Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 11, 1902, Image 8

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United Stntcs Land OlTloc,
Roseburg. Oro., Apr. 4th, 1002.
Notice Ih hereby given Unit in compll
nncc with tlie provisions of the act of
Congress of Juno 3,1878, entitled " An
Act lor the Kale of Timber Lands in the
State" California, Oregon, Nevada,
and V oh ngton Territory,,' nsextended
to all the I'ltblle Land States by net of
Ansuat 4,1892, Nelson 1'. Cnimo of
llrowt.svillo. County of Linn, sUto ol
Oiegon has thin day tiled in this otlieo
his sworn statement No. 2179, for tlio
purchase of tlie U X SB H, SWM L l4.
8K i SW 1-4 of Section No. 12, lown
ship 20 South, of Range 1 cst itud will
offer Jiroof to chow that tho land sought
in more valuable for its timber or stone
S r lld'd C? --self SZSSZ ;luV district other than the fourth,
c and Receiver Lyons & Applet, Drain. Henson as the two provisions are utterly in
rff.OrcL'on. on Thursday the 20tli Drug Co., Cottar urove. consistent, one with the other, and
than for
Roseburg. Oregon
Inv nf June. 1902.
lie names us witnesses:
Robert A. Juynos, Frank H. Porter,
Guy L. I'orter, of Shedds, Ore., Isaac
Higgiiisof Trent, Ore.
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
Iv tlio abovo-described lands are re
quested to lllo their elaims in this tiflteo
on or before said 2lSth day of June, 1902
J.T. UittlxtKs, Register.
United States 1-and Oirico,
Roseburg, Oiegon, Feb. 24, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
net for the sale of timlier lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1S92, Arthur I. Meyer of Eu
gene, County of Lane, Statoof Oregon,
has this dav tiled in this office his
Bworn statement No. 2069, for the pur
chase of tho SW if of Section No. 2,
TownBhip 20 South, of Range 8 V., .
M. ; and will offer proof to show that tho
hind sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stono than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land before-tho Register and Receiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Thursday the 15th day ol May, 1902.
Hemuiiesns witnesses:
M. R. Jannev, C. B. Walker, Jack
Murphy, David Murphy, of Eugene,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their elaims in this office
on or before said 15th day of May, 1902.
J.T. Bridges, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 24, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," asextended
to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4, 1S92, Mrs. Maria J. Lindsay,
of Cottage Grove, County of Lane, State
of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No. 2004, for
the purchase of the SE J-4, of Section
No. 2, Township 23, South, of Range3
'est, and will offer proof to show that
tho land bought is more valuable for its
timber or stono than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this, at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Saturday, thj 10th day of May, 1902.
She names as witnesses:
John Nokes, William Smith, Anna
Smith, William O'Oonners, of Cottage
Grove, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adverse
ly tlie above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 10th dav of May, 1902.
J. T .Bridues, Register.
United States Land Office, '
Rosebuig, Oregon, Feb., 17, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in tlie
StateR of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, 'as extended
to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4, 1892, Lucy LaRaut of Wilbur,
County of Douglas, State of Oregon hag
this day filed in this office her Hworn
statement No. 2045, for the purchase of
the Lota numbered 1,2, 7 ami 8 of Sec
tion No. 28, Township 21 South, of
Range 2 West, and will offer proof to
iliow that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber orstune than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land before the Regis
ter and lleceivr of this otlieo at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Thursday the 8th day
of May, 1902.
She names as witnesses:
Orin Robinson, D. N. Brumbaugh,
of Cottaco Grove. Oregon. Harry Dun-
bur of Eugene, Oregon, Ethel LaRaut
of Saginaw, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tlio, above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this oflice
on or Dciore earn ui oav 01 Muyf iwz
3 , T. Bridges, Register.
To J, J. Dellan andF.A. Rankin:
Ynu nrn herebv notified that the under.
signed have expended One Hundred Hollurs tn
labor and Improvements upon the Monarch
lode mining claim, situated in the Bohemia
Mining District, in Lane County, State of Ore.
foil, during the year ending December 31st,
901. as willttDDcar from an affidavit filed in the
oce of tbe (lounty Clerli of Lane County, State
of Oregon, In order to hold the said premises
under tbe laws of the United States and of the
Btate of Oregon. And if within ninety days
Iromltho service 01 mis notice upon you uy
publfcatlon, you tall to contribute your share
.mi nmnnrtlon of such exnendlture as co-
owners, to-wit the sum of 2S.00,your Interest
In said claim will become tho property of tho
uniiai.rlt.Ars under the orovlsfons of Section
0324 of tho Btatutca of the United Slates of
Dated at Cottage Orovc, Lane County. Oregon,
this the 3rd aay 01 rouruary, a, v., ib.
B. Lurch
Mas. E. A. CnrrtK.
OO 'lOj
For Fashionable Dressmaking.
main (street
Cottagb Gkovk, Orb."
Head .the Bohemia Nugget.
For Coughs and Colds In Children.
"I hnve not tho slightest heBitaney In
recommending Chamlwrlaln's Cough
Remedy to all who are suircring from
coughs or colds," says (.'Has. .M.L-ramer,
Eq a well known watchmaker, of t-o-lonibo,
Covlon. "It lias been some two
.imv ilm Tltv Disnensarv Hist
rilled my attention to this valuable
in ulieiuo and 1 liave repeatedly used It
mill it lias always been beneficial. It
has cured me quickly ol all encM coins.
It is especially effective for children and
SurXm hoarsened TlmK tiifltIV tfl trV t his valuable modi-'
United .States Lnnd Olllce;
Roseburg, O10., April 4th. 1902.
Notice is hereby given tint in compli
ance witli tlie provisions of tho act of
Congress of June 3, 1S78. entitled "An
Act for tlie sale of Timber hands in tlie
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and WaBhinnton 'territory, as ex
tended to all tho Public Land States by
act of August 4.1892, Guy L. Porter of
Shmlds. Countv of Linn. State of Ore-!
gnu has this divy tiled in this office his , August 4. 1892, Frank II. Porter of
sworn statement No. 217", for tho pur- shedds, County of Linn, State of Ore
chase of the NWl-4of Section No. 24, Kon uut this day tiled in this office his
Township 20 South, of R.ingu 1 V est worn statement No. 2170, for the pur
and will offer proof to show that the chase oftheSE U of Section No. 21,
land sought is more valuablo for its Township 20 South, of Range 1 West
timber or stone than for agricultural lln,i wm offer proof to show that the
purposes, aim to esiauiisn 11 is ciaun 10 1
said land betore the Register and Re-
ceiverof this office at Roseburg, Oro-
gon, on Thursday tho 20th day 01 June,
lie names as witnesses:
Isaac lliggins of Trent, Ore., Frank
Porter, Ri.b-rt A. J.iyne, of Sliedds,
Ore., Nelson P. Crumo of Brownsville,
Anv and all persons claiming ad
ve sely tho above-descril ed lands are 10
quested to tile their claims in this office
on or before said 20th day of June, 1902.
J. T. Bridoks, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, ra.. April 4th, Witt.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision" if the act ol Congress of
June 3, 1S78, entitled "All act for the tale of
Timber Lands In the Stales ol California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
ol August 4, law, Robert A. Jayne.of Shedds.
County of Linn, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in thlsofflee his sworn statement No. 217S,
for the purchase of the 8 U NE U, S W U K ii.
NEJiSW 4 of Section No. 12, Township 20
South, of JUnge 1 west and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its Umber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, anil to e abllsh his claim to said land
ueforethe Register and Receiver of this oBice
at Roseburg, Oregon, oa Thursday the 2Sth day
of June, UXJ2.
He names as witnesses:
Nelson I. Crume of llrownsville. Ore-, Frank
Porter, Ouy I'orter, of Shedds, Ore., Isaac Illg-
t,ln nl Tmnt dm
A iy and all persons claiming adveisely the
abue-Ceseribed lamis are requested to tile
thefr claims in this otllce on or before said 20th
day of June, 1902. . .
J. T. llnnxm, Register.
Ind Oltico at Roseburg, Ore.,
March Is, V'i.
Notice Is hereby given that tho following
named senior has filed notice of his Intention
of hi, claim, and t be made i
before Marie L. are U. S. Comrai-sloner at
..n,. n7p..ori.on Mav 2nd. 1-J02. viz: Martin
Christiansen on his II. E. No. 97M for the W(,
8K W, M w. a ip. a ., a. s
He names the following witnesses to prove
. 1 ., 1 . ,.,.1, 1, u,i.,
?.'l?.u l"!""','"'"" "" "
l!r.tils O. henim. John Ocrum. Alfred S
Powell, George Taylor, of Cottage Grove,
United Stales Ijind Oflice,
Roseburg, Ore.. March 10th, 1902.
Vntldf Is hnreliv piven that in comDliancc
w Kb the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, ISK. entitled "An act foi the tale of
timber lanns in tne states 01 vaiuoriiia, ure
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1S92, Leroy L. Whitson, of hngene,
County of Ine, State of Oregon, has this day
nieu in mis ouicu oiiiwuru Butivuiviib .w. ivi,
for the purchase of tne .SE'4of Section No. S
In TnuMi.hln N'n. -JO. ICam-ft Nu. 5 West, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuablo for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of
this oBice at Roseburg, Oregon, on aaiuroay,
the 17h day of Mav, 1902.
lie names as witnesses:
K. C. Smith. P. K. Snoderass. A. Hampton, II.
W. Thompson, of Eugene, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 17th
day of May, 1902.
J. A. JlJ.lllVM, ilC,l.ll.
United States Land Oflice,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb., 17, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance witli the provisions of the act of
Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of Au
gust 4, 1892, Harry A. Dunbar of Ku
gene, County of Lane, State of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this oflice his sworn
statement No. 2048,'for tlio purchase of
tlie NV i of Section No. 34, Township
21 South, of Range 2 West and
will offer proof to show that the
land sought Ih more valuable for its
timber or stono than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before tile Register and Re
ceiver of this oflice at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Thursday, tho 8th day of May, 1902.
He names as witnesses:
D. II. Brumbaugh, Orln Robinson, of
Cottage Urove, Oregon, Uthel LaRaut
of Saginaw, Oregon, Lucy LaRaut of
Wilbur, Oregon.
Any and all persoiiH claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims In this office
on or before said 8th day of May, 1902.
J.T. BniiKiKH, Register.
Land Oflice ut Roseburg. Oregon,
'March 1', 1902,
Notice Is hereby given that tho following,
named settler has filed notice of his intintlon
to make final commutation proof In support
of hlsclalm, and that said proof will
bo made beforeMarie L. Ware, U, H.
Commissioner at Kugene, Oregon, on
May 15, 1902, vis: Charles P. whit,
ney. on If. E. No. 10322, for the BW U NW U. W
H BW SB M 8W 1.4, Sec. 8, Tp. 20 H. It. 1 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz;
Jess Holbroolc, Charles Lacy, Ooorgo A. Whit
ney, William II. Whitney, of Cottage Drove,
Oregon. . , .
J.T Ucipoes. Register.
The supreme court hns held ns
follows: The fee $xo loquireil to
be collected from a private party
under Section 1074, being one to
which the district attorney was en
titled, as a perquisite for a duty
performed by him, the act of 1899
nutting him upon a salary and ex
pressly denying to him any further
salary, fees, etc., must be held to
!P." ad
Section 107.1 as to such fee. in in-
both cannot stand.
United States taml office,
Roseburg. Ore.. April 4lli, 1902.
N'ntlro is hoiebv eiven that in com
tiliunco with the nrovisions of the act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
Ant fnr tlin mile nf Timber Imds ill the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
mui Washington Territorv," as extended
tn nil the Public Limd States bv act of
i,u nought is more vaiuauie lor its
timber or Btone than for agricultural
nuruoses. anil to establish his claim to
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said '.ami leforo tho Register and Re
ceirer of this office at Roiebtirg, Oiegon,
on Thursday the 20th day ol June, 1U0J,
He names as witnesses:
nelson r. (Jrume oi urownsvuic, viru..
Guv L. Porter. Robert A. Jayne, of
Shedds, Ore., Isaac Hicgins of Trent,
Anv and all nelsons claiming ad
versely tlie above-described lands arc
requested to (lie their claims in thin
office on or before said 20th day of June,
J. T. Brieoes, Register.
United States Laud Oflice,
Roselmrg, Oregon, Feb. 21. 1W2.
Vmiiv. is hrohv irlveii that the following
named settler has riled nutlce of her intention
i, final nrfuif lii sunnort of her elalin.
and that said proof will be roadu before Marie
it. vi are. r. uoiniuissioucr. a. .uv-.ic, v.v
gon, on April 18, UJ2, viz: Mrs. Julia Woods,
uitoami . uein n( Hun Wnmls (Insaneinn II. E.
No. 9156, for the W M BXSi, Sec. II, Tp. 21 8, R.
2 West.
She name the following witnesses to prove
her coutinuoiis residence upon aim cultivation
olsaiu lanu, viz:
W. W. Chrisman. J.'S. Stuart, A. A. Ander
son.S. II. Vaughter.of Star. LaneCo.. Oregon
J. T. UbiD'JEs, Register.
I'lilted States Land Office
Itnsphuri? Creffon. March W2.
Vntii-,. Is hi.rebv i;l veil that ill romuliance
with the provisions of the act of Congre of
inm. s. 1.S7K. f.ntitlml "An aft fur tlie sale
llmhsr lnris in the Ktatus of California. Ore.
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892. Charles J Howard, of Cottage
Grove. Countr of Lane. Stale of Oregon, hrs
thin flv rilfd In this ofllre his suorn stateineiit
No. 21t0,lor the purchase of tho HU SW'i anil
w'; SEW of section '.o. 32 in townililn no 22 S
Range no. 1 west, and will offer proof to show
3ti -j mm
that th? land sought l more valuable for its
timber or stone than tor agrlcul ural purposes
and to establish his claim to sald.laii.l before
I the register and receiver of iliisomce at itosej
'V ....-...-j, 1
1 June, ItfOJ.
tin nitnM as wilneMtos
' Ilr umbaih. John Palmer. C. II. Burk
holder and James Hemenway all nf Cottage
1 firm'. (Ir.i.tin
I Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above-decrlbed lands are requested to file
I thelrclalmsin thfs oltli-e on nrbelore said 21st
day ol June, 1902. J. t. iiMmira. nemau-i-
United States Land Office,
Tln-plMirtf. Ore.. March. 10. 1902.
Vntlcn (s herebv lien that In cemitllalice
with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 167S, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tho States of California, Oie
gon, Nevada, and Washln ton Territory," as
extended to all the public land males uv act
of August 4, 1S32, Lewis H. Gibson, of Muukers,
County of Linn, State ot Oregon, has this day
filed In this oflice his sworn statement no. 2iiu,
for the purchase of the Lots 4,5, 12 & 13 of Sec,
linn Vn. 'jr. In Townshln No. 21. Raugu No. 2
vst.nd will oner nroof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stono than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this oft len at Rote
burg. Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of
May, 1902.
lIn.inmi.KAS wl tnPSSAS !
11. Patton, of Cottage Orovc, Oregon, A.J
Anderson, of Star, Oregon, Oeor c Downs.oi
Cottage Orove, Oregon, T.C.Johnson, ofBagl
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above dcsbrlbed lands are requested to Hie
theirelatms In this ofikc on or before said 17th
day of May. 1902. , m
United States Land Office,
Itnuhnrir. Ore.. March 10th. V.r.
Vntlcn Is hcrohv elveii that In compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Congress of
June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of
timber lands in tho States of caillornia, ore
irnn N'nvadu. Kinl Washington Territory." an
extended to all the Public Land Slates by act
of August J,lb92, Edward -'. Smith, of rugene,
County of Lane, State of Oregon, has this day
fUeil In this nfflco his sworn statement No.
2102, for the purchaso ot the Southeast of Sec
tion No. 8 in Township No 20, Range No. 5
West, una will oner prooi to inns mai mu lanu
sought Ismnre valuable ,orlts timber or stone
than fnr Rtrrlcultiiral nurnoses. and to cstab-
llsn his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver oi mis omce at iioseourg. wre.
gon, on Saturday, the 17th day, of May, Wi
llnnnmpsiis witnesses:
L. L. Whitson, V. 8. Moon, Ftlik Ross, P. K,
flnn, Klli?fna. Orecron.
Anv and all tiersons claiming adversely tho
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this oflice on or before said 17th
day of May, 1902.
J. T. Bridoes, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon. Murch21. 1902.
Notice Is hceeby given that in compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
luno .1, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States ol California, Oregon
Nevada, and warblnglon Territory," as extcnu
n tn lt lhn Pnblie Iaind States bv act of An
gust 4, 1892, James Nolan, of Saginaw, County
nf I jinn. State of Oregon, has tills day filed In
this oflice his sworn statement No. 2111, for the
purchaso of tbe SE1-4 of section no. 22, town
ship 21 south, of range 2 west, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is more val
nntili, fnp Us tlmhoror Btone than for arertcuitu
ral purposes, and to'establlsh his claim to said
land before the register and receiver of this of
fice at Roseburg. Oregon, on Thursday the 12
uay oi June, iwi
lie names as witnesses!
A. J. Anderson, of Stern, Oregon, Oeo,, Ilona Patten and Joe Perkins oi Cot
tmH flrnve. Oreiron.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this omce on or before said
day of June, 1902.'
J. T, Bridoes Register,
Asthmalene Brings
In all
""1 Therein nothing like Asthmalene. It brings
Instant icllef. even in thu worst eases. It cures
In giKl condition
We want to st'tid to every sufferer
similar to the one that cuied Mr.
PAID, Absolutely Free of Charge, to any snlleier who will write for
It, even on a postal. Never mind, though yon ureilespnirlng, however
bad your case, Asthmalene w'.ll relieve unit eine. The worse your case
the inure ghul we are to send it. Po nut dclav. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TA FT BROS.' MKDICINK CO.. 7l Kast ISOtli St
N.v.Ulty. sold uy all Druggists.
United States Land Otllce,
Roseburg Ore., February 18. 11(W
Notice is herebv given that in com-
nliani'o witli the nrovisions of the net of
Congress of June .'I, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timlier lainN in the
States of California. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territorv," as extend
ed to all the Public Lund States bv act
of August 4, 1802. Carolina Kebolbeek,
of (town or cityj uottago tirovo, county
of Luno, State of Oregon, has this day
tiled in thisotlice lier statement Ao, 'Mil,
for the purchaso of the I.otM No. II-O-ll
1 14, of Section No. 'M, Township 1!1
South, of Range 2 West, W. M. and
will otter proof to show that tlie liinil
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
lieforo the Register and Receiver of this
oflice at Ruseburg, Oregon, on Friday,
the 2d liny ol .May 1VU2.
Slio names as witnesses:
11. Patten of Cottage Cirove, Oregon,
W. S. Chrisman. A . Anderson, of Star,
Oregon, Edward Jones of Saginaw.
Anv ami an persons claiming mi
versely the Hbove-deseribod lands are
renuesteil to tile their claims in this
oflice on or before said 2d uay of May,
J . T. RittixiKS, Register
United States Land Oflice,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 21, 11102.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the net of
Congress of June .'I, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended.
to all the Public l.anil Htnti s bv act ol Au
gust I. 18U2, Onslow II. Jariett.of Sagi
naw, Count vol Lane, State nl Oregon, has
this day tiled in this office bin sworn
statement No. 2(HW, for the iiiirchne of
the Lots No. 1,8,11. and ItJof Section
No. -'), Township Itange 2
West imd will oirer proof to show that
the land scittfht is mure valuable for its
timlier or simie than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said laud before the Rtvlster and Re
ceiver of this office at Roseln. g, Oie-
gnu. on iTiilav, tne '.un nay oi .iay.
He names as witne"es:
llonev Patton, A Anderson, Kd Jones,
George Downes. of Cottage tirove, Oie
B"11, ... . ,
Any anil ail ierson claiming nuverser
Iv the above-described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in this olfico
on or la-fore said Dili day of May, 1002.
.1. T. Ii ii I does, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore , March Ii. 19112.
Vntli. Is herebv uiven that In eomnllanee
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junail. IMS, entitled "An act for theaale of
timlier lands In thu Slates of California, Ore-1
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tho Public lnd States by act of 1
August -1,1892, Dclucrll. Hemenway, ofCottago I
drove. Counlv of I.anu, State of Oregon, has this
dav fifed in this rfflco his sworn statement 9o.
2KJ8, for tho purchase of the Uits, 10, 11 and
1G of Section No. 112, in Township No. 21 8.,
Runge Mi. 2 west, anil will oner prooi to snow
that tho land sought Is moro valuable for Its
timber or stono lhan foragrlcnitural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
tho Register and Receiver of this offleu at
Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday, tho 19th day of
May, mi.
lie names as witnesses:
Joe I-cc, John I). Palmer, Orln Robinson, I).
II. Ilruiubaugh.of Cottage prove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tlio
above-doscrlbed lands are requested to lllo
their elaims in this oflice onorbefore said 19,
day of May, 1902.
J. T. Bridges, Register.
Fine residences, choice lota, business
blocks for sale Jdromo Knox ec Co.
'visit DR. JORDAN'S ciuatI
( 1UIWMS UIS Ul fiCTSSlk.i
The largest Aoatomlcal Mosiim
In the World.
Orsntssf attrrutton (a las City. A
uxMuUrut itahlor vUllors.
W aknesaea.oranyoontraet.
dUUasfl,posltlvel7Cur4.tlby 0
tbe oldest flpecUllstoii tbs I'acUft
Coast. KataliUsbed M jaars. B
un. uituAn ruiini t uiaiftata
Tusihs; torn and ssilildle I
asrsicl til en who ura BiifTuriQir ,
frum lbs eflecU of youthful Indls-
creuoas or vxcrsses in msuirsr .
vm.i mirviiiia ana nnrsuiaal flbllltv. Sm. I
joSiner , ijOt Hasuuud la all luoumpll.
a caUons; sjpcrmaiCurrlKsiM. srilftiur.
rti, tJouorrlscsiM, mIs, rrsisaii-7
a sis tjriMisstHSf v.v. .tjr n (xjniuinsuoil OI
T remedies, of grsutcuratlva power, the JJoclnr
, 1 lias so arrangtd his treatment thai It will not
only arT'ird Imrnvdlats rsll.r, but permaixnl
1 cure. The Doctor doa not elalm to peifurin
I 1 miracles, but Is well known to be a fair and
square Physician and Hurgeonpr-emtiiat
1 1 hi blsspeclalty Dlaoisaea af nu.
HYrllll.IN Ihuroiigtily eradicated from
1 I tba sysUni without theusoof Jlicurr.
Irsws lilted by aa Bzpart Uadlral
, rnrs for niitnrf. A quick and radical.
1 na-sfor Pllra, riiinrs and Flstnlst, by
A Dr. Jordan's special nalnUss mslhods.
f EVKUT HAN ajiplylngtonswlllreotlvo'
ourUM'KOfiiniorioi uisconipianu. ,
ll'sullf Ouarimlu a 08I3'IVJl CUBJUni
tvery eat ice underline. . ... . .
Consultation FIIKK and strictly private.
Treatment Darsonallr or br letter.
Writ fur HnoW. PIIM.OSIOI'HT OF'
MAIIUIAGU. MAiLsnPusm. (A valuablo
DooKiorroen.) uiiiorsrnis
' OR.JORDANiCO.,IOBIMiriist8t,8.F.
and Permanent Cure
when all else falls.
The Rev. U. F. WKLLS of Villa Ridge. 111.,
savs: "Your trial bottle of Astlunnlenu i evolved
. I uannot tell vou how thank-
derived from It. I was a
slave, ehatned with putrid sure aiulaslhmii
for ten years. I despaired of ever being cuied. I
saw your advertisement for tho cure of this
dreadful and tormenting disease, asthma, and
thought yon hud ovorspukim yourself, but resolved
to give it a trial. To my surprise tho trial aetetl
like a charm. Send mu a ( Ikittlo."
a trial treatment of Asthmnlune,
Wells. We'll rend it bvimiil PO'I-
United States bind Olllce,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 17, 11102.
Notice Is horohv given that In compll
nncewith the provisions of the act of
Comriessof June :). 1878. entitled "An
act (or the sate of timber laud In the
States of California. Oi enon. Nevada ami
Washington Territory," us extended to
all the Public Luml States nv actot .u
gust I, 1S02, ICthel M. LaRaut of Sagl
naw. County of Lane. State of Oregon
lias this dav tiled in thisotlice her sworn
statement No. 201(1, for tlie purchase ol
the Ixits numliered tl, to, lfitiiul 10 of
Section No. 28. Township 21 South, of
Range 2 West, and will oiler proof to
show that the limit sought Is more vain
able for its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this otllce at Roseburg
Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th d.iy of Mav,
She names as witnesses :
Orin Robinson, D.N. llrumlmugh, of
Cottage Orove, Oregon, Harry Dunbar
of Kngene, Oregon, l.ucy liItautol v ll
bur. Oreiron.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the aliovc-ilcseribed hinds are re-
iieslcd to llht their elaims in this ulllrt
un or iM'iore sain mo nay oi .iiiiv, iw:
J. T. llitimiKs, Register.
Unit iil States Land Oflice,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb., 17, 1U02.
Vtifii-i. lu liereliv i'ivi.l tlnlt ill emiitll
auee with the provisions of the net ol
Congress of Juno II, 1878. entitled "An
acllor tliesuio oi limoer lamis in tin
.. i ' ii V. I.,
and Washington T rrltorv," us extended
to nil ' lie rnuilo l.unil tjinles uy act o
Arnnist I. 1812. Daniel II. Itriiiiib.iiiktl
nf Uo'tiiL'it tirnve. Counlv of Lain
State ot Oregon, has tills lay tlltil
in this ultleo his sworn stateii.enl Ni
2047, for the pureliusu of the NIC '4 1
Section N. 'M, Township 21 South, 1
Range 2 West ; mid will niter proof I' tlnif iIim Itiml iiiiiipIiI 1m inure villi
able for Us timber or son than fo
1 aerlcnltural purposes, mm in eslauii
, Ids claim t said liiud liefoie thn ll'Vi
1 ler and Receiver of this oftlee at ltn
' burg, tliegnii. ni Thiirsdavi tlie S 1 1 1 di
,of Mav 11102.
II Ik tt ...IH...MU..M
' Harry C. Diiub.irof I'.ugene, Oregon
Drill IC'iliiuson ol image iiruvc, iu
gon, ICthel LaRaut of Saginaw, Oiegoi
Lucy LaHaiit of Wilbur, Oregon.
Any nnil all persons claiming udversi
ly tho abovu desciibed hinds are ri
'1'ucsteil to lllo their claims in thii utile
, on or befoio said 8th day of May, I U0:
; J. T. ltmiKiKs, Register.
United States Land Olllce,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 14. 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ot I lie net of
Congress of June II. 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds in the
in thu States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Lund States
by act of August 4, 1802, Kdward Jor
dan of Coburg, County of Lane, Stale of
Oregon, has tills day tiled in thisotlice
his sworn statement No. "20119, forthe
purchaso of the Lots 7,8, Hand 10, of
Section No. 2, Township 22, South, of
Range 2 West, and will offer nroof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber orstouu that for
agricultural puriiOHiis, mid to establish
his claim to said land before the Reg
ister and Receiver of this otllce ut Rose
burg, Oregon, un Wednesday, thu 7th
day of May, 1902.
lie names as witnesses:
Thomas Roche of Kugene, Oregon. Dan
Brumbaugh, of Coburg, Oregon, Oscar
Lee, John Palmer, of Cottage Grove,
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
ly the nbove-doHcribed lands are re
quested to lllo their claims in this oflice
on or before said 7th day of May, 1002,
J. T. liitiuoKH, Register.
United Slates Land Offco,
KoacburK, Oregon, March 11, Wrl.
Kottco Is hereby elvon that the following
named settler has hied notice of his intention
to miiko final proof In support of Ills claim, and
that said proof will bo made before tho Regis
ter and Receiver, U. H. Ijind Office at Rosobiiri;
Oreiron. on Juno 4, llXM, viz: I'almer Illiiiuan
on his II. K, No, 98-11. for tho H 1-2 of H 1-2 sec
tion 22, township 21 H, range 4 west,
He names tho following witnesses to urove
I his cnntlniioUB residence uixm and cultivation
01 saiu lauu, viz: ixiuis tsi'iiarrer, August noil
emeu, J. A. Orlggs and W. II, Iwrence, of
Comstock, Oregon, J. T. iikiihiks,
United mates Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Maroh 11, W)i.
Notice is heroby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his hitontlon
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will bo made before Matte I.,
Waro, U, 6. Commissioner, at Kugene Oregon,
on April i!0, 1902. vis: John II. Scars on his II.
K. No. 8128, for the HVY l- NE 1-4 and lots 1 and
2 fii'O. 26 twp 20 B, R. 3 west.
Ho names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
John Hosteller, Ira Conner, Nash Chapman
John Ii. Bales, of Cottage Orove, Ore.
t. aripuij, Register.
United StateR Land Olllce.
Roseburg Ore., February in. 1(102,
V.. lln.t Ii fi.i.iilit. i.lvnli lliill III liflrlla
11VIMVU in ,,,',i,, n,.'.
..ilnitii.t iwlili tint firnvliiliina nf thn net of
Congress 01 Jlltiu il, Inti flllllll'ii "An
net for the sale of timber I mid a In tho
States of California, urcgon, ivuviiua.
and WahliiitonTerritoiy."iiH extended
to all the Pulille Lund Status by net of
August !, IfWJ. John Ulveruui of (town
or city) l'.ugono, county id uuie, omin
of Oiegon, hns this day tlhsl In Ihls
olllce Ids (.worn staleumnt No. i!0U, for
the piiielnweol the K H of the K i ol
Section No. U, Township 'M South, of
Riingo'J West and will olfcr priKif to
show that the land mtuulit h moro
valuable for its ilmUir or stone than tor
agricultural purposes, mill to establish
his claim to said laud Moro the Register
...,.l 1......I .if i Mm iittli'it nl tfiiNi.liiirtf
llllll lllllllll .l.inw,..,.- ... .
Oregon, on Monday the 28th day of
April, nii.'.
lie mimes as witnesses:
I ll Ilm,,,,,,,,, 1 1., v lil M nrnliv Km n I
Dniiiiiion. Jasper Wiunock, of Kugeiie,
Any ami ail persons einiiniiigiuivinse
In .Ii., i.lMii.n.,li.uiiiilMHl Inmla urn re
... , , ,
(nested to tile their elaims in this olllco
un or U'lure said .'sin nny nu iru, tuir.-.
. , i, . .i
j, 1, iiiiiiKiKr), iteyiaier.
United States Ijmd OHIce,
Itouebuig, Oiegon, Feb. 21. 1002.
Notice is herebv ui veil that In com
pliance with the provision of the aut of
Oongiessof JniixS, 1878, enlltlctl "All
act for the sale of timber hind in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex- .
tended to all the Public Land Stutes by
act of August 4, 1802, Charles II. llurk-
hnlilur, ol Uottiige tirove, l.diiiuy 01
Lane. State ol Oregon, lias this day men
In Ibis otriee his sworn statement No.
207n, for the purchase of the I-ols 1,2
and ! of Section 2, Township 22, South,
of Range 2 Went ; and will olfcr proof to
show that the lnml sought is inure valu
able for its timber or stone than forag
rlcnitural pursises, and to establish bin
claim to said laud before the Register
and Reeulverof this olflcent Roseburg,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the tltli day of May,
He names as witnesses;
D. II. Ilemenwiiy. J. D. Palmer, C.
J. Howard, D. II. Brumbaugh, of Cot
tage Urove, Oregon.
Anv and all personseiaiming mivcrsi
Iv the ulMjve.ileserilKil binris are re
quested to file their claims in this olficti
on or imjioiu sniii inn uay 01 .iay, imu.
J. 1. IHiliKii's, Iteglstcr.
United States Land Ofllc,
Roseburg, Oregon. Feb., 7, l0-.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provision- of the act of
C-mgress of June ii, 1878, untitled "An
uet for the sale of timber lands In tho
Stntcs of California, Oregon. Nevada mid
Washington Territory," as jltu ded to
nil the Public Land States bv' act of Au
gust 4. 1892, Stephen A. biRiiut "f Sagi
naw, Contitv of I. .me, State of Oregon,
ha this dav tiled 111 this olllce hi" sworn
statement No. 2H2llfor the purchase ol thu
NIC i, of Section No. 20, Township 21
South, of Range .1 W. mill will oiler
pionf lo show that the land sought in
inoiu valuable for its timlier or stone
than fur agricultural piirpo'cs, and to
establish Ids elalin to saul land hcfurv
the Register and Receiver ot this olllce
hi Ruseburg, Oregiin.oii Wednesslay, the
7th day of May, 11)02.
He namcM i,x wiinc'sc :
Mrs. Alice l. ilt nit of Sngiuaw. Ore
gnu, tieoige It'gH of Muble. Oregon,
.lnnies Lee, Daniel II. llriiiiib.iugli, of
('iitiige (iiove, Oregon.
Any iiinl all persnns eluimiiiu adverse
ly tlie iibove-ilescrilieil lauds are ie
iiiestiil to tile their elaims In this otlieo
on or before Haiti 7th day of May, 11)112.
J. T. IIkiikikh, Register.
NOTIl'K OF rilllKKITfltK.
To John J liuilan and K A. lis 11 k 1 11 Volt are
herebv uiiltli-0 thai e liaie expended, during
Ihe war ending I'eeeinber ill. IWI, lllsilii labor
mid liiiprovetin-nl mi etch of ihi- Ivtn follimliig
deserlbvd mlnln claliiis, to ll : The "Nappa.
net- Iih'oIuiI In Hie lluheiiila inliiliig illslrict,
i ml rei-oriled 011 pi ge 273 of Imok A, nf die 111I11.
Ing rei ords of Ijiho . utilitv. Oro mil Thr"Ium
l.iiinoiid, located In the lluheiiila mining ills.
Irlcl and recorded on isiku of book 5, of Ihe
milling nconls or Lane county, Oregon: In
order 10 hold said iilaiuis, under Hie provisions
of seclliui 2321 of Ihe rcvl.cil slalules of Ilm
United Hlaies, and Hie iinieiidiiieut thereto, ap
proved January lrsn, i-muDrnlng annual
labor upon mining claims, being the amoiiul
rciUlred to each of thu said two claims, fur Ihe
period muting liecctiiber 31, IWI. And 11 with
in Ninety days, from the personal servKeoflhls
notice upon you, or ullhlu Ninety days after
thu ptihuVatfiiii thereof, you fall or refusu 1 11
coiilrlbulo ymiriHirtloii of such expenditure,
asaeo-ownur, your Interest in and lothe said
claims villi become the priirlyol the subset lb.
ers, your co-owners, who have made the re
quired expenditure, by tbe terms of said sec
aled at Cotlnge Urine, Ijhic rounly.Oreguii
tills lltlidayotKebruary, I9U2.
W. W. Mamtskson
Mauu Mastxrson.
United Status Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., April Mb, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in compll
undu with thu provisions of thu act of
CingrtBSof Jiinull. 1878, entitled "An
Aut for the Halo of Timber Lands In tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended tn nil thu Public Lund States bv
aet of August 4,1892, Mrs. Mamie M.
Toboy of Olex. County of Gilliam, Statu
of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office her sworn statemont No. 2182, for
tho purchase of the NIC i of Section No.
28 in Township No. 20 S. Rnngo No. 5
West, and will oiler proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stono than for agricultural
purnosos, and to establish bur claim to
said land before thu Register and Re
ceiver of this oirico at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Wednesday, tho 25th day of June,
Shu names as witnesses;
F.W. Toboy of Kiigono. Ore., F. L.
Toboy of Olox, Ore., J. N. Randall of
Kugeno, Oro., W. R. Kelly of Loranc,
Any and all persons claiming ad
vorsoly tho ttliovo-deserlbod lands aro
remiosted to lllo their elaims in this
oltico on or before said 25th day of Juno,
1902. '
J.'lMlnmoKs, UeglBtor.
Knights of Pythias wntch charm on
Mnrch 20. Finder will bo suitably re.
warded by returning mme to F. 11,