Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 02, 1902, Image 6

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    Bohemia Nuget
iioiVAKi) A iiksuy, rubiuiittrt.
A Comprehenslva Review ol the Important
Happenings of the Put Week, Prtnntid
In i Condensed Form, Which Is Most
Likely to Interest Our Many Readers.
Five were killed In wlor expli
Ion nt Bhonandoah, Pa.
Illegal recruiting In the causo of
much disorder in nnianu.
Seven Iwdlea have Iwon recovered
from tho I'ltlsbarg wreck.
Senator Allleon mj b somo form of
... 1.11- 1-1. . ...
iwiprocity win uo gramcu u vuu.
Haytl lias promised to glvo Germany
a nnval station at atoie at. niciioms
Fivo men In Jail at Salem, Or., Pe
ru rod n saw and nearly gamou incir
Tho town of Herkimer, Kan., was
almost dostroyod hy fire, which en
tailed n Iocs of (100,000.
It la OBslblo to eend a mossago to a
vessel 200 miles from land hy tho now
Fcsscndon system of wireless teleg
raphy. ' Chalmor E. 81mff has hocn sentenced
to death at Wallace, Idaho, for tho
murder of Kugcno Klein, at Maco, In
that state.
The form of the coronation of King
Edward will consist of 20 sections and
will end with tho crowning of Queen
Tho strikers of the Singer Sowing
Machlno Company, at South llcnd,
Ind., haro lost their strike and gono
back at tho company's terms.
Tho Marquis of Quoonshury has-been
declared a bankrupt.
Congressman Cummlngs, of New
York, is serioutly ill.
Saturday was Oregon day at tho
Charleston exposition.
Henry Schwab was hanged at New
ark, N. J., for the murdor of his wife
and child.
Tho Boor agonts In America are try
ing to Induce President Krugcr to visit
this country.
With peace perhaps In sight, Eng
land is still sending men and muni
tions of war to South Africa.
A vigilance committee has been or
ganized in Chicago to drive the rougher
element from one of the wards.
Tho majority of the inhabitants of
tho Danish West Indies are In favor of
their sale to the United States.
Two Now Yorkers have been held for
trial under tho new law against the dis
tribution of anarchistic literature.
The petition for an Injunction against
Miss Stone lecturing under a certain
management was denied at Boston.
Colombian insurgents have captured
Rio TJacha after an engagement lasting
many hours. The losses sustained are
Heavy rains have relieved the situa
tion in Kansas.
Turkey has released all the suspects
in tho MIsa btone case.
The Northern Pacific machinists at
Brainard, Mont., are on strike.
Tho condition of Queen Wilbelmlna
is changed slightly for the worse.
Tho Cuban congress will convene on
May 5 by order of Governor General
There have been 1,217 cases of chol
era and 847 deaths to date in tho Phil
ippines. German nobility is shocked at Em
peror William entertaining untitled
business mon.
Great excitement prevails at Sand
Creek, Mont., over a ilch gold strike
made near that town.
Strikers at Patterson, N. J., have
quieted down and show a disposition
to make concessions.
President Roosovelt favors tho pend
ing bill appropriating 1 5 0,0.00 for a
monument in Washington to Gen. John
C. Fremont.
Tho great shipping combine may ac
quire the Hill lines on tho Pacific
ocean, thus making a world wide com
munity of Interests.
Confederate veterans are holding
their 12th annual reunion at DallaB,
Alexander O'Brodie will succeed
Governor Murphy as chief executive of
Although the Rock Island Railroad
will build westward from Denver, it
will not seek a Pacific coast outlet.
President Hill, of the Great North'
orn Railroad, says ho is not worried
over tho decision of tho supremo court.
Tho United States consul at Chom
nltz, Germany, says a good market for
Oregon salmon can bo found in that
A restaurant has been opened in New
York where food will be f urn shed at
ono cent a plate.
There are 13,058,022!acrcs"ot uncul
tlvatod land In Italy, which might be
developed and made productive by the
Phenomenally mild weather is being
txporlcnccd In Ilusala, At Kiev the
trees are budding, the rivor Dnieper is
clear of ice, while at Warsaw violets
aro blooming.
A census of Berlin, Germany, gives
tho population as 1,001,607.
Thirty-seven designs have been sub
mitted for tho proposed Grant statue in
Thebfficlal copy of the Farrls elec
tion buljpaseed by the Kentucky legis
lature, h&j been Btolen at Frankfort,
and the measure cannot become law.
Governor Beckham, of Kentucky, ve
toed tho bill ftprohlblt the docking of
hemes' talle&deciarlng legislation
should be direclid at those who buy
such htrisi, not Ih Milan.
American Ooodi In Orcit Demand In South'
American Countries.
Washington, April 20. American
coal finds ft steady and ever increasing
market in Brail I, but our export trade
to Brazil, It is mid, will never roach
it proper development so long aa our
merchandise has to seek foreign bot
toms. It is pointed out that If u lino
of modern sloamern were operated be
tween New York mid Braill, there
would bo no lack of return freights in
coffee, rubber and liko producU.
Amoricnn hardware, nlso, it is stated,
has earned a reputation for quality and
finish which places It beyond competi
tion. It is n notablo fact that many young
Brazilians are raining to this country to
complete their carve of learning,
whoroas, until recent yours, tho bettor
class from that country were pent to
Portugal, Franco or Germany to acquire
their literary, professional or scientific
training. Now also English Is being
taught in some of tho higher schools of
In tho Argcntino Republic tho Amer
ican goods making tho greatest headway
are tools, implements, cotton goods,
shoes and specialties. A banker of lto
sario recently reported that for the halt
year ended June430, ll'Ol, tho increase
of transactions between hisj houso and
tho United States had been 131 per
rent, and ho understood that uther
banks had had similar experiences.
But whllojwo are materially increasing
tho aggregate of our trado with Argen
tina, hero, aluo, tho absence of direct
steamship communication is a handi
In Chile, where lumbering Is the
chief industry in its southern pro
vinces, practically nil of tho wood is cut
by mills of American construction. All
of tho machinery used in tho produc
tion of Hour also comes from tho
United States.
On account of the political disturb
ances in Colombia, imports from the
United states have increased only
slightly. Tl.o imports from all other
countries havo remained stationary.
United States trade with Ecuador
shows u gratifying increase, due to pur
chases for the Uuayaquil-Qulto railroad,
better and quicker transportation, low
er freight rates and tho coming of
Amercian commercial travelers.
Fitrcc Insurgent ol Samar Capitulate by the
Manila, April 30. General Frederick
D. Grant's expedition in the gunboats
Baseo and Honda, several steam
launches and native lighters, has
ascended the Gandara river in the
Island of Samar, and has brought the
insurgent leader Guevarra and his en
tire command down to tho post. Guev-
arra's command consisted of Rafel Se-
bastin, Abki and 3S other officers, 180
men and 101 rilles.
Three hundred insurgents with 131
rifles are expected at Catbalogan,
Samar to surrender formally to the
American authorities. Three thousand
bolomen, 28 of them armed with rifles,
have surrendered at Sulat, also in
Surrenders in Ncgros.
Captain Kennon, of the Sixth in
fantry, reports from the (island of Ne
gros the surrender of the ladrone leader,
Rufo, with 158 officers and men of his
command, together with 12 guns, 140
bolos, seven spears and a few revolvers
and daggers. Captain Kennon says
this surrender means the. opening ,up ot
the whole of the southern coast of the
Island of Negros.
The cholera situation In the Islands
does not show any improvement. Chol
era cases are reported among the Amer
ican soldiers in (.amines provinces ol
South Luzon and elsewhere, but so far
few Americans have been attacked and
the disease is confined to natives and
Chinamen. In Manila there have been
555 cases and 445 deaths from the chol
era, while the provinces report 1,509
cases and, 1,160 deaths.
Men from United States Cruiser Chicago Get
Heavy Sentences.
Venice, Italy, April 30. All the
members of the crew of the United
States cruiser Chicago, arrested for dis
orderly conduct here yesterday, have
been sentenced to terms of imprison
ment, ranging from three to four
months each. Cantatn Robert P.
' Wynne, commanding the marine guard
of the Chicago; Kobert h. lxxl better,
assistant surgeon of the Chicago; Lieu
tenant John S. Doddridge, of the Chi
cago, and a marine named Wilfred
Langiey are the men sentenced.
At their trial in the San Marco po
lice court, the prisoners admitted that
they were Intoxicated when the ulsor-
ders occurred, and pleaded that they
acted in self defense when mobbed by
the crowd. Tho public prosecutor de
manded a sentence of seven months' im
nrisonment for Assistant Surgeon Led-
better, and sentences of six months'
imprisonment for tho others.
It is understood that tho prisoners
will pay tho costs of the trial and com
pensate tho persons who sustained In
juries as a result of their disorderly
conduct. Two ol tho Injured persons
claim 100 pounds each.
Richardson Returns from Alaska.
Seattle. April 30. Captain W. 1
Richardson, United States army, who,
according to reports from tho national
capital. vcas dispatched to Alaska to in
vestlcato, with Lieutenant R. P- Em
mons, the icported destruction of Rus
sian monuments defining the interna
tional lino between Alaska and Canada,
has returned from tho north. Ho
would neither affirm nor deny that his
duties were to investigate matters bear
ing on the boundary question.
The Sound Fares Well.
Washington. April 30. Tho Puget
sound navy yaid fared better than any
other navy yard In the United btates
in tho appropriations that are made in
tho naval bill reported to tho houso.
The yard got everything that was asked
for it. Ilopresentatlvo Dayton, rank
ing Republican member of tho commit
tee, said that tho committee has been
thoroughly convinced that ono of the
finest navy yards in the world can be
built economically at Bremerton.
Consequently the large appropriation
for that yard.
Commercial and Financial Happenings ol h.
portance A ttrlel Review of the Growth
and Improvements of the Many Industries
Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth
Latest Market Report.
John Burke of Whatcom is under ar
rest, charged with oiiikzllng 1 1,000.
Tho weavers of the Oregon City mills
aro on strike for an increase in wages
City Attorney Chane of Sumptor re
signed after being reinstated hy Mayor
A rich discovery of a copper lodge on
Snake river, near the mouth of tho
Imtiaha, is reported.
Tho Ruutut placer mines on Beaver
crook are attracting considerable atten
tion. A strata of very rich gravel has
been struck.
The state supreme court has decided
that when grain stored In warehous
Is sold without authority of depositors
they may recover from the purchaser.
Messenger 11. t.cighton Kelly, of tho
Clackamas United States fish commis
sion station, is distributing 45,000
Eastern brook trout in tho streams of
Eastern Oregon.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
J. 11. Ackermau has sent out circulars
calling for bids on Iwoks, to bo pur
chased by school districts for school
library purposes.
A mulatto who gave his name as
Jackson, and who was caught in the act
of robbing n store in Grants Pass, has
been Identified as "Yellow," the fifth
member of gang who murdered , Police
man Robinson in San Francisco.
Crane A Thompson, proprietors of
tho Brownsville flouring mills, will
soon be ready to install tho new ma
chinery in their mill. When finished
it will bo one of tho finest mills in tho
county. Tho mills will have a capacity
of 50 barrels a day.
The wheat sales last week in Weston
were tho largest for tho season. Tho
Pacific Coast Elevator Company, of
Portland, through Its agents, bought a
40,000-bushel lot. Kerr, Gifford
Co., and tho Northwestern Warehouse
Company bought 29,500 bushels, mak
ing the total sales for tho week 70,000
bushels. Tho price averaged 55 rents.
Patents have been filed with tho
county recorder at Albany conveying
103,050 acres of land from the govern
ment to the Northern Pacific liailroad
Company, in lieu of some worthless
land in the state of Washington. The
new land is located along tho Cascades,
only a portion being in Linn county.
lew era have been in the mountains
during the past year making the selec
Oregon City has two cases of small
pox. A new eight room school building is
to be built at Albanv.
William Abel, of Auburn, an old
time pioneer of the est, Is dead.
The debate between Albany Collego
and the .Monmouth State Normal r-chool
was won by Monmouth.
Tho Buck Ridgo Placer Company, of
cumpter, has Hied articles ol incorpor
ation. Calptal, 1 1,000,000.
Wheat Walla Walla. 6505Kc;
bluestem, 6660)sc; valley, 05c.
Barley Feed, 202l; brewing,
f2121.50 per ton.
Oats No. 1 white, ft. 20; gray,
f 1.10(31.15.
Flour Best grades, $2.85(23.40 per
barrel; graham, f2.&02.80.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, f 10; shorts, 118.50; chop, $10.
Hay Timothy, 1216: clover,
7.6010; Oregon wild hay, 50 per
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 1.251.50
percental; ordinary, tl. 10(31.25 per
cental; Early Rose, $1.60(32.00 per
cental; growers prices; sweets. 2.25
2.50 per cental.
Butter Creamery, 18J20c; dairy,
15174c; store, 1315c.
Eggs 1510c for Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13
13Kc; loung America, 1415c; fac
tory prices.l lMc less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, t4.50
5.G0; hens, t5.006.00 per dozen,
llllc per posnd; springs, 11
llKc per pound, f4.00QG.50 per doz
en: ducks, 5. 00(37. 00 per dozen; tur
keys, live, 1213c, dressed, 1416c per
pound; geese, IU.6U($7.UU per dozen.
Mutton Gross, 4c per pound;
drcBeed, 7Mc per pound.
Hogs Gross, 0Jc; dressed, 7"Mc
nor pound.
Veal 67Mc for small; 6K7c for
Beef Gross, cows, 44Kc; steers,
5c; dressed, 88J4c per pound.
Hops 12K14 cents per pound
Wool Valley, 13 14; Eastern Ore
gon, 0llc; mohair, 23c per pound.
Tho Russian government has advised
all newspapers in tho empire to cease
publishing news of student riots.
President Roosovelt has accepted the
invitation to doliver tho memorial ad
dress at the National cemetery at Ar
lington on May 30.
Only five sailing ships of over 100
tons were built In tho United Kingdom
last year. All tho vesscs woro con
Btructed on tho Clydo and were regis
tered In London.
Tho final census returns show- that
tho population of India is 240,200,701
Ono result of tho Anglo-Japancso
alliance will lo tho prevention of pro
hibition of Japaneso In Australia, euro
Tho Royal Society of England has
officially decidod that women aro not
eligible for tho degree of Fellow of tho
Royal Society.
Russian and other miners aro lciiig
employed In tho English coal mines,
and an agitation against their employ
ment Is being considered.
San Francisco Street Car Men Have Demands
San Francisco, April 21). Tho ftrlko
on tho street railway system of tho
United Railroads, which went Into
effect n week ago, It officially declared
off. Victory rests with tho employes,
who aro conceded all their ptincipal
demands. Tho United Railroads hnvo
granted an advance in wages, a 10 hour
day and In a measure recognised tho
carmen's union.
On tho question of unionism tho
agreement provides that tho company
will maintain such regulations as will
enable full attention to all complaints
made directly by its employes; will
causo prompt Investigation to 1k mado
of such complaints, and when It dlscov
eisthosanio to lto well founded will
rectify any wrongs found to olxst. It
will not, however, deal in matters in
volving tho management of it; own
affairs with other than its own em
ployes or committees thereof. Tho
company recognize tho right of every
person to belong or to refuse to belong
to a labor union, and it will discharge
no employe because of his connection
with such n union.
Tho company agrees to pay a flat rate
of 25 cents an hour, or 23, S cents nu
hour, together with a bonus for long
service as tho employe may elect. A
rate qt 30 cents per hour will bo paid
for overtime. All runs aro to b fin
ished within 14 hours from tho time of
commencement. Tho employes aro to
bo allow ed full liberty when off duty.
The Ex-Secretary of Agriculture and Founder
of Arbor Day Passes Away.
Chicago, April 20. Hon. J. Sterling
Morton, ox-secretary of agriculture,
died at Lako Forest, at tho homo of ills
son, Mark Morton. For several weeks
Mr. Morton has been gradually falling.
Tiio nature of his sickness had not been
determined, and a week ago ho was
brought from his home at Nebraska
City, Neb., to Lako Forest for medical
attention. Tho change brought no im
provement, and ho declined gradually
until death camo.
Death was duo to cerebral thrombus.
Tho Illness of Secretary Morton dates
from last November, when ho con
tracted a severe cold while speaking at
tho stock show in Chicago. Tho cold
run into an attack of la gripj, and
Mr. Morton was in a hospital for some
timo. When he was able to do so he
returned to his home in this city, where
he suffered a relapse. After a partial
recovery ho left caily in January foi
Uie City of Mexico, accompanied by his
son, Paul Morton, vice president ot
the Santa Fe Railway. Mr. Morton
continued to grow worse in tho South
ern country, however, and six weeks
ago he returned to his old homo in
Nebraska. He then camo to Chicago.
where it was believed he would havo
better medical treatment. After ho
arrived here ho improved somewhat,
and it was believed for a timo he would
entirely recoier from his ailment.
Last week he sultered a stroko of apo
plexy, from which he never recovered.
A second stroko proved fatal.
His threo sons, Paul Morton, Joy
Morton and Mark Morton, were at the
bedside when the end came.
Spotted Fever Kills Eight.
Missoula, Mont., April 29. Tho
spotted fever scourgo in the Bitter Root
valley has broken out with greater vio
lence than at any timo known within
the history of tho peculiar disease
Eight persons havo already died of the
strange malady within a week, and tho
deathB of several more are oxiioctcd
Today a number of cases were reported
to tho authorities. Tho diseaso is un
known elsewhere, and thus far has
ballied the physicians. Nearly every
victim that contracts the fever dlos.
Tho disease commences with a fever
like typhoid, and spots begin to show-
all over the body. Tho spots Increase
in size and at death tho victim is
spotted like a rattlesnake.
Bloody Riots at Moscow.
Vienna, April 29. A dispatch to tho
Algemeino Zeitung from St. Petersburg,
published today, announces that six
riots of strikers havo taken placo at
.Moscow, and that the military dis
persed tho rioters with much bloodshed.
One report says that 50 persons were
killed or wounded. Kovolts of peas
antry in tbo provinces of Southern
Russia, tho dispatch adds, aro causing
a more erf thai situation, particularly
at Kiel: ami l oitava, whore the troops
wero required to snppresstho outbreak,
Peace Prospects Improving.
London, April 29. Cabling from Jo
hannesburg, tho correspondent of tho
Daily Telegraph says that General Do
larey, with his staff, arrived at Klorks-
dorp, Transvaal, yostorday. Social
dispatchos received horo from Pretoria
show that Gonerai Dolaroy had been In
consultation with his commando two
days previously, and that the other
Boer loaders aro still conferring witl
the burghers. From this it is inferred
that tho prospects for peace aro improv
Large Railroad Deal.
St. Louis, A pi 11 29. Tho Post Dis-
patch says: It was stated on good a u
thority in financial circles today that
the Mercantile Trust Company has
finally closed a deal by the terms of
which it pledges itself to finance tho
Tennessee Central Railroad to the
amount of (15,000,000. This is tho
largest transaction of its kind that has
been mado by a St. Louis financial in
Veteran Packer Sells Out.
Soattlo, April 29. George T. Myers,
tho pointer and veteran salmon packer
of Puget sound, today closed out his
entire plant hero, consisting of machin
ery, fish traps, solnos and other fishing
outfits, togother with the steam tugs
GoorgoT." and "SalUe H. to differ
ent companies on Puget sound. It was
a surprise to most of the people on
Puget sound, as ho Is known to bo tho
father of tho salmon cannery business
on Puget Bound, and has always been
It Is tht Geary Law Re eaacted with Slight
Modifications The Operation of the Law
In the Philippines, Including Registration
ol Chinese Now There, Is Placed In the
Hands of tht Philippine Commission.
Washington, April 30. Tho cole
fcreos'oii tho 1'hlnoso exclusion bill
havo reached a complete agreement on
tho bill. Their report was submitted
to the senate and house in tho after
noon, and In each Instance adopted
without debate. Tho bill now goes to
tho president for his approval, which
is assured by tho firm stand ho haa
taken (or tho measure.
The bill strikes out that portion of
tho senate hill limiting tho extension
of all existing laws to tho llto of tho
present treaty, and re-enacts them so far
as Is not Inconsistent with tho treaty
obligations until otherwise provided by
law, mid extends tho laws to our island
territory so far ns applicable. It al
lows Chinese to enter for exwitlon
purpose and retains tho provision re
garding certification in tho 1'lilllpplne.-.
Senator Piatt, ol Connecticut, a
member of tho conference committee,
by way of explanation In tiio senate
stated that nu definite limitation should
bo placed iion tho operation of tho
Geary law, as re-enacted, but that it
should remain in force until otherwise
provided by law. lie explained that
the operation of tho law In tho Philip
pines, imludlug n registration of tho
Chinese in the islands, had been placed
In the hands of tho Philippine commis
sion, but tho commission would havo
no authority to admit Chinese to the
Five Persons Killed, Torty Injured, and Much
Property Destroyed.
Dallas, Tex., April 30. A telephone
message from Morgan, Tex., says a
tornado pasevd over Glenroso, a small
town in Somorvlllo county, between 5
and 6 o'clock this afternoon, killing
five persons, injuring 40 more ami de
molishing much projierty.
Tho courthouse waa badly damaged,
n printing office wns blown away, two
saloons were badly dumagrd, Milam's
wareroom was demolished, I.lly.t Sons'
grocery More was blown awny, a black
smi'h .shop was destroyed and four
buildings of Hendricks A Son were
totally demolished.
Ono third of the business houses of
tho town were demolished. Assistance
lias been scut to (ilenrosofrom Morgan,
but it will bo morning lieforo anything
like dofinito particulars aro obtainable.
New Transcontinental Line.
Chicago, April 30. Senator Kearns,
of Utah, Perry S. Heath, also of Utah,
and R. C. Kerens, of St. 1OuIb, spent
the day In Chicago, conferring regard
ing tho affairs of the Us Angoles-Salt
Lake railway. Mr. Kerens, in nu in
terview, confirmed tho recent reports
that tho Goulds havo become Interested
with Senator Clark in this enterprise,
and that the outcome of tho alliance
would bo a new transcontinental line.
Connections havo lieen secured nut of
Cleveland to Xancsvillo, O., and theme
to Bellinger, W. Vn., from where n
connection will lie mado with Nuwort
News or Baltimore, either by purchase
of tho Western Maryland, owned by tho
city of Baltimore, or by tho building of
a new road.
Harmony Among Cubans.
Havana, April 30. Prcsldont-eleet
Palma loft Bayamo early this morning
for Manzanillo. At lara ho met Gon
oral Ilartolome Maso, the candidate for
tho Democratic party for tho presidency
of Cubi, but who withdraw from tho
campaign and received an affectionate
greeting from him. General Maso
pledged his support to tho president
elect. The reception accorded Senor
Palma at Manzanillo outdid any thus
far tendered him. Tho entire Spanish
colony turned out In his honor.
Professor Strong Goes to Kansas.
Lawrence, Kan., April 20. Tho re
gents of tho .University of Kansas have
olectod nr. frank htrong, now presl
dent of tho University of Oregon, to bo
chancellor. Ho will take up his new
duties at tho beginning of tho next
school year. Tho salary to bo paid Dr.
Strong is 1 1,500, tho same that I)r
Snow, his predecoflor, received.
Brownsville Dank Robbed.
Ilrownsvillo, April 30. Tho vault of
tho Hank ol Ilrownsvillo was rohhed to
day at 12:30 o'clock, while Cashier J.
II. Glass was at dinner, lho exact
amount stolen cannot bo given nt tills
time because of tho fact that tho books
havo not been posted. President W. P
hlmoro places tho amount at about
f 1,500.
Increase National Bank Deposits.
Washington, April 30. Secretary
Shaw said today that on May 1 ho
would increase tho deposits in national
bank depositories by f3,000,000 or
1 1,000,000. Ho will doslgnato a few
additional depositories. It is under
stood further that Increase in deposits
will bo mado alter .May 1, as tho repeal
of the war revenue act is expected to
result In a sharp docreaso in tho gov
ernment receipts from tho beginning of
tho fiscal year, whon tho law takes encct.
Thousands of Peasants Revolt.
St. Petersburg, April 30. Tho peas
ants in tho Poltaya and Kharkoff pro
vinces, whoro 18,000 aro roportod to be
participating in riots, have already
sacked 80 estates, where thoy destroyed
ovorytliing they could not cafrv off.
Tho wholo region is terrorized and land
owners and steward a aro fleeing for
safety. Tho fear Is increasing that
Kharkolt ami other lowns will bo at-
tacKod, Some of tho authorities are
Bhowlng weakness and pusillanimity,
while others aro cruelly vigorous and
are causing wholesale floggings.
A Letter Throws Some Light on Uen. Smith's
Order Anent Filipinos.
Washington, April 20. Adjutant
General Corhlu has received u loiter
from Henry C. Mii'ook, of Philadel
phia, In regard lo the reported orders
of General Smith lo destroy all Fili
pinos found In arms 10 years ot ago
mid upward.
"Sergeant Drown, honorably dis
charged after full service from Com
pany (I, Second regiment. In which my
son, First Lieutenant Paul McCook, in
nn officer," says; Mr. Mcl'ook, "visited
mo this week. Ills, company was sta
tioned in TnynbiiB province, mid ho
said ho had never seen tho water cure
practiced, or any other methods ot tor
ture. 1 asked hlui what was tho physi
cal standing of a youth of 10 years In
the Philippines, lie answered that a
10-yoar-oid lad would alpout rate with
n lft-yoar-old boy hero. Ho further
Inloniod mo that hoys ot that ago and
up to 12 could lioar arms, greatly to the
disadvantage of their opponents; that
ho had seen youths of that ago and two
or throe vetira older among tho Insnr
rectos ami ladrnuvs captured, and he
further said that sometimes thorn
would ho n considerable proportion ol
such Ihij-h In tho hostile ranks, us rep
resented hy those who sin rendered and
those taken prisoners.
"Of course, It Is most shocking to
our Ideas of what Is allowable, even
under the extremes! exigencies of war
fare, to think of children ol 10 or 12
years of age ns being subject lo tho
severities administered to their seniors.
Yet It occurred to mo that tho alsivo
facts, If they Ki slated, may put a
somewhat different color upon the re
puted order of General Smith."
Succmlul Wlrelrss Telegraphy.
Norfolk, Va., April 2ft. Tests of tho
now government system of wireless
telegraphy wero made today at lioauoko
island, Pamlico sound, More a number
of naval exKrts. Tho tests wero in
charge of Professor Reginald l-'ostoudcii,
of Allegheny, Pa., who Is now attached
to tho weather bureau service, and who
Is thejlnveiitor of that system. It Is
nknowlcdgod that tho feaslhllty mid
practicability of sending w irelewt tele
graphic messages at sea quickly and ac
curately by the new system has been
demonstrated beyond doubt. Tho ex
K'rlmonti wero conducted from Capo
llattoras to Itoauoko Island, a distance
of Ii0 miles by an entirely salt water
Money lor Coait Cities.
Washington, April 2S. Tho omul-
bun putillc huildim; bill, lust Intro
ducod in tho house, carries ( 150,000
for enlarging tho Portland pustolllre
and Fedora! court building, ami 10,000
for the exterior Mulsh of tho Portland
custom house. The hill also appro
prlates 1150,000 additional for tho So
attlo building, making the total ninnutit
appropriated ftl00,000. Sixty thous
and dollars each is appropriated forTa
coma and Spokane for the purchase of
public building sites, tho bill stipulat
ing that these sites shall embrace ail
entire city block, ami shall bo hounded
by a street on four sides.
Mammoth Drydoek.
Now Yoric, April 28. Plans which
aro being prepared by tho yards and
docks departments of tho Now York
navy yard Indicate that ono of tho
largest drydocks in tho t'nlted Stales
will Ixi built at tho local navy yard. It
will cost about f 1. 000,000, and will l
ouiu entirely oi concrete. Whon lln
Ishod it will bo of siilllient
commodato tho lamest l.ntth. hlti of
tho navy, or any tho navy may bullet in
mo near iiiiuro. It will ho 000 feet
lonu by 00 foot wide at tho liottnm
with a clearance of .11 feet of water
over tho sill of the dock.
Senator In Street Fight."
Wnshintgou, April 20. Senator It
D. Money, of Mississippi, had nn alter
cation with a conductor on a street car
this morning, which resulted in tho
senator receiving two severe blows from
tho conductor, and tho conductor being
cut quito wnerely in tho right hand
with a knlfo. Tho senator refused to
pay two fares and afterwards had his
assailant arrested.
Queen Dangerously III.
Amsterdam, April 28. In official
circles no amelioration of Queen Wll
holmina'sj condition is admitted, nod
her doctor's admission that sho is not
sleeping well is taken as a hud sIkii
It is alleged that tho dlsnntchos from
tho royal family concerning tho queen's
condition differ substantially from tho
medical imllotlne on tho subject.
Machlas Returns bom Docas.
Colon, Colombia, April 28 The
United States gunboat Jlachias re
turned to Loion today from Bonis del
Toro, where quiet has been restored.
T Is city was reinforced yesterday by
350 soldiers from Panama.
Root Inspects Cuban Improvemenfs.
Havana, April 20. Secretary Root
has Inspected tho rchools. hospitals. In.
stitutlons and general Improvements
mauo in an departments under Amor
lean intervention.
Fifty Injured In Wreck.
London, April 28. Fifty persons
wore injured this morning in an acci
dent on tho Great Enstorn Railway,
near tllll llni-linnv Illiwim .Inllm, A-
n truin from Walthamstowu, cnllod the
thre? penny train, was crossing a
uriugo, an nxio oi tho car nearest tho
locomotive broke, and tho coach jumped
tho rails, dasliod into tho sldo of tho
brldco and Irshrml tirrnntt hnlh irmt,u
Tho train was flllod with workmen on
their way to work.
Treaty's Second Reading.
Connnlincrnn. Anrtl ou 'rim Intnl..
thlnir has nnssnd tho nnroml romllm, at
tho mnloritv mnort no tlm trnnfv n,n.
vidlng for the salo of tluVDanlsh West
India Islands to tho Un! led States by a
majority oi az. iwoiiiy-oignt mem-
fAru nlififnltlml fpnn, vnltnnr Tim ..
HU..M..IV.. .U... .llUUUltly
win now no uiscussou ny tno loustlilng,,
Howard Acquitted. ,
Frankfort, Ky., April "JV. Borry
Howard, the alleged principal in the
assassination of Govornr Goobel, wns
acquitted today.
Joplln, Mo,, Sullcred h Loss ot $300,000 In
Properly and Two Persons Killed and
Six Fatally lrut(tl-Number ol People
were lnured at Omaha and llulldlngs
wert Unrooted.
Joplln, Mo., April 28. Jnpllii was
visited during tho evening by tho most
destructive storm In Its history, during
which two persons wero killed out
right, six tntally Injiitcd, n score or
more slightly hurt ami f.'IOO.OOO worth
of property destroyed. It li estimated
that 50 building were destroyed.
Tho worst fury of tho storm was felt
in tho suburbs west of Joplln. Tho
wind was a straight gale, but It mis of
terrible velocity, whipping down scores
of houses In the south part ot the west
part of tho clt and wrecking 100,000
worth ol tho finest mining plants in
tills district. Tho worst havoc In .lop
liu City was In a territory four blocks
wide, commenting at lho western lim
its nt tho city, at Seventeenth street,
and ending at Seventh street, on the
east. Within this narrow Indt there la
scarcely a house building which la lint
Passing east from tho main pott inn
ol tho city tho storm scnt its fury In
suburb and mining districts known ns
Moonshine Hill and Villa Heights.
Two persons wero killed at Moonshine
Hill. Ol tho little homo ot llldwell
Hunter not a timber is left standing
and the three Inmates of tho house nro
dying, all having had their skulls fine
Onmaha, April 28. An unusually
heavy wind storm, which struck this
city In tho evening, injured a number
of people mid unrooted a number of
huildlngn. There was a heavy down
pour of rujn. Street curs wero stopid
for an hour; wires and signs wero
blown down In all directions. -
lllnomlngton, 111., April 28. A furi
ous wind storm, amounting nlmoul to a
tornado, struck llloomiugtnii tonight.
Many buildings wore ihimnged. lto
imrtn from Central Illinois show- that
tho storm was widosKad.
Show of Force and Ihe Capture of a Tort
Drought Them to Terms,
Washington, April 28. djutatit
(ieueral Corhlu tisluy made public tho
following extract from a cablegram just
roccUrd from (ieneral Chaffeo respect
ing tho situation in Mindanao, dated
Manila, April 24:
"lteforu Italdw in could I o communi
cated with lie had taken tho fort at
I'ualo after slight resistance. No cas
ualties. Very soon after tho nelghlsir
ing town of (Siiuals opened Its disirs,
hoisted white (lags and dellwicd the
red Hag. Hato Uinio and others with
a strong following asked ermisisou to
call and make peace. Dato Amalil
Pack, of Gaiia, who sent threatening
messages In reply to my letter, in ono
of those who have submitted. Tho
camp is two miles from liana, whoso
sultan has asked llaldwin tociuno there.
Hnvo directed him not to move. Ho Is
10 miles from Hato.
"It is my pursro to havo an Inter
view with l ieneral Davis. Will go on
tho Hancock, which leaves hero today
for Mnlabang with a I attallon ot tho
Tenth Infantry. It Is our purpow to
show a considerable force of troops to
tho lako Morcw, converse witli tho
Dates, then retire tho trisqis by differ
ent trails to Malubang and Parang;
thereafter to send expeditions occasion
ally to the hike.
"Wo supposed (iana was 35 miles
from Malabang. It Is actually a short
21 miles. No fighting necessary to
overcome tho opjmsitiou tn advance to
present location of troops; 776 men
with llaldwin, two troops cavalry, dis
mounted, 12 miles In tho rear. Every
effort will bo made to prevent a general
war. Davis says tho situation at tills
time Is very favorable."
Would lllow Up a Warship.
Paris. April 28. A dispatch to tho
Journal dos Pohatn from Toulon says n
young sailor has been arrested on board
tho French battleship Charles Martel
for seeking to enlist several comrades
In n plot to blow up that vessel. A
melinite cartridge wns found secreted
In a coal hunker. It Is believed tho
sailor's brain became affected by tho
anarchistic Ideas ot which ho boasted.
Trcsty with Colombia Signed.
Washington, April 2(1. Secretary of
State Hay, for tho United States, and
Minister Concha, for Colombia, havo
signed treaty providing for tho trans
fer to tho United States of the rights
incident tn tho construction of tho pro
posed Panama canal. This treaty in
similar to tho protocol recently signed,
the terms of which havo been pub
lished. Iowa Block Destroyed.
Des Moines, la., April S8.-Firo at
Red Oak this morning burned ono
wholo block, entailing n loss ol $ 225,
000, ol which but ono-thlrd Is covered
hy insurance. Flames wero discovered
In tho Houghton block, at the south
east corner of tho square at 3 o'clock,
and he to re tho volunteer flro depart
ment could respond they wero swept
across tho street Into a long lino of
frame hulldingb, Including n livery
barn and implement warehouse.
Disagreement on Exclusion Dill.
Washington, Aplrl 20, Tho con
ferees on the Chinese exclusion bill has
decided to report n disagreement to
each houso. Tho point of difforonco is
tho date us to whon the law- shall ox-
tend, the houso contending' for un In-
'"Unite period, and tho senate boinc
equally firm in Insisting that tho law
shall not last boyoud tho life of tho
treaty. Tho houso conferees hnvo held
out at tho earnest roquost of tho Cal
ifornia delegation, but It is believed
that whon a further conference is or
dered an agreomsnt will be reached,