Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 16, 1902, Image 3

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Drjr, mointf (inly totter, nil fiiiine,
of nc.niint or null rlimuii, i tnpli-H
mill oilier ciitiuiciiiiH cniil!iiiN pro
cuoil from humors, dither inherited
or acquired lliroiili ilnfrrtivn ill
i;unll(ili unit iinMiiiiliiiuii.
To treat ttioHo iru)liiiiiH will
drying iiii'iliriiicH In iImiihitiiiih.
Tim tiling to lo Ih to liiltu
Hood's Sarsaparllta
and Pills
Which Ihoroiiuhlvcli'iuiKiitlK) hlooil,
uxpulliiin all limiinrH anil ImiIIiIIiik
Up tlm wllnhl HyHlnill. 1 Ill'.V rllic,
Ifitftil'a M.,..f.llla lilinillnlillf rtt.1.,1 I 11
Hlliee, 1'raiika, III , ill e 'rema, friiln wlilill lin
IISl liUITrrpU KIMIIO lirilllj Mll MIRI AlVllllt HD1-
ter, II i 'ill, .Milium VU.. nl i nn lirr
Im i' ml iiack mnl rlKli'ii hviii mi M'f mm) , i'f
wlitel, .1,1, litnl tu.A,i Mti.Milv friiiililM.1. Thmn
are tttuttt iratltiiitiitiita In lavur of Howie llisn
cnu hp iiiiiiiiiii-ii
tlood'm S.rmannrllla $tromlmo. lo
aurm mnu h.vim llim nromr..
"Thoio was n crush lit I lie uedillii,
I (HIiiihini."
"Grindi? Why, tho naliers lnul lo
(arm n llylni! wi'iIko in order to net tin'
bridal party up In tho altar." I.lfo.
JMu' Cure U tlie licit mnllrlne vmt-vfr
llinl fur nil MliM'iliini nf llin tlimat nml
IilliKe, tVM. O. I.Niini.Kr, Vnnlmii-ii, lint
I'eh. 10, linn.
An Indljeiliblc Mm
Kitty Hut liu in mu ll it ri lmllt;elllit
Janet IiuIIki'MUiUi?
Kitty Yc-n ; liu nlvwiyit illruii;ri-eH
with mo. Detroit l-rco I'ri'iw.
CITQ r.llnati.ltllr Cltied. Hn file r nUTWiilwl
lllO stt.rflr.l ('. .l.torilr Hlla.' Nam s.n-llor Fit lill J. (initial luiLaitlliiul.
UO. Hlll,Ml..WI AllliM..I'l,llA4l'bia.l'
Their Wlvei.
"How iiituiy mi'ii (inn their stircc)
In I Ho tu tln'lr witcs.
"Yes. Ami li'itv linuiy morn mi'ii
own tlmlr mIxi- to tliuir Mit-tosH In
lira." Life.
Orofjon DIooU Purlflor In
rlKhlly unmet!, Ihtiiiihi it purities tliu
niouii umi lonca iii inu ixxiy.
Sprint; Mtilltlnc.
"1 MM) tliu doctor In Minting hills to
nil IiIh patients."
"Yen; I suppopo tin thinks lit thin
h'Ukjii of llin year limy nil need Dlller
pills."-rhlladelplila Bulletin.
Aak Tour lli-altr .tllell'e I'niil. Km,
A remdrr. llCurre Mnottrn, N.rr, Hut, ('.Untie,
tClnitC.HfHlll!tf I'ret.tHl M.kra
Date r light atiwMemay. At .11 hli.
elMe., it i .lita. A,rv. Nn nuUtllulr. Kanipl.
I IH. AllillMM Allen 8. Olmatnl, I liar, N. V.
No Vacant lol (or Mir.
lie Darling, I lovo yon. Will yon
not iiuikii mo happy liy rharing my
hllinlilu lot with mo?
Hlii' Ih tlicrti it niii' littlo Iioiim) on
tliu lot, lliinry? Itoitnn llumlil.
Mothers will I) ml Mm. Wlnalow's Booth
line Hyrup tlm brait rcinnly to un lor tliclr
children ilurlni; lio trctliliiK IX'rUxl,
llitwnn rrlcndi,
Knpock I tinili'rrlnnil your nifu in
.MivLcr Yen; rho luiMi't niol.i'li n
wonl for thrt'ii ilnyn.
KiiHrk (JikbII Yon nlwiiyn wi'rt
u lucky iIok. I'liU-nuo Ni'hk.
you unut to try n tninplti o( tlir
fluont nplcuH you uvtxun'il n'liil nn fi
ci'iiln hi FtiiuipH ttltli tlm ilium1 of your
KriK'cr nml mi'iitioii thin jutpxr nml wt
will tuml you it Id cont tin "I Monojiotu
Wlilto pi'pju'r or rnyi'iino or k'ukit or
ntliur vnrluty yon tnity nilcot m n mm
jli. Wo know it in only micamry to
Kt you to try thwu to nniko you it Ijo
llnvtir in Moiioh)Iu. Aililioon Wml
liuuin k Korr llroa., I'ortlnnil, Oro.
I'rool Concluilvc.
ltobliiii (iriiiiilinii, kin I pull out
ou o( your wlilto lmir7
"YfH, .h-itr."
llnlililo (Klccfnlly) Thi-ro, nine!
Tlm Illblo ilix'H lio. Tlit'ro aint no
iuiiiiIrt on tliin om.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Doara tlio
Cuu and ClfceL
"John," nho wiiil to hi'r IiiuImihI,
who wiih (riimlilini; over IiIh liri'iikfiinl,
"your lovo Imn Krotvit rolil."
"No, It luiHii't!" ho Hiinppi'il, "lint
my lirciikfant linn."
"'I'hiit'H Junt It. If your lovo hmln't
Krown nilil, you wnuliln't mitlco tlutt
your brunkfant luiil." rhllmlulpliiii
Too Thin,
.Church Mimic Committee I thoutilit
you Mild you wcro it lino hniib? You
can't bo hcnril ten mttn from tlio or
Kun. Huns Well, Isn't that n flno volco?
llonton Ileialil.
llmulln'H Wlrnnl Oil Is nn old romeily.
nml liko nn old friend limy bo depended
on. It curcH piilu.
Wouldn't Squander It.
Mr. IIurdllBto If I glvo you tliin
penny, my mini, will you squander It
for drink?
Weary Walker No, elr; I'll uso It
to git a now nutymobllo imy old oiio'h
wearln' out.
i luiibcnuKi utuiiuni.
It la a aUo economy to buy srocerloa
which ro cheap at the eximu of iiunllly.
You can't urt'onl tolamiwr ullhyourlicultn.
l"or that ri'unoii you ought to buy
Tho purcit to bo hail anil Vory rcaaonaMo
III price, All llriti'laiaKrocomiwiiitlethciii.
IMrtlunil. .
lleit lA'uili Sjrui'. aatca looSl 0 3
YZl tntlnio. 80I1I hr (Iruualata. 11
Short Storie$ j
(lliulnlom oiire nnlil of lilmnelf: "My
111I111I In lllio 11 innrkot K'irili'ner'ri Ininil
mrt, full every moniliiK of frenli fruit
nml vcKi'tnlili'X. 'I'liono umllnpoHcil of
nl 1 1 1 k ' t I empty out nml nlnrt Willi u
frenli KlocU next dny,"
At n illmier In New York Amlrow
CnrueKle nnlil: "I nometlmen tliluk tliin
woiilil lio 1111 appropriate, epltnpli to lio
placeil upon my toiuli: 'Here lien it mini
wlio knew lio vv to Ket iirounil lilm mileli
cleverer men than lilmnelf.' "
Not Ioiik HKO, two elltlillnlnntlc 11 II
Klern iirnuiKi-il n It n III t ik mnteli to lie
ollo Hie renpeetlve merlin of the worm
ami Hie mliiiiow an halt. I'or linurn they
nut patiently on n lunik without M
tliiK no iiiiieh 11 h 11 nibble. At hint tho
proprietor of tint worm niiililenly nnlil
that ho hail Kiit it bile, ami, JerklliK hln
lino out of the water, (Uncovered at tho
em) of It the other man') minnow,
which, havliiK by thin ttino kiowii hull
(try, hail devoured hln worm.
Tho other day, when tlio Jury In n
murder trial In tho loulnvlllu court
hint retired to their room, tho foremnii
nnlil: "(jeutlemen, thin In a nerloiin enno
wit have to decide. A man'B llfo may
be forfeited by our ileelnlon. How many
ChrlatliuiN are iimoui; unV" Nino men
rained their limiiln. "Will unu of you
pray'" linked the fureiiiiiii. One of tho
oldeNt Jurorn nald he would do hln bent.
All knelt, nml a mont enruent mid lin
prennlvo prayer wan offered. IlallotlliK
wiih then hcKiin. Kevernl Jurorn wero
In favor of it life nenteiice, anil other
for termn an nhort nn eluht yearn. The
Jury finally iiKrecd on elKhteeii yenrn.
Olio day lant autumn lleunet Ilur
IHkIi, the noted r.iiKllnh npeelal war
eorrcapoiident. wan eneoiiutercd a few
mllcn outnlde I'rctorlu by the volcanic
rhetorician, (ieneral Tucker. "What
the . are you dolntr out here
with Hint thliiR?" linked tho uen-
fill, iKilutlui; to a kodak which wan
hIuiik round bin nliouldern. "Well, nlr,"
promptly replied Mr. llurlelRh, "I wan
liitelidlhK to tnku nouie photoKrnphn;
but had I known that I wan to have tun
pleanure of meetlni; you 1 nhouhl havo
brotiRht out a phonograph." At thin
nuiluclty. It la nald that even (ieneral
I'uckcr'n Htock of nulphtiroun adjective
ran low.
It In relntod that the only man who
over Rot even with Cecil Uhoden In the
mntter of pernonalltlen wan n little tier
mini clerk in the Kovemmcnt olllco at
JolmnniKhurK. Ithodw on thin Ocea
nian had to Htund In line, and ho didn't
liko It. He had not been lined to ntnnd
liiK In line In Koutli Africa or nnywhero
elne. "I'leano attend to mo at once,"
he nald, "I can't wait." "When your
turn coition, mlnter," mumbled tho
clerk. "Confound you, nlr; don't you
know who I nm7 I'm Ithodo." "Oh.
yen. I knew that; hut Hint doenn't wor
ry me." wan the imrtillleil reply. n
yon wero In Capo Town. I'd have you
dlschnrucd In a minute," roared tne
Premier. "Yen. I have heard Hint tuey
illneharKo people In Capo Town for do
liiK their duly." nimwered the clerk;
hut we Hin t in cape i own. i inn m
A SkelohltiK Pnrty.
"I can't entertnl the lawn yet for
ncvernl weekn to come." wild a oum:
..,.,, -lm IU.'.'k in L-iit her her trlenilH
for n tollv lime. "111111 nil we mom
aniline ourneltes Iniliiom, I've phiuneil
n BketehliiK party that I think will be
Junt dellchtful. Perhaps It's an old
ilea, but nt any rale 1 never iiearn or it
"I'll neat my rrleuiln In rown, mid Kle
neb perMili n peliell nnd n block of
imiiwi- 'I'lion i-Mi-li will lie toiu to iiraw
the tnee. In prollle. of the pernon at bin
or her rlKlit.
The nketchen will not be mount im
,n until. Volt iindemtand. but thev
miiit be nn imtural and true to life an
ii,.. nriNlM enn make Hieni. A ltc:iI
many people enn't draw nt all. you nuy'r
Ah. but that'll be nil llie more inn:
Piinev im. 1 can't niakon crooked Hue.
much' lets it ntriilKht nno-tryliie to
Kketeh one side of my next tielk'hbor's
llerco mustache, mid nil the time re-
leetliii; that my next nelKhbor nt Hie
i-ft In tryliiK to do Justice to my nnub
nose! Oh. It'll bo liuerentiiiK-every
ivrlmim It would be well to make a
rule that no one Minll look nt a nelsh
i,r'u si.i'ii-li until all nre completed,
nnd possibly we ouclit to allow Just so
inch time to llulsli tlio drawings, xne
irliM fur the best nnd the worst like
nesses will bo pictures. I kuoss.
"Card pnrtloM and ilanclni; parties nre
i rinnmim that they're sttilild, and be
sides, many people object to them alto
Kcther. Hut there can't bo anything ob
Jeetlonnblo about my sketehlnB bee.
and I'm sure that It will not bo dull!"
What to Wear lit llerlln.
flcrniuny Is nerhnps tho last country
where one would look for n Count
(VOrsity, but ono has apparently arisen,
says the Loudon Moll.
An ontcrprlsltiR meinuer or mo up
per circles," with nn eyo to commercial
ism, not Ioiik no took very tastefully
furnished olllces in tho west end of
llerlln. where ho elves advlco as to
"correct" uud fashlonablo dress for the
mnlo sex.
Ills namo Is not lUvnlRett, but his suc
cess In offerliiB "advice to men regit ril
ing dress nnd toilet" has proved very
successful, as many of Ids clients do
claro they linvo not stitllclent tlnle to
Blvc to such mutters, nnd nre willing to
accept Instruction ns to tlio latest fash.
Ills Ruecesa has Induced several la
dles of position to start similar consult
ing roppis for fnshlonnhlo Indies. In
theso cases, too, no names aro given,
tho business being done by recommen
dation, v
l'o such nn extent has competition
grown hero that many tailors aro ready
to attlro good-looking men In tlio latest
fashions gratis In condition Hint they
recommend lliein clients. There are
also tailors nnd eosluiners who dress
pooplo for it llxed sum annually, renew
ing his clothes on certain dates and tak
ing back the old ones.
Slmrt-Hlgliteil (Ionium Handout.
No fewer than III per cent of tier-
man students nre short-sighted, states
Prof. Colin of Ilieslnu.
In Drill Luck.
"You've Ivtielieil Hie wrong man,"
cried tlm sheriff.
"Well," rcpllud Alkali Iko thought.
fully, "It's a ureal piece of luck tfaat
ho illiln't find It out In llmu to (poll
tho fun."
Viry Unwelcome.
Handy I'lken You don't look very
pleanmt, pun I. Did yer got n band-out
at du lant hoiiro?
Jlllly Coalgiilc Yen, but do hand dnt
cum wan in do nlmpo of a clotted flnt.
ClilniRO l'nnt.
Theft are "liferent Kindt.
Mm. Nnwvi'ud Aro you fond of
Mm. Cityne I lovu ono.
Mrs. New weil TootWall?
Mm. Coyno No) my husband.
Ilonton Herald.
"II rooms to mo," mid tho young
hoiiwiwlfo, "thorn's entirely too much
water In tho milk you Hirvo."
"It won't occur again, aiu'nm," wild
tlio foxy milkman. "Yon neo, tho
fiiriiinr'u mini litia lni.ri tltiltiir llm r-riwH
,oo iiiiii h salt ami it laukcn 'em vory
tlilrcty. Tlio farmer's got a now man
now." Philadelphia I'rons.
Alwayi Conilitent.
Hho When nro you going to glvo
inn thn mniioy to buy that now ilrenn?
Ilo Nnxt week.
"Thiit'n what you nald lant week."
"Yon, and Hint's what I nay now and
am going to wiy next week. I aint Hie
kind of a mini to nay ono thing ono
week nml another thing next week."
A Woman's Complexion.
In Ilia aprlitg ulien (lie young man'a fancy la llghtlr
lumlng ti Ihnuglila il I'itc, Ilia r"i)g lady r,f fatlilun
la 4nillng tier aiai lima ovrr her completion, for
Ilia Mititar munlli ol tla atiRed rooina, Lle houia
ami lha long roun'l ol illMloalion tleminded Ly ociely
begin In lell aonngly on tr,a bloom of the feminine
theek and a lltoruugh Ueatnwnt tnuat t given lo tone
Up (Ii ftyefem and b-lng tuk the treatiaeea before
ummer arrltea
llMfirtl thing la to look well alter llie diet and aee
that It la wholcaume and varied, and aufioelcfil is
quantily to Veep up the etrength
Koine iklna In tlie aprlng of the year are ftohject lo
diifiguring erupliuna ami Ilia moil approved mean! ot
gelling rid of Una truuhle la to like Vogeler'a Curative
Compound, v.hich tairifiea, coola and cleanaea the
blood from all tmpurulee, and removea every trace ol
akin eruption. Ilev.are ot any and all eiternillice
and akin remediea, tuch a loliona, powdera, aoapa
etc .many of v.hkh are abaolutely dlngerooa, l.'om
lha fact Out Ihey contain fK.werful chemicala, which
lav been known lo nuik and nUierwiae dtafiguie the
lice for hie Vogeler'a Curative Compound la made
woolly from puicly vegetable ingredicnta, from the
formula ol ona ol lindon'a looat noted living phyal.
cfine.lnd liaa no equal lur beautifying the completion,
becauae il (sirinea and cleanaea the blood and riukea
pure rich red blood it alao lonca up the eyetem,
give an appetite, enaurea aweet and peaceful eleep
tnvigorllee and atrenglhene the entire nervoua orgaal
aatlorv II makea people well.
A free aample bottle will be lent free by applying to
EL Jacotia Oil, Ud , llaltimoic. 111
A Sleepy Job.
Friend What aro you going to do
with the alarm clock?
Halesman Taking It down for our
Friend Out of order, eh?
Salesman Not at all. I just get It
to go off nt the cloning hour. Onr storo
don't advertise, you know. Philadel
phia Frees.
.Little Liver Pills.
Must Door Signature of
St Fac-Slmllo Wrapper Delow.
Very small and aa cay
to taXe tu an jar.
IW I eiamuneaa MwaTiuva eia.ani.e.
.tTcMti I Poroir Vf gttaMe.v?Z2
Got a Good Start.
Ho I was onco ono of the judges at
a baby show.
She Heavens! How did you es
capo? Ho Wo handed in a scaled verdict.
Lost Hair
"My hair came, out by the hand
ful, and tho gray hairs began to
creep In. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and it stopped the hair from com
ing out and restored the color."
Mrs.M. D.Gray, No. Salem, Mass.
There's a pleasure In
offering such a prepara
tion as Aycr s Hair Vigor.
It gives to all who use it
such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker,
longer, softer, and more
glossy. And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable prepara
tion, a totlle. All dr.ttim.
If your itrtiRgUt cannot lupply you,
lead ua ono dollar ami wo win eipreaa
you a bottle. Ho euro and elve the name
of your nearest expreee onu-e, Addreaa,
i PILL5-
He I'olrila Out Popular Mlenppre)
Kenilln', mo fn'rid, Is talked about b
all rendln' people ns though It was Hi'
on'y thing Hint makes n innn bcttber
Hi I ii hln neighbors. Hut Hi' truth Is that
rnidlii' Is Hi' iiex' thing thin side) lr
goln' to bed f'r renllu' th' nlmJ. With
mon' peoplo It taken th' place Iv wurrulc
A man doomi'l think whin li 's rendln',
or If ho has to, lb' hook Is no fun. Did
ya Iver have something to do that je
ought to do, but didn't want to, an'
while ye wnn wltdiln' ye wan dead, did
yo happen to pick up n tinwnpnpi-r? Ye
know what occurred. Ye illiln't Jus'
nklm through th' npoortln' lutlllyglnco
an' tli crime news. Whin ye got
through with tblm, yo risid th' other
(juni tlicr Iv th' pu-per. Ye read alout
people ye nlvcr heerd Iv, an' huppenln's
yo didn't tiudherstand- Ih' fashion
nolo, th' theatrical gonnlp, Hi' n'clety
news fr'm Peoria, th' (iiolatlons on
outs, th' curb market, th' real-estate
trannfors, th' mnrredge lliennos, th' ,
death iiotleen, th' want ad, th' dhry-
goods hnrgiilns, an' even th' Idltoryals.
'J'hln ye r-rend tblm over again with a
faint Idee ye'd read thlm befure. Uliln
ye yawned, studied th' design lr th' ,
curpct, an' nettled down to wurruk. !
Wan yo exerelnln' yt-er Joynt lnlellcck
while ye wan readln'V No more thin If
ye 'd Isi'ii whlntlln' or wrltln' ye-cr
namo on a pa-aper. If anny wan
clue but me come along they
might nay: "What a mind Hln
ninny has! He's always rendln'."
Hut I w'u'd kick Hi' book or pnaper out
Iv ye-er hand, an' grab ye be th' collar,
un' cry, "Up, Hlnnlssy, an' to wurruk!" I
f'r I'd know yo wero loatln'. Hclleve '
me, Hlnnlssy, rcadlu' Is not thlnkln'. It
seems llko It, an' whin It comes out In
talk sometimes. It sounds like It It's
n kind lv nenrthought that looks
glnooyne to Hi' thoughtless, but yo
can't get annythlng on It Manny a
man I've knowed has so doped nlm
nllf with books that he'd stumble over
a carpet-tack. Century.
Men Heine Imported to Take the Place
of Women Dnmeatlca,
Of late fyondon has despaired of solv
ing the "servant girl problem," and has
net about Importing men to take the
place of women In housework. They
no.. I.rltx.ln,. Ihnm ntftan tlm linnnal
liy me nuipioau, anu me ncnuui gin is
rapidly disappearing, from the London
They call these male servants "gen
erals," nnd there Is no part of house
work that they cannot do, from press
ing my lord's trousers to combing my
lady's hair. These "generals" get wages
ranging from $50 to $300 a year. They
arc civil, clean and neat, and are ac
customed to long hours.
Thin fresh Held of labor especially
appeals to the young man of continen
tal l.urope. as It gives him a chance to
escape from army conscription. So far
these men have proved themselves es
pecially adapted for domestic work.
The experience of the different nation
alltlen Is Interesting. Cermans bare
been found the best. They generally
speak two languages, sometimes three,
and make exovllenthouseservants. Ger
many nnd France supply most of the
demand. Italians and Swiss come next
In numbers nnd qualities, but for good,
rough, nll-nrnund work the people who
take the lead are the Egyptians. For
these people there Is a growing de
mand, and the descendants of the
Pharaohs nre wrestling the pots nnd
pans In many an Kngllsb kitchen to the
mutual satisfaction of employer and
Although the wages of a male "gen-1
eral" in tamlon run from $50 to $300 a
year, the average pay Is $70 a year for i
one who Is not a cook and $120 a year1
for one who Is.
A t.omiarUon Ilstween American anil
KiiulUh Compenaatlona,
When Hie new Kplscopal palace of
the diocese of New York Is raised upon
Cathedral Heights a fund will prob
ably be provided whose Income will be
used to supplement the salary of the
bishop. He now receives $12,500 a
year. An endowment of slightly more
than $30,000, of -which a considerable
portion is already raised, will yield tho I
same income, making a total of $25,000. 1
From the most Important Eplsco-
paliau dioceso In America Illshop Pot-
ter draws hut one-fourth of the pay of
the bishop In Loudon. The archbishop cheerfully. "I don't get any pay yet,
of York nlso receives $50,000 a year, but I'm probably tho best oiler of ma
while tho English primate has $75,- chincry in New England." Boston
000, which maintains no Inconsiderable Christian Register,
state In Canterbury, a "city" little - :
larger than a village. Even In this
country there are many -wealthy par
ishes whoso ministers receive aa high
pay or higher than that of the bishop of ,
Uie metropolitan diocese,
It's an old story that the salary of the
average clergyman tue man in me
ranks Is sull miserably low, especially
In tho country. A prosperous congre
gaUon ministered to In constant
anxiety by a cultured man whose life
la one long struggle -with poverty Is
iurdly n spectacle to Inspire either
prldo or piety. "The laborer Is worthy
of his hire," and he should receive It
New York World.
Statue of tho Late Austrian Empress.
A bronze statue of a woman carrying
a parasol Is rather unusual among
works of art, but such has recently
been unveiled to the late Empress of
Austria. It Is situated In a small na
tloiml park In Hungary, in which the
Into Empress was fond of hunting and
At Phillips Ili-ookn' House
Tho Phillips llrooks house, nt Cam
bridge, Mass., now has 559 contribu
tors, representing not only tho United
States, but England, France, Turkey.
Japan, China nnd South America.
Diameter of Jupiter.
The diameter of Jupiter, according
to Professor T. J. J. See's now deter
mlnntlon, Is RS.'.'O;! miles; that of Mara
1,155 miles, and that of Mercury 2,057
If you should have occasion to scream
for help, could you make yourself
heard any considerable dlstunco? The
writer of this had n nightmare recently,
and dreamed that he wns being robbed.
He screamed for help, nnd it boy bleep
ing In the ucxt room did not h'Htr him,
Qua Working
Tilfe to the most farorerl Is not always
full of atmihlne, but to the average
American girl or woman mho la obliged
to work for her IWInf, tni, ;:rbap
to help others at homa, life la often
hoary dra(r In consequence of Illness.
Women who work, especially those)
who are constantly on their feet, area
peculiarly liable to the development
of organic troubles, and should par
ticularly heed the Drat manlUHatlona,
such an backache, palna Id the lower
Hmbs and lower part of the stomach,
Irregular and painful monthly perloda-
Xtia KLt.l Jim ma, T. RocsuTxa, Ono.
falntncis, weakness, loss of appetite
and alee p.
The young lady whose portrait we
publish herewith had all these symp
tom,, and In addition leucorrnoca,
and was cured by Iydla E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound. First, she
wrote a letter to Mrs. Plnkham's lab
oratory at I.ynn, Mass., describing her
trouble, rectiTcd in reply accurate In
structions what to do to get well, and
now wlahea her name used to convince
others that they may be cured as the
The same helping hand, free of
charge or obligation. Is extended, to
every ailing woman In America. If
you are sick you are foolish not to get
this ralu.ible advice. It costs you noth
ing, and she Is sure to help you. Don't
wait until It Is trolate write to-dav.
Clan In Harmony.
"How's your music neliool prosper
ing, lioomitt?"
"First rate. I've just introduced n
novelty that ought to tako."
"What's that?"
"A class in harmony for married
people."- Philadelphia Bulletin.
Looked Ktaionable.
"Of course you have your furnlturo
"No; I don't see the uso of it."
"Your flat is fireproof, eh?"
"Seems to be. There's never the
slightest suspicion of heat In it."
Philadelphia Press.
An Honored Name.
"Romemlicr," said the impressive
person, "that your ancestors have left
you an honorablo name."
"Well," answered tho titled youth,
ruefully, "it is all right on a visiting
card, but it isn't much at a bank."
Washington Star.
I havo enough good typo for
small newspaper and job plant.
No machinery. Will sell cheap
for cash or trade for Portland real
estate. Address
P. O. BOX 416,
Portland, Or.
Summer Resolutions
take m m if
gure rell.r tnm iiquor, opUm em! tobacco
habits. Send for particulars to
Gtttinj On.
gentleman met recently a Harvard
graduate of last Juno. "How goes it,
Harry?" said ho. "Oh, things are,
booming," replied tlio young man,
Edema la rsnefd tiv nn nrlrl tinmnr tn
the blood comlni? In contact with the
ixtn ana producing great redness and in-
datamation ; little pustular eruptions form
and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which
dries and scales off ; sometimes the skin is
nam, ury ana nssured. liczema in any
form is a tormenting, stubborn disease,
and the itching and burning at times are
almost unbearable; the acid burning
humor seems to ooze out and set the skin
on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter
nal applications do any real good, for as
long as the poison remains in the blood
It will keep the skin irritated.
"Tor three yeara I
had Tetter on my
hands, which caused,
them to awell to twice
their natural alae. Part
of the time the dleeaie.
was lathe form of run.
nlng; aorea, very pain,
fat, and causing- me
much diacomfort. Four
doctors aald the Tetter
had progressed too far
to be cured, and tbey
could do nothing- for
me. X took oalr three
bottles of S. 8. S.aad
wii completely cured.
Thiswaa fifteen years
aro. and I have wever
liace aeen any alga of my old trouble." Mas.
U. B. Jacksoh, HU McOn St, Kansas City, Mo.
S. S. S. neutralises this acid poison,
tools the blood and restores it to a healthy,
natural state, and the rough, unhealthy
iKtn Dccomes sou, smooui and clear.
cures Tetter, Ery-
alcelas. Psoriasis,
i, Salt
Rheum and all akin
diseases due to a pois
oned condition of the
blood. Send for our book and write us
about your case. Our physicians have
made these diseases a life study, and can
help you by their advice ; trs make no
charge for this service, Allcorresponde&c.
b conducted in strictest confidence.
Inaafllclent Appliance! at Head Did
Not Pretent Operatloaa.
flood surgeons arc often men of great
Ingenuity, and there are numerous
cases on record of Important nnd wholly
satisfactory results accomplished wlUi
rude appliances. A writer who wns
with the Ilrltlnh nrmy In the Soudan,
gives, In a Now York pnpr, thin Illus
tration of a clover adaptation of means
to a desired end:
After the llattlo of Omdurman wo
brought back to Abadleh 121 wounded
oRlcers and men. Of this number there
were twenty-one canes of which nn ac
curate diagnosis could not he made by
ordinary surgical means.
Ily the help of tlio Roentgen rays,
however, wo found the bullet or proved
Its absence In twenty out of these twenty-one
cases, the remaining enno bctng
so 111 with a serere wound In the lung
tbit It was not considered Justifiable
to examine him at the time.
Of course wo had no steam engine to
generate electricity for us, and the des
ert heat had dissolved our specially pre
pared candles Into their constituents.
Necessity, however, Is the mother of
Invention, and we had recourse to a
unique method. The pulley of a small
dynamo was connected by means of n
leather strap with tbe rear wheel of a
tandem bicycle. Having carefully ad
justed the circuit with the storage bat
tery, and also with the voltmeter and
ammeter, a warrant otllcer took his po
sition on tbe seat of the bicycle and
commenced pedaling. When fifteen
volts and fourteen amperes were reg
istered, the switch close to the handle
of the bicycle was opened and the
charging of tbe battery begun.
An tbe resistance became greater n
sensation as of riding up hill was ex
perienced by the man on the seat, and
the services of an additional orderly
were requisitioned for tbe front seat of
tho tandem.
As this bicycle practice was generally
Indulged In In a temperature of 110 de
grees In the shade, the orderlies wero
not sorry when, at the end of a half
hour, the switch was turned off and the
machine brought to a standstill.
Hijh Art
Miss Gush Isn't her complexion
lovely? It's liko a beautifully tinted
china cup I saw
Miss Kostique Yes; it certainly is
a beautifully painted mug. Philadel
phia Record.
Another Point of View.
Miss Elderly Never in all my lifo
havo I lost my self possession.
Miss Flypp But if some man had
asked for it doubtless it would havo
been different.
Curious to Know.
The Bachelor Why, I've
reached my prime.
Sho What delayed you? Smart
Olre better M.tlfturtlontriiin ftnjthlnf on
the market t anything like
cause they are wade of good material, to
atand "Oregon road" Iron corn en on
bolter, braevs on thalts. hearjr gecond
Krowth wheels, acrewed rim. If you want
to feel sure that you are cutting your moo
ey'a worth, ask for a "Bee Line" or a
Mitchell' (Uenney) Boggy. We guar
antee tnem.
MUchmll, Lowlm A Stavmr Co.
Seattle, Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or.
No Staples. No Tacks. Opens like a paper box, ready for use.
lh&v. hn nitsff
:. It Of litre. Mail. WC n ree OS-Pate Hand
1 i
K. J. UOWKN, Coaat Agent., PurtUuil, Or.., and Seattle, Waell.
For 71 Years McCormick
for harvesting; the
The McCormick (O. K.) Line of Headers, Mowen, Binders, Rakes and g
Reapers Is deicrlfaed In the FINEST CATALOGUE EVER PRINTED.
Send for one FREE lo
is A. H. BUY LAIN,
Nurso Says I "Pfl-ru-na
Tonic of Efficiency."
Is A
Mrs. Kate Taylor, a graduated
nurse of prominence, gives her ex
pcrlence with Pertina In an open
letter. Her position In society and
professional standing combine to give
special prominence to tier utterances.
1 CHICAGO, ILL., 427 Monroo 8t.
"An far as I havo observed Pcrmin Is
tho finest tonic any mnn or woman ran
1 uso who Is weak from tho altor effects
of any serious illness.
"I havo seen It used In n number of
convalescent cases, and havo noen sev
eral other tonics tisod, but I found that
thoso who used Pertina had Hie quick
' est rollof.'1
"Peruno seems to restore vitality,
' Increase bodily vigor and renew health
and strength In a wonderfully short
I In view of the great multitude of
womon suffering from somo form of fe
male disease and yet unablo to find any
cure, Dr. Hartman, tlio renowned spe
cialist on femalo catarrhal diseases, has
announced his willingness to direct tho
, treatment of as many coses as mako
1 application to him during tho summer
1 months, without charge. Address Tho
Pcruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Their One Fault
Fond Mother There, my sons, I
have spent all tho morning making you
some cookies liko Aunt Mary's. You
like hers so much. What is tlio mas
ter? Disappointed Boys You nevor cut
'cm out with a pall cover!
She Didn't Mean It
Clara I had an awful time whon I
refused him.
Maud How do you mean?
Clara Why, lie took it In earnest,
and I had to explain that I didn't
mean it.
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Thirty-third year. Commodious build
In'. Modern equipment. Acidemia
and college preparatory courses. Spe
cial courses In mtutc and art. Illus.
tratetl catalogue. All departments will
reopen September 16.
Founded 1B70
A Horn School for Day.
Military and Manual Training
Writ, for llluatratmd Catalogue
H. P. K. V.
No. so 1(03.
WHEN writing- to advertisers
mention tMa paper.
Ifi U Ptstemper or Pink live with PauasiaN llalva
aure cure for all ailments from which taeavea
Btlm. hav. eured lloonea Dt lleavee 14 of Distemper and O ot t'broolo Oeoa;,
Tb. Froaslan Uemodle. have a-alued a great reputation la thla action.
Prnul.n Helve Powder, tba DMMt months and la thai
Boc. Pmialan JnvielT Co., Si. feol.Hlnn.
has manufactured machines
crops of the world.
oenerat ifenr, ,
Harvester Co.. Pottland, Or,
V is - ...aievaaanr.-