Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 02, 1902, Image 4

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f roprlitora.
CJ.mWARD. - - iWr.
LCnW.IIBNRV, AMoctai Editor
nd Builaui Mimir.
KnUtrUt Iht txntolllf t CnttI Orort,
Oraiou iScotit CUn mlt mt'r.
Hohicrtpfloll pt, I 'lTc.
Artinrtl.liiB in'" known upon
A.lrrllln. Atrency, "n,"
thtnn. San Kranrlo. California. wr eo"-
tractifor adrertlilnc nt boraada for II.
Friday, May a, 1902.
For Xembor of ronT. Fint Dlst.
tlovtmor-W, J. Fnrnljb.ol remlle-
l8apreiii Jodto-R. 8. Bn, ol Kn-
'SmUij ol PUW-F. I. Danbar, ol
Antorla. ...
HtatTrfiirr-C. 8. Moore, Klmlh,
Uonwr 0nnl-A. M. Crawford, of
Rmeturr. .... ...
Stale Mnter-J. It. Whltnry. ol At-
Bnpr rlntcndcnt ol Public IntlrucHon
). II. Arktrman.ot rortUnd.
Brnator ....
J. M. SlIKlAEY. Kucrnt.
I. N. EDWARDS, Junction.
R. V, LEE, Junction.
. j. jniissov.crMtrelL
II. D. fcDIAKDS,r.nni;ncia.
. GEO. r. CRAW. Knnna.
X Altetaor
D. r.BCKTOX.CotUfeOroTe.
BurreTor-- ,1Mn.
DR. C. B. KIN'G. Eojrene.
Last wcclc there was a large de
mand for Nuggets, some fifty 01
ders being left which we were un
able to fill. For the benefit of
those -wishing a copy of this week's
paper we wish to say that we have
a number of extras this week at
your service.
Faith Stewart, one of the rescue
workers, identified with the slum
work of Portland, and directly in
strumental in bring about a reform
in the lives ol a number of way-
ward girls, was pounced ujKjn and
horribly beaten and strangled by
five brutal men Monday evening
, while on her return home from a
i visit to some girl whom she was
trying to save from a life of shame.
The brutes who committed the
dastardly assault are supposed to
' be of those who have suffered the
loss of their victims through the
good work for humanity of Miss
Stewart. It is doubtful if the men
will be run to ground, but every
one should be caught if possible
and sent over the road for life, or
hanged. It is time the City of
Portland should crawl out of the
yoke of slum rule and tyrany.
The Guard lays particular stress
upon Geo. Chamberlain's "char
acter and conscience." Well, it is
generally conceded that a man who
is nominated lor governor of a state,
even by the democratic party, has
both. There is no use raising such
a howl about it. No one disputes
it; and it is to be hoped that he
has some business qualifications
also, although the fact that he has
allowed his name to head the demo
cratic ticket is not significant that
he has.
Mr. J. H. Glass, banker at
Brownsville, locked up bis bank
the other day and left some $1800
ol the bank fnnds out of the vault.
While gone some parties broke in
and relieved the bank of its funds so
carelessly displayed. If a banking
business is worth running at all it
is worth running right, and in place
of leaving it at the noon hour a
.trusted man bhonM be placed be-
tkind the counters with a Winches
With a railroad to Bohemia, with
good mines developed, with the
timber industry well in hand, with
the aid of the farming and stock
industry, this section of Oregon
will soon become one of the richest
localities in the state.
Have you become thoroughly
familiar with the following: O. &
S. E. R. R.
Lack of space necessitates a lack
of news this week.
Establish all kinds of enterprises.
Have you registered?
Build Sawmills.
Build Railroads.
Build Smelters.
The regents of the state univer
sity of Kansas recently elected Dr,
Strong of the U of O. as chnticclj
lof and as the salary of $4500 is an
inducement worth consideration
Mr. Strong has decided to accept
the position., Dr, Strong says he
likes his Oregon position very
much, but the salary offered nt the
University of KhiimS is higher.
The library facilities of the Univer
sity of Oregon are not so extensive
as those of older I'isiitiUions, and
Dr. Strong has been asked to do n
very important picjee ol historical
work for a large English publish
ing company, and he felt that he
could attend to it much better
there. The university has taoo
Narrow Kscapk.
Ed Hansen, n workman at the
Straton hydraulic mine on Rogue
near Galice, accidentally stepped
into the sluice in the digging
Monday, and before he could re
cover himself was swept over the
flume and thrown over the dump,
falling a distance of 25 feet and
rolling down the precipice some 60
feet further. He was picked up
more dead than alive anil taken to
the bunkhouse of the mine. Luckily
and miraculously no bones were
broken though he was badly shook
up by the fall. Hansen is from
Portland. G. P. Observer.
Warkhousk Porchaskd.
Cy Bingham has purchased the
Warehouse property on Row River
and will refit, renovate-and thor
oughly equip it for the benefit of
the traveling public enroute to the
mines. The Warehouse is an ideal
place for a country hotel being a
fair day's drive from this city, sur
rounded by mines, magnificent
hunting and fishing grounds, and
with Mr. and Mrs. Bingham in
charge it will soon become one of
the best known summer resorts in
Oregon. The Nugget extends congratulations.
Orqanizb a Team.
At the baseball meeting held at
the Sherwood hotel last Friday
evening the following officers were
elected for the season: F. D.
Wheeler, manager; C. W. Wal
lace, secretary; Geo. McQueen,
treasurer; and Lee W. Henry, cap
tain. Committees were also ap
pointed to look up and secure
suitable grounds and to see the
business men in regard to the sup
port of a team. The meeting was
very enthusiastic and well attended.
First Ball Game.
Last Sunday quite an interesting
ball game took place down cn the
old grounds near the track, be
tween two picked nines, resulting
in a score of five to eight. Nine
full innings were played and some
good practice was secured. We
have some good base ball material
here and all the boys need is prac
tice and lots of it.
Base Ball.
The Lorane'boys are going to
maintain their past record as base
ball enthusiasts. They have al
ready organized this season's team
as follows: C. C. Davis. Stanley
Lockwood, Garfield Crow, Adolph
Piper, Elmer Crow, James Has
kins, Edward Fierraan, Samuel
Hartley and Blair Atkinson, C. C.
Davis, captain.
Prohibition Convention.
The prohibitionists of Lane
county will hold their county con
vention on Saturday of this week
at 10 a. m. in the courthouse. A
full county ticket is expected to be
put in the field. The prohibitiou-
ists bad a ticket out two years ago,
and 237 was the highest vote cast
for any candidate, that of C. A.
Jackson for prosecuting attorney.
Public lecture.
Mrs. Mary Teats, of Cal., Nat.
Purity Evangelist of the W. C. T.
U., will hold a series of meetings in
Cottage Grove, May 11, 12, 13,
meeting every afternoon at 2:30 and
evenings at 7:45. Meeting for men
only on Sunday afternoon, "Out of
Time With the Infinite," or the
Wav of God in Marriage. Public
Eugene People.
Among the Eugene contingents
who so generously responded to our
invitation to take part in the raili
road celebration may be mentioned;
Senator R. A. Booth and wife, Sen
ator Win. Kuykendall, Hon. S. H.
Friendly, F, L. Chambers, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Renshaw, and Alf
Soldiers en route.
A train load of 267 recruits for
the U. S. army passed through
here last 1 Sunday enroute to Van
couver, For Sale.
A number of fine yearling Cotts
wool bucks for sale. Inquire of D.
G- McFarland.
For over thirty yearn I hnve Ihhmi
a sufferer 01 kidney mm Dimmer
trouble, ami have tried vurloun
klmlH of remedies but Dyson &
Mltehell'H Kidney and Wood runner-linn
done me mow Rood tlmn
nnvtlittiR I have ever tried.
J. T. Camiwki.i., Cottngv llrovo.
Medicine on mile at New Krn Drop
Htorv. Patent applied for.
not ick for Tu hi.Toation.
United State Land Oflire,
lloseburg, Oregon, Feb., 17. IPOs.
Notice l hereby given tlmt In vonipll
mice with the provision ol the Net of
Congress ot Jtiuu :i, ISTS. eiitlthil "An
net lor the salt; of timber UmN In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Wimhliigtiiu Ti rrltury'wivxleiiiled
tn all the Public tawl Slate a by act of
August , ISflS. (.itHiiye II. l'arr of Ab
erdeen. Coiliitv of Chchaha Slate of
Washington, ' has till- day lllrd
in thin oillcu hit nivorn xlatcii.ent No.
H5, for the purchase of the SWof
Section No. SO, Townhlp III Soulb, of
ll.tngo MVw'j ami will offer proot to
xliow that the land otii;hl la more vain
iblc for iti timlH-r or atone than for
atrriiMiltural purpie, and to c-tnbllsli
Ida claim I raid land before Marie I..
Ware, V. S. CVimniiralnner, of Kncene,
Ori-ipm. on Tuculav, the -TUh day of
lie names aa vitneaea:
Arthur I-:. Smith, John It. Itoaclton,
R. J. Watt, of Kiitfene, Oregon, Char
le K. Sawver, of Aberdeen, Washing
ton. Any and all person claiming adverse
ly the abovu decrila.Hl hind are re
n'nested to tile their claim In tliii olllce
011 orbcfoio raid Sth day of May, 1!HV..
J. T. Hiiiixikm, KruiMcr.
NOT1CK rOlt I'L'lll.lCATlO.N.
United Slates Land Ottice,
Koxehtin:, Oregon, Feb. 17, HXrJ.
Notice ia hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
CongrcM of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the aale of timlK'r land in the
State of California. Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," a extended to
all thel'nblie Land State by act of Au
gust 4, 1S9'J, Andrew M. Fry, of Aurora,
Ciunty of Mar nn. Slate l UeMi,
nas this dav tiled in thiaottict- herenorii
statement No. 2249. for tho purchase ol
the NW Spetion No. 31, Township 20
oiitli, ol Knnge o est, and will oner
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for it titular or atone
than for agricultural p'irposes.aiid to es
tablish hisclaim to said land before the
Krgiderand Receiver of thi oflice at
Kosebiirg, Oregon, on Tlmredav, the 2Sth
dav of July, 1002.
She name aa wltnessea;
I.. Wcla rt, . W. Fry. K. Will and C
-nvner'of Aurora Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tlie alaive-deserilped land are re
quested to tile their claim in thi office
on or before said 28lli day of Jnlv. 1U02.
J. T. Baitxties. Register.
United State Ltnd Office,
Roeburg, Oregon, Feb., 17, 11102.
Notice, ia hereby given that in eoinpli
4iicc with tho provision of the act of
Congress ot June I), 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
Elates of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory. a extended to
all the Public ImihI Stale by act of Au
gust 4. 1802. John C. Frv. of Aurora.
Count v of Marion, Slate of Oreg'iu,
has tins dav tiled in this ottice his sworn
statement Nn. 2250, for the purchase o
ihe NW '4 of Section No. 2, Town-hip
20 South, of IUugu II West nod
will offer proof to show that lhc
land inflight i juore valuable for il
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land Ixjforc the Register ami Re
ceiver of this office at Roseluirg, Oregon.
onThurwIay,thu2.Stliii.iy of July, 11102.
He name aa witnesses:
C. Snyder, I.. Webeit, K. Will. O. W.
Fry, of Aurora, Oregon .
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the nlwve-descrila-d land are re
quested tn Hie. their claim in thi office
on or before aid 2Sth day of July, 1IW2.
J.T. llniiHir.s, Ileuisler.
United State Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Apr. 10, ll)02.x
Notico i hereby given that in com
pliance with the provision ot the act of
Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An
net for the sale of timber land in the
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, ami Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States
by act of August 4, 18112, Duncan Scott,
of Kugene, County of line. State of
Oregon, ha this day tiled in this oflice
Ilia aworn statement No. 2220, for the
purchase of the NW 1-4 of Section
No. 30, Township 10, South, of
Range5 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more
valuable for il timber or atone that for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land befoie the Reg
ister and Receiver of thi office at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Thursday, tho 24th
day of July, 1002.
fin name as witnesses:
John R. Ifazelton, Arthur H. Smith,
U e Haielton, Warren C. Smith, of Crow,
Any ami all persons claiming adverse
ly the abuve-described hind are re
quested to file their claim in this office
on or before said 24th day of July, 1002.
J. T. liniiKiKS, Register.
NoriCK for puhuoationT
United State Land Oflice,
Roseburg, Oregon Apr. 12, 1902.
Notice i hereby given that in compli
ance with the provision of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timlier lands in the
State of California, Oregon, Nevada,
atid-Washington Territory," a extended
to all the l'uliliu Land State by act of
August 4, 1892, Aiiioh 0. Stanbrotigh,
of Nen berg, County of Yamhill. State of
Oregon, has thisdsy filed in thiollicohis
sworn statement No. 2207, for tho pur
chase of tlio NW Vi, of Section No. 22,
Township 20 South, of Range 0 W. and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuablo for Its timber
or stone tlmn for agricultural purpose.,
and to establish her claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Roseburg, Oregon, 011 Thurs
day, the 17th day of July, 11)02.
lie nan ea as witnesses :
G. Gray. u. Snyder, J. Carpenter, A.
K. Will, of Aurora, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adverse
ly the above-described land are re
quested to file their claim in this office
on or before said 17th day of July, 1C02.
J. T. ISitiDdKS, Register.
Land Office at Roseburtr, Oregon,
April 30, ItOi.
N'otlro Is hereby given that lie (oliowtnt
namuil settler hu tiled notice of his Intention
tomaVeAnal commutation proof In upport
ol hlnclalm, and that said proof will
he made beforeMarle L. Ware, U. B.
Commissioner at Ungeno, Oregon, on
June IS, I'M!, , vlii Augmt Medtke on
II. K. No. 8869. for the 8 JJ S &B H H H
Bee. 21, 3 weit.
He neraei the following wltneuet to prove
hli continuous reiidenco upon and cultivation
ol said land, vlii .... .
Kenton Wimarson, Frank Allison, Joe I'er
kins, Ulriin Lot, of Cottage drove. Oregon.
1, T IJbipoes, Itegliter,
StttNOMt MtM. VOR Sl'RINGl'IltM)
A new shingle mill with a c -p.tclty
of 30,000 n dqy will be pi t
in operation nt Springfield within
thirty days nnd will employ cigl t
or ten men, Shingles arc being
shipped in Irom Washington to
supply the local demand now hence
there is sure to l a good market
for the entire output of the mill.
Plenty of good cedar timber is said
to be available to supply the mill.
11. A. Washburn, Welby Stevens
nnd Jntucs Cl.trke are tho pto-moters.
I a I..
1 1 ft7l7l)C1 exceptional Values: A Dainty piece ol tuckinir ?o Inchw-Mx V"""5
AljlUVMlO 0,le mc wide and 7 clusters of cmbtoidcty tucks oni.tcetuck.etuh.JSU.. y
40c, to $1.25
400 to 60c a yard.
(I l(
18 inch TiiekltiK 5 rows liuerllni:, j tnwi
Very nent pattern nt 7cts a yntd
hemMltch tucks -
Allm-xr f-nre III 'white OlllV l
. ., - . 1 ... 1 m i p nniicrii 111 v. " 1
Aiiovcr excepuuiiHi .uuc -.!
REAL liliAl
Unltnl Slates laind Office,
Rosuliuig, Oiegon, Api,,'.'l, Wi.
Notbe 1 heieby given that In coinpll
ancu with the pi'ovislnn of the act of
Congress of June 8, 1S7H, entitled "All
ad tort lie sale ol limlcr lauds In the
State ot Oalifornia, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Tvrriiorv,"na extended
10 all the l'ulille baud State by net of
August 4, 1S9', Khner 0. Will.of Aiiiora,
County of Marion, State of Oregon ha
thi day Med in ihl office her sworn
statement No. S-JAI, for the ouivh.ise of
the Northeast ipiarter ot Seetioii
No. 88, Tounship L'O Soulb, of
Range U West, ami will olfer proof to
show that tlie laud sought is mine
valuable for lis timber or stone than fm
agricultural purHHCH, ami 10 establish
herchiim tosaid laml l-foie the Regis
ter itnd Heceiv.T of this office at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Monday the -3th day
o'Jnlv I9J2
She name as witnesses:
tt. W. I'rv.C. Snyder, I.. Wobert and
a. M. Fry, of Aurora O v in.
An v unit nil Hrsim claiming ailversti
ly the alHive-descriUil land aro re
i'lesieil to tile their claims in this otlicc
011 or bjforo said 2'itli 1l.1v of July, I90J.
J . T. llitllMiKa, Register.
Cnu never be Artifiicinl. No
otic really ail mites a woman's fig
ure if it is conformed to the futidn
uicutnl shape nf simie
Qucciiy Forracil Corset
Our Slays follow nature's lines
They do not cIiiuikc a perfect lig
ure: thev imnlv help clunisv
women to look jjrnetful.
5Qc loSl.v
t.1 IT M
Dliu dortsl.'
No otic iirllde tniikfi houie look cosier or
mote comfortable ihnii nice CutbiliiH drupe il
ht-ic nnd theie. Dnr I .ace CiittnliiH will
help miikc yotu home umie chcerfii
becdiise they nte SMtk1liiK New. lcnne
they nre pleiisiiiK "V0- lf"lu vS'"-"
ciuls. ?t . i 35. 3-5
Silks !23u loHrU 11 VU
When you come for O.toceiiet you
net the liest. No doubt nbout the
tiuulity noipiostion about superi
ority.' 1? RUSH HAC1I DAY.
and the liest each time you
lnv. liver v Cui'tiiiiier talk of
what we can anil will do for
It seems quite curly to ym. piobnbly,
to think of Wash Die-i Hoods, Imt we.
would like to siikkcM tlmt In buyiiu:
now you get find selections of the ptel'
ticst mid most bciiilifnl. We lve the
piettiest M-lections we have ever shown'
mid we shall be pit-awl to have you cull,
at vour eiulii-st coiivcuiciicc.
At Newland's
At Newland's
Unllisl State lind Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, April l, IW12.
Notice! hereby given that in com
pliance with tiie provisions of tho act of
Congress of June 8, ISTS, entitled "An
act (or the sale of limber lands in the
Sliile of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Terrilorv," a extended
to all the Public laitid States bv act of
August 4, ISlli.John II. V.iil of imeoii
ver. County of Clarek, Stite of Uregon,
ha this d.iv tlltsl in thi ottltv hi aworn
statement No. '-'ID"), for the purchase of
the SK'i, of Section No. 10,tonsMp -Jl
South, of Raiuzn 0 W. and will otter
proof to show that the land sought la I xjjj
imirt vulii.iltln for its limler or stone I
than for agricultural purHises, and to lll&l
esinhlish III claim to said land iH'forejVJ
the Register and Receiver of thi office i.nuj
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, "fff
Announcement at Lurch's
the 16th day of July, llHrJ.
tie name 11 witnesses.
W. I). Wolvert'in and 1'. Vail of Van
couver, Wash., lieo. Wisiley anil K.
Wooley, of li-.on, Orcgm.
Any anil all prsons claiming adverse
ly the nbovy-desenbed land are re
ijiie.'titl to tile their c'.iim in thi.- office
011 or ltfore.,j!id 15 h day of Jnlv, 1I0:
J. T. lliiiiKiK. Iteitister.
In Profusion.
S New Shirtwaists in Quantity and Quality.
1 1
United, tstntea Iiiiul Office. ,.K5
RostdiiiiTr. Ore.. Apr. 11. luns. Jft
Notice h hervb.v Iven tlmt In coin- 3
plluuci- with the provlHloiiH of the
net of CumnvxH "f June :i, ISTS. en-'
titled "An net for the sale of tlinlieri VjJ
In ,l,n'Uh,,M ,,f C,illf,nili flm- I tU
gnu, Nevudil. mid WiiHliliurtou Ter- r.i 11 fViT OUT 1 11 51 WJITC. to all the l'uli- CS V-itlll IOr OUT illlllcl. tllV,.
at., r , u . ... .... ..r 1 K.K
lie ianii nimi's 11,1 iili 111 rfiiiKii1-! . v
1S!I2. Heur" Rek. of Sllverton, tt
(tiioutr nf lurlnu. Stuto of On-iron. itSrj
hiiHthlM ilny tiled In thlx ofllee hll
aworn Mtiiteiuent No -".V-', for the'
purehiiM.' of the UK of Section No.
Jrt in Towtiahlp No. 211 S. ,
R-msj No. II W.. and will o'fer
proof to allow that the land poiiKht ,
la mori' vnlnnliH for Itn tliiila-r or
Htone than for iiirrlcultiiral purposeH.
and to estilbllah Ida claim to said '
land liefore the ReIater mid Re-1
eel ver of thla oflice at RoxvliiirK. On-
iron on ! ridny. the nth ifny of July,
He imineH iih wltiieHspa:
(1. A. Iloek, F. 1. Hurst. A. It. Cole
H. A. Knvilcr. of Aurora. Oreuon
Any and nil personH cIiiIiiiIiik ml-, A
vernely the nbove-ileHcrlla-iI InndH are 1 X
mw..,..,...! fll l,..l- ,.t,il,U In ttit.1 I V
IVlMltni,!, LM ,,111. tin ( ..l.r.
office on or before said 11th day
July. l)l.
J. T. IlmnnKH, Register,
Wc can lit you from Pocket book and Fancy. U
W.I7A ...
1 flf f!l Mujf.
ill on
You are entitled to it;
to -:tr.j:vijt VZ
: - fA
We desire to call your attention to our . ,
. Also our New Taffeta Ribbons, all widths, nil Colors. We
the Leading Shades, that we would be pleased to show you
: carry a full Line of Mercerised Goods
United Statea Ijind Office,
RowbtirK. Ore.. Apr.. 21, 11)02.
Notice 1h hereby Riven that In com
pliance with the provlHloiiH of the net
of ConirrcHH of Juno 3, 18T8, entitled
"An act for the aalu of timber landa
In the statea of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and WaahlnKtonTerritory,"
aa extended to all the Public Laud
StaU-H by act of AujriiHt 4, 1VJ2, Her
man T. Dow of Cottiuce Urove.
County of Lane, State of Oregon Iihh
tlila day tiled In tula office Ills aworn
Htatenient No. 2277, for thu piircliaw
of the N NW . HW NW NW
SWK of Section No. H, Twii, 2:1 .South.
of RniiKO 2 Wcat and will offer proof
to hIiow that tliclanil noiiKht la more
valualilc for Ita tlnilter or atone than
for iiKrlcultural purpoaea, mid to ea
tubllali Ilia claim to.Hald land la-fore
Marie L. Ware. U. S. CoininlKMlonerat
Eiifrene. OreKon. on Saturday, the
5th day of July, 1002.
He nanieH iih wltneHMOM:
Oacar O. Antclniaii, of Went 811
fterlor, WIh., Jiih. h. McConnlck,
Joacph Kclilee, of Cottiw Orove, Ore
gon, Win. WIttc, of Aiiioh, Ort'Kon.
Any ami all ikthoiih claiming ad
veraely the above-deacrllied IiuiiIh aro
reqiu-Hteil to file their claliua In thin
ottice on or befoix) mild 5th day of
July. 1002.
J, T. BliuinKH. IteKlHter.
A.s the Old Maid
Said when She
Kissed the
Our ada are short und swectand right
to the point.
Bi'dinut & Morgan
yew Era Unty More,
W. S. Ciikisman. Km IiANfts:
POINTS EAST The Fashion Stables'
Short Line
St. Vaul,, Inltth,
Mlnncapolt, Chicayo,
GIri'Lsii,ui) 5L B,injJs, proprietor .
Also own anil opperatc the llohciniu
ami Illack llntte StiiRe I.incN
Firt-Clas Turnouts, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices
ThroiiRli I'aluee and Tniirint Sleepers
Ulniiitf and Buffet Hinokiii
Library CarH.
Knr Rutes. Foldern and Knll Itiforinn
lion regarding Tieket Routes, eull on or
J. W. IMIAf.ON.T. 1". A.
122 3d St., Portland Ore.
A. H, 0. DENNISTON'., O. W. 1'. A.
OUKlMt Avenue, (Sjaiuo nam.
I have Bold Chambcrliiiii'i Colic,
nimlam and Diarrhoea Remedy for
yearn, and would rather lo out of eolleo
and etigar tlmn It. I noli! five bottles of
It yenieruay to tnreanera mm cumu w
n-i further, aiidlhcy are ut work this
morniiiR.-MI. R. Phelps, Plymouth,
Oklahoma. As will be Keen by the
above the threshers were ablo to keep
on with their work without losing 11
single day's time. You should keep a
nottleoi tins itemcuy in your nume,
Forealoby Lyons & Aindecuto, Drain.
, Pennon Drug Co . . .
United States, Lund Offii-e.
Ronebiirii, Oie., April H, 1002.
Kntii'ii is hereby given that in eum
liliumv with the provifinns of the ai'tnf
Congiess of June 11, 1878, entitled "An
act for tho side of timber hinds in thu
States nf California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, as ex
tended to all the I'ublie Iind States bv
iii-t 01 August -i, m:
ol Aiiroi
his sworn statement No. 2185, for the I ' " "V1 "'.,'!' ""Wm. Imh tliln
of thu nnrehiiHu of the NWK' 'ihv.. . i!1 ' ".mn bl. Hworn
of Hect oil No. L'O 111 towiiHhlo No. L'l "V'.'V"" "i"".-. --'. ior 1110
riiuu'c No. (t wi'Nt, nnd will offer
United .StnteH Lnnd Oim-o,
RohoIiiiik;. Oiv., April lL'tli. 1IKL'.
Notleo' Is hereby (IVen tlmt III coin
plhmeo with the provlHloiiH of tlu
I'.'iV V't'oHKit'MH of Jung it, 1U7H, ,..
titled 'An net for the hhIu of timber
IiuiiIh 11 thiiHIuleHof Cnllfornlit, Oiv
iron, Nevudii.i und WiiHliliiKtim Tor-
August A, 18()J, Henry A. Snvder, i' . f li,.a.H '''V1'""1:" V' n" tllu ''nlillo
oiii, County of Marlon, Stale .if V "'I H'u''t,1,'-V ".c1 "J-AiwimH, IhOJ.
li, lias this day tiled In this office ! t,.!x 7 "'Aurora. County of
proof to hIiow that the laud hoiikIU
Ih more viiluable for Hh timber or
Htone tlmn for iiKfrleiiltiiral purposeH
ami to CHtabllHli IiIh claim to nalil
hind before tho RcKlHtcr ami .Receiver
of this oflice at KoHehui'K, Orvfron.on
WeilneHilay,, the Oth day of July, 1002.
Ho nanieH iih wltneHHCH!
F. P. HiiMt, O, A. Hock. J, M..WIII,
Gep. H. Gray, of Aurora, OreKon.
Any nnd nil ptTHOiiH clalnilmr nil
vcrMoly tho abovu-ileHcribcd IiuiiIh iito
WineHtcd to file their clalniH In thlH
olllco on or before Hiild ,0th day of
July, 1002,
J. T. HitlliOKH, ItcKlHtur,
Read the Nligget,
Of till) HW 'V. Of S...lnn tJ ' 'T"
Township No, :;o H,.Itiiimi. Nt.Vi.Ht,
and will offei- proof to hIiow that Hid
liiiiil'HoiiKlit Ih more valuablo for IU
timber oiHtmo than for nmrlcultiiral
piirpiiHeH, ami toeHtabllHh IiIh claim
to Willi lnnd before 'tho ReK'lHter and
Receiver of thU ofllco at UoHoliurir.
Oivkoii 011 ThtiiHdny, tho 17111 day of
July, 1D02. i.4:"
Ho nanieH iih wltncKHiM:
Oeo. aruy', L.d! ynrf,zJ A, Car
penter, Oj--Aljlt)lit, Oivjroiji; A. 0.
StanbroiiKM, of NowbeiK .'OrvKnn.
Any and all pci-hoiih cfalmlnu; ail.
yeiHely tho hbovV-ileHeiibeilliuidH hid
remieHteil to rllo their Clalmn In thin
V"1'0','!!.01' M-6t0 Hlll(1' 17M 'htyof
" ,J ,T. Bjmioim, .R.eghjter