Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 25, 1902, Image 5

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I.iihI Sunday two young men of
thin place hud n uihtiiidcrHtniidliig
In regard lo some tilvlal mutter mid
tlno' the eiicuitrni'ciiu'iit of others
who lire ever Imnily mid just dying
to Nee u "scrap," they ngtccd to
meet at once oiKnIiIu the eily limits
"till Kettle it by determining who
could knock the sawdust out of the
other. I lie "setup" took on quite
n serious imped when it developed
into ii sort of it "nierry-Ko-rotind"
ill which a nasty looking knife and
ii club large enough to fell nn ox
wete litought into play. However
nothing mote HeiioiiH than n Muck
eye resulted altlio' the prospect
seemed good lor n cotonet'.s job
mid the rctideiiiiK of one or the
other "hors de combat." In the
event of iiuolher such inisuuder
htiiildlug n board of arbitration
should lie appointed to settle it.
CiiANmts at Amos.
Mr. John Sutherland the genial
postmaster of Amot, was u pleasant
cash caller ut this office Saturday.
Mr. Sutherland has taken in n
n.'v pat titer, Mr Levi llecr, and
the new linn will open up with an
inutcuicd stock of general merchan
dise about July tut, in the new
titoru building that is now being
built about a mile this side of the
pteseut location. Mr Sutherland
nlso informs us that he has received
notice from the department lo
change the iiuitic of the postoffice
ns it is coufii.scd with the name
Ames, another (xistoHicc in the
.state. A petition is being circu
lated and Irculy signed to change
the location and name of the ollice
there, the name London being most
in favor.
Covotic Kll.MII.
A robust coyote fell a victim to
the unerring aim of Cottage Grove's
crack shooters and dogs Sunday.
All of this occurred down in
Walker's pasture, where Messrs.
Marker, l'etrie, Pitcher and Johnson
ctal.wcut with maliceafoicthouglit
to do something worthy of note.
They took the dogs along however,
nnd by n snatch brought back the
trophy. The hunters inquest dis
closed the fact that the coyote was
full of holes nuil very tired when
overtaken. This is what usually
happens to any sort of "varmint"
that overfeeds itself in the vicinity
where these well bred dogs are
A Ili.ow Up
Jack Rice became tooltandy with
giant powder last Sunday. He
was attempting to place a cap on a
fu when the cap exploded. Luck
ily for Mr. Rice the only damage
done was a burning of the hand in
which he held the.cnp It. it said'
that there is Miflictcnl explosive
force in one of those caps to blow a
man to atoms, and it is only one
chance in a ihoitsmd that one would
escape going to his maker, under
similar circumstances. However,
Mr. Rice probably thinks that it is
better to have thut otic chance in
Ills favor than to have been born
To Onr.ANizit A Ci.un.
There will be a meeting of the
base ball enthusiasts of the city, at
the office of the Sherwood hotel,
Saturday evening, at 8 o.clock for
the purpose of organizing a base
ball team for the season of 1902.
This meeting is not confined to
players onlv but a cordial invitation
is extended to nil who desire to sec
Cottage Grove have the best nmn
teur team in Oregon. There is
nothing that docs more to adver
a town throughout the state than ti
Icerles.s, invincible ball team.
Cai;turhi Ki.kvicn Rattmirs
Hob Vcatch, Hilly Kd wards mid
one of the Gowdy boys returned
Wednesday evening from an nil day
Minkc hunt down at Lynx Hollow
nnd reported good success which
they backed up by producing eight
dead rattlers mid three that they had
captured ulive. Those captured
nlivc were taken to Dr. Anderson
who gave them chloroform nnd ex
tracted the six poison fangs
from each of them thus rendering
them ns harmless ns doves. They
' will be kept as pets we suppose for
the children to play with.
Long Tom can step to the front
this week. A ewe on the Henry
Knocble place gave birth to five
lambs. Pour lambs nt one birth is
heard of occasionally but five beats
the record. And now comes
George liosquet with a goat that
gave birth to a kid with three legs.
It is just as lively as any goat kid
on the place. Junction City Times.
I. O. O. F. at Goshkn.
Thirteen of our most enthusiastic
Odd Fellows went down to Goshen
last week to assist in the institution
of a new lodge ot that place with
forty charter members. They re
port a very enjoyable time and say
they were treated royally while
there. One cau'fjudgc of a town's
hospitality by its size.
Daily Maii, Survick.
The department has ordered a
daily mail service from Gottagc
Grove to Blackbutte, via Amos,
said order to go into effect May 1.
1002. This news will be hailed
with delleht. as the business enter
prises nt either place have much
need 01 daily man service.
c i'so ihi 1 Pa rngru pi js.
J. C. Long visited Portland this
Allium Iiemciiway visited ICu
gcuc Sunday.
Frank lllair was a south bound
passenger Monday.
Several nice cnlehes of tiottt
have been made lately.
W. A. Hctucnway was n county
scat visitor last Friday.
Charles Cochran was a Sunday
visitor to the county seat.
Atly. J. li. Young visited the
county seat last Saturday.
R. M. Veach made n business
trip to Kugctic Wednesday.
WANTIil): A first class dish
washer, ol Cottage Grove hotel.
R. A. Alixnti ler ol tin Pacific
Timber Co. is visiting in Portland.
Norris & Rowc'k llig Trained
Animal Show is at Htigenc today.
Sheriff W. W. Withers paid Cot
tage Grove an official visit yester
John Miller the River street black
smith is laid up this week with the
Attorney Jerome Knox made a
business trip to the county seal last
Charles Kutlie, the soda water
man from ICiigenc, was in the city
Charles Grisscn, the well known
Kimble piano man, is in Cottage
Grove this week.
Curtis Johnson of Kugcnc was in
town Saturday in the interests of
the razor factory.
J. L. Lekoy, of the LcRoy min
ing Co., was a passenger to the
county seat Wednesday.
Mrs. Lie W. Henry left yester
day afternoon for a few day's visit
with relatives at Kugcnc.
Mrs. P. Hold visited in lingerie
over Sunday the guest of her
daughter Mrs M. Wald.
Little Misses Ruth and Sadie
Hlair returned Wednesdny from
their visit to the county scat.
Jack James who has been in the
Full Creek Mining District for sev
eral mouths, is in the city.
Gotfried Qrabcr. of the Bohemia
District, returned last Saturday
from a business trip to the county
Miss Nina Ostrander returned to
Kugcnc last Saturday after a pleas
ant visit with her parents at this
L. A. Van Fleet of the 93rd Co.
Coast Artillery stationed nt Ft Can
'J54jyusli., is home 011 n month's
"isfr with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, re
turned this week from Kdgewood,
California, where they have spent
the winter season.
H. C. Madsen, the well known
jeweler of this city, mode n biisi
ucss visit to Junction City and
Harrisbtirg this week.
M.indie, Ruthe nnd Sadie Blair,
of the Sherwood House, visited nt
Kugeiie over Sunday at the home
of their brother, F. K. Hlair.
J. M. Shelley, of Kugcnc, one of
our next representatives, was in
town Monday on business connect
ed with his flouring mill.
J. K. Russell, who has been in
Kugcnc several week in the inter
ests of the Hohcmia Mining Dis
trict, returned Monday afternoon.
Mr. Claude Pengra, who has
been operator at the depot here for
some time, left last Saturday for
Coburg, where he accepts a similar
Miss Anna Parks, of the Sher
wood hotel, left yesterday afternoon
for a two week's visit at the home
of her brother Klbert Parks of Pleas-
nut Hill.
Mrs. F. M. Hlair and daughter
were southbound passengers Tues
day euroute from Kugcnc to Rose
burg where they will visit a couple
of weeks.
P. L, Hristow and S. H. Callison
of Pleasant Hill, left Tuesday for
Portland where they will be joined
by others and will soon leave for
the gold fields of Alaska.
Otto Gilstrap is expected back to
Kugene this week where he will
resume his duties as city editor ou
the Register, the position made va
cant by . the removal of Lee W.
Henry to this place.
Roy Knox, identified with the
Kugcue Loan and Savings Hank,
was in the city Sunday. He came
up to go over the proposed right of
way tor tne Holiemia railroad tnro
the Knox farm easj of this city.
Merchant J. H, Lewis, accotn
pauicd by his wife went down to
the county seat Sunday last for n
short visit witli their children who
are attending the U. of O., and to
get some dental work done.
C. W. Wallace, of the Leader,
and his cousin, Miss Kdua Wallace
attended the Uuruett-Orrell wed
ding at Kugene last Sunday, C. W.
returning home Sunday evening
and Miss Kdua Monday.
Mr. Otto Brown, of the ninth
street barber shop, Kugene, was
here Sunday on a visit, the guest
of his brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Henry, and
his old Nebraska frietid J. H. Par
shall of the Cottnge Grove Roller
Ileml-cud collisions of bicycles
arc becoming of quite frequent oc
currence in the city of Kugcnc cf
late utid even the ministers of the
gospel are not exempt as the Rev.
II. T. Rowland can testify since a
little encounter the other day.
I). K. Welsh, division superin
tendent for the Pacific Timber Co,
nccompaniedby his wifcund daugh
ter, visited in the city this week.
Mr. Welsh was looking for a resi
dence, but owing to the scarcity
will probably install his family at
Leona for a few weeks, his present
P. J. Jennings, president of the
Helena Mining Co., who has just
returned from mi extended business
visit Kast, arrived up from Port
land Stiudav rnornimr. P. J. is
one of the best known and most
capable mining men in Oregon,
and he is at the head of one of the
best procrtics in the Pacific
Northwest, the Helena Consolidate
cd in Hohcmia.
Al Churchill, the veteran printer,
now interested in Hohcmia. ill the
Fairvicw group, is in the cily tills
week, shaking hands with his
many friends and taking n few
davs needed rest. The Nugget
feels kindly toward Al, for many
times he has performed good ser-i
vice for the paper when short of
help. He is always to be relied
V ;l-
Companies -"grce Upon
Union I uepot.
--.fT-Sf-T- -T--T--T---T- -T- -T- -T-
Services were held at the Catho
lic church last Sunday, Rev: Fath
er Herthiaumc officiating. There
will be no services on the 27th iust,
ns formerly announced.
Through the courtesy of the
trustees of the M. K. Church of this
city Kpiscopal services were held
here last Monday evening, Bishop
H. Wistnr Morris, assisted by the
Rev. John Dawson, officiating,
during which service confirmation
rite was administered to Mrs. Ella
Wall and daughter, Bernetta. A
large crowd was present and mark
ed attention was given to the ser
mon and services, hacn year
brings a few people ol the hptsco
pal faith here, and it is to be hoped
that it will not be long until the
church can be represented here by
a substantial edifice.
f T.
.-li .it :ii -i.- U. -is.,4- ;
t nnr.f r,Ti?r,T.i7S
t-.ts -T- T--vr -T- -T- -T- -T-' ;
Fellows Lodge K of P, Drain, is
now reported quite lively, the boys
having considerable work 011 hand,
The Redineu lodge of this city is
flourishing and much interest is
taken in the councils. A week from
next Monday night they will give a
social at which a royal good time is
The Ladies Circle will celebrate
the fifth anniversary of the Women
of Woodcraft next Monday evening.
A program will be rendered and re
freshments served.
The I. O. O. F. Lodge of this
city will hold their anniversary at
Martin's Hall in this city Saturday
evening, April 26. A good pro
gram is prepared, and refreshments
will be served to members ami in
vited guests.
Work was ou in the P and K
ranks, and much interest taken,
there being a large attendance.
Visiting brothers were: M. S. Hart,
Past G. C. and Past G. D. of New
Mexico; D. M. Ladd of Portland
and W. W. Withers of Kugene.
Under the head of Good of the Or
der interesting talks were made by
the visiting brothers, and special
interest was taken in the remarks
of Grand Officer Hart.
It there Is one thing In this world
you Hhould lie careful of, It In the
nu'illcliH) you take. Medicine In 11
(indsond to man only when proerl,v
prescribed, properly compounded
nnd projierly taken. You undoubtedly
hnvo tnl tit tu your family physician.
You eim uso your own judgment,
when It comes to tukliur It. hut In
the tilling of the prescription, lie Hiiro
thut It is done ut the, old reliable
drugstore, Hk.nho.n Diiuu Co.
It is announced upon good au
thority that coriTrMU are being
closed this weetf in Portland, and
ulll be
that everything '
' in readiness
for immediate wK -on the Hohc
mia railroad b the last ol this
week. In fact yema! car loads
of equipment are expected to ar
rive in a day or two, the contract
for the first ten mifes of grading
having been let to a Portland firm
through Alcxatiaer fc Campbell, of
this city.
It also comes from reliable source
that a conference of Oregon &
Southeastern and. Southern Pacific
people has been held and that a
satisfactory tt 11 dejLta nding was
reached regardifiggnFbilildiiig of a
union denot onTttbc terminal
grounds donated .Long & Ding
ham. The measures talked over
will probably be ratified by the
proper officials of the respective
companies in the immediate future.
Lint fall I was tuVen with a very fc-
vcro attack 01 inuacuiar riieuuiatiam
which cuuned me 'grett pain ami nn
novuuee. After trying several pritcrin-
tloria and rheumatic cure. I decided to
ime Chamberlain s nun Malm, h Iiii-li I
had necn'iidverlinedjll the South Jcrcey
num. After two amilicationii of tln
remedy, I wna much better, and nflei
liairiK onu bottle, wai completely cured.
Hallio f larrin, rialenfj N. J. For unle by
I.vonn A Appicgaie,. train, ueuson
Drug Co., Cottage Gjftre.
rmrw winn ' i tti i i i..v(.!h..
Several severe cases of tonsllltis
reported at Anlauf.
The Salvation Army is once
more at work in Kugcnc,
Kugcnc is soon to have free city
mail delivery nnd applications for
carriers arc plenty.
Lot 6, block 2, of Perkin's addi
tion was this week purchased from
C. L. Garoutte by L. Archibald,
for f 120,
Dr. Wall expects to commence
the erection of his new office on
his lot recently purchased 011 Main
F. D. Wheeler has recently sold
lot 1 block 2 of Shield's addition to
C. B. Bruiieatt for a consideration
of $1279.00.
Wednesday evening the marriage
of Mr. Klmer Roberts and Miss
Mable Craw took place at the
Kpiscopal church, at Kugene.
There arc some drains and cess
pools in the yards of private resi
dences in this city that should re
ceive the attention of the health
Bicycle riders should bear in
mind that there is a city ordinance
against riding on Main street side
walks. Don't forget it for it may
cost you a fine.
It is said that several deer have
been "seen" near this city the last
week or two. Were it not against
the law no doubt someone would
be out looking for them with a gun.
A young son of Angelo Perini,
an Italian living near Anlauf, died
Sunday of diphtheria and was
buried Tuesday. Several more of
Mr. Perini's children are also said
to be dangerously ill witli the
same disease.
There was quite a heavy frost
last Tuesday evening but it did not
seem to damage the fruit prospect
in the least. The prospect for an
abundant fruit crop was never
brighter in this part of the state
than it is this year.
The baseball enthusiasts of Ku
tlie prospect stage and is destined gene met Monday evening and or
to become one of the greatest mines ' ganized a team to be known as the
in Oregon. There is none of the Hampton Bros. Baseball Club and
common stock of this mine for sale will commence business iramedi
nnd onlv enouL'h of the treasury atel-. This1 protni-es to be a lively
stock to nrosecute the development vear in baseball circles this season
t "Wc Suit the Hard to Suit."
5 Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
$ The Cash G-rocory Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line of roceries
J in the city.
I We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege-
tables in season.
g The Cash Grocery Co.
0 A. Q. Young, Manager.
Tiohemia, Oregon.
diciieml lflcrcliuiidige,
Millers' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
jensox icock Mixi;.
At a meeting of' the Directors of
this mine ou Tuesday, Apr. 22, it
was (leciaeu ioj put a iimnea
amount of the treasury stock 011 the
market at 5 cents" per share. Ow
ing to the magnificent showing in
the main tunnel 0 fice of ore five
feet wide, solid, running $10.50 in
gold and six per cent gray copper,
this is undoubtedly the cheapest
stock as the Judsou Rock is past
JT corrniCHT
with effect. It's an animated
scene suggestive of the season. Ob
serve the activity in our store these
days. Everyone looking for some
thing in lawn and garden tools and
implements. We can supply any
thing in that line hose reels, hose,
!iwn mowers, sprinkling apparatus
etc , at exceedingly low prices.
Every article warranted as repre
sented. We find it the wisest plan.
Yeatoh Go
lik property con
sists of nine clairfe six of which
lS;eaon three f' ""(,'es and can
Z-rSteE'' JtCTOSS-eUt
tunnel, and . .iex of the
mountain is re.lL d will give a
depth of about two-thoisaud feet.
The iuvi-liun Iiuh been asked, "In
what av nro Clininberlaln's Stnnineb
it Livor Tableti aupuriur to pill?" Uur
answer is: They are easier and moie
pleumuit to t.ike, more mild and gentle
in ellcct ami more reliable aa they can
always Iks depend' d upon. Then they
demise and invigonitu the stomach and
leave the bowels In a natural condition,
while pills are more harsh In etfect and
their use is often followed by constipa
tion. For sale by JJenson Drug Co.,
and Cottage Grove expects to cut
some ice.
The Kugene Guard is authority
for the statement that on account
of the recent warm weather and the
melting of the in the mount
ains the river at that place is nine
feet above low water mark which
it states is something unusual for
this time of year.
R. A. Duff, an employee of the
Booth-Kelly mills, at Coburg, was
seriously injured last Sunday by
having his nose mashed, jaw brok
en and bead injured, causing con
tusion of the brain. He was as
sisting in running logs into the
nond when he slipped and fell and
as he came up his head was caught
lie nas
I Watch our Saturday Sales
3 PkBs- of Five Minute Mush for 25c
I 2 lbs. of good bulk Coffee for 25c
I 1 lb can of Prize Baking Powder.a beautiful prize with each
can 45C
6 bars of Linen Savon Soap for 25c
8 oz. pkg of Schilling Best Teatorj. ...aoc ,
Under Odd Fellows' Hall.
Jiiat received ft new line of hiiIIoih, between n couple of logs.
prlceH miiKlng from 40c to $1.50. , . . .... 0f rec0verv.
Ngwlanii'h Mili.inkkt Stoiie. a tair cuance 01 reiuci.
BiUtenbtirg point lace patterns and
braid at Lurch's.
DriiRH like wenrliiR nppntvl to
eiva lx?nt rvHiiltH miiHt 1k of
mi:r.. ot i, i.,..i ...i, ,!,. iiuiilltv. ltonson Driiir Co. ftlwiiyn
K. Klseu & Son
Big bargains shoes and clothing at
actual cost. N. K. Elsea & Sou.
Those diamonds at II. C. Madsen are
beauties. Cull and see them.
The HeiiKoii Uruj? Co the oldest
nnd nlwnvH reliable driiKHtore In
Cottngo Urove. ,
Shoes, rnbhera nnd clothing must go
regardless of piofit. , N. K. Klseu & Son.
Valuable mining proi.orty In Bo
hemia for sale. Jerome Knox and Co
For toilet nrtlclCB do not fall to ex
amine the very complete Htock ut
Benson Drug Co.
Try Chamberlain's Etomnrh itt Liver
Tablets, tlio best physio. For sale by
Benson Drug Co, Cottage Grove.
Dee Are You Gee Essl
I'olyinorphlan Bargains
At the New Km Drug Store.
The largest and most complete stock
of millinery1 at MiMlMary Burtel'a 2nd
door cast of butohchop.
lieuMin Drug Co.
Beware of air dried or half dry floor
ing. ceiling and rustic. The Booth
Kelly Lumber Co. are making specla
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Egga for sale from prize winning birds
per suiting $1,50.
J. W. IIocck, Cottage Grove, Ore.
keep the purest drugs obtainable.
United States Land OIHce.
KoselmiT,'. Ore., Apr. 8. 11)02.
Notice Is hereby Riven that In com
pliance with the provisions of the
net of Congivs of June a, 1STS, en
titled "An act for the sale of thriller
lands In the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, ami Washington
Territory." as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of AiiKiist
4, lb9i, Ueoiw? H. Oray, of Aurora.
Countv of Marlon, State of Oregon,
has this day tiled In this ottlee his
sworn stnteinent No. L'lOJ. for the
tiiirelmsn of the NE V. of Section No.
;!0 In Township No. M S., llnnge No.
ll W.. and will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is mniv valu
able for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land liefoiv the
Register and Receiver of this ullice at
lloM'burg, Oregon, ou Thursday, the
10th (lav of Jul.v. W02.
He names as witnesses:
W. S. Hurst. (1. A. Bock, John B.
Hurst, J. M. Will, of Aurora. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
Succeiion to WHEELER & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and
Steel Plows, Etc. -.:::::
j )t AHMED.
Where the meals are well cooked and well Borvod and tho bods are good.
And you'll find everything honie-llke without homo inconveniences.
Come and stay as long us possible.
Frco to our CoriimerclalTrade. Try our Sunday Dinner. Tho beat ever
Served in any Hotol in the City.
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
Oregou, Sunday. April '.M. 1902. Mr.
Horace Burnett and Miss SIna
Orrell both of Eugene. Dean h. t .
Sanderson officiating.
Mr. Burnett Is tho city edltorof the
(Juard and is well and favorably
known there, while Miss Orrell, who
Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonn
Orrell formerly ot this place. Is well
requested to tile their clalins In this I kn()WU len) ni80, whero she has a
oil ee on or before suld 10th Hay ol I of MmU whQ Jou wUh tho
J. T. BitinoKtf, Iteglster.
New backgrounds and acces
sories. Best Lenses and Cameras.
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but ijrst-class
work. All work guaranteed
Lowest prices, call and examine
Onnosite Masonic hall. West
side, Cottage Grove.
1 .K
Nugget In wishing tho happy couplo
a long and happy voyage through
It OH X.
SHOUTniDGE To the wife of Sam 1
Shortrhlge, on Coast Fork, Friday,
April 18, 1002, 11 11 pound boy.
MARTIN To the wife of Bob
Martin of this place on Wednes
day last, a nine pound boy.
All concerned reported doing
well, Bob fairly delighted. Ot
course we all smoke on an occasion
like this.
I The ...
6 River St., Cottage Grove. 2
V We carry an extra fine line of Sj
q Liquors and Clgan, and If you X
O have occailon to want goodi In Q
x our line we would appreciate x
X call from you. 1 Q
THOKNTON Isaac Thornton tt pi
oneer of 1802, died at Sheridan on
tho 14th ot April aged 85 yeara.
Throe sons mirvlvo him, Samuel
Thornton of Taeoma, William
Thorntou of Sheridan mid J. V.
Thornton of this nlncp. MrTliom-
ton will lie reniemliercd H8 a fro-
iiiicnt visitor to Cottage Urove
who lmd quite a nunilHJr of friends
a ti a uequtiiutance nere.
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited,
.1- .1. .1. .1 .1. l. .t .1.
fr -r- -b -r- -f- -t-