore.. Mav 6. 1002.
Notice Is hereby irlvcn thnt In com
pllance with the provisions ot the
uf. nf fYinfmtMM nf .TtinA fl an.
is a vital and living play shown as titled "An act for the sale of timber
in a series of vivid and lifelike I lunua In the mates of California,
ureKon, jevaia ano waumngion
United 8Utf Land Office,
Roaabura. Ore.. ADrll 18. 1902.
Notlee la herebr (Irea that In compliance
'1th the croYttionl of tha aetof Conare-a of
nnaa, iaia. enimaq "An act lor tneaaie
Territory." tin extended to all the
Public Land Htaten by act of Auirunt
4, 1802, JamoH W. Houck of Cottage
Grove, County of Lane, State of
Oregon lias thin day filed In this office
his sworn statement No. 2:14:J, for the
! purchase of the 8V V of Section No.
re: 24, Township 23 South, of Hjiiiko2
west ana win oner proof to hiiow
that the land sought Is more valu-
i mnar ianaa in ttia ntatea ol iniarnia. iim. I -.
so?' aJ,. 'i..1 SV.. "I10" "f7' "West and will offer proof to show
OountT of Lane. Ktata of Oreron. haa thla ablO for IU timber Or Htone than for
oar filed to tun office her aworn atataroent No. I agricultural nitrnoHeu. and in f-Htjili.
wr ine Mrcnaa. oi im be y. ot MlBh cIa,m to said land leforo
iunreNo.4 wm. and win oirei nroofto.hox ; Mane L. ware, u, a. oommlss oner
that the land aonvhtla nor. Taliiable for Its I nr. Kntrfnn TjinaCn fllpo nn Unliin.
tne lienater and Receiver of thla ive-tee at l umuco ue witne-awn:
Rofibnrg, Orazon, on Frldar, th 35tb day of J. XV. Plirrlflh. of Jcfferwon. Marion
Uo., ore., N, II. Martin, of Cottage
tirove, LMm uo ure., jonn tioeti,
Jalr. 1902-
do. namea aa wune-sea:
J.N. Randall, E. c. Hnilth, May Maonln. w. "rove, Lane Co,, Ore., Join
; Wanning, of Eniena.OrmoD. Mlchficl Goetr, of Jefferson,
Anvandall rwrnni clalmler advaraelrthe Co.. Ore.
IwrWe-ierlh-A landi are ra-ioenad to flla ,'., , ,
abOTe-dt-ierlh.d landi are raqaoted to file
that r ylaJmi in tbli OS lea on or before aald 2Mb
i, r. uaiseaai xef later.
Von can bdy any
Currin that ii
prufiaratlbri' atJ.
aarertmed in' any
per, Kmembr we mk a apecialty
Any and all persons clalmlnir ad-
ventely the abovo described landri are
retiueHted to file their claims In thin
offlco on or before triad 20th day of
July, 1002.
j. r. unioaes, itegister.
. JSa4 fi"nr Bohemia Nugget.
United HtatcH Ijiiii Office,
ItoncbiirK, Ore., Apr. 11. 1002.
Notice Ih hereby given that In com
pliance with the provlHloiiH of the
act of CongretM of June n, 1S7N. en
titled "An act for the wile of tlmlx-r
hinds In the StaUH of Cnllfornla. Ore
Kon, Nevatla, and WnHlilnj-ton Ter
ritory," a cxtcmltil to all tho Pub
lic Lund State by act of AtiKtixt 4,
1802. Henry Bock, of Kllverton.
Count of .Marlon. State of Oregon,
nun mm nay nieo in tnix otnee IUh
sworn Htatetnent No 2202, for the
purehiuteof theSEJ of Section No.
28 In Township No. 20 H,
IUini-c No. V., ami will offer
proof to show that the land Hotmht
Is more valuable for ltn flintier or
stone man lor aicricultural puniow-H,
and to CMtrttillHli his claim to milil
lantl ticfore the IleKlMtcr and Itc
celver of this office at KoHebiirK, Ore
gon on Friday, the 11th day ot July,
He uamcH oh wltneHnex:
G. A. Bock, V. P. Hurst, A. II. Cole,
II. A. Snyder, of Aurora, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
vereely the above-dcscrlbcd lands are
requested to file their cIhIium In tliln
office on or before said 11th ilnv 1,1
July, 1002.
J. I. JJltiDOKs, lU-glMter.
United States IjukI Offlco,
IlOHCburg, Ore., Apr., 24, 1002.
Notice Is hereby clven that. In .mm.
pllance with the provlsloiiH of thi- ii-r
of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
In the States of California, Oregon.
Nevada, anil WaHhlngtonTerrltory,"
on extended to all tho Public Land
Htaten ny act or August 4, 1802, Her
man T. Dow of Crittntm firm-,.
County of Iwtne, State of Oregon has
iiiih tiny inetl in uiih oil ice li h Hwrirn
statement No. 2277, for tho purchaxc
of the N S NV K, 8VJN NW U
SU'K of Section No. 8, Twp. 25 ; Hon tit,
of Itange 2 West ami will offor proof
to Hhow that tho land sought Is more
vaiunoie tor iih timuor or Htonn than
for agricultural purposes, and to oh.
tabllsh his claim to said land la-foro
Mario L. Ware, U.S.CommlHHlonerat
Kugcnc. Oregon, on Sutunlav. thn
out nay oi Jtny,
ue names au witnosscs:
Oscar C. Antelraan. of Wont Nn
perlor. Wis.. Jos. L. McCormlek.
JoHoph Kchlee. ofCottage Grove, Ore-
goii, rm. witre, oi aiiioh, uregon.
Jiuy imu mi iKirHonn ciaiiiung ad
Tereciy tno aoovc-tieHcn hen iiukIh urn
renuoHtcd to fllo their claims In this
office on or before wild 5th duv nf
j. t. iiinnaEs, iicglHWr.
You're thinking of a new suit and whete to get it to the best advniit.igc. If you'll accept oursiigges
tion You'll buy it Now and Here. We bought our CLOTHING from the Largest Woolen Mill in
America, Finishing the Cloth they Weave into Clothing, Their Clothing bears this guarantee,
"The goods in this garment contain no cotton or anyothcr adulteration and we will forfeit $100.00
if cotton be found in the warp or filling of same," .Mavi'IHI.d Mills, Mai'ui'actukkks.
Bring your little chaps to our store ami lit them out In th one Natty VinUf SmIIm, iigt-M .'I loll yearn. Kneti g
PantH Hultn fpr boys, from :i to 12 yearx. Mfnn' and Boys' clothing, a full ntock. Meim all wool nultn, no ?'
ulw.,l,lv in, I'liltdii iim low iih ll . H IH-r nil t. Hll tH for 9III.U0 OH good UN 7.1I.INI to si.lMI Hultn mm-lii-m V.
Kail way.
Hl.l llANliS,
The Fashion Stables
After a Month's sickness I am
again in ray shop on River street,
where I will give your borseshoelntr
and blacksmitblng prompt atten
Jomr Millkr, the blacksmith.
Find reaidencea. choice lota. hiialni-.
blocks or tale Jerome Knor i Co.
M n 1 rn 11 ninil
Short Line
lit. J'aul, littluth,
MlnnvnpollH, Chicago,
Through Palaronntl Toiiriat Sleepers
Dining and Buffet Smoking
Library Cars.
Fur Kates, Folders antl Full Informa
tion regarding Ticket Iloutcs, cull on or
J. W. I'HALON.T. P. A.
132 3d St., fortlana ure.
A. II, 0. DENNI8T0N,, G. W. P. A,
6I3flrt Arcnue, (tattle Waih MAI.t and SKCONll HTItKKT, COTTMIK flltOVH
GlM'lsiDJin & Bai(lts, Proprietor
Also own and opperate the
and Hlack llutlc Stage Lines
l'c 1:
First-Class Tumours, Double or Single a
Reasonable Prices
Gopher and Mole Gun.
I have sold Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Ileincdv for
years, and would rather be out of coffee,
and sugar than it. I old five bottles of
It yesterday to threshers that could go
no further, nntlthey uro at work thla
morning. II, R. Phelps, Plymouth,
Oklahoma. As will be seen by tho
above the threahors were ablo to keep
on with their work without lotting jt
alnglo day's time. You should keeps
oomeoi una KemeUy in your home.
For vale by Lyons & Annleirate. Drain.
Bentioi) Drug C'o.
This Gun is guaranteed to Kill.
Anything from a mouse to a Bear, tiuder the ground or on top.
Either a push or a pull will touch it off. It will take them cither goin'
or comin'. It isn't any sin for the nnimal to kill himself. It was
inveuted and is manufactured by HAIWEY SARGKNT.
Patent applied for. Corvallis, Oregon
Mr. Sargent will be id Cottage Grove and vicinity with a iiipply of
guns about May 15. PRICE JS1.50