7 H Cr1 n c a BOHEMIA" S riUGGE TjjT 7: H TUB ADVURTISINU MEDIUM. NKAT JOII I'lllNTINft. .Sit aaa Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering nud Farming Interest of tUUtmmuiilly, to Good Ouvcriimciit, mid Hustling for n Grub Stake. COTTAGE QROVeTREQON, APRIL 25, 1903. VOL. IV. NO. 15. ' rr? . v PROl-'KSSIONAL J. E. YOUNG Attorncy-at'Law OBlc oil Mlll lluat, Weil Side ( COTTAC.K GKOVK, OrK. J. a JOHNSON and F. .(1 MY Httomeusand Counselors-at-Law Special attention ilven tu Mining:, Corporation and Mercantile lw. OmceortMlarmtu A llemeiiwaj'aitore. COTTAOIi GKOVK, ORK. J. S. MEDLEY Attornett-at-Law o o o : omrton Main itreet-: Cottagu Gkqvk, Oris JEROME KNOX Attorney -a t-Latv Prompt at'lcnUnn paid lo MIiiIiik Hulne. CoTTAOK GKOVK, ORK. mELua-. TitoHi-aoM dun. i iiamiy, THOMPSON & HARDY Httorncisttiut Uoitnselors-at Law Bpeflal attention given to Ihg low nf Mlllfa, KUOKNK, OUK. L. T. HARRIS Attorney ana" dtmiiselor-at-Luw Special attention ghen In the low of Mlnea. First National llioik lluildlui;. KUOKNK, OKK. Mrs. Kaibfrloe Schlerf, M. I). Diseases of Women and Children COTTAOK OUOVK, OKI:. ROBINSON I'BMTirtNII I'llYalrUH Jj' and roMdciieeuii Mver trt, near Wll. 00 :(IUOVK. - - OIIWIOS. uusHnuSs.' BARKER 8c PERMAN I'lllll'.IIKTOIIS OK THE EXCHANGE IIIIVI.I'.IIH 1H KINK WINKS, LIQUORS. CIGARS. Mulnnlreet. U,illi rnr. Ore, H. C.M ADSEN , Watciimakkk. HeiMilrlnK ot rtnnniitle rhiirKeM. All work miornnlee.l llrl-i'li Wolrho.CliM-Lion.l JoiielryRt l.ueil I'rlrca COTTAOK OttOVK. OUK. laiiiuw (I MAIS 8THK.KT. COTTAOK OIIOVK. George Meinzer, Prop. A nne line of l!riwm,eiMlc. Willi. IHIKKr llnlxii, Untlirr Itelllnir. Ktc.nlwnjri mi IihimI. AllklmUnl !tr.lrliiK Rpfi-Ullir All lind ownl work liirmil out. Our Kurmcr Krlcmln run gel the crr lt t the Ixiet UtinK I'rUon. C o In mm cmnn Ine th foorttuml tea Inr ynurwlf. Common Rough Lumber, $6 per M. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw, Oh. (iIK Urhtow, t-rolitent. IlKltUIKT KAKtH, Cu.hlir Tlic First National Bank CoTTAGIt GROVK, ORK. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 loncy to loan on approved security. Kxchnngi'H olit, avulliiblo an V plucn . tliu Unleil Stilt en. l'oirr liunlnvsH In Ho llrltvil , 00 o, ARS. PET. SANFORD'S yor Fashionable Drcssmaling. MAIN HTIIKKT CoTTAGIt GltOVH, ORK. WANTED SMALL IIANCII. Within 5 miles ot Cottage- Grove, iiliist bo convenient to ecliool, well ntored, bavo bearing orchard, boiiio imbor, mid cheap for cimb. Owner only tiiidresu with full description and 'rieo. lticjiAiiD ilni:i:y, Ivollogg, Orpyon, W. H V - JUST ABBIYBD Our Spring Line of Ladies' Tailor Made Skirts. AND s 1 More New Goods Diir Sttore. The increase in The Inst shipment of Clothing nre hcnittics. Nothing niciT icht "Prrvi !10 f IS t W- Prices lcs thnn old Our Sales on I.ndlcs' Waists nre wny beyond what wc To get Your Size and kind yon want yon should IUY aNPMAW X WtWlNVi LEADERS ""T" "j"" "r jouii;c ''Vmi "2 ' ' j"':'"' , ' i if' i ,i ' i ' i ii i i , TNOHOK FOU PIMIUCATION. i Ullllnl Stiilc" l.iiml Oltii'i-, UmmIiiiiv, Ouirmi, Full. 7. IIM'J Xollii" f licn-liy iilven lluil In iiiniill lllllf Willi till' prilVlnillMH III till' m'l III CoiiurtKM iif .lllnc !l, IM7S, tMilltliil "All ni't Inr lliu nln nl IIihIkt hi ikIh In I In .Sliitrn nl CiilllDrnlii, Ori'unu, NVvikIh, , mill WiihIiIiiIiiii 'IVrrltory," imcxlciiiliit i In nil till- I'nhlln LiihI Sliilfii liv ni l nf iAiu-t 4, IMI-J, Mrn. A I Hi- liK nit of ' Hiillliiw, Ciiilllly nf litu1. Slnlr nf On i yon, lull- tliln iImv tlliil in lliimilllci, licr HWiirn rl.itfinriit Nu. LV.'T, Inr I Ik' inr irhiii'C nl llinKK 'j , nl .Sfi'tliin No. '.M, Tiill-lili L'l Siitilli.iif Itutiiii'!! W. Hint Htlliitri'i' priHif to liiw tlnit tin liiinl Hiiiht i limn viiliiulilo fur 1 1 h tlinlicr I or ftnnu Ilinti Inr iirii'iilniriil piiriiini'H, mill In I'litiililiuli lu-r i'Iiiiiii tHKitiil liiinl iH-fore Hit' lti'U'inti'r mill IIii-cUit ol lliin iilllci' nt U'lHi'liiirt!, Onvnti.oii Wtiliil'ii ilny. Hit' 7tli tiny nl .Miiy, IIKrJ. Slut iiiiuit'H n wiliitvjcn: Sli'ilii'ii A. Liiltmit nf SukIiiiiw', Orv lini, (ii-nrpi Want of MiiIh'I, Ori'ifiin, Jiiiiich li', Duiili'l II. Ilriiiiilmti;li, nt CnttiiK" Oroi'M, Orctfiin. Any hihI all imtkoiik rliiliiilnir hiIviti-i)-ly thu iiliuvtt-ilcHc-rllieil lainl an- r ipicntcil In Ilk) llii'lr i'IiiIihh in tllU ollli'it on or iK-furt' enlil 7lli iluy nl Muv. I IK)'.'. .1. T. IIiiiikikh, Ui'Kiiitcr. NUTICK FOU I'tniLICATIOX. Unitiil HI 11 leu Land Olllri', ItiM'biiri, Ori'pm, Full. 14. IIHK.'. Not i i-ii Ih liuruby t'ivi'ii tbat In ruin nliiinm ltli t'no pnivlfioim of lliu net nf CoiiRri-KH of June .'I, 1H7K, enlllled "All net for tlio hiiIo of tliiilier hiniln in tbu Sillies of California, Oregon, Neviiibi, aim imniiiKioii ii'iruorv, iihcxiuiiuoii i to all tbu rtilillc l.aiiil statCK Ijv net of , miKUBl -I, inir, 1IIOII1IIH H'H'IU' OI I'.ll (jiintf, County of Liiiip, Kliiln of Oreiron, bun thin ilny llliil in tills otlleo bin Mwom Htutuineiit No. -O.'iS, fur tbu puri;bau nf tbu SK M. of b'cetion No, townxblp 2t South, of ItiniKU W. and will olb-r pront to hIiow tbat tbu laud miimlit in more valuablu for its liinlmr or xtonu tban fur Htrrluull tiral piirpnxi', and to outn LIIhIi bin claim 10 Hiiid bind buforo tbu Ui'fiiHter and llircivcr of tills ntliro at Uosi'liuriJ, Ori'Kon, on Wudtiesdny, thu "tli day of May, lW. Ilu naint'N as wl tnonMUH . Kd Jordan, Dun IlriinibaiiKh, of Co burl?, Oregon, Oscar Leo, Ji.bn I'aliner, ol CottiiKU Orovu. Ori'Kon. Any and all porwitis elaliniiiK nilvermi ly tbu abovo-duncribed landH aro ru ipiextud to lilu tbeir claims in tbi. nlllco on or bdforu tiaid 7tb day of May, 11)02. .1, T. IIiiidoks, Iti-if inter. KOTICK FOR rUIIMOATKIN. UnUi'dHUtoa iJiinl Ofllco, ItimoljarK, OruKoa. Mnri'li 29, Wi. Kotlco U licrcliy Klvcn lliat In ('oiiiillnni'0 ll!l tbu irovlliin o( Iho in't of Convert ot Jiino.1, 1S7K, I'MllUcl "An AC lor llio vitlo nl Tlnilier Lanili la tlie Hlntcmif ('iiltrornm, Oru Koii.NovHiln, mill WimhliiKton Territory," at cxlomk'il to all Iho I'liblln IjuiiI BiuIch liy net nl AiinnnH, lWi, n. Thiiimu Awliruy.orcoltnKi) Orovn. Colllltrof fJOIoHtHleof Ort'ifoll has thin lay tiled In this olllre lilu nworii miituiiiunt No. 2HVI, (or Ihu inirdiami of Iho Houth-eait ijnartor iilSei'llon Nn.:i. Tiiwimlilpisi Kouih, olltaiiKii 1 Wet anil will otl'ei tiroof toHhow tlutt thulumt foiiKlit ii inoru valuable for llii tlinlxir or Mlone than for aKrloultural iurK)ncH, ami to oMabllih hlarlalm tonahl IhihI huloru Ihu lU'itlatrr iimt Ileculvor of thUofllpoat ItnHchiirtf, Orugou, on Frhlay IhuUoilayof June IWl, Itenameaaa wltneaiia: CharU'alh Ilrunean, IV II, IlrnmbaiiKh, John Talnier, Jou Lee, ol CollaKo Orovu, Oregon. Anyandull rairfona rlaluiInK ailvi'Mely tho mlmvAleiinrUieil lamia aro rmiucaleil to rile their clalina In thlaotllt'oon or before will 20 aayoIJuneiuiB. J, T. IlBinoKfi, Iteglilcr. Von can bny any prnparation at .T, V. Currln's that Is advertised In any paper. Kcmomnor we maun a specially of family receipts, WALKING SKIRTS DRESS SKIRT Si sjii:ii) our jsriinw mm ij ni amiw 11 ji Many new shades and BAKIS&BEISTOff. our sales demapfls. Goods i ifelT Come mnUcc thcm.s' M'A i,!nv In Ihp WusL oaBiiiaaRBeaeBiBoiBeaonBBativiatiBaBoa PIANOS AND ORGANS Direct from the Factories; Wc nre sole Agents for Oregon run! can savf you the middle imiu's profits: We will take your old Piano or Organ in part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small monthly, or early pay incuts. We are the sole Agents for the celebrated TROWilRIDOK Piano. Write Us tor Cata logue and prices. MORRIS & CRAW, S S Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon. 2 s B s BeflBeBaBaBaBHOBO0HaBaBenBORnt)BeBeaaflBaflaa JENKINS 4 LAWN I'aint Supply Store First qualities in everything in the line of paint and paiuter.s's supplies. ' The only complete line of Wal . ,. . LATEST DESIGNS LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. Painters and Paperhangers Kor any kind of work in house furnishing, get our prices. They are'riglit, and wc guarantee our work. Store first door Kast of Bridge 011 Main Street. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS. notici: roit rmiuuATioN. I'liltcl Klatca limt (inieu. ltofchurK, OreRon, Miirrli V, Y.m, Notlrela hurchy kIicii Unit In torn 1 lanio with tho irovlalnnao( Conxreas of Juno V, 1S78, I'litltk'il "An Art (or the mlo ul Timber hiimla In tho Htatoa o( Ciillforuhi, Oroxou, Nevaihi, anil Wanhlniilon Terrllory," 11a I'xtunili'il to nil tho 1'nliUn Ijiii'1 Klulea byiirt of AiiKU't I, lM'l, ChnrluH II. Ilrnnt'iiii of CuIIhud llrovo, County ol iJiuoBtuto n( Ori'Kou lina Ihla ilny llleil In thlx 1. Ilk u hUHiirn la(oiiu'iilN(i. 2102, (or the purehaHooltho I.iiIb 13, is, 10, mul 20 ol Hocllou Ko. iui,Townnhlp22 Koiith, o( JIiimku 1 Wot ami will oiler proof to nhow Ihul tho laml noiiKht la more valuable (or ll timber or atono than (or BKrli ulliinil imri'oro, ami lo i'Ktiibllh hla rlalm to anhl Innif behire tho HckIhIit anil lie reiver ol thla iifllco nt HoKoburK, Oregon, on Frhlay the 20ilayo( June, IWi. lie nuinea HHwnnenieH! 1), T.Awbrey, I). II. ilrumhauKh, John 1'ul mer ami Joo Leu oM.'nttHse Orove.Orevon. Any unit all .omnia rlalmlnK ailvcraoly 1110 aiiove-iu'acriiK'ii lauua are ruiiuuaiuu 10 11 10 thulr I'lalmi In thla ofllco on or buluro mihl 2U aayi'Uunu iwv J. T. IIiiiimjeh, Hi'Klalar, Kiwi roal estate bargains of Joromo Knox k (!o. AM) note. styles in Kid'Xxlovcs. increase in this side of I'ortlnnd. ic price ' Our New Sill rare diy Window. Thev pre 1 Latest nt s,tyle silks, liny the . expected this early. VOUK8 NOW. MERCHANDISING :wrove, tu'Aoii j TIIK OLD RKLIAI1LK Grocery Stor e Caries a full line of Staple nnd Pancy goods, Grnuite, Crockery, Tin mul Glasswnre, Vegetables, Plour, l'ecd, Oats, Hay nnd everything the farmer or the hottscwifo needs. Produce of nil kinds taken in exchange. It will he n pleasure nt nil times to show our goods and you are earnestly requested to call nnd examine 4licui. Il'lll meet All UoiiijHtlon In 1'rlrvs. SKILLMAN & GAROUTTE Successor to linker & Johnson COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. NOTICK IOR rt'HMCATION', United Hlaiea Ijimi oilleo, .... . Ihianhnrir. Oieniin, March II, my, Notlfale hereby Knen that In compliance Willi till, liroVUIlltlH 1)1 lllO lll't Of l',t..r.... ..f I June 3, m,8, enlltleil "An Act (or tho .tiki of Tiiiinor Muni 111 oik Niaiea nirniiiorula, Ore K011, eallll, mul WaaliliiKliin Territory," aa i'Xleniloil to all tho public laml Hlalea by act o( AUKimt I, isaj, John (linker, of Collage Orovu. CoiiulyiilUno.NlaloolOreKou, haa Ihla ilny tiled In llllaoltleo hlaawom Mlalomciit No. 2101. lor tho mirehuao ol thu K'j NK', HWU NHI-4, and HI! 1-1 NW 1-1, ul miction., So. at l"iwlilllu '.11 H, ruuKO 2 went, and will oiler proof to nliow that Iho laud nought la iimru valuable (or lla llmhuror atiiiiu than (or agricultural purooaoa, mul to OHlablUli Ida claim lo Hiild laud buforo tho llcglMor and Itec elver ol IIiIh nlllco atllono' burg, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 17th ilny of May, 11102. Iim naiiieH aa wltueaiieai Alfrod A. Aiuleraon, Henry lllgclow nnd llun l'lleher, of Doruua, Orogou, and II. n0w. of Cottngu Orovo, Oregon, Any and nil peraona claiming advemoly tho iibovo-ilcaerlbed landii aro rvnuealed tn II lo their clalina In Ihla odlco on or buforo aald 17th day of May, 112. J.T, lnuwiKa, . 1 Wo linyo on bunci rt largo stock of klln-clrleil IloorhiK, cellltiK and rustloln Krades 1 2 and 3. Lot us make you epeciul prices, UooTii-Km.i,Y LuMnisn Co, n I 2 . 1 w A l l ITIOX A It Ml XI XO 4 XOTHH. K. H. Lovelace, of tlic SniirNc Miiiiui; Couipimy. who hits lecti here Mime weeks in Ihc ittcrct of hieoiupnny, fame in fiom the hills Sntltidny tin I Iclt cnrlv tills week for his home nt Kurt Kiiiisom, IH kotii, whete he will tciiiain until June, nt which time he will letnrn here 11 ml spend the wiimiii. Mr. Lovelace cxpiesscH himself hltfhly pleased with the romlition in which he fou ml the cimipiiny's property, and has set 11 force of men nt work. As soon ns he returns n larger force will be put to work and the l"P ertMleveloped as fast ns possible. Hoys, the rnilrond Is now said to jt lm(l iij,eitiin toilay would have be a sure go. This news should be ,ccll n.Cogui7'.cd the world over as encouraging " of you. and olle of tle Krenu-st mineral pro thc worst wish the Nugget wlshrs (,u.(.rs ),, tl,L-United States. If the any of you, who luive toiled amide-, rnilro.icl hail have been built five ptlvetl yourselves ol many ol ue,vcnr, n(,(l Cottnge Grove today plcnsuiesof life by virtue of vbur wou,j imve )cc cjly f IOl0oo . ..l.....i:.l 1. .1.., ...... 11,,. 1 ... .,w,ni... ..nu. 11.,.. nwii.t 1 hernia would show her riches to the world, is that it will go, which means that you will find n wny to get to the market with the riches hidden beneath you. Here's look ing at you ooys, wmi uoiu eyes. proM.Mv .,, ,,e worth ninny hl,u, I times what they nre today? Wc I). R. Lnibl ol Portland, son of! nil know that the tiny is past when Mrs. Piiinicau who owns the fa- commercial and industrial cntcr motis Knott mine in llohcmia. nr-1 prises can be curried to a successful rived in Collage Grove Tuesdny 1 issue without the assistance of rail for a few days visit. Mr. I.mtd, wnys. The same argument that is wife and mother will renew their advanced in the interest of good acquaintance with Cottage Grove wagon roads nnd good streets is and Iloheuiin as soon ns the season applicable to the railroad question, fairly opens, mid active develop- flic establishment of good wagon mcnt will lie carried 011 at the mine, j ra,is )S nu incentive for people to Work will soon commence on ! purchase property tapped by said the wagon road leading from the good wagon roads, at increased Mustek to the Helena mines nutl ! price, for the reason that crops can will be carried on by the Helena he handled in any and at alt seasons Consolidated Company and no of the year, taking advantage of work or means will lie spared to 'every strengthened condition of the lit the rond in first class condition, t?fiil.iit Jlj::iqtNFi.i For Couch 11111I (' ibl In Children "I luive not tliu liL'hii'"t lii'aitmu'y In , iis'oiiiiiii'iuliii): ('hiiiiilN'rliiliiV Coiicb lli-ini'ily l'i nil lin nre MiitlVt inir from rouglia or I'ulil-," mH Cliua. M. C'rillner, I I:h., a "ell known nutebiiiuki'r, of Co- IiiiiiIhi, (Vyliui. "Il luia liwn aoim two Vfiirn alni'i' tln t'ltv Diapfii'iiry llml I nihil 111 v utli'iitliiii In thia viibmlilti 1 iiiiilieimi mul I luive repi'iiliilly iimsI il mid it lin iiIuiivn ln'i'11 iH'iielleliil. It1 liu eiiiiil nil' ipih'klv ol nil elie.t rolda. 1 It i piMiiriiillv I'lfi'i'tu'i' (nr I'lilhlii'M 11l.1l ofhlnin t,iki' iiuirr tlimi onu iKittl,. t..,llie lootprinis 01 a giganuc enter eiire tliflii ol hnarai'iii'. I liuvi' per-1 .)rj!(. tlere .. wjjj fimJ nmif0ld iiiuli'il iiiiinv tn try tlii valuiilih' iiiiiIi-I ; . ' .ilu-. and tin y mi' nil aa uHI pli'iim-il ' increase 111 the wealth of that com 11 n mvM'lf ovi'r tlm ii'aiill. For cult- by ..,,..,,., I.vona i A .il-trni. Drain. Ileiiauii ; D'riiis Co., Cntiiigf i.rnvf. - - NOTICK FOU I't'llLICATlON. I'tilleil StutcH I.mihI Olllec. ItiiMcburK. Oiv.. April stb. 1!HL. Not li-t' l lieivli.v Kivt'ii t lut t III com pllnuei' Willi tbe prov IkIiiiis nf tlic net nl ('iiiikivhn nl Jlllll' !t, ls"S. cut It It'll "An net fur t lie Hiilt'uf tliuU'i' IiiiiiIh In tbe Stuti'x i'f Ciillfnriiln, Oii'Kon, Ni'vndn. mul WusliliuttimTi'iTltor.v." us cxtciideil In nil tbe l'lilill,' I.11111I Stnti'M by net nf AiikihI 4. IS.l.', Fivd l. llni'Ht.of Aiirui-u. Ciiunt.v of Mil- lion, Htiil of Oivkiiii.Iiiim till tiny filed Iii IIiIh nillci" IiIm Mwiirn Htutf-1 irsiof''il!::; tjx;wt Htilp Nu. 111 S. Ituiw No." Went. niul will offer proof lo nbow tbnt tlic bind MotiKlit Im iiiiuv vnluublt' for Uh timber orHtoni" tliun for iiKi-leiiltui'nl , ptiriioHi'H. nnd in fstiibllKb IiIm i-liiliii ! In HillU ill lit iieinif ine ih'kikii'i 111111 UiTfivi'l' ottlllH iilllfO lit UoNeliUl'K, Oiviron. nil 'i'liui-Nibiy. the llltb ilny of July. lix-'. Ill" IIUIIIt'H IIH WltlH'HHl'K: II. A. Snyder. O. A. lloek. J. M. Will, O. 11. (Iruy. of Atirorn, Oivkiiii. A 1 iv mul nil pfi'HiuiH t'lulmin;; 111I vi'l'Hi'iv tilt' ubiivt'-dtwrlbi'il IiiiiiIh oiv ivqueHtt'il tu llle their elulniH In tliln nlllei" nu nr lielure unlit Kith duynf July, 1IKI-'. . , J. 'P. IllllIMIIIH, Itt'KlHlcr. NOTICK KOU l'tllll.ICATION. tTultt'il Stntt'M L11111I Olllee, UnHi'biu-K, Oiv.. April lit It. IIKC', Notli'u Is bi'ivby kIvcii tbnt In enm plluni'i" with tilt' provlHloiirt nt tin" net of OniiKicHW nl.luni" it, 1S7S, en tltli'il "An net tor the wilt' of timber IiiiiiIh in tbu NtntrH of Ciillfurulu, t)it Kim, Ncvniln. 11111I WiiHliliiKton 'IVr rltorv." iih I'.xli'iiiled tn nil the Pub lic l.Ullll fMUIt'H n.v IIVI 111 .UIKIUU 1 1WL'. William C Jnni'H nf .Mniiud t mint v nf Lnlii", Slntc of Oiviron Iiiih , Mi ilnv tiled In Ibis olllci" bin Hworu 1 Htutcinent No. -Wl, for tho iureliuHt" oftheSWtf NV(. N SV tf. SWj K1V V nf Sect 1 ill No. H, TuwilHlltll "J Motitli. of Unnn'c tl Went and will n tier iit-oot to hIiow Hint tbu bind MoiiKbt Is nioif viilunbli" fnrltH tlm ber nr Mtonn tliun for UKi'lcultiiral iiurpoHi'H, mul In OHttiblfMli lilneliilin ttiHuldbind iK-foivtlni UukIhIci' mul Itm-lvornf tills nlllco nt HoNi'burtr, Ort'Kou, 011 Wi'dncHiliiy tho ltlth, ilny of Jiily, HXW. llO lUllllliH IIH WltnCHHCHi John H. How'lton, Wttm'u 0. Smith, (leorgo lloselton, 11, J. Wntti", of Crow, OivKon. Anv and all peinoiiH i-lnlinlnK nd VffHe'ly tho iibove-iU'HcrllKMl IiiiiiIh nru lwiiu'Htfd to llle their elulniM In thlH nlilfii on or before Hiild 10th tiny of July, 100;!. . , J, T. ItitinuuH, HeglNtcr. MmesaBdnimpq y Dovol'od to Dohenitu Nofo.5 and AIIMI'T Till! KAII.HOA1) The railroad nice ting of last week is significant of the fact that there nre lew people in ibis section of Oregon who do not believe in a rnihtmdto Hnhcnii.i.. The way in which the oconle flocked tin to anlwrrili,. In tilt rit'lil nf wav ftiiul , M,n,iH,cs (jlc facti jt to j,c 1 and city? Hut someone says what , reKtt.e, that the road could not!,locs tbe N"Kgct know about the . . ... f If lvalue of property. The iiituiliitatitA ami perbans more. Would such a condition mean any thing to the property owners of Cottnce Grove? If Cottage Grove had ten times its present population would not market, beneficial to the producer, ( purchase from you your surplus 01 real holdings, for they show thrift, enterprise and sturdy business ap plication. A railroad tn Hohemia or to any other given point argues the same thing only in nn intensified degree, for it shows that some gigantic en terprise is to be obtained through lint mr.,1tttm nnrt ivlifri vnll fintl , , , ' . , . hugeiie todav is contemplating a railroad to Hlue River why? Ilc- cause the shrewd practical business men of that city see nnd understand the immense advantages to be gained by the culmination of such n project. And when the scheme buds you will find the county seat town of I.nuc county will not haggle over n few thousand dollars llior Imr riti-piis rnllertivelv will . ' be asked to raise. 1 hey will come ,ow" w,iv,,e o.eyJ,,;ll,,v.he,y always do in enterprises of the kind, xot that they have money to burn ' , , , . but that they see ndvaucnl business onportuiticH on account of the mining industries to be tapped by the building of the rond into the hills of Hlue River. See what the people of Corvallis are doing for the Corvallis and Knstcrn rnilroad. That little city has raised $50,000. Albany came promptly to the front on the same enterprise. Grants Pass is contemplating, nnd in fact working on a road to Crescent City, a distance of 70 miles and expects to put up at least $25,000, See wlint branch roads arc doing for Spokane and Hnker City? Now let us touch upon some of the enterprises that would he , ... !...., 1.. . .i. r.. i the event of the building of the Cottage Grove ttud Hohemia rail-. rond. Take the mining industry for in stance. See wlint a world of wealth which now lies hidden under the frown of Hohemia, Pnirview, Grouse and Klephant Mountains would be unearthed. Car load after car load of ore would be in process of ship ping daily. Look nt the timber interests. See what ci magnificent body of fir lies between here nnd tfiis tcrminitis of the piopcised road awaiting an out- 1 let to the market. ok a' t1,c sawmill enterprises 'tl,at wou,(1 l)t: i,ll in operation. AN ready Cottage Grove is assured of ol,c milling enterprise when the 1 ron, "u,,t Wlmt about the enhancement of 1 the vnlueof propetty, both country I Nugget docs not know the exact value of property today, but there j is one thing certain, if you do not do something to make it more valuable than it is today, it will never be more valuable. Real holdings arc not to he reckoned on j the same basis with a steer calf. You; t can buy the calf and if he don't get the hollow horn or something or, ' other, you can sit on the inflated 1 side of your pants nnd watch him growinto a tlirec-ycar-old steer andr some money, but if you own real estate and don't do something to keep it up and make it increase in vnltte, it will stay where it was the day you cursed it by buying it, un less some other fellow comes in. with the enterprise that every man should have, and does something for hitfKclf and community which of necessity gives you a bid to get on his wagon and ride iuto in creased wealth. No one can successfully dispute, the assertion that propetty is worth 25 per cent more here in this city and adjacent to the town thaiHr was before wc had any assurance that n railroad would this summer be built.' to Ikitrmia, and before t"3 -ITT,rf,T , t 'V.,1,,,. ikearv fine' increais3-'in Value every day. This may not appear to you to be much of an argument; but here is the question: If property will ad vance iu price and find a market upon the strength of talk of rail road, where will it go when the rnilroad is built? This paper is sincere when it says that it is the stepping stone to ten times greater wealth to the in habitants of this section of country than has been pictured upon the hazy canvass of our fondest dreams. The directors of the Jttdson Rock Mining Company had n meeting last Monday and considerable im portant business was transacted. The company has met with a splen did success in disposing of the first 50,000 shares, which were placed on the local market at 3 cents. This stock was subscribed for, practically, by citizens of Cottage Grove nnd vicinity, who have per sonal acquaintance with the prop erty nnd the men nt the head of it. At the meeting Monday 50,000 more shares were blocked off nt 5 cents per share. It is said that this stock is all but sold, many ap plications for stock having been filed with the secretary pending a meeting of the board. The man agement of the company speaks in high terms of the condition of the property, and work will be pushed with nil possible speed this season. News from the I.e Roy received here this week are to the effect that the new strike reported through these columns last week has widened to seven feet of solid lend nnd copper ore, giving the Laura tunnel a full face of very rich ore. Superintendent Behne announced to a reporter this week that as soon as the codditioti of tbe weather and roads would permit the hauling of supplies, the Helena and Musick mills will be put in active oper ation for the season's run. Much ore is blocked out in these mines means a great deal to the camp. The Helena alone has $5, 000,000 of ote iu sight. The Helena people have just let another 500 foot contract on the Star, which it is understood will soon be placed on the dividend list. Arrangements nre 'also being made to put iu a new, car and track us weU"as' the' building 'of , a wagon road. V