Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 18, 1902, Image 4

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Editor and Iutllshr.
Kntercdat th portoinc nt Cottage Uroye,
Oregon asSwoml n mall inat'.er.
Siilxrrlnlliin price. I.riO. In ivMiim-c
Advertising Itntva nwi'n liwm upon
THIS i'AI'KIt I kint oil file at K C IhnVe's
Advertising .Wetiey. fit nnd MerrtmttH 1.x
rhnnge, Hn PraiiMwo.lNlllnrns U-rv ex
tracts iitivlvortlflnK ru unmade for It.
Friday, April iS, 1901.
i'irircir.isi:i uai.f. ix-
Tlifs week, Uc W. Henry, a
well kuowu newspaper man ol Ne
braska, ami until this week identi
fied with the Kugetic Register, pur
chased a half interest in Bohemia
Nugget, nnd will take active busi
ness management of the paper this
coming week. Mr. Henry is a
newspaper man of large experience
and under his management every
effort will be made to make the
Nugget prominent throughout the
county and state. The political
policy of the paper will remain
straight republican: but the
duty of the paper will be to the
public in the matter of furnishing
gool, clean, wholesome news, of
local and state interest. Since the
Nugget made its advent three
years ago it has enjoyed n most
liberal patronage by subscribers and
advertisers alike. I?or this pat
ronage the management is grateful,
and solicits not all, but its share,
for the future, in return for which
a good, newsy, up-to-date local
paper will be issued.
SIVSLA ir A I' I' Jl V Ji I-
a rrox.
The following telegram is self
explanatory: Washington, April 12,4:14. Hon.
W. Kuykendall, M. D , Eugene,
Oregon. Succeeded in getting a; -propriatiou
for Siuslaw raised from
$26,000 to $35,000 in the bill as
reported to the senate. John H.
The additional appropriation for
Siuslaw is evidence of the "power
behind the throne," when it comes
to substantial work in congress.
John "H. Mitchell is a man who
never sleeps when an opportunity
occurs to serve bis constituents and
he meets with marked success in
every effort.
Thos. H. Tongue as an able co
worker is ever on the alert for Ore
gon's interests. This is a good
pair to draw to gentlemen.
RIGHT OF y a 1'.
It behooves every citizen of Cot
rage Grove and vicinity to use their
utmost influence toward securing
the right of way for the Cottage
Grove and Bohemia railroad. In
dividually and collectively every
one will be benefitted by this enter
prise and nothing should be left un
done toward assisting the company
in getting the most reasonable terms.
Now is the accepted time to open
up an investment that will not
only va9tly increase the business of
Cottage Grove, but will develop the
resources of the mines and milling
industries, bring a worthy class of
immigrants and set the wheels of
progress in motion.
If the citizens will give the rail
road the proper encouragement
they will certainly reap a reward
when the country is advanced in
the way of good prices ami good
returns for everything that is mar
ketable and the market will follow
the railroad. The time for action
has arrived so let everyone lend a
helping hand.
The great pulpit orator, T. De
Witt Tnlmagc, died last week,. after
on illness of several mouths, Few
men have gained the pulpit re
nown that was his, and yet as wic
goes over his lenglhy sermons,
which have been published broad
cast the world over, segregating
logic from oratory and' dinmntic
effect, one is surprised that the man
has commanded the attention
throughout the Christian world
that he has. A polished orator, re
inforced by great dramatic power,
he was enabled to sway the masses
when within sound of his voice
and in his presence; but when his
exhortations arc presented to the
everyday public in cold type,
stripped of his fine oratory and
dramatic effect, the logic therein
supposed to be contained stands
out as a grinning skeleton. His
great success lay in the fact that he
was a great orator and a clever ac
tornot a deep logician. How
ever, he preached that which was
good, wholesome, elevating. While
his power of logic was not sufficient
to become a part of history, no one
should deny his sincerity and
honest effort to do the world and
mankind good, for in this he ac
complished much and man is better
today for his having lived and
breathed into the life of the present
generations pure thoughts and
bright spiritual ideals.
It is announced in the Guard
over the gentleman's signature that
Hon. C. K. Hale, will not accept
the nomination for representative
on the democratic ticket of Lane
county. In this Mr. Hale shows
good judgment. While he is as
good a man as the democracy of
Lane county could put up for repre
sentative honors, it is a foregone
conclusion that he could not hope
for election, in view of the republi
can complexion of the county,
especially with such men as Hon.
L. T. Harris, J. M. Shtllcy and I.
N. Edwards nominated on the re
publican ticket. For his good
judgment the Nugget extends to
Mr. Hale its congratulations.
In 1900 the west precinct of Cot
tage Grove registered 264 votes.
According to information received
from the county clerk thus far only
187 have registered this year, leav
ing 77 yet to register, taking it for
granted that the voting population
has not increased. In all prob
ability there are more voters now
than two years ago. Gentlemen,
you have until May 15th to regis
ter. Every day you put it off adds
to the uncertainty of your right of
franchise. Don't neglect it. All
should register, and should do so
as early as possible in order to ex
pedite the work of the county clerk.
While we are advertising the
town it would be well to bear in
mind that a splendid advertisement
could be made by being able to
chronicle the fact that the city was
taking active measures to provide
the city with a first-class sewerage
system, and that the banks of the
river within the corporate limits of
the town have been ordered thor
oughly cleaned and to be kept clean
from filth and rubbish from now on.
The Guard has the following
pertinent paragraph:
Although Governor Geer will
soon be out of the job at Salem he
fights shy of the farm he talked so
much about during the campaign
four years ago. He would even
consent to take n seat in the United
States Millionaire Senate Club to
keep from digging Marion county
sind ngaiti.
The renomination of A. J. John
son for sheriff on the republican
ticket seems to meet with the hearty
approval of South Lane republi
cans. Mr Johnson has a
record of being one of the best
sheriffs ever placed in office by the
voters of Lane county. He is a
successful business man. worthy of
confidence and of any position that
the people may see fit to give him.
A prettier compliment could not
be paid State- Senator Win. Kuy
kendall than that tendered him in
tho matter of his renomination for
state senator in the county republl
can convention by unanimous vote,
It means his election when the
count is made next June, by a rous
ing majority.
If vou have registered heretofore
you must do tt again or you cannot
vote. Don't disfranchise yourself
but register at once.
How nbitit a creamery?
Every fanner should study how
best to increase lus income this
coming season. More produce will
be in demand from now on, tlinn
heretofore, mid it does not profit
Cottage Grove or its immediate
surroundings to ship in produce
here from other loculties. Let us
raise it.
MIX Kit A L SlUtVKY, NO. 4m!
United States m& OlTlri,
Hosobiiri?, Oro., March 'JO, 1U0L'.
Notice la hereby given tluu In piimu
unco of the Act ot Congresi), approved
May 10. 187-', thu OroKiin-Coloriulo Min
ing, Milling anil DoveloumeittCo., a cor
poration, whose pun Uil Vice in Portland,
Oregon, litis niailo application for n
paicnt lor its claim known un tlio Ore
consisting of 1A00 linear feet on tho
Dewey lode hearing gold, tho ttaiuu being
14111 icctHOtitlioaHterly and 84 feet north
wenterly from Dinooverv Cut hereon
with surface ground 000 feet in width,
and of 1500 linear feet on the Mnrlo lotto
bearing gold, tho same bei:ig 100 feet
(HHithcuslerly ami 1340 (eel north wenterly
from Discovery Cut thereon, with sur
face ground 000 feet in width, tho ttnld
consolidated claims being contiguous
and situated in llohemia (Unorganized)
Mining District, Douglas County, State
of Oregon, and tliscribcd by tho official
plat, herewith posted, ami by the Held
notes 011 llle in the office of tho Hegistor
of Kotchurg Land District, Oregon, as
follows, to-wit :
Dewey Lode : llcginuing at corner No
1, whence the northeast corner of sec. -1
in suspended tp 'J3, BrlcWl' M bears
u 52 deg 37 mil) w 2125.54 ft U S Min
eral Monument "Bohemia Mine" m s
Lit! bears n 24 deg 18 mill w 5107.41 ft. A
balsam 8 in diam hears s 55 deg 38 11. 1 11
o L'0.18 ft a tlr 11 itis diam bsttia n 1! deg
55 mm e-1 05 ft each blared ami scribed
It T 1-445. Thence 8 42 ilcg 35 nun w
592.60 ft to corner No 2; thence 8 47 ilcg
53 mlii o 1500 ft lo corner X 3 ; thonce 11
42 deg 35 min P574.3S ft to corner No. 4 ;
thence 11 47 (leg 11 mm 30 sec w 140D.V5
ft to comer No 1 the plaee of beginning,
containing 20.00 acres.
Marie Lode: Beginning at corner No
1, identical witli corner No 2 of the
Dewey Lode of this survey, whence then
e corner of sec 24 in suspended tp 23 a
r 1 e of the V. M . bears n 30 deg 42
min 20 seo w 2154.84 ft U S M M "lto
hemiii Mine" M S No 220. bears 11 18
deg 50 min 20 sec w 6720.01 ft. Thence
s 44 ueg 3 mill w 570.88 ft to corner No
2; thence s 47 deg 10 min 40 eve e
1409.48 ft to corner No 3: thence 11 44
deg 3 min e 595 .30 to corner No 4, iden
tical with corner io 3 uewey lamio 01
this survey; thence 11 47 deg 53 min w
1600 ft to corner Not, tho place of bo
giniiing, containing 20. 174 acres.
The lutal and net area of the Oregon-
Colorado Consolidated Quartz Claims is
40.2(54 acres ; thev are located in the n.
and bwU of sec 19 tp 23 1 r 2 o of the
M(unntii'Voyetl),aiul the name of the ml
joining claim as shown by the plat of
survev is the Dor 1 Ixxlo on tho south
east. J. r. ItiiiiMiLB, Kegistcr.
II. K. Sargent. I'ortlaiul, Ore., Attor
ney for Applicant.
United States Lhh! Offlpu
Itnacburif, Oregon, March W, 1WU.
Nntire Is hfticl.v itivell that In nurinnllCit of
the act of Conm. approved May 10, InTi, the
Orcguii-Colormlu Mount;. .Milling and I'evelop.
ment Company, a curMtratluu. wliuc pusluftk-e
1 I'urtluml, llit-goti, by lt tvctelary,l-. J. Maul
Only aulliiirlztHl tln-rci", ban made aI llcatton
lor k natunt fur In claim kjnun a uic I'onll
dence Consolidated (luartz Claim. conlstliiK' I
IG8 linear lie! on I ho Dora Unle bvarlnit gold,
the same IwIiik .Northwesterly and 71-5
ICei O.M1IIIIB9IVI 1 IIVMI1 .'I.KI.llj ... ...V .vim.
uilh Mirlme ground iui feet In width' ami of
1177 lluearfeel on the Sampson bale bearing tco.d
the amc beln IM feet .Vurthwwlerly and ia7
feet SontbeaHerly from lMncuvery I'm thereon,
with surface ground mi feel 111 width; ami of
H linear leet on Ibe I'onlldenip Jxle bearltiK
f old, the mine being V.M Hoalhejutcrly and 'J'
cet Nortbeterly from tho lileovtry int
thereon, with surface ground Ooa leet In width, i
and of 1.VJ0 linear feet cm the Holy Hmoke Lotle
bearing gold.thu tame being 4-u leet .Nonmvca
toelv tnwt mvi fwt Hotitheuatfrrlv from Dlscor-
cry Cut thereon, 1th lurfaeo ground Que feel In
wium, anu UI iwi linear ieefc ou .tic imimiti
Lode bearing gold, the same being 1487 leet
Northeasterly and 1 foot outhwcuterly from
the Ulicovery point thereon, with surface
ground 0K7 feel In width, the said coiKolldaled
claims being contiguous and situate In llohe
mia (unorganised) .Mining Ul'trlct, Douglars
county, State of Oregon, and dewrlhcd by the
official plat, hcren 1th posted and by the Held
noieson nie in ine ontce oi tuu reamer oi jilw
burg Land District, Oregon, as follows, lo-wli:
Dora Lode: lleglnning at Cor. No. 1, whence
the N. K. Cor. of flee. 21 In suspended T. -a .,
It. 1 K. of the W. r. M. bears N 41 deg. is Min.
W, wstlM ft; U H.Mineral Monument "Uol.cmla
Mlne"M. H. No. '."-.M bears N. 21 deg. 41 Mill. M
Kec. V. 7071.97 ft; a tlr 1 ft. dla. bears N. Btl deg.
4 min. W.4.'i.l0ft.,aflr4 ft. dla. bears 8.48 deg.
II min. W. 40.8'J It., each biased and scribed li.
T. l-4"3; thence 0.41 deg. 3 min. V. WJ.afi to
Cor. No 2; thence H. 47 deg. 10 min. Y.. lirai.17
to Cor, No. .1; thence N. 41 deg. .1 min. K. 5K7.25
ft. to Cor. No. 4; thence N. 40 deg. 57 min. V.
1108.01 ft. to Cor. No. 1 the place of begin
ning, containing lO.KW acres.
Kainpson Lode: lleglnning at Cor. No. I,
whence the N. K. Cor. of Bee. 31 In suspended
T. 23 . It 1 K. of the W 1' M bears N 32 deg
min 25 see V . 7771.41 ft i V 8. M. M. "llohemia
Mine," M 8. No 229 bears N 20 deg 33 mill 55 no
W 7315.9 ft, Cor No 2 Dora Lode of this survey
bears N 53 deg 1 min V 40.92 ft, a tlr 5 ft dla
blazed and scribed II T 1-153 bears 8 8 deg 4 min
W 11.52 ft; thence 8 41 deg 58 min W 599.72 ft lo
Cor No 2; thenco 8 47 dcg3 min W see K 1177.15
ft to Cor No 3; thence N 41 deg 68 mill K !M.Ki
ft to Cor No I; thence N 47 deg 0 min V 1177.28
ft to Cor No 1, the place of beginning, contain
ing 20.017 acres exclusive of Ibe Dora Lode.
Confidence Lode: lleglnning at Cor No 1,
Identical wllh corner No 4 Dora Lode of this
survey, whence the NEcomer of Bee 21 In sus
pended T. 23 8, II 1 E of the V1' M bears N 42
deg 55 min 20 sec W 5100.31 ft U. 8. M. M. "llohe
mia Mine" M 8 No 229 bears N 28 deg 30 rnln 40
seo W 8152.40 ft; thence 8 41 deg 3 mill V 587,25
ft to corner No 2, Identical with corner No 3
Dora Lode of this survey; thence 8 65 deg M
mill E 1102.10 ft to corner No 3; thenco N 41
deg3 min EC01.09 ft tocorner No. 4; thenco N
50 deg 28 min w 14(11.74 to corner No. 1, the
place of beginning, containg 19.401 acres.
Holy Bmokc: lleglnning at corner No 1,
Identical with corner No 4. Confidence Lode of
this survey, whence the Nl! corner of Kec 21 In
suspended T238,K1E of tho W ! M bears N
45cfeg55 min 65 see w IVW3.37 f t 0 8 M M "Ho
hernia Mine" M 8 No 2."J bears n 32 deg 32 min
25 seo w 9770.30 ft; thence 8 44 deg 8 min w
001.09 tocorner Ho 2, Identical with corner No.
3 Confidence Lode of ths survey; thence 8 10
deg 21 lnln 60 see E 150O.1 It to corner No 3;
thenco n 41 deg 3 min EUH.Ofi ft to corner No 4;
thonce n 40 dcg2l min w 1500 ft to corner No 1,
the place of beginning, containing 20.(135 acres.
Watsou Lode: lleglnning at corner No 1,
whence n fir 12 lu dla bears8 80 deg 31 min E
7.72 ft n fir 12 In dla bears n6deg 40 mill w 11.97
ft each blazed nnd scribed II T 1-453, B 811 M
"llohemia Mine" M 8 No 229 bears n 25 deg 45
mill 50 sec w 9382.8 ft and no corner 8eo 21 sus
pended T 23 8, 11. 1 E W 1' M bears n 36 deg 28
min 30 scow 5916.51 ft; Ihence89deg40 min E
587.42 ft to corner no 2) thence u 79 deg IKniln
50 tec E 1487.52 ft to corner no 3; thence n 9 deg
40 min w 570.52 ft to corner no 4; thenco H to
deg 7 mill w 1187,40 ft to corner no 1 the place of
beginning, containing 10,113 acres, exclusive ol
the Confluence and lfoly Bmoko Iides.
The total net area of theso consolidated
claims is 90.121 acres, they are located In tho
Hi ol Heo 19 and tho swK ol 8eo 20, T 23 8, It 1 E
(unsurveycdlol Iho W I'M, and the name of
of the adjoining claim as shown by the plat of
survey, Is the flarle Lode on the Northwest,
J. T. Hkiooes, Hcglster.
II. K. Sargent, Portland, Ore, Attorney for
Arc exceptional Values: A Dalnly piece of ttteklnc 30 inches six rows of inserting 2j
one inch wide and 7 clusters of embroider)' tuck of three tucks uucli. V(j(A22& J'U
If' LO vl 'I Y'll'll 18 illcl' 'r?klii; 5 rows inserting, 30 rows hemstitch tuck n
TUU IU HUtUlt (I KliU very ucat imttcrn at 70cts u yard. Allover I,nccs in white only i
.toe to 60c n yard. lfinbioidery Allover cxceptionnl'Valiies very desirable patterns at 70c to $i.ooy
Can never be Artiflicial. No
one really admires a woman's fig
ure if it is conformed to the funda
mental shape of some
Qucerly Formed tat
Our Slays foltow nature's lines.
They do not change n perfect fig
ure; they simply help clumsy
women to look graceful.
SOo to SB1.25.
Annum rroni
No one article makes home look cosier or
more comfortable than nice Curtains draped
here and there. Our Iicc Curtains will
help make your home more cheerful
because they arc Sparkling New, because
they are pleasing to the eye. lfour So
cials, ji.oo, $t.a5, $1.50, $2.50
Silks 35c to SI a Yd.
When you come for Groceries you
get the best. No doubt about the
quality no question about superi
ority. lfRlvSII HACH DAY.
and the best each time you
buy. Every Customer talks of
what we can and will do for our
It seems quite early to you, probably,
to think of Wash J)ress Goods, but we
would like to suggest that in buying
now you get first selections of the pret
tiest and most beautiful. We have the
prettiest selections we have ever shown
and wc shall lie pleased to have you call
at your earliest convenience.
At Newland's
At Newland's
Announcement at Lurch's
In Profusion.
New Shirt Waists in Quantity and Quality.
Wc can lit you from Pocket book and Fancy.
n'r viewable
i ipringr
l lelccf
Call for our China ware. You are entitled to it.
Wc desire to call your atlention to our
Also our New Taffeta Ribbons, all wicltlis, all tjoiors. we carry a lull j,tne ol Mercerized Goods in
the Leading Shades, that we would be pleased to show you.
-- Bohemia
Main St., Cottage (IroTi).
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
-J r.
United Slates I-sikI onice,
Itosetmrg, Oregon, Apr. 7, 1!K2.
Nollco Is lureby Klvcn tliat tho fol owing
named settler lias nlednotico oMils ntentlon
to make ttnal proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will Ijo mado before Mario
L. Ware. U.S. Commissioner, at Eiijtoiio, Ore.
5n on May 21. 1WS. vis : Calvin Casteelnn II.
E?lo. 88K I for ihefi V, HE W, NE BE l, SE i
NE M, Sec. OTp. 9 8., U.'i West.
Ilo names tho followliiB wltnessos to provo
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
0VerrVIClt"iJolin II. Landers, o( Pslnaw,
Ore., O.O. Miller of Crctwell, Ore., Itichard
Kinney of 8ae'i'w 0tei , .
' i. T. BtlDOCT, nelitert
Kli Uakgs.
The Fashion Stables
(7I?Pisiiai) & B2ns, Proprietor .
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines
Fint-Oass Turnout., Double or Single t
Reasonable Prices
Additional Local.
Neat Job Work.
Miss Nina Ostrander came up
from Eugene Monday.
G. A. Bock, L. Weber, A. M.
Fry, C. Snyder, E. G. Wall, J. E,
Fry and H. A. Bremer, timber lo
cators, registered ai the Sherwood
The free show at Martiu'a Hail
Monday night was. well attended
and the 'cure all" bottles went like
hot cakes at 5octs each.
Mrs. Giltner departed for her
home in Portland' Tuesday. She
was accompanied as far as Saginaw
by her sister, Mrs. Delurc Hcmcu-way.
Read the Boheriiifl NuggiK