SUPPLEMENT TO BOHEMIA NUGGET. VOL. IV. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, APRIL 18, 1902. NO. 14. r- rF7i 4 FA KM NEWS. (: A California beekeeper, one of ninny others, figured his profits for iooi somewhat like this: Sprint: count 1 20 colonics, increased to 200; 50 pounds beeswax nt 22 cents fin; 400 pounds comb honey nt 10 cents, ?.to; nearly 1 1 tons light amber extracted honey at Vi cents, Sooo, nnd some sold nt retail which will bring the re ceipts up to over $1000. The honey season proper bewail in April and was over by the Inst of July. This gave him plenty of time to nttcud to other crops, and as he was under little expense nnd did all the work without hiring, he made a very nice living from the bees. Many so-called cases of chicken cholera arc simply enses of indi gestion iiiul constipation. Fowls nffected with indigestion may be cured by giving n tenspoonful of molnsses to which hns been added five drops of castor oil anil three drops of crude carbolic acid. The never-failing symptoms of cholera arc nn apparently unquenchable thirst and sulphur colored droppings. The fowls stand at the watering place and drink in a drowsy, sleep manner until they drop .dead. There is positively no cure for chicken cholera. Homestead. In 1850 the total value of the live stock of every state in the Union was less than $1,200,000,000; today it is worth $.,555. 827,375, a sum incomprehensible to the mind of man. In the year named there but 17,000,000 cattle, 21,723,220 sheep, 4,895,050 horses nnd mules; todny the figures arc 50,602,414 cattle' 15,623,551 horses and mules, nnd 50,203,000 sheep. Two farmers at Dyea, Alaska, raised 25,000 bushels of potatoes this year, and will receive for them $2 a bushel. They are described as large, solid, mealy and palatable, and contain more sugar than pota toes grown in lower latitudes. At the West Virginia experiment station it was found mote profitable to feed com to hogs after it had been well soaked. Ten week's care should bring a chick to marketable si.e- a longer time means actual loss. Guard against mites at all seas ons of the year in winter as well as summer. Never crowd too many fowls into one house or vard. Overcrowded (locks are alwavs failures. Filthy yards and houses invite disease, and are sure to cause failure. Cull out all the poor layers and give the good hens a chance. Except for the effects of a par tial winter killing of wheat in'por tions of Eastern Oregon nnd Wash iugtou, the crop outlook in the 1'a cific Northwest is excellent, and ' for fruit is said to be ns good as was ever known. The prolonged rains and cool weather have de layed spring work, but hnve done little or no actual damage other wise. Telegram. Never keep ducks, geese or turkeys with the chickens. Correct feeding means much toward successful keeping. CHURCH NEWS. 7 f. CATHOLIC CHUKCH Rev. Father Bcrthiaumc of Kosc burg will hold services at the Cath olic church in Cottage Grove Sun day, April 27, at 10 o'clock a. m. CHRISTIAN CHUKCH Services as usual at the Christian church next Sunday. Preaching morning mid evening by the pastor. Rev. J. H. Lister delivered an interesting lecture on "Missions" at the Christian church Saturday evening. Sunday Rev. J. M, Horn preached two sermons morning and evening. STATU CONVIJNTION' The State Convention of the Christian Church of Oregon will I begin its sessions this year at the I usual place at Turner, Ore., on J June 20 and hold up to June 30.. Mr. Chas. Reign Scuvilte of the Metropolitan Church of Cluist of Chicago, 111., will be the chief speaker. Mrs. Helen E. Moves of1 Indianapolis, I ncl . , National Sec-' retary of the Christian Woman's Hoard of Missions will nlo be in attendance. i LODGE CIRCLES IIKTTKK THAN 1'IM.S. The question liii! been nuked, "In what way uio Cliiiiiiljt'rliiiii'M .Stomach tV Livvr Tiibli-tit Diipt'iiui tupillit?" Our answer in: Tliev nie eacirr nnd mum lilriifiitit to tnkt', Midi it milil mill gentle in rllVrt mid 11, oif lelialile an they run nl wiiy h lio depend il upon. Thru they oli'iiiifL' mi'! invigorate t lie Htiinuu'li unil leave tint bowels in a natural i-omlitiou, wliilu pillH 11 r i) 111010 liarrli in ftft'ct ami tlii"ir nee is often followed by eunstipa tiiin. For Hiilo liy lieui-on' Drug Co., Cotlnge lirovt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Farmers often keep pickpockets, and yet do not seem to be aware of the fact. Every time that they re tain on their place cattle, sheep hogs or other livestock which are maintained nt a loss, they, in effect, do this very thing. Home and Farm. After the Second year, the hens will lay fewer eggs. Good stock always finds n ready market. "A neighbor ran in with a bottle of ChntiilurlairiK Colic, Cholera unci Diar rhoea ltcmedy when my uon was suller ing with Huveru cramps nnd was given up ns beyond hopoby my rt'triilar physi cian, who stands high in his profession. After administering three doses of it, my bod regained-consciousness uml re covered entirely within twenty-four hours, " BiivH Mrs. Mary Hallor, of Mt. Crnwrord, Vn. ThiB Remedy is for snlo by Lyons & Applcgntu, Drain. Benson Drug Co. Cottage Grove. Al Johnson purchased from Wm. Landess one and one-half acres for ?3o- L. Lc Roy this week purchased one and one half acres from Long nnd Bingham for $300. H. Yancey has purchased one and one half acres from Long nnd Binghnm for $300. This property is nil in the vi cinity of the Cottage Grove and Bo hemia railroad. S. B. Larimer hns sold his resi dence property in West Cottage Grove to Lewis Hartley. MACCABKHS The Maccabees had a good meet ng Thursday night, one initiation. I'ORRSTKKS The Foresters gave way to the band entertainment Friday night consequently bad no meeting. m. w. A. The Woodmen had a log rolling on the night of the 15th, two can didates were initiated. KKDMIJN Redmen held a regular business meeting Monday night and dis cussed the building proposition. l-'OKESTHKS The Foresters are expecting a visit from Grand Chief Ranger C. G. Buckhart in the near future and intend to give him a rousing reception. ODD I'KI.LOWS Two candidates in the initiatory, five in the. first degree and two in the second was the harvest in the Odd Fellows Lodge Saturday night. A banquet was served at 12 o'clock and adjournment was had only nt the small hours of the morning. m. n. A. State Manager William J. Apple gate spent several days at Cottage Grove with the Brotherhood. The order is in a prosperous condition and daily increasing in member ship. Their meeting nights are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday in each month at the Odd Fellows Hall. I.ADIHS CIRCLE OF G. A. R. Saturday the Ladies Circle, G. A. R., of Cottage Grove were visited by the following distin guished members from abroad: Mrs. F. E. Chapman, department president; Mrs. Kittie Smith, dept. treasurer; Mrs. Maginis, Mountain Circle, Mrs. Wheeler; Mrs Gossett, Mrs. Small of Eugene and Mrs. Cruson of Albany. A luncheon was served by the Cottage Grove Circle and an enjoyable time was had with the visitors who departed to their homes Sunday.