I1ERR STEINHARDTC NEMESIS WY J. MACLAKEN COBBAN. CHAl'TIIll V Continued. Tlmt vtna nil I wanted, nml I soon lull tho lilt o i niiMir. I wont to en on I r tiiin. I loiiiul lilm sitting with 1 1 1 1 pretty, plenrant wild nt mi unrly dinner. Tlmy Invited mot to alt down nml imrtnliii. IiliH'llnod.mi Urn ground i having Junt 1 1 nt t breakfast. "I," nit Id hit, "Imvo inaiiiigod with miirii economy. Tliln In my brcnkfant nml dinner mm li nil. "I wished," mild I, "tn havoa llltlo talk with ynil." "If," mill I io, "It In about tlmt nfTiilr ol 1 1 mi illicit, say on ; I nml my wlfo aro ono." I then tolil ol my gonnlp with tlio drnor nml Its purpose. "You need nut havo gono to lilm," rulil ho; "I oulil Imvo tolil you tlmt thoru linn lawn no ili'iitli ol Hint xort nlni'o nn Imvo U'oii hero, mill that'n iicnrly llvn year. Ol coiirne, Ii'h ab mini to suiiihiho tlmt tho dentil ol 15 yearn ngo in tlio nno ior Dick wnn thinking or. No; 1'vn inmu w win con elusion tlmt ho hml hiiihi Imlr breadth iwnpo Irom death In hln mind, and tlmt tho rent wnn delirium." "Iliit. dear." mild Mm. Freeman. "ilon't you forgot. Iioth of you, tlmt Pick's eiinlonslnn, ariiirillug to liimaeii, hum nl iniiriliir which Inn not been ((III in I out?" "You urn right, my dear." said ho. II n t , nt tho samo time, thuro linn no ono lHi'ii missed who ruulil liavo lieen iUk(mimI ol In tlmt wnv. Two men, I remember, linvo dlapiearod, hut tlmy liml nothing to ilo with clicmlmln, nml tlmy wcro Inst seen nonr Hint deep kiiiiI In tho clouitli: It woulil ln dotwtlvu oculatliiii thrown nwny to linaglnn Ikiw they coulil Iki ilono to dentil In n elioinh-al vat. Come," nntd ho. seeing my serious, anxlnun look, "lot tho mut ter nlouo, wo enn do nothliiK with It. Tho chemical workn nro mi alMinilna tlon, but tlio only recent death I enn suspect tlii'in ol in that ol mi unfortu nate dog; wiino ono had dyed him a lilnilnu n-nrlut: (urn whlto ho nlunk nlxiut tho streets, an ohject of loathing to liiimelf, mid of terror, curiosity mid scorn to tho wholo dog world: then ho disappeared withdrew, irolmliIy, In Inline and dcpalr to that pond In tho dough nnd put an nml to tho glaring nuuiiinly of hln ex Interne. Hut, after nil, I think tho chief harm thuy do in to every green thing and toHtolnlinnlt'n reputation for honesty. I neo thin morning," ho continued. turnliiK mid nli-kliiii tin tho nowsiiatier. "tlmt bo In again In court for Infringement of some patent." Our talk then turned on tho former caw) of tho same kind, tho heavy dam ages paid, nnd tho ntrango disappearance of .Mr. UutiiIt. I asked him If ho hml ever heard tho romantic history of tho Ijicrolx family. Ilo know all aliout It; bo had hoard it from lllrley. I broached to him my hopo of cither finding tho lont Mr. Ijicrolx, or at leant ol finding out what had becomo of him; and I told lilm I I mil written nomo week before to some friondn who, I bad thought, might uiako Iriqitlrlon for mo in Iindon, but that I hml heard nothing from them, and that therefore I thought of going to Ixindou msoll on that errand an soon an my nix months hml expired. Ilo ahook liln lieml. "I fancy." said ho, "all Inqulrlen have lieen mado. I low over, sineo it in desirable to find out If possible some tiling 'for certain" ho panned nnd looked at mo "I tell yon wlmt. Wo nro going foi our fortnight a Holiday nt tho vnd of tho month: I will gladly do what I can If you like." I agreed with lilm tlmt It might, or might not, result in something: n wry safe concord mid bo It wnn nettled that it. less than threo weeks ho would bo In lyomlnn doing bin bust to emulate Ix coti. CIlAl'TKU VI. I bad tacitly assented to Kreoninn'a miggiwtlon, tlmt no moro wns to Ixj thought or wild of Dlck'n horriulo pan tomimic confession; but It Impressed mo nn liolng too vivid to bo lightly din carded an without any bnnln of fact. I continued to think of it very much: I thought of It moro becmuo, In splto of tho iinroaKonnblenenHof Hitch n conjunc tion, nnd ItH manifest "waste of dotoc tivo ajieculntlon" (nn Freoninn would bavo said), tho vaporn, no to nay, of LoiiIho'h dream would persist In ming ling In my Imagination with tho va porn of Dick'H delirium. Could It really bo that Mr. Lacrolx had mot his death In nonie such way? And if ho bail, bow had bo como by It? and whuro? Was It oven possible ill tho mystery of things that Lncrolx had been smothored In ono of bin own vats? Hut n discovery I made about this tlmo trivial, apparently, yet to mo significant fixed my Idea moro firmly In my Imagination. Ono night wbilo I sat thinking of my roturn to London I took up my Rinilshaw, and carulossly began noting tho tlinoa of trains from tho neighboring largo town to the me tropolis. Tho lines of three companies passod through it, nnd I bocamo inter oatod in noting how tlio rivals ran fast nml still faster trains against each othor. In this survey my attontlon wus flxod by a very small fact; ono company ran ono of its two quickest trains no that It reached tho neighbor ing town abcut midnight the only vory quick train within two or throo hours of that time. I found easy op. portunlty to tost In some degroo what Blgnlllcanco this fact might Imvo. Karly In tho week following Dick's confession, Mr. Btolnhardt had gono to London to attond his trial, In tlio court of Queen's bench, I think it was. Ilo would bo absent for moro than a fort night! and I bad thorofora many "ol eoma cliancos of liolng In Miss La crolx's company. I was nskod sovcral times to dinner, and was encouraged to find othor and sundry occasions for calling. On ono of these occasions I found Miss I.acrolx nlono. After some casual remarks I begun to work toward my purpose by alluding to Stoinlinrdt's business. In London. "It will bo n sorlous thing for lilm," said I "wont It? If ho should bo so unsuccessful In hs dotonco as your father wns?" "ilo wi'l no( bo unsuccsaful as poor father wnn," nnnworod sho, with a sad shako of her lioaiitlful bond; "Mr. Htelnhardt Is not scrupulous an father wnn i ho tolls fiilnolioodn with riido sim plicity, like his great chancolloi, nfid mi ieoplo think lilm to bo all honest truth. Ilo will succeed in his cano, I think I Imvo hoard him talk it to Frank and ho will coma back moro nunKit than ever. I'oor father!" Kho leaned back, and looked sadly out oVor tho vnl ley, from which rono tho smoko and sound of Its dnlly toll, fatigued mid furcml, I thought, on that warm niimmor nftoruoon. "I linvo thought a gent deal," paid I, Milting the opHjrtiinlty her oxclmua tlon nffiirdeil, "nf that strnngo ilroaui yuu told mo of." "Yon," said alio, turning with sud den Interent. "Do you still dream It?" I asked. ''Yes, I doj but nut often now." "It Is a vviy straugo thing. Does tho dream como at any particular hour of thn night?" "It does," said sho; "and that, I daresay, in a ken mo think more of It. It always comrs two or threo hours after I Imvo gone to bod. I d renin it, and thun bucomv wide awake; and after I Imvo lain awako a llttln I always hoar tho hall clock strlko two my room is over tho hall." "And tho first night you had the dream do you think it came then about the samo hour?" "Yon," said sho, "I think so. Hut," mid sho loaned forward. eager and palo, "why do you ask .no these questions? Have you found out something from your friends In London, perhaps? You had heard nothing when last I asked yuu, I know. Tell nio have you heard something now?" "No, I am sorry to say, I bavo not. HUH I do not denpalr, I bavo a hope I may learn n'vnothlng soon." "Oh, what?" sho eagerly demanded. "I think," said I, "you had better notaikmo; It may only end In disap pointment, and this matter already preys upon you too much." "You aro very kind to mo," said sho. My pill no beat tumultuously, and I wan on tho point of saying something rash concerning tny devotion, when sho added, almost as If sho knew what I wnn thinking of, "Hut I can think of nothing else much I can bo Interested In nothing elmi. It is vory foolish of mo. but I cannot help It. Mr. Htoln hardt sometimes is rather rude to mo about It; be wants mo to marry Frank," said she, simply; "but I do not wish to marry Hank, and I rank dues not wish to marry mo. I do not wish to think nf marrying at all just yet. "I supposo," said I, plquod.and Jeal ous, too, I daro say, "Mr. Htelnhardt wanU you to marry his son that ho may kwp your father a money, which you will Inherit, In his buslnvrn." "I do not think ." said alio with a smile, "that there Is much now of poor fathers money; Mr. Stelnhardt reckons oft it that '.'0,000 pounds which, ho says, father lont without any caiifo. "Hut does Mr. lllrley, your other guardian, agree to that fraud? for fraud it Is." "I do not know," said sho listlessly. "Hut I think dear Mr. lllrley is some how In Mr. riteinhardt's power; I think ho fears to say much." Mr. titelnluirilt returned from London resplondont with success and solf satis faction. Ilo had won his case. Ho bad lieen ablo to lead tho court to tw lievo that ho had found out for himself tho chemical process for which tho plaintiffs had taken out a patent, witli this difference, that ho had employed a wot method, whereas they used a dry or vice versa; I do not romomber which It was. The plaintiffs wore going to carry thoir case to a higher court, but ho did not caro for that, Ho called together hln friondn and bin neighbors to rejoice with him, of whom I was ono; for since he got tho bettor of mo over tho lecture affair bo bad been an amicably disposed as before. The din ner was n very sumptuous affair, and Mr. Stelnhardt thought himself so much mastor of the situation that, I think, he Indulged rather moro freely In wine than was his habit. In tho drawing room aftor dinner his eye was tho brightest and his talk the loudest and most volublo. flo watched his son paying gallant llttlo attentions to a etrango young lady, while Miss Lacrolx was surrounded by the beaus of the neighborhood, nnd ho called him, in audible asides, "Fooll"-"Id!ot!" "lllockheadl" At length ho became so impatient that, shouting "Frank, I want you I" bo strode out of tho room. Frank at once aroEO and followed him In evident alarm. Aftor some tlmo he roturned, looking palo and agitated. He camo up to mo (I sat talking with Mr. lllrley), and to my groat surprise said: "Mr. Unwin, the governor wants to speak to you in the dining room." I had a dlsagrcoablo recollection of a formor lnterviow there, but before I could say anything ho continued "I'm afraid I've got you into a row, without meaning aught of ' the sort. Tho gov ernor'a always at mo to to make lovo to Loulso; ho wants ma to marry her." (Mr. lllrley shifted uneasily in his seat.) "That was what ho called me out about now; bo Jawed mo, and I told him I didn't want to marry Loulso; ho got very angry, and then I said, what was the uso of my making love to a girl that was In love with somebody else. I shouldn't havo said that, I know, but I was very rllod; I arn vory sorry." The hot suspicion now dawned on me that I was tho fortunate "somebody eleo" of his logend. I folt I grew burning red; I scarcely heard what be said afterward, but It was to tho effect that this father angrily dismissed him with the order to send me to the dining room. Blrlev eat unusually silent and dlsturbod. I also was silent a moment. I turned to him. "Do you think I ought to go?" I asked him. "Yen, lad; go," said he, laying (lis band on my shoulder, "and I'll go wt' tha." Wo ontorod the dining room together. Stelnhardt stood on tho hearth rug. Ho frowned and pulled his great monk tach on seeing Hlrloy with me. "I wished to speak to Mr. Unwin privately, Jim," said ho, "Well," said lllrley, "I'm como lo Im a sort of Interpreter, 'Manuel, lost you, Iwing a foreigner llko, leastways nut altogether Kiigllsh yet, mightn't utidentand some things nn Ktigllnhman llko my friend hern would very likely any. You seo, 'Manuel, for ono thing you don't seem to understand that an F.ngllsh clergyman in not tho flunkey you may get a pastor of tho fatherland to bo. Yon mustn't say 'Como borol' and 'Do this!' or 'Don't do that!' with out any rhyino or reason but your own high and mighty will. That may Iki lllnmarcklan, 'Manuel, but It's not Kngllnh. An Kngllshman would say, Yon Im d d, sir I Who am you talking to? A dug nt your hoel'' an, I darorny, my friend hero would say if he didn't lmpm to bo n parson." "When yoii'vo qullo done, Jim," said tho brother-in-law. "Mb?" said lllrley, an if ho canght faintly a distant Interrupting sound. "I'orhnpi, Mr. Hlrloy," wild I, "I had hotter hear wlmt Mr. Htelnhardt wishes lo say to mo." " Yes, of course," said he, and Im posed an unwelcome silence upon him self. "I only wish to tell you, Mr. Unwin," raid Htelnhardt, looking hard at mo, "since you have seen a good deal of my ward, Minn Lacroix" (Hlr loy evidently chafed at that), "especial ly lately, I understand, and since It may havo entered your head that some tlmo sho might insko you a beautiful wlfo, I wish to tell you that you must give up thinking anything of tho sort, because she Is going to marry my son Frank." "Oh, that d dfora tato 'Man uel" exclaimed lllrley, licforo I could say a word. "Will you be quiet, Jim?" said Stelnhardt, with restrained vnlco, but glaring eyes, and that apoplectic, pur pllnli fiush suffusing his head and face. "Nay, lad," said lllrley; "that's a point on which I mun ha' my say. Re foro you tell anybody Iiulse la going to marry Frank, you must get tho content, of at leant threo jieoplo th girl hcr self, your son, and her other guardian, that's me." Stelnhardt looked at him in unfeigned siirprine, but be went on: "Your son, that's youraffalr.of course; but tho girl, that's partly mine; and I shall not seo I'aul's Iiulso engaged to marry anybody against her own wish and liking." "Liking!" scoffed Btolnhardt. "What has liking to do with it? Lik ing should como after marriage with a proper, modest girl, not lieforo." "That may bo your foreign way, 'Manuo, but it's not our F.ngllsh way, nor our Lancashire way, nowther." "Confound your Lancashire!" cried Stelnhardt. "If it had not been for Lan:anhiro, my lad," said lllrley, thoroughly roused, "you wouldn't bo the big man you are!" "Are yon mail?" exclaimed Steln hardt, striding up and down the hearth rug, and glaring from lllrley to me. "You shall repent this! Mr. Unwin, I had lictter havo a talk with you an other tlmo." (To t continued) Rujy With Mlitory. Tho king's coronation crown Is to be adorned with what is termed "the Hlack I'rlnco ruby." It is not gener ally known that this stono, which now forms tho center of tho Maltose cross on tho lato Queen Victoria's crown, is not a ruby at all, but simply a red spinel. It is of largo site, and If it were a truo ruby would far surpass In value the Koh-i-noor itself, for rubies never run to tlio samo size as diamonds, and Iwlng alio far rarer aro consider ably mora valuablo in price per carat. A four carat ruby, for instance, would bo worth about f 10,000, probably even moro It it wore a flawless stone; a four carat diamond would not bo worth the half of that sum. Tho so-called "Hlack l'rlnce ruby" derived iU name from tho fact that it was given to Kdwaril, the Hlack I'rlnco, by Don Pedro of Castile in gratitude for tho victory of Longoro in April, 1307, which restored tho throno ol Spain to Don 1'edro. Henry V wore it In bis helmot at the battle of Aglu court, and it has ever since fo-med part of tho crown Jewels of Kugland. In spito of its having been proved to be nothing but n spinel it still figures In the description of the regallla as a "ruby," and aa such was bhown at the famous exhibition of 180?, when the royal Jewels were ono of the most In teresting exhibits. i thrdlnj Divli' Ideal Heron. When liichard Harding Davis was In Philadelphia tho other day bo was in terviewed by the representative of a literary periodical, who proceeded to put to the young author sonio very lit erary questions. Mr. Davis declared that his favorite hero in fiction was Henry M. Stanloy, and his favorite heroes in real lifo Mnlvanoy, Otherii and Loaroyd Philadelphia l'ross. No Snow la Slim. "This is tlio first snow storm I've seen In SO yean," said William llessel, of Hankok, Slam, to n Philadelphia re porter the other day. "Snow Is un known to Slarp. Whon no went to Hankok wo bad a picture representing a snow storm and Mrs. Hessel intrusted it to n Siameso artist to bo cleaned. Tito latter took tho snowllakos to bo spins or daubs of paint mid carefully covered them over." Qucca Alcxindrt'i Vlollnlit. Queen Alexandra's nppointmont- of Tjtilv ITnlln ah her mntostv'H violinist Is taken as anothor Instance of tho warm favor with which the sovereign has al ways regarded her gifted compatriot. It la weli known that tho marriage of 1. n nrnilt lnntnll vlnllntKt to the IaIa Sir Charles Hallo was brouglit about through tho friondly intervention ol Queen Alexandra. Ingenuity of Two Cyclliti. Two lrconlous cyclists havo collabor ated to urn tho handle bar Into a gaa generator for an acetylene lamp, Tho handlebar 's divided Into a water chamber and a carbide chamber, the two being connected by a pipe, and the flow of water being controlled by a valve from the outsldo. In tho center Is a giB chamber having an outlet to feed the lamp. True Enough. The trouble with most of us is not so much that we havo a hard row to hot but Uia wa dislike hoolng. rucls f RAMP TO G0VJ5RN0R CHAPTEfl IN THE CAflEEn OF JOHN P. ALTQELD. Ill Trial and Ilartlalilp Farm I.ahorar In MUnniirl- III l!rljr !,ovci Mult npurnol and ) I'atlietlc Ire suit, In the spring of 1873 the late John I'. Altgelil, then 2M, was working on a railroad grading contract In Southeast ern Kansas, lie had drifted went from his Ohio home In the effort to better his condition, but opportunities were aenrco and money wna still scarcer with him. To live he had to work, and day labor wna the only thing that he could find to do. Willie employed on the rail way Job, he was taken 111 with a fever. He was taken to the rudely constructed temporary hospital maintained by the contractors, and there ho lay for soma weeks while the fever ran Its course. When he w-aa discharged as cured and essayed to tnko up his work again he found that ho wan unable to do the labor expected of him. lie bad to aban don the Job, and penniless, weak and emaciated, he started to walk to the State capital, whero he hoped to ob tain occupation more suitable to his condition. Cared for lir Farmer. When threo miles east of Topeka be stopped at a farmhouse and asked the farmer to give blm some light work suitable to bis condition, asking In re turn only board and lodging for a short time. The farmer liked hla appearanco and modesty, and, being a kindly dis posed man, took Altgeld In. In the fortnight be remained there be recu perated with wonderful rapidity. Hun ger and tbo severity of the fever bad weakened him both physically and mentally, and the Interest of the farmer nnd his neighbors led them to debate the advisability of sending Mr. Altgeld Into the city and procuring his admis sion to one of the city hospitals for treatment Young Altgeld hotly op posed tho wishes of bis new friends on this point, and, fearing they would send him away without his consent, re solved1 to go away himself. He quit tnc farmhouse late one night, and some weeks later appeared on the streets of St. Joseph, Mo. He had tramped the entire distance. His clothes were In tatters, and In place of shoes he had his feet bound up In rags, bis shoes having given out on the tramp. Thus attired be started out to get a situa tion. From place to place Mr. Altgeld went in search of employment, and man after man heard bis bard-luck story without offering him any encouragement After putting In a week at this discouraging work young Altgeld arrived at the con clusion that be must move further on. Again be started on the tramp, and finally, In Andrew county, he obtained work on the farm of Henry Mueller, who gave blm bis lodgings for his la bor. He chopped wood all the first morning of his stay, and at noon sat down to rest nnd told of hla troubles and travels. Mueller became interest ed, and was shrewd enough to discover that there wns metal of worth In tho young fellow's make-up. His sympathy was aroused, and he made blm a mem ber of bis family circle. For ?10 a month wages Altgeld worked for two years, during which bis strength re turned and bis recovery was complete. He bent his energies constantly to ward tho acquirement of means to the study of law. lie tried for a certificate to teach a district school, but found that be bad not knowledge enough to pass the required examination. Farmer Mueller and David Ilea, afterward a mcmbcrof Congress, fixed It so Altgeld got a certificate, and bo also got a school that paid him ?25 per month. Judgo Ilea loaned young Altgeld law bcjks and after the day's work be would sit down at night to store his mind with the knowledge that was to arm blm for battle with the world. In a few months he became so tremen dously earnest that Itea took blm Into his office, wbero Altgeld read law for some time. From that period the determined Ger man student worked with the star of success glimmering as a faint possi bility In tho distance of the future. He went Into politics nnd soon bad bis name up for prosecuting attorney on the Democratic ticket In a strong He- publlcnn county. A hard fight was be fore him, but he wor through sheer persistence, nnd the admiration which ho excited In tho minds of the farmers, who, to this day, refer to blm as "I'eto Altgeld." Ill Love Butt Itejected. About tbts tlmo there entered, for the first time, as far as la kuown, the cle ment of romance Into Mr. Altgeld's life. One day, while In Savannah, Mo., be met Miss Anna Ilohrer, daughter of George Robrcr, the President of the Stato Hank of Savannah, and one of the vfeolthlest men of the town. To the young lawyer tho girl appeared the Incarnation of his Ideals, the realiza tion of his dreams of womanhood, and It seemed that a rosy world of bright possibilities had suddenly been dis closed to him. With characteristic de cision he set to work to win her. Uts suit did not prosper, however, and the girl's father at last gave him to under stand that his visits to tbelr homo must cease. This was a bard blow, not only to the affections but to the pride of Alt gold, and for the first time In bis Ufa he found himself face to face with an obstacle which be could not surmount. JOHN P. ALTOF.LD. Never did he lose sight of bis Infant, nnd later, when tho situation became less strained, ho visited Minn Ilohrer again. Ho made a formal proposal of mnrrlnge, but wna refused by the young woman. In obedience to the wishes of her father. Ilo at onco made an effort to get awny from Savannah, although be had served hut six months of his two ycara' term as prosecuting attorney of Andrew County. He made arrangements to that end, and soon sold his law library for I10O and the prosecuting attorney of Andrew County left for Chicago, where he practiced law and wbero hla autfflpquent career Is familiar history. Miss Ilohrer, who was one of the brightest as well aa prettiest girls In Andrew County, In the meantime mar ried the man of her father's cholce.tbe cashier of Ilohrer's bank. He lived recklessly, and finally died, leaving the wlfo poverty-stricken and with five children. A few years ago she appeal ed to Mr. Altgeld to send her and the children to some friends In Syracuse, N. Y., and he responded. She la dead now, and Mr. Altgeld later made a contribution for the support of her chil dren. WHERE TRUE DECORUM REIQN8. Btrner Are Awed br the Dlgnltr of tha Supreme Court. Tbo Supreme Court Is a ceaseless source of Interest to the stranger In Washington. Even when the court Is not In session the chamber In which It alts la viewed by a constant stream of visitors, who enter It with quiet rever ence. Ordinarily It la the dullest place where men assemble to do business. The decorum Is painful, but this does not deter the American who comes t Inspect the seat of government from lingering fondly about the place. When the fnmous Kentucky case was argued not only waa the chamber filled, but a long line of visitors waited In the ball says the Washington Post The manner of these pilgrims at the shrine of the law does not Indicate any loss of respect on the part of tbe plain people for this august body. The two places In Washington where he van dal stands In awe are the Supreme Court and the White House, and the latter has not been afforded Invariable protection. In alt other places may be found the dirty finger prints of tbe vandal The monument If chipped, statues are marred, fragments are cut from the hangings of the Senate and House of Representatives, names have been scratched Into tbe marlile and on the bronze doors, but something holds the most ruthless In check when he comes to tbe Supreme Court There la no talking among the specta tors when the court Is In session, and even when tbe bench Is vacant nnd strangers are viewing, the deserted chamber they uniformly speak in whis pers. The old white-bearded colored man who sits nt the door Is the personi fication of silence and dignity, and the sight of him Is enough to make tbe most frivolous grow grave and walk on their tiptoes. He silently opens the door for each comer and noiselessly closes It If the chamber Is full h stands with his back to the door, and. without uttering a word, keeps others from attempting to enter. The other day two lawyers met In frontof the courtroom doors, one attired In a light suit and the otber In dark clothes. Tbe one In a light suit remind ed tbe other that be bad on dark clothes, but a purple necktie. The colored tie did not bar him. Hut the lawyer In the light suit could not venture Into tbe cbam tier. Though they were merely specta tors, they must wear dark clotbes If they would appear within the bar of the court What awful thing would happen If one should appear before the bar of tbe Supreme Court In a light suit Is not known, for no one has ever bad tbe temerity to try It HAD THE WRONG MAN. How a Representative Wa Mistaken for a ChlrapodUt William Rlcbardson Is a representa tive from tbe State of Alabama and re ceives his mall at the capltoL Another William Richardson Is a colored gen tleman of large dimensions who Is an attendant In the luxurious bathrooms located In tbe basement of tbe bouse end of tbe capltol for the benefit of members. Tbe latter William Richard son Is Incidentally also a chiropodist, or, as be terms himself, "a corn doc tor." A few days ago a letter was placed In the box of Representative William Richardson at the houso postorHce, which, on being opened, Mr. Richard son found to be from a young woman clerk employed In the treasury de partment. Tho letter simply ordered Mr. Richardson to call on the writer "at once." Mr. Richardson ransacked bis memory to ascertain whether be had nn acquaintance with the writer, but concluded that ho had not, and the letter was carefully deposited In his official waste basket. About three days later another man datory missive came to him from the young lady. This tlmo the request for a call was still more urgent and still unexplained. Representative Richard son dictated a brief missive to tbe young lady, calling her attention to tbe fact that be did not know her nnd knew no reason why be should call upon her. Uy return mall ho received a very humble and apologetic note. Tbe young lady was having troublo with her, corns, says tho Washington Star, and wished to add another link In the chain of tho colored William Richard son's reputation as a successful chi ropodist. Where the Tan Shoes Have Gone. - What has becomo of all tho tan shoes? This was a question asked by many until tbe damp weather of early March, wheu several wearers of sup posedly black leather shoes discovered that their pedal ndornmeut wns only out-of-date tan sboes dyed black. Now It Is told In tbe Shoe Trade Journal that two Chicago dye bouses alone have recently cbnngcd 18,000 pairs of shoes from tan to black. But tbe dye won't stand tbe dampness, and tbe firms who linvo thus victimized their patrons have lost a great amount of trade and dls covered that their greed to economize has cost them dearly. The man who scatters ashes on an Icy sidewalk Is never remembered In tbe small boy's prayers. LET US ALL LAUGH. JOKE8 FROM THE PEN8 OF VA RIOUS HUMORISTS. rieaunt Incident Occurring: tha World Over Hnjln that Ar Cheer fat to Hid or rating Panoj Selec tion that Ton Will KnJor. President of Foreign Missions How In the world did all these sofa cushions nnd fairy-lamp come to be In this box for the FIJI Islanders? Miss Halrbraln (earnestly) W-whyl I thought with nil their spears and war clubs, that If they only had n few cush ions and Jeweled lamps they could make such perfectly lovely cozy cor ners! Puck. She Aclcnnwledsed It. "Ileauty," we remarked sagely, "la only skin deep." "Ah," murmured the vain damsel, "I am so thin-skinned." Hut we told her that It was Just aa painful to Bkln a thln-sklnncd an a thick-skinned person, and walked haughtily away. Haltlmore American. Ilelleved. "Papa, when you were a boy, did you ever tell a lie?" "I am afraid I did, my boy. Why7" "Nothing, only I was afraid you dldn't."-Mfe. Getting; Square. Doctor Why do you keep coming to my office If nothing's the matter with you? Hiram Grobb Well, doc, I'm trying to visit out your bill. You charge me for five visits, an' I'm goln' to return them, seeing money Is scarce. Chicago News. The Very Cream. Friend You had a very fashionable audience, didn't you? Pianist Yes. at one time there was not a single person In tbe room who was listening. SomervlIIe Journal III Everjnlar Suit. Dixon I don't believe young Short lelgb Is half as extravagant as people say he Is. Hlxon Perhaps not but I've noticed that he has a suit of clotbes for every day of tbe week. Dixon Is that so? Why, he has al ways bad tbe same suit on every time I met blm. Hlxon Well, that's the one I meant Horn Diplomat. Bess Oh, Jack, what are we to do? Papa says we must not see each other again. Jack That can be easily arranged. My sister Is an amateur photographer, you know. Bess Yes, but what can that have to do with our meeting? Jack Why, she has a dark room, and we can meet there. See? After the Silver WeddlnE. He Mother. I think It must have been our German silver wedding yester day. Personat He Then It's all over. She Yes. For you. Inalnuatlnsr. The Tragedian I think that barher was a little too personal. The Comedian In what way? The Tragedian He asked me If I wanted an egg shampoo. IUUaful 2snoran.ee Mrs. Hayrix (at city hotel) Hiram. what's this hero "patty do freo grass" on tho bill o' fare? Hayrix Now, Miranda, don't show your Ignorance. That's French for cel ery, Chicago News. A StrulaUt Tip. Smith Real estate Is about the only safe Investment nowadays. Jones Oh, I don t know. There are too many unscruplous men who want the earth to make It a safe thing to Invest in. Chicago News. The Porter Got It. Ill Harlx Well, them hnnlrn c.n un tow the city didn't clt mv i.uis uuie, u gosu. Oy Corutassel Heow did vew man ace It? Ill Harlx Rode on mm n ibim nH aa nev tomin' Deas in 'em. Chicago News. A Come-Down. First Billionaire You're not looking very wen tins morning. Second Billionaire No. I feel Ilk thirty million dollars. Life. Not Wlmt lie Uequlred. "You ought to try this," said tbe druggist ns he held up a bottle. "It's the best thing out for dyspepsia." "If that's the case I'll keep It out" replied tbe victim. "I've got all the dyspepsia I want right now." Mar Interesting Trlat. Tens Aren't you going to choir re hearsal to-night Jess No. "You'd better. We're going to give that new hymn a trial." "Can't I'm going to glra new him n trial myself." Liked Peaca. Wife You aro Just as snrly at yon can be. Before we were married you used to bold me close In your arms by tho hour. Htiiband-DId I? Hum! Welt, I suppose It was to keep you from talking. Poatad. Teacher What Is tbe principal prod uct of the Philippine Islands? Johnnie Trouble. Exchange. Point of View. New England Statesman Wasn't that a mortifying scene In the Senate chamber? Statesman from tho Breexy West Mortifying? It was disgusting. It waa stopped before we could tell which ono was the best man I Chicago Tribune. What He Meant. House Agent Hate yon any chil dren? House Hunter Yes; but they are very quiet and well behaved. House Agent Oh, bnt I mean have you any children living, ma'am? Judge. Ha PPT Recollection. Visitor Well, my man, what are yon In for? Convict Oh, I'm In for a good time, lady. Visitor I don't understand you. Convict I'm In fer llcldn' me mother-in-law, lady. Judge. Too Swell. "Do yon think Boggs would make a winning candidate?" "What is his first name?" "Algernon." "Turn him down! We must bare a candidate the boys can call 'BIIL' " San Francisco Bulletin. The Pintr-PntiK Face. Cover tho left half of the face and sea tbe effect of a "good smash." Cover the light half and see the effect of a "bad smash." Ma' Opinion. Little Willie Say, ma, who Invented tbe envelope? Ma I really don't know, my son. But I believe the first one waa discovered In a married man's pocket addressed to bis wife's mother. Of Conrse They Do. Hlxon Do you believe that man orig inally sprang from the monkey? Dixon No; but I believe that all women spring from mice. Appropriate. Smythe How eager every one was to see the bridal party at the wedding last night BJones Yes, there were even a lot of rubber plants among the decorations. Somervllle Journal. Sufficient to the Day. "Don't you erer regret your past?" Inquired the prison missionary. "No," replied the hardened convict; "It's me present that worries me most" Philadelphia Press. Iter Entire Vocabulary, "You do not speak English, ma- dame?" Inquired the Interviewer. 'Ver leetl'," replied the operatic celebrity, smiling sweetly. "Only zls: How I lofe America 1' "Puck, Artful Mamma My daughter Is an adept on the piano. Mr. Practlkal How Is she on a square meal? A Wonderful Uorae. Purchaser (angrily) You told mo this horse could go with tbe speed of tbe wind. It was all I could do to get Into town before noon. Dealer He ain't had a fair show ylt Walt till ye turn him home'ard. Goln' home he's greased llgbtnln'. ItusaU's Gloomy Condition. M. De Wltte Is perhaps the greatest finance minister Russia has ever bad, and In his last report he painted as gloomy a view of the Industrial and economic situation of tbe empire as any of his predecessors have done In the darkest days of war, bankruptcy and famine. The metal Industries, he says, are on tbe verge of ruin, the textile nearly as bad; In twenty years the productivity of the land baa diminished over one-quarter; an acre producing less than one-fifth of the same area In America; tbe number of houses has di minished nearly one-balf In thirty years; nearly half of tbe population are hoplessly In arrears with their taxes, and the only parts of the empire which show any signs of prosperity are those Inhabited by non-Russian populations Finland, Poland and tbe Caucasus. It Is not a favorable showing for Russia's aggressive purposes, though she Is little accustomed to abate them on account of bard times or tbe penury and suffer ings of her people. Wit la the cayenne pepper of conver sation and tbe aalt of literature-