Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 25, 1902, Image 6

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    Bohemia Nugget
lt there In only one, unpardonable, sin
ft inlMt be insincerity.
Ill mm wny n bad linlilt In tike n bill
Collector. It In hard to get away from.
Tlio best wny to pimlsli tho brlfrands
will b to cut oft their missionary supply.
persons con spend n nickel. Itut ths
thing ntio wanted was a child, a laugh
ing, rosy-cheeked cherub, to put both
anna around licr nock and make her
realize t lie real, deep meaning of love;
10 round out licr llfo and mako her
happy. So alio looked around and
found n bit of a boy. wlio bad cap
tured sunshine tangled In his hair and
lovo In Ida blue eyes, a brave mouth
and a stunly little figure. Ho was
one of seven children, aud ho didn't
know Hint bta mother, a widow, was
wearing out her life to provide food
for the seven. The rich lady borrowed
the boy for a time aud carried him
awny to fairyland. She twuglit fine
ciouiing i or mm, toys ouougn to siock
Onr Had " Orle mn Aiialnst a Mem
br and the Other Was Hnrfcltcd
When He Was Young Observations
tf Cmnitrj Minister.
He was a voting minister whose
charse Is In the country, and he was
talking alwut the decline In eiiun-ti at
It Is we preachers In the rural dls
trlcts." said he. "who have a' chance to
Ho la n wise father who knows his
own child wan ns much nt fault as the a slo, nJ ,ovctl ,llm- 0- sll nilJ , get t the real reasons w by people stay
oilier man's. " Brent artist paint the child's w LMT. Of course, we have no data
' ' ttnlt, and sue discovered that It wiht would help sohe the problem as It
-.Homo men are kept so busy main- going to bo very bard to return this presents Itself In the cities, but. being
talnliig tholr dlgulty thnt they haven't human blossom. One day she called privileged In the country to talk to one
iiiira 10 enru n uccciu living.
It la probably snfo to say that no ti
tled European will ba nblo to marry she ventured
Hetty Oreen for her money.
In order to bo nt her silver wedding
anuUcmnry n woman Is willing to ad
mit thnt alio Isn't ns young us she used
to be.
"I'lng to mo only with thine eyes,
and 1 will iwng with mine." That's
the wny jlhey nro playing the game
over In liumion.
on his mother nnd offered $3,000 for
him. "I'll adopt htm. I love him.
You have so many, nnd I have none."
Aud tho widow looked
Au esteemed contemporary says thnt
any nth-nipt to run down Niagara Falls
Is lose majesty In this country. More
often It's suicide.
over her tlock and said: "I can't spare
one; no, uot for a million dollars," and
she drew her baby to her heart The
good wife of a New York garment
trimmer presented him with triplets.
It raised his family census to nine. At
the very best the father can earu $12 a
week. That Is a situation that would
drive some men to suicide. Hut he
said: "I'm glad they came. God has
blessed me with them, aud we will get
along somehow. I haven't one too
many." Child-love dwarfs every oth
er human passlou. It makes men and
and alt we pt reasons at llrst hand.
Some of them are Interesting anil when
analyzed they are more likely than not
to resohe themselves Into personal dis
like to churehgolug or to some one In
the church.
"There was an old farmer In one dis
trict whew I prvaelied who had the
reputation of never going to church. He
was a peculiar old fellow who seldom
hail much to say. but one day 1 went
to see til nt. and In the course of the
conversation asked why he never came
to hear my sermon.
"lie was silent for a minute, and then
said: 'I did go to church once, and I
wasn't treated right, and I ain't hceu
thereslnoe. It was when they was hav-
wotueu carry heavy burdeus without a Iln' revival up In the white schoolbouso.
An editor wants to know what
would happen If Prince Henry and
Admiral Evnns should CTer meet In
battle. We give It up. What's the answer?
"Is the press degenerating?" asks
tho Literary Digest. We think not
The reputable press seems to be hold
ing Its own, nnd the yellows cannot degenerate.
murmur: It makes them accept self-
denial patiently, and glorifies lives.
There Is scarcely a home In the land,
no matter how great Its poverty,
where, for mere money, a man or
woman would part with even one of a
little tlock, and the reason is human
love for Its own blood.
All tho pulpit nnd platform elo
quence In the world doesn't make as
much for good government as a little
wholesome activity before nnd at the
Under The Hague treaty prisoners of
war tuny lie employed by the state
capturing them. History may contain
tue tunning detl: "The old guard dies,
but never works!"
Sir Henry Irving has launched the
keenest criticism against the Baconian
theory and It can bo put In a sentence.
Ue says that It took nn actor to write
Shakspcnrc's plays nnd that no mere
poet or philosopher could have done It
The Indications arc that Uncle Sam's
door will not "awing Inward" on Its
hinges as readily in the future as it
has ill tho jiast iu order to be admit
ted the immigrant will have to give
the password. "Fitted for good citizenship."
Hitherto, when the time has come
around for taking the national census,
the entire force engaged lu the work,
from the director down to the humblest
clerk, has been assembled at short no
tice. Few of the many thousands em
ployed have had previous training or
experience In the peculiar duties of a
census. When the work was done the
force was disbanded, leaving onl,
printed reports to enable the next corps
of workers to profit by Its knowledge
and to avoid Its errors. This method
is so wasteful that repeated efforts
have been made to establish a perma
nent census service, which should carry
along some branches of statistical In
vestigation In the Intervals between
censuses, and be capable of expansion
for the full census work when the de
cennial year arrived. This suggestion
was made before the eleventh census
was taken, but without result The
proposition was renewed before the
twelfth census was taken, and a bill
embodying It passed the House, but
failed In the Senate. The bill upon
which both houses of Congress have
now agreed, although It Is open to criti
cism from the civil service reform point
of view In Its provisions for covering
President Kllot of Harvard In Mm ,i
dress confcrrlne the deirren nf present employes Into the classified
of laws on Prluce-Henrv wvv nf.ik. service. Is highly commendable In Its
"veneraWe--Amcrlca'iiA'on",SBdtu42a,n '"n0 t,Tba blu confines the de
"young tieriunn eninlre." and thus lennial work of the bureau to the sub-
vrlsely called attention to a fact hlth- I ecta ot PPuIatIon. agriculture, vital
erto unrecognized In EuroDe that th "isucs ana manufactures, and leaves
American republic is not on trial, but
has proven Itself worthy to live by 123
years of glorious history In war and
the other subjects now covered by the
census, ana some new ones, to be dealt
with more deliberately by the smaller
permanent force. The new system will
make It possible to broaden the census
inquiries without Increased expense or
delay In the publication of results.
permanent census bureau can co-oper
ate with States and local officers, and
A mining expert recently described a
lode as traversing "a metamorphlc
matrix of a somewhat argllloarcna
ceous composition." This means, liter
ally, "a changed mass of a somewhat I can open up new fields of studr.
clayey-sandy composition." This In Its I next enumeration will be more difficult
turn may tie translated Into nlaln En. than previous ones, because It will in
gllsh as ni-u-d. Why choke a puny fact elude the Insular possessions of the
with murderous polysyllables? Hux- United States. It will be a great gain
ley and Darwin, Lycll and Faraday to enter nP" that work with an ai-
could so write as to be "understanded ready organized bureau, directed and
or tue people," and there Is a Suspicion largely manned by experts. Instead of
auruau in mese times that the b!z committing It to an Improvised force.
w.u. Du urcij- uaw up smau men are
a aevice to conceal Ignorance and inex
act thought rather than a proof of su
perior knowledge.
Dlggest Railroad Station.
The city of St Louis now possesses
the distinction of baring tho largest
railway station In the United States.
Bishop Potter says that when he has It Is 030 feet long and 000 feet wide.
uceu traveling in Europe or visiting ana has thirty tracks, enough to ban
imuuc iuaces ue nas never heard a loud "Ie ten incoming and ten outgoing
ur uurau voice raiseu aDove the tone of trams simultaneously. It Is known ns
others around him without turning the Union Station, and the territory
with a shudder of apprehension to find owned by the company operating It
i iuo who wore mat ot a fellow eoun- covers twenty-seven acres.
tryman. Are Americans In so much The city of Boston has the next to
uaste mar tney uo not take time to the largest station for passenger ser
modulato their voices? That condu-Klce In tho country. Tho Union Sta-
biou is more prooame than that the air "on In Boston, on the north side, has
ui ireeuom is not favorable to an agree- a length of 500 feet, a width of 400
nuio utterance, a man Is known by feet and twenty-three tracks.
the voice he keeps. Identification Is Both of these huge stations are to be
just as practicable when a woman surpassed by the new Southern Union
ii-ua. in me cultivation of good Station In Boston, upon which work
manners the vocal chords must not be was begun In January. 1807, and
forgotten. which Is now nearlug completion. It
What's tlmn f ..ii.... 18 deslBied to be the biggest railroad
J of crowding, anyway'.- 8tatlon ,n the United States. The walls
JErti h S.KyDe belns Jos- bnllt. the steelwork Is all In place
L WnonTP- TT Plen,y of " mater" the ground for
room. W hen the crowd beelns tr. nn.h ... .... '
and nnrt , 1" " luo ' ! '" 'ruciure.-iue
. ,v ...utslu lur siana- Ledger Monthly.
Inf Trunin imiw. . . ..1 " -
i, bv.,o pucuuuub ana me
oirue lor uonurs oecomes too fierce President's Kstlmato of Daughter.
just step over into Labrador. This Is In speaking of his daughter Alice, to
iiu ugo 01 expansion. If there Isn't a friend President Roosevelt onee said-
room enough for you to expand In our "She does not stay In tho house aud
now Insular possessions Labrador, with fold her hands nnd do nothing. She
Its vast expanse of unoccupied terri- can walk as far as I can, and she often
tory, holds out Its ley arms to you and takes a tramp of several miles at the
. e- . 'rbe rensus returns for pace I set for her. She can ride, drive.
1001 show a total population for Labra- skee, shoot-though she doesn't caro
dor of J.03I, which indicates a failing much for the shooting. I don't mlud
off of 4T- from the returns of the pre- that It Isn't necessary for her health
ceding census. As Labrador has an but the outdoor exercise Is. and alio
area of 200,000 square miles It will be has plenty of lt"-Ladles' Home Jour
"" ' 1'ieuiy ot room for nal,
the ambitious young man to grow up
and expand with the country. In fact Struck oil.
there Is more room Iu Labrador than Ted What's that peculiar odor about
there -was In 1891. for 472 persons have ul" Cobwlgger?
moved out It Is difficult to account for Ne1 l'm not sure whether she's been
this decjlne In population. Labrador rldlllK ,u an nuto or cleaning her dress
has plenty of spaco and n bracing at- wltu benzlne. New York Sun.
mosphere. Its cold storage facilities Cultivated Farm, in Cuba.
nro unsurpassed except In Oreeulaud There were In Cuba In 1803 CO 711
aud n the otllco of Russell Sage. The farms, with an average size of 143
people who are cramped and crowded acres and an average cultivation of 13
und who clamor for more room should acres.
cast their eyo toward Labrador, '
i ;. Hot Water from Well.
Again comes tho old question, "What not watel". steam and volcanic stones
Is tho good of money If It will not buy are elDB discharged from a well drilled
the things that ono desires?" A to a uePta of feet In the Colorado
wealthy lady of Chicago has more aesert
money than she can possibly use. She The fare on the Congo railroad for
van draw u big check as easily as most 200 miles Is $100. or 40 cents a mil..
and things were getting pretty warm.
I went there one night and sat next
the window. After awhile they got
to the shoutln' mrt. and one old worn
an got to runnlu' up aud down the aisle,
shoutln' and nskln' everybody to come
up anil pray.
" 'I st there aud looked on till I saw
she was makln' for me. aud then I look
ed for a way out. The wludow was
open, and the first thing I kuoncd I was
goln' out of It. As I struck the ground
I heard old Klder Abbadusky. that sat
right across the aisle from me. shout
"There goes the devil out of the win
dow." Now I don't consider that a re
spectful way for one man to speak of
another, and I never went back again,
and I don't Intend to till old Abba
dusky goes to glory.'
"One day I went to see another man
who was a very good man, tiut never
went to church. He was a Scotchman
and when I asked him why he did not
attend he said: 'Young man. If you
keep on going to church the wny you do
now all your life, and If you live to be
100 you will uot have been to church as
much as I have.'
I asked what he meant.
'My father was a Scotch convenan-
ter,' he said, 'and when I was a little
shaver we tiscd to go to church In the
morning and stay all day. I would sit
on those hard benches and listen to ser
mons that I didn't understand. My
legs would dangle over the floor till
they ached.
" 'If I went to sleep there was alwnys
a deacon or some one else to poke ine
In the ribs and whlsperingly inquire if
I wanted to go straight to hell. That
was on Sunday,
" Then there were prayer-meetings
during the week and one or two extras
of different sorts lietween. There wa
always more church and more sermons
when I would have given my boots to
be out hunting.
"That thing went on from the time
I was big enough to remember until
was 21. I made up my mind long be
fore I reached the latter age thnt when
It came there would be no more church
for me, and there wasn't I haven'
been since. Now, really, dominie, do
you wonder at It?'
And, concluded the dominie, ac
cording to the New York Times,
can't say that I did."
..,0 ',,,l,,, Mn,," ntlft
,ruu the radiators of the
Hnt iners, wi3lll0im,parnllvely smnll
loss In ton,pvrMlm,
tine cKvaslo, Ohio town, with
over two miiNot ,,., t ,
s in touipentuM Is only !13 degrees
The tetuporatur,, of the water clreu
.... II,0M to stilt the weather
condition, wi.... i. i. .... .,i.i n...
temperature of . water sent out from
, ""i station is made higher, and
h pumps whfct frtVl t through the
mains nro ..oi-t ?.( i,
this manner n imlrrm tempernture Is
maintained at all times, despite mark
change In th.. enther. The com
j'Kiy guarantees to maintain n given
temperature within 2 per cent. ,
IT COllrao til. -.-.l. vn. hum .1lr
ashes nnd other flr troubles are nlso
desirable features. As the water Is
used over and ovor attain the central '
company, particularly If tho system Is
conducted ns no adjunct of a power
station, can furnish tho service at it
comparatively moderate price. In the
latter case, s,ys tW Philadelphia ltec
ord. the exhaust ateim furnishes near
ly If not all of the htnt required.
Feats that H. I-..', n.-t r.., it.
A man cnnn3fTTTn from n clmlr
without bending forward or putting
bis feet under tho rhnlr or outMldo of
It. Many a man will back himself to
givo another a start of fifty yards In u
race of loo, provided tho lunti having
the start hops all the war. But no
runner, however swift, can give that
amount of start to an ordinary man.
For the first the yards they go at prac
tically the same pare.
Therefore, the runner, to go ninety
fivo yards, would Uvo to run more
than twice ns fast, and It would bo a
weak man who codd not bop forty
tlve yanls at a paw count to twenty
seconds for 100 yards nnd thnt would
mean that the runntr, In order to win,
would have to beat all previous rec
ords. If a man boasts that hi poiiknlfe Is
particularly sharp, isk him to cue with
one stroko of tbeuWado one ot those
yellow ribbons, nioitly of silk, which
are nround bundles of cigars. In WW
cases out of 1,000 the knife is not
sharp enough to do this. It will cut
through all tho ribbon except the Inst
strand nnd that will pull out long nnd
tho more he tries to cut it the longer
it will pull out
No one except a blind man. says the
New York Herald, tan stand without
support of any kind far five minutes nt
n stretch. If he Is thoroughly blind
folded, without niovinz his feet. If he
docs not mote his feet be Is pretty
sure to topple over In about n minute.
rmcNDS though roLS.
' nri wniMVB"-i ii ii .t m im imiibi Timr r rrr - ' i
1.0ltl Mil l III I M i. i s l. l UI V
During I,onl Meiliuoii s itny w lw liner .am li.-o in-isi-or w unremitting
in ins roiirti-sy. aim personally esiiressed his grout sympathy with lu ilUtlu
gtilsncii prisoner.
Many a serious accident on the water
might bo avoided If vessels were tilted
with a device for bringing them to n
stop as quickly as possible when tho
danger appears. Imls Larosle of Mon
treal. Que., has designed nil apparatus
for this spcclnl purpose, which Is Illus
trated herewith, the picture showliu
the central part of a steamer with the
brake mechanism attached lu opernlliu
The hrnkc proper consists ot a hinged
gate of considerable width, nttachiil
to the side of the ship to extend vert I
Mlittipantn (lulile'a Theory that He
to Work Well In Practice.
William Humes, n Minnesota "guide"
which Is to say n Minnesota boat
man, who pulls a skiff for fishermen
t J'J.Wl n day advances llm theory
that mil only lire deep water minnow",
undersized croppies, nnd such fry curi
ous, bill tho big miss which n-"i
them know that they nre curious, aim
take itdvaiilngo of their railing.
tlrillslmr minnows, or croppies, seeing
any solitary object that Is not a llsh lu
the walcc. are Irresistibly moved to go
toward It and llnd out about It: the
luiss congregate near such an object.
ami simp up the Investigators ns they
With this Idea In his head, Humes
rows tils employer past many Illy beds
nud other likely places, and wilt keep
mi rowing In tho teeth of remon
strance until ho can llnd n sluglo Illy
pud growing from twenty to thirty feet
out from Us fellows. Uo approaches
this pad cautiously, moving tho boat
at the rale of ii foot n second, nnd
when be Is ten yanls from It ho stops-
ami whlspis-s:
Onstfniiuliereaud land within threit
feet of that pud; let your bait sink
deep before you begin to reel In, and
reel slow."
Obeying Instructions to the syllable.
the angler will lu eight cases uut of
ten get a savage strike before ha has
taken lu two yanls of line, nud will
have n light Instlug from live to fifteen
minutes, fast after cast wilt have tlm
same result until sometimes u hnlf n.
dozen black bass have been tnkim, and
lu no ensit will the bait havo struct
more limn six feet from the solitary
Then lllllllivl row mi in aenri'h nf an.
the average one gramme eaeli. fnll on otl.r vae f t10 klll(. whether th
tho earth dally, but In l.ono.uoo of mil. wurt,v or worthless, his ns-
lions of years the length of day will
not 1hi liu ii quarter of n second
on this nccouiit Taking everything
together the ilny will shorten, not
lengthen, but the process will go on
with extreme slowness.
Htlll Prrarrsed In the Simp nf a Wash-
liiictitn Healer-
The cnrrlage which was lu 1802 the "'CT are seized with ono of their mil
trims get the bass. Uhmi this fact ho
llas erected his reputation; he guards
his secret Jealousy fnim other guides.
nud always requests bis cmployor to
keep mum.
Iluiuei says thnt bass may be taken
near the roots of n single pud when
they will not attack a lure In nuy other
part of a lake; that they tuny be taken
there with certainty until such time as
Ancient Filipino Craft that Lighters
Will Hoon Supplant.
"The march of progress Is undoubt
edly going to be n great thing for the
Filipino one of these days," said a
man who got back from tho Islands
not long ago, to a New York Sun re
porter. "Hut one of the prices he's
got to pay for It Is the gradual wiping
out of picturesque customs and tradi
tions of many centuries' standing. A
good example Is the passing of the
"lllplno casco before the Improved nnd
wholly uubeuutllled lighter of western
Tho casco Is a craft for coast and
river commerce, and nt the sumo time
tho permanent home of Its crew nud
comniuuder, or patron, the former liv
ing forwnrd and tho latter aft. It Is
n long, crude-looking structure, hood
ed or covered with bamboo, and under
the manipulations of expert boatmen
Is capable of rather surprising nglllty.
Manila Is not it city of good wharves,
nor Is Manila bay u deepwater har
bor, hence when big ships arrive their
cargoes must be lightered ashore, and
this has been tho casco's work for
The larger enscocs have a tonnage of
from 20 to 100 tons and tho smaller
ones, or casquitos, or from 8 to 20
tons, and they range from 20 to 00 feet
In length with n 12-foot extreme beam.
and when loaded draw only 2i feet of
water. They aro built of a light, tough
wood grown In tho province of llatnm.
which resembles teak and will last for
centuries on land or water.
'Cascoes aro usually propelled by n
bamboo pole eighteen or twenty feet
long. In tho hands of tho husky Kill-
plno river men. The poles uro spiked
and padded so tho crews may place
them agnlnst their shoulders to givo
force to their pushes. The crews num.
ber from five to ten men, nnd they nnd
their futnllles llvo almost wholly on
rice, fish, oysters, clnms nnd shrimps.
Their pay Is a peso n day, nbout CO
cents. At night tho llow Is cleared
nnd the deck spread with palm mats,
and on thoso men, women nnd chil
dren lie down llko sardines In a box."
Didn't Keacue Anybody, but Nearly
llroke Ills .Neck.
I know how It feels to bo almost a
hero." said n young man with a black
eye, nn arm lu n sVug and n patch of
court plaster adorn ig his features. "I
1 1 l-I. niM. , 11,1.,. -.1,1 . .A.I.
and Pine at"' " was lia&tb J
.... ,i.nMm svz-T- -i
uui iuv uuiw to Know
that Mrs. Darrrt, rif In bed, but I
did not know tuutyTe had been quiet
ly removed by the back way to a
neighbor's house before I arrived on
the scene.
"When 1 got there n colored servnnt
girl was out In the street pointing frnn
tlcnlly to the uppw part of the lioue.
shouting unintelligibly and generally
acting like a crazy person. The interior
of the house wni nlready In flames
and I Immediately Jumped to tho con
clusion that her mistress was In dan
ger of losing her life. Without waiting
to question the girl I rushed Into tho
house nnd In groping my wny through
the smoke succeeded In pitching bend
long down the back stnlrs. I had sat
isfied myself, however, that every one
had gotten safely out of tho house.
"When I reached tho street ncnln.
choking for breath and pretty well bat-
tereii up." continued tho young man.
ncconllng to the Philadelphia Itecord.
tiie servant girl was still wrimrlnc her
hands nnd screamlnir nt the ton of her
lungs. I asked her what she was car
rying on that way for. Pointing to a
window on the top floor she walled:
ec ilat room up dere? Dat's my
room, nn' my two weeks' wages Is In
my trunk up dere hurnln' up.' "
ersal fits of contrariness, and will
not strike nt nliythlug anywhere.
In casting townnl n solitary pad hn
Insists always that the nngler shall
use a wreilless hook, upon which n
small frog, green preferred, has been
Impaled. His reason for this Is stntcd
The bass have been hanging nround
there gobbling fool minnows nud cnp-
ples until they are tired of them, and
want fnig. Take off that minnow, put
handsomest equlpnge lu Wiishlngtnn
and which trunsporicd through Its
streets the reigning society queen of
Hint day the daughter of Salmon P.
Iiase. or. as she Is now remembered.
Mrs. Kate Chnso Sprngiie-hns for tho
last eighteen years occupied ail III
i iiiispli-uous place lu the salesroom of
Tlioiiins I; Young's carriage house lu
Hint city
The huge vehicle Is now quaint and
out of dnto In ninny ways, though
traces of Its departed elegnnco nre not 0,1 11 fr"K- be sure he's nllve. nud let
liu-klng. A well-worn footbonrd lu the him sink deep.
nar glies eldem-e of the military up.
penrnnec of two llverleil footmen who
gripped with tenacity nt the black
strap tinndles in order to maintain
their equilibrium. In front Is a Imx
t-ent for the driver, draped somewhnt
In the fnshlon cf a hearse of the pres
ent day.
The Interior ot the cnrrlage, with Its
nnmln senttti eiitini-ltv r. .1 ,...NnM I
l. ll..l .Ml.l. i. .. M
.r. .,,-,, nviity nine mum, Willie 1
the handles nnd door latches nre of
silver nnd Ivory. The cnrrluge Is Jet
mack nud Its henvy running gear.
Iti-ports of the year's output of book
show Hint an average of three Uioks of
fiction a day have been published. The
gether with Its ponderous body and I sales of "lmvld llnrum" were greater
Death Caino with the Hong.
It Is not often that a musical festival
closes so pathetically us did au Elstedd-
ton at uolwyu Hay, Wales.
Welsh choirs were coinnetlns melodi
ously, as usual, and when the time
nine for his choir to mako its effort.
Henry Hughes, a (iiiarryman. mounted
a chair to lead It In n few moments
he tottered and fell, Ucndy arms cur
ried him Into au anteroom, and the
choir, led hy E. T. Davles. n clerk, sang
on, continuing their melody amid a
round of admiring cheers.
No other choir exjojjed tho company
of songsters whom Hughes had vulnly
attempted to lead, for they won the
prize, and the sounding cheers broke
oue again.
It was these cheers of triuranh that
rang lb the ears of the falling conduc
tor as ho lay ln tuo anteroom, for he
was dying. Every effort was made to
savo him, hut In vnlui und Jiot the
least sad accompaniment of this pa-
uieuc mciuent was the fact that tho
tying conductor's own son nnd daugli
i-illy downward from the water Hue.
Normally this gate lies close against
the side of the vessel and offers no
reslstnnce to the progress through the
water, but when the proper signal Is
given from the pilot house tho engineer
starts the mechanism which released
the clamp securing the forwanl edge of
the gate, the latter Immediately Hying
open, until It Is nt right angles to the
course of tho ship, where It Is sustain
ed by the braces nt the rear.
Tho brakes nre arranged In pairs and
two or more sets may bo applied to ono
ship. They offer no hindrance to tho
movement of the ship through tho wat
er as long ns they remain closed, but
afford n valuable nddltldon to tho re
versed propeller lu bringing the ship
to a quick stop In times of danger.
Coollntf of the Kurth us ItelutliiK to the
l.cnicth of the Day,
Professor Woodwurd, In the Popu
lar Science .Monthly, bus lately given
nn account of his reseurches on tho
progressive cooling of the earth nud Its
relation to the length of the day. Does
tho length of the day vary? Wns It
formerly shorter than now? Will It, In
tho future, bo lengthened? The an
swer depends upon tho muss of tho
earth, which vurles, since meteoric
dust perpetually fulls upon the surface
and thus Increases the quantity of
matter; nnd on Its volume, which be
comes smaller ns the muss Is progres
sively cooled. Luplnco concluded from
tho data nt his disposition that there
bad been no hcusIIuo change In tho
length of tho day for 2,000 years.
Woodwnrd lias repeated his calcula
tion with now datn, nnd concludes tljnt
the duration of tho day hns not cluing
til ns much ns half a second during
tho first 10,000,000 yours nftcr tho be
ginning of solidification of tue earth's
material. When tho cooling of tho
enrth finally reaches Its term the
chaiigo will bo marked. Professor
Woodward's result Is that the ratio of
tho change of tho day to Its Initial
htlbstnntlnl trappings, gives the Im
pression that It Is looking with
hnughty disdain on the glossy traps
which surround It lu the salesroom,
never admitting for n moment thnt Its
former glory has been lessened a whit
by tho vngiirles of fashion.
Mrs. Kale Chase Spriigue gave the
cnrrluge lu trade for u more modern
vehicle nbout eighteen yours ngo. Its
value now Is simply thnt of it relic.
but In tho estimation of Mr. Young
this vnlue Is Increasing each year.
Mr. Young also has stored uway In
his lofts tho .Seward cnrrluge, which
Is nu exact counterpart of tho cnrrlage
than any hunk last year. "The Crisis,'
lu spile of criticisms, heads the list
It looks ns though people's curiosity
ns to the nuthurshlp of "Au English
Woman's Iive Letters" will soon 1m
gratified. Tlio llonkuinii says tho se
cret of the authorship will shortly
made public. There Is n story lu liar-
purs by this unknown lady If It be a
Indy -culled "The Story of Amnbel and
The Ilookmnn snys of the tweuty
nlpc dlffereut books which appeared
lu Its monthly list of best selling books
during 1111. twenty-one nre the work
of men nnd six of women, while tho
ul ti..n..i , . .
i .' . . , Z, , . author of "Au English Woman's Ixivo
...... I,,...., , tiiii, Ami, nun mi i-iir-
rlngo of Cell, Tccumsch Sherman,
snys tno Ywisintigtnii stnr, ho pur-
cliused nbout twenty years ngo.
Letters" nnd of "Truth Dexter" havo
not been Id en tilled. Sidney McCall is
thought by many to bo a woman.
The query was asked lu tho National
Magazine: Who Is the world's fore-
Ills llviiluiintlnii.
A group of men were sitting In the most living nilthor? The replies cajnu
smoking room when tho talk turned from every State and Territory of tho
upon tho wnr lu South Africa. Several united States, nnd oven from Porto
of the men had seen service, nud. al- Itlco. The majority have acconlod
though Hume of them were strangers, their belief that Herbert Spencer oc
conversation wns brisk and entertain- cuples that high position. It would bo
lug. "Well," began a soldierly looking Interesting to know how many ordln-
fellow, "I've lii en lu South Africa my- ary readers have read Spencer.
House Kept ot u Uniform Temperature
During Cold Weather.
Tho supply of hot water for public
heating systems from a central stntion
Is growing In favor In smaller towns
nnd It would seem to bo the Ideal and
most economical method of heating,
even In largo cities. The hot water Is
tt-r were singers In the victorious choir. length Is two-thirds of tho product of
hiouiu sprcau over the great audi- tint loss of tcmnerutiiro iiv
" news spreau, nnu me t8 cubical contraction. Kor exnmiile,
Eisteddfod when tlio end was reached,
closed with deep sorrow.
When I begun business," said the
plutocrat, wearily, "I Inmjo a vow that
whenever 1 had earned on oven million
i would quit."
"Why, you've done, that many times
over, long ago," M,i tlio other mail,
"yet you nro still accumulating."
"That's tho curse of It. Whenever I
think I've made tho even million I find
on figuring It up it's cither a llttlo moro
or n little less, and I've got to renew
tho struggle."
People often wonder why n girl mar
rles the most unileslrnblo man of her
ncqunlutance. if tucr kuow i10 wnH
the only ono to proposo they would no
longer wonder.
If tho primitive temperature of the
earth wns 3,000 deg. O, nnd If lis ciibl-
cul contraction wits that of Iron, the day
will be finally reduced nbout II per
cent that Is to say, by nbout nn hour
nnd n half. The lapse of tlmo ueces-
Isnry to bring this nbout Is enormous.
Thrco hundred thousand millions ot
years nro required, according to Wood
ward, for 03 per cent of tho tonl con
traction to tnko place Tho length of
tho day will not bo sensibly altoctcil,
on tho other hand, nftcr tho expiration
of 1,000,000 of millions of years. Tho
fnll of meteoric dust tends to Increase
tho mass of the earth, nnd thus to
chango tho length of tho tiny, but tho
effect due to this cnuso Is not nbovo
onc-two-hundrcd-thousnndth of tho ef
fect of secular cooling, Twenty mil
self, and had a very Interesting time.1
"hver get very close to tho Iloers?"
some ono asked, "itnther! I once took
two of their officers." "Unnlded?1
"Certainly. And the very next tiny I
took eight men with their horses." "All
wounded, I expect ' remarked a listen
er, with a suspicion of n sneer. "You
didn't get hurt, of course?" "Just a
scratch, that's nil! And the day after
1 took n lot of transport wagons, nnd s,mnco Winter
f,.ll,....,.,i Mint nt, l,v 1,,L I .. II.. . -ngO llllt-r,
" i "rf ..iiiih mh; Knilll
nnd n big gun." ".Mister," snld tho ills
ngreenblo man of tho iilidlence, "I havo
seen somo of tho finest specimens of
anything you can call to mind, but
frankly you nro tho only legitimate suc
cessor of Huron Munchausen that I've
ever met!" "Oh. no, I'm not that," said
tho story-teller modestly with n good
iintured sinllo "I'm only a photographer!"
The Englishwoman's Year Hook gives
the names of over 250 now novels pub
lished by women writers during 1001.
Two of the most notnblu are listed ns
The Serious Wooing," by John Oliver
Hobhs. nnd "Sir Hlchard Calmady," by
Lucas Malct. Among tho most prolific
writers of tho year were Mrs. Amelia
Ilnrr, Mrs. Katharine Tynn Hlnkson,
Miss FIotcir'o Wnrden and John
Aged Dog Commits Niiloldo.
"There's old TIgej he's 15 years old,
really blind, nnd a nuisance," said tho
proprietor of tho hotel nt Alford. Pa.,
tho other day. "I haven't tho heart to
Critics hnvo discovered, speaking of
Hlchard Carvel, that tho hymn, "Lead,
Kindly Light," wns not composed In
time to have been sung by Mrs. Carvel.
Objection Is nlso mado to having a
baud play "Columbia, tho (lorn ot the
Ocean," during the Lincoln-Douglas do
halo nt I-'rceport In 1858. This song
was tho product of war times, several
yenrs after. Well, tho publishers aro
not fretting "Tho Crisis" Is still hav
ing a big run.
Putting Ills Foot In It.
Many dlllldunt persons find tho bo-
ginning of u conversation nwkwnnl.
kill him, but If somo fellow will shoot especially on ceremonious occasions
lilm nnd bury blm up on the hill, I will and with strangers. Sometimes, how-
I.I,., n ,1i,lln." ...... . ....
ver, tuo ucginning is not half so uwk-
givo blm n dollar.'
A barroom lounger Immediately ac
cepted the offer, nnd left for his homo
to get n gun. Old Tlgo nroso from tho
Moor uenr tho stovo, gnvo a pitiful
whine, aud went out of doors. In hnlf
nil hour tho man returned with n gun,
but the dog wns nowhere to bo found.
A persistent search nil tho afternoon
failed to reveal his presence, nud tho
barroom crowd gavo up tho chaso nt
Next morning tho milkman discover
ed tho mangled body of old Tlgo on the
railroad trucks. Ho had committed sub
cldo to cscnpo being shot to death.
Chicago Inter Ocean'.
Somo men think twice beforo marry
ing then regret that they didn't got a
lions of small meteors, weighing ou third think.
ward as what comes afterward.
A bashful young man on being In
troduced to a lady at a dinner party
"I'vo got to tako you In to dinner.
Miss Trnvers, mid Pin rather nfrald of
you, you ituow. Every one tells me
you're very clover."
Tho young lady wns naturally
nniused by tills display of simplicity.
"How nbstirdl" sho exclaimed. "I'm
not n bit clover,"
The young mnn heaved a sigh of re
lief, nud nnsweredi
"Well, do you know, I thought you
weren't!" New Yorker.
Ignornnco Is punished
much as meaunese.
almost m