Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 02, 1902, Image 8

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, United States Unit OMcu,
Kotebm-js, Oregon, Feb., 17, 100).
Notice la hereby given tluil hi compli
ance wllli lire ptoviilnii u( lliu net of
Congress of Juiim 8, 1878, titltlt'd "An
act for the, snlo ut timber hinds In the
States ot California, Orcuon, Nevada,
hiiiI WrtshlngtntiTerilloi v, 'it extended
to Mil lha I'll W It; l.nnd States bv ncl uf
Annual 4. WW, Uicy billnut ot Wilbur,
I'.uititv nf ll.iinilii,, -.Int., nf t lei-i.,.!. !....
till ilar tiled In this utile liur awtii it
.....I... ..I... V.. Hill", f..- ,1 -.I.- I
iliiti-uimt No, i!0-lfi, for tlio pun'li.liic of
al... I.i. I...&...I f J "....IU.J a.
lliu lAJis utiiiiuvitl I, nitiinm
lion No, '-'H, Tiiwnnhlji 2 8outli, of
KuiikiiS Vi't,iunl will nlfor proof to
iluiw tlmt tlio luiul imiiitlit In mine
fnltiublc for UK tlinbor omUuiv tbuti for
nrrlMlliiriil HiriKweii, mitt lo Mtubllnli
lierxiiitm tovnlil IriIiI Moru tlio Ki'iiln
rorlim Hroolwi of tbl ollti'iiiit ltiwu
fcurif, Ori'Ruii, ou'IliiUDilny tlii'Htli ilnv
of May, itKlS.
Sbo nsnir n wttnctsrn f
Orin nobliivon, I), N. UriiinlnuiRli,
olCotturo ttrovo, Oregon, Hart v Dmi
Imrol KiiKOno. OrVKOn, Ktticl Lultmit
ait Ktti.ltiun-. Ilrl.illl.
Vnv Bin! lilt ikimoiu vlalmliiK mlvt-rno-'
)v tlio aliivi-ilifcrlbi'il Inmlit um rr
ii'm-nHif to II li tlii'lrclnlma in IIiIh iWlli'o
n or U'loio imUl 8tb ilnvofMuy,
J . T. llidiMiKK, tlinliittr.
Unlliil Stiitvt laiinil Oftli't',
ItonDburtt, Oru , April Rllt, IIHI'J. I
Notice i hereby ivi!ii lliut In coin-
Iilliinei' wltli Hie provinlouof tlit net of
onerrraot Junelt, 1S78, ontltliil "An
net lor tlio union! tttnlKT luiuln in Ilu'
StntPfl of CHlifornbi, Oit'Boii, Ncviulu,
unit WmlilnatoiiTcrrltorv, 'n I'xtiinilril
to ull lliv nibllc Uiml bin tin I iv art n(
........... ".
X,X ",eM.?... ,V. .'i"rc;
m , i . , , ... a
aITl. hla a,vp,i alillni.innt Xn. !IIH1I. li.P
mo iiurviiaiitn 01 iiiu or, i , n cetiimi
No. IB in Township No. -M, IUii)ta No.
6 W, and will offer proof to show tlutt
ilio .txtslit l moro ynluiiDlo I"
timber or Hlone tl.i. or nrloulluriil
Dtirnoeof. Hint to establish hl elftlm lo
ittillmid heforo tlm ICcelnter und lie
coiver of thin otllvn at Uoncbiirv, Ore
gon, on Tliurediiy, tliu 10th, iloy of July,
Ho natnen nn wllnn:
J. M. Will, H. A. Snydor, O. A. XUxM,
F. V. Humt.of Aurorii, Oregon.
Any and alt porou clalniinKiidverne
ly Iho ibovo-itoiicritnl lands aro re
questol tn file tholr claims In thlr iilHri'
on or before salil 10th day of .Inly, IU02.
J. T. llaitxua, llpclitcr.
Unitixl States l.anil Oltlce.
Ronobun;, Ore, April Sth. 1002.
Notice is hereby clven that In com
ptinnco with the firm-Won of tlio act of
Conerwts of Juno 3, 1878, entitled ''An
act lor tho sale of timber lands in tin'
Status of California, Oregon, Nevada anil
Washington Territory," as extended to
all tho 1'iihllc Staten by act of An-
r-lint 4. Ihfl? .Innuaj M Will nl Anr.iril
5ounty of Marlon State of Own. has I
this day flleil in this ofTiro his sworn
statement No. 2187. for the pureliii ol
IhoSW 1-lof Pectlon No. 20 in Town
ship No. 20 8, lUnge.No. A W, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agrlclutnrnl pilriiimes, ami to
establish hla claim to aald land before
the Register and Receiver of thl.-i olFicc
at Koaeburg, Oregon, on Wcilnrcilav.the
Sth (lay of July. 1802.
lie names an witimses;
Kenrv A. Knvilfr. fi. A . Ibv-lr. V. P.
Jlurnt. W
Anvandull iicrsonscl.iinilnuuilverse- 1
. l. V.....!. ' li.r.i .1 I ... ' !
b. iiurni, oi Aurora, iiregon.
ly tne noove-ilescriiH'il lands are re
quested to Ills their clniins in this office
on or before ouicl tub day ol .Inly, IM2.
J.T. Hhidokb, Rritisler.
Roseburg Ore., April 8lh, 1002.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance, with tho provisions of the act of
Congress of Juno 8, 1878 entitled "Au
ictforthe sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada ami
Washington Territory," as extended to
all'tho Public Land States bv act of Au
gmt 4, 1802, John Tl. Hurst, of Aurora,
County of Marion, State of Oregon, has
this day tiled in tills office his sworn
statement No. 2188, for the purchase of
the SIC 1-4 nf Section No. 20 inTownshlp
No. 20 8., Range No. 0 West, and will
nfTiir nmnf In alinu' fltnf ll.a. lutt.l baiicKi
in mnrn tmliinhla Inr Ilai ll,.,ha.r. , ,, I
is moro valuable lor its timber or l"ni
.iinij iur ki muiiurui purport's, anil iu
estahlish hla claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver nf thia office
ut Itoneburg, Oregon, on Wednesday,
tho 0th day of July, 1002.
He names as witnesses :
Henry A. Snyder, J. M. Witl.G. A.
Bock, Goo. H, Gray, of Aurora, Ore
gon. Any anil alt persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to fllo their claims in this office
on or before said 0th day of July, 1002.
J. T. HiiinoES, Kegitlar.
To 1,1. DellsnandKTTRiiuktnt
You are hereby notified that tho under
Ixneil hve expended One Hundred Poltnra In
labor and Improvement", upon tho Jlonnrch
lode mlnlni! claim, iltualc.l In Ibe Itnheml
Mlntnx Ulalrlot, In Une County. Htato of Ore
ion, durlnx the year endlni llcccmbcr Slat, will anraaar frnm ain rn.luuli ilt,l In ,t.A
ie ?l Joe l-ounly Cterlc of Ijtno County. Btntrj
?itttf'ta ora,cr. ,0 ho.Id lh lrt JTomlaea i
e7. . ...... , u, tuv v .... u, nutici null ul 1110
8tta nf Oree-un. Ina If wlikln nl....H
4 ,u ' , V..," .....V.J .IB),
JJ?K?ii?.i '"''o.1, lhl notice upon ynu by(
publication, voulait to contribute your share
and Proportion nf ailch aTnanitlfnan m nA.1
in rata claim will beoome the properly ol the
i ..i llri ... i 1 1 fr,-w. your inioruat
iiiiilTt" ;'.''""-'". I. f u ("I I
Olla nf Roetlnn
. ui iuo Duttuvea ot tno
Unllod fitatcn of1
tots the 3rd day of February, A. !)., 1502.
It, Ll'RCll
Mas. E. A. Coma.
loTSl w)f;,"J Anloalcl UttMora
Orralut attraction In (Aa CWlA
d oleaa,nMlliTrVarlir
the oidwi bnii.t0; ,h" jSiiao
COHk KaUblUhedWyaani
Vaaaaaaaa . j, .......
a oreuoua or tiwum l maturar A
f Trt. Senrona and phrslru llobl I ttr. laS. 0
Matonor, frfMt iialioiin.iit0Vm!,u
9RSV'l'ySPJt&XV "! atrlctlyrrlTUa,
truoan I paraoo.ll, of by laTlir.
write Ronk. t-if a a a.uf. na
MAItnlAOK. MilUDKaaaTuVIllUUei
aww-w. wvaea VWIVI W(a T
f 0R,JuRDANfe CO., 1 08 1 Market tl, (. f.
1 1
MINK.Ul. 8UUVKV, NO. 45ft.
United SUtc Uuul Office,
Roscburg, Orv., MiutIi 20, 1002.
Notice In hereby given tlutt In pursu
alien of Iho Aft o( Oungiens, approved
May II). 1372, thoOiegoii-Ootorado Mill
i lilt, Milling liml Di'vclopmcnlCu., ii cor
poration, whoae If I'oilliiinl,
On gnu. Im Hindu applli'utliin lor n
patent lor U claim known us the Ore
Koii Culoriuli tulixol lihiti-tl IJun r 1 1 Cliilnm
I ,...i..,l..tlii,i ..( limit 111....... (....! nt, lli.a
Ulewey lode la-Ming gold, Dm tuinio tielng
l 1 1 1,1 ...... . .1 .T.7.. .....I U I II.
1410 (tut uiitlouatii I v nml 84 feet norlli
westerly lium Dindivcrv Out huicon
with sorbite giouikl HtX feet In vviill h , '
mill nl HUM lliiiiiiv lee! mi l lie Murle Imlu
iMiirlllit Ulllll. lliu KlIlllU lll'lllll KUI 111' l
i-iiiitln'iiPU'ily uiul KVWIi'i'l mil tliwcnlirlv
Inun Dlnoiiwrv Cut tliiiii'ini, with niir
tiii'o u rou mi ihVi font in wlilili. lliu milil
CilUMllillllll'll clilllll lll'lllll fOlltltlUllllll
1 mnl NituiiUil In llolii'iiil i (UnniKiiiiltiilj
.Mininn inmrii'i, Uiiiiuiuii v.oiiuiy, muiviiiuv oi,iuin, iw..
i of Orison, met iliHi'illnil by tlio nirti'lul
pirn, iifruwiui p.mti'il. mnl tiytni- ni'iii
nolfH on lib. in tlmollVi1 ol tliu ltr)tlntir
of lionil'iim Uiml ln-trlet. Oiviiu. n
; lollOU'll, to-Wit . I
Himuv Until. lU'glniiiU:iit em nor
l.wlii'niv tlio tioitliuiml i-oinorof nvu. "I '
in minponiliil lii M, h r I i V I' M Ik'iiih j
nW ili'K 7 tut n u ltl.6 .54 ft V H Mln-I
i criil Miiiiiniifiil "lliiliiunlii Mlno" mnl
.".V Dv.irn n 1!4 ili'H IS nun w o IH7.4I It . A I
I iMii-uiii h iiiiniitii nvarn no ui'u .ki II. in
r '.M.1H It ii llr tl um ilium luiim n " 'K'i!
Kt linn i- 21 IIA It ouch IiIikuiIiiuiI m'llliiil
11 1 I-4I.V ThviHii lit lieu !IA mln w
oPlt.fiU It to t'oruvr No '2; llii'iiro 17 ilex
Ml mill o 1MH) ft lo I'lirncr No :i, tlionoo n
12 iti'it Xi mi n v A7I 'M ft loi'nruur No. 4 i
ttiuucu ii 47 licit II nun iUI i-i'o w ll'JU.W
It to iHirm'r No I tlio pluco of In'tilliilliiK,
nnit.iiniiiK' 'M.W ncirn.
.MiirmljKu: leu nnlnij t corm-r .o
i.l-i.llil Willi oornor No'.' nl tlio
wlieneo tlio II
. ... ... . 1
I ut l:i n
r , v 0( lIU) MlM uvufH 1
80 ilt ir 4L
mill 20 .en w l'IM.81 ft U S MM "Ho
Iiuiiiik Minu" M fi No 221), bwirn n 18
iIok W) mln 2l)ieo w 6720.01 It. Tlieneo
i -ll iltK 3 uilii iv 670.88 ftlo corner N
1 2l Ownm h 17 ile to mln ID -co
HOU. IS ft to corner No II: tlivneu n 44
iii'ga mm uAU3.8ilto coriiur No 4, iden
tical with corner No II Dewev Initio!
this mirvey i thuni'o n 47 ilen M mill w
IA0O (I tn corner Not. Iho pluco of be
RliiiilnR.eoiititliiliinJil. 174 iicrrn.
Tho total and uei area ol the Oregon.
Colorado Coimollilatctl tjinirti Chimin ia
40.21)1 acren; thev aiu Iik-iiIiiI in the n
anil w li of vm ID tp 21 1 r 2 o of the VS
M(iiiMiitvoyu.l),tiiiil tno it iiiiii of tho ltd
joiniint cia'im nn shown by the pint of
survey in the Don 1nlc on tlio noulli
east J.T. lluiiHit s, Keitinter.
II. K. Sargent, I'ortlaud, Oro., Attor
ney for Applicant.
t'nllcl 8i.le Uiel onirn
ltnavtittr(, ttrun. Mnrrli X. iihu.
Nnllc In hervli) itlivii thni In .uraiinncii of
tha nt-t nl riincrii nipriiTel Mny In, tuft, iho
lircRun i oturmlii MIiiiiik. Mllllmc anil !iielnt
rnent I'liliirnn), i-iirHitnlliili, iiiim-j iM.m.illUn
U rortlntiu, iirriri.ii, ly lit Micrcury, I J lUnl
ituljr until. irlleU tlivrnlo, hnt lunilo n.llinltiill
fJSWiVSWbW. Vl" I'.'Sm!
it.r l.airni iur ii cmini miunn il lunn'
lliv tnnio ijrititf tiiiriuui'-ieriy mil 7M
tent Hoiilhriuterlx 'rum Dltri.tcrr r'nt ilifiron.
Mllli iirl.i sriimiil auiiedt In iiltlh: nml ell
1177 Hnciirfi.'Ctvllltirhlililp-iMl1e.1olHrlllKKni.l
ib Mnie txilinr IJOIawt .Nuiitmesirrly nl 11V7
lent hniithrnRtairljr (nun lUKOiifrr t'ulthi'ri'iiii. i
with iiirUie Kroiiml rxu (vet In wtillti, unit ol .
llitlni'iir Int nu ili Conaitonra 1MletM'MrliiK 1
uutit, tli miii tMiutii a!0 iMu.hriiiUrl)' unit v,
fi'vl .Nurirtwritvrly Irum tho IMimvery t'ut
Iherion. uliti stirltiv grntiint i00 tct In Mlilthi
nd ol IS.0 (rot on tlio llnlr Hn nkn Ulti
ticnrlnit Kohl.ths muiic ItlnK lll'l Nurlh
lorly met luaj tool imiithvaaiorly (ruin Diacuv
or;" ("ut iho'oon, ulihanrtKoo iro'iml u-noetln
wlillhi uml ol iiji llnoir ((! on tl.g V'aiaoit
I ml tuta iln .,li1 that t.Ma llna Ilk? h..I
niiriiioa.ioriyoiin i wn
(HIlllM LktOtlV lr.UU
,l,u "'acniory .pulnl Ihcrrnn, with auriaro
ronn.t IW I n M liltll. tho eahl tunanllitatcl
olalma tjulna onntlartmua and altiiale In lhiliu.
ml. (uiiiirKiuilio.1) Miiilinr lii'trlci tioiiRU-a
euiinfy. Huts ul Oreuu, ami iIomtIuo.I hy Iho
nirii'lal pint, herewith Miatiil ami hy tho lioht
uuioaou nio in me umni ni ino irsiaicrui iiuae.
tutrrf tvum Iniirlrt, (trcaon, na roiiowa,
Imia IMte: llefflnnlli nt for
Nn. 1. wheute.
the .i. ctnr. nirioc.
il 111 nilineliilfd T. rl..
It. I K. ul tbaM. 1'. II. Unra N II ilea:. IS Mln.
V,ki7.K! It: U 8. Mineral Monument "lluLemla
Mine" M H Nn. Iwara N. 'JlrteK. 41 Mitt .c
hoc 7071 n It; llr 4 It. ilia. Ware N. ilrit.
4 mln. W. I.Vloft., r tlr 4 (I ill beara H, . VI ilea.
II mln IV. 40M7 lt.,oncli blaieclnnil aerllae.1 It.
T 1-IV), thence H, II .Icr. 3 in In W UH.M to
Cor. No J; thenca B. 47 di'ir. 16 mln. t.. IHwl.17
tu Cor, Nn Si thence N llileclniln V. hXJM
It. tat.or. Nu. 4; thence N. nTileii. 1)7 mln. W
IliW.Otlt. m Cur. Nu. I the place ul li'itln-
nins.niniainiiiK la.vAi acroa.
u. . . t, . w
I, i
uhanralhaN I. Cur i( U H In Biiairftaxletl
T 3SH, K I K. ul the V I' M beara N 31 iIck tl
mln 'iSaec W 3771.11 ft! II H. M. 11. "Ituliomla .
Mlue."M K, An v uenra N Jo ilex m mln a, aec i
W 7XI&.B fl. t'ur Su J DnrH. Lndo ul Ihla allrver
benri N Miles 1 mln W ft, a llr A ft ill
blatol snilarrlbeil II T 1-1-1 lirs 8 a do4, mln
W III them-o H it lien M mln W 6W.7-J It In
Cnr No'JS Ibenra H 17 iteKM mill 10 aoo K 1177.13
II 10 1 or Nil l IheneeN It (le M Win K 1WI.M
it toror No H thsmv) N I7i1ck mtn W 1I77.M
It to Cur No I. the plate ol hvalnnlim, contain,
ina 20.017 aereacxclnalvo ol tno )or laodo.
Coudiletua lWt;lniiln nl I'or Nn I,
ineniict tin corner r.o 4 tror taoue nt inia
iurrey. whence the NKcoumruf Hoc JI In aua.
penrtedT.218, III Kof Iho IV 1' M beara N 43
rt M mln 20 aec V 4100.31 It I'. R. U. M. "Itohe
ml Mlno" M H.No2bori N 2s ilea 30 mln 40
aec IV atJi.inlt; ihonce H 41 dex 3 mln W fMiS
II to corner No 2, Identical wtlh corner No 3
Pot laiilo ol this nurtrey; thotico H M ilex M
mln KlIK.lilItUicorner No 8) tbcncu N 41
iteirStuIn It to corner No. 4 thonro N
tA tifg 28 mln w lliVI.71 to corner No. 1, the
place ol hoftlnntna. cnnulng 10.401 acren.
Holy Hnioke' liealnnlnx t corner No I,
Idontfcnt with cornor No 4, Continence IxmIo of
thlaatirvoy. whenco tho NE corner ol rVc 21 In
ananondi!itT23H, It 1 Kof tho W I M Uara N
S(termlnM nee w H.Vi.1 37 fl V 8 M M ''Iln.
heinf Mine" M H No 229 turi n 3J dex 3 mini
u aeo iv D770JU1 It. Itlence H 41 near 3 mln w
noLfiil to corner iSo2, Idenllent with corner No. .'.cinic-t nun vuiiib. .....
ii connoonco ixine oi in a aurvoyi mencu n au
ileir21 inluWneflK l.Vju.t II to corner No 3:
thonco n IlilcgSinin Kno-J.Ori ft to corner No Ii
tnonco n iu ni(ri nun w laou u Mi corner ,io t, i
tho plnflwglnnlii,coutlnlnif20.o;u croa.
tvllaon UKte: Ikglunlnx t corner No 1.
whence llr 12 In Ul learanno (lex 31 mln E ,
9 71 ii a rip f l., .Ilu lara ,. A.I..0 tit mln w 1 1 n7 I
ft cnoh blnied nml nerlbcd II T l-4, U Hit M
"jkiheml Mine" A! H Ni229 bora n 23 d eg 45 I,, w ttlvTH II anil nu aflpii.r Kan 41 k.ia. I
IIOOUB'l k l P III I I. .1 I II iiraia II
ponded T 23 S, II. 1 E W I'M bera n a dcx aa I
Ml 43 fl to lornor noil thence n 73dcx II mln I
m... v n,. i..l..n,u n I
In mln w ,s;0.iy It to corner no 41 then b no
ftei 7 mln w 11H7.4A ft tn corner no 1 tho nlnce nf
ha..lnnlntf. cakntMlntnir tO.tlS neri.a. flzclualvfi nl
th Contlileiicu nnd ifoly Smolto Ixxlei.
TUB total not are in tnsio conaouoaieu
flHlma la 00.121 Heroa. tbev ara located In the
Hi.clKci ID and theairUnt Hoc 20, T 23 H, It 2 E
Iii7,.i,r,.t.ll f Ihu IV 1' 11. iinri thn Damn nf
'M. uud the name of
ol Ihaailfntnlnx claim nsahnwn by the pint of
an Her, la the Mnrle I -ode on tho Northwest,
J. T. llnitiou, Iteglater.
II. K. Sargent, Portland, Oro., Attorney (or
.rT.... ......
I United fjttitCH Lund Ofllco,
RoHobitrK. Ore, April Sth, 1002.
Notice Ih hereby kIvcii tlmt In com
I pllitncu with tlio provlHloim of tho
'IVOtOI UOIljm'KH Ol JIII1US, !(, en-
titled "An act for the sn.e of timber
litndH In tlio .Stati'H of Ciillfornln, Ore
con, Novnrta, and WitHliliifrton Ter
ritory." iih extcntlcrt to nil tlio Public
Laitim HtatCH by nut ol AiiKtiHt 4. Ibl)2.
UiiHtnv A. Hock, ol Aurorii, County
of Million. iStute of Oregon, Iiiih tliln
any llled m tnw onice him Htvorn
Htiitemcnt No. 2101, for tlio nurchiiRo
of tho E'A SW'li find LotH 3,4, of
Sect on No. 30 in TownBhinNo. 20 8
iiuiiriO nu, u f.,uiiii vviiitfiii-i prijui
... xr a ii- n.i ....
hiiow tnat tno innti uotignt is moro
vnlunble for Its timber or Htono than
for ngrlcnltnrnl purpoHCH, mid to en
tnbllHh IiIh claim to mild land before
the KeglHter and Ilocelver of this
ofllco at HoHobttrij, Oregon, on
TlinrHilay, tho 10th day of July, 1002,
Ho named an wltnesBes:
J, M. Will, F.J'. Hurst, Henry A.
Snyder, Geo, U. Gray, of Aurora,
Anv and nil persona clnlmlntr ad
versely tho abovc-lescrll)ed IiukIh nro
requeHtcd to fllo their chilniH In tlila ,
ofllco on or before said 10th. da.v of
July, ISO!'. J. T. BaiDOEB, Refjl8U-r. )
United Ntnten Land OHlcc,
Rosebnrg. Oio., Apr.4lli, UK)!.
Notice l hcicliv given tllllt III I'lllllpll-
Blll'l' wltll lllll 1 1 1 I V I M 1 1 1 1 W III till' lll'l n(
Cougicsa nl Juno II, IH7H, entitled "An
rani juno ;i, lNfM, (NUiiUMi ".ii;k, .. r...l...i l,.,.r ...It- I
Act iur lliu sale ol Timber Lands In Urn
.... .1... ..f 'I I... f .....I- I
Shite nl California, Oicgon, NhviiiIiI
mill WiiHhliiitnii Terrllnrv ' itauxtiinilni
loiillllio l'uhiio bind rhntc by ui'tol
August 4, 1802, Nelson 1'. Oillint) nl
lliowi.avlllo. County ol I. Inn, statu "I
Otcgun has till day llled In til Ih ollleo
lilt morn statement No. 2170. fiirlhu
purchase nl die H )4 8B U. 6V i SK H,
til, )S N.V l-l 1)1 Wei'tlllll .Ml. 12, Town
nlilp '.11 Houtli, ol ltnlii' I Win I mnl ill
nlfiT piixil In nliiiw Hint lliu limit minulit
lit muni viiiniiuio lor nn iiiiiiht or niniiu
lliiin for ii u r I ii ii 1 1 ti tn I purpiKi'it mhl IiM'k
tiiblliili bin clMltn to Diilil I ii ml bt'furo lliu
lti'LtlntiT mnl Hi'ciilvi r ol till olnin ut
; Itowbitit;. Oii'ti'in, on Tlimwluy tb ttitlli
Ilu inline" im wlfncntK
ltobi'rt A. Jiiyni'n, I'riink II. I'm (it,
Hoy I,. 1'ortfr, of Hhiililn, On'., nmiii
lllit!ini"( lii'iit, On1.
Any anil nil m'tniuin I'lnluilut; iiilvurn-
ly tlio .iIkivii-iIiwi lluil luiuln nri rr
ipiutli'il Id IIId lliolr iilitliim in till" nlfii-u
on or buloif nulil '.Mllli ilnv ol .Iniii, IIKI2
.1, T, lliinn'titti, Iti'itlNtor
t'lillril K1ik Un,l Ofltrr
Itiflmrs t'ri'Kun. Marrli a, iJ.
Nntlre U liiriiliy itiii-ii llmt In I'liinj.lktti'd
nrllli tho eriivUlniia ot ths mi nl reiisron nt
Juno .1. 17, oninlal "All ut Iur llio U' el
tlmlxT Innita In ll.o Kinira el 1 1 1'.rn I . in,
ten. Novmlri, ami IVuKhlnKtmi lorrlinr'-" na
oxlatlilo.l In nil I'ulilti' lml HUtva liy nfl el
Ansiiat I, lam, riiartea J llnwanl, ut fiittnio
tlniiro, I'nnnlynl Ijiiio, Wain ol (liraoii. has
inn uar niru in una nnuii ma aiinrn iiaiouioni
Nn inn. for tho iniri'lia-ool Iho HW ami
li rial ..n itj in iiimihiiii. nn r: n,
llHiini nn lui'Bt.iiml urlll .tlTor iiriMtl In ah.tiv
thnl Iho Uml aiittsht la moio valnatilo (or ha
Umber nr ainnn lhan lor nrrimilliiral .iirtMi-pa,
nml lo ralalitlali hla rlallil In anM lali.l Inaloro
llio rrirUior ami roiolvor nl lltianmr nl Huar
Inirx. Orrtiui. un rUlur.lay. Hit Hit clay ul
June, inu
llolmnioa na wllnoaaea
Hall llrlllilljMijah. Jnlill I'allnrr. C It llntk
hohtor nml Jnmra JlrintiiMrny nil n( Cutlaito
tlrnvo, Orririiii
Any ami nil rn!!a claltnlnt ailirraoly Ilia
ntMio.i1orltM..t lamia nro tixtnrai.! Ii, fllo
iiinirriaiiua in inia iiuiro tin nr i fioro aain sin
nay in June. nau. j. i iinimira, llanl.lrr
! Dllllct Hlaloa Uml omi-o,
ll.upl.lirar. Oro . Mnreli loih. Itari
S'ntloo la lioroliy sTvcn thai In'o
Willi Iho tiri.vlaliiiiant iho ncl l (Nitisn'-aof
JunoS, 117, omlilo.1 "An art fm thofcnlonl
tll.llM.r lalnllln tlio nialna nr roin.irnla, tlio
onli. Neraita. ati.l WajhliiBlim " m.
oilomloil III "tl Iho I'uIiIIk Uint Hlaloa hy art nl
Aiisual 4, If.', l.irn; U Wliliann, nl Kimono.
i ininiy in ijiiio. mate nl tirvcuu, aaa inia ua
nion in luia umra niaiwnrn ainreintut mi I'll):
(nr iho titirrhaaenl tni NKitnl rk-rtlim No.
In Tuwnthll. Nil. 'JU. Uallue n. A Waal ami will
niter prinif Inahnw trial Iho land aniiKht la mure
Yoiiiarno iur lit umner nrainno man iur nitri'
cultural l.uriMiara. anil luoatal.llali tiU.-lalni lr
r-al.l taint liefnro tho Itrjrlater iali.1 Hneoltorof
iinianmreni unM.'i.iirir, oroKuti, nu Kotnruaj,
ll.o i.n nay 1,1 .iiai , lift?.
Ho lialnt-a na w llnoaaea
K. (' Hmllh.l' K. HtlitriM. A. Ilatniilnll. II
V. KllKone. Droirun
Anrnn.lnll liranua rlaltillnr n.lroiaolr Iho
ntaniolo-orlho.1 lalnla nro rr.liealri1 to file
tholr oialma In thlauutt-o uii in Lofuro aalu I7ih
lay ot May, ltr
I J. T. llnllalM. Ilrilalrr
Ullllo'l Hlaloa Ijn.l "rlro.
lUnobiirs. (Ira . Maroli lot h. I1"'J.
Nolleo la herrhy ulvon Mint In ii'in.llaneo
ullhlho ttrn' n(tlio act nl CnnKrras nf
Junol, !;. enllllo.l "An net Iur Iho onto ol
tltutior lamia in iho Htatcaol ('alirnrula. t)r'
K"n, evniia, mm iiaahinciuit Territory,'
oatenitou t.i all tho 1'ilhhe tarnl Hlntca Itr art
ef Auicuat I, lov;, Kilwnril r. Kniitti. ul ii-eno
inuntriil ltlie. niainui nrrrnn. tiaa triiailN
fllcil In Ihia nrllro hi awnrn atairtnent N ai
suv, Mr the ptirchaao ut trio riniitiimat ul H
lion Nu. n In Tnwnahln Nu 3i. Itanaro Nn.
Vrat. anil wilt filter nruol l.i ahnu ttial tlio lali.l
annsrit laniure Tnliiahto ,uriia tlml-'r nr
Ih.nd., iuiou..... an. I lit ... ...
tun hla claim in aal.l laml kclu're iho l.'i'ller
! ami ll.rrllornl Ihla mtWM lna..l.iltl. (Ire
i;.ii, nn tMturilny. Iho 17lh ilay. ul Mny. Hurt.
iieuameeaa wiiiieMa
I. I, hlliuii W. M M.m.ii. I'.unV Itnaa, Lnmno.t)roinin.
Any ami nu M'r-nna eiainuna onveraeiy in
atMiio iteacrlNit lamia are re.lioa'r tu hlo
i ibelrcinima In ihla ofrtoo nn nr ln!fnroiall 17th
day ol Mny,
J T. Iisiixiro, Itcalaior.
Dlllleil rilnlra Uml ODIcK,
l,nl.., II...U.... 11.1. '11 Ifar,
I Notice la hereby vlreu that In ciiniplianco
I with the tiroTlaliininf the net ul Cungreaa o(
I linoa. tn.s, entllleil "An net (nr Iho anlo nl
I timber lamia In tho atntoanl California, OrcKun
; .-sera. m. ami wnrninxton lore tnry," na evlemr
i 0.1 to all I hn Public liaiml Klatea bv act nl Air
gnat I, INdi, James aulnn. nl Hasina.-, ('nunly
l.f IIIO. Hlnto III Ori'lTUIl. haa I llfa. UnV flt.'il III
"'I" nnice hla awnril alnleinont Nn 'illl. fur Iho
t'ltrclinie (if the HK M 01 aectlun an S2. town
ihiii.i ennui, ni ran so v wen, nun win uiror
; primf tn ahow that the land auiighi la mure ml
uahlu fur Ita llmlr nr atiino thrtli fnrarirrli unit
I ml purpoaea. ami tneiuhtlih hlarlHlni tu aal.l
lanil before the rrirtaler anil recelverol thla nf
flco nt llnaohitrr, (Jiejmi, on rimrailay the IJ
uar ul ii.
lie nnmei a wltncireai
A. J. Anlrrann. of Hlorn. Ilrreon, flcn
IKiwi.oa, noun I'ntten ami Joe I'crkltia ol cut
tanfl (Irnvo. llreann.
Any and ll peranna rtlmlnx ndieraclyili
nrHjioHio-uiioi'ii inoa nro re'iueaim tn n
thelrctatma In Ihlannice un nrlaiforo alil 12
any tu June, inu,
J. T. Iiainors Itef later.
.notice von Pimi.iCATioN
Unllod Klalee Ijiml ORIco,
lloaubura. Oro. Atitll nth. 1MU
Notice ts lirrehv elven thftt In cmniillanre
with the pruvlalonso( the ncl ol t!nnu;rea of
.jiuivo. ieio. ruiiiicu "Aiinci lor me anie ot
iimoorisnnn mine ritnieann auiorni, oroxnn,
NevHil anil Wahlncbin Tcrrllnrr." aa ok.
tended to nil the Public Ijind Mtalea by net ol
Auxiiat I. lMii, Kranxcllno Vail, of Vanoonvcr
County of Clarke, 8iio of Wnahhntton, haa this
nay nion in inia oinie nor awnrn atMiemoiii mi
I i i'n I i.1 kf ...u .. ;'.
."." . i""-hi .ur. a..iiiKo .-.v u ..,-ai
and will offer prool to. allow that the land
nought la more valuaMe lor Ita Umber or atone
t."-;'. " -a. i'u.,.wj, ..,i iu ciau.
Han herrlalmin anldlnnd boforolho Iteglaler
and llecelverof thla ofllco at Kuaebura, Ore-
gun.on iiirauay, too wn uy ot juiy, iia,
8henameaa wltneaaoa:
Washington, Ueo Wooley, E Vooley,of Drain
,1 a. ,i uirvrtuu. jiiiiii ji voii.i.t laninnvor
.'lahlnalnn llm. ll'nulau V U'nAl.u ..f l..un
Any and nlliirona claiming dvoraely the
their claims In thlaoffleonn or hoforo said loth
I av nl Jll V. lbtrl.
JTllaiuou, Iteglater.
United SUites Land Office,
Rosnburg, Ore.. April 10, 1002,
Nollro la hurtibv slveit that In cum
pllanco witli tlm provishuiH of tliu act nf
uoiiKrecs oi June ;t, imh, entitled 'An
ncl for tho sale of timber hinds in the
States of California, Oregon, Nuvtula,
nu it iisuinKion torriwrv," as ex
tended to nil thn 1'ubliu Laii'd Hlnteaby
act of August 4, 1802, Jaspor I). Mills of
Jaspur. County of Lane, Htato of Oregon,
tins this day filed in thin office his
sworn statement No. 2200. for tlm nur.
ctiRsonftho NWNWl-l, BW 1-a NW
1-4 A NW 1-4 3W 1-4 of Section No. 14
in Townalilp Wo. 20 B, Kunco No 1
West, nnd will offer proof to ahow that
the land sought Is more vulunblo for Its
timber nr stono than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his elnlin to
titlil land belore tliu Register unit Re
ceiver of this office at Roaoburg, Oregon,
TJ..t.1n.. IU.. I11L .1 a ....7'.r,rt. '
wii i-1 inu, tnu inu uuy ol J my linj.
Ho names Ha.tvitncsnoa!
Henry Tilden of June. Oro., Reese
Purknr nf Klnn.rtria .1nt.n M . I'na.
Illis of l'leasant Hill. Ore.. J. K. Hills of
Jasper, Ore.
Any mid alt persona claiming ad
versely the iibovo-doscrlbed lands nro
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said llth day of July,
J, T, BniDOES, Register.
Wd sell oholca lot in tlio Lnna At
Bingham Dronertv. lalelv ntatled and
adjoining Cottage Grove, right at tho
junction of the t), I, R, R. and tho 0. G.
& I), R, R, I'rlcea according to locality.
Jeromz Kkox d Co.
A Cnllfornlii lender report", hav
ing had good Hticccds, tin many
others liuvc liml, In iisIiik scorched
flour nan remedy fur scours, lie)
"""" -i' " ,
t. I- . ...I.I ...HI. ..
ii nrni Willi n nine ini uihk hi i
picvent cookiiiKi (lien ilii It Into
bolllui; HvVcct milk , cither alcitiimcil
or new, nml fjlvcH the )rodticc to
the cnlf quite wiiitu; coiitiuiic thin
milliner of feeding n Ioiir us thtrc
in any trouble, nml in one or two
iln h the cull is neutrally well. It
Ii n KtMul ihiii to coiitlimethe llmif,
hut without scorcliint,', for .hoiiic
ihiya lonifer. Iloiutls U.iiryninu.
Hulled Ktiilea bind OITiie,
Hunching, Oli'i) Feb. 21, 1002.
Niill"i) Is heruby given that iu cDinpll
iiln'e with Ilu' prnvlnliius nf the uel of
Ciiliglennnf Jllln'M, 1H7H, entitled "All
net fur tliu mile of tl tn Imt httiiln in the
Hlitlen of Ciillfiirnla, Oregnn, .Nevnila,
mid WasliliigtonTiiiilliirv," iisexieiuli'il
Iu nil Iho I'uhlle Luid Nlntea liy net nf
Annual -I, IW. Mrn. Maria J. I.lmlany.
ul Cntliigt' liruve, County nf lame, Mnln
ot Oii'gon, ban this day filed In thin
irii'f her ntvorn ntalemeut Nn. 2001, fur
thn piuehaM' of Ibe HH '4, of Seel Inu
No. 2, Tiiwnnhlp 2;l, Hiinlli, of Riiuge.'l
Weal, mnl will nffur pr(Kil U shmv lliat
the laud (.ought Is mum valuable fur Us
1 1 tn t x-r or Mime limn lor agricultural
piiriinnen, nnd lo enlabtlrh her claim lo
a.ilii limit before the Ri-gMcr mid Itu
reiver nf thin nlUcti, at Rii-eburg, Ort'itun.
on Kiitiirdny, thn IO1I1 day of May, 1002.
Hliu inline", nn uitliennen:
John Nukes, William Hinltli, Anna
Huiilli, William O'Coiini'ro, of Cnllngc
llrove, Oregon.
Any mid all persons cliiliulug iidvnrHO
ly tliu iilHive-dencrilnil luiuln are re
(luenied lullle their claims In Ibis office
on or before naiil IO1I1 dav of May, 1002.
J. T . I lit I !( 1 Kn , Regintur.
Knlleil KtutcH l.niiil Oiflii'.
Rnst'btirg, Oiejnn, Feb. 21. IIKI2.
Notice in lieieby given tluil in compli-
iiiicu Willi the pruvlniiinn nf the net of
Coliurens uf
nt Junetl, IH7H, enllll.-il "An
uel tor the sale nf timber latidn In Hie
Mulen nl Ciillfornln. Oregon, Nevmln.
uud Washington Tnri llorv," an extended
In all tlm i'ubllo bind Slalen liv uel ul
Atigunl 4. IWI2, Arlhlir 1. Meyitr of Ku
gi'iie, Ciniiiiv of bino, Slain of Oregon,
has thin dayllleil In tills ntrico til Unlliil Slnten Iinil Offlre,
awtim ntiileniciil No. 3iXll. for Ibe pur-) Unaebiug. Ore., Aptll 4lh, IIK12.
I'hiiai. nf Hie S 4 of hei'lliiii Nu 2, 1 SniWo is hereby given lliat ill eoinpll
loiiflilp20Soiith,.if RanitoK . . ,,nco with thn pruviniiuiM of tlm net of
M.i and ill offer priml losliow Hint Hie (:,lm.,.Hllt June a. IH7H. entillcd "An
liind Houglit In uiinu vulu.ilile lor lis tlm -
ber tir ntoim llutn for iigri. uliiinil pur-
iinoes. mid loestnlilnh In claim tiixaid
hind lM.fortillie Register und Receiver nl
thin iiffirc at Rn-elturg, Oreiton. n
Ihiirsduv the Ihihilay nl May, IIKI2.
He iiiiiui.n us wlinen.rn:
M. R. .latinev, t. U, Walker, .Inrk
Murphy, David Mtiiphy, ol Kugeim.
.1.. ..... "-.r..,i-,,.B ' i-
ly the ainiyi-ilincri I wl hinds urn re -
iiiiented tu tile their t'laimn in Ihin iiirice
on or bvfiiiUHiiul fiih dny ul May, 10)2.
J.T. IliiliKicn, Reginter.
I'nlli'il htalea Und Offlrr,
Ituiebnrg. Oto .April I'h. luv
.iniico ia neieny Rlieu (lint 111 cniiipiinni 0 j
niiiiiiia l-rill ibiiiii. ,, ni 11,1 ni ilk- 111
.111110 n. in, a, 0111111111
I1I11I "An ait Iur the aaloufl
he Hlalo. ul Cnllfutnla. tiro-
1 Uaahtiiginii Torrilury." na
ii' I'llt.ll.i l.nli.1 Hllra hy nit
Timber lunula In the
ami, Ni'inil. and
otlrliilo.1 Iu o I Iho riil.ll.i Lund HIMlca br
ul lugiiat I, 1-92, Itnlaa-rl A Injur, uf rhi-ilila,
1 uiiniy 111 i.iiiii. niaic 111 i'ioicuii, una I Ilia ur
Ilh'd III t 111- 111111" hla annril ktatoiili'llt Nil. 217a,
mr tno pnri iinm. iu tno h u ?.k 'i,sn i, hk '
NEHlV Ii uf H..cllnn Nn 12, T.mnahll' !
Hulllh. ill IUiibq I weal nml will nITOr linail Iu
ahnw ihnt tho land auilgllt t liioto inlnnhle fur
lla timber ur ninneihan fur ngrli-iiliurnl iiur
I la, nnd In 'alhllah hla claim tn -aid Intid
U.fnrethe lleglaternnd KeciUvor of Ihla nffire
at Itoaeburir, Oregon, on Thuraday thn 2dth tiny
olJiino, lne-j
Ho nameaaa wllneaaea.
Net-on I'. Crtimeol Itruwnarllte, Ote-. Frank hholila, Ore., lanae lllg
glna uf Trent, Ote
Any Kinl ll imr-otia claiming a.tvoraely Iho
lmie Iniula nte rcoilealeil In fllo
ihefr (talma In thla uitlie on ur bofuro aald 2iiih
dny ul June, UK 3.
J. T. IiiilMias, Itoglsier.
Unllod Htalr Unit Ofllrc,
Ituiebnrg, Ore., Mnrch, 10, 1IKM.
Nnthela horoby lirn Hint In compliance
with Ibe prortalona nl Iho net ul Cnugrvaa of
June 3, l7s, rnllilod "An act for the aalouf
ttinlwr lalnla lit the HUte-of CAllfornl. Oio
son. Nevnil. nml Vtnahln Irn Turrltnrv." a.
extended lo all the I'ubllo Und Hlaloa liy sot
t'lAiiguat 4, iMu, t.eiiia ii. ninaoii.nt piunkoie,
county nl l.l till, Htato (if oregnn, haa thla day
filed In thla nfllce lilaaHorn atalciuciit Nn. 2h0,
mr tno purchaMi ul inn Uita I. 12.1 l.l uf feo
nun no, un lownarup r.n. 21. itnnvo nu. 2
iieat.ann win oner nnvui in aimw tnat h.
land aought la moro valuable fur Ita tlmhoror
atnno than Iur ngrlctillurnt tmriiore", nd In
eatahllkh hla claim In and! lain! befure the
Iteglater and needier nl Ihla uRIce at IIomi.
burg, Oregnn, nn Hatttnlay, tho 17th day of
Ito naiuea a wltneaaea :
It. ration, ul Cnllairo (irnvo. Oroini
Andcrrun, of Hlar, Oregon, (lour r bnwiia.ol
rotlami llmve, Oregon. T. ('. Jiihnaon, of Hg.
nnw, Oregon.
Anv anil all poraoni clalinltnr nilvaraoli- th
nlmvn itekbrlln-d UndlHro ro-lllealcii In tl je
ihctrelalma In Ihla office on ur fieluro nu lit 171 h
day ol May. 1902,
J. i. linil'iira, tiegiatcr.
United Hlaloa Ijinil OITice,
Ilnacbiirg, Oro., April S, I (v.1,
notlffl la herobv irlvon that In cnninll.iwa.
With the nrnvlaloua of the act nf CnimroaM i.r
Juno 8, IK7k, entitled "An act for the sale nl lim
ner lanua in tne statea nl cauiornia, Oregon,
..v.... in, .. -.iiiuu.iiii iviiiiury, na ox-
lentlod In all the I'ubllo Und Slalea byartnl
Aumiil 4, ISO,'. Wllllum B. Iluiat, ol Aurora,
County of Marlon, Stale ol Oregon, liai thlariay
fllod In thla oRIco hla awnrn Ntaliimatiit N...
SIM. for Iho purchase of the SWlj being Ei
NW'i A N'la 1,2, olHcotlotiNo.lioluTownBhln
No. 4JH,. ltnieNo. w and will niter proof
tn (how that the land aought la mora valuable
for Its tlmberor alono than for agricultural
purpoaea. aim to ciiauiiin ma claim to aald
lanu noiorotno
nml toforetho Jteiflner nd Itrceivor of thin
nnico at Itoaobiiri
nmrA At KnRflhiirp. Oregon, on Ve.lin:Iy( ihe
trill tmj M u llli IWi,
n nav oi jtuv.
lie nnmea aa wltnoaaeai
V.I'. Illlrat. (1. A llork. J. nf. Will. na,n. 11
Urv. ol Aurora. Oron-on.
Anytidll persons claiming advoracly the
nbove-dcuicrtboii lands aruronueatod to nte their
claim In this oDlco on or before said Sth day of
v ii I y , i wi.
j i iiBiuoEs, iteglater.
Unileil Slates Land onice,
Roaobtire. Ore. Anrll llth. Mm
Notice la hereby given llmt In compliance
Ith tho nrovlalnna of lhA ant nf Cnnarniinl
June3, t78, entitled "An act (or tho ! uf
limner lAiuia in tneniAtea ui cauiorniA, ore-
f oil, Nevada, and waaltlngton Torrltory,"sox.
ended tonll Ihe I'ubllo Und SUteaby act of
Annul 4. 11)2. Aimer II. Cola, nf Aurora.
County ot Marlon, Hlale of Oregnn, ha Ihla day
filed In this ofllco hla aworn statement No 2201,
for Hie purchareof I lie Sw I, of Section NozOln
TownihlpNosOB, ltango No "w, and wlllofler
proot to anow mat tne lanu snngnt la mnre
vtuble for Its limber or stone than for oirrl.
cultural mirnoies. and to e-.iul.llah his claim to
astd lantf tieforo Ihe Iteglater and Itecelver of
IblinOlce at Koaeburg, Oregon, on Friday, the
lliu umy ui uiy( iuv,
Henatneias wltnoaaeai
O A llock. K 1 lturat. nf Anrnra. Oreonn.
Henry Bock, ol Bllverton,!! A Snyder, ol Au
rora, Oregon.
Anv ana all neraoni clatmlntf adveraolv the
above-deacribed lands are requeued tn file
their claims In Ihli otBoe on or before aald llth
day of July, 1002.
j l jiKiiiuEa, itegiaier.
Jfetftf the Bohemia Xngget,
ast:i.-.i:ma curji: free!
Aitlim.tltue Urines
hi all
ron tcm
i V
; fa
We waul In m-iiiI In uverv nuffiTer
hIiiiIIiii to the nun Hint eiiied Mr.
llllli 1 l...l.,i..t.. I.'..... ..1 fl. ........
' 11 1- . k '111.1 aiv. in 1111 a 011111-1 ul nun mil niur mr k
It, even on 11 pontiil. Never mind, though you nreitcspiilring, however
liml yi 111 r t'iine, A ft 1 1 tn it It-til. ivll relleveiunt ciitu. Tin.' worm, vourcare 9
9 llm more glud wn nro to send it. On nut dclnv. Wrllent unci., ml- t
d Ing lilt. TAI'T IIICOS.' MI.DICINi: CO., 70 Kant lroib St..
i N.Y.Clty. Hold by nil Druggists. 4
Unlled Stl ten bind oirire,
ll'iseliiirg, Urn., April lib, 11102.
.Slime is iieit'iiv given thai in com
iilimiee wllli tliu irntiaiinn ol the net of
I'lingieno of ilnue H7H, enlllled "All
Act fur the wile ul TIiiiIht LiiiiIk in the
States ul California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Wanhinutiui Territory," an CKtcnilcd
to nil the I'liblle I.11111I rilnltin iiy act of
Ailguat 1, IMU2, 1'iHiik II. Fuller of
hbiiliU, Cniinly ul I.11111, Sliite ol Oie
goli ban ihla dny tiled in tlilniiffiee his
sivoi 11 ntateiiieiit Nu. 2170, fur lliu pur
cIiiisk of Hie SI- 1; uf Heel Inn Nn. 21,
Townalilp 20 Soul Ii . of Range 1 Went
nnd will oiler ploof tn show that the
land nought ia mure vnluiiblu for ita
llinlair or stiiue than for agricultural
pill mii'h, uud to Ins clillm In
mild land before lliu Register und Ko
cetver ul thin nlfli'i' nt Ronebnig, Oiegnn,
on Thin Mlny the 2l!th day nl June, Itu)-'.
lie nainen nn wllncnaen:
Nelmin I1, Criiini' of llrownnvllle, Ore.,
Uuy I.. Porter, llnln-rt A. Jnyue, of
Sheildn, Oil'., Inline Hlggins nl Tienl,
Anv mnl till peisonn elaimliiat ad
versely the iilmve-ilt'Hrillii'd himln ere 1
riipifntctl In file their claim iu this
olfuM 1111 or iH'fnru mlil 2llth day ol June,
1002. j
J. '!'. IlitllMiKn, Register. I
1 Act Iur lliu sale ol Tiinlicr buul iu Hie
lilies nl Ciililnrni.i. Oregnn. Nevada,
,,,,,1 Wiishingiiui Terrllnrv," an ex -
teniliil In nil ibn I'liblle binil Slnli-a liv
1 iiet nl Anuum I. It2, liuv l Hurler nl
Shedds, (ininiy nf l.inn, Slnlu nl Oie -
j gun him this iluy tlltil in thi office bin
kkrn mntfitti'iit No. 2177, for the pin -
. ,,mM. f n, NV 1-4 of .Sh Hiiii No. 21
, ImMiklllp .11 MHUli, III K.lllge I DM
' ,lhl ir,., pnnif 10 shun thai tint
land sniight ia mure viiluablo fur iln
limber ur ntiinu lhan for ugric iilliirnl
MirKiei", uml tn erliihllah his claim In
mud land In'fnrti Hie Hcgi-ter mid III
eelvernf thi-nllu'e at Rnneliurg, Ore
gnn. nn Thurndiiv tliu 2i!th day nf June,
lie minion un wltneaaen:
Iniine lliggln uf I'leiit, Om, Frank
I'.irltir, Rnh-'rt A
ai,., v,.. 11 I',
('((., .M leiin . 1.1
J.ivni). uf hlimliln.
riimo ul HrnwuHville,
1 AllV
mid nil iiemnnn ehilmluir ml -
I l
V the iilnivt'-iltT-erllK'il Inn. lame ie-
ipienled tn tile llit'ir ctniiiis ill thin nffiee
) I on or tH'foru said 2illh day nf June, 10u2
.1. T. IIkiikifh. Il.-i-t-
.unCK FOR l'UHLIO.VHo...
United Slnten bind Ollice,
Rnaehutg, Oregon. Feb., 17, ItKr.'.
Nntleu is hcinbv given that in ttinipli
n ii with tlm pruvlrionn of Hut net uf
Cimgrennul JunoM, 1878, enlllliil "An
net (or lliu sale uf limber lauds in the
Slides ol California, Oiei;iin, Nevada nnd
Wanlilnglini Terrllnrv, an extended tu
all lliu I'ulilie bind .Stale bv net nl Au
gust I, 1802, Harry A. Dniilutr uf Ku
gene, County nf bine, Slulti nf Oregnn,
. : : f. ,, i
? '" ff . f'-kT0 ?' '""'u.'" e'1"""; !''
lhcM V nf bee on No, l. .rownridit
t mh nun liuv nun in tnin nitiee ii n Munrii
.'I Mllltll, 111 KllllgU 2 Went uml
will offer proof to sb.iw that the'
Illlll I III
Iitiiil Houglit Is inure valnanle Iur tin
1 1 in I kt ur "timo Hum for iigiiciiltural
purpoHCs, mnl lo estalillsh his claim lo
an Id til I ia i liefiue the Reginter nnd Re
culver nf thin nllleo nt Ronebiirg, Oreinui,
on Thursday, lliu 8th day of May, 1002.
lie names us witnesses;
I). II. Brumbaugh, Orln Rubinson. of
Collage llrove, Oregon, Klhel Laltaiit
nf Sttgiunw, Oiegnn, Lucy biltant ut
Wilbur, Oregon.
Any und nil persona claiming adverse
ly the iihovtt-dcscribfd hinds are le
(iiesteil to lliu their claims iu Ihla ofllco
on or before aald Hth day of May, 1002.
J.T. IIiiiikikh, Reglsler.
TnJohuJ Polfnn nml F. A. Itankln: You re
hereby nntflM tht no hnvo extioudeil, during
Ihe year eliding Peiviuber 31, lam, tnailu labor
nnd Imprmcint'ilt nn each ultho tun following
dcacrlbed nilnlii claims, lo-ullt Tbe"Nappa
nve' tnentcil In tho linhenil tiilnlng iltalrfcti
and recorileil on page 273 ol Uiok A, of tho mln
Ing leiiirdaof Uneciiiinty, Ore on; Tlicprum
I.iinioiiili located In tho tlohomla milling ills.
Itlct and rocordeilnn page 272 nl lHik a, olthe
mlitlnia ..C ...... nlv lihimmi 1..
order lo htild aaldclalnia, under Iho prnvlalona
ni n.'lliuii aii ui iiv iv.jnvu iniiiirja in mu
, United Hlaloa, and Hie amendment thereto, an-
in ai'i'iinu -t.-4 ui ino rovi-ou aiaiuioa nt too
iruvrii rfuui.ii a., inou. i-uiiyviiiiiig Miuiuni
ahnr nnuii tu nlnir clnlnia. iHilmrthe uiununt
required lo each uf tho .aid two claim, for Iho
perimlciuiliigl ombursi, woi. Ami II wtih-'
In Ninety days, Iromlheeerannalaerrlreof Ihla I
nniii-o upon you, ur witnin ninety tiAya uer
tho publication tlioreof. you fall nr refuao to
eontriunio your portion in aucn expenitititro,
aa a co-owner, your Interest In and lo the aabl
clalma will hecnniothoiiriipertyultlio aubcrlb
era. yniir co-oivnera, who have liuido tho re-
IDlred exendltnrea, by the lormaof aald iec
nIO'l at Collage (trove, Una County, Oregon
thla llllnlay ollobnmry, lwrj.
Mun Mastebkon.
Unllcil states Unit Office,
Notion la herein- given that In cumiillaneo
wllli the prnvlalona ol the act nl Cnngreaa ol
Juno.f, 1(178, enlllleil "An sol for theaale nf
umber iaiiiii in tno matea ni cnuiornu, Oro
gon. Nevada, and Waahtnginn Terrlloryi" as
extended tn all the I'ubllo Und States by act ol
eutoHii tno I'uoiio ijtniiritaioa ny eel of
14,192, Doluerll. Ilemonwar. ntCollauo
lingual J
iiiuiii i uuuir in i.uiiv.otitiu ui iiri-guiiiiiHa inia
lav filed In Ihla office hla saorn stntoinent Nn.
2008, for Iho purchase, nl the Iits9, 10, 11 and
Idol KccUon No, 32, In Tuwnahlp No, 21 ts..
Itango No. 2 Wcat, anil will offer prooltoahow
that tho land sought Is moru valuable lor lis
tlmberor atone than foraorlenitnral nnnmiA,
(Irovo, County of I.iine, State of Oregon, haa thia
and tn ealabllah hla claim to said land before
the lleglater and Deceiver ol thla office at
lloaeburg, Oregon, on Monday, the loth day of
May, ilxri.
lie names as wltneaaeat
JO 1.00. John I), l'alinor. Orln Rnlilnam II
II, Ilrnuibaugh.of Cottage Drove, Oregon.
Any and all neraona ctalmlntr advemelv tho
above-deaorlbeil lamia aro reoueatcd tn Ilia
their ulitlms tn this nfftoo nnnrlMifnru aald 10.
(lay ol May, 11102,
j-1 iiatixics, ncgiaier.
I,'!.,.. ,..unn,. ,.).l.. ),.
. inu .va.uuiii., -,. bi.uivii ikivo, uiioillUOB
; blocks for aale Jerome Knox &. Co.
and Permanent Cure
There la nothing llku Aslliinnlrnc. It brings
Instant I ellef, even In the worst cases. It cures
when nil else, falls.
Thn ltuv. C. F. T.!,I,H of Villa Iliilge, 111.,
snyai " Vonr tilul Imtllo of Asthuiiiliinii received
In giant I'Diiilltloii . I cannot It'll von hotv thank
lid 1 feel for tho giMl derlvtil from It. I vtaa n
lave, cluilnitl with putrid Mirothnuit niidiialbtnn
for leu yours. I ilt-Hpiitn-l nf ever Uiingciiri-f. I
saw yitur ndvertlaeinent for Ibe t-iin- ol this
ilrcailful nnd tormenting illmnw, nnibuut, nml
Ihoiight you lniiliivi'riWikiiii vimiiwII, but rewdveil
In give it a trial. To my nur pi Iho the trlalaeleil
llkini eliiirni. Semi mo a liill-nlaed botlln."
11 trial tfciitnu'iit ni Aithinnlene. 5
Weill. We'll mumI it l.vinnl) 1'O.sT
. .Jill ...1... 1... B
United Slitten bind Ollict-,
Itoneliurg, Oregi)ii,Feb. 17, ltn.
Nnllee in hereby given lliat In tiimpli
mice with the pnivlnintis nf the net of
Congti'M uf June It, I87H, enlitleil "An
act fur Hie nnle nf llnilier laud in the
Stale of California, Oregnn, Nevmln uud
Wiiahlngtnu Territory," as cstcfiiled In
all tlia I'liblle bind Stales by netnf Au
gust I, IK02. Klhel M. Ultnnti.f Hagl
iiiiw, Cniinly nl bine, rtlate'iil Oregon,
ban thin dav tiled In thin i.llice
stiilemiint Nn. 2010, for the pureluinH of
the IJin iiiiiiiU-nil II, it), lo and Hi of
Sect Ion No. 2H, Timiilili 21 South, ol
Range 2 Went, nml will offer proof to
shun Hint tho In lid nought is morn valu
able fur Its tlmln-r or ntimu tlutii for ag
ricultural iirmtn, and to e-ilnlilieli his
claim to said land laiforo the Register
and Receiver nf thin nfllce ill Runeburg,
Oregon, on Thursdav, Hie Hthd lyof -Mny,
She uiimenn wltntfsi-n :
Oi 1 11 Rnlilnniin, l. N. Hriimlniugh.df
('nttniiu liruve, Orepin, Harry DiuiUir
of r.ugi'iie, Oregni.. I.tiey biltant nf Wil
bur, Oregnn.
Any mnl all pcrnon cliiiiuiug ndveix
ly the iilaivt-ilen'rilied Inndn nre re
iliealeil to llli) their elnilun in this ntliiv
on or U'fore said Hi Is day of I llr.'.
J. T. HltliKiKH, Reginter.
Uiiiled StutcH bind Oilier,
Ruaebiirg, Oregnn, Feb., 17. 1002.
Niiliee in herebv given thai in iiiintili-
mice with Hie prnvinloiiH nl the net nl
Ciitigrcfn nl June 8, 1H7H. eiilillril "An
1 act Iur lliemiln ul tiniU-r luiuln In the
Slnles nf Callluriiht, Oregnn, Nevadu,
, and Wiisliliigii.u T-rritorv," ttnexiendiil
. lo nil the I'uhlle bind Nuiien bv net uf
1 Atigunt I, IK02. H.iniel II. Itiiiiulinugh
lnf Cii'lagu llmve, Cniinlv ol bine
Slate nf Orepin. ban thin' 1l.1v llled
1 III thin nllltv his sworn Hlnlei.-ent Nn.
'2017. for Hie iuiribii. of Hie NK 1 uf
Sirllnii Nn. Ill, Tuwii'hip'JI Siiiilh,nf
Range 2 Went ; mnl will nller pnnif In
ohiiiv Hint the land oiiuuht in niure viilu
able fur Ha tliulier or eliiuii llimi fur
iiLTli'iilluriil piirini-en, mnl tu e-liibli-h
hi'i'liiliu 1 1 wild laud Iffnn-Ilu- Hi-uIh-lerauil
Receiver nf thin nlllei'iit Iin-i-bnrir,
Oiegnn. tin Tliurwl.iv, tbeKtli dav
of Mnv 1002.
He naiiien an il in'-.-i-n :
Harry C. DiuiUir nf Kugene, Oieguii.
Orlu Itiiliili-nii of Cntliige liruve, Oie
unii, Klhvl I .ii I 'ii nt .1 Siigiinur, Ureguu.
Lucy Ijlltanl nf Willuir, Diimiui.
Any mnl nil perwinn elaiiuing adverse-
I iv tne itiMive tie-eriiH-ii i.iniin nre
' iiienleil to tile their el.iiniH in till) ofKee
ill nr betuiu niliii Mlh ilny nf May. 1002.
J. I. IIIIIINICH, IlfglSler.
United St 11 ten Und 0111 re.
Rnnelnirg, Oregon, Feb. 21, 1002.
Notice ia hereby given that iu com
plianci) with the prnviHinna of the net of
Congress of .luiiu.1, 1878, entitled "An
act for the salt) of tlmlier lands In the
Stnleaof Cidlforuia, Oregnn, Nevada,
and Wunhi union Territory," as extended
lo all I lie I'llblie bind Stutlnhvnct nf Au
gust 4. ISlr.', Onslow 11. Sngi-
iiiiw.i oiintyiu utile, Miilenl Oregon, nan
.i . ...., . ... ..
m i nay met in m n n i ce n o sworn
"tntenient No. 2tK18. for the purchase of
..... v.. , , .,., ,, ,., s..nll
T.kkk-.k.l.l.. ! 1. ..I 1 .1
1 II"..... .' .1 ..ili.'.r.. a . T. ..
iivniiiiiu iiiii liner pinni in sillltv Illlll
the land sciight Im more valuable for Ita
timber or alono Hum fur ngrlcnltnrnl
purposi'H, nml to establish his claim to
salil land before the RcL'ister nnd Re
ceiver ot this office at Jtoncbiiig, Ore
pin, on 1-riilay, tlio 0th day of .Mny,
He nnmea na witne-mca;
Honey l'littnii, A Anderspn, Kd Jones,
Oeorgo Downes, of Cottage drove, Ore
gon. Any nnd nil pentona claiming adverse
ly tho ubovo-ilcHcrlbeil IiukIh nro re
quested to file their uIiiIiuh In this office
on or before enld 0th day nf Mny, 1002.
.1. T. UuifMtKH, Register.
United StntCH Lanil Ofllco.
ItoHeburg, Ore., Apr. 10, 1002.
Notlec In hea-by given that In com
pllanco wltli thoprovlHloiiH of the nut
ofCongrcMH of June.'!, 1878, entitled
"An act for thoHiilu ofllinlier IiiiiiIh
In tho .Stati'H of California. Oiviron.
t i tt . , . . ,1
Nuvilda, anil IVHhlllgttm Territory,"
nn I'Allultll'II 111 till lull X'lltllie
r ...i u. ....... i..r ...... ..a a a
i ."V"1 ".ul ,', ' ?t"K"V, "'
ls!,-i Anna Miirgreto Trotter, Van-
ctilirer, County of Clarke, State of
Wiuililnrrttin Imu tlilu ilnv filial In
.V, "!!" , "' " ' ,"H.".S ... M k
Section No. 10 In Township No. 21
Range No. 0 Wont, and will offer
proof to show that tho land Hotiuht
Is more vulunblo for Its tlmtier or
Htono than for agricultural purpoHCH,
nml to eHtuhllHh her claim to Haiti
laud lieforo the Register and Receiver
oi tniH oltleo at lloKctiurg, Oregon, on
TiieHtiay, tno lfttli day ol duly, 1002.
Hint niimt'H us wltueHHeHt
fleo. Woollev. E. Woollev. ot Drnln.
Oregon, John Trotter, John Vail, of
vitneouver, wiiHiitiiirton.
Any and alt poi-houm ehilmlng ml
vcrHcly tho al)ove-deHcrlt)etI IiukIh aro
miueHteil to tile their clnliiiH in thlH
ofllco on or beforu wild 15th day of
July, 1002.
J. T. ltniDOKH, ReglHter.
Fifty carloads of potatoes, 6o of
onions, so of hay, nnd 45 of hops,
have been shipped from the little
station of Sherwood, Clackamas
county, over the Southern Pacific
railroad, duriug the past season
and there are a lot of onions and
potatoes remaining in the ware-
1 house there,
United States bind Office,
Ho-eburg, Oregon, Feb, 2T. 1002.
Notlrn la hereliy given that In coin
iilliincit with the priivlnlons of the act ol
Congress of June. I, 1878, entitled "An
net for the sale of timber hind In tho
Htalea nl California, Oregon. Nevada,
unii iriisuingtoii Jcrrllory, nn ex
tended to nil thn 1'iibllc Ijind States by
act of August 4, 1K02, Charles II. Hilrk
hiildnr, nf liruve, County of
bine. Stale of Oregnn, has this dny filed
in thla officii his awnrn statement No.
2075, for the purchase ul the Lot 1,2
nml .'I of Section 2, Town-hip 22, South,
of Range 2 Went; nml will offer proof to
allow Hint Ihe land wiiittlit is more valu
able for Iln tlmberor stonv than forng-
rli'iiltural laiirinvt-n, unit lotntnhllsh Ida
claim fnsiiid bind Ix-fiire the Register
ami Iti ivWi-mf this iilfieeiit )ttt-btirg,
Oregon, on Tneatlav, the 0th day nf May,
Ilu iiiiiiii'H nn nltneaties.
D. II. Henieunny, J.I). I'uliiiir, C.
.1. Iliiwnril, 11.11. Itiiiiiiliiiiigli, nl Cot
liign tlrnye, Oiegnn.
Anv and nil person" t'hii if dng adverse
ly the nlnile-descrlbcil lands tire re
ipienled to rile Ihelr rl.ilinn in Hits oHlco
un ur Ijefori' said lith day ol May, 1002.
J. 'IJIliliaiKs, Register.
United Slnten bind Ofhiit,
RnselMlrg. Ori-grni, Feh.,7. IlKKJ.
Nnl lit-is hereby given Unit III com
pliniiiv viilb Ibe provisions of lliu net of
Congress of Juno 'A, 1878. enlllleil "An
acl lor the ante nl timber Inndn in tho
Slates of California, Oregon. Nevada nnd
WitsliiiiKtoii Terrllnrv," tin extc tied to
nil the I'ulilie bind Slates bv act of Au
gust 4. IWrJ, Stephen A. billuiit of Sagi
naw, Cohnlv nl bine, Ktnl e of Or l-iion,
Inia this dav llltil III tliia ollice his aworn
statement Nn. '.lll'l) (nr the purchase of the
NK 4, of Seel inn No. 2li, Township 21
South, of Range W. and will offer
piiaif to show tliiit Ihe land sought la
more valuable for II timber or slono
I linn for iigrictiiturnl purptvf. mill lo
t'Atulilish bin cliiiui tOHnid land la-fnie
tlm Reginter nnd Iti tvivcrni Ihla nttieo
ut ito-ebtirg, Oregnn. un Weilnc sihlY, till)
"Ih day nl May, ll02.
He million i.k witnesses :
Mrs. Alice laaltuul nf Saginaw. Ore
lion, liiiirgu Rlgva of Mable, Oregon,
-In hum bi Daniel II. HruuilMiigb, of
Cntlap' litove, On-gnti.
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
Iv the nlivt--deM:rlliol lamln lire re
iiienteil tntlle llieir rluiuis In this utlico
nu or li(ote said 7th day of .May, 1002.
J. T. IIkiikiics, ltegiklfr.
United Stales Land Office,
Rit-elHirg, Ore., April fith, 1002.
Nolico is hereby given Unit ill compli
mule witll the priiviniuns nf the ne ol
Congress of June tl, 1878, enlitleil "An
Act tor the Hah) of Tuiilier bind-in tliu
Statea of Ciiiifiirniti, On-gon, Nevada,
mid Wit-liitik'lnn Territory." tin ex
ti'iuleil lo till tlio I'lil.lii- bind States bv
net of Atigunt I, Ihiri, Mrs. Mituile l.
Tnlwy of Olex. Cniinly of liillinni, Stain
nf Oregon, Im- thin dny tiled in thla
nffiee Iter awnrn ntit"lneiil Nn 212, fur
the tnirelin-H nf tin-XI'. nf Sirtiun Nn.
IM in Towii-liip Nu. IS) S, Range
Went, unit will nircr pnnif liinlmw Hint
the land nimghl in mnre vithiible fur ItH
IUuIkt nr nii.iii' Hutu fur
punnine-, und lo establish her claim tu
mild hunt U-forc tin" Regi-ter and lit
eelver nf tills nffiei-nl Riwbing, Oregnn,
nu Wiilnu-il.iv, the 2-itli uf June,
She nuiiit-a nn wltnessen :
I. W. Toln-v nl Kugene, Ore., F. I-riiln-ynf
Olex, On', J N. Itiliul.ill nf
i'liateue, Oit'., W. K. liellv nf birane.
Auv iiikI nil H-miMi-i el. timing .ut
vemely Ihe iilnive-iler'i'rilH'il lands are
repuenleil tu tile tlieir claims in lliia
'Uleo on or before siiiil 2-'tli dav of June,
.I.T.HitiiHiKt, Rinlster.
United Suites 1-nul Office,
liivebnri:. Oiegnn, Feb. 14, 1002.
Nnllee is hereby given llmt in com
pliance with Hie pruvirhins ot I lit net of
ConirrcsA of June M. 1878, enlitltil "An
ncl fur the sain of limlKT lands iu tho
Iu the Slnten uf Ciilifnniiti, Oregon,
Nevada, nnd Wiishinetnn Terrilnrv." 11 a
extendeil In till the I'ublic bind Staleri
liv net of Amtiint 4. ISO'. Kdtvaril Jor
dan of Cubing, County nf bine. Statu uf
Oregon, una tlilailny tiled In llilsotlicu
his aworn stntt'uient No. L'at'.i, for Hit)
purchase of the bita 7.8. 9 mid 10. of
Seel Inn No. 2, Township 22, Soiilh, of
ICiinnii '.' tAt'st, nml will nircr Drool tn
nbinv that the hind sought in moro
valuable for its limliT nr alone that fur
ugriciiltiiral purinises, nnd tn estnhlish
Ills cimm 10 salil mini lieloie the Keg
later nnd Recelwr of this ollice nl Kiine
bnrt!. Oii'iron. on Wtilniudnv. Ilie 7lli
tiny of May, 1002.
110 nnmea na witnesses:
Thoimta Ruche of Kucene. Orecon. Dan
llrumbuugh, of Coburg, Oregon, Oscar
I xt, John 1 'aimer, of Cottage Grove,
Any nnd nil persona claiming adverse
ly the nbove-descrlbetl innds nre ie
quested to lite their clnlinsin thla ollice
on or before anid 7th day of Mnv, 1002.
J. T. Hit 1 mi ks, Register.
Um) Otutv at Itoactatrg. Oregnn.
March 2.1, IMU.
Notice la hori'by gtvou thai tbo following
named nt'ttler has tiled notice ol hla Intention
lomakellnal commutation prool in support
of blai-lalm, and that aald prool will
be mail betoreMarle L. Ware, U. 8.
Ciimmla-loner at Eugene, Oregon, uti
May li. 1D02, via: Cburliw I'. Whit
ney, nn II. K. No. 10322, tor the HW i NW W
',' VWfi, SK 1-t SW 1-4, See. 8,Tp, 20 3. It, 1 w eat.
Honaniea tho following wltnesaea to prove
htatifntliuioua roatdenco upon and culttvatltut
ul said land, vlat
Joan llolbrook, Cbarle Ucy, George A. Whit
ney, William II. Whitney, uf Collage Grove,
J. T Unman. Reglsler.
United Stntes bind Ollice,
Rooeburg Ore., April 23, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tliu provisions of the act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
net for the sale of timber lands in tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
und Washington Territory," na extend
ed to all tho I'ubllo bind Statea by net
of August 4. 1802. Nancy It. Cox, ot
(town or city) Kugene, County of
Lane, State of Oregon, linn this day filed
in thia ottico her aworn statement No.
2278, for the purchase of the W i NW K
W ii 8W Hot Section No. 20, Town
ship 10 South, of Range 5 'West, and
will offer prool to show that tho land
nought la moro valuable for ita timber or
atone than for ngriculturul purposes,
nnd to establish her clulm to said land
before Mario L, Waro, U. 8, Commia
siocernt Kugene, Oregon, on the 10th
day of July, 1002.
Sho names as witnesses :
Jnno Cox, of Eugene, bine County,
Oregon, Herbert A. Cox, of Alma, Itno
County, Oregun, Warren O, Smith, Ar
thur E. Smith, of Crow, Lane Comity,
Any and nil persona claiming ad
versely the abovo-descrlbed lands nro
renueated to fllo their claims In thla
ofllco on or boforo said 3d nay of July,
J , T, IliuiKii"-, Register