Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 16, 1902, Image 1

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    IT TIT
S& ft fl !
&S & W &
a WHAT Jull FHHffflHK
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of lhi. Community, to flood Oovertiiticut. .and, Hustling for si Grub Stake.
NO. 18.
Hi t i r
At to men -a I-Law
Offlro mi Main Hurl, Writ Hlilo
J. (I JOHNSON ami F. .fi EIIV
f) 'Hartleys and Ctiuiinehrs-nl-Lair
Uprclal ll(inllilj given In MlnhiK, I'uf imtminii
nilil lli'iillli l
Office atarOainiau .1 Hamuli ' atom
AUonimi'ttt-huw 000
:-UiHm on Main itrrcl -: -
Cottaric Gkovic, Oku.
Jltloni&U'Ut-Luw - "
l'fuliilpntlii lil In Mining Jlualneia.
."loriey mid Cnitnselor-at-lMir
Hpafial MWiillun (riven lu the law of Mine" j
I'lrnl N'litloiml llulliliiiH.
Kt'liKXK, OltF. I
ik Kallicrlne Stlilctf, M. II.
Diseases cf Women and Clnlilren
corr.uii: uitovi:, (tin:.
- I'jtirru ISO I'lirairnii-
Omen anil leililanrn on Hirer trrel, nrar Wall
curTAueuKovc. - oiiijion
- I'lMiritiKTiiiiH
iKAI.i:M l.'l KINK-
, UalniOaat, -'ollg.Oro, Or,
h "cHmadsen,
Ilenalllnv at rrap'olalilr .'liaram.
All work itnaranlr"! drat .U.
Walclta. I'tofki aihl Juntilrr ttl Iinpat I'rlroi.
jorr.fii: tsitovi:. otti:.
lUllll; (IIHI UlllltlluM.
George Meinzcr, Prop.
A llhr lllnnif llarnioMi. Mail.lU". Wlll,. Hmkk)'
ltol, txallirr IWIIIiik, . la on haiul.
AlUIIKltof IU'.alrlHK a fvi'lally All liall.l
awril work tlirlli.! out.
Our ratiuvr Primula ran Kit ll' rry lu-nt nl
ttio U1H1..I Ml Iuk I'llrr. Ciiiue In and rxani
1 110 Ilia (ihh ami ire for oiirKlf.
Rough Lumber,
S6 pep M. at
Saoinaw, Or.
I'm hk r
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Muney to loan on approved nucurity.
Kxehant;ei Hold, iivallablo apv ,ilaee
ill the Hilled StnteH.
Your Hunt urttH In Hn'Urltril.
oo 'lo
For FashioiKihh Dressmathiy.
NOTlt'i: I'Olt ri'M.IUATlON.
Unlliil tuition Unit Ottlre,
ttiiKntairK, Oreiton, March stl, llnrj.
Nullun la luiridiy kIvku thut In eiimpllaiico
ultli Uie provlalona of Ihn act of CinniriKa nt
Juiifi.1, 1K7H, onllllud "An At't fur llio m of
Thalicr baniUlu the Hliitcanf ('nllforiiin, Ore
KOIt, NavaiU, and Wanhhnitnti Territory," aa
oxlondril tonll tho I'lihlie Ijind Blaloi ! aol
it AugiiaH, WW. P- Tliomaa AMliroy.of I'oltHKO
OroiK, ('utility of I.H1IH State of Ori'Roii lina Ihla
day lllod In Ihla ultleo Ida awnrn ataluiaiMit No.
vlrel, fur Urn purchimo of llm Hoiitli i'iiit iimrtt.'r
of Heut Ion No. 30, TowiuhlpU'2 Hnulli, of ItiiiiRii
I Went and will oflet pnait la allow tluil the land
rniiKl't ! lauru vultialilu for lta tliuliur or atone
than for aKtleulltiral purpoHOH. and to ealulillah
lilai'lalm lould lanilbinoio I h. Hcglnler and
lliMMihni ol llila orllen ut tlcew-btirK. Oregon, on
Friday Ilia 'Juilny of June' 1HU,
llenaiaeiaa wlliM,ei
Charlmlt, lirunoan, IJ- II, llrnialiatigli, Jolin
fatiaer, o Ue.of Cottago Urore, preiton
Anyandall persopj claiming i)Tcr!ly tne
nloveJcicrlbai ltid are requested to rile
tlietrelalma In luliotllce en or before atvld it)
Uar of Juno WW. . ., , .
' J, T. Bitlpam, llujliter.
Our Spring Line of
Ladies' Tailor Made Skirts.
! milf
For Tour Up-to-Date Goods
Our Line of Men's and Women's Furnishing Goods
arc stricty the Latest and the Best. We keep only
the Best in the Mark:t.
h)V Youi' Good CJoUimg- I3ny
Nothing to Compare with ours, Suulh of
Try our New g.50 OKTIIOFKDIC S5IOES.
finli-.l Kiali'a Uml oni'-i.,
ItoMilinrir. On Kiin. At,r 7. IMrj
l Notltf. I h'rcliy alien thai tin fn,lo. iuk
, nalie'il reltlii Iinm IiI.hI noli.,, ,,f til tun iti.,11
to nmlir final proof In mipiMirt of lit Watm,
, Hint llull Mtlit plool will Ik.' uinl. .rfori Marl.1
I,, Wan,, I'.h t'oiumu.loiiur. hi Mikriov or.-.
lion, on Mm)' HI. l'ff'4, vll ('hIIii Calrl on II
r..No win lor lhcS',M;!,,M. fK'., Nl.',
NK lj.K.s,. 1i tlf'U .ttr.l
j Hi untiir- tbp tiillnuliiK il1iir to prom
hl I'ontlmion realilrni'i' iihmi and tiiltlxuilon
of .aid land.xll.
IVrry Caatcel, Jnlill II Ijindi ra. of Haalnau-,
' Orr., o.C Miller of ( roaH vll. ore , Klrhard
Klnnry or Haitlnan', ore
J. T. Ilainuui. Ilritatt'r
United Stilt Unid 01 lice,
KiiKulinri:, Oregon. Apr. Ill, 11)02.
Notice in heieliy kivcii Unit in enni
tiliunce with Hie prnviflniiH ot the net of
Coni:rein of Juno :i, 1H78, entilleil "An
nut for the rule ol limber IiiiiiIh in the
in the Stntea of Cnlifonilii, Oregon,
NuvhiIii, uinl AViihliliintoii Territory," iih
extended to nil Uie I'ublle Lund StnteH
by net of Aiiitunt I, 1S92, Dniiciin Scott,
of Kn'enu, County of Lime. Suite of
Oreitou, him thin day tiled in thiaolllcu
Inn hhoiii Ntutvinent No. L'221), for the
pnteliuae of the NV 1-4 of Section
No. HO, Towimhip 1. South. o(
Itiiiif,e5 West, nnd will oiler proof to
hIiow thill the hind HotiKht Ik morn
valuable lor iU timber or slontt that fur
iiriiuiltural puriKiKCu, and to eslahlUli
hirt cluiin to H.ild land bufoiu the Hei;
inter and Heceivor of thin utllee at Hose
mr$, Oickoii, on Thumilav, the 1'lth
day of July, 1U02.
Iln iiniiica n witne?re:
John It. llnzelton, Arthur K. Smith,
I. in lliir.ellon, Warren C. Smith, of Crow,
Any and nil perHoux clnimiiiK mlvcrtu!
ly llio nbovu-ilcin'ribed linids uro re
ilui'Hted to tile their I'lninm in thin ullicu
on or befoio n:dd 24th day of July, 1002.
J. T. lliimtiKH, ltt'Kiiiter.
United Stiitex Land Office.
tiHebiii-r, Oivkoii, April SI, 11K)2.
Notice M hereby kIvcii that In com
pliance with the provlwloiiK of the
act of Coiikivhh of .Mine :i, 15i7S, en
titled "An act for the mile of timber
laiidM In tlm StnteH of California, mv
Kon, Nevaibi, and VaHhlnt?ton Ter
ritory," an extemU'il to all the. I'ub
lle Land Statex by net of Aucunt -I,
1SSI2. lleow. W. Fry, of Aurora,
County tit Aliirhm, Statu of orfjron
huHtliiH day tiled lu tlilw offlcj IiIh
hwoiii Htalenlent No UlMS, forthoinu--fluiNoof
the NIC of Section NoUl,
TdwiiHhlp '.'0 South, ot Hiine, II Wt
mid will offer proof to tdiow that the
hind HiiiiKlit Im iiioiv vahiablo fnrlU
tlmbei' or Htouo than for aKi'lculttiral
piirpimcH anil to eHtablUh hlrt claim
to Haiti land before the; llenlHter ami
ltecelver of thin office at ltonelnirK,
oivKon, on Mouilny thoL'Slh day of
July. 1IKI2.
llo iiiiiiu'h an WltneHrieri:
L. Webei t, 0. Snyder, K. Will, A.
M. Fry, of Aurora, oivkIiii.
Any mill all pei'Hoim claiming atl
vernely the above. dcHcrlbetl IiiiiiIh am
iwiiietetl to Hie their clnliim In thlH
off leu on or before, nald 2Sth, day of
July, 11)02.
,f. T. IIiiiikihh, Itou;Htor.
For over thirty yeai-H I luvvo been
a Hiiffeivr of kidney and blndtler
troubk'H, and have tried vaiioiiH
klnjlH of ii'iiietlleH but D.vhoii &
Mltchell'H Kidney ami lllood Furl
tier luiH iloue me more rooiI than
aiythliiB I have, over tried,
J. T. CAitnwELL, CoUiiko Orove,
Aletllulno on sale, at Now Em Druir
Btore. Pfitunt npplletl for.
Many new shades and
styles in Kid Gloves.
Cottnv (jJrove, Oregon.
EISCrIB fi! IS A 1)1'
Direct from the Factoi cs;
We are sole Agents for Oregon and can save you the
middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Organ in
part p.iyment for a new one aud let you pay the balance in small
monthly, or vearlv payments. We are the sole Agents for
the celebrated TKOWHRIDGE Piano. Write us for Cata
logue and prices.
Ninth St
I'lllted State a Land Ofuif.
ltoroluirg, Oregon, Mareh W. VMS.
NolleelH hurvhy given that In eoiiipllaneo
with the provjitloniof CiingreaH of Juno ;i, 1811,
entitled "An Aet for the Mile of Timber Utnda
In the mate ot California, Oregon, NevadH, and
1 Washington Territory," an extended to all the
I Public iJind Htatea byact of Atlgnt I,
Charlea 11. Ilrnneau of Cottage drove, County
) of fjoie tttalo ot Oregon haa this day tiled In
i thin oltli-o hla amirn ataleinenl No lt,'i, for the
I purehaioof the l.oli 1.1, is. ID, and SO of Seellon
No. 3H,Tinvnlilpa2H.uilli. of llangu 1 Weal and
will oiler proof toahow thai the land nought la
mote valuable for tin timber or atone than for
tiKlleultmul puriionea, and to CKltihltnh hla
claim to nald land before the ltcilatc r and Ho
eeberof Ihla oftlee at Uonebnrg, Oregon, on
Friday the 'JO day of June, XWi.
He name an w Uneven:
1). T. Awbiey, P. II. Itrnmliiiugh, John Pal.
laer and Joe l.oe of Cottage tl rove, Oregon.
Miv aud all pernona claiming adversely
the aliot e-deicrllied landa are rcpiented lo tile
their elalina lu Ihla office on or before nald Ji)
day of Juno 11HC
'J. T. Hiuik.f.s, Ueglnlar.
United Stilton Lauil Office,
Itosehurt;. Ore.. April 21, 1002.
Notice Ih heivby kIv'h that In com
pliance with the provlnloiiH of the act
of ContjreHH of June. 'I, 1S7N, entitled
"An act for the mile of timber IiiiiiIh
lu the Staten of California. Oivkoii,
Nevada, nntUVanhliiKt on Territory,"
iih extended to all the Public Laud
Staten by act of AukuhI 1, 1N02, Loiiln
Webert of Aurora, County of Marlon,
Stale of Oregon bun UiIh day Hied In
thin office hln nworu Ktatement N.o.
224". for the liurelmse of the NH Yt of
Section No. 20, TowiihIiIp 2(1 South,
of limine 'I Went ami will offer proof
to nhow that the land HiiiiKht In more
vahiablo for Hh timber or ntone than
for aKi'lctiltliral purptn-oH and to en
tabllHh hln chlim to mild land before
the HeKlnter and Heeolvcr of thin
ofllcu at HoHeburu;, Oivuou. on Mon
day the 28th tiny of July. 1002.
lie minion an wltnoHHen:
(1. W. Fry, A. M. Fry. 0. Siiytler. K.
Will, of Aurora, Oregon.
Any and all pemoiiH clnimiiiK ml
vernely the above donci'lbed lantln are
retiuoHtod to Hie their claim In thin
otflce on or before, mild 2Sth day of
July. 1002.
J, T. UltiiKiKH, ItcKintor.
Do you wont to sell your prop
erly? We will do it for you. Cot-
tage Grove Investment Co. , Room
Finn Bid,
eet, Eugene, Osgon.
Grocery Store
Caries a full line of Staple
and Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, 'fin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats,
Hay and everything the
farmer or the housewife needs.
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange.
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
you are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
lYl'll meet All CamjHtlon
In I'rlres.
Successor to Baker & Johnsou
NOTlt'i: l'Olt l't'll.l('AT10N.
I'nlted Htntca Land Olliic,
lloneburg. Oreeon, Mlireh II, IVOl.
Nollen la iiereliv elen that ill collllillanee
I with the provlnioim of the aet iif t'ongienn of
1 June ;i, P.R, entitled "An Ai t for the mile nt
Timber Liiudn In the Hlnlcn oft altfornta, Ore
gon, Neviida. and Manhlnglon Territory," an
eMended 10 all the niate by aet of
Anifiiht I. lwr John Oralmr. of('ollai!e drove.
t'ounty of little. Slate of Oregon, haa thin day
llled lu thin ojlleo hln nworp attitcmcut No. S10I,
lor llm puiehilae of the KU NK',. rlW4 NKt I,
and Hllt-I SW 1-1, of sci'llon No. an, to mhlp
1.H H. range 'J w ent . nnd w 111 offer proof lo nhow
that the land nought in more 1u11able for Itn
Umber or ntone than fur agricultural purpenen,
and to eitabllnh hln claim 10 nald laud before
Ilia Iteglator aud lleceburof thlatillteeatllono.
burg. Oregon, 011 Haturduy, tho l'th day of
May, P.nvj.
lie iiamea an ultuctnca:
Alfied A. Andernon, Henry lllgelow and lien
Pitcher, of Porcna, Oregon, and 11. Pow, of
Collage drove, Oregon.
Any and nil persona rlalmlug odverncly the
above-dencrlbed landn are requerled .to llio
their claluu In thin office ou or liefure said 17th
day of May, 1W.'. J.T Ubujoeh.
Wo have on haiiti 11 largo stock of
kllu-dried Hoodim, cellim; nnd rustic In
(rrtulcs I 2 11ml 3. Let im niiiko you
opeoial prices.
BOQIll-KlSL'.y I,vmpeb Co.
t;nl ed fllalerfinil OrHee, Himbiirg. drc 1
April ul Vtrl
Roller 1 herebr irlrri that In
Willi ll.o Vfot jalnna of (he aer of oniric-1.1
turn. 191. entitled "An mi for the -ie..(
llmUr landn In (bo Mate of California, nr.
K"l), Kevada, 'and HMlilniitoii Territory" '
exlrnde.. tu nil the I'nMli! land Htaicn i. m 1 ,
of AugtKi I, Iwa, (,'liarlen Hnvder. of Aun.r.,
('Guiiij of Marlon, ntali of Oregon, tin- (!,'
)r mod In ortlie lill nworti aialtmem N... rail ,
for llie piiiehaaefor the of Heittlon Ni,:fl'
1otrnlili '(South, of ltapacf, ! ami will
offer proof tonhnw that the bind aonght I- im,re
valuable lor lt flintier or alalia than for aitn
cultural pyrpoaea. ami tottiebllnh Mn claim 10
aaM land lieinre the l!eltf aud Iliciler i.f
tills office at Uorebiirg, Oregon, 011 Monday tin '
Aitlidayof July. I9"J.
flu namnaaa wttneaaen:
I.. Ucldt.lJ. fry, A fry, E. Will, of Aurora.,
Oregon. , r
Atir ami all neron ilallalne arfifraulv tha
(layof ioir.-i'JM. . a -.
J.T. IlRIKito. K-Kl.ler
NOT1CK Ktjrt-J'tJl!MCATI()N.
'L'liltiol "Ktuti-H Lnnil Otttcv.
Jfom-liurKr. Ore.. Apr.ZJ, IWi
. . ii..viiji KiviM iimi 111 emu- iog or cat; Uie mtlc pnn. that , and the Wisconsin ami the Helve
i':'" Properties. Little
"An net for the mile of Umber UuvU , Ilooti days. Incidents of the day, I do they think that they are the
In the Stair of Ciillfuriilu. Oivim. especially those of a local nature, same ledges as the Vesuvius that
VvnlIn:nllllVuMllllBtlnTrltIlJ. largely enter into names for the lo- was recently sold for $17,000, but
1" I ve traced then.ii,
('. Antoliiiitii. of Winf. Siimt1oi 1 Abe Never bwi:at was named after line for over four miles in the fol
t'ouiit.v'tif DoiiKlnn. state of v Neon-1 a man who never worked and there- lowing line: Starting on Fairview
hIii, liiiHthlHiliiytileinntlilHofflcelilH'fore "never sweat." "Wake Up mountain andcoraing west on Fair
"!!!Vi!!:,l;:.!!:,r Hill." the prominent Untie mine, is view mountain to Vesuvius, then
is. TowiihIiIp Si .So'uth. 'of Kiutifu 2
Went anil wlU offer prooT to nhow
1 uni wie lanii xoiiKiir im more vain-
(tlile for ItH.tlmlMT orntollf thafl for
itKrlciilturiil punioM's, and to iMtab -
lUlililHi lalintojialil latiil liefure Ma-
rle L. Ware. 1'. S. CipiiumI-hIiiiiit atj
Kiwne IM-enon'. on Saturday the .tli"j
vr I
.law. I,. Jtel'ormifk. HHruinn T.f
Iow..iwpr(yriilee, of L'otthKuUnive,
un-Kon. W in . Witte.of .Uinm.otVKoii.
iiniteil t(t file their claim! In .thjs
office on or U'fore Hitld .1th day of,
July. I!WJ.
1 T. lliiiiKinri. JteUter.
United States Land Orlicc.
Itu-ebiiru Ore.. Aliril i3. 1902.
Niitiec in hereliv L'ivull that in cam-
pnanee null the prnviHiuns of the net of , niiliarly known, was especially fa-C,.nKre.-of
June A IS7H einilled "An , vored by tortune and had made
suite- .if California.. Oregon, Nevadu,
and w.t-hiiik' Ten itury.'' us extended
all tie- rimiie 1. 111, 1 MutH4 ny net ot
Alltfilat -I, l.VJ'J
in citv) Lunelle
I'.!'.!1.!1, ..S ?L.
OH II I Ul laulllv. ClIllC
llieei'Il, ha
this d.iv tlleil in thin
.itlii-e her rwoin unteiiietit No. 227:). for
too purcjii'm otiiie oi sec-1 who could handle a brace of six-
iM ttSWJ!!friS. ,1isho6ters and call down a rough
ahotv' that llift'.'laml-.friiialitii.
VHlllnlil for llrf tliuU.T ilftrtTTStTf
rtih iffr
ii(;ricultiiriil puriMHes, and to ei-lubheli
her claljii to i-nid land before Marie I..
Ware, U. S. C'dnrnis'i'ioiier at Ktip?ne,
Onvmi. the 10th day of July, 1902.
Shu uitiiieH ih u'iluei'.-ei1:
Nancv -It C"X, ,of Kiiene,. L.U10
('iniiitv, tliii'in. Ilerbetx, tHJX.of Alma
Imuv County, Orei! m, WnrjenC.Miiith
Arthur K. smith, of Crow, Lane County,'
Any and nil porum claiiiiln'ndvcie
ly the HlH,ve-ilfTibcd huiila are re-
iUiliil to lile their chtitni. in this oftice
ua or tuturtj r.inl :il day of July, 1002.
J. 1. J1IIIIMIK8. Ittvistcr.
United States Land Olllce.
Uo.-obiirK. Ore.. April Stli. 11HI2.
Notice Is hereby. trl von that 111 com-!
ii.. ...... ...i.i. ? 1.. 1 , i
I'liuiiii 1,11 110 jni titi-Hni,. 1,1 1 nt (ill
it CoiiKivHrt ol June entitled
An act for the mile of timber lainK
In the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory."
an oNteiiileil toall the Public Laiul'
states by act of Atnrtist 4. 1V12. Fred
Ilut-Ht. of Aurora. County of Ma-,
rlon, State of Orej-on.liHh this day
II led in thin otllcc IiIh sworn state-
uient No. 210(1. for the iiurc!iiis 'iif
the SE K.of Section No. :K in Town,.!
hIiIh 'n 11 s ltniiin. ii I', Wiwt 11ml
"l.,l' " .Ml. O ini, ami
will offer proof to show Hint the
laml sought Is nioiv valuable for Its
tlmlK-r or ntone than for nirrien tural
Mil nrtM.-n, iiain 11 cnutonru iim t mini -. ni r . - i
tonald land tK'fore tin? IteKlstorauiliCity, Blue River and Bohemia.,
Iteeoivor of thin otllce at .Ut.obur. Never before have so many cluims
I im.-im itn Tlmrtailnv tin. Illrli ili, 1 (...,, n v.l .'11 n, ,
purposon. ami to estabiisii ids claim
Otvon. on Thursday, the 10th day
of July. 1002.
Ill 1111 Itift4 IIM W'ltltlWHa-tW
II. A. Snytler, (J. A. Hotk. J? M.
Will. (5. H. dray, of Aurora. Oivkon.
Any anil all pornons .clalmlnir ad -
vcrsel.v the alKive-deM'rlbvd'laiitis aiv
ivoueHtod to tile thefr clai.iin in thlni,
vquoHtod to liletlierr claims In ttiinl, ' ,V rA o. j . r
mice on or Ix-foro mild 10th da v of former.U. pf.O. Students. Eugene
Into. 1002. ' I Guard. '
J. T. DiiiDiiKs. IteKlster.
: ..United States.LaiidOtIke.
"Itoseburfr, Ore., April 11th. 1002.
V..M..,. I- loiH.l.v ,l,, l ,.,.!
plia,.cewlth ihe provislonn of t he
act of Coukivhh of June :t. Vib, en -
titled "An act for the mile of tlntlK-r
hindHliitlieStateHof Cailforiila. Ore-
lie Uind Staten by act of Aiuium I,
1M)2, William C. Jonen of Minimi,
ntateiiicnt No. 220:1. for the imrchase '
of tl.oS.Wtf NWU, NH.SW H',SW(
SV t ol Meet 1111 V,i . R i,,,, .(,,
Soiih. of HniiK'e II Went and .will
....v. ... .,.vn, ii'v ,i,t,i
Hoiurht Hinoiv vji ua'h e f or It.s ..tltn.
. . ' . ,,' - i- la. 1
imVpoan-d ;;tai;ifHirch.lm1vi.lU view'pf dettrmiUiug if the
to will! hind bofoiv f ho IteArntoraiiilv condition of the roads are such as
ltecelver of thin ojllctV at .IUibui-p,'' to'justify. ih'e. immediate shipmeiH
'ill.chwM'Xi'- the ltllli, du.v,tt)l the company's development
01 dim . iiiu.. , .r-iM'.tr ...1.. v..'-.t.:......
He niinien uh1 wHilOm-en:
John It. Hoselton, War'a-n 04
Smith, 'leorno Ilosolton, B
Wnltit. nri?i'hi'. OiiMi'nn.
tl,.,l.''?.'i?l!n v: Qr'iW'i 11 1 'tcomnielice'the extensive work now
Any and all tiei'sorm clnlmlnc adr. . . . .1'. .?,
vernely tho aliove-doficrlbed IiiiiiIh.!
are roquented to (llo their olaiiiw In '
thin olllcooi or before said 16th day'
of July. 1002.
J. T. BmnoKs, Register.
BewarH ohilr dried or half dry floor
prices on kiln-diifd Imnber.
Dovorod Xo Dohcmiiv NoHoa nd
Items fjoncrtki
Namlnz Mining Claims. Mining Ledges.
What a peculiar ami heteryene- Ilohemia, Ore, May 4, tyoa.
oui mass ot Miplinntniis immes, and To Editor liohemia Nugtjet:
a world of historv, both national Sir, in reading in your valuable pa
and domestic, that tro to make on ner nlmnt the difTprcnt claims In
alartre maiotitv of the
i properties. The sweetheart left in
1 the Eastern states finds her name
I perpetuated by a large producer of
; gold A dear old mother's maiden
name is not forgotten. Neither is
the old village, the sister, the net
1 another. Hill and his companion
( were camped on the hillside just
mlrt 1 ot Hnltn. "hcv hnr
0ected the rrotiiiil the (Iav hefnrp
!p , 'J, "e 8rou,lu Ule " uetore
lne corapnniou awose eany
and continued his search, and 011
being successful aroused old Hill
iih v 7rd?; ?P'Ibm- 1
have found it. So this is the way
this fampus copper mine was named.
Hundred u)f others found their
names under somewhat similar con-
ditions. . .
A good story of the naming ofl
I the "Holy Terror" mine of Key
I stone, S D., that has seldom ever
j found its way into print comes
I flora an old , friend of the dis
coverer's wife who used to enjoy
telling it to her intimate friends.
Old man Franklin, as he was fat
several good sized "raises" before
the discovery of the Holy Terror,
. and -Mrs. I-ranklm. now also dead,
I Wi,s one of the rough frontier but
)t. a a , , j
"oicsouien, gooti-neartea women
I olten met with in the early days,
character as readily as many men.
One-day she succeeded-in 'gaining
a reluctant promise .from her hus
band' to accede to her wishes and
name a good mine after her, wind -
ing up her , argument with the re-
mark .that he had named claims for
dogs and cats and everybody else
he knew, and it was time he
named one after her. Soon he ap-
!CS,f U.rat 3he
had folirid the mine of
and he' was happy to grant her
wish, and that the papers were
ready to sign aud be recorded. Af
ter signing the papers she glanced
over the title and suggested that
there had been some mistake, that
this was not the claim he meant to
. , . , 1 , 1
" J'e"i i '-i
1 plied that ' it certainly was. "No I
it is not: this is named the Holv !
1 t..,,, ti,;.. k.i c .1. i.
", ., , . . f, . ..-r
good-natured retort that "if you
are, not a holy terror there never I
was one."
' i
1 Alining Claim Surveys. 1
, . . . ,
urners uwe oeen tssuea oyaur -
, , - . ,
veyor-uenerai .Meitirum lor llie sur-
: Vey of uowards'of 60 miniuc claims
. :,. ,u m?,,!,,., districts nf HnL-er:w1'11 a cloud ot pessimism.-T'iju?
,,., .' rC. ..j ,,!,,-
The comtMissiouer of the general
.....u uu.i-c ima uwoo "i"ia
!of contracts for the surveys to
1 Homer n. Ancel nnd to Charles I..
In n.r W T
,u .uu.ic
n . . .. 1 m x ,, ,
r .'n 'i..i. i -nu r-,it.--..j
f ,V vi 0. J . r" ' 1
Judson Rock.
The TinUnn Knot-nennle ore nnw 1
I arranging forth letting of a' 400 1
! foot contract ou the big tunnel. '
1 :n i,i,i.. t,.
Wllll.ll llCKVliauuii Kiuuauiy "c
i clod thisveek. .The company ,
iis already drifting on the ledge,
1 aud assays give a return of $10. 50
w itl 6 . Mt Copper with
the fae The !
; company reports several, sales of 1
stock -this week, one "-substantial i
bei&- made. to- the- Georgia
Harper Dramatic Co.
. Hiawatha.
J. E. Russell, general mining
iHuilUKCl vji uie 111H.1YUI1H1 nun UK 1
f ..a... .i. :,..!.
f ?qiiippienv"nowr-4'dy toVshipnient.
J his equipment eonsists of track, etcv;.eiiablina the .company .to
ontlineii lor ine season,
. T,,.
'r-,-?'-, '. ..
There;jjaibeen little if any lull
i tie sale of te Roy Mock since
the company raised tbe price to 10
I ceri,s, In fact it is Moving steadily,
Portland, Astoria, aud points East.
inroojr To Mining Man
thta district: there are verv few of
the oeonle Interested cuouirh to find
out and trace the different ledges it)
their course, but they fire buying
interests in some properties that
they know very little about. Now
, for Instance there is the Hiawntha
Harlow and Stocks, then Columbliv
and Climax, then a fraction, then
the Hiawatha, Wisconsin nnd Hel
vetia. Now in reality this prop
erty ought to belong to some big
company and take in the whole of
those claims as they could go down
below the Hiawatha and run in on
the ledge, which, as we know, is
the best and by far the cheapest
way to work them; and by the
time they would run their tunnel
to the Vesuvius ground they would
be from isoo to 2000 feet deep.
They could be working on ore all
the way and they have good fa
cilities for working the fa- 0.
with a tnillsite, plenty of wood and
water below the Hiawatha. This
is going to be about as good a
property as any in Oregon. I have
myself struck the ledge in two
places 750 feet west of Harlow and
! a. 1 . HCmi,... t-aat vil t r n
j Stocks on the Climax by running a
1 crosscut tunnel 107 feet and on the
nnltimhin hv crmseut 10 ieet.
i There are a good many who have
i. . , . a . . a
oougnt stocks in sata property arm
don't know really bow good a
thing they have got.
There has been several parties
writing' to me about ' these 'prop
crtiesnnd'r'camearJftlifSconclusiou I would drop a few lines to your
paper as I know it will interest
! some of your readers.
J. B, Morgan.
Different Views
Co, Q celebrated the
Lommerfc elnent of work on tbe raiN
d f . he Bobenia
? Al
I ... f monw mnntlw hefnrr
the residents who shonted them
selves hoarse will say with Shakes
peare's 'Puck," "what fools these
mortals be." Eugene Guard.
It is our supreme pleasure to ex
tend to Cottage Grove the glad
hand. That city's growth and
prosperity will not only help the
county but the whole state. Let
Bohemia pour out its gold into
the lap of luxury and all Oregon
will be benefitted thereby. A rail
road to Blue River cannot be built
too soon to suit us and we believe
all Cottarre Grove would bid us
1 r.nH.niw,l i enrli an enterprise.
1; -r-- . r----
, Tjf nc hrnarlen nnr vision, let US
v -a-i -
, tlt.aira tn.e oonzpn 01 our progress
1 eeue Register.
Mining Personals.
Ylf..11... moanfl., Cfttrf n
I seventh imerest , th;..LiUy!.
Hohh.-irrl" and 'Texan" and ontf-
f.tI, :,-, : o,1i,,...o
I -" . -.. .
..... V.
, . lllir.ll.,i n1,nl,,rr ft
mining claims in
. i.v. u.........
, ar,o vaiKer
the 1 Bohemia District to A.
Frauk I,e Roy, accompanied by
W. E. Duncauson, representing
California capitalists, left for the
1-eRoy property this week on tour
of inspection of the proyerty. Mr.
Duncansoti aud his DeoDle are con-
... r ... S n neavy ,ve3wUeui ...
lue property,
Jack Klofenstein after a few
days visit with bis many friends in
this city, has returned to. Bin,
River, where he will remain tor
some time before going into the Bo
hernia district in the interest of his
holdings there. Jack was oneoftlie
boys who narrowly escaped the big
snow slide m Blue Kivcr on tnc
nroDertv of C
II. Park, some
,,,nal.u icrn
weelwS aB0'
In ti recent article n prominent phynU
ciun auya, "It Is poxt to jmposiiblo for
thopliysiehin tu get hi pittluntu to curry
out any prescribed cotl.'seof hyglenoor
diet to the ginullest oxtont; ho liaa bn -one
rv'Kurt le(t. namoly, tho drug tratr
mont." When medicines are used lot
chrome constipation, the mot mild and
uentle obtainahlus "audi- as- Chamber
lain'Rtoniai5li.jSfLivwJVtlt. "houM
be employed. Their JuajrtiPt followcj
by eomtipitlon tfiey'fMVo th boif oil
in a natural end healthy mqdition For
I . 1 an . r m
caia nu rs.ia ncrtn iiriicr 1 ui.
We wilt sell vour property Cot?
Dlk, Room 3-