Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 02, 1902, Image 1

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. 4
J n ft 'A 7fe
ffC r j M r1
liz Wit W ito
Devoted to the Mining, I.umbcriiijJ an J l'armtiig Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 16.
Jm "
jittornei't-Law j
(title un Miln sttaat, Meat Hi -CoTTAOK
GroVIC, OkK.
.1. C. JOHNSON and F. .(! EBV
Attorneys ami Uouiistlors-ut-Law
rjUI attention iImii lu MliiliK.corpvtatluii
nil Mercantile 1 aw
Office of 1 ijetinsii it llemeiitvev'saloie.
Attoriiey-ut-Law 000
-:--Offlreou Main stieet-- -CuTTAUK
I'ruinpl alieiilloii H In MIiiIiik lliulnrn.
itn.mi. w, TinmrwiM
cuts, a. iitaur.
Attorneys nml Cotinselors-at- Law ,
HrUlaliiillnii (lrn Inb hiw ol Mines j
Kill I UN if. OUU.
Attorney ami Coitnselor-at-Law
Mrlel ellciilloutivii t"Hbe law of Mima
First National Hunk HiiitdiiiK.
Sk Kilherlne ScMed, M. !.
DIseiMs ,f Women and Children
I'mmiwi I'ih.icun -
Ornra ami re.liteacr mi Hit r ltt, near Wall.
kotta'jiiuiiovk. - - orwion.
I'liiiruinrntii nr.
Main street, lintta-cr llrntr, nr,
Rerna" .1 reasonable rharyes.
All work riierante-! nrst rln.
W.trh.i.Olorkn.nit Jeuelrj- hi lcit 1TIm
Harness ami Saddlery.
Georjre Melnzer, Prop.
A lino linn nf llrnc.H.l.llo.Vlil-i, ltUKjrr
Itnlioa. IhIIiit llnllliiK. Ktf .Hlnny nn lund.
AllklmUiil llt'polrlnic HwUlly All haml
OMt'tlunrk lurncil out.
Our Pnrraer Prleiula can t thi- vary bf t at
Ihu Iii-.t Living l'rli. I'mno In iul eiam
Inn Ilia ((mkUhikI fur )nurlf.
Rough Lumber,
$6 per M. at
Saginaw, Ok.
DiltWIM UlUlTOW. JlaRBKRT Kakin,
fn-ililant. Uaihlor
The First National Bank
Cottaou Grovk,, Ork.
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan im approved security.
Kxclmiiniia noli!, uvitllablu unv ,)laen
in tlio lnlucl StnU-H.
Xouv JIuHlncHH la Solicited,
00 '10
For Fashionable Dressmaking.
AVltliln 6 mlloa ot CottiiBO Qrovo.
tnuat bo convenient to tclioo), well
watered, have bearing orchard, some
tlinbor. nnd cheap (or cash, Owner
only nudress with (nil deicrlptlou and
! Iiit'iiABJ) Oiieek, Kelloge, Orrgou.
Our Spring Line of
Ladies' Tailor Made Skirts.
lore New Goods
The increase in our sales demands an increase in
The last shipment of Clothing are beauties. Nothing nicer tliis side of Portland, the price
is liirht TJVriin JftlO tr lfc17 Come nnd see them. Our New Silks are dii-
1 1 pi- lUipiii played in the West Window. They rre the Latest at
Prices less than old style silks. Buy the New
Our Sales on Ladies' Waists are way beyond what we expected this early.
To get Your Size and kind you want you should BUY YOURS NOW.
vsjitojui ui ntpmnnm Cottage
Unit-i Htutc-M Um Olllce,
Itiircliiin!, OriTtnn, KmIi. 1003
Vnliio la tie ifliy piven lluit in niinpll
niuvwllh tliv prnvlalcinn n( llif url n(
Citiiicrtvn of Jmif 8, 1878, "All
Hil for tlio mliMil tiinlxT ihihIx in die
Sii-m u( Ciilifnrnlii, Orivii. Vvuita,
uml WkhIiIiihIiiii Tvirllory'iiDi-xlvnitiit
to nil llic I'ulillu liml tilalca liv m't '(
Aimoat 4, IHU.', Mrn. Allen iJiKintol
KukIiiiiw, Ciiiinty of Ijitie. Stntn u( Ore
Kon, Iihh till itny llttil In tliiaullli'u her
worn fliitrnii'iit No. 'M'J7, (or llic pur
ithiiaeol llieHK U, of ht-clloti No. .'!).
Tiiuni'liip'.'l Kciiith,ot Itiintro .1 ', iiinf
will olfrr proof to fhow tluit tin' luilil
aoiiKht in more viilimlilo for its tinilir'r
or 'lone thiiii (or iirionltiirul purr"?,
hiiiI to eatiilillvh InT I'lllllll to Nllill llllllt
U'fori tlio ltcicintvr uml Kirvlvcr ol tliia
olllce nt ItofcliiIrK, Oriuon.on Wediics
ilny, the 7tb ilny -if May, IIK)-.'.
rilm iiunied un wltneaaea:
Kli-phen A. hiiltaiit of Snnlnaw, Ore
Con, Ui'orKO KIkk ( MhIh-I, Ortvon,
Janiea Iax; Daniel II, I!riiiiilutnli, at
Citlii(-i' (iiovo, Oregon.
Any nml all pernoiiHrliilnilnicailverae
ly tlio abiive-ileHcrlbeil Ininln are re
ipiealeil to tile their claim In thU olllc
on or Ih'Ioio anlil 7th day ol .Mav. IIK)'.'.
,1. T. llitiiiiiKH, Het;iator.
UiiIUhI Ktulfs IjiihI Otllrc,
ItOHcbnty, Orenon, Feb. U. 1001.
Notice Ih hereby il veil that III com-
Iillance with tiiu proviHliiim ol tint net of
ini:reaHo( June !l, 1878, entitle! "An
net lor the ttalo of timber lands in the
Htnti'H of California, Oregon, Nevaila,
nml WaahitiKtonTerrllorv," an extended
to all the l'nhlio (.ami Stnten by act of
AiiKimt -I, I8:, ThoiniiH Kocheot Ku
irvne, County o( Lune, Htuto of Oregon,
Iiiim thUtlay II led in thin olllco IiIh sworn
Htntviiieiit No. L'M8, for the purchaao nt
tlio BK of Section No, , towimliip '.-.
Booth, of ltniiKO 1! V. and will oiler
proof to allow thut tlio land Bought U
more valunlilo (or Uh tlinler or utono
than for iiKrlcultiiiiil puriioHCH, nnd to
eatiihllah his claim to wild land before
tlio Hegiater nml Kcceiver of thin olllco
nt ltoaoburi,', Oregon, on Wedncuduy,
tho 7th day of May, 1U02.
Ilo nutiicn an witneaaea.
Kd Jordan, Dan liriimbaiiKh, o( Co
bun?, Oieiron, Oacar Leo, John I'almer,
of Cottage drove. Oregon.
Any nnd all poraoiiH clulming ndverae
ly the iiliovo-denoribed lands are re
quested lo lllo their claimu in llil. olllco
on or before said 7th day ol May, 1002.
J, T. HiiiiKiKH, Kegister.
United Htnle. Land Ofllco,
Honolmrl, Ort'Kiin, March 39, Unci.
Kotli'o la lioroby given that In cninpllanre
with tho provisions ol Ibo act of Congraita ol
JmiuS, 1878,ontlllel An Ac for tn salt of.
Timber Lamia In tlio Htntoa of California, Oro-1
gon, Novaila, ami Washington Territory," as ;
oxiunucu io atl Ilia l iioiiu tAu niaiai uy aci
of Aiigtiatt, IHOD, n. Thnmaa Awlroy,of Cottago
ilrovn, Connly ol I a no Hlateol Oregon haa this
day Hied In tills ofllce his awtirn Ntatontcnt No.
Utrwl, for Ihu pnrphaHO n Iho Honlheaat nnartor
of Horltnn No. .10, Township 22 Konth, of Kange
t Weal and will oRei proof la show Dial tholanit
Monghl Is inoru valnablo for Its timber or atone
than for agricultural pnrponcs, and to establish
hla claim to said lanil botoru tho Register and
Receiver of this odlce at Itovcliurg, Oregon, on
Friday the So day of June I'M!,
Honamesas witnesses!
Charles 11. Ilruneaii, ! It, llrnmkangli, John
I'almer, Joo !ee, of Collage (I rove, Oregon.
Any and all porsona claiming adversely tho
altove-deKcrllM)d lands are reijncsled to file
their claims In this otllco on or before said so
day ot June IW,
J. T. llairxiKa, Rcgttter.
Ynu nan linv anv nreonnitlon at J.
P. Currln's that fs advortUed In any
Ueruomuer we utnKo a specialty
oi lain
Many new shades and
styles in Kid Gloves.
j Pianos and organs
Direct from the Factories;
We ate sole Agints for Oregon nnd can save you the
a middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Orgnii in
S part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small
g monthly, or yearly payments. We are the sole Agents for
the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piano. Write us tor Cata
S logue and prices.
5 Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon.
Faint Supply Store
First qualities in everything in
the line of paint and painters'
The only complete line of Wal
Paper in the city.
Painters and Paperhangers
For any kind of work in house
furnishing, get our prices. They
nrejright, and we guarantee our
Store first door East of Bridge
on Main Street.
I' nl tod Hlatca Uud Ofllce.
Itneburg, Oregon, March 29, ItKU.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with tho provUlonsof Congri'ss of June3,lK78,
entitled "All Act for the tale nf Timber Lands
to tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as oxlended to all tho I
l'ublla iJind Slates byart nf August 4, 1893,
Charles II. Ilruneaii of Cottage (lrcive County
of Ijiiio State of Oregon haa this day tiled In
this ofllco hla sworn statement No. for the
purchased tho Lots 18, 18, 19, and SO of Section
No. ),Tonldi2J Booth, of Itango 1 West and
will offer proof to show that tho land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and lo establish his
claim In said land be lot o the Iteslsler and Re
ceiver ot this office at Itokeburg, Oregon, on
Friday the 20 day of June, 1903. T
lie names as witnesses!
D. T. Awbroy, ft. II. Brumbaugh, John i'al
mer and Joo lo of Cottage Orove, Oregon .
Any and all persons claiming adversely
tho above-described lands are requested to tlio
their claims In this olllce on or before said 20
day ot June 1903.
J. T. nnitHun, Register.
Read real eutftt't barKDlas'of Jerome
Knox & Co.
Our Store.
Grove, Oregon.
Grocery Store
Caries a full line of Staple
nnd Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats,
Hay and everything the
farmer or the housewife ueeds.
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange.
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
you are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
IV III meet All Competlon
In 1'rlcen.
Successor to Buker & Johnson
Culled States Land Ofllce,
Itoseburg. Oregon, March 11, nay.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with thy provisions of the act of Congress of
Juno 8, 187a, entitled "An Act for the wide ol
limber Ijiuda In tho Stale oft allfomla. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land states by act of
August 4, 1K9J, John (Irabcr, oftVittage Orove,
County of lne, State ol Oregon, has this day
tiled In this olllce his sworn statement No. 2101,
lor the purchase of the Eli NBi, HWJi NKl-4,
am! UK I t NY 1-1, of section No. 31, township
20 S. range 2 west, and will offer proof to show
that tho laud sought Is mora valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim lo said land before
the Register and Receiver of this oltleo at Huso
Ling, Oregon, on Haiurday, the 17 111 day of
May, 1902.
Ife names as witnesses!
Alfred A. Anderson. Uonry lllgclow and Ren
l'ltchor, ot liorena, Oregon, and II, How, of
Cottage Orove, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
abovo-dcsurlbcd lands are reuuested to hie
their claims In this office on or before aald 17th
day olMay.lWJ. J.T. Rkidues,
We hnve on hnna a largo stock ot
kiln-dried floorliiK, cetlini; and rimtlo In
grades 1 2 and 3, Let us make you
special prices.
Uooth-Kbiiy Lvmdbr Co.
Unlte l HUtei inrtuma, fubtirK, Ore,,
Notice ll hrrebr vlven that In fomhltant-
wltli the trurUlon ot the Mt of Contfrem of 1
Jm.'S, 1H?h, vntltlfl "An ct for tho mieot
umwr itwnu in tne huii oi c'Mfirnla, Ort-
roo, .""feVaviA, &rii WsMhimrtoti Territory. I
exlniet loallthi PuMIMn! HUtri Irf net
ofAaictjfU. lfi, (,'hnfle4 H-ijr.ler. of Arum. I
('oiintrtif Matrlati, Hutu of Oreon, h thlt i
ly flle! lnomc hlf awnrn ntntfment No, 22 W
for the pjrebfl for Ibe Nw of Henlon No. 2t,
Tnwniblp 'JDKrmth. of ItAnKK went ant will
offer priMtf (oh'w that! the 1nl fo ixht ! more
vaniAUifl lur iti iimoer or atone than for km-
ftilinr! iMirp-. ami to mubifiti tiUfUint to
miH liml h.oretha Kirlt?r and Its-rclter of
ibliofflca at Itoehurir, Oregon, on MomUr ih
!:VASrt."r;,TVrr.K wi.i.of Auro,..i"'c" c l""" or ":eve.opmeiu ot Glenwood property in Bohemia, re
r.n.t ... ,s-r.n., .-ir.r th, ' lhe, B"heinlla m"linB istrict.fa Lane tllrtled this week from Seattle and
X:a7432l?JSJ2i a"d . D.Ug.laS Co"ties' yesterday Tacoma, where he has been in con-
dar of iu)f. VJOi.
J.T. llailxics. Rculiler
United HtnteM Liitnl Olflce,
HowlnirK, Ore., Alir.i. 11W..
Notice Ih liercliy fflven that in coin
pllnnce with the provuslotiM of tho net
of ConKnM of June :i, 187H, entitled
"An net for the mile of tltnlier liiniln
In the HtntcH of Cullfoniln. On-con,
Neviuln, nnd U'uHldnKt on Territory,"
nx extended to all the Public Land
C. Aiitelniim. of Went Hujierlor.
County of DoiiKhiH, State of WIhcoii
1m. liiw thlH ilny llled In thin office IiIh
Hwoni Htittetnent No. fort lie
piirt-luiMc of the.NKJJ ol.Sttloii No.
IK. TowiiMhlp Si .South, of ItunKO 2
West and will offer proof t mIkiw
that the land HoiiKht Ih more valu
able for Uh timber oratone than for
iiKiicultural ptirpiM-H, anil to eHtnb
MhIi IiIh i ImIiii to Mild land before Ma
rie L. Ware 1". K. CoinmlHHioner nt
KtiKviie. Oreuon. on .Saturday tlie.'th
day of July, lixr.'
He liatueH iim wltiienwH
Jnn. L. MeConulck. Herinan T.
Dow. Joxeph Veliki-, of CottiiKedrove,
Orecon. Wm.Wltte, of Aiiioh. Orrxmi.
Any and all iserxonx flalinlnc nil
verxely the above-denerllM.Ml IiiiiiIh are
requet?d to file their elalniH In thin
offhe on or before nald nth Iav of
July. lOOS.
J T. llltiixiKH. IU-KlHter.
United States Land Office,
Itweburir Ore., April a, 1002.
Notice la hereby given that in com
pliance with the proviaiona of the act of
Congress of June 3,1878 eipilled "An
act tor the mile of timber lands in the
Stutra of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and U'nsldnglon Terriujry," an extended
to all the Public Land Statna bv act ol
August -l, ffii. Jane Cox, ol (town
or city) Kunene, county of Ijine, State
if Oregon, liaa thla day tiled in this
otlice her tworu atulement No. 227U, for
tiiu iiurehai-e of the NK f of Sec
tion No. SO, Township If) South, of
lt:uiKft5 eat and will oiler proof to
slum that the land aoiicht Ik morn
valuable for ila timber uratonu thunmr
Hgriciilturul purpose, and to eatuhliah
her claim to en id land before Marie L.
Ware. V. S. Coinmiaaiouer at Kmrene.
Urivon. the lOlh day of July, 1902.
cue naiuea un wlluesea:
Niinev It Cox. nf Knine. Line
Ciiimty, Oregon. Herlscrt A. Cox, of Alma
Lane tenuity, Oregon, Warren O. Smith,
Arthur K. Smith, of Crow, Lane County,
Any and nil peraona claiming ad reive
ly the ulaive-ilracrilied lamia are re
qtieateil to Hie their t-latum in thla ohice
on or befoie '"id 31 day of July, 190'.'.
J.T. IluiiKiea. Hegiater.
United State Land Olllce,
ItoHcbunr, Ore., April b'th, 1IKI2.
Notice Ih hereby kIvlmi that in eoni
pllauce with the ih'ovIhIouh otthv act
of CotunvHH of June 11, 187S. entitled
"An net for the mile of timber IiiiiiIh
In the Staten of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory."
an extended to all the Putillc Land
Stati'M by net of AitKUHt 4, 1SU2, Fred
P. IlttrHt, of Aurora, County of Ma
rlon, State of OreKon.haH this day
llled In thlH otlice IiIh nworn HtattK
inent No. 2190, for the purcliUHO of
the SK of Section No. U0 In Town
Hhlp No. 20 S, Itango No. u Went, and
will offer proof to hIiow that the
land HottKht Ih more valuable for Uh
tlmlier or Ktono than for agricultural
purpoxi-H, and to eHtalillali IiIh claim
to Hiild land lu'fore the IteKlHterund
lteeelver of UiIh olllce at HoHelmrK,
Oregon, on Tliutuduy, the 10th day
of July. 11X12.
He iiiiiiich an wltnexwH:
H. A. Snyder, (1. A. llock. J. M.
Will, U. H. Oray, of Aurora. Oregon.
Any and all iici-hoiih claiming ad
versely the above-deHcillKtl lands are
reiiueHtcd to file their Chilian lu thin
olllce on or In-fore hiiKI loth dav of
July, 11KI2.
J. T. IlittuoKH. IteglHter.
United Staten Lnml Ofllce,
ItoHebiirg, Ore., April 11th, 1!K)2.
Notlce Ih hereby given that In com
pliance with the iirovlnloiiH of the
act of CoiigreHH of June 187S, en
titled "An act for tho milo of timber
IiiiiiIh la tho StatcH of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Ter-i
rltory." an extended to all tho Pub-1
lie Land Staten by act of AugiiHt 4, .
1M)2. William C. JoneH of Mound.!
County of Lane, State of Oregon turn
nun him iik-m 111 nun iiuieu aavvl r i
statement No. 220.1. for the imreh.iHo
' the S.w; NV K, N X SW . SW K 1
SW V of Section ifo, S. Township 20 1
South, of itango 0 Went and will !
offer proof to show that the land 1
sought Ih more valuable for Its tlm-'
ber or stone than for agricultural j
mirpimeH, and to estalilfHh bin claim
hi mini mini ueitire 1110 jicglHter anil 1
lli-celver of thin otlice nt HoHcbnrtr.
Oregon, 011 Wednesday the 10th, day
of July, 11)02.
Jie million as witneHseH:
John It. tloHclton. Warren C.
Smith, Ueorgo Hoselton, B. J.
Watte, of Crow, Oregon.
Any aim an persons claim ng ad
versely the nbovo-ilescrtbed lands
are requested to lllo their elalniH In
thlH olllce on or before said loth day
ot July, 1002.
j. t. liitiDOKs, ltegiHter.
lievvare ol nlr dried or halt dry floor
lntr, celling and rustic. Tho llootli
Kelly Lumber Co. are making sped
prices on kila-diifd lumber,
Mines aodMiDioa
Devorod tb Boh
Items of tenercf
, . A.
Kumor Authenticated 1
P. J. Jeniling5. WHO is a leader)
1 I it..a 1. n i-i . t
uuui.u uMi me urcgon oc cvoutn-
eastern Railway Company, which
was incorporated last week in New
Jersey, was the name of the company
organized to build the Southern
Pacific, to the Bohemia mines.
This enterprise, he says, has been
financed and everything is now in
shape to go ahead with the railroad.
i The survey is nearly completed
The road will be 40 miles long, and
will pass through a country heavily
timbered, as wellas richly mineral
ized. The withdrawal of four town
ships of the mining district from the
Cascade Forest Reserve remains to
be accomplished in order that the
new railroad enterprise may have
full liberty in its operations in that
field. Oregonian.
The LeRoy.
Mining Manager Al Johnson re
turned from the LeRoy late last
week and reports a most favorable
condition. Work on the No. 4
tunnel is going1 on with all speed,
having gained a depth of about 150
feet already, and the face of the
tunnel now presents a solid face
- e , ...
01 gaiena ore. wnile no assays
have been made as yet, it is con
servatively estimated by practical
mining men mat tne roclc carries
at least $40 per ton gold. The com
pany is now planning extensive ex
ternal improvements, in the matter
of building cook and bunk houses
as well as a wagon road from the
mine to the Warehouse, at an esti
mated cost of S3000. As soon as
the roads will permit machinery
will be forthcoming, consisting of
air drills and compresser aud a
Ancient Alining Law.
The ancient mining law of the
Roman Commonwealth, which pre
vailed in Great Britain in the first
centuries ot the Christian era, pro
vided that any citizen was at liberty
to work lead mines, on or under,
an except consecrated lands, no
matter to whom it belonged, and
to follow his vein whithersoever it
led; provided that he did not aban
don his work for more than a cer
tain interval. This same law, in
the guise of "immemorial custom,"'
is still the rule with the lead miners
of the Peak of Derby. This is pro
bably the oldest mining law still in
use, having been in force for up
wards of eighteen centuries.
New Instructions As To Timber Lo
cations. Under recent instructions from
the General Land office, here
after persons desiring to make ap
plication to purchase timber land
may do so before a United States
commissioner, Clerk or Court of
the county wherein the land lies,
and may also make final proof in
same jurisdiction. Heretofore it was
necessary to appear in person before
the laud office to make application
and also to prove up 011 the land,
thus causing considerable trouble
and expense.
Stocks & Harlow.
It is announced that as soon as
the present owners of the famous
Stocks & Harlow mine, Messrs.
Isaac C. Thompson ind David
Finn, arrive from the east, that ac-
, ,, rm 1
ve work will commence. This is
one of the best known properties in
, , . . ,
Bohemia, and is owned by two
wideawake and energetic men who
,, , , , . .., ,
w,n leave nothing undone 111 their
efforts to make the mine one of the
best in camp, surpassing its former
splendid record.
If there Is 0110 thing In this world
you should bo careful of, It Is the
medicine you take. Medicine Is a
Godwin! to man only when projierly
preHcrlbed, properly compounded
nnd properly taken. You undoubtedly
have faith In your family physician,
You can use your owu Judgment.
when It conies to taking It, but hi
the tilling of the prescription, tie sure
' that It Is done at tlio old reliable
1 drugstore, He.nbon Uhvo Co,
em In Nore.3 1"
intotsjVt'o Mirt
Qlenwood and Bohemia Girl.
Fiugal Hinds, representing the
J .... 1.
stiltation with his mining partners,
He reports things lively on the
I sound and says everybody is talk
ing of Bohemia. In fact he says
out of 4000 people whom he met
there are only three who are not
going to visit Bohemia this year.
Speaking of his company's prop
erties Mr. Hinds says development
work will commence immediately
on the Bohemia Girl and later on
the Glenwood.
The Hiawatha.
Active work will commence on
the Hiawatha as soon as the roads
will admitof the hauling of supplies,
which is estimated to be within the
next two weeks. A 700 foot tun
nel will be driven this season be
sides the erection of cook and bunk
houses and the grading of a good
wagon road. Arrangements are
also being made for the erection of
a five stamp mill during the sum
mer to reduce the immense quan
tity of free milling ore encountered
on the surface, which runs at $20
per ton straight through.
Power of Attorney.
William F. Morphy, of Cottage
Grove has been granted power of
attorney by the Oregon & South
eastern Railroad Ccnpi:i . tran-,-act
business for 'h. ompanv Thi9
is the nt:w tj.ilr.ail 11
bemia miner uiewporaieJ iu ",.w
Jersey. F. W. Bairn Jj,reaiJeut
of the cewifrHrfIlrjMEs5;nl
Horace H. Gould, secretary.'
Exctve Property.
In the Komaa r noire, the jrold
TT1?1C?'T. til. - - - ..In.
of the.3j3nrperr. . ih- uvenuns
silver mss were
ans), wh!
mines of baser met
als, includ:
d, were opeu to
Benbuncement," and
Since tlieTncw. Wock of Judson
Rock stock! was placed much activ
ity has been demonstrated in sales,
and the block is rapidly passiug in
to the hands of purchasers.
Amoug this week's purchasers may
be mentioned, Michael Goetz, of
Jefferson, who placed 4000 shares
to his credit -
A crew of five men are at work
on the Sunrise,4and a 500 foot tiih-.,.
nel is being .driven. As soon as
Manager Lovelace returns from the
east a larger 'force of men will be
put to work nnd the summer work
will begin In earnest.
Development Commences.
John Wiggers and Wra. White,
two of Bohemia's well known min
ers, sent in their season's supplies
this week and will immediately
commence work on the Gettysburg
and Eugene1 mining claims on Ad
ams mountain.
The Oolden Cross.
The Golden Cross, Geo. W.
Lloyd, manager, is now having
driven a 500 foot tunnel. The
property has been acting splendidly
this year, good ore being continu
ous the lasb 3oo feet.
A Fizzle.
A practical mining man says that
the Thunder Mountain excitement
will prove to be only nuother
Buffalo Hump fizzle.
Bonanza Aline Lay-off.
Baker City Democrat states that
thirty-five miners were laid off at
the Bonanza mine last Saturday.
United States LanJ OOlrf .
w .1 . v RowOfaT. Oregon, Air, 7. won.
Notice Is horaby rlvon that tba fnUowiiis;.
named saltier haa Hlod notice ol his Intention
to make final prool In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be raaJo before Warla
L. Ware, U.S. Commissioner, at Kuitene, Ore
ifon.onMavsl. lwrj, Tls: Calvin Casieel on II.
Heuainea the lollowlog wltntsaeata prove
his cpntlnuoas resldenvo upon and cultivation,
of said land, Til:
n ferry t'aateel, John It. Landers, of Saclnaw.
Ore., b.V. Miller of I'reswell, Ore., Rlohsril
Kinney of Hsjlnaw, Ore
J T eK!M, Rtlltr.