Spring Medicino 'II i cm In no oilier MMtpon wlioh noinl iiuiilH'lim In mi limeli iipoilml iik In tliu Tim IiIihhI In 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 , weak mill liiini'rlilicil n conillllim Imllniti'd liy plinplrH mill oilier t'liipllniiH mi tlm Imv mill body, liy ili'llrlenl vllitllly, Iiinh n iiin'llli, lurk ut fituii)tlli, mill w mil nl luiliiiiitlnii, Hood's SarsapariUa and Pitts Mulxi lln lilnnil pine, vIk'idiiiii nml rli'li, ulii iiiK'tl(ii, kIvo vitality, flirnulli nml milniiitliin, nml t'lire nil eriii.inv llitvn tint whole fiilully Infill In lukc tluun liiilny. 'Ilmxra Fnranrl1U li.a lireil il(t III our fnitilljr (or iihiio llm, nntl ahvaa with km1 mult" ln iHiit I wm nil rim down nl Kill Liittlii ol II, mill At IKiml rrri'Hi-cl ureal tii'iii'lH " Mim llmu.Aii linvii, Hluwr, VI, llaod'a Smrmanmrllla sironilmaa 1o aura and ttaoim lha promUo, A Stunner lor Mamma, "Miiinmn," Ix'nn llttln Kilitli, who IiiiiI Ir'i'II wi'kliiK liifmurutloii nil iiminiIiik, "I Jiict mint loack you ' ' "Oh, IMilli!" Intorriiplod tlm wrnry mntlii'r, "iliin't link iiiiiny qucK- tliinx." "lint, imiinmii," mill tlm llttlo In qiiUllor, "l( I ilon't link iiu'nlinnii wliul aw 1 imk?" CITO I'arroahaMIr Clmwl. Hi flU t,rto,wftaa Tliu nrllll Mf'xiMorilp Sllnillrr! Nrt jiMuttr. rwn.iiur i'iii'.l: J.iioiiun-ni iuu I... Ik. It. ii iuix. i.i.i .MiAiiiist..riiilJiiiii.i' Tommy Wlihrd lo b Tall, "I iln Iiiiiii tlmt I will ((row to Iio nine feel lull," hiIi! lllllu Tniiiiiiy. "Why iln ymi ttldi to Iki wi tall, dour?" linked lilri mother. "fit ttlii'ii I Kill III a rmwil I can m wliut In K'iIiik on," K'lilleil Tointiiy. 1Mhi' t'nre ia f tin ht iiii'illcliin nnrvrr Mini fur all iillii-tliiiu if the llirnut nml liiiiK". V O. KNini.Kr, Vaiiliureu, hut., Feb. 10. IWO. An Urgent Cue. When Ilio dm'lor'H leleilioim rnii?, Into tun night, ho went tu tlm iiintru ini'lit IiIiiim'K, ami lecehnl an urgent liijieal (rum two follow priu'litloiiiim, to ronui iluHli to tliu rlub for u illnt Kiune. "Knilly, dear," Iib aclil, turning tn Iil iti,' 'I'm rultfil out iiKuin, nnd H aiiiMirH to li a very porlouii , for there aro two dootnrn ulreaily In ultoiitl-Hliw,""-Kuw Vork Tiitioet. Ak Vmir Unitcl fur AlUti'a I'nnt.Kaaa, A mlrr. 11 run Huollvn, 8,,rc, lint, falloua Arlitn,Hwrtlli( I'tt-t anl tnarowlnif NalU Mat., a llw or Dalit ahiray. .It U HrtlMUI li1 Hlit atorca, 33 rHI. Ar,'rl No Mlttitut. HIOil I'M. AuMrn Allen K (llmMitl, lllir, N. V. In A. U. 1903. Mr. Itewrnlt (dliilui:) Aren't you glad you llo in the Twentieth tTiittiry? .Mr. Ottinuer Vest Jimt Ininiiiiui living lnfnre (ainilieH luiil X-ray ma elilne on their dinner tnhtrn with uhieh to detect the drip n( wilder in theli rauueil vineluhleB' llrooklyn Kiltie. Orogon Blootl Purlllor Ii rightly mimed, hecuumi it puriHea the blood ami toiien up tlm body. Merely a Suijcillon, Old Clotrox So you want to morr) my diuiuhler, eli7 Do you know what 1 expect to do for her on her wedidtif day? Young l'oorinan (cnibarraKwd) N-iio, Kir. Y-you do not Intend U d-dlu for her, ilo yon? Chicago Niiwii. Wlo jH-nplo iiko Iliunlln'ie WUard Oil for ltheiiuiutlKiu and nil 1'iiln: tlm fool lull onva try oxierliiientii. F.xact Slillillti. Crank Yen; tbero aro nt leant ton blooming ldiotn In tbia meeting to night. (ioodnrt I don't bellnvo It. Crank (meaningly) You'm right. Thoro aro nleven. l'lillinleplhlu l'rem. Kalher Dlicouraglnx. Shn Ami you aro not going to pend th ovcnlng with mo? 1I I am very wrry, dearest, but I havo a pnwing engagement and She Then takob.iek your ring. I'm not going to bo engaged to a man who iKii't willing to do all bin preying hero." The blood may be In bad condition, ytl with no external algns, no eVIr eruption or cores to indicate It, The (ymptomi in such cases being a variable ppctltc, poor digestion, an indescribable weaknesj and nervousness, loss of flcsl and a generat run-down condition of tbt tystem clearly showing the blood bai lost Us nutritive mialitles, fcas become thlt and watery. It Is in just such cases thai 8. S. S. has done some of Us quickest and most effective work by building up the blood and supplying the elements lacking to make It strong nnd vigorous. " My wife used sev eral bottles of S. P. S. as a blood purifier and to tone tip u weak and emaciated systcni.wltU very tnaiked effect by way of improvement. "We reirnrd it n great tonic and blood purifier." J. V.Vvi'Y, l'riuceton, Mo. , Is the greatest of all ' tonics, and you will , find tho appctito Ini ' provcsatoncc.strengtli returns, and nervousness vanishes as new rich pure blood once more circulate! through all parts of the system. S. S. S. Is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. It contains no min erals whatever. Send for our free book on blood and skin diseases and write out physicians for any Information or advice wanted. No charge for medical advice, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. a UU WHIUC ill IKt lillK. Boat (!ougb Bjrup. 'rules uooJ. Uso In tlm. Hold br drufftlHtB. Si 0C5 hESUflflECTION PLANTO. Ritlne Comei to I.lfr mid (libera Onlr Hrem lo Iln Ho. Thorn nro pliiula willed, whon drlod nnd apparently dead, dike on tint form of llfo nun In when they nro nonkod In wnler. Thorn nro two klmla of ruvlvnl, one real, tlm other nppiirenl. A wrllor In I ,n Keleiieo llluatreo auya that rellirn to life, cither In n complete form or In part, la iiilln froiiiiut III tlio vogetnbln world, whom tlm liillnoucn and drynoaa Ih iiioi'ii imirked tlinii among iiiilniiil". One untiiinllat Ima tnkoii Unit nilalua, of Ilio variety known na Imperial Mnlngn, nml plnnted tlm atcin In molat enllli. Thla Htciii, four Inchon long, Hi lliree monllia had a ahoot of three addi tional Inchon, The plant bent known for Itn rcunw Ing property la tlio Itoao of Jericho. 'I'll In In not really a rono lit nil, but ho Iniign lo the Uruelfornn or iniinlaril fam ily; iiinl Iln little white llowora recall lliono of tlio "nliephord'a purao" mi com iiiiiii along country rondnlilcn, It grown In tlm Hiinily ilcnerta of Arn hln, ICgypt mid Hyrla. When tlio plant hccoincH dry Itn ntemn curl up, draw together, and form n rounded knot. Tlio wind oanlly uproota the thing nml car rion It away, but If It la deKnltod In n damp npol It apparently coiuen to life It waa once thought that It nbnoMiod water from Mm noil, took root and ln gnu In grow ngnlii. In reality, how over, thin never linppona, The Itoao of Jericho In llfoloaa from tlio moment when It la uprooted. It In dimply a dead plnnt which linn changed from the nhnorptlou of water. Tlio dried plnnt fiirnlnhcn n Tory In tcrcntlng clinnga when It In plunged Into wnler. In mi hour It douhlcn In nlr.e, the nloma hogln to rlne. nnd tlin ciiiinulen tnke on n pluklnh tinge. It Heoiua lo bn reviving, hut thla la a vnlu allow. It la among Hume plant In which Ilio roaurnctloii la apparent, not real. Tho innromontn of audi plnnta nro really like tluine of the acnlea on n pine cone, which open or draw together na tho nlr In more or loan dry. llonl ronurroelloii. however, la accn among certain fornn and inonnc. IIAUY'S HOUSE IS A ROOSTER. I logs and cnln have been employed to draw baby carriage, hut using n roos ter for nucli n purpose la a new Idea. O. J. riomenon. of l.uveme, Iowa, haa a lloek of Cochin China fowls, among them n rmmter that la n giant In tho feathered kingdom. On noconnt of hla nlr.e mid breed ho la a pet In the family, and hnn hecomo very tamo. t'lomesoii conceived the plan of train-; lug him to draw tho baby carriage In, which Ills daughter tnkoa her exerclao 1 In the nlr. lie made n tight harness. fuatciifd It to the bird and after n few weckH taught him to pull the vefilcle nlonp the doorynrd path without dllU; cully. The little ono, of courso, ennnot drive, hut her slater aometlmoa getn Into tho carriage and gulden tho feathered "homo" about tho ynrd. Tlm Tl'irr M'aa (irnlefill. It tnlcen n apeclal Hurt of man to trnln wild nnlmaln lino who. In nddltlon to hla mytrrloiin power of control, the Intliionco of which In unoxphilnahle, han a full knowledge of tho animal's triiltn nnd nature. Frank C. Itoatock contribute n paper to Frank I.enllo'a Monthly on the "Unite In Captivity," In which he dlseunnca a few principles of tho Interesting profession of animal I raining. If I were to lay down a basic prin ciple, ho writes, I Hhould any, Juat as my father did to meUie llrat time he ever gave me n whip nnd a lion, "First of nil, warm up to hhn." Trent him with frank common scnac and kindly hand. I. earn from 111 habits what na ture ha taught hi in mid then follow nature. Once n very lliarce old tigress which ho hud In London had nearly killed my brother, and her keepers wero nfrnld of her. It happened that alio ran a bit of bono Into her paw nnd had a sorry time of It. I undertook to removo It, and by the uso of cords and a llttlo patience I succeeded. It took four men to help me. When wo were about Inilf-wiiy through tho operation, she got the Iden of what wo were trying to do for her, nnd a inoro docile patient no surgeon ever had. Tho next day I put n poultice ou that pnw. After that till tho day of her death I could enter tho cago nt any tlmo with out receiving from her any sign except ouo of pleasure. Woman' Uiiovon Shoulder. "Have you," said ouo woman to an other In tho courso of a walk through tho shopping district, "noticed how crooked women aro getting to be? Look at some of the women who pass us, and see If tho right shoulder Is not almost Invariably lower thiin the other." The other woman looked, nnd lol It was so. "It la tho natural result of always having a train to hold up," said tho first woman. "Why will women cling to such unreasonable fashions? A train Is graceful only when allowed to sweep tho ground, nnd we cannot let It do mat In tho dirty street, coiiseijurntly wo nro everlastingly clutching It to keep It from tho pavement, and tho position this necessitates Is so constantly as sumed that tho right shoulder Is be coming lower than tho other. If the thing continues the boasted carrlngo of tlio American girl will soon bo an emp ty bonst Indeed. Tho only remedy for tho present, tho only hope for the fu ture, Is to leave off trailing skirts nnd go to a gymnasium. There, under the direction of n competent tencher, ouo who kilows how to euro Just such de fects, trnln, and never stop until you are straight again. Now York Sun. Some people aro so timid that they aro never Impudent except to frleuds. ROAD AT .$'10,000 A MILf. Tho wonderful toll road from fronton to Oiirny. Colo,, In ono of tho grontcat ntlrncllona In that Htnto of mnrvola, both of acencry nnd engineering. The old-fnahlotiod ntngo, with Ita romantic nanochitlona. la rnpldly becoming a thing of tho pnat. Hence It la novel experience to the tourlnt to climb Into a Concord conch and for tlireo hour to rldo along n magnificently conntructcil road, bowed out from tho aide of inouii tnlna at an cxpeunv of $10,000 a mile. Killing Into tho awful deptha of tho canyon below, n ahcer twelve hundred foot, or looking forward to range upon range of frowning and terrible nioun talna. In no part of the world can audi mag nificence of aconory bo comproaaed Into n throe houra' rldo. At time It la nt aolutoly overpowering, and the timid tourlnt goen through It with nvcrted oyon nnd n curlnun acnnntlon about tlio roota of hla hair. When the atage renchoa Itonr (;n-ok Kalla the climax of beauty and terror In reached. FEW GOT PniNCE'8 AUTOQRAPH. Munr Vain ICUnrt to (Jet It Under ViirluilN I'relefttH. I'rlnce Henry while hero was natu rally naked often for hi autograph, but It In estimated that not more than KM) persona Hiicceeded In getting It Mont of the reiiieaia came by mall. The l'rlnce, who had met the nuto grnph (lends on the other aide, decided to give hla autograph only to certain In dividual. Those were tho president of n society or rluh of which he wan the guest and one or two of those nearest him nt table. To thla rule he persist ently adhered. At all the dinners nt which the l'rlnce wna n guest In thla city nml elsewhere, reiiiieatH for hla autograph were sent to him In large numhern, most of them In note's addressed to him through the pre siding olllcer. Not a few of these re quest were iiinde personally. The l'rlnce always took pains to In form whoever presided nt the dinner of the rule he had made, nml loft It to him to explain It to the applicants. I it accordance with the rule lie made for himself he always wrote hla autograph on the menu card of tho presiding r-. eer utid of those nearest III m nt table, sometimes extending It so that perhaps live or six persons had the favor shown to them nt the head table. Had bo compiled with all the re quests made of him, It waa said by s. poraon who wnn with him and knew nhont hi mall, ho would not have had time to do anything else throughout hi visit but write hi signature. New York Hun. I,onI Snllnlniry'a Wish. Good Word print n little story of tho early school days of Lord Salisbury, when be wna Lord Itohert Cecil, which shown how soon In hla llfo his conspic uous disregard for dress began. When ho was about 7 years old he came Into the nursery one afternoon on hi return from school, which was held nt the old rectory outside Hntfleld, and dumped hi books Into n corner. "0 Hetty." he said to his old nurse, "I wish I was a catl" "I.n. Lord Itohert," Hetty replied, "how can you wish yourself n beast?" "Oh," ho replied with n deep sigh, "when I think of the many times I must dress nml undress before I die, I wish my clothes grew on my hack!" Doubtless ninny small boys have wished the same, with thlt dirferenco: thnt tho time ennio when they preferred cloth nnd that of the Intest weave and cut to fur Hut the exigencies of dress have continued to bore Lord Salisbury. Ho has never presented the splc-and-span appearance of the typical Kngllsh man of position. However, had groom ing Is not tho only distinguishing mark of the Premier of Knglnml, nnd n man who can command tho attention of the rest of the world may he pardoned for not looking as If ho had stepped out of n bandbox. Wile eif n Herpent, There is nothing so wily as a smart mini. Leave tho women out of the ques tion altogether. At an entertainment which was to bo devoted entirely to tho reading of poems by the perpetrators thereof, tho audience wns a mere hand ful. One man In speaking of It re uiarked: "Tho rainy evening kept nil tho audience nway," but nnother sug gested that It was the character of the entertainment that thinned the crowd. On this particular evening two friends, both poets, set out for the scene. Ono hesitated nbout the number of poems to read, whereon his friend said: "One, only tnko ono; there will ho so ninny others to rend that one will be enough." He, however, took six along In his in side pocket, and now sluco ho read those six and tho other man had only one, tho latter Is wondering how It came about, and why tho man who took six should Buggest but ouo to him. Loulsvlllo Times. American Women Doctor. America leads In. tho matter of worn, en practicing medicine. Tho llrst In tho United States was Elizabeth Hlackwcll, who graduated as physician In 1840, Thrco years later thoro wero six In Philadelphia. In 18S0 thero wero 3,000 women doctors lu tho Uni ted States; In 1830 thero wero -1,555. and now tbero nro probably 0,000, some of whom have a very lucrative practice. Il Health " For 25 yesrs I lure never mined tiling Ayer's Sarsspirllls every spring. It cleimei my blood, mtkes me feel strong, and doei me good In every way," John I. Ilodnette, llrooklyn, N.Y. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You arc Invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You becomcstrong, stcady,couragcous.That's what Ayer's SarsapariUa will do for you. II ti a Milt. All fraitlnti. Aik TWir iloftor what ha tlilnki or Ajti irDrllta. II fcnawa all alMmtihlitrand oM famllr mtill'lna. follow 1,1a advice and J. V. ATI Co., I.oall, Mail. Never lilt lllm. Judge -What did you bit this man with, anyway7 1'risoner I didn't lilt Mm wit' any thing, yor honor. Judge Hut look at him lie's In a laorrlblo condition. Surely, you didn't do that with your (lets? l'rlnonrc No, yor honor. I kctched Mm by tho heels an' bumped 'irn against a brick wall n few times. Hut I didn't hit Mm wit' anything wanst. Chicago Record-Herald. Would Come Out All Rljht Grime I wonder Tom should marry a woman novcral yearn older than him- HOlf. Undo George Ob, that'n all right. It won't lw long before alio is younger than be. Tboro'a Homething peculiar about women's agon. Hoston Trans cript. The Clubman'i Motor. Clerical Caller I am glad to know thnt your husband baa taken my advice nnd bought a wheel. And you nay ho goon out riding on it every night, eh? Hostess Wlien the weather permit, ye. Sammy (from background) Ho wasn't out on hla wheel last night, ma. Hostess How do you know, Sammy? Sammy 'Causo I beard Mm tell Mr. Tippcll that he was out on a bat. Richmond Dispatch. Juit Pride. Chattcrly Who is tho proud lady with the haughty bearing? Tattorly Hho's a champion ping pong player. Town Topics. Grand AiiortmcnL Sue Whcro did you ever get a foundation for a "rummage sale?" Tess-pWo let our big torn cat seren ade tho lmarders, and then collected tho missiles aimed at him. Chicago Now. Patilnj It On. Ambrose Archibald's a mean fellow; ho never will lend a dollar. Arthur Oh, bo's not the worst; he always tells you ol somo other man who might lend It. Detroit r reo l'ress. The Poet it the Drujjltt's. Foct How much for this prescrip tion? Apothecary Two dollars, plcaso. Foct (soliloquizing as ho pays) And tho publishers tell me that poetry is a drug on tho market. Oh, that It wero I Boston Transcript. Time Wasted. Hnrdlincs You know that $50 watch I used to carry? Funnybiz Yes. Hardlines Woll, I pawned it for 15. Funnybii That's time wasted. A Builneti Killer. "Business is frightfully dull today," said tho Junior partner of the tailoring firm. "No wondor," said the senior part nor, angrily. Who wrote our ad for tho papers today?" "I did. Why?" "Bccauso it says: "Do you need an ovorcoat? Try our Melton and frieio." Philadelphia Press. ,, Wllian m puaimmi .nurafB- mm .- i A xS, Rll AtCctablc PrcporationforAs almilallng thcFoodandRcfiula Ung Ihc Stomachs ritilBowcIs of Promotes DigcslIon.ChccrruF nc3sandnest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine norHLucraL Kox 'NARC OTIC . toft afoujrswixumwt AnyAia Sml- llfl,ajy i rurw. Apctfecl ncraedy forConsflpa Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea nnd Loss OF Sleep. FaeSlnulo Signature or NEW Y017K. EXACT COPY 0 WRAPPER. aav r hi m Wlnnlnj (III Way. Nell I linvo been assigned to read a ptts)r on "Tho Ideal Woman" at tho next meeting of tho club. Jack Woll, all you will ncod to do Is to stand up on tho platform and let thorn look nt you. A Reeojnlred Trait. "Her llttlo boy has such manly way about Mm." "Yes; I noticed when I was there tho other day that ho found fault with what they had to eat." A StotV-Mirkel Doe. "You look thin and haggard, Jim." "Yep. I took too much of a debil itating mixture." "What wa It?" "Sugar and copper." Not Prepared. Wbyte BJonks calls MmsoU a prac tical ollticlan. Black A practical politician! Why, T rtMOfvl Ittm t. -lin,,(, a tin 1,111 1nr Inn on election day last year and he said no couiurri no u. Ihc Early Bird. "You say you go to the market at 0 o'clock every morning?" "Yes," nnwHorexl tho very prudent man. "I buy early. Every now nnd then you get your meat and vegetable tsiforo new reaches tho dealers that tho prices have boon Increased." Washington Star. Had IU Reaiont. Irritablo Old Gentleman What on earth do you atop at a station like this lor? Objectionable Passenger (alighting) To allow mo to get out. Irritable Old Gentleman Abl Iseo it lias its advantages then. Pearson's Weekly. A Poor Rule. Etc. Mrs. Borcum Willie, you should not cat so much between meals. It will take away your appctito at meal times. Willio Borcum (earnestly) I don't iM3 why it should. My eating at meal times never takes away my appetito for t-ating between meals. Brooklyn Kaglo. Old Joe, tho NIchtwKtebman. Pram IA VM MM Oiztttt. London. "Old Joo" is In the employ of tho Lambeth Water Works, and is woll and favorably known. Ho has been a night watchman for many years, in tho courso ot which ho has undergone many experiences. What with wet and cold, bo contracted rheumatism and sciatica, which fairly doubled him up, and it liegan to look a serious matter for Old Joo whether ho would much longer bo able to perform his duties, on which bis good wife and himself depended for a livelihood, but as it happened a passor-by, who had for somo nights noticed Old Joe's painful condition, presented him with a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, and told him to nso it. Old Joo followed the advice given; he crawled homo the next morning and bade his wife rub his aching back with the St. Jacobs Oil "a gentleman gave him," and undoubtedly bis wifo did rub, for when Old Joo went on duty at night be met his friend and benefactor, to whom he remarked: "Them oils you gave me, Guv'nor, did givo me a doing; they wuz like pins and needles for a timo, but look at mo now," and Old Joo began to run and Jump about like a young colt. AH pain, stillness and soreness had gone; he had been telling everybody he me what St. Jacobs Oil bad done for him. Old Joe says now ho has but ono ambition in life, and that is, always to be able to keep a bottlo of St. Jacobs Oil by him, for ho says tbero is nothing liko it in tho world. St. .Tacnhn Oil serve tho rich and the. poor, high and low, the same way. It! has conquered pain for fifty years, and it will do the same to tho end of time. It has no equal, consequently no com petitor; it has many cheap imitations, but simple facts like tho abovo tell an honest tale with which nothing on earth can compcto. A Real Friend. Miss Palisade I was very much sur prised, Mr. Cleverton, that you wero not at church this morning to hear me sing tho Christmas solo. Didn't your friend, Dashaway, tell you about it be forehand? Cleverton Yes; ho was good enough to. Harlem Life. Tho Kind Yon Havo Always Bought, and which has been Jo. uso for ovor UO years, AAA IUU tut U1U1 uu jtxirztf AIU9 UUIUU AXIU DljUAai " nnd bus been ruado tinder 1 faiTW2 sonnl supervision slnco its 1 ytaf7Y, fUCX4 Allow no ono to deceive you nnd has All Counterfeits. Imitations Experiments thnt trlflo with nnd endanger tho health of Infanta and Children Exp erlcnco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorln is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paro goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nnrcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FovcrlsUncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves TcotUIngr Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop. Tho Chlldrou's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Si Beara tlio The, Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI INTAUH 00 MM NT, TT VftW THttT NSW VOHK ClTT. A PASTOR'S Sho Suffered for Years and FoltHorCaso Was Hope lessCured by Poruna. Mrs. Anna B. Flchaity, roccnt Super intendent of tho W. 0. T. U. head, quarters, at Galosbiirg, 111., was for ten years ono of tho leading women there. Iter hunband, when living, was first President of tlio Nobraska Wcaloyon University, at Lincoln, Neb. In a letter written from 401 Sixty Mivonth street, W,. Chicago, III., Mrs. Kleharty says tho following In regard to Peruna.: j "Having lived a very actlvo llfo an wife and working partner of a busy minister, my health failed mo a few years ago. I lost my hubsand about tho same tlmo, and gradually I scorned to lono health and rpirit. My daughter I a confirmed invalid, and wo both felt great need of an Invigorator. I "One of my neighbors advised me to try Peruna. A bottle was Immediate ly secured and a great chango took place In my daughter's as well a in my own health. Our appetites Im proved very greatly, the digestion, seemed much helped, and restful sleep t soon Improved us, so that we seemed like new women. "1 would not be without Peruna for ten times Its cost." Mrs. Anna B. Fleharty. What used to be called fomalo' diseases by the medical profession is ' now called pelvic catarrh. It has been ' found by experienco that catarrhal diseases of tho pelvic organs aro tho cause of most cases of female disease. Dr. Hartman was among the first of America's great physicians to make. Obituary Notice of a Marc. A recent number of the Westminster Gazetto contains tho following obituary notice: "Mercifully Bent to sleep at I-andguard, full of years and honor, Freedom, a chestnut mare, belonging to Dr. Cowper. She was bred by mo and was named Freedom by Mr. Bart lett on account of her absolute freedom of movement when quite a tiny Ally. In her best days sho would bo hard to pass on any road." In Starch of Quiet Hostess I thought you were going to play "bridge." Host So wo are; but they are play ing "ping-pong" in the dining room and "fires" in the billiard room, Jack's trying to imitate Dan Leno in tho drawing room, and Dick's got that in fernal gramaphone of his going in tho hall, and they aro laying supper in the smoking room, so we're going to the nursery. Punch. Job's Advantajei. "What's the matter, little boy" inquired the kind lady, stopping before a sobbing urchin on the street. "I I got a boll ou my neck," whimpered the boy. "Yes; but just think how many boiU Job had." "I know; but think uv tho pashenco he had, tool" replied tho boy. Ohio Stato Journal. r7. rr . If you want dependable Canned Goodi, Baklnr Powder, Spices, Syrup, Coffee. Etc., fou will lnslit upon the Mono pole Brand, 'rice ft reasonable and the nuallty la par excellence. Your grocer will refund your money it you are not eatlitied. All nnt claaa grocers handle Monopole. WAD HAMS A KERR BROS., Portland aHMvYaHlavLVH aHLlai Warn aaBaa iiM 1 HOTOKM SEED BTOBE, Coaat Agents bos borno tlio slgrnaturo or been mado tinder bis pcrw i Infancy. ) you in tills. andJust - as - frood"nro bub Signature of "llv iirLM ii rr.hj vnen WIFE CURED OP Pelvic catarrh. Mrs. Ann D, Flahartjr. this discovery. For forty years Iio hai been (renting diseases peculiar .to women, and long ago bo reached the conclusion that n woman entirely Irco from catarrhal affection of thoso organ would not bo subject to fomalo dixeaso. Iio thcrcforo began using Poruna for them cases and found It so admirably adapted to tholr pormanont euro that Peruna has now becomo tho moat fa mous remedy for fomalo diseases ovor known. Kverywhoro tho womon aro using It and praising It. Poruna Is not a palliative simply; It cure by re moving tho causo of fomalo disease. Dr. Hartman has probably cured more women of female ailments than any other living physician. Ho makes these cures simply by using and recom mending Peruna. If you do not dcrlvo prompt and sat isfactory results from tho uso of l'o runs, writo at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement o( your caao and he will bo pleased to give you his val uable aJvlco gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President ot tho Hartman Sanltairum, Columbus, Ohio. His Shrinkage. I "And you lovo your husband as much as you did at first?" I "Oh, yes, indeed; more. But he ' doesn't seem quite a godlike as bo did at llrst." urooiclyn L.H0. ABSOLUTE URITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Dear Signature of Sm Fac-SImlla Wrapper Utlow. Ttary aaU a mj ICABJER'S HRittle. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIHIHESS FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIM. IVER PIU. FOR THECOMPLEXiOH JcSti I mrlr TegetaMe.a?Sg. CURE SICK HEADACHE. Founded 1B70 A Homo School for Doym Military arncf Manual Training Writ a for llluatratmd Catalogum PRUSSIAN nillaTJreonronltrr. Yra rnUOOIHN paint the pr:,e,, the, inP If it I PR (nmaa kill tlie lice. Hen MUUCn cannot feed Ilea and feed yoa. Price, SOe and 81.00 a can. Sold by dealers. PRUSSIA KE1IEDT CO, SI Paul, Ulna. nu.rawi , 1 am a brMd.r oc Ort-elaM Sit-Late Vfyandottaa. 1 won a no of roar PRUSSIAN LIQUID UCB KILLER uaaptclal premium at too St. Paul Pooltry Show ot 1M0, and find It la all Htbt. Th.re ara aararal hero that want a rvllaMa Ilea klllar.and TocralaallNirhl. Wit M SWAOGEHT. WaTiata.Mlnn. .MI HaLONE. of Adt, Ho , aa;a tna PRUSSIAN LICK KiLLKU la Jqit too thlnf for Ilea oo ho?, and la worth nro timet Ita coat Portland,, Ore., and Seattle, Waatt, PRiHTERS I have enough good typo for small newspaper and job plant. No machinery. Will sell cheap lor cash or trade for Portland real estate Address p. o. box ate, Portland, Or. BUGGIES. dive better Matin fart Ion than anything on tbe market at anything like I lie rk-e, be cause they are made of koo1 niaterlul. to stand "Oregon roads" Iron corn era on bodies, bracva on ah at to. heavy aecond growth wheelA, screwed rim a. If you want tore.iurethat you are vetting your mon ey's worth, anlc for a "flee Line" or a Mitchell'' (llenney) Uuggy, Wo guar antee thera. Mitchell, Lewlm St at or Co. Seattle, Spokane, HoUe, Portland, Or. Sew Year Resolutions TAKE THK Sieeley Cure Sure relief from liquor, opium and tobacco hablte. Ben J for par llculara lo Lfnalall Inc-tilnla Malrrtl tu U'lllUliie ivesioy institute ru.tiii, ursun N. V. N. V. No, 18-1U0J. tttIIKN writing' to KdTortlaara pUaa. mention tula papor.