Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 25, 1902, Image 8

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United fitnloii I.nml Ofllce,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb., 17, 1002.
Notice In hereby given Hint In coinpll
nro wllli the provision of the net ol
CoiiKriT of June 3. 1878. entitled "An
i't for llio wilt! of tlmltcr hind. In tin
Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada,
Hnngo2 Witt, nnd will offer proof to
how tlmt the lun J sought Is more
ViiUublo for Its timber orstnne than for
Agricultural purposed, and to establish
mosoH. anil to tttntilluli
li-rHnlm Inml lfore the lleiiln-
. . . . . -..r-
of Saslnnnr. Omron.
"ft are re-
n thin ottiix'
Mv, "'Ml.
Any nml nil pcraoni claiming mlvcrfe
iv tne aoovc-uescrioen lanns
qiicftcil to tlio their claims In
on or wiioro mm sin unr oi
.T TV llntnni'n.
. , '
United States Laml Oltice,
Rwburg. Ore., April 8th, 1SW2.
N'otlco Is hereby given that In com-
pllnnce with the provision of the act .of
Congress of JuneS, 1878, entitleil 'An
actfortho sale of timber lands In the
States of California, Oregon. Nevailu,
ml VnhliiclniiTnrrItorv.''a9 extemleil
10 nil 1110 i'lionc uHiiu owm j
ates by act of
August 4, 1892, Henry II. Hurst, of
Portland, County of Multnomah, State
of Oregon, has this day ttliil n this
In this
office his sworn statement No. 2189 .for
mo purcnaso 01 ne on i-t c-cvuyn
No. 18 In Township No. 20, Ringo No.
0W, and will offer proof to .how thrt,,
jne lanu sougin n more yaiunuio iur n
timber or .to ne than or mlruhiini
S of KK of 0. on iSi of ,M, I near" feet on tbc ' , sv , J i,,- Morrow; Attorney General J. II.
HwlT '"r-Vln widT sTv ' "o ' on S.41W J- Goitfccy. of Marion; Super!..
lion No. 28. Townshln 21 South, of I with surface ground tiOO feel In will h., M. ll t : eu ,,,,,1 will 1 t..nrtr..,. ..r ..i.ii r.., ur
oTMiv lb' 1 Mining Diftrlel, Dnuglan Ounty, Male ihiv of .lime. IW..
sKiJm wltnee,: of Oregon, ,,! .lUorllnM by the oflfk-i.l V ""wnk 1. iw,
Orb. Itobimon, D. N. nrnmbangh, 1 (.hit. hereiilt h m-I . h.hI by Ihe l.-l. A,;.'"i; "k t ;.. ' " ,,e
efCbttree Grove. Oregon, Hurry Dun- notes on tile In theo Hoi-of the Uegi-ter V'X "'Cu,,lH'
burof Encene. Ornron. Kthel Ultaut of lto-ehurg. Uin.l iJiMrlet. Oregon. lligglnsol I Mit. llri'.
J... imeva, v. ' " Hiv.ia it iu curlier u ti inriin: u t-t
said land beforo tho Register and Re- , l)f , s mln 595.3,5 to rornvr N, 4, iden
celverofthis africe at Roscburg, Ore- ti,.aith comer No 3 Dewev 1-oileof
gon. on Thursday, the 10th, day of July, n,i9 nuvey; thenco n 47 deg 53 min w
1902. 50O ft to corner No 1, the place of be-
Ho names as witnesses: cinning.coiituiniiig 20.174 acres.
J. M. Will, II. A. Snyder, G. A. Bock, , " The totlll Mllj nel Mrei, o( ,0 Oregon
F. P. Hnrst, of Anrora, Oregon. 1 Colorado Consnjidateil Quartr Claims is
Any and all tiersons claiming adven-e- ,0 Mi!). tliev nru Miiln i tlic-114
ly the nbove-described lands are re-' tnii KWy nf ei-c 10 tp 23 s r 2 0 of the V
quested to file their claims in this office 1 .M(,rvevwl),and tliu n.une of tlieiut
on or before said 10th day of July, 11HK. j()injnij cju"u, a8 shown bv the plat of
J. T. Bridoes. Reenter. '.nrvrv j t1P Dr, Jie on the i,onth-
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., April 8th. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of Juno 3,1878, entitled '"An
art for the sale of timber lands in the
Btatea of California. Oreeon. Nevada and '
... ., n.. ' i. , . - 1
vvasningion lermory, as eieno' ,
an mo riiouc- innii ouiies uy stiui .-in-
gust 4, 1892, Jonas M. Will, of Aurora, .
, .i ei.i..i h.n. h,iJ
County of Marion, State of Oregon, has
statement No. 2187, for the purchase of I
.k.cie t i r Omii.. v. on in TY..-
theSV Mof Section o. 20 in Town-,
inisnay meu in rnis ouice ins Burn
ship -No. 20 o, Kange .No. U V , ncil will
offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agriclutural purposCK, and to ,
esUblisl. his claim to' said land before ,
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Roseburg, Oreeon, on AVedneaday , the
8th day of Jnly. 1902.
He names as witnesses: t r p I
llpnrv A. Snvilpr, H. A . iWt. K. P.
Hurst. W. S. Ifurst, ot Aurora. Oregon, j
Anv and all nersonsclaiminu adverse-.
l ll.o .lvlMrrlt Unrf.H.rrtw.:
'. 7X a ; .r.;T. i .m.. .,fn..
on or before said 9th day of July, 1902.
ucfleCl iu uiu ktivil v.iaiiua va
v J.T. BntDaEs.jitegisier.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg Ore., April 8th, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Uongrese ot Juno 3, ibits entitled .in
gust 4, 1892, John B. Hurst, of Aurora,
l.,ntl f Htn.i S,t l nn,, h.I
- w..w j
this day filed in this office his sworn
BUtcment No. 2188, for the purchase of
tlio BP 1.J nf, Vn 'XI inT n.1,1,,
.! ' x ... . ...
. 20 S., Range No. 6 West, and will I
ir nroof to allow that the lanit sought I
offer nroof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or etouu
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Roseburev Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 9th day of July, 1002.
He names as witnesses:
Henry A. Snyder, J. M. Will,G. A.
Bock, Geo. II. Gray, of Aurora, Ore
gon. Any and allpersons claiming ml verse
ly tho above-described lands aro re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 9th day of July, 1902.
J. T. Bridges, Register.
To J, J. Pellan andF. A. Rankin:
You are hereby notified that the under
signed have expended One Hundred In
labor and improvements upon the Monarch
lode mining claim, situated In tho llohemia
Mining Dinrlet, in Lane County, Btate of Ore-
Jon, during the ye.r ending December 31st.
will appear from an affidavit filed In the
o.lce of tho County Cleric of Lane County, Btate
otorcgon, In order to hold the said premises
under the lawi ot the United Mates and of the
State of Oregon, And If within ninety days
from the service of this notice upon you by
publication, you talt to contribute your share
and proportion of such expenditure as co
owners, to-wlt the sum nf f2j.oo, your Intcrcft
in iam claim tun oei"me me mo vropet.i n. no
ie provisions of Bcctlon
of the Inlted States of
subscribers under the
2321 of the statutes
Hated at Cottage OroTe, Lane Countv, Oregon,
tbla the 3rd day of February, A. I)., 1902.
11. Lracn
Mas, K. A, Cottlk.
tvibit un. JUrtuftM'S great
f &MvMa eiilh tad BatMik.;
OrmUtt attraction in Vu CUv. U
vrotulerful HjhtJor tltitort. j
r..nT.. ur kh conirmci. i
raalseas0,nikT-rrurrdliy m
tbt OlJent bptxUliil on th i'tvclflo
Tbhv mm ml.Idl f
grU men who tire nirrvriiic i
fruin ib UTtcn ot routbful Indl V
cratloiia or ( In mnasas .
ywri, evfirriii.iitnctpbviU.'al lialillTtV.lni. P
k liuiriiej, iiinjiiiwuci lUHluilcom.i. i.
m cut Ion nj NrmuirriittH, I'riminior m
rlH, OunorrliaoM, Ulrl, Frr4iiirnt- T
0 " VrliiuIlM. f IC. My it coa.blimllun of
it-riicr.iiss-1, uKrri.curuilTa J.O 9T, in JWctitr '
A liMMHrrttiitTtfttliU trruimrrittintlt will lint A
f only afford IrnrordloU rtllf. but perraanent f
JVilran 'ItiA TIaiiIab tftAaa ..... I J . . m . .
f mlraclf-. but U well knuwn to ba a Inlr and
flu"! fliyHlclan nnt Hurcron, rrotmloaot
HYI'llil.U tlnironghly ersdlcsted from
O th systsu nltlioultlie usaof Ilerrurr.
T TrLI,',,. fl ( tp.1 li w .n V" . m . t
A eiirf for lliiplure. A quick and rodtail
W cars for l"l lea, I I.. uro and
A Dr, Jordan's specltJ iialaleaa mstboda.
T BVKUT MAN anplrlngtoui,UlieoeIry
ourfcoi.'Moinifonof his complaint. .
Il's will Uuoranl'S a KMUY CVBB in I
ferry com s wiii,rci4.
Cunsiiltatliin FUKH andatrletlyprlrate.
Treatment nersoaally or by lelttr.
Writ, fur nook. l'liiMiiorrrr of'
XAiiiiiAUt:. iiiiusran (AvaloUjis
povitiormcu.; wiigiwnw
OR. JORDAN 11 CO., 1061 Market SL, S. F.
f I
tctiorine sale ot tiuioer muus in iur . to uor, o. a; tlieuce . 41 ueg. a nun. .. oi.x wun ine proYisnnis m wie i-i m ,,,ni;rv- ui
SL-ites of California Oreeon. Nevada and It- toCor.No. 4: thence N. 4o deg. 57 mln. w. line, ins. entitled "An act for ihe sale ol
v..mI. 11. l-'or. No. 1 ot Ugln- 1 tlmUrlsn.H In Hie Hi.tesol r.lifornl.. Oregon
Washington Territory," as extended to uin.Tonlalnlng I9.i'. aerei. Ni v.d, and warhlngton Terr lory, aetteud-
nll the Public Land States bv net of A U i Km in txuiTi fj.le IWeiiiiiiiii- at Cor. No. I. eil to alt the I'nb!!'- Ijind states by act of Au
minimal sunvi:y, no.4m.
United Stales laind Office
n i . iuw.iijn. tiKii,
IVUSVUllip, UHi, ......v.. --,
Notice Is hereby given tlmt In pursu
.JongW. proved nnccvilll.'tho impious "('.';;'''
iV.! l" IViti.m.l.utei. ..f Cahtornia. Oiev-on. Nevada.
uheu oi (lie .ci oi u
Mav 10. 1872. tlu Ore
iiiv. Mtllim-iind Dove!
i xuz ..:::!r so; :
l loisj inieiir teei uu imp ' " ,
bearing gold, the same being ltV feyl
i iw" mwniTrwu
fi-om Oisi-overv Out thrivoii, with r-
( In if grouiut WU leel 111 wmin, m
i hi.. t .11.. I. ..I.... ....1 .,iiid
IK-vxey IakIo: lb-glnnlnitnt corner No
I, whence the nortlie.,ft comer of v. 24
m i-tlspeiuleil tl, M, uric W 1' M Iwhw
52 ' 3? '"" 2I3A.M It V Mln-
erul Moimnient "H.tlieinui Mine" in i
22M he.ii-s n 24 .lix 18 mln w A407.4I ft . A
I IkiIkiui 8 In itiain U-arsi M leg ;
e 20.18 I ta II r 11 Ins ilium b?ars n neg
M llim e i lB tl t.ui., ,xwl unl tei lUM
H T 1-445. Thencu s 42 ileg mm w
502.50 ft to comer No 2; thence s 47 ileg
5;) ,11111 e 1500 ft to i-orner N 3, thencen
42 115 ml,, e574 S3 ft toeoruer No. 4 ;
tiuiiii' 11 47 ileg 11 mln 30 iv w 14W.tio
u to i-orner No 1 the placo of beginning.
., w
siut,H , , ii.lllnno, ,., vu
j( i,euCal with corner No 2 of the
l)..v Lodeof thiaaiirvev. whence then
corner of fW "24 in .u.Ven.ll tP SJ .
r,:..rr, !J in ..r:.:...,.lt mil s
r , e of t,le w. M. bearS n SO ileg 42
mm 20 sec w L'154.84 It U o SIM
heuttn Mine" MS No 229, beam 11
' It.w
. iw
Wmln M w w 672tij7l'lt. The.u-e
44 ,Uv 3 Ullll w 570.S8 ftto comer o
2 . ,,, , 47 deg 10 mln 40 co
east J. T. IlKitxiEs, Kegister.
II. K. Sargent. Portland, Ore., Attor
ney for Applicant.
United Si.tes Tjinil Office
Roseburg. Orviroii, -M.reh '.u, 1MU.
Notice Is hereby airen that In uruuce ol
the .11 ol rtuitfreM HtkiiruTel II. V ill. 1972. Ihe Minms:. Milling n.l HeieUip-
ment t:olnlHnr. A i-orir.llull. who- lmsloffli-e
j, i.ur,iuii. ofeiron. by Its seerei.ry.l'. J.
uuiy authorized inereiu, n.siu.ue ai'iuieuiion
lor . i-tcnt for Its el.lm known . tne lima-
dence CousoiM.teu,eonMtinB oi
It6s ner fcat ou Ihl) lMn j, U-.rlni! rolu.
the same oeinie orinureMerir .nu
feci .Southeasterly from blsrorery Cut thereon,
with sun. i-e KTouml wxifeet tu width; anu ft
niicarfeetuii the Simpson IoUetHarlnt iri.M
the same being uu leet .Nortliuesterly auu IS-1
fct ?J,!i'l?L 'f'i?, "?,?,"VViUh','ind".n
kuM, the s.m being AM sooihea.terly .inlaw
bearing golil.the me being W leet Northwe.-
V&tht inSl 15 i!ne r n rthv1on
i,.i.i lu-.H-o-.,!,! th tin. rlnr lis? t.
M'SSfil. iri5N.tM.ff.uii.r.i-.1fiffia .
ilttiatisMl t
n ii ;Tmn:n,Ve,ii jiiuluir m.trici. Iourl.
- . " . ' - - , - , : . . . .
eonnfr.Sl.lo of llrevroll. arid de-4-rlbe.l by the
omcl.Tplt.herewirno.ledl,d by tile field
no.e.ou' tlleln.he office of th Ki.terof M.-uj-
oow.miw in. neuKo?.
ttaira I..le: Jtef iittll llie at lor. No.
the N. E.Cor. of Ivc. 21 in suypcildetl T. 3 3.,
, .," y
11, 1 t oi :ue o . t. M. ueani tt ueg. in Jim.
IV. a.tT.V: ft; V 8.MIneral Monument "noLeiui. I
Mlne"M . No.iSJbeart.s.aiueg. tl illu. tsi
bee. W. T07l.7 It; . fir 4 ft. dl. be. N. ileg. ,
4 min. W. v.10 ft., Iir4 It. 1U. bears S. M ileg. i
II mill. IV. 403 ft., each scribed 11.
T. tneuie u. tl ueg. a min . oiuio to
Cor. No-.'; thence B. 47 deg. 1 mln. t. 14tJ,17
"hence the s. K. Cor. of w. 2t in , .uinde.l
T..-3 . It th.of the ! it. bears. N .A! deg it
mill IT., sec iv :i7Tl.t it; l B. il. a. "jioiiciiii.
Mine," M H. No'JrjDbears N 20 deg 33 mln ii ec
V MiM it. Cor .u 8 1h lte ol thl. surrey
te" .? ra" " .:. d
blaleiianilseriue-l l l-w Dears a niie. mm
v u..vj ft; thence H 41 deg M mln W M.Ti it to
CorNo2;.theui-eH47deg3iiintn 4U sec K
ft In l or .No a: thence N 41 "eg an mill r. sn..H
ft to Cor Nu I; tlieuce N 47 deg 6 mlu W 1177.2S
ft to Cor No I, the place of beginning, contain
ing 2U.1147 acres exclusive nf the Dora Lode. i
Confidence Lode: lieglnnlng at Cor No 1,
Identical with corner Nu 4 I Kir. Lode ot Ihls
survey, whence the NK corner of Bei-21 In sus
pended T. 23 H. It 1 K of the 11 1' M bears N 42
ileg IV mln 20 sec W 5U0J1 ft V. 8. M. M. "Ilohe- i
mla Mine" M ri No Z9 bears N 2H deg 30 mln 40
sec lVnU2.40fi; thence 8 41 deg 3 mm IV 5x7.21
It to corner No 2, Identical with curner No 3
Unr. Iide of ihls survey: thence h U deg .sl l
" i r.M Hum trt.U'll .I V H (I'HiMP i i " " '
min KllRi.ltf ft to comer fio S; thenco N 4 ti,,iic,i rjind nmce
&'f.c,'ia'nSnT?i47r'n,Ucorn0eV4Voh7Ce.h llJbo'wiSr: "SkSI
Pri;'tt''Tiglm,tngg at rner ' No I ' llij rovhi. , . '- o
Identical with comer No 4. Confluence Lode of . ;,u"fJl;,l;.??"
this snrvey. w hencu tho NIC corner of Bee 21 in l!".,.r.1 L,i ivi.i.i , lim, ivMritn ?r ' .1
n.nn.iwt T't h it t k nf thu v i M tMars N ' Nevaila and Wa.Iilngtoii Termor), as ex
u ?&Vm in M aie w V U H II M "llo- tended toall the fubllo Land.htate. by act of
Sernft MIno" M H Ni, 23 bear, n 82 deg 32 min
a see It; thence H 44 deg 3 mln w
601.09 to corner Jvo2, Identical with corner No.
3 Confidence Lode of lh, survey; thenco 8 10
the place of beginning, containing 2U.f acres. 1
U'.iuin lAia: iieilnnlnir at corner No I.
whenco a llr lil.i dla be.Vsii bo deg 31 mln U
7.72 ft a llr 12 III ilia bears ll 5 deg 4i mln w 11.S7
ft each blaicl and acrlbed It T I-W. IIHIDI
1&&aJ&UWti?& min 't
AK7 11 It Mirn.r no 'it thenco I, 79 deir 41 mill
SOaeel! 117.92 ft to corner no 3; thence n deg
10 mlu wS7A!ft in corner no 4i
t iiin, A
()l,K Jm w 7.e; to nirner no 1 the place ol
beginning, containing 10.113 acres, exclusive of
u,? Confidence and ifoly Smoke Lodes.
The total net area ot theto consolidated
mirver. In tho Marie Lode on the NoTlbuetit.
It. K. Barseat, TortUnd, Ore., Attorney for
Vnltetl Stnte Lund Olllce,
Ilowliurjr. Oiv.. Anrll Sth, 1002.
With-i. In lnni.liv irivim tlmt. In cimi. 1
claims is wi.121 acres, lliey are incaien in me
Biof Bee in and theswUol Bee 20, T 23 8, It 2 K ,
(uiisurvejeillof the W I'M, and the name of
nf the.dlolnilli? claim ns hoHtl bv the tilat of I
iillnnce with tho iirovlHlotm of the 1 lias this day Med In this oiriee liia
lift of Coiihivkm of .Ttino :t, Vi'H, en I gwnrn btatfinent No. 2200, for tho pur
tltleil "Ail act for the hiiIo of timber chase nf tho XJ-.NWK S l; .N
lntidH in the Btitti'H of fiillfornlii, Ore-1 14 & NW 14 SW 1-1 of fcectlon No. 14
gon, N'oVndn, iind WiinlilnKtoii Ter-I In Township No. 20 a, Itnnge No 1
rltorv." uh extended to nil the Public 1 West, mid will oiler proof to show thai
Lund Stilton by act of AtitjiiHt 4, 1K92, the land sought is moru vulmiblo for Its
(JtiHtuv A. Unci;, if Aurora, County timber or atonu than for agricultural
of Marlon, State of Orej-on, Iuih thin! purposes, nml to establish hia claim to
ilnv liloil In thin uilli'., Illu uvvot'ii tnid land before the liegister mid lie-
i Htateitieitt No. 2101, lor the tnircliiihe'ceiver ol lliiaoirireat lioseburg, Oiegon,
i.of the ii'A W and Uitn 3,-1, of ion Friday, tho lltli da of July, 1002.
' Section No. :) In TowiiKlilp No. 20S., He namea as,vvitnesse:
llnn.m No. II W.. nml will offnr iiroiif
Kliovv tlmt the liinii HOtii?lit In more
valuable lor Itn timlier or ntono than
for airricultiiral ihh-dohch. and to en
tabllHii bin claim to mild land before
the KegtHter and Hocelvur of this
olllco at Honeburij, Oreijoii, on
Tlmrndny, tho 10th day oUtily, 1002,
He uaniCM an wltlieHneH:
J.M.Will, F.P. Hurnt, Henry A.
Snyiler, Geo. II. Gray, of Aurora,
Any anil ail pernonn clalnilnir ad
vernely tlio above-denci-lbed lantln nro
i on. i..i i.. ii.i
.1 (line flit liuinviun IJllllltM, fill"
olllco on or beforo wild 10th, day of !
July, 1002, J. T. BiiiDaKS, IteglBU'f. I
United States m OHIce,
i, ... i V,,,- Jlli. IIVll!.
Notice Is hereby given that In eompll
r .n the Vnimc u...i ..
Nelson 1
Cr'utni; of I
" ... .. i i,,
oiler prtiol to s now u un -" " "
i more vlnil le for U ti.nlv r Ii no
timiuor mini'iiiiuroi i"i"7 "V ". ..r .. I
. , V- ..... .. ...i 'i..,,.! i.r..i-.. tl... '
r .7" .?V.L ..,. ik Iti I KIHMM VIT til llll imii-
W the .ilHe.,li-!.orilM l.ili.N rc n-
.,nesle.l to Hie their ellin n tin- ; ffhr
ion or before ul 2itlt ilny l .luiif. t'AI.
J. T. lt.mxiK. llegiHer.
. XOTU'K Vult 1'fm.trATIoN.
fiiliol Sltf ljn'l om,'
Kiwburr Iteinin, Mr h W. 9l.
Stlr l hrkv itlifn lht In nmtlniv
wlthlhi'prvlhnfOlll fl ol ivnrs
Jiinea.lrt.entitW.n 'l "'
ilmtr lnl In the Sii' i'ni"l. lire
tun. N.l. n.l Mhlnston Irrrfturr,"
f xtemlr.1 m nil lliblii IjO"' ll"
Mltu-l 1. IH. rlwrlO" J. lloMnnt. ol ltlm"
ilnixe. r.mniv.if Un. s!ii nt own. Iif
llit ,tr M.'il 111 thl "ttire his nrn Mtomcilt
No. SlhVftirttif pnrclil Ihe ' !
S ! ' J-.-.J"I"r."
W 111 10 UMIIP liu
till offer proo! 10 show
th.'iWun.l i.'icM h more T.,i.b
...... 1. ....Hht I. .....ft. r.lti.hle for UN
timber or .tone ihn lor ittlculiiirl t'r"e.
n'lt...tabll.hhi.cUlm l,: l.l
S?r8Sm .oii TiuMit. Si Sill .lay il
llunme--iiiiii'c. . .
hoMr,in.J.m" 11XUw .1t
umv. nrvion. ,1,.
.,HV'JV; i-u JJ'MriV. ifi:
IhelrrUihK in th( olllce on or tlir' Mt.l at.l
liny ol June. !'.. J. 1 nlliw. i'r,uitr.
t'nlle.1 St.lf Oftloe, Dr.. . M.reh IIHh.lmc!.
Notice Is hereby itlveli lhl In i nniillanrv
Kith the prut Islnna of the .itot i'oiiri of
Junes, is;.", entitled "An ul tm Ihewleuf
tluber l.nilsln Ihe two in i-aiiiurni., r
Eon,, .ml W.-ninsloti Territory," s 1.. All the Public lnil SUles by Ml'l ol
Auxum 4. 1?SJ. lro I.. W hlton. ol Kiniene,
I'onnirof Ijine. ol uresim. h.sthii Uy
ni.wl in till nrtbn hliiKiim mtn lament No.
. 'Jiui, thuhnrchiiii .if tta K . of t'ltotl No, M
In ToHh1uNo. -V. lUntre No. WeM.mi.l will
nrT..f'l.iili.m tlidt lh taill! tttincht i DlOtV
Tttluable (or itn timber nr hiodc than (or ntcrl
rulUimi tittrpo?. ami (Ofti.WUli lit- t latm to
mM land More Hie Koiritf r ami KrUruf
thin office at Kotmnr, Ortm, on SiiurUay.
the Kh ilrtj: of Mv. l'rj.
lie names at wttne-ws:
K. Pmtlh. 1 E.8maUr. A l!mton, 11.
V. Thompson, ol Kuiretie, t re iron.
.Kntpli.eHl.Nl Inml. .re renin
Any ami all rewii" cm i mini ant ei so 15- inv
their el.linf In ihlsofficeon nr before miW 17th
ursii'ti in nit;
day or M.y, nw
J. T. ItRll.iM, Keicliter.
United stales Ijind efflee.
Ro-ehurir. lire.. M.reh loth. VM1.
i'h 'he provision. of the act of Conin-.s of
J.. .1, ffiiiw "?...r..S "!?"'
" "' n'v.,hlna on Territory "
l"f?'Bl tffiffi
nSinYn tnts olB h .worn ii ; ."rnint N.f
" fwihS ,..mK of "J ...healt!,! fv?
, J", to'Vhu'w JfrfSftul
W erf, nn l Clier prow to now iiiai mc iim
ul claim lo ttvva in mi iniiori iq iieiriir i
" ) '". "'"' -!" ""rt'r
ji-reiveroi inis.nniraaiuimourx.un
" i"iy. tne nn .lay, oi jiay, jwb.
"" '1" "i.'.a'ir. .. .,..... .. v.
s " f 7 EncV., . m on ' '
Sn - fcnhc f ..... ,,
u...,, ... re7iueel t. Hie
IhelreUlms In this oBlce on or before r Id 17th
day uf May, l'ji-.'.
J.T. llRitsiEs, Itc'Is'er.
I'liltcd stales Ulid lllllcc.
Notice Is tVeeliy glccn ihnt In compliance
gn.t 4, lMrJ, James Milan, of l-aginAtr, County
of Lnc.Btte of Oregon, hasthls day filed In
tnt onico in sworn si.ieme'it no 2111, mr inn
purch.,ecf the 8K1-4 of lection ho. 22, timn
shli21 south, of range 2 west, and will offer
proof to. how that the land uiughl 1. mine tat
uable tor Its tlmt eror stonet!ian forargricuitn.
ral pnrposes, .nil ti,et.liliih his i-'ahn to said
land lieforo the n-glsternlid reieivcrof lhl of
flee .t Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday the 12
day of June, lata.
lie name as wltnese:
A. J. Anderson, of stern. Oregon, fleo. lion. Tattcnand Joe I'crLIns of Cot
tage tirove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming .deracly the
abot e-ilescrltu'd lands are reo,t:ctpil to tile
their claims in thlsortlce on or tiefore said 12
day nf June, I9U2.
J. T. Iiruioks Register.
August 4. 1S '2. fcvangeline v s i. m v ancoutcr
Cnuntv of l.iarLe. Klale of Waiihingtou. has this
day tiled In this office her sworn statement No
2l., lor me imrcn ... o .... 'ffi"
,h,i"hir.u?,rJ' ?,"Jlid 1 Pnd Wire
lln nercl.alm to said lanii oeiore iiid iieKisier
jn.1 "' Vhinrn dav of July l
" 5' Vi'1. Ja!r ' Ju" ,M"
J heiiinK itness m. Vancouver
A"? nil ... Person, claiming .dver.e.y the
aim, e-liextl oeil am ii-,i.
their clalmaln this office on or before said lAlh
day of July, lima,
J T llnlbOKs, Register.
United Stntea Laml Oirife,
nosnlmrg, Ore . April 10, 1002.
NoticB is hereby given tliut in cum
plianee with llin provislotis of tho net of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled 'An
act for tlm sale of timber lands In the
Slates of California, Oregon, Xeviuln,
mid Washington Territory," iih ex-
tended to all tlio Public Land hlntes by
nut of August 1, 1802. .laspor I). II illu ol
Jnsner. County of Linif. Staloof Oregon,
Henry Tlldeii of June. Ore., Iteeee
Parker of Klon, Ore., Jolin M. Corno
lius of Pleasant Hill, Ore, J. S. Ililla of
Juaner. Ore,
Any nnd nil persons clniinlng ail
.versely tho iibovedescribed lanila are
requested to file their claims in this
olllce on or before said lltli ilny of July,
J. T. llitino-KB, Itcgister.
Wo sell choica lota in tlio Lone &
IUnghain property, lately platted und
- : . 1 V. . i . ...
udjolning tillage lyovo, rigni hi t ie
lunct on of t ho H. P. It. It. ond theO.U.
& Prices nccording to locality.
JKiioMU-kNox & Co.
The foltowitiR ticket was mmii
iintcil In) jhc tlcmocrnUc convention
' 1'otttomi, AptU nth
Govctnor OcotRC K. Cham.
Supreme JtuKc-. V 1
1mm, of Marion; Scetotnry of S
V. Se.irs. of Volk: Stut e
Treasurer Henry lltackman, of
. "
A. Wllltu, of Imc; If,
or Unttcii
naioi v.. n o.
Wood, of
Mtiltnomali; Congressman P'irst
District T. K. Wcatltcrfonl, of
Unit; Coit)rcssman Sionul I)is
trict W, V. llutcher, of ltaker.
United Stntw IjiihI Olllce.
Riwelmrg, Oiegon, Feb. 21, 1902.
Noti"e la liervhy given that In coinpli
iinccwith tlie provisions of the act of
CoiiKrcts i. June 3, 1S7S, eulithil "An
act for tliea.ileof timber land, in the
SlHle of (.'iilili'rnla, Oregon, Neviiila,
and Washington Tvirilnrv," iisesli'iultil
to all the I'uhlic lind States bv net of
Aiiignst 41391 Mm. Maria J, Lindsay,
of OottaglgSSvc, County of bine, Mate
of Orvgoffkfras this day tiled in this
office her sworn statement No. 2i14, (or
Ihe purchase "I the SK Vf, of Section
.Mi. ., liiwn.hlp ;J, Pinitli, ol ltange.l
West, mid will offer proof to show that
..",.i ii iuiL-i v .,u ,u" "
lie land sonant is more valuable for its
tlmbernr stone than for iigrienltiiral
pi rposes, and to establish her cla m to
.aid laud U-fnre the Reulster nml l!iv
reiver nf tlilsnlTice,ut Roseburg, Oriwi.
on Siitnnlay, the 10th day of May. IIHU.
She names witnesses:
John Nukes, William Smith, Anna
Suiilli, Williaai O'llonnera, of Coltaae
lirove, Oregon.
Any and nil person lininiliii; ml verse
ly the alnn-t"descrilHl hinds ate re
(iie.nxl tnlllc their claims in this office
on or before wild 10th ilav of May, 1902.
J. T .Uhiihikk, Register.
United States Laud Office,
Roiebujy, OiCiton, Feb. 24, 19ir2.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with tlie provisions of the net of
Congress of J one II, 1878, entitleil "An
net for the sale of timlier lands in the
State of Calilornia, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," us extended
to nil tlie ruble uinii amies uy net oi
August 4. 1892.Arthur I. Meyer ol hit-
gene, County of Uine, State of Oregon
Inta tlna davBlisl in tills offico his ,
sworn statement No. 2009, for the pur-
hasKof the MY lj of Seclion No 2,
Tow nshin 20 Siwtli, of RangeK W.W.I
... .a r . .1 ...1 ,t
M.: anil w ill oiler tirooi to snow inai toe i
I.tnd sought is more valuable for its tim-1
Iter or atone than for agricultural tiur-
poses, nml tu establish his claim to said
land la-fore the Register and Receiver nf
this office at Kieburg, Oregon, on
Thursday the lStliduv of Mav, I1KI2. i
.. . i
lie Willie us witnesses: i
II. K. Jminev, C. B. Walker. Jack I
Mtirnhv David Miiinbv. of Kngene.
Anv iitid all liensina claiining adverse-,
le the nlaie.iiescrlt'eil lauds lire re
liitesltsl to liletlieir claims in this office
on or before sjfsl 15th day May, 1902.
-ijiimMiEs. jtegisier.
Wl'nllcit S'.tcs Unit Office,
rehnrg. the., April 1th, tins.
Notice Is hrrvllr glien thst In cilnpllauce
ulihllie tr,iUiiinsnf the act nf emigres, of
Ji,ue S lss. fiitillcil "An acl for the salenf
Timber Uinli lii ihoSiaie- nl rsllfnrnla. oie-
gnu. evsla. and vi.blligtun lerriinry." ss
e(,.nils,i ni hII tin. I'ublii- lilid Hlates fiV ttct
nf Allium I. late. Robert .1. Jayl fbeilda,
c.iniiy i.l Linn. Clateof niegmi, baa ihls day
tiled Inthisiillice hiss. urn slnienicul Nn 217.
for l the H1, Nil ',. SVV 't HK ',
NKi.sW i. nf H.,i.tlu Nn. 1. Tnntislilli 2
S- t f Range 1 sol and Hill niter irmil li, I
slum that the land sniight . mine valuable fur I
i's thiitieriir stone than for agricultural tiur-'
Lo c. ami to crabuh his claim tu am i.iui
1'tnri-ll.elIeKltteranil Itci-elver nf this unite
at Riiscbunr, Orvaon, on Thursday Ihe -"Itli day
of June, h"f
He liains as wllneses-
Nelnn I', t'rume of ItruviiisvUlc, Ore. Frank
I'orter. tiny porter, of she.hls, Ore . Isaac Illg
glns ol Trent, o-e.
abnvedertlied lands are reiiuestcd tu rile I
.mr sll ron claiming nuierci)' uiu
day of Jane, I9i2.
ine.r claims lit inn onne on or oei
J. T. ftnitjos... Readier.
Unltod Htatcs Unit Office,
Roebiirg, Ore.. March, III, 1902.
Notice Ii hereby lien that In compliance
Ith the pruviiloiis nf tlie act of Congress nf
Jnnea, l?"s, cntlttel "An act for the salenf
timber lands In the Htslesnf California, (Lo
gon. Nevada, a.rt Washln tin Territory." as
exlcndudtoalltlie liibllc IjiiiiI Stales bv act
ntAugnt i.iHj,iels It. Olbwn.of Muiikers, i
0WI nlnn.HI.toof Oregon, has. Ills . ay ,
filed In th'.t nfTliji hi. lunni .l.tcnieut Nn, 2ti0,
fur the purchase of the Lota4,A,l2&Mnf Kec
Hon No, as In Township Mi. 21, Range No. 2
West, anil wlllnfler proof lo show that the
land sought l mor valuable for Its timber or
tone than for agricultural tinrtsises, and to
e-tab.h hli claim tu said land liefore tlie
Register and Receiver uf this office at Rie;
hnrg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of
pi.,, ijv.,
lie names as witnesses: . .
It. I'atii.ii f p.,ii.. nr.ivc. flreirnn. A.J.
Ander-on, of ptar. Oregon, (leor e Downs, nf
ullage (Irote, Oregon, T. C. Johnson, uieugi
nsw, Oregon.
Any and all niMni claiming adversely the
some denbrlbwl lands are reunesteil In.nlo
Ihi lrclalms In Dale office un nr before said 171b
d.y of May. 1WJ2,
J. T. IIbiduks, Register.
.United Bt.tes Land Office.
Kosohurg, '
l.nrv. llr. . Anrll g. I'J02.
Notice Is h.rdflirTr'Hri that In compliance
with the pro-MfcrSf Ihe act of Congrea of
Jnnei, emltI?dAn act for the sale nftltn
lr lands In the mates of CalllornU, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex
tended toall the I'nhllc tillld Htatls by art nf
AlliiUHt l. ISO1, ivim.n. u. llu .t. nf Aurora.
ounty f Marion, male ol Oregon, has this day
filed In tills oltice his sworn statement .Nn.
2 iw. for thepurrbsie of the NW i. being fcw
NW i A lote l.2,ofHertlon No, HO In Township.
No Hub., KanaeNo. fl IV., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more valuable
for lit tlinberor stone than for agricultural
imriaiacs, and to establish his claim to said
land before the lteglsler and Receiver of this
oflueat Kieburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, Ihe
Ot h day of Jul, fin,""
He names ss wltii..nea'
V I' llursiT Jttck, J. U. Will, Oeo, II.
nray, of Aurora, Oregon.
Any and ah Mrimii claiming adversely the
ala)veslescrill landa atereflunited to file thf Ir
July mie u" ur b4'ure ""l1 hl,"Lf"t
J T IIbimcs, Register.
Untied Slalts Ind Olllce,
v., . . Il'iseliurg, Ore, April lllh, 1WI2.
Notice It hereby given Ihalln compliance
Y, h JiruvlsluiM of the act of Congiosof
Jniies iris entltM "An act for the sale nf
timber lands In thegiates of California, Ore
Hli I"'1 naslilngton Terrllory," as ex;
'ended to jll the cublio fluid Htatesby act of
Auguit I in,;, Abu,J Coie ( 'Aurora,
Wr f,',1"""'!, Bt te of Oregon, has this day
I f M, sworn statement No if.
tor the piiri liakeot the uw H of ftocllon Nn 2 In
lyi'v'1' iNo ' Ringo No B w, am! will offer
vaYnli "f'Tll'il thelaiul sought li more
rS iSf,'0'11' linker nr stone than for agrl
Si, iAU'iU,r'"i inJ tu establish his claim to
i St. , hv'L" ,n Register and Receiver of
ilthd,VCerji7. Oren. ' t"
lie names as witnesses'
u?n ut' .E '' ll""t, of Aniora, Oregon,
jZ'.Vtih?' ""'"ton.'H A Hiiydor, of Au.
.iVJ1'"."l"oni claiming advorsely the
ftef.'t'1 lands "r I requestod to Ma
JTllBlPOliSiIt'if'ii0'' otTras nrrajasi
Asthmalene Bringi Instant Relief and Permanent Curt
lt alt Cues.
We wiint lo svntl to everv sufferer
slnnlai to the one that euicd Mr.
PA I It. Alwilutelv Freeof Chnrge,
It, even on n puilnl. Never mind, though yon nredcspairliig.linweYcr
had voiir ease, A"lhiiialene wil relleveunil emu. Thewoise Miurinse
, I, . i i.. u...l Ii I),, , ml ili.lnv. Wrltnnt mice, ml-
dri-slng DR. TA FT BROS.' MKMOINF. CO., 79 tinst KlOlh St.,
N. Y. City. Sold by nil Druggists. ?
Cnltiil StutoM Lind oiriiv,
llosebiirg. Ore., Apt tl Ith, 1902.
Vitl,,., 1. I, ,1. be oliiiii I lint ill com.
iilinneii uilli Hie umv islmis of the net of
'miuniH nl .liinii :l. 1S7S. entitleil "An
Act tor the sale ot limner i.niui mine
State" of California, Oregon, :cviiila.
anil Wnshlnutnn Territory," a esteinlnl
to all the Public Land States by net of
Alicn-t 4. 1892. Fiank II. Porter
,.( Linn, Suite of Ot
, , , llH, , tl.i ..trtoo I
1892, Hank II. rorler ol
i. r.
, mi! , v MH in uiinuiiiee u is
L..rII .lalenient No. 217(1. for the our-
eliiiai, nftbeSK t, of Section No. 21
Toniiship 2ll South, of Range I West
ami will oiler nroof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for it
timlier or
sliiiin than for aericiilturiil
puiHises, uiiil to esiiibllsh his claim to
said hunt More the Register mid Re-
,.,l,nr .if Ibis office nt ltosebiirc. Oieeon.
on Thursday thu2ilth day ol June, 1002.
lie inline. a witnesses
Nelson P. Crunie of Buiwnsvllle, Ore.,
Ouv L. Porter, IIoIhtI A. Jayiie, of
Sbeihls, Oie., Isaac ltiggiiis oi Tient,
Anv and all peisons ehiliuing iul
versely tlie alsive-descrllieil lands uro
rispiesleil to tile their claims in this
office on or before wild Slit Ii day of June,
J.T. HitliHir.s, Regisler.
United States Land Office, I
Rosebiiig, Ore., April 4lh, IIK2.
Nutien is hereby given that ill ininnll- '
mice w ith the provisions ol the act ol
foneiess ol June .1, If,. f, entitleil ".in
Act tor the sale oi Tinnier litnns in tne
Slates of Cuhforuia, Ori-gnn, Nevada,
I It'. I.! ..... 'IV. --I 1..... 't
nun ihihukhih imiiuri , un
tended In nil Ihe Public bind States by
act of August 4. 1892, Ouy L. Poiternf
Micilds, County of I. inn, Slate ol Ore-'of
gon has this day llhsl in this office Ills
sworn statement No. 2177, (or the put-
chase nl the NWl-4nf Si-ction No. 21,
i .. .... ... l ...... it ....... i ic...
iihwimiii ,i, .-luuui, luimn i ,-...-.-... "r "
and will offer proof to sbuw that the Range 2 West; nul will olfer pnsif to
land ought is more vnlualile lor its
tinilair or stone than for agricultural
piirMi?cs, nml to estiblish his elailii to
ml laud In-fnre the Itcgister und Hi-
ceivernf this iTice at Koselmrg, Ore
gon, mi Thursday the 20th day of June,
He names as witnesses :
Isaau lliu'wiiis nf Trent, Ore , I'ranl;
Porter, Itoln'rl A. J.iyue, of .Shodds,
Ore., Nelson P. Crunie nf llrnw nsville,
Anv nnd nil peisons clnimiiig ail
yeiselv the iilHivi-Hliwrllnil liniilsiiie m-
nnestisl to llle their claims ill this oiriee
in or lielure said Sllth day ol June, 1002.
.1. T. ItlillHi kh. lteglsler.
irniliil Suics Ijind Olllce,
I!oebiirg, Oregon, Keb., 17, 1002.
Notice is hereby given tluil in coniili
niuy with the provisimiH of the net nf
t'oimress ot .luue.'t, 1H7H, enlillcd "An
act fnr the sale of tiliilier lauds ill the
Slates of (iilifnriiin.llrcgiili. Nevada and
It'.. 1.1 T... .!... '1 ..vti.mlil til
all the Public Lund hlutes hy act nl Ail
list 4. 18iu!. Hnrrv A
Dunbar of Lu-
gene, Unillty ol I MM
Ktnte nf Oregnu,
hua this dav' llleil in this otlice his aworn
stnlen.ent Nn.i!0IS.7or the purchase of
the N W 'i of Section No. 34. Tmv.ifhip
21 Sniilh, of Unngu 2 West und
will nirer proof to allow that the
laud Honght is moro valuable fnr its
timlier or -lone than for agricultural
Iiui poses, nnd to estnhlish his clalin to
.J t' , .1..... i ii..
Hiiiil land befnie the Itcgister and He
ceivernf this olllce ut Ito-eburg, Oretion,
on Thursday, the Hlh dav of May, 1002.
' witnesses:
Hit tin men ua witnesses:
I). II. Ilrumbaiigh, Oriu Hobliison. of
Cottage drove. Oregon, Kthel LuHutit
of Saginaw, Oregun, Lucy Liiltatlt of
Wilbur, Otegon,
Any and ail persona claiming adverse
ly the iilMive.lescrlbed lamia are re
quested to liletlieir claims in this ollice
on or beforu BiildSlbdiiy of Mav, 1002.
J..T. llmiHiKH, Keirisier.
ToJohiiJ laillun andF. A. Rankin: Yoilnre
horcby iiotlled that e havo cxj emlcil, during
Ihe ear ending I'eccmher St, lf'l, lii In laln.r
and Improvement on each nf the lun follow lag
described inlnlil claims, tn-w It: TheoNapna.
nee" Incalcil In the llnliemls niliilng district,
and recorded nn page 272 nf lmk ,1, nl the mlu
lug recnnlsnf fsmecmiuty, Ore nn; Thu'liruia
l.iinninil. located In Ihe llnlicmla inining ills.
trlct ami recnrdeitnn page 27Jnf lusik A, of Ihe
mining records ur fjine count), Oregon: la
C"ter To hold7.hlclalm-, nOThVmvlsU.
OI C1'I1II i ui iiiu lot I'O'i einiuiun 111 uiu
required to each nl Ihe said two claims, fur the
period ending Pcreinlicr ill, l'sil. And If with -
11 Ninety days, friun the rsonal.ervlceof thli
iiotl.em'inyo", nrwlihln Ninety days after
the publication thereof, fall or rcfusu to
iiirll,iilH vnnr iiurtlon nf such expenditure
ssa co-ownor, yunr Interest hi anil tu the said
llalms will become tlie pruiH'rtynltliu suhscrlb.
ers. your cieuwners, who have made tho re
iliilrol expendllnres, by tho terms of raid sec-
"""toil at Cottage lirove, Isine Cimnly, Oregon
thlsllth.Iaynireliruary, Ml. .
charley (' rutan
w. w. mastkksun
Mauii Mastrksun,
fulled Ktutcs Ijind Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Murch 1), 1W2.
Notlco Is hereby given thst In compliance
with tho provisions of the act of Congress nf
JUliea, 1S7S, Clllllien "All nri mr lue.uie 1,1
timber lands III the Htato of California, Ore.
''..".l'1 f)'",",1!1",'"!"! Je,r!,TOV!. ?? 1
lynf l.aiio,HtalenfOregiin,haathlaJ
gon. evaua,
extended In all
August 4i laiK
.i.,M In thf. nfflcn Ills aunrtl staleiiient No.
sjiW, fur tho purchase nf Ihe lilsll, 111, 11 mul
IB of Bcctlon No. IB, 111 Tuw-nshlp Nil. 21 H.,
Rniigo No. 2 West, and will offer proof to show
that tho land sought li more valuable for Its
timber or stone than forngrlcnitiirol pur-awes,
lid to cslabllshhls claim to siild land beforo
tho Register and Rocelier of this offico' at
Roseburg, Orogon, on Monday, tho IDtlidayof
Slay, 10O2.
lie nainci as witnesses!
Jno Ie, John 1J. 1'almor, Orln Itohlnion, D.
II. Cottage Oruvo, Oregon.
Anyandall (wrsons clalining adversely tho
abovo-deseribo.1 lands aro requested trf tlio
their claims In this office on or before said If,
dayofM.y.W-j. J, T llRipags, RcgUteri
I'lno rceidencea, choice lots, business
blocks for nulo Jdrouic Knox & Co.
Thero la nothing llku Aslhmnleiiv. It liriuga
Instunt telli'f. even In tlio womt I'liaes. It cures
when nil else falls.
The Rev. 0. F. WKLLS of Villa Ridge, III.,
any: "Your trial Iwtlle of Aatliuiiilene iweivcn
hi goikl condition . I cannot tell von Imw thuuk
(ill I feel for the. gid derlsed fiom It. I was u
alitve. chnliuil with putrid sore throat and hhI hum
for ten yenis. 1 despaired of ever being cnnil. I
saw viiur iidverllseinenl (or the cine of this
dreiiiltul and Innuciillnu illsouse, usilnua, nml
thought you bad uvei spoken yourself, hut icaolved
lo give It ii trial. To my snrpiise the Irlul aiii'd
like n charm. Send hip" n (ull-slied Imllle."
trial treolinciil l A.lhinalene,
Wells. We'll semi it by mull I'Osl-
to any sullerer wlm w III write lor
Culled Siale. IjiihI Olllce,
ltoseburii. Oreeon. Feb. 17. ItHr.'.
Notnv Is heiebv given thai ill iiuiipll'
umv uilli the iiiovisinm ol the net of
Cointies. of June It, IS7S, cntillcd "An
net lor tlie sale ol tunncr lauu in tne
Slates of California, Oiegoii. Nevada and
Washington Terrllory," a cxlemliil to
all the Public bind Sliilrn bv net of Au
gust I, 1892, Klhel M. I.altiint of Sagi
naw, County of Lino, State of Oregon,
lias this ilav lllrd in Ihisoltiee herswnrii
staleiiient No. 2010, for Ihe purchase ol
the Lola uiimhcitil 9. 10. llViilid 10 of
Suction No. 28, ToHiiship 21 South, of
Riinge 2 Wct. and will oiler pusif to
show Hint tlie mini sought is morn vtilit-
able for its Umber or stone than (or ug
riciillural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land Morn the Register
mid Receiver of this olllce at Roseburg.
Oregon, on Thursday, the Hthil.iyuf May,
She nainesiis witnesses:
Oiin Robinson. I . N . Briiiiibaugli, ol
Cotlnge liiiue, Oregon, Harry
of Kugeiie, Otegon, Lucy Uiltautof Wil
bur, Oregon,
Any mul nil persons claiming adverse
ly the ulnivc-ilcocriU-d lauds me ie
iilileil lo tile then claims In ihls ntltee
on or l.'lore said Sih day of Mnv, Hr.'.
.1. T. I1iuiii:s, Register.
Unlteil States Lind Olllce.
Roseburg, Oiegon, Feb., 17, llr.
Notice Is hereby given that In cnuiili
nncewiiii inn piovisinns nt tne act i
v ongrrsa ot .nine ., mm, i mi ,n
tiei lor iiiesiue in uuiiHir uiiuia imc
Mules of California, Oiegon, .Neviula,
. I 11 lilllilttill 'V. rrllillU ' il. it V I ill,, tlu I
.. .-.,,;..... . ......,, ,
tonlUhe Public bind Males by net of
August I, 1892. Unmet II. Brumbaugh
Co'tage tirove, Coiinly ol Line
State nl Oregon, has this iluy tiled
in this olllce bis hivoiii stateii.ent No.
20li,lor the inirehase .il Hie .M-. '4 nl
. v.. t i e.... ..i.i.. ii -....til. ..,
show nun tne lauu sniigin is more vmii
able for its llinls'r or stmui than fnr
agricultural piiimes, ami to i-slabllsli
Ills i'IiiIiii l said land Is'lorn the lli-wl'
ler und Itei'viver of this nllii'i, lit Unc
bnru, Oiegon. ou Tliursil.ty, tlicJUiiiliiy
of Mav 11)02.
He names as w llnesc. :
llnrrvt'. Ihinli.irnf Kugt ue, Oiegnn,
Orin lt'ibliisiin of Coltaifn lirnvi'. On
lion, Kthel Laltiiul nf Sagiuau, Uregun,
Lucy lillatil n( Will.ur. Iiick'oii.
A ii v n in I nil persons c. liiuing adverse
ly Ihe ulsive ili-i'iilil l.nnls am te-
' ijne-liil tnlllc Ihelrclninis in thl, ntlliv
inn nr beloio said Hlh day nf May, IIKI2.
J. I . tlllllHiKs, Id-gtstcr.
Unlteil Sliiles IjiiiiI Ollice,
Hn-niliurg Ore., I-Vbruiiry 13, lUVJ
N'nllcc is hereby given that in cum
pliauce with the provisions of the net of
, Congress nf June 3, 1 S7M , entitlnl "All
act lor the sale of tiuilier laiid in the
Hi a Ics n( Ciillfnrnlii, Oregnn, Nevmln,
I nnd Wnshlnglnii Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land Stales bv net
1 of August 4. Ih'.IJ. Carolina KeU'llarli,
(1'ivvii or city 1 otlugo I. rove, nullity
Ijiine. Hmu. .,( Oregon, has this dav
I "".,mi'u ''". ,M.,t',.,M",!i '".1",i V,'
i 'or1,j'u purtdiiisn of tho Lota No. J-0-1 j
"ll. ofSirllon No 2tl Towns,!,. 2
s';,.l,'v "' Hange 2 est . M. nn.
M 1"""' " ','VW,
! """K", in .,-..,,. ,. ,. ,i ,.,
.liinii llnili fnr ntrriiMill l.ri.l mil iiiisi'm.
stone 1 1 in 11 for ngrleiilliiriil
and to establish his claim to
, , i , !
11.1 mini
la'fore the Itcgister and Itecelver of this
olliie at ltnsfiiurg, Oiegou, on Friday,
the 2d day of May 1002.
Nhe names iih witnesses:
1). Piitleu of Cottage tirove, Oregon,
V. .S. Clirisiniin, A. Anderson, of Htar,
Oregon, I'Mwnril Jones of Siiginaw.
Any und nil persona cliiiming ml
veraely the iilioye-dcscriliiil hi mid are
rcijiieslcil lo llle their claiuiH In 1Mb
ollice on or before aaid 2d Hay of May,
J . T. ItmiHiKH, lteglsler.
United Stales Lund Olllce,
llosebiirg, Oiegon, Feb. 24. 11102.
Notice la hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the net of
Uoiigrcsa ol .111110:1, liwri, eniitien
! act for the aalo of ti.uber l,.nd In Ihe
O 111 Iff 111 Villi tUI UIU, M refill , i' itvhiiii,
Washington Terrltllry,, uaoxtciided
! gust 4, 1802, Onslow II. Jarrelt.of Sagi
1 ..,,. ('.,,i,,Vof Lime Stiiteof Oreeon has
!'.", Y ,,' I , ff Vri 11 k '
I this day II led ill this oiriee hla sworn
, tftitteuient No, 2(W, for the tiurchnsonf
the Lota No. 1,8,0, and I IS of Section
No. 20, Township 21 South, of Range 2
West nml will oiler proof m show that
the land sought in more valuable for ita
timlier or alomi than for agricultural
piirposcM, nml to establish hia claim to
Hiiiil lami neioru 1110 itcmsier ami ite
celver of this oiriee nt ltosebuig, Ore
gon, on Friday, thu Otli duy ot May,
Ho names iih wltueasea:
Honey Pattnn, A. Anderson. Kd Jonca,
Oeorge Downea, ol Cottngo Orove, Oio
(!"". ... ...
i ,---
I ly tlio nbovo-deHcrlbeil lauds uro ro-
Any nun nil persona claiming mivurso
nueated to llle their claims In thla ollice
r beforo said 0.1, day of ,M,,y 1002.
J.T, DllIIHIKa, Keglstur.
Land Olllco at Hunching, Ore.,
March 1H, llMi.
Notlco Is horeliy given that tho following
named settler hns (lied nutleo nf his intentlun
to make final ruminutstloii proof In support
of his claim, and I hut said proof will bo iiuido
before Murlu I.. Waro U. 8. Cnmmlssloiier at
Kugcuo, Oregon, on May 2nd, WU, via: Martin
Chrlstluuseu nn his 11, K. Nn, 074V for the Wli
UK 1.1, K ii HW H Hoc M Tp. '22 S It. 3 est,
IIo natnes the following witnesses to prove
hlseontliiuous rcsldeneo upon and cultivation
of said landiVlit ,
Ixitils o. neriiin, John Oorum, Alfred 8,
rnwcll, aeorgo Taylor, nf Cottngo Oroic, Ore-
t!on' J, T. JJiuiKiim, llcgUler,
Uiillcd Hlntes bind OJIh e,
Riisubuig Oie., Fi'briiaiy In, 190..
Nollee Is hereby given that In fonij
pllauce wllli tin. piiivlslona nl Ihn "I
Congiessof June 11, 1878 enll led A"
net (Vir the sale of tliuU'r laniM In H
Slalea nf Calllornln. Oiegon, Nevada,
mid ViisliliiKlonTiiirltiiry,"iiexleiidn
lonll the Piiiillii 1-ind rltalos by act ol
August 4, 1892, Joliii Klverum l (limit
orellv) Kugeiie, coiinly ol Lams Htnto
of Oiegon, ina Ihla day llhsl In tlila
olllce hla swiirii K'nleiiiiinl No. 2011, lor
Ihn piniiiamiof the K of the r. h J
Sivtbin No. 1 1, Township 20 South, I
Hangii 2 West and will offer lirool to
show that Ihe land sought In more
valuable for Ha tlinlior oraliiiie Ihnii inr
...I....I. .1 .....1 ,.. ...Illllllslk
llgl icillllirni nn I. s-i-n, i,,i,i
his claim lo said land Morn the Regisler
mid Receiver of this ollhe nl llosebiirg,
Oiegou, on Monday the "8th d.y ol
April, ItKVJ.
He nainea ns wlliitssea :
J. I. Dmiiinnn, llavbl Murphy, h rank
Dainuion, Jas.'r WnrniK'k, nl Kugclie,
Anv and all 'rsniih elaliiilngailveisi)
Iv the iiUive.ilesi'illad lanila ate re
o'licslisl to llle (heir clalinH in this ullli'u
ou or l.'lore said 2Nlh day nf April, ItKVJ.
J. T. BlimiitN. llcglalvr.
United Stnles IjiihI Oltice,
Rosebiiig, Oiegon, Feb. 2ft. UI2.
Nollivls hereby given thai In coiif
pllanco with Ihe provlsloiiH ol the art nt
Cinigiess of June II, 1878, entitled "An
act lor liiesiile nl linilier land In the
States of California, Oiegon, Nevada,
mul Wnshliigton Tcrillmy," ns ex
leudeil lit till the Public Ijiiul Stales by
act nl August I. IMr.', Charles II. Ilurk
liolder, nl Cotiiige lltiive, County of
Ijine, Stale ol Oiegim, has this day tiled
in this uirice bis sworn slnteniiiit No.
207ft, for the purchase nf Hie Lola 1,2
miil :i of Sii'lloii 2. Township 22, South,
of llnnite 2 West ; and will offer ptisif tit
show llial the I Hid wuiglit Is uiorc valu
able for Its timlx-ror atone than for ag
ricultural iiurtHWfa. and to establish Ida
ulaiin losnlil luiwl U'fore tlie Itexlslur
and Keiviverol this uiriiviit Itis-ebiirn.
Oregon, ou Tuerslay, the lllbday of May,
He nauiea as witnesses.
). II. HemeiiHiiy, .1. I). IMlmrr. V.
J, HoMiird, I). II. Ilriunbaugh, nl Cut
tage tirove, Oregon.
Anv nml all 'i omit i-liilriilnx ndverse
Iv the iihnvcilcscrlla'd lands ate re
i(iietcd to llle their claims in this officii
on or iH'foui sulil (Uh ilav of May, 1002.
J. T. Iliiiiinis, Register.
noiici: Ktut piriii.icATiuN.
I'nittsl Sliiles Ijiii.I Olllce,
llosebiirg, Oiegnn, Feb., 7, IlKIJ,
Nntliv is heteliy given llial In tiiin
pllauee with the provisions if Hie act nf
('iligitVK ol .linn 3,1878, chtlllcil "All
act lor the sole ol timber lauds In Ihn
Slutes ol Calilinuia, Oiegnn. Nevailu nml
Wushluglon Teirilnry." as exti" iled In
all the Public lauiil Stales bv ai j of Au
gust 1, 1MM, Mcpben A. laittaut nf Sagi
naw, I'niintv nf Isine, Slule ul Oregon,
has this day llleil in this i.llli-e his sworn
-liileun nl So 202llfor llle puirb.isenf the
Ni: i, of Seelinii No. 20, Tow lislnp 21 ttiiuge 3 VY. nml llll oiler
1 11 uil in shim tlmt ihe Inml soiighl In
more valuable for Its limber nr stoiui
ili.iufiir agricultural, ami lo
estnhlish his claim In said In ml l.fnti,
the lteglsler and Itecelver of Ihls nlllee
ul It i-eliorg. Oreciiu.iui Wisluerilav, thu
'III day nl May, unr.'.
He nniiies i,s u llni-se. :
Mrs. Alice Lultaiil of SagimiH', (lie
k'oli, (ieorge Itigira nf Mable. Oiegou,
tnes I .cc, Daniel II. Ilriin.baugh, of
I'niliige lirove, Oiegou,
Any ami all petsnns elalinlug adverse
Iv the ulsive ..Ifscrllssl tanils are ie
iiieslisl In llle their claims in Ihls nlllei,
iiiinr U'lure siiid 7lb day of Mny, lilirj.
J. T. IIiihsiis, llcgistrr.
L'nitisl Stalin 1-inil Olllre,
Iioelirg, Die., Aptil Mil, 11102.
Nollee Is hereby given llmt in eouipli
nnilewith the provisions of the net of
('.niigii s of June 3, IK7S, eiitilhsl "An
Act Iur thes.ileol Timlier I, ni'l III llio
Suites of Ciillfornlii, Oregon, Nevad.l,
and Washiuglon Terrllory," 11a e.x
tiudtil toall the Public l.ind Slates by
net of August I, IS02, Mrs. Minnie M.
To! icy ol Olex. County of tiilllam, Stnlu
nf Ori-gou, bus Ibis . lay llleil 111 thin
nll'ice hersHorn st'it"lnenl No. 2182. for
the purchase nl the NK '.f of Sis'tiou No,
2S in Township No. 20 S, Itangii No. T
Vet, and will oll'er pnsif In nhuw Hint
the land sought is morn valuable for ita
timlici- or stone thiui for
puraiHCs, nnd to esiiibllsh her claim to
aiild land Is-fore the lteglsler und He
eclver of this olflce ut llosebuig, Oregon,
1111 Wednesday, thu 2,'itli day of June,
.She names as witnesses:
F. W. Tobey nf Kugeiie. Ore., F. L.
Tola'y of .Olex, Ore,, J N. ltaiiiliill of
Kugeiie, Ore., W. It. Kelly of Loritne,
Any nnd all iktsoiih claluiiug ad
versely thu ubovo-iloMci llasl lands nro
repiiestcd to llle their claims in this
olllce on or beforo mild 2.'ilh ilay of June,
J.T.IIiuikikh, lteglsler.
Unlteil Stnti'H l.uml Olllce,
llosebiirg, Oregon. Feb. 14. 11102.
Notlco la hereby given Hint In com
pliance with the provisions nt the net ol
Congress nf June 3. 1878, entitled "An
net for the sale of timber lands 111 the
In thu Klutes nf California, Oregon,
Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," na
extended tu nil the Public Land Ktnlea
hy act of August 4, 1802, Kdwnrd Jor
dan of Cubing, County "( Lime, State of
Oregon, Iuih tliia day llleil in Ihla olllco
Ida Hivoin statement No. 20.')!), for tho
purchase of the Lota 7,8, II und 10, of
Suction No. 2. Township 22, South, of
ltaugo2 West, nnd will oiler proof to
show that thu laud sought la more
valuable (or Us timber ur Mono that for
agricultural puri.oscs, nnd tu establish
hia clallij to H.iiil laud hefototho Itcg
ister and Itecelver of this olllco nt ltoao
burg, Oregon, 011 Wednesday, tho 7th
dav of May, 1002.
Ilu niimcs iih wltneasea:
Thoinita Hoche of Kngene, Oregon, Dan
Ilriimhaiigli, uf Coburg, Oiegon, Oscar
Lee, John Piilinur, of Cottngo drove,
Any und nil persona claiming ad verse
ly thu itbovo-describcd lands nro to
ttieatcd to Illu their claims iu thla olllco
on or beforo said 7th day of Muy, 1002.
J. T. IIiiiihiiih, Itcgister.
Liinii Office at ltnseburg, Oregon,
March 21, 1IH.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho follow iug
numeil settler has tiled notlco of his Intention
tuniako II1111I commutation proof in suppurt
of hisclulni, and that said proof wilt
bo lninlo boforeMarlu l, Ware, U, H,
Commissioner at Kiigono, Oregon, nu
May 1,1. 11102, vln Charles 1'. Whit
ney, on II. K. Nn. 10.12.', for tho HW i NW H. W
Jj HWU, HK 1-1 8V l-l, Boo. 8,Tp.20, 1 west,
He names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence, upon and cultivation
of mi til land, vIai
Jem Hnlhrook, Charles Lacy.Ronrgo A. Whit
noy, Wllllaiu II, Whitney, uf Cultugo Oruvo,
J. T Uitipoui, Ilciflitcr,